Jacksonville, Alabama Oct. 29, 1981 Suraces to visit Russraa ma comznga year

By RANDY HARTLEY the invitation, and Dr. maceis going with an eye to taking Edltor the jazz band in 1983. He was a sensational hit with the Jacksonville State's Dr. Ron Surace, of the music people when he w~tbefore, and the comradeship of department, along with his wife Am, will be visiting Russia countries who don't often meet on such friendly terms during the fist month of the fast approaching new year. caused both tears and laughter at the concerts. In 11978 the Jacksonville jazz band won a national com- petition for European travel thru the Friendskip Am- While in Russia Dr. Surace eqects b visit the Bolshoi bassadors Foundation of New York City. The competition Ballet, and of course he'll meet with politidw, who me promotes world peace thru cultural exchange. very anxious to brag about industry, production, housing The band played a dozen or so live concerts in Europe, md unemployment in the soviet Union. m.&race says he and appeared on continental T.V., and on the radio in in- won't go if they intervene on Polish soil, partly as a protest eenriews. and partly to stay out of trouble, but he's readying to go if Dr. Ron Sumee This tri~mill be paid for by the Union, who issaled kat dtution rm.ains relatively dq. Scientific papers recalled Attention, education majors By ALITON ANDREWS of Education. determines whether or not A prestigious scientist at Cornell In his retraction letter in Science, '41 students majoring in The seminars will involve one teaches. University has retracted the results of Professor Efraim Racker said that education need to attend the reading comprehension, Students planning to several published scientific papers. The discrepancies in the research were series of preparatory practice reviewing, and graduate in Spring or Fall of retraction was caused by the song discovered by another collaborator. seminars for the Alabama feedback in addition to 1982 have an especially possibility that a graduate student working Moreover, laboratories in other parts of the Teacher Certification Test. presentation of facts that are crucial need to take ad- in his laboratory may have bied about the country were unable to reproduce the This series is designed to dealt with on the test. It is vantage ~f the preparatory results of experiments. results reported by Racker and the graduate present factual data and advised that students make a exams because they fall into The work had caused a sensation in the student, Mark Spector. possible study references, special effort to attend these a transitional period. What is scientific world because it mmed to shed Referring to the discovery of ex- and will be led by staff seminars, as performance known as the -'New inportant light on the mechanism by which perimental discrepancies, Professor members of the JSU College on a three-hour- exm often (See MAJOR, Page 2) a normal cell might be transformed into a Bicker wrote: cancerous cell. The experiments were This important discrepancy and several reported at major meetings and published in others discovered with the generous help of two top journals, Science and Cell. (See PAPERS, Page 3) Entering freshmen surveyed in engineering and computer science During the first week of 1. 83 percent of the were 23.2 in English and 28.9 the 1981 fall semester, a students are from the state in mathematics; at Auburn survey was conducted using of Alabama, 9 percent from University, the composite the freshman class in states other than Alabama, score for the entire freshman engineering and computer and 8 percent are in- -lass was 22.3. science as the sample. A ternational students. total of 54 persons were 3. At the present, JSU included in the survey. This 2. The average composite offers a two-year pre- number represents a large score in ACT is 24, while the engineering program and a portion, but not all, of the average ACT in minor in Engineering, it does entering freshmen in mathematics is 25. These not offer a four-year engineering and computer scores compare favorably engineering program as yet. science. Of these 54 students, with others schools. For Therefore, in order to 56 percent are in example, in the 1980 receive a degree in engineering, 28 percent in academic year, at the U. S. engineering, these students computer science, and the Naval Academy, the 'must transfer to other remaining in the other fields. average scores were 24 in universities for the last two ODK The results of the survey are English and 30 in years of their engineering Left to right, Rick Murray, UAB, student University) faculty province director of summarized in the mathematics; at the U. S. education. In the survey, one province director; Cathy Burns, circle ODK, recently spoke on campus. following : Military Academy, they (See SURVEY, Page 6) president; Dr. W. F. EaForge (Delta State Oct. 29, 1981 Page 2 THE CHANTICLEER Editorials The editor's book of etiquette

I committed a faux pas @at's French for screw-up) required? My blunder Sunday was caused by the fact I do it quietly. . . &day and it started me thinking, how many times do we didn't know what to say. John Croyle was expressing his Never leave your pinky dangling when drinking from a react in the wrong way in a situation where manners are appreciation for the article I wrote about his Big Oak Boys' cup (some of these stand on their own merit). A dangling Ranch several weeks ago. My reply was "thank you" when pinky, much like a dangling participle, can raise a few it should have been something like "I was glad to do it", or eyebrows. . . whatever. I don't receive thanks for many articles. I am Never blow your nose at the table. . . accused of "yellow" journalism (in humor, of course, but Never pick your nose at the table. . . even the thought of stooping so low isn't funny), stirring up Never hold your fork with your nose at the table. . . controversy (we simply report the facts), of being too Maria tells me in Peru me never leaves a tip when the serious as opposed to my days as living editor, or of not waiter brings the check before it is asked for. Good rule. I'll being serious enough in writing editorials. This week I will remember that one (a good excuse for not leaving a tip in Randy Hartley not be totally serious. This week is a return to the days of any local restaurant). . . yesteryear, with a cloud of dust, and a hearty hi yo Silver, Excuse yourself from the table before you leave. Ignore etc . the applause when doing so. . . Editor Here with are some excerpts from the editor's book of Never open doors for "ladies': who are bigger than you etiquette, which I'mmaking up as I go along: are if they're sporting a "Vote Yes-ERA" button. . . If youmust shovel food into your mouth, leaning over the Never offer your seat to a "lady" on a New York subway, table, use a shovel and don't fall in your food. . . only your place on the bench. . . No more than one elbow should be on an eating table at One should never say "thank you" when being run over any time (no more than one of your own, that is), and that by a 2-ton truck. . . one is by no means required. . . And never tell a teacher you enjoyed the class until Never slurp your soup. If you must have every last drop, you've seen your grade. . . Majors (Continued ~romPage 1) Program" --begins this education, teaching of which covers the new state Special seminars for Dec. 3. These seminars will in 309 RWB at 4:00. Ad- January. The new program reading, and tests and criteria for certification. elementary and early cover Language Arts, Math, ditional seminars are also requires the English measurements. Students childhood education majors Science and Social Studies. being planned in Proficiency Exam for who graduate in 1982 have The Alabama Teachers will be held Nov. 30 through These will be held every day Educational Psychology. students entering the College taken a curriculum com- Certification Test should be of Education, and also parable to the "Old taken upon completion of the provides for changes in the Program", but will take professional semester. curriculum. Students under their exit exams, which are Everyone is required to take the new program will be designed by the state board, the professional studies test taking courses in special during the new program, in addition to specific bat- teries which the student takes in his majors and minors. The preparatory seminars were precipitated for -passing of - the - profb&ahal studies batky. The' f~llowfngschedule The Chanticleer, established as a student newspaper at Jacksonville State in 1934,is published eachl'hursday by shows date, time, and place students of the University. signed columns represent the of each seminar according to opinion of the writer while unsigned editorials represent topics discussed. the opinion of the Executive Editorial Committee. Nov. 2, 1981 - 4:00 Dr. ~di~ialsdo not necessarily rdect the policy of the JSU Dasinger Humanisitic and administration. behavioral Studies RWB The Qlanticleer offices are located on the bottom floor Rm. 309. of the Student Commons Building, Room 104. AU correspondence should be directed to The Chan- NOV. 4, 1981 - 4:OO Dr. ticleer, Box 56, Jacksonville State University, Jackson- Dunaway Humanistic and ville, Alabama, 36265. Behavioral Studies RWB Rrn. 309. v-dEFFERSON THE CHANTICLEER STAFF NOV. 9, 1981 - 4:00 Ds. Editorial Board CIVIC CENTER I I Editor-Randy Hartley Parnell and Padgett Ltvtng Editor-Maria Palmer Curriculum and Instruction sports Editor-Tim Stri- far Secondary Ed. RWB 309. Secretary - Pam Strickland NOV. 16, 1981 - 4:00 Ds. Staff Assistant -Liz Howle Parnell and Padgett Contributing Wrltera : Curriculum and Instruction Jon Hughes for Secondary Ed. RWB 309. Alison Andrews *SAVE S1.OO :%em&" Miched Palmer NOV. 17, 1981 - 4:OO IX. Susk Irwfn Medley and staff Curriculum Joan Weddington and Instruction for CENTRAL TICKET OFFICE AND ALL AREA PlZlTZ STORES Alicia Litterst Elementary Ed. RWB Rm. u sub ~unre$5.00 - $6.50 - $8.00 M# ~'yludosT~X Pat Forrester 309. Liz Honeycutt Brenda Dees NOV. 18, 1981 - 7:30 Dr. Carla Wheeler Devine Educational Jacqueline Foote Psychology RWB Rm.301 Kim Whitehead Sheri Williams NOV. 19, 1981 - 4:00 Dr. Business And Ad Manager: Steve Foster Medley and Staff Curriculum and Instruction JSU Photographer - Opal Love# for Elementary Ed. RWB

