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FINDINGS Environment Transport Issues raised include the management The biggest traffic issues are lack of of Skirwith village green, overgrown winter gritting, speeding, potholes and hedges, HGVs causing damage to the flooding. verges and the state of some footpaths and bridleways. On Recycling the main Education issue was the lack of a garden waste Culgaith C. of E. Primary School is collection at Skirwith and . Dog seen as acting as a community hub. fouling and litter are seen as the most serious environmental problems. There CULGAITH PARISH COMMUNITY LED ACTION PLAN Community Cohesion & Involvement is considerable support for a bulk oil The most important community purchase scheme. The most supported 2013 - 2017 facilities are the village halls, the play renewable energy schemes are solar, areas, the garden centre and shop, the photovoltaic and geothermal. Serving Blencarn, Culgaith, Kirkland and Skirwith local pub, the village greens, and the VIC Café. Community Safety Crime is low in the parish. Priority Culture and Leisure issues for the area were more police New activities identified include scouts, patrols through the villages and action reading groups, coffee mornings, yoga on anti-social behaviour, vandalism, and other fitness classes, youth clubs, poachers, and drivers using mobile regular quiz nights and film shows. phones. The majority of people do not know about the Cumbria Community Economic Well-being Messaging Service and are unaware of Broadband speed varies greatly with the local Neighbourhood Watch Culgaitih be ng the best off and Kirkland Scheme. the worst. Mobile coverage was patchy. The majority of people with 5 figure Business telephone numbers want to keep them. The business survey was completed by around 50 businesses. The two main Health and Social Well Being sectors are agriculture and tourism. Most people are able to access GP Poor Broadband speeds are a major services in Penrith and Temple concern as are lack of suitable skilled Sowerby. Most respondents are happy local staff and lack of finance. Other to travel to Carlisle for hospital barriers identified include the cost of treatment but would like to see more fuel, lack of recycli ng for businesses, frequent clinics at Penrith People climate change, red tape and planning. would welcome Flu jabs administered Solutions identified included high speed in village halls. broadband as soon as possible, better liaison with the Tourist Information Housing Centre, reduction in the cost of fuel in The type of housing supported for rural areas and the gritting of minor future development are affordable roads. housing, starter/small homes, conversions and self builds fo r local people. No The Issue The Action Priority Lead Partners Time A Community Led Plan lays out a vision for our Steering Group - Val Brown, Mike Graham, Body scale community over the next 4 years and contains a Lynn Harrison, Jill Hay, Andy King, Vera Stockdale, COMMUNITY COHESION AND INVOLVEMENT detailed action plan for achieving this vision. It Sue Smith, Laura Wilson CC1 Village Continue to financially support village halls M Parish Village Halls Duration belongs to the community, to be delivered by that Halls and community groups as and when required Council VIC Café of plan community or in partnership with other agencies. The Next Steps and how you can help CC2 Village Work with Village Hall Committees to identify M Parish Village Halls Early Plan highlights actions which can be taken by The Action Plan sets out the issues, the action, the Halls new activities. Council 2013 community members, be of use to influence service priority, the lead body, the partners and the timescale. CC3 Play Areas Work with Play Committees to improve play M Parish Culgaith Recreation Early providers such as your Local Authority, and act as The extent to which the actions points can be achieved areas Council Ground 2013 Kirkland & Blencarn evidence of need when applying for funding. will depend on the ava ilability of resources including Recreation Rooms

funding but importantly volunteers to take them Skirwith Play Consultation and Responses. In 2011 Culgaith forward. Work has already started on affordable Committee Parish Council agreed to update its 2004-2009 Parish housing, garden waste collection for Skirwith, CC4 Information Continue to financially support and promote M Parish Duration Plan. People from local organisations across the broadband, a bulk oil purchase scheme, and gathering the Memo and village website Council of plan parish were invited to join a Steering Group. A information on the Cumbria Community Messaging CC5 Local Promote and encourage use of local services L Parish Royal Mail Duration household survey was undertaken in May 2011. Over Service and Neighbourhood Watch Schemes. Facilities i.e. mobile PO van and mobile library through Council Cumbria CC Library of plan 370 surveys were distributed and 202 were returned. the Notice Boards and website Service There were also consultations at the Annual Parish So if you want to help please contact a member of EDUCATION AND LIFE LONG