Facere et Docere

Dominic Paul Shipperley – Wallaby No. 862



To be presented to the Annual General Meeting to be held in the Jacaranda Room, Crosby Park, Crosby Road, Albion on Monday 17 December 2012 at 6.30pm [BLANK]



Chaplain: REV. FR. L. COOTE P.P.

President: Mr J.E.F. FRAYNE

Vice-President: Mr P.D. FRENCH

Immediate Past President: Mr A.A. SHAW

Chairman: Mr J.E.F. FRAYNE

General Manager: Mr M.J. KAYE

Hon. Treasurer: Mr D.J. HOGAN

Hon. Secretary: Mr A.J. MCDERMOTT

Club Captain: Mr A.S. SAUER






Mr K.P. FEGAN (1955), Mr J.A. BUCHANAN (1959), Mr T.L. SWEENEY (1961), Mr B.J. DAWSON (1977), Mr R.B. MCGRUTHER O.B.E. (1982), Mr A.A. SHAW (1985), Mr. R.S. CONN (1989), Mr P.E. MCLEAN M.B.E. (1996), Mr P.B. HOARE (1998), Mr. M. WATT (2000), Mr J.A. EALES A.M. (2001), Mr P.J. OSWALD (2002), Mr R.G.J. PRICE (2003), Mr. D.J. HOGAN (2004), Dr. P.N. ANDERSEN (2005), Mr. D. CROFT (2006), Mr. D.A. DUNWORTH (2008), Mr. R.W. URE (2009), Mr. R.P. MAHONEY (2011),


Rev. Bro. P.A. FURLONG C.F.C* (1912), Rev. Bro. W.M. REIDY C.F.C* (1912), Rev. Bro. L.B. TEVLIN C.F.C* (1912), Mr. J.P. FLYNN* (1926), Mr. C.J. CRANLEY*(1932), Mr. M.G. LYONS*(1934), Mr. V.J. DORE*(1938), Mr G.J. BRERETON*(1940), Mr. J.A.S. MOORE*, Mr. E.A. STAPLETON*, Mr. R. HODGE*(1947), Mr. J.E. ROSS M.B.E.*(1948), Mr. J.L. BARLOW*(1949), Mr J.P. FRENCH A.M.*(1950), Mr B.P. O’CONNELL*(1951), Mr. T.B. MCCORMACK c.B.E.*(1952), Mr K.J. HODDA*(1953), Mr. D. GUILFOYLE*(1954), Mr G.F. BERKELEY A.M.*(1960), Mr C.V.J. DAHL O.A.M.*(1962), Mr K.M. MACCHERONI*(1963), Mr B.F. REID*(1967), Mr J. KENNY*(1969), Mr M.T. HAZELL O.A.M.*(1972), Mr P. ZAPPALA*(1981), Mr F.J. DUHIG*(1983)

* Deceased


Mr. A.S.I. GRALTON*(1904), Mr. D.S. CARTER*(1915), Mr. J.P. FLYNN*(1931), Mr. J.E. ROSS M.B.E.*(1940), Mr. T.B. MCCORMACK c.B.E.*(1956), Mr J.P. FRENCH A.M.*(1959), Mr K.J. HODDA*(1961), Mr. J.J.BREEN*(1990), Mr R.B. MCGRUTHER O.B.E. (2000)

* Deceased



* Deceased

Dallan Murphy Matt Kaye


Here we are at the end of another year, our 108th in fact. Like a lot of other years before this one it has been a year of achievements, disappointments, and perhaps lost opportunities.

Firstly we must congratulate and delight in the achievement of Dom Shipperley in becoming, deservedly, a Wallaby. The ultimate achievement for the Club is to see one of its members reach the pinnacle of our sport. Well done Dom and all our best for a long future with Wallabies.

On the football field we appear to have achieved well, with a minor premiership for premier Grade, premierships for Wyatt and Normandy Cup teams, a grand final appearance for 2nd Grade, resulting unfortunately in defeat, and finals appearances for all other premier grade teams. Colts fought up hard but frankly were undermanned for the competitions they played in.

The football department is, amongst other emotions, disappointed however and so real investigation, planning, and action is being undertaken for the future. A strong committee of Recruiters was formed last year and continues to strive for young players to play at the Club. The overwhelming attribute we are seeking is a desire to play Rugby at Brothers.

Whilst other Clubs seek to gain allegiance with rewards of monetary incentives, free education and accommodation we aim to develop aspirations amongst our target group to aim high, using the pathway we are developing for them, and all those players at Brothers who have ambitions. That doesn't mean we fail to recognise the fact that some players require assistance in some form; notably assistance with education and employment opportunities so that is where our efforts are directed.

Off the field the primary objective continues to be the pursuit of revenue to ensure we continue to operate and grow our Club, field well-presented and prepared teams and plan for the future.

Des Hogan will tell you we have made a profit and we will enter into the new year with a little money in the bank and most creditors paid or within terms. We will also be confronted with costs associated with the Clubhouse and generally facility renovation, which are onerous.

With the help of the Brisbane City Council staff (notably Lorraine Gregory, now a firm supporter of Brothers Rugby) some significant restoration of the Club has been achieved. We also owe a debt of gratitude to Glen Rohrig, major sponsor, and Guy Ledwidge and Roger Jones, both significant in-kind sponsors, for the work and materials given to us in the improvement of facilities.

Our revenue has been underwritten by the support of sponsors, particularly those who have been constant stakeholders in the Club. In that regard Imagetec enters its sixth year as major sponsor, ardent supporter and sometimes business adviser and earns enormous gratitude from the committee. My rough estimate is that Imagetec, at 31 Dec 2013, will have paid the club approximately $185,000 for the right to display their name on the jersey and the hope we generate some leads for their business. We are enormously grateful for the support of all sponsors, particularly when you realise that the QRU is reluctant to commit any money to real publicity for Clubs, and consequently their sponsors.

To efficiently operate the Club your committee needs to raise about$450,000 annually and then more than that for renovation and development. Therefore the funds raised by the Welsh Test lunch, organised and sold by Greg Felsman, and Tony Lalor, on committee, and others, not on committee, including Tom Ritchie is invaluable. This event was well supported by corporations, which must in the future be the target market as frankly the financial membership of the Club is firstly tiny, when you consider the persons who have and are involved with the club, and secondly, apart from a notable selection, is apparently not very interested in supporting the fund raising efforts of the committee. In this regard the aim to gain 500 financial members of the club has fallen about 250 short which is frustrating for a dedicated and hard working committee.

Big efforts were put in by supporters to make the Day and Ladies Day, important revenue generators, successful. Other efforts to generate income and to extend our supporter base such as The Presidents Club were failures due to either inappropriate models, or complacency, or lack of commitment to achieve success. That does not mean we will abandon such initiatives but we need to work harder at development and sale to get the best result.

In an effort to improve our planning, prioritisation, execution and to encourage our supporters to join the process of planning and execution of the most needed initiatives, the committee engaged a consultant to moderate the development of a strategic plan for the short term future of the club. The plan is complete and the committee has adopted the priorities that interested persons have disclosed as preferred actions. I will provide a short synopsis of the main features of the plan at the AGM and after the AGM the plan itself will be available on the web-site.

At the time you read this we will have commenced some ground rehabilitation work and will have lodged grant applications with the City Council for a grant to pay for a portion of the cost of the upgrade of the Jack Ross oval; and with the State Government for the cost of a major upgrade of the lights on Jack Ross oval. We have plans to use the existing lights to upgrade the lighting on the Vic Walsh oval but that is a costly exercise and therefore won't occur until there are funds available. We believe we have had some success in negotiations with the City Council to have major rectification work on both ovals, under their dump site remediation program, moved up the list so that that work maybe started within three years.

The Management Committee and Matt Kaye (General Manager/Rugby Manager) have worked tirelessly to generate income, retain costs and make decisions in the interests of the club. All committee members donate time as volunteers despite having jobs and businesses to attend to. Some also donate money or products from their businesses. Matt works over 60 hours a week during the season and continues to put in long hours even now on administration, planning for next season, recruitment, and running functions, sometimes without assistance, to raise much needed income.

Without the extraordinary efforts of these people and the continued work of other volunteers we wouldn't have a functioning club, however people have a limit and without more volunteers at all levels, particularly to serve on committee, and as coaches and managers, we are in danger of losing the main contributors to the well-being of the club.

On my own behalf, and on behalf of members and supporters, thank you volunteers, and Matt, for the work you have done to further the objectives of the club. Let us hope there are others who will generously give of their time, who will step up and lighten the load of the relative few.

Rugby I believe is on the threshold of major change. The ARU report makes interesting reading and covers more than the corporate governance issues that have made the press; the report has implications for all levels of Rugby and if the ARU is to do its job properly there will be change. There is much to be done and some risks to be taken to ensure Brothers retains its position of one of the iconic institutions within Rugby.

We will not prosper without stakeholder support and input in the planning, management and development of the club, consequently I implore anyone connected with Brothers who wants to see the institution regain and retain its reputation to take a part and make a difference.

This meeting will I hope elect Peter Lavin to Life Membership. I had the honour and enjoyment of being a Rugby team manager, with Peter Hoare, during most of Peter’s playing days; I am absolutely aware of the work, money and commitment that Peter and others gave to ensuring this iconic club survived the financial troubles of the nineties and early 21st century; and I am personally grateful for the support, monetary and emotional, Peter gave me and the club in 2010 when the failure of the Crossbar, and the folly of employing two high paid officers, put the club once more into financial chaos. Peter’s elevation to the highest honour this club can provide is well deserved and it also means all the main players in ensuring the survival of the club through the nineties have been recognised.

Jim Frayne


In 1977 Peter arrived in Brisbane from . With rugby knowledge from his early days in New Zealand he saw that Brothers needed a half back. He soon not only reached ‘A’ Grade but found a job and a home becoming an important player in epic grand finals in 1979 (including the replay) and 1980 against old foes, of Queensland. From 1978 to 1984 Peter played in seven grand finals winning six.

In the 1979 season Peter scored 158 points and won seasons best back, this was repeated in 1980, scoring 130 points including 8 field goals with the newspaper reporting at the time “always cheeky and never lacking in confidence, typically Lavin was in the thick of things, many times acting as the ninth forward.”

The qualities of determination mixed with the skill that he showed on the field would soon be required off the field as a financial storm was brewing in the background.

In 1985 the License club, after a disruptive year because of building extension work incurred a trading loss. Debt was entered into with rates of interest of 14% which rose to 21%. Borrowing costs were $187,000 and snowballing.

In 1987 then Club Treasurer and Peter’s friend, Phil Zappala started a campaign to sell $1000 True Blue Perpetual memberships. Peter immediately came to the fore to not only sell memberships but also buying some himself. This effort kept the bank from the door in the short term. However, the original estimate of $1.08m for the extensions doubled, becoming a club debt of $1m after government grants.

By 1991 five years of debt took a heavy toll on members and supporters and affected playing performance. Around this time Peter saw the debilitating affect the club’s finances was having on players and decided to do something about it. He joined the fight deciding to deal with the root of the problem by becoming a director of the License club. This fighting attitude was his character on the field and was now transferred to off field activities.

This was a courageous call both by Peter and the other Licence Club directors as the position was precarious and unpopular with personal legal liability becoming a real threat and the members venting their frustrations at the board with cries of “What are they doing to our club and its staff”.

A plan was hatched to buy out the old debt and refinance a new smaller debt. The only security that could be provided was a form of guarantee. Peter was at the forefront of this. There were eleven members involved as guarantors for a $300,000 CBA loan.

At the same time approximately $140,000 was raised by $5000 donations or loans by members on an unsecured basis. With generous support with materials and labour from Brett Walker this money was used to renovate the club and the TAB. Again Peter was to the forefront of all these efforts.

In addition, to pay wages in this tight situation Peter, along with the other directors John Diamond, David Dunworth, Roger Herring, Ron Ure, and Bill Andrews took out a personal overdraft known as the “Racing account” to provide working capital. The supports loans and personal overdraft were forgiven by those involved.

Without these efforts the licensed club would have gone under and the football club would have been dragged down with it. Peter had a major hand in all financial dealings and efforts to improve the club facilities and management, with his sole aim of ensuring the survival of his “second home” Brothers Rugby Club”.

