Heterodox Economics Newsletter Issue 278 — April 05, 2021 — web1 — pdf2 — Heterodox Economics Directory3

These days I was called by a journalist of a leading German-speaking newspaper, who asked me whether the Corona crisis has led to an increase in economic inequality and social polarization. While I have not done any systematic analysis on this issue myself, I mentioned a series of casual observations – starting with the fact that low-pay jobs in the service sector have been hit comparatively hard, continuing with some preliminary evidence that education is a good predictor for how you do in a lock-downed economy and closing by pointing to soaring stock markets* – that lead to me believe in an increase in both, social polarization as well as economic inequality** due to Corona.

On a more general level, this call made me reflect on the question, whether heterodox economics provides us with suitable theoretical intuitions to analyze a case of non- linear social change as exemplified by the Corona crisis. In my humble view, heterodox theorizing first points us to the fact that the advent of Corona is exogenous to the business cycle, but endogenous to as its emergence is deeply tied to the commodification of nature that is a key feature of capitalism and a major concern for those, who acknowledge that economic activities are always embedded in social and ecological contexts.

More specifically, we can ask for immediate predictions from different schools of thought when being confronted by such a shock. A simple Post-Keynesian account, for instance, could emphasize the importance of distinguishing between stocks & flows in the context of a strong economic contraction. Such a stance would imply to expect that those economic entities (e.g. households or firms), which cannot draw on significant stocks and whose existence, hence, most strongly depends on the continuation of flows, will be hit comparatively hard. Such entities are much less resilient in case of a contraction of flows relative to those actors that can draw on some stock (e.g. net wealth, retained earnings). Hence, stocks & flows are essential for understanding how long lock-downs can be realistically upheld. Moreover, such a simple account can also give rise to policy- rationales ( try to shift the burden on those with stocks to uphold lock-downs & minimize ” severe deprivation“) and provide some intuitions to fine-tune fiscal policies ( how to ” best spent money when opportunities for private consumption are constrained?“). In conjunction with the statistical fact that the bottom half of the population typically has no noteworthy net wealth, such a perspective can also help to better grasp the magnitude of the underlying economic ramifications that come with severe lock-downs.

1http://www.heterodoxnews.com/n/htn278.html 2http://www.heterodoxnews.com/n/htn278.pdf 3http://heterodoxnews.com/hed

1 Also, other schools & traditions can provide helpful intuitions to better understand what’s going on in a lock-downed economy. In my view, an institutional approach focus- ing on sectoral differences and differences in legal status & industrial relations would do well in predicting heterogenous labor-market developments across countries and sectors. A feminist economic lens would surely point us ex-ante to the fact that stereotype-based division of labor will rather be strengthened than weakened in case lock-downs also extend to schools and child-care facilities. And finally, the evolutionary economic view- point would remind us that the disruption of existing routines or value-chains will cause some form of reorganization of economic processes. These reorganizations can remain largely unsuccessful and be detrimental for productivity, but can also lead to unexpected innovations and improvements induced by some novel constraints. And, indeed, person- ally, I would definitely agree that an increased regionalization of value-chains or a more encompassing use of online-tools to circumvent business traveling is something we could aspire to.

Don’t get me wrong: I have done no systematic studies of these issues, not even a system- atic literature review and everything I say here can (and probably should) be contested in some way. Nonetheless, I have found in the past year that the theoretical intuitions I gathered through my engagement with heterodox economic ideas has equipped me well for anticipating & understanding what’s going on in the unchartered waters of the new ’ normal‘.

All the best


* Financial wealth is typically strongly concentrated on the top of the wealth distribution. * In some countries the effect on post-tax income inequality might be remedied in the short-run by means of increased unemployment benefits or other forms of public effort.


Call for Papers5 Review of Evolutionary : Special Issue on ”Industrial Poli- cies for Sustainable Development”...... 5 11th IIPPