company in 1889. He says that Tuzenew to win, and therefore it .would be folly FIGHTING Jt TURNPIKE. paid every time he -made a trip at first- VIGOROUS CAMPAIGN WORK tojry to hang on to Danser if'letting NEWS FROf MIDDLETOWN. After that he paid his toll bill monthly, Kim dfop, woulajhelp Ffancis'aBy; There TWO MEN WHO REFUSE TO PAT and this method of payment was con-MANY MEETINGS HELD IN MON- is a. strong suspicion in the county that RUN OVER BY A CAR BUT NO tinued for two years. Some time ago be MOUTH COUNTY. many Ocean township Republicans whtf BONES BROKEN. V • . •.. • . ._ ..TOLL. . ••;. •' .. . wanted to make arrangements for pay- are Francis men would like to nee Danser / —- % '• ••• -V'" Ovid Tuxenew and William Ml. Scott, ing a certain sum per month, whether he Uncertainties of the Vote in' Various beaten for sheriff and Fields elected any- An Accident to Michael Brennen of ' Both of Head/ten's Corner, Will used the road much or little. Satisfac- Hovmahips—No Accurate Canvas way. At Freehold and in townBhips-in Savesink-A Mission Clntrchto be Try to Have the Charter of the tory terms could not be arranged and yet Slade^Estimates of Hip Coun- that neighborhood the feeling among the Built—Ashing for an Increase of, atlddletown Turnpike Itevoked. after that Tuzenew refused to pay'toll at ty Committees. ' ' Republicans seemed to be that Francis f all. Scott is the only other man, accord- was surely beaten, but that Danser had JPension—A Silver Weddina. Ovid Tuzenew of Headdeu's Corner ing to him, who has refused to pay toll. The campaign in Monmouth county is a chance to win. Michael Brennen of Navesink was run has declared war on the' Middletown now in full swing. Both parties are Mr. Taylor says that a great deal of Meetings are being held all.over the a small dump car at Sandy Hook turnpike, and will attempt to have its money has been spent on the road, and working their utmost, and the lines are on Thursday. Both legs were run over charter revoked. He lias refused to pay being strengthened wherever weakness is county. The Republicans have lots of that the aim of the company has been to money and rent the biggest halls obtain- but the bones were not broken, although toll on the turnpike, as has also, William manifested. The, candidates themselves the flesh was cut and mangled.; Mr. make if a good road, whether it paid div- are hustling over the county, doing able. The Democrats have very little H. Scott. Mr. Tuzenew' says that a idends to the stockholders -or not. He 1 Brennen is employed at Sandy Hook. ,, number of others will join with him,in whatever there is .to. be. done by a per- money. Both the Republican and Dem- says since the road came into the hands ocratic meetings are largely attended, At the time»pf the accident he was walk- fighting the turnpike, and If they fail in of the company dividends have been paid sonal canvass to get votes. The cam- ing along the track carrying a surveyor's the courts the fight w,Ul be carried to the paign in this particular seems more and the places where the meetings are soma years* but not always. He ridi- held are almost always packed. spirit level. An eDgine with three load- legislature, where legislation against the cules the idea that Tuzenew and Scbrt erratic than ever before^ for the men ed cars passed him and went down the road will be asked for. move from one end of the county to an- The Republicans of Red Bank held a can avoid the payment of toll, or can in big meeting in the opera house last track, where the load was dumped. He Mr. Tuzenew has lived near Headden's any way interfere with .the turnpike other in the most unexpected manner. leard the train coming back [and stepped The Republican county committee and Thursday night. Edmund Wilson made Corner for thirty years or more. The company, except, perhaps, to causg; them the principal address, and he was wildly off the track to let it go by. 'On looking road has been laid out very many years, some annoyance. the Democratic county committe held around he saw that the train was stand- • meetings on Monday afternoon. The applauded, Congressman. Howell made perhaps two hundred years, and perhaps a short speech, as did also all the county ing still and stepping on the track again longer than that. It was' originally a Republicans, after the meeting was over, continued on his way. .The train started declared that they would carry the candidates.- All of them received more public highway and was converted into A GENEROUS BURGLAR. or less applause. William H. Reed of again and came towards him. Before '•• a turnpike, in 1866. In that year a county unquestionably for McKinley, he was aware of its approach, it wasivery with a goodjbigv majority. C._ V._N,, Manalapan township, who is running for special law; was asked for and was passed MIe Broke Into a Woman'sMy assembly," made the best hit of the even- close to him.- He threw the level to one by the legislature The men named in and AfterwardSentHer'Groceries. "WilsetrorXong- Branch stated before the meeting was held that be bad made ing and got more applause than any of side and made haste to get off the track. the law as constituting the stockholders Mrs. Vail, who lives on Fourth avenue the other candidates on the county He stumbled and fell and three wheels of the company were JSlias W. Conbver, two bets that MoBjnley" would carry the of one of .the cats passed over his legs. —jQeorgoCHeaariclf son, John L._Cqnpver, at- Asbury Park, awoke last Thursday county by 1,500;majority and he ex- ticket. The Republicans will hold an- Charles Morford, Edward Taylor, "Charles" morninganddiscoYeredamanJnJ}eigdiscoY.er__anJJ}LL pected"to~win*bothrbets~The~niajority" other'e_operaJJiQU8e__!to-. He managed to pull himself clear of the J. Hendrickson, Azariah Conover, Jos- room. The manseized her by the throat for McKinley. usually said by • Republi- night. John S. Gibson, the comptroller track-before the-other-caTS-struck-him.- ' eph Field, John H. Patterson, George 0. and threatened to choke her if she made cans to be expected in Monmouth is of the city of Newark, will speak, in ad- He was taken home and is laid up by his Murray and Samuel Patterson. The an outcry. After Mrs. Vail told the man from 500 to 1,000. They say that several dition to those heretofore announced. injuries. The cars are small and light, capital stock of the company was .$6,000, that she had; nothing of value in the heretofore strong-IJemocratic townships Another big Republican, meeting will be and this accounts for the comparatively with the privilege of increasing it to house, he asked her questions concerning will be carried for McKinley and also for held in the opera house next week. slight injury inflicted. $20,000; ,Tlie company is required to her family and later fof'soinetning to Congressman Howell. They declare that • The Democrats will hold only one big Rev. W. v. Wilson of Port Monmquth grade the road so that no part of it shall eat. She said that she had nothing in the McKinley tide" is rising rapidly^ and meeting in the opera house. That will has given a lot adjoining the schoolhouse have a steeper grade than five degrees the house except some flour and potatoes. that McKinley'd vrt&-will be the largest be held on Thursday or Friday night of at Port Monmonth to the Mission church from the plane of the horizon; and to The man then went away, after promis- ever cast for a president in Monmouth next week. They hold meetings twice a now being organized at that place. ' Thus face the road with gravel. A peculiar ing that he would send her some gro- county. week in their club room. Last night far sufficient monay has been donated to feature of the act permits the turnpike ceries the next day. On Friday during Rev. John A. Wells, the Democratic can- build the foundation of the church; and ' Mrs. Vail's absence from home a box of The Democrats, on their side, say they didate for congress in this district, spoke company to go on anybody's land near j the contract for this part of the 'work the turnpike to search for clay, gravel, groceries was left by a colored man. .are wonderfully encouraged by the re and made a very strong impression on has been awarded to W. H. Heyer. The • stone or other material to improve the The man, was questioned by Henry ports they have received. Two Demo- those present. Aaron E. Johnston of rest of the work will not be commenced • road; and if the owner of the land don't Doren, a neighbor of Mrs. Vail's,' and cratic townships which a week a'go the Freehold also spoke. Mr. Wells is about until there is sufficient money to com- want to sell the material, the turnpike he told Mr. Doren that he was sent with Democrats thought veere pretty certain 65 years old, and was a captain in the plete the building. 'i ••...•• can-take it anyway, and pay for it in the goods by C. 'E. Manton. He left the to go for "McKinley, .they now expect, to Union army during the war. After the Capt. W. H. Seeley has made an ap- condemnation proceedings. goods on the piazza and,went away. carry for Bryan. They say jjiow that war he entered the ministry. He is now plication for an increase of $6 4 month The goods were tied with a fancy cord. Bryan is certain'to carry Monmouth and pastor of the Presbyterian church at pension for Stewart Mitchell of Belford, ( The rate of toll is fixed in the law- at The police of Asbury Park visited the they think hia majority will be from 350 Liberty. Corner in Somel-set county. He Mitchell's, preserffrpension iB $6 a month. 1% cents per mile for every vehicle drawn grocery stores and at the store of Strick- to. 500. Neither par(;y has made an ac- is a member of the Grand Army post at Somerville, and is at present moderator He was injured during the war in by one horse, apd double these rates land Bros, they found that tBev were curate.canvass of any township, and the Charleston harbor and is not able to do when two horses are used, The com-using the kind of cord used injtying the figures they cite are simply the opinions of thePresbytery of Elizabeth. Rev. Mr. Gill of Asbury Park spoke at the Demo- any work. ' • . pany does not charge quite "as much as parcels. A clerk in the store remem-. gained by talking with, men in different Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Roberts of New is allowed bylaw, tbe rate of toll be- bered selling the goods to Edward W. parts of their townships, cratic meeting last week. The Demo- crats who heard him say he is a wonder- M6nmauth__celebrated the twenty-fifth tween Red.Bank andMiddletown.being Turner of West Park. Turner was ar- That these figures can reliable five cents for a one-horse vehicle and ten rested on Sunday and sent to the county ful speaker, and they will try to get him anniversary of their marriage on Mon- jail to await the action of the grand on either side is shown by .their great for their big meeting next week. ' 'flay night. About 125 guests were pres- cents for two horses. This is at the. rate variation. One township, which has an ent at the celebration. The house, was of about 1J cents per mile. jury. He admitted leaving the goods at average Democratic majority of over a Mrs. Vail's, but said that he was-paid to The Republicans of Middletown will decorated witli autumn leaves through- • Joseph Field of Middletown township, "hundred, will serve as a sample. A out. Rev. William V. Wilson, who do so by a man named Baker. A photo- REGISER reporter talked with seven men hold several meetings this and next who is now 104 years old, took a mort- graph of Mre. Vail, whioh was stolen week. A big meeting will be held at married Mr. and Mrs. Roberts, was pres- gage on the road and its property to se- from that township on Monday, includ-" ent at the celebration and made an ad- from her house, was found in the room ing the Republican leader and the Dem- Atlantic Highlands on Friday night of cure a loan of about $8,000 which he had occupied by Turner. this week, when Judge Envin and the. dress jot congratulation. Tbe evening advanced. Jn 1889 he wanted the mqney. ocratic leader of the township. The Re- was pleasantly spent in. music and social publican leader said the Democratic ma- county candidates will be present. Otlier The road was then in very 'poor condi- meetings will be held at Middletown vil- chat. . A large of presents, tion, and the security for. the loan was jority, would be cut down' to 25, and it mostly articles of silverware, were re- • -A Surprise Party and Dance. might disappear altogether. The Demo- lage on Saturday night and at Seaside getting less and IBBS valuable every day. next Monday night. ceived by Mr. and Mrs. Roberts. Henry C. Taylor, who was then the William Clayton of Bridge avenue was cratic leader said the majority would be A Republican meeting will be held in superintendent or manager of the road, 21 years old on Friday, and to celebrate 150 and might be more." The other reports . Perhaps the biggest meeting of the tho event a dance and surprise was got campaign Will ba held at the Ocean the women's Christian temperance hall tried to get the stockholders to agree to ranged all the way between, and they at Middletown on Saturday night at eight an assessment on the stock sufficient to up by a number of bis friends. Among all thought the county ticket would run theater, Long Branch, next Wednesday those present were Mr. and Mrs. Fred along with the Presidential ticket. Then nigbt. Two of the speakers will be Gar- o'clock. The speakers who are to ad- pnt the road litprder and to pay off the dress the meeting are Hon. Henry S. loan. This was refused, and Mr. Field Smock, Mrs. Harry Ingalls', Misses Alice a Republican farmer of the township ret A. Hobart, the Republican candidate foreclosed his mortgage. The road was and Sarah Clayton; TRachael Grover, was seen. He isn't a politician. He said for vice president, and. John W. Griggs, White of Red Bank, Hon. Duncan D. Maud' Tomlinson, Lila Coley, Margaret he had heard a great many changes from the governor of New Jersey.-Special Parmley of Middletown township, and sold by the sheriff and was bought in by 1 some of the stockholders, who still own it. Riddle, Josie McQueen . Annie Tomlin- one side to the other on ihe Presidential trains from Freehold, Matawan and Hon. Charles W. Dennett of Massachu- son and Bertha Da"vi>, Fred Cullington, ticket, but he really knew of but one Manasquan will be run, stoppingat all setts. Seats will be reserved for women, William W. Conover, Jr., of Middle- John Chadwick, Joseph Hesse, Joseph man in the township who had changed stations, and will reach Long Branch and music has. been engaged for the oc-: town was made president of the new Tomlinson,' William Many, Fred. Frick, his politics in all his acquaintance there. about seven o'clock. The trains will not casion. company and Henry C. Taylor was Vanness Smock, Charles Montgomery Then he added that' there were eleven return until after the meeting. The rail- A pony owned by Annie Rickmant . elected secretary, treasurer and superin- and Charles Smock. Republican farmers who lived in his road fare will be the price of an ordinary daughter of John Rickman of Belfordj tendent. Enough money was raised by neighborhood and every man of them single ticket for the round trip. ran away on Monday. The girl was not the stockholders to put the road in good was going to vote against Francis be- The Keyport Democrats raised a Bryan in the wagon when the animal started. condition, and it has been kept in good "Slaves of Gold." cause of the manner in which he ob- It ran about half a mile before it was order ever since, except during the early and Sewalf flag on Thursday afternoon. "Slaves of Gold "will be the attrac- tained the nomination, and he named At night they held a big mass meeting. caught. One of the springs on the spring, when the frost is comingoutof tion at the Red Bank opera house to- the farmers. This one illustration will wagon was broken. the ground. There are two toll gates on Before the meeting a crowd gathered morrow night. This play has many show the wide varianceuf opinion among under the flog and.gave vent to their.en- Autumnal services were held in the . the road,.one near Red Bank and the startling mechanical and scenic effects, men who ought to know the sentiment other near Middletown. thusiasm by. firing off a cannon and burn- Presbyterian church at Atlantic High- . among them being a mining scene and a of their locality. ing red fire. lands on Sunday. The church was dec- Mr. Tuzenew says that the road was a flood scene. In one part of the play the orated with autumn leaves and a sermon public road when' he located at Head- heroine breaks a pane of glass with-a The Democrats feel certain of the elec- PRIZES FOR TROOPERS. appropriate to the occasion was preached den's Corner, and that he has paid no chair and jumps out and catches on to a tion of their county ticket. They said by Rev. AVilbur N. McNair. toll since that time. He is now being limb of a tree,. John W. Eyles, mana- there were only two townships which .1 Clip to he Contented For by the The necessary arrangements with the sued by the turnpike company for a bill ger of the opera house, vouches for the Francis would carry, Neptune and Up- Military Companies of the County. Southern railroad have been made and ' for toll. He says that to make one trip excellence of the company. per Freehold, and some of them thought the trolley company expects to have its a day from, Headden's Corner to Red lie would lose Upper Freehold. Shrews- A cup to be known as tho Monmouth county championship cup of the National cars in operation between Red Bunk and Bank, not counting Sundays or holidays, A Churoh Military Company. bury is a greater political conundrum Belford either on Saturday of next week would cost him $0.36 per^ear; and that this yeni' tlian usual, but some of the Guard of New Jersey will be bought by or the following Monday. as-he uses the turnpike much more than A military company is boing formed Democrats seemed to think Francis the Second troop of cavalry of Red Bank. Tbo Amsterdam hotel at Locust Point any other road, ho would have to pay among the boys of Grace Sunday-school. would carry it. What the township will The cup will be a trophy for .marksman- is now in charge of William Kolly of toll on that road while paying his full Elmer E.Carlile, the superintendent of do is regarded as a mystery, even by ship, and will be contested for monthly Long Branch. Millie Stearns, who con- share of the rond tai. tho school, is the organizer of the com-' most of tho men in tho township who by teams from each company in tho ducted the hotel for tbe past three years, William H. Scott of Headden's Corner, puny. The boys will be taught military usually are able to give a fairly correct county. Each' team will consist of six has moved back to Navesink. who hits also refused to pay toll on the tactics and in the near future will bo estimate. Two or tbreo men among the men and at the end of the year the cup fitted out with uniforms and the neces- becomes the property of the company The roof on the house of Jacob C. turnpike, has likewise been sued l)y the 1 Republicans arc all there are who favor Taylor at Middletown caught fire, yes- turnpike company. Lasf Friday morn- sary accouterments. A meeting will bo tho straight ticket, although there are a winning it the most times. terday afternoon. Tho fire wns extin- ing Mri Scott was driving along the turn- held in tho church every Friday after- considerable number who say they do. Three medals have been given to the guished with pails of water before much piko and when he readied the toll gate noon for drill practice. Some of the loudest declaimers in favOr troop. Ono of the medals is for revolver damage had been done. the gate-keeper closed .the gate on him of tho straight ticket are notorious as shooting, one for carbine shooting and About $80 was cleared nt the chowder and refused to let him "through'until he A Now Butcher Shop. men who hnndlo tho funds. Ono man the other for saber practice. The two supper held at Navesink on Saturday • had paid the toll. Henry C. Taylor, the in particular wns formerly a Democrat medals for shooting will be contested for George Dooker of Eed Bank and Wm. and staid in' the Democratic camp • aa night for tho benefit of Charles Hughes ' superintendent of the road, happened to Paton of New York havo formed a part- every weok, and they will become the of Omaha, a former resident of Nave- long as ho could get a big eharo of tho property of tho member winning them bo at the toll gato at tho time. Mr. Scott nership and havo opened a bqtclior shop- Democratic funds to handle, and when Bink. shook his list at Taylor, and said ho was on tho corner of Bridgo avenuo und Oak- tho most times during the year: The Rov. C. C. Luther of Bridgeport, Conn., lie was driven out of tho Democratic medal forsabor practico will bo awarded not afraid of him. Then he pot out of land street, in tho building owned by party ho became u Republican—and will begin a sorios of evangelistic services liia wagon, opened tho gate himself and Abraham Docker. at tho annual games on Decoration day. in tho Baptist church at Middletown on handles tho money. Everyono under- .^ • «» drovo tnrougn. This constitutes an act stands tlio actuating motive of almost Sunday, November lat. of trespass under tho law, and Mr. Sc5tt Xo Smell, of Cnmvhor Extra meetings are being bold in tho is linblo to an action on this ground, as Vautlon't cvory ono of the mon who nro so clam- Tbo rapidly increasing demand for our orous for tho straight county ticket. About our dress goods. Only this sea- Methodist church at Harmony. They well na to n Buit for debt for tho amount HOn's latest productions shown hero. of toll due. howie-mnde frankfurter, bologna, head are conducted by Uov. John 11. Mageo cheese, etc,, etc., haw caused some un- Dander ban made an oxcollent im- Spocial, whilo they last, a lot of dress of Belford. Tho OOHCS against both Tuzonow and Hcrupulous dealers to mislead tlio public pression in parts of Shrownbury town- patterns, mottled diagonals, h'ridescont Rov. John Ilaynes and Charles Foxirt Scott have boon placed in tho hands of by Belling goods manufactured in Chi- ship whero tlioro wan considerable fool- effects, tufted and rough mixtures, Bilk of Atlantic Highlands returned home- of Robert Allen of Rod Bank for prone cago or elsewhere, representing thorn as ing against hint nt that, and a number and wool two-toned novelties (no two from their European trip on Monday. cation. Mr..Tuzonow has, retained Kd- tlui " KntorprlBo Brand." Wo therefore who liiwo said they would oppose him nliko), from seven to ten ynrda in onoh, Rev. F, C. Colny, pastor of tlio Cehtrnl • mund WiUioti as hie couhnol. Mr. Tuzo- take this method of informing iho, public now fsny thoy will vote ,for Mm. Thin for $3.08 «n«l $1,1)8. Joseph 8ulz, Ited Haptmt church of Atlantic Highlands, in ' nowHaya ho will ninko his content on that tho only place down town whero change of fooling was caused partly by Bank;— Adv. . enjoying a two weeks' vacation,VIJ tho ground that tho road was a public our f rnnkf iirtcni and bologna can bo pu?- DaiiHor liiniHdlf, and partly by tlio vigor- OJeorgo Fischer of Bolfonl Bold all life ous whlpping-ln which lias boon going lltiHlnrHH for Huh'. road wlion ho went to Ilcnddon'fl Corner oluiFied in at DoroiniiH Brow.' grocery, A profitable buniriCKH on Broad direct liouHcliold^goMlH at auction lawt week. and that ho, 1B entitled to tho frco HHO of oil ulmoul ever fiinoo tho convention, IIo will reCTirn to Germany. Hroad street. AIKO Hold by Joucph Mill- FIIUICIH in porhantt cvon weaker than ho Red Bank. Bcou vtitabliKbed flftcoi tho highway; that tlio condition of the wnrd mid L.L. McQueen, Itcd Bank j nil yoiinj,, Uiiiifiunl opportunity for anyone O, G. Reid and family, who have b«en rbiid at Mmcrt during tho year linn boon tho loading butchpni in Ixmg Branch, wiw right uftor tho convention. IIIH ap- apondini; tbo Huminer at LOCUHC Point, HUOII that toll could not legally ho taken; ixjnranoo in Bhrownliury township hail winbini» to Rtnrt with HIIUVU capital. Ap- A. H. Uorden and M. K. Johnnon, Shrown- boon tlio rovdino of Dnnoor'u and ho lian ply to I*. O. Itox'48D.—/l(. , returned homo yentcrday. and that work on tho road boa boon done hury, and wholeimlo and retail nt II. Hob- inudo positive cnoiulci! of ptioplo who Henry Wilbur of Bridgoport, Conn., at iioivioiiB of tho year whan tho law suyrt IriflonVi Khterprlno market, opposite Cen- wore formerly imlilfrriml to him. It i» A HUHII Store. IIIIK moved to Belford and will peddlo. work on hlghwnyu Hhall not bo per- tral hotel.~/l. rcirnrdotljm protty certain tlmt 1'Yanoi/i fliih and olaniH. formed, Mr. Tiumnow furthor nayn that Tho llvo and ton cent iitoru at 10 Broad William Koedtel of Looimt Point, who y will not carry tho townuhip, wlmtovor utrcot in biiHy all tlio time. Why not? a number of othom will holp hlih in tho for IhhUonn Ntvlv Damiur'n ctiaiicwt may bo, broko IIIH arm noveral weekH n%o, 1B now fight ufj;alnnt tlio turnpike, but that If They havo a larao mmortincmt of ftooil Onpitn and jiuikoUi, go whero they la-op to ttolcot from ami overy nrtlclo in a bar dl)l(i U> umi it. they fall to uoino to tlmo ho Imii made thorn, ' Wo noil nowuHt uroatlonn only. Daimcr'ii frloiulti think ho will nuroly Minn Hulda Morfonl of Now Monmouth arranKOinoplti lilnimilf to ralno what Over (mo hundred nainplu garment!) (no win, mill Franoln'H frlerulu nay tho imtnc iW id viiiitlng friomta in I'lillndclplilii. 11 money 1« nroded. two alike). Capon ntitl jnokotH, plnlii or HilriK, though very few of them roally llarnwm repaired well nntl cheaply nt Minn Iilzzlo (irigK of Malnwan in vlnit- Mr, Taylor told a IIICOIKTKU reporter rough cloth, box und cmplrofront, tight, think no, A puvullnr thing which WIUI Moody'H Coiaral barnowi ntoro, opera liiK Mm, U. I). Front of Ililltmlo. , that Mr. Tuaonow Jind paid toll, no fur loowo or Juilf llttinu, plain or irlmiiioil, very HoLlcoaMo on Monday wan that lte- hoiwo hluoU," Adv. J. M. Johmion of Nnvoitlnk \n j an ho know, up to wltliin tho ]>iuit year. nllk lliuid, nil groat valuon while tlioy rmblluatiH from Ooonn and Ncptuno u now roof on IIIH IIo kn«w he hod pnJU toll over <«kx»>' the liwifc, ni I4.IW, $R,7». #0,88, «H.f)8 and U>wimhl\it> noomeil to think that JJamior If Anything tlint'iiKoliiK onto worth toll- * roauctimo into tho .hands of tlio now $9,IW. Jowopli Hah, Rod ttwtk.~>-A4v. wall boaton, wlulo J.<'rn)iuln hnd l nK) you'll llnilltlnTiiKttuciiBTim.— Adv. It p'tyu to ndvortliK' In THE B1VER FULL OF FISH. THE BOWLING TOURNAMENT. Three Games Boiled by the Teams f CAUGHT BY THE BARBELFUL lAint Friday flight. Save your Tickets. Each Ticket Helps Toward ' BOATLOAD. . The second series of games in the bowling tournament were rolled on Fri- ! The Fish are Boston Mackerel, or day night. George Holmes's team de-,( Securing feated the Monmoutha by a score of 680 4 " Gimlet-Evei"~CauoM in Seines, in Crabnets, and Picked Tip byto 664. The Slick Six team and the Seminary Hustlers played the second game. This Hand. was very close throughout and the Slick For Both Beits Since the inlet opened north of High- Six managed to win by seven points, the land Beach the Shrewsbury river has score being 666 to 659. The last game Conveniently located in a quiet, xg; been full of fish. The fish are Boston Fine Futniture Free! beautiful, healthful village, easily £ was'(between Holmes's team and. the accessible from New York, Phila- g; mackerel or " gimlet-eyes," as they are Ajaxers. This game was won by the delphla, Baltimore, Washington. .. sometimes called, They are caught in Ajax team-by-a ecore-of 082; to 642. Popular and successful for 65 years. very large quantities; £nd rowboate have George Button rolled high score, 158, in At the Dry Goods Store of Joseph Salz, Red Mates very moderate. • been filled with them. Backward students given indi- the first game, and George Allen and vidual attention. One of the best places for catching George Norman cot high scores in the where Quality Tells and Price Sells. them ia this part of the river is near the other two games T>y rolling 162 and 178 " Parents Etna guardians may send Southern railroad bridge. They are respectively. Next Friday night the their children to Pennlngton Semi- found there in immense numbers, and Best Apron Gingham, Turkeyl ANY OF Ten-quarter Gray Blankets, a pair.. 45e. nary nod be. have them well Slick Six team will play the Ajax team Ited Figured Calicos, 4-4 Un- THESE AT cared for afid well educated."—JAUIS one. haul of a seine will catch a bar- and Eolmes'8 team. The other game will Heacned Muslin, Good Qual- Eleven-quarter White and Gray 2IoC the tide is falling. Then they seem to was present could run one hundred yards Facts.. 9c. tip, ing Cloth and Prints Wrappers, haunt the shallow places along the shore worth (rom one to two dollars; • without any encumbrance. "Wiggy" y*i Ladles' 811k Finished nibbed Tests,. The Monopole, and a haul of a seine catches hundreds Jones took the bet. Richard Trotter, 25c. We've rimde three prices of them.. and thousands of them. The fish swim who weighs about 175 pounds, got on Dollar quality Kid Gloves, White, 70o., 08c. and $1.25 in schools, and a man in a rowboat, Mode, Ox Blood, Tan and Black, Black Figured Dress Bklrta. extra Brewer's back and the start was made. per pair , 70c. value, for...$1.68, $2.20 and $3.98 The best five-cent cigar armed only with a crabnet, can catch a Brewer won by about fifteen yards.; . bushel in less than an hour. Oftentimes a bushel can be scooped up in less than I in Bed Bank, at ten minutes. They will bite at bait, but Bed Bank Boys Play Football. - Fpr Saturday, October 25th, Jen Yards of Canton fishing with a hook and line is entirely Two football elevens made up of Red too slow work when they can be cap- Flannel for 25 Cents. PACH'S. tured in such large numbers by easier Bank boys, who style themselves the methods. Above the Southern railroad Yales and Princetons, played a game on "bridgenvhenthetide is fallingrtbeycan the JJroad street grounds on Saturday often be picked up by hand in little landi morning. "The Yales, captainedbyHarry looked pools. Norman, were victorious by a score of 20 to 0. The Princeton's captain is Harry . A " Hen who haul seines give all comers Burrowes. . Next Saturday the Prince- i all they want.' Lads of ten to fifteen tons and'' the St. James's school eleven Cor. Broad and Mechanic Sts., RED BANK, N. J. years of age, who can borrow a rowboat, will play at the same place. Bicycle • beg a pair of oars and steal a basket, are having more sport than ever before in their lives. Scores and scores of peo- Friday Night's Dance. Chain ple are out after them every day, and A considerable number of tickets have the thousands that are caught daily does been sold for the dance which is to be THE BEST CIGARS not seem to diminish their number. given in the Monmouth boat club house that ' The fish weigh from p, quarter of a on Friday night of this,week for the In Monmouth County for 5 cents are BAILEY'S pound to hiilf a pound each and are of benefit of the-public library. Tickets COMBINATION, EXPORTS and SMOKETTS excellent flavor. They have no scales cost $1 a couple, and include refresh- These goods are standard and reliable. Snaps ana only one bone, the backbone. ments of coffee, sandwiches, cake, etc. For a good 10-cent cigar, smoke ELMAPA and Runs harder than one that William Chandler, Martin Shaugh- BA.ILEVS BEST BOUQUET: nessy and Will /Keilly have caught more don't; you do the pushing. than any other Red Bank fishermen. Freehold Gun Club's Match. The finest chewing tobacco is BAILEY'S HAPPY They go out every day. They sell some, At the.match of the Freehold gun MEDIUM. Try it. , The B. & Z.,Brush-Top is a the current price' in town being twenty club at rocks, held on their grounds chain lubricant that makes your wheel cents a dozen. at Freehold on Friday, the olub badge At Fair Haven and Oceanic the fishing was won' by S. B. 'Walling, who broke run easier. is just as good as at Bed Bank, and they 22 out of 26 targ :ts. Joseph Atkinson WHOLESALE DEALER, Take a tube home as a Red. Bank sou- are alsocaughtfin the South Shrewsbury. broke 18 and A. Sherman 17. Rivermen Bay they are likely to stay a RED BANK, FREEHOLD AND MANASQUAN, N. J venir. It's a new thing and a good one. weak or so longer. These fish have been Ask your dealer, or mailed for a quarter. taken in the river in former years, but A Friendly'Shooting- Match. never in such numbers as this season. William Antonides of Oceanport shot a friendly match at live birds with Eu- gene Magee at Tinton Falls on Monday. J Each man shot at five birds. Antonides SHERIDAN HOTEL. Hurt While Flaying Football. killed all of his birds and Magee killed ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY. The Long Branch football eleven de- three. feated the eleven from the Trenton state RED BANK'S FAVORITE SPORTING RESORT Bicycle repairing is one of several \ normal school on Saturday at Elkwood i»'*»—:— tilings we do well. Park by a score of 14 to 6. The Long A Man and Horse Race. Branch team kept the ball in their op- A race was run atKeypprfc on Monday Front Street, opp. Broad Street, Ret^Bank, N. J; ponents' territory during the greater of last week between Richard Lee on part of the game, In the first half two foot and William Campbell on horse- GOOD ROOMS, ~ '°' ' of the Long Branch players were hurt back. The distance was fifty yards and Coal and Wood. and two other players were substituted, return. The race was won by Camp- A WELL-STOCKED BAR, -= one being George Hawkins of Red Bank. bell. , . , IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC CIGARS, WM. N. WORTHLEY, In the second half the shoulder of Tom GOOD MEALS. Richardson, a former resident of Red Ernest Groto Wins Chickens. 80CCESSOB TO J. A. WORTHLEY, Wholesale and Retail Sealer In Bank, waB batily hurt. Louis Dieterich raffled off a pair of Wheelmen Accommodated Any Hour of the Day or Night. chickens at Ernest Grote's saloo'n on Fri- Free Bicycle Racks for Visiting Wheelmen. Scranton, Lclilgh, Wllkesbarre 1 day night. The chickens were won by " :o: and Cumberland Coal. Pigeon Shooting at Elkwood. Mr. Ghrote. The lucky number was 25, A First-Class Lunch Counter Is connected]wlth the Hotel, and meals can be had without When Coal Is purchased by the carload the benefit A number of miss-and-out pigeon and it coat Mr. Grote 25 cents. delay. ol lqng tons, 2,240 pounds. Is given. matches were shot at Elkwood Purk on Olaret Lemonade and Sheridan Soda are specialties with us. They are the most cooling Thursday. The first match was at ten and refresblnu drink wheelmen can use. Del Fisher Wins at Pool. Best quality of Hickory, Oak and Pine birds with $10 entrance. This resulted ^ "Wood at moderate prices. in a tie between Daly, Winston and Ap- Del Fisher defeated Tom Bolen in a ••••••••••••»••»•»••»••»•»»••••'••»•»»•»••»••••»•••» gar, who each killed nine. The entrance match game of "pool at the Sheridan LUDLAM'S AND CROCKER'S FERTILIZERS fee in the next two events was $5. The hotel on Thursday night. Fisher won CONSTANTLY ON HAND. first was a tie between Apgar, Wood- by six-points, the score being 100 to 94. An Advertisement in The Register ruff, Daly and Al Ivins. The next event Is carried Into nearly 3,000 families every week, The best way to get business Is to Yard nt Worthier'* Dock, Bed Bank. was also a tie between the same persons tell these 3,000 families what you hare to sell. Branch Yard at BtabrtQhU JV. J. with the exception of Daly. - The last Tlic Right and the Wrong. mias-and-out was won by Woodruff and There's a right and'a wrong way to do Apgar. The money was divided in each things. You can't drive a wedge by ot the ties. trying to insert the broad end and pounding on the point. You can't swing •!• a door in when it is made to swing out. Two Coming Matches. You can't do good printing unless you Al Ivina will shoot a match with John use good paper, and unless you have •I* Winston of Kansas at 100 birds for $147 roper appliances and skillful workmen. a sido on Saturday at Elkwood Park. ?'HE REGISTER office has these. It does The match ,ia made for $147 on account good work. Its prices' are fair to both of "Winston's lucky number being 147. of us.