To continue the story, during 2009 the outdoor facility, Tom McCormack Place, was extensively refurbished to enable a bar and restaurant business to be conducted as a means of boosting regular Club revenue. Towards the end of 2009 Peter provided by way of donation, a sum of almost $100,000 which allowed the refurbishment to be completed.

The failure of the area as a business and the burden of costs associated with the employment of two relatively highly paid staff during 2009/10 resulted in the Club being in a precarious financial position in September 2010. Along with a number of decisions to enable the Club to continue to trade with some confidence that insolvency would not eventuate, Peter was approached to loan the Club a significant sum ($90,000).

In the two years since that loan was entered into the terms have been breached by Brothers however Peter continues to support the Club financially by not calling up the facility. A sum of $70,000 remains unpaid at this date.

Peter achieved his aim and continues to this day to support the club financially. This, along with his playing career and a ten year coaching career with the juniors, qualifies Peter as a worthy recipient of a Club Life Membership.

P.R. Lavin



J.C. Atherton, H.F. Edwards & Mick Flynn Memorial Trophy Club Man of the Year This trophy is awarded to the Club Member who best displays the core values of the original constituent awards that now make up this Perpetual Trophy. The Club Member must demonstrate that he not only the Best Club Man but is also a true Brothers & Rugby Man in his efforts for the Club.

- Zac Harding

F.M. Arnell & J.P. Gralton Memorial Trophy Most Improved Player This trophy is awarded to the player who best displays the values of not only being the most improved player, but demonstrates the most resilience, heart and spirit in playing for the Club.

- Pierce Fitzgerald

Robert McGladrigan Memorial Trophy For Training & Club Spirit This trophy is awarded to the player who displayed an outstanding effort at training and through his endeavours both on and off the field has shown excellent Club spirit.

- Luke Beauchamp

Cyril Fogarty Memorial Trophy For Outstanding Service to the Club

- MEDICAL TEAM (Ian Astbury, Joel McPhee, Gina Nelson, Seamus Delahunty, Cynthia Ciezadlo & Dr. Peter Andersen)

Anthony O’Brien Memorial Trophy For Service & Support to the Lower Grades (3rd, 4th & 5th Grades)

- Carl McHale

The R.G.J. Price Coaches Award For outstanding service to the Club in the role of a team Coach

- Des Kissane

Tom Gaffney Memorial Trophy Club Captain

- Anthony Sauer

Charlie Seymour Memorial Trophy Most Outstanding Player in a Representative Match

- Dominic Shipperley ( vs. , Perth)

The Christian Brothers’ Trophy Best & Fairest Club Player

- Andrew Coady

M.T. “Merv” Hazell O.A.M. Memorial Trophy Best & Fairest Colts Player

- Jack Webby

The Patron’s Trophy Rookie of the Year

- David Campbell

Highest Point Scorer

- Tim McKellar (170 Points)

Brothers Old Boys Rugby Club Trophy Awarded for playing 100 Premier Grade Games for the Club


F. McDonnell & J.E. Ross M.B.E. Memorial Trophy Awarded to the best performed team

- Wyatt Cup (Ron Price, Mark Andrews, Gerard Jefferies)

The Chairman’s Trophy Awarded to the best player in a Grand Final

- Bart Flanagan (Normanby Cup)

Jodie Kairl Trophy Colts Man of the Year

- Tom Moloney


No Report supplied for inclusion in this Annual Report.

Matt Kaye


No Report supplied for inclusion in this Annual Report.

Anthony Sauer



Dominic Shipperley Dominic Shipperley Dallan Murphy Joelin Rapana Andrew Coady Mitchell Felsman


Mitchell Felsman Dallan Murphy


Michael Timmins : Dan deWet

Dominic Shipperley Dallan Murphy Joelin Rapana


QUEENSLAND (Uncapped): David Campbell Dylan Taikato-Simpson Dominic Shipperley Dallan Murphy Kirwan Sanday Joelin Rapana Luke Beauchamp Damon Murphy Nathanuel Gendle Lachlan Creighton



Brothers Rugby Club would like to congratulate our Old Bhoys who were named in the Christian Brothers College Old Boys Team of All Time.

The Christian Brothers College Old Boy's "Team of All Time"

1. Neil "Tiny" Betts O.A.M. (St Laurence's College, South Brisbane) – SOUTHS 2. Nev Cotterall (St Laurence's College, South Brisbane) – SOUTHS 3. Dan Crowley (St Laurence's College, South Brisbane) – SOUTHS 4. Dr. Bill Campbell (St Joseph's College, Gregory Terrace) – WESTS 5. Rod McCall (St Columban's College, Albion) – BROTHERS 6. (C) (St Joseph's College, Gregory Terrace) – BROTHERS 7. (St Laurence's College, South Brisbane) – SOUTHS 8. Dr. A.M. (VC) (Little Flower College, Gympie & St Joseph's Nudgee College) – UNIVERSITY 9. Jimmy Flynn (St Joseph's College, Gregory Terrace) – BROTHERS 10. Paul McLean M.B.E. (St Edmund's College, Ipswich & St Joseph's Nudgee College) – BROTHERS 11. James O’Connor (St Joseph's Nudgee College) – 12. (St Joseph's College, Gregory Terrace) – UNIVERSITY 13. (St Joseph's Nudgee College) – BROTHERS 14. (St Patrick's College, Shorncliffe) – UNIVERSITY 15. Dr. John O’Neill (St Joseph's Nudgee College) – UNIVERSITY

16. (St Laurence's College, South Brisbane) – BROTHERS & SOUTHS 17. Tony D’Arcy (St Joseph's Nudgee College) – BROTHERS 18. Damian Frawley (St Joseph's College, Gregory Terrace) – BROTHERS 19. (St Joseph's Nudgee College) – 20. Dallas O’Neill (St Joseph's Nudgee College) – BROTHERS 21. Tony Parker (St Joseph's College, Gregory Terrace) – UNIVERSITY 22. Damian Smith (Clairvaux-MacKillop College, Upper Mt Gravatt) – SOUTHS & GOLD COAST BREAKERS

Wallaby Captains (7) - Jimmy Flynn, Tony Shaw, Mark Loane, Paul McLean, Michael Lynagh, Rod McCall, Rocky Elsom


LT. H.M. Flynn D.C.M. - FLTLT. L.S. Lewis Memorial Challenge Shield

2012 Results – Round 14 @ Crosby Park

de Colts 1 Colts 2 Colts TOTAL Women 1st Gra 4th Grade4th 3rd Grade 2nd Grade Premier Colts Club Premier Grade SCORE 36-28 19-29 5-16 23-16 15-10 5-18 15-38 0-42 Brothers 5 0 0 4 4 0 0 0 13 GPS 0 5 4 1 1 4 5 5 25

New Perpetual Trophy for Brothers Rugby Club

The R G J Price Coaches Award For outstanding service to the Club in the role of a team Coach

This trophy was named in honour of Ronnie Price (Life Member, Administrator, Coach & Player) for his service to Brothers Rugby Club as a Coach and mentor.

After much success as a player Ronnie turned his hand to Coaching in 1978 with Reserve Grade. He’s probably most famous for coaching Brothers to 5 consecutive “A” Grade Premiership from 1980 to 1984 inclusive.

Ronnie has had an outstanding strike rate as a Coach, winning 11 of 13 Grand Finals that his teams have contested.

He has also coached a number of representative teams; Queensland B, Brisbane, Australia U21 and Queensland Suburban.

In a coaching career that has lasted from 1978 to 2012, Ron has coached players ranging from Wallabies to Colts but all his players say the same thing – thank god for Ronnie Price.

Year Grade COACH Opposition Result 1979 Reserve Grade Premiers University 1980 A Grade Premiers Souths 19-0 1981 A Grade Premiers Teachers-Norths 36-13 1982 A Grade Premiers University 25-16 1983 A Grade Premiers University 30-15 1984 A Grade Premiers Easts 18-3 1989 Colts 1 (U19) Premiers Souths 6-4 1991 Under 21 Premiers Norths 13-9 1993 Under 21 Runners-up University 8-27 1995 Reserve Grade Runners-up Souths 2002 Under 17 (QJRU) Premiers Easts 2005* Reserve Grade Grand Finalist Souths 17-19 2012 Wyatt Cup (QSRU) Premiers Wests 31-6

*Awarded Premiership by QRU after Souths fielded an unqualified player in Grand Final Match

REPRESENTATIVE TEAMS Queensland ‘B’ 1983, 84 Brisbane 1985, 86, 88 Australian U21 1990 Queensland Suburban 2000-03


Zane Hilton – Head Coach Kyuden Voltex – Japan 2012/13

Martin Field-Dodgson – Skills Coach Benetton Treviso Rugby – RaboDirect PRO12 & Heineken Cup 2012/13

Paul Healy – Head Coach Ordizia Rugby Elkartea– Spain Division De Honor 2011/12

Winners – Copa De Rey Runners up – Division De Honor 2011/2102

Joseph Gardener – former Portuguese International joined the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Warhawks which plays in the NCAA Division 3

Will Chambers – member of the Storm that won the 2012 Telstra Premiership in the National

Gurvinder Kalar – selected in the Canadian Wolverines Rugby League Team to play against Lions in Toronto on October 7th 2012

David Ingram – Deployed for 6 months in Afghanistan with 3RAR task group as a part of transport platoon. Part of David’s role is to resupply the various Patrol Bases within their area of operation with fuel, food and water.

Former Wallaby Captain inducted into Wallaby Hall of Fame

A.A. Shaw

One of Brothers and Queensland’s favourite sons, Tony Shaw has been announced as the 26th inductee to the Wallaby Hall of Fame.

Tony Shaw was known as a hard and uncompromising forward who led the Wallabies on 15 occasions, including the famous 1980 series win that saw the Australians retain the trans-Tasman silverware for a second straight year.

Tony Shaw enjoyed a remarkable career in Rugby. From the Gregory Terrace Rugby nursery, Shaw showed from an early age he was capable of reaching the top level.

In 1973 he put on a powerful display for Queensland against Tonga, and played himself into the Wallabies squad for a nine-match tour of England, and . His outstanding form warranted selection for five of the nine games, including the Tests against Wales and England.

In 1974 Shaw was in the Queensland team against the visiting All Blacks. But realising his preferred No.8 position was out of reach at the time due to the presence of the legendary Mark Loane Shaw decided to concentrate on flanker and second row. When Japan visited in 1975, and England followed for two Tests, Shaw once more secured his Wallabies place, this time on the side of the .

His “go-forward” style was the epitome of the confrontational mentality of the Australian pack and together with Mark Loane and , created what is considered by many to be one of the best back row combinations in Australian Rugby history.

In 1978, Daryl Haberecht took over as Australia’s coach, and began discussions with Tony Shaw regarding the captaincy. Even though Shaw was not captain of his club side or Queensland at the time, he was given the honour of leading out the Test team. Under his leadership, Australia won the two Welsh Tests on home soil and Shaw retained the captaincy for the 1978 tour of NZ, where he would play 11 of the 13 matches, including the three Tests.

The first two were lost 12-13 and 6-22. Prior to the third and final Test coach Daryl Haberecht suffered a heart attack and was hospitalised. The team rallied in his absence, and in a remarkable display overran NZ 30-16 with Greg Cornelsen scoring a record four tries. It is reported that the reason for the Wallabies turn around in form was thanks to an inspirational on field speech from Shaw.

In 1979 Dave Brockhoff took over the coaching duties and appointed Mark Loane as the captain for the one and only Test against the All Blacks where the Wallabies won 12-6 to win the Bledisloe Cup for the first time in decades.

With Mark Loane’s decision to go to South Africa in 1980, Shaw returned as captain and in a remarkable home series against the All Blacks, Australia ran out victors by two Tests to one. Shaw was retained as captain for the 1980 tour of , the home games with in 1981, and the 1981-82 Wallabies tour of the British Isles.

On 10 July 1982 at the Ground Shaw played his final Test for the Wallabies against and while there were appearance for his state against the All Blacks and the curtain was drawn on a remarkable Test career. He captained the Wallabies in 15 Tests, and Australia in 23 other matches.