' i m. 309. THE CHANTICLEER 3 Oct. 29, 1981 Page Opinions Update on the Reagan administration

By MICHEAL PALMER II Desegregation forcement, recommended that the federal policy should be I. Education The Senate began consideration of an appropriations bill more lenient. He said that the Federal strategy, which has In accordance with Reagan's campaign promise to do for the Justice Department last June, and Republican depended on law suits and termination of federal aid, away with the Department of Educatian, Secretary T.H. Senator Jesse Helms, of North Carolina, proposed an should be changed. Federal authorities "should assume a Bell has presented a memorandum offering a means by amendment which would prevent the department from cooperative rather than a coercive posture," he states, which the department could be reduced to a sub-cabinet becoming involved in law suits which offer busing as a going on to say that "the threat of terminating federal standing. solution to segregation poblems. funding is generally too drastic a response to problems in Senator J. Bennett Johnston, Republican of Louisiana, local school districts." Under Bell's plan, the administration of Pell Grants and also presented an amendment which would place time and .. . Guaranteed Student Loans would be taken over by the distance limitations on busing. His amendment would I£ you would like to give your opinion on the matters listed aeasury Department; the Veterans Administration would restrict the courts by forbiding them to arder the busing of above, please address your letters to: supervise payments to colleges for the education d students to schools more than 15 minutes or five miles from The Chanticleer veterans; regulations against discrimination would be their homes. Theron Montgomery Building handled by the Justice Department; and Indian-education These proposed amendments prompted the beginning of a programs would become the responsibility of the Depart- long filibuster conducted by Republican Inwell Weicker, a You may also (once per year) write a guest editorial to be ment of the Interior. liberal senator from Connecticut. The recent de£eat d this printed on page two. filibuster brings the Senate within reach of legislation I personally think education should be a top priority for a which would greatly limit mandatory busing. progressive nation. It is perhaps the only realistic way to From the beginning the Reagan administration has Reagan has already stated that he would sign such face many of our national problems (such as favored the reduction of the Department of Education and legislation, although Carter deemed it unconstitutional desegregation). the Department of Energy. Accordingly, reductions in when he earlier, vetoed a similar bill. A nation which has little regard for the state of educatim personnel have hit hard in these two areas. Secretary Bell, in a discussion of civil rights en- is not a progressive nation at all. Letters to the editor

Dear Editor: 90 percent efficiency on a it has to be either Disco or talent to play it. I truly can't ticket sales. Let's get real! ! ment would resign, or shape I feel that Jacksonville standard entrance exam for Beach music, because I believe that "our" SGA paid Sure they were fine in their up! Let's bring some decent State University is much too English competency. Maybe guess they think all other "ECHO" $1,000! IYve heard time, but try to compare Rock 'n Roll back ta lax in its entrance if the socalled "easy better music on WLJS them with Rush or Kansas. Jacksonville requirements. To be more schools9, create raise music is drug oriented, Who are we going to get for THANK YOU, THESE specific, it is my opinion that mestandards, then the which is Sure a lot of (which isn't saying much, the spring concert (if we can THOUGHTS ARE SHARED a standard Ehglish usage wheat will fiyseparate people &e to get high and mrryguys),Andnowthey're afford it), the Bee Gees or BY MANY exam should be devised and from the chaff and education listen to that hdof music, paying the Beach Boys theOsmondBrothers? I wish "COUNT" administered to all incoming as a whole will be lifted from but at least it takes some $40,000 plus 80 percent d the the entertainment depart- All letters to the editor freshmen; something has to its hopeless spiral down- MUST be signed, preferatdy be done to stop the manic w&. Papers accompanied by yonr irdlux of virtually illiterate KAREN DUKE student i. d. number. We will persons who flock to JSU (Continued ~rorn-page1) withhold names by request because of its "easy" (Edftor's note: I think she other tumor virus laboratories, cast doubt toward his doctoral degree, which was but we need to know who yorr reputation. has a point. There were five on some of the published and ~publtshed based upon the experiments which have are before we can print Ym misapelled words in thb claims we made. become controversial. letter. Every English class that letter. Hope I didn't miss any Scientists at Cornell say that it may take I've attended here at others.) since the discrepancies were discovered, months or even years to check out Spector's Jacksonville has either erther checking into MI. Spector9s experiments tu see whether, snd to what Take , contained a number of in- background has revealed other problems. extent, they were f~~ked. dividuals who cannot per- Although he claimed in his application to There have been several incidents of falsified research in the S~ientificcorn- form English correctly on a Dear Editor: Cornell University that he had earned a tenth grade level, or been bachelor's and a master's degree from the munity in the last few Years. This case, taught on a watereddown to this University of Cincinnati, he had not actually however, may be the most dramatic, since school now for 2% years, and the results that were reported were believed level to comply with those to completed all requirements for the degrees. who aren't capable, or both. -tor h~ hce withdrawn from to be of great significance before doubt was America. make. I don't believe I ever cast upon them. I'm tired of paying for would have mentioned them University, and he has discontinued work classes that are warmed to the newspaper or anyone Over renditions of my Uh else until now. The subject !f school days, and I strongl~ about which I'm so upset is feel that somethi.I'Igshould be the entertainment. First off, 11111 done about it. the best thing that has 11111 Anyone wishing to write an happened to this area is the 11111 I don't wish to put down closinr! of the Co~~erPennv. 11111

stitution; they more or less so good. do the best they can with the The way I look at it right any reader, courses. My gripe is with the now, is that we have a administration that allows terrible crisis on our hands. these mindless "Hee Haw9' Number ow, we have the Contact Randy at rejects to attend and retard prep society, which is only 25 classes to the point of calling percent of the students, a screeching halt to the making all the musical The Chantic wheels of education. My selections for the other 75 solution is simple: require a percent of w. And of - Page 4 THE CHANTICLEER Oct. 29, 1981 Living Why can't 'my style' be funny? worrying about not having anything for the Monday to put your column in sports? Just think of all the ad- deadline: Carla remains immune. vantages this would bring. I bet every coach on campus Invariably on Monday mornings (when the office is would read it. complete chaos and we still don't know what we'll write about) Carla shows up with her column neatly typed, Or maybe you'd rather be with the Greeks. After my last doublespaced, just the sight length, and funny. two columns they probably don't even read me anymore Maria Palmer (them are the breaks, I guess), but you and your fiance' are When I started writing my column the thing that bothered Greeks, right? Well, what better spot? If you decide you'd me most was that it just didn'tmeame up to Carla's, it just like the change just let me know. I have a boring ad to run Living Editor wasn't very funny. I've worked through my inferiority on page five. Of course, I'd miss not having your next to my complex by telling myself that my articles are just dif- article, but I can make the sadce. ferent. They're not better, they're not worse (ha, ha) just Seriously, Carla, it's not ethical to out do one's editors. It different. However, I still can't figure out why my style justdoesn't look good, (especially on them). You are such a can't be different and funny. talented young lady. I'm sure you'd be great doing layouts and typing. We could even let you cover the SGA meetings- Carla, I want to know your secret. What's the price? such hn! Could I pay you to write one lousy coluinn that will make mine look really good? (Editor's note: Carla encountered transmisdon problems Have you ever noticek how Carla always has something in Atlanta and couldn't make it back in time to turn in her hyto talk about? It's disgusting. While Tim, Randy and I You know, I've been thinking. Since you like to write weekly column. It really had nothing to do with Maria's rack our brains during the week only to hit Saturday still about adventure, games and the such, wouldn't it be better inferiority complex). One-of-a-kind search. . . 'Come blow your horn' Gwen Hester in college jazz contest composes song

