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Elon Musk: The World’s Raddest man

The founder of SpaceX, Tesla, SolarCity

Ringle Great people. Great conversation. Great English. Just for you. 0 본 자료는 저작권 법에 의해 보호되는 저작물로, Ringle 사에 저작권이 존재합니다. 해당 자료에 대한 무단 복제/배포를 금하며, 해당 자료로 수익을 얻거나 이에 상응하는 혜택을 누릴 시 Ringle 과 사전 협의가 없는 경우 고소/고발 조치 될 수 있습니다. This material is exclusively prepared for Ringle Customers

Required preparations before the session (For Student)

 Step 1: Please read the summary (Written in English on page 2)

 Step 2: Please read today’s article (on page 3~11)

 Article: , The World’s Raddest man

 Step 3: Please view the following video clip(links on page 12)

 Video: Elon Musk: The mind behind Tesla, SpaceX, SolarCity (TED Talk)

 Step 4: Please check the 9 key questions listed on page 13~18

 Step 5: Please study the key business-related expressions and terms on page 19~23

 Step 6: Please finish the 2 assignments before the session

 Assignment #1: Prepare a brief summary of this article (up to 2 minutes presentation)

 Assignment #2: Build your own perspectives and short answers for each key question (up to 1~2 minutes speech for each question)

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Elon Musk, the founder of , Tesla, SpaceX, SolarCity, is often compared to the famous Marble hero, Iron Man

During his college years, he asked himself “What will most affect the future of humanity” and came up with five things and within those, decided to focus on the three things that he was sure to have a positive impact on humanity in the near future: the internet, sustainable energy, and space exploration.

He first started with the internet and became a multi-millionaire with the success of Paypal in 2002. In the four years following his success with Paypal, he founded three companies: SpaceX, to revolutionize space exploration through cheap, reusable rockets; Tesla, to develop a full electric car to be accelerate the use of sustainable energy; SolarCity, to popularize solar energy.

The three companies faced a huge crisis during global recession in 2008, but was able to miraculously over the crisis. SpaceX was able to launch rocket at a quarter cost of the previously prevailing cost. Tesla was able to successfully launch its premium electric car in 2014 and is currently working on a more affordable model priced around $30k.

Who is this man in the forefront of revolutionizing zero-emission transportation, renewable energy, and space exploration? What motivates Elon Musk?

Use your Ringle sessions to exchange opinions with Ringle tutors.

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[Today’s article]

Elon Musk: [1] The World’s Raddest man

(Article published at May 2015 by Tim Urban, one of the famous bloggers in Silicon Valley)

Last month, I got a surprising phone call.

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Elon Musk, for those unfamiliar, is the world’s raddest man.

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Whatever skeptics have said can’t be done, Elon has gone out and made real. Remember in the 1990s, when we would call strangers and give them our credit-card numbers? Elon dreamed up a little thing called PayPal. [2] His Tesla Motors and SolarCity companies are making a clean, renewable-energy future a reality…his SpaceX [is] reopening space for exploration…it’s a paradox that Elon is working to improve our planet at the same time he’s building spacecraft to help us leave it.

The problem with Elon Fucking Musk, though, is that he happens to be involved in all of the following industries: . Automotive . Aerospace . Solar Energy . Energy Storage . Satellite . High-Speed Ground Transportation . And, um, Multi-Planetary Expansion

We’ll dive deep into Musk’s companies and the industries surrounding them in the coming posts, [3] but today, let’s start by going over exactly who this dude is and why he’s such a big deal.

The Making of Elon Musk

Musk was born in 1971 in South Africa. Childhood wasn’t a great time for him—he had a tough family life and never fit in well at school. But, like you often read in the bios of extraordinary people, he was an avid self-learner early on. His brother Kimbal has said Elon would often read for 10 hours a day—a lot of science fiction and eventually, a lot of non-fiction too.

He became consumed with a second fixation at the age of nine when he got his hands on his first computer. It came with five kilobytes of memory and a “how to program” guide that was intended to take the user six months to complete. Nine-year-old Elon finished it in three days. At 12, he used his skills to create a video game called Blastar, which he told me was “a trivial game…but better than Flappy Bird.” But in 1983, it was good enough to be sold to a computer magazine for $500 ($1,200 in today’s money).

