1 The Polish EU Presidency / Cultural events


2011 Belgium in 2 Looking atPoland from adifferent angle

The Polish Institute in Brussels is delighted to present this publication introducing the cultural programme which will take place in Belgium between 1 July and 31 December, 2011 during the Polish presidency of the Council of the . What we wish to do with this programme, which focuses mainly on contemporary Polish culture, is to show how diverse, creative and dynamic our country can be, be it in the field of literature, theatre, the visual arts, cine- ma or music. This programme, created in collaboration with the Adam Mickiewicz Institute, would never have got off the ground without the valuable help of our Polish, Belgian and other European partners and we extend our heartfelt thanks to them all. Those who would like to find out even more about Polish culture will have the chance to do so by hopping on a plane or train to Paris, London or Berlin. And for those who feel like venturing further afield, has also established a programme of events to take place in Tokyo and Beijing. One thing’s for sure: Poland will never Find us at: be far from your minds in the second half of 2011. Time www.culturepolonaise.eu to get out the diary!

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The cultural programme put in place in Belgium to mark the Polish presidency of the Council of the European Union is be- ing organised by the Adam Mickiewicz Institute and the Polish Institute in Brussels (Cultural Service of the Polish Embassy in Belgium).

The goal of the Polish Institute in Brussels is to familiarise peo- 4 d NON-CLASSICAL MUSIC 5 d VISUAL ARTS

Zoltan Orosz & The joint Hungarian - Polish music performance at Place St 'The Power of This major exhibition gathers many of the most significant Croix is an event to mark the handover of the presidency works of contemporary art from Poland by a generation Kornel Horvath (hu) of the EU from Hungary to Poland. Celebrations take Fantasy. Modern of artists who have made their careers since the fall of Motion Trio (pl) place outside in front of Flagey to the two groups’ and Contemporary communism in the country in 1989. More than 30 inter- accordion sound. The Motion Trio, also dubbed the Art from Poland' nationally-renowned artists such as Paweł Althamer, ‘trio furioso’, is one of the most unique accordion units Mirosław Bałka, Robert Kuśmirowski, Wilhelm Sasnal worldwide. With their trademark unstoppable dynamism and Monika Sosnowska feature in the show. Often d Friday 1 July, 2011 – 19:00 and their imagination setting them far apart from the d 24 June – 18 September, 2011 sharply critical of the changing world in which they live, ‘folklore’ genre, their music differs greatly from what is these artists sustain a tradition of dissent and critical usually associated with the accordion. reflection which is deeply-rooted in Polish culture. Zoltan Orosz is the brightest accordion music artist on Entitled 'The Power of Fantasy', the exhibition sets out to d Place Sainte-Croix the Hungarian musical map. The French 'chanson' d Centre For Fine Arts – BOZAR show how the fantastic and the magical, the mad and 1050 Brussels has always been very close to his heart, so it is not Rue Ravenstein 23 the absurd have been powerful themes in contempo- surprising that he receives many invitations to play 1000 Brussels rary Polish art. With works of art which explore the full evergreen tunes and remind people of the greatest potential of the imagination, the show reveals a culture artists the genre has seen. However, Zoltan’s musical full of intense visions and strange dreams. interests encompass a huge range of genres. He is living proof that the accordion can be used to play Curators: David Crowley, Zofia Machnicka, more information: almost all kinds of music. more information: Andrzej Szczerski d www.culturepolonaise.eu/MotionTrio d www.culturepolonaise.eu/ ThePowerOfFantasy Honorary patronage: PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF POLAND, BRONISŁAW KOMOROWSKI Org.: Flagey, Polish Institute Org.: BOZAR EXPO, in Brussels, Adam Mickiewicz Institute, Hungarian Culture Brussels, National Museum in Krakow Olaf Brzeski, 'Dream - Spontaneous combustion', 2008. Courtesy of Adam Mickiewicz Institute Motion Trio © Jacek Poremba Polish Institute in Brussels the Czarna Gallery, 6 d VISUAL ARTS 7 d VISUAL ARTS

'Fossils and The ‘Fossils and Gardens’ project consists of five public 'ALINA The expansive survey of Polish sculptor Alina Szapocznikow space installations in Brussels. Leading Polish artists, is one of the first major solo presentations of the artist’s Gardens' some of many years standing, some slightly younger, SZAPOCZNIKOW, work outside of Poland. It concentrates on her most ex- have been invited to take part in the event. Each project Sculpture Undone, perimental period in the 1960s and 1970s. After the war, contains a separate narrative but all relate to the notion 1955–1972' she began working in a rather classical manner, whilst of a united Europe, and draw on common traditions. This her later experimentation and redefinition of sculpture presentation should go beyond the popular stereotypes left behind a legacy of provocative objects, at once d September – November 2011 of Poland and the and highlight the bright side, our d 10 September, 2011 – 8 January, sexualized, visceral and humorous, that sit somewhere sense of humour, practical impracticality, self-depreca- 2012 between Surrealism, Nouveau Réalisme and Pop Art. tion and, against all odds, our openness and optimism. Her tinted polyester resin casts of her lips and breasts What the artists hope to do is to share the fruits of their transformed into quotidian objects, her spongy poly- d Various locations in Brussels: labour with the inhabitants of Brussels. d WIELS – Centre for urethane forms often embedded with casts of bellies, European Parliament Esplanade, Contemporary Art and her construction of resin sculptures that incorpo- Schuman roundabout, Place du Curator: Monika Szewczyk Av. Van Volxem 354 rate found photographs remain as remarkably biting, Congrès & Garden of the Mont des 1190 Brussels visionary, and original today as when they were first Arts ‘Fossils and Gardens’ presents the works of: made. With roughly 100 pieces on view, the exhibition JULITA WÓJCIK – 'The Rainbow' puts Szapocznikow's sculpture centre stage alongside BARTOSZ MUCHA – 'Functional Column, Non-functional more information: all other media she worked in, including photography more information: Column' d www.culturepolonaise.eu/ and drawing. d www.culturepolonaise.eu/ JAROSŁAW KOZAKIEWICZ – 'Sky above Schuman' AlinaSzapocznikow FossilsAndGardens MAURYCY GOMULICKI – action 'Spectre: Romantic Post- Curators: Elena Filipovic & Joanna Mytkowska Vandalism' DOMINIK LEJMAN – light projections 'Double Layer' Org.: WIELS, Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, Alina Szapocznikow, Dessert I (Petite Dessert), 1970-1971. © The Estate Org.: Adam Mickiewicz Institute, Adam Mickiewicz Institute, of Alina Szapocznikow - Piotr Stanislawski, Courtesy of BROADWAY Polish Institute in Brussels Fossils and Gardens Polish Institute in Brussels 1602, New York 8 d CLASSICAL MUSIC 9 d CLASSICAL MUSIC

'Trésors de la Since the end of the Middle Ages, the Church, the Court 'Via Dolorosa' Franz Liszt, 'Via Crucis', S. 53 and the City were places in Poland which gave birth to Kasia Głowicka, 'La Notte' musique polonaise' original works and which provided the setting for per- Samedis-Minimes formances of Italian, German, Dutch or French music. COMPAGNIE BISCHOFF International organ This dynamic speaks volumes about the sense of cultural KARL DE KEYZER – images openness which was characteristic of Poland at that time. RONALD BRAUTIGAM – piano festival From the 15th century onwards, we can trace accounts d 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30 July; of the building of organs in large Polish towns such d Thursday 3 September, 2011 The twelve singers from the Compagnie Bischoff, pianist 6, 13, 20 and 27 August – 12:00 as Gdańsk (Oliwa), Warsaw, Krakow, Poznań, etc. As – 20:00 Ronald Brautigam and photographer Karl de Keyzer are for the musical repertoire devoted to the organ, since realising what was Franz Liszt’s dream when he com- the 16th and 17th centuries, ‘tablatures’ have been posed 'Via Crucis (The Fourteen Stations of the Cross)' preserved, including polyphonic works destined for in 1878. Having entered a monastery, the composer, d Minimes Church the church. We can also find 'canzoni', 'preambulums', d Flagey then aged 67, began what appears today to have been a Rue des Minimes 57 'ricercares', 'fantasias' and other dances amongst the Place Sainte-Croix period of reflection on his own spiritual path, drawing 1000 Brussels material which traces back to that time. 1050 Brussels inspiration both from the delicate paintings of Johann The organ concerts organised as part of the 4th Same- Friedrich Overbeck, a member of the Nazarene move- dis-Minimes festival are accompanied by singing and ment, and, almost at the other end of the spectrum, from various instruments. the spare and powerful art of Albrecht Dürer. more information: more information: Does the immemorial way of the cross still provide a mes- d www.culturepolonaise.eu/ d www.culturepolonaise.eu/ sage of hope? This question was also key for Kasia SamedisMinimes ViaDolorosa Głowicka: as an epilogue to the 'Via Crucis', the musi- cians created 'La Notte', a piece by the young Pole, on Michelangelo’s eponymous quatrain. Org.: Festival Van Vlaanderen Brussel Org.: Organum Novum, & Flagey. Commissioned by Festival Polish Institute in Brussels Orgue des Minimes (Bruxelles) © Luc De Vos Oude Muziek Utrecht&Amuz Antwerpen Kasia Głowicka © Broerse 10 d CLASSICAL MUSIC 11 d CLASSICAL MUSIC