—Adv. The Care of a Bicycle. Winston und Phil Daly, Jr., are matched to slioot at 100 birds to-morrow at the same place for a purao of $850. Daly puts up $200 of the purse and Winston the balance. _ FREE u If you want to have your bicycle in shape you want to Football at Asbury Park. $ Two games of football were played at Aebury Park on Saturday. Both games BUTTONS? have it looked over occasionally. If some little thing is the were between Asbury Park teams and teams from Manasqunn. The Asbury ELEGANT BUTTON matter with it don't wait until that little thing develops intp Parkers won both games. Thn Asbury Park High school team defeated tho first WITH EACH PACKACE cloven from Manasqunn by a scoro of 8 some larger break. It costs far less to have the small to 0 and the spcond team of Asbury Pnrk defeated tho junior team of Manoaquan things fixed than it does the big things. Besides this you '4 by 0 toO. Sweet Odds and Ends of Sport. can always have your wheel- in good running order by "VVinlluld Maurer and David Ileyer shot 11 pigeon match nt Keypoit on giving it this attention. Thursday against William Maurer nnd William Werner. Each man shot nt ten Let us attend to your bicycle. There is no one belter blrdo. Winlleld Munror and Ileyer won by a Bcore of 18 to 10. 1 W. Campbell Clark of Oaldmnit re- Cigarettes qualified to do it than we. We have the necessary tools turned homo from Miiiiw lant week, where he had been on 11 hunting trip. and machinery and we have competent machinists. On Ho brought homo a deer wldoh ho had AN OPPORTUNITY TO killed. Wlllinin Jordan of Long Branch linn MAKE A COLLECTION account of our facilities we are able to do work much rclumoil from u two weulcit' blcyclo trip through PennnylvMiia. During hlii trip OF BUTTONS quicker and better than,other repairers and'at less cost to lie rode over 50() inllei). i E. H, Walling won a checker honrd tlutt wild chanced oil by Clnronco J)u- • foumt Keyporfc Iniifcweofc. Iliu cliunou coat him 82 oentn. Charles A. Bpuuldlng of Allcnlown him gono oil 11 gunning trip to Wnrroii- Notice to Gunners 1 POPE & PATTERSON, •> vlllo, Conn. I Tho bowling ullcyii hi Mm Pavilion liotol nt Koyporl luivo bct-u roopuuod for All pwiuna nni furlilil trt«u>Milii|(wllli ilou orK«>I 29 East Front Street, tho ocanon. . , (in II") Jotm H, Ai>|il<'Kon a wheel and thrust at the commencement of: the these* for no reason under creation. enjoys the sensations he derives from PIGS FOR SALE. are provided by simple and ohaste designs. 1 stroke becomes correspondingly difficult. He acknowledged the theft right away the sport. Most of the feather and light O. I. 0. pigs, tred from registered pediRreo boar 1 In housebuilding" the external ornamenta- and Jersey BOWB. 'This Is the famous " Ohio Im- Generally speaking the extreme back too . Nothing could save him' then, of tion may safely bo left to the competent weights are bioyole riders and have no. proved Chester." It will make more pork with same feed than any other bog known. ' It is absolute- of the saddle should bo about 11 inches course. We gent him up'state as a hope- architect. When one of these, offend, it is end of fun wheeling about in the vicin- ly cholera proof and 1B without doubt tbe best hog behind a'plumb line dropped through less case." usually because a particular patron objects ity of their training' quarters. In fact, on earth. A limited number ot pigs for eale at low the crank axle, and the handles 7 inch- .— •«> ».». . to too muolr plainness and wishes to carry the bioycle has become a necessity with prices. out his own fancies.' JAMES IHcCOlGAN & CO., es in front and about level with the ODD CYCLE NOTES. most «f them. Atlantic Highland*, N. J. saddle. To have them very far forward or low down will probably "result in tho Curious Facts Concerning Bicyclists Nearlng the Object. JOSEPH G. ESCHELBACH, rider being dragged out of his saddle ana Bicticlina. A New Yorker who has been talking in pulling on them, his center of gravi- Bicycle theater parties promise to t about buying a wheel since tho season Don't Bend Your Back! 1 ty thrown in advance of, instead of over, come popular. opened was met by a friend on the "L" 24 West Front Street, near Pearl, Red Banfc.N. J.. his pedal. Change of position from time Canada hopes to get the 1898 interna- road last evening with this: "Hello, old PAN. FOE SALE AT =, Kreuger's Beer and F. & M. Schofer's celebrated to time is essential on a long hill, or tional ohampiqnships. ohap I Have you bought that wheel yet?'' ^Welncr, Beer always on draught. the rider will become exhausted. Peters's and at Sutton's. § There iB a drum and fife corps mount- "No," was the reply, "but I have a bi- ALSO BARTHOLOMAY. ROCHESTER BEER IN Sometimes a hill will be encountered ed on bioycles in Newark, N. J. cycle button." '" BOTTLES. of .such steepness that the rider cannot while remaining in his saddle get any There is a tandem in Brooklyn which ' of' his weight upon tho pranks. This is has for owners two men who ride down the cmoial test of hill riding, for it the road in red tighta. then becomes necessary to leave the sad- The first Coney Island path cost dle and ride by standing upon the ped- $3,000, and the return path cost $5,000. als and gripping the handlebar. In (his Each path is 6% miles long. attitude, unless the ankle aotion ia per- It seems to be settled almost beyond Last Week's Storm! feotion, one pedal being pushed forward a doubt that the market will be tested before tho other has got to the end of with a ohaiuless bioycle next year. its Btroke, the machine will infallibly Kansas City streots aro now sprin- wabble and then stop dead, BO" that kled with water at hours whioh will re- Did Your Roof Leak? when the cyolist can ride a steep ascent sult in tho loast inconvenience to riders. - in this fashion ho may conclude that he has nothing more .to learn. The bicycle has taken its place in art- ^»«. istio home decoration. In front of a A leaky roof is a constant annoyance. At every rain For Cold Weather Riding. carpet store in New York is displayed a rug whose design shows a tandem carry' there is the hurrying up in the garret to set pails and pans Many riders complain of a numb feel- ing a happy youth and maiden. ing in their hands and feet When riding a bioyole in cold weather, but the trou- Snporinteudont of tho Crystal under the drips; and when a shower comes up unexpected- ble nearly always is due to improper Water company of Danielson, Conn., was riding on his bioyole when he saw ly, or a storm arrives in the night, the drip soaks through oldthing, If one's shoes are too tight, a snake, but was going too fast to stop. the feet will get cold, for the proper As he rode over the reptile it orawled circulation of the blood has been inter- up over his back and shoulder and down the attic floor and discolors the ceilings beneath. The fered with. Garters whioh bind the leg his arm to the ground. near tho knee will cause thpsame trou- woodwork is made to decay, and the «whole house is in- ble. A bolt Whioh inoloses the waist "Tandem riders of oxporionce," says too tightly will do the some thing. an export, "Bay that the double mount Some people are troubled with cold gets tedious on long distances, the riders jured. feet, and many run lie a praotioe of put- as individuals losing that sense of free' 1 ting a pieoo of paper between tho stock' dom whioh is one of the chief charms The roof is really the chief part of the house. If you * ing and the shoe, Others wear a pair of of bioycling. For short trips tho tandem cotton short hoso under tho regular pair affords unadulterated enjoyment." have got a poor roof, your house won't last long. It's easy of stockings. Heavy woolen stookings will mako an indentation in the flesh in A Cycling: Red Cross Society. to avoid a leaky roof. Send me a postal card. That's cold woather, whioh is neither oomfort- A BOoioty that should reooivo tho able nor pleasant. Many ridors disoard commendation of wheolmon now exists the rattrnp pedal in cold weather, as in Brooklyn. It is known as tho Society the first step. I'll be at your house before the next storm it holds tho foot too securely and For First Aid to All Injured Bioyolists. causes oold. Thoro is no doubt that During the recent Quill olub moot sov- comes up and will tell you just what it will cost to put on tho rubber strips on tho pedals aro com' eral of its mom bora applied for adnris fortable in cold woathor, but thoy aro sion to tho training quarters at tho Man- ^galvanized steel roof. If I put on a roof for you and it not safe for those who aro accustomed hattan Boaoh track und did good work to tho rattrop podal and should bo for thoso who foil in tho races. Booh leaks any time within the next five, or ten, or fifteen years, gnarded against. mombor oairios with him a supply of bandages, linimonts, spliuta and othor No Cycling for Singers. artioloa needed in dcafling sprains, send me another postal card. The cent for the postal Tho cminont vooal teacher Mmo. bruisos, outs, oto., togothorwithwronoh- MarohoBi, who has trained many of tho 03, pumps and nnoh small tools as may card is all you will have to pay, for I guarantee all roofs I boat known Bingura of our timo, dooa bo uooosoary to ropair wheels on tho not boliovo in tho hioyolo for vocalists. rond. Tho society gives notioo of n put on for that length-of time and longer. I'll make it tight "For strong, healthy persons it may bo courno of nix lcoturos which it intonds of bonoflt iu hulpiug to develop tho to givo to bioyoliats. without another cent of expense to you. lnngH," Blip writes, "but for tho vooal organs of dulionto porHoiiB tho rapid out Bearing Halls Somotlinos Split. But it won't leak ! ting through tliu nir intending tho UHO To bo ut itH bout tho bull in aboaring of tho wiicol limy bo jioHltivoly injuri contrary to tho gonoral boliof, should OUN; wliorul'ora I forbid tliio oport to all not bo of ostrumo lmrdniM. Balls i A galvanized steel roof is the best loof in the world— my. soiiK birdn. '• cycle boiiringH fiiil In two wayn—by .splitting and by wearing Hut. If u bal if the material is good and the roof is put oi\ right. A Bloyclo Wedding.' utnpii rolling in a buuring, It nt once Mln8 M. Joniiin MorriU and Henry lmn u Hut upot fonuod on it, whicl: W. ltobinnon, both of Wulthnm, Mann., lIlUlCOH it folOVOl' UHOldliH, Ijtlll bllllH GftCIJ •woro married at Mr. Itoblnooii'fl homu split in two wiion at work, Juot how n DANIEL H. COOK, rocontly In thoir bloyolo Huitw. After noliil, Bound Htonl ball onn bo split in tho ooroniniiy tlioy ntnrtod on tliolr tnn- moh light ooinpiniy mi tho pnrtH of i clamforn tour through Now Iliunpuhlra vvhoiil bourlng i« diillaulMouiulorntnnd ,, * The Steel Roof Man, Tho lirldoiHimidn mid bout mmi worn nl- Novortholunu, tho htmi'lng build do split, •o In JcniokorbooknrM nnd fbtolilnK bloom- mi ifi woll known to uny rupnlror wli w oontuuioN. Thtiy throw rloo nftor tho linn pliiyml tho part of doctor to n nick RED BANK, NEW JERSEY. iKiupI an thoy whcclod blojcliv Ktwl Tim Uicaifvrmii. |l.8O n yoar, It jmyij to mlvmiln" In Ti TOWN TALK. , m more injury W-Mr; Hobart than in HE KNEW-THE SIGNS. ,i BICYCLETORSAXE. THE pi> B4M REGISTER benefit to Mr. Francis. There are many A Hew 1890 UD-to-data lady's bicycle, for S35,at . Tick'tackere have.come to grief in people -who will ^refuse to support dis- Love Hag Wan» WhitU Monsieur Warden's Bmter Murket. r ' Several instances lately. A gfrl at Nave- honesty in polticff.v They have, made up the Barber Vnderstanaa, JOHN H. COO It. Editor and Proprietor. r, PUPS FOR SALE. sink was playing tick tack on a neigh- their minds what to do in this election, 1 ,^ OFFICE ON FKONT STREET, "Bon Jour, M. Toylorl ' BlaUr and tan tftips,' very email] moderate trices. bor's windpw and in running away fell iust as the people of ^ew York made up Tbo person thus saluted by the learned Harry Woodward, Blacksmith, While street. • Hendrlnksoti; Block, Adjoining tbe Post-OfUce, nto a deep spring and got completely their minds do in 1882, when a 'RfcDBANK. N. J. barber was a tall, athlatlo young man drenched. A boy near that place played Republican state convention was dishon- with blond, hair and a pointed blond piRL WANTED. • tick tack and when he was running away estly manipulated; and iust as the people A girl wanted to cool:, Vftxsh $nd Iron. Apply u ' SUBSCRIPTION PRICE.' beard. He was dressed with exquisite Mrs. M.lf. Droli^u'3,Bro6(l8treel,IledBiml!. . OneYear . $150 he'ran into something and cut his leg so of the western part of Monmouth county care, even to the size of the bunch of white Six Months ; 75 badly that the doctor had to take seven made up their minds what to do several ,"'• WANTED^' Three Months. 4U years ago, when a Democratic assembly carnations In his buttonhole.. Bis gloves ititches in the wound to close it. Four were brand new, the crease In his trousers A youDK girl 6» apprentice for millinery and to boys at Morrteville playen tick tack and convention was not conducted in what assist la store. - Address Box 866, Bed Bank, N. J. • ADVERTISEMENTS was believed to be, in a fair manner. was almost obtrusive,, and his patent leath-. were found out, and they have been ers shone spotless, although Broadway was Should reach us not Inter thunlWednesday rooming, fined $1.99 each. Altogether, tick tack WANTED. sample copies of THE HHGMTEH and printed rates of as-an evening amusement-has-ita dis- • *-•'• muddy. Ho returned uionsiour'a Bnluta- —A-palrDfBtllta lor use nil aitereleotlon. Address, advertising will bo sent to any addresiTori appllca^ couraging side. • TEe~chieiReliance of the'supporters of tloii, but seemed preocoupled ns he re- O. A. F., cu^yiaa Pound Trust.Xong Branoli, N; J." lion. Advcrtlsqi'S linve the privilege o[ clanging Francis is the immense campaign fund moved his coat and seated himself in mon- their announcements as often as they desire jvlthout - # # # they expect to have on election day, arid sieur's chair. •'.'•.•.• MANURE WANTED. • extra charge. Beading notices will be inserted for I guess the men who went after Maxcy next to this is the belief that a large Will exchange coal, wood, liny, straw or feed for Applegate, the editor of the Freehold It was i In the afternoon, and the atelier horse manure. T. P. 4 L. E. Brown, Wliarf avenue, 10 cents a lino, each Insertion. These notices will number of Democrats will vote for Mc- KedBanlt. • -V •",•••' : Iuquirer, and John K. Wallace, the ed- Kinley, and will not take the trouble to was deserted ea\e {or tho young man and " be placed at the bottom ot columns and marked Adv. the learned barber, the assistants having Obituary notices and poetry, lodge resolutions, etc., itor of the Asbury Park Journal, must write on their ballots the names of the CIRL WANTED. (, have got them. For two weeks after Democratic county candidates Vlen stepped out for d time. Monsieur looked Wanted a girl for general housework In family of, Will be Inserted for 10 cents per line. Notices of strangely at his customer, his expression three. Liberal wages to good girl. Address It., core births, marriages and deutlis published'free. the Republican convention the Inquirer they go in the booth with, the tickets. refused to support the ticket at all, and Voters may be bought, " body and soul, containing a mixture of amusement and REGIBTKB office. •'•••.• the Journal refused to support C. Asa for two dollars apiece," as has been de- sadness, but Mr. Taylor did not notice WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21,1896. this, being burled in hla own thoughts. ', DO YOU WANT WORK? Francis for senator. Then one or two of clared, but a party which relies on money A^ large number of people have secured employ- he politicians of the county declared alone is not always sure to win in these Monsieur clicked his shears in a way that ment by Inserting an advertisement this size In this Patriotism, or Party ? * that those papers would have to support days of a secret ballot. rAs for Demo- indicated that he, too, was thinking deep- column, at a cost of 26 cents. • ' Tbe Republican managers are making the ticket. Sheriff Matthias Woolley crats voting a straight Republican ticket ly. Finally ha sold: , TRAINED NURSE. every effort to drive into the party lines and various others paid-a visit to the In- simply because they want to vote for *'M. Taylor, let mo congratulate you." McKinley, this assertion betokens a great Mr. Taylor bounoedyup in his ohair as An experienced nurse In. all diseases. Finest those whose convictions lead them to quirer office. last Saturday week, but recommendations from leading physicians. IMlss Mr. Applegate was not home on the oc-lack of faith in the intelligence of tbe though he had been Btruok, and Ma face A.IngalIs,Llncrott,N, J. , oppose a ticket nominated in the man- casion of that visit. Mr. Wallace says Democrats who change their votes. flushed. • ner that characterized tbo Republican no visit at all to him was made. But 'Wh-what's that?" ho stammered. FOR SALE. Royal Crown parlor stove, double heater, but,lit- convention at Freehold. Already every last week both paperB changed front 'Pardon my familiarity, M.Taylor,'' WEDDING BELLS. said the barber, with a smile that had a tle used. Inquire at Western Union Telegrapb man who hopes to handle the immense and became ardent supporters of what office, Bioad street, Red Bank. they had previously condemned. trace of mockery In it, ''but you know we campaign fund which the Republicans < Slocmn-Tllton. . ore old friends. I merely extended to you # * * •'' WASHING AND IRONING. expect to have this year is declaring At Long Branch City last Wednesday my congratulations." , I do washing and Ironing at home, either by tbe I admit I am surprised at Mr. Wallace, piece or dozen, or by the wash. All work well done. for the straight county ticket, Men who and if anybody had taken up my wager afternoon, Miss Julia Slocum, daughter "Oh," eald Mr. Taylor, whose wits Mrs. M Bchanck, W White Btreet, Bed Bank. of Lewis M, Slocum, was married to Ed- were not tallf re-established, "I—I am boldly declared a few days after the con- of last week he would have won,the big- gest and finest xed apple that-could be ward Tilton, a bookkeeper employed by muoh obliged to you, I am sure, but what TWO STOVES FOR^ALE. vention that they would never support found in Red Bank. I always have re- L. & D. Edwards & Co., by Rev. A. B. do you—I moan how—oh, hang i6_all, _A_base_biirjner..Btove, nlmoat new,-|15.~Also. a.. garded-him-as-theone-newspaper-man- .Herman,—The-bride'swedd ing dresTWaS Hetii, what" are you~"talkingf abouTany-" laree cylinder stove In good condition. S10. Apply of white silk, trimmed with • lace and to Thomas Davis, Jr., Front street, lied Bank ' . iieved to have been unfairly nominated, in Monmouth qpunty, above all others, howf" /'' -—are now-saying thatrthey will vote-the withouta.single-exception,_who-did his __sg3I_yl FOR SALE. own thinking. But I see that when the was of brown cloth. Miss AlmaSlocutn, the barber, speaking slowly and accom- One fine cow, $80; one good road mare, 880; whole ticket. Men who hope for politi- proper music strikes up he swallows his a sister of the bride, was bridesmaid. panying bis words with dicks of his lot of manure and about forty chickens.; Apply to cal preference in future township or convictions and trots along with the pro- She wore pale blue silk, trimmed with shears, "at your possession of tho grand J. P. Longstreet, P. O. Box 337, Red Bank; N. J. • county elections, as well as those who cession. lace and mousseline de soie. 'William passion. I am sure sho is worthy of it, « # # J, Emmons was best man. On their re- and I am equally sure that you will be Keyport's Best Restaurant. hope to handle the money on election People visiting Keiportcon get a good meal at I can't understand how people can do turn from their wedding trip they will successful. Mou Dleu, it would bo a ca- Yancey Anderson's .restaurant. Good food and . day have been driven or pulled into line these kind of things and retain their own go to housekeeping in Mr. Tilton's house pricious lady indeed that would refuse the good service. Caterer for parties, weddings, etc. and they say now that they must sup self-respect. The nomination of Mr. on Branchporl; avenue. > Suit of a handsome young man like you, and witb such a beard too." TO RENT. port the ticket. Francis is no less unfair now than it was Btirti8-Voorhee8> "Say, Henri," interrupted Mr. Taylor, Furnished rooms to rent, with or without board, The great difficulty'lies not with the when it was made. The dishonesty, In private family. First house from meat market on. triokery and double-dealing of that con- At Allen town last Thursday, Miss Lulu Bitting bolt upright, and not certain Locust avenue, 3 minutes from station. P. O. ad- . " workers" and the handlers of the cam- vention has not been made one whit Burtis, oldest-daughter of John W. Bur- whether to bo angry or not, "stop ipat dress, Box 033, Red Bank, N. J. paign money. Every one knew when more respectable by the lapse of the two tis of Allentown, was married to Ed- nonsense, will you?" ' mund Voorheea of Mightstown." The DRESSMAKING. they were shouting against the .ticket or three weeks which have occurred since "Pardon mo, M. Taylor," sold the har- it was held. If the Inquirer and the ceremony was performed by E«v. George bor gravely and with dignity, "I regret Miss Maggie Tansoy, formerly with Parker & that they were simply trying to make Hendrtckson, has opened rooms at 60 Washington Journal tound it impossible to support a Swain at the home of the bride. The III have been misunderstood." street, Red Bank, where she will carry on (tie busi- --• their position as handlers of the funds ticket so nominated for two or, three bride wore an ivory satin dress, trimmed "Oh, hang it, old man," replied Mr. ness. Tbe public are Invited to call. more secure. The difficulty lies with the weeks after the convention, there must with point and duchesse lace. The maid Taylor, "don't get huffy. I don't like to of honor, Miss Anna Fowler, wore pale FREE I Republicans who are not in politics at certainly be something very peculiar jest about"— , • about the circumstances which make blue Bilk, and the bridesmaids, Miss "Monsieur, I never jest onsaored eub- Large engravings of McKinley and Hobart ob- all, and with those who are not in poli- Lilian Homer and Miss Laura M. Dey, tained free oa application at tbe Republican club them suddenly blossom out into enthusi- jeots." . rooms, over Naveslnk national bank. Jake a pair tics either for money or with the hope.of astic supporters of everything that was wore and white silk respectively. There was a concealed twinkle in his home and hang them up In yoiy wlndoir. William Hankins was best man. getting office. There is no way in which done there. oyc3 that almost beliod tho assertion, but " C. RUSH, M. D., .•" '. the support of these men can be or> —* # # Mr. Taylor did not" see it, and mohslear —Nattheics. . added: • HOMEOPATHIC . tained. These men are the decent and An old philosopher .once said that PHYSICIAN AND S&ROEON, Miss Eva Koberts and Joseph Mat- "I assure you, monsieur, I was most 23 Monmouth Street, ^ Red Bank, N. J. single misfortunes never come alone; and thews, both of Keyport, were married by orderly element of the Republican party in the same way revelations never come Blnoere in wishing you success." —men whose votes are not for sale, and Rev. G. H. Neal, Jr., last Wednesday There was Bilouco for some ruomopts, '" -.' '""&: A.. CHAPMAN, M. D. singly. Mr. Wallace's ability as an acro- night at the home of the bride's father, men who are actuated only by a desire bat and somersault turner is shown in and it was evident from tho working of TTNITED CHMTEES BUILDING, William L. Roberts. The bride's dress Mr. Taylor's face that he was doing somo to benefit the community by their votes.' another instance in the very papers in was of steel-colored satin. After the \J Roomf,217.217Aand218, comer Fourth avenue which he performs his somersault in re- rapid thinking. and 82d^treot, New York City. These men know that never in the marriage a gang of boys serenaded Mr. "I say, Henri," he Bald In a subduod gard to tho convention. In his paper of and Mrs. Matthews. The noise made by EYE AND EAR SPECIALIST. county of Monmouth was there BO dis-October fltb. in which he refused to voice, "now did you know It?" Office with Dr. Field,'Front street. Red Bank, N. J them frightened the horses of some of Every Thursday, from 2 to offl p. u. graceful, so shameful and so scandalous a support Francis, he printed this sugges- the guests and several wagons were badly "Ah, M. Taylor, I am a Btudent of hu- convention as that which was held at tive paragraph about the selection of broken. man nature." grand jurors from Neptune township by "Oh, comonow, tell me the truth. Did • DANCING. Freehold this year under the name of Sheriff Woolley in connection with As- Green-QuncUenbiish. - you Bee me with hor?' Isn't sho an angel?V Mrs, Ella C. Westcott wlllstart a dancing class In bury Park matters: the Town Ball, Bed Bank, on Tuesday, November . the Republican convention. They know Miss Lillie May, Green and DeWitt C, "Undoubtedly, M. Taylor, ehd is that, 10th. :'An afternoon class for children will be held that the support of that ticket means The selection of members of tho grand Jury from Quackenbush, bp,th!bf Bed Bank, were although I nover BOW her." at 3 o'clock. Mrs. Westcott has a diploma from the Neptune township,,In view ol the rumorod charges married at the First' Methodist parsonage "Well, how in the d}okens did you American National Association of Dancing, and Is , the support of dishonest politics; they to be preferred concerning the electric light contract know, then? Nobody knows yet." -• competent to tench oil tho new dances of the season. llmt created such'a commotion In council lost year, this afternoon by Rev. E. C. Hancock: She has taught dancing seven years,'and Is tbe only know that the support of that ticket to decidedly suggestive, to Bay the least. Mr. Wat^A number of the'friends of the couple H. le barbioc laughed heartily. ' member of tbe association li> New Jersey. means the endorsement of the policy son as foreman and George A. Smock, former • "M. Taylor," h<»Baid, ''lot" mo ask you Terms, $6 for ten lessons. treasurer of the company, bead the list of jurors. were present at the ceremony. Mf. and there carried out; and they know that ]!jlrs, QuackenbuSh have gone on a Bhort a question. How many times havo sou had Generally tho representatives from Neptune are your beard trimmed in the past month?" SLAUGHTERING! the election of that ticket, and especially 'way down tho line In the order of alphabetical wedding trip and on their return will precedence. There may be nothing In all this that live at Red Bank;» "I don't know, I am sure," said Mr. of that part of the ticket in whose inter- would prevent indictments, being found If a cose Tayloi. "Not much oftenor than usual, could be wade out; but tbo names are Indicative, at I am prepared to do Hog and Beef killing any- • est the dishonorable proceedings of that least, of protection just where It was oxpected that JtfcG achen—ChaUw Ick. havo I?" where In Mlddletown township, at short notice. convention were transacted, will ensure that protection might bo noeded. Straws generally Miss Lilian McGacken, daughter of "You nro forgetful," returned tho bar- Call or address . show where the wind bloweth and where It llsteth. ber. "I will tell you. You havo boon a repetition of such scenes as were there John McGacken, 8r;, of Shrewsbury LEWIS UPPINCOTT, * # * avenue, was married at her home last hero five times a week, and somotlmes Red Bank, N. J. enacted. These men have a higher re*-1 The following week, when Mr. Wal- night to Frank Chad wick, son of Thomas twice in tho Bame-day. Formorly you Or Edward Smltb, Leonardvllle, N. J. gard for honesty and decency than they lace had come out enthusiastically for Chadwick of Spring street. The cere- cams once a week. Can anything be have for a mere party label, and they Francis for senator; he printed the fol- mony was performed by Rev. J. K. Man- plalnor?" "By Jovo, I never thought of that!" FOR SALE. will refuse to support that ticket. lowing paragraph about the sheriff and i "And now, M. Taylor, I will" niako a the grand jury : * A handsome glass pariel wagon, suitable for ad- There has been a great deal Bald in A paragraph In tbo Journal last week has occa- Fifteen New American Mechanics. prediction. When' does tbo liappy event the national campaign about the neces- iloned some displeasure. It referred to tbe presonco occur?" vertising or any light delivery. Will take any on the grand jury ot two citizens of Neptune, and A delegation from-Onward council of sity of putting patriotism above party, "Early in February. Tliodato has not reasonable oner, as we have no use lor It. Bomo of tho Journal readers considered that it wasAmerican Mechanics of Red Bant went foeon lixod yot." ; and of holding the good of the country a reflection upon the sheriff In solocting men who to Holmdel last night and initiated fif- Inquire of 11. HOBIN8ON, might be interested in matters to bo brought before teen new members in the lodge at that "Vorywell. Now, mark you. Xou will and community above mere party ties. them. Tho (act was cited as a coincidence, and continue to como here almost every day Enterprise market, Red Bank not In any way to Impuan the sheriff's methods or place. This makes the total member- Nowhere in this campaign is this need to reflect upon tho gentlemen whom common reportship of the Holmdel lodge about seventy, until then. You will Insist that ovory hair liad selected us the objects of personal persecution. After the initiation-ceremonies a lunch Bhall be in its proper place and propor- greater than in Monmouth county af- tion, and that tho mustache shall havo Its There are many queer things in poli- was served and the, rest of the evening fairs. When honestly-elected delegates 1 most graceful curl. And aftoi you aro tics, and there are some things which was spent in speech-making. ' Red Bank Opera House, are thrown out of conventions in order married you will go on your honeymoon are not so queer as they are suggestive. that the personal ambition of one or two looking Hko Ion Apollo, and then you will * # * Jobn Aker's Wfll. forgot that by years of effort/ and thought JOHN W. EYLES, Manaeer. men may be gratified, the community is I have furnished you with a beard that is It looks as if C. Asa Francis will surely By the will' of the late John Akerof deprived of the right of self-government be defeated. In Shrewsbury township a triumph of'nrt, on inspiration to tho Neptune township, all his property, lover of tho Jwautlful. Whoqyou roturn, as surely as when men honestly elected about his only ardent supporters are which is valued at ,$30,000, is divided William H. Houston and George Woods, you will conTo'ia poo sib again, atilfst ONE NIGHT ONLY. to office are deprived of their seats. between his two daughters, Mrs. John B., 1 Jr. Mr. Houston. is a member of the : onrio In a -woqlt,'thon onoo, Jn two weeks, The issue in this county is far greater Corlies, of West Asbury Park and Mrs. and after1 that itwlll bo rhoro likely phco county committee and will probably get Frances Norcroes of Lakewood. The than a party issue. Ic is an issue which whatever funds aro sent into tho town- ina month or thoroabouta, or possibly you property is located in West Asbury Park, will forgot what you owo to mo and go to Thursday, Oct. 22d. far transcends tho question of tho capa- ship by tho county committee. George Belmar and Lakewood. ... Woods Jr., states that he will have con- ono of thoso Gorman barbers." bility of tho'opposing candidates. It is trol of the funds in tho western election Monsieur had become very onrnost and •••!i;'i.-' a question of honesty and decency district. There will b© lots of money, A Now Goal Yard. almost Bad, and when Mr. Taylor remon- | • .against political fraud aud political dis- but money does not always elect candi- George \J. Woodward haa leased a strated that lio wns mistaken bo baroly Jionor. dates in Presidential years. plot of ground on Bridge ayonue from hocdod him, but added! * * * L. P. Conklin nnd is erecting a two- "And, thoroforc, M. Taylor, I muBt toll THE Hurt in a Runaway. In Middlctown township thoro is, a story frame building and oomoconl sheds. you frankly that I viow your appronclilng Rruat deal of fooling against tho manner When the work is completed he witl on- happinoBBwlth a mingling of plonsuro nnd A horso bokmging to J. Hull McLean gago in tho coal and wood busineas there. rogrot. Would it not bo BO with you if you •of Middlctown township got frightened in which tho convention was conducted, which hns not boon allayed. CupL had tolled imdstrlvon and Boon your work SLAVES at a locomotive nenr tho railroad station grow jnoro andiaoro boautlful under your on Monday und rnn awdy. Forman and QriggH is working like a beaver, and Jacob O. ShuttsXoftsos Bis Farm. claims 150 majority in tho township for oyounnd thon suddonly, without fault ol Jacol) McLean, who wore in tho wagon, Jacob C. ShuMs has leased his farm your own, had noen all that you had ao \vero thrown out and were badly cut and FrunciB, but it is very doubtful if that OF GOLD. majority id given. In Oconn townuhip nt Shrewsbury to Dr. Charles Simmons oompllBhod dostroyod through tho ehoor brulsud. Daniel VanUorn WUH HIHO in of Now York, a uummor resident of ladlQoronco of another? Of course naturos tho wiiRon, hut he uBunncd with a few thu feclinK is still bitter, IIB was shown Hugos will leave Bcabrlght nt 7:00 r. if., lor tho hy last night's Republican nicutiiify nt Long Branch. Tho loanu B for n term Oiflor. All tho world hns not my nrtletlo opcm hoiiMi, roturninga t tlio cloiioof tho portorm- scratches'. ' Tho injured lioys were tukvn of five years annual rait of $1,000, Instinct. Do not think I om ungnllnnt, into a nearby IIOIIHU, when) their wounds Seahrlght, O. II. Brown, ono of the anoo. Fare, 30 conts. Loavo Occnnlo, 7:16; faro, candidate!) for npauinbly, nmdo a upeech moiiftlour, but I cannot liolp thinking that round trip, 25 conta, were rtreuBtuV Tho IIOIHK ran homo. wmuiui, licautlful und tondor as sho la, thcto and iiaid that FrunaiB ought to bo Run Into and Knocked Down. TU« trollny cum from IIOUK Brnncli, Gntontown Btiniiorted. TliiH declaration was greotod often brlngn inan'ii heat oilorts to naught. and Bhrowflbury, run wltliln ono liluek of tlio liouoo. with a iitorni of IIIHBOB. In othor town- MM, Thoinnu Murphy of Mechanic With a loVoly woman In posiicsulon of your Tlckelii on milo nt Mlnton'H drug ntoro. nlroot wn» run Into and tnookod down liourt and mind, lnonelour, it will bo hn Thehwit sot of harnoHu ovor made at HIIIIM of tho county u ulmllnr fooling pre- vails, though not in no inloiiBo ft de^oe. by n liorfio driven by Rolmrt Plorco on I>nsnll)lo tor ymx to romombor mo, your old $20. Oivlc tanned lwithor ami rubber Monday morning. Sho wiw bndly bruliiud frlond, Jlut' I niu aooiiBtomod to lngrntl- OTICK OF BBTTLBMENT. trimmed, Uiinrnnlcod equal in Htylo Many of tho Hopublicami will rofuuo to N Kntiiti) of Caefiarn llenncH.dw'iiii.'md. implicit any part of ihu county ticket on but no boucH wore broken. tudo, and"— Notlri) In lioniliy Rlvoii that tl») accounln ot llm and quality to any nmlitt ol liariuwt Hold iiulwicrllHir, mlinlnlstnitordo bonlnnnn, wltli will nn- nt $"B. Moody'i) Central harnemi nhop, account of tho mimimr in which tho Tho nuit of inonHlctir'B roflcotlonn woro nnxiid of unlit lUicoannd, will bo nmlll^il uiid nUitml opera houno block, Hud ltnrili.—Adv. convention wuntij ijmt nnH>rw<1 for . Adv. ^ illdiito for Vino I'ronldonl, In coming Ink in duck, with Aniorlciih Hunala cornora, |)IH(KIII«' fwil, U0 pliwumnki'' foot, 11 Itivuln nittliiinont U) th" (inilmtm ivimt M tlio oiuiiitynf thin county and will nmko n pornoim' 4O(^jiai5(%ii, for (Hi oontfl. Tlio WMIO book MonmoilthMl J'H!IIIHI»AY, TUR aWUTl Otfvwla, IB hMuta ot Ktouw niiil.tlid DAY OV DEUKMllKII) tidtt. Now home nmdo hiiil nt Vulontlnn'i npuoal to votorii In bolmlt oC l'Vanoln, ) with 000 ptigou cofltn tlM. John II mntnH of n iu)»»i»r M w»libltfl, inanilote Miiirkol, 45 Ilrond »Uwt,^Aiiv. niu Inulinod U) think that Mils will ronuli •nil -Ktulrroli , RED BANK VOLUME XIX. NO. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21,1896. PAGES 9 TO 16.

