Finnish Light Rail Seminar 2017 Tampere, November 28 2017

Urban Design And Light Rail reocvering urban space with good looking infrastructures

S t a d t B a h n G e s t a l t u n g Dipl. Ing. Stephan Besier DE-04177 StadtBahnGestaltung - Stephan Besier UrbanRailDesign - Who I Am And What I do...

‣ Stephan Besier (1974), Dipl. Ing. Urban- and SpaKal Planning Transport Consultant - Leipzig/ ‣ mulKdisciplinary approach for infrastructural design for and LRT - technical, planning and design know-how for solving design challenges ‣ member in commiVees for transport planning guidelines: Germany: FGSV AA2.4 „Anlagen des öffentlichen Verkehrs“, VDV Switzerland: VSS EK6.03 „Publikumsanlagen des öffentlichen Verkehrs“ ‣ research and publicaKons concerning design of LRT ‣ consulKng and projects for urban design of LRT: Heidelberg: study integraKon campus-LRT, design concept campus-LRT Leipzig: study LRT-project, extension line 9, exhibiKon LRT-project, ConsulKng LRT-project, Design Handbook Infrastructure, network development study 2025 and strategy 2030+ Munich: study tram and cityscape, design concept tram Emmeram, design manual tram infrastructure, exhibiKon modern tram, urban integraKon tram München Nord Würzburg: study urbanity and LRT, design toolbox tram infrastructure Chemnitz: study LRT and integraKon, consulKng Chemnitzer Modell, exhibiKon Chemnitzer Modell, Design standards for tram and bus stops Cologne: design concept LRT Bonner Strasse, consulKng workshop Ringe, network strategy 2030/2050 ‣ further transport projects: integrated transport system South Tyrol, cableway/aerial tram Brixen, new train/bus staKon in Bolzano network strategy for bus systems in Bolzano and Merano…. The Importance Of Design Design Challenge LRT + The Urban Context Of LRT Importance Of Design The Overall Goal: An AVracKve And Livable City

LRT is the unique opportunity to create a livable city

„the magnitude of the necessary construcKons to build a light rail line is a matchless oppprtunity to create a city we all dream of: a less noisy, friendly city with squares open for everyone, where everybody can stand and enjoy.“ Alfred Peter, landscape architect in Strasbourg Importance Of Design LRT And Cityscape - Responsibility And Opportunity

Design Challenge LRT • LRT is part of our ciKes and life! • infrastructure are „staKc witnesses“ of LRT operaKons - visual presence in urban space • cultural and social relevance of infrastructure in relaKon to adverKsment of car industry • infrastructure has a very high importance for for perceived public image („business card“) • opportunity for self-presentaKon, but also urbanisKc responsibility („respect“) • LRT should blend into cityscape and enhance the appearance of the built environment >> Aspects of urban design have to be taken into account planning a overall good PT system Importance Of Design Influence Of PresKge And Image

“Ugliness doesn‘t sell”

Raymond Loewy: “…appearance is a salable commodity, enhances a product’s presLge, benefits the customer…”

Philippe Starck: “I try not make the object for the object but … for the human being, the person who will use it”.

Design is not an end in itself…

... but a strong selling proposiLon ... and boosLng the image of PT Importance Of Design How to treat customers...

Planning solely in a technical context, an important aspect may get out of the view... the customer in the focus... • choosing a mode of transport is strongly determined by subjecKve values - open well underesKmated • objecKve and subjecKve valuaKons may differ... • it is important to consider emoBonal, design and behavioral approaches into transport planning the passenger is a pedestrian... • „last mile by foot“ - far over 95% of the customers reach their staKon by foot - PT and walking form a symbiosis • PT without the walking approach is almost impossible - the way to stops is judged by walking in the street • it is important to see walking as major feeder system and the pedestrians view as basis for descisions Importance Of Design QualiKes Of Streetscape And Its Influence On Ridership

attractive streetscape

Influence of the quality of streetscape less attractive streetscape on accepted walking distance to PT stops

(H. Knoflacher, Vienna 1995) Importance Of Design QualiKes Of Streetscape And Its Influence On Ridership

Comparison of the area of catchment depending on aVracKvness and „walkability“ of urban space

(H. Boesch, Zurich 1992) Importance Of Design IntegraKng LRT-Infrastructure In The Urban Context

Infrastructure And Urban Design overall discipline - town planning

• every intervenKon in streetscape has an impact on design quality - „every (construcKon-) measure in urban space is urban design“

• there is no such thing as „no special discipline - streetscape design design“ - design cannot be ignored - a certain level of design quality is always achieved - it is either „good“ or „bad“

tram / LRT

LRT Infrastructure IS Urban Design!

