Journal of Economics, Business and Accountancy Ventura Volume 14, No. 1, April 2011, pages 1 – 18 Accreditation No. 110/DIKTI/Kep/2009


Zamruddin Hasid University of Mulawarman E-Mail: [email protected] Kampus Gunung Kelua 5 751117 Kalimantan Timur

ABSTRACT Essentially, the implication of HTI in Indonesia and East Kalimantan province has a benefit to the front (forward) and backward for the economy. The impact to the front with the HTI will provide the raw material for the timber industry developments that affect the competi- tiveness the national timber industry through superior products from the industry are like pulp, plywood, and furniture. This paper attempts to provide information on the contribution by the forestry sector toward GDRP in the province of East Kalimantan. It also tries to see the plantation development and determine its direct influence of investment on the economic growth as well as the implication of the development. Correlation and regression analysis is adopted in analysis that is the path analysis called path coefficient. The results show that the production of forest industry is still prospective for further development. Besides that, HTI is considered productive, and in the next program, it is expected that in the future this can in- crease or improve the economy growth of the people in the area. Therefore, HTI development should be pursued so that the East Kalimantan province can focus on the development of for- estry sector. This can also in the form of encouraging the investment in such development.

Key words: Forestry, GDRP, Prospect Industrial Forest Plantation (HTI).

INTRODUCTION torium on logging of natural forests (Dephut, Since 1990, the demand for raw material 2008). Indications of the decline prompted timber industry has declined due to the de- the government to promote development of creasing supply of natural forest timber. For industrial plantation forest (HTI). For exam- example, in the era of Pelita I to IV, the pro- ple, the government has issued state regula- duction of natural forest timber to supply the tion (PP) No.7/ 1990 as the legal basis of demand of industry reached 40 million cubic HTI development program. Actually, the meters per year. However, in Pelita V only government policies to increase the produc- 31.4 million cubic meters per year, and in tivity of production forests through devel- Pelita VI decreased, which only reached opment of timber and has started since 1990. 22.5 million cubic meters per year. In the era Furthermore, HTI is considered an at- of reform, even the wood supply from natu- tempt to increase the potential for forest ral forests continues gradually to decline plantations and forest quality by applying (Astana, Poernama, and Sinaga, 2002). cultural production in accordance with the It is a fact that the principle of natural tread of (one or more of the cultural system) forest management in a sustainable manner in order to meet the needs of industrial forest has impact, which is an excessive exploita- products-timber and non timber raw materi- tion of natural forests without forest regen- als (PP No. 7 of 1990). The purpose of de- eration (Astana, Poernama, and Sinaga, velopment is to increase the productivity of 2002). To minimize this problem, in 2000 forest production, in order to meet the needs the government through the Department of of raw material supply of timber industry Forestry (Dephut) began to establish a mora- and business field (economic growth / pro-

1 ISSN 2087-3735 Forest Plant Industry … (Zamruddin Hasid) growth), employment (pro-job), economic licenses (HPH / HTI / HTR) in areas in empowerment of forest communities (pro- which, currently, there is no management / poor) and improving environmental quality utilization (open access) covering about 20 of life (pro-Environment). million acres (ha); including in it for Produc- Such an effort is indeed an integral part tion Forest ecosystem restoration efforts. of policy of national revitalization of the The downstream of sub-sector policies is forestry sector in which it is also associated aimed at boosting forestry plant utilization with three agendas called “Triple Track of public forests, plantations, rejuvenating Strategy” of the Kabinet Indonesia Bersatu garden in order to out-sourcing of raw mate- (the government-united cabinet). In addition, rials so that the people's economy can mov- its development is also based on the reasons ing. Supporting policies for the second sub- for encouraging the competitiveness of the sector (upstream and downstream) include timber industry (sawmills, plywood, pulp & the facilitation of financing, improving qual- paper, furniture, etc.) to meet domestic de- ity of care, institutional strengthening of the mand and exports (Dephut, 2008). forestry business, and facilitation to forest In general, economic growth agenda product markets. (pro-growth) in the forestry sector is targeted The province of East Kalimantan (East to increase exports of forest products and Kalimantan) is one of several provinces in new investment in forestry proportionally Indonesia, which has an area of forest, among large, medium and small employers, reaching 69.29 percent of the total area. For- in both upstream and downstream sectors. est area reaches 14.65 million acres from Employment agenda (pro-jobs) is intended 21.14 million acres of Kalimantan. Borneo to drive the urban economy (real sector) in Island is the widest one, reaching 40.78 per- the form of the timber industry in order to cent of the total area of forest on the island. absorb labors. On the contrary, to alleviating Forests in this province are divided into sev- the poverty (pro-poor) is aimed at providing eral functions. Widest, forests become legal recognition of access and utilization of sources of raw material of wood or the forest forest production via Forest Plantation. This industry production reached 66.45 percent or is intended to reduce poverty and unem- 9.7 million ha of forest. ployment in rural areas around the forest. Forest productions were exploited by a Utilization of forest production in addi- number of companies, both private and pub- tion to natural forests is also performed by lic companies, by cutting the plants. These optimizing the role of forest plantation. companies are supposed to have permission Wood commodities, non-wood, and services for cutting down the trees. They also got for the welfare and improvement of the envi- permission in the utilization of forest wood ronment are cultivated with the principle of products (IUPHHK) which is divided into sustainable and equitable. This was stated as two types, the form of HTI and HPH. HTI mandated in the state law on it (Undang- and HPH are in different bases. In theory, Undang No. 41/1999). In the implementa- more emphasis is on HTI plantings, while tion of Forestry Sector Revitalization policy the form of logging concessions in con- framework covers the upstream sub-sector ducted by way of selective logging and rota- (related to raw materials), the downstream tion of the cutting location. The area of for- sub-sector (industry related) and supporting est concession in East Kalimantan reached policy. Policy forestry upstream sub-sector 8.65 million acres and this is managed by 73 includes forest production utilization (in this companies, and active 54 companies. Condi- case forest concessions (HPH) in natural and tions are more and more than shrink drasti- plantation forests for plantations) as a raw cally. material source development effort. Gov- Since the era of regional autonomy im- ernment efforts to accelerate the granting of plemented in 2000, emerging small-scale

