Keeping Our Homes Clean Together!

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Keeping Our Homes Clean Together! mdÊGldÊ nrk;gthqÊ SEMBAWANG TOWN COUNCIL • JUNE 2021 MCI (P) 014/07/2020 KEEPING OUR HOMES CLEAN TOGETHER! Check out the ''Keep Clean, Singapore'' Make Sembawang Special events in Sembawang GRC on page 3 2 SAYANG SEMBAWANG 亲爱的居民 我国最近新增多起确诊冠病19病例,为了配合新的安全管理措施, 我们也在生活与工作中做出相应的调整。我在此衷心感谢所有居民的 谅解与配合。 有些居民对于冠病19病毒在他们所居住的组屋区传播开来的可能性 表示关注。三巴旺市镇理事会为了有效降低病毒蔓延的风险,已采取 更多的预防措施,例如为整座组屋的高触碰表面增加清洗的次数及进 行消毒,并为每座电梯所有的按钮涂上特别的抗菌消毒涂层。除此之 外,我们也在电梯内放置消毒洗手液,提供居民使用。 这个季度备受瞩目的活动应该是一年一度的“保持清洁,新加坡”运 动。尽管各社区的活动规模比起往年大幅缩小,但我还是由衷感谢出 席捡垃圾活动的居民。我也想借此机会一再感谢清洁工友为了保持市 Dear Residents, 镇干净所付出的辛劳与奉献精神。 With the recent rise of COVID-19 cases, I would like to thank all residents for their understanding as we adjust to the new safe management measures. 为了与庆祝国际妇女节的活动接轨,我们也在三巴旺集选区举办“妇 女的周末”活动。在一整天的节目里,激励三巴旺所有妇女们,并赋 Some residents expressed concerns about the spread of COVID-19 in their blocks. In 权于她们,改善自身的生活品质。如果您错过这项活动,可以翻阅刊 order to minimise the risk, Sembawang Town Council has taken extra precautions, such as increased frequency in cleaning and sanitising high-touch surfaces with a special 物,了解更多详情。 antimicrobial coating to all lift buttons. In addition, we also have hand sanitisers in our lifts for residents' use. 在我们继续为您提升市镇质量时,亦会在这期刊物,聚焦覆盖三巴旺 集选区已竣工的翻新工程。我们恳切希望这些新的基础设施能为居民 One significant event that took place this quarter was the annual “Keep Clean, Singapore” initiative. Although the events held at each division had to be downscaled compared to 带来贴切的利益及便利。 previous years, I would like to thank residents who turned up and participated in the litter- picking events. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank our cleaners once again 您也可以浏览我们重新设计的网站,它不仅会让您耳目一新,同时还 for their hard work and dedication in keeping our estates clean for all. 为居民提供相关服务和关于市镇在线的讯息,它将会令人有更满意的 In line with International Women’s Day, a Women’s Weekend was also held in Sembawang 用户体验。 GRC. A full day of programmes targeted to inspire and empower women was organised for the ladies in Sembawang GRC. If you had missed the event, read on to find out more. 珍重和注意安全! 维凯 As we also continue working towards improving our Town for you, we have highlighted 主席 some of the latest upgrades across Sembawang GRC in this issue. We hope that these new 三巴旺市镇理事会 enhancements will benefit and bring convenience to our residents. அன்ꮾர㞨㞤 埁羿யி쏁ப்ꮾளர㞕ளள Do also check out our newly re-launched website that features a fresh new look and provides a more user-friendly experience for residents looking for services and information online from the Town Council. க㞕ꮾவி翍-19 㞕ி쏁மிப்ரவ쯍 அண்மயி쯍 அ㞤ி㞕쎿鏍鏁 வ쏁믍 இவளவ்ளயி쯍, ꯁ㞤ிய ்ꮾ鏁㞕ꮾபꯁ ந்ை믁்ை㞕쿁埍埁 உ翍்翍翁, ꯁ쎿㞨鏁ணரퟁைன நை㞨鏁க㞕ꮾ쿍쿁믍 Take care and stay safe! 