Silicon Valley as the Promised Land, and at the age of 17, he left South Africa forever. He started out in Canada, which was an easier place to immigrate to because his mom is a Canadian citizen, and a few years later, used a college transfer to the University of Pennsylvania as a way into the US. 5 본 자료는 저작권 법에 의해 보호되는 저작물로, Ringle 사에 저작권이 존재합니다. 해당 자료에 대한 무단 복제/배포를 금하며, 해당 자료로 수익을 얻거나 이에 상응하는 혜택을 누릴 시 Ringle 과 사전 협의가 없는 경우 고소/고발 조치 될 수 있습니다. This material is exclusively prepared for Ringle Customers

In college, he thought about what he wanted to do with his life, using as his starting point the question, “What will most affect the future of humanity?” The answer he came up with was a list of five things: “the internet; sustainable energy; space exploration, in particular the permanent extension of life beyond Earth; artificial intelligence; and reprogramming the human genetic code.”

[4] He was iffy about how positive the impact of the latter two would be, and though he was optimistic about each of the first three, he never considered at the time that he’d ever be involved in space exploration. That left the internet and sustainable energy as his options.

He decided to go with sustainable energy. After finishing college, he enrolled in a Stanford PhD program to study high energy density capacitors, a technology aimed at coming up with a more efficient way than traditional batteries to store energy—which he knew could be key to a sustainable energy future and help accelerate the advent of an electric car industry.

But two days into the program, he got massive FOMO because it was 1995 and he “couldn’t stand to just watch the internet go by—[he] wanted to jump in and make it better.” So he dropped out and decided to try the internet instead.

His first move was to go try to get a job at the monster of the 1995 internet, Netscape. The tactic he came up with was to walk into the lobby, uninvited, stand there awkwardly, be too shy to talk to anyone, and walk out.

[5] Musk bounced back from the unimpressive career beginning by teaming up with his brother Kimbal (who had followed Elon to the US) to start their own company—Zip2. Zip2 was like a primitive combination of and Google Maps, far before anything like either of those existed. The brothers had no money, slept in the office and showered at the YMCA, and Elon, their lead programmer, sat obsessively at his computer working around the clock.

In 1995, it was hard to convince businesses that the internet was important—many told them that advertising on the internet sounded like “[6] the dumbest thing they had ever heard of”—but eventually, they began to rack up customers and the company grew. It was the heat of the 90s internet boom, startup companies were being snatched up left and right, and in 1999, Compaq snatched up Zip2 for $307 million. Musk, who was 27, made off with $22 million.

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[7] In what would become a recurring theme for Musk, he finished one venture and immediately dove into a new, harder, more complex one. He plunged three quarters of his net worth into his new idea, an outrageously bold plan to build essentially an online bank—replete with checking, savings, and brokerage accounts—called [8] This seems less insane now, but in 1999, an internet startup trying to compete with the large banks was unheard of.

In the same building that worked out of was another internet finance company called , founded by and Max Levchin. One of’s many features was an easy money-transfer service, and later, Confinity would develop a similar service. Both companies began to notice a strong demand for their money-transfer service, which put the two companies in sudden furious competition with each other, and they finally decided to just merge into what we know today as PayPal.

This brought together a lot of egos and conflicting opinions—Musk was now joined by Peter Thiel and a bunch of other now-super-successful internet guys—and despite the company growing rapidly, things inside the office did not go smoothly. The conflicts boiled over in late 2000, and when Musk was on a half fundraising trip / half honeymoon (with his first wife Justine), the anti-Musk crowd staged a coup and replaced him as CEO with Thiel. Musk handled this surprisingly well, and to this day, he says he doesn’t agree with that decision but he understands why they did it. [9] He stayed on the team in a senior role, continued investing in the company, and played an instrumental role in selling the company to eBay in 2002, for $1.5 billion. Musk, the company’s largest shareholder, walked away with $180 million.

In 2002, before the sale of PayPal even went through, Musk starting voraciously reading about rocket technology, and later that year, with $100 million, he started one of the most unthinkable and ill-advised ventures of all time: a rocket company called SpaceX, whose stated purpose was to revolutionize the cost of space travel in order to make humans a multi-planetary species by colonizing Mars with at least a million people over the next century.

Then, in 2004, as that “project” was just getting going, Musk decided to multi-task by launching the second-most unthinkable and ill-advised venture of all time: an electric car company called Tesla, whose stated purpose was to revolutionize the worldwide car industry by significantly accelerating the advent of a mostly-electric-car world—in order to bring humanity on a huge leap toward a sustainable energy future. Musk funded this one personally as well, pouring in $70 million, despite the tiny fact that the last time a US car startup succeeded was Chrysler in 1925, and the last time someone started a successful electric car startup was never.