was; first built. This is now the central but Midas denounced this as an untruth, NEWMAN SPRINGS V1IM. part of the house. It contains only one" BUYING MN AT $1 EACH. and declared that Mr. Kridel hadn't said THIS YEAR'S TAX RATE. very large nearly square room on the it, and wouldn't talk that way, anyway. THE NEW NAME FOR THE NEW- first floor, and this extends from the A POLITICAL SCRAP ON BROAD Then Houston changed his tactics and THE BOROUGH BATE IN BED MAN BPBINGS HOTEL. back to the front of the house. This will ,.v STREET, said he himself had said it, but that he BANK IS 84 ON A THOUSAND. be made into the main entrance to .the was excited and hadn't meant it. This The Place to be Restored as yearly hotel and a ladies' reception room. The William JET. Houston Declares That also was far from satisfactory to the col- A Reduction From last Tear's Tax ' a» Possible to its Condition in wide porch in front of this will be Colored Mett are Bought, Body ored men, and Houston had to take still -Ihe Water Tax is $Jt.50-The Charles heighten'a Beat Jtaya— wholly torn away and rebuilt, with, a and: Soul, for 99 Each — JUldas another tack.' He said he had said it, Total Tax in Red Bank is $11.50, Work Already Begun. ' ••_ porte coohere or canopy extending over Washington Defends Ilia Race. but that he had said it only in a joke. Sot Countlna Special School Tax. Work at theNewman Springs hotel, the roadway. Adjoining the main en- A political scrap took place on Broad The colored men did not believe that he The board of commissioners held a whioh was bought recently by W. H. trance on the weBt will be the office, street last week between William H. had said it in a joke, but Houston could special meeting on Monday night and Bieger, has been began in earnest to get which will be separated from the hall Houston, the manager of the Prudential offer no further explanation. The inci- fixed the rate of borough and water tax. it ready for guests next summer. It is by a. double arch. The bar will be con- insurance company, who is running the dent is likely to create some dissension A schedule of expenses for the coming expeoted to open the hotel for guests on nected with the office. '• Republican campaign • in Shrewsbury in the club, particularly among those p op g who do not care to have it publicly said year had been made out and this footed thth e flratflt :of'nextft ; JtimJtmeiim^^ t o kkeee p it This part of the house has a battle- township"!this faD, and Midas Washing- up a trifle over $12,000. More than half mented roof, pointed windows, and doors ton, the colored orator. Mr. Houston that they can be bought, body and soul, open thereof ter permanently, winter and : ,of this was for lighting the town, the summer. .About $10,000 will be spent of as nearly the same pattern aa the win- declared that the Republicans owned for two dollars apiece, while the white appropriation for lights being $7,500. on the place between now and spring. dows as the circumstances would permit. the colored men and.that they could buy Republicans of the township are dis- Marshals', salaries amount to $1,500, and J. H. Slavin, who has the management This part was built by Deles Cluze, a 'them, body and soul, for two dollars gusted that a man who would make such was the next largest item on the list. of the improvements and alterations of Hungarian count, who leased the prop- apiece; and Midas took up the cudgels declarations should be the acknowledged Following this was the charge for rent the hotel, has been a boarder there in past erty for a time. The building was in for his race. . head of the campaign in the township. . for the various engine houses of the trs, and he proposes to make the imitation of some of the ancient houses The dispute tookplace on Broad street, town.. Other items were the treasurer's „ rands as nearly as possible like they in his native town. in front of the entrance to the rooms of DR. BENNETT IN DAKOTA. and janitor's salaries, assessor's fees', fuel The dining room will be in the western \ were in the best days of Charles Leigh- 1 the Prudential insurance company, and and lighting for the engine houses and ton. ,'The rambles and paths are, to part of the main building. This will be was afterward transferred to the Demo- It Is Said Be Is Seeking « Divorce town hall, street superintendent's snlary, reconstructed, the pavilion at the min- furnished with small family tables. It cratic headquarters, in the Cothren build- Tfcere. interest on the sewer certificates, annual ____ eral spring J8jxj_be_rebuilt, and seats are will be handsomely, decorated. The ing on Front "street, where Mr...Houston, Dr. John W. Bennett, who disappeared payment on the hospital property, and to be placed along the walks at con- pantries and kitcheiTwill be in the ex- afterward went. Midas is a Democrat. from Long Branch about two weeks ago, various minor items. venient distances. The fish ppnds^t treme; western part of the house. The He is an easy talker, and while he uses is now in Fai-go, North Dakota. He m- The amount received from licenses is the.fopt of vthe hill are to-be dug-out and kitchenhaa heen-jnade-twice.as_large_as j biddifOg,,adi.f^5yt8_o^t a !dJ*4ifhiif estirnate^at about „the.same figure-as - the bottoms covered with clean sand formerly by tearing out a partition' and* grandiloquent style,ofvoratoryVn© uses" Mrs. Bennettwill not attempt to prevent |Tast "year. Assessor Brown was present and gravel. Hundreds of gold and sil- converting two rooms into one. Doors the big words in the, right place. For a him from getting the divorce but will at the meeting and he stated that on ver fish will be placed in the ponds, at each end of the kitchen connect with good many years,,whenever he would take steps to compel him to support their account of the,general depreciation of as well as other ornamental fish. The the dining room. Two large twin ranges come across a word:the meaning of two children. It is rumored that Ben- property due to the Hard times, the as- „ old paths around the ponds will also be will do the cooking and will furnish hot which he did not know, he would study nett, if he gets a divorce, will marry a eessmenfc of the town was forty thousand restored, making a pleasant sauntering water toall the floors. .,-•.' its meaning in the dictionary, and this wealthy woman who resided at Elberon dollars less than last year. It had been place. The old barroom, which is in the north has given Turn a far wider choice of last year. A letter was received' from proposed to buy a new tock for the wing, will be turned into a hall for danc- words, and an ability to express himself Navesink hook and ladder company, but The flowering shrubs and foliage plants ing, for theatrical exhibitions got up by Bennett last week by a resident of Long . along the rambles, which were set out more fluently and more precisely, than Branch. In the letter he stated that he in view of the reduction in the assess- the guests, and for similar uses. One of ninety-nine men out of a hundred. He ment, the commissioners thought it by Charles Leighton and which have the' relics now to be seen in this room is was accompanying a patient on a trip survived the neglect of the last twelve has considerable power of mimicry, and around the world and would "be gone in- would be unwise to buy the. truck the or fifteen years, will be pruned into a stuffed game cock. When Mr. Leigh- at graphic descriptions of occurrences definitely, He also stated that on his present year, as this would make the tax ton first bought the property he {brought he lias perhaps no equal in Red Bank. considerably higher than it was in 1895. • shape and others set out. The grove with him from New Orleans a game way West he made three political east of the orohard, -where Mr. Leighton Consequently there are always plenty speeohes for McKinley. . Public senti- Several of the other appropriations were cock which had two long spurs growing of people who are ready to hear him reduced in order to keep the town tat had swings and rustio houses, is to be out of its head. He kept the rooster on ment at Long Branch is with Mrs. Ben- cleared of all underbrush, new swings talk. :•, nett, who iB living with her father, Capt, rate as low as possible. With the re- 1 the place for several years and when it ductions made the rate of town tax this and wooden scups will be \ put up, two died he had it stuffed, and mounted. Midas was on Broad street near Jacob W. H. Green. ( ' new rustio. houses built, and the bank Kridel's store, and he and Mr. Kridel year will be $4 on a thousand dollars of : It has been a feature of the barroom valuation, as against $4.25 last year. ' which slopes down to the old ice pond ever since. were bantering eachother over politics. Town Bills Paid. will be cleared. The dam of this pond Mel Corn well ^bame along and he joined • The water commissioners stated that is almost intact, even after the lapse The big parlor, in the eastern part of in the railery. The three were talking The Shore electric light company's bill they would not be able to pay any more of these years, and but little work will the main building, will be decorated in and laughing together. when William was the largest passed at the meeting of be put it in good order. A white and gold. The red carpet which H. Houston came along. He began Ihe commissioners last week. This bill did last year, and the rate of water tax small island is in the center of this pond, Mr. Leighton put down in this room talking-with the others but he soon Tost amounted to $614.83, but out of this will therefore be the same as it was last with a gum tree rising from it. In the when be first built this part of the house, his temper and he declared that colored amount $20.25 was deducted on account year, when it was $1.50 on a thousand! old days this was one of the most beau- is still on the floor. It has an immense men had no right to bq Democrats. of lights that had not burned every The total rate of tax in Bed Bank will tiful places on the grounds of the hotel, pattern composed of circles nearly four " We freed you," he. declared dramatic- night. The other bills passed were as be $17.50 on a thousand. The county • and it was a favorite place for the pic- feet in diameter, interlaced wjtn geo- follows: ally to MidaB: " and we own you!" tax rate is nearly $8 on a thousand more nics of the literary societies and other metrio figures of equal size.. This carpet Midas denied that Mr. Houston, who H. A. Curtis, Janitor services '. g25 00 than last year. The township tax rate social organizations of Bed Bank twenty is now wholly out of date, and it will be Cairns k Bro., work for fire department 20 03 is lower than last year, and the reduction v is only about thirty years old, had freed J. Stout Thompson, special marshal 5 00 Wearsago. '•"• - • ••- replaced by one of a more modern pat- the negroes, or that the Republicans J. Stout Thompson, special marshal 12 00 in the town rate, though trifling, will tern. New: Chandeliers will be put Consolidated gas company, pis 9 23 help to keep the rate down. Last year Much of the lawns an4.. had done it. He said that Democrats as. James Norman, work on streets 68 00 and an open fireplace for winter use will 'well as Republicans had fought in the the total rate in Red Bank, not counting hotel have become overgwj be built in the room. Daviawallace, " " " 1683 bles, ailanthus shoots an war, but that it was divine wrath which Wesley Patten, " " " 150 the special school tax, was $16.25 on a Some of the furniture brought by Mr. had freed the black man, and that the Martin Bhaugbnessy, work on streets 1 76 thousand. The increase this year is growth. All of the grout Leighton from New Orleans was very 0. W. Thompson, BRent, work on streets 83 00 arewljljie'gj divine wrath was not appeased until the George Belgler, work on streets 17 60 $1.35. The special sohool tax last year fine, and a few pieces of it are still in the blood and treasure • wmoh had been FrontTtelSer, " " " ....2100 was exceptionally high, on account of ^ .._ jrees will be house. One of these pieces is a mahog- disturbed, for Mr. Slavin declares that a wrung from the black man during cen- William Fielder, " " " 17 60 building the new brick schoolhouse on any sideboard. It is made very plain, William Wolcott, special marshal 200 Shrewsbury avenue.^ There will be con- tree may be cut down in an hour which, turies of Blavery wafljaid down, as a T. Hounlhan,.taklng truck to lire 100 could not be -replaced'itf fifty years:xli;" '• with swell front doors. It is made far sacrifice in war. * Houston-cp'uld not put siderable reduction in the special school West of the hotel is the gully where better than any furniture possible to be up any talk against Midas oh such lines tax .this year, and the total tax in Red' - schooners were built fifty years ago. bought nowadays. While the doors' and as these and he returned to ;his original , A Poor Oyster Season. Bank, including the special school tax,. The, river was then navigable for big Ves- drawers -work freely and readily, the declaration that the Republicans owned This is one of the poorest oyster sea- will be in the neighborhood of $20 on a sels up to Newman Springs and for some sideboard is so weu constructed that the colored men. " We own you!" he sons the oystermen of Monmouth county thousand, or two per cent.' distance above that point. Charles G. when the doors are closed it isialmost repeated, with a fringe of varigated pro- have ever seen. The oysters bring low ' Allep owned the property at one time, impossible to see the joints between the fanity, "and we buy you, body and soul, rices and sell very slow. Even after and a little gully which was near the doore and the rest of the woodwork. every one of you, for two dollars apiece!" Eeing sold collections are very difficult. STRUCK BT A LOCOMOTIVE. old homestead was hollowed out, the Other pieces are a large oval mirror with Midas declared that no one had evef The. borers have been exceedingly nu- ' Bides smoothed and the bottom rounded a carved frame and a perfect glass, and yet bought his vote, which was true merous this year and have destroyed Mrs. mart! JUclIann Knocked Down until it made nearly a natural ways for there are a number of old-fashioned beyond a shadow of doubt, for Midas, thousands of dollars' worth of oysters. and Bruised. •'' building and launching a vessel The tables, with drop leaves and carved legs. although he has been a voter for several The, borer is a sort of snail which Mrs. Mary McMann of Long Branch first schooner built by Mr. Allen was This furniture has probably not been ap- years, nas never yet voted at any elec pierces the shells of the young oystere was struck by a locomotive at Long named Catharine Allen, after his wife. preciated by any of the occupants of the tion. He nagged at Houston, and Hous- and kills them. Some planters in the Branch on Thursday and was knocked Another was named Margaret Elotz. hotel since Mr. Leighton died, and it has ton repeated his statement in various Shrewsbury river and along the bay down and bruised, but no bones were/ The. fastest vessel built there was the been battered about and dreadfully mis- ways, with the usual accompanying pro- shore say that their entire crop of small broken. Mrs. McMann is deaf. She Mary Emma. This was a large coasting used. Since Mr. Rieger bought the fanity, that he had bought all the colored oysters which were planted last spring was walking along the Southern railroad schooner, and was afterward sold by Mr. property the place has been visited by a men for tw6 dollars apiece, and he closed have been destroyed. track towards North Long Branch when Allen to two men, who in turn sold'her number of people. One of these, who by declaring, with more profanity, that a train came up behind her. Frank to the United States government during recognized the value of such furniture, Maloney, the engineer of the train, blew he had very little respect for a man who Freehold Firemen Parade. the Mexican war. The vessel was taken offered $50 for the sideboard, even in its would sell his vote. the whistte'tmd'put on the brakes. She to the gulf of Mexico, and was used to present condition, with some of its deco- "And I have very little respect," re- The Freehold fire department held its did not hear the whistle and the engineer carry- supplies. She was eventually rative parts missing,'but the offer was torted Midas, "for" a man who, while annual 'parade last Wednesday. The blew it again. This time she heard it wrecked "near the mouth \ of the Rio refused. Most of this old furniture will claiming to bo superior to colored men, weather was unfavorable, but this did and losing her preaence of mind started be retained in the hotel and will be used would tempt them to sell their votes; and not put a damper on the enthusiasm of to cross the tracks in front of the engine. Grande river. there. Mr. Allen bought charcoal and wood who would trade on their needs, and on the firemen and the citizens of Free- The engine had slowed down and come from the charcoal burners in the Pines, Some of the rustic seats and settees their ignorance, and on their poverty, in hold. All along the line the houses were to a stop about the time that it struck and it -was hauled by them to Newman which Mr. Leighton had made are stored order to get them to do something which profusely decorated. Delegations from her. •• Springs. From there Mr. Allen freighted in the hotel. There are nearly half a he himself declares he despises them for. neighboring town? took. part in tho pa- it to New York and otlier places in the dozen of these and there are also two or I have no respect whatever for such a rade. After the parade a supper was A Big Catch of Mackerel. | vessels ho built The gully,where the three rustio tables. These have been man." served in the opera house and the day's festivities ended with a ball at night. The crew on Capt. Harrison Vail's boats were built is now naif overgrown keDt under shelter and are in good con- When the quarrel was over Midas fishing boat of Keyport caught about with small trees, etc., whioh will be dug dition. They will be placed around the went to the Democratic headquarters. grounds of the hotel next year. thirty bushels of mackerel last Wednes- out; Right near where the charcoal 1 Houston and George Woods, Jr., who is A School Orchestra. day at Sandy Hook. The recent storm The hotel grounds are to bo lighted was formerly stored will be the bathing Houston's political mate, organized a • An orchestra consisting of five violinB, had made a sort'of bay along the shore, •houses for children. The water here is with twenty-four lamps. If the electrjo Republican club among the colored men and when the tide fell tho fish got caught light company runs wires to the plack two mandolins, a cornet and a piano has shoal, and children can play in the water, some time ago. The' rooms of this club been formed by scholars of tho Asbury in the bay and were unable to get out. in perfect safety. Ropes will be stretched both the hotel and the. grounds will are up-town, but many of the members probably bo lighted with electricity. In Pork public school/ The orchestra plays from the bank to an island wbioh has lounge around ' the hendquartere of tho every morning at the sohool and will formed in the river, during tho paat few case this is not done the grounds will be Bryan club, whioh is on the sunny side Borden Street to be Gravolod. lighted with gasoline lamps. take part in the school entertainments. yeawi Tho bathing houses for men and of Front street, and in a handy location Tho scholars who are members of it nro For a long time post tho residents of women will bo further down the path to About a score of people are now em- for the carmen, who oftentimes want a Bordon street have petitioned the board ployed at the hotel. These include car- Edith VanQilluwe, Mabel Green, Clara the westward of the houeo, where tho helper. Midas found several members Bamman, Ella Forgueon, Nola Smith, of commissioners to gravel that street, water is deeper. penters, plumbers and laborers, and more of the Republican club thoro, among At tho last meeting, of tho board tho are to bo set at work in a few day B. Tho Antoinette Porter, Henry Seighortner, A board wtdk three foot above tho them being "Gold Coin" Richardsoji. Addio Applogato nnd Joseph Kendall. matter again came up and tho commis- lovol of tho meadow, will bo constructed hotel has 72 sleeping rooms. These are Midas and tho members of tho Republi- sioners docided to have tho work done. from tho foot of the etops on tho rlvor being kalsomincu and denned, and all of can club aro on tho friendliest terms, stdoof thehouso to tho old dook at the them will be nowly furnished.. Applica- P. T. Brady's Foot Injured. 1 although ho always - speaks of Houston LogBrokon While Playing Football. river. A rustic bridge will bo built over tions for 81 of theso rooms for next sea- to thorn as their master. Last Friday noon as Peter T. Brady the stream botwoen tho bank and tho son have already bi'qn filed. Tho entire- "Your master," Baid ho to Richardson was gotttng on hfa bicyolo to rido from Horace Kirkpntrlck of Ocean Grovo river. Tho dpok will bo rebuilt and will houflo will bo "nowly furnished. Thu and to the others who stood around, in his hotiflo to tho telegraph ofllco, his foot was playing football, mid during tho have a canopy top, making it a pleasant houH&will bo repainted, but thcro will bo IIIB most imprcsflivo way, "has juet said alippod nnd hia wholo weight WHS thrown gamo ono of his companions mado a placo to nit in tlio afternoons. Ono of aaJwilo chango nn possible in its appear- that ho .owns you, and that ho buys on ono of tho sharp poinbi of tho pedal. kick ut the ball nnd mitwod it ami kicked - tho projects which is contemplated, butiiaico. outbldo of tho necessary .repairs. you, overy ono of you, body and soul, Tho point tore through bin HIIOO and Kirkpntriok in tlio right ICR. Both bonea whioh may not bo carried out noxt mmT-1 Tho battlements on tho western part of for two dollars apioco." mudo all ugly three-cornered wound In of tho log botwt'on tlio knee and ankle mor, ia to havo a Btoatri ynoht for tho tho building will bo rebuilt, BO M to This etirrod up tho anger of some of bin foot, from tho olivets of whioh ho k were broken, , nno of tlio gueatn of tho hotel. Ro-w- mnko it retain itii old-timo look. the colored inon, and ono or two went Htill Buttering, Bathrooms will bo put in on both tho bonta, lawn tonniB, croquot and other out to find their " mimler." In a littlo An Eyo Straightened, games will bo provided for tho gucatn flocond and third iloora. Tho contraot 1 while they returned, bringing IIoiiHton Creditors Fool Their Cltilma. free of cliurgo, for thu plumbing and MHO for tho oroefr- with them. IIoiiHton was mad at having Dr. W. 8, Armntrong performed an Tho fence which in now in front of tho tion of u windmill luui bfon givon to hnd bin woi'dn ropea'ted to tho memburs Tho creditors of Hchwagor & Co., tho operation limt woolt on tho' loft oyo of houiio along tho road in to bo taken down William O'Drlen of Hod Bank. Poter of bin club, and with tho mont omnliiitio dry goodH linn that failed at Anbury Park Evelyn, daughter of Wlllliim.Wolt of anil moved to (mother purt of tho prop- Youmanii of Ocounlo IH in char^o of tho profanity lid «quld command, ho doulurud rocontly, liavo pooled their claims. Tho Rod 1 tunic, for croui-eyo. Thu Rlrl had erty. A motto foiieo, iilmllnr to thotio onrpontor worlc, and Howard Ivlnu of Hint MidiiH NVIIH a liiir, and that ho Imd Otnck wan tohuvo boon iiold by thotihorill been cronn-ciycd uiiiou hur birth, Tho hutU by Mr. I>l|jhtoii in yarloiui pnrtii of Linoroft will do thu painting. IKWLT KivUl tho citlori'd nwn could bo ut chattol lnortgiiKo iialo laut Tlmrmlay, operation WIIH vory fl tlio property, will probably bo iwotod in Tho imino of tlio placo will he uk bought for two dollum aplone. ,• lmt on account of tho now arrniigmiiont front of Mm hole>l pd Kgrimlw' l ratlin and it will hcrouftor bo unllnd tho Now- Mulmi put- on hln mmidcnt mnlje, liolwcon tho crcdltdiii, tho wilo WIIII post- A Gun UurntM. ( innu Hpiln^ii Vlllu. It In to bo conducted poned until to-inoiTow. and romlwttyH will Ifc inndo. Tliolnrgo "Tlieno Kontlmnon," ho mud, In u^ruii Tlu'giiM of Ooor^o Lll.tln of Mnii!ilii|ian ilowor inonmln, whioh worn ono of llio lui iv wntntvy kmi'dlng Uowiu of thu bent (llloquonl way, waving lilii hniul i/rnoe olima, mid will bo kopt open winter nnd blunt wltllo ho wtuiKininliijrliiHt WOJIHCH- nttrhutlonii of tho |)lnco, will bo replanted fully to tlin ilowm or no colored inrti who und II or day. lljn loft Imnu wun Wily Injured noxt iipi-lng. Thu liarou, wagon IIOUMCH. iiutmnor. Hops or onlcrtnlnmmitn of ntooil around, " Iliene Keiilloineii know Unllowuy, pliuih, Rruy and blaolt gout, nomo kind urn to bo glvon ovcry Hutur- null it wiui ru'conmiry to umpututo tlio ntorchoiinon nhd other oiitlmJIdlnfijH will mo, and they loiow you, and I Aim per- mill p;rrmi cloth rolici; iilno bluukoJH of thumb on that liiuul. IK) pub In cotnnloto ordor. ' Mont of thti (Iny night, to wliloh Jimny Hod itunkorti fectly wlllliiK to loavo It to tluvrt) Ktl (ivory denm-lpUoii, at prlrwi to moot tlio liUK«r bulldlnira will bo niliiuil two or will probably bo invited. men which of un in tho llnr," J tituoii, Jliidiuill.V,Hon,MoiiinouthiiUout, tliroo ft'ot, nini now foundation;! will Ho Rod Uiink.— Adv. Whan Von ralnt v put In. ' ; Thoro WIIII no doubt HH to whl thu ool- You do it to imvci »>x|mnno. For tlio A vmry prutty tu«innmndiim book for orwl mtm IWIIHVIHI, uml HimHon wiut mmio ri'tuion, brutili your tooth with 1'HV A nmnlicr of chungOH will ho miulo to women IKUI n wllulold oovvr, colored to inilolily convinced of tholr .joplnlon. Oo to Moody'n (Jen I ml liunii'ini j Ikirdcn'u lilmU Domlfrlro, prviwoit by tlm homio U««lrV Part lit tho' hoimo it* Imitate onyx. Wo will thorn at 10 oonts floUMtnn trlod to ntnko tho tioJfjrcidnm nfor honii) nluiilictii. Oponi hoimo bliwlc. W. IJ. PIUHOIM. At duiKKl'to w <>f vory old imd no ono ramoinbonrwhou it each. John tl,'Coob,-*Aitv, think it wart Mr. Krldol who tiivX nuld ll, Uoprgo M. Keotif{U, ffl crniU.—-Adv. THEY FELT CHEAP. A SPANISH FETE. NOT AS WISE AS SERPENTS. • » f « • ».!• • • » • • ******************* The American Girl Was Too Much Feast of San Fernando as Celebrated A Xumher of Foolish Snakes That -for Two Insolent Englishmen. in the Cathedral of Seville. Had a Lot of Work for Nothing. An American girl traveling alone In a It was not until the feast of San Fer- "Talking of snakes," said a man who A Christmas Present! comportment -car from Ostend to Vienna nando that we learned' with what sumptu- bad1 recently arrived from the wilds of WM annoyed by two Englishmen who be- ousness and statoliness the beautiful in- Nicaragua, "reminds me of an Incident I ' Asa constant reminder of th& giver, one of' the best gan by staring at her and ended by mak- terior could array itself for Its festivals, wltne»Bod while I was in the interior of ing remarks about her In French. and with what fervor it could keep them. the little republic. It was in the section presents, you can make is a large picture of yourself, or of She took no notice of thorn, but busied Already on the eve of the great day the where the hills approach the rivers. I some person-dear to the person to whom the picture is to herself In seat near tho window, Royal chapel was (hung with silken dra- happened to bo paddlinpr down tho stream writing'with pencil in a notebook. peries, cloth of gold covered the royal and halted to escape the sun, just under be given. We make these pictures 'v\\Water Colors, in -,...Assuming that she.did not.undentand tombs, the altar was; a mass of golden a cliff, which was someJ!0 feet above' the natural tints, and in Enamel Enlargements', either in brown, Jfrencb, they commented upon her beauty, plate, and people were crowding to kiss low ground, forming an abrupt declivity. Btyllsh appearance and innocence and ex- the hands of tho Virgin de los Heyes, tho "While I was leaning against the trunk or jflack and white shades. We like to have lots of time changed Bunnlses respecting the extent of large, matronly Virgin who wears a cap Df o lajg'e trumpet tree near the bank of for ?uch work, and the earlier you order, the better we like that of the Ladies «f the Sacred Heart, her father's fortune. the'river I happened to glance up at tho will like it. Specimens are on exhibition at our gallery. While they were debating whether It and who holds the Child in her onus. idgo of the cliff and noticed a snake hang- would be worth while for them to flirt Ing head downward and swinging in the Come and see them. ,. with her she at once rang the bell for a When we came to the oathedral, its court open space. While I was wondering I wag porter, nnd, spoaking In excellent Frenoh,, was held by red legged soldiers, grouped more surprised at seeing another reptile gave directions, for her luncheon, which About tho fountain; at the base of pillars, :11mb down the body of the first and coil she expoctod to take on the train. on every step. Two sentinels paced up and DEHART & LETSON, \ clown at the door of the Royal chapel, his tail about its neck. Then there canie The two, nion looked at each other In which was filled with well dressed men another and^nnothor, all doing the same 27 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. amazement. They had been talking about and women in mantillas, crouched on. the thing, until there was.a rope of snakes her for half an honr on the opposite seat door, sitting on low camp stools, lying reaching within about three feet of the rrltbotit suspecting that ehe understood face downward with hands outstretched ground, all pursuing tho same tactics as their faulty French. Then, continuing to form, a cross, or else pressing" closely the second. Then I realized that the things their conversation in German, of whioh about the altar, for the ourtaln was raised were trying to reach bottom in this orig- they knew less than they did of EYoncb, 0 inal manner. ' They did not reach low they milled each. other upon their mlsad- above the coffin where San Fernando has enough, and directly the bottom ones IR. "V. , ' venturo and deoided that' so handsome a lain these thousand years, and through crawled to the top and shortly reappeared, girl must haven rich father, and that mar- the glass we could see the mummyliko inch with a small bit of twig in his mouth. riage with her would be a good specula- head and, the ermine robes, and all the When the first one with the twig reached Plumbing, Steam and Gas Fitting. tion. This went on until an English trav- people prayed as if they meant it. the end of the rope, tho hanging one grasp- ' eler from the next compartment came in We wandered bosk in the late afternoon, el the wood in his mouth, and the other with a train, official and begged their as- n the hour just before Bunsot. Under the hung tail down. _, Then a second dropped, SANITARY WORK A SPECIALTY. sistance. . oranges and about the fountain the red down the rope, coiled his tall about the "X do not speak German," he remarked, legged soldiers still lingered and loafed, but tall of the other and hung head down with "and this man is trying to tell me spmo- even as we came a bugle sounded and they the stick in his mouth, and a third, climb- No. 27 Front Street, * Fed Bank, N. J. thing whioh probably I ought to know." fell into lino and marched aorosa the cpurt ing the living coils, in his turn grasped through the cloister, under a door with the other pleco of twig and was suspended The ticket collector, speaking in Ger- tho crocodile above, and then into the man, explained- that tho Englishman had tail down like the first By the aid of the Boynl ohapel, whore they formed on, each pieoes of twig they lengthened the coil-ion^ got on the wrong train and would bare to slda The altar, with its hundreds of can- A Vepyjmportant Feature _____ get off at the mext station and wait sev- til the bottom snake touched the ground''— dlesrmado-analmost.blinding-gloryinih,e_ ~'' SayJ""t[UBMed-one" of -the^nterested '"eral"hours"fora"retttrii tralnrunless hepre^ midst of the falling shadows, and wher- forred to buy a ticket for another station listeners, "what became of the snakes at Of fbiffloimS4s the Heating. ever the silken hangings caught the light the top? Did they drop?" ' farther on, whore he could make a better they shone with Jowelllko splendor. But connection. the service was very simple, tho more sol- "That was just tho thing. When the The interpreters did their best, but thoy emn because of its simplicity. A monk in bottom snake was about to let go, he seem- We know our business thoroughly in could not fully clear up the situation. The a black robe mounted into a pulpit half ed to realize that tho ones at the top would tioket collector finally turned to the lady hid in a dusky corner. He recited a litany, be no nearer terra flrina than before and and asked her if she understood German. and the people answered, nnd, without or-, cbanged,hls mind, and, crawling up slow- this branch of work. We're agents She nodded her head and immediately gave gan or accompaniment, a hymn was sung. ly, apparently informod the others, and the confused travoler the correct informa- jThen he prayed aloud, not in Latin, tho'links shortened as the snakes orawled for the celebrated tion,onabllng him to deci'do what he would but in Spanish, a prayer of thanksgiving up, and the last I saw of the lot they were do. that the. country had been freod from the hunting for a piece of twist vine to make The two dandles were silent when the terrible Moors, a petition that they might » rope ladder." tioket; collector nnd the passenger retired never come again, that glorious St. Ferdi- * ',»/—: TORRID FURNACE, from the compartment Embarrassed by nand should prevail, and 'that Spain Paraffin Wax, the evidence that the American girl hod should flourish forever. With these words, understood their German as well as tholr whioh he fairly shrieked forth, he waved Probably few persons are aware of the Iftench, thoy said nothing more, but sot- a frantlo sign of tho croBS with his cruci- immense amount of paraffin wax now noted for its economy in the consump- tied themselves back In their seats and fix as he gave a blessing. The mass of offi- manufactured and consumed,,pronounced, closed tholr oyes. The lady went on with cers drew their swords, tho soldiers ground- Indeed, one of the most valuable of the tion of fuel, satisfactory results and her writing. • . , many products of petroleum, much of this ed, their arms with u crush and fell on importance being duo, doubtless, to the When the train reached Vienna, she toro their knees, the band burst into the na- durability. tional hymn, the color guard marched to perfection at present reached in the meth- a number of leaves out of her notebook odSLoLproduction.