Luigi Cherubini, Conductor – CHRISTOPHE ROUSSET Karol Szymanowski, Conductor – HARTMUT HAENCHEN Director – KRZYSZTOF WARLIKOWSKI Chorus master – ANNA SZOSTAK 'Médée' Set & costume design – MAŁGORZATA SZCZĘSNIAK 'Król Roger' Conductor of the children’s chorus – BENOÎT GIAUX Chorus master – STEPHEN BETTERIDGE La Monnaie Symphony Orchestra Les Talens Lyriques La Monnaie children’s chorus La Monnaie chorus Camerata Silesia – Zespół Śpiewaków Miasta Chór Polskiego Radia Kraków d 6, 8, 13, 15, 17, 20 and Médée – NADJA MICHAEL d Saturday 10 September, 2011 Roger II – ANDRZEJ DOBBER 22 September, 2011 – 20:00 Jason – KURT STREIT – 20:00 Roxana – OLGA PASICHNYK d 11 September, 2011 – 15:00 Néris – CHRISTIANNE STOTIJN Edrisi – JOHN GRAHAM-HALL Créon – VINCENT LE TEXIER Pasterz – ERIC CUTLER d La Monnaie | De Munt Dircé – LAURA CLAYCOMB d La Monnaie | De Munt Archiereios – JAROSŁAW KITAŁA Royal Opera House Première servante – GAËLLE ARQUEZ Royal Opera House Dyakonissa – BEATA MORAWSKA Place de la Monnaie Deuxième servante – ANNE-FLEUR INIZAN Place de la Monnaie 1000 Brussels 1000 Brussels Karol Szymanowski finished writing his opera 'Król Roger' Three years after the creation of 'Médée', Krzysztof in 1924 after a long stay in Sicily and northern Africa, Warlikowski and Christophe Rousset are reunited basing the work on a libretto by his cousin and friend, at La Monnaie to reprise this memorable production, the writer Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz. Closer to an orato- more information: which was created in 2008. Accompanied once more more information: rio than an opera, due to its spiritual subject matter d www.culturepolonaise.eu/Medee by Małgorzata Szczęśniak, the director once again tack- d www.culturepolonaise.eu/ and formal structure, the work bears testimony to les, with gusto, what is perhaps the most powerful and KrolRoger Szymanowski’s great richness of language. It reflects savage work of Luigi Cherubini. We witness here some both the harmonic and orchestral innovations of the be- sublime characteristic features of his production, in ginning of the 20th century and the influence of French particular the rereading, in the light of modern realities, impressionist music, the last German romantics and the of eternal myths, often linked to revenge. Org.: La Monnaie | De Munt, oriental style. The opera is presented in concert. Org.: La Monnaie | De Munt Médée © Maarten Vanden Abeele Adam Mickiewicz Institute © Photo 12 12 d CLASSICAL MUSIC 13 d CLASSICAL MUSIC

National Henryk Mikołaj Górecki, 'Kleines Requiem für eine Royal String Quartet Henryk Mikołaj Górecki, 'String Quartet No. 2', Op. 64 Polka', Op. 66 (‘Quasi una Fantasia’) Orchestra of Belgium, Franz Liszt, 'Concerto for piano and orchestra No. 2 in Pyotr Tchaikovsky, 'String quartet No. 1', Op. 11 'Sortilèges A major', S. 125 cristallins' Witold Lutosławski, 'Concerto for orchestra' IZABELLA SZAŁAJ-ZIMAK – 1st violin ELWIRA PRZYBYŁOWSKA – 2nd violin ANTONI WIT – conductor MAREK CZECH – viola d Thursday 15 September, 2011 RAFAŁ BLECHACZ – piano d Sunday 2 October, 2011 MICHAŁ PEPOL – cello – 20:00 – 11:00 The uncontested winner of the prestigious Warsaw Chopin Unanimously considered to be one of the best string competition in 2005, Polish pianist Rafał Blechacz has quartets of the younger generation, the Royal String d Centre for Fine Arts – BOZAR wasted no time in revealing, behind his reserved appea- d Centre for Fine Arts – BOZAR Quartet is also one of the most popular with audiences. Rue Ravenstein 23 rance, a delicate touch, a rich imagination and, above all, Rue Ravenstein 23 Its technical competence and the magical interplay 1000 Brussels a great musical heart. Conducted by his famous com- 1000 Brussels amongst its members make this ensemble a real patriot Antoni Wit, he performs the 'Concerto for Piano phenomenon in the world of classical music today. No. 2' by Franz Liszt. Contemporary Polish music is also In February, the famous British label Hyperion released the celebrated at this event with the works of two renowned quartet’s new disc, given over to three string quartets by composers, Henryk Mikołaj Górecki, who passed away Henryk Mikołaj Górecki. Let’s hope it is as successful as more information: in 2010, and Witold Lutosławski. more information: their previous disc, devoted, for its part, to the music of d www.culturepolonaise.eu/ This event is part of the series of concerts to mark the 75th d www.culturepolonaise.eu/ Karol Szymanowski, and crowned ‘Album of the month’ SortilegesCristallins birthday of the National Orchestra of Belgium. RoyalStringQuartet by BBC Music Magazine. This recital is part of 'Bozar Sundays', a cycle of concerts Org.: BOZAR MUSIC, which aims to bring music to all on Sunday lunchtime National Orchestra of Belgium, in the magnificent setting of the Centre for Fine Arts – Polish Institute in Brussels, Org.: BOZAR MUSIC, BOZAR. Klara Festival Rafał Blechacz © Felix Broede / Deutsche Grammophon Polish Institute in Brussels Royal String Quartet © Łukasz Pepol 14 d CLASSICAL MUSIC 15 d CLASSICAL MUSIC

Antoni Wit Krzysztof Penderecki, 'Stabat Mater' from 'St. Luke Sinfonia Varsovia – Stanisław Moniuszko, Overture and dances from Passion' opera 'Halka' conducts Witold Lutosławski, 'Cello concerto' Marc Minkowski Karol Szymanowski, 'Concerto for violin and orchestra the Brussels Krzysztof Penderecki, 'Agnus Dei' from 'Polish No. 2', Op. 61 Philharmonic Requiem' Maurice Ravel, 'Boléro' Karol Szymanowski, 'Symphony No. 3', Op. 27 Henryk Mikołaj Górecki, 'Symphony No. 3', Op. 36 ('Song of the Night') d Saturday 8 October, 2011 d Monday 17 October, 2011 MARC MINKOWSKI – conductor – 20:00 ANTONI WIT – conductor – 20:00 KUBA JAKOWICZ – violin GAVRIEL LIPKIND – cello MARITA SOLBERG – soprano PAVLO TOLSTOY – tenor d De Bijloke Ghent Music Centre d Centre for Fine Arts – BOZAR Tonight, the Sinfonia Varsovia takes centre stage. This Jozef Kluyskensstraat 2 The 54th edition of the Ghent Festival of Flanders 2011 Rue Ravenstein 23 Warsaw orchestra generally works under the direc- 9000 Ghent opens on 17 September, 2011. This year, the artistic 1000 Brussels tion of two prestigious leaders, Marc Minkowski and theme is ‘STARS’. Over three weeks, more than 1,500 Krzysztof Penderecki. The former, who conducted the artists from across the world perform to an ever-in- orchestra for the first time in 2007, became its musical creasing audience. director the following year. For this concert in Brussels, more information: At the end of the festival, the city of Ghent will resound more information: he has elected to present the unmissable pieces of d www.culturepolonaise.eu/ to the sound of Polish classical music from the 20th d www.culturepolonaise.eu/ Polish music from the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries. This AntoniWit century, ned by the great conductor Antoni Wit, who SinfoniaVarsovia-Minkowski evening is part of the cycle of 'European Galas', which has almost 200 recordings under his belt. Wit studied aim to bring the masterpieces of European classical composition at the Krakow Conservatory with Krzysz- music, performed by the most talked-about figures of Org.: Gent Festival van Vlaanderen, tof Penderecki. This Ghent concert is thus also a kind the contemporary music world to a Brussels audience. Brussels Philharmonic, of homage from one star to another. Org.: BOZAR MUSIC, Adam Mickiewicz Institute, Adam Mickiewicz Institute, Polish Institute in Brussels Antoni Wit © J. Multarzyński Festival van Vlaanderen Brussel Marc Minkowski © Philippe Gontier / Naïve 16 d CLASSICAL MUSIC 17 d CLASSICAL MUSIC