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And since why the fuck not, a couple years later, in 2006, he threw in $10 million to found, with his cousins, another company, called SolarCity, whose goal was to revolutionize energy production by creating a large, distributed utility that would install solar panel systems on millions of people’s homes, dramatically reducing their consumption of fossil fuel-generated electricity and ultimately “accelerating mass adoption of sustainable energy.”

If you were observing all of this in those four years following the PayPal sale, you’d think it was a sad story. [10] A delusional internet millionaire, comically in over his head with a slew of impossible projects, doing everything he could to squander his fortune.

By 2008, this seemed to be playing out, to the letter. SpaceX had figured out how to build rockets, just not rockets that actually worked—it had attempted three launches so far and all three had blown up before reaching orbit. In order to bring in any serious outside investment or payload contracts, SpaceX had to show that they could successfully launch a rocket—but Musk said he had funds left for one and only one more launch. If the fourth launch also failed, SpaceX would be done.

Meanwhile, up in the Bay Area, Tesla was also in the shit. They had yet to deliver their first car —the Tesla Roadster—to the market, which didn’t look good to the outside world. This would have been more okay if the global economy hadn’t suddenly crashed, hitting the automotive industry the absolute hardest and sucking dry any flow of investments into car companies, especially new and unproven ones. And Tesla was running out of money fast.

During this double implosion of his career, the one thing that held stable and strong in Musk’s life was his marriage of eight years, if by stable and strong you mean falling apart entirely in a soul-crushing, messy divorce.


But here’s the thing—Musk is not a fool, and he hadn’t built bad companies. He had built very, very good companies. It’s just that creating a reliable rocket is unfathomably difficult, as is launching a startup car company, and because no one wanted to invest in what seemed to the outside world like overambitious and probably-doomed ventures—especially during a recession—Musk had to rely on his own personal funds. PayPal made him rich, but not rich enough to keep these companies afloat for very long on his own. Without outside money, both SpaceX and Tesla had a short runway. So it’s not that SpaceX and Tesla were bad—it’s that they needed more time to succeed, and they were out of time. 8 본 자료는 저작권 법에 의해 보호되는 저작물로, Ringle 사에 저작권이 존재합니다. 해당 자료에 대한 무단 복제/배포를 금하며, 해당 자료로 수익을 얻거나 이에 상응하는 혜택을 누릴 시 Ringle 과 사전 협의가 없는 경우 고소/고발 조치 될 수 있습니다. This material is exclusively prepared for Ringle Customers

And then, in the most dire hour, everything turned around.

First, in September of 2008, SpaceX launched their fourth rocket—and their last one if it didn’t successfully put a payload into orbit—and it succeeded. Perfectly.

That was enough for NASA to say “fuck it, let’s give this Musk guy a try,” and it took a gamble, offering SpaceX a $1.6 billion contract to carry out 12 launches for the agency. Runway extended. SpaceX saved. The next day, on Christmas Eve 2008, when Musk scrounged up the last money he could manage to keep Tesla going, Tesla’s investors reluctantly agreed to match his investment. Runway extended. Tesla saved.

Since their first three failed launches, SpaceX has launched 20 times—all successes. NASA is now a regular client, and one of many, since the innovations at SpaceX have allowed companies to launch things to space for the lowest cost in history. Within those 20 launches have been all kinds of “firsts” for a commercial rocket company—to this day, the four entities in history who have managed to launch a spacecraft into orbit and successfully return it to Earth are the US, Russia, China—and SpaceX. SpaceX is currently testing their new spacecraft, which will bring humans to space, and they’re busy at work on the much larger rocket that will be able to bring 100 people to Mars at once. A recent investment by Google and Fidelity has valued the company at $12 billion.

Tesla’s Model S has become a smashing success, blowing away the automotive industry with the highest ever Consumer Reports rating of a 99/100, and the highest safety rating in history from the National Highway Safety Administration, a 5.4/5. Now they’re getting closer and closer to releasing their true disruptor—the much more affordable Model 3—and the company’s market cap is just under $30 billion. They’re also becoming the world’s most formidable battery company, currently working on their giant Nevada “Gigafactory,” which will more than double the world’s total annual production of lithium-ion batteries.