By ALICIA IXlT- the words just came to me. . .'I said good- I College students mentor Johnny Carson, has much-acclaimed Edin- Gwen Hester, a senior, majoring in piano, bye in the falling rain."' The sodg is a love throughout America are again been named special borough Festival. I will soon be in print( Last February, under song. "The rain is symbolic of the tears shed being asked to "Come Blow celebrity judge. He'll attend the encouragement and instruction of Bayne when you break up with someone," explains Their HornsW4rplay their the competition's finale-a Dobbins, Hester composed her first song- Hester. She said that she did not write from saxophones, clarinetl) live threeway "Battle of the And now, for an encore, "Falling Rain." The song was sent in to a recent, personal experience, but rather for banjos or similar in- Dieland Jazz Bands" at the the contest is being repeated. Shawnee Press Inc. and the final copy is aesthetic reasons. struments. It's part of a one- NAJE National Convention The 1982 Champions will expected sometime this month in the form of Since then, Hester has composed another of-akind search to find the in Chicago--announce the receive a $1,000 scholarship sheet music for girls' chorus with piano song, a Christmas song-"Oh Tiny Babe," nation's best young winning group, and then for each band member, a accompaniment. which will be performed by the Acappella in Dixieland jazz musicians. perform with them in a $1,000 grant for their school's Mr. Dobbins is Gwen's Acappella Choir the annual Christmas concert on December special concert. music department, and, best director. He has written several songs and 4. The Second Annual of all, an all-expenses-paid had them published as well as being per- Someday Gwen would like to continue her national tour during their Southern Comfort National Newsom attended the formed by the choir. Gwen had been very education. She will graduate this spring and Collegiate Dixieland Jazz spring break. Both second impressed. When she was asked to play the is interested in choral music. She would like competition's final event last and third place groups will Competition is looking for year and made the an- piano for him to assist him in the writing of to direct a choral group, perhaps start with the number one college also receive scholarship some new material she really became in- a high school choir. nouncement crowning the monies. Dixieland band in the band from Golden West terested and started asking questions. Mr. Her musical career has certainly been country. The contest offers College in Huntington Beach, Dobbins was very encouraging and told her long, being that she started playing the an assortment of prizes that California as America's first The three finalists are to start with the lyrics. "1 was walking back piano when she was five. Hester is confident would make even Gabriel ever Southern Comfort given all-expensespaid trips to my room in the rain," says Hester, "and that it will be just as rewarding. blow his horn. Included are National Collegiate to the NAJE National cash grants, scholarships, Dixieland Champions. That Convention for the ultimate allexpenses-paid trips and was just the beginning for "Battle of the Dixieland an exciting national tour. the talented troupe. They Bands. " made their national debut at The unique talent hunt is a New York City press To participate, a school New club joins JSU sponsored by the National luncheon and became need only put together a jazz Association of Jazz musical ambassadors, troupe of six or seven student Educators (NAJE), a non- touring from coast to coast- musicians interested in profit organization devoted and even across the ocean. Dixieland style. The group By LIZETl'E HONEYCUTT The Archeology Club has joined the to jazz appreciation ant: must submit an audition The "Archeology Club", sponsored by Dr. Alabama Archeology Society and has education in America, arid Harry Holstein, held its first meeting early recently applied for the first chartership to The band,was featured on tape, no longer than 20 Southern Comfort, a product minutes in length by this semester at the Anniston Museum. Northeast Alabama. whose history parallels that "Good Morning, America" At the request of citizens, students, and "The Merv Griffin November 17, 1981. It must of Dixieland jazz. include the Dixieland faculty, and the Archeology League of the Dr. Holstein stressed that the Club and the Jacksonville has a Jazz Show," as well as dozens of Anniston museum, the club took its roots other live TV and radio standard "Muskrat Ram- chapter are separate. Those interested in Club which belongs to the ble". On the basis of these here at Jacksonville. any aspect of archeology should feel bee to N.A.J.E. However, programs from Florida to The purpose of this club, according to Dr. California. It played £of live tapes, the three finalists will "come and go, without paying dues," unless Jacksonville's music be selected. Holstein, "is to encourage the awareness of they wish to join the archeological society. department is not officially audiences at Disney World in archeology," and to "help the community Wando and the Astrodome The Archeology Club seems to be an ex- sponsoring any students. For more information, with a source of information on ar- cellent source of information, for all those To make the contest even in Houston. The group even write: Tommy Newsom c+ cheology." brought the rollicking music amateur archeologists, or those just in- more exciting, Tommy 2nd Aanual National The JSU Archeology Club features guest terested in unearthing indian arrow beads. Newsom, assistant musical of old world New Orleans to Collegiate Dixieland lecture slide presentations and field trips. the United Kingdom by Meetings are held the first Thursday of director of "The Tonight Competition, Suite 1400, 221 Saturday the Club took a field trip to the each month, at seven p.m., alternating Show" and nicknamed "Mr. performing in London, N. La Salle St., Chicago, Aderholt grist mill and under the direction Plymouth, York and the locations between the Anniston Museum and Excitement" by friend and Illinois 60601. of Dr. Larry Martin, toured the facilities. Brewer Hall. Oct. 29. 1981 THE CHANTICLEER. Page 5 Weather specialist at Jax State

