THE SUNDAY STAR, Washington, D. C. be trucked from a forest 200 E-2 31, SUNDAY. MARCH 193? Even Log Cabin miles away. Wood for the roof Cooper Taciturnity was hand split by high priced Is Costly Today carpenters. HOLLYWOOD UP). You A Good-Natured Myth think you paid too much for the house you’re living in now? 808 AND K6TE SIMPLY GREAT! I Continued From Page E-I that an ulcer once helped him Take a nice hand-hewn log later attended Grinnell Col- win an Academy Award. house, the kind Abe Lincoln's lege in lowa. He played “High Noon" with father built for nothing. It just cost Walt Disney $30,000 He started out working as a a troubled look on his face. V. Dartly because his ulcer was to build one for the main set \^i cartoonist on a Helena news- of frontier paper. acting up. a drama. FronHy^Unt^lSTAV^l^^mnEclwlcO^R* It was as a cartoonist Forty men worked three that he first to Holly- The Proper Look •» came weeks to build a copy of an | TRANS-LUX 1 wood but jobs were He ltth at B Open 1 P.M. few. At the first sneak preview, early Texas homestead—and ¦pL **s§¦ found that, as an expert cow- one of the Stanley Kramer ex- MsSuSSSsf boy, he could supplement his studio labor doesn't come ecutives recalls: cheap. The oak logs had to income by extra and stunt "We did not have the great work in the movies. It was picture that the public finally METROPOLITAN then he formed friendships saw. It was just another THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS extras, including with other Western except for Coop's GERTRUDE CLARKE Richard Arlen, Gilbert Roland THE * performance. At first all we WHITTALL POETRY AND J mHr ~S and Jack Oakie. could see was that drawn, wor- LITERATURE FUND Loew's Capitol Thaatri iy w^Jt SIO,OOO Looked Small ried face of Cooper’s—and The Coolidge Auditorium Mon.. Apr. 29-8:00 P.M. “I owned the only tuxedo in we knew what caused it. PUCCINI'S the group,” Arlen “Then we sneaked it again DAVID ROSS recalls. ”We Poet's all shared it because dress up and decided that Cooper, as Gold. A Reading parts called for more money— the sheriff, was supposed to Monday Evening. April 8. “LA BOHEME” Even Coop who was a foot look drawn and worried. After at 8:30 P.M. Conductor: FAUSTO CLEVA tough gunmen Tickets distributed at the Hayes Con- Mmei. AMARA. HURLEY taller than I.” all. three were cert Bureau «in Campbell’s). 1108 O Measm. BJOERLING. GLARRERA due home from prison to get Bt. N.W. beginning Wednesday. April Orch. 87. 88.AO. 89.7 ft Those were fun days, Cooper 3. at 8:30 am. Not more than two Men. 87, 89.7 ft. Balc.-Logo 89.70 » ijPTtL . ,i him. ticket* to each person. No mall orders Ist Buie. 87 recalls,- but he always had his accepted. MAIL ORDERS heart on becoming ad- “Back to the cutting room, NO PHONE ORDERS set an Service charge for each ticket. 2fte HAYES CONCERT BUREAU m ¦? tßm’ HBn vertising man—until he got a with more emphasis on Coop's District 7-1381 1108 G St. N.W. (In CumpbelTt) role. Then had Job in a Tom Mix Western. someone the ¦ .tt- . i.—.!rTr bright idea that song “When I found out that Mix a should was getting $15,000 week, it be added. It was ’Don’t For- ?????? ?????? a sake Me, Oh My Darlin,’ the The Opera Society of Washington started me thinking. I had .ii ii. hoped to reach SIO,OOO a year Ballad of High Noon. in the advertising business but "The picture was shortened, | April 24th and 25th it looked pretty to me thus faster-pacing the ten- f I small V after that. So you can see sion It was sneaked again ? The Unicorn, the Gorgon and the Manticore i pP and the audience reaction, ? (ORIGINAL CABT) 4 that I had no burning, inward ? AND OH, LOVE HIM TENDER desire to express myself—l lukewarm at the first sneak, turned to raves at the final ? The Old Maid and the Thief t Fred Astaire seems to have achieved a truly note- Just thought the money looked ? . ? good.” ones.*’ |+ by ? worthy blend of musical styles in “Funny Face,” ? ? There probably is no richer Today "High Noon” is re- borrowing the beard from the boppers and the garded as a classic screen Calloway guitar and actor around, except Crosby or a Conductor Paul 4 stance from the rock ’n’ rollers. Kay Hope. Cooper’s take has been Western. with Eunice Alberts. Bob Rue. Ellen Faull. and Adelaide Bishop Thompson is his companion in this duet in the film, strictly from Coop, a pioneer in making Members of The National Symphony Orehestra. ? motion picture Tho Washington Chamber Chorus and the John Butler Datiee Troupe next attraction at the Ontario Theater. acting, a type of acting that percentage deals on his movies, 4 has been subject much earned more than a half-mil- 8:45 P.M. Lisner Auditorium, 21st & H Sts. N.W. 4 to "High X controversy. Arty critics say lion off Noon.” No ? Tickets at National Symphony Box Office. 1108 O Street N.W. NA. 8-7332 ? that Coop merely walks other star has been making Price*: 82. S3. 84. f«. 88 J Jeanne Crain Happy Again through a part and that he the big money over such a | long plays only one character— time as Cooper, who this Gary Cooper. year is celebrating his 30th With year as top Hollywood Her Husband Back He has been the butt of a name. for tonight's performance Continued From Pare E-l i I will now understand what comics’ jokes. Once George iHT AT 8 O'CLOCK Stewart Granger in England—- | everyone does. It's when you Burns said that Coop and ARTS TUESDAY 'The Whole Truth.’ for the lose your perspective, when you George Raft had to play a Woolf Brothers.” Jeanne didn’t are overtired and nervous that scene with a wooden cigar NATIONAL variety “Slick . . . Shav- this the store Indian y funny lan high comedy . funny know until I told her, but problems seem bigger, un- between them. ices.” . . very "The critics I recommended her for the . til they fill the whole world. all accused the SYMPHONY Star gWJr'am. part of the ladylike wife when That's the time to stop every- Indian of overacting,” quipped M-G-M presents a lunching Burns. last fall with Jimmy thing and sort of lie fallow. great Woolf. Paul and I had always wanted He Just Reacts ALL-GERSHWIN Bedtime Story entertainment to go to but Sinatra Was Kind Honolulu some- Actually Coop is of of thnig always up a master Portrait a Madonna She thanked me. then said, came to stop the film art. His trick, if it April 6, 8:30 P.M. GREGORY PECK "Well go to London with the us. A picture for me. business can be called that, is to let r Man of Destiny Children in July, and if Paul for him. And sometimes you the drama school graduates put a thing long. pens at 1 p.l(». today , can stay, we'll take a house for can ofT too chew scenery all over the "Candid Camera LAUREN BACALL, We went there for three weeks April . . . six months and the children place. Then when the camera " Coming 9th can go to school in England.” alter we reconciled. We were focuses on him, he reacts, STARK YOUNG'S sensitive adaptation of so happy. hope Night Masterpiece IfPaul cannot stay, he’ll make I we always often with eloquent simplicity. Anton Chekhov's flying trips over every two will be. Cooper's acting is so natural weeks, Jeanne told me. ”We Both Learned Amateur photographers are determined that my work “We both learned a gieat will be photo- El -.-.. allowed to DOLORES GRAY will never separate us for deal from the break-up. You graph the orchestra during Written by GEORGE WELLS, Ajsooate • Cinemascope more than week know something, a man Producer In a or two. or loses Three • • Sisters end identity the concert. with SADA THOMPSON LOUIS EDMONDS METROCOIOR Directed by VINCENTE MINNELLI that too much of it will make when he loses the • * Lau Gilbert Ethel Casey Hartman • me nervous or irritable.” woman he loves. He sort of Margot Produced by OORE SCHARY An M-G-M Picture fades away. suppose Mail and phone order. Tickets at She talked of her movie, I It’s true ” ’Balianlvne's last woman, $1 50, 2. 2.50, 3, 3 50 & $4 District 7-4080 15th near f Bt. K.W STARTS THURSDAY “The Sin- for a but not as much. Joker.” with Frank Notional Symphony Box Office ****?/” atra—”He was so nice to me. But the chief thing we learned Twenty-sixth and D Streets NW. When I started that picture, Is how much children need both TfimNEEscoSrSuou? Campbell’!, 1108 G Sf. N.W. you know I nearly had a ner- parents. Ours were so happy MON. thri OAT. treat 10 A.M. NA. 8-7332 LOEW’S PALACE vous go. when we were back together. SEE A COMPLETE SHOW ANYTIME breakdown. I let I 10 at 13th dropped the reins, and Frankie ’’Paul is a wonderful father. HTWEEN A.M. AMP 2 PM F St. RE. 7-1000 He never spoils the was very understanding. Some- children. 8 P.M. • Sun. 2 naughty A man's voice is needed in a Eveniifs ft 8 P.M. THE SALVATION ARMY Presents times Frankie is like a GUARANTIED NOW ON SALE kid; he wants to lash out. house, especially with boys. A SEATS little woman becomes But he was very kind to me, shrill when PHONE RESERVATIONS ACCEPTED THE INTERNATIONAL and I like him. It’s too bad she is trying to make children For Evening ord Sunday Porformonctt X always behave, but Just having a man STAFF BAND he doesn’t let others IPX.OFFICE OfENSTOPAY 12:00 From London, England the way he really is. He’s in the house makes them be- “BROADWAY'S BIGGEST MUSICAL T-w. | see “Fuvurite of ( title and CurbMont** ¦?' wLihjEArP |Ht very outgoing have. And just having your sometimes and Touring State* “A MUSICAL HEART!"