SolarCity, which went public in 2012, now has a market cap of just under $6 billion and has become the largest installer of solar panels in the US. They’re now building the country’s largest solar panel- manufacturing factory in Buffalo, and they’ll likely be entering into a partnership with Tesla to package their product with Tesla’s new home battery, the Powerwall. And since that’s not enough, in his spare time, Musk is pushing the development a whole new mode of transport—the Hyperloop.

Musk’s current net worth clocks in at $12.9 billion. 9 본 자료는 저작권 법에 의해 보호되는 저작물로, Ringle 사에 저작권이 존재합니다. 해당 자료에 대한 무단 복제/배포를 금하며, 해당 자료로 수익을 얻거나 이에 상응하는 혜택을 누릴 시 Ringle 과 사전 협의가 없는 경우 고소/고발 조치 될 수 있습니다. This material is exclusively prepared for Ringle Customers

All of this has made Musk somewhat of a living legend. In building a successful automotive startup and its worldwide network of Supercharger stations, Musk has been compared to visionary industrialists like Henry Ford and John D. Rockefeller. The pioneering work of SpaceX on rocket technology has led to comparisons to Howard Hughes, and [11] many have drawn parallels between Musk and Thomas Edison because of the advancements in engineering Musk has been able to achieve across industries. Perhaps most often, he’s compared to Steve Jobs, for his remarkable ability to disrupt giant, long-stagnant industries with things customers didn’t even know they wanted. Some believe he’ll be remembered in a class of his own. Tech writer and Musk biographer Ashlee Vance has suggested that what Musk is building “has the potential to be much grander than anything Hughes or Jobs produced. Musk has taken industries like aerospace and automotive that America seemed to have given up on and recast them as something new and fantastic.”

And this is the man I was somehow on the phone with as I frantically paced back and forth in my apartment, in pajama pants.

On the call, he made it clear that he wasn’t looking for me to advertise his companies—he only wanted me to help explain what’s going on in the worlds surrounding those companies and why the things happening with electric cars, sustainable energy production, and aerospace matter so much.

He seemed particularly bored with people spending time writing about him—he feels there are so many things of critical importance going on in the industries he’s involved in, and every time someone writes about him, he wishes they were writing about fossil fuel supply or battery advancements or the importance of making humanity multi-planetary (this is especially clear in the intro to the upcoming biography on him, when the author explains how not interested Musk was in having a bio written about him).

So I’m sure this first post, whose title is “Elon Musk: The World’s Raddest Man,”will annoy him. But I have reasons. To me, there are two worthy areas of exploration in this post series:

1) To understand why Musk is doing what he’s doing. [12] He deeply believes that he’s taken on the most pressing possible causes to give humanity the best chance of a good future. I want to explore those causes in depth and the reasons he’s so concerned about them.

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2) To understand why Musk is able to do what he’s doing. There are a few people in each generation who dramatically change the world, and those people are worth studying. They do things differently from everyone else—and I think there’s a lot to learn from them.

Source of Article: ucks_starts_in_san_francisco.html

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[Video clip]

Please watch these video clips

 Elon Musk: The mind behind Tesla, SpaceX, SolarCity (TED Talk) spacex_solarcity?language=en

Introduction of Ted Talk by Elon Musk: Entrepreneur Elon Musk is a man with many plans. The founder of PayPal, Tesla Motors and SpaceX sits down with TED curator Chris Anderson to share details about his visionary projects, which include a mass-marketed electric car, a solar energy leasing company and a fully reusable rocket

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[9 Key Questions]

#1. Intro questions

 Can you summarize the main points of the article in one or two sentences?  Can you summarize the main points of the video clip (TED Talk) in one or two sentences?

#2. His college years

“In college, Elon Musk thought about what he wanted to do with his life, using as his starting point the question, “What will most affect the future of humanity?” The answer he came up with was a list of five things: “the internet; sustainable energy; space exploration, in particular the permanent extension of life beyond Earth; artificial intelligence; and reprogramming the human genetic code.”

He was iffy about how positive the impact of the latter two would be, and though he was optimistic about each of the first three, he never considered at the time that he’d ever be involved in space exploration. That left the internet and sustainable energy as his options.”

 Q2-1: What do you think of the list of five things that Elon Musk chose in the early 1990s when he was an undergraduate? Do you think he was right?  Q2-2: Why did Elon Musk prioritize the internet, sustainable energy and space exploration as the top 3 agenda of his life? What were the rationales behind the selection?  Q2-3: If you were Elon Musk, what would your top 3 technologies be and why?  Q2-4: What is your list of technologies that will most affect the future of human lives?

