Church of Primary School (01257) 263454 Fax: (01257) 231827 Bank Lane, Wigan Road, Euxton, , , PR7 6JW

website: e-mail: [email protected] Combining classic Christian

education with

Acting Headteachers: Mrs M Ash and Miss K Lewis innovation.

‘Nothing can separate us from the love of God’ Romans 8:38 Newsletter 37 Established 1837 Superstars 8th July 2016

The following children today received their Superstar certificates in assembly – Olivia Ellison, Emma Strickland, Rebecca Hodson, Taylor Blan, Joe Shannon, Aaron Johnson, Georgia Cross, Alex Rothwell, Joshua Garrett, Evie Tattersall and James Robb.

Congratulations also to the following children who received their Silver award – Joe Shannon, Aaron Johnson, James Rae, Ryan Wilson, Alexander Martin, Tyra Dearden, William Hopton, Adam Knowles, Lennox Cross, Eleanor Ellison, Frankie Budge, Eve Chadwick, Louis Crake, Joshua Garrett, Isla Johnson, Toby McKenzie, Paris Mooney, Ben Smith, Michael Stringfellow, Alfie Coates, Heidi Cooper, Ella Norris and Charlotte Rothwell

Golden Ticket Winners The winning classes for the Golden Ticket raffle draw were Y5 for the juniors and Y1 for the infants. Well done to all children who received a Golden Ticket last week for active Christian Values.

Sports Day will now take place on Monday 18th July (weather permitting) Infants 1-2pm juniors 2.15-3.15pm

Sports News Cricket Team Champions: Well done to our year 6 cricket team who won the Parklands High School six-a-side cricket competition. A fantastic win and team effort from Matt, Thomas O, Thomas JC, Niall, Lewie, Jack and Charlie Euxton Cricket Club League: The team of Matt, Lewie, Jack, Charlie, Niall, Thomas O, Thomas JC, Gabriel and Isaac won all five of their matches and were a credit to school. This week they played against Bretherton CE Primary School and scored 256 against Bretherton’s 221. Thank you must go to Mrs Critchley for coaching and organising these matches for the team. Cricket after school has now finished but Mrs Critchley says the team will enjoy a well- earned ice cream next week as promised! Girls’ Football Team in Blackpool: Congratulations to our girls’ football team who represented Team Chorley at the School Games in Blackpool this week. The girls had beaten off stiff opposition to earn the place to represent Chorley and incredibly had not conceded a goal in the qualifying rounds. The School Games brought together the best teams from across Lancashire and our girls gave a gritty, brave and determined performance. With superb coaching from Mrs Schofield and Mr Eyles, the team finished the tournament in the top eight – a fantastic achievement – we are all very proud of you. The team were Maisie, Evie, Hannah, Ella, Megan L, Kaitlyn, Lily, Megan E, Alex and Mollie. Team Chorley came 2nd overall. Thank you to Mrs Schofield and Mr Eyles for all your help and thank you to all the parents and grandparents who supported and encouraged the team throughout the season.

KS1 Trip to Underwater Street The Year 1 and Year 2 children had a fantastic time at Underwater Street on Tuesday. They behaved beautifully and enjoyed all of the exciting activities on offer. Thank you to the parent/carer volunteers who accompanied the children on their trip. Years 4, 5 and 6 Leaver’s Party This takes place at school tomorrow Saturday 9th July, 7-9pm. Tickets purchased for this will have been distributed to the children. Please remember to bring your tickets with you. Thank you to the PTFA for organising yet another fabulous annual event that is enjoyed so much by the children who attend. Impetigo in school We have had a couple of reported cases of impetigo in the juniors. The infection, which is highly infectious, starts as a small blemish and turns into a scab. Children who have impetigo are not to come to school until they are clear. Thank you. Flu Vaccination for current Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 You’ll have received a consent form today. Please complete and return forms by Friday 15th July. Flu vaccinations will be carried out from September 2016.

Wisdom Compassion Humility Friendship Peace Trust Forgiveness Hope Key Stage 2 Results As you may have heard, KS2 SATs results were released this week. This year the tests were extremely hard due to a significant raise in expectations. Nationally, only 53% of pupils met the expected standard in reading, writing and maths combined. Our Year 6 children have worked extremely hard, coped brilliantly with the tests and have done exceptionally well. We are extremely proud of each and every one of them, not only for what they have achieved but also for the progress they have made and their positive approach to learning. Well done Year 6! They have achieved well above national averages: Reading Test Grammar Test Maths Test Writing Teacher Reading, Writing Assessment and Maths Combined

90% at expected 97% at expected 93% at expected 97% at expected 90% at expected (national 66%) (national 72%) (national 70%) (national 74%) (national 53%)

Dinner Money/ OSC/Uniform/Trips/Music tuition Please could all monies owing for the above please be forwarded to the school office for Thursday 14th July. This is the last day for banking monies owing this term. Thank you. All cheques payable to ‘LCC’ please.

Active Nation Annual Summer Fair This takes place on Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th July. At All Seasons Leisure Centre you can experience trampolining, face painting, bootcamp to name a few. At Clayton Green Sports Centre on Sunday you can enjoy football, crossbar challenge, trampolining, face painting and many more. Poster on our Parents’ Noticeboard with more information on.

Eve gets her hair cut for charity (Reminder) Message from Eve in Year 5. ‘My name is Eve. I am 10 years old. I wanted to do something to raise money for Macmillan because last year they helped my Grandad. So, I’ve decided to have my hair cut. On the 18th July, I am going to have over 30cm cut off my hair. I would love it if you could sponsor me to do this. You can do this at There you will see Eve’s haircut. By the way, my hair won’t be wasted! I’m going to send it to the Little Princess Trust. They will make it into a wig and then give it to a child who has lost their hair through illness. Thank you’. Please do support Eve if you can. Well done to her for being so kind and thoughtful.

Debbie Leigh and Becky Edge get on their bikes for charity (Reminder) On Sunday 10th July Debbie (Megan and Josie’s mum) and Becky (Hannah and Caitlin’s mum) are doing the Manchester to Blackpool 60 mile bike ride. They will be joined by Ian Leigh (Megan and Josie’s dad) and Paul Coles (Evie and Ella’s dad). They are hoping to raise money for The Encephalitis Society and Cancer Research, charities close to all their hearts. Please do support them by going to or Good Luck - we are all behind you and wishing you a safe return!

Uniform Orders for September (Reminder) We have all uniform in stock in school. Please place your orders as soon as possible. Order forms available from the front desk and cheques payable to ‘LCC’ please. Thank you very much.

School Dinner Menu Week commencing Monday 11th July the children will be enjoying the ‘Week 3’ menu. Mrs Ashurst, our school cook, would like to remind parents that in the warm weather a sandwich option is always available along with the usual cooked dinners from the menu.

School Pets (Reminder) Any family willing to have one of our lovely pets over the summer holidays please let the office know as soon as possible either in person or via email to [email protected]. The guinea pigs now have a holiday home but our tortoises, Sheldon and Tiddly, are still looking for a place to stay. Please let us know if you’re free. Thank you.

Sainsbury’s vouchers If you have any at home please bring them in next week. These will all go towards new sports equipment for school.

Activities: Monday: Lunchtime – Spanish club (last one). After school – Taekwondo. All other clubs have finished for the summer term.

Have a lovely weekend, Mrs Ash & Miss Lewis 