alpina and Clematis macropetala 1998-2005 An invited RHS Woody Trial

Objectives: To compare and assess old and new in order to recommend the Award of Garden Merit. To determine correct nomenclature. To prepare herbarium specimens, take photographs and write descriptions as a permanent record to be held in the RHS Herbarium at Wisley.

Criteria: The Woody Trials Subcommittee assessed entries in the trial for the Award of Garden Merit using the following criteria: Size, quantity and quality of and seed heads, length of flowering period, vigour, foliage, growing habit.

Records: Flowering dates

Entries: 59 entries were submitted by a number of specialist nurseries listed below.

Cultivation: The trial was initially grown at Deers Farm planting in spring and autumn 1997, but the location was found to be too harsh. had been subjected to severe frost damage and subsequently were small and dull. Propagules were planted in April 2001at Howard's Field on the north easterly face of the fence, this being considered a more sheltered position. However many plants did not thrive and were in poor health or dead, the latter considered being due to a combination of early sun and late spring frosts on stem bases. Also Clematis tend to prefer a high pH and heavier soils rather than the poor, sandy, low pH soils of this site.

Judging The Woody Trials Subcommittee inspected the trial during the flowering period each year from 1999-200 and 2002-2005.

The Award of Garden Merit was recommended to 8 entries in 2002 and to 4 entries in 2005. Two entries had been awarded an AGM before trial.

Findings: Both groups of Clematis proved to have difficulties in becoming established and can take 2-3 years to do so and to start flowering.

STVN = Subject to verification of name STACN = Subject to application of name STFI = Subject to further investigation

The following entries received an AGM:

Clematis alpina 'Pamela Jackman' AGM (H4) 2005 Raised by Rowland Jackman of George Jackman and Son. Submitted by Guernsey Clematis.

Nodding, bell shaped flowers composed of 4 petaloid, flat pointed sepals, slightly recurved, 4.5 x 1.8cm, inner violet blue 96A, outer a little paler. Many central staminodes, spathulate, blunt, white flushed purple, green tipped. Leaves ternate, toothed, lime green, Yellow Green 144A. Nodding ovoid bud with grey felt like hairs. Flowering from early to late April. Comments: Flowers well with a good contrast between yellow green foliage and blue flower, unique and hardy.

Clematis 'Ballet Skirt' AGM (H4) 2005 Raised by Stanley J Zubrowski of Prairie River, Saskatchewan, Canada Submitted by Mr R Saville and Goscote Nurseries Ltd

Semi double, bell - shaped, nodding flower. 4 lanceolate, pointed sepals, red purple 70A paling to 77C. Many outer staminodes same length and colour as sepals, width 0.9cm. Leaves, yellow green, opposite and biternate. Flowering from late March to late April. Comments: Consistently free flowering, larger flowers than 'Markham's Pink'.

Clematis macropetala 'Wesselton' AGM (H4) 2005 Raised by James Fisk, Fisk's Clematis Nursery. Submitted by Thorncroft Clematis. Vigorous with striking, distinctive double pendent flowers to 4.8cm. 4 narrow, outer sepals lavender blue 94B; 14 outer staminodes slightly longer than the sepals, 94B with white undertone particularly at base, 40 inner staminodes, half sepal length. Bud bronze/ purple, pale hairs on lower half. Leaves mid green 146A. above, 146B below. Early flowering in March. Comments: largest early blue flowered C. macropetala, excellent leaf, a first class plant.

Clematis 'Pauline' AGM (H4) 2005 Sent by Guernsey Clematis A chance seedling of C. 'Frances Rivis’ raised at Washfield Nursery, Hawkhurst, Kent. Semi double, nodding, bell shaped, flowers. 4 sepals dark to bright blue, flushed with violet, 4-7cm long. Staminodes blue or white. Comments: usefully late flower, rich blue violet colour and attractive dark bud.

The following AGMs were previously awarded by the Woody Plant Committee (formerly Floral B):

Clematis 'Constance' AGM (H4) 2002 Raised by Ms K Goodman Introduced and submitted by Guernsey Clematis Nursery. Deep pink, semi double, nodding flower, four sepals 3.5 x 1.5cm, purple violet 81B. Outer staminodes same length and colour, lanceolate. Leaves opposite and biternate, serrated margin, yellow green 144A. Lightly scented. Flowering from early to late April. Comments: Well covered with flowers from top to bottom; the best pink.

Clematis 'Foxy' AGM (H4) 2002 Raised and sent by R J Evison, Guernsey Clematis Bell shaped flower 5.3cm wide and 3.5cm long. Four pale pink, 78B to 78C, lanceolate sepals with darker shading on outer surface, pale margins, to 5cm. Pale pink staminodes. Nodding ovoid bud. Leaves yellow green 147B. Flowering March to May. Comments: Distinct, large flower, pretty pink bicolour, nice light edge to outer dark sepal.