—In-the improved proo^ ,1 and handed thorn to the twomen, with the the altar and seized their flags, whioh had ess now pursued the wax distillate is redis- Bnrcastio romitfk: been left before the tomb all day. They tilled for the purpiso of reduolng to the All sorts of Heating Apparatus put in on approval. We as- "I have corrected some of your Trench saluted the hero of their country 1 The cur- desired gravity and crystallizing the wax, nnd Gorman. Possibly my notes will holjp tain dropped, shrouding him from sight, this operation being known as cracking, sume all responsibility and our charges are reasonable. you to improve as linguists." and then, the band at their head, they marched out with a dignity which Romo and following this the oil is frozen by the in its best days never surpassed. same means that aro in vogue for making THE SANITARY. PLUMBING CO., Change of Air. artlfioial Ice, the machines thus used by re- A very favorite last resort of the eight- finers of petroleum being of very large W. J. BROADMEADOW, eenth century physlolan was to send n freezing capacity and of the most soientlfie Manager. patient to visit the placo of his birth, siileo Water as a Medicine. construction. After the oil is frozen It is it was thought that "natal air" would bo The human body iB constantly undergo- forced into the filter presses with very pow- likely to prove peculiarly beneficial. This ing tissue change. Wornout particles are erful pumps, and by these presses the wax last theory, although somewhat ludicrous cast asido and eliminated from tho system, is converted into a solid cake, while tha when viewed from our modern standpoint, while the new are over being formed from oil flows into pans, being then transferred strikes me as being something moro than the inception of life to its closo. into the Ban bleachers or filters as wanted. ATPeach. a mere pleco of plauBible empiricism. It Water has the power of increasipg these shows that in spite of tholr terrible faith tissue changes, which multiply the waste In physio the doctors of those days did not products, but at the same timo they are re- One View of Human Nature. Brandy six years old- is hard to find. We have it, lose sight of the importance of conforming newed ,by its agency, giving rise to in- Tommy—Paw, what is human nature? ' to naturo's programme. creased appetite, which in turn provides ,Mr. ITigg—Human nature, my,son, is and it costs but $1 per quart. Although the beneflolal effect of soa voy- fresh nutriment Persons but little accus- the exouse offered by a man who has been agos was to some extent recognized, it is tomed to drinking water nra liable to have acting like a hog. easy to understand that tho ships of tho the waste produots formed faster than they sovonteenth and eighteenth centuries, are romovod. Any obstruction to tho free DELLWOOD (Old Reserve)/ damp and stuffy bolow and provisioned working of natural laws at once produces Machine Repairing. with salt junk and hard biscuits, scarcely disease, which, if onco firmly seated, re- Though not a peach literally speaking is, however, a gavo a brokon down invalid n foirchanco quiros both tlmo and money to cure. I do all sorts of big and little of deriving any great amount o/good from Peoplb accustomed to rise In tho morn- ?( a change of air takun under such condi- ing weak and languid will find the cause machine repairing. I have one of peach "among Rye Whiskies. Si. 26 per quart. • tions. in tho imporfoct secretion of wastes, which the beat fitted machine shops in many times may bo remedied by drinking Generally speaking, wo how consider this section, and I thoroughly un- that sea and mountain air owes its vlrtuo a full tumbler of water boforo retiring. to its freedom from organic impurities. This very materially assists in tho process derstand my business. I do good GEORGE R/j^AMB & CO., Probably it is this quality inoro thuu any during tho night nnd leaves the tissues other which gives it its reviving cfioot on fresh and strong, ready for tho aotivo work bicycle repairing. thoso who have boon living in tho dogged" of tho day. 25 and 27 East Front Street, - Red Bank, N. J. and polluted atmosphoro of largo towns. Hot water is one of our best rometllal Yot purity of the atmosphoro per BO IS no agents. C. C. SMOCK, Agent, . - proroutive of thoso very nilmonts which A hot bath on going to bed, even in the FRONT 8TBEET, RED BANK, N. J. TELEPHONE, RED BANK. 15B. bring the majority of pntlonts to seasido hot nights of summer, is a better reliever watering pluces and highland sanltnrlnms. of Insomnia thuu many drugs. Near Southern Railroad. If any invalid who hits thus sought rolief Iullamcd parts will subside undor the wore to take airoful note of tho natives of continual poulticing of reul hot water. his favorito health rosojfc, ho would proba- Very hot water, aa wo nil know, is a bly bo disquieted to find that palo, Blckly prompt checkor of bleeding, and, besides, children and ailing udults wore by no if it is clean, as it should bo, it aids in lncans uncommon. Patients with weak sterilizing our wound. lungs nro oft™ Bent to winter in Dovon A dolleuto stomach will nearly always nnd Com wall, although tho mortality from gratefully reccivo n gluss or moro of hot 6t pulmonary discuRcs among tho permanent water.- , residents of those favored counties is not a Spare the Penny whit less than among tho dwollors in tho Borne Odd Experiments. i midlands and the north. Yot tho undoubt- ed faot remains to bo accounted for that Sir John Lubbock Is a British naturalist, such migrants towarmur climes almost ftl and there is not a bottor authority on in ways dorlvn marked bonoflt from tho soots now living than ho. , and Spoil the Bargain." change. ' " Ho takes groat pains with ovory thing be studios and appears to liavo enough pa tlonce for a half dozon mon, as tho follow' A Krugoi* Anecdote. ing from hU hook provos; Prcslilont KniHor, It is reported, at tho " The slow flapping of n butterfly's wings It's as great a crime against one's self to pay too little as to pay to tlmo •TolmiimtBbiirg wan wordy l''errolriv'H producos no sound, but wlion tho mow mining oump was ono day riding over the monts aro rapid n nolso is produced whioh much. The right price is the price that makes sure of quality. , Wltwut/ors and in ordinary btrghor nttlro. lnoroaoos with tho vibrations. Tho oom Ho off saddled near a wagon outHpiuiiiud mon houso (ly producos thoooundof IT and mid owned by n (jornmii, Tho Teuton did vibratos its wings 81,120 times a minnto, Our prices are right—because nobody qn earth sells equal values not ruvognl/.o the pi'cyldont and hold forth or OUC times in a souond, Tho bee mak on tho many things ho would do worn ho tho sound of A and movoa his wings 20,- for less. Our furniture is tlie kind that lasts a lifetime. Our Car- tulor of tho Htnto. Huddanly Oom l'uul, 400 tlmoo a minute, or 440 tlmos a*socond. to tho grent riHtonlfllimonfc of tho Gorman, A tlrwl boo, however, produces tho sound who wan a very nmull limn, took olf Ills of 10 and accordingly vlbmtflii its wings nol pets arc the guarantccable sort. • coat, and, holding it out toward tho moro than 111)0 tlinofl a fiocond." Ktr/uiKur, Bald, "1'ut thin on." "But, Tho llguros on tho numbor of wing vl We always try to make a permanent customer out of each tran- roplloil tho latter, ''it's too IHR." ".TiiHt brntlonsliihRlvnn tlmo In tho dlfforont no," replied hln honor, with a n'"'m nmlle. liiHootfl aro correct to a dot, thoy being tho "I'm I'aul KruKur, and If you could Illl roHult of counting tho number of porocpfl- sient buyer. Our first customers arc still with us. Not for friend- jny Jaoltot yiiu might do greater thl" Wo innrkfl iniulo on n miiokod oyllmlor, 'I'lio Teuton colld which during, tho tlmo tho Imprisoned ln noob wan dolntf tho flapping not wnn IJOIIIR ship, but because they've never found us twisting the truth, and be- Tho Vovy Man. turnwl by a oyntom of clockwork dovlrtwl A elurl«lil looking ((riiUeiimii, in tlin by Sir John Lubliook hlmcolf, cause they know we never misrepresent the quality of the goods. Jiopo of (]I/IJIIIIIII|? it contribution, ontored 1 i tho oflleo nf 11 nuWHimpur, and, fliitllnif Mio An Amateur. editor in, mild: "I mn nolloltliiK nld for n KonUoinnn of Tho UiiffttloNiiWH raj/win tho (iimrji pay- roflnoimint niul lntulllgonoo who ill in nood lii|< of a woman who inuy not* bo an art of a llttlu ronOy jnonoy, lint In too proud erilln, Imtwhi) him nnmii ^Iftof oxprofinlaii. HENDRICKSON & APPLEGATE, > to iimko known lilg ouirorJiJKO," " Your Imtilimiil )inlnU«l Mm lioiinn lilni- "Why,"«i]iol(ilm«l tbocwlltor, "I'm tho nulf, didn't hrf" nuked ono (if licr iiul onlj limn in town, that mwiwern Unit On born. (icrlptli)iiI Wlmt-'B tlio KoiiUimiiui'n IIMIIO?" "Well, you," Wiin llio wlfo'n rxnnwcir, \ FRONT STREET, RED BANK, N. J. "I'JII mnj to «»y I am tmt«i Illiorty lo mi|i]M)Mi ho Kol' ixitnO of tlin jmlnt on tlio fllnotoMlt" houiiii, Imli yiiiMviiiililn't think no If you "IfciiiimtlM) mo, "jmrnon. UIVWHI jm*< could inv hln uUiMioit." j>crj"ou lit your KOIMI workl" imUl thowl- \U>r, wljiliiK nwoy n, Uwtr. f l.liO por year #otfi THK lltKiumui. THE FABLED SALAMANDER. OUR MAILS IN EARLY DAYS. f\RDER TO SHOW CAUSE. Ferris. Holmes • Property on West street, Red Bank ...: '. 7 95 1 Monmouth Orphans Court, October 7th, in October Ferguson, Louisa , m Marco Polo Save that thp Wool is They Moved Slotvlv and the Letter r term. 1898. . - Houseand lot at East Side Park, Red Bank... 3180 What WejCall Asbestua. ' 1'oetape Was Very High. Henry 8. White; administrator with will annexed Grant, V. 8. L. „ „„ Chlnglntnlaa is also a province at tha "In Washington's first term an effort ol Dr. Alfred F. Trafford, deceased, having exhibited Lot on Shrewsbury avenue, Red Bank1. .: 8 67 to this Court, under oath, a Just and true account o( Ferry, Mrs. Harry , . , verge:of the desert and lying, between was made to speed the mails-^to move the personal estate and debts of the said decedent, House and lot on Riverside avenue, Red.Bank ..I ...• 40 75 northwest and- north. It has an extent of them at the rate of 100 miles In 84 hours, whereby It appears that the personal estate of said Harr son, John 16 days' journey, and belongs to the great or about i\£ miles an hour," writes ex- deceased Is Insufficient to pay his debts, and re- Two lots on BIngham avenue and Washington street, Oceanic : 3 84 quested the aid of the Court In the premises. It Is Hulett, John L. , khan, and oontains. numerous towns and Presldent Harrison in his "This Country therefore ordered that all persons Interested la lands, Land on Front street, Red Bank.. * villages. There are three different races of of Oura" and crushed, and when so treated it di-surplus over the cost of tha service in spite N RULE TO BAB CREDITORS. . Property near Tlnton Falls 2 68 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Jackson, Bartlne " . vides, as it were, into fibers of wool, which of the franking privilege which the law OCharles M. Woodward, administrator of Charles Property near Tinton Falls 8 60 they set forth to dry. When dry, these gave to congressmen and the heads of de- 8. Woodward, deceased, by order of the surrogate Jackson, Richard partments. N of the county of Wonmoutb, hereby gives notice to Property at Revey Town 4 84 , fibers were pounded in a great copper mor the creditors of the satd.deceased to bring In their Kinman, Ralph • • ' tar and then washed, so as to remove all "The demand of the newspapers and debts, demands and clalmaagainst theestate of said House and lot at Fair Haven '. 12 80 decedent, under oath oramrmation, within nine Leonard, Joseph • the earth and to leave only the fibers like periodicals of every class for cheap postage, months from the FIFTEENTH DAY OF SEPTEM- , House andloton Beach Btreet, Red Bank 813 fibers of wool. These were then spun and seconded by their subscribers, has led to a BER, 1B90, or they will be lorever barred of any Ludlum, Mrs. Isaac made into napkins. When first made, these reduction of rates greatly below the aotual action tberefor against the said administrator. House and lot on north side of Front street, on" river, Red Bank...... 100 S9 • ~r—-- -•-• QHARLE8 M'. WOODWARD. London, Jacob (estate) 'inapkins are notyery white,Jhut-by_puttlng. oost-tothe government"" In"hig~repp*trfof Property at Macedonia „ 6 12 thom into the fire for awhile they oome out 1893 the postmaster general, after stating OTICE OF SETTLEMENT. Lawes, Mrs. W. H. (estate) , 3 - as white as snow. And so again whenever that the present letter rate pays twice the N ' Estate of John Rlordan, dececased. Farm at Swimming River 68 20 , tboy-beoomo dirty they are bleaohed by be- — Notice is herby given that the accounts of the sub- Manson.Louls _ — — ' cost of the letter mall,'^ys that the book scriber, administrator de bonis non with will an- ^Houseand lot oh Oakland street and lot on River street, Red Bank 29 10 , ing put in the fire. and newspaper, mail Is carried at a loss of nexed of said deceased, will - be audited and stated Morris, Julia Now, this and naught else is the truth 6 cents a pound. In recent years the post- by the surrogate and reported for settlement to the House and lot on Central avenue, Red Bank '.. 0 86 about the salamander, and the people of office department has been characterized orphans court of the county ol Monmouth, on McQueen, Lydla • THDHSDAir, THE TWENTY-NINTH DAY OF Property on Shrewsbury avenue, Red'Bank ; 7 65 the country all say the same. Any other by a very progressive spirit, and It hi now OCTOBER NEXT, 1896. THOMAS BIORDAN. McHaney, Mr. • account of the matter la fabulous non- rendering, not a perfect service, but a high Dated August Uth, 189(1 . Property on River street. Red Bank 13 73 class service. No other department has McCloskey, Ogden . . . ' • sense, And I may add that they have at TN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. Lot on Leonard avenue, Red Bank ,.; -. 3 59 Rome a napkin of this stuff, which the more nearly kept pace with tha marvelous McGoben, John • ' . .-..'• grand khan sent to the pope.' ~ development of onr country." . ON BILL OF FORECLOSURE. Property in Red Bank... , , 8 86 Between John Trafford, Complainant, and George Murray, Susan -- —• W. Seeley and others. Defendants. Karm near Tlnton FaUs • 43 88 To Leonard L. Beeley and Sarah, his wife. O'Rourke, Mrs. Thomas • Kipling's Snake. By virtue of an order of the court of chancery of House aad lot at Oceanic •••• 7 40 A writer, in MoClure's Magazine tells Price Advantage. New Jersey made on the day of the date hereof, In a Purtell, Andrew D. ' how he edited a"paper in India with the cause wherein John Trafford Is complainant, and American hotel at Red Bank and lot at Little Silver : 70 00 We are satisfied with a small you and others are defendants, you are required to Pearsall, John help of Rudyard Kipling, and he mentions appear, plead, answer or demur to the said bill of Lot at West Red Bank 2 89 as a side issue a peril from snakes whioli margin of profit. We buy as low said complainant, on or before the NINTH DAY OF Rose, William Kipling once underwent. The danger of NOVEMBER next, or that 'in default thereof, such House and lot on Herbert street, Red Bank 13 73 1 as anyone can buy, consequently decree be made against you as the chancellor shall Ravatt. William Bnakes in Lahore was real enough, and the think equitable and ]ust. Lot on Leonard street, Red Bank 8,97 . our customers get feed as low as it Rattigan, Ellen ' ... place was rich in BcorploiJa. The person The said bill Is Died to foreclose a mortgage given House and lot on Catherine street, Red Bank ; 12 72 . who tells the story had lbeen Btung by a can be sold. ', by Leonard L. Seeley in his life time to Joseph A. Revey, Augustus _ • ' ecorplon In bed one morning, and'-Kipling Throckmorton, and assigned by said Throckmorton Lot on Beach street, Red Bank.v ; 2 69 to said John Trafford by deed of assignment, re- Ray, G«orge (Susan Revey) ' aided him in the afternoon in a scorpion corded in Book Wof assignment of mortgages* page House and lot on CentralavenuerRed 'Bavkr.TTTrTTvr.-rr.rr. TT... .~ .I7.T. ;\.T.T.T 0 80~~ hunt" They'found 86 under the matting 275,4c, on lands described. In Bald mortgage and Rose, Thomas • / P. HAWKINS, situate in the township of Mlddietown, county of 1 In the veranda outside the bedroom door, Monmouth, New Jersey, and you Leonard L. Seeley House and lot on Herbert street, Red Bank 13 72 besides a few contipeds, and put the lot in- FLOUB, GRAIN ANI> FEED, ore made a defendant because by reason of the de- Roberge, Franklin P. ' ' to a large tumbler and filled it up with cease of the aforesaid Leonard L. Seeley, and you sur- Property near Tinton Falls « 25 60 viving him it Is alleged that you ts devisee or beir Robinson, James W. , • whisky. . •' Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. otherwise have or may have some interest or right or Property at Green Grove 7 12 "One day when we were dressing In the in said land or In some part thereof; and you Sarah, Roberts, George H. wife aforesaid, are made a party because It is al- ' Property at Oceanic." 6 62. morning I heard Kipling shouting, and leged that you have or may have an inchoate right Roberts, Mrs. G. H. went Into his room. His face was pale of dower in sold land or in some part thereof. Property nt Oceanic ..' 5 12 with horror, and he was tightly clasping Rutherford, one log above the knee. . MILLION Dated September 8th. 1898. Propertyat Black Point... , 25 60 ROBERT ALLEN, JR., Roberts. Emma "'There'sa'snake,' ho gasped,'inside BOOKS. Solicitor of Complaintant, House and lot at Little Silver 8 84 my trousers, and I think I've got him by Rare, Curious, Current, IN STOCK. . "• Red Bank, N.J. Robinson, Arthur . • the bead. Put your hand up from below ALMOST GIVEN AWAY. Property in the Sand Fields at Fair Haven 4 84 1 Rock, Julius Dnd drag him outl Libraries Supplied Cheajier than at any Book Store property at Macedonia , •. 4 84 In the World. Township Committee Meetings. Richardson, Robert (estate) ' "I observed that Kipling only 'thought' The Board of Township Committee of Shrewsbury he had it by the head, and that really its LIBRARIES AND BOOKS BOUGHT. Property at Reveytown k 5 12 MAMMOTH CA TALOQUE FSEE. township will hold regular meetings at Town Hall, Revey. Richard (estate) . {head might bo ut the other end, In which on Monmoutb street, Red Bank, N. J.. on tlfe ftrsl Propertyat Reveytown i 3 84 case—but beforo I had finished, I Baw the LECGAT BROTHERS, and third Saturdays of eaoh month, from 1 to 5 P.M. BoKel.Emtna (estate) horror in his face relax and give place to A. C. HARBISON, Farm near Tlnton Falls k 34 00 a puzzled look, succeeded by fits of laugh- 81 CHAMBERS STREET, Townablp Clerk. Schanck, Samuel • " ter. Endeavoring to ascertain by the sense Sd Door West of City Hall Park. NEW YORK. House and lot near Tlnton Falls '3 84 Schanck, John • of touch whether it was the head he was House and lot near Tlnton Falls 3 84 grasping, ho had discovered that it did not ARNOLD & WILSON, Sheehan, Daniel really feel like any part of a snake at all House and lot near Swimming River ' 6 47 In fact, It had a buckle,, and he realized Tilton, Edward -I House and lot on east sido of Maple avenue, Red Bank 83 60 that his braces had been dangling inside Taylor, William the garment when ho put It on." Homeand lot on the cast side of West street, R«d Bank 7 95 Trafford, Mrs. B. House and lot at Fair Haven., ' 12 80 Mantels, Tiling and Fireplaces. Thompson, Dr. R. • ••. ° The Wonderful Diatom House and lot on the east side of RlverBifle avenue, Red Bank 80 50 • • One of the moBt wonderful things In Venable. William (estate) Houseand lot on Pearl street, Red Bank 29 65 vegetable life Is a beautiful and minute Venable, Mrs. William class of seaweeds called diatoms. They House and lot on Monmouth street. Red Bank 29 65 ' belong to tho seaweed family. Yet they Valleau, John , MARBLE AND SLATE WORK. Housennrtlotontheca8tBidoof Prospect avenue, Red Bank, 7 86 may be found by the thousands in any VandeRrift, Mrs. Hannah roadside ditch, fresh or salt water lake, or House nnd lot on Herbert Btreet ana Shrewsbury avenue, Red Bank 0 05 even in easterns, wells, springs, etc. Most VanDorn, Garret (estate) Bpeoles of plants are mode up of an infinite House and lot on tho east side of Branch avenue, Red Bank 29 66 Worrell, Maria > number of little cells, but with the diatom Slate LjaxLXLd.3?y House and lot on tho north sldo of Front street, Red Bank 81 80 it Is otherwise Eaoh representative of WyckolT, Mrs. John this wonderful family of plants is formed House and lot at Occanlo 9 00 Waite, Helen D. of but ft single coll, and this BO minute Property near Seabrlght 04 00 that it would require 2,600 of the most 43 E/YST 59th STREET, - - NEW YORK. Yatcs, Henry , common form, laid end to end, to make a Property at Oceanic ;.... .•. '. 7 40 string nn inch in length. TO"W]SrSHIP OF SHEBWSBUET". If tho tax. Interest and costs are paid before the above stated day of sale, the cosl/ln each case will be SomeBpoolea of diatoms havo. tho power 82.93. nnd Interest will be added at tho rato of twelve per centum per.annum from tho twentieth day of of independent motion, and on. that ac- December, ono thousand eight hundred and nlnoty-Qvc. count woro for s'omo time believed to bo If the tax. Interest and costs are not paid until after tho above mentioned day of tale, additional costs will bo added. When the salo takes ptaco, payment of all taxes, costs and Interest must be mudo by animate. uio purchaser beforo tho conclusion ot tho Balo, otherwise tho property will be Immediately resold, «•*•— SALE OF LANDS Witness my hand this thirteenth-day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred Tho Tailed Man of Mecca. FOR and ninety-six. • Colonel Du Corrot, in a report to tho ESEK WHITE, Collector of Taxes. Fronoh Academy of Solonco, says: " • * • When I was at Mocca, being often at tho house of an omlr, I spoke to him of tho T-A-ZXIIES- supposed moo of tailed mon called ghl- lanes which aro thought to'liv e In tho in- Notlco Is hereby plvon that by vlrtuo of a warrant Issued by tho Township Commlttco of tho Town- terior of Africa. I doubted tho existence ship of Shrewsbury, County of Monmouth nnd State of New Jersey, to mako tho unpaid taxes assessed on AS HOT AS of tho raco, but lu ordor tooonvinc o mo of lands, tenements, hereditaments and real estate In tho Bald township for tho year ono thousand eight my error the omlr ordorod beforo mo ono hundred and nlEcty-flvo. tho subscriber, collector of taxes for tho said Township of Shrewsbury, County of hlB slaves, who, ho said, was a tallod ot Monmouth and State of Now Jereoy, to whom said warrant Is directed, will on YOU'D LIKE TO HAVE IT. ghllnno. An examination proved that tho Blavo, wlioso nuino WIIB Bollal, had a FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18th, 1896, tall about 8 lnchos In langthand almost aa 1 between tho hours ol twclvo o'clock, noon, and flvo o'clock In tho afternoon (nt two o'clock In tho aftor- That will bo the condition of your floxlblo as that of amonkoy, ' noonl, of that day, at tho OTJOUKI MIOTKII OV liAXMMj W. WHITE, OS MWONT STMlEliT, In tho TO WN OV MllJO IlAXMl, In sold Townshlpof Shrewsbury, County of Mon- house if you put in a mouth and Htuto of New Jorsoy, sou tho said lands, tonomonta, horodlUitnonta anil rail estate licrfliinclcr Gravo Charge Against the Emperor described at public venduo, for tho shortest term not oxcuodlnK thirty years for wlilcli'iiny iwraon or purxons will ngroo to tnko tho sumo ami pay mich tuxes with Interest theram, ut tho ruto of twolvo nor OhlnoBO la a diffloult nnd dollcato lnn- centum per nnnum from tlio twontloth day of Docombor, ono thousand eight hundrod nnd nUioty-llvo, guago. An Englishman, having boon told together with all costa, fees, clmrKi'.i nnd expenses, by a Chinaman that it was lmposslblo for Tho persons wliono property 19 to bo sold, tho location of tho said property and Uin amounltt duo nro an follown: ' THATCHER any ]£urupoan to pronounco tho naino of Annbro, Mlclmol tho omporor at onoo, offoroil to do no for a HOUHU nnd lot nt Emit Oceanic $5 W bot. Ho llsUiuod carefully to his Colostiol llnldo, Mm. (lottwn friend and endeavored to rcproduoo tho llounn ami lot on Central avonuo, Rod Dank B 05 n»K««, William HOT-AIR Boundfi. Tho roHuH was dlsoouraglng, llouno nnd lot on Hector plnco, Rod Hunk Ill) 75 "You hnd hotter," wild tho Ohlnatnan, Ilonnell, Mm. J. Hitri^r "tuko euro what you itro about. You havo l'w)H>rty on Iliiona Vliitu nvenuo, opposite Jiimen I/mb's, Rumnon 128 (X) II111I1, A Hint .' jimfc iiociiiiwl tho umperor of murdorlng hln llminH nmt lot nt Oconnln 11)20 HEATER. mothur." 4 DrlKlitoii, Mm, AJtM.rt LoUtOci'lftilo 1 1 8' G0I1111, John Flatn In Denmark. llolirm mill lot (in IICIK'II ntn'el, Iteil ll:ink 17 7!) ThooiiHtom of living In flntn In wry gon Oonrori, Oeorun Wo'ro oxportfl on tho heat busi- ©ml in Domimrk, nnd tlio Jtanlnh women lliniim mill lot on Hlver nlrcet, Uml Hunk 7 Oil CIIIIOII, Diuilnl ness. Wo employ only export work- nro inoNt oxcollont Jiou«okoup«rH. Tliuru lliiiinn nnil lot on Cmitrnl nvunun, Hod Dunk Ill IK] aro no opon flroplnovrt, only Htoviw, and in (limliiy, AluriW) , men, and aHHuro. you of ijatinfaolion. ordor to MrliKlo thu liitmiiin wild of tho l.»t Ml 4'itntftil nvflimo, KtnMliuik.'..,' ,' 4 77 Onltroll, Jitiiii'H : north In wlntor double KUIBII WUKIOWB nro 1'iiilMitty...,. 1 •JUwi, with trnlllnx pliintn gtoKvIna bo- Clink Thulium tvvuun tho two sliootn of glnr)!). I/it lit Kulr IliivflU 4 IM Olnib, 1,, II. I.otnt Knlr lluvmi ' S S!« 1 THE SANITARY PLUMBING CO. Tho Supply Hold Out, Dunlmt.'Mtn.H.T. lfmianil li>t on UiiiiiDiitli nliliiof Rlvei'nliwt, Hixl Hunk Tommy (lit tho niippottnldo)—Now, t>m, ur, imrMM - IToimrty»t Wnynlilo 4 ISA limy 1 luvvii it plooo of ohooolnto oiiliof You 1 •»I<1 I might after tho inlnUtorM tnlion Dnftlm , JtHMiph fi. •cnp-TO'w'isr, I'mtwty nt Wnimldo ft Hi throo plno^o, 'oo» tlmt m\6 enough for any Kmnry, IfrmiH ' ' limn, iiiilut ur slnnor. I roof of the piazza n particular. These goods are made especially for us and are a-head of most and the clothing Mrs. Blaisdell had The advertising columns of a news- •wrapped around it caught fire. This was paper are departments of information. dealers shoes at $2.50. We have others from $1 up. seen by some person passing by, who They are above mere advertising space. ^ "gave an alarm of flre. All the fire com- The advertisement is as much in the • panies turned out. Before they reached interest of the reader as for the adver- the scene of the flre they got word that tiser. their services were not needed and they returned to the engine houses with their Write your advertisements as you WHITE & apparatus. The up-town flre bell was would a letter of solicitaton, with more rung nearly half an hour after the flre display to it, and with more brevity, was out, before the ringers were notified your strong points being brought out in BROAD STREET, ' RED BANK, N..3, to quit. large type. Tell people what you have. Use argu- ment. • '•>-,;' FINED FOB FIGHTING. If your goods and your argumen^.are, not strong, then your advertisement isp't Two Hen Ftaht at the Corner of any good. ••••"' Front Street and Wharf Avenue. In the quality of your goods, and in Barney Malone, who works for W. L. your ability to write about them, is the TeaTime Loew of East Red Bank, and a man who strength of your advertising. gave the name of John Doe, were fined Type, in newspaper columns, can be $2 each by Justine Child on Saturday made to talk, to cajole, to persuade, to Is coming. Good tea ig good at all times, but night for fighting. Doe had been at convince. It often tells but a dull tale. work on tjie Loew place.' He was dis- The reader is not seldom compelled to it is especially appreciated in cool weather. charged last week by Malone. .Anltalian search for meaning where it should be •who also worked on the Loew place was evident to a child. • The coldest day-arid the naughtiest wind can- '••• retained "Malone and Doe are Irishmen.. There waB a time when " flash " meth- Doe thought he should have been re- ods of advertising prevailed, and were Jiot withstand a cup of steaming; fragrant tea, " tainea¥ndtheltalian"dischargedbecause effective. It is past, or at least raBidljr 1 'he and Malone were of the same national- passing. The most effective advertising ^sweerand deltcioosr There is nothing in the4 ity. He got into a dispute with Malone to-day is that which gives the flavor, ; on the corner of Front street arid Wharf the tone, of the store; which excites no world so refreshing as tea—if it's good. There avenue on Saturday night and words led false hopes, but leads the customer to to blows. Marshal Wolcott saw the the goal promised!/ It is necessary that is nothing in the world so disgusting as tea— fight and attempted to arrest the men. advertising be bright, explicit, cordial, • He found he was unable to do it alone attractive; it is as necessary that the store ; if it's bad. > - ! and called Marshal Walsh to his assist- fulfill every promise made1 by the adver- ance. Even, then the men were arrested tisement, noti only in the matter of The best tea is made of tender young leaves, carefully treated and - with difficulty. In the tussle Marshal goods, but as to treatment, sentiment, Walsh's coat was ripped. helpfulness, cordiality. When the ad- prepared. We keep it, and alsp other grades—&\\ good, but not quite vertisement is clear, informing, courte- N ous and friendly, what a shower of so choice as the best. ' . Clammers Fight for Their Bights. chilliness a woula-be customer experi- ., I;: ; • The clammers at Keyport have begun enoes if he is treated to a course of in- a warfare on non-resident clammers and differenoe, cavalier coldness and abrupt have combined to have the law enforced incivility—not to say ignorance—at the that prohibits persons who have not lived store. This is too often the experience Flour Time. in the state for. one year from working of people whose purchasing instincts are in the bay. Within the past two months set going by a clever advertisement. During the political campaign we always hear more or less about the eom-r a number of men have moved from Staten Island to Keyport and engagedin biiies. We have a combine that no voter and no wage-earner can object clamming. These men are Swedes and \Polish Jews, • Warranty were sworn out to. i'We have combined a very good flour jvith a very low, price. Th'e last week against several of these men, but it was difficult to identify them, and name of the flour is Randolph's Patent Fancy and the price* is $4.50 per in consequence no arrests were made. • Your Stomach barrel. We venture to say that this is the best bargain in flour in Moii- mouth county. We are also headquarters for Pillsbury's Best XXXX Several Accidents. MstressesYou ? . Jacob Bakhaus, a baker at Long altercating a hearty meal, and tho ,atid Hecker's Superlative, and Pride of the World.' Branch, was badly burned by Borne grease result Is a chronic case of Indiges- : spilling on a stove while he was frying tion, Sour Stomach, Heartburn, iThis is the time of year when many families lay in their winter stores. crullers. The grease caught flre and he Dyspepsia, or n bilious at tact. If you are one of the frugal ones, remember we can supply you as cheap ' was burned about the face, neck and arms. as New York stores, and you have the advantage of dealing with friends T. C. Luke, a carpenter at Imlaystown, RIPJWS TABULES badly cut his thumb with a saw while romonotte DlgeBtlon. Eeenla_jlatlo the w$o*will give you quick delivery and will rectify pl'easantly any errors .sawing a piece of wofbdjlast week. ltonmacta,fiver andBowelslowels,. Purify tho BBlood, and ar•ae a,, Positiv*usltlve CCare (or of judgment. . .. u. Willis A. Mount of'Manaequan fell _mtlpatlon - Jon, Sick HeadacheHeadachi , Bit' [boBncSs.'imd oil other Diseases arising i-jfrom hisbioycle on:Thuraday and frao- from a disordered condition of the Liver and tured his arm. Btomocb. They act gently yet promptly, and -"•feot digestion follows their UBS. . • . TabuloB take the place of on Entire E»L IWediolno Gbeatt and A Steamboat Collision. "™- should bo kept for use In .every family. • The steamboat Magenta of Keyport J »^ \:: 32 BROA i: D STREET, : RED BANK, N. J. ran into the tug Niagara in the North ' Price, 50 Cents a box. At river at the foot of Fulton street, New- Druggists, or by mall. RIPANS OHEMICiL CO. ?•! "'SICKLES &'CLty"'^ $ York, on Friday, and damaged it so 10 BPirooK ST., N*W TOBK. •badly that it sunk. Two of the crew of the tug were drowned. The rest of the crew were picked up by a passing Steamer. The bow of the Magenta was broken by the force of the collision, but she proceeded on her way to Keyport A GOOD TONIC. without much delay. The blame for We want you to come to this store once •the accident has not been placed. Pure rye whiskey is better than, any to get acquainted. We offer you these Suing a Steamboat Company. patent medicine. Our rye is rich, mellow Miss Ida M. Brumaker of Trenton, a and fruity flavored. summer resident of Asbury Park, has inducements to get you to come: brought suit for $2,000 damages against It puts new life into a tired body and the New York and Long Branch steam- Men's Heavy Fleeced Underwear, sizes boat company. Last summer while on strengthens the; entire system. the Bteaniboat Pleasure Bay, a gang plank was dropped on one of Mies -Shirts, 34 to 44; Drawers!, 30 to 40; It's as pure as any on the market. Brumaker's feet, crushing it. cheap at 69 cents a garment; a bar- Don't forget Chamberlain's Old Cabi-. . Trolley Oar and Wagon Collide. net Rye Whiskey, and all leading brands. Also Brandies, Rums, A trolley car struck the wagon of gain at 50 cents; our price, 38 cents. James Riordan of Scbbeyville at the curve Gins, Wines.of all kinds, both foreign and domestic. near Eatontown laat week and upaot No profit. ' .it. ..: The wagon was broken., and one of Remember that KING of TOPICS, the extract kalt, f 1.50 per i;V the iiiules hitched to it was 'hurt. Mr. • |j||iordan was not injured. Men's Heavy Kersey Pants, warranted «• • •" . •• 'r''\ • • • '; ' '•"'• ' (>i dozen pints. • . <:>>. '.. ;>, \, •»' * :;.., A Church Gets 8600. not to rip, all sizes, 31 to $1.25 at other Dr. A. Walker, John P. Walker and : J. ANTON IDES, 'Mies Mary Wnjker of Freehold have stores; 69 cents here. A close profit. Store, 20 tfrontStreet , near Broad Street. "'•'*. RED BANK, N, J. .given $500 to St. Peter's church at Free- liold. The mother of the donors, Mrs. Mary Walker, before her death, request- Ten or twelve dozen imported Tarn HANCE.& SHUTTS. '• ed that tho money bo given to the church. O'Shanters, were 48 cents to 75 cents; Bicycle Stock Attached for Debt. Something new in ladies' fine shoes, tho latest A. A. Simmormnn bought 88 shares of to close them out, 25 cents.! Way below Btook of tho Zimmerman bioyclo com- styles for $2.00 and $3.00. pany at Freehold lnst weolt for $1,050. cost. The shares wwu owned by tho Nimrod MEN'S box calf, Goodyear welt, will resist water, cycle company of England and were at tachetl for dobt. M. M. DAVIDSON, wear like iron and always keep soft and flexible. K, H. Errlelcaon'fl Bryan Banner. 39 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. Do. not forgot our stock of boots. It, II. Erriokiicm of Freehold id mi on- tlnmiiiHtio nilverile. Laid week ho put Up n (winner, oimoiilto hin iilnblo, will 30 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. tho minion of Bryan and Sewull and Hoimtou Fluids on It. L,ato Foachoa, LUMBER AND HARDWARE. jjOur Reputation as Caterers 0, V. Link of Allniitown plukvd (ibont TAINTS AN I) OILS AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 18 CIOOI) BKOAUHH WU HAVH ' (i lt ngiiimil Ilvo gold men to riulmUio n qml Jftth Ouano. Iho money utixi BRANCH BTdRBSl OCEAN OROVB AND AQDURY PARK. AH thfl nil tlm (duo, In Tim J. TRAFFORD ALLEN, W. F. DAY & BRO., FMON'J' tMltKETtGor. Maplo Avcnuo, l*JWJ> JJAKK, N. ,T. BOO HKOAD STKEET, „,',., v < 'WEWATCKi W. 3, I ' I 38 Broad Street, Red Bank, N