2 Journal of Economics, Business and Accountancy Ventura Volume 14, No. 1, April 2011, pages 1 – 18 Accreditation No. 110/DIKTI/Kep/2009 concessions is called with the permission of tion investment on economic growth and HPH and wood utilization permit (IPK) is- employment in the province of East Kali- sued by the regents. More than 200 permits mantan; and issued with a pretext to empower the com- To reveal the implications of development munity. This "small scale" of HPH makes and economic benefits of HTI reviewed and the forest more destroyed (Boenyamin, also HTI development strategy and pros- 1994). According to the Secretary of the As- pects. sociation of Forest Concessionaires, small- scale permits, it has an impact on the de- THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK AND struction of the concession business. HYPOTHESIS HTI areas in East Kalimantan are not Economic Growth comparable with the concessionaires. Planta- Economic growth is defined as an increase tion in East Kalimantan areas only reaches in production (GDP / GNP) regardless of approximately 1.04 million acres, thus whether the increase is greater or smaller smaller than the concessions, which reached than the rate of population growth, or 8.6 million acres. HTI is owned by 22 com- whether changes in economic structures oc- panies. From HTI license area, the realiza- cur (Arsyad, 1997). In a production process, tion of new plantings reach 42 percent or an industry or enterprise require input in the about 440,228 ha. As a result, some indus- production of micro-economic theory is of- tries rely on pulpwood shortage of raw mate- ten called the factors of production (factors rials. of production). Production factor, if viewed as a whole consists of labor (labor), materi- Problem Formulation als (raw materials), and capital investment The formulation of the problem as in this (capital). Labor unions or factors can be research can be posed as follows: identified as skilled labor (skilled labor) and How is the over view of sub-sector of for- who did not (unskilled labor). estry and its contribution to GDP in East The natural resources of an area affect Kalimantan province? economic growth. However, Kuznets (1955) How is the development of plantation area in states economic growth is limited by the ab- the district / city in East Kalimantan? solute lack of natural resources. Kuznets What is the direct influence of plantation implies that countries with poor natural re- investment on economic growth and em- sources will hamper its economic growth. ployment in the province of East Kaliman- Yet, other economists think the wealth of a tan? country with natural resources is not related To what extent have the implications of de- at all with economic growth. Countries such velopment and economic benefits of HTI as Japan and Switzerland can grow rapidly been reviewed?; and despite having very little natural resources. How is the strategy development and pros- This confirms the opinion that the national pects of the plantation? production and growth does not depend by how much a nation has with its natural re- Objectives of the Research sources, but it is more dependent on the It attempts to provide: readiness of resources in production process. Information about the general picture of the In this case for countries that do not have a forestry sector and its contribution to GDRP wealth of resources, the readiness is mani- in the province of East Kalimantan; fested in the form of purchases of resources To see the development of plantation area in from the resource-rich countries (Nafziger in the district/city in the province of East Ka- Reksohadiprodjo and Pradono, 1998). limantan; There are several factors that influence To determine the direct influence of planta- the growth and economic development, but

3 ISSN 2087-3735 Forest Plant Industry … (Zamruddin Hasid) in essence these factors can be grouped into (input). two categories, namely economic and non Written: economic factors. Economic factors affect- Y = f (TK, K, N, E, T) ing growth and economic development in- clude natural resources, human resources, The production function above is defined as capital resources, and expertise or entrepre- output/national production (Y) during a pe- neurship. Natural resources, including land riod depends on the flow of labor input and natural resources such as soil fertility, (TK), capital (K), natural resources (N), en- the climate/weather, forest products, mining, trepreneurships (E) and technology. and seafood, greatly affect the growth of The production function over natural re- industrial countries, especially in terms of sources together with other inputs drives providing raw material for production. them into economic growth. In simple terms, Meanwhile, the expertise and entrepreneur- we can say that the users’ resource growth of ship needed to process raw materials from output / results can also be improved. Natu- nature, becomes something that has a higher ral resources are referred to all kinds of re- value (also known as the production proc- sources that are heterogeneous and complex ess). Human resources also determine the and certainly, that has tangible resources success of national development through the ready to use instead that is still stored in na- number and quality of the population. Large ture. One of the weaknesses of the manage- population is a potential market to market ment of natural resources in developing production results, while the quality of the countries is perhaps the pursuit of economic population determines how large the existing growth by way of large-scale exploitation productivity. without regard to side effects (externalities). Meanwhile, human capital resources Consequently, they must pay dearly in the needed to process these raw materials. Capi- further degradation of the environment. tal formation and investment is directed to explore and cultivate wealth. Capital re- Investment sources in the form of capital goods are very According to Sukirno (1994), the investment important for the development and facilita- can be defined as expenditure growing be- tion of economic development because of cause the investors or companies purchase capital goods may increase productivity. capital goods and production tools they need Non-economic factors include socio-cultural to add the ability to produce goods and ser- conditions that exist in society, the political vices available in the economy. Investment situation, and develop and apply systems. to encourage growth is not only from do- mestic. Investment from overseas can also Production affect GDP and GNP in different ways Production is a process of transformation (Mankiw, 2003). from input to output. Inputs are resources Foreign investment is one way that can used in producing output. The output itself be exploited by a country to grow and learn can be a commodity or commodity end of the latest technology that has been devel- which become inputs for other sectors oped and used in rich countries. Although a (Salvatore, 2001). According Rekso number of benefits from this investment Hadiprodjo and Pradono (1998), aggregate back to foreign investors, but these invest- economic growth is often interpreted as an ments increase the capital stock, which increase in national production. For that, we raised productivity and wages. According to need to see what factors are necessary for Pratiwi (2005), investments that have a mul- growth. This can be seen through the pro- tiplier effect of an impact on improving wel- duction function, which shows the relation- fare, as measured by increases in income. ship between output (output) and total input This means that if income increases, the