Clematis 'Frankie' AGM (H4) 2002 Raised by F Meechan. Submitted by Guernsey Clematis. Bell shaped, nodding flowers, Blue 97A with a bronze tint, fading with age. Sepals lanceolate to broadly elliptical, margin recurved, to 5cm long. Staminodes creamy white, tinged and tipped with blue. Buds globose to ovoid. Leaves slightly darker than yellow green 144A. Very slightly fragrant. Flowering throughout April. Comments: Displays flower beautifully, good vigour.

Clematis 'Jacqueline du Pré' AGM (H4) 2002 Raised by B Fretwell, 18 suppliers in PlantFinder Semi-nodding flowers with 4 soft pink sepals, rosy mauve Purple 81C to 80B, margin silver pink, 5-6 x 2.5cm. Pale pink, spathulate staminodes. Flowering April to May. Comments: a vigorous, eye-catching cultivar with large, rosy- pink flowers, the outer sepals of which are strikingly margined silvery-white.

Clematis macropetala 'Lagoon' AGM (H4) 2002 Raised by George Jackman & Son, sent by Sheila Chapman, Guernsey Clematis, Sussex Clematis and Treasures of Tenbury. Semi double, bell shaped flower to 7.3cm wide, 3.5cm long. 4 outer sepals, outer blue/purple, Violet Blue 93B, inner blue, Violet Blue 96B. 12 outer staminodes, same length and colour as sepals with pale margin. Inner staminodes c50, white with pale green tips, occasional blue splash. Buds ovoid, pointed and hairy. Leaves Yellow Green 144A, highly glossy reverse. Late flowering, April to May. Comments: vigorous, strong colour, good foliage, good garden flower.

Clematis 'Pink Flamingo' AGM (H4) 2002 Raised by Elizabeth Jones, Brecon, Wales, introduced and submitted by Guernsey Clematis. Semi-double, nodding flowers, 3-5cm wide. Sepals Red Purple 72A, with darker veining and flush at base, 4-5 cm long. Staminodes paler pink. Leaves Yellow Green 144A. Flowers April to May. Comments: Lovely, pale-pink, nodding flowers with darker veins. Usually repeat flowers in August.

Clematis 'Rosy O'Grady AGM (H4) 2002 Raised by Frank L Skinner, Manitoba, Canada. Nodding, semi-double, mauve-pink flowers, 10-12cm wide. 4 lanceolate to oblong ovate, pointed, recurved sepals, 5-7cm in length. Outer darker than inner and veined. Outer staminodes 4 long, pale mauve pink, Purple75C, 4 short, creamy white. Inner staminodes creamy white to yellow green surrounding the stamens. Flowers April to June. Comments: a vigorous and distinctive cultivar with spiky, lantern-like flowers in a pretty mauve-pink.

AGMs reconfirmed during trial

Clematis 'Helsingborg' AGM (H4) 1993 Reconfirmed 2005

Clematis 'White Columbine' AGM (H4) 1993 Reconfirmed 2005

The following entries were considered worthy of note:

Clematis macropetala (specifically this clone), Clematis 'Columbine', submitted by submitted by RHS Wisley Guernsey Clematis

Sunset List (recommended to be considered for rescinding at the AGM review in 2012): Clematis alpina AGM(H4)1993 Clematis macropetala 'Markham’s Pink' AGM(H4)1993

