Parish Council Clerk to Parish Council: Jenna Baily, Thorndean, Farway, Colyton, EX24 6DG Tel: 07974 942 515 email: [email protected]


1. PRESENT: Cllrs. S. Snell (Chairman), L. White, S. Kastner, S. Loud, S. Tucker. Jenna Baily (Clerk). Cllr Randall-Johnson (DCC), Cllr G. Godbeer


2. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS th The minutes of the last parish council meeting held on 13 September 2016 (Council) were approved and signed by the Chairman.

3. CORRESPONDANCE Invite to meeting with EDDC and Jurassic Coast Team th Tuesday 13 December 2016 at Knowle Offices 6.00 – 9.30. Two representatives from each Parish Council are invited to attend. The aim of the evening is to gain a better understanding of; the County-wide budget choices, and the local impact of Brexit.

Invite to Rural Housing Event st Thursday 1 December 2016, Kenn Cenre, Kennford 09.00 – 15.00. The sessions will cover; an overview of recent policy changes, homes and communities agency funding opportunities, opportunities for community land trusts, local authority development companies, developing using cross subsidy.

(Councillors, please let Parish Clerk know if you wish to attend either of above)

Electoral Review of – Warding Arrangements The Local Government Boundary Commission has formally commenced an electoral review of East Devon District Council. At present some district councillors represent many more, or many fewer electors than their colleagues in the district. The review aims to correct these imbalances. th The consultation closes on 5 December 2016. After considering all representations made during the consultations, the Commission intends to publish draft recommendations in February 2017. Final recommendations are expected to be published in June 2017. The new electoral arrangements will come into effect at the local elections in 2019.

It is a public consultation and views are welcomed from individuals and organisations on where they think new ward patterns should be drawn. There is plenty of information on and here you can put your views forward. Interactive maps of the current ward boundaries can also be viewed, and the portal allows you to drawn your own boundaries, mark areas of interest and upload documents. Log on to

There was an in-depth discussion regarding the impact this electoral review/warding arrangements could have on Farway and the options available. Farway is currently in the Coly Valley ward. The Coly Valley ward has 3920 electors and 2 councillors. Farway currently sits with, , , Willmington, Colyton and . There is discussion that Southleigh could be moved across with Beer and to increase their ward numbers in attempt to equalise out.

Farway Councillors views are that they would like to keep the ward arrangements as they currently are, and continue to be with similar and neighbouring parishes as we currently are. Farway work closely with Northleigh, Offwell, Colyton, Wilmington and Southleigh in Parishes Together, and are working on a Community Land Trust. It would therefore be sensible to remain in the same ward. Parish clerk to submit comments and views. Individuals are also encouraged to view the electoral review and submit comments.

Farway Parish Council Clerk to Parish Council: Jenna Baily, Thorndean, Farway, Colyton, Devon EX24 6DG Tel: 07974 942 515 email: [email protected]

Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (Footpaths 8 Northleigh, 3 Farway, 6 Colyton, 10 Southleigh Letter received advising that the order to delete the above footpaths has not been confirmed by the Inspector on behalf of the Secretary of State for the Department of Environments, Food and Rural Affairs. The decision follows a change in procedure to written representations form the proposed public inquiry after it was postponed last year and the re-arranged site visit in July this year. As a result, the footpaths as recorded will not be deleted from the Definitive Map.

Copies of the inspectors decision is available in hard copy from the Parish Clerk, or is available to see as requested from the Planning Inspectorate information published online:

Parish Clerk will forward copy of order decision to Councillors via email.

4) MATTERS ARISING st Update on village tidy up event held on 1 October 2016. Thank you to all who attended the village tidy up event early October. Approx 12 people came and helped. Signposts were cleaned, the area around the ford and Oak Tree tidied up. In was proposed that in the spring the ford bridge and bench under the tree is sanded down and painted.

Cllr Tucker highlighted that it appears some other villages have had their Post Boxes painted. Parish Clerk to investigate/write to Royal Mail/Post Box Departments to seek for Farways’ to be done.

Update on reporting of footpath between valley view and Moneyarce road – bridge dry rotten. Cllr White advised that the bridge has been fixed.

