Sunday 9th February 2020 THIRD SUNDAY BEFORE LENT - PROPER 1

All are welcome!

Theme for today - Salt of the earth and light of the world

Please take this sheet home with you

COLLECT Almighty God, who alone can bring order to the unruly wills and passions of sinful humanity: give your people grace so to love what you command and to desire what you promise, that, among the many changes of the world, our hearts may surely there be fixed where true joys are to be found; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen

HYMNS AT 10.30AM: 225, 77, 558, 171

First Reading: Isaiah 58. 1 - 9a (Bible page 715) Psalm: Psalm 112. 1 - 9 (Bible page 592 or back of sheet) Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 2. 1 - 12 (Bible page 178) Gospel: Matthew 5. 13 - 20 (Bible page 4)


POST COMMUNION PRAYER Merciful Father, who gave Jesus Christ to be for us the bread of life, that those who come to him should never hunger: draw us to the Lord in faith and love, that we may eat and drink with him at his table in the kingdom, where he is alive and reigns, now and for ever. Amen

PRAY FOR THE CHURCH THROUGHOUT THE WORLD Pray for persecuted Churches in Zimbabwe . Pray for the Anglican Church of Canada Archbishop Linda Nicholls. Church of England: Diocese of Worcester, Bishop John Inge, Bishop Martin Gorick Church of : Diocese of , Bishop Solveig Fiske. PRAY FOR THE DIOCESE OF MANCHESTER Pray for our Diocesan Bishop: Bishop David Walker. Suffragan Bishops: Bishop Mark (Middleton): Bishop Mark ( Bolton). Archdeacons: David Sharples: Karen Lund: Jean Burgess. Area Dean: Roger Dixon. PRAY FOR THE NATIONS OF THE WORLD Please pray for our Queen and the people and leaders of all Nations. For peace in the world and for all working for peace and an end to terrorism. For all refugees and asylum seekers. PRAY FOR THIS PARISH AND COMMUNITY Please continue to keep in your prayers, Revd Penny Warner. The towns of Stalybridge and Armentières. Please pray for Bingo Halls and Taxi Drivers Also residents of Eskdale Terrace and Foxglove Lane Please pray for those who are to be baptised here today PRAY FOR THE SICK, THE BEREAVED, THOSE IN TROUBLE Names of those who are sick etc. will not be included in the pew sheet in line with the new General Data Protection Regulations. Please add the names of anyone that you wish to be prayed for this week to the list in the lounge before the service. Thank You. PRAY FOR THE DEPARTED – Kath White, Barbara Cummings, Maureen Wileman, Bill Tucker, Philip Palmer, Dorothy Hall, and anyone who has recently died.

ANNIVERSARIES - Ada Alice Cooper, Rose Pamela Gudgeon, Donald Joseph Sidebottom, Colin Birch, Harold Lee, Iris Wilson, Ada Stephenson, Mary Skelton, Thomas Darraugh, Mary Pollitt, John Devlin, John Edward Chadwick and Yvonne Cooper.

We have a list at the back of Church where we can put the names of anyone that we wish to be prayed for this week. This has been moved to the table in the lounge to make it easier to be seen when writing names. Please can you carefully PRINT THE NAMES of those you wish to be prayed for, so that they can be easily read. Thank you Thank you to everyone who has brought chocolates for the Valentine’s Chocolate Raffle —it will be drawn after the service today (Sunday 9th February)

Organ Restoration Fund Please don’t forget that we are collecting change for the Organ fund. Thank you to everyone who has helped so far—we around £24,000 in the fund but we have a long way to go until we reach the target! Thank you

Tuesday Eucharist The weekly Eucharist on Tuesdays at 10.30am has resumed. All are welcome for a quiet midweek service.

Visits and Home Communions Please let Penny know if there is anyone you know who would like a visit or to receive Holy Communion at home or in a care home., or if you would like conversation and prayer. Her contact details are on the back of the pewsheet.

Our Dementia Café is now open. It is held on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of the month 1pm-3pm. It is a chance for those with dementia and their carers to come together for light entertainment and support. If you would like to get involved please speak to Chris Crabtree. Our next café will be on Friday 21st Feb, when we will have a Photo Quiz - bring along an old photo and see if we can we guess who you are!

200 Club Winners 1st prize £25 no 15 Kathleen Redeyoff 2nd prize £15 no 54 Alicia Harris 3rd prize £10 no 107 Ann Winstanley Congratulations to the winners!

Lent begins on Ash Wednesday (26th February) Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes at 8pm Look out for further details of services and activities during Lent coming soon…

Parish Meal We have a change in location for this years’ Parish meal which will take place at Oaklands Hall (Hyde Masonic Hall) on Sunday 29 th March 2020 at 1.30pm The list for you to sign up and the menu are now available in the church lounge. Please note that menu choices and payment in full is required by Sunday 1 st March 2020 . Please see Sarah Dentith (or Chris Crabtree) if you have any questions. 2-courses £17.50 – plus any supplement 3-courses £18.50 – plus any supplement Tea/Coffee & Mints £1.50. Children’s menu also available

PSALM at 10.30a.m. Psalm 112. 1-9 Said (Bible page 592) Leader Praise the Lord! Happy are those who fear the Lord who greatly delight in his commandments. All Their descendants will be mighty in the land, a generation of the upright will be blessed. Leader Wealth and riches are in their houses, and their righteousness endures for ever. All They rise in the darkness as a light for the upright; They are gracious, merciful, and righteous. Leader It is well with those who deal generously and lend, Who conduct their affairs with justice, All For the righteous will never be moved; they will be remembered for ever. Leader They are not afraid of evil tidings; their heart are firm, secure in the Lord. All Their hearts are steady, they will not be afraid; In the end they will look triumph on their foes. Leader They have distributed freely, thy have given to the poor; their righteousness endures for ever; their horn is exalted in honour.

Eucharistic Assistants February 9th A. Harris J. Vernon February 16th V. Fallows S. Fallows Sidespersons February 9th L. Hurst J. Catlow G. Cotton D. McManus February 16th A. Harris K. Redeyoff J. Hansell J. Moon

Sunday THIRD SUNDAY BEFORE LENT 9th February 10.30am Parish Eucharist & Junior Church Chocolate Raffle 12.30pm Holy Baptism Tuesday 9.00am Maintenance Team Meet (volunteers Welcome) 10.30am Holy Communion 1.00pm to 3.00pm Come Together Café Thursday 9.00am Time 4 Fun (0 to 5yrs) 7.30pm Tameside Community Voices Practice Friday 2.00pm Cleaning Crew Meet (Volunteers Welcome) Sunday SECOND SUNDAY BEFORE LENT 16th February 10.30am Parish Eucharist & Junior Church

Please join us in the lounge for a cup of tea or coffee

Contact For all enquiries, including baptisms, weddings, funerals and pastoral care, please contact the Vicar: The Revd Penny Warner Telephone: 07393 420763 Email: [email protected]