Name Supplier Awards Clematis 'Albina Plena' Sheila Chapman Clematis Clematis alpina Sussex Clematis AGM(H4)'93 Review in 2012 Clematis alpina ‘Pamela Jackman’ Guernsey Clematis AGM(H4)'05 Clematis ‘Ametistina' 'Amethyst Beauty' Robin Saville Clematis macropetala 'Blue Bird' Sheila Chapman Clematis Clematis alpina 'Blue Dancer' Denscombe Mill Clematis alpina ‘Frances Rivis’ 'Blue Dancer' Guernsey Clematis Clematis alpina ‘Blue Dancer’ (incorrect entry) Sheila Chapman Clematis Clematis ‘Brunette’ Goscote Nurseries Ltd Clematis alpina 'Burford White' Guernsey Clematis Clematis 'White Swan' 'Burford White' Liss Forest Nursery Clematis koreana citra 'Claudius' Sheila Chapman Clematis Clematis alpina ‘Columbine’ Guernsey Clematis Clematis alpina ‘Constance’ Guernsey Clematis AGM(H4)'02 Clematis ‘Floralia’ 'Floral Feast' RHS Wisley Clematis alpina ‘Foxy’ Guernsey Clematis AGM(H4)'02 Clematis alpina 'Frances Rivis' Denscombe Mill AGM(H4)'93 Clematis alpina 'Frances Rivis' Hillier Nurseries AGM(H4)'93 Clematis alpina 'Frances Rivis' J van Zoest AGM(H4)'93 Clematis alpina 'Frances Rivis' John Hiller (ex Marwood Hill) AGM(H4)'93 Clematis alpina 'Frances Rivis' Sheila Chapman Clematis AGM(H4)'93 Clematis alpina 'Frances Rivis' Thorncroft Nursery AGM(H4)'93 Clematis alpina ‘Frankie’ Guernsey Clematis AGM(H4)'02 Clematis ‘Georg Steffner’ 'G. Steffner' Sheila Chapman Clematis Clematis alpina ‘Helsingborg’ Guernsey Clematis AGM(H4)'93 Reconf'd '05 Clematis alpina ‘Odorata’ invalid name Robin Saville Clematis macropetala RHS Wisley Clematis macropetala ‘Ballet Skirt’ Goscote Nurseries Ltd AGM(H4)'05 Clematis macropetala ‘Ballet Skirt’ Robin Saville AGM(H4)'05 Clematis macropetala ‘Alborosea’ 'Blushing Guernsey Clematis Ballerina' Clematis macropetala 'Harry Smith' ‘Chili' T H Barker & Sons Clematis macropetala ‘Jan Lindmark’ Guernsey Clematis Clematis macropetala ‘Lagoon’ Sheila Chapman Clematis AGM(H4)'02 Clematis macropetala ‘Lagoon’ Guernsey Clematis AGM(H4)'02 Clematis macropetala ‘Maidwell Hall’ 'Lagoon' Treasures of Tenbury AGM(H4)'02 Clematis macropetala ‘Maidwell Hall’ 'Lagoon' Sussex Clematis AGM(H4)'02 Clematis macropetala ‘Maidwell Hall’ RHS Wisley Clematis macropetala 'Markham's Pink' Hilliers AGM(H4)'93 Review in 2012 Clematis macropetala ‘Markham's Pink’ Guernsey Clematis AGM(H4)'93 Review in 2012 Clematis macropetala Seedling No.1 Bridgemere Nurseries Clematis macropetala ‘Wesselton' Sheila Chapman Clematis AGM(H4)'05 Clematis macropetala ‘Wesselton’ Thorncroft Clematis AGM(H4)'05 Name Supplier Awards Clematis macropetala ‘Pauline’ Guernsey Clematis AGM(H4)'05 Clematis alpina ‘Pink Flamingo’ Guernsey Clematis AGM(H4)'02 Clematis ‘Prairie River’ Robin Saville Clematis 'Purple Spider' J van Zoest Clematis ‘Betina’ 'Red Beetroot Beauty' Bridgemere Clematis 'Rosy O'Grady' ‘Rosy Pagoda' Liss Forest Nursery Clematis alpina ‘Rosy Pagoda’ Treasures of Tenbury Clematis alpina ‘Ruby’ Guernsey Clematis Clematis macropetala ‘Snowbird’ Robin Saville Clematis ‘Snowbird’ Sheila Chapman Clematis Clematis macropetala ‘Snowbird’ Treasures of Tenbury Clematis alpina ‘Tage Lundell’ Guernsey Clematis Clematis alpina ‘White Columbine’ Sheila Chapman Clematis AGM(H4)'93 Reconf''d '05 Clematis 'White Swan' Liss Forest Nursery Clematis alpina ‘Willy’ Goscote Nurseries Ltd Clematis alpina ‘Willy’ Guernsey Clematis Clematis alpina ‘Willy’ Sheila Chapman Clematis Clematis ‘Wisteria Purple’ 'Wistaria Purple' T H Barker & Sons

Senders addresses Bridgemere Nurseries, Nantwich, Cheshire, CW5 7QB Crowther Nurseries, Abridge, Essex Denscombe Mill Nursery, Shillingford, Tiverton, Devon EX16 9BH The Guernsey Clematis Nursery Ltd, Domarie Vineries, Les Sauvages Goscote Nurseries Ltd, Syston Road, Cossington, Leicester Hewton Nursery, Bere Alston, Yelverton, Devon PL20 7BW Hillier Nurseries Ltd; Ampfield House, Ampfield, Nr Romsey, Hants SO51 9PA Liss Forest Nursery, Petersfield Road, Greatham, Liss, Hants GU33 6HA Mr Robin Savill, c/o The Trials Office Sheila Chapman Clematis Clematis, Ongar Road, Abridge, Essex, RM4 1AA Mr W Snoeijer, Ijsellaan 139, 2806 TG Gouda, The Netherlands Sussex Clematis Nursery, 3 Stream Cottages, Horam, Heathfield, Sussex, TN21 0HA T H Barker & Son, Baines Paddock Nursery, Haverthwaite, Ulverston, Cumbria LA12 8PF Thorncroft Clematis Nursery, The Lings, Reymerston, Norwich, Norfolk NR9 4QG Treasures of Tenby, Burford, Tenbury Wells, Worcs WR15 8HQ

For further information please contact The Trials Office, Wisley 01483 212440 e-mail [email protected]