4 Journal of Economics, Business and Accountancy Ventura Volume 14, No. 1, April 2011, pages 1 – 18 Accreditation No. 110/DIKTI/Kep/2009 amount of goods and services to be con- export of timber in the form of finished or sumed will increase as well. If the demand semi-finished goods. However, at the same for goods and services increases, it will in- time, the ability of natural production forests crease employment opportunities. This will are managed in the form of concession to reduce the unemployment rate. Finally, re- supply raw materials for forest industry de- duced unemployment is caused by the ab- creases. In Pelita I to IV, the production of sorption of labor force in investment pro- natural forest timber can supply the indus- jects. trial needs of 40 million cubic meters per year, but in Pelita V only 31.4 million cubic Forest Production and its Role meters per year, and in Pelita VI decrease, State regulation (UU No. 41/1999) on For- which only reached 22.5 million cubic me- estry states that forest production is one of ters each year. the functions set by the government related In the reform era, the supply of timber to forest and land use in Indonesia. Further- from natural forests decline (Astana, Poer- more, in the government decree (PP nama, and Sinaga, 2002). This is because the No.6/1999) it is stated that the forest produc- principles of sustainable natural forest pro- tion is a forest area to be treated for produc- duction could not run well so that there is tion of forest products to meet the needs of excessive exploitation of natural forests society in general and especially for the con- without followed the success of forest re- struction, industrial, and export. Forest generation activities. So, in 2000, the gov- products are the biological objects, non- ernment through the Department of Forestry biological, and their children, as well as ser- began to establish a moratorium on logging vices. of natural forests. Indications of decline is One of the forest products in the form of shown in the production capability of natural biological objects is still the main product forests in supplying raw materials for forest that is wood. Wood is the raw material for industry prompted the government to pro- forest industries in which it can generate mote the development of timber. The gov- foreign exchange for Indonesia, although its ernment issued a decree (PP No.7/1990) as role progressively decreases when compared the legal basis of HTI development program. to the 1970's. At the beginning of Long- Term Development Phase I (PJPT I) produc- Development of HTI Program tion of primary commodities contributed HTI is a forest that was built in order to in- 60% of GDP and primary commodity ex- crease the potential and quality of forest ports reached 94% of total exports. At that production by applying a system of forest time the fishery and forestry sector contribu- cultivation (silvi-culture) intensive. The tion of 50%. In early 1993, the contribution main goal of development in forest industry of primary commodities to GDP decline, is to rehabilitate the area of forest production which only reached 39% of GDP, while the that have been damaged and unproductive contribution of exports to 60%. On the other (Ulya, 2005). In addition, the Government hand, the benefit of primary commodities also stated that the rehabilitation of wood grew more than 2-fold, from 21.3 trillion must be processed by the plant (process rupiah in 1970 to 44.3 trillion rupiah in value-added) and final goods result of fac- 1993. In that period, the increase for renew- tory production process must be able to gen- able sectors such as forestry, agriculture and erate foreign exchange. That is to say that fisheries amounted to 91% (Kartodihardjo, building a forest does not mean rehabilitate 1994). degraded forest areas only, but towards the Increasing the value added appears to be higher goal of building the forest products significantly associated with log export bans industry with raw materials derived from in the 1980s. Regulations require that the renewable sources.

5 ISSN 2087-3735 Forest Plant Industry … (Zamruddin Hasid)

According to the decree (PP No.7/1990) therefore making it supported by strong in- (Anjasari, 2009), regarding industrial forest vestors of hundreds thousands acres. In fact, concessions, timber plantations are forest if viewed from its history, administration plantations established in order to increase area of HTI is very diverse, ranging from the potentiality and quality of production 1,500 acres to hundreds of thousands of forests by applying intensive silviculture to acres. So that it can be said there has been meet the needs of the forest products indus- little HTI mat roll phenomenon, whereas a try materials. The purpose entrepreneur es- large plantation that still survive continue to tablishment HTI is supporting the develop- strive to expand the total area to produce ment of domestic forest products industry to timber as raw material for industry. increase value added and foreign exchange, Actually the government has tried to increase land productivity and environ- overcome for this condition is not getting mental quality, and expand employment and worse with the Decision Ministry of Forestry business fields (PP No. 7/1990, article 2). issued No.72/1998 which sought to limit the The existence of HTI development is ex- company's concession area of forest conces- pected to save the natural forests from dam- sion holders (HPH) and plantation compa- age caused by HTI is a natural richness that nies in order to avoid the conglomeration can be refurbished, fully utilized and con- and open access for investment. served for sustainable national development for the community welfare. HTI, Efficiency, and Industrial Needs To attract investors in timber plantation The ability of HTI to meet the needs of the activities, the government offered funding industry is still low; it needs an effort of scheme in the form of government capital wide expansion of plantations in order to participation (PMP) and zero percent interest meet the needs of industry. Nevertheless, the loans. Investment in Reforestation Fund to real expansion of the concession area con- finance the development of timber that is set tinuously at some time will also be faced by the Decision made together or Surat with the constraints of "limited production Keputusan Bersama (SKB) between the De- forest area." In addition, in the end will have partment of Forestry (No. 169/Kpts-II/90) an impact on the conversion of forest con- and Department of Finance servation into the production forest area that (No.456/KMK.013/90), dated April 13, 1990 can be a threat to forest sustainability. (Iskandar, 2004). The contradiction between the attempt to From HTI development activities, the meet the needs of wood as raw material for existing inventory (standing stock) is the forest industry and the efforts to preserve ability to produce timber plantation is 20 to and forest plantations in general, requires a 25 cubic meters per year. While the installed management that they consider the effi- capacity of forest-based industry requires ciency of timber plantations. The formula raw materials reached 63.48 cubic meters used to calculate the efficiency of business per year. So HTI only able to generate 1/3 of (Soekartawi, 1995) is the following: industry needs. In fact, since 2000, the gov- ernment has set a moratorium on logging of R Re venue(R) ratio natural forests to supply the demands of for- C Cost(C) est-based industries. So to ensure the conti- Where R (revenue) is the value obtained by nuity of forest-based industries needed more management of plantation production, than 6 million ha of new plantations to be namely the quantity produced multiplied by met within a period of 25 years (Hartono, the price it receives. C (cost) is all that was 2002). sacrificed for the operational expenses of On the contrary, if current conditions are HTI. In this case, the efficiency that is in- observed, HTI is still able to survive and tended mainly related to the use of resources 6 Journal of Economics, Business and Accountancy Ventura Volume 14, No. 1, April 2011, pages 1 – 18 Accreditation No. 110/DIKTI/Kep/2009 or factors of production land. Factor, in this the influence of time on the expenditure and case has a limited forest production. With revenue on the return of an investment. the limited production, forest area is needed Land expectation value can be approxi- for efficient management in the long-term mated by using the Faustmann formula. Ac- sustainability of the results achieved without cording to Soemitro (1978), Faustmann for- threatening the conservation area. mula can be applied more widely in a variety of forestry projects. Gregersen (1980), and Land, Preservation, and Estimated Value Hamzah (1985) states, that the Faustmann of Expectation formula can be used to calculate the profit- As mentioned above, that the ability of HTI ability that is the basis for consideration of to meet the needs of the industry is still low, an activity. and as the solution needs an effort plantation The general formula of Faustmann as expansion in order to meet the needs of in- follows (Davis, 1954). dustry. However, the dilemma is, continuity (1 i) r 1 Y T i r­a T i r­a + ­ r + a (1+ ) + b (1­ ) + I ­ expansion at some time will also be faced i with the problem of "too limited production r r a r a (1+ i) ­1 of forest area." And, in the end will have an C(1+ i) ­ ­ S(1+ i) ­ ­ e i impact on the conversion of forest conserva- Lie r tion into the production forest area that can (1+ i) ­1 be a threat to forest sustainability. Forest is a set of trees in an area with the r­a r­a Yr + Ta (1+ i) + Tb (1­ i) + natural environment and designated as a for- r (1+ i) ­1 r­a r­a est biodiversity and creating microclimate. I ­ C(1+ i) ­ S(1+ i) In these definitions contained, the forests i Lie = r ­ E consist of a minimum of three main ele- (1+ i) ­1 ments of land, crops and environment. As is Where, known forestland managed for multipurpose with the main objective is timber production Lie : Land expectation value; (production function). The main objective of Yr : Revenue from the final result at forest management is to maintain the pro- the age of recycled wood; ductivity of forestland. Sustainable produc- Ta : product during the cycle; tivity growth can be categorized as conser- C : All costs incurred during the vation and sustainable yields or harvest. cycle; In forestry, land is one of the assets of E : Annual cost management; companies that are permanent or "Land is I : interest rate used in the the one asset of a permanent forest Enduring calculation of SEV is 12%, or business" (Mathews 1935 in Davis, 1954). interest rate that generally Land expectation value is a translation of accepted today; Soil Expectation Value and abbreviated with R : Cycle; SEV (Gregerson, 1980). Meanwhile, accord- a : Net value received by the end ing to Davis (1954) the expected value of of rotation; land is the Land Expectation Value is abbre- r : The length of time in one crop viated with LeValue. The theory of expected cycle (year); value of this land was first put forward by i : Interest rates; Faustmann in 1825. Davis (1954) states, that the expected value of land is a value of the The form of Faustmann formula for land as an asset or capital. Kindness to the simplified LEV is as follows (Davis, 1954; calculation of the expected value of land as a Davis and Johnson, 1987; Buongiorno and measure of rotation is centered attention on Gilless, 2003): 7 ISSN 2087-3735 Forest Plant Industry … (Zamruddin Hasid)

WVR ­ C Model of Substructure 1 LEV = ­ C + (1 r) R 1 + ­ Y 1 = β 1X 1 + β2X2 + ε1 Model of Substructure 2 LEV = Land Expectation Value; C = Cost for forest development per Y2 = α1Y2 + ε1 acress (Rp/ha); Where, W = The price of wood per unit vol- Y1 = Economic Growth 3 3 ume, example per m (Rp/m ); X1 = Investment (Realization of V = The volume of timber harvest Plantation HTI) R per acres at the age of recycling X2 = GDRP of Forestry Sector 3 Y2 = Labor plant (m /ha); β, α = Path Coefficients R = The length of time in one cycle ε = Error plant (in year); r = Interest rates (%/year); To see the influence of independent variables on the dependent variable using Components in the formula above are numbers Coefficient Determination/R square the scale for the present value (present (R2).Test of significance of each path model value) of net income per year that are con- variables jointly and individually searched stant (WVR ­ C) for each period of R, if not based on F test and t test by comparing the infinite number of replications period (infi- probability value of α with probability Sig. nite). Measurement of the condition of Hypotheses for substructure 1 read as land/site, if necessary, to obtain the land follows: value data collected includes (a) the net Ho: There is no significant relationship be- value received by the end of the rotation, (b) tween HTI investment and GDRP of forestry rotation age types, and (c) the interest rate. sub-sector to economic growth. Land expectation value (SEV) can be calcu- H1: There is a significant relationship be- lated using the following formula: tween HTI investment and GDRP of forestry a sub-sector to economic growth. SEV = w Hypotheses for substructure 2 read as (1+ i) ­1 follows: Where, H : There is no significant relationship be- a : Net value received by the end o tween economic growths to labor. of rotation (Rp / vol); H : There is a significant relationship be- w : age rotation type (year); 1 tween economic growths to labor. i : Interest rates (%); Decision-making is done by comparing the amount of numbers significant level Path Analysis (Sig.) research with significance level of Correlation and regression analysis is the 0.10.The criteria are: foundation of the calculation of path analysis If Sig. Research <0.10, then Ho is rejected called path coefficient (Riduwan, 2007). The and H accepted path coefficients are standardized regression 1 If Sig. Research > 0.10, then Ho is rejected coefficients (standardized path coefficients). and H accepted This is used to explain the level of influence 1 (not predict) exogenous variables on en- ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION dogenous variables (Riduwan, 2007). The Forestry Sub-Sector in East Kalimantan calculation of the path coefficient performed province and its contribution to GDRP with SPSS for Windows 13:00. Before discussing the facts about the contri- The path model is used as follows: bution of the forestry sector in East Kali-