埁羿யி쏁ப்ꮾளர㞕쿍 அ்ைவ쏁埍埁믍 எை鏁 நன்றிய鏍 க㞤쎿வி鏍鏁埍 க�ொள்கிறே. Vikram Nair Chairman of Sembawang Town Council 埁羿யி쏁ப்ꮾளர㞕쿍 சிலர 㞤ங㞕ள鏁 அ翁埍埁மꮾ羿埍 㞕翍ைை鏍㞤ி쯍 க㞕ꮾவி翍-19 ்ரவ埍埂羿ய சꮾ鏍㞤ிய믍 埁ைி鏍鏁 அ埍㞕்ை க㞤쎿வி鏍鏁쿍ளைர. இ㞨㞤 அபாய鏍்㞤埍 埁்ை埍㞕, கச믍்வꮾங ந㞕ர மனை믍 埂翁㞤쯍 믁னகைசச쎿埍்㞕 Para Penduduk yang Dihormati, நைவ羿埍்㞕㞕்ள ளமற்கொள்கி鏁. அ㞤ி㞕மꮾ㞕鏍 க㞤ꮾைப்翁믍 ளமற்ரபꯁ㞕்ள அ羿埍㞕羿 毁鏍㞤ப்翁鏍㞤ி 㞕ி쏁மிநீ埍㞕믍 கசயயப்翁㞕ிை鏁. 埁ைிப்ꮾ㞕, Dengan peningkatan kes COVID-19 baru-baru ini, saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih மின鏂க்கிளி쯍 உ쿍ள அ்ை鏍鏁 வி்ச㞕ளி쯁믍 சிைபꯁ ꏁண迁யிர埍㞕ி쏁மி鏍 kepada para penduduk kerana memahami situasi sementara kita menyesuaikan diri dengan 㞤翁பꯁ ம쏁㞨鏁 ꯂசப்翁㞕ிை鏁. அள㞤ꮾ翁, நம鏁 埁羿யி쏁ப்ꮾளர㞕ளின langkah-langkah pengurusan selamat yang baru. ்யன்ꮾ翍翁埍㞕ꮾ㞕 மின鏂க்கிளி쯍 ்㞕 毁த்தி쎿ப்ꮾꟁ믍 இ쏁க்கி鏁. Ada dalam kalangan para penduduk yang menyuarakan kebimbangan mengenai penyebaran COVID-19 di blok perumahan mereka. Untuk mengurangkan risiko, Majlis Bandaran Sembawang இ㞨㞤埍 㞕ꮾலꮾண羿쯍 ந்ைக்றை நி㞕ழ்ச்சளி쯍 “சிங㞕பꯂ்ர鏍 鏂ய்மயꮾ㞕 telah mengambil langkah berjaga-jaga tambahan seperti peningkatan frekuensi membersihkan ்வ鏍㞤ி쏁பள்ꮾ믍” வ쏁ைꮾ㞨㞤ர நி㞕ழசசி 埁ைிப்பிட㞤埍㞕 ஒனைꮾ㞕 அ்ம㞨㞤鏁. dan membasmi kuman permukaan sentuhan tinggi dengan lapisan antimicrobial khas pada ஒவகவꮾ쏁 க㞤ꮾ埁㞤ிப்ி쎿வி쯁믍 믁㞨㞤ிய ஆண翁㞕்ளவிை சிைிய அளவி쯍 semua butang lif. Selain itu, kami juga menyediakan cecair pembasmi kuman dalam lif untuk நி㞕ழ்ச்ச쿍 நை鏍㞤ப்翍ை ள்ꮾ㞤ி쯁믍, நி㞕ழசசியி쯍 ்ஙக㞕翁鏍鏁, 埁ப்்㞕்ளச kegunaan penduduk. 毁鏍㞤ப்翁鏍鏁믍 அங㞕ங㞕ளி쯍 㞕ல㞨鏁க㞕ꮾணை 埁羿யி쏁ப்ꮾளர㞕쿁埍埁 நꮾன Salah satu acara yang telah diadakan pada suku kedua tahun ini ialah inisiatif tahunan “Jaga நனைி கசꮾ쯍ல வி쏁믍ꯁ㞕ிளைன. நம鏁 埁羿யி쏁பꯁ ந㞕ரங㞕்ள鏍 鏂ய்மயꮾ㞕 Kebersihan, Singapura”. Walaupun acara yang diadakan di setiap kawasan dikurangkan வைத்த쏁埍㞕 㞕羿ைமꮾ㞕 உ்ை埍埁믍 鏁பꯁரவꮾளர㞕쿍 அ்ைவ쏁埍埁믍 எை鏁 நனைி. berbanding tahun-tahun sebelum ini, saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada para penduduk yang hadir dan ikut serta dalam acara memungut sampah. Saya juga ingin mengambil அ்ை鏍鏁ல㞕 மꮾ㞤ர 㞤ிை鏍்㞤 믁னைி翍翁, கச믍்வꮾங 埁폁鏍க㞤ꮾ埁㞤ியி쯍 kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan terima kasih sekali lagi kepada para pembersih kita atas மꮾ㞤ர வꮾர இ쟁㞤ி நி㞕ழசசி뿁믍 நை鏍㞤ப்翍ை鏁. கச믍்வꮾங 埁폁鏍க㞤ꮾ埁㞤ியி쯍 kerja keras dan dedikasi