Sinfonia Varsovia Krzysztof Penderecki, 'Concerto for violin and 'Concertini' In the magical setting of its Grand Foyer, La Monnaie is orchestra No. 2' ('Metamorphosen') holding a series of 'Concertini', or concerts lasting forty- – Krzysztof Ludwig van Beethoven, 'Symphony No. 7', Op. 92 five minutes, to take place every Friday lunchtime and Penderecki performed by the excellent musicians of La Monnaie KRZYSZTOF PENDERECKI – conductor Symphony Orchestra brought together in various line- JULIAN RACHLIN – violin ups. This season, for two months, the concerts will first and foremost, be given over to Polish chamber music d Saturday 18 October, 2011 The Sinfonia Varsovia was established in the 1980s. d 4, 18 and 25 November; from the 18th to the 21st centuries, mixed with musical – 20:00 Then known as the Polish Chamber Orchestra, it was d 2, 9, 16 and 23 December, 2011 pieces linked to the operas, concerts and recitals conducted by Jerzy Maksymiuk. After he left, Yehudi – 12:30 held by the famous opera house. Whether you are Menuhin took over and the orchestra also changed its an informed amateur or just enjoy listening to music, d Centre for Fine Arts – BOZAR name. However, this Brussels concert will focus on d La Monnaie | De Munt here is your chance to experience the works of such Rue Ravenstein 23 the multi-faceted personality of Krzysztof Penderecki. (Grand Foyer) well-known composers as Fryderyk Chopin, Juliusz 1000 Brussels Musical director of the group from 1997 until 2008, Royal Opera House Zarębski, Henryk Wieniawski, Karol Szymanowski, today the artist is its artistic director. This evening, Place de la Monnaie Witold Lutosławski and Henryk Mikołaj Górecki or he conducts his musicians himself in a performance 1000 Brussels discover compositions by Grażyna Bacewicz, Andrzej of his own 'Concerto for violin and orchestra'. The Panufnik, Andrzej Czajkowski, Zbigniew Bargielski, work, composed in 1995 for Anne-Sophie Mutter, was Paweł Szymański and Paweł Mykietyn, which are more information: put on for the first time the same year it was writ- more information: rarely performed in Belgium. d www.culturepolonaise.eu/ ten. Penderecki looms large on the Polish musical d www.culturepolonaise.eu/ SinfoniaVarsovia-Penderecki landscape: a teacher, creator of avant-garde pieces Concertini and conductor, he has gradually made his mark on all fields across the world since the 1960s. Org.: La Monnaie | De Munt, Org.: BOZAR MUSIC, Adam Mickiewicz Institute, Adam Mickiewicz Institute Krzysztof Penderecki © Bruno Fidrych Polish Institute in Brussels La Monnaie Chamber Music Ensemble © La Monnaie | De Munt 18 d CLASSICAL MUSIC 19 d CLASSICAL MUSIC

I, CULTURE Sergey Prokofiev, 'Scythe Suite', Op. 20 La Monnaie Krzysztof Penderecki, 'Tren Ofiarom Hiroszimy' Karol Szymanowski, 'Symphony No. 4', Op. 60 ('Threnody to the Victims of Hiroshima for 52 string Orchestra – Dmitry Shostakovich, 'Symphony No. 5', Op. 47 Symphony Orchestra, instruments') Orchestra of the Polish PAWEŁ KOTLA – conductor 'Requiem' Giya Kancheli, ‘Sevda Nateli’ (‘Bright Sorrow’. EU Presidency PETER JABLONSKI – piano ‘Requiem to the 40th Anniversary of the Victory over Fascism’) I, CULTURE Orchestra is a unique and innovative project Dmitry Shostakovich, 'Symphony No. 7 in C major', d Friday 4 November, 2011 created to celebrate the Polish EU Presidency. The d Thursday 10 November, 2011 Op. 60 ('Leningrad') – 20:00 orchestra is comprised of brilliant young musicians from – 20:00 Poland and other countries to the east of the European La Monnaie Symphony Orchestra Union: Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Azerbaijan La Monnaie children’s chorus d Royal Brussels Conservatory and Armenia. d Centre for Fine Arts – BOZAR LEO HUSSAIN – conductor Rue de la Régence 30 By creating a multi-national orchestra unifying musicians Rue Ravenstein 23 DENIS MENIER – conductor of the children’s chorus 1000 Brussels from countries outside the Schengen Area, Poland would 1000 Brussels like to emphasize the fact that both the East and the West Half a century after it was written, Krzysztof Penderecki’s influence the cultural identity of Europe. 'Tren Ofiarom Hiroszimy' remains one of the cult works I, CULTURE Orchestra is part of the cultural programme of the 20th century musical avant-garde. Through micro- of the Polish EU Presidency coordinated by the Adam tones, glissandi, special bow techniques and the play of more information: Mickiewicz Institute. In 2011 the orchestra tours the more information: chance, fifty-two strings paint a structured and fasci- d www.culturepolonaise.eu/ most famous concert halls in Europe. d www.culturepolonaise.eu/ nating musical picture over a period of ten minutes. This I-CultureOrchestra Requiem work will be accompanied by two great requiems from the 20th century: that of the Georgian-born composer who made his home in Belgium, Giya Kancheli, and that Org.: BOZAR MUSIC, of the great Dmitry Shostakovich, composed in the mid- Adam Mickiewicz Institute, dle of the war, during the siege of Leningrad. Polish Institute in Brussels Peter Jablonski © Mats Bäcker Org.: La Monnaie | De Munt Leo Hussain © Marco Borggreve 20 d CLASSICAL MUSIC 21 d CLASSICAL MUSIC

Elżbieta Szmytka Fryderyk Chopin, 'Melodies'; 'Nocturne in B minor', 'Polish Karol Szymanowski, 'String Quartet No. 1' Op. 9/1; 'Nocturne in E minor', Op. 72/1; 'Nocturne in C Paweł Szymański, '5 pieces for string quartet' & Levente Kende, sharp minor', Op. 27/1 Contemporary AKADEMOS QUARTET 'Nocturnes' Karol Szymanowski, 'Rymy dziecięce' ('Nursery Music Across rhymes'), Op. 49 Europe With Krzysztof Penderecki, 'Quartet for clarinet' Mieczysław Karłowicz, Songs Pierre Bartholomée, 'New work' Friends' ENSEMBLE ON d Monday 12 December, 2011 ELŻBIETA SZMYTKA – soprano d Wednesday 14 December, 2011 – 20:00 LEVENTE KENDE – piano – 20:00 GILLES GOBERT – conductor

The first thing that springs to mind when one thinks of An event on the theme of Polish contemporary chamber d La Monnaie | De Munt Fryderyk Chopin is the virtuosity of his piano com- d Royal Brussels Conservatory music is being held at the Royal Brussels Conserva- Royal Opera House positions, but we also have him to thank for melodies Rue de la Régence 30 tory in the presence of the Belgian composer Pierre Place de la Monnaie inspired by popular poetry, their simple musical language 1000 Brussels Bartholomée. This event is structured around two work- 1000 Brussels punctuated with Polish dances. Karol Szymanowski’s shops: students in classes on chamber music can thus melodies are also rooted in the tradition of the 19th try their hand at the Karol Szymanowski quartets with century, but, equally, they smack of the highly distinctive the Polish ensemble Akademos and more recent pieces exoticism peculiar to the European art scene at the turn by Krzysztof Penderecki and Pierre Bartholomée with more information: of the 20th century. Mieczysław Karłowicz, the third big more information: the members of Ensemble ON. A concert-conference on d www.culturepolonaise.eu/ name linked to the art of Polish melody, lends the latter d www.culturepolonaise.eu/ Penderecki’s early chamber music also features. The Nocturnes a sense of spirituality and Neoromanticism. ChamberMusicWorkshop day draws to a close with a double concert featuring The evening before the recital, Elżbieta Szmytka, a familiar successive performances by Polish quartet Akademos face at La Monnaie, gives young singers a master class and Ensemble ON. on performing Polish melodies. Org.: Forum des Compositeurs, Org.: La Monnaie | De Munt, POLMIC, Adam Mickiewicz Institute Elżbieta Szmytka © Maja Jantar Polish Institute in Brussels Ensemble ON 22 d NON-CLASSICAL MUSIC 23 d NON-CLASSICAL MUSIC

'Exploratory Music 'Exploratory Music from Poland' is a series of projects 'Roots to Flagey presents the best of Polish folk and roots-oriented showcasing new Polish experimental/improv/avant music. from Poland' garde music. the Future' The members of the WARSAW VILLAGE BAND, with their Well-known Brussels music venue Café Central is unbelievably electric and explosive energy on stage, hosting a one-day festival of exploratory music and are the most prominent among Polish traditional music trans-idiomatic improvisations with some of the most artists abroad. The band was founded over ten years interesting and vibrant musical agitators from the Polish ago by young people with Punk roots and a desire to d Tuesday 4 October, 2011 underground – bassist RAFAŁ MAZUR, saxophonist d Saturday 8 October, 2011 save local tunes before they vanished and popularize the – 20:00 MIKOŁAJ TRZASKA, drummer TOMEK CHOŁONIEWSKI, – 20:15 legacy of small villages before it was totally forgotten. EMITER, the solo project of guitarist and electronic Not only was the mission to retrieve what had almost sound designer MARCIN DYMITER, and avant-garde duo disappeared a success, the band also received global d Café Central MIKROKOLEKTYW with drummer KUBA SUCHAR and d Flagey acclaim for the way they used local art and cultural Rue Borgval 14 trumpeter ARTUR MAJEWSKI. Place Sainte-Croix identity as a weapon to fight the shallowness of global 1000 Brussels Expect the unexpected and prepare for the most up-to- 1050 Brussels mass culture. date and inspiring sonic explorations and soundscapes BESTER QUARTET was, from the very beginning, bound up from the fields of free jazz, electro-acoustic experiments, with John Zorn’s New York – based label Tzadik and their contemporary and electronic noise music. Come face mission of promoting ‘Radical Jewish Culture’. Klezmer to face with what’s refreshing and unconventional in music is mixed with contemporary chamber, classical more information: Poland nowadays. more information: and jazz music, with a touch of improvisation, to form d www.culturepolonaise.eu/ d www.culturepolonaise.eu/ an absolute masterpiece of musical erudition. ExploratoryMusic RootsToTheFuture

Org.: Adam Mickiewicz Institute, Org.: Adam Mickiewicz Institute, Flagey, Polish Institute in Brussels Emiter Polish Institute in Brussels Warsaw Village Band 24 d NON-CLASSICAL MUSIC 25 d NON-CLASSICAL MUSIC