Importance Of Design Design principles > IntegraLon in Streetscape > Shaping Streetscape

Tramway without relevant infrastructure Tramway with relevant infrastructure From an urban elements for streetscape („almost invisible“) elements for streetscape („dominaLon“) designer point of - street running: „tracks in asphalt“ - segregated tracks (seperate right of way) view infrastructures of tramways are - stops in street, shelters in walkway - island type stops in the middle of the road always an - simple overhead fixed at building fronts - railway type overhead system with poles intervenBon in >> typical for historic tram („streetcar“) >> typical for modern „light rail“ streetscape Importance Of Design Autudes Towards Design And Infrastructure

DominaLon Of Transport Urban IntegraLon LRT as railways in our ciKes LRT as a tool for urban regeneraKon

„ciLes segregated by transport“ „transport as part of the city“ negaLve intervenLon - downgrading posiLve intervenLon - upgrading roads as motorway and as urbanisKc approach with infrastructures railways creaKng a surrounding hosKle creaKng a „human living space“ in the for human beings heart of our ciKes Importance Of Design Different Autudes - Different Appearances

Technical Approach UrbanisKc Approach Importance Of Design The Challenge Of Design And IntegraKon Of Tracks Importance Of Design The Challenge Of Design And IntegraKon Of Overhead Systems Importance Of Design UrbanisKc ProposiKons On Infastructure

Thesis: Design Aspects AnLthesis: Technical Aspects • ever present witnesses of LRT • essenKal funcKonal elements for LRT- operaKons - part of the city operaKons („have to be there“) • shall not have negaKve effects on • technical requirements limit the room for cityscape - respect urban environment aestheKc soluKons • but: aspects design/integraKon open • but: technical soluKons and impact on not adequately taken into account streetscape vary greatly from city to city

Challenges Concerning Synthesis Of Form And FuncLon • beVer consideraKon of the interacKon between form and funcKon ! • posiKve image forming of public transprt and the transport company ! • how to make „funcBons“ aestheKcally more pleasing ? • how to use or create room for „aestheBcs“ and design ?

Good Design = Good FuncLon + Good Form Importance Of Design LRT-Infrastructure - Synthesis Of FuncKon And Form

LRT is both: civil engineering work AND design object modern LRT is not a „railway in the city“, but a modern „streetcar“ with adeqaute technical soluKons it blends itself perfectly into streetscape How to treat Tracks And Right-Of-Way As Design Elements Tracks As Design Elements Relevance Of Tracks For Urban Design

Tracks And Streetscape • system LRT is determined strongly by its own right-of-way • segregated tracks area has a strong influence on streetscape • Surfaces between rails are subject to different materials • this makes integraKon in almost every urban context possible • Tracks are a design element Tracks As Design Elements Typology Of Elements

crossing plaworm crossing

crossing crossing

typology for the „band of tracks“ combinaKon and arrangement of elements and materials Tracks As Design Elements Typology Of Elements

Typology Crossing With End Of Green development of standards Materialisierung analog Gehweg Tracks As Design Elements Kleinpflaster (Vorgabe Stadtplanungsamt) Bord Safe Design

Principles For Infrastructure 1 Bord Markierung Rasen 1 / make traffic soluLon easy to understand and self explanatory (Vorgabe Strassenverkehrsbehörde) 2 / clarifiy streetscape and therewith contribute to safety 3 / consistent and predictable as well as recognizeable design

Guiding Elements 4 / the „white line“ - 30 cm curbstone limiLng track zone - high contrast with green track and dark road asphalt - bright track zone contrast to road asphalt 5 / crossings & intersecLons - change in material - bright track zone in contrast with road asphalt and pedestrian areas FAHRBAHNANHEBUNG - curbstone supporKng separaKon of track zone from intersecKon 6 / Stops - bright contrast system makes stop recognizeable in walkway - bright and broad stop curb make stop recognizable in street - red stones makes plaworm recognizeable in street Foto: Mathias Keuchel Tracks As Design Elements Different Surfaces For Different Environments Tracks As Design Elements Different Surfaces For Different Environments Tracks As Design Elements Green Tracks

Green Tracks – a „green carpet“ for LRT • LRT glides on a green band • major upgrade for streetscapes • posiKve impact on micro-climate and noise • tracks become green spaces

• consider types of construcKon • green grass carpet and a solid level caretaking is necessary • soluKons are proven - but open aper implementaBon

Tracks As Design Elements Green Tracks

Ugrading streetscape - from stone desert to linear park Tracks As Design Elements Green Tracks

negaLve: fully visible rail give a very technical posiLve: r-o-w as green carpet - grass is visible impression - grass is barely visible from from walkway - isolaKng-elements are a walkway - rubbish collects at railbase funcKonal compromise Tracks As Design Elements Concrete And Asphalt

a decent standard – concrete and asphalt • smooth and uniform surface • cost-efficient and easy to build design element • flexible surface impression in relaKon to materials used - esp. with concrete • brightened surfaces in r-o-w result in a friendly and warm impression, as well as a subtle yet discernable differenKaKon of driveways • a good standard for most areas

Tracks As Design Elements Concrete potenBal of „beton désacBvée“ (washed concrete)

washing of surface brightened surfaces

construcLon structure by colour Tracks As Design Elements Paved Tracks

paving – a special design element • paving allows for a living and authenKc surface in narrow streets - slabs allow a generous and smooth surface in squares • natural stone is especially aVracKve and yields a high-grade impression • concrete paving is ambivalent: prevalent inaVracKve stones and jointwork - rather seldom aestheKc pleasing soluKons • because of technical challenges and high- cost limit use to special areas 41 42 Tracks As Design Elements Paved Tracks proven soluBons of paved tracks monolithic soluLon drain concrete Dresden Würzburg

slab track paving inairacLve concrete channel Brussels Christchurch (NZ) Tracks As Design Elements Arrangement Of Materials

negaLv: tracks seem as an alien technical strip posiLv: tracks are integrated into coherent cuung through the materials of the square - surface of square - change of materials indicate change of materials and blurs coherent surface the separaKon between driveway and square Tracks As Design Elements Arrangement Of Materials

arrangements of materials - separarLng elements for segregated tracks • clear lines and logical arrangements will yield an aVracKve overall impression • a broad (20...30 cm) stone curb is well suited for the separaKon of driveways • intersecKons and stops are challenging situaKons concerning the arrangements of materials

Tracks As Design Elements Arrangement Of Materials

negaLve: missing border of segregated tracks posiLve: clearly designed situaKon at the end of result in a blurred impression on the ground - this a segregated track - pavers line the border requires inaVracKve road markings between dark and brightened asphalt

...sometimes tram tracks can be the center of an attractive and unusual situation... wait, get on and off... AiracLve Design of Stops And StaLons StaLons As Business Cards StaKons And Their Context

Stops Are Business Cards For Transport Companies

• interface with the customer à „communicaKon“ – autude of company towards customer • recognisable landmark à posiKve image • customer has to wait at stops à posiKve pasKme atmosphere

• coordinate elements concerning form and colour - use „good“ standard elements

platforms Is there a thing as Good Looking Overhead Contact Systems ...? OCS - IntegraLon and Design The Urban Context Of Overhead Contact System (OCS)