The opening of our store to the public on Sat- urday was a grand success Muslin and Linens, if GENTS'^SOCKS, natural wool and BLEACHED DAMASK, 62 inches wide, Camel's hair, regular.25-cent kind, 12)c. Busy from morning until night with, a merry pure linen, extra fine grade, value 69 40c. ,,; sale price '.....,:...',; i...... PAHt cents; sale price..... I YARD CHILDREN'S BLACK HOSE, ^ extra throng of shoppers, all trying ;to get a share of the heavy, ribbed, positively all-wool 13c. GLASS TOWELING, pure linen, in grade, 19cents; saleprice.. PAIR bargains offered. By selling;the best merchandise small and large checks, regular 10- 7c. ^ cent kind; sale price. YARD LADIES' BLACK COTTON HOSE,;-4fr— — at the lowest possible price we intend making our gauge, full regular made, price else- 15c. UNBLEACHED MUSLIN, yard wide, where 25 cents, sale price. PAIR store busy at all times. • , ; fine and firm, of clear cotton, regular 3Jc. 6-cent kind; sale price YARD CHILDREN'S FAST BLACK HOSE, .• cotton, all sizes, 5 to 9 inches, full 10c. Remember our motto:* "Your money back if BLEACHED MUSLIN', " Fruit of the '_, seamless; sale pricev PAIR Loom" brand, regular price 9 cents; OJc •!• i you want it for anything purchased in our store." saleprice...... ;"...... YARD %® That is, if you buy an article and when you get BLEACHED SHEETING, fine thread ,

BOYg'CHEVIOT PANTH, patent bnnlln, Mtto, OmLDRF.NH' DltAWEItH, of lltio tmw 19c., ron.1 vnluo 1)0 contfl; nalo priori. PAIR Coats, Capes, Suits, &c. Hn, tunkod, all «iw>n; mh ]>rloc I"AlIt rrr The Old Horse. "It did," answered the professor. I quite understand your anxiely, pro- and sometimes Ior Dn61e Art'ur.'' She One Bnromor dusk. In a dim room, "Well, you mu6'n'"*Bay no naughty fossor," replied Mabol, a pretty flush They're the hats for fashionable 3 That Btopped our talk and made us baric— ment. Thenho motioned to her to go. She "Oh, but she doesn't!" exclaimed Ma- ful nature triumphed. The burning-waves.. t men. •, •,'..• • ; -j K-traok, It-track, k-traok, k-traok— obeyed, but when she peeped through the bel, • ot fever broke and rolled baokwttrd, leav- *•* They're the hats .for econorai- J keyhole a moment Inter she saw the pro- "Wants to stay here," said Mary. ing the polo faoe paler than ever with its cal men. J J Till dread woke up before its sheer startling contrast of black, shining ejes -- -f - fessor tenderly tnko tbo gypsy looking "Let mo keop her a littlejwhile," plead- They're the best Hats—and the < -Monotonyr-Tho thing posaosaod— 7Hrd~tangledrraveiriinir.—After-a tlme-^J* 5 That nameless terror cf malign mite In his arms and hold it close to his" ed Mabel.. She could'have kept thTpro- cheapest—hats - bfebause—they're— ! And haunted dreams. And half In Jest reast, whore tho tpavs ceased to flowan d fessor's entire world. littlo Mary was convalescent, Then the ;*: best. } (K-track, k-traok, k-traok, k-traok) ho unnatural gravity resumed Its sway. "Oh—why—of course, certainly, If you professor, bending gently over her, said: "I wanta to BOO houso," said Mary. like." $?• • "Tomorrow my dear little girl shall go' ;; HOPPING, •'< "It must bo death,"Isald. "Sweetheart)" "What house?" inqulred.the professor. borne again." My laughing lovo against my Bldo "Undo Art'ur's dood to me," cooed : "Dls house," replied Mary.V ' Mary. "Lot me in he's bed, an I "An tato Mabel, too," she said. Shuddered and hid those eyes of hers no tuoii nor uy ine nnna qna lea Her ^The Up-to-Date Hatted And held her breath, for close outside, kits'lm." . "Ah—well—Mabel will come to see C Broad Street, Red Bank. J K-traok, k-tracfc, k-track, k-traok I rom room to room. Bho sniffed at the "Hal Hum! Good morning," said the you!" kltohen and viewed her own little apart- professor, retiring in tho utmost confu- "Won'do'less Mabel does too." "Dearest, I do not want to dlo ment with evident doubt. But when the Before my life la half begun." sion. .., i , •• , . "Well—ah—Mabel's mamma wants her Boul of tho world, how answer you professor'Was about to return to the Bit- , After that littlo Mary spent muoh of to stay here." . , My littlo gay, child hearted one? ting room, passing the door of his study, her time with Mabol Biker, and the pro- "Den I stay here ioo." ' ." • , K-traok, k-track, k-traok, k-traokl she suddenly stopped. fessor's hours of studious rctiromentwere "And must Uncle Arthur go home "Wants to dp In dere," she said. ,. J»ot greatly abbreviated. And he was al- without his dear little, girl?" It passed and faded flown tho street- "Oh, no," replied tbo professor, "leant ways glad when tho child came trotting In "No; Uncle Art'ur stay here wid Maty Only a poor old horse, half blind. lei; little girls go in there." George Ehrefs Yet even now he often roams at lnealtimo with some now story of Ma- an Mabel." The streota of my deserted mind— Den I cry," said Mary, as If that were bel's goodnoss. "Oh—ah—I'm afraid I oan|t do that." K-traok, k-traok, k-traok, k-trapkl an awful prediction. ' • les, mury," iie snia empnancaiiy one Mary IOOKCQ nist at Maoei ana tnen at •'No, don't do that," answered her un- day, "sh.o'8 tho best girl in the world." the professor, her piercing eyes showing Lager Beeoy oil her wonder at the unreasonable obsta- HIS LITTLE CHARGE. cle, opening tho door. "Walk right In." Little Mary treasured that astounding Sho did BO, and calmly surveying tho declaration and in the aftornoon remarked cles in the way of herhapplness. is undeniably the BEST apartment noddod her head. to Mabel: "Mary, dear," said Mabel softly, "you Tho professor dropped the lotter, which ! must go home with your uncle, and I'll BEER made in this coun- bo had just rend for tho sixth tlmo. Ho "Like dls room, lj_6tay here." " You's good to me. You's best girl In "Oh, you can't stay here, you knowl" de world." . • ' come and see you every day." rose with norvous enorgy and tho "Won1 do away from you. Won' ao ...... try. I bottle this brand window. Ho gazed Into tho!street and "Den I cry." . "Oh, Mary!" said Mabol. "That's too Of course sho staid, and until supper much. You mustn't say that." away from Uncle Art'ur. Bofe dot to stay saw children, children, children—every- wid Mary, or she dot slok ndnin an die." .•;•' only, and will deliver it where ohlldren-r-laughlng, running, skip- time she worried tho professor worse than —-iiWili say dat. You's best girl in de Laplace's nobular hypothesis had ever world. L'nolo Art'ur snys you is." And the black eyes became moist, while free on receipt of order ping and generally disporting themselves tho lips quivered. The professor straight- with the amlablo idlooy ot youth. had. .She pullod down books, mixed up "Oh-h:h," said Mabel in n low "tone, papors, broko a pipe and upset a jar of to- her eyes softening and her face coloring. ened up with a sudden snap. Hotels also supplied. "It might be managed to hor satisfac- "What on earth shall I do with It?" bacco. Such things bad never happened When little Mary returned to her undo, ...... All orders promptly muttored tho professor,..drumming on tho tion," ho said. beforo in tho professor's sanctum, but In shewas...bursting j?ith_eagernes8 to, repeat r window with his eyoglassos. "What put ;he presence of that mirthless midget with Mabel's reply. Suddenly, while the old y 7;T;.7. filled when left" 'with^ it Into my sister's head that I would be the pretornaturally solemn countenance woman was pouring out somo milk, the "You come home with me—for good—• tbo beat person in the world tp tako oaro bo felt powerless. At supper tho child child ezolaimed: as my—wife." . ..Sickles & Clay. Of hor ohlld? Why didn't her husband asked for nil sorts of things that the pro- "Uncle Art'ur, you's han'some." They wore both .bending over the child outlivo hor? Why did Bho dlo? Tho whole fessor supposed were poisonous to children, "Howly murthorl" cried the woman, now, looking Into her eyes. As the professor thing 1ms boon simply a plan to break my and all of which ha promised to have in spilling the milk. ceased speaking Mabel's head "bent lower OLIVER-C. AVERS, —hemI I don't moan that. I suppoEO the house tho next day, provided Mary "Why—why—IJaryl" ejnoulatod the till her lips touched Mary's cheek. The •* poor Juno would havo lived if she could, would not carry out her one diead threat professor. professor's head sank till he kissed her 44 Mechanic St., but what am I to do with o 8-year-old and cry. "You is. Mabel says you is." other cheek. Then, lifting their lips from child in my bachelor quarters? I don't But finally bedtime came, and then "Wurra, wurral" commented the old the pale face, they let their eyes meet. know, I'm suro. If Mottsboro wero a big Mary flatly refused to allow tho old wom- woman, hastening out of the room. Mabel vory softly put her hand in bis, RED BANK, NEW JERSEY. city, porhnps it wouldn't be so bad, but in an to undress her. Tho professor per- The professor said not award, but he bent to kiss the ohild again and mur- fi mlsorable littlo village liko this, whoro splied, but ho managed to Ret tho littlo ate heartily and after supper smoked his mured: every one's business is known to every one garments off and. to find in 'Ua poorly pipe with uncommon zest. When Mary "We shall go home together, dear."— else, I shall be driven mad, I know I shall 1" stocked trunk a nightdress. I'obed lu tho went to visit Mablo tho next day, she car- As he stood gazing out of tho window long whlto gown Ainry lookf .1 wora tha ried with her a pretty box of bonbons for across the short stretch of levelgreoh lawn ever liko a Jittlo gypsy, b'.'J v> u, with 'bat young woman, and when she returned and over the snowy plokots of the-well out a word of warning, sh'j tiroi^a! o.v. J:cr r*8-boro some choice berries plucked in kopt fonoo he beonmo nwaro of a face at a knees" bbfore hiin~ond murmured iu he- MrsrRiker's garden by-Mabol'B own fin- Window of the rioxt honso. brokon languiigci a lltt'.s prayer ho thou;;'. gers. Tho last dotail caused the professor ALL THE LATEST . "Oh, mercy!" exclaimed tho professor, |ho might nor be so gainful u buiiitn ri'v;. to refrain from eating the berries. Ho put half aloud, "what will she think? I never nil. But tlio end v,-as uoc yot. Wior 5 c them away in a secret place, where they spoke to her but once, and that was at had rotired somo 'lours later to bio wu wero subsequently found, a lot of hard NOVELTIES IN ' MM. Barbey's lawn party, whore I was bed and was em1 .avoring tocoiiipjiy niiu- black pellets. How long this communica- Introduced to hor. Then she said it was a self to sleep, hr iiteaine aware oi I'M little tion of spirits might have gone on it Is pretty sight, and I answered, 'YOB, it looks flguro stand!',.; beside liis pli'.'-w. impossible to say, but It was interrupted like lain.' I couldn't holp it. ShewaB so "Why, y .7," ho £ald, ''fib tcver do in a way which brought grave anxiety to beautiful, and 1 was so—so—so modestH- you want dho professor's heart. One evening Mary or—bashful—or ldiotlo—or something." I Ion' , ' '^18 nM. ''V ints to sleep was muoh paler than usual, and she cora- Fall \ . It was quite tiue. Ever Blnco Professor wiv yor plalnod of p^inin her hoad. Arthur Browstor, instructor In mathemat- <; O> -i.vt ';i! ' -lid-raob> v f liortly in his. . ''You've been playing too hard," said ics and astronomy at tbo Mottsboro high surpiv \ " s'c[ulto;'.:coi the ques- tbo professor, with his newly acquired air academy, had bcon presented to Miss Ma- tion I" oil paternal wisdom. " bel Biker ho hud never dared to speak to Ho turnt.. 'us UasI: on her, hoping she So he sent her to bed eurly—to her own Dress Goods, her again. Sho had passod him on the would return . • he: L-CIOID, but a rqoment bed, in which sho had finally consented to street often and had always greeted him later ho hoard a ixj...k littlo sob, and turn- sleep. But in tho eilenco of tho night sho with a pleasant snillo and a bow, but he ing aguin found tl;iit she had finally car- came to his side, crying and complaining bad cover dared to do moro than lift his ried out hor supremo throat and was cry- of the pula. Ho found her in a feverish hat awkwardly mid hnston on. Ho would ing. Ho triod to bo angry, but something etate. Tho professor was a man of decision Jackets and havo given H moihh'ti salary to find cour- tugged at hlsheart strings, and ho reached In most things. Ho promptly dressed him age to c;.y E(;ijic!];l!!2. mid n ymr's for tho out his arms and took hor to his bosom, self, aroused tho old woman, bade her sit *;,» .,.,, ,;.. J.O. .•*, _. i,^., but he ro whoro sho purred a minute liko a kitten by the ohildand wont for the doctor. That _. I.,., i i;;: 5 (j.-iurago was not D J irchnsablo and dropped to Bleep with tho peace of a dignified person, on arriving, looked wise perfoct trust on her queer little face. and said: GS,- u 'it ifcow; • 'ws id smilod, But tho nest day tbo trouble began "I am afraid she is in for tho measles, p.1...1. l.o ruiired IUVJ ;^a : oom with again. It inndo itself known In the morn- or the scarlet fovor, or else a bilious fever. •v>3,•:.•..;•;; macio iiin fool as If Tho professor sat down in his study, while He gave explicit directions as to treat- •'• ' - "'.. • |. ". rA A Aaco. Ho Mary gravoly watohod him from the olive ment and promised to call again in tbo hud hardly reoovored from his alarm seclusion of a patriarohal chair hitherto forenoon. When he did so, he shook his when tho aged woman who noted as house- devoted to his exclusive use. He wiped his hoad and said: keeper, cook and general servant in his glasses, glanced furtively at the unreason- "Professor, this child needs a woman's small cottage knocked at tho door, and on ably silent child and opened tho flrBt let- care." entering snld: ter, which rend thus: ''I—I suppose you are right, but what ADLEM & COLE'S, "There's a mon horo wid a ohlld." DEAB PKOF.—Where did you got it? Tours shall I doP Sho will not allow my cook to "O Lord, It's oomel" said tho profossor, truly, B. MuncniBON. some near her." Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. tbo perspiration starting out on his brow. "HumI" muttered tho professor. "Im- ''Get a professional nuTse." Ho went down to tlio sitting room, and pudent young rascal I Now ho's'graduated 1 'Thero ore only two in town, and—they there ho found tho oxpress inossongor. Tho h'o fools safo. I shall ignoro-hlm." Then aro both young—and—well, you know—I professor did not daro to tako his oyes off ho opened tho second lottor:. . <—I—livo hero alone." the nan lest they should full on tho queer MY DEAR PnoFESaon—What In tho world "Woll, sir, you must manage It somo- bundled up object on tbo sofa. will you do with it? Yours truly, how." "Profossor," said thoinossonpior, "horo's MARY AMNB HARRISON. Tho doctor wont away, leaving tho pro- the kid, eafo an sound. Brought 'or all "Bless my soull" ho oxolaimed loudly. fossor muoh disturbed. A fow minutes tho way myEolt Sho's a jlmdandy, sho is. "That girl lsn young minx. 1 shall Ignore later tho old woman informed him that Hor trunk is In tho wagon. Wot'll I do hor also." With somo hesitation ho openod Miss Biker was at tho kitchen door in- Fall and Winter Wear. with 't?" tho third lotter: quiring about Mary. Tho professor felt "Bring it in and put It in tho small DBAH PROFESSOR BUBWSTBR—AS you aro a that ho ought to answer suoh an inquiry room up stairs." bacholor and cannot bo supposed to know in,porson. Whllo tho man was out of tho room tho much about tlio caro of children, you will, I "I nm much troubled," ho said, "for professor walked to tho empty ilropluco am sure, not tako it amiss that I, n widow, as tho doctor thinks Mary ought to have a' My stock of clothing; for fall and winter wear has arrived. Good suits and stood gazing Into It, painfully awaro you know, venturo to off or you a word or two of advice. woman's caro, and Bho will not tolorato that his ovury movement was solomuly ob tho cook." f roiji $5 up. Fall overcoats, $5 up. Winter overcoats, $5 up. servod by two conl block oyes.. Ho could "Upon my word I" oxolnlmod tho pro- "Yes, so tho cook told mo," answorod fossor, hastily glancing at Mnry/who was not havo told how ho know thoy wero ; Mabol. Aftor a mlnuto's hesitation sho black, but ho WIIB morally cortnin of it, still solomnly watohlng him, ~ —'" addod, "I think Mary would lot mo tako Tho man returned with tho trunk and Ho read the lotter through and was oaro of hor." HATS AND NECKWEAR. deposited It In tho small room bosldo a dazed by tho numborof suggestions about "I, am suro sho would," doolarcd tho flannols, stooklngB, shoos, bedding, baths, brand now Iron talstoml. profesBor warmly. "That is, of courBO, if All the newest and latest designs. Our $2 Derby is the best made "That's nil 0 K, profossor," snld tho food mid drink, not to speak of tho calm —if—It wore— posslblo." man, pookotlng certain bllla. "I hopo nssortlon that ho ought to havo a woman "I think it might bo dono," Bald Mabol for the money. Other Derbys as low as.$1.50. A special you'll 11 ko tho kid, for BIIO'B a jlmdandy.' to tnko oaro of tho child, and tho writer's Boiuy. A dtrnngo Intonation In tho man's volco expression of regret that soolal customs "Do your Howf" value in 25-cent neckwear. The latest shades and caused tlio professor to tremble. Thoro would not permit hor to visit him and "Lot hor coliio to our houso." was a dismal sllenco for Bovornl mlnutoH, glvpiliim hor nfiflistauco. If tho professor "But would your inothor bo wllUngf" patterns. The best ever sold for the money. and then n hlgh'pltohod troblo voloo said: had boon n vain man, ho might havo BUS- "Oh, yos; BIIO Suggested Itl Sho'svory "Is you my Undo Art'urf" pootod tlio writer's motives, but ho only fond of Mnry." Tho profcBBor Btartod, turned and found wondorod lit hor offrontery. Lottor of tor "Ah, yes. It Is oxtromoly good of yoi tho oyos looking up at him, Thero wao no lottor tho profussor openod, and cvory ouo and your mother, I'll spuuk to tho doctor mistake, thoy wore as black iw a orow'ii WHS about Mary. about it." J. KRIDEL, wing. So WIIH tho hnlr that hung In tan "That'prooloiiH express ngonfc took good "Oh, thank y^ul" oxolnlmod Mabol gloa around tho ullvu brow. Tho iijiH wuro euro to upread tho nows," he reflected. "IIow» good—I inonn—ynu—wnll—pltmuo red onough and tlio teeth whito enough, Then ho lookod at Mary, or rather at tho lot mo know what tho dootor snyn." CLOTHIER, HATTER AND FURNISHER, but thOBO oyon wero dreadful. , ollvo chair, for Mary had dlsnpponrcd. And film departed in somo haste and li "Inm yourimolo, M/iry," Jiowild foobly. "Goad KI'HOIOUH," ho oxolalmod, "whoro nvldont con fusion. AB for tbo profomior, "Mamma fwlrt you'd bu dood to mo. ban flho Konof" ho would havo wirohluud hor moro thin (i BROAD STREET, RED BANK, N. J. Mamnm'Hdoiid." He called, but ulio did not annwor. Ho over hail tlmt liecn possible. Tho doctor Thoro Wifl u quuei1 inniiotmimin jmthoii wont Into tho mvxt room, but nho wan not citnio again and oonmintod to tho removal In tho BNcouh, .'X'Jio profoimor felt n now thoro. JIo loolivd Into tho kitchen, but tho Indued he urged that tho ohlld bo tnkon to emotion. IIo did nut know wluifc it wnn, old wouuin duclnrud tluit the "blniiiiod lit- tlio lUl;er liotiuo at once, for ho hlimiol , Put These Questions to Your Neighbors: but It muilo him bond down mid lay hlu tlo dlv'l" hud not been near her. Up utalrii wnn nt » IOUH to enpo with tho dlncauo liand Rontly on the ohlld'ii hoad mi ho imlil wontthn pi'dfi'iifior In great hnito, loudly without a wmimn'd help. Ho Mary wan "I'll bo i5«i«l tti you, Mnry.".j calllFiH for Mury. Ho trlod to rennou with vory cnrufully wrnppml In bliinkoto, untl Whoro is tho boat equippod millinery, establishment in "Dun tnku "II Jiiy flnRri." lilmmilf that ho minhb to rojolco In her "Undo Arthur" oiurlod her to tho littlo middiiii dlHiippoiininoo and hopo that ulio bod which had liumi prepared for hor. Eastern Now Jersey ? Thin VVIIII inuro than tlm iimfoiinor hnt never, Jiovnr would rolurn, but liln argu- l»iri(iili]('il for, no lit) enllml tint old wonmn "I don't—I don't know how to oxprcim; Whore can yon find tlio largest stock of fall hoadwoar numtii nould not hold tholr ground nKnlniit niy KntUtiido to you, Minn Ullcer," ho iiald But thoulilld rofuuoil to bo toiiahml by hor. Unit now thrill of mixluty wlileli hiui not "Do 'wny," ulio wild, wllli n irioili jtw with fouling, "Tho child him booomo very for ladies ox* children ? . ponimniilon of hlu htmrli, Ho wunt out of donr IHIIUI." H • ltgnnnt oxjir#PiHlon, "do 'wny. WiwU tlm hoiiiiii mid culltid loudly: Whoro can you buy them for tholcast money 'i Unolo-Arli'ur to li« | Klltor'nlup, whlli) tliDKlrllUDl otlior till Wnliel Hovinod HUdilonly to ro MRS. E. WEIS, ' ulort brnvtily nnd goli tho point of n pin li ntuly |mI-ted hur laii|{le of lilniilt iiirr oover eoiuiolmiiiiHMiii, drew litir hnnd invay ])!» floHor, wliloli drow from Mm n, rudo "Oil—nil—yw)—1 boK pardon," nnd wuntj nljouti Imr iluMoM nn niiriin wltl At the Red Bank Temple of Fashion. l inurod t.liii nrnfcwdr, "Yon wnv— woll—iiho lirl((hl eynn, Ad nl«li() llotlo Mary Iiocnniti VI'lu 'tlokf" u'tivolv liHjutTflt) .V wlum I WIIH not IOHIIIIIK." •1«1 Irloua. HMIUIUIBOII MIIO gnUwl for Mnl 't i y •• ' •-'• •••.'• • ' ;

: •/•;.• PICTURESQUE RONDA. UFE CAR. HIS BIG VOICE: YORK'AND LONG BRANCH \, ( : RAILROAD. Anything Electrical. StatWs in New York: Central It. B. of New Jer- A Spanish City on a Crag, Where the The First One Built Saved Two It Frightened the Little Girl Into sey, foot of liberty Street; Pennsylvania It. R.,foot People are Savages. Hundred Lives From One Ship. • an Aindsing Mistake. If you. want your store or your Souse wired f Cortlandt Street and Besbroeees Street. Then he went to Bonds, which is a : Joseph Francis had , been planning for Four well- known lawyers sat at a table for electric lights. If you want electric bells Commeiicine October 13th, 1888. TKAINS FOR RED BANK. dream of ploturesqueness. There Is {n- several years for a life car, a dosed vessel in a popular down town restaurant, agath- put in or electric bells put to working order, oongruity iu the thought that you can or covered boat, which could be sent out to ering place for many of the legal lights jeave New York via Central E. E. of N. J., foot let mo tell you my price for doing the work. of Liberty street, 181/, 8 30, 1180* a: m.; 18ft •'' make the journey thither as simply as if a stranded Vessel on a rope and pulled back who enjoy better than anything else a so- 145», 115\ 4, Hi*, 5 88,6 IS p.m. Sundays, 0 00 you were going from New York to Phlla- and forth. It was to carry two or thres cial hour after wrestling throughout the' I do all sorts of electrical worjc and I do it a.m.: 4 00 p. CD. vit p. B. B.,footof Cortlandt andDcsbrosses - • delphia. The town, as J. walked through people. He could not see his way clear to day with knotty legal problems. They were quickly, cheaply and well. streete, 810, a.m.; 1210, a40\ 6 10», 1160 it, Beemed commonplace at first—common- make this of wood, but when the Iron prob- spending the evening pleasantly, bartering p. m. (theatre train). Sundays, 9 45 a.m.; 5 20 place, that is, for a Bouthern town, where lem wan solved he could carry out all his jokes about politics and legal life, but p. m. :, one accepts marvels of color and light as plans. • _ • wisely avoiding serious discussion. TRAINS LEAVE RED BANK. matters of course. His Impression was • Many and i good were the stories told, F. WEBERLING, 'or New* York, Newark and Elizabeth, 0 48, 7 08, The car was built according to the plan 7 48* (except Newark 'and Elizabeth), 810*, ~~one~of awful glariugheatpof donkeys and- dbJblildJfoliky,,n_^ f each, narratprjn turn doing his best to Postal Telegraph Office, "" 8 28*, 8 43», D 48, 1180*. 1140 o.m.; 143, S 46, donkcys and more donkeys everywhere, of fair, andLalong in the terrible winter of create a bigger laugH tHo^had followed" - ,4 85, fi 03,7j08*,_8 03,-9 43 a.m.; his fellow's yarn. The stories were full of KKONTSTRBBT, T : JT 4 55 and 000 p.m. little low houses so white one could hardly 1849-50 it was placed in the care of some 'or Lonsr Branch, Ocean Grove, AsburyParlJand look at them, of glimpses Into long, cool: untrained fishermen on the New Jersey snap and brevity. Oneof them .will bear Point Pleasant, 1S3, «25, 962, 1038, a.m.: entries, where people were forever standing coast, at Squan Beach. An English ship, repeating. 1247,140,267, 460,562, 622, 7 07, 740p.m. •• waiting for un Inner door to open. And the Ayrshire, was wrecked here one day In "I remember a calf case," one of the Sundays (except Ocean Grove and Asbnry the midst of a blinding storm. The men A Bakery Park), 10 88, 11 SO o.m.; 6 27 and 6 62 p.m. ihen suddenly there before him was the four began, "whiohwas remarkable only FOB FEEEHOLD VIA. MATAWAN. ' bridge flung across that wonderful chasm on the beach could do nothing with their lor'the fighting qualities shown by coun- e Eed Banl^S 28,1180 a. m.; 1 43, 4 85, 0 03 —the brldgo that joins old to new Ronda, ordinary boats. The life car was brought seL It was tried before a justice of the p.m. ;. ,.' the bridge that so many artists, since the out A small cannon, or mortar, was load- peace in an Indiana village. Oneof the At Your Door. FOB BED BANK VIA MATAWAN. days of David Roberta, have tried'to draw ed with a. piece of smooth Iron several contending hjwyers was.a big man, pomp- .cave Freehold 820,1115a.m.; 205,420,610p.m. or paint, despairing even while they sought inches long attached to a pile of cord. This ous and vain to a degree. The other was Fresh! bread, cake, rolls and For further particulars see time tables at stations. was shot out over the spars of the ship. EDFUS BLODGETT, ' H. P. BAXDW1N, to record the strange, almost exaggerated, a wiry little fellow who did not weigh 100 ' pies, made with the best ma- Supt. G. P. A. 0. R. R. ol N. J. plcturesqueness of the - wild mountain The people on board hauled in' the cord pounds. The little man hnd'n voice of re- J. B. WOOD, G. P. A. Fenn. E. R. gorge, with the little white town looking and drew along through the surf a stron- markable power. He was fiery of speeoh, terials and the best baking, • Denotes express trains. down so fearlessly from its dizzy post. ger rope. This was fastened to the mast, and when in an argument would let it out delivered free at your door. There is something ln^the contrast that and the life car was swung from the beooh, to its limits. The little fellow made an ar- PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COM- seems to suggest— butfwith a difference— with the rope running through the two gument an hour long to the six good men -C PA-NY. rings at each end, and pulled out to the On and after June 28th, 1890. the gay villages that nestle so confidently v and true, and he did not spare his lungs. T.RAIN8 WILL LEAVE EED BANK at the base of Vesuvius. The^strangest vessel. . - Loudly he denounced the defendant, and J. W. CHILD,. For Newark and New York, 111,7 40,810,9 45 a.m.; as he came to the close of his address he 143,316,115, 4 55,6 03,9 88 p.m. On Sundays part .of "it Is that until one comes to the There were SOI people on board, and all 943 a.m.: 0 08,9 89 p.m. bridge one does not know, except from the but ono of the number were saved. assumed the attitude of a roaring lion. BEOAD STREET, RED BANK. When he eat down, the justice wore a " Elizabeth, 711, 810, 9 46 a.m.; 1 43, 316,415, guidebook, that the gorge is there at all. The story of this rescue went rouod the 469, 603, 933p.m. Sundays. 943a.m.; 600, Who could suppose that the river, appar- world. All that had been said In praise of soared look, while the jurymen were open 988 p.'m. ' ently at least, would force Its way through the lnventor'a'povfors was now justified. mouthed and on the verge of tears. " Eahwoy, 711 and 0 45 a. m.; 143.4 55,6 03,9 88 the very- highest part of the mountain? All Europe was Interested. He was recog- The lawyer for the other side then rose, p.m. OD Sundays 9 43 a. m.; 0 06,9 88 p. m. nized by tho nations of the worl'd as one " Woodbridge, 9 45 a. m.; 143.0 03,938 p.m. On There is a little alameda where one can and in quiet, eVen tpnes^ proceeded to ad- I TWO CANDY SPECIALS. SuDdays, 9 43 a. m.; fl 08. 9 38 p.jn. stand, leaning against the railing, and who had done a morvelouB work for hu- dress the court and jury, as follows: "May " Perth Amboy, 148. COS, 988^Tin, On Sun- gaze down for I do not know how many manity—who had, as some one said, rob- it please the court and gentlemen of the days, C 43 a.m.; 806,088p.m. bed the ocean voyage of its terrors. $ Popcorn Brittle. \ " SouthAmboy, 9 45 a.m.; 143, 6 03,D88p.m. hundreds or thousands of feet It is here, jury, you must not mind my colleague, di Sundays, 9 43 a. HI.; B 00,0 38p. m. of all places, that one realizes the-awful The making of these boats followed, but Mr. Smith." He, gentlemen, will not hurt •*< The best form that popcorn ij " Matawan, 711, 9 45 a. m.;. 143, 815, 4 56,6 03, -- height, of the preolploe,- but It Is from balow- the jorigjrmlJboB^Mr.Franols^ preserved. you, Hehasjajbig voicej but he would not - 983p.m. OL SundayB, 9 48 a.m.; 3 00, 988 Its home is now in the Rational "museum >•< has_e_verjbfieri..pjitjn._J5 cents_„£ p. m. one sees the marvel best and mostcom- harm a chick. Let mei" telTyou a story " aidaretown79 45 aSB:n~43;T55,"G 03,9 38 p.m." prehenslvely-rfrom far below, where one at 'Washington. It has been sent to many about my learned friend Smith. One day abox. On Sundays, 9 43 a.m.; 6 00.9 38 p.m. can follow the windings of the white road places for exhibition, to London among Smith had some important business to " Lone Branch, Point Pleasant and Intermediate «IoDg the very edge of the cliff and under others, and it was an Interesting feature transact with Johnson, his nearest friend ••j Philadelphia Cream Bar. stations^! 18, 8 07, 10 88, 1120 a.m.: 1 40, 2 80 of the life saving exhibit of the govern- (Saturdays only), 3 50, 425, 585, 619 (does not stately white gateways and look to the and neighbor. He went in the early morn- # Four flavors, very fine. 25 stop at Long Branch), 8 27 p. in. On Sundays, bridges hanging in 4he air, as it were, ment at the World's fair. ing to Johnson's house and was greeted by o 52,1121a.m.; 6 52 p.m. (Stopsat Interlaken tor across the roaring stream, as fantastio and a sweet faced little girl, who opened the cents a pound. Asbury Park and Ocean Grove.) door and asked his business. In a voice I I " Seaside Park, Toms Elver and Intermediate unreal and entrancing as any "Arabian A. Story of Lincoln. .stations. 613, 1038 a.m.; 140, 435 (Saturdays Nights'" ploture. that would wake the dead Smith asked, only), 619 p.m.. week days. Seaside Park (Sun- It is only as it should be to find the peo- Captain Harris of Dunning, Neb., told 'Little girl, is your father inf' days only) 1120 a. m. TKAINS LEAVE NEW YOEK, ple as fantastio as thelx high'built town— the writers laughable story the other day, "Frightened. nearly out of her wits, the 8 GROYER, Confectioner, Deebrossee and Cortlandt street ferries. eo grisly and ghoulish, indeed, that it is and, as the name of the Immortal Lincoln girl waited nofc aliioment, but llod-to her For Red Bank, 010 a. m.; 1210,2 30,8 40,510,1160 hard to talk about them; eo savagoin their la connected with it, It is worthy of repatl- mother, who htftriejlly"inquired the cause BEOAD STREET, p.tii On Sundays, 9 45 a. m.; 615 p. m. ' manners that they might drive the more tlon.' In 1849 or 1850 the captain was a of her distress. In awestruck tones the M. PBEVOST, J. H, WOOD, timid traveler quickly away and back to lad of 12 or 18, living at his parental home little one answered, 'I don't know, mam- NEXT TO ADLEM & COLE'S. General Manager. Gen. Fasseniter Agent. civilization. 