Alabama isn't likely to get too cold this winter for James meterologist. He has worked in minus-125 degree weather live in the South. Isbell, a student at Jacksonville State University. in Antartica and in above 100 degree heat in Vietnam. When Isbell is majoring in physical geography and minoring in Isbell, 47, recently retired after 22 years as an Army he decided to attend college after retirement, he chose to atmostpheric sciences. But his long experience as a forecaster has given Isbell an advantage over fellow geography students. By request, he now teaches a laboratory course in physical geography which deals with world climate. To avoid the draft, Isbell enlisted in the Army in 1959 and chose to attend a meteorology school at Ft. Monmouth, N.J. He graduated with honors in 1960 and was assigned to duty at Camp Century on the Greenland Ice Cap. The weather was so extreme at Camp Century the soldiers lived under the ice in a mine. He later attended the weather forecaster's school at Lakehurst Naval Air Station, N.J. and was assigned to Ft. Greeley, Alaska, which is in the heart of the "cold triangle" in North America. Isbell lived three years at the United States' first Artic test center. Temperatures dived to minus 68 at their coldest. "Living in such cold is inconvenient,'' he said. "You have to equip your automobile with an engine block heater, an oil pan heater, a heavy duty heater for the interior, and a dip stick heater, and you have to let them run all night. Even with the heaters, you'd have to start the process of starting your car an hour and a half ahead of time." Isbell recalls that wind chill factors gave an equivalent temperature of 150 below zero at Ft. Greeley, and at that temperature exposed flesh would freeze in less than thirty seconds. "But where else could you go into your back yard and shoot a moose"? Isbell served as chief instructor at the Army meterology school at Manmouth before being assigned to Vietnam for one year. He was then assigned to the Ross Ice Self, north of "Little America" in Antartica, for six months. While there, he experienced the coldest temperature of his career-125 degrees below zero. Explaining the instruments He also spent time in the deserts of Arizona and received more training as a meterologist. His last stop before Michelle Hubsky of Kennesaw, Georgia, looks on as Army meteorologist and is now a student at Jax State. retirement was Ft. McClellan in Amliston. James Isbell points out weather instruments on display in Because of his experience, he was asked to teach a "I chose Jacksonville State because I liked the area; it the Geography Department at Jacksonville State laboratory course dealing with world climate. has a nice climate. But I find it difficult to melt into the University. Isbell recently retired after 22 years as an (See WEATHER, Page 6) Come join the celebration- @ Backbeat International House Thanksgiving Jon When holidays come, most They learn the meaning of form is name, address, By Hughes of US head home to visit with Thanksgiving and a Effie phone, school, sex and home family and friends. But have about who Baptists are. All country. You ever wondered what international students in #e happens with the in- state are invited, but a The deadline for ternational students? After numerical limit is placed on registration is November 17. One pleasant memory I have is seeing jirIgleS designed b shock nodding listeners all, its kind of hard to run each school, and one TO JSU internationals: I some lengthy business from Jimmy back to the "hit" at hand. home to Malaysia for the herican student is chosen hope you enjoy your holidays Casey's last film (be, Two Three!, 1961) But what is the reason for this hype? weekend. to represent each university. wherever You spend them. in which a young American is captured in (Hypeshort for high pressure, maybe?) For the longer holidays One can be certain that it is not to "inform." East Berlin. The German guards in charge (i.e. Christmas and Spring Recreation, discussion, poceed to torture their prisoner by playing To "entertain"? This would imply that a Break) there are several study, worship, and sharing a record for him. (Now, here's the part that feeling of staisfaction or relaxation follow a options. ~hanksgiving, an American Thanksgiving breaks me up.) They choose a record of few hours of Top 40 listening. You Try This: however, is a different Sit Still and listen for one hour to any Top 40 matter. Some internationals are all a part of the program Bryan Hyland's 1960 number one, "Itsy which takes place November Bitsy Teenie Weenie Ydow Polka Dot (or Top 60) station. You'll feel edgy and ill at spend Thanksgiving with ease after ten or twenty minutes, wanting to 25 through 28. There is also Bikini". And for the remainder of tqe film American friends ; others an international talent night call in, get up and move, get a drink, or stay here in town. ~utthere we keep cutting back to ,scenes of the is one alternative: at which the Students Wear prisoner, tied and tight-lipped, and the simply gain a respite. their national dress (if they guards, growing frantic, as they play this Complacency is the enemy of Top 40. If Shocco springs ~a~tist Assembly have one) and sing, dance, NAT'L DENTAL BOARDS same record over and over and over at 33,. you, the bdx3-Ier, are satisfied, then who will act or do whatever they buy the 4-lus Agles that one local sfae NURSING BOARDS 45.78 and other undetermined speeds. I still Shocco Springs is a consider to be a tslent, Flexible Programs & Houn laugh when I think of it. Why it sticks with sells in an average week (or the tl~ousands Qherc IS a diflerrncc!!! of )? ..camp,, with me, I can't say. . .still it remains, laden with accommodations. It has The only cost to #e in- insight. If en'oy Top 409 then by all means don't let me dissuade you; not everyone conference centers, a dining ternational student is a $10 ~othingmdd be ;;lot e irribmg than to hall, and a large chapel, all registration fee. AU food, hear the same sound perpetually for hours, relishes Jazz, Classical, Folk, Gospel, w. Just be warned: what you are about to hear in a beautiful wilderness housing and transportation days, weeks at a time. his is the secret of setting. ' are provided free. the Oriental water torture.) And yet this is isnota ber~resentationof contempor~y Test Preparation Specialists Since 1938 the overriding policy of Top 40 radio. the ~~usic.The S~und is, in a word, For Information Please Call: same 40 or 30 songs played im perpetual "~re~rocessed"to sell records, concerts, IEach year at Anyone interested should Thanksgiving, international (205) 9l9.0183 rotation for weeks at a Me.a'he monotony and station advertising. Remember this the contact~ikeor aria at 435 2150 HIGHLAND AVENUE next time you hear an announcer claim that students are invited from all 2608 w Tad at 4357020 about BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA is broken only by old favorites (usually Over Alabama to spent their dram from the same two ts four hundred), his particular niche of air space broadcasts a registration form. The only entms in Major US Cities holidays at Shocco Springs. information required on the, by hyperuentilated '$ermnali&s", and bv (See BACKBEAT, Page 6) 68 , , , r . * THE CHANTICLEER Oct. 29, 1981 PageGreeks 6