—, _ man back is wonderful.” Now the Unlit* | WITH A BIG m., PMHMfHHIi &jIS3M£EI3Mk friendly with everyone. But Jj elding often, he up • more bottles IN A CONCERT OF . »*VIO MftatCK M JOSHUA IOOAM a everything inside. PATRICK HAYES CONCERTS “Priceless.. .Brilliant BRASS BAND MUSIC i APHONYPERKINS T An Occupational Disease NEXT SUN.—3:OO P.M. 1 itmo TAJO suit GILBERT | Acting to Sweep TUBS., APRIL 9th, 8 P.M. $ ¦ J/fI 'AyIy/ ‘‘People have accused me of Lisner Auditorium A«* *»U6sl PtNt , I i being passive,” Jeanne re- Lisner Auditorium a Year's All Seati Awervfd. t’MMi. 51.50 KARL MALDEN V sumed discussing her life. JOSE LIMON Address Ticket Requests To: “That's because I cannot talk And Dane* Company Collection about things. Actually I'm very ¦‘One of the great dancers of our JflL THE SALVATION ARMY up time- —Martin. N. Y Time* Academy keyed and tense. It’s an GOOD BEATS AVAILABLE fa, >\of 1763 R St. N.W,, Wash., 0. C. 25. 1 f.LOO, occupational disease. Ifyou're _*l f* .50, $3.60 Awards." Phone HObort 2-6400 fFANHYi this penguin could not screaming to begin with, i* (JtfiL S. N. KHRMAN end JQSHUA LOGAN f ¦r‘M*y.t;TliPlTlYryjZr»l!fca» SUN., APR. uE «Mryv tr&A •••«»»«« talk, would he you soon will be. Emotions are I 28-3:00 P.M. Ml—CARMODY, STAR -> <-• Solve j the tools of an actor's trade. CONSTITUTION HALL F s*Vy\V\ v. HAROLD ROM S thlS L Artur suspense And it gets to the point where Ptanlat —ar to JOSHUA LOGAN gnLJUdLgjB sforyr”’Ctf emotions govern you. L Wow! \ Saw one m*«ae b» g “I’ve had so many problems RUBINSTEIN 3rd HIT WEEK V f f 1 J 0 MIBWt ¦I If tfmk H 1 J j| . In the past year In £olo Recital * \ JUWROSaiI JACK WASHHJRN kLe that I think GOOD SEATS AVAILABLE I 53X p2 30. 13 OS \ INIJLA ATESI ¦ -PAVID KNIGMT ; MAIL AND PHONE . \ SOPHIA LOREN ORDERS ACCEPTED 1 V. SILVANA MANGANO Dressmaker" HAYES CONCERT BUREAU ') TOTO in »*** * (In Camnbeir.i 110 S G Bt. N.W. with «M*to V jp 4 WEEKS ONLY * NAtlonal 8-TISI Bt«lnway Plano * TIES Suiy Delair and JfcA(M# J I r '* Bth thru May 4th The Prettieet mM, [ M DEBORAH KERR YUt6RYNNLR niim>or Models in Paris Evenings at 8:30, Matineef at 2:30 ACADEMY AWARD H73WHSI THE FOOD I 1 12-2-4-6-8-10 Special WINNER 2 Sunday Performances • Naples VJ| lIUUHBaJiUf IS April 21st & 28th at 7 P.M. DELICIOUS! t THE ATMOSPHERE PLEASANT Tram-Lux PLAZAy| THE SERVICE dupont „„a: 'lwtEiiAJtblfi*riij.iicuU'Wurto l COURTEOUS Open 12 Noon n Y at 14th I JEFF CHANDLER I tl I THE PRICE* MODERATE srH I JEANNE CRAIN I Si | THE — JACK CARSON I PARKINO TREE! I SHOWS TODAY | if -¦ r - GAIL RUSSELL ¦if I Patrick Hayes has the honor to announce u- -4LX W 2-5-8:30 P.M. An Extraordinary Special Event Seats on Sale Tomorrow at Box Office Sp f the LOVELL THOMAS production STEWAR^B^ Sunday thru Thursday Eyenlnts (Sundays. April only, at 7 r.M.I: Tl and 78 Divans iIS.IMi Orch. *1 1.5; Ist Balconv 81.05. 