LEARNING Meeting in Culgaith, the Blencarn Jubilee event and at Culgaith Parish Council or the Steering Group. ED1 School Continue to support the Culgaith School and M Parish Culgaith School Duration Culgaith School. The draft Action Plan was presented its activities as the hub of the Community Council of plan to the local community through public forums at ED2 School Provide School Governors with the feedback M Steering Early Additional Information The Plan will be available from the survey Group 2013 Blencarn, Culgaith and Skirwith and feedback on the village website at incorporated into the plan. CULTURE AND LEISURE CL1 Feedback Provide feedback to village halls on activities M Steering Village Halls Early identified through the survey e.g. cinemas, Group 2013 Action Plan Table 2013 – 2017 quiz nights etc. No The Issue The Action Priority Lead Partners Time CL2 Youth Club Support the development of Youth Clubs and H Young Duration Body scale other activities for young people Cumbria of plan ACTION PLAN ECONOMIC WELL BEING AP1 Action Plan Arrange Forums in Culgaith Blencarn and H Steering Late EW1 Broadband Continue to work with the East of Eden H Parish East of Eden Fellside Duration Skirwith to discuss draft Action Plan and Group 2012 Fellside Broadband Group & Cumbria County Council Broadband Group of plan ensure all issues have been documented Council to improve broadband to the parish Cumbria C.C. AP2 Action Plan Work with existing groups & encourage new H Parish Local Community Late HEALTH AND SOCIAL WELL BEING groups to take the initiatives forward Council Groups 2012 HS1 Local Work with local GPs to bring outreach M Parish & 2014 AP3 Distribution Distribute a Summary Action Plan to each H Steering Early provision services such as flu jabs at village halls Council Penrith GP household Group 2013 surgeries AP4 Distribution Make the results of the survey plus Action H Steering Website developer Early HS2 Healthy Promote the exercise classes that already L Parish Local Education Duration Plan available on village website Group 2013 lifestyles exist at and Melmerby through Council Authority of plan AP5 Distribution Distribute Action Plan to EDC, ACT, and H Steering ACT, Eden District Early website and Notice Boards. Cumbria CC Group Council. Cumbria 2013 HS3 Healthy Encourage village halls to introduce new L Parish Village Halls 2013 C.C. lifestyles classes such as Yoga, Taichi, Keep Fit and Council AP6 Adoption & Present Action Plan to Culgaith Parish H Steering Parish Council Early Zumba perhaps through initial taster sessions review Council for adoption & annual review. Group 2013 HOUSING TRANSPORT AND ACCESS HO1 Affordable Work with Housing Associations to develop M Parish Local Housing Duration TR1 Transport Promote Voluntary Car Scheme and Rural M Parish Cumbria C.C. Housing affordable housing in Culgaith village Council Associations, of plan Wheels through website and Notice Boards Council Cumbria Rural – TR2 Timetables Work with other local parish councils to M Parish Parish Councils The 2013 Housing Trust, distribute Fellrunner timetables Council Fellrunner Community Land TR3 Winter Work with Cumbria Highways to ensure H Parish Cumbria Highways Duration Trusts gritting adequate gritting along the East Fellside Council of plan HO2 Housing Work with Eden District Council to identify L Parish Eden District Council Duration TR4 HGVs Work with Cumbria Highways to reinforce M Parish Cumbria Highways 2013 potential sites for housing which are in Council of plan signage about The Pea in Culgaith being Council keeping with the villages unsuitable for HGVs TR5 Speeding Continue to work with police to monitor M Parish Cumbria Duration COMMUNITY SAFETY speeding Council Constabulary of plan CS1 Crime Publicise the National Crime website through L Parish Late TR6 Potholes Collate all the information collected through H Parish Cumbria Highways Early the Parish website Council 2013 the survey and report problems to Cumbria Council 2013 CS2 Neighbour Encourage current organisers to promote and L Parish Duration Highways hood extend the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme Council of plan TR7 Potholes Promote the Highways Hotline website and M Parish Cumbria Highways Mid Watch phone number to report faults, potholes Council 2013 CS3 Business Publicise Farm Watch and Business Watch L Steering Late through website and Notice Boards. Watch through the Parish website Group 2013 TR8 Other Collate all the information collected through L Parish Cumbria Highways Early CS4 Community Provide Cumbria Constabulary with feedback M Steering Cumbria Early traffic the survey on flooding, dirty roads etc. and Council 2013 concerns from survey Group Constabulary 2013 issues report problems to Cumbria Highways CS5 Community Publicise the Cumbria Community Messaging M Parish Cumbria Community Mid 2013 TR9 Skirwith Work with Environment Agency to improve M Parish Environment 2013 information Service Council Messaging Service the flow in Skirwith Beck Beck Council Agency TR Blencarn Identify potential parking sites at Blencarn for M Parish Duration 10 tourists/walkers Council of plan