mereka dalam menjaga kebersihan estet untuk kita semua. வசி埍埁믍 க்ண㞕쿁埍㞕ꮾ㞕, க்ண㞕쿁埍埁 ஊ埍㞕믁믍 ச埍㞤ி뿁믍 அளி埍埁믍 Selaras dengan Hari Wanita Sedunia, satu acara hujung minggu bagi wanita telah diadakan நி㞕ழ்ச்ச쿍 நꮾ쿍 믁폁வ鏁믍 ந்ைக்றைை. அந்நிழ்ச்சி நீங㞕쿍 di GRC Sembawang. Program seharian yang bertujuan untuk memberi inspirasi dan 㞤வைவி翍羿쏁㞨㞤ꮾ쯍, க㞤ꮾைர㞨鏁 ்羿鏍鏁 க㞤쎿㞨鏁 க㞕ꮾ쿍쿁ங㞕쿍. memperkasakan wanita telah dianjurkan untuk para wanita di GRC Sembawang. Sekiranya anda terlepas acara itu, teruskan membaca untuk mengetahui dengan lebih lanjut. ந믍 ந㞕்ர உங㞕쿁埍㞕ꮾ㞕 ளம믍்翁鏍㞤 நꮾங㞕쿍 க㞤ꮾைர㞨鏁 믁யறசி எ翁鏍鏁 வ쏁㞕ிளைꮾ믍. கச믍்வꮾங 埁폁鏍க㞤ꮾ埁㞤ியி쯍 அண்மயி쯍 நி்ைவ்ை㞨㞤 Kami juga terus berusaha untuk meningkatkan Bandar kami untuk anda. Kami telah ளம믍்ꮾ翁㞕ளி쯍 சிலவற்ை இப்㞤ிப்ி쯍 㞕ꮾணலꮾ믍. இ㞨㞤 ளம믍்ꮾ翁㞕쿍 mengetengahkan beberapa peningkatan terkini di GRC Sembawang dalam isu ini. Kami berharap peningkatan baru ini dapat memberi manfaat dan menjadi kemudahan kepada para 埁羿யி쏁ப்ꮾளர㞕쿁埍埁 நன்ம뿁믍 வச㞤ி뿁믍 அளி埍埁믍 எை ந믍ꯁ㞕ிளைꮾ믍. penduduk. நꮾங㞕쿍 ꯁ㞤ிய ள㞤ꮾறை鏍鏁ைன அண்மயி쯍 அைி믁㞕ப்翁鏍㞤ிய Lihat juga laman web kami yang baru dilancarkan dan menampilkan wajah baru yang segar இ்ணயப்埍㞕鏍்㞤埍 㞕ꮾண鏍 㞤வைꮾ㞤ீர㞕쿍. ந㞕ர மன்றத்த serta memberikan pengalaman yang lebih mesra pengguna bagi penduduk yang mencari ளச்வ㞕்ள뿁믍 㞤㞕வ்ல뿁믍 இ்ணய鏍㞤ி쯍 ள㞤翁믍 perkhidmatan dan maklumat dalam talian daripada Majlis Bandaran. 埁羿யி쏁ப்ꮾளர㞕쿁埍埁ப ꯁ㞤ிய இ்ணயப்埍㞕믍 வச㞤ியꮾ㞕 இ쏁埍埁믍. Jaga diri dan jaga keselamatan! ்鏍㞤ிரமꮾ㞕ퟁ믍 ்ꮾ鏁㞕ꮾப்ꮾ㞕ퟁ믍 இ쏁ங㞕쿍! Vikram Nair வி埍ர믍 நꮾயர Pengerusi Majlis Bandaran Sembawang கச믍்வꮾங ந㞕ர மனை鏍 㞤்லவர JUNE 2021 3 “KEEP CLEAN, SINGAPORE” 2021 IN SEMBAWANG GRC he “Keep Clean, Singapore” initiative returns to Sembawang GRC this year. It is a nationwide campaign that aims to inculcate a shared responsibility to keep our estates clean. We also take the chance to T recognise the hard work of our cleaners who tirelessly contribute to the cleanliness of our town. The initiative was held across the different divisions in Sembawang GRC. Residents and their respective MPs gathered for a litter-picking exercise at common areas of the estates. The MPs also presented awards to the best cleaners who have performed exceptionally as a form of our appreciation for their continued efforts in keeping Sembawang GRC clean for all. Let us keep in mind that we all have a part to play in keeping our environment and estates clean! WOODLANDS ADMIRALTY CANBERRA SEMBAWANG WEST SEMBAWANG CENTRAL On 3 January 2021, Sembawang Central held a Tree Planting Day. MP for Sembawang Central division Minister Ong Ye Kung, together with residents, planted Happiness and Chiku trees into the green landscape of our estate, further beautifying the surroundings. 