OSC And Cityscape • situated in the airspace in front of facades, open they form the „upper limit“ of streets • funcKonal element for tracKon energy supply - no back up system • resistance against new tram lines open links with „ugly“ OCS systems • OCS is not a design element in itself > should draw no aVenKon - subtle impression • consider influence on feasability of projects - Munich English Garden, World Heritage Sites, UniversiKes etc. OCS - IntegraLon and Design Impressions On Streetscape

no impact avoid OCS at all, alternaKve energy-supply-systems like APS or baVeries etc. with no visual appearance > no structures in airspace, no obstrucBon low impact OCS without messenger wire , two dimensional structure with relaKvely subtle appearance feeding and tensioning are less intrusive > rather good acceptable for streetscape high impact railway type catenary OCS, complex structures with three dimensional impression feeding and tensioning form a visual nuisance > rather not acceptable for streetscape OCS - IntegraLon and Design Systems - State(s) Of The Art

France: heavy contact wire (Ri150) „delta“-sKtch wire and feeder in the ground (eg 1‘000 sqmm) - in some places double cw (Ri120) - no catenary in urban apllicaKons > low impact

Switzerland: light contact wire (Ri107) with pendular type suspension and feeder in air (2*107 sqmm) - CH abendoned all catenary in favor of above > sBll low impact

Germany: a) catenary with single or double messenger wire (Ri120/Ri150) enforced by recommendaKons > high impact b) some examples with simple or „delta“-sKtch wire (Ri100/Ri120); someKmes with add‘l feeder > low impact deutlich niedrigerer Mast zur Verspannungsbefestigung steht, ist auch hier jüngst ein großer Stahlträger in den Gehweg eingelassen worden. Einige Meter weiter, vor der Gastronomie „Mittendrin“, klafft gleichermaßen ein stattliches Loch auf dem Bürgersteig. Auch hier wird bald ein Stahlträger das Straßenbild prägen. 18.07.2011 Massiver, neuer Stahlträger vor der OCS - IntegraLon and Design id4886052.html „Man muss mit der Zeit gehen" Apotheke am Markt in Rüttenscheid. Systems - State Of The Art ÖPNV Massive Stahlträger der Evag sind hässliche Foto: Ulrich von Born Hingucker Essen,Die 18.07.2011, Essener Jörn Esser Verkehrs-AG verteidigt unterdessen die Modernisierungsarbeiten: „Man muss mit der Zeit gehen, außerdem sind das schon die schlanksten Träger, die es zurzeit gibt“, erklärt eine Sprecherin des Unternehmens. Für Apotheken-Inhaber Wolfgang Blume ein schwacher Trost: „Das ist eine Verschandelung des Stadtbildes und für den Light Rail - Heavy Wires? Stadtteil Rüttenscheid überhaupt nicht gut. Die Dinger werden ja ewig bleiben.“ Bislang wurden 25 Träger verbaut. Nach Angaben der Evag sollen bis Herbst zwischen Moltkestraße und Altendorf noch

Der assive, neue Stahlträger vor der Apotheke am Markt in Essen Rüttenscheid ist ein hässicher Hingucker. Foto:weitere Ulrich von Born 15 folgen, sodass entlang der Linie 106 insgesamt 40 neue Träger platziert werden.

In many occasions there is strong opposiKon Essen. Die Evag investiert mit massiven Stahlträgern in die Erneuerung ihres Straßenbahnnetzes. Nicht nur entlang der Linie 106 im Bereich des Rüttenscheider Sterns against LRT because of its OCS... sorgen die Investitionen jedoch für Ärger. Andere europäische Metropolen, wie Straßbourg oder Dublin, Streitpunkt sind neue Befestigungen für Oberleitungen. Während die Verspannung jahrzehntelang meist an gegenüberliegenden Häuserwänden angebracht war, geht die Verkehrs-AG nun einen neuen „Heavy Wires“ associated with complex Weg: mit massiven Stahlträgern. machen längst vor, wie moderne Tramstrecken aussehen catenary are not mandatory for modern LRT Genehmigung verweigert können. Deutlich schlankere und vor allem niedrigere Masten