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#3. Zip 2 and Paypal (Internet-based start-ups)

 Q3-1: Could you briefly summarize the business models of his internet-based start-ups, Zip 2 & Paypal? How were the results?

“In 1995, Elon Musk headed to Stanford University in California to pursue a PhD in energy physics. However, he only attended the school for two days before dropping out to start his first company, Zip2 Corporation, which provided online content publishing software for news organizations.”

 Q3-2: Why do you think that he gave up studying sustainable energy (one of his top prioritized sections) at Stanford, and rather, created an internet-based start-up? Do you think this was a right decision?

“In 2002, before the sale of PayPal even went through, Musk starting voraciously reading about rocket technology, and later that year, with $100 million, he started one of the most unthinkable and ill-advised ventures of all time: a rocket company called SpaceX. Then, in 2004, as that “project” was just getting going, Musk decided to multi-task by launching the second-most unthinkable and ill-advised venture of all time: an electric car company called Tesla.”

 Q3-3: Based on your educated guess, why did he not create more internet companies after his success of Paypal? Why did he move on to the sustainable energy and space exploration sectors?

“In October 2002, PayPal was acquired by eBay for US$1.5 billion in stock. Before its sale, Musk, the company's largest shareholder, owned 11.7 percent of PayPal's shares.”

 Q3-4: If you were Elon Musk, what would your next step be after the successful exit of Paypal?

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(e.g., Peter Thiel, co-founders of Paypal created VCs to support young entrepreneur, and other founding members did angel investment and enjoyed their lives) #4. Tesla (Please see the video clip to answer the questions)

[Roadster: Tesla’s first all-electronic car, which starts at around $100,000]

[Model S: Tesla’s second all-electronic car, which starts at around $50,000]

[Model X: Tesla’s third all-electronic car, which starts at around $30,000]

“Most of American electricity comes from burning fossil fuels. How can an electronic car that plugs into the electricity help preserve environment?”

 Q4-1: In TED talk, how did Elon Musk counter the criticism above?  Q4-2: Which opinion do you agree with and why? (Do you think Tesla helps minimize environmental problem?)

15 본 자료는 저작권 법에 의해 보호되는 저작물로, Ringle 사에 저작권이 존재합니다. 해당 자료에 대한 무단 복제/배포를 금하며, 해당 자료로 수익을 얻거나 이에 상응하는 혜택을 누릴 시 Ringle 과 사전 협의가 없는 경우 고소/고발 조치 될 수 있습니다. This material is exclusively prepared for Ringle Customers

“The goal of Tesla has always been to have a sort of three-step process, where version one was an expensive car at low volume, version two is medium priced and medium volume, and then version three would be low price, high volume. So we are at step two at this point.

So, we had a $100,000 sports car, which was the Roadster. Then we’ve got the Model S, which starts at around $50,000. And our third generation car, which should hopefully be out in about three or four years will be a $30,000 car. But whenever you’ve got really new technology, it generally takes about three major versions in order to make it a compelling mass-market product”

 Q4-3: What do you think of his three step roadmap to become a mass-market vehicle? (First step: high priced-low volume, Second step: medium priced-medium volume, Final step: low priced-high volume)

#5. SolarCity (Please see the video clip to answer the questions)

 Q5-1: Why did Elon Musk think solar energy is the most attractive energy among various green energy sources such as wind power, tidal energy and hydrogen energy

“Cons of Solar Energy: The most significant con of solar energy is how much it costs to install the solar panels on your home. Presently, costs of the best quality solar cells might be above $1000, and a few families may require more than one. This makes the starting cost of solar panels expensive.”

 Q5-2: How did Elon Musk solve the problem mentioned above?

“I think it’s a good thing because utilities have been this monopoly, and people haven’t had any choice. So effectively it’s the first time there’s been competition for this monopoly, because the utilities have been only ones that owned those power distribution lines, but now it’s on your roof. So I think it’s actually very empowering for homeowners and businesses”

 If private utilities were expanded, how would the price of electricity change? What are the potential benefits to customers and businesses?

