Pilgrmhoe STRW :lepingostrawYOHuh Hotel/inn PILG: Hostel /ScouthomeHOTL: Restaurn REST: HOST: groupaccomodation GRPA: PRIV: rivatec comdatin Camping Bed &Breakfast/BackPackers CAMP: B&B: PRIV B&B B&B PRIV PRIV B&B HOTL HOTL GRUP CAMP 1/2 Category Gîte ElJire-DeniseJaquemet B&B TerredesÂmes Oser Bed andBreakfastHans-Peter B&B Jean-MarcCabanes Martial CHERIX Bed andBreakfastAnnieBeck Hôtel duChemin-de-Fer Hôtel delaGare Caserne Grand-Pré Camping -piscinedu

Name Accomodation List Jakobsweg.ch -Lausanne Chemin del'Eglise12 20 Route del'Ecorcheboeuf Route deLausanne3 Chemin enVerney14 Rue duVillage28 Les Brits Place Saint-Etienne4 Avenue delaGare5 Grand-Pré Address 1081 1084 1082 Corcelles-le- 1088 1510 1510 Moudon/Syens 1510 Moudon 1510 Moudon 1510 Moudon 1510 Moudon ZIP Location eljire.ch [email protected] +41 775339329(M) www.terredesames.com [email protected] +41 7651236(M) [email protected] 0041 (0)219032792(T) [email protected] 0041 (0)788421335(M) [email protected] 0041 (0)795901762(M) [email protected] +41 793898308(M) www.hotel-chemin-de-fer.ch [email protected] 0041 (0)219057092(F) 0041 (0)219057091(T) [email protected] 0041 (0)219054846(F) 0041 (0)219054588(T) 0041 (0)219058834(T) [email protected] 0041 (0)219052311(T) Phone / eMail / Web [email protected] Contact:

Pilgrim pass mandatory X X X Pilgrim stamp available 4 8 6 4 6 Number of beds

tze tra Ma 1 + 4 10 8 11 0 12 Group accomodation 80 50 - 50 30 - 50 30 - 80 50 - 80 50 - 80 50 - 50 30 - CHF per Night inc Breakfast X WIFI X X X X X Breakfast X X Dinner Lunch package X

Menus for pilgrims IBAN CH9103572 Donations inEUR IBAN CH74096823 Donatis CHF Accessible for disabled X X Washer and dryer X X Dogs accepted Acceuil jacquaire ohne Festpreis-àdiscretion/ Vegetarisch aufVorbestellung. Bushaltestelle Ecorcheboeuf Abholmöglichkeit ab 1.5 kmvomJakobswegentfernt- 15.-/personne Possibilité derepasFr. inkl. Frühstück.Kochgelegenheit. CHF40.-proNachtPerson Schlafplätze erhöhtwerden.Preis: Für GruppenkanndieAnzahl 1 Studio,Zimmer,Küche nur fürGruppenab10Personen Prix surdemande Remarks 2021-09-27 14:16 Pilgrmhoe STRW :lepingostrawYOHuh Hotel/inn PILG: Hostel /ScouthomeHOTL: Restaurn REST: HOST: groupaccomodation GRPA: PRIV: rivatec comdatin Camping Bed &Breakfast/BackPackers CAMP: B&B: YOHO B&B PRIV 2/2 Category Jeunotel Youth HostelLausanne Jennifer Mary's House BnBBenson Pierre Devaud

Name Accomodation List Jakobsweg.ch Moudon-Lausanne Bois-de-Vaux 36 Chemin Du Route delaGoille7 Ch. du700ème12 Address 1007 Lausanne 1073 Savigny 1080 LesCullayes ZIP Location https://youthhostel.ch/lausanne [email protected] +41 216260226(F) +41 216260222(T) [email protected] 0041 (0)217811448(F) 0041 (0)217811171(T) www.guiderando.ch [email protected] +41 217842625(T) Phone / eMail / Web [email protected] Contact:

Pilgrim pass mandatory X Pilgrim stamp available 4 2 Number of beds

0 32 Group accomodation 50 30 - 80 50 - CHF per Night inc Breakfast X WIFI X X X Breakfast X Dinner

X Lunch package

Menus for pilgrims IBAN CH9103572 Donations inEUR IBAN CH74096823 Donatis CHF Accessible for disabled X X Washer and dryer X Dogs accepted Number ofbeds:320 près deMontpreveyres Remarks 2021-09-27 14:16