8 Journal of Economics, Business and Accountancy Ventura Volume 14, No. 1, April 2011, pages 1 – 18 Accreditation No. 110/DIKTI/Kep/2009 mantan on Gross Domestic Regional Prod- has declined for seven years. In 2001, East uct (GDRP), it is worth describing the gen- Kalimantan forestry sector contribution to eral conditions of production forests in In- GDRP reached 3.40 percent. Then its contri- donesia, which suffered degradation (dam- bution has declined from year to year. Fi- age). In general, based on data drawn from nally, in 2006, East Kalimantan forestry sec- the Directorate General of Forestry Produc- tor contribution to GDRP is only 2.39 per- tion (2005), production of degraded forest cent (see Table 2). area is the largest on the island of Borneo. As shown in Table 2, it appears that the This can be seen from the table 1. forestry sector's contribution is 3.40 percent, In 2006, forest area in East Kalimantan in 2006 to 2.39 percent, or in this case, there reached to 10.8 million acres consisting of exists a decrease of 1.01 percent. Accord- six forest types, namely: 1) protection forest; ingly, extensive logging and timber produc- 2) forest nature reserve and tourism; 3) lim- tion in East Kalimantan of 2001 to 2006 also ited production forests; 4) permanent pro- experienced a downward trend. In 2001, the duction forests; 5) convertible production total harvest of 591 thousand acres is o f a forest; 6) forest education / research. Perma- production target of 2.77 million m3 pro- nent production forest, which covers 3.4 mil- duced realization of production of 4.5 mil- lion acres of forestland, is the largest of the lion m3.While in 2006, with an area of 74 six types of forests in East Kalimantan All in thousand acres yields only the realization of all districts and cities that have the largest production is 1.04 million m3 from the target forest area is the Kutai Timur District with a at 2.46 million m3 (see Table 3). total area reached 3,064,559 ha of forest. Decline in the forestry sector's contribu- In East Kalimantan, forestry industry tion to GDRP was caused by a decline in

Table 1 Production of Degraded Forest Area (1990 - 2000) Based on the Indonesian Island No Island Areas of Degraded (ha) 1 Kalimantan 10.622.400 2 Sumatera 4.485.200 3 Irian Jaya 2.030.400 4 Nusa Tenggara 1.012.400 5 Jawa 917.200 6 Sulawesi 867.200 Source: Directorate General of Forestry Production (2005)

Table 2 Forest Sector Contribution to GDRP in East Kalimantan Province, Year 2001 – 2006 GDRP East Kalimantan (million Rupiah) Contribute Year Number of (%) Forestry GDRP 2001 2.933.492 86.348.105 3,40 2002 2.709.486 87.850.397 3,08 2003 2.597.267 89.483.540 2,90 2004 2.416.343 91.050.429 2,65 2005 2.358.084 93.938.002 2,51 2006 2.309.918 96.585.471 2,39 Source: BPS of East Kalimantan Province (2008)

9 ISSN 2087-3735 Forest Plant Industry … (Zamruddin Hasid) timber production in East Kalimantan. The in the economy of East Kalimantan prov- decline in timber production was due to de- ince, it calls for an action to prevent deterio creased availability of wood raw material for ration of the forest industry in East Kaliman- industry. Then this issue led to the forestry tan. One solution is to develop HTI. HTI is industries in East Kalimantan to collapse. more productive in the wood supply for in- Unemployment increases more and more. dustrial processing compared with planta- Seeing this poor condition, some efforts tions. Average production reaches 30-70 should be made an action to prevent deterio- m3/acres/year of forest plantations, while ration of the forest industry in East Kaliman- only 0.5 to 3.0 m3/ha/tahun natural forests. tan. Plantation development in East Kalimantan can be summarized in Table 4. he area of Trend of Companies and Regions planta- plantation in East Kalimantan overall tion in East Kalimantan by Regency/City reached 1.9 million acres. With Tarakan Dis- Given the fact that the appalling conditions trict as an area has the largest plantation of with the declining role of the forestry sector 799 thousand acres. It is followed by Kutai

Table 3 Wide Cut and Round Wood Production in the Province of East Kalimantan 3 Wide Cut Production (M ) Year (Ha) Target Realization 2001 591.312,40 2.772.775,00 4.509.928,90 2002 91.094,38 3.210.487,00 2.601.805,85 2003 93.021,38 2.522.725,00 1.162.777,54 2004 72.490,21 14.773.660,92 2.677.179,68 2005 72.490,21 14.773.660,93 2.677.179,69 2006 74.026,23 2.460.066,00 1.043.619,61 Source: East Kalimantan Provincial Forestry Office, 2008

Table 4 Number of Company and Regions plantation in East Kalimantan by District / City, 2006 Number of District/City Size (Ha) Firms Pasir 4 56,375 Kutai Barat 10 219,955 Kutai Kartanegara 67 483,531 Kutai Timur 8 185,230 Berau 5 22,400 Malinau 0 0 Bulungan 1 5,000 Nunukan 1 25,000 Paser Utara 2 83,134 3 48,853 Samarinda 0 0 Tarakan 3 799,651 0 0 Total 104 1,929,129 Source: East Kalimantan Provincial Forestry Office, 2008

10 Journal of Economics, Business and Accountancy Ventura Volume 14, No. 1, April 2011, pages 1 – 18 Accreditation No. 110/DIKTI/Kep/2009

Kartanegara of 483 thousand acres, then Ku- in Kutai Kartanegara, PT. Cape Redeb Hu- tai Timur of 219 thousand acres. The num- tani 180,330 acres in the Berau area, and ber of plantation companies in East Kali- PT.I TCI Hutani Manunggal covering mantan reached 104 companies. The greatest 161,127 acres in the Kutai Kartanegara. number found in the District that is of 67 Development of HTI area should be pur- firms, (see Table 4). sued seriously. The key to success lies in As viewed from the number of compa- cost control, marketing, and product certifi- nies that are listed in Forest IUPHHK plan- cation. Besides, the problem of illegal log- tation in East Kalimantan province, there are ging must be immediately eradicated. It is 33 companies operating. Some companies very detrimental to the country from both an that manage forest plantations with large economic perspective and point of view of area are PT. Lester Hutani Adindo cover environmental sustainability. HTI develop- 201,821 acres in Bulungan District, ment must also be supported by all levels of PT.Hutani Surya Jaya area of 183,300 acres society. That way East Kalimantan forestry