'Sound and Movies' Two days of silent movies and Polish contemporary ani- 'Lado ABC Days' Lado ABC Days at Flagey is a three-day artistic residence mated films illustrated by live soundtracks created by followed by two days of joint live performances by the leading contemporary Polish musicians. most vibrant young musicians Warsaw and Brussels On 28 October at Studio 1, MAŁE INSTRUMENTY play toy has to offer. Together they explore a wide range of instruments, professional small instruments, toys, and genres, including improvised music, off-jazz, rock and various unusual objects, inventing a garden of sound klezmer and create several eclectic projects. to power unforgettable movies by Georges Méliès – Lado ABC is a Warsaw-based independent record label d 28 and 29 October, 2011 the innovator and magician behind the earliest cinema. d 8 and 9 December, 2011 which aims to nourish and support the Warsaw con- – 20:15 OLEŚ DUO, a double bass and drums-only group cre- – 20:15 temporary music scene. Artists such as Macio Moretti ating a broad spectrum of sound, presents a virtuoso (Mitch & Mitch, Baaba, Paris Tetris), Piotr Zabrodzki (Cinq improvised set with both music and animations created G, Natu, Baaba LXMP), Marcin Masecki (Paris Tetris), d Flagey in real time. d Flagey Raphael Rogiński (Cukunft, Shofar), Michał Gorczyński Place Sainte-Croix On 29 October at Studio 1, you can see MITCH & MITCH Place Sainte-Croix (Kwartludium, Cukunft) and Piotr Domagalski (Levity) 1050 Brussels WITH THEIR INCREDIBLE COMBO, a ridiculously funny 1050 Brussels represent Poland. Fabian Fiorini, Jean-Yves Everard, five-person duo which has now grown to an orchestra of Laurent Blondiau, Antoine Pierre, Giovanni Barcella fly ten people. These experts in committing crimes against the flag for Belgium. You can witness the unique fruits cultural conventions will sonically deconstruct the ‘pre- of their collaboration on 8 and 9 December at Flagey. Jurassic Park’ - 1925’s ‘Lost World’ by Harry O. Hoyt. more information: more information: d www.culturepolonaise.eu/ d www.culturepolonaise.eu/ SoundAndMovies LadoABCDays

Org.: Adam Mickiewicz Institute, Flagey, CINEMATEK, Org. : Adam Mickiewicz Institute, Flagey, Polish Institute in Brussels Małe Instrumenty Polish Institute in Brussels LADO ABC DAYS[Mitch Combo] 26 d THEATRE 27 d THEATRE

'Planet Lem' 'Planet Lem' is a spectacular new production by the re- 'I, the Dictator' Production, adaptation and set design - nowned Polish theatre Teatr Biuro Podróży. Based on the ROMUALD WICZA-POKOJSKI, writings of Stanisław Lem ('Solaris' and 'Futurological Actor – KRYSTIAN WIECZYŃSKI Congress'), this open-air performance is a penetrating and comic analysis of contemporary living, providing Teatr Wiczy, Polish alternative punk group, founded in food for thought on the relationship between techno- 1991, performs stage shows and outdoor events. Per- logical progress and the decline of the human race. It formances draw on elements of happenings, improvisa- d 6 and 7 July, 2011 depicts a future world in which artificial intelligence d 20 and 21 July, 2011 tion, art performance, and avant-vaudeville. – 22:30 keeps people in check by giving them a false sense of – 20:00 ‘I, the Dictator’ – Charlie Chaplin prepares for the last scene a ffluence, leading to their subsequent degeneration. The of the film ‘The Great Dictator’. Avant-vaudeville show world is inhabited by humanoid figures, whose percep- about the desperate strength of power. An artist fighting d Place E. Flagey tion of life is regulated by hallucinogenic substances. d Centro Galego de Bruxelas the authorities and a man struggling with his weak- 1050 Brussels Under the watchful eye of the cyber-carriers, the people La Tentation nesses must make a crucial career decision. The piece of the future live out their days mistakenly believing all Rue de Laeken 28 uses tap-dance, jazz, mime and an expressive visual is well... The performance boasts an impressive set 1000 Brussels style that creates an exciting and intimate theatrical design, lighting effects and multimedia projections. The experience. The story reveals human relationships and gripping music uses symphonic sounds which provide the international community's attitude towards Nazi a fitting representation of the post-industrial world. just before World War II. 'We're all dethroned more information: more information: monarchs' (Charlie Chaplin). d www.culturepolonaise.eu/ d www.culturepolonaise.eu/ PlanetLem I-TheDictator

Org.: Adam Mickiewicz Institute, Polish Institute in Brussels, Flagey 'Planet Lem' © Jakub Wittchen Org.: Teatr Wiczy Teatr Wiczy, 'I, the Dictator' 28 d THEATRE 29 d THEATRE

'Contes Krzysztof Warlikowski has always had a special rela- Małgorzata MAŁGORZATA SIKORSKA-MISZCZUK – author tionship with Liège. After '(A)pollonia' and 'Fin', the RUDI BEKAERT – translation africains d’après great Polish director returns with his 'Contes africains Sikorska-Miszczuk, VIRGINIE STRUB – reading Shakespeare' by d’après Shakespeare' as part of Prospero, the European 'Homme de Pologne Krzysztof Warlikowski project for cultural cooperation. Staying true to his en chocolat' The Baroque style of Małgorzata Sikorska-Miszczuk, habit of interweaving different texts, he now tackles a leading young Polish writer whose works have graced , basing his work on 'Othello', the stages of several theatre festivals in Europe and the d 5, 6 and 7 October, 2011 – 19:30; 'The Merchant of Venice' and 'King Lear', all of whose d Thursday 13 October, 2011 – United States, can fool no-one. Her absurd humour, the d 8 and 9 October, 2011 – 16:00 heroes (Othello, Shylock, Lear) are gods doomed to fall. 20:30 (Charleroi) masterful way she works with dramatic forms and plays Warlikowski sheds light on their fate by using writing d Saturday 22 October, 2011 – with fables – all offer a harsh critique of Polish society by J.M. Coetzee, the South-African Nobel prize winner, 17:00 (Brussels) today, transformed into a ‘country of hunger’ where d Théâtre de la Place in order to put forward, once again, a fascinating vision celebrity equals chocolate. Get ready for an evening Manège (Caserne Fonck) of man testing his limits. d Théâtre de l’Ancre of humour and social commentary, both of which the Rue Ransonnet 2 The show is accompanied by an exhibition of the work of Rue de Montigny 122, 6000 Charleroi author has in common with her translator, the highly 4020 Liège Polish photographer Konrad Pustoła displayed on the d Théâtre Varia ironic author of 'Ah oui ça alors là', Rudi Bekaert. The walls of the Espace Uhoda, in Liège, from Wednesday Rue du Sceptre, 78, 1050 Brussels caustic Virginie Strub, whose stage work has already 5 October, day of the preview (17:30), until Sunday 9 given a voice to the writing of Elfriede Jelinek, Martin October, 2011. The visit is free. more information: Crimp and Peter Handke, now turns her hand to this more information: d www.culturepolonaise.eu/ highly imaginative work. d www.culturepolonaise.eu/ HommeDePologne ContesAfricains Part of Théâtre BE>

Szymon Wróblewski, SZYMON WRÓBLEWSKI – author Antonina Grzegorzewska, ANTONINA GRZEGORZEWSKA – author ANTOINE PICKELS – translation LINDA LEWKOWICZ – translation 'À la surface' OLIVIER BOUDON – reading 'Migraine' FRANÇOISE BERLANGER – reading

'À la surface' deals with the painful issue of sexual abuse Who is a mother? Is it the woman who brings up a child or d Friday 14 October, 2011 within a family and the subsequent ‘family secrets’. d Tuesday 25 October, 2011 the one who gave birth to him? In 'Migraine', Antonina – 20:30 (Charleroi) However, nothing is said here to begin with. Rather, – 19:00 (Liège) Grzegorzewska, a visual artist who made the crossover d Friday 21 October, 2011 everything is understood gradually, through what seem d Wednesday 9 November, 2011 to the theatre, having been greatly influenced by the – 22:30 (Brussels) to be harmless dialogues, thanks to the elusive and – 20:30 (Brussels) writing of Heiner Müller, tackles this difficult question in subtle language of the writer. Szymon Wróblewski, an unconventional way, using an innovative, carnal style who was nominated for the 'Paszport Polityki' award at reminiscent of the Greek tragedies. ‘Pieces of meat with d Théâtre de l’Ancre the age of 18, is the force behind this text which bears d Théâtre de la Place a soul’, to quote the author. It was Linda Lewkowicz, Rue de Montigny 122, 6000 Charleroi testimony to the vicissitudes within the family in Poland Place de l’Yser 1, 4020 Liège herself a mother and an atypical writer ('L’amour est d Théâtre Varia today. He found his translator in the form of Antoine d Centre for Fine Arts – BOZAR le plus beau des dialogues de sourds...') who rose to Rue du Sceptre, 78, 1050 Brussels Pickels, winner of the Theatre prize (best author) in Rue Ravenstein 23, 1000 Brussels the challenge of translating the text. Next, the search 2005 for 'In Nomine'. Olivier Boudon, a young director was on for someone who could bring the work to the intrigued by questions of heritage and contemporary stage and hold their own alongside these two powerful more information: writing, brings his delicate magic to this painstakingly more information: temperaments: Françoise Berlanger, the incandescent d www.culturepolonaise.eu/ executed text. d www.culturepolonaise.eu/ writer and director of 'Le Soleil même pleut', gives body ALaSurface Migraine (and a voice) to the text. Part of Théâtre BE>