Tony Shaw Full Name: Anthony Alexander Shaw Date of Birth: 23/03/1953 Place of Birth: Brisbane School Attended: St Joseph’s College, Gregory Terrace Wallaby Number: 565 Test : 36 (15 as Captain) Non-Test Cap: 38 Test Points: 8 (2 tries) Position Played: Flanker State: QLD 112 (1973-83) Clubs: Brothers 1973 England & Wales, 1975-76 , Ireland & United Sates, Australian Tours: 1976 France, 1978 New Zealand, 1979 Argentina, 1980 Fiji, 1981-82 United Kingdom & Ireland

Former Brothers President & Life Member wins prestigious ARU Award

R.B. McGruther O.B.E. The other prestigious award presented at the 2012 Medal Awards Evening, the Joe French Award, was won by former Brothers President, Chairman and Life Member, QRU President, Chairman and Life Member and former ARU Vice-President and Chairman R.B. McGruther OBE, for his outstanding and selfless services to Rugby over the past four decades.

Dick McGruther OBE was an instrumental figure in the game’s move from its amateur roots to professionalism and also served as ARU’s representative to the IRB for a number of years.

Past Winners:


2012 Dick McGruther OBE 2003 OAM

2011 Mark Loane AM 2002 George Pippos OAM

2010 Ron Meagher 2001 NO AWARD

2009 Nick Farr-Jones AM 2000 John Mulford

2008 Br Bob Wallace AM 1999 Bob Templeton MBE

2007 Leo Williams AO 1998 John Eales

2006 Peter Crittle AO 1997 Norbert Byrne AM

2005 Andy Conway 1996

2004 AM 1995


Since its election your Management Committee has held 12 meetings, attendance at Committee Meetings were as follows;

Mr. J.E.F. FRAYNE (President)……………………………………..………….12 Mr. D.J. HOGAN (Hon. Treasurer)…………………………………….….…..9 Mr. A.J. MCDERMOTT (Hon. Secretary)……………………………….....10

Mr. P.D. FRENCH (Vice-President)……….…………………………..……...8 Mr. M.J. GIBBS………………………………….………..…………………..….…9 Mr. C.A. WARNER…………………………………..……………………….…..…11 Mr. A.J. LALOR…………………………………..………………………..….……..8 Mr. M.E. FRENEY…...………………………….………..……………………..…9 Mr. G.B. FELSMAN.……………………………...………………………..……….9 Mr. J.P. DIAMOND…………………………….……..………………………..…..12 Mr. G.C.M. ESMONDE…………………………………..……………………..…8

Mr. M.J. KAYE (Rugby Manager)………………………………..……………..12

Mr. A.S. SAUER (Club Captain)……………………………………………………0


GRADE COACHES MANAGERS Queensland Premier Rugby: Premier Grade Matt Kaye, Carl Marshal Anthony McDermott

Premier Colts Guy Ledwidge, Anthony Sauer, Clint Warner Ben McCormack

Brisbane Rugby Union – 1st Division: 1st Grade Des Kissane, Brendan Gabbett, Sandra Prestidge, Peter Williams, Tim Grady Paul Favell

2nd Grade David Magoffin, Tim McKellar, John Diamond Peter Petinari

3rd Grade Carl McHale

4th Grade Alistair Smith

Colts I Graeme Silvester, Blair Hart

Colts 2 Paul Doneley Nathan Freney

Queensland Suburban Rugby Union: Normanby Cup Fraser Bax

Wyatt Cup Ron Price Mark Andrews, Gerard Jefferies


Rugby Manager: Matt Kaye

Grades Co-ordinator: David Magoffin

Strength & Conditioning:

Doctor: Dr. Peter Andersen MBBS

Dentist: Dr. Bill Westerman BDS MDSc DDH

Physiotherapist: Ian Astbury, Joel McPhee, Gina Nelson

Registrar: John Diamond, Sandra Prestidge

No team statistics supplied for inclusion in this Annual Report. PREMIERSHIP TEAMS

NORMANBY CUP BROTHERS 27 (S. Hennessy 2, T. McKellar, F Bax tries; T. McKellar 2 con, pen) defeated LOGAN CITY 12

G.A. WYATT CUP BROTHERS 31 (K. Walker 2, D. Itel, S. Condon tries; B. Cruickshank 4 con, pen) defeated WESTS 6



Queensland Rugby Union - Club Championship "DOUGHTY CHALLENGE SHIELD"

Colts 1 Colts 2 TOTAL Women 1st Grade 4th Grade 3rd Grade 2nd Grade Premier Premier Colts Club Premier Grade University 67 73 61 57 59 41 29 57 57 501 Sunnybank 62 63 54 42 60 45 53 43 36 458 GPS 61 55 77 78 47 60 31 45 454 Souths 52 59 57 62 60 31 29 28 378 Brothers 68 36 59 64 55 45 11 0 338 Easts 57 52 47 22 26 16 18 15 253 Norths 33 36 27 55 17 0 25 21 214 Wests 44 5 24 50 28 17 21 189 Logan City 51 9 8 17 85 Gold Coast 15 67 82 Redlands -1 4 39 42 Sunshine Coast 5 2 7

Brendan McKibbin – premiership winning captain, Wallaby Tourist

With his Sydney Club, Eastern Suburbs not figuring in the expanded 8 team finals series, Brendan journeyed home to Crosby Park and with a domestic release in hand and then turned out for Brothers Reserve Grade side in the last couple of rounds of the Brisbane Premiership season.

Unfortunately since he hadn’t played enough games for Brothers in the home & away season, he was unable to play through the finals for the Club.

With Brendan’s selection as a replacement on the Wallabies 2012 Spring Tour to , he now becomes Brothers 69th Australian International.

Brothers Rugby Club would like to extend its congratulations to a true Brothers Man, well done Kibbo.



Queensland Premier Rugby - Premier Grade "HOSPITAL CHALLENGE CUP"

Club Played Won Lost Draw For Against 4T < 7pts Points Brothers 18 14 4 0 536 360 10 2 68 University 18 12 5 1 637 386 14 3 67 Sunnybank 18 12 6 0 635 402 11 3 62 GPS 18 12 6 0 541 343 9 4 61 Easts 18 11 7 0 501 369 8 5 57 Souths 18 10 7 1 471 411 9 1 52 Wests 18 9 9 0 409 496 5 3 44 Norths 18 6 12 0 421 535 8 1 33 Gold Coast 18 2 16 0 355 644 3 4 15 Sunshine Coast 18 1 17 0 219 779 1 0 5

Queensland Premier Rugby - Premier Colts

Opp Club Played Won Lost Draw Fft For Against 4T < 7pts Forfeit Points University 18 15 3 0 0 637 249 12 1 0 73 Gold Coast 18 13 4 1 0 602 297 12 1 0 67 Sunnybank 18 12 6 0 0 562 326 14 1 0 63 Souths 18 11 6 1 1 480 300 10 3 0 59 GPS 18 11 6 1 0 488 293 7 2 0 55 Easts 18 10 7 1 0 469 346 7 3 0 52 Brothers 18 7 11 0 0 274 365 4 4 0 36 Norths 18 7 11 0 0 316 413 5 3 0 36 Wests 18 1 17 0 0 193 855 0 1 0 5 Sunshine Coast 18 1 17 0 0 183 760 0 0 1 2




Opp Club Played Won Lost Draw Fft For Against 4T < 7pts Forfeit Points GPS 18 16 2 0 0 618 234 12 1 0 77 University 18 11 6 0 1 440 329 8 4 0 61 Brothers 18 12 6 0 0 490 321 8 3 0 59 Souths 18 10 7 1 0 450 323 10 5 0 57 Sunnybank 18 10 8 0 0 565 335 10 4 0 54 Logan City 18 10 7 1 0 425 284 6 3 0 51 Easts 18 10 8 0 0 386 373 4 3 0 47 Norths 18 5 13 0 0 348 552 6 1 0 27 Wests 18 4 14 0 0 367 509 5 3 0 24 Redlands 18 0 17 0 0 110 879 1 0 1 -1

BRU Division 1 - 2nd Grade

Opp Club Played Won Lost Draw Fft For Against 4T < 7pts Forfeit Points GPS 18 17 1 0 0 521 210 9 1 0 78 Brothers 18 14 4 0 0 400 230 7 1 0 64 Souths 18 11 5 1 1 432 313 9 2 0 62 University 18 10 7 0 1 508 276 7 5 0 57 Norths 18 10 8 0 0 510 343 10 5 0 55 Wests 18 10 8 0 0 438 280 7 3 0 50 Sunnybank 18 7 10 0 1 468 364 6 3 0 42 Easts 18 4 14 0 0 264 530 4 2 0 22 Logan City 18 1 16 1 0 208 575 2 1 0 9 Redlands 18 2 13 0 0 165 793 1 1 3 4

BRU Division 1 - 3rd Grade "W.H. BICKLEY CUP"

Opp Club Played Won Lost Draw Fft For Against 4T < 7pts Forfeit Points Sunnybank 16 12 4 0 0 536 223 10 2 0 60 Souths 16 12 3 1 0 448 212 9 1 0 60 University 16 12 4 0 0 443 189 7 4 0 59 Brothers 16 11 5 0 0 458 262 9 2 0 55 GPS 16 9 7 0 0 446 248 6 5 0 47 Wests 16 5 11 0 0 253 384 3 5 0 28 Easts 16 5 10 1 0 235 431 3 1 0 26 Norths 16 3 12 1 0 227 625 2 1 0 17 Logan City 16 1 14 1 0 124 596 0 2 0 8



BRU Division 1 - 4th Grade "COL KAUS CUP"

Opp Club Played Won Lost Draw Fft For Against 4T < 7pts Forfeit Points GPS 14 12 2 0 0 544 96 11 1 0 60 Sunnybank 14 10 4 0 0 280 200 4 1 0 45 Brothers 14 9 4 1 0 286 200 6 1 0 45 University 14 8 6 0 0 331 220 5 4 0 41 Souths 14 5 7 2 0 235 289 4 3 0 31 Wests 14 4 10 0 0 154 392 1 0 0 17 Logan City 14 3 10 1 0 149 402 1 2 0 17 Easts 14 3 11 0 0 168 348 2 2 0 16

BRU Division 1 Colts - 1st Grade

Opp Club Played Won Lost Draw Fft For Against 4T < 7pts Forfeit Points University 12 12 0 0 0 372 124 9 0 0 57 Sunnybank 12 8 4 0 0 331 181 8 3 0 43 GPS 12 6 6 0 0 255 239 5 2 0 31 Souths 12 6 6 0 0 210 246 3 2 0 29 Norths 12 5 7 0 0 183 211 3 2 0 25 Easts 12 3 9 0 0 147 273 3 3 0 18 Brothers 12 2 10 0 0 147 371 2 1 0 11

BRU Division 1 Colts - 2nd Grade

Opp Club Played Won Lost Draw Fft For Against 4T < 7pts Forfeit Points University 1 12 11 1 0 0 517 187 12 1 0 57 GPS 12 9 3 0 0 351 206 9 0 0 45 Sunnybank 12 7 5 0 0 286 266 7 1 0 36 Souths 12 6 6 0 0 224 226 3 1 0 28 Norths 12 4 8 0 0 175 358 4 1 0 21 University 2 12 3 9 0 0 178 321 1 2 0 15 Easts 12 2 10 0 0 208 375 4 3 0 15 Brothers 0 0




Club Played Won Lost Draw Opp Fft For Against 4T < 7pts Forfeit Points Brothers 16 9 3 3 0 418 189 8 2 1 50 Easts Longhorns 16 6 6 3 1 184 189 3 4 0 42 Logan City 16 6 7 2 1 306 316 6 3 0 42 Wests 16 7 7 2 0 256 203 4 3 0 39 Souths 16 3 8 2 1 147 414 2 1 2 19


Club Played Won Lost Draw Opp Fft For Against 4T < 7pts Forfeit Points Brothers 20 13 3 2 2 357 183 6 3 0 73 Wests 20 15 5 0 0 486 199 10 2 0 72 Easts Longhorns 20 13 4 3 0 368 226 7 2 0 67 UQ-T.C. Beirne 20 7 9 2 2 360 360 5 3 0 49 UQ-Medicals 20 8 10 1 1 325 304 4 5 0 48 GPS 20 5 10 4 0 274 354 4 3 1 33 Ipswich 20 3 11 1 2 145 452 1 2 4 11 Brisbane Irish 20 1 13 3 1 173 410 1 2 3 9

Queensland Suburban vs. Queensland Country at Goondiwindi


Premier Grade Preliminary Finalists & Minor Premiers

The extended Premier Training Squad of 42 excited souls started back at Crosby Park the first week of January full of enthusiasm for the 2012 season. The pre-season camp, organized by new Premier Grade coach Matt Kaye, at Metropolitan Caloundra Surf Lifesaving Club was well attended by the Premier group and the players started to build the 2012 season culture.