'When any ono conies to draw Bomowhero In Illinois—Christian county, ma. But by his voice I think it's God.' OCTOBER, 1896. the great bridge front the appropriate If I remember rightly. That old home was "And the jury disagreed, "- I point beneath, the sport of the leading cit- often visited by Lincoln as he journeyed to izens is to gather in crowds 'upon It and and fro attending to legal business, and it Stopped the Excitement. Merchants' Steamboat Company's Line. throw etoneB upon the rooky hillsides, was also much frequented by the preachers. Shrewsbury; Highlands, Highland Beach, Oceanic, starting an avalancbo which makes the One day Lincoln and a preacher, having Whon Charles Hutchinson, the eldest On Account of Locust Point, Brown's Dock, Fair Haven and artist who has1 been foolish enough to go left their horses hitched at a short distance son of "Old Huteh," but a very different there drop bis work and run for his life. from the door, were In. the house at the sort of man, was president of the Chicago RED BANE. Still, I suppose one must pay somehow for same time. The preacher's horse was very Stock Exchange, he calmed a tumult in Removal the pits one day by coming out upon a lit- The strong and commodious steamboat, the privilege of visiting the most sen- old and miserably poor. Tho other boys, i • ,eatlonal place in Spain. Its wonderful lod on by the captain, who must have been tle' balcony above the crowd and standing position, its magnificent bridges, its a mischievous youth, gathered a dozen or with his hand upraised In an attitude half We will sell out our stock of SJdlJL. BIED, commanding, half entreating. Everybody beautiful little valley, where the finest more etout sticks and propped up that old Capt. J. P. CMADVTICK, fruit in Spain- is • grown, Its encircling horse. Wherever a projecting bone .gave stopped talking after a little while to see opportunity they set a prop, and Dobbin what the beloved "Charley" had tq say. Will leave Pier 24, loot of Franklin street, New -crown of Sierra, make up to a certain ox- York, and Bed Banlc as follows: tent for the discomfort of staying In its stood stock Btill, as If he thought some- But all that he said was, "Gentleman I Crockery, Glassware, ' horrible boarding house among the sav- thing of tho kind necessary. Then the lads gentlemen 1" It turned the tide of affairs Leave New York Daily at 2:00 P. M. •nsco brutes of its conulatlon.- retired and watched from a covert. Pres- that day almost as effectively as closing (Sundays excepted). ently Lincoln and fcliepreache r came down the Stock Exchange might have done. Tinware, Toys, Etc., Leave Red Bank Daily at 7:00 A. M. the walk together, and when Lincoln saw (Sundays excepted). TO IMPROVE A BAD MEMORY. what the boys had done he was convulsed with laughter. Pointing to the horse he Definite information. JOHN MOEFORB, Salesman. A Few Shnple Rules bv Which One Bald, "No one but a preacher, supported as Tommy—Paw, whatsis a chip hat? The AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. ' EDGAE BROWEEt, Messenger. Slav Eecall Minute Facts. preachers are in this part of the country, paper says the lady wore a blue ohlp hat. would have thought of keeping up his Mr. Figgs—A blue chip hat? A $2.60 TELEPHONE CALL. 14A, EED BANK. Yon can cultivate your memory just as N. B.—All freight intended for this boat must be you can cultivate' your muscle, and it will horeothat way." hat. I suppose. on the wharf a sufficient length of time to handle, improve steadily up to a certain point. < « <• as she will positively leave promptly on her adver- tised time. The science of memories, as it is called, Coystly Perfumes. 5 and 10 CenL.,Store, This boat's time-table Is advertised In the' RED hus recently been studied anew in Europe, Notice of Election BANE REGISTER and New Jersey Standard; also In where some. surprising results have been Only dealers in precious stoneg carry Front Street, Eed Bank, N. J. the Counting House Monitor, New York Sun, New achieved in the experiments that were more valuable stock in a small space than York Recorder, Mackey'e Steamboat Outde and AND HudlriBcr'a Guide. Time-tables may be obtained tried. the dealers In essential oils and the per- at Borden £ Longstreet's printing office, Bed Bank. It has been found, for instance, that a fumes that go with such oils. One dealer .EX0UB9ION TICKETS, 50 CENTS. ,, man who had a poor memory from youth showed an acquaintance a moderate sized Meetings of the Boards of Registry was enabled to so strengthen his mind by safe containing stock valued at £25,000. assiduous cultivation that ho could, with- Attar of roses, musk, olvet and ambergris Notice Is hereby given that an election will be hold OCTOBER, 1896. aro among tho precious articles of such a under tlio laws of tills state for Presidential Elec- out the slightest apparent trouble, recall tors, a Member of tlio House of Representatives, The Large and Commodious Steamer, / minute facts, giving dates and namca He dealer's /stock. Attar of roses wholesale State Senator, SneiUI, three Assemblymen and throe could recite whole passages, word for word, sells at about 82 shillings an ounce, olvot Coronera, on after reading a book. - at 48 shillings an ounce, ambergris at £8 WM. V. WILSON, 1 and musk at £8. The retail price of all A Fronoh sclontlst, however , has point- CAPT. BENJAMIN GRIGGS, ed out that this is done at the exponse of these is much greater, but they are usually Tuesday, November 3d, 1896. sold to tho so called consumer In highly di Will run between Port Monmouth and Now York the other intellectual powers and that the luted form. (foot of Bloomfleia street. West Washlmrton. whole of the-man's mental energy hnd Foils will Open at 6 A. M. and Close Market), as follows : been diverted to a Blnglo channol. Ho was , Musk in tho raw looks a deal like axle at 7 P.M. _/cai)e Port afonmouth. Leave New York. .60 busy remembering dates and names in grcaso and smells worse.' The popular Thursday, 1st...400p.m. Thursday.lit...11 COa.m. notion that the musk of .commerce is ob- Friday, 2d 500 " 12 00 m. history that ho forgot his dinner. Saturday, 3d.... — Saturday, 3d... ,100 p.m. It has also been claimed'that a memory tained from tho muskrat is a mistake.. A The places of holding the election tp (he various Monday, Eth....500 " Monday, 6th.... for minute facts is cultivated at tho ex- somewhat similar perfume Is obtained districts In Shrewsbury township are tho same as Tuesday,Cth....0 01) " Tuosdny,0th....7 00a.m. from tho muskrat, but most of the supply tbose (flven below /or too meetings of tho Boards of lVed'sday,7th...flOO " Wed'sday,7th...800 " -ponBO of the judgmoht and that a duo Registry and Election. Thureday,8th...6 0O " Thursday.8th...900 " eonso of proportion of largo events rarely comoB from the rauBk deer, a creature that Friday, fob 7 00 " Friday. Mb 900 " accompanies the recollection of names and Is carefully reared In India for the sako of A BIG DRIVE! Uurday.f]Oth.. Saturday, 10th.. 10 00 " tho secretion. Tho seorotlon Is shipped >Tho Boards of Registry and Election of Shrews- [onda*, 12th....100 " Monday. 12th...—• '. • dates. v bury towostiip will meet In their respective districts in tho crude state, and is used not only in We are going to make a big drive on coal. Wo iesdo*,13th...2(X) " Tuesday, 13th...9rt) "' Hero aro four fundamental foots to be on ed'sda3(,l«h..8OO " Wed'aday, UU..OO0 " borno in mind by thoso who would Im- tho mnnufaoture of the Hquld perfume aro going to give more coal—bettor coal—than you Thhrsilay415th..4()O " Thursday,lBth.1000 " prove a bnd momory: sold as musk but also in very small quan- Tuesday, October 27th, 1896 can got anywhere else. Friday, 16th 600 " *-?rlday, 18th....1100 " • tities to give strength and staying power Wo want io get tho coal trado of ovory one horea- Baturawl'tb... Saturday, 17th. .2 00 p.m. First.—That our 'remembrance of any- From 1 P. M. to 9 P. M., for tho purposo of mnMng MondayTt«th....4 00 " Monday,ioth.... thing doponds principally on the foroo, to many porfumca mado from the ossontial the registration of voters, etc., required by the elec- bouts. Wo rcalizo that In ordor to do this, wo must Tuesday,2OttK..50O " Tuesday,20th...0 00a.m. •duration or Iteration of attention wo do- oils of uoweru. tion law. give genuine satisfaction. Hero la a bint of tbo Wcd'sdny.ZlstSfiOO " Wed'sday. 21et..7 0O " genuine satisfaction. Thursdliy,22d..A.D<' " Thureday,22d...780 " votc'tolt. Friday,Toil flW " Friday, 23d 800 " Second.—-That- tho habit of attention Why the Devil Has Cloven Hoofs. Tho places for holding tlio oloctlons and tho rae«t- Person!) buying la car lots get advantage of long Baturday>3ith...-+- Saturday, 24th..800 " lncroaeos with acts of attention. Legends of the devil aro quite common incs or tho Boards of Registry and Election aro as tons. All bock freight must bo paid before delivery. folioivs: This boat's time-table is adreitised In THE RED • Third.—That idoas are recalled by idoas In Ireland, but tho ono whloh is most in EA8TERX DISTRICT, BANK ItKtiisTEit, Monmouth Press; also Builin- which by likeness, contrast or othorwlso torosting and least known porhaps'is that Boole and Ladder Company's Building, Oceanic. ger'e and Machey') summboat Guides. nro adapted to suggest thorn. whloh tolls why tho princo of tho infernal THOMAS P. BROWN, Tlmo-tables may bo obtained at M. O'Brien & SIIDDZB DIBTUICT, Son's,218 Washington street; A. Morris & Co., oor- Fourth.—That tho faculty of rqincm. regions has split hoofs, llko those of a cow WHAttF AVENPE, RED BANK. boring Is strengthened by efforts of ro- boast. Moore alludes to tho logond In his Navcslnk Hook and Ladder Company's Building on nor of 14th Btroot and Oth avenue. momborlng. • ' •,. • < story of St.' Kevin and Eathloon at Glon- Mechanic street, Red Dank. Single Ticket, 3Oc. Return Ticket, BOc. WESTERN DISTRICT, Freight rccolvod on Now York Plor until 7 P. u.i Somo'inon liavo a romarkablo momory dolough. In that story Mooro makos St. ovory day. for names. Otliors can as roadlly rocall Kevin throw his former ladylove ovor tho Township Hall, oa Monmouth sti-eot, nt Hod Hank, dates or nunibora Tlioro aro othors who cliff In ordor to bo rid of hor importunltlos, WEST MB JlAlfK VISTM0T, can nolthor rocall namos nor dates, but but tho peasants of tho Glondalough dis- Union Uoso Company's Iliilldlng on Burowsbury who novor forgot a faco. trict glvo tho story a more pootlcal touch. Avonuo. i School They lnslat thut it waa not Kathloon that HOVTIIEKIf DISTRICT, Tho Punishment Wont Astray. • Wifl thrown ovor tho cliff, but that It was Charles H.Hurloy's Shop at Shrewsbury. SLATE! . An oxohnngo prints a story about Dr. satan, who hurt assumed tho form of tho | Supplies! Millor, at oiio tltno a popular Congroga lady In prdor to Unapt tho'saint. Tho mo A. C. HARRISON, tlonal prcaohur In England mont tlio princo of ovll toppled ovor tho Township Clerk, There's Nothing Better Ho imd boon holding sorvloofi at a village edgo of tho yawning ubyss lio spread his In Yorkshire, and, a hoavy rain having batliko wings' and ealiod away in safety, School bags, school for a Roof. It's Durable coino on, Juul nccoptod nn invitation to mtioh to tlio surprise of tho holy saint. It's Fireproof, Snowproof, puns tho night at tho IIOUHO ol ono of tho Later on tho dovil ngaln attempted to lay boxes, pens, poncils, n Biinro for St. Kovln, but tho (taint man- Notice to Delinquents. vllliiKors. Tho good hourtod host, Booing pads, inks, slates, Waterproof 'and proof tho mlnliitor'fl clothing urouohed, brought IK family lilblo, out of whloh tlta (loo paymont of tho costs and in- ia Bold in lied Bank. tor WIIH to bo invited to rani a oluiptcr IJO- Stvootmoats. • terest on dolinquont taxes be foro tho family retired. RED BANK. NEW JERSEY. At tho HAiuo tlmo Nino won not In n very "I do nob romombor," romnrlcwl tlio waived or abated, but dolin- ' ntulablo mood. oAroful hounowlvoi nro onnntlml klnft M ho draw iwiiy from tho quonta will bo required to paj WALL PAPERS npt to ho put out ot nortn by tho ad Von 6 of tablu nf tor molfttonliitf tlio tips ot his fln- gorn in tho linger bowl* "I do not roiaom unexpected oompiuiy, Booing Dr. Millor in full in all caBOf). AT . In hla borrowed garmenta, aha mlntook Iwr that I ovor nlo a ihorodollolmiFmioal." By ordor of tho townuhip com .him fur hor Impbmid, mid at lio pnaaou in "I tun no Kind you lilted It, ulro," ronllod front) of Itorriio llfUxl tho book und brought tho «f ufcofill uliuf., " That vr»H n fiwootgir l mittoo. 1)1 Broml fUriiol, Itod Hanlc, HARRISON'S. II) down protty mimrtly on )>!» lioml. gnu! you rtto," A. 0. HAimiBQN "a'horol" »nia giio. "Tftko that for nsk- d (H'COHITR IrfEOIIANtO HT., Bubnorlbo for TIIK HJMJIHTBH. — Adv. L Wl llroad Rtr«el< He* H«nh, N, J. ng)i)mto«t*ynHn!«litl" Township Okrk 9 IN AND OUT OF TOWN. BURYING A PET DOG. WHEELWRIGHT SHOP., The friends of 'Sqnlrc V. V. SnlOfcn will Short and Interesting Items from, A Casket Filled With mowers Was Bad blm at bis old business In Walsh's building on all Over the Conntu. Its halt Besting Place, Mecbanle Street, Rod Bank. N. jr., where ha does all kinds of Wagon Work. DR. F. L WRIGHT, A partridge flew against a pane of A pet dog owned by Mrs. E. H. Gibson New Farm Wagons, Harrows, Carts, WbeelBarrows, glass ia the store of Lippincott & Ed-of Locust Point died last week. The dog 4c, made to order, and Jobbing of all Kinds neatly wardB at Long Branch City last week was fourteen years old. It had been ana promptly done.. and broke the glass. The bird was brought up by one of Mrs. Gibson's sons, ... JAIOB8 WAISH, Proprietor. SUrgeon Dentist killed by the force of the collision. who died Beven years ago. The dog was A jug of water'from Molly Pitcher's the constant playmate of the bey, who well on the Monmouth battle ground at had taught it to perform many tricks Freehold was sent to Boston last week and had trained it to pull a. cart, When Two Good RED BANK, N. J. whereitwill be usedin planting a liberty the boy died the dogrf6r a long time tree. • . '« . •• thereafter, would go daily to the grave The widow of "William B. Ingranara where its little master was buried, and Writing Papers. of ASbury Park will receive an annual would spend hours lying on the grave. Broad Street, opposite Bergen's. income of, $600 from the Grand Fra-On account of its associations with her ternity, of which he was a member. little son, Mrs. Gibson cherished the dog, The "Peerless" is the best box and regarded it with almost the same No children outside of the borough of of paper for 1$ cents sold in Red Atlantic Highlands will be allowed to affection as though it were a member of, attend school at that place unless they the family. Bank; $4 sheets of paper and'24 pay a quarter's tuition in advance. When the dbg died last week Mrs. envelopes in a box. Tlte ''Red Do You Love Good Butter f > y. The horse stolen from Alexander Gros- Gibson had a casket made and half-filled Do you have trouble to get good Butter ? You trouble if Bank on Shrewsbury" is tinted in maire at Allentown several w.eeks ago it with wild flowers. The body of the dog you buy our SPENCER GROVE CREAMERY, the best in fhe was found at Matawan, where it hadwas laid therein and was covered with three colors; 25 cents a box., • • • • • •• land. We sell been left by the man who stole it. more wild .flowers. The casket was thus Spencer Grove Creamery at.... 22c. Prof. WilliamsCourtney, a former resi- kept for a day or two, and it was then Best Elgin Creamery at 2Oo. dent of Keyport, has become insane. buried under the shade of a large tree in Pine New York State Creamery at..; , 18o. He is now in the West but will be the yard. John Tetley & Son, Good New York State Creamery at,. ...; 18c. brought East in a short time. The' Gibsons had another pet dog, ... We Pack Butter In 5 and 10 Pound Pails. Try It. A Republican club was organized at which was stuffed and mounted at its Manaequan last week with 105 members. death. Mrs. Gibson's husband was a Front and Broad Streets,' James C. Cook is its president and H.soldier in the war, and thi.B dog was with Warden's Butter Market, him during his term of service. RED BANK, NEW JEESEX. C. VanArsdale its secretary. BROAD STREET, A party was given last week by Mr. RED BANK, N. J. and -Mrs, O. F. Stanhope of Keyport in celebration of the twenty-fifth anniver- sary of their marriage. Grapes! Grapes! What We Have 7: Fred Hall has been appointed station The Luxury of, a Bath agent at Como in plaoe of John Hart, All sorts of grapes are here. who has been transferred to the Abury New m Millinery I Park station. - Sweet grapes, sour grapes, big Is never greater than in hot weather. If your Bats In plain and Camel's hair felts, Bearer and Everett Ewing had the highest stand- .and little grapes, in ing inthe~graduating*claBBof the Atlan- fancy Chenille, -. - - : :.. house ia without a bath tub, have one put in by tic Highlands publio Bchool during the any, quantity you desire, The newest thing In Aigrettes are the Birds of past month. us now. Charles VanMater has been elected When you happen to think of Paradise. . president and Edward Oakes foreman of Bide effects In Coque Flumes, large Birds and -We'll fit your house up with any sort of a any sort of fruit or nuts, look Grand View hose company of Atlantic Wings In all tho shades. . ' heating appliance, or range. Highlands. to us to supply you. You1 • Miss Annie P. Perrine of Freehold has Ostrich Tips In large quantities are used.i gone to California, where she will spend won't be disappointed. We have all these at reasonable prices; also the THE SANITARY PLUMBING CO., the winter with her brother, Prof. F. A. newest designs In Glace Moire Ribbons, &c. C. Perrine. W. J. BROADMEADOW, - - - - - MANAGER. David H. Wyckoff has been elected president of the Asbury Park Byran club in place of Charles Lewis, who LOUIS PRATE, Miss A.,U Morris's resigned. William D. Knecht of Matawan has MILLINERY. NEXT TO R. F. WILBUR'S gone to Philadelphia, where he will take JOE. BROAD AND FRONT STREETS. a course in the Pennsylvania dental I have just received a choice lot of corn.. The price is $15 Stamping of all kinds done. college. Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. per ton)- This is very cheap, as the price is advancing everv; Some of the bath houses belonging to the Pavilion hotel at Keyport were day, This is an opportunity to lay 'in a supply underjttfe • washed away during the storm last _market price. . __. - ..'. -—'———• "week. It is estimated that the cranberry crop Heat Don't Parlor Stoves! this season, in the vicinity of Farming- dale, will be about ten thousand bushels. I have a fine line of parlor The Atlantic Highlands lodge of stoves of new designs, which WHARF AVENUE, , REDJBANK. Knighte of Phythias will celebrate its Worry Babies are pretty and comparatively, seventh anniversary on Monday night. •••••••••• >••••••• William Pettitt of Manasquan will If mothers use our Baby low in price. apply this week to the Methodist Pro- testant conference for a charge, comforts. Red, itching Smith'"& Seymour, electricians at Long FURNACES. Red Bank Slate and Metal Roofing Go. Branch, have dissolved partnership, Mr. skin, chafing, and pricking SLATE ROOFING, Seymour retiring from the firm, New furnaces will be put in TIN ROOFING, .Daniel E. Patterson has been elected heat cured by our Baby and old ones repaired and put president of the Bryan and Bewail Club Powders. in order. --•;- CORRUGATED IRON ROOFING, recently organized at Freehold. Heating and Cooking Stoves FELT ROOFING. Matawan township has 797 registered PATENT METAL SHINGLE ROOFING. ^P voters. This is the largest registration in great variety. ever made in that township. Miss Gussie JohnBon has been engaged C. A. MIHTOH k CO., S. All Repairs and Jobbing Work Prompts and Well Done. to teach the primary department of the Farmingdale public school. DRUGGISTS, Front Street, Red Bank. A half-cent of the date of 1809 was Ranges, Furnaces, Hot Air and Steam Heating. found on the farm of, Joteph Z. Gilbert No. 3 Broad St., Red Bank, U Slate Hearths, Lintels and Caps. at West Farms last week. The boats between Atlantic Highlands This firm is controlled by practical and responsible men. All work is done and New York have discontinued run- promptly and guaranteed and strictly in accordance with agreement. Our prices ning for the season. are as low as the work can be done for to pay our honest debts, live and make a Cornelius Britton of Keyport has en-<• THREE FAMOUS PLACES. reasonable profit. gaged in the produce commission busi- ness at Holrndel. J • Chicago la famous for Its PORK For 50 Years STORE: Near New York and Long Branch Railroad Station. ' . AND •E. H. Hughes has beep elected presi- , ' t PROMPT ATTENTION TO MAIL 0BDBB8. dent of the first ward Republican club Boston la famous for Its BEANS of Long Branch. f Shrewsbury • „ „,. ^^™ „„„ I have sold clothing in FRANK VANDORW, - - Manager. The railroad. station at Keyport was broken into recently, but nothing of t Is famous tor Us TOMATO SAUCE. Red Bank. Never during value was taken. AND During the storm last week about 800 { Tills combination makes tlio DELICIOUS that time have I had as feet of board walk at Spring Lake was and WHOLESOME FOOD known as , Mid-Summer Special Sale badly damaged. large asioek or been able The tax rate of the town of Keyport | Shrewsbury Baked Beans | is $5.86 on $1,000. This is 22 centa less CARRIAGES AND HARNESS. than last year. to quote such low prices. There are 654 pupils enrolled in the| Shrewsbury Tomato Sauce. "We are offering our entire stock of Carriages (and Harness at a Keyport public Bchool, an increase of 29 If in need of Suits or big reduction, and if in want of anything in our line y*ou cannot over last year. ' fc/Uwajs Ready. Can be served Hot or Cold. 5 Overcoats, investigate for afford to miss this chance. This is only a few of the many good • The sound money league o£ Asbury things: •«'••. Park raised a McKinley and Hobart flag on Saturday. ,.a , PACKED BY yourself. ,;. Full Rubber Top Buggies, $65 ; now $45. Eight new members wpro initiated in i E. C. HAZARD & to., f Runabout Wagons, $100; now $75. the lodge of Odd Fellows at Allentown Extension Top Surreys, double fenders, $150; now $115. last week. SHREWSBURY, N. J. Fred Wallace of Aebury Park is study- Business Wagons, from $40 to $100. ing dentistry at the University of Penn- A. LUDLOW, Two-seated Combination Traps, foldirig up to rnake one or two sylvania. seats, $90 up. • ' The trotting horse Zimmy, belonging Single Buckboards, $100; .now $65. to T. E. Morris of Freehold, died last Fall and Winter LUDLOW HALL, week. Spindle Wagons, $0S ; now $50. The Democrats at Hazlet will raiso a 22 Broad Street, Bed Bank. Eight-passenger Wagonette, $250 ; now $170. Bryan and Sewall banner to-morrow Buggy Harness, $12 ; now $8. night. Wagons. St. John'a Methodist church of Key- Double Harness, $30 ; now $20^ port cleared $180 at a recent harvest Farm Double Harness, $22; with collars. home. Single Farm Wagons, new, with steel axles, $35. Mrs. Joanna Roop of Leonnrdvillo fell Mackintosh Coats, Our stock of wagons for fall and Double Farm Wagons, new, with steel axles, $60. and broke a small bone in her wrist lost With or Without Capes, week. winter use will be found complete Harrison Vail of Keyport ban resigned The Following Second-Hand Wagons, In First-Class Ordcj^. as a commissioner of uasoBBinont of Unit Lancasters, Jump Scats,. Rocka- from $3.50 to $5.25 , Ono Cut Under Surrey, our make, ueod only few tiraeB; price, polo and shafts, town. $175 ' ways, Depot Wagons, and many W; A. Coo lias bought tlio grocery p^g Surroy, leather top, cost $100, used only few tlmos ; price, $180. / bunincDO of John W. Puttornon nt Key- others. Cabriolet, in flrst-olaes order, all dono over; price, $100. port. Men's Blach Cheviot Trousers, 1 Two Dopot Wagons, 0 Buggies, from $10 Ito $60. John II. Fitzgerald and O. J. Post have We arc offering some summer Warranted not to rip, /Babcock throo-quarter Buggy, good na now, cost $225 ; prico, $100. opened a delloiitofwen Btoro at Keyport. One Jftgger Wngon, I) Carts, &:o,, &o, Goorgo W. AndtjrHon io tlio niiw Hcxton carriages at 'way-off prices. It at $1.50. Of tho Keyport Presbyterian church. A Bryan and Hawaii banner wim rulticd will pay you to look over our stock Heavy Trousers, JOHN W. MOUNT & BRO., at Marlboro laHt Wedneflday night. HulUililu for working inun, before purchasing. Tlio new Bhirt factory ut Farniingdnlc at $1.00 per pair. Corner Maple Avenue and White Street, . BED BANK, N. J. will begin onorationfl thin woolc. We keep the finest and largcsl Tho number of votoni regltitored in Nopluno townnhlp in !),(M7, exhibit of harness to be found ii COAL AND WOOD. ••• lolor 'l'ilton bun moved from Munu- Our uloelc of winter HIIIIH und ovcrcontn R. HANCE, nquan to Loiiff Hrnnoli. New Jersey. incomplete. Wliulinnlfl mid Holnll Donlnr In Tho number of voturo in the borough A large variety of horse hoots, of Manmiqunn in DUB. (lull hi iiixl mm our munplcN of nintlm from wlilcl: HAY, STRAW, GRAIN, FLOUUEED, and everything needed for horse Wo liinkci A filire and Htxmdy growth (if u ptipor comfort will be found at raukoit It fnr moro vnlunblo to wlver- Suits to Order as Low as fyil. POULTRY SUPPLIES, ETC. llfliTH than if it had boon built up by W. B. LAWRENCE, 1 W*o nro liuiullliiK a largo, quantity of nlronn innthodfl. Tun KraiiUTicit him BIIOWII II Hleadjy incrciuio in circulation, No Irunlilo to thuw K'XH'I nt Donlor In Conl nml Wtxiii.' Marlboro and Holtndcl Hay which proven ftfl utoiuly ndvMioimiont In Birdsall & Son's, AUK) FKKI), OOKN, OATH, HAY AND HTHA.W. public mvor.—Adv. , Upixir IAIIIIKII unit nil Urn flnt-ClAna Conln nt of tho very bout quality, ' to'Votntu Jt\ , Corlics the Clothier's, t/iwittt l'liooo. Wlini) nml In juin'tiwHwl by thn rnrlnixi llw txtnoDI Mud flcroons for bUfffflito ut BlriliuifJ & «(l«ntikiiu, ijUttpwiWI*, iMfilvon. ' MONMOUTH STREET, 'pmAi \ MONMOUTH BTIIBKT, W3D DANK r BIUD BANK, N.,J. YAMii i (ior. front tmd Woel lll^., Ilixl Hunk, N. J. Hnll, RcU Urinfc MA«Gl£ ME ANT'S BLOOMERS. Quicksand. ill/-' • The operation of testing quleksand may A large number of persons went to Skrs. Elisabeth A. Stiltcell. ' Were Misunderstood and ted be made a very simple matter, says La No- Highland' Beach on Sunday to see the Mrs. Elizabeth A. Stilwell, widow of ' to Unfavorable Criticism. ure. Taking a'certalu quantity of quick- inlet that is cut through the beach. Elias Stilwell, died of a complication of Maggie Aloany Is one of tho prettiest sand and drying it artificially It may be Among them were Mr. and Mrs. William diseases at Navesink on Sunday, aged 03 girls in St.' Lawrence O'Toolo's pnrtsh. again made into quicksand by putting It T. CorlioB, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Davis years. . She had been eicjk for two months Sholias flaxen hair that fluffs all about a into a box and pouring water upon it dare- Eat what you ; and their daughter Ethel, William Ap- and was confined to her bed for five face that' la ajTMlbately pink and -white fully, when instantly the water is soaked ^plegate and his daughter May, Mr. andweeks; She was born,, in Virginia. and. emoothaa .the .nacre > of a soashell, up, and on measuring the volume, or, bet- please and take Mrs. 6. Eisner, Joseph Sabs, Max Weis When she was about twelve years old she dartblue eyes, a nose that envious femi- tor, the weight of the sand, it will be seen and Forman Matthews. .-....., moved to Navesink and had lived there nine prltlcB dosorllip as somewhat stubbed, that the latter takes upn quantity of water PUBLIC SALE. John V. D. Gulick of Red' Bank gave continuously since that time. She was and a mouth lush and red and full and that measures 80 per cent of its own vol- a description of the Christian Endeavor an active member of Zion church for eomowhat determined. Miss Maggie is 1 I will sell at auction on Saturday, October 24tn, forty years. Four children survive her. ume, or 20 per cent by weight,' while the 1890, at 2:80 o'clock, at my shop on Mechanic street, convention, held recently at Plainfleld, the managing director of a; typewriter in rest remains! above the layer- of sand. On Red Bank, N. J.. four trunks and contents, one inthe_KeyWrt^Pi^8byterian church'on They are Mrs. Irene' James and Mrs. f h^blg^itTlialSwMQTiouses^lB the" ploroing a small hole in the bottom of the^ baby carriage and one hammock, the property of ^uMaynight. ^ Lauretta—Lyons - of-New-Yorki-Mrs.- west, and Bhe eomo time ago purohased a box pure water runs out, the eond forming" GoorgeC-Tidflen and •wile -and-Mre.-L. oVHora- Isaac B. Edwards, cashier of the Second Charles Green of and Dr. J. A. bostle. The above property was seized, tor debt by Stilwell of Newark. Her funeral was bioyolo, which Bhe keeps aiotfrlend'a house a kind of immovable alter, or by turning L.D.Jones trad, will be sold by me, national bank of Red Bank, whoi has on O'Fallon street,' because;ner own folks jhe box upside down the sand will be Been JAMES WALSH, Constable. been summering at Spring.Lake,,re- held yesterday afternoon from her late are not at all fln do sleele and aro discour- turned to Red Bank for the winter last home. Jhe interment was in the Nave- to keep its form like a stepper. But it 1B sink cemetery. >' agers of all manner-of innovations and tho reverse of this proceeding that results FRENCH AND GERMAN week. •••'." •'- Improvements. Sho has learned to ride In the real quicksand—viz, putting the 1 '"" TACOHT BY THE ' Mrs. CM. Smith, who has been spend- Michael Kulin. very, welij but, like all of her'downtrodden water into a vessel and Bif ting in the dry ing the summer, with Mrs. D. W. Charap- eex, the. petticoat has hampered her and Band in a thin stream while shaking the Celebrated Berlitz Method 1 Michael Kuhn died of cancer of the lin of White street, has returned to her stomach at Oceanic on Friday, aged 56 Impeded her and stood as a bar to achieve- vessel lightly, the outcome being the thick (the best of the conversational sjstems), by a very home at Macon, Georgia. • years. He leaves a widow and four ment/ Maggie has, she admits, ofton but easily flowing compound known as successful teacher, whose accent has been perfected P. Hall Packer of Seabright has been children. He was born in Europe and yearned for bloomers, but she never had quicksand.. That the mixture may keep by years of residence abroad. Private lessons or elected vice-president of the New Jersey emigrated to this country about thirty the nerve to buy a poll. It would have its mobility it is necessary that the quan- classes. MRS. S. RALPH, funeral benefit association of American years ago. . Shortly after comingto this been too revolutionary. But the friond at tity of water be not less than 21 per cent No. 25 Front St., Red Bank. Mechanics. - •.•'•••'• ' country he moved to Oceanic. Heiwas whose house tho cycle is etabled bought a by weight, and the whole be continually Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Many of Washing- a member of the Oceanic hook and lad- set, and being much of the same figure though lightly shaken. Increasing the PHILIP H. COLEMAN, proportion or interrupting the agitation ton street will celebrate the twenty-fifth der company, and the members of .that and aplomb as Maggie the latter put thorn (PupUofA.'A. Farland), anniversary of their, marriage on Mon- company attended his funeral, which »n the other day, and earl^ln the morn- for an Instant causeB the mass to settle day. ...' ; .... ' was held on Monday. The services,were ng, when nobody was apt to be about, she down, retaining about 30 per cent of wa- ter, while the surplus, if It exists, rises to William Jackson, Sr.r of Shrewsbury conducted by Rev. R. F. Crozier. The took a spin upon her wleol with a new Teacher of the Banjo went to New Brunswick on Monday to jail bearers were Tunis Barkalow, Henry sense of delight In being alive. the top. By the Celebrated FARLAND METHOD. ' have a tumor removed from his upper Riddle, Charles Allen and Thomas ., 'lip. •': -• • - .' .'-'•. O'Rourke. r Stamped. . Mr. and Mrs. George .VanSchoick of As luok would have it, juet ag she The Farland Method Is the only one which enables Mrs, Sarah Jf. Quackenbush. ;urned into Carr street whom should she "Grandpapa," asked his Inquisitive the performer to play a wide range of music, THaple avenue were the guests of; Mrs. gTandenn, "duhens make their own eggs?" Including classical pieces. '; E; Lockwbod of Englishtown last week. Mrs. Sarah J. Quackenbush died at meet but Mrs. Julia Burke, who saw the Freehold on Tuesday, October 6th,- of girl before the girl saw tbat most respoot- •STes," replied the old gentleman, "in- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Comraes of Bridge able and conservative widow. Mrs. Burke deed they do, Johnnie." y Special Attention Given to Teaching & avenue celebrated the. tenth anniversary hemorrhage of the lungs, aged 73 years. "And do thoy always put the yolk In a Proper Touch and Brlnotns of their marriage last Wednesday night. She bad been a'member of the Methodist Bhrleked, "For the love of daclncy, Mag- ont the Pare Tone of the : ihurch for sixty years, and took an gie, whoeverdhragged theclothes avyou, tho middle?" Miss Alberta Bedle of Keyport will be "They do indeed, Johnnie." Instrument. married to Dr. Richard S. Hopkins of active interest in church work until she child?" Mlsa Meany was so startled that lost- her strength in her declining years. she twisted her machine Into tho curb and "And do they put the white around it No. IS Rector Place, Red Bank, N. J. _.JIewarkJiext-Wednesdayat.Keyport to keep the -from rubbing oft," Fred D. Wyckoff and family of As- She leaves three children. They are broke the tire,-and-MrarBurko,'with "the" Mrs. Mary Et Mesalor of Monmouth kindliest and most motherly intentions, "Quite likely, my Inquisitive little MISS TAYLOR'S bury Park are now occupying their 'win- boyi" ter home on Broad street, Red Bank. Junction j Mrs. CatherineiM. Hankinson Whipped pfl her shawl and. handed It to of Freehold, and Mrs. Euphemia Dixon Maggie, saying: "Cover .the legs av'you, "And then, grandpapa, who sows the - Dr. and Mrs. George H. Baker of Long ooverdn?" Branch celebrated the sixteenth anni- of Brooklyn. She also leaves seventeen dear, and moke a run for the noareat Kindergarten and Primary versary of their marriage last week. grandchildren and seven great-grand- house, and I'll get your mother to bring This Btumped tbo old gentleman, and children. you a skirt. Ain't It too bad, darllnf But he barricaded .TohnuW? mcuth with a. School, Miss Sarah Hubbard, who is attending lollipop. Peddie institute, spent Saturday and who didlt at all?" ' Sunday at her home at Red Bank. . Mrs. Mary Burltn. V, Maggie by this ' mad all tho 14 Monmoutb St., Red Bank, N. J. Rev. Maitland Alexander of Long Mrs. Mary Burlin.died at EatonUiwn way through, which was not far, of course, BIRTHS. on Saturday, aged 77 years. Her death but still it was as mad as she could get. ALLEN.