16 본 자료는 저작권 법에 의해 보호되는 저작물로, Ringle 사에 저작권이 존재합니다. 해당 자료에 대한 무단 복제/배포를 금하며, 해당 자료로 수익을 얻거나 이에 상응하는 혜택을 누릴 시 Ringle 과 사전 협의가 없는 경우 고소/고발 조치 될 수 있습니다. This material is exclusively prepared for Ringle Customers

#6. SpaceX (Please see the video clip to answer the questions)

 Q6-1: According to Elon Musk’s TED Talk, what is his goal with SpaceX? Could you support his vision for space exploration business?

“So you (Elon Musk) have somehow slashed the cost of building a rocket by 75%, depending on how you calculate it. NASA has been doing this for years. How have you done this?

Elon Musk: Well, we’ve made significant advances in the technology of the airframe, the engines, the electronics and the launch operation. The biggest innovation is that we make a reusable rocket. All rockets that fly today are fully expendable. The space shuttle was an attempt at a reusable rocket, but even the main tank of the space shuttle was thrown away every time, and the parts that were reusable took a 10,000-person group nine months for reusable for flight. So the space shuttle ended up costing a billion dollars per flight. So the important that the rocket stages be able to come back, to be able to return to the launch site and be ready to launch again within a matter of hours. Reusable Rocket.”  Q6-2: Why is SpaceX trying to cut down the cost of the rocket? How does the reusable rocket reduce the total cost?

“You didn’t patent this technologies. You didn’t patent because you think it’s more dangerous to patent than not to patent.

Elon Musk: Since our primary competitors are national governments, the enforceability of patents is questionable”

 Q6-3: Why did SpaceX not patent its core technologies to protect its business from competitors and to enjoy exclusive rights?

17 본 자료는 저작권 법에 의해 보호되는 저작물로, Ringle 사에 저작권이 존재합니다. 해당 자료에 대한 무단 복제/배포를 금하며, 해당 자료로 수익을 얻거나 이에 상응하는 혜택을 누릴 시 Ringle 과 사전 협의가 없는 경우 고소/고발 조치 될 수 있습니다. This material is exclusively prepared for Ringle Customers

#7. Tesla, Solar City, SpaceX  Q7-1: What are the strengths and weaknesses of each company?  Q7-2: If you are an investor, in which companies would you invest your fund and why?

#8. Current energy and automobile industry in Korea

 Q8-1: What are the current situations of electronic car, solar energy, and rocket businesses in South Korea?  Q2-2: How would the market position of Hyundai-Kia motors, SK Gas/Hanwha energy change in the future?

#9. Wrap-up

 Q9-1: What matters most to Elon Musk?  Q9-2: What did you learn from his life?  Q9-3: Could you share one thing that you will change from now on based on what you learned from Elon Musk?

18 본 자료는 저작권 법에 의해 보호되는 저작물로, Ringle 사에 저작권이 존재합니다. 해당 자료에 대한 무단 복제/배포를 금하며, 해당 자료로 수익을 얻거나 이에 상응하는 혜택을 누릴 시 Ringle 과 사전 협의가 없는 경우 고소/고발 조치 될 수 있습니다. This material is exclusively prepared for Ringle Customers

[Key business related terms and expressions]

[1] raddest: 가장 급진적인(slang)  [영영사전] rad: informal  [Ringle 에서 드리는 tip] Most radical 의 slang version 이기 때문에 Formal setting 에서는 the most radical 이라고 써야합니다  [예문 1] Elon Musk:_The World’s Raddest man: 세상에서 가장 급진적인 남자, 엘론 머스크  [예문 2] The proposals for the web -service division are probably the most bold and radical in the group of amendments: 웹서비스 사업부를 위한 제안 사항들이 수정사항들 중 가장 과감하고 급진적인 듯 하다.

[2] make a ~~ future a reality: ~~한 미래를 현실로 만들다  Ex) Emissions trading is a cost-effective way of making a low-carbon future a reality: 탄소배출권 거래제는 '저탄소 미래'를 현실로 구현할 수 있는 효율적 대안이다.

[3] Big deal: 중요한 사람, 사건, 일  [영영사전] big deal: Something of great importance or consequence. An important person:  [예문 1] Today, let’s start by going over exactly who this dude is and why he’s such a big deal: 오늘은 우선 이 사람은 도대체 누구며, 그가 왜 중요한 인물인지 정확하게 검토하며 논의를 시작하겠습니다  [예문 2] She was a big deal in local politics: 그녀는 정치권에서 매우 중요한 인물이었다.  [예문 3] A rent regulation is quite a big deal for investors: 임대료 규제는 투자자들에게 굉장히 중요한 일이다.