With the early start of the new season, the members of the Queensland 2nd XV embarked on a series of matches against , Tonga ‘A’ and Samoa ‘A’. Brothers were fortunate to have a number of Premier Grade players involved in the 2nd XV programme; with Dominic Shipperley, Mitchell Felsman, Dallan Murphy, Joelin Rapana and Andrew Coady gaining some quality game time and experience in these fixtures. Unfortunately we lost Mitch Felsman for the season after an injury in these fixtures which meant he would require a shoulder reconstruction.

The Queensland Reds Super Rugby game against the in Perth prior to Easter was a highlight for Brothers, with our three Reds players; Dom Shipperley, Dallan Murphy and Joelin Rapana all taking the field.

Round 1 of the Queensland Premier Rugby season kicked off with a tough 20-17 win against Easts at the opening of David Wilson Field. The game saw Kirwan Sanday, David Campbell, Dylan Taikato-Simpson, Joelin Rapana and Luke Williams make their Premier Grade debuts for the Club. Scott Daruda made his comeback for Brothers after a stint playing for Japanese club, the in 2010/11 and 2011/12. Dave Campbell also took out the Round 1 QRU ‘Musashi High Performer of the Week’ award for player of the round.

Brothers’ first home game of the season was against Wests for the Pilecki-Shaw Cup and the bhoys were too strong for the visitors defeating the Bulldogs 60-19, Jason Harvey, Brad Jones and Dan Kent also made their Premier Grade debut.

Brothers continued their winning streak, when they had a strong win against Norths 36-10 at Hugh Courtney Oval. The Premier Grade players then backed this win up with further hard fought victories against Souths 24-11 at Jack Ross Oval and GPS Old Boys by 21 points to 17 at the Ashgrove Sports Ground, we also welcomed back Crosby Park favourite Iosefo Tabalala.

The annual Tradition Day fixture between Brothers and University at Crosby Park is always a spirited affair. The Butcher Bhoys put the Red Heavies to the sword in the Round 6 fixture and retained the Templeton-McLean Cup for 2012 with a hard-fought 24-21 win. Andrew Coady continued his early season form in taking out both the Round 5 & 6 QRU ‘Musashi High Performer of the Week’ awards.

The week leading into the home game against Sunnybank, saw the touring Welsh team along with coaches; and Shaun Edwards come to Crosby Park and use Jack Ross Oval as their Brisbane training base. The Premier Grade group was privileged to be involved in a number of training sessions with the Welsh team and the Bhoys were excited and thrilled to learn a number of new drills and techniques.

The team headed in to fixture against Sunnybank confident that they could continue the winning streak; however the result saw the Bhoys drop their first game of the season by 34 points to 17.

The match against the Gold Coast took on added significance with the players wanted to bounce back from the disappointment of the week before. The Bhoys recorded a convincing 46-27 win over the Gold Coast and Joe Wright, who came to us from Marist-St Pat’s and Casey Rock, our uncapped US Eagle made their Premier Grade debuts. Unfortunately this match was also the last for Joelin Rapana who left the Club to take a position in .

Brothers travelled to Stockland Park, Kawana the home of Brothers Rugby Club-Sunshine Coast to take on the Stingrays in Round 9 of the Hospitals Cup. A fantastic defensive effort to repel the repeated scoring efforts saw Brothers win the game 38-5. This was a game that set up our season on the way to the finals, with the team turning at the midpoint of the competition 8 wins and 1 loss. The match saw premier colts’ players Mitch Copeman and Ben Hyne make their Premier Grade debuts.

A healthy crowd gathered at Crosby Park for opening game of the second round of the Hospitals Cup Premiership which also coincided with the 7th Annual Ladies Day. The game had added significance as it was also the 80th Welsby Cup Final and Brothers through the 28 points to 17 victory took home its 21st title. The down side of the fantastic win was the season ending injury sustained by Dallan Murphy. Simon Price took out the Round 10 QRU ‘Musashi High Performer of the Week’ award.

Brothers’ Premier Grade Assistant Coach, Carl Marshall was also busy leading into the mid season break. Carl was appointed the Head Coach and Brothers Old Boy Michael Crank Assistant Coach of the Queensland Schools team that contested Australian Schools Rugby Union Championships in Sydney. His Queensland 1 side was defeated by NSW I 26-17 in the final. Premier Grade physiotherapists’ Ian Astbury and Joel McPhee were also part of the Support Team at the Championships.

The return match of the Pilecki-Shaw Cup saw Brothers travel to Sylvan Road to take on Wests. Unfortunately there just wasn’t the same resolve displayed by the Bhoys this week, leading by a point at the 79th minute a lapse in the defensive effort saw the Bulldogs score a try on full-time to take out a 19-15 win. It was the best way to celebrate Trent Jones playing his 50th Premier Grade for the Club. This would also be Scott Daruda’s last game for Brothers as he would take up a contract with the Manly Club in the Sydney Shute Shield Competition.

The mid-season bye saw the 5th Annual City-Country carnival take place at Ballymore. With Brothers sitting in 1st place, it meant that a number of our players would be involved in the Metropolis teams to play Queensland Country. David Campbell, Dylan Taikato-Simpson, Damon Murphy, Kirwan Sanday and Luke Beauchamp were selected in the Brisbane team.

The first game after the Bye saw Brothers take on Norths at Crosby Park in the Northside Derby and unfortunately Brothers fell at the last hurdle again and went down 19-17.

Brothers travelled out to Chipsy Wood Oval to take on another fierce rival in Souths and were looking to stop the two match losing streak. The players stood tall and put the Magpies to the sword with a dominant display went out winners by 34 points to 11. David Marshall, who came to us from Rotherham Titans (RFU Championship Club) and Matt Blair made their Premier Grade debuts in the game against Souths.

The home game against GPS was also a part of the Flynn-Lewis Memorial Shield challenge match and saw Dom Shipperley make his first appearance for the Butcher Bhoys in 2012. The Premier Grade bhoys beat GPS 36-28, but unfortunately since the lower grade had all ready their matches by 5 games to 2, the winner of Premier Grade game wouldn’t affect the result of the Shield for 2012. So for 2012 GPS took out the Flynn-Lewis Memorial Shield by 5 games to 3. This game was also the last game for Jason Harvey who left to take up a professional contract with Jersey RFC in the RFU Championship.

The Premier Grade fixture against University at St Lucia was an opportunity for the players to continue their build up in the run to the Final’s series. The game was a tight affair and the two teams fought tooth and nail to come out the victor. Brothers went on to beat the Red Heavies for the second time this season. Anthony Pyers took out the Round 15 QRU ‘Musashi High Performer of the Week’ award.

Brothers headed out to Oldmac Oval to take on Sunnybank for the Round 16 clash. The Bhoys were feeling confident and were looking forward to the clash. Unfortunately after a tight first half, Sunnybank ran away with the match and took out the game 50-20. Pierce Fitzgerald made his Premier Grade debut in this game.

Brothers travelled to the Gold Coast to take on the Breakers with the hope of putting the disappointment of last week’s result behind them. However the bhoys continued to struggle with form and confidence and with only 2 minutes to play were behind by three points. Thankfully Charlie Freney continued his knack of being in the right place at the right time and scored the match winning try on fulltime, which meant we were able to head back up the M1 with a 31-29 win.

The Round 18 clash against the Stingrays saw Brothers playing to retain their top of the table position. By winning this game Brothers would claim the Horsley Trophy for the Minor Premiership and take some winning form into the Finals. The Butcher Bhoys took the Stingrays to school and piled on the points taking out game by 44 points to 5. Charlie Freney played his 50th Premier Grade for the Club.

The Butcher Bhoys headed to Ballymore for the Major Semi-final against University full of confidence and self belief after finishing the season as Minor Premiers with 14 wins and 4 losses. The game started with a flurry and at the 43 second mark, Charlie Freney was sent off for a dangerous tackle, so the Bhoys needed to work hard for each other for the next 79 minutes. Unfortunately we just didn’t recover and the Red Heavies and advanced to the Grand Final by 59 points to 12. There were a couple of milestones out of the game with Simon Price playing his 150th Premier Grade game and James Colvin making his debut.

The one highlight of the weekend for the Premier Grade Bhoys was the fact that Dominic Shipperley made his Test Debut against South Africa in Perth.

The Bhoys knew they would have to regroup and come out with all guns blazing in the Preliminary Final against Sunnybank. The first half was an arm wrestle with both teams trading tries and going into half time Brothers were only down by 7 points and the teams confidence was building. However this would be a game of two halves, Sunnybank broke the shackles and with a couple of defensive errors the game just slipped away and the Dragons won the game 43 points to 15 and would progress to the Grand Final against University.

A special note should also be made of Trent Jones, Dave Campbell and Nathanuel Gendle who played in all 20 Premier Grade games of this season’s campaign, well done Bhoys.

To Matt Kaye, Carl Marshall, John Druery, Ian Astbury and Joel McPhee; thanks for your patience, assistance, feed-back and good humour throughout the year.

To the 38 Players who played Premier Grade this year, thanks for your help, camaraderie, good humour and assistance in making this season a most enjoyable one. I hope you take time to enjoy the fruits or your labour and look back with a sense of pride on the season you all had.

Anthony McDermott Manager

Division One – 1st Grade Semi-Finalists

The 2012 season was definitely a lot of fun a good playing roster and coaching/management staff.

The start of the season wasn’t a good one a few losses and struggling against some teams we should have controlled, until the second round. Then we started to put things together shows how important a good start is. Played South’s in the knock-out final but didn’t put it together.

A large number of players got a start in Premier Grade this season which is very pleasing. We believe that next season a lot of them will be permanent in premier grade. We were also lucky to have the services of some very talented players that were colts last year and have a big future in this game and club.

A pleasing thing about this season was the big improvement in our set pieces and defence, such a big part of the modern game. We were happy with the leadership skills of a lot of players especially Dusty and everyone else who helped the ref make decisions.

Really had fun this season and hope all will be back next season to continue on with the improvements we made this year.

The Coaches (Gabbett, Grady, Williams and Kissane) and Managers (Paul Favell, Sandy Diamond) congratulate the team and hope to see you all again next season to finish off some unfinished business.

Des Kissane Coach

Casey Rock Pierce Fitzgerald Division One – 2nd Grade

The minor premiership season for second grade was quite successful with 14 wins and four losses in a very even competition. These results enabled the team to finish second on the ladder at the end of the competition rounds.

The team beat GPS 14-13 in the major semi-final to advance to the grand final. Unfortunately in the grand final, where the opponent again was GPS, the result was a 26-18 loss in a hard fought match.

Thanks must go to all the players who were a part of this team this season (be that playing, reserving, running water etc). Without the commitment and application of the players to being part of Brothers Rugby Club, ranging from training to playing to socialising, there would not be anywhere near the level of club spirit and the success that comes with this.

Thanks must also go to John and Sandy Diamond for all the time and effort they put into assisting a number of the club teams to ensure they had jerseys, water and got the book filled out correctly amongst other things.

The physiotherapy and sports management support provided by Joel McPhee and Ian Astbury (and their able assistants) was greatly appreciated by the team.

Finally thanks must go to Tim McKellar and Peter Pettinari who through the season ensured that training sessions were well organised and that on game day the team was ready to play.

In conclusion season 2012 was reasonably successful but fell just short the ultimate goal. I hope that on balance all the players who were involved with this team enjoyed the season and that they all have taken something from it.

David Magoffin Co-Coach & Grades Co-ordinator Division One – 3rd Grade Semi-Finalists

A good season overall for 3rd Grade this year again making finals. Leading the competition most of the season but sadly finishing 4th overall. This made it all the more difficult to accept the loss in the first Semi-final.