4 SAYANG SEMBAWANG HAVE A STORY OR COMPLIMENT “THANK YOU” TO SHARE? DROP US A TO OUR CLEANERS MESSAGE HERE! eeping our estates clean and green for all is no easy feat. Our cleaners keep our neighbourhood well maintained for our residents to comfortably live in. In K honour of the “Keep Clean, Singapore” initiative in April, we highlight some of our cleaners who have shown outstanding performance and have gone the extra mile for our residents in the line of duty. Photo: Ms Dorothy MS MASNAH BINTE MUNKUS — MR MD SHYKOT ISLAM AND MR SAHADAT HOSSAIN SEMBAWANG CENTRAL DIVISION MAMUN — ADMIRALTY DIVISION “You have a pleasant and honest staff. I commend her "These are the two town council cleaners who made the efforts as I see her in the early mornings to late evenings effort to help me fish around the rubbish bin to find my and never slacking. She is a keeper! Do let her know we phone. It is really great staying in a HDB where people appreciate her dedication towards her job.” around me are so helpful. And this is not the first time; I have been helped many times in my 12 years of being here. – Mr Azril, Sembawang Central Resident All thanks to my Sembawang Town Council." – Ms Dorothy, Admiralty Resident MR SOBHAN ABDUS (SUPERVISOR, LEFT) & MR MIZAN ABDUE ROB (CLEANER, RIGHT) — SEMBAWANG WEST DIVISION “We would like to extend our gratitude to the cleaner and supervisor for keeping our common area clean. We have been staying here for the past 24 years and are very pleased with the upkeep of the environment. Please let them know we really appreciate their hard work. Thank you very much.” – Madam Loke, Sembawang West Resident JUNE 2021 5 SEMBAWANG GRC’S HARI RAYA CELEBRATION goes online! SCAN TO WATCH THE GEMA SYAWAL 2021 VIRTUAL CELEBRATION! embawang GRC celebrated Hari Raya virtually as a MPs for Sembawang GRC also joined in on the festivities. community this year. On 28 May, residents joined the They took a personality test to find out “which Hari Raya SGema Syawal 2021 livestream event that was held on kuih are you?” while sharing fun facts about themselves, MP for Sembawang GRC (Woodlands) Ms Mariam Jaafar’s and entertained viewers as they played games that tested Facebook page. their knowledge of Hari Raya customs and foods.
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