Update on Community Land Trust (CLT) th No meeting since last Farway Parish Council meeting. Next steering group meeting 16 November 2016.

Update on Locality Budget Funding – Application for increase electricity supply to Village Hall. Cllr Sara Randall-Johnson very kindly supported our application and project and awarded £1000 from the locality budget. Farway Parish Council and Farway Village Hall Committee would like to thank Sara for this.

Community Building Funding Potential funding for replacement roof for Village Hall. Cllr Loud to liaise with Richard Hare and Pat Beard. th Closing date is 25 November 2016. Grants can be of anything up to £5000. Any funds awarded, must be at least matched by own funds. Cllr Tucker asked if this funding ‘community buildings’ would include Churches. Parish Clerk to find out.

Parishes Together Funding 2015/2016 – Farway Ditch and Drainage Grant st Granted £226.60, money to be spent by 31 March 2017. As we have put forward to the joint project (below) to clear ditches etc from top of Moneyarce to Woodbridge, it is felt that this money should be put towards other roads. Suggestion is to focus on Ball Hill. Cllr Snell to speak to Nigel Burnell to see what he can do, for the money.

Parishes Together Funding 2016/2017 – Joint Project with Northleigh, Southleigh, Colyton Granted £3510 between all. The group are after a Councillor to volunteer to head the project. Please come forward if you are able to do this. The group are also after any contractors previously used or suggestions. Colyton have a meeting in November where they will discuss this, and Parish Clerk will forward further update to Councillors when received.

Poltimore Lane – email from Charles Kenlock 12 November 2016 Charles Kenlock is pleased to report that some work has been done in an effort to keep water off Road. Tim Huffman has had the ditches cleared out above Poltimore, and Charles has worked on the main flooding

Farway Parish Council Clerk to Parish Council: Jenna Baily, Thorndean, Farway, Colyton, Devon EX24 6DG Tel: 07974 942 515 email: [email protected]

problem below (lower end, towards lodge). This bottom section before the lodge is still a problem however, the potholes are now dangerous. Parish Clerk to re-report to DCC.

Charles Kenlock would also like to report that the signpost at Broadown Cross has been hit and is leaning at an angle, and the signpost at Moneyarce is also not straight. Parish Clerk to report to DCC as despite attempts from Charles to straighten them, not successful to concrete requirements.

rd (For Info) Precept 2017/2018 deadline is 23 January 2017. Farway Parish Council have a meeting just before this deadline, so can discuss and complete at the next meeting.

5) FINANCIAL REPORT Bank Account Balance at 01 October 2016: £3275.45 Locality Budget funding of £1000 received and in account.

Payments approved; Parish Clerk Expenses (office accommodation 14 March 2016 – 13 November 2016, and stamps x 5: £72.74 Grant Thornton Audit Fees: £78.00

External Audit Report for year ended 31 March 2016 Report from Grant Thornton available from Parish Clerk. Matters not affecting option which they wish to draw to the attention of Farway Parish Council are mainly administrative with regards to allocation of figures in correct boxes/sections of the audit return. It was also advised that a formal schedule of assets should be maintained and regularly updated. Current assets would include; notice- board, laptop, screen, projector. This needs to be included in the next audit return.

Christmas Tree Cllr Loud advised that he has managed to source a Christmas Tree (for Church Green) this year which will be free of charge.

6) REPORT FROM EDDC Cllr Godbeer advised that with the exception of the electoral review – previously discussed, there was nothing specific which would affect Farway. But for info and few stats from EDDC; It takes 4 days to process housing and benefit claims 97% of invoices are paid within 10 days An estimated 42% waste is recycled. It is taking less than 3-days to clear fly tipping EDDC is 1 of the tops district councils, rates very well and according to national statistics East Devon is one of the happiest places to live!

7) REPORT FROM DCC Cllr Randall-Johnson highlighted the wildlife and countryside act footpath closures (as above). There was a discussion regarding the hospital bed closures. Cllr Randall-Johnson gave information and background and encouraged people to highlight and forward views.

8) PLANNING No planning applications

9) DATE OF NEXT MEETING th Tuesday 17 January 2017 in Netherton Club Rooms of Farway Village Hall