Wojtek Ziemilski, WOJTEK ZIEMILSKI – author 'Żurek théâtral – 'Żurek', or ‘sour soup’, a delicious Polish culinary classic, PHILIPPE BLASBAND – translation could go a long way towards symbolising of a lot of 'Petite Histoire' FABIEN DARIEL – reading Nouvelles écritures dramatic writing today, which gives an account of dramatiques changes within Polish society, often demonstrating When developments in contemporary art collide with the polonaises' great formal innovation. How do authors work? How are d Tuesday 25 October, 2011 way in which History is revisited to suit whoever is in these texts acted, published and discussed? A convivial – 21:00 (Liège) power, this gives rise to 'Petite Histoire'. Wojtek Ziemilski, encounter with the authors participating in the project, d Monday 7 November, 2011 a European and multidisciplinary artist who recently d Monday 24 October, 2011 critics, editors and playwrights helps you grasp how – 19:30 (Brussels) returned to Warsaw, delivers an autobiographical and – 19:30 this writing has flourished in a country where theatrical post-modern work, where spoken text and projected research has never ceased to be profound. Żurek will text contradict and complete one another. It’s a venture be handed out to everyone! d Théâtre de la Place that could not fail to attract the interest of writer, script- d La Bellone, This event is part of the project 'Théâtre BE>

'No Matter How Director – GRZEGORZ JARZYNA InBetween InBetween is a selection of literary readings held each Based on a novel by – DOROTA MASŁOWSKA summer by the European Economic and Social Com- Hard We Tried' Cast – ROMA GĄSIOROWSKA, MARIA MAJ, – Readings by Jacek mittee (EESC). Renowned authors from four different by Grzegorz Jarzyna MAGDALENA KUTA, AGNIESZKA PODSIADLIK, Dehnel European countries are invited to read from their lite- ALEKSANDRA POPŁAWSKA, DANUTA SZAFLARSKA, rary works in their mother tongues to an interested KATARZYNA WARNKE, RAFAŁ MAĆKOWIAK, international audience. The aim of these events is to ADAM WORONOWICZ and LECH ŁOTOCKI underscore the message of a multilingual European d 3 and 4 December, 2011 d Thursday 14 July, 2011 society and foster intercultural dialogue which is one – 20:30 In this play Dorota Masłowska “exposes, in a masterly way, – 12:30-13:30 of the main assets in all of the EESC’s cultural activi- the falsehood of the language of advertisements, glossy ties. The authors themselves come from a wide range magazines and tabloids; she confronts consumerist of geographical and social backgrounds, on which they d Centre for Fine Arts – BOZAR dreams with the reality of a family living well below d European Economic and Social base their work. This year, there is a special focus on Rue Ravenstein 23 subsistence level. She also mocks people from the Committee (EESC) Poland, Hungary, Malta and Belgium. On 14 July, the 1000 Brussels media, represented in the play by a cynical director Atrium 6 young Polish dandy Jacek Dehnel reads extracts from of the so-called ‘socially committed cinema’ and the Rue Belliard 99 his acclaimed book 'Lala' and 'Saturn'. moronic presenter who interviews him. All this is only 1040 Brussels Entrance is free but reservation required - please send an a surface which hides a more serious question – about email to [email protected]. ‘us’, our national identity”* In this play, the author affirms Refreshments are served at the readings. Don’t forget your more information: what is it to be a Pole, what unites Poles today and what more information: sunglasses! d www.culturepolonaise.eu/ Polishness is in the eyes of her generation who view it, d www.culturepolonaise.eu/ NoMatterHowHardWeTried to use her own words, ‘as a slap in the face from fate’. JacekDehnelReadsLala

Org.: BOZAR THEATRE, * Interview with the Polish newspaper 'Dziennik' TR Warszawa, KVS, Org.: EESC, Polish Institute in Brussels 'Między nami dobrze jest' © Kuba Dąbrowski Polish Institute in Brussels Jacek Dehnel © Elżbieta Lempp 36 d LITERATURE 37 d LITERATURE

Audiobook: One of the main events in the cultural calendar of the 'From your Land to This academic event focuses on the role, the place and Polish Presidency 2011 and part of the celebrations to the commitment of the writer in today’s world. The aim Benno Barnard mark the Czesław Miłosz Year is the worldwide release Poland: On the of the event is to highlight the manner in which various reads of ten audiobooks containing verses penned by the Commitment of the Writer literary biographies converge and also to stress the Czesław Miłosz Nobel Prize winner, each of them involving a different in European and Polish differences which are the product of certain historical, selection of poems in a different language. The first social and geopolitical conditions, Polish or otherwise. audiobook recorded for this project was in Dutch, with Literature in the 20th and Three themes underpin the symposium: d Saturday 5 November, 2011 the voice of the poet Benno Barnard. Barnard had 21st Centuries' 1. 'Captivating' Europe or reading Czesław Miłosz today, (provisional) previously written about Miłosz in ‘Poets of the Occident’ 2. The commitment of the writer in the 20th century, (Atlas, 2006), a history of the 20th century through the d 17 November, 2011 3. The generational conflict amongst writers today. prism of the lives and works of ten European poets. – 09:00–17:00; Miłosz’s work, an inherent part of Europe’s cultural herit- d Antwerp Expo The Dutch version of the Miłosz audiobook is released d 18 November, 2011 age, forms a practical point of departure, as it allows Jan van Rijswijcklaan 191 in June as a free attachment to the reissued anthology – 09:00–14:00 us to transpose the issue of the role of the writer onto 2020 Antwerp 'Gedichten' (Atlas), translated by Gerard Rasch. If you a contemporary canvas. The event therefore stresses want to listen to the poems in the other languages, you d Université Libre de Bruxelles the image of the commitment of the writer 'hic et nunc'. can find them on MP3 at www.culture.pl. Nouvelle Bibliothèque (NB), room 2VIS The key questions are as follows: in practice, does this During the audiobook presentation, Benno Barnard reads Solbosch campus commitment still make sense in today’s world? What poems and talks about Czesław Miłosz. The whole event Av. P. Héger, 1050 Brussels meaning can it have in a given place and time? more information: is in Dutch. d www.culturepolonaise.eu/ more information: Audiobook d www.culturepolonaise.eu/ FromYourLandToPoland

Org.: Adam Mickiewicz Institute, Org.: ULB, Polish Institute in Brussels, Polish Institute in Brussels, FNRS, Philixte, Permanent Representation Boek.be Benno Barnard © M. Dusza, Adam Mickiewicz Institute of Lithuania to the EU, WBI Where to Find Poland © Dorota Walczak 38 d LITERATURE 39 d FILM

Johan de Boose The poet, essayist and Nobel candidate Adam Zagajewski is 'Polish Cinema CINEMATEK presents a selection of around ten Polish coming to Belgium for a unique appearance. Zagajewski feature films produced since the dawn of the third mil- meets lived in Poland until the 1970s before moving to Paris, Now!' lennium. This cycle, devoted to works of fiction, invites Adam Zagajewski returning to his home country about a decade ago. Today, the viewer to acquaint himself with current trends, new he travels back and forth between Krakow and Chicago. talents and recent works by established film-makers, All this makes of him the ideal person for a reflection art-house cinema and auteur cinema as well as ‘block- on identity and culture, in which he joins forces with busters’. d Wednesday 14 December, 2011 Flemish Poland specialist Johan de Boose. In his 2004 d September - October 2011 Particularly worthy of mention are the following: 'Sweet – 20:30 essay ‘A European Citizen’, Zagajewski noted the follow- Rush', superbly acted by Krystyna Janda and in which ing on this issue: “Nobody, as far as I know, is willing proves that he remains a meticulous and to die for Europe. And yet until recently it was not unu- modern film-maker, 'Four nights with Anna', which finds d Centre for Fine Arts – BOZAR sual for certain Europeans to be prepared to give their d CINEMATEK director Jerzy Skolimowski in a sombre and inspired Rue Ravenstein 23 lives for France, for Germany or for Poland. Has Europe Rue Baron Horta 9 mood, 'The collector', a solid thriller by Feliks Falk or 1000 Brussels become a fiction? It looks like Europe has become an 1000 Brussels 'Hi, Tereska' by Robert Gliński, who demonstrates a style admirable piece of fiction!” of film making which is always open to those who dare Johan de Boose holds a PhD in Slavonic studies. A poet to turn conventions on their heads. and author, he gained renown with literary non-fiction books about Russia and Poland, amongst other things. more information: more information: d www.culturepolonaise.eu/ d www.culturepolonaise.eu/ Zagajewski_DeBoose PolishCinemaNow

Org.: CINEMATEK, Filmoteka Narodowa, Org.: BOZAR LITERATURE, Adam Mickiewicz Institute, Polish Institute in Brussels Adam Zagajewski © Elżbieta Lempp Polish Institute in Brussels 'Cztery noce z Anną' © Jerzy Skolimowski 40 d FILM 41 d FILM