Again 3rd grade making semi-finals was no doubt aided by our attacking force which resulted in us being the 1st ranked offensive side at home games and 2nd ranked overall in the Competition. Our defence again being our Achilles heel with our ranking this year being 4th ranked at home and only 5th ranked overall.

Individual highlights in the forwards this year being Captain and Prop Ollie O’Loughlin, Chris Ure at hooker/prop and the return of Peter Haig and Michael Duhig bolstering the front row, the 2nd row was pretty stable this year with Cody Gray, James Vail and Reston Gimpel being the mainstay players, in the back row new comers Jay McCullough, Alex Skippen performing particularly well for both 3rd grade and 2nd grade.

On the down side we suffered some late season injuries through the grades and lost a bit of firepower when most needed against the front running teams leading up to finals. The significance of which 3rd grade went from 1st position to 4th in a matter of two weeks due to the closeness of competition this year.

In the backs we have seen wing Dan Jenner head the top try scorer spot in the club for the second year in a row, save for back rower Corbin Crain if he scores when playing in the Normanby Cup Grand Final. We have a had Tegan Tombe playing at scrum half this season and he has shown great promise for such a young guy in his first senior year, he performed particularly well in defence showing the guys never to give up when tracking back. To cap off, a very good offensive season,.

A big Thank you to Forwards coach Tim McKellar and Sandy Prestege for her invaluable help with the squad this year. A stronger focus on forwards stability and defence for next year.

Carl McHale Coach

Division One - 4th Grade Semi-Finalists

Coaches declined to submit team report for inclusion in this Annual Report.

Alistair Smith Coach Premier Colts

Premier Colts kicked off their 2012 campaign with three consecutive wins and looked to be on track for a promising year with a strong forward pack and some handy backs. Things took a turn for the worse when some injuries led to a few changes in the backline and we struggled with a few key combinations.

This combined with a lack of numbers in the Colts system this year led to us forging ahead with a team who turned out to be quite solid, we just couldn’t manage to convert that into wins. This ultimately led to two rather large losing streaks which pushed us well out of finals contention. From here we are all looking ahead to 2013.

The majority of the forward pack are still with us, which will put us in a great position early on. When at full strength we had one of the more powerful packs. Throw in some backs to match and we should be on our way.

Congratulations to some of our guys who played in the Second Grade Grand Final; Tom Moloney, Ben Hyne, Jack Webby and Mitch Copeman.

We wish the guys progressing to grades in 2013 all the best. We hope you stay with the club; the 2011 Colts who played in the grades this year have all flourished as players and will continue to contribute to the depth and culture of this great club.

Clint Warner Manager

Division One - Colts I

Coaches declined to submit team report for inclusion in this Annual Report.

Graeme Silvester Coach


Manager declined to submit team report for inclusion in this Annual Report.

Nathan Freney Manager

QSRU - Normanby Cup PREMIERS & Minor Premiers

Manager declined to submit team report for inclusion in this Annual Report.

Fraser Bax Manager

QSRU – Wyatt Cup PREMIERS & Minor Premiers

Well 2011 saw the Wyatt Cup team resting once again when the finals came around, this wasn’t good enough. Things had to change the coach was released (sacked) with two years left on his contract and a new coach had to be found. Two current Australian super XV coaches and a fella by the name of Robbie submitted resumes, but they all had no success at finals. A call was made to Ealsey.

Now what Peter Ealse from Dirranbandi didn’t know about rugby wasn’t worth knowing. He said one word, Pricey (well it was really two words “Coach Price”). A delegation was sent to sound the 11 time premiership winning coach out and after some tough negotiating we had our coach but he was worth it. 2 cans of gold after each game and a couple of slices of pizza from Frattelis after home games.

30 players presented themselves for pre-season training held on Tuesday. It was long and arduous and lasted an hour. Coach Price had his own little way of remembering names, if you were bald you were called Kelvin, if you had a beard you were called Crooked and if you are five foot and a bit and come from over the ditch you were called Jimmy. Now this system worked until guys who had no names started shaving their heads so the coach would talk to them (Landis). Others shaved their beards off because they didn’t want the coach to mistake them with crooked, but the little 5 footers where always called Jimmy.

30th March was the first game. It was tough, it was hard and it was a loss. 15 to 10, but Longhorns couldn’t cross our line. Round 2 was a good win and a 35 to 7 victory in round three saw our line breached for the first time this year, defence was the key. Round 4 was a loss to Wests, 14 to 12 but a game that saw Jackson show some intensity. Our next loss was round 15 to longhorns 18 to 15, this was the loss we had to have, training picked up, we won a couple of nail biters in round 16 and 17 and where surging to the finals.

In the last round we played our own players Sam Hazel and Buckwheat choosing to side with the Irish in round 21 and they managed to stop a few tries and bring a few boys back to earth. The minor premiership was ours with a 39 to 5 thumping of the Irish. Their only try coming from our own Sam Hazel.

The year had be built on defence, we had a monster forward pack in Jackson , Darren Hawthorne, Johnny Moore and with some hard running and tackling back rowers

Major semi had us pitted against Wests. In defence our two leaguie centres Stevie Beaumont and Ben Cruikshank smashed anything that came their way. While in attack the veteran Paddy Moore was making inroads from the back, half time 5 zip to Wests and coach Price was calm and temped. All he said was believe in your @%$& selves, this was the only game this year that we have failed to score a try. With 3 well struck long range penalties 9 to 5 we didn’t need a try we were on our way to the grand final. Even if they were able to get a glimpse of our secret weapon – Brendo’s chip kicking.

Pepe's grand final dinner two nights before the grand final which included several trays of tequila shots, not a great idea hours from a grand final but it seemed to work. The grand final was where our potential was shown. After getting off to a slow start to a much younger and non-contesting pack, Brothers were down 6 - 0 after only 10mins. It's at moments like this that leaders stand tall. And with that in mind Grant Gearing, Gearo, stood tall and took one for the team. Firstly by reminiscing in the good old days when stomping was allowed. Only some cool sweet talking (but ref he was just lying there!!) saw him stay on the paddock. Then Gearo unselfishly sacrificed himself with 10mins on the sideline after showing what Brothers defence can really be like. All be it, with no arms. This moment turned the game and served to fire up the Brothers team.

Much of the game from this moment was played in the forwards with Brothers showing their dominance. Half time saw Brothers in front following two tries following the forwards domination, 14 - 6. One of which saw Sean Condon show some well-polished finishing touches. In the second half the team took the field as though there had been no break. Strong forwards play again allowed Brothers to keep the pressure on. There was also a runaway try to Dennis Itel to confirm the win. The final finished with Brothers defending much of the last 10 mins with another player in the bin, this time Brendan Linen sacrificed himself for the team. But we were determined not to let and tries in and was the case. Final score 31 - 6, a well-deserved premiership. Later further emphasised with the team being awarded the Brother’s team of the year.

Thanks to our sponsors for their great support - TRAC Developments, Watt Realty, Transport and General Insurance, Coolwell Lyons and a special mention to Panther from Mctel who has been our major sponsor this year and very generous with all his support!

Thanks to the tireless efforts of our much loved medical staff - Sue, Jake and Elly and reviving Luky on a weekly basis.

Season awards Best back - Kelly Walker, Best forward - John Moore Best and fairest player - Grant Gearing.

Thanks again to all those who followed us throughout the season including wives, partners, family and friends.

Mark Andrews, Gerard Jefferies, Ron Price Managers & Coach


Brothers’ Rugby Club would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the Brothers’ Club’s throughout Australia on yet another successful season. Well done to Sydney Brothers for being promoted to the NSWSRU 2nd Division for 2013.

Cairns (CDRU): Sydney (NSWSRU) 3rd Division: A Grade – Grand Finalist 1st Grade (Clark Cup) – Minor Premiers & Res Grade – 5th PREMIERS Colts (U19) – No Competition 2nd Grade (Farrant Cup) – Minor Premiers & Grand Finalist (TDRU): 3rd Grade (Campbell Cup) – 8th 1st Grade – Minor Premiers & PREMIERS 4th Grade (Nicholson Cup) – 5th 2nd Grade – PREMIERS Colts (U21) (Radford Cup) – Grand Finalist 3rd Grade – Grand Finalist Club Championship (Harris Shield) – 1st Colts (U19) – Grand Finalist Cowboy Cup (NSWSRU) – 2nd Club Championship – 1st Joondalup (RugbyWA): Mackay (MDRU): 1st Grade (3rd Grade Black) – Semi-Finalist A Grade – 5th 2nd Grade (4th Grade Black) – Preliminary Res Grade – Semi-Finalist Finalist Colts (U19) – No Competition 3rd Grade “A” (4th Grade Blue) – 10th Colts (U18) – 7th Rockhampton (CQRU): Club Championship – 13th A Grade – Preliminary Finalist Res Grade – 5th Port Moresby (Capital Rugby Union): Colts (U19) – No Competition Premier Grade – Preliminary Finalist A Grade – 6th Sunshine Coast (SCDRU): Women – 5th Currently not fielding teams in Senior Club Colts (U19) – Preliminary Finalist Competition.



Premier Grade Premier Colts Best Forward: Simon Price Best Forward: Jack Cook Best Back: David Campbell Best Back: Mitch Copeman Best & Fairest: Andrew Coady Best & Fairest: Jack Webby

Division 1 - First Grade Division 1 - Colts I Best Forward: Dustin Henegan Best Forward: David Corbinici Best Back: Zac Harding Best Back: Ben Doxey Best & Fairest: Pierce Fitzgerald Best & Fairest: Dan Forward

Division 1 - Second Grade Division 1 - Colts 2 Best Forward: George Moloney Best Forward: Best Back: Shane Lynch Best Back: Best & Fairest: James Colvin Best & Fairest:

Division 1 - Third Grade QSRU - Normanby Cup Best Forward: Jay McCullagh Best Forward: Sebastian Smith Best Back: Dan Jenner Best Back: Corbin Crane Best & Fairest: Tegan Tombe Best & Fairest: Bart Flanagan

Division 1 - Forth Grade QSRU - Wyatt Cup Best Forward: Fred Topping Best Forward: John Moore Best Back: Phil Lowe Best Back: Kelly Walker Best & Fairest: Anthony Green Best & Fairest: Grant Gearing