Alpha Phi Alpha the Brotherhood initiated through a couple of very Kappa Sigma Report Happy Halloween ! Pledge of the Week. Vance By RAMON & MA= what we feel are the sharpest difficult transitions, and we By KENT BEGWELL Our Little Sisters have a Patten has been doing an The brothers of Alpha Phi group of Little Sisters ever! wish him well in the business The brothers of Kappa party Saturday afternoon at excellent job and we are Alpha were overwhelmingly Last week the following girls world. Good Luck Jimb. Sigma enjoyed a super party the farm of Stephanie happy to announce him the pleased with the support became Chi Delphis in a this past Friday night with Williams' father. The outing recipient of the award. Keep everyone gave at our first candle light ceremony: Phi Mu. The mixer was a will consist of horseback up the good work and of skating party. We would like Keela Cunningham, Amy total success and everyone riding, to view all the course, congratulations. to thank everyone who Cloud, Karen Copeland, had a fantastic time. To an beautiful surroundings, and participated in the party and Angie Bell, Tare Bennett, Kappa Alpha Report the Phi Mus who attended, anything else you can do on a Kappa Sigma wishes to sure hope everyone had an Jan Harnmonds, Allison By JACK LYLE thanks, you were great! farm. It should be a won- Gamecocks the best of luck enjoyable time. Due to Griner, Sohya Mauer, Laura Retreat was cancelled last This coming Saturday derful day for all the Little this Saturday as they will be mitigating circumstances McSadden, Regina Phillips, weekend due to rain, but night the Sigs are preparing Sisters and Stardusters to traveling to Cleveland, MS. the greek show has been Tambia Radcliffe, Beth about 35 of us went anyway, a Halloween Extravaganza get together and just have to play Delta State. The team changed from the 30th of Patterson, Debra Oglesby, and we had a blast. Brother like no other ever held before some good ole Kappa Sihas been playing excellent Friday to the 29th of Thur- Kelly Ringer, Judy Rogers, Beasley arranged for us to on JSU. To begin the morbid, fun. football and we hope the sday. The brothers would Becky Rogers, and Hope stay on a private game but, surely exciting We are really looking streak continues throughout like to extend our Sweatman. A champagne preserve that was just celebration of the most forward to our mixer with the season. congratulations to the party followed and all had a beautiful. Thanks Brian. ghoulish night of the year, a ZTA Friday night, If anyene saw brother Tim Gamecocks and wish them memorable time. Our annual Halloween real "iive" funeral November 6. The theme is Whitt Friday night or knows good luck on their travel to Congratulations to Tommy party is being held tonight, procession with all the still under wraps right now of his whereabouts please Delta State. Until next week Lacey and the pledge class. so if you hear screams of trimmings will proceed but the preparations are well contact us. He was last seen remember thanks to you, Tommy and his men are terror piercing the dark, pay around to assist each brother under way. See you then running up Pelham RD. in a Alpha works. doing a terrific job. Con- it no mind. in picking up his date. The Zetas. tan trench coat and we are struction on the new three We are proud to announce final destination will lie- This week we have another beginning to worry about his level T.V. room is our new little sisters, who ahead but we're not telling. outstanding ynung man for condition. Thank you. progressing day by day and are : Anne Erben, Beth Delta Chi we appreciate the help we've Holder, Julie Hoffman, ByRICKEYGENEYELL been getting. Schedule of Cindy O'Brien, D'Lynn Happy Halloween ! The events: tonight is the big Shirley, Teresa Grice, Robin Chi's have had yet another Halloween Costume Party, Medley, Diana Sanderson, Sorority news seat week. After receiving on November 6 Chi Del~hia's Vicki Rogers. Cheri Nelson. the thumbs-up from oui party at ~ra~tons,'and Lyn ~ett,AnneBerry, Donna Xf made signs for the boys' The ZTA's would like to national field avisor, the November 14 the "Whup McDougal, La Donna Alpha Delta By JANICE THOMAS football game that afternoon wish everyone a Happy brothers are ready to tackle Troy" bus trip, Pledge of the Brittain, Fran Harris, Karen and got to know some of the the world. Every semester week is Scott, Little Sister of Butler, Loretta Spivak, Kim Alpha Xis began the week Halloween. with a special meeting deaf children. Several more our national sends someone the week is Sonya. Adkins, Amanda Campbell, outings are planned there This article will be closed and Mary Weese. These new shared with our Jackson- down to observe and make ville-Calhoun Alumnli next semester. suggestions. .Hey, what can on a sad note. Our oldest and little sisters have shown a lot A Halloween mixer with we say?. . .We impressed the most respected Brother left of enthusiasm toward KA, chapter. We enjoyed en- us this week. He began his and we love them all. A very tertaining our alums on our Sigma Nu is on the calendar guy. We only hope that he hall with refreshments, for Oct. 30. We are really enjoyed his stay in Brotherhood in Delta Chi in special thank you goes to Jacksonville as much as we 1974, and held almost every Anne Erben for baking us some songs and skits, and excited about it. It will be a enjoyed meeting him. office the fraternity had to hundreds of cookies to take lots of conversation. We had costume affair. Along with the good news, offer. He helped pull us on retreat. a great time. The Pledge Formal is We would like to extend a scheduled for November 6 at warm congratulations to the Officer's Club. This is an Backbeat Miss Teresa Jones for being annual event in which we (Continued From Page 5) chosen as JSU's 1981 honor our pledges. "in the public interest." will not perish, though at times we wish it Homecoming Queen. You're The pledges are having a very special to us, Teresa, rummage sale October 31 In closing. I reaffirm mv ~ersonalbelief rnieht.u that therewill always rem& a place for and we love you! kom 10.4 at T.G.Y. Come out Top 40 radio, just as there will always be Keep in touch by dropping a line to Back- Congratulations also go and support them. people buying tatoos and readingthe beat c+ The Chanticleer. And trivia out to Sherrie Jo Grisham GOT A DATE National Enquirer. The art of the masses- questions are and Tara Lee Clark for being NOV. 19 th': nominated as Outstanding ZT A By DAWN CLEMENS "That's when the Young Women in America. American Cancer Good luck to both of you! Vie ZETA's are getting Survey4 excited about their up- Society asks every (Continued From Page 1) Alpha Xi is proud of Leigh co~ningChampagne Ball, smoker in America to give up cigarettes 40 percent Ann Thrash for being chosen of the questions asked is: If a percent is definitely willing as a member of Omicron November 13th. This will be for a day. Give it a BS degree in Engineering to complete the degree at indicates a an annual event held at the try. You might find Delta Kappa and of Terri Officers Club at Fort Mc- Science is offered at JSU, JSU,6O percent has a chance change the major to Hayes for being initiated into you can quit forever!' what would be the per- of between 50 percent and 100 . engineering and Clellan. THE GREAT AMERICAN the degree at JSU. The Kappa Delta Epsilon. We would like to centage chance of your percent to stay, and only 10 We are all looking forward SMOKEOUT , staying here to get the percent has a chance of 60 percent remain in congratulate all the ZETA's to our upcoming mixers with cho$en as fraternity little engineering degree. The between 0 percent and 50 'Omputer science. the KA on Nov. 6 and AT0 on 1 American Cancer Society ij result shows that, of the total percent to stay. Among the this group sisters. Kappa AlpbaGheri Nov. 12. Thls space contributed by the publisher pre-engineering students, 30 students with a major in students are satisfied with Nelson, Cindy O'Brien, their present major. Everyone is invited to the Donna McDougal, LynJett, Engineering and computer Alpha Xi Open Party at LaDonna Brittian, Vicki Drayton Place on Oct. 28 at Weather science are regarded bv A- Roeers. Julie Hoffman and " 8:w.- ~'&n'Shirley. Pi Kappa (Continued From Page 5) most people as very Gamecocks academically demanding Have a SAFE and HAPPY Phi-Pam Piper, Joy Biles, HALLOWEEN ! College picture. I seem so old and everybody else seems so fields. A strong high school Karen Watford, Anna Lee young," he said. preparation in mathematics and Tracey Thompson. Isbell says he hopes to work as a professional forecaster and science is essential for Kappa Sigma-Karla Hurst , with the National Weather Service after receiving his entering these fields. Tracey Hyde and Susan degree. Isbell says he is making A's and is able to have However, the job op- Dempsey. Alpha Tau enough spare time to tutor geography majors. portunity in these two fields Delta Zeta Omega-Tracey Allen, Janet Should he be given a choice, Isbell would like to return to has been one of the best for By DEBBIE HOLT Oliver. Alaska as a meterologist. many years. Engineering A Founder's Day All the ZETA's are looking "There is a sense of freedom there. There's nobody students consist of only 7 ceremony was held Sunday forward to our mixer with breathing down your neck all the time. Its cities have high percent of the total U. S. evening in honor of our six the Kappa Sigs, November 6. crime rates, but in the rural areas you can leave your doors college student population, founders. This was a special We would like to unlocked at night. It is a friendly place where you don't but in 1980, they received 63 ritual and was meaningful to congratulate Amanda Smith, - have to be afraid to stop and help somebody. It has an old percent of the total job offers each Delta Zeta. 2nd alternate and Rana wilderness attitude ." given to a b.ache1or's degree Several sisters went to the Griffith 3rd alternate in the But until then, Isbell is content to relax in the warm holder, at an average annual Aiabama School for the Deaf Homecoming Court. We bve South. salary of $21,100. in Tailadega Saturday. They you: Oct. 29 1981 THE CHANTIC1,EER Page 7

AKA New Wave DISCO9 12 Round House

Any department, office, club, organization, frater-

nity or sorority that would )XI vs UT Mart~n like to submit dates for Have A Nice Da* lellowsh~p of Inter. national Students 7 pm should bring them in to The Chanticleer Office or call Pam at 435-9820, Ext. 299.