Denn für weitere Anker an Hauswänden ist die Evag auf die Mitwirkung der Eigentümer angewiesen. In einigen Fällen wurde die notwendige Genehmigung jedoch verweigert. Daher rücken vielerorts die sorgen dort für eine freundlichere und vor allem offenere slender systems with elasKc suspension is schweren Träger an Stelle der alten Befestigungen. Versenkt werden diese auf dem Gehweg und ragen regelmäßig bis auf Höhe des dritten Stocks der anliegenden Wohnhäuser. Die nicht zu Atmosphäre. Vom Oberleitungsgewirr, wie es in Rüttenscheid übersehende Folge: Das ohnehin von unzähligen Verkehrsschildern, Ampel- und Laternenpfählen mechanically sufficient for speeds up to 70 kph gesäumte Straßenbild bekommt einen weiteren hässlichen Hingucker. Außerdem wird der schmale Freiraum auf den Gehwegen weiter beschränkt. an vielen Stellen zu beobachten ist, keine Spur. - lifespan up to 30-40 yrs Am Rüttenscheider Platz, direkt vor der Apotheke am Markt, ragt seit kurzem einer dieser stählernen Riesen in den Himmel – direkt daneben eine fast ebenso hohe Straßenlaterne. Im using feeders cables is a good opportunity to Vergleich zum Stahlkoloss wirkt sie fast zierlich. „Wer sich das Nicht nur optische Probleme ausgedacht hat, hatte offensichtlich kein System“, sagt blend OCS in streetscape Apotheker Wolfgang Blume.

Ähnlich sieht es auch vor dem Rüttenscheider Hof aus. for speeds in mix-use streets (40 kph) ObwohlEin in unübersichtliches rund zehn Metern Entfernung bereits seit Jahren ein Doch nicht nur optisch machen die neuen Träger Probleme. An tensioning is not necessary with reduced span Oberleitungsgewirr. Foto: Ulrich von der Witteringstraße gegenüber der Sparkassen-Filiale steht ein Born ebensolcher schon seit mehreren Jahren. Statt auf dem Gehweg wurde der stählerne Riese dort unmittelbar neben den Bürgersteig an den Rand einer Parkfläche positioniert. „Seitdem hat es hier schon unzählige Male gekracht. Beim Einparken sind hier schon reihenweise Autos rückwärts in den Pfeiler reingefahren“, berichtet ein Anwohner.

Auch der Interessengemeinschaft Rüttenscheid (IGR) sind die Masten bereits aufgefallen. In ihrem Internet-Rundbrief informiert die IGR über die „monströsen T-Träger“, die den „technischen Charme einer Gleisanlage“ hätten.

Keine andere Lösung in Sicht

Hoffnung, dass die Evag doch noch eine andere Lösung findet, haben die Anwohner kaum. „Bald werden die Masten sicher noch wunderbar beklebt. Ich finde es einfach sehr, sehr traurig“, sagt Apotheker Blume.

70 OCS - IntegraLon and Design Design Challenges

design challenge support system and poles

design challenge funcKonal elements OCS - IntegraLon and Design Impressions

Impression Of Different Support Systems

• Low Impact OCS supported on building fronts and street lights - relief for streetscape

• High Impact OCS supported by a „forest of poles“ not integrated into tree lines - an obvious visual nuisance

OCS - IntegraLon and Design InspiraKons

Poles As Design Elements • poles and supporKng systems can be designed visually pleasing • different possibiliKes: historic, modern... Maste und Ausleger als Gestaltobjekte Ausleger und Mast - ein Verhältnis im goldenen SchniV

Gestal=dee: StadtBahnGestaltungBetonmast mit kombinierter Stadtbeleuchtung Dezernat Stadtentwicklung und Bau Stadtplanungsamt 900


Konzept Fußgängerleuchte Lochschiene zur Fahdrahtbefestigung 1.000 1

Gehwegleuchte 10.100 Leuchtpunkt 5.000 mm Detail 01-05 über EOK

Ausführungsplanung Betonmast mit Fußgängerleuchte 5.000

Tür 400x120 mm mit 3kt Verschluss, Lichtmastsicherungs- sockel/ Gerätesteg


2 Kabeleinführungen 100x200 mm 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000

Foto: Martin Klindtworth

Beispielmast (keine Konstruktionszeichnung) Leuchtentyp Citea Maxi oder alternatives Modell tagebau architekten + designer Stadt Leipzig Johannisplatz Mast - Ausleger 1 : 50 A-5-152-JP-01 kochstraße 64 Tiefbauamt Fahrdraht- / Beleuchtungsmasten 04275 leipzig Maßst. Plan- Nr. tel.: 0341 - 303 28 0 fax: 0341 - 303 28 29 19.01.2005 jk e [email protected] w Architekt Auftraggeber / Bauherr Projekt Inhalt Datum Gezeichnet OCS - IntegraLon and Design Tensioning Of The Contact Wire


reduce visual impact by • integraKon tensioning weights into pole • tensioning wieghts as design elements (either hide it or make it a feature...)