'Polish Animation The importance and quality of Polish animated films now 'Krzysztof Snatched from the world too soon in 1996, the director and speak for themselves. Through their original and inno- scriptwriter Krzysztof Kieślowski breathed new life into Now and Then!' vative approach, both in terms of techniques employed, Kieślowski' Polish film in the 1970s with such movies as 'Person- issues dealt with or the surrealist way they tackle nel', 'The Scar' or 'Camera Buff', going on to win both the medium, 'auteurs' such as Jan Lenica, Walerian popular and critical acclaim at international level over Borowczyk, Jerzy Zitzman, Mirosław Kijowicz, Witold the following decade. His 'Decalogue', ten fables filmed Giersz, Władysław Nehrebecki and many more have in Poland bringing the teachings of the ten command- d September - October 2011 all done their bit towards enriching the language of d November - December 2011 ments face to face with modern day issues, is one of graphic cinema. the major works of 1980s cinema. Powerful, profound In September and October, CINEMATEK presents some and an aesthetic marvel, the way the Polish director real gems and classics from its collection. Since expresses himself touches the viewer with its emotion d CINEMATEK creative greatness never dies, it comes as no surprise d Flagey and is thought-provoking in the way it lies between Rue Baron Horta 9 that a contemporary strand rounds up the selection, Place Sainte-Croix human drama and spiritual inquiry. 1000 Brussels including, in particular, short films from the indepen- 1050 Brussels Flagey’s Studio 5 is devoting a cycle of films to this dent studio 'Se-Ma-For' established in Łódź. great Polish film-maker, a highlight of which is the No event devoted to animation could overlook children, rescreening of the famous colours trilogy: 'Blue, White so young cinema-goers have the chance to discover a and Red'. more information: programme specially compiled for them. d www.culturepolonaise.eu/ more information: PolishAnimation d www.culturepolonaise.eu/ Kieslowski

Org.: CINEMATEK, Org. : CINEMATEK, Adam Mickiewicz Institute, Flagey, Polish Institute in Brussels, Adam Mickiewicz Institute, SCC 'Labirynt' © Jan Lenica Polish Institute in Brussels 'Trois couleurs. Bleu' © Krzysztof Kieślowski 42 d FILM 43 d FILM

'Polish Film Andrzej Wajda, Roman Polański, Jerzy Skolimowski, Andrzej 'POLISH DOCS@ POLISH DOCS@BOZAR invites you to go on a journey Munk, Wojciech Jerzy Has, Krzysztof Zanussi, Andrzej from the Poland of the 1960s to the present day. The Classics' Żuławski, Krzysztof Kieślowski, Agnieszka Holland… BOZAR' programme, put together by Mateusz Werner, pits the all belong to the ranks of those whose cinematographic classical documentary of the communist era against work needs no introduction and transcends pure recent works. This mixture of time frames helps us get entertainment and profit, existing as an artistic form to grips with the inconceivable phenomenon of time in its own right. The charisma and talent of Krystyna passing, the same time which, every day, invisibly d November - December 2011 Janda, Zbigniew Cybulski, Daniel Olbrychski, Jerzy d 17 November, 2011 – 20:00; changes our visible world. Surprises, obvious clashes, Radziwiłowicz, Wojciech Pszoniak and many more have d 20 November, 2011 – all day subtle disputes and contrasting situations arise from captivated audiences and directors far beyond Polish this unexpected encounter. In every case, the crux of borders. the problem is the year 1989, which marked the end In Poland, the 1960s and 1970s were a golden age for of the communist system and the beginning of a new d CINEMATEK film, marked by a particularly fertile and innovative d Centre For Fine Arts – BOZAR era. Focusing on five topic areas, the selection holds a Rue Baron Horta, 9 movement which circumvented bans and censorship Rue Ravenstein 23 mirror up to documentaries made by great Polish film- 1000 Brussels by embarking on a path of formal modernism. 1000 Brussels makers: Marcel Łoziński, Wojciech Wiszniewski, Irena Structured around this period, the CINEMATEK anthology Kamieńska, Maciej Drygas, Marcin Koszałka, Wojciech invites us to revisit, or, for new generations, to discover, Kaperski and Tomasz Wolski. admirable classics whose character, raw appeal and more information: Event organised as part of the Filmer A Tout Prix Festival more information: creativity defined their epoch and remain reference d www.culturepolonaise.eu/ (FATP). d www.culturepolonaise.eu/ works for many film-makers working today. PolishDocs AnthologyOfPolishCinema Org.: BOZAR CINEMA, Adam Mickiewicz Institute, Org.: CINEMATEK, Polish Institute in Brussels, Adam Mickiewicz Institute, Filmer A Tout Prix Festival, Polish Institute in Brussels 'Nóż w wodzie' © Roman Polański Filmoteka Narodowa 'The Lucky Ones' © Tomasz Wolski 44 d FILM 45 d FILM

'(Trans)National The past three decades have seen the rise of a transna- 'The World from ‘The World from Dawn till Dusk’ is an original project based tional European cinema, not only in terms of funding on several workshops for film school students held Subjects. Framing and multilateral co-productions, but also in terms of Dawn till Dusk' in various cities across the globe. Under the artistic Post-1989 Migration a growing focus on multi-ethnic themes and realities supervision of their teachers, the most prominent Polish on the European within the European context. This finds its most strik- documentary film-makers and film theorists Marcel ing on-screen expression in the increased visibility of Łoziński, Jacek Bławut, Vita Żelakeviciute, Mateusz Screen' immigrant groups from former communist countries Werner, Maciej Drygas and Mirosław Dembiński, the in recent European films, ranging from Krzysztof d 16-18 December, 2011 students work together on a number of documentary d 14 December, 2011 – Kieślowski’s 'Three Colours: White' (1994) and Paweł films, in which the city itself takes the starring role. 19:00–22.00; Pawlikowski’s 'Last Resort' (2000) to Hans-Christian In the end, one-hour documentary films, which paint d 15 and 16 December, 2011 – Schmid’s 'Distant Lights' (2003) and Ken Loach’s 'It’s portraits of those cities, are made. 9:00–22:00; a Free World' (2007). By closely examining cinematic d Centre for Fine Arts – BOZAR The main aim of the project is to present films made d 17 December, 2011 – 9:00–17:00 representations of post-1989 migration from and to the Rue Ravenstein 23 during the workshops and screen some of the tutors’ former Eastern bloc, this international conference seeks 1000 Brussels documentaries. These presentations are part of the tour d Katholieke Universiteit Leuven to examine what these films reveal about the cultures ‘From Warsaw to Brussels around the World’ and they Blijde Inkomststraat 21 producing and consuming these migration narratives cover the following cities: Warsaw, Minsk, Kiev, Moscow, 3000 Leuven and to what extent these images function as a build- Beijing, Tokyo and Brussels. ing ground for new (trans)regional, (trans)national and more information: European identities. more information: d www.culturepolonaise.eu/ d www.culturepolonaise.eu/ TransNationalSubjects TheWorldFromDawnTillDusk

Org.: BOZAR CINEMA, Org.: K.U.Leuven, Polish Institute in Brussels, Polish Institute in Brussels PWSFTViT in Łódź Mirosław Dembiński 46 d INTERDISCIPLINARY PROJECTS 47 d INTERDISCIPLINARY PROJECTS

'The Polish The exhibition presents the works of the winners of I, CULTURE – The I, CULTURE workshop offers visitors to BOZAR a unique the competition ‘The Polish Presidency for Europe’, opportunity to learn simple sewing techniques and to Presidency for organised by the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Contemporary craft participate in creating a great piece of tapestry under Europe' – poster aim of the competition was to get young Poles involved workshop the guidance of Polish designer and artist Monika exhibition in the event, as well as use graphics to highlight Jakubiak. Volunteers trained by the artist, together the importance of the initiative. Pupils from Polish with professional Belgian craftsmen and members of secondary art schools were also invited to contribute. the association Tapis Plein, invite passers-by to join d 15-29 July, 2011 The young artists’ winning posters give an image of d Thursday 21 July, 2011 their sewing stands. The public is free to bring their own Poland as a country which is as concerned about – 10:00-21:00 clothes and pieces of fabric and to refashion them into collective welfare as it is about the identity and culture new forms that will later adorn the group patchwork. of United Europe. In spite of the pride the pupils felt The event is a part of a worldwide sewing initiative – the d EUROPE INFO EUROPA at the prospect of the first Polish Presidency, they d Centre for Fine Arts – BOZAR I, CULTURE puzzle. In each of the 12 capitals – Berlin, Rue Archimède 1 didn’t miss the chance to take a humorous look at Rue Ravenstein 23 Brussels, Kiev, Copenhagen, London, Madrid, Minsk, 1000 Brussels surrounding realities. In order to do so, they plugged 1000 Brussels Moscow, Paris, Beijing, Tokyo and Warsaw – a piece into the symbolic iconography of their country and that of the great puzzle is sewn during similar workshops. of the European Union. A must-see for Europhiles and Afterwards, the 12 parts made in different cities, unique art-lovers alike! due to their local patterns, will be photographed on the spot and assembled on the web. more information: more information: d www.culturepolonaise.eu/ d www.culturepolonaise.eu/ Posters I-CultureCraftWorkshop

Org.: Adam Mickiewicz Institute, Org.: European Information Department BOZAR STUDIOS, of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs © Justyna Świętek, © Paula Sidoruk Tapis Plein © Adam Mickiewicz Institute 48 d INTERDISCIPLINARY PROJECTS 49 d INTERDISCIPLINARY PROJECTS

