Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories

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Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories ®lj£ National Hank of (Hammmt ROCHESTER, N. Y CAPITAL $750,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS OVER $750,000.00 OFFICERS THOMAS J. SWAN TON President GEORGE E. WETZEL WILLIAM H. DUNN, Vice-President Vice-President GEORGE C. LENNOX Cashier EDWIN W. BURTON Assistant Cashier FREDERICK MUTSCHLER Assistant Cashier O ESTABLISHED 1854 $effrm t/ ^%/«/ UNDERTAKERS 32 CHESTNUT ST., PHONES 203 M.D.JEFFREYS <~^ L.M.WEINER THE SPIRIT OF GOOD SERVICE AND UNEQUALED FACILITIES FOR ITS ACCOMPLISHMENT Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories 03 THE Officers and Directors of the Union Trust Company cordially invite you to patronize this institution and to avail your­ self of its practical helpfulness. Three offices conveniently located to serve you. UMI°AITRVST (©MPAAY Resources over $20,000,000 25 State St. East Avenue at Main St. Charlotte Branch, 4424 Lake Ave. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories Home 'Phone 5883-5884 Stone Bell 'Phone 984 Main Joseph A. Schantz Co. Furniture Carting, Fire-proof Storage and Packing of Household Goods AUTO VANS FOR OUT-OF-TOWN MOVING Office and Salesroom 173-219 CENTRAL AVE., cor. St. Paul Bell Main 1314 Home Stone 3382 WE ARE SPECIALISTS IN SILVERWARE CHINA AND GLASSWARE Our store is in continua receipt of new and beautiful objects which find immediate sale among discriminating people A FEATURE OF CHOICE GOODS AT POPULAR PRICES DUDLEY, GIVEN & CO., Inc. 11 East Avenue, just off Main Street 4 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Hotel Rochester ROCHESTER, N. Y. 300 ROOMS WITH BATH BATES $2.00 UP RESTAURANT A FEATURE MILTON ROBLEE, Manager TO have your entire family washing laundered without marks and all wearing apparel ironed by hand may appeal to you. ft£gSj KELSO LAUNDRY CO. Just 'phone Stone or Main 899 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories HOWE & ROGERS COMPANY CARPETINGS FURNITURE DOMESTIC RUGS DRAPERY MATERIALS ORIENTAL RUGS WINDOW SHADES LINOLEUMS SEAT CUSHIONS FINE FURNITURE REUPHOLSTERED AND REFINISHED 89-91 Clinton Avenue, South ROCHESTER, N. Y. Traders National Bank of Rochester, N. Y. 41-43-45 STATE STREET Capital and Surplus, $1,150,000 Boxes in our Fire and Burglar Proof Vault for rent, $2.50 per year, and upward Interest on Special Accounts OFFICERS: HENRY C. BREWSTER, Chairman of the Board HENRY F. MARKS, President CHARLES J. BROWN, Vice-President WILLIAM J. TRIMBLE, Vice-President CHESTER J. SMITH, Cashier JOHN T. HANEFY, Asst. Cashier CHARLES F. MARKS, Asst. Cashier Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories #9w. ^S/iuir t , : iJ6&4tytLd-J^U^ ] DAU'S BLUE BOOK | ROCHESTER | 1921 1922 | T^eprtaenled in l^ochesltr by SCRANTOM, WETMORE & COMPANY | COPYRIGHT 1921 S DAU'S BLUE BOOKS, INC. 1 74 WEST 50TH STREET | NEW YORK CITY ' Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories JETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Hartford, Conn. MORGAN G. BULKELEY, President Most Liberal and Progressive Contracts Under All Forms of Life Insurance Protection Group Insurance Income Policies with Income to Insured beginning at age 50 or 55, 60 or 65, or age desired Annuities It Pays to be Aetna-iscd E. B. NELL, General Agent 612-618 Granite Building, ROCHESTER, N. Y. • • .-iK-ArJ RB^HBPflw\§Fc== • Hb^HMHla^IlM • For Furnitw e of— Character ^efinemen / and T)epe ndahle Worth TZ> MAMMOTH^ t A ^WEr\jRNISrf^ IgSSO^MENTSl1^ LB.GRAVES C 8 STATE ST.. ROCHESTER. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories Club 1. Acorn Society of Rochester 2." Genesee Valley Club 2 Alpha Chi Club 26 Knights of Columbus 27 Hakkoreoth Club 3 American Association of Engineers 28 Harvard Club 4 American Bar Association 29 Irondequoit Canoe Club 5 American Society of Civil Engineers 30 Kent Club « Associated Alumni of the University of Rochester 31 Noonday Reading Society 7 Automobile Club of Rochester 32 Loyal Legion 8 Bean Desir Club 33 Masonic Club 10 Century Club 34 Monroe Country Medical Society 11 Chamber of Commerce 35 Oak Hill Country Club 12 City Club of Rochester 36 Old Colony Club 13 College "Woman's Club 37 Rochester Ad. Club 14 Cornell Club 38 Rochester Art Club 15 Country Club 3!» Rochester Athletic Club 16 Daughters of the American Revolution 40 Rochester Bar Association (Irondequoit Chapter) 41 Rochester Club 17 Elks Club 43 Rochester Soeiety of Architects 18 Farmington Society 44 Rochester Engineering Society 19 Flower City Literary Club 45 Rochester Historical Society 20 Fortnightly Club 21 Founders and Patriots 46 Tennis Club of Rochester 22 French Alliance 47 Rochester Northfleld League 23 Genundawah Country Club 48 Rochester Rose Society 24 Genesee Golf Club 50 Washington Club Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories ; The Randall Decorative Shops £xfeerfd a Cordial Welcome to Visitors Our rooms are overflowing with the newest creations in Window and Door Decorations. Lace Curtains, Etamine Curtains, Muslin Cur­ tains and an infinite variety of Net Reproductions, Fabrics for Portieres, Materials for Upholstery, Cretonnes, Chintzes, Printed Voiles, Taffetas, etc. Oriental Rugs, carefully selected specimens of every de­ sirable variety. Electric Lamps, Lamp Shades* Reproductions of An­ tique Mirrors, Copies of the Old Masters, Rare examples of Indian Art in Basketry. Reproductions of Antique Stuffs of all the important Periods in Tapestries, Brocades and Damios. Unusual Coverings m Foreign Fabrics and Embroideries for Pianos and Tables. 