Table 5 List of Companies, Which Have IUPHHK at HTI in East Kalimantan Province No Company Names Area (acres) Location 1 PT. Acasia Andalan Utama 39.620 Kutai Kartanegara 2 PT. Adindo Hutani Lestari 201.821 Bulungan 3 PT. Anangga Pundi Nusa 29.728 Kutai Barat 4 PT. Belantara Persada 17.150 Kutai Timur 5 PT. Belantara Pusaka 14.010 Berau 6 PT. Belantara Subur 16.475 Penajam Paser Utara 7 PT. Bhinneka Wana 9.945 Kutai Barat 8 PT. Fajar Surya Swadaya 66.659 Penajam Paser Utara 9 PT. Hutan Kusuma 13.325 Kutai Kartanegara 10 PT. Hutan Mahligai 11.275 Kutai Barat 11 PT. Inhutani I Batu Ampar-Mentawir 16.521 Penajam Paser Utara 12 PT. Inhutani I Long Nah PT. 50.259 Kutai Timur 13 Intraca Hutani Lestari PT. 42.050 Bulungan 14 ITCI Hutani Manunggal PT. 161.127 Kutai Kartanegara 15 Kelawit Hutani Lestari PT. 9.180 Kutai Barat 16 Kelawit Wana Lestari 22.065 Kutai Barat 17 PT. Rimba Raya Lestari PT. 17.330 Kutai 18 Adhi Karya PT. 25.400 Kutai 19 Sumalindo Hutani Jaya I 10.000 Kutai 20 PT. Sumalindo Hutani Jaya II 70.300 Kutai Kartanegara 21 PT. Sumalindo Lestari Jaya I (Batu Putih) 32.550 Berau 22 PT. Sumalindo Lestari Jaya II (Sangkuliran) 24.500 Kutai Timur 23 PT. Surya Hutani Jaya 183.300 Kutai Kartanegara 24 PT. Sylvaduta Corporation 47.025 Kutai 25 PT. Taman Daulat Wananusa 13.400 Paser 26 PT. Hutani 180.330 Berau 27 PT. Wana East Kalimantan Lestari 16.280 Kutai Timur 28 PT. Estetika Rimba 5.000 Bulungan 29 PT. Hutan Trans Kencana 9.300 Paser 30 PT. Inhutani I-Long Nah (Trans) 4.000 Paser Serigan 31 PT. Inhutani I-Melak 4.900 Kutai Barat 32 PT. Inhutani I-Prumpuk 10.000 Bulungan 33 PT. Inhutani II-Tanah Grogot 17.200 Paser Source: Directorat e of Territory Management and Preparat ion of Forest Utilization Area (Calculat ed from BPK data and the East Kalimantan Provincial Forestr y Service), Year 2009

11 ISSN 2087-3735 Forest Plant Industry … (Zamruddin Hasid) industry is expected to be felt again the GDRP at Constant Price (ADHK) in East wealth as in the time before the monetary Kalimantan, while Labor approached by the crisis in 1997. The complete description list total workforce in the agricultural sector. of companies that have IUPHHK plantation The data used are time series data during the in East Kalimantan Province can be seen in years 2001 until 2006. Table 5. The result of using SPSS software is the The realization of the development of large number of coefficient of determination HTI planting in East Kalimantan province is (R Square) is 0.823, which means that the relative to fluctuate throughout the year influence of investment and GDP plantation 1999-2006. In 1999, the actual planting forestry sub-sector towards economic (crop area) HTI reached 37,245 ha, but de- growth of East Kalimantan Province in creased in 2000 amounted to 10,679 acres. combination was 82,3 percent (0.823 X In 2001 also decreased to 8393 ha and low- 100%). The remaining 17.7 percent (100% - est in 2004, which only amounted to 3972 82.3% = 17.7%) affected by other variables ha. Increasing realization of HTI plantings outside the model. began to increase significantly in 2005 and It was found that the number of signifi- 2006, respectively 26,764 ha and 42,038 ha cance is of 0.044 <0.05, which means that (Table 6) there is a significant relationship jointly be- tween HTI investment variables and GDRP Effect of HTI and its Implication to Eco- of forestry sub-sector to economic growth. nomic Growth and Employment It appears that the path coefficient value To determine the impact of timber planta- is the direct influence of variables on eco- tions and its implications to economic nomic growth. It is also obtained the signifi- growth and employment in the province of cance value (Sig.) of each variable. This can East Kalimantan, the authors use a model of be explained as follows: path analysis. The variables used are HTI The number of investment influences investment, the Gross Regional Domestic HTI (X1) directly affect economic growth Product (GDRP) of forestry sector, eco- (Y1) is 0.813 (81.3 percent). The direction nomic growth (growth) and labor. Invest- of influence is positive, which means in- ments will approached by using actual data creased investment in timber plantations will HTI planting, forestry sub-sector GDRP ap- increase the rate of economic growth, while proached by the total value of forest produc- the value of Sig.0.049 <0.05, so the effect is tion sub-sector that is still natural forest- significant. based, economic growth approached by

Table 6 Actual HTI planting in East Kalimantan Province, Year 1999-2006 Realization in Plantation Year (Acre) 1999 37,245 2000 10,679 2001 8,393 2002 10,558 2003 4,415 2004 3,972 2005 26,764 2006 42,038 Source: East Kalimantan Provincial Forestry Office, 2008

12 Journal of Economics, Business and Accountancy Ventura Volume 14, No. 1, April 2011, pages 1 – 18 Accreditation No. 110/DIKTI/Kep/2009