Test Test Captain No Player Honour Board Caps Year Match Caps 1 Colton, T.J. 2 1905 2 Carmichael, P.P. 4 1907 3 Oxenham, A. McE. 2 1907 4 Flanagan, P 2 1907, 08, 09 5 Fihelly, J.A. 1 1907 6 Murphy, P.J.B. 9 1910, 13, 14 7 Murphy, W 1 1912 8 Flynn, J.P. 2 1912, 13, 14C 1914 23 1 9 McMahon, M.J. 1 1913 10 Thompson, J 2 1914 11 Birt, R.S.W. 1 1914 12 Kruetzer, S.D. 1 1914 13 Morrissey, W 1 1914 14 Swenson, W.H. 1 0 1914 15 Swenson, F. 1 0 1914 16 Gorman, T.S. K 10 1928C 1928 31 7 17 Howard, J. 2 1938 18 McMaster, R.E. 7 1946, 47, 48 19 Hodda, K.J. 2 0 1946 20 Bourke, T.K. 1 1947, 48 21 Harvey, P.B. 2 1949 22 Fogarty, J.R. 2 1949 23 Forbes, C.F. 6 1952, 53, 54, 56 24 Sweeney, T.L. 1 1953 25 Ryan, K.J. 5 1957, 58 26 Connor, D.M. 12 1957, 58C, 59 1958 131 2 27 Roberts, H.F. 4 1958, 61 28 Forbes, L.J. 2 0 1958 29 Knapp, P.L. 1 0 1961 30 O’Neill, D.J. 2 1962, 63, 64 31 Honan, R.E. 2 1964 32 Purcell, M.P. 3 1966, 67 33 Honan, B.D. 9 1967, 68, 69 34 Reilly, N.P. 10 1968, 69 35 Pope, A.M. 1 1968 36 Barry, M.J. 1 1968, 69, 71 37 Kelleher, R.J. 2 1968, 69 38 Sullivan, S.S. 2 0 1968, 69 39 L’Estrange, R.D. 16 1968, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76 40 Moore, P.D. 2 0 1969 41 McLean, J.J. 13 1971, 72, 73, 74 42 Dunworth, D.A. 5 1971, 72, 73, 75, 76 43 Flynn, B.M. 2 0 1971 44 Freney, M.E. 6 1972, 73 45 Cocks, M.R. 10 1973, 75 46 Shaw, A.A. 36 1973, 75, 76, 78C, 79C, 80C, 81C, 82 1978 211 15 47 McLean, P.E. 30 1974, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80C, 81, 82 1980 221 1 48 Moon, B.J. 35 1978, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 86 49 Handy, C.B. 6 1978, 79, 80 50 D’Arcy, A.M.W. 10 1979, 80, 81, 82 51 Hanley, R.G. 3 1982, 83, 84, 85 52 Nightingale, S.N. 2 0 1982 53 McBain, M.I. 7 1983, 84, 85, 86, 87W, 88, 89 54 Grigg, P.C. 25 1985, 86, 87W 55 Frawley, D.J. 10 1986, 87, 88 56 McCall, R.J. 40 1986, 88, 89, 90, 91W, 92, 93, 94, 95CW 1995 330 1 57 Maguire, D.J. 3 1989, 90 58 Ryan, M.J. 2 0 1990, 92, 93 59 Eales, J.A. 86 1991W, 92, 94, 95W, 96C, 97C, 98C, 99CW, 2000C, 01C 1996 334 55 60 Tabua, I.S. 10 1993, 94, 95W 61 Cannon, B.J. 1, 2 0 1996, 97 62 Flatley, E.J. 38 1997, 2000, 01, 02, 03W, 04, 05 63 Panoho, G.M. 21 1998, 99W, 2000, 01, 03 64 Spooner, N.R. 2 1999 65 Cordingley, S.A. 25 2000, 06, 07W, 08 66 Hardman, S.P. 4 2002, 06, 07W 67 Croft, D.N. 5 2002, 03W, 04 68 Shipperley, D.P. 4* 2012 69 McKibbin, B. 1, 2 0* 2012 70


Captain No Player Matches Honour Board Year Match Caps 1 Moon, B.J. 1981, 82, 83, 84, 86 2 Tabua, I.S. 1993 3 Faoagali, M. 1997 4 Croft, D.N. 1999, 2000 5 Sauer, A.S. 2004, 05, 06, 07C, 08 2007 6 Murphy, D.C. 2005, 06E, 08, 09CW 2009 7 Shipperley, D.P. 2009, 10 8 9 10 BROTHERS' AUSTRALIAN REPRESENTATIVES (NON TEST MATCHES vs. A.I.F.)

Captain Player Matches Honour Board Year Match Caps Breen, W.M. 3 2 1919 Australia vs. A.I.F. Flynn, J.P. 2 1919 Australia vs. A.I.F. Kruetzer, S.D. 1 1919 Australia vs. A.I.F. Liddy, J. 4 0 1919 Australia vs. A.I.F. McMahon, M.J. 1 1919 Australia vs. A.I.F. Mooney, V. 3 2 1919 Australia vs. A.I.F. Murphy, P.J.B. 3 1919 Australia vs. A.I.F. Murray, R. 3 1 1919 Australia vs. A.I.F. O'Sullivan, B. 3 2 1919 Australia vs. A.I.F. Thompson, J L/Cpl 3 1919 A.I.F. vs. Australia


Test Captain Player Matches Honour Board Year Match Caps Banks, P.E. 1 1930 Australian XV vs. Costello, J. 5 0 1934 Australian XV vs. New Zealand Mott, E. 5 0 1934 Australian XV vs. New Zealand Deignan, B. 1953 Australian XV Tour to Ceylon Swepson, P. 1953Australian XV Tour to Fiji Andrews, W.B. 1 1969Australian XV vs. Fiji

AUSTRALIAN U21's AUSTRALIAN U20's AUSTRALIAN U19's NAME YEAR NAME YEAR NAME YEAR Costello, P. 1980 Shaw, A.G. 2009 Pentecost, A 1993 McBain, M 1980 Shipperley, D.P. 2010 Brosnan, W. 1993 Nightingale, M. 1980 Postal, T. 2011 Condon, B. 1994 Hanley, R. 1981, 82 Pradaud, J.P. 2011 Grasso, J. 1996 Crank, M. 1981 O'Brien, M. 1996 Dahms, S. 1981 Ross, S. 1996 Frawley, D. 1983 Appleton, G. 1997, 98 Partridge, S. 1986 Grant, L. 1997 Merlo, A. 1988 Croft, D. 1998 Eales, J. 1990 Satui, S. 2004 Ryan, S. 1990 Mailata, T. 2005 Washington, J. 1995 Hennessey, S. 2005 Condon, B. 1995 Felsman, M. 2011 Flatley, E. 1996, 97, 98 Beauchamp, L. 2011 Ross, S. 1998 Hardman, S. 1998 Croft, D. 1999, 2000 Daruda, S. 2005 Mailata, T. 2005 BROTHERS' INTERNATIONALS (OTHER NATIONS)

Test Test Captain No Player Honour Board Caps Year Match Caps 1 Tabua, T. 3 FIJI 1995, 96 2 Bari, M. 18 FIJI 1995, 96, 97 3 Tabua, I.S. 16 FIJI 1998, 99W 4 Seruvakula S. 2 FIJI 2002, 03W 5 Buchholtz, J. 9 UNITED STATES 2004


Test Years at Test Captain No Player Honour Board Caps Brothers Year Caps 1 Gralton, A.S.I. 3 1899, 1903 1905-19 2 Fihelly, J.A. 0 RUGBY LEAGUE - 1908 Kangaroo Tour 1905-07 3 Gorman, T.S. 10 RUGBY LEAGUE - 1924, 1929-30C 1926-28 1928 7 4 Hamalainen, H.A. 3 1929 1923-28, 32-33 5 Connor, D.M. 12 NEW ZEALAND 1961, 62, 63, 64 1954-59 6 Ryan, K.J. 2 RUGBY LEAGUE - 1963, 64 1954-59 7 Cleary, J. 0 RUGBY LEAUGE - 1963/64 Kangaroo Tour 1958-59 8 Bolawagatabu, E.V. 15 FIJI 1963, 69C, 70C, 72, 73 1965-68, 74-75 4 9 Honan, R.E. 2 RUGBY LEAGUE - 1969 1964-66 10 Hall, D.A. 15 1980, 81, 82, 83 1973-77 11 Rickit, H. 2 NEW ZEALAND 1981 1974 12 Hoffmann, P.D. 28 PORTUGAL 1995, 96, 97, 98, 99, 2000C, 01C, 02C, 03C 1990-93, 2004-06 10 13 Skeggs, A. 2 0 1993 1991 14 Vola Vola, P. 10 FIJI 1985, 86, 87W, 91 1994-97, 2005 15 Cannon, B.J. 42 2001, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07 1995-97 16 Daly, A.J 39 1989, 90, 91W, 92, 93, 94, 95W 1996 17 Carne, W. 10 RUGBY LEAGUE - 1991, 92, 93 1997 18 Moore, D. 2 RUGBY LEAGUE - 1995 2000 19 Fava, S.G. 5 2005, 06 2000-01 20 Siale, T. 2 TONGA 1997 2003-04 21 Gardener, J. 13 PORTUGAL 2010,11 2003-06 22 Satui, S. 0 TONGA 2009 2004-07 23 Scott-Young, S.J.N. 7 1990, 91, 92 2006 24 Palha, S. 16 PORTUGAL 2006, 07W, 08, 09, 10 2011 25 Skelton, E. 4 SAMOA 2009 2011 26 Siulangapo, P. 1 TONGA 2010 2011 27 NOTES

C Test Captain 1 Selected for Test Match - Uncapped Reserve Correct as at 30 November 2012 W 2 Wallaby Tourist - Tour Matches Only K Rugby League International 3 Australia vs. AIF (Non-Test Match) E 4 Selected for Australia vs. AIF Match - Uncapped Reserve * Current Player 5 Selected for Australian XV Match - Uncapped Reserve BROTHERS RUGBY CLUB QUEENSLAND REPRESENTATIVES

