Rev. Fr Kevin St Aubyn.60 years of service to the priesthood 11.06.2020

Fr Kevin was born in London on 16th June 1934, the third of seven children to devout Catholic parents Harry and Margaret St Aubyn. His childhood was spent in Worcestershire where his father worked as an engineer. Between 1943-1950 he was educated at the Sacred Heart College, Betharram, Droitwich, Worcestershire. He had a strong calling to serve God, and so after leaving the college he joined the Junior Seminary of the Fathers of the Sacred Heart St David’s at Farchynis, Merioneth. In 1952, his love of flying prompted him to undertake two years of National Service for the RAF in their Flying and Administration department. However, during his RAF days it became clear to him that his life would be dedicated to serving God and so in 1954 he joined St John’s Seminary, Wonersh, .

Seminary Years

1950: The photo below on left is Fr Kevin with his parents during his seminarian days, and on the right is clothing day with two of his seminarian friends.

1960: Ordination day 11th June 1960 with family outside Wonersh Seminary.

First steps as a priest

1960: First appointment was as curate at St Peter’s Hove in which is now part of the Brighton and Arundel Archdiocese. In 1962 Fr Kevin was appointed as curate at St Anslem’s Catholic Church, Tooting Bec, Southwark Diocese Message from Canon William Hebborn: On behalf of the priests and parishioners here at St Anselm’s Tooting Bec, London we would like to thank you most sincerely for your many contributions in your ministry whilst here in the parish of St Anselm’s during 1962. We send you an abundance of blessings and prayers on your 60th Ordination Anniversary. So very sorry we cannot be with you, but be assured of our love and thoughts for you on such a splendid occasion, we are with you in Spirit! With every blessing,

1969: Appointed as curate at St Matthias, Worcester Park Message from Fr Kevin Hayden: Everyone at St. Matthias, Worcester Park, sends congratulations and good wishes on this day. 60 years you have served the Lord in the most special way. May this anniversary bring happy memories to you. May the days ahead be filled with many blessings.

1974: Appointed as curate at St Simon’s in Putney Message from Canon Michael O’ Dea: Dear Father Kevin, Congratulations on the 60th anniversary of your Ordination to the Priesthood. We will remember your intentions at mass on 11th June giving thanks to God for your faithful service and ministry as a priest. Especially for the time you were here at St. Simon’s, Putney as an assistant priest in 1975 with Fr. O’Kelly. There are still one or two parishioners who remember you. Thank you for your friendship and support you gave me during my time in Canterbury. I will always remember your kindness. With all my good wishes and prayers on this special occasion. Canon Michael O’Dea.

1975: Appointed assistant priest at Our Lady and St Benedict’s in Birchington, Thanet Message from Canon David: Congratulations Kevin 60 years of priesthood a great achievement. Thank you for your service as a priest at Our Lady and St Benedict’s in Birchington.

1979: Appointed parish priest in Whitstable Message from Deacon Dan and Val Mulcahy: Congratulations on your Diamond Jubilee of Ordination. Thank you for your 41 years of fruitful ministry in our parish. Val & Deacon Dan. 1985: 25th Anniversary of Ordination

1995: Picture of Fr Kevin with Canon Beausang and Mgr. Canon John Hine. The occasion was Canon Beausang’s Golden Jubilee.

2010: 50th Anniversary of Ordination

Happy times

2010: Photo below on left, Fr Kevin with his Wonersh classmate’s reunion: The photo in the middle taken outside Our Lady Immaculate Church and the far right photo taken in 2016 on 80th birthday.

Messages from Clergy

The Most Reverend , Archbishop of Southwark

Dear Kevin,

Ad Multos Annos

On behalf of the Archdiocese and especially all you have ministered to over the past sixty years, I would like to extend to you my heartfelt congratulations and my sincere gratitude for your generous service to the Lord, to His Church, and to His people.

Having been a priest of both the Diocese of Southwark and then the Archdiocese of Southwark, and having worked with five different Archbishop’s, I am sure that you have many stories you could share with a relative newcomer!