'« Solidarité » et le The goal of this game/exhibition is to present the Polish 'Solidarity Camp' 'Solidarity Camp' is a transdisciplinary project conceived historical experience in a European context, and espe- and produced by Nowy Teatr and Wyspa Institute of Art. chemin vers l’unité cially in a central and eastern European context. Held in It is part of Grzegorz Klaman’s installation of 5 vernacu- européenne' a public space in the city, there is something here for all lar workers’ sheds from Gdańsk Shipyard. Once private ages. You can participate in an active way through play spaces within the factory, the objects, removed from by carrying out various tasks, or you can just visit the their context, give off an air of the banal and the legen- exhibition by taking a close look at the images presented dary. The Camp is inhabited by Polish and local artists d 20–26 September, 2011 or by reading the accompanying texts. d 23 September – 1 October, 2011 and works as a hybrid, multifunctional, multiple whole. The interactive game refers to well-known historical events The project’s visual artists are G. Klaman, M. Sobczyk, from the post-war period, placing a particular stress Z. Wollny, Ł. Surowiec, R. Kuśmirowski, R. Dziadkiewicz on the period spanning from 1970 to 1989 which saw and E. Jabłońska, and its sound and music composers d Parc du Cinquantenaire the ‘Solidarność’ (Solidarity) movement be formed and d Koninklijke Vlaamse are P. Mykietyn and A. Witkowski. Keynote lectures will Brussels take off. The main aim is to show the specific role this Schouwburg (KVS) be delivered by major intellectuals who examine what movement played in the fall of the communist regime Arduinkaai 9 solidarity means today. Staged readings of new Polish in central and eastern Europe and in the reunification 1000 Brussels drama, by authors such as B. Keff, P. Demirski and J. of the continent. Holewińska, will involve actors from countries visited Marzi will be there too – come and meet her! and directed by young Polish and international directors. more information: more information: Curators: Aneta Szyłak & Konrad Pustoła d www.culturepolonaise.eu/ d www.culturepolonaise.eu/ Concept and collaboration: Karolina Ochab, SolidariteEtEurope SolidarityCamp Piotr Gruszczyński Production: Joanna Nuckowska Org.: KVS, Nowy Teatr in Warsaw, Polish Institute in Brussels, Org.: Polish History Museum in Warsaw, Wyspa Institute of Art in Gdańsk, The Workers’s Shed, the view at the original location, 2010 Polish Embassy in Belgium © Piotr Wiśnioch/MHP BOZAR THEATRE © Grzegorz Klaman 50 d INTERDISCIPLINARY PROJECTS 51 d INTERDISCIPLINARY PROJECTS

New Agora The idea for the three-day conference ‘Europe – Native 'SON((O))SPHERE' The Mud Cavaliers : Realm’ (18–20 November) which brings together the- JERZY KORNOWICZ – piano Symposium 'Europe oreticians and practitioners of intercultural dialogue, KRZYSZTOF KNITTEL – electronic media – Native Realm' stems from the thoughts of Czesław Miłosz, Polish RYSZARD LATECKI – trumpet, harmonium, percussion winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature. New Europe instruments needs a greater level of cohesion and sense of shared MIECZYSŁAW LITWIŃSKI – vocals, violin, cithern values which must be supported through dialogue. TADEUSZ SUDNIK – electronic media d 17–21 November, 2011 Five other projects are linked to the main event: d Wednesday 9 November, 2011 TADEUSZ WIELECKI – double bass • the exhibition 'Limes – Pontes – Agora' depicting 20 – 20:30 ANDRZEJ KIJANOWSKI – sound projection years of the work of the Borderland Foundation, taking CINEMANUAL – special active projections place at the ULB (preview: 17 November); MICHEL MASSOT (be) – tuba d Flagey • the presentation of the ‘Handbook of Dialogue’, a col- d Espace Senghor Place Sainte-Croix lection of introductory essays on multiculturalism (at Chaussée de Wavre 366 The SON((O))SPHERE performances by the Mud Cavaliers 1050 Brussels PassaPorta, 18 November); 1040 Brussels & Guests take place in 4 different European capitals, • 'Café Europe', a literary meeting of 8 renowned European including Brussels. The subject matter of this work authors (at PassaPorta, 19 November); is sound surrounding and the landscape of the city in • concert by the Sejny Theatre Klezmer Orchestra (at which it is performed. Flagey, 20 November) This event is an intuitive composition which goes to the more information: • presentation of the Krasnogruda Declaration to Members more information: heart of the relationship between music of different d www.culturepolonaise.eu/ of the European Parliament (21 November). d www.culturepolonaise.eu/ genres (contemporary music, free jazz, noise, electronic NowaAgora Sonosphere and world music) and sketches a musical landscape of Brussels. The instruments involved are traditional (acoustic) and electronic, resulting in a composition that Org.: Borderland Foundation, forms a colourful, modern fresco. Polish Institute in Brussels, From the left: Prof. Mustapha Tlili speaking with Prof. Moshe Shner PassaPorta, ULB and Krzysztof Czyżewski Org.: Forum des Compositeurs Son((o))sphere 52 JUNE d JULY 53 AUGUST d SEPTEMBER WHEN? WHAT? WHERE? WHEN? WHAT? WHERE? 24 June 'The Power of Fantasy Center for Fine Arts – BOZAR 6, 13, 20, 27 August 'Trésors de la musique Minimes Church (Brussels) –18 September Modern and Contemporary (Brussels) polonaise' (Samedis-Minimes d VISUAL ARTS Art from Poland' d p. 3 d CLASSICAL MUSIC Organ Festival) d p. 6

1 July Zoltan Orosz & Kornel Horvath Place Sainte-Croix (Flagey), September 'Fossils and Gardens' Various locations in Brussels (hu) Motion Trio (pl) Brussels –November (public space projects) d NON-CLASSICAL MUSIC d p. 2 d VISUAL ARTS d p. 4

2 July 'Trésors de la musique Minimes Church (Brussels) 3 September 'Via Dolorosa' Flagey (Brussels) polonaise' (Samedis-Minimes (Liszt + Głowicka) d CLASSICAL MUSIC Organ Festival) d p. 6 d CLASSICAL MUSIC d p. 7

6–7 July 'Planet Lem' Place Flagey (Brussels) 6 September Luigi Cherubini, 'Médée' La Monnaie | De Munt, (Teatr Biuro Podróży) by Krzysztof Warlikowski Royal Opera House (Brussels) d THEATRE d p. 24 d CLASSICAL MUSIC d p. 8

9 July 'Trésors de la musique Minimes Church (Brussels) 6–19 September Maciej Świeszewski, Royal Museum of Art and polonaise' (Samedis-Minimes 'Ostatnia Wieczerza' History (Brussels) d CLASSICAL MUSIC Organ Festival) d p. 6 d VISUAL ARTS

14 July InBetween – Readings by European Economic 8 September LUIGI CHERUBINI, 'MÉDÉE' La Monnaie | De Munt, jacek dehnel and Social Committee by Krzysztof Warlikowski Royal Opera House (Brussels) d LITERATURE d p. 33 (Brussels) d CLASSICAL MUSIC d p. 8

15–29 July 'The Polish presidency for EUROPE INFO EUROPA 10 September Karol Szymanowski, La Monnaie | De Munt, Europe' – poster exhibition (Brussels) 'Król Roger' Royal Opera House (Brussels) d INTERDISCIPLINARY PROJ. d p. 44 d CLASSICAL MUSIC d p. 9

16 July 'Trésors de la musique Minimes Church (Brussels) 10 September – 'ALINA SZAPOCZNIKOW, WIELS – Centre for Contemporary polonaise' (Samedis-Minimes 8 January, 2012 Sculpture Undone, Arts (Brussels) d CLASSICAL MUSIC Organ Festival) d p. 6 d VISUAL ARTS 1955–1972' d p. 5

20–21 July 'I, the Dictator' Centro Galego de Bruxelas 11, 13, 15 LUIGI CHERUBINI, 'MÉDÉE' La Monnaie | De Munt, La Tentation September by Krzysztof Warlikowski Royal Opera House (Brussels) d THEATRE d p. 25 (Brussels) d CLASSICAL MUSIC d p. 8

21 July I, CULTURE – Contemporary Center for Fine Arts – BOZAR 15 September National Orchestra of Belgium, Center for Fine Arts – BOZAR craft workshop (Brussels) 'Sortilèges cristallins' (Brussels) d INTERDISCIPLINARY PROJ. d p. 45 d CLASSICAL MUSIC (Antoni Wit, Rafał Blechacz) d p. 10 23, 30 July 'Trésors de la musique Minimes Church (Brussels) 17 September LUIGI CHERUBINI, 'MÉDÉE' La Monnaie | De Munt, polonaise' (Samedis-Minimes by Krzysztof Warlikowski Royal Opera House (Brussels) d CLASSICAL MUSIC Organ Festival) d p. 6 d CLASSICAL MUSIC d p. 8 54 SEPTEMBER d OCTOBER 55 2 OCTOBER d 17 OCTOBER 55 WHEN? WHAT? WHERE? WHEN? WHAT? WHERE? 20–26 September '« Solidarité » et le chemin Parc du Cinquantenaire 13 October Małgorzata Sikorska- Théâtre de l’Ancre (Charleroi) vers l’unité européenne' (Brussels) Miszczuk, 'Homme de Pologne d INTERDISCIPLINARY PROJ. d p. 46 d THEATRE en chocolat' (BE>

20, 22 September LUIGI CHERUBINI, 'MÉDÉE' La Monnaie | De Munt, 14 October Szymon Wróblewski, Théâtre de l’Ancre (Charleroi) by Krzysztof Warlikowski Royal Opera House (Brussels) 'À la surface' (BE>