45 No. NAME HONOUR BOARD Banks, P. 1930, 31, 32 1 Colton, T. 1905 46 Casey, T. 1930, 31 2 Fihelly, J. 1905, 06, 07, 08 47 England, C. 1930 3 Flanagan, P. 1905, 06, 07, 08 48 Mott, E. 1930, 31, 32, 33, 34 4 Oxenham, A. 1905, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10 49 Woodward, V. 1930 5 Ahern, F. 1906, 07, 08 50 Arnell, F. 1931, 32, 33, 34 6 Carmichael, J. 1906, 07, 08, 09, 10 51 Hamalainen, H. 1932 7 Carmichael, P. 1906,07 52 Costello, J. 1933, 39, 40 8 Gallagher, B. 1907, 08 53 Dore, V. 1933, 34 9 Murphy, P. 1908, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 19 54 McCarthy, C. 1933 10 Scanlon, A. 1908 55 Sammon, F. 1934 11 Grealey, L. 1909 56 French, J. 1935, 36 12 Guilfoyle, D. 1909, 10 57 Bowers, H. 1936 13 O’Sullivan, D. 1909 58 Bowers, J. 1936 14 Carmichael, V. 1910, 13 59 Brown, T. 1936 15 Swenson, W. 1910, 11, 14 60 Stewart, R. 1936, 37 16 Thompson, J. 1910, 11, 14, 19, 20* 61 O’Shea, J. 1937 17 Flynn, H. 1911, 13 62 Howard, J. 1937, 38 18 McMahon, M. 1911, 12, 13, 14, 19 63 McNamara, C. 1938 19 Ryan, T. 1911, 12, 13 64 Walker, L. 1938, 39, 40 20 Flynn, J.P. 1912, 13, 14, 18*, 19, 21* 65 Comerford, J. 1939, 40 21 Murphy, W. 1912 66 Keim, J. 1939, 41 22 Birt, R.W.S. 1913, 14 67 McNeill, T. 1939, 40 23 McManis, R. 1913 68 Vogel, A. 1939 24 Morrissey, W. 1913, 14 69 Ivers, S. 1940 25 Russell, J. 1913, 14 70 Bourke, K. 1941, 47, 48 26 Kreutzer, S. 1914, 18*, 19, 20*, 21* 71 Desmond, K. 1941 27 Smith, R. 1914 72 Sheehan, J. 1941 28 Swenson, F. 1914 73 Carmody, F. 1945 29 Breen, W. 1919 74 Kennedy, K. 1945, 46 30 Liddy, J. 1919 75 Maloney, W. 1945, 48 31 Mooney, T. 1919, 21*, 22* 76 O’Connell, B. 1945, 46 32 Mooney, V. 1919 77 Carroll, T. 1946 33 Murray, R. 1919 78 Hodda, K. 1946, 47 34 O’Sullivan, B. 1919 79 McMaster, R. 1946, 47 35 Daly, J. 1920* 80 Rutkin, K. 1946 36 Allman, G. 1925*, 26* 81 Fogarty, J. 1947, 48, 49 37 Riipinen, E. 1925* 82 Harvey, P. 1947, 48, 49, 50 38 Gorman, T. 1926*, 27*, 28* 83 Johnson, E. 1947 39 O'Mara, J. 1928* 84 Bourke, J. 1948 40 Carter, C. 1928, 29 85 Ludwig, T. 1948 41 Holohan, T. 1928 86 Maccheroni, K. 1948, 49, 50, 51, 52 42 McCormack, A. 1928 87 Patane, J. 1949, 50 43 Twomey, J. 1928 88 Spillane, K. 1949 44 Arnell, L. 1930, 31 89 Brusasco, I. 1950, 51 90 Clancy, H. 1950, 51 137 Allen, E. 1968 91 Guilfoyle, D. (Jnr) 1950 138 Kelleher, R. 1968, 69, 70, 71 92 Maccheroni, T. 1950 139 L’Estrange, D. 1968, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75 93 Buchanan, J. 1951 140 Reilly, P. 1968, 69 94 Smith, S. 1951 141 Sullivan, S. 1968, 69 95 Corcoran, T. 1952, 53 142 Andrews, W. 1969, 70, 72, 75 96 Forbes, C. 1952, 53, 54, 56 143 Dunworth, D. 1969, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76 97 Heenan, P. 1952, 53 144 Flynn, M. 1969, 70, 71, 72, 74, 75, 76, 78 98 Sweeney, T. 1952, 53, 54 145 McLean, J. 1969, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74 99 Deignan, B. 1953, 54 146 Moore, P. 1969, 70 100 Smith, J. 1953, 54 147 White, B. 1969 101 Swepson, P. 1953, 54 148 Freney, M. 1970, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75 102 Connor, D. 1954, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59 149 Lewis, P. 1970 103 Ellis, J. 1954, 55 150 Price, R. 1970, 71, 72, 74 104 Ryan, K. 1954, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59 151 Fleming, P. 1972 105 Forbes, L. 1955, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60 152 Handy, C. 1972, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80 106 Chambers, B. 1955 153 O'Reilly, J. 1972 107 Connors, P. 1955 154 Cocks, R. 1973, 74, 75 108 Traill, G 1955 155 McLean, P. 1973, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82 109 Clarke, J. 1956, 59 156 Shaw, A. 1973, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83 110 Sweeney, P. 1956 157 Anderson, M. 1974 111 Hogan V. 1957, 58 158 Logan, D. 1974, 75, 76 112 Roberts, H. 1958, 59, 61, 63 159 Rickett, H. 1974 113 Deveries, G. 1958 160 White, G. 1974, 75 114 Fitzpatrick, K. 1959 161 Dunsdon, R. 1974 115 Flynn, J. 1959 162 Howell, B. 1974 116 Cullinan, M. 1960 163 Twist, P. 1974 117 Lusk, K. 1960 164 Hall, D. 1975, 76 118 McCarthy, D. 1960 165 Leal, B. 1975, 76 119 Knapp, P. 1961 166 D’Arcy, T. 1978, 79, 80, 81, 82 120 Stevens, P. 1961, 62, 65 167 Moon, B. 1978, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84 121 Laracy, R. 1961 168 Costello, P. 1980, 81, 83, 84 122 O’Neill, D. 1962, 63, 64, 65, 66 169 McBain, M. 1980, 81, 82, 83, 84, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90 123 Arnell, F. (Jnr) 1963 170 Nightingale, S. 1980, 82, 83, 85, 86, 88 124 Honan, R. 1963, 64, 65, 66 171 Hanley, R. 1981, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87 125 Hose, A. 1963, 64 172 Nightingale, M. 1982 126 Suggars, W. 1963 173 Burke, G. 1982 127 Murphy, J. 1965, 66 174 Crank, M. 1983, 84, 85, 86, 90 128 Purcell, M. 1965, 66, 67 175 Lavin, P. 1983 129 Ryan, D. 1965, 66 176 Tighe, D. 1983 130 Barry, M. 1966, 71 177 Frawley, D. 1985, 86 131 Honan, B. 1966, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71 178 Grigg, P. 1985, 86, 87, 88, 89 Bolawagatabu, 179 132 1967, 68 Mills, P. 1985, 86, 87, 88 E. 180 McCall, R. 1986, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96 133 Costello, J. 1967 181 Partridge, S. 1987 134 Dunsdon, J. 1967, 68 182 Maguire, D. 1989, 90, 91, 92 135 Pope, A. 1967, 68, 69, 70, 71 183 Dodson, T. 1990 136 Shanahan, T. 1967 184 Eales, J. 1990, 91, 92, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 2000, 01 185 Ryan, M. 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96 8 186 Skeggs, A. 1991 9 187 Holt, M. 1993 10 188 Jefferies, K. 1993 189 Panoho, G. 1993, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 2000, 01, 02, 03 190 Tabua, I. 1993, 94, 95, 96 191 Bari, M. 1996 1 Hall, D. 1986 192 Cannon, B. 1996, 97, 98 2 Frawley, D. 1987 193 Daly, A. 1996 3 Merlo, A. 1990 194 Flatley, E. 1996, 97, 98, 99, 2000, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06 4 Daly, A. 1997 195 Carne, W. 1997 5 McKibbin, B. 2010 196 Coombe, A. 1997 6 197 Grant, L. 1997 7 198 Harley, A. 1997 8 199 Watkins, J. 1997, 98 9 200 Cordingley, S. 1999, 2000, 06, 07, 08 10 1999, 2000, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 201 Hardman, S. 10

202 Spooner, N. 1999 ACT (1996 - Present) 203 Croft, D. 2000, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08

204 Fava, S. 2000, 01 1 Ross, S. 1999, 2000 205 Daruda, S. 2005 2 Shaw, L. 2006 206 Sauer, A. 2005, 06, 09 3 207 Collis, D. 2005 4 208 Satui, S. 2006 5 209 McKibbin, B. 2009 210 Shaw, A.G. 2009, 10 211 Chambers, W. 2010, 11 WA FORCE (2006 - Present) 212 Shipperley, D. 2011, 12 1 213 Murphy, D.E. 2011, 12 Daruda, S. 2006, 07 214 Rapana, J. 2012 2 Mailata, T. 2006 215 3 Postal, T. 2010, 11 216 4 217 5 218 219 220 REBELS (2011 - Present)

1 Cordingley, S. 2011 QUEENSLAND SUBURBAN (1964-Present) 2

3 No. NAME HONOUR BOARD 1 Hoatson, K. 1996 4 2 Horton, T. 2002 5 3 Harrington, D. 2003 4 Klinge, R. 2003 5 Timmins, M. 2012