-At Fair Haven, ob Friday, October 10th, Branoh returned from a two month? Mrs. Edward Allen, ot a son. was caused by a complication of diseases, Sho tore oft the shawl' and threw it at trip to California on Saturday. . • with which she baa been sick about a .BRANSON.—At Belfbfd.on Friday, October 16th, Children from threato'slx years old taught by the Jonathan Conk, a former resident of Mrs. Burke and called.her a hatefnl old Mrs. Ives Branson, of a daughter. Red Bank,' but now of Manasquan, was year.. She was born in Eatontown and thing, and Bhe'next took the wreokod HOWARD.—At Red Bank, on Sunday, October most improved kindergarten methods. Older in town on Thursday. had lived there all her life. Two chil- wheel in hand and began walking home, 1801, Mrs. Frank Howard, of a eon. children taught by primary methods. ' Capt. Charles S. Throckmorton of Red dren survive her. They are Mrs. Cather- oloBely followed by the wldbw, who was NODINE.—At Red Bunk, oa Tuesday, October Bank went to Barnegat on Monday on a ine Aumack and Edward Burlin, both of satisfied the poor child was ineano, and 20th, Mrs. William Nodlne, of a daughter. duck shooting trip. Eatontown. Her funeral'was held yes- who meant to see she come to no further RANDOLPH.—At Matawan, on Saturday, October FOE TERMS, APPLY AT SCHOOL. terday afternoon at half-pas tone o'clock. harm. All went well for about a block, .7th, Mrs. Dewitt Randolph, of i son. J. C. Garnsey will move from Red SMITH.—At Atlantic Highlands, on Sunday, Octo- Bank to Chappaqua, N. Y., about the first Th%. services were conducted by Rev, whon llttlo Tim Doolan, the grocer's Bon, jer lltu, Mrs. David Smith, of a son. — of next month. ^ i. «. J. Dewitt Fay and the interment was in saw the prooesslon and ruBhed breathless- Capt. James S. Throckmorton and the Branchburg cemetery. ly back to his house, colling out at the top MAKMAGjES. of hlsvoicofor the folks to come and sea ALLGOR-i-ERVIN.—At Como, on Wednesday, Oc- leld & Stephens family returned hom'6 from Asbury Park Emeline Eastwood. on Friday. • Maggie Moany going home without any tober 14th, by Rev. J. D. BIUB, Miss Ida Allgor Of Mrs. Emetine Eastwood died at Long clothes on. This was an exaggeration, Como and Leon Ervin of Jersey City. Miss May Taylor of > Long Branch-is the Branch on Friday, October 2d, aged 81 B0RTI8—VOORHEES.-At Allentown, on Thurs- Are showing exclusive and guest of Mrs. E. T. VPoolley of Oakland but it brought out the Doolan family, day, October 15th, by Rev. George Swain,'Mlsa Lulu years. She had been in good health up especially Mr. Doolan, all of whom joined Burtls of Allentown and Edmund Voorhees of' street. ''-'••'•• to within a week of her death, and pre- Harry Baeler, who livecTbn Mdnmbuth Mrs. Burke in deploring poor Maggie's Hlghtatovra. <• 'original styles in Fall and vious to this illness she had never been sad condition. Little Tim* having infor- GREEN-iQUACKENBCSH.-At Bed Bank, on street, moved to Philadelphia yesterday. confined to -her bed with sickness. She Wednesday, October 21st, by Rev. E. C. Hancock, Mrs. William H. Quean of Manasquan mation to impart, went on ahead, notify- Miss LUlle May Green and DeWitt C. Quackenbush, Winter millinery.. Step was born at West End and was the ing the neighbors of the Btrango spectacle both of Bed Bank. • visited friends at Red Bank last week. daughter of Garrett Wyckoff. In 1836 Joseph K. Parker of Little Silver'is and generally noting as grand marshal of MARTIN-HART.—At Allentown, on Wednesday, she married Lewis Eastwood, who died tho parade, until by the time the proces- October 14th, by Her. Mr. McLaugblin, Miss Annie in and see our embroider-, sick with typhoid fever. ....'•* in 1875. She leaves two children, Ends Martin of Cream Ridge and David Hart of Allen- sion crossed Biddle street pretty nearly town. Eastwood and Mrs, Henry Campbell. the •whdle voting population of the p're- McQACKEN—CHADWICK.—At Red Bank! on ies.. Lessons given and » CHURCH NEWS. clnot was out. Maggie Bald nothing, but Tuesday, October 20th, by Rev. J. K. Manning, Miss Georgianna A. Compton: her mouth' was shut tigntly, her blue eyes Lilian, daughter of John McGacken, 8r., and Frank Miss Georgianna A. Compton, daughter Cbadwtck, both of Red Bank. in Epieorth Convention to be Held blazed, and two red spots; glowed in her all kinds of fancy work of Seeley Compton of' Keansburg, died cheeks. 'At last little Tim unthinkingly ROBERTS-MATTHEWS.-At Keyport, on Wed- Next Week. suddenly on -Tuesday of last week, aged nesday, October 14th, by Rev. G. H. Neal, Jr., Miss got within range, and the "next minute Iva Roberts and Joseph Matthews, both of Keyport. done to order. The. Epworth jeagueof the New Bruns- 37 years. She had. suffered* from heart there was assault and ba,'tjki|ry all OVOT wick district will hold a convention in disease ^ for more than two years. A 8LO0UM—TILTON.—At LOOK Brancn City* on the First Methodist church at Red Bank Fourteenth street. Shp b. o-i^d his ears, Wednesday, October 14th, by Rev.'A. B. Hennao, half-hoar before her death she was and shp pulled his hair, and,,thoro was a Miss Julia 8locum and Edward Tllton, both of Long next Wednesday. The first session will Branch City. working about the house. She became twinkle of neat black stockings as Bhoheld HADDON BLOCK, RED BANK. be held afiialf-past' nine o'clock, and suddenly sick and went to bed and died WALKER—SCHNEIDER.-At West Asbury Park, will begin with a .song service led bv in a short time. Her funeral was held him off and kioked at him, b&tdt was not on Monday, October 10th, by Rev. E. H. Kobn, Miss Eev. B. C. Lippincott, Jr., of Lakewood. on Sunday. . for long. The Doolan family.rescued Tim, Lizzie Walker and Louis Schneider, both of West Rev E. C. Hancock will lead the devo- and Mrs. Doolan said things to Maggie. Asbury Park. tional service. The rest of the.morning George IF. Rosxel. Mr. Meany came up at this time and DEATHS. sailed into Mr. Doolan under the iinpros- Good Groceries will be devoted to the business of the George' W. Roszel died suddenly at BURLIN.—At Eatontown, on Saturday, Octobor convention and to an open parliament, Etra, in Millstone township, of paralysis. Blon that ho had something to do with 15th, Mrs. Mary Burlin, aged 77 years. Are the only cheap Groceries which will be conducted by Rev. J. He had been out in the yard chopping Maggie's attire, and it was not until Mr. CONOVEIl.—At Freehold, on Sunday, October Hoffman Batten of Bradley Beach. A Doolan had pounded Mr. Meany'B head ,11th, Henrietta, daughter of John B. Conover, aged we are selling. wood. He brought an armful of the 28 years. lunch will be served to the- delegates at wood in the house and eat down in a back and forth on the pavement quite often that ho would listen to any explana- COMPTON.—At Keansburg. on Tuesday, October 21 pounds Granulated Sugar for.., .$1.00 noon. Rev. W. P. C. Strickland will con- rocking chair and died immediately. 13th, Miss Georgianna Compton, aged 27 years and 4 duct the devotional exercises in theafter- He had previously had several paralytic tion whatever. Tho bioyolo'. Is now for months. 6 bars Babbitt's Soap for 25c. noonsession, which will beginathalf-past strokes. He was 81 vears old and leaves Bale.- DAVISON.—At Headden's Corner, on Sunday, 6 bars Ozone Soap for 25c. one o'clock, and addresses will be made a widow and eight children. < i m .i October 18th, ttie Infant SOB of Joseph Davlsou. 6 bars Octagon Soap for 25c. by Rev. Frank Moore of Spring Lake, The Vanderdeclrcn Tarn, DENNIS.—At Manasqunri, on Wednesday, Octo- 6 one pound bars Soap. 25c. Eev. J. D. Bills of Hamilton, Miss May Miss Henrietta Conover.. There aro many versions of the famous ber 14th, Mrs. George Dennis. GAIOE.—At Fair Haven, on Wednesday, October 7 packages Soapine for..'. ..• 25c. V. Weber. Rev, W. S. Mitchell of Key- Miss Henrietta Conover, daughter of legond of the Flying Dutchman. Quite port and Mrs. J. H. Bowden. Charles L4th, the Infant daughter of E. E. Galge. 8 packages 1776 Soap Powder 25c. VanBrunt will open the evening session John B. Conover of Freehold, died of recently an American gontlomdn eot him- HIRE3.—At Freehold, on Friday, October 9th, at seven o'clock with • an • address and rheumatism' on Sunday of last week, self tho task of endeavoring • to discover Hezekiah Hires, aged 48 years. 5 one pound packages Presto 25o, Rev. H. R. Robinson of-Long Branch aged 28 vears. She had been sick with tho paternity of tho tradition, and who KtJHN.—At Oceanic on Friday, October 10th, 5 pounds Washing Soda 05c. rheumatism for eight years and for the the Hollandor was that brought upon Michael Kubn, aged 5U years. 'will also make an address at this session. himself and his companions such a miser- POOLE.—At Red Bank, on Tuesday. Octobor 20th, 5 dozen Clothes Pins 05o. past four years Bhe had been confined to George W., eon of Charles I'oole, aged 1 year and 10 A union meeting of the Sunday-schools her bed. She was a member of the Re- able doom by his aot of profanity. The months. of Shrewsbury township will be held in formed church of that place. result of his investigations would bo ox- ROGERS.—At Asbury Park, on Saturday, October the Oceanic Presbyterian church on Fri- trcmoly interesting, but it does not ap- 10th, Mrs. Rachel 8. Rogers, aged 81 years. F. F. Sl?PP, day night Capt. C. B. Parsons of Red JlexeMah Hires. pear that hohns yet given thorn to the BCOFIELD.—At' Elberon, on Wednesday, Octobor Bank will conduct a conference on Hezekiah Hires die'd of typhoid fever world. Perhaps tho story has nowhere 14tb, Ebenezer Bcofleld of Now York, aged 60 years. Monmouth Street, Near Railroad Station, " Sunday-school Needs," and Mrs. S. Freehold on Friday, October 9th, aged boon hotter told than by Captain Marryat W1NANB.—At LoDg Branch, fin Sunday, Octobor Clark of Newark -will make an address 48 years. He had lived at Colt's Neck In tho novel which ho founded upon It. 11th, Frank, son of Uonry M. Wloans, agod 8 years.! RED BANK NEW JERSEY. on " Helps for Primary Work." .The de- until about eight' months ago, when.he Cornelius Vandordcokon, a eon oaptaln votional service will be conducted by bought arouse at Freehold and moved of Amsterdam, coming homo from Ba- Rov. 8. W. Knipo. P to that place. A widow and Swo chil- fcavln, Is niuoh troublod by head winds Meetings are being, held evere jtiight dren survive him, ', whoa off tho capo of Good Bopo. Day in the Baptist church and are beTBo; con- aftcrdny lie goes on struggling against ducted by Rev. and Mrs. G. S. Neat, two tho baffling woathor without gaining a evangelists. During the past week the The Earth and tho San. foot of ground. Tho Bailors grow weary, meetings have been held in the lecture M. Flnmmarlon, In his now "Popular tho skipper Impatient. Still tho bleak ITS AMAZING room, but this place has proved toosmall, Astronomy;" has managed toclotlio with Bou'wostor continues to blow tbo old gal- and thoy will bo'held hereafter in tho Interest every mnttor that ho lias discussed. Hot steadily book. For nlno droary wookB How few people can tell the difference between their favor- church. Mr. Neal will preaoh at both Tako, for ozamplo, hlB presentation of tho this goes on. Thon a torrlblo lit of passion Borvioea on Sunday. foots conoernlng' tlio rovolutlon at tlio eolzos Yandordookon. Ho sinks down upon ite brand at a good deal more money, and'Rockwood Rye A soolablo was hold at Graco church earth about tho sum "Wo sail, tlion, In hla knooa, and raising his cllnchod fists" to parsonngo on Monday night. - Tho iiociu- immensity, with n voloolty 1,100 tlmos tho honvons curses tho Dotty for opposing at $i a full quart. Put some Rockwood in a higher priced blo was got up to devise ways of collcot- greater than that of an oxproBS train. As him, swoarlng that ho wiU weather tho ing money for churoh purposes, an also euoh a train travels 1,100 times morn rap- oapo yet In spite of tho dlvlno will, though bottle and try it on a friend. Chances are that Rockwood to havo an evening's enjoyment. No Idly than a tortolso, If wo could Bond a lo- ho Bhould go on boating about until tho admission woo charged to the Sociablo oomotlvo In pursuit of tho earth through day of Judgmont. will prove the better—because it is better. Yet *he preju- but a collection was takon up which spnoo It would bo exactly tho tmmo ns If As a punishmont for .thle torrlblo lm- notted$5. <• wo not a tortolso to run after an oxprosa plbty ho 1B doomed to go on Balling in tho dice against its low price causes some people to keep pay- A pound pnrty was hold In tho First tinln. Thla voloolty of our globo In Its Btormy sous east of Agulhmi until tho last, Mothodlat church on Thursday night. colcatlal orbit In 7b timed nwlf tor than that trumpet Hliull Humid, furuvur struggling ing $1.25 or $1.50 for an inferior article iii a smaller bottle. The admission to tho oooiublo was a of a onnnon ball," ngnlnot hond winds in a •viiltt effort to pound of miythinp;. Tho pacltngco re- TIIOBO flguroir may not bo oiaot to a doublo tho South African capo. Buoh, In •The same prejudice exists against our table wines at 30 ceived were nfturward auctioned off at doolmal, but thoy aro good enough for tho brlof, Is tho loghnd of tlio Flying Dutoh John B. Hubburd'ii on Front utroet on purpono for which thoy aro nnod, which lu man aa It JinB^boon acooptod by KHRIIH cents a bottle—Sherry, Port, etc. Many would think them Monday night and tuittod about $10. to exhibit how flint) tho onrth nnifib travol epoaklng imllorn for many eoncrntlons Tho EaHt Now Jemoy Hundiw-nohool to'oovcr 18 mlloH ovory noooiul. A pin- t excellent if we added a fancy label and charged $1.5° for nnaoolntlon mot in tho Mount rloimant turommo addition to tlioiin flguron In n, do . Uaptint ohuroh at Newark yentordny. Borlptlon of tlio nonnntlonn ona would ox- Bnttlo of tho them. We don't ask anyone to buy it "sight unseen" Addrciificii wero intuit) by Itov. J. K. Man- porlonoowho iihotild buperinltlod to ntand ning o( lied Dunk and Rov. (i. 0. Will- on In Bprioo and noo tlio onrth go by. "Ho Tho liattlo of tho horrlnga won tlio com cither. Taste itx before you buy it. There seems to be no iunin of Now Moninouth. would Nhuddor with tronior nil It p lcnl nnmo KIVOII to n fight botweon nn Hov, 15. C. Hancock will prnnoh on prohohod, unilor tlio form of n mngnllloont lGngllnli foroo and a Ifronoh dotaohincnt risk. tho "IsHUon of Llfo" In the Flint Motho- ntnr, (in It cmno uouror li«oomliif{ a fright- nod far from Oiloann In UW. Tlio Kfr ' illut oliurch on Binulay morning. At ful moon, oovorlnff tho wliolo nicy with ltd IIHII woro conv(!ylng a Inrjio quantity of night hln mibjool will Iw " Tlio (Jofipol, a ononnoiiH liumn, tmvornlug without a ntop fiuppljon, lnnlnly htirrliiKH, for it wnn Lout, W. A^FRENCH & CO., loot or u Fnblo, Whkili?" tho Jlola of lilii altrli(hl«d vlnlon, rolling to tho tinny that wnn boiilofllng Orlcann, , Tho Guild of tho Qoldou lUilo of Trini- Itnolf, pmuilng nwny llko llRhtnlntt and Tlio KiiHlluh had 1,(101) ninn, tlio Frcnoli ty ohuroh will give a noolulilo at tho (Hii)liilnliliiH In tlio ynvmlnK doptliB of 0,000. Tlio Xoniuir rupulBod tho niiimllnntd Puro Wlnos and Llquoro, Momnoulh lxmt,plub houno on Tliurmlny npnoo." It would niiiko tho flouh oroop on and snvud tho liorrlngii, no tlio liattlo wax )il«ht of next wook, ; ono of tho old fnnliltiucil-wrltorn to And nninud In honor of tho HiippUus. Gornor Hron given llov. W. H. Uroon at tlio Cnl- of tin) obniiFiilty of tlio liyputuoRlH iti In ilc- lit you want all tho Awn, you will find vury DaiitUl church tomorrow night. oldodly lmprojiaWo. / it only In TUB lUcyiitTitij.—Adv. MANY PERSONS ARRAIGNED TWO PROPERTIES SOLD. •. • •'"..' '" ' • /..THE ••' ,. '•• ••• Land at Atlantic ntahiands Brings (1 . • , • THE GRAND JURY FOUND 107 Hfgh Prices. Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company INDICTMENTS. 8. T, White has sold the three-story frame building on the corner of First Has already paid to policy holders up Jo Janu'ary i, j Houses for Sale.. i , About,One-Fourth of the Cases Are and Center avenues at Atlantic High- From Aebury Park or Its Itnme- lands to Edward P. Magee, a butcher at 1896. ..„ $175,912,185.13 I"have houses for sale on Mate Neighborhood—Several Sen- that place. The lot is 50x125 feet. The It has assets on hand to be paid to policy holders 62,759,765.95 tences Imposed.' ' ' terms are private, but the price is said every street in Red .Bank at The grand jury completed its work last to be higher than was ever before paid Total paid and on hand to be paid them $238,671,951.98 J [,' fronT $1,000 to $10,000. I \ Thursday ana brought into court 107 in- in that neighborhood. Mr. Magee will _•—diotmenter- Most of the indictments were move his business to his new properly on Gross premiums received from policy holders, only.. 187,368,568.90 also have a number of houses , principally for minor offences. Asbury April 1st. Mrr Stout will—vacate~tbe on~ ~the~6uj:skirts—of"• Park and its immediate neighborhood property about the first of next year and EXCESS OR GAIN over premium receipts. - $51,303,382.10 again stepped to the front with more in- will go to the store now occupied by JI Bank•on-m-y lists.- dictments than from any other locality, Stout & Demorest on First avenue, Per cent, of premiums^already returned to members.. 93.88 per cent. about one-fourth of all the indictments where he will open a grocery store. r being from there. The indictmentB Stout & Demorest will" occupy the build- Per cent, of premiums on hand to be paid 33.50 ^ " found are about two-thirds the number ing now being put up by E. W. Jansen Lots for Sale. usually found at an October term of on First and Mount avenues. Fifty lots on Throckmor- court. Some of this reduction is due to Peter S. Conover, Jr.. of Atlantic OUR EXPENSES OF MANAGErMIENT for fifty years to January.1.1800, hare averaged, • the fact that a considerable number of Highlands has bought the site of the ton . tract, McLaren street Grand View hotel on Bay View avenue only 8.74 per cent, of the income. .'"-•. persons waived indictment and either DEATH RATE inl895 was ouly 70.7 per cent, of the mortality tables. . and Prospect avenue, $500 . pleaded guilty or were tried by the court at Atlantic Highlands from Jacob Bach- L before the term began. rach'for $17,000. The property contains DIVIDENDS arc paid annually and not retained for a term of years under any speculative plan of to $800. • . 1 •.••..' Asbury Hurley, Asbury Park's first abftut two acres. Mr. Conover has accumulation. They ore always subject to the order, ot the Insured, when left with this company to born, is again in trouble. He was in- already sold one-half of the property to accumulate, and may be used to pay premiums In the event of lapse, provided there Is sufllclent on hand SeVenty-five lots in East Gustav Ballin, Sr. It is reported that to pay an annual, semi-annual or quarterly premium. Send for rates. • Side Park, $200 to $600. dicted for keepings, a disorderly house Mr. Ballin paid $18,000 for the part he and for selling liquor illegally. He will \ THEObtJRE E. LANE, be tried the day after election. bought. Mr. Ballin will build on the Five hundred feet on Cook On Friday over a score of persons who property this fall. General Agent for New York City and New Jersey, tract on East Front street, •> • » :— had been in jail on various charges, and Wa StreCt New V adjoining club house, This who were not indicted, were discharged. Sales of Real Estate. FRANCIS WH.TE, Loca. Agent, . * " ' Among these persons were: The following real estate transfers Red Bank, N. J. is the only river front prop- Frederick Thorno, charged with assault on three have been filed in the office of the county erty on this side of the river persons, who had teen in jail since Muy JOTh. clerk at Freehold for the week ending Burt Hopkins, assault and battery on William H. that is in the market. Will Drake at Asbury Park, In lull since Mny 27th. October 17th, 1896: FRANCIS WHITE, a Jerry Youmaos, charged with assault at Asbury MIDDLKTOWN TOWNSHIP. be sold in plots of 100 feet Park. Margaret' H. Hortshorue to Thomas Gilllgnn. For Pegano, charged with assaultipn Ills sister at or over at $80 a foot front. Long Branch In August. Piece of property, ©160. Rosa Bach, stealing in Freehold on August 15th. Laurence E. French to Anna A. Patterson. Piece This property has a depth Ann King, entering the house of William A.Lewis ol property, gj. RealEstate, Loansand Insurance ...In Bhrowfibury.township. Joseph 8. Patterson to Laurence E. French. Piece of over 6op feet. . Charles Crosser, stealing at Matawan* — o/ property, 81. Antnony Bolden and George Fredericks, shooting ~JohnV; Sears to Charles-T.-8ears._Plees of irpp- crap at Asbury Park. erty, 81. Edward HendrlcHson, assault and battery on John Stephen W. Bears to John v. Sears. Piece of prop- Storer In Freehold township. erty, 81. . " Dudley Martin, assault and battery at Red Bank. John V. Sears to Stephen W. Sears. Piece ol FRONT STREET, RE.D BANK, N. J. Houses for Rent James Degan .petit larceny. property SI. Phoebe Scudder, keeping a disorderly house at "- ATLANTIC TOWNSHIP. Maple avenue, 9 rooms, Marlboro. ' John Statcslr, Jr., assignee, to Michael Sullivan. Arthur Hampton, assault at Freehold. Ploce of property, 824.G4. all. improvements, $30 a Albert Jones, stealing from Paul smith ntMata- Michael Sullivan to Margaret Sullivan. Piece of . wan. property, 81. , FOB SALE. month. • Walter Harris, assault and battery at Asbury Park. EATONTOWN T0WN9IIIP. Villa sites, cottages, stores, factories, business properties, fine river and town Irving street, 7 roorns^iS The arraignments "and cases set down Sophie 0. Randolph and husband to Phebe A. Johnston. Piece of property, SI. property, farms and hotels. a month. for trial are as follows: RARITAN TOWNSHIP. Joel Gordon, assault and battery on Anna Smith William Dlllmar to William Fowler. Lot at Key- TO LET. at Kobertovllle, trial October 2(lth. Front street, 15 rooms, all Zacbaiiah and Daniel Holman, assault and bat- port, 81. Broad street, large house and barn, $25; house, all improvements, barn, improvements, $600 a year. tery on Daniel Parker in Mlllstono township, trial William Dillmar to Wade Warmloy. Lot at Key- $40; house 10 rooms, $20; store, good location, $25; Riverside avenue, house Oitolor 20th. port, 81. Another house with 13' llenjamln Hurley, assault and battery on Silas Anna T. Croes to Peter Hyer. Lot at Keyport, $1. all improvements, beautiful situation, $32.50; Front street, house, river front, Barton at Asbury Park, trial November Uth. OCEAN TOWNSniP. rooms, $400. , Henry Dornn. assault and battery on Ann Doran Frank P. McDermott, master, to Mary J. Woolley. all improvements, barn, $50; Eector Place, pretty place, 7 roooiB, gas, water, at Keyport, trial October ZOtn. Piece of property, S2,W0. house in fine condition, $17; house, 10 rooms, river front, $20; East Front street, Spring street, 6 rooms, $14 Maria L. Winston, stealing 85 from John Thomas Mary Gnipo to Herman Schulte. Land at Long In Atlantic township, trial November 4th. Branuh. S1.O0O. house, 12,rooms, fruit, large garden, $20; Queen Anne cottage, East Side Park, a month. Richard Peterson, assault and battery on Lllllo Matthias Woolley, sheriff, to German American $20; Beach street, neat cottage, very pretty, near Broad street, $20, one, $9; Holmes at Long Branch, trial November 2d. Title and Trust company. Land at Long Branch, James Jones and Charles Taylor, assault and bat- 81.0UU. Stout street, cottage, barn, $19, one, $10 ; Central avenue, pretty cottage, $18; Wall tery on Samuel Cross of Long Branch, trial Novem- Fredorlck 0. Hoey to Mary A. Cloughley. Lot at ber 2d. Long Branch, Sl,3C0. street, half house, $7 ; Monmouth street, cottage, barn, $23 ; Oakland street, cor- Samuel Sciuldcr, assault and battery on Samuel Martha W. Campbell and husband to Joseph Car- ner house, neat, good condition, $13 ; Shrewsbury, large house and grounds, $40, River Front Property. Jones in Marlboro township, trial November Bth. damorcl. Land at Long Branch. 81,r a. , IHIKI. llll(;HIVl 1 O'Brien, ,^..^___—_ - ""•"lf"i ":«MI invmillonii CURTIS, OLCFTI RIPniUKn nU Wniilnd." KIIIMIl TATK & (10,, |i.8O jfo|r yorir goto Tine Uv.w\iTitiU 'Mi\nnlwiiynlwiiy, NNnvv Voik. RKB JQ. 37 UTOIKI Htroot, IM Umilf. N. J. i DESIGNED FOR AN ARTIST. " Sehroedep's Drugs are Pure Drugs.' A Unique XTOme That Combines Con- I venienee and Beautu. / •:o:- Winter [Copyright, 1896, ly George Falliser, 82 Park place, New York.] Is Coming \ For one who has to have a workshop In his home, and who can appreolate the ad- SALE OF LANDS Look around your house and vantages of the comforts and conveniences .. here portrayed, this design will have a -FOR— see if there isn't some carpen- twofold Interest. Here, art and utility can ter work necessary to be done go hand In hand. First we have a very , practical arrangement of plan even for or- before winter sets in. _ A little llnary. uses, and one that, with a very T.A.SIIES- work here and there wilJlkeel keep •]• out the winter storms and ------• ••• " ' »O« ' • ' m' " ' - • • is and * winter cold. Notice Is hereby given by virtue of a warrant issued by H. J. Child, a Police Justice of the Town of Bed Bank, at the instance of the Board of Commissioners of the Town ol Red Bank, In the Township of If there is anything of the Shrewsbury, County of Monmouth and State of New Jersey, to make the unpaid taxes assessed on lands, tenements, hereditaments and real estate in tbe said Town of Red Bank for the year one tbousand eight sort, send for me. I don't care hundred and ninets-flve, toe subscriber, Marshal of the Town of Bed Bank aforesaid, to whom said war- rant is directed, will on That Delicate Boy •if it's only a half-hour's work or a week's work, I want to do THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24th, 1896, ' Of yours may be made a healthy, it, and I'll do the job right. < robust, happy boy, if you will give Between the hours of twelve o'clock noon, and Ore o'clock in the afternoon (at two o'clock in the after- noon) of that day, at the GLOBE HOTEL OF DANIEL W. WHITE, OX FRONT him the proper care and nourish- STREET, in the TOWN OP BED BANK, in the Township of Shrewsbury, County of Mon. mouth and State of New Jersey, sell the said lands, tenements, hereditaments and real estate hereunder ment. As a strength giving food, described at Public Vendue, for the shortest term ndt exceeding thirty years, lor which- any person or A. E. SMITH, persons will agree to take the same and pay such taxes with Interest thereon, at the rate of twelve per there's nothing as good as Schroe- PERSPECTIVE VIEW. • centum per annum from tbe twentieth day of December, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-flve, slight ohange In the studio—making of together with all costs, fees, charges and expenses. der's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil. Fair Haven, New Jersey. that two rooms—would tie a very good ' The persons whose property is to bo sold, the location of the said property and the amounts due, are as It will build up the system if plan for any ordinary family. follows: ' . * ' '. ' The main house is 26 by 87 feet and the there's anything on earth that will. Boggs, •William ' ' -, M extension 13 by 17-feet, the extension be- House and lot on the west side of Hector Place < 3163 Bennett, Amos • •'•/«« ing used entirely for kitchen oil first floor House and lot onthe south side of Stout street., 6 70 PRICE £0 CENTS A BOTTLE. and servants'' room on the second. The Berry, Samuel parlor is a lntge room, It by 24 feet, with House and lot on the east side ol Central avenue.... 2 88 There wouldn't • be any mantel and gas log on the end, This room Carney, Alonzo H[ousi o and lot on the west Bide of Pearl street., opens Into the hall and nook by two por- Conrad, George baldness if people used tieres, the nook making, aa it were, a i House and lot on the south side of Btver street..... 6 70 library, giving a room of 7.6 by 0 foot Ohasey,Sidney „ m Schroeder's Hair Tonic In size, with a north bay. This arrange- House and lot on the east side of Loighton avenue 2 80 Schroeders Pharmacy, ment gives .a vista upon entering tfie Conrbw, Thomas (estate) ••.'.•» • *«. when they found their hair front door that only needs to be seen House and lot on the south side of Front street :.'• 5 75 u BERGEN JLMORRIS,-PSOPBIEIOES,._ idTh dlti4 Carson, Charles (estate) „ „„ p^ Grlmm, Christian (estate) ;was-beginning-to fall out. by 18.6, is a flne room, with timber cell- —HousHouse and lot on the weswestt sldeoside of-Railroaf Central davenue..;. avenue....,.... , ,...r~ .. 2.83150 ing, paneled and handsomely decorated Dennis, Elizabeth - Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. It isn't greasy. 50 cents House and lot on the south side of River street Dey, Ellen E; " 2 80 a bottle at .Schroeder's House and lot onthe west side of Bridge avenue.. .. AMENDED ORDINANCE. Eustace, Mary '' 178 "Amendment to an ordinance entitled 'Amendment House and lot on the north side of Borden street, to an ordinance entitled," Anordinance granting Pharmacy. 14 88 to the Atlantic Highlands, Red Bank and Long Ferre, Mrs Harry Branch Electric Railway Company, a body cor- House and lot on the west side of Riverside avenue. 2013 porate, organized and existing under and by vir- Fergenson, Ellen G. ' ' •• tue of the laws of the state of New Jersey, a loca- House and lot on the west side of Broad street 5 75 tion of the tracks of the line of its street railway, A PPLEGATE & HOPE, Ferry, Mrs. John 0. and the poles and wires used in connection there- Property..... : •' 288 with, upon and along and in and through the Ferris, Holmes public streets, avenues and other public places COUNSELLORS AT LAW, House and lot on the east side of Washington street.. 178 within the limits of the town of Red Bank, in the Hemmingglassy, Thoma, Michaes l (estate) county of Monmouth and state of New Jersey, and RED BANK, LoHoust oen anthed eas lott osidn the oef eas Peart sidl Btreet..e of Lelghto. n avenue. 173 permission to construct, operate and maintain its said railway therein, and also other rights and MONMOUTH COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. HilMIty, E. privileges incident thereto,'" Adopted April Uth, House and lot on the north side of Chestnut street 2 88 1896, which amendment was adopted September JOHN a. APPLEGATE. FRED W.HOPE. Hoftmire, C. 8. • > 1st, 1896." Lot OQ Leonard street. • •'.... 2 88 DMUND WILSON, Holmes, Joseph • 1. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners E - COUNSELLOR AT LAW, House nnd lot on the east side of Central avenue 2 88 of the Town of Red Bank, in the county of Mon- (Successor to Nevlus & Wilson), mouth, New Jersey, that section 2 of an ordinance Halton, Busie ' entitled, " Amendment to an ordinance entitled an RED BANE, N. J House and lot on the west side of Stout street 5,75 ordinance granting to the Atlantic Highlands, Red Offices: POST-OFFICEBCILDIMO. Bank and Long Branch Electric Railway Company, WILLIAM PINTAB Haymond, R.L. . ' a body corporate, organized and existing under and House and lot on the west side of Locust avenue...... 3 45by virtue of the laws of the state of New Jersey, a location of the tracks of the line of its railway, and COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Healy. Thomas ' . the poles and wires used In connection therewith Over Button's Stove Store. .RED BANK. N. J. House and lot on the north side of Bank street ; 2 88 upon and along and in and through the public streets, avenues and other public places within the AMES STEEN, Holmes, Mrs. Silas limits of the town of Red Bank, in the county of J COUNSELLOR AT LAW. House and lot on the east side of Central avenue , 2 80 Monmouth and state of New Jersey, and permission Notary Public and Commissioner of Deeds for to construct, operate and maintain its said railway New York. EATONTOWN, N. J. Holmes, Melville E. therein, and also other rights and privileges inci- House and lot on the north side of Stout street .• 2 80 dent thereto," be and tbe some Is hereby amended JACOB SHUTTS, to read as follows: V AUCTIONEERAUCTIC , Hurd, Freeman A. Special attention given to sales of farm stock, House and lot on the east side of Branch 76 2. Tlint sold railway shall be constructed with sin- farm implements and other personal property. gle tracks and the necessary turnouts or sidings and *.„ P- & Address, SHREWSBURY, N.'J. Backett, Morris ' , . switches. That the tracks on said public streets. House and lot on the east side of Pearl street. 