[4] iffy about: 확신이 없는 (slang)  [영영사전] iffy: Doubtful; uncertain:  [Ringle 에서 드리는 tip] uncertain/unsure about 의 slang version 이기 때문에 formal setting 에서는 uncertain/unsure about 이라고 써야합니다.  [예문 1] He was iffy about how positive the impact of the latter two would be: 그는 마지막 2 개 (유전자 변형, 인공지능)의 경우에는 얼마나 세상에 긍정적 영향을 미칠지 확신이 없었다.

19 본 자료는 저작권 법에 의해 보호되는 저작물로, Ringle 사에 저작권이 존재합니다. 해당 자료에 대한 무단 복제/배포를 금하며, 해당 자료로 수익을 얻거나 이에 상응하는 혜택을 누릴 시 Ringle 과 사전 협의가 없는 경우 고소/고발 조치 될 수 있습니다. This material is exclusively prepared for Ringle Customers

[5] bounced back from ~: ~로 부터 회복하다, ~를 딛고 일어서다  [영영사전] bounced back: to start to be successful again after a difficult period, for example after experiencing failure, loss of confidence, illness, or unhappiness:  [예문 1] Stock prices bounced back after a steep plunge earlier this week: 주가가 주초 급격한 하락 이후에 다시 반등하였다  [예문 2] Consumer confidence is bouncing back from what was arguably some of its worst readings in years: 소비자 신뢰도가 최근 몇 년 간 최저점에서 회복 중에 있다.

[5] teaming up with ~: (공동의 목표를 위해) ~와 팀을 이루다.  [영영사전] team up with someone: to join with someone.  [예문 1] Musk bounced back from the unimpressive career beginning by teaming up with his brother Kimbal to start their own company: 앨론 머스크는 형제 지간인 Kimbal 과 팀을 이루어 사업을 시작함으로써, 인상적이지는 않았던 첫 번째 커리어의 시작을 딛고 일어섰다.  [예문 2] They quickly touched on how much they had in common and agreed to team up: 그들은 서로 공유하고 있는 점이 많은지 간단히 언급하고 팀을 이루기로 합의했다.

[6] the dumbest thing they had ever heard of: 지금까지 들어본 것 중에 가장 멍청한 것  [Ringle 에서 드리는 Tip] 어떤 제안이나 생각이 얼마나 말도 안 되는지 표현할 때 쓰는 관용어구. 구어체이기 때문에 formal business setting 에서는 거의 사용하지 않습니다.

[7] a recurring theme: 반복되는 주제(상황)  [영영사전] recurring theme: A recurring theme is a theme that manifests itself repeatedly throughout the plot. A well-known recurring theme in Hamlet, for instance, would be complexity of action. There may be more than one recurring theme in a story  [Ringle 에서 드리는 Tip] Literal meaning 은 음악이나 작품에서 반복되는 주제를 뜻하지만 이 기사에서 쓰인 것처럼 반복되는 상황을 표현할 때도 쓰입니다.  [예문 1] Patriotism is a recurring theme in her music: 애국주의는 그녀의 음악에서 반복되는 주제이다  [예문 2] Making a rash decision and regretting later have been a recurring theme in his life: 성급한 결정을 내리고 후회하는 것이 그의 인생에서 반복되는 상황이었다.

20 본 자료는 저작권 법에 의해 보호되는 저작물로, Ringle 사에 저작권이 존재합니다. 해당 자료에 대한 무단 복제/배포를 금하며, 해당 자료로 수익을 얻거나 이에 상응하는 혜택을 누릴 시 Ringle 과 사전 협의가 없는 경우 고소/고발 조치 될 수 있습니다. This material is exclusively prepared for Ringle Customers

[7] He finished ~ and immediately dove into ~ : 를 끝내고 바로 ~에 몰입하다  [예문 1] He finished one venture and immediately dove into a new, harder, more complex one : 그는 하나의 벤처기업을 끝마친 직후,기존 대비 더 어렵고 복잡한 신규벤처 설립에 몰입했다.  [예문 2] He finished his PhD in Economics and immediately dove into his research project: 그는 경제학 박사과정을 수료 후, 바로 연구 프로젝트에 몰입했다.

