Concentrating Technologies

Dr. Raed Sherif V.P., International Markets eSolar, Inc.

Presented at the iNEMI Alternative Energy Workshop San Jose, ‐ October 20‐21, 2010 Overview of Solar Technologies Platforms

Solar Technologies

Photovoltaic Solar Thermal

Silicon Thin Film Concentrated Parabolic Linear Power Sterling Panels Panels PV Panels Trough Fresnel Tower Engine

Non‐concentrating Concentrating

2 Technology Efficiency Status Markets Pros Cons

Si panels 14% - 22% DC Standard, mature (GW Primarily Diffuse sun, Intermittent, no deployment), 75% rooftops and established, clear path for market share commercial , proven cost higher efficiency , and lately utility reduction path higher investment to set up manufacturing Thin films ~ 11% DC CdTe of FS 25% market Utilities Diffuse sun, lowest Material set, low share, other thin film capital cost efficiency, high about ready to enter the BOS costs market CPV 25% - 32% DC Fragmented, emerging, Commercial, Very high Few many technologies, less utilities efficiency demonstrations, than 20 MW installed potential, low use use of DNI only of semiconductor, lower manufacturing set up costs CSP-Trough 14-15% AC Mature, standard, over Utility power Established, over Water use, use of 650 MW installed and generation 20 + years, can be DNI only, low many PPA’s including hybridized, potential for cost storage storage capability reduction CSP- CLFR 11% AC Under 10 MW installed, Industrial steam, Low capital cost, Water use, use of but finalist in the Solar utility power steam suitable for DNI only, low Flagship of Australia generation industrial process efficiency, low heat steam temperature

CSP- Tower 18% - 22% AC Different solar fields, Utility power High efficiency, Water use, use of under 40 MW installed, generation path for low DNI only PPA’s signed for LCOE, storage, hundreds of MW hybrid Concentrating Photovoltaic

‰ History

‰ CPV Module Components

‰ The Promise of CPV

‰ Status of the Technology

‰ Opportunities & Challenges History

Go back to 1980 and ask: why is solar expensive?

To a first degree, the semiconductor is expensive And it is inefficient (low kWh produced for every kW installed) So you need a lot of semiconductor area

Two solutions were considered

¾ Reduce cost of semiconductor

¾ Use Concentration Some Historical CPV Systems

Interest in CPV evident in the 1970’s and 1980’s systems

But back then, CPV was too expensive –the technology was not ready!

6 Meanwhile, PV found a niche application

100 Historical

1980 $21.83/W Projected 2004! 1985

$2002) $11.20/W 1990

$6.07/W 1995 10 $4.90/ W 2000 $3.89/W 2005 $2.70/W 2010 $1.82/W 2013 Module Price ($/W) ( ($/W) Price Module $1.44/W

1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 Cumulative Production (MW)

PV was cost efficient in remote applications, then through FIT and incentive programs, gained market in grid‐connected

Projections of lower module cost with higher volumes, increased efficiency, and automation have come true –except the time of silicon shortage A New, Disruptive Technology

High efficiency, super expensive “multi‐junction” solar cells made their way into the domain of solar energy because of space application, building on the “dual‐junction” technology that was developed by the DOE

Picture courtesy of Spectrolab

High‐efficiency solar cells made of III‐V materials used to power spacecrafts Multijunction PV Sunlight

TOP CELL Contact 1.0 A/R* A/R*

Top Cell: GaInP 0.8 2 MIDDLE CELL Tunnel Junction 0.6 Middle Cell: GaInAs 0.4 BOTTOM CELL Tunnel Junction 0.2 Drawing Not To Scale To Drawing Not INTENSITY (ARB UNITS) (ARB INTENSITY Bottom Cell: Ge GaInP2 GaInAs Ge 0 0.25 0.45 0.65 0.85 1.05 1.25 1.45 1.65 1.85 Ge Substrate WAVELENGTH (Microns) Contact Picture courtesy of Spectrolab *A/R: Anti-Reflective Coating

• State of the art is the 3J cell • Typical 3J cell contains 20 layers or more • Divides the solar spectrum (l < 1.750 mm) to maximize efficiency CPV Module Components

• Primary optics collect the DNI light • Secondary optics homogenize the light and focus more on the PV cell • High efficiency cell package to receive concentrated light • A system of heat removal and electric connections • Dual‐axis tracking

Example of a CPV module‐ picture courtesy of Amonix Concentrating Photovoltaic Receivers/Cell Assemblies

Solar Cell


Sub-Module Module (total of 50 modules mounted on a dual-axis tracker) CPV Receiver/Cell Assembly ‐ Electric connection Example of a CPV module‐ picture courtesy of Sol3G ‐ Heat dissipation ‐ Reliability ‐ Cost The promise of CPV‐ Path to Lowest LCOE

• Efficiency is leveraging in reducing LCOE • Cell utilization is very small (1/1000 of the silicon cells) • Cells replaced with conventional materials (steel, aluminum, glass) • Promises of higher efficiency and lower cell costs have been coming true • Field demonstrations and IEC qualification testing show technology to be robust • Industry is nowhere near taking advantage of economies of scale yet CPV Advantage in Performance • Dual‐axis tracking provides higher kWh/kWp, and higher capacity factor‐ almost 60% higher than stationary flat plate Si module 100 1 90 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 80 1 1 JJ J 1 J JJ J J J J J J J J J J J J J 1 1 70 HH H J J H H H H H H H 60 H H 1 H H 50 J H H H J H 40 H H J J H H 30 1 Amonix = 8.8 kWh/kW H 20 H J Single axis = 7.2 kWh/kW H H J 10 JH H Fixed Flat Plate = 5.0 kWh/kW H JH J 0 JJJ 1111 JHHHH 1 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Local time (h) Picture courtesy of Amonix

• For a 1 MW plant, CPV system would produce >8 GWh over a 25 year life more than a thin film panel CPV Chip Efficiency vs. Other Technologies

• CPV chips efficiency increase about 1% per year: 40% commercial by end of 2010 , 42‐43% by 2012 and path for > 45%, while prices going down due to economies of scale, automation, and learning

Picture courtesy of NREL Where the CPV Industry is now, and where it is heading

Parameter Status in 2007 Status in 2010 Projected by 2015

$/W installed $7‐$10/W $4‐$6/W <$3/W

Cents/kWh >$30 cents/kWh $15‐$20 cents/kWh Under $10 cents/kWh

Research device 40.7% 41.6% (recently 42.3%) 48% eff.

Commercial 35‐37% 39‐40% 42‐43% device eff.

Commercial cell $10‐$15/sq. cm $6‐$8/sq. cm $3‐$5/sq. cm cost

Demonstrations Under 1 MW 4‐6MW with PPA’s Hundreds of MW signed for 30+ MW

Source: Dr. Sarah Kurtz of NREL Report on CPV Opportunities & Challenges

• Technology has the potential to reach low LCOE • Promises of commercial chip efficiencies of 40% and above are happening‐ chip efficiencies of 50% and above are doable! • Many new chip suppliers, ensuring continuous drive to increase efficiency, reduce cost, and meet volume demands • IEC qualification standards established, and CPV modules are meeting the standards • Field demonstrations are proving viability of the technology • PPA’s are being signed

• No economies of scale achieved yet • Bankability issues • Fragmented technology, no standardization Concentrating

‰ Why Tower?

‰ Traditional Obstacles to CSP

‰ Innovations in CSP Tower

‰ Opportunities & Challenges Among CSP technologies, the CSP Tower offers the best opportunities for scalable solar power at the lowest cost

Trough Linear Fresnel Reflectors Tower

ƒ Most mature ƒ Tubes fixed in place ƒ Dual axis tracking technology (over 500 ƒ Use direct steam ƒ High concentration MW installed) ƒ Low concentration ƒ High maximum ƒ Single axis tracking ƒ Low maximum temperature ƒ Synthetic oil temperature ƒ Demonstrated in Solar ƒ Costly heat ƒ Lowest efficiency (~ 11%) One, Solar Two, PS‐10, PS‐ exchangers ƒ Limited demonstration 20, Sierra ƒ Low concentration ƒ Highest efficiency (18‐ ƒ Medium efficiency (~ 22%) 16%) Question:

Why is CSP expensive? Materials, construction and installation have been costly for CSP

ƒ Traditional CSP requires intensive field construction –cranes, power tools, and heavy civil work with expensive foundations ƒ Mirrors use up large amounts of steel and concrete to resist wind loads ƒ Precision installation, calibration, and alignment are time consuming

Source: Abengoa PS‐10 project Lifting of a trough during construction Conventional technology

Curved trough mirrors and large heliostats (120 m2) require heavy support structures and expensive manual labor

Trough mirror assembly Other power tower The actuator is large and on site with large steel heliostats require 3’ heavily engineered support structures diameter steel posts set 20’ into the ground eSolar: Innovative Modular and Scalable CSP

Thermal Receiver [direct steam generation]

Receiver Tower South field of tracking mirrors

North field of tracking mirrors

Award‐winning Technology ƒ 2010 World Economic Forum Technology Pioneer Award ƒ 2010 Renewable Energy World’s “Renewable Project of the Year” ƒ 2009 Power Engineering “Best Renewable Project of the Year” Commercial Demonstration: Sierra SunTower Project

ƒ Each module produces 2.5‐2.8 MW ƒ All solar field components have been demonstrated at commercial scale ƒ 46 MW units fit on a 250 acre land (~ 1 square km) ƒ Can be deployed in 18‐22 months

The Sierra SunTower produces 5 MW and consists of 2 modules side‐by‐side in Lancaster, California. Each module has 12,000 tracking mirrors focusing light on a receiver atop a 60 meter tower.

Concept of a power plant using 12 modules side‐by‐side feeding one steam turbine to form a 46 MW power plant. Close‐up view of the mirror field. Notice the fact that there is no ground penetration. Frames come pre‐wired from the factory. Pre‐Fabricated Components for Easy & Rapid Construction

Pre‐fabricated mirrors and frames arrive Simple, linear design and field layout in standard shipping containers on site reduce high ground preparation costs

Standard 210’ (65 m) wind towers are External boiler designed by repurposed to host receivers, expediting the Babcock & Wilcox permitting process Big savings in Construction Costs! Solar Trough/ eSolar System Other CSP Towers

Expensive crews, cranes and Only hand tools (one ratchet power tools required, with wrench) required to unfold and excavating, welding and tighten entire solar field in place fabrication done on‐site with NO ground penetration Cost Reduction and Local Manufacturing Opportunities ƒ Small, flat mirrors require less steel, and can be manufactured locally ƒ Low profile installation reduces construction equipment and labor cost ƒ Pre‐fabricated components requiring less skilled labor for assembly on site Small, flat mirrors ~1 sq. meters ensure lower material and labor costs

Mirror field is installed using hand tools with no ground penetration eSolar’s Core Innovation: Automated Calibration & Tracking System Two‐axis tracking is supported by cameras and proprietary software

ƒ System of cameras

ƒ Fully‐automated

ƒ Heliostat availability > 99.9%

ƒ Full calibration in < 20 days

Automated solar field calibration

Before calibration After calibration Individually Controlled Mirror Field eSolar Automatic Heliostat Cleaning Robot

Cleaning position where the rows of mirrors face each other and an eSolar proprietary cleaning robot move between rows Sierra SunTower

All information contained in this presentation is confidential. No reproduction or distribution of this material is permitted without prior authorization from eSolar. First Commercial Demonstration Over 24,000 mirrors, 2 towers, one power block

Break ground July 2008, supply electricity to grid August 2009 Sierra SunTower – Time Line

Only operating solar tower power plant in the U.S. and one of only three in the world

Validates eSolar’s technology; 3rd party engineer’s studies complete

Operational history matched or exceeded company forecasts

Small form factor enabled siting of power plant close to load

12‐month construction period

Sierra SunTower Continues to provide invaluable data to further improve future power plants

June Construction December April July August begins Heliostats installed First Sun First Sync Unveiling 2008 2009 2010

All information contained in this presentation is confidential. 3 No reproduction or distribution of this material is permitted without prior authorization from eSolar. Official Opening August 5, 2009 Sierra SunTower: Summary of Daily Performance

eSolar’s calibration system has allowed it to precisely predict receiver thermal energy absorption Predictive ability has consistently improved throughout Sierra SunTower’s operational life Energy absorption model is transferable globally to large scale power plants

All information contained in this presentation is confidential. 3 No reproduction or distribution of this material is permitted without prior authorization from eSolar. Thought

“If you want to find a new idea, read an old book!” Bobby Fischer