JSU vs Troy Stat*, 7 prn

Chanticleer Office hours -

12 Noon deadline for JSU vs North Alabama Monday - Thursday Chanticleer artlcler

Chant~cleer Meeting 6 prn TMB Rrn 104

99 m/caafiam ...... me * BCcy3d (if?-& (if?-@+ (if?- "@%-a-gd" cy3+ -By ~ze at&wy./hk BCpdad- BETTE MIDLER 9524 @+ $de 00 ($8.69 fib ME& $5.39ra/ cw~am) -_R_-______------

A NATIONAL TREASURE CHEST ____-_------gh.(if?WB+ G@khm?4- T& cy3- Ba YFOO & 9&301

~-~-r"--&-~S-*~ms= Page 8 THE CHANTICLEER Oct. 29, 1981 Department of engineering includes computer science

By BRENDA DEE3 of China), has been living in the U.S. for 21 The Department of Engineering at JSU to years. He received his Ph.D degree at date includes engineering and computer Rutgers University in New Jersey in 1967 science. In 1977 the Computer Science major and has been teaching at Jax State for 14 was offered at JSU. The Engineering major years. has as of yet to be offered at JSU. Dr. Yeh, When asked about the change he's seen in head of the Engineering department at Jax students in the Engineering department, Dr. State, says the reason for the discrepancy in Yeh replied, "They are more serious, more growth in these two fields is due to the ex- concerned about quality education. They pense of equipping an engineering lab. will try harder to reach their goals. They are In terms of future growth for the more concerned with their future, more Engineering department Dr. Yeh says, realistic. They don't just come to school to "Our program will be to get these students take courses." to stay here for four years. We are losing god quality students." The goals of the In today's job market, the engineering department include Engineering in- and computer trained personnel are in structors, Engineering labs and ac- demand. The beginning salary for a B.S. credidation for Engineering from the Ac- degree in engineering for industry is 22,700 United Nations Day Tea credidation Board for Engineering and per year (National Average, 1981). Com- Technology (ABET) and B.S. degrees in puters are used in all types of businesses. engineering. Now, the engineering student Both of these trends make these fields good Each year the International House silver ready for the festive occasion are, may take the first two years of courses at career investments. program at Jacbonville State University from left: Sian Parry, Wales; Edgar Leon, JSU then transfer to a &year engineering For more information about Engineering celebrates United Nations Day with a for- Guatemala; Steve Shaw, Anniston; program. and Computer Science, Dr. Yeh's office in mal tea. This year the activities were on Catherine Berry, Social Director; Sheena Dr. Yeh, a native of Tiawan (the republic Martin Hall (3rd floor) is the place to start. Sunday, Oct. 25,3:00 until 430 p.m. at the Chan, Malaysia; Umo Mba, Nigeria. International House. Shown here getting the review. . . Attention

Students may now pick up their spring semester schedule book, registration form and academic advisement sheet in the Office of Admissions and Records, 1st floor, Bibb Graves Hall. In order to pick up the data sheet, students must have student I.D. or some transition

Little River Band is a group in transition. Me". Then comes something called Before I heard this LP, I had these guys "Ballerina," whichfeaturesacoustic guitar, figured as a softrock band. WRONG! weak lyrics, and a production that sounds Somewhere along the line, LRB decided to like bad Styx. handles the lead become a hard-rock group. I'm not sure, but wcal on this and "Guiding Light" (same I believe they've added a new guitarist. song, different words) and if I met LRB Whether I'mright or not, I get the feeling we tomorrow, I know I'd say, "PLEASE keep won't be hearing any more soft stuff from this guy away from the mike!" this band. "Love Will Survive" is similar to "Take It This transition is not, however, complete, Easy On Me"-look, Glenn, if I wanted a nor is it progressing with perfect ease. Billy Joel album, I'd buy one. Sometimes it works; sometimes it doesn't. Side Two opens with another pseudo-Styx The best result of the switch is already on tune, but with a twist: Billy Joel handles the the charts. "The Night Owls" is one of the vocals! ! ! best pop songs I've heard recently. With "Just Say That You Love Me" is a Home Owned & Operated vocals by bassist , this tune, welcome relief from this B.J.Styx routine. with its guitar-mellotron intro, reminds one With lyrics about 1965, Dylan, The Stones, of ARS or John "Gold" Stewart. Its lyric and Woodstock, it promises to & for the 60's tells the story of a John Travolta-type what "" did for the Big Band ("He'll get the girl 'cause he looks so fine. . Era, whatever that means.' . . .") searching for meaning in his one-night- "Suicide Boulevard" starts with a guitar FRI. TILL 6PM stand existence. It isn't a statement, riff which, except for an extra chord change, however, but, rather, a question : sounds exactly like "Evil oma an" by What will become of the restless kind? Santana. This is followed by "Orbit Zero," a Where will they go when they've done "space" song similar to Bowie's "Major their time? Tom". All in all, nice beat, easy to dance too, I'll "Don't Let the Needle Win" is an anti- give it our 85, Dick. heroin song along the lines of Skynyrds The next track, "", "Needle & Spoon." The lyrics, Main Office, 817 S. Pelham Rd, Jacksonville hnds Glenn Shorroch doing the vocals. It's a You're hiding away, good song, but. . .the chorus seems You're lochg the door, strangely incomplete. I mean, 3 lines and Don't let no one else in. none of them RHYME? I'm sure Walt effectively draws an analogy between the Whitman would enjoy it, but, Hey-this is pop junkie's ritual of locking himself in the john music : either finish the chorus or refund my to shoot up and the alienation caused by the 107 Main, Weaver 2 Public Sq., Jtilie 8-95! drug. - The following tune, "Take It Easy On If this LP is a promise of things to come, I Me", would be alright if it didn't sound so can't wait. It's a good album, but not a great much like Billy Joel's "Always a Woman to one. I give it an 8 on a scale of ten. i Oct. 29, 1981 THE CHANTICLEER Page 9 Announcements are Mark Thacker and petition in 1962, Votapek has audiences frequently view from 9:00 a.m. until 6:00 Job interviews Wan Durr, Reeds: Pam maintained a preeminent him on the PBSTV network. p.m. on Sunday, November The jazz Nunnelley. Keyboards : position in the front rank of With the Alabama Sym- 1, Saturday, November 7, Thursday, Oct. 29: Federal corner Carter Norton; Bass: Brian those pianists whose careers phony, Votapek will play and Sunday, November 8. Bureau of Investigation, Howell, Set. One Jazz-Rock span the globe. As the only Prokofiev's Piano Concerto Tryouts are open to all young Bham ACCOUNTING ONLY By John Thomas selection will feature Joe American ever to win the No. 3. In addition the or- people between the ages of 14 - Dec. '81 Summer '81 Grads. Randolph on guitar, as a Van Cllburn in its 19 year chestra will perform the and 21. Thursday, Oct. 29: Pioneer Hello jazz Fans! The Jazz special guest. history, Votapek holds a Overture to "Oberonv by To obtain additional in- Bank of Chattanooga, TN club here at Jacksonville is This concert is free and special affection among the Weber, and Rachmaninoff's formation, interested parties Banking & Finance-other alive and well, boasting open to the public. people of North, South, and Symphony No. 2. may contact Dave Bryan Business majors approximately 23 members The performance will take Central America. Tickets to the concerts are (205) 272-1234. to date. We had our &st place Oct. 29 at 8 p.m. at the Born in Milwaukee in 1939, available at the Alabama In 1982, Southwind Drum meeting on September 22 Performance Center, Mason Votapek began his musical Symphony Office, located at and Bugle Corps will again Attention ! and our second meeting on Hall. studies at the age of nine at 2114 First Avenue, North, t o u r e x t e n s i v e 1 y , October 6 in Mason Hall. We Birmingham, 35203, or call representing Alabama and The Jax State varsity rifle the Wisconsin Conservatory are currently planning our there. He later studied at 326-0100. the City of Montgomery in team is raffling off a spring semester jazz festival Votapek to more than 50 appearances, Remington 742 woodmaster Northwestern Univ. for four featuring jazz bands and years, a year at the Southwind parades and competitions 30.06 rifle. The drawing will quintets from high schools perform with AS0 both within the state and be held on Nov. 18, 1981. Manhatten School of Music, and colleges. The current and a year at the Julliard announces throup;hout the North Tickets may be obtained N.A. J.E. Executive Council from rifle team members or Award winning pianist, School. In 1959 he made his auditions ~merkancontinent. officers for 1982 include: Ralph Votapek, will play New York debut, as a result from Coach Godwin on the John Vancepresident; Jay Southwind Drum and rifle range at Rowe Hall. with the Alabama Symphony of winning the prestigious CEC news hkridge-vice president ; Orchestra on Thursday and Naumburg Award that same Bugle Corps, Alabama's only John Thomas - secretary; Friday, November 12 & 13. year. internationally competitive Jimmy Webb - treasurer. Under the baton of Music His appearances with drumandbuglecorp, will The C.E.C. Halloween Phi Eta Director, Amerigo Marino, major orchestras of the U.S. hold auditions for paw will be at 8:00 Thur- Kim Starnes is Our ICC the concerts will begin at 8 include numerous per- prospective members to fill sday night, October 29 at No. Sigma meets representative and Dr. Ron p.m. each evening in the formances with the Chicago approximately 140 available . 5 Collegian Apartments. Surace-head of the Jazz BJCC.&ncert ~~11. Symphony, as well as the positions for the 1982 com- (Karen Ellison's) in the first studies program-is our skyrocketed world Phi Eta Sigma's monthly to Boston Pops. He annually petitive season. section. Wear a costume and meetii will be held on faculty advisor. prominence by his Grand tours South and Central Auditions will be con- bring some mfws~ments. November 2 at 7:30 p.m. in Prize performance in the America, and has just ductedat Robert E. Lee Mgh Please turn in T-shirt room 227; Dr. Montgomery Currently, we are working First Annual Van Cliburn returned from a concert and School Band room, 225 Ann money today to any CEC will be the guest speaker. on two projects: our International Piano Com- recital tour of Russia. U.S. St., Montgomery, Alabama officer. membership drive and drawing up the festival rules to be sent out along with Scuba diving invitations to band directors invited to the festival. If club forming anyone is interested in I joining the jazz club, here Scuba Diving Club now are some helpful details: forming (divers, non-divers The National Association of welcome) 1st meeting Nov. 3 Jazz Educators is a national at 7 PM (Pete Matthews organization dedicated to the Col.) For further in- appreciation of jazz music, formation contact John both here on campus and Valdes, Sr. 435-7552238-1608. nationwide. The mem- Jax State-students, staff and bership dues are $10.00 for faculty only. one year and you receive a subscription to the N.A.J.E. magazine Jass Educators Journal, and a membership card with your name on it. If you are interested in jazz, Gymnast and wish further details about the club, ~omeby and to be judged talk to Dr. Rolr Surace in Room 203, Mason Hall. We will be glad to have you join The annual intra-squad us as a member. Hope to see meet for the men's and you at the next meeting! women's gymnastics teams will be held at Stephenson gymnasium at 7 p.m. Student jazz Thursday. quintet The meet will be the first to perform official judging that the gymnasts will face this year in preparation for upcoming Delta Omicron, a competition, says Coach professional music frater- Dillard, girl's gymnastics nity at JS.U., pesents the coach. "They will be J.S.U. Student Jazz Quintet, critiqued very strongly," known as "Take Five" a Dillard said. "The meet is a student group. Some credit Police offer preventive medicine chance to give both the men must go to Dr. Ron Surace and women a basis for irn- and Mr. Tracy Tyler of the Music Department. A provement before the first During the week of October 4th through the loth, the competition." special thanks also goes to Chief Nichols and members of the University police are Dr. Clyde Cox of the English Jacksonville Fire Dept. and JSU's police participated trained to teach how to prevent all kinds of "accidents". Department who inspired jointly in National Fire-Prevention week activities. Officer Williams has talked to sororities about self-defense The meet is open to the the enthusiasm to perform As the picture shows, an emphasis was put on teaching for example, and she said she would be glad to talk to any public. All students are Jazz-Combo musia. children how to prevent fires and what to do in case one organization interested in learning about personal safety encouraged to attend and The music will be a variety occurs. and emergency situations. give their support, and get a from Swing to Jazz-Rock, For more information organizations should contact the This program, however, will not be limited to one week University Police and talk to Chief Nichols or officer good look at what the teams with a 'lot in between. The out of the year, officer Williams explained. will be doing this season. members of "Take Five" Williams. Page 10 THE CHANTICLEER Oct. 29, 1981 Sports - JACKSONVILLE STATE UNIVERSITY WRESTLING SCHEDULE TENTAT WE Stick up for JSU 1981-82