23 September – 'Solidarity Camp' KVS (Brussels) 17 October Sinfonia Varsovia – Center for Fine Arts – BOZAR 1 October d p. 47 Marc Minkowski (Brussels) d INTERDISCIPLINARY PROJ. d CLASSICAL MUSIC d p. 13

24 September Arte dei Suonatori De Bijloke Ghent Music Centre 18 October Sinfonia Varsovia – Center for Fine Arts – BOZAR Krzysztof Penderecki (Brussels) d CLASSICAL MUSIC d CLASSICAL MUSIC d p. 14

September– 'Polish Cinema Now!' 21 October Szymon Wróblewski, Théâtre Varia (Brussels) October CINEMATEK (Brussels) 'À la surface' (BE>

September– 'Polish Animation Now CINEMATEK (Brussels) 22 October Małgorzata Sikorska- Théâtre Varia (Brussels) October and Then!' Miszczuk, 'Homme de Pologne d FILM d p. 38 d THEATRE en chocolat' (BE>

2 October Royal String Quartet Center for Fine Arts – BOZAR 24 October 'Żurek théâtral' – Nouvelles La Bellone (Brussels) (Brussels) écritures dramatiques d CLASSICAL MUSIC d p. 11 d THEATRE polonaises (BE>

4 October 'Exploratory Music from Café Central 25 October Antonina Grzegorzewska, Théâtre de la Place (Liège) Poland' ‘Migraine’ (BE>

5–9 October 'Contes africains d’après Théâtre de la Place (Liège) 25 October Wojtek Ziemilski, Théâtre de la Place (Liège) Shakespeare' by Krzysztof ‘Petite Histoire’ (BE>

8 October Antoni Wit conducts De Bijloke Ghent Music Centre 28–29 October ‘Sound and Movies’ Flagey (Brussels) the Brussels Philharmonic d CLASSICAL MUSIC d p. 12 d NON-CLASSICAL MUSIC d p. 22

8 October Roots to the Future Flagey (Brussels) 4 November I, CULTURE Orchestra – Royal Brussels Conservatory orchestra of the Polish EU d NON-CLASSICAL MUSIC d p. 21 d CLASSICAL MUSIC Presidency d p. 16 56 10 OCTOBER d 7 NOVEMBER 57 9 NOVEMBER d DECEMBER WHEN? WHAT? WHERE? WHEN? WHAT? WHERE? 4 November Concertin0 (La Monnaie Grand Foyer, 20 November 'Café Europe' PassaPorta (Brussels) lunchtime concert) La Monnaie | De Munt, d CLASSICAL MUSIC d p. 15 Royal Opera House (Brussels) d LITERATURE d p. 48

5 November Audiobook: Benno Barnard Antwerp Expo 20 November ‘POLISH DOCS@BOZAR’ Center for Fine Arts – BOZAR (provisional) reads Czesław Miłosz (Brussels) d LITERATURE d p. 34 d FILM d p. 41

7 November Wojtek Ziemilski, La Bellone – Maison du Spectacle 25 November Concertin0 (La Monnaie Grand Foyer, ‘Petite Histoire’ (BE>

9 November Antonina Grzegorzewska, Center for Fine Arts – BOZAR November– ‘Krzysztof Kieślowski’ Flagey (Brussels) ‘Migraine’ (BE>

9 November ‘SON((O))SPHERE’ Espace Senghor (Brussels) November– 'POLISH FILM CLASSICS’ CINEMATEK (Brussels) December d p. 40 d INTERDISCIPLINARY PROJ. d p. 49 d FILM

10 November La Monnaie Symphony Center for Fine Arts – BOZAR 2 December Concertin0 (La Monnaie Grand Foyer, Orchestra, 'Requiem' (Brussels) lunchtime concert) La Monnaie | De Munt, d CLASSICAL MUSIC d p. 17 d CLASSICAL MUSIC d p. 15 Royal Opera House (Brussels)

17 November ‘POLISH DOCS@BOZAR’ Center for Fine Arts – BOZAR 3–4 December ‘No Matter How Hard We Center for Fine Arts – BOZAR (Brussels) Tried’ by Grzegorz Jarzyna (Brussels) d FILM d p. 41 d THEATRE d p. 32

17–18 November ‘FROM YOUR LAND TO POLAND: Université Libre de Bruxelles 8–9 December ‘Lado abC DAYS’ Flagey (Brussels) ON THE COMMITMENT OF THE d LITERATURE WRITER IN EUROPEAN AND d NON-CLASSICAL MUSIC d p. 23 POLISH LITERATURE IN THE 20TH AND 21ST CENTURIES’ 9 December Concertin0 (La Monnaie Grand Foyer, (conference) lunchtime concert) La Monnaie | De Munt, d p. 35 d CLASSICAL MUSIC d p. 15 Royal Opera House (Brussels)

17–21 November New Agora Symposium Flagey (Brussels) 12 December Elżbieta Szmytka & Levente La Monnaie | De Munt, 'Europe – Native Realm’ Kende, ‘Nocturnes’ Royal Opera House (Brussels) d INTERDISCIPLINARY PROJ. d p. 48 d CLASSICAL MUSIC d p. 18

18 November Concertin0 (La Monnaie Grand Foyer, 14 December ‘Polish Contemporary Royal Brussels Conservatory lunchtime concert) La Monnaie | De Munt, Music Across Europe With d CLASSICAL MUSIC d p. 15 Royal Opera House (Brussels) d CLASSICAL MUSIC Friends’ d p. 19 58 2 DECEMBER d 23 DECEMBER 59 59 WHEN? WHAT? WHERE? 14 December Johan de Boose meets Center for Fine Arts – BOZAR Adam Zagajewski (Brussels) d LITERATURE d p. 36

14–17 December ‘(Trans)National Subjects. K.U.Leuven Framing Post-1989 Migration on the European Screen’ (conference) d p. 42

16 December Concertin0 (La Monnaie Grand Foyer, lunchtime concert) La Monnaie | De Munt, d CLASSICAL MUSIC d p. 15 Royal Opera House (Brussels)

16–18 December ‘The World from Dawn till Center for Fine Arts – BOZAR Dusk’ (documentary films) (Brussels) d FILM d p. 43 reklama

23 December Concertin0 (La Monnaie Grand Foyer, lunchtime concert) La Monnaie | De Munt, d CLASSICAL MUSIC d p. 15 Royal Opera House (Brussels) wystawy 60 61 61

The cultural programme put in place in Belgium to mark the Polish Presidency of the Council The following projects have been subsidized by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage: of the European Union is being organised by the Adam Mickiewicz Institute and the Polish 'I, the Dictator', ‘« Solidarité » et le chemin vers l’unité européenne', 'Solidarity Camp', New Institute in Brussels (Cultural Service of the Polish Embassy in Belgium). Agora Symposium 'Europe – Native Realm', 'No Matter How Hard We Tried', 'The World from Dawn till Dusk', 'SON((O))SPHERE', 'Polish Contemporary Music Across Europe with Friends’.

The goal of the POLISH INSTITUTE IN BRUSSELS is to familiarise people in Belgium How can I find out more? with the history, language and culture of Poland, as well as use Belgium as a platform on which to unveil the latest Polish intellectual and artistic news and events. Official site of the Polish Presidency: www.pl2011.eu Its job is to encourage an exchange between Poland and Belgium in the fields of culture, education and human and exact science. It works towards making sure that Polish culture International Cultural Programme of the Polish Presidency of the EU Council: www.culture.pl forms part of the Belgian landscape, and, in order to make this happen, collaborates with Belgian institutions and NGOs as well as with festivals, not-for-profit organisations, etc. Cultural programme of the Polish presidency of the Council of the European Union Its wish is thus to take part in an international cultural dialogue and stimulate multilateral in Brussels: www.culturepolonaise.eu cultural cooperation and action. The Polish Institute in Brussels is part of an international network of 21 Polish institutes which in Beijing: www.beijing.polemb.net work on the same tasks and it is also a member of Eunic Brussels. in Berlin: berlin.polnischekultur.de in Kiev: www.polinst.kiev.ua www.culturepolonaise.eu in London: www.polishculture.org.uk www.poolsecultuur.eu in Madrid: www.culturapolaca.es in Minsk: www.instpol.by in Moscow: www.kulturapolshi.ru in Paris: www.institutpolonais.fr in Tokyo: www.tokio.polemb.net

This publication does not present the complete programme of the Polish Presidency. The The ADAM MICKIEWICZ INSTITUTE (AMI) is Poland's international cultural programme is subject to change. Please consult the above internet sites to keep abreast of relations body. The Institute’s activities are part of cultural diplomacy to promote Poland these changes. internationally. Its task is to organise and to take part in cultural exchange programmes abroad, working together with counterparts among other cultural institutions and organisations. AMI initiates and carries out cultural projects developed and implemented by a team of experts. It has a track record of organising outstanding cultural events in 26 countries, among them the United Kingdom, Russia, Israel, Benelux, Spain, Austria, Sweden, France, Germany, Ukraine, Lithuania, Algeria, Morocco, India and China. It has organised over 3,000 cultural events, which have attracted audiences of some 20 million people on three continents.

www.culture.pl Publisher: Cultural Service of the Polish Embassy in Belgium Graphic design: Tomasz Bierkowski Proof-reading: Jeremy Lambert, Alexandre Popowycz Translation: Leah Maitland 63 64 The Polish EU Presidency / Presidency EU Cultural events


in Belgium in 2011