[8] This seems less insane now, but in ~~, ~~~ was unheard of: 지금은 말이 되는 소리 같지 않지만 ~~ 년에 ~~는 금시초문이었다.  [Ringle 에서 드리는 tip] This seems less insane now, but in ~, ~ was unheard of 라는 표현은 어떤 아이디어나 사건, 제품 등이 예전에 얼마나 혁신적이었는지를 강조할 때 쓰이는 관용어구 입니다.  [예문 1] This seems less insane now, but in 1999, an internet startup trying to compete with the large banks was unheard of: 지금에야 말이 소리지만, 1999 년에는 대형 은행과 경쟁하려는 인터넷 스타트업은 금시초문이었다.  [예문 2] This seems less insane now, but in 1980s, a personal computer at an affordable price was unheard of: 지금에야 말이 되는 소리지만, ‘80 년대에 구매 가능한 가격대의 개인용 컴퓨터는 금시초문이었다.

[9] played an instrumental role: 중요한 역할을 하다.  [영영사전] instrumental role: the semantic role of the entity (usually inanimate) that the agent uses to perform an action or start a process  [Ringle 에서 드리는 tip] Instrumental 은 important 와 같은 뜻을 가지고 있지만 formal setting 에서는 important role 보단 instrumental role 이란 표현이 더 좋습니다.  [예문 1] He stayed on the team in a senior role, continued investing in the company, and played an instrumental role in selling the company to eBay in 2002, for $1.5 billion: 그는 팀에 계속 시니어의 역할로 남았고, 회사에 계속 투자했으며, 회사를 2002 년 eBay 에 15 억 달러에 매각할 때에 중요한 역할을 하였다.  [예문 2] James wants him to continue to play an instrumental role as manager of the club: 제임스는 그가 계속 클럽의 매니저로서 중요한 역할을 담당해주길 원했다.

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[10] squander his fortune: 재산을 낭비하다  [영영사전] squander: to spend or use (money, time, etc.) extravagantly or wastefully (often followed by away).  [Ringle 에서 드리는 tip] Waste 와 비슷한 뜻이지만 무모하고 신중하지 못하게 한 결정에 따른 낭비라는 뉘앙스를 가지고 있습니다.  [예문 1] A delusional internet millionaire, comically in over his head with a slew of impossible projects, doing everything he could to squander his fortune: 머릿 속에 불가능한 프로젝트들로 가득했던, 망상가적 기질을 가진 인터넷 거부는, 전 재산을 탕진할 수 있는 모든 것을 했다.  [예문 2] Young entrepreneurs often squander their profits on expensive cars: 젊은 창업가들은 회사수익을 비싼 차 구입에 낭비하곤 한다.

[11] draw parallels between A and B: A 와 B 의 유사점을 비교하다.  [영영사전] draw a parallel with/between: a comparison between things  [Ringle 에서 드리는 tip] Compared A with B 라는 표현으로 대체가 가능하지만 drawn parallel 은 유사점에 더 방점을 둔 비교라는 뉘앙스가 있습니다.  [예문 1] Many have drawn parallels between Musk and Thomas Edison because of the advancements in engineering Musk has been able to achieve across industries: 많은 사람들은 머스크가 여러 산업에 걸쳐 이룩해 놓은 기술적 업적 때문에, 머스크와 토마스 에디슨의 유사점을 비교했다.  [예문 2] The professor drew parallel between addictiveness of sugar and addictiveness of cigarettes: 교수님은 설탕의 중독성과 담배의 중독성의 유사점을 비교했다.

[12] the most pressing possible causes: 가장 시급하며, 가능성 높은 문제의 원인  [영영사전] pressing: Demanding immediate attention; urgent  [Ringle 에서 드리는 tip] Pressing: 중요한, 시급한, 긴급한; 시간을 다투는 상황이나 프로젝트를 묘사할 때 자주 쓰이는 표현입니다.  [예문 1] He deeply believes that he’s taken on the most pressing possible causes to give humanity the best chance of a good future: 앨론 머스크는 그가 전 인류에게 좋은 미래를 살 수 있는 최고의 기회를 주기 위해 가장 시급하며 가능성 높은 이슈를 풀고 있다고 믿었다.

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 [예문 2] I have convened this meeting to address on the pressing issue at hand: 난 오늘 긴급한 시안을 다루기 위해서 이 모임을 소집했다.  [예문 3] Angelina Jolie used her fame to draw attention to pressing social cause: 안젤리나 졸리는 사람들이 사회적 대의에 관심을 가질 수 있도록 자신의 명성을 이용했다.

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