2 30 avenues and public places hereinafter mentioned, TAMES WALSH, FIE8T FLOOR PLAN. shall be located and laid in tbe middle thereof, ex- In red Turkey morocco cloth, which gives Johnston, Sarah A. cept at the intersection of the aforesaid streets, STEAM SAW ANDMOLDING MILL, House and lot on tie west side of Chestnut street 2 88 where the curves necessary in passing from one of a most excellent efleot and contrast' with Bald streets to the other shall be so located and laid Manufacturer of Sash and Blinds. the woodwork, which! is of yellow pine, Johnson, Joshua A. that tbe tangents shall be In the middle of the streets MECHANIC BTREET, RED BANK, N. J. stained and varnished. The walls aro pa- House and lot on the south side of Beach street 4 GOas aforesaid; and also except at tbe Junction of said Front and Broad streets, where the curves shall be HEO. F. WHITE, pered with an old fashioned striped paper of James, Augusta located and laid east of the fountain erected at tbe T REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. unique pattern in pale soa green and white. House and lot onthe north side of Borden street c 10 intersection of the last mentioned streets, the tan- JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. gents on said Front and Broad streets to be In the Hendrickson Block, RED BANK, N. J. ^The mantel In comer is of oak, with Ro- Jetfery, Jorden W. Collection of Bills n, specialty. man,, speckled buff briok fireplace and middle thereof as aforesaid; and except further, House and lot on the south side of Beach street 2 88 where the turnouts or sidings aro necessary when R. R.--F. BORDEN, hearth. Tho parlor and hall walls are Eetchem, Solomon they Bhall be -located and laid as hereinafter pro- hung with' tapestry cloth of simple pattern, House and lot on the west side of Maple avenue 5 88 vided, that is to say, where turnouts or Bldlngs are D SURGEON DENTIST. Elngsbury, Addle necessary, they shall be so constructed and located MUSIC HALL BUILDING, RED BANK, N. J. With ceilings plain tinted in oalcimine. , as to form an equilateral turnout orswiteh, the cen- Particular attention given to the administration of The second story contains tho studio, House and lot on tbe west side of Bank street 2 88 ter line of the tracks of the turnouts or switches to Anaesthetics. with a north light, and having a celling 18 Longstreet, T.B. (estate) be the center lino of the streets aforesaid whereon the same are constructed. That the turnouts or R. J. D. THROCKMORTON, foot high and a balcony on the south end Bouse and lot on the south side of Borden street 863 sidings shall be located and constructed In the fol- D DENTAL 8URGEON. about 0 feet wide. This is an oxoollont Longstreet, B. ' lowing places on said streets, to wit: One situated OFFICE: room for the uses and purposes, intended, Lot on the east side of Lelghton avenue 1 66 between the right of way of tbe New York and No. 6. Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. giving lino light and good wall space for Leddy, Lot Long Branch Railroad company and the right of R. WM. H. LA WES, JR. Barn and lot on the east side of Prospect avenue 4 60 way of the New Jersey Southern Railroad company, VETERINARY SURGEON. • working U60B as well ns for the hanging of on Monmouth street; and ono situated on Broad D Hanson, Louis ' ,' . street, sevpnty-ono feet distant from the intersection Graduate of American Veterinary College, N. Y. - ploturos. Thi walls are treated in pompeii House and lot on the north side of Oakland streeet.. ' 8 63 of Bold Broad street with Wallace street, and ex- Residence, 82 Front Street, Red Bank. rod, and the-roodwork is finished with a Matthews, Ambrose, (estate) tending one hundred and thirty-eight feet northerly D. CHANDLER, bottle green t-taln and varnished, House and loton the north side of Stoutstreet 3 15 from frog to frog; nosldlug or turnout snail occupy a space of more than ono hundred and fifty feet R• ARCHITECT. Thoro ore two largo bedrooms in the at- Morris, Julia . from frog point to frog point. That the rails used Stout's Building, Opposite Globe Hotel, tlo, which, with the two and bath on soo- House and lot on tbe east side of Central avenue . 2 30 in the construction of said railway upon the public RED BANK, NEW JKEBEY. streets aforesaid shall be the sovon- inch Improved Metzenger, F. B. • . girder rail, and Bhall bo so laid that the top thereof M. L. SNEDEN, CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR. HOUBB and lot en tbe west side of Locust avenue ,° 4,00 shall be Qush with the surface of said mentioned pub- W lic streets. That from tho point where tho middle No. 7 Rlversido Avenue, Manson, John B. ' Une of Monmouth street Intersects the middle line P. O. Box 61. Red Bank, N.J. House and lot on the cast side of Herbertstreet :...... 2 30 of Shrewsbury avenue to the Intersection of Broad street with Front street aforesaid, and on such nor HOMAS DAVIS, JR. , McMahon, M. A. tlons of Front street and Wharf avenue as are now T INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. Store on the south side of Front street .- 25 88 occupied by tho tracks of said company, tho said FRONT ST., RED BANK, N. J. (P. O. Box 21.) company shall Oil In the road beds of such portions Insurance placed In the best companies on most McCauley, Sylvey of said streets occupied by their trackB as aforesaid, reasonable terma. House and lot on the west side of Broad street 1725 from curb to curb, with broken stone, to a dopth of S. SNYDER, McHenry. seven lncbes, The stone to bo used shall bo of a char- • Established 18T3. River street 460 acter known as " trap rock." Trap rock stone of the RREAL ESTATE, GENERAL INSURANCE & LOANS Phll!ip,Henry . •••-•. size known as three-Inch shall bo Unit employed to Commissioner of Deeds and Surveyor. Also Insur- House and lot on the west side of Bridge avenue 4 60 a depth of Qve lncbes. Next trap rock stone of tbe ance Broker for Now York and Vicinity. Ravatt, William slzo knowa as two-Inch shall bo superimposed to tho depth of two inches. That tlio samo shall bo ATLANTIC HIQHLANDB, N. J. Lot on the south side of Leonard street » 115 then top dressed with One stone, graded and tho Rider, Lewis wbolo rolled to a omooth oven surface, and all refuse ARMSTRONG, M. D. Houso and lota on tbe west side of River street .• 518 dirt and materials romovod. The wholo work when W.c. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Ottlco formerly occupied by Dr. Trafford. 18 Broad Rovey, Augustus unlshod shall conform to tho grade now fixed, upon tho streets and parts of street! aforementioned, by street, Red Bask, N. J. Can be called by telephone Lot oa the south side of Beach street. 68 tho grade map of tho town heretofore prepared by any tlmo. Telephono Globe Hotel. Roilly, Elmer direction of the Board of Commissioners and now on House and lot on the east side of Willow street. Qlo in tho ofllco of tbo Town Clerk. In pursuance R. G. F. MARSDEN, Roop, Thomas of tho spirit and letter of this clnuso of this ordi- D HOMCEOPATHI0 Houso and lot on the east side of Herbert street ; 4 60 nance, tho tracks of said Company shall cross tho PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Spinning, Mary right of way of tho Now York and Long Branch House and lot on tbe west sldo of Chestnut street 6 00 Railway Company and tho right of way of tho other FRONT STREET, RED BANK, N. J Smith, Mary J. steam railway companies nt grade. That In tho A8. S. MCCAFFREY, D. V. S. Houso and lot on Herbert street 288 construction of Bald rallwuy and equipment thereof, J VETERINARY SURGEON. Smith, Annesta tlio mnterlala employed nnd work dono shall lie of Graduate of American Voterlnary Collogo, N. Y. Houso and lot on the west sldo of Herbertstreet 4 00 tlio best character, nnd it shall bo tho duty of tho Residence, Irving Street between Broad Btreet and said Company to construct tho Bamo BO ns not to lm- Maple Avonuo, Rod Dank, N. J. Tilton, AmoeC podo public travel, and under tho Buporvtnlon of tho House and lot on tho east side of Maple avenue.... 1150 Bald commhwloncrfl, or- their duly appointed olHccni. X\TTA. H. 8EELEY, Thompson, Reuben * That tbo Bald railway and tho cntlru romlbcd from VV PORT MONMOUTH, NEW JERSEY. curb to curb, Bhall bo constructed as horcinnbovo Notary Public. Soldlors' Vouchors Pro parod :ouso and lot on'tho oast sldo of Blvenldo avenue 28 7B provided, and BO that not moro than tlio longtli of lllllH of fialo for Vesaols. Tiers, Mrs. A. J. ono block on Monmouth street Bhall bo In proctwfl of Houso and lot on tho west side of Branch avenue .,... 28 75 conatructlon at nny ono tlmo, nml not moro tlnui two SECOND FLOOR rLAN. Venablo, W. E., (estate) hundred and' fifty foet on Ilroiwl Btroot, Front Btroot FRANK T. LENT, ond floor, glvo amplo room for family UBOB, or Wharf avonuo until bo In prowm of construction Uouso and lot on tho oast sldo of Pearl stroot 6 75 at any ono tlmo. That for tlio punxmes of micli con- ARCHITECT, wnllo tho servants' room la on tho oooond Venablo, Dolllo >< struction tho spnea on Monmoutli stroot, hotwean 04 Liberty Street, New York. floor over kitchen nnd aooosslblo only Ilottso and lot on tho south sldo of Monmouth street i.. 1035 fllirowflbnry nvenuo nnd Went Btreot, fllinll bo con- from tho kltoliou stairs, Valleau, John , ulilerinl ono Mm*; provided, lunvover, tlml tliuttior- Rpoclnl attention te Monmouth County work. Uouso and lot on tho oast sldo of Prospect avonuo 280 tlonof BUCII spneo bntwnnn Um tracks of tlm NOW XrT Architect for tho Ciwlno, tho rotildonera of Tlio houno la very muoh admired for Its VanGuren, William York nml Long ttrnnch mllroml nml tlio Now Jonwy A. 1). Cooko, F.d. Jaiinon nnd otliora nt Atlantic Hol- unlquo ohamotornud furnishings and In in Houso nnd lot on tho west sldo of Brldgo avonuo 4 60 Hoiithnrn lallronil Rhnll not to conslilorcd npmtof lands; nnd for tlm rvslilenco of F. C. Moore, Nuvo- VanDorn, Iloraco (estate) nalil llmt-meiitlonod block, ami nhnll not IHI roqtilroil Ink Illghlnndt. The llent o} liefcrcneu. ovory way a HUCOOHA for lta usoaml.pur- House and lot on tho cast sldo of Branchavonuo 6 75 to IHI completed until tho rollway «:oinpniiy tbiill poflofl. A largo furnuoo boats tho wholo Whlto, Annie V. linvooonntructad Itncnmlng ovor mild nillronditin lEHTADLIBIIEI) 18711, ' house, nnd tho plumbing In of tho boob 1 HoiiBo and lot oa tho south sldo of Gold street 2 80 tho innmior dlrocM by tlio Clinnrollor of tho HtnUi Walker, Alfred of NowJomuy In bin IIOCIBIOII fllml AiiKimt iTitli, nod Hnnlc lloal ICiUlo and Insurance kind, opon, with nickel platod ilttlngn. It l'roporty >...Y , ;., 5 76 HWfl. Tlio BPiw.« on nnltl BUrot Imtwixm Went Btroot Agonoy, 81 Ilrond Btreot, Rod Dnnk. Iltiikn plneoil la a oomploU) lioitio In ovoryway, and for Worrell, Maria nnd Mnplonvoniioonolilixit,nml from Mmilii nvoniui In tlio Homo nml (illior nrnt-olniut COIIIIIIHIIIUI nl I/iw- lift urtliit; with nnod of n homo utiullo lb In llulldlng and lot on Front street nnd Rlvorsldo avonuo 11 50 onnnlil ntroot to Ilroiul nlri'i t ono IIIIHK. Tlint It 'ii'Ji!.10!1 P. o. nox 177. AIXAIKK ft HON. woll worth n vlfllt, Worthtay, Ella nlinll nlno Im tho duty of unlit Company to nwtoni tlio Houso and lot on tho north sldo of HorbortBtroot.... 815 miifni'o of all Blrontn nnd rrtmn wnlkn illntiirlKul by HOME INSURANCE COMPANY Sylvester, John « tliolnylnKof mill Inickn to lliitlr former condition, OV NKW YORK. HOUBO nnd lot on tho eldo of Poarl ntroct 1 48 nml tit koop tlio whole road from curb to curb In Ilough Stono for Building. K mndn yory JAMIIN WALHH, Mamhnl. 0A8II AHUKTH.- »t»lHNI,(iai.6i Olindwlak4~ , Frnnk T. AMiAlUn A HON. A(IKNTil.__ nttrootlvo liy uulnif In llu ooiiHlnioUoh Jr- Ilomn anil lot on tho north sldo of Wallaco street 20 18 rogulnr fiuitrry fntal ntonori. In noino mx> HubliimlOOLLEOTIO, Win. II. (ffiUiUi)N OFFICES. tlonn n Rront vivrlnty of oolonxl nniltn ofUm Hoimo and lot on the wont sldo of Broad Btroot 41 88 of tlm nnlil fttnwlfl In gotxl n-piilrniiil iiiwinli Meetings of tho Board of lloalth. coition from tlio niuno bod, and whim tluiy If tho tax, Intonwt nnd ootitn arn pnld Imforn tho nlK>V() ntnUxl daELECTRICIANy of RAIO, tlio rofitn In imrh .cano will bn tlon nt IU own oxiHiiimi, iw nfonwiilil, tlio OOIMIIU- uralald with onro, liltuulliiu, ono intonn- Joht.K. nnn dltlllii InUsnvi, Junllot will Iom o millef tind) al'uaot tlio otaw. nm att rollotwolv«a pop cuntnni iwr annum from tlio twentieth day of Blonmn limy, by their prnpnr unkMH, cniimt ouch Notion In lioroby glvon tlint ri'unlnr mooting* of tlio DocomborJlintlimn, ono tliowmnf Atlnntld eighn HlKlilnmlNt hundrtx, lN an. Jd .nlnoty-llvoWirin. ' g for V.iDclrln Llulibi. imtUiry, Magneto nml IKirtloiin of wild ntnmtii to IHI ropnlrud nml iiwtomil, ollwr IIIKI )><>liiMnn with n roliiod oomoiiti If Urn tax, iiiton»tn nml contn aro not paid until after tho nbovo-mnntlonwl day of nalo, nddltlonnl cooto UOAItD OF HEALTH OF BUH13W8- . l'nciiinntlo imlln. Tvloi>lioniyi n HjHmlnlty. nml nhnruo tlm oipunno tlioittof to nml oolluot tlm Joint, Mid offooi) In vory lxmuMI!til.< wil()i)llnolloil bo oililoili . Doiintliiidiit tliunniiflil, 'y mtnin from tlumald rnllwny niimimiiv. ]>UUY TOWNHHIP I'nynuintolUintAi, IntflitiMt and oontn maylM) mndo nt anytlmo provloiu to tlio Mlo to Thoodoro F. 0. K. IIAVIII, Will Im Inilii on tho flint nml tlitnl Hatnninyn of OHIII Twnnly-nvWill to, Tmunuroo ymn*r o [ tli IIIMIIIOWlion tliM o Iniiln nwro tnkity i|>nr plncot o,f juiyiiion tho Countt ofy niolr tniivi ftlato,. oontn nnd Intoront nuisr.t nIm. limailw iitno b.y tlio purchoncr be- A. d. HAitnimiN, Town clerk. four o'clock, r. M,' i In—no moro, no loan,—Adv, |. Notarfore tlym I'uiillo coiioliifllu. n (if tl»! nalo, ollKirwImi tlio lmiiHirty wilfWl ImKitlmat Immudlnt^lM foy rn»iolil OontraoU, ) 011 Application. il October llllh, H«>. A. <). Wllniiii my hnnil Ililn novontoonth day (if Ootobnr, In Ilia your of our Lord ono thaiiMiiul eight hundnxl mul nllicty-iilx FAIR HAVEN NEWS. TINT ON FALLS NEWS. WAYSIDE NEWS. SCOBEYVILLE NEWS. The Weather. For A Donation Party to Bet), J. P, -Sociable at Robert Davia's-A The Roll of Honor In the Public A Bride and Groom in Xoum-A Warm Underwear Ttirkelson. Bird Dog lost and Found. School-A Surprise Party. Bryan ana Seicall Sleeting. The Daughters of Liberty gave a pound A surprise party was given to Mr. and The scholars of the public school whose Mr. and Mrs. William -I. Diffenderffer Has arrived. We have the under- donation party to Kev. J. P. Turkelson Mrs. Robert Dayfe last Wednesday night names are on the roll of honor for the of Lebanon, Missouri, are the guests of wear to exchange for either the coin . on Thursday night at the Methodist par: by the Glee social club of Long Branch'. week ending October 8th are Belle Dun- Mr. Djffenderffer'B aunt, Mrs. J, F. Scc- of .the realm or Uncle Sam's I.-O.tJ. Bonage. Over a score of the members About thirty guests were present. Sup- can, Bertie , Dangler, Lillian Dangler, bey.••; Mr. and Mrs. Dinenderffer were of the lodge attended the party. Each per was served at twelve o clock and the Amelia White, Thaddeus Havens, Leon recently married and are now on their ; EaSies' children's and'gettt'sScar- one brought something weighing a party broke up about three o'clock in the Fields, Alonzo Wardell, Josie Wardell, wedding trip. ' . letywhite and natural and all wool, pound and left it on the table. The morning. Carroll Dangler, Nellie Dangler, Emma ' A Bryan and Sewall meeting was held part wool, all cotton, and all good' packages contained coffee, tea, cake, Eugene Magee missed his bird dog on Dangler, Mary Duncan, Etta Covert and on Friday night The meeting was got- value. .'•;'.• ; etc.. and some badjnoney with the other Saturday morning. \ After searching for Mary Bendy.' • ten up nurriedly and in consequence goods in''"the""package to make up theit nearly all day it was found near Kob7 *A surprise party was given to Miss there was a email attendance. The difference in weight. No one brought a ert Drummond's place at Eatontown. Emma Bendy last Wednesday night. meeting was addressed by Henry Marks. N. J,WILSON, pound of money. The total value of the Asher L. Tilton, who is teaching school Among the surprisers were Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. William Miller of West donations was about $10. at'Headden's Corner, spent Saturday and Piereon Grover and Miss Julia Hyer of Long Branch are spending a week with DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, Jacob Lee is very sick with heart Sunday with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Long Branch City, John Elgrim of El-Mrs. Miller's father, William A. Tilton. BROAD STREET. RED BANK, N. J. disease. One night last week while Aaron W. Tilton, Sr. beron and Miss Lizzie Bendy and Wesley Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller of West visiting Mr. Lee, Dr. A. A. Armstrong William Slayer, who moved from Sea- Bendy of Shrewsbury. The evening Long Branch spent Sunday with their left his bicycle in front of the house. bright to this place about two weeks ago, was pleasantly spent in singing, playing daughter, Mrs. Edward Sickles. •»••••»•»•«••»•»»»•»••»•< While:he was inside someone stole his will move back to Seabright some time games and dancing to the music of a Mr. and Mrs. Joseph -White of. Red bicycle lamp. • this week. banjo. A supper was served at mid- Bank were the guests of .William A. Charlie, the young son of Harvey Lit- William Cavanaugh, formerly of Sea- night. ' Tilton on Sunday. • tle, fell from a fence on Sunday. In side, now of Swimming River, is em- Mrs. Benjamin Franklin entertained a Services will be conducted by Rev. BEE HUE, HfWARK.; falling a nail in the fence cut a gash in ployed by Thomas Johnson. number of her relatives during the past S. R. Cunningham in thescboolhouse on his leg. It took four stitches to close the Miss Delia Murphy spent Sunday and week. They were Mrs. -Elizabeth Grouse, Sunday night. .' , HBBEEHire: wound. Monday with her cousin, Miss Emily Mrs. Henry Grouse and daughter Helen; • Mr. and Mrs. William H, Foster were Edward Coy moved on Monday from Burke of Coifs Neck. and Mrs, Ezra Osborn and two children,* guests of Asher Sperling at South River the house owned by F. H. Smith to a Aaron W. Tilton, Jr., and John H. all of Red Bank. last week. ' . house owned by Julia Coy in the sand Crawford, Jr., spent Saturday with James Shields of Wisconsin 1 has been O. Sperling of South River was the fields. '-'' " friends at Marlboro. visiting friends at this place. He is now pest of his cousin, Miss J. C. Scobey, Mrs. Isaac Wilson and family, who Mrs. A. Heiles and her neice, Miss visiting Mr. and Mrs. David Dangler of fast week. .. ' '• have been spending' the summer here, Daisy Mohr, spent part of last week with Tintori Falls, with whom he formerly Mr. and Mrs. Fred Colemorgan of Mid- have returned to their New York home. friends in Brooklyn. , , made his home. dletown spent Sunday with Edward The Daughters of Liberty will hold a Steven Van Winkle is having an addi- Joel Fields is said to have the largest Hoey. flag drill in Liberty hall on Tuesday :ion built to his barn, which will be used field of corn ever grown in this vicinity. Miss Irene Scobey visited friends at night. ' • as a wagon house. Hunter Dangler and William Brower Red Bank last week. Mrs. Newton Goltra of Jersey City is John and Frank Emmons and James have been engaged to help cut it. •visiting her father, Hon. George B. Sny-Kerns of Oceanport spent Sunday with Mrs. Job Wardell was bitten on the der. relatives here. 1 • 'right hand by a dog last week. The Why tie Was Advanced. Miss Ida Brown of NewYork is visiting Charles Holmes has moved from Pine^ wound was not severe. A business firm once employed a young her mother, Mrs. Benjamin L. Brown, Brook into Dennis Eiordan's house at Rev. Dewitt Fay of Eatontown occu- man whoso energy and grasp of afioirs Arthur E. Smiffi'Ts buttdingTirwood- his place; —7- pied the pulpit in the Methodist church soon led the managemont to promote him shed in the rear of his 'house. May F. and Cora Bennett visited rela- on Sunday night. ovoi a faithful and tiuetod omployeo. The Miss Lilio -Williams, who lias, been tives at Mata wan on Saturday and Sun- - Mrs. Henry Tunis of Green Grove has old olerk foltfdeeply hurt that tho younger, quite sick, is recovering. day. • • . been sick with a severe cold and Bore man should bo promoted over him and Mrs. John Sheriff is visiting Mr. and throat. . : pomplalned to the, manager. • «».i •» Mrs. George Moger of Portchester, N, Y. John W. Crawford of. New York is Fooling that this was a oase that could OCEANIC NEWS. Mrs. Frank Soden is visiting/her sister, visiting William Belshaw. 'Hot be argued, tho manager asked the old. Under Value. Mrs. C. C. Cooper of Trenton? \ Carroll Dangler has been sick with olerk what was the occasion of oil the A Coming Republican JUeeting-Jtl- Joseph Wilbur is suffering from an at- croup for the past week.. nolso in front of their building, eucle Trips. tack of muscular rheumatism. Tho clerkjwcnt forward and returned To pay a dollar or two more for The Republicans of this place will hold Thomas Johnson spent Sunday with with tho answer that it was a lot of wag- a mass meeting to-night in the truck relatives at Eatontown. SHREWSBURY NEWS. ons going by. good furs is a paying investment, house. Speeches will be made by some Tho manager then asked what they were A clambake was held in Sheriff's but to get good furs at a saving of the members of the club. woods on Sunday, ' A Shanty Burns Dwn—A Change in loaded with,' and again tho clerk went out the Mail Service. Edward Denise and William Pintard John Springsteel is now employed by and returned, reporting that they were of a dollar or two from pnce3 took a trip to Cornwall, New York, last James Bennett. The shanty near the car house, occu- loaded with wheat. week and risited-E. W. Briggs. They Willard Coleman is attending a school pied by some Italians employed by tlie The manager then sent him to ascertain prevailing on inferior goods, is a went by boat to New York and from n Maryland. trolley company, burned down last Sat- how many wagons there were, and he re- there rode the rest of the distance on William Hance has had his windmill 1 urday. The place was built last spring turned with tho answer that there wore feature of Bee Hive selling that their wheels. ur the Italians. painted. • . 16. Finally ho was sentto soe wlioro they has proven wonderfully success- Arthur Nivison took a trip on his bicy- •o 1 «• ' A. H^Borden and Benjamin J. Parker •werofrom, and ho returned saying thoy cle last week to Eaatori, Pa., and visited MORRISV1LLE NEWS. went to New York on Monday and vis- were from tho city of Lucena. ful. • friends. It took him one and one half ited • the American institute fair now The mnnngor then asked tho old clerk days to make the trip each way. being held in Madison Square Garden. to bo seated and sent for tho young man Black Lynx Fur Collarette, 10 laches deep Dr. Henry E. Owen and family, who Two Runaways With Dut Little Damage-Tick Tachers Fined. The last mail now leaves Shrewsbury and said to him: ' • and trimmed with,Tbibet, lilgh storm a*, are summer residents of this place, re- for New York at* 7:00 o'clock at night 'Will you ECO what is tlio meaning of lor, value $12.50 each, at. S9.98 turned to New York last week. ' Harry Jones, who drives Child's bakery instead of 7:36, as formerly. • The change that rumbling noise in front!" Mrs. J. C. Brill, who has been spend- wagon of Red Bank, left his horse in Blact PerslonFurCollarettes, lOlachesdeep, 1 was made on Friday of last week. The young man replied: "Sixteen wag- ing a few days in New York with friends, front of Theodore Stilwell's store one day Mrs. J. E. Cooper and her daughter ons loaded with wheat. Twenty moro will full sweep, high'storm collar, valuo $12.60 returned home on Saturday. last week, while he went inside to de-Elizabeth are visiting Mrs. Cooper's son, pass tomorrow. Thoy belong to Komoro each, at:. ...: 50,08 Elsie Harvey of Asbury Park is spend- liver some bread. While he was in the Thomas Cooper of Brooklyn. \ & Co. 01 Lucena and are on tbelr way to Electric Seal Fur Collarettes, 10 Inches deep, ing a few days wiih her grandmother, store the horse became frightened and Miss Nellie Sutphen, who has been turned around short, throwing the wagon Maiohcsa, whore wheat is bringing $1.25 and trimmed with; natural lynx, high Mrs. L. E. Harvey. isiting friends in AsburyfPark, returned a bushel for hauling." storm collar, value sb each, at.$ 15.48 Frank Keach, Wellington Emory and against a post and breaking one of the home last week, Tho young man was dismissed, and the Abram Brown are spending a few days hind wheels. The horse was caught be- C. M. Patterson is repainting his house. manager, turning to tho old olerk, Enid: - American Sable Collarettes, 10 Inches deep, in New York. fore any further damage was done. Mr. »'My friend, you see now why tho youn-' .. high storm collar, value $20 each, at...... An Epworth League is being organized Stilwell lent Jones another wagon wheel ger man was promoted ovar you." ., »14.88 in the Methodist church at this place. and he was able to continue on his route. little Silver News. Electric Seal Collarettes. 10 inches deep ana Albert Harvey joined the Oceanic cor- A team of horses owned by Lewis A reduction of ten per cent was made trimmed with squirrel tails, high storm net band last Friday night. • Lane got frightened at some turkeys in-the wages of the people employed by collar, at $10.48 Albert Bugh and family returned to while standing in his farm yard last Fri- the Lovett company on Saturday night. .New York on Monday. day and started to run away. Amos The numbqr of, working hours were re- Electric Seal Collarettes, 10 inches deep and Richard Stryker has gone on a trip to Cotton, a boy, was in the wagon. He duced from'ten to nine and a half hours. trimmed with brown bear, high storm col- Niagara Falld. guided the runaways into an open lot With the reduction in time the net re- lar, value $30 each, at 922.48 Miss Clara Briggs is visiting friends in and kept them running in a circle till duction in wages is about five per cent. Alaska Sable Viciorlne, 10 inches deep, ST- New York. they got tired and stopped. Miss Ida Heridrickson, a teacher in the Inch long tabs, high storm collar, value John Mehan, William Giles and Ed- public school, spent Saturday and Sun- SSOcacb, at..: $34.00 EATONTOWN NEWS. ward and William Roach, the four boys day with friends in New York. whom Edward Tilton had arrested for Joseph VanHorn moved to Red Bank Trimming Furs by the yard, also heads, 80S Collected in Dime Albums for playing- tick tack ou his window, had a last week where he is now employed in tails, claws, noses and eyes, In fact every- a Pastor's Salary. hearing before Justice Hanco at Holm- the insurance business. thing in detail that makes up a flrst-clnss A sociable was held at Mrs. E. H.del last, week and were fined $1.99 each. Charles Pierson will become a member fur department. Johnson's on Lew'iB street on Friday A hen house on John McCarthy's place of the American Mechanics council next night. About fifty guests were present caught fire on Saturday night and Monday night. No.Agents. JVb Branch Storce. and enjoyed thJiuselven by playing burned down. The hen house was at- One of the greenhouses of the Lovett games and in other amusements. The tached to the barn, but with the help of company has been raised five feet. ' Afafl (Men Carefully Filled music was furnished by William Smock, some neighbors Mr. McCarthy prevented Alexander Paul will move to Red Bank Harry Denise, Clmrles Deniso and D, S. the flames from spreading. about the first of next month. Morns, all of whom are members of Bertha and Catherine Carton of Mata-, Mrs. Harry Kemmer is learning to :: L S.Plaut& Co.,;: the Eatontown band. At the sociable wanare visiting theiruncle, John. Carton," ide a wheel. twelve dime albums, which had been Miss Catherine Lane of West Long Mrs. J. E. Harvey is visiting friends in given to members of the Methodist church Branch is visiting her uncle, Lewis Lane, New York, 707-721 Broad Street, to collect money for the pastor's salary, Alena- Jordan of Seabright spent last wore opened. The amount collected was •* • » Absolutely Pure. week with her uncle, Patrick Carton. Llucroft News. A'cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of nil NEWARK, N.J. $62. Mrs, Ann Ryan, who broke her arm In leavening strength.—Latent United States Oou- The Epworth League of this place will some time ago, is now able to use it. Frank Chandler has moved from ernment Food Report. celebrate the sixth anniversary of its William Welch is having the ceilings Oceanic to this place and has rented-the ROYAL BAKING 1'OWDEH CO., NEW YOKK. organization to-morrow night in thein his houso newly plastered. Foster farm, which was recently vacated Methodist church. The exercises will Richard Crawford, Jr., has had hisby Oscar Ruland. be in charge of D. S. Morris. Delega- house repainted. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Lum and their tions from Red Bank, Nnvcsink, Ocean- daughter Leoua have returned home port and Long Branch will be present at BOLMDEL NEWS. from n visit to relatives at Herrick\ Pa. the celebration. -.-3 Miss Marion Taylor of Long Branch John I. Thompson is repairing and re- Attending the Christian Endeavor was tho guest of relatives at this place pnj/iting his house on Lewis street', occu- Convention. last week. Cheap • pied by William S. Worthely. A number of people from this place Miss Anna Thompson has returned .Miss Mary Miller, who has been visit- attended tho convention of the local home from a visit to relatives at Long ing friends in New York, has returned union of tho Christian Endeavor society Branch, home. held in the Central Baptist church at At- A sociablo and entertainment will be Piano Prices. Georgo Lovcns has been sick for the lantic Highlands on Thursday. , Among held in tho chapel on Friday_ night. past week with a severo cold. those who attended the convention woro Arthur Conover is recovering from an Tho Misses Scholleld have moved to Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor, Mr. and MM. attack of sickness. Second-hand uprights, some little used, some Long Branch. John Ely, Mr. and Mrs. Holmea Ely. Miss William Henrohen sprained his wrist much used, all in good order, $125 to $150, cash. James Conover is very sick with Eminafotilwagon, MiflBes Cora and Nellie badly last week, phoid fuviT. Lane, Miss Emma Elv, Axie Ely and There's no profit at all, but we need the money Rev. Cnrrctt Wyekoii." Colt's Neck Nowa. and don't need the pianos. OCEANPOBT NEWS. Josoph C. Hey or, R. R. Sutphcn and. The prayer meeting which wastohavo LowiH Lano were delegates to the State been held'in tho Reformed church to- It's an unusual chance to own a good instrument Two former itf'nldvntH of thin Vliicc convention of the American MechnnicH night, has been postponed until to-mor- at half. It looks cheap, doesn't it ? Very well, Ort Married, held at Tronton last weuk, On Sunday row night. William 8. Hycr oC St. LouiB, who the Mechanics attended tho Baptist Mrs. Louia SofTcVSr., slipped nnd fell wo aro willing to place one in your house and if kept a drug storo at thin place about «ix church of this placo in, a body and tho in her yard on Sunday anil broke her aftor tfial you don't think it's cheap, wo take it years ago, visited It. T. WuHt on Satur- dolt'gatcfl gave a report of tho convon- arm. Dr. Elyof Marlboro set the broken day. On Monday Mr, Ityor WIIH niar- lion. bone, back and not a ponny cost to you, Money back if rlod to MISH Lilian Lutigslroct of Now Tho tin that wan taken off tho roof of Mr. and Mm. Duvid S. Buck of Fro- wanted. York, wlio !H IIIHO n former rotident of tho Reformed church wan nold at auc-noira aio upending a fojv weeks with Mr. thin ])laco. After Iho wedding Mr. and tion last weuk. Four BIOVOH and a num- Btiolc'i) piueutn near Una place. First comers got best choico. Mm. Kyor left for St. LoniH, whvro I10 ber of lumps were aim) sold. The church P. II. Schonok nnd daughter Sahma of in cngagrd in tho mile manufacturing will ho healed by a furiuico thin winter Brooklyn spout Friday and Saturday (t Squuro Piunoa, no good , $10 00 bi und it will ho lighted l>y two Inrgo chan- with Mm. William O. Duck, i Bquuro Pianos, not much cood 20 00 John 0. and Corlivn Prieo, who Jmvo (Icllnrii. Ocorgo Willtlnii, Hr., in having tho out li Squiiro Plnnoii, pretty ROodf. 00 00 been vifilting their piiroiilii at tliiti iilin-o, Oiuik'l Polliomuu nnd hin noico, MIHH buildliiK" on tho Wololi farm repaired. 5 Square PIIWIOH, oxoollcnli 100 00 liavo returned to Virginia llcacli. Hurry M. L. Polliomuu, Hpi.Mit Sunday with Mr. M>'H. Ucorgo Willilno, Hr., in lli II Uprights, will RIVO good norvlco, Rood loolting...... 125 00 i'Vrry nccoinpaniwl tluuu anil lin will PollicinuH'H brother at Tracy Htatlon, With 007,011)11. 8 Uprightf), lidwer... ;(50 00 upend n week giinniiiK ut Virginia llonuh, near Knuliiilitowii. 4 tTprlKlitfl, wieil only thin numinor, praotloally now Tho hook null ladder company had 11 Tli<) nuiiibor of ^oltirn rpguiltirod it A Vordlct Against a Railroad iiinido, 11 ml dhowlng tho Bll^hlont wenr on tho CIIHVII. olmu clunvdor Hiipitcr on Monday nifrjit thin towmihip thin your In i)Hl), $175 00 to 225 00 Minn Kimnii Htilwugon in virilllnj< her Han foid L. Oiitrnndor and Frank E, Almoxt all tho IIXMIIIMMII of tlio company )Ii|>|ilo mid wlfo wcio each uwiirileil a wow prt'iiont and onjoywl Ibeiniiolvivi liy iiititcr in Now York. ORGANS—1« UHOtl ones, |10 up. A flno liillciiifj; politicn und dating chnwdcT. vorillot of ijllOO 'tlutmiftcn nKillnnt tho At- A Church Huyfl Itonl Kntato. lantic) Count railway at Vroi'liolil IIIH largo stock of now pianos and organs of notable Itov. John Wii^K oxclmiiKod imlpitt woolc. Thoy ww« arrwilcd at Xxuif with Jtov. Wllllain Miirgorum oC Little Tim Flnit Motliodint dmruh <>t Anbury MniiK.'h noun! iiioiitliH u^o for not pitying nmkoB. Bllvi'i' on Hundiiy night. I'm It linn bought two loin on tlm corner tbisii1 furn on 11 trolloy our, mid thoy OlinrlcH (). McFiuldcn, who him lietm of HCCOIMI anil (Iriind uvcimcii for ifH,O(H) brought millfi HKiilnnli tho trolley com- vliiithiK friondH In Norfolk, Va., I'nit of tlio propmty will lie uiwd an 1 pany for faliiii iirrOnt with tlio uliovc 29 Broad Street, homo liiul; week, 11IIn for 11 now olmjiol and tho |x>rtioirooult. not IIHIMI for thin purpnnn will IM< nold, Red Batik. A (JrouH of M'en* for IIS Tlicro'ii an ui|ioh In tho wny 11 ntory in Wo aro Mollinxu box of Ml Falcon title b|/ thr Quart. told iin In tho ntory lUw\t. Tint Hitomncn W-IIII for 116 ootiln, und 11 Ixitlor griulo a A (|uarl, boUloof CartcrVi lllnulc ). —Adv,