216_Querschnitt_Mast.pdf 1 12.07.12 10h47


Nachspannung: RedukLon der Auffälligkeit AlternaKve Lösungen für die Nachspannung

Funktionsbeschreibung Die Nachspannvorrichtung spannt die Oberleitungsseile mit kon- stanter Zug kraft. Die aufgrund permanenter Temperatur ände rung auftretenden Längenänderungen des FD oder TS werden ausge- glichen.

Das Nachspanngewicht erzeugt eine Spannkraft, die auf die Ge- wichtseiltrommel wirkt. Dabei entsteht ein Drehmoment, das an die Abspannseiltrommel weitergeleitet wird. Damit kann der Ge- wichtsatz die erforderliche Zugkraft in den Drähten oder Seilen erzielen.

Im Unterschied zu herkömmlichen Lösungen, die bereits länger im Einsatz sind, befindet sich die Lagerung der Trommeln für Gewichtseil und Abspannseil bei der Nachspannvorrichtung nicht auf der gleichen Achse. Die nötige mechanische Übersetzung zwischen beiden Trommeln erfolgt durch ein Kettengetriebe. Die verhältnis mäßig große Radspannertrommel ist nicht länger erfor- derlich. Dafür konnte die Form der beweglichen Spannvorrich- tung kompakter gestaltet werden.

Die Nachspannvorrichtung verfügt über eine Einrast vorrichtung. Im Fall des Seilrisses sorgt diese Vorrichtung für die Sperrung des Nachspanngewichts. Weitere Schäden in der Ober leitung und im Mast werden damit vermieden.

Technische Daten

Übersetzung ...... 1:3 Zugkraft ...... bis 12 kN Kompensationslänge ...... 1200 mm Entfernung vom Festpunkt ...... 750 m Temperaturbereich ...... -30°C bis +70°C Gehäusematerial ...... Aluminiumlegierung Gewicht ...... ca. 42 kg Abmessungen (l x b x h) ...... ca. 230 x 200 x 820 mm

OCS - IntegraLon and Design Feeding

reduce visual impact by • division on two poles • use of control cabinets OCS - IntegraLon and Design Feeding

reduce visual impact by having cables within the diameter of the pole

OCS - IntegraLon and Design Street LighKng

Different PossibiliLes: matching with other design elements OCS - IntegraLon and Design Overhead Free Systems

OCS under pressure... • more and more systems have overhead free stretches • „no impact“ is impressice • systems sKll in exploraKve stage (?) - ambivalent experiences • difficult discussions in public and poliKcs: „it works there...“ • non obvious shortcomings like cost, reliabilty and capacity • rather watch development

OCS - IntegraLon and Design Overhead Free Systems

APS: no aerial system, but...

Surfaces with „third rail conductor“ and wear durability of surfaces between rails... A Spotlight On A Few Good Examples From Projects In Germany Leipzig - Design IniLaLve The „French Approach“ In Germany

LVB$$Leipziger$Verkehrsbetriebe$ ! ! ! Leipziger Verkehrsbetriebe LVB !



! ! ! ! !

Leipzig ! und Städtebau Gestaltungshandbuch$Strassenbahn$ Städtebauliche Integration der Stadtbahn Corporate!Design!Manual!Infrastrukturelemente!Strassenbahn$ Analyse und Empfehlungen Gelbdruck!


! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


! ! ! S$t$a$d$t$B$a$h$n$G$e$s$t$a$l$t$u$n$g!! ! Dipl.!Ing.!Stephan!Besier,!!Zürich! Jahnalle before...... and aper Angerbrücke before...... and aper Prager Strasse before...... and aper Lützner Strasse before...... and aper (simulaKon - under construcKon) Munich - Tram Emmeram The „French Approach“ In Germany



Analyse der städtebaulichen Gestaltung der Strassenbahnanlagen in München Dezember 2007

Zürich, Dezember 2005

Ingenieurbüro für Verkehrsplanung W. Hüsler AG Olgastrasse 4, CH - 8001 Zürich, Tel. / Fax +41 (0)44 252 13 - 23 / - 20 IBV [email protected] IBV HÜSLER AG Hüsler AG InspiraKon...


...and Reality

So what to do? Conclusions And RecommendaLons Conclusion And RecommendaLons Urban Design And LRT

• there a numerous posiLve examples proving good design and funcionality of infrastructures. Technical capacity may be also visually convincing. • the role of design is most advanced in France. In Germany good design pracKse is there - but we need more of these good examples... • an acLve involvment of design aspects into the planning of LRT infrastructure is strongly recommended with every single step and choice... • working out design standards can simplify work - this might also help integraKng design into every aspect of planning and construcKon

With combining good looking and good working infrastructure elements and moderately opLmizing current pracLses, a good urban design for LRT infrastructures is possible. This approach should be followed with every project of any size! Conclusion And RecommendaLons Design In Planning Process

SecLonal Concepts - „Glaial LRT“ In Zurich

OperaKonal Concept OperaLons Financial Concept And Technics Technical Concept

SpaKal Development Environment Environmental Impact And Design Design Concept

Design Concept - A SecLonal Plan For UrbanisLc And Design Aspects • equal and integral part besides technical, legal and financial aspects Conclusion And RecommendaLons Urban Design ContribuKon (Gestaltungsbeitrag) + Supervision Of Planning Urban Design 1. Phase affirm plans and inspecBons on building site „IntegraLon Streetscape“ Basis For Planning UrbanisKc RecommendaKons General Idea Streetscape Preliminary Planning Stage

Urban Design 2. Phase Construc=on and „Design Infrastructure Elements“ Detail Design Details / Material Arrangment Materials, Forms, Colors Detail Planning Stage -

Urban Design ContribuLon As SecLonal Planning Concept • „operaKonalisaKon“ of urban and design aspects in all stages of planning and construcKon - mulKple phases in accordance with planning stages Conclusion And RecommendaLons Key Elements For A BeVer Design PracKce

Design Of LRT Infrastructure: Recognize PotenBals And Use The OpportuniBes!

Enhance Current Design PracLce LVB$$Leipziger$Verkehrsbetriebe$ ! ! ! ! • current pracKces normally requires a review and punctual ! ! ! opBmizaBon to amend the visual apperance ! ! ! ! • development of standardized „system soluBons“ for design elements of the infrastructure is necessary

Define Design Guidelines • development of „design manuals“ containing guiding ! Gestaltungshandbuch$Strassenbahn$ principles and target states for the look of infrastructure Corporate!Design!Manual!Infrastrukturelemente!Strassenbahn$

Gelbdruck! ! • these can be the basis for planning, maintenance and ! ! ! communicaKon with subcontractors and authoriKes ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Start Urban Projects For A Livable City ! ! S$t$a$d$t$B$a$h$n$G$e$s$t$a$l$t$u$n$g!! ! Dipl.!Ing.!Stephan!Besier,!!Zürich! • interdepartemental projects to amend streetscapes and squares with major funcKonal and aestheKc challenges Conclusion And RecommendaLons

Finally: It is all about people... •most crucial aspect is the dedicaKon of central actors and insKtuKonal players •impediments of almost any maVer can be solved if the „chemistry“ between people is right •the right sKmulaKon of staff and parKcipants yields in beVer and innovaKve results •necessary precondiKon: knowledge of good pracKce, moKvaKon, the will to and believe in success. •processes are more important than plans •...a handful of people is able to move a whole world... >> these processes have to be fostered and planned Thank You For Your AienLon

Urban Design Of LRT LRT is a major chance for our ciKes

S t a d t B a h n G e s t a l t u n g

Dipl.-Ing. Stephan Besier Goetzstr. 2 DE 04177 Leipzig 0049-341-60457374 Stadtbangestaltung @