33 EAST AVENUE 'Phone Stone 6050 ROCHESTER, NEW YORK Rochester Brass and Wire Works Co. 76-82 Exchange Street Rochester, N. Y WIRE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION GARDEN WIRE WORK AND TRELLISES BRASS RAILINGS AND GRILLE WORK FENCING WE ERECT WOVEN WIRE AND WROUGHT IRON FENCES 10 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories ROCHESTER 11 51 Rochester Yacht Club. 78 "University Club 52 Society of Colonial Dames 79 Zonta Club 53 Colonial Wars SO Vassar College Club 54 Society of the Cincinnati 81 The Wednesday Morning Club 55 Society of Mayflower Descendants 82 Rochester Wellesley Club 56 Society of the Genesee 83 Women's Educational and Industrial Union 57 Sons of the American Revolution (Empire State Society) 84 Yale Club of Rochester 5S Sons of the Revolution 85 Cosmos Club 50 Smith College Club of Rochester S6 Tuesday Reading Club 60 New Tork State Bar Association S7 Roundabout Club 61 Troop "H" 1st Cavalry, N. Y. National 88 Dobbs Ferry Society Guard 89 The Splinters Twig 62 Travelers Club 90 The Club 63 Tuesday Musicale 91 Memorial Art Gallery 64 The First Twig 92 The Seventh Twig 65 The Second Twig 93 The Gun Club 66 The Third Twig 94 The First Graft Twig 67 The Fourth Twig 95 The Laurel Twig 68 The Fifth Twig 96 The Columbian Twig 6» The Sixth Twig 97 State Federation Woman's Clubs 70 The Bent Twig 98 Junior Wednesday Morning Club 71 The Cedar Twig 99 Browning Club 72 The Garden Twig 100 Study Club 73 The Magnolia Twig 101 The City Club. (Women's) 74 The Pine Needles Twig 102 Colonial Travelers Club 75 The Parent Stem Twig 103 Automobile Service Ass'n of N. Y. 76 Properly Bent Twig State. 77 The Surgical Twig 104 University of Penn. Alumni Assn. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories THE SOCIETY BLUE BOOK 105 Georgetown University Alumni 115 Garden Club 106 Humdrum Club 116 Rochester Association of Credit Men 107 Rochester Rotary Club IIS American Chemical Society 10S University of Michigan Alumni Assn. 119 Eln College Club 109 The Poetry Association ealth Club 110 Kiwanis Club 121 Archaelogical Institute of Americ 111 Company A (Boys in Blue) (Rochester Society) 112 Technology Club of Rochester 122 New York State Archaelogical Associ 113 Optimist Club ation (Morgan Chapter) 114 Railway Club of Rochester 124 Rochester Medical Association Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories Personal and Commercial Banking—Trust Functions—Safe Deposit Vaults B.FORMAN CD. WOMEN'S, GIRLS' and INFANTS' READY-TO-WEAR APPAREL AND ALL ACCESSORIES Clinton Avenue South ROCHESTER, N. Y. RUDOLPH SCHMIDT & CO. Est. 1885 OPTICIANS OPTOMETRISTS KODAKS ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES WIRELESS APPARATUS 51 E. Main St., Rochester, N. Y. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories Clothes Care Pays— THE FINEST OF GARMENTS SOON LOOK SHABBY IF GIVEN NO ATTENTION «7}e Good to Your Clothing TRY POWERS HOTEL ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF EUROPEAN PLAN 350 ROOMS ALL WITH TUB OR SHOWER B«TH HEADQUARTERS: AUTOMOSILE CLUB OF ROCHESTER CUISINE AND SERVICE THE BEST FIRCPROOF QARAQE POWERS MOTEL CORPORATION J.MESSNER, PRES. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories Rochester Alphabetical List. Abbey, Mr. and Mrs. Byron S. Agram, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph (Lena Schneider), 484 Hazelwood terrace 301 Oxford street (Edna L, Cramer) Clubs, Mr. 7-41 Clubs, Mr. 7-11-41 Albert, Mr. Felix Abbott, Mr. and Mrs. George I. 113 Clinton avenue North (Elizabeth Allen Smith) Clubs, Mr. 7-41 6 Strathallan Park Alden, Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Sum. Ees.: Meacham Lake, Franklin (Alzora E. Hicks) Co., N. Y. 40 Meigs street Clubs, Mr. 11—Mrs. 16 Mrs. Martha Hicks (Huggans) Abbott, Mrs. Lafayette F. Alden, Mrs. John Ferriss (Mary E. Boguej (Esther L. Ocumpaugh) 17 Oliver street 560 Park avenue Club, Mrs. 16 Mr. Roy O. Abbott Miss Ruth W. Alden, 16-55 Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Mr. Sydney C. Alden, 55 (Maie D. Roedea) Miss Priscilla Alden, 55 34 Gorsline street Alderman, Mr and .Mrs. Henry O. Clubs, Mr. 11-37-41-107 (Mary Simmons) Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Guilford R. 110 Berkeley street (Anna Walls) Clubs, Mr. 7-11-35-37-41 160 Seneca Parkway Mr.
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