I add this message of thanks to all those that have been gathered to mark your Diamond Jubilee. Many people will be disappointed that your special anniversary cannot be celebrated in the way they had hoped for, but may their prayers fill you with joy until a suitable, albeit deferred, gathering can take place.

I give thanks to Almighty God for your years of priestly life, priestly ministry and priestly service. May the Lord continue to bless you richly. Ad multos Annos dear brother in Christ!

With my deep gratitude and the assurance of my prayers.

Yours devotedly

The Most Reverend John Wilson,

Archbishop of Southwark

Canon John O’Toole, Episcopal Vicar for , sends his greetings on Fr Kevin St Aubyn’s 60th Anniversary of Priestly Ordination: First, my congratulations to Fr Kevin as he celebrates the 60th (and Diamond) Anniversary of his priestly ordination. Like myself, Fr Kevin studied for the priesthood at St John’s Seminary, Wonersh. He was there between 1954 and 1960, the year he was ordained a priest. Both of us have very fond memories of our Alma Mater whose motto is “spes messis in semine” (“the hope of the harvest is in the seed”). By Fr Kevin’s generous co-operation with God’s grace, that seed has born rich fruit in him.

The thing that first struck me when I first met Fr Kevin many years ago were his highly polished and gleaming shoes. I wasn’t surprised to learn that he had a military background, having served in the RAF before going on to Wonersh to train for the priesthood in an era when seminary training itself had a distinctly military style!

The one word one that sprung to my mind when I think of Fr Kevin is the word ‘loyal.’ The root of the word means “true or faithful in allegiance” and Fr Kevin has lived his priestly life in true and faithful allegiance both to God and to God’s people. He has proved himself to have been a good and faithful steward of God’s mysteries and his loyal, long and faithful service as a priest continues to inspire those who have been touched by his ministry.

Fr Kevin has, in particular, proved himself loyal to his brother-priests. He has been a faithful member of his priests’ Support Group from when it started some thirty-five years ago. The group members meet once a month and focus of the group is on Walking – and while walking together on the way over the years the bonds of friendship trust among his brother priests have grown and deepened.

We join in prayer with Fr Kevin in giving thanks to God as we reflect on the Collect for the Mass on the anniversary of his Ordination:

Holy Father, who by no merit of my own, chose me for communion with the eternal priesthood of your Christ and for the ministry of your Church, grant that I may be an ardent yet gentle preacher of the Gospel and a faithful steward of your mysteries. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever, Amen.

St John’s Seminary – Wonersh sends greetings to Fr Kevin St Aubyn on the 60th Anniversary of his Priestly Ordination: On behalf of the Seminary community, I offer sincere congratulations to Fr Kevin St Aubyn, who studied for the priesthood at Wonersh between 1954 - 1960. We are very proud to have him as an alumnus, and we give thanks to God for him and for his life of faithful service as a priest in Southwark.

My personal memory of Fr Kevin was when he was a curate in Worcester Park parish, and also school chaplain at Richard Challoner - New Malden where I went as a boy from 1966 – 1973 before going to Wonersh myself to study for the priesthood. I remember him as a young and enthusiastic priest who inspired me to want to be the same.

At his Alma Mater – when we gather in the Seminary Chapel, we cannot fail to be aware of all those who have worshipped God there over the years, and when we celebrate the Divine Office each day in the Chapel, the following Seminary Prayer is included in the intercessions - remembering all those who have gone before us. It is a joy and an honour to offer this prayer for him on the occasion of his Diamond Jubilee, and to offer Mass for him in the Seminary Chapel where he was ordained 60 years ago on 11 June … Ad Multos Annos!

May Our Lady, Queen of the clergy and St John our patron intercede for us with the Lord, that our Seminarians, staff and benefactors past and present may be helped and saved by him. Mgr Gerald J Ewing Acting Rector Monsignor Matthew Dickens: Congratulations Fr Kevin on your 60th anniversary of ordination. What a wonderful milestone you have reached. Thank you for all your dedicated service of the people of the Archdiocese throughout your years of priesthood. May God bless and keep you in the years ahead. With every blessing, Mgr Matthew Dickens

Fr Mark White CP: It has been my pleasure to have Fr Kevin as my neighbour for the last twelve years. I was new both to the Diocese and to the parish so it was a great bonus for me to have so courteous and friendly a neighbouring parish priest. He has a great love for the Archdiocese of Southwark and a great knowledge of it too and I have found it very helpful to benefit from his long experience.

Fr Kevin has a great love for the priesthood and a great love for his fellow priests. Here in the Deanery of Canterbury we have enjoyed his presence at our regular business meetings where he was always willing to share his views on the matters in hand and to listen graciously to the views of fellow members of the Deanery whether they were in agreement with his views or not. But it was at our Deanery Socials, held at his instigation three times per year, that he came particularly into his own. We have very happy memories of good food, good conversation and a fund of amusing stories of which he was most often the source.

I share my delight with many others that Fr Kevin has reached this great milestone in his service of the Lord and His people; and wish him much joy as he receives all the expressions of affection and appreciation from his many friends and parishioners. Fr Patrick CP and Fr Malachy CP join me in sending our heartiest congratulations and prayerful best wishes. Fr Mark White CP

Fr Michael Jones: Fr Kevin and I have been part of our Walking Support Group for the past 35 years. It is called WEALD [Walking, Laughing, Eating & Drinking] but today it is more of a Walking frame Group! Fr Kevin is now the senior member and known affectionately as Winko due to his love of flying and aeronautics and his time in the RAF during National Service. We have got to know each other very well over the past 35 years as we meet monthly for an overnight stay and for our bi- annual holiday. Fr Kevin is meticulous and a stickler for detail. Like Captain Mainwaring from Dad’s Army he tries to keep us in check but we do tease him and, I believe, he loves it. I have always found him to be a very caring and kind priest. When my eyesight was failing he recommended I visit his homeopathic doctor and welcomed me to lunch when I came down. He is a good listener and cares for all our little group. Until recently he was very fit and was a great walker. He climbed Helvellyn in the Lake District. He was also adventurous travelling to South America with Fr Jim Kirby[ RIP] some years ago. I cannot speak for his skills in the kitchen but he is an expert loader of the dishwasher. Many blessings and congratulations on your Diamond Jubilee dear Kevin. Ad multos annos. PS. He likes a bit of Latin and has a good singing voice. God bless Fr Michael Jones.

Fr Peter Soper: “I would like to thank Kevin above all for his great kindness and care and concern for his fellow priests and especially to us in his WEALD Support Group (Walking, Eating, Laughing and Drinking Group) and his loyalty and dedication to us in that Group. We also know him as “Wingco” who keeps us on the “straight and narrow” especially us the rebellious ones! And we cherish his great “Quotes”……”It’s good to be out of the Parish!”……”I could get used to this!”……”I think I’d prefer “Monsignor” to “Canon” – it’s more elegant!”. So, in honour of your Diamond Jubilee, I say “Congratulations ‘Honorary Monsignor’ Kevin” with love and thanks for all you have given to the Priesthood, your Parishes and the Church – and especially to me and us. “Well done good and faithful servant”- and friend!. God Bless, Fr. Peter

Fr John Slater: God bless you on your Diamond Jubilee as you celebrate this lets remember that you have spent 2/3rd of your ministry in Whitstable. I wish you every blessing and remember you received me into the church. Keep on going. Let’s celebrate this as soon as we can. Fr John Fr Rodney Schofield: Fr Kevin can always be relied upon to brighten up our clergy meetings (usually an entirely irrelevant, but very funny, red herring). I recall him recounting his reception many decades ago in Whitstable. The folk there, he said, regarded his accent as too posh. So he waited until the feast of Pentecost, and then offered his homily "speaking in tongues" (a Brummy accent, then a Cockney, then from up north .... working his way round the country in the hope of finding a tongue that suited. "How is it that we hear, each of us in his own native language?". Congratulations & every blessing to keep you going! Fr Rodney.

Sr Assumpta Walsh: “Fr Kevin having known him for over forty years several words came flashing through my head………………..PASTORAL:FAITHFUL;PRAYERFUL;CONSCIENTIOUS: REVERANT: JOYFUL and many others. Father Kevin’s care of the sick knew no boundaries and he would respond to their sacramental needs any hour of the day or night despite the distance. Since I am a day older than Fr Kevin it gave me the right to disagree with his strong opinions about children writing the words of the hymns for the class Mass in their religion book. To Father Kevin I was infringing copyright and depriving the publisher of his just dues. Sadly I had no such scruples! My outstanding memory of Father Kevin is that he loved traditional church music, had a pleasant singing and speaking voice, prepared well for the celebration of the Eucharist and celebrated funerals, of whom a few were children, with compassion and sensitivity and without judgement. When Mrs St Aubyn, Fr Kevin’s mother, moved into the presbytery it was a joy to visit her every Monday evening when Fr Kevin had a day off. She told me many stories of her family and significant among them was the death of her baby daughter Philomena and the near loss of Fr Kevin aged two with the infection that took Philomena’s life. Fr Kevin was given up by the doctor, but an Irish lady, a neighbour, encouraged her by saying “Don’t mind those doctors spoon this Lourdes water into him”. Hours later the fever left and Kevin recovered. Mrs St Aubyn always believed that it was at that moment God called him to the priesthood. Certainly Fr Kevin has a profound devotion to Our Lady of Lourdes. When I left St Mary’s School and Whitstable in 1984 Fr Kevin always showed interest in my journey. He visited me when I moved to Italy but sadly that was short lived. Actually it was while we were visiting the church of San Clemente in Rome that word came that his mother, Mrs St Aubyn, was seriously ill and was taken into hospital. We made an immediate U turn and went back to Palazzola and booked the evening flight to Gatwick….. a few days later Mrs St Aubyn went to her heavenly home to her beautiful Baby Philomena and other family members. RIP.

Kidetok, a parish in Uganda, was adopted by the Our Lady Immaculate parishioners as Fr Bernard Phelan Mill Hill Missionary in Uganda had family in the parish. The dictator Idi Amin had caused violent havoc in Uganda which resulted in the death of innocent people and the destruction of churches, schools and hospitals. Fr Phelan escaped by running away and hiding in the jungle. Eventually when all was safe Fr Phelan returned to his mission and tried to rebuild his parish. It was at this point that the parishioners in Our Lady Immaculate became proactive in their support with the blessing of Fr Kevin. Many years later when Kiditok was celebrating its recovery Fr Kevin made the long journey to Uganda to witness first-hand the contribution made by the parish. Fr Kevin’s sojourn in East Africa made him very interested in my Mercy Ministry in the slums of Nairobi from 1998 to 2011 supporting the Programme with some personal donations.

60 years of Priesthood is an outstanding gift but being human like the rest of us Fr Kevin must have had times of disappointment, frustration and self-doubt but being a man of faith and prayer he always managed to integrate the joyful and sorrowful mysteries of his ministry and carry people’s burdens with compassion. Thank you Fr Kevin for so much and Congratulations on your Diamond Jubilee. May you have the health and happiness to continue the unmarked road of your Priesthood into the future”. Sr Assumpta Walsh 13/05/2020 (Feast of Our Lady of Fatima) Deacon Barry Walker: Dear Fr. Kevin, Congratulations on this most special of occasions - 60 years a priest of the Lord Jesus - and the majority of that here among us. We are truly blessed.

I take this opportunity to thank you very sincerely for the wisdom, guidance and encouragement you have shown to me personally but particularly when I was in formation for the permanent diaconate back in 1997 and then starting out in my early years of ministry after 2000. Much will have happened in your 60 years but those times we spent together - a fraction of what has happened to you - may I say they meant a great deal to me and I thank you wholeheartedly for all you shared and passed on to me.

As I write this, and such occasions do cause the memory to work overtime, I cannot help but think of Deacon James Foley and the greeting he would be offering you, as he did whenever you both met. I remember watching him genuflecting before you as he took your hand, usually accompanied by an exchange in Latin. This is probably not news to you but I am reminded also of his term of endearment for you, referring to you as 'The Saint'. Wise man that he was, he knew what he was saying..

It's a pity that we cannot share this day as we would expect to; hopefully that day will come soon, but it does not lessen the prayers and good wishes that are wished to you from both Christine and I. We hope you will spend a pleasant day, enjoy it, and we look forward to meeting up when circumstances permit. Congratulations again and with prayers for your health and very best wishes, Barry Walker.

Messages from family: Polly St Aubyn: Kevin and I were born many years apart. As a child I was curious about this brother who arrived home, stayed a while, then left again (seminary holidays). I was typically nosy, wondering why there was a yellow duster tidily wedged over the typewriter keyboard (to keep out dust). There was a fellow student in his year who made cartoons, folding them up into concertinaed squares (they do more than study, then?) and he brought them home to show us.

There was nothing I loved more than sitting quietly in a corner reading a book. One day a package arrived from Kevin, an illustrated book of poems for children. I was hooked and have loved poetry ever since. Some time later he built a record player and gave me my first EP vinyl, Ibsen’s “Peer Gynt”, an exciting introduction to classical music.

He has had two love affairs in his life: flying and Canada. The former came about when he was fortunate enough to spend time on a flying course in Saskatchewan and Alberta during National Service. The wide-open skies lifted his spirits, as they do every pilot seemingly, so when our two sisters independently emigrated to Canada he was excited at the possibility of future visits. Check out our niece Catherine’s comments for an update. There have been highs and lows, where his priestly and family lives have intertwined. He participated in the wedding Masses of two Canadian nephews in Ontario; he conducted requiem Masses for both parents and one brother (he was unable to attend funerals for a sister and a second brother); and he became a detective and located three ‘missing’ cousins, one of whom lives in England and who remains in touch with him. On 11th June 2020 Kevin will be celebrating 60 years as a priest. 60 years! And 41 of those in Whitstable. I wish him a lovely day of quiet celebration (covid has seen to that), with much love from his little sister, Polly.

Niece Catherine from Canada: These pictures to me portray my uncle who lived an ocean away. Yes, he has always been a priest to my memory but the uncle who came to visit Canada was always interested in adventure. The forever Boy Scout who would go camping with us (Mom, Dad and three boisterous kids all less than 1.5 years apart), trying to start campfires with a bow drill and sleeping atop the picnic table in the dining tent. Meeting raccoons in the light of his torch. The uncle who, while visiting, was not afraid to roll up his sleeves and work alongside my parents on his vacation. The uncle who loved flying. His stories of the air force and how he was technically the first St. Aubyn on Canadian soil (and in the air) before two of his sisters made their homes here. How he worked on building his own plane that I got to see when I came to visit him back in 2001. He took me to an airfield to watch the airplanes; that is when I truly started to appreciate how much he loves planes and flying. The uncle who loves his family. He is quite the family historian and I love listening to his family stories. Since he was one of the eldest he shared stories of my mom when she was an infant and stories of his father’s family who were a mystery to me. My uncle who still sends Christmas card to me every year despite it being one of his busiest times in the year. Who has shared in the joy of each great niece and nephew who was born near and far. Though he is not someone I get to see often he is very much respected, thought of and loved. Catherine.

Ssister-in-law, Jennifer St Aubyn: Fr Kevin is my brother-in-law and has always been a very attentive relative, keeping in regular contact by ringing me on my birthday and other significant anniversaries. Indeed, such is his devotion to this task that on one occasion he rang me from France while on holiday at considerable personal inconvenience. That was much appreciated. I have to confess, though, that on the day some years ago he rang to convey his condolences on the death of my father shortly before Christmas, I was too preoccupied with a turkey which was not defrosting rapidly enough to pay much attention to what he was saying. I hope he has forgiven me!

Nephews Adrian, David & Chris Cobbold: Dear Uncle Kevin. From all of us here in Canada, congratulations on your 60th anniversary of your ordination as a priest. What a wonderful milestone to achieve. You have dedicated your life to the service of others-may the Lord continue to bless you

St. Aubyn clan here in Clent: Hi Uncle Kevin - many congratulations on your 60th anniversary of your ordination as a priest from the St. Aubyn clan here in Clent . Your dedication and service to your communities has always been to the benefit and wellbeing of others . At this special anniversary- here is to another flight ✈ and a chance to view your flock from 5000 feet.

Messages from Parishioners: Neil Martin: My memory of Fr Kevin “I remember when we moved into our house in 1979 Father visited us at the house one Saturday afternoon unannounced. Sue was out and I was in the garden laying the turf on our front lawn wearing only a pair of shorts and looking decidedly dirty. I had to hastily welcome Father, show him into the house and entertain him whilst looking dishevelled. I apologised profusely for my appearance but often wondered what he thought of me and how it shaped our future relationship!. Father Kevin hearty congratulations on reaching this wonderful milestone. Thank you greatly your service to our Parish and hope you enjoys many happy years to come.

Charlie and Janet Mara: 'We have known Father Kevin for over 40 years both personally and as a family. He baptized our daughter Charlotte and also came to her confirmation after he had left the parish. We wish him many congratulations on achieving this wonderful milestone in his life and a true vocation to the priesthood. Charlie and Janet.'

Chris and Margaret Berry: 'We moved to Tankerton, with our 3 daughters, in 1982. Fr Kevin was very kind and made a point of welcoming us to the parish.During our time here our three daughters were married at Our lady Immaculate Church, where we had three lovely Nuptial masses said by Fr.Kevin. He has always been very warm and approachable to all of our family.We all wish him many congratulations on his Diamond Jubilee. With Sincere Best Wishes.

Sam and Claire Atkinson: Father Kevin kindly welcomed me in to the church and was a guiding light in my confirmation. He has cared for my family and for this I thank him and all the selfless work he has carried out in the parish. Sam Atkinson. When Fr Kevin arrived at Our Lady Immaculate I was the first baby that he Baptised and the bond was made. Since then he has always been encouraging and supportive, and played an important role in my life and that of my family. I wish to thank him for his commitment and continued hard work. Always putting his service to others before himself, including when he was in the RAF. Congratulations on 60 years as Fr St Aubyn. I hope you finally get your plane in the air one day. Claire Atkinson.

Heather Moyne: Dear Fr Kevin, I have been very aware that on the 11th of June you will be celebrating 60 years of your Ordination. I am very sorry that you will not be having this with the whole parish. I do hope we can rectify this soon. During your stay here with us, I have to say as a family we have been helped by you in times of great sorrow. We have also happy memories of our pilgrimages. Our trip to the Holy Land is one that I constantly think of you as we were able to experience so much and I am reminded of it when we see the situation as at present. The media these days show us that life has not improved at all for the Palestine population. Our trip to Lourdes and Fatima was a happy occasion too. Fatima it was truly amazing and to this day I remember the thousands of people there, how you led the singing of hymns we were able to join in. On our return we saw the Grotto in the early hours of dawn with the nurses coming to hear Mass before they started their day of work. On this day it was our privilege to have you as our celebrant. I do hope we have some better days come soon. God Bless. Keep safe.

Bernadette Martin: Whilst I was living in Surrey, I had the opportunity to visit the Whitstable parish and attend the services led by Fr Kevin. I always enjoyed his homilies where his knowledge of scripture and traditional Catholic Faith came across powerfully. His beautiful singing really enriched the service and enhanced the religious experience and was an additional attraction to move to Whitstable in 2009. He always showed a welcoming smile and made an effort to speak to new faces he saw in the congregation. In 2017, I was invited by Fr Kevin to become parish secretary. Fr Kevin goes about his priestly duties with respect and consideration for other people. He has a gentle manner and shows kindness to everyone around him. In the Presbytery I always see him as a happy go lucky person!! ..... a real blessing to be around. Thank you Fr Kevin for your sixty years of service to the priesthood and your tireless service to our parish. May the Good Lord Bless you and keep you safe.