The degrees of influence on GDRP of tion for the equation of sub-structure 2 is forestry sub-sector (X2), directly affects 0.558 or equal to 55.8 percent. A remains economic growth (Y1) is - 0.880 (88 per- percentage are 44.2 percent, it means influ- cent). The direction of influence is negative, enced other factors outside the model. Based which means an increase GDP forestry sub- on the calculation of path analysis substruc- sector will lower the rate of economic ture 2 as well, the path coefficient values growth. This negative effect was due to obtained direct influence on the labor vari- lower contribution of the sub-sector still able. It also found the level of influence dominated the forest for timber from natural economic growth (Y1) directly to labor (Y2) forests. This situation needs to be substituted was 0.747 (74.7 percent). This influence is with the role of the plantation, because it positive, indicating economic growth will proved a significant impact on economic increase employment opportunities. Signifi- growth. Value Sig.0.021 <0.05, so it can be cance value is 0.08 <0.10, so the magnitude said is a significant level of influence. of this effect was also significant. The value of coefficient of determina-

Model Summary

Adjusted Std. Error of Model R R Square R Square the Estimate 1 .907a .823 .705 .46569 a. Predictors: (Constant), PDRBkehu tanan, Investasi


Sum of Model Squares df Mean Square F Sig. 1 Regression 3.026 2 1.513 6.978 .044a Residual .651 3 .217 Total 3.677 5 a. Predictors: (Constant), PDRBkehutanan, Investasi b. Dependent Variable: Growth


Unstandardized Standardized Coefficients Coefficients Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig. 1 (Constant) 1.015 .426 2.379 .076 Investasi .053 .019 .813 2.790 .049 PDRBkehutanan -.315 .085 -.880 -3.714 .021 a. Dependent Variable: Growth

Model Summary

Adjusted Std. Error of Model R R Square R Square the Estimate 1 .747a .558 .447 2.37165 a. Predictors: (Constant), Growth


Unstandardized Standardized Coefficients Coefficients Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig. 1 (Constant) 32.046 2.679 11.960 .000 Growth 2.777 1.237 .747 2.245 .088 a. Dependent Variable: T_Kerja

13 ISSN 2087-3735 Forest Plant Industry … (Zamruddin Hasid)

Development Implications and Benefits of forests’ products by applying intensive silvi- HTI in the Economy culture to meet the needs of the forest prod- The results imply that the implications of the ucts industry materials. HTI concessions aim development of timber in Indonesia and East is to support the development of the domes- Kalimantan province has its benefits in the tic forest products industry to increase value future (forward) and backward for the econ- added and foreign exchange, increase land omy. The impact to the forward with the productivity and environmental quality, and existence of HTI can provide raw materials expand employment and business fields (PP for industrial development per wood that has No. 7/1990, article 2). affected the competitiveness, national timber The Indonesian government, through the industry through superior products from the Department of Forestry is committed to in- industry are like pulp, plywood, and furni- creasing the role of forestry in economic ture. The result will be useful to meet the development through increased state revenue supply and domestic demand and exported from forestry sector. The development of to other countries thereby increasing foreign HTI focus targeted 5 million acres by the exchange. The overall benefit of this chain year 2009. HTI development is the man- of HTI development benefits, of course, will agement which has to keep the principle of give a multiplier effect on the provision of sustainability, namely economically sustain- employment and increase local economic ability, ecological and social sustainability. growth. Thereby not only ensuring the supply of sus- For the impact on the backward with the tainable wood raw materials but also should development of these plantations, it can pay attention to the forest ecosystem in the benefit the society as a micro-economic em- long term social and community welfare. powerment. This will provide a source of Beside, the existence of HTI develop- revenue to the society near the area so that it ment is expected to save the natural forests can improve their living standards and wel- from damage caused by HTI is a natural fare. In addition, HTI also benefit the pres- richness that can be refurbished, fully util- ervation of the environment is very impor- ized and sustainable national development tant to do to create harmony between devel- sustainability to the welfare population. opment and environmental sustainability. Complete scheme is displayed in Figure 2. According to government decree (PP HTI policy is indeed intended to prepare No. 7/1990) Anjasari (2009), regarding in- the raw material from which legal and sus- dustrial forest concessions, timber planta- tainable sources. Thus, the use of natural tions are forest plantations established in forests is no longer the focus as a source of order to increase the potential and quality of wood raw material supply. HTI Policy con- Figure 1 Path Diagram

Investment ε = 0,177 ε = 0,442 in HTI (X1) 0,813

r =0,765 GROWT Labor (Y2) (Y1) 0,747 -0,880 GDRP of Forestry in Sub-sector of forestry (X2)

14 Journal of Economics, Business and Accountancy Ventura Volume 14, No. 1, April 2011, pages 1 – 18 Accreditation No. 110/DIKTI/Kep/2009 tributed greatly to local economies and this cut production quota established by the De- encourages the export of timber forest prod- partment of Forestry every year. The per- ucts and new investment. This HTI devel- formance of the timber industry had fallen opment in the prospect in forward will be short not because of shortage of raw materi- able to provide employment, reduce poverty als, but because it reduces the supply of ille- while maintaining sustainability and the en- gal timber. With the growth of forests and vironment. forest plantations, timber industry still has a Forest industry production capacity of prospective business to be developed and not more than 6,000 cubic meters per year is still just a sunset industry (Greenomics Indone- prospective for further development. The sia, 2008). problem of raw materials that exist begins to HTI development has three main goals: be addressed with wood supply from forest the economic, ecological and social targets plantations, forest community forests, and (Iskandar, 2005). Based on these targets,

Figure 2 The Scheme of Forward and Backward Benefit in HTI

Financial Institution Investment Job Income Opportunity Private (Profit) Government (Tax) Labor (Wage)


Micro-economic Empowerment in Industry Supply of Raw HTI/ (Pro Poor) Plantation Material (source of Forest (HTI) wood raw material supply)

Production Forest Push Recovering and Maintaining a COMPETITIVENESS Quality of Product of Timber Environment/ (Pro- Industry Environment) PRODUCT OF TIMBER INDUSTRY

Pulp & Molding Furniture Paper

Driven Demand (Demand/Needs) Contribution to GDRP

Domestic Foreign Demand Demand Economic Making Job (Export) Growth/Pro Opportunity/ Growth Pro-Job