"Be heto your school." ~n old ~~chhit certainly I overheard the following conversation. DATE SCHOOLS-EVENTS hit home with the last week. 'What are you majoring in?" asked the young man. Nov. 14 Carson-Newman College As I was mingling at a wedding reception Saturday night, "Accounting." she answered. Nov. 26-28 Southern Open Wrestling Championships "And you're at Jacksonville State?" he inquired. Nov. 30 University of Tenn. at Chattanooga "Oh no, no ! I go to Alabama!" she answered. Dec. 11-12 Gamecock Inv. High School Wrestling Cham- 91e acted about as insulted as a Donahoe student I once pionships mistook for someone I'd known at Weaver. Dec. 29-31 Sunshine Open Wrestling Championships, in- Now the University of Alabama is a fine school as is dividual entry only Auburn and they have a few things Jax State doesn't have. Jan. 9 Elisabeth City St. Univ., Appalachian St. Univ., But one of those things certainly isn't school pride. Our Jan. 16 Pembroke State Univ. Tim St rickland studentsdon'thesitate to let fo&s know they go toJ.Jan. 19 Georgia Tech Invitational And our school is nationally known (although most of the Jan. 23 University of the South-Sewanee SportB Editor COU"~think. we're located in Florida). Many JSU Jan. 25 Tiger 8 Duals graduates have become important figures, some in Jan. 30 Univ. of Tenn. at Chattanooga business, some in politics, others in the military, and still Feb. 2 Mid South wrestling championships others in sports. Whether a person graduates from Feb. 6 Carson-Newman College Alabama or Jax State isn't what counts, the individual Feb. 9 SEIWA determines his or her ultimate destiny. So don't pop your Feb. 12-13 Univ. of the South-Sewanee, Furman University cork if some snob tries to put down your school. After all, Feb. 26-28 NCAA Regionals Harvard folks probably think the University of Alabama NCAA Nationals students live in trees. r) Lady gymnasts ready for season

Four returning members Hanssler would also like Tracey Koepp a "little are adding their talent, eventually to coach gym- fireball". The petite experience, and leadership nastics. Miss Hanssler sophomore has been to the Jacksonville State transferred here from studying gymnastics for University women's gym- Jefferson State Jr. College twelve Years. "She is an nastics team. They are Lynn after receiving a shoulder extremely powerful gym- Bruce, senior, from Tifton, "~~hhas peat m&,,9 Coach Dillard. Ga.; EarheFerrell, junior, abilih. ~t~~~~~,"says Miss Koepp likes competing from Ardmore, Tenn.; Dillard. "She has improved Marilyn Hanssler, junior, greatly since she's been in front of crowds also. from Greenwich, Conn.; and heresYi These four girls make Tracey Koepp, sophomore, Miss Hanssler lovw her Tenn. important contributions to from Knoxville, sport and is also a Sigma Nu the total team effort. They little sister. "I enjoy com- are a crucial part of a Team captain Lynn Bruce peting, especially getting in women's gymnastics team is living proof that getting front of a large crowd." that JSU students can be older does not mean you Coach Dillard has called proud of. can't get better. "She's come SO far and done so much," says Coach Dillard, head coach for the girl's gym- Photo Mike Roberts nastics team. "She gets better every year. "Miss LYNN BRUCE Bruce, as well as the other team members, must practice from 2:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Monday through Friday in preparation for upcoming meets and com- petitions. Despite this time- consuming dedication, Miss Bruce is also a Kappa Sigma little sister. Earlene Ferrell is a hard worker whose positive at- titude towards her sport is an inspiration to the other girls on the team. Miss Ferrell would like to teach gym- nastics when she finishes college-and she already has her start by teaching children gymnastics at night. "I like gymnastics because of the feeling I get when I finally accomplish something I work for," said Miss Ferrell. "I like working on the balance ham the most."