8.30; Upper Bale. *2.70 ENJOY First Friday and Saturday Kvenlnts: OCEAN raiSM SEA .OOOS Time in Washington Dlran. ao.on. Orrh. t.Y.Vt: lit Ralmny PS.AH. :|.HS: Upper Bale. *7.75 CHARCOAL RROILED STEAKS Wednesdav (April 10 and 17 anly) and Haturdar Matinee.; wonders OIOS O. Divans *1.05; Orrh. *1 III; Balrany 7.75; Upper seven IUICT ROAST MET Ist *I.IO. SYMPHONY OF AIR MAILORDERS ACCEPTED. Enclose telf-oddressed, stamped envelope JBh STMTS THE - nmmM WEDNESDAY •atAM.ASTt LUNCHEONS - OINNERS (Formerly Toscanini’s NBC Symphony) the WORLD COMPLETE DINNERS as seen through the greatest wonder... GIANT Action-Picked Program SMS TO $3.25 PIERRE MONTEUX, Conducting xJ NET VOUR OWN LIVE LOBSTER L*L>LJ iL*i lBa! Deborah tJC1333C13 Temptation In a Toscanini Memorial Concert Robert JR.ttSSE TROM OUR NEPTUNE TANK jF ,'jj tox offict open . Daily—lo a.m. to 9:15 p.m. and Terror' £/ ¦P'/ OPEN T A.M. TO CONSTITUTION HALL—Fri., May 3—8:30 to 9:15 p.m. IA.M. EVERT OAT P.M. V tl* ik'** Sunday—l 2 Noon Program to be Announced /ifftvl SCHIDUU Os PRICES AND PIRfORMANCIS ' rs%||i (AH ptiitt »*< la*) ,onb Ls lIJT MAIi lh*' If" Iprn M »171 UIO MAILORDERS NOW—NO 1 REsinvio I»t TELEPHONE ORDERS P T* SEATS '.rrw-t'^-'tiMrWrw * *>OW j Stec’ M , m „„ u 110 I Sl*a' i .0 i»' M WEARLEY’S SEAT SALE OPENS SAT., APRIL 6—10:00 A.M. ON S*Lt ¦ STAILISHIO IIH iTw. 'i7-Tin.t.rwjiif; f' !»• i' Hi .e j>l (S jsi 7i Sl6 NORTH CAPITOL ST Orch.: $3.60, $4.20, $4.80. Box Seating 5: $24.00 ft MIII' ~ wo mAtiwus won o» tun VACIRO UNION STATION PLAEA Balcony: SI.BO, $2.50, $3.00, $3.60, $4.20 U|g 08 13 B 13 W. Honor All Diner. Club Cord. 13th l l N W. • Metropolitan g-4425 and Trip Chorgo Service Cords llsTmy for' r HAYES CONCERT BUREAU (In Campbell's) "STRIP AHOY" 1108 G St. N.W, NA. 8-7151 Richard DENNINGJMmII Firni Solo in Washington NOW!! LIVE!! ! \J Appearance ff IN-THE-ROUND! I BURLESQUE pr Beverly GARLAND Q Plants tfe- L, FEATURING 3 STARS AQ IPV Richard Tucker, star of ronrert, * niOIIAnn I GEORGIA SOTHERN |Y|| H film I I radio mid televiaion, is the only Iburlesquel a Dean MARTIN CTl'” ? CRYSTAL AMES tenor to he invited to record with "l his first tolo star ring role «n VIIAIIPm •he Metropolitan Open and La fA\* JOYA SHERRIL Italy. ipi/rn Seal* Os Milan, IHUHOUSAND m M o FABULOUS FANNY I 1 Met General Manager Rudolph BEDROOMS Comstar! CAROL LE CLAIRE ¦ * n,n * I Th h 1 OLD ;«".V Bin* MV.; “I have an idea we’re I EASBONED futun T SinCINfMASCOPt and METROCOIOR ? FABULOUS FUIHY * EVELYN OF THOT | CO f H I'X'ERP '° ** ~r0,,H ’°mr d,y 10 br Iforring ? CAROL LE CLAIRE ? SHY-AMH BURLESQUE capable ol a lyrical, tentunut able to tell people we have heard ABL it HARRY SAVOY ? TOM CHASE MUSIC I legato and a ringing, exciting , .. n * BEN HAMILTON ? PLUS OTHERS! ¦ ¦¦¦!¦• $ fortissimo." —Time Mggailne Tucker. j t ffift APRIL I t SABRINA ? NEW SHOW Vfe'SyalYS-MLS-OfiS SUNDAY, 7th at 8:30 P.M. I ? IAN ALLISON MONDAYS Immmm * THRU SUNOAY Ticket* Available in Temple Office Opun I MIJT r> SECRETS Os THE Filled, $2.0(1 $3.00 I ill¦rrmwimHtivi fnt'fjf- Mail Order. and oEISMfc llJ L Dll . I al*l L* '245,1 RAY MILLAND ANTHONY QBINNJIEBBA PAfiFT John AGAR • Marla ENGLISH WASHINGTON HEBREW CONGREGATION ¦ mm Ml mtm WA 1 • ’ I i? FotottM. to toHiiua iMiiMiimi Picimi sygiisoiii “strip ahoy Massachusetts Ave. and Macomb Street N.W. 1 UAT* SHOW TOtMOWI U»T COAROim «HOW |