15 ISSN 2087-3735 Forest Plant Industry … (Zamruddin Hasid) then the development of timber must have a ble to establish forest plantations, (2) Re- positive influence on economic life, social, moving the policies that attract investment and environmental communities around the capital for forest plants (remove the auction area of timber plantations. In realizing the permits, reduce fees, minimize a social prob- development of timber, so many parties and lems, term assurance business), (3) The long stakeholders involved, one of which is pre- term forest plantations which is established cisely the communities around the forest by the state through state-owned companies area. The existence and the participatory role or private entities with government equity of local communities, in both material and participation, (4) alternative funding sources nonmaterial support and cooperate with for long terms forest plantations. Permit other parties involved to facilitate and accel- immediate stop or divert forest plants that do erate the implementation of HTI develop- not seriously develop forests, (5) Facilitate ment. Therefore, the communities surround- the construction of community forest or ing the forest area would be exposed to the plantation forest peoples in the production of influence of HTI development both in terms degraded forests or plantations abandoned of social or economic. by employers. Development and management of large- If HTI management is successful, it will scale timber plantations and the long term is be unlikely to have prospect of HTI in five one mechanism to improve the welfare of or seven years for the future. This can be the community one of which is to provide relied upon as a major supplier of industries’ employment. Community management fo- wood raw material to replace the role of cused on the ability of enterprises to provide natural forests. However, HTI development employment opportunities and business op- are facing some obstacles such as legal cer- portunities for the community. According to tainty to the status of land and lack of capi- Iskandar (2005), there are three primary tal, some investors who are doubted about elements of the provision of employment the certainty of the results and the certainty opportunities by the development of timber of their businesses. Therefore, there is a kind business entity that is, acts directly on the of a dilemma by the Department of Forestry. company, working on company business On the one hand, it is expected to be able to contractors, and work to serve the workers restore forest conditions that have been ad- of the company. Reciprocal relationship be- dicted. On the other hand, it can also provide tween communities and forest resources the raw materials required for sustainable prior to the plantation area is an integral eco- forestry industry in order to sustain eco- system affect each other, it is necessary that nomic growth. the forest development model coupled with HTI development is considered more efforts to meet the needs, income and wel- advantageous in terms of forest conservation fare of the community around the forest and long-term economic rather than shifting given the socio-economic condition of soci- the former forest area timber companies and ety is in general still low. One form of the into oil palm plantations. The government approaches is aimed to increase public par- will prioritize the development of timber and ticipation through the utilization of labor forest plants to improve the economy of the from surrounding communities HTI area. people because this promises a brighter out- look for the forestry industry in the future. Improvement Strategy and Prospects of The results of forest plantations and HTI crops of the people can boost the increase in For accelerating the growth of industrial for- foreign exchange in the future. This can be est plantations, several strategies can be un- achieved through increased timber industry dertaken. This can include (1) Mapping and with raw materials of wood from plantations offers locations that are economically feasi- and plantations of the people. In addition,

16 Journal of Economics, Business and Accountancy Ventura Volume 14, No. 1, April 2011, pages 1 – 18 Accreditation No. 110/DIKTI/Kep/2009 the development of timber and forest planta- economy of the people because it is deemed tions are very help people repair severe to have a brighter outlook for the forestry damage to forests, which until now could not industry in the future. be rehabilitated. Fifth, the results of forest plantations HTI business outlook is promising. This and crops for the people can boost the in- is evidenced by the many applications that crease in foreign exchange in the future. have been processed by HTI since 2008. This can be achieved through increased tim- Foreign and local investors are still looking ber industry with raw materials of wood for HTI business since 2008, in the middle from plantations and plantations by the peo- of the current world financial crisis with in- ple. In addition, the development of timber vestment funding from three investment and forest plantations can help people repair worth Rp 24 trillion. Encouraging invest- severe damage to forests, which until now ment in plantation forests also absorb more could not be rehabilitated. labor. HTI Investments does not only prom- Sixth, the area of plantation in East Ka- ise the integrity of the forest after harvesting limantan overall reached 1.9 million acres, crops for industrial needs, but its activity is with Tarakan District as an area that has the able to absorb labor in very large quantities. largest plantation area that is 799 thousand acres. Then it is followed by Kutai Kartane- CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS gara of 483 thousand acres. It is then Kutai Conclusion Timur of 219 thousand acres. The number of First, the capacity of forest industry produc- plantation companies in East Kalimantan tion, of more than 6,000 cubic meters per reached 104 companies. The greatest num- year, is still prospective for further devel- ber is found in the district is 67 companies. opment. The costs of raw materials that are Seventh, the realization of HTI plantings always a problem tends to be addressed with began to increase significantly in 2005 and wood supply from forest plantations, com- 2006, respectively 26,764 ha and 42,038 munity forests, and cut production quota acres. This shows a very good climate to established by the Department of Forestry increase forestry's contribution to the econ- every year. omy through the development of timber Second, the performance of the timber industry fell down which is not because of Suggestion shortage of raw materials, but decreasing the First, the development of HTI area should be supply of illegal timber. With the growth of pursued seriously. The key to the success forests and forest plantations, timber indus- determined by cost control, marketing, and try still has a promising business prospects product certification. Besides that, the prob- for development and not a sunset industry. lem of illegal logging must be immediately Third, HTI is more productive in the combated because this is very detrimental to wood supply for industrial processing com- the country both from an economic perspec- pared with plantations. Average production tive and point of view of environmental sus- reaches 30-70 m3/acres/year of forest planta- tainability. HTI development must be sup- tions, while only 0.5 to 3.0 m3/acres/year of ported throughout stratum community. That natural forest. way East Kalimantan forestry industry is Fourth, HTI development, is considered expected to feel the return to glory as in the more advantageous in terms of forest con- time before the monetary crisis in 1997. servation and long-term economic rather Second, East Kalimantan provincial than shifting the former forest area of timber government should focus on the develop- companies used as oil palm plantations. The ment of the forestry sector in an effort to government will prioritize the development increase the productivity of forests, because of timber and forest plants to improve the it is very beneficial for the regional economy

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