Basketball drills

In fraternity football ning ways by defeating the Pi Kappa ,Phi scored an kept the score from being action last week, Kappa Omega Dogs 21-20 on impressive victory over worse. Steve Sheffield open, schedule Alpha downed Kappa Sigma Wednesday. The game Sigma Nu on Monday. The Pi played excellently for Sigma Monday in a 28-18 showdown. appeared at first to be one Kapps stacked up 26 points Nu on offense while Mark The contest was marked by sided as KA jumped out to a while holding their op- Miller, Keith Brooks, Buddy announced big pass plays and in- 21-4 lead. But the die-hard ponents to nothing. Most of Canada, Bart Chandler, and terceptions. Ka lead at the Dogs came on strong to score the Pi Kap attack came Jon Clines, were the Pi Kap's Jacksonville State University will play North Georgia, half 76. Bnl the Kappa Sigs 20points before the final gun through the air but in- offensive standouts. Athens College, Valdosta, Alabama AW, Montevallo and fought their way back to take sounded. tercesons by Sigma Nu (See GREEKS, Page 12) Auburn - Montgomery in addition to a full slate of Gulf a 127 Iead in the third South Conference games this winter according to an an- quarter on a short run by nouncement by Bill Jones, head basketball coach, this Dennis Alverson. Sherman week. Conrad, a standout for KA, put his team back on top with Ed Lett earns GSC honor Jones' Gamecocks, who have won or shared two straight a long touchdown catch

Gulf South Conference titles, opened drills this past week making the score 1412. The n -1 e 1 - 1 and will have almost a month to work before opening their see-saw battle again turned seasons against Valdosta State on Nov. 24 in Valdosta, Ga. in Kappa Sigs favor as John lor third consecutive week Valdosta State joined the GSC last summer, but will not be Morris took a pass from Gil an active member until next season. Bruce and ran it into the mdzone to put the Kappa Jacksonville State quarterback Ed Lett, The junior quarterback has fired a con- A highlight of the schedule, the "Tom Roberson Classic", Sigs back in the lead 1814. who broke host every Gulf South Con- ference-record 31 touchdown passes in his will not be played this year due to schedule problems. "We But the rest of the game ference career passing record last week, career to go along with his G!X marks of are not dropping the tournament," Jones said. "We had belonged to KA as they established another record Tuesday when must completions, 277; most attempts, 511, problems getting a fourth team for the tournament. We plan scored two more times-the he was named GSC offensive player of the and most yards, 3,554). to play the tournament again next year." first on a TI3 reception by week for the third straight time. Conrad, and the second on an Lett won the award for his four-touchdown Jacksonville, now with a 42 record and a The meeting with Alabama *4&M,which will be played in interception by Mike passing performance in Jax State's 64-0 win No. 7-ranking in this week's Division 11 poll, has an open date Saturday. The Gamecocks Jacksonville this year, is the first game between the two Momett-to make the final over Liberty Baptist last Saturday. It was schools while Berry College is on the schedule for only the score 28-18. the third week in a row that Lett had thrown return to action Oct. 31 against Delta State for four touchdowns. in Cleveland, Miss. second year since Jones came to JSU in 1974. Jax State-.. .. KA continued their win- played Valdosta State, North Georgia, Auburn - Mon- tgomery, and Athens College last year. The Gamecocks' first conference game will be Jan. 4, against Troy State in Troy. The 1981-82 schedule : NOVEMBER 24-at Valdosta State, 30-At North Georgia. DECEMBER 5-North Georgia-home; 10-Athens College- Home, 19-At Auburn-Montgomery . JANUARY14-at Troy State, 9-at Delta State, llat Mississippi College, 14Alabama A&M-home, 16-at Mon- tevallo, 18-Livingston-home, 21-Auburn-Montgomery - home, 23-at North Alabama, 254 UT-Martin, 28-at Athens College, 30-Delta State-home. FEBRUARY 1-MississippiCollege-home, &at Livingston, 11-Montevallo-home, 13-North Alabama-home, 15-UT- Martin - home, 20-Troy State-home. Lady Basketball team looking toward state

This 1981-82 Lady Gober, Jana Unruh, Marlene Gamecock Basketball Team and Darlene Nolen, Sharon should show a great im- Davis, Olivia Parker, Robin provement over last year's 8 Alonso (transfer from Mon- 19 record. With four starters tevallo) , Pam McCloud, returning (Carol Bishop, Janie Hoffman, Lisa Ban- Betty Fykes, Karen Mitchell nister, and Elaine Usher. JAOX DAIXILB & ALE BAS BZkANDB '4. and Susan Carroll) the Lady The Lady Gamecocks and Gamecocks should be a coaching staff would like to contender for the state title. extend a special invitation to the faculty and JSU students IkPPPBBSXWO WIDWP8DA'lP These girls should be pushed to come out and support our for playing time due to a team as we kick off our 1981- F%hE$WSATWBDAI good recruiting year. New 82 season at 7:00 against faces on the team will in- Montevallo on November 23, clude Tarnmy Barnes, Tonya 1981. ~NZ@~T@WE


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i-,L Page 12 THE CHANTICLEER Gamecocks atop GSC

By CHRIS ROBERTS week is Gulf South Conference member, and the Delta State Statesmen are definitely The Jacksonville State University football looking for a victory. team really can be called a team. "Delta has a 3-3 record so far, and they got The Gamecocks struggled at the first part beat 21-7 last week by Livingston," Fuller of their 1981 season, and at one point had a 1- said. "They're not desperate yet, but they 2 record. haven't won a GSC game this year or last. But now, the Gamecocks are 42, first in The last Gulf South game they won was the Gulf South Conference, and are ranked against us in 1979. in Division I1 play. "It will be a big game for them, because The difference, says head coach Jim they are planning a GSC counter, and one of Fuller, is team work. the top teams in the nations. This is a must- "According to our statistics," said Fuller, win situation for them." "once out of every 18 times we have snapped As far as the conference race goes, the ball this season, we've scored a touch- Jacksonville State is still in front. But, three down. And once every 60 times the op teams are right behind the Gamecocks with position snaps the ball, they score." only one loss, while Jax State is still un- Jacksonville State's opposition for this defeated in conference play. Greeks (Continued From Page 11) to down the Outlaws. Scoring put the first score on the BCM an exciting game by outscoring the for the Outlaws were steve board in the first quarter Outlaws 26-19. Darryl W'iham, Jim Reynolds, with Reginald Brown doing and Jerome Pasley. the honors. But BCM ap got the for after the outlaws had me Saga Bandits put on a pared to be making a game jumped out to a 13-0 lead in scoring show Wednesday of it when John Sexton hit the second quarter. Quar- ageinst BCM. Darryl Kirk on a TD strike. The 7-6 BCM lead was &back John Sexton paced The talented Sagas are an the Driftiw.r u on down. . . time BCM rould lead. (Photo by Mike Roberts) the scoring by passing and min13for t~u~dom. exceptional team made up Saga,s overwhelming of- crowd pleaser. Shown here are two aerial mostly of men that have The colorful parachute jumping show, game cha~edin the fourth fase and hard nosed defem. acrobats traveling together. The pair split played college football at one overpwered BCM by a 321 performed prior to the JSU's homecoming gu-r a4 BCM scored Mce contest with Liberty Baptist, was a big apart just before descending onto the field. time or another. The Bandits Bnal +. oo~~~~~~~e~o~~oo~oeooooeooooeoeooooooooooooo~ 0 : HAM & CHEESE SANDWICH PLATE 1

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