6 deWet, D. 2012 Correct as at 30 November 2012 7


PLAYER GAMES M. Andersen 95 J. Connolly 55 Bryan O’Connell 230 M. Ephraims 95 W. Andrews 55 James Windsor 181 B. Hunt 94 A. Apelt 54 Tony Shaw 180 A. Bennie 93 J. Grasso 54 Andrew Coady 173 K. Jefferies 93 J. McKendry 54 Paul Mills 168 S. Burstow 91 E. Bolawagatabu 53 Mark McBain 166 A. Cox 90 J. Murphy 52 Dan Tighe 160 M. Potts 88 J. Smith 52 Peter Lavin 158 Dallan Murphy 87 Z. Hilton 52 Mark Nightingale 156 J. Grant 85 C. Freney 51 Greg Burke 153 A. Dixon 84 D. Frawley 51 Simon Price 151 James Harvey 84 D. Woods 51 Michael Crank 146 G. Panoho 79 A. McLean 50 Paul Costello 145 Sean Ryan 78 C. Mounsey 50 Anthony Pyers 143 P. Moore 77 J. Bosanquet 50 Dominic Maguire 139 T. O'Sullivan 75 K. Stanton 50 John Watkins 138 B. Moon 74 B. Leal 49 Geoff White 135 B. Stapleton 72 J. Gabbett 49 Nathanuel Gendle 133 A. Dunn 70 L. Shaw 49 Damon Murphy 132 R. Cocks 69 Peter Sweeney 48 Matthew Dews 131 M. Flynn 68 A. Miller 47 Tim Dodson 129 P. Beckett 66 B. Dawson 47 Rod McCall 127 S. Reid 65 B. Delahunty 47 Stephen Partridge 127 T. D'Arcy 65 P. Twist 47 Anthony Sauer 126 D. Ryan 64 S. Windsor 47 David Logan 121 P. Stevens 64 F. Carmody 46 Tim Grady 120 G. Traill 63 T. O'Connell 46 115 J. Hannan 62 A. O'Brien 45 Paul McLean 113 P. French 62 K. Allen 45 Ron Price 113 K. Maccheroni 61 M. Itel 45 Paul Bone 112 R. Craig 61 M. Steele 45 Peter Tunney 111 L. Forbes 60 C. Forbes 44 Jason McCall 110 D. Dunworth 59 D. Marshall 44 Nathan Ross 110 G. Leyden 59 J. Dunsdon 44 Paul Doneley 110 P. O'Donnell 59 J. Eales 44 Ross Hanley 110 T. Jones 59 J. Maguire 44 Shaun O'Brien 110 J. Buchanan 58 P. Knapp 44 George 109 A. Merlo 57 B. Smith 43 Tagicakibau B. Walker 57 P. Loli 43 Dan Woolnough 108 D. Drake 57 Paul O'Brien 43 David Croft 108 D. L'Estrange 57 R. O'Malley 43 Jerry O'Reilly 106 J. McLaughlin 57 S. Grasso 43 Chris Handy 105 T. Corcoran 57 D. Kilmartin 42 Jason Woodward 104 B. McKibbin 56 Andrew Shaw 41 Brendan Gabbett 102 H. Clancy 56 D. Connor 41 Jason Aland 102 M. Halpin 56 G. Tracey 41 Michael Freney 100 R. Laracy 56 M. Ramalli 41 Shane Nightingale 100 D. O'Rourke 55 P. Grigg 41 P. Vola Vola 41 J. Johnston 30 P. Mooney 24 Sean W. Ryan 41 L. Beauchamp 30 P. O'Neill 24 W. Reilly 41 T. Honan 30 D. Bowman 23 Darren Murphy 40 B. Honan 29 D. Dunn 23 J. O'Connor 40 D. McCarthy 29 E. Allen 23 A. McLay 38 D. Shipperley 29 G. Kelly 23 D. Collis 38 G. Appleton 29 J. Carter 23 P. Heenan 38 J. Ellis 29 J. Narruhn 23 R. Vaughan 38 M. Barry 29 L. Reilly 23 A. Hose 37 Paul Sweeney 29 P. Reilly 23 B. Chalmers 37 B. McCormack 28 A. Harley 22 C. Bidois 37 C. Whyllie 28 B. Cannon 22 D. O'Neill 37 D. Mason 28 D. Kappu 22 M. Purcell 37 F. Wright 28 G. Lawler 22 C. Hammond 36 J. Grainger 28 M. Wiggins 22 H. Roberts 36 J. Suggars 28 P. Douglas 22 K. Ryan 36 J. Washington 28 S. Smith 22 R. Hose 36 Luke Harvey 28 T. Postal 22 S. Ross 36 M. Hefferan 28 A. Skeggs 21 D. Asprey 35 M. James 28 B. White 21 P. Frisby 35 M. Lyons 28 D. Dyson 21 A. Pope 34 M. Mahoney 28 D. Semple 21 G. Felsman 34 P. Hawke 28 Dennis Croft 21 G. Gross 34 R. Hogan 28 J. Fitzpatrick 21 P. D'Arcy 34 A. Wright 27 P. Hancock 21 V. McLoughlin 34 D. Dunsdon 27 R. Elmer 21 D. Carlton 33 D. Hall 27 R. Hoffman 21 D. Dalton 33 Iosefo Tabalala 27 R. McGruther 21 E. Flatley 33 P. Swepson 27 S. Fava 21 M. Ryan 33 S. Cordingley 27 T. McMahon 21 P. Neisler 33 T. Burkett 27 A. Coombe 20 R. Pentecost 33 T. Frisby 27 A. Hudson 20 S. Dahms 33 F. Bistrain 26 D. Campbell 20 T. Maccheroni 33 J. McLean 26 G. Millburn 20 T. Tabua 33 M. Geary 26 J. Delahunty 20 A. Boyd 32 N. Superina 26 J. Patane 20 A. Burtenshaw 32 R. Tully 26 J. Peters 20 B. Campbell 32 W. Brosnan 26 S. Sullivan 20 M. Conway 32 W. Grayson 26 T. Colley 20 R. Honan 32 G. Warren 25 A. Gold 19 Samiuela Satui 32 J. Power 25 B. Gillespie 19 W. Maki 32 L. Creighton 25 D. Gardner 19 B. Nadenic 31 S. Best 25 E. Burke 19 I. Thomson 31 S. Kelly 25 G. Hutchinson 19 J. Durkin 31 S. Seruvakula 25 L. Barber 19 J. Tolhurst 31 J. Bourke 24 M. Braithwaite 19 M. Edwards 31 J. Costello 24 M. Cullinan 19 N. O'Connor 31 P. Connors 24 M. Felsman 19 M. Gaviolli 19 M. Shanahan 15 C. Windsor 11 M. Twist 19 P. Buxton 15 D. O'Brien 11 N. Freney 19 P. Leary 15 E. Gillen 11 P. Stephenson 19 P. Murray 15 F. Arnell 11 B. Perkins 18 P. Wall 15 G. Frisby 11 D. Hannay 18 R. Cook 15 H. Adams 11 D. Taikato-Simpson 18 S. Whalley 15 H. Rickitt 11 J. Martin 18 V. Nuggin 15 L. Gibbons 11 K. Sanday 18 A. Hammond 14 L. Grant 11 M. Morgan 18 A. Hefferan 14 M. Bari 11 P. Andrews 18 B. Power 14 M. Cook 11 P. McGrath 18 D. Greathead 14 M. Sinclair 11 P. Tully 18 D. Hennegan 14 P. Gilbert 11 R. Kennedy 18 D. McKay 14 P. Lewis 11 R. McCrane 18 J. Healy 14 P. Lung 11 T. Collins 18 K. Francis 14 P. Rhead 11 T. Sayer 18 M. Dennehy 14 R. Kelly 11 W. Beck 18 A. Copping 13 S. Gelling 11 B. Condon 17 A. Scarbosio 13 W. Maher 11 D. Hedditch 17 D. Steele 13 A. Cruice 10 G. Esmonde 17 E. Skelton 13 B. Howell 10 L. Donald 17 G. Cameron 13 B. McGarry 10 M. Thompson 17 G. McNamara 13 D. Corbenici 10 N. Fleming 17 G. Vincent 13 E. Glasson 10 P. Harvey 17 J. Cleary 13 J. Atu 10 S. Daruda 17 K. Fitzpatrick 13 J. Baker 10 T. Jack 17 L. Evans 13 K. Carmody 10 T. Sweeney 17 M. Faoagali 13 M. Slade 10 V. Hogan 17 M. O'Connor 13 N. Spooner 10 W. Gray 17 T. Fogarty 13 P. Conran 10 C. Gentle 16 A. Cowley 12 P. Dwyer 10 I. Tabua 16 B. Rummery 12 P. Jacks 10 J. Betts 16 J. Clark 12 P. Wallace 10 R. Dunsdon 16 J. French 12 P. Zappala 10 R. Korst 16 J. Hawes 12 R. Chapman 10 R. Noud 16 L. McKeown 12 R. Schultz 10 S. Handy 16 M. Miller 12 T. Walker 10 W. Challenor 16 M. Richardson 12 A. Fanning 9 A. Hacker 15 M. Sitch 12 A. Rae 9 D. Dowling 15 M.R. Smith 12 Angus Cameron 9 G. Barnard 15 P. Fleming 12 B. Hose 9 G. Crocombe 15 P. O'Brien 12 C. Anderson 9 J. Bennie 15 R. Andersen 12 E. Naiwasetawa 9 J. Lynch 15 R. Leeson 12 G. Campbell 9 K. Lusk 15 T. Canty 12 G. Davies 9 M. Blockey 15 B. Hart 11 J. Barry 9 M. Cristan 15 B. Phelps 11 J. Crowley 9 M. McGrath 15 C. Osborne 11 J. Flynn 9 J. Gordon 9 G. Berkeley 7 T. Newsome 6 J. Roderick 9 G. Gallagher 7 W. Reid 6 K. McCormack 9 J. Burke 7 W. Suggars 6 M. Arnold 9 J. Fogarty 7 A. O'Loan 5 M. Fogarty 9 Jason Harvey 7 B. Felsman 5 Peter Fitzgerald 9 J. Rapana 7 B. Knapp 5 R. Currie 9 M. Kreis 7 B. McCall 5 S. Healy 9 M. Murray 7 B. Meapo 5 T. Daly 9 M. O'Brien 7 B. Wood 5 T. McKellar 9 R. Winterscheidt 7 D. Deignan 5 A. Carr 8 S. Cash 7 D. Flynn 5 A. O'Neill 8 S. Cox 7 D. Lyons 5 B. Berge 8 S. Fonoti 7 D. Swepson 5 B. Daly 8 S. McCarthy 7 F. McDonnell 5 C. Cronin 8 Sitani Satui 7 G. Swepson 5 C. Walker 8 T. Cassidy 7 G. Walker 5 D. Guilfoyle 8 T. Ludbrook 7 J. Buchholtz 5 D.J. Marshall 8 T. Mailata 7 J. Cummins 5 D. O'Hara 8 T. Reid 7 J. Wright 5 G. Cootes 8 T. Shanahan 7 K. Bourke 5 J. Bruce 8 W. Ryall 7 M. Crossland 5 J. Keane 8 B. Collins 6 M. Frawley 5 L. Harvey 8 B. Rigg 6 N. Schwarzer 5 N. Davis 8 B. Wellbrook 6 P. Burnett 5 N. Proctor 8 C. White 6 P. Stevenson 5 P. Graham 8 D. Partridge 6 R. Klinge 5 P. Hollamby 8 D. Smith 6 R. Lemass 5 R. Aldridge 8 G. McGrath 6 T. Ah Ben 5 R. Doherty 8 G. Tonner 6 V. Oxenford 5 R. Graham 8 J. Gibbons 6 W. Reeves 5 R. Hickey 8 J. O'Callaghan 6 A. Buckley 4 S. Edwards 8 K. Flexman 6 B. Conway 4 S. Tagicakibau 8 K. Krueger 6 B. Kehoe 4 W. Martell 8 L. Hegerty 6 C. Johnson 4 A. Davidson 7 L. Kelly 6 C. Niwa 4 A. James 7 M. Anderton 6 D. Bechler 4 B. Deignan 7 M. Kearney 6 D. Coles 4 B. Warnick 7 M. Luddy 6 D. Moore 4 C. Campbell 7 N. Morrison 6 F. Bourke 4 C. Ferraro 7 O. Mayhew 6 G. Clouston 4 C. Lawson 7 P. Byrne 6 G. Kerr 4 C. Massie 7 P. McGill 6 Geoff Lawler 4 C. Stewart 7 R. Baker 6 J. Coutts 4 D. Aleckson 7 R. Culpitt 6 J. McCallum 4 D. Bartlett 7 R. Hawton 6 J. Muisneiks 4 D. Dignam 7 T. Bryce 6 K. Tuicolo 4 D. Staley 7 T. Dixon 6 N. Stanley 4 D. Suki 7 T. McDonnell 6 P. Cartwright 4 P. Moloney 4 Paul Williams 3 M. Grainger 2 P. O'Malley 4 R. Dunworth 3 M. Hurley 2 P. Spizziri 4 R. Freney 3 M. Keen 2 P. Twomey 4 S. Driscoll 3 M. Windsor 2 R. Budd 4 S. Flynn 3 N. Hunt 2 S. Bikneris 4 T. Dunworth 3 N. Winkler 2 S. Fiti 4 T. Young 3 P. Bourke 2 S. Guthrie 4 Tim Shaw 3 P. Crowley 2 T. Barbour 4 W. Corbett 3 P. Healy 2 T. Enright 4 A. Borle 2 P. Howlie 2 T. McCulloch 4 A. Hayes 2 P. O'Shea 2 W. Hammond 4 A. Tuibua 2 P. Taylor 2 A. Cameron 3 B. Abbott 2 R. Dunn 2 A. Nixon 3 B. Fogarty 2 R. Goodwin 2 B. Grayson 3 B. McKenzie 2 R. Howden 2 B. Healy 3 B. Pascoe 2 R. Martin 2 B. McGrath 3 B. Reid 2 R. Ure 2 B. Origlasso 3 C. Carlton 2 S. Hennesy 2 B. Taylor 3 C. Flack 2 S. Ohiyama 2 C. Milligan 3 C. Shilley 2 S. Roberts 2 C. O'Connor 3 Christian Anderson 2 S. Simpson 2 C. Wilder 3 D. Barr 2 Steve Smith 2 D. Fraser 3 D. Eri 2 T. Begg 2 D. McGrath 3 D. Harrington 2 T. Graham 2 G. Conaghan 3 D. Hicks 2 T. Haidley 2 H. Hamilton 3 D. Hinch 2 T. Pagliaro 2 J. Allen 3 D. Kent 2 T. Spencer 2 J. Breen 3 D. Lavercombe 2 T. Wiley 2 J. Carpenter 3 D. Marsh 2 W. Chambers 2 J. Gardener 3 D. Wright 2 W. Mace 2 J. Gray 3 F. Mitchell 2 W. Purcell 2 J. Heineger 3 G. Huntington 2 A. Cunneen 1 J. Keppie 3 G. Kirk 2 A. Ingram 1 K. McMahon 3 G. Waters 2 A. McDonald 1 K. Moeke 3 I. McCulloch 2 A. Nock 1 K. Spillane 3 I. Warmington 2 A. Soanes 1 K. Whelan 3 J. Aloua 2 B. Canniffe 1 L. Williams 3 J. Barnett 2 B. Hayes 1 M. Barbosa 3 J. Hamilton 2 B. Hyne 1 M. Sloan 3 J. McGilvary 2 B. Jones 1 M. Tancred 3 J. McMahon 2 B. McCarthy 1 P. Bader 3 L. Cella 2 B. Miller 1 P. Edwards 3 L. Clarke 2 B. Ryan 1 P. Menzies 3 Luke Donald 2 B. Steele 1 P. Siulangapo 3 M. Allen 2 B. Stewart 1 P. Thompson 3 M. Blair 2 B. Williams 1 P. Verhoven 3 M. Corbett 2 B. Wyllie 1 P. Williams 3 M. Cranitch 2 C. Maxwell 1 C. Meehan 1 J. Vail 1 P. Johnson 1 C. Rock 1 J. Zehmke 1 P. Netto-Fernandes 1 C. Sinapati 1 K. Cuminer 1 P. Nolan 1 D. Chapman 1 K. Murphy 1 R. Buckby 1 D. Crowe 1 L. Hannan 1 R. Coetzee 1 D. Ford 1 L. McKeering 1 R. Crane 1 D. Gornall 1 Lee Evans 1 R. Faiva 1 D. Kissane 1 M. Copeman 1 R. Mackay 1 D. Rangi 1 M. Doxey 1 R. Moore 1 D. Robertson 1 M. Gibson 1 R. Nalatu 1 D. Scott 1 M. Healy 1 R. Rinaudo 1 D. Thompson 1 M. Joyce 1 R. Walk 1 D. Tinney 1 M. Keam 1 R. Webb 1 Dan Dalton 1 M. Leota 1 S. Brown 1 E. Aila 1 M. Linnane 1 S. King 1 E. Nogoua 1 M. McCarthy 1 S. Maidment 1 F. Wilkinson 1 M. Muttakumaru 1 S. McKellar 1 G. Anderson 1 M. Neville 1 S. Milfull 1 G. Asprey 1 M. Patuara 1 S. Paramore 1 G. Brandenberg 1 M. Pike 1 S. Waqanaceva 1 G. Dearlove 1 M. Skinner 1 S. Williams 1 G. Fowler 1 M. Tanwan 1 T. Dammers 1 G. Jesson 1 Michael Ryan 1 T. Favell 1 G. Lalor 1 N. Mullen 1 T. Hilton 1 G. Lynch 1 N. Patrick 1 T. Lola 1 J. Beiers 1 N. Steel 1 T. McCormack 1 J. Colvin 1 P. Adams 1 T. Phillips 1 J. Fenton 1 P. Ahern 1 T. Siale 1 J. Hegarty 1 P. Baxter 1 W. Avery 1 J. Kavanagh 1 P. Bradley 1 W. Carne 1 J. Kenny 1 P. Caldwell 1 W. Miller 1 J. King 1 P. Cannon 1 J. McKeon 1 P. Cavanagh 1 J. McVeigh 1 P. Dornan 1 J. More 1 Pierce Fitzgerald 1 J. Ray 1 P. Hyland 1 J. Roussetos 1 P. Jarrett 1


Minor Premiers, Winners of the Welsby Cup, Horsley Trophy & Templeton-McLean Cup

VALE - Brian Felsman

Brothers Old Boy Brian Felsman, father of premiership player & committee member Greg and grandfather of Reds Academy & Premier Grade player Mitchell, passed away on Tuesday 20th November. The funeral was held on Monday 26th November, at Mary Help of Christians Catholic Church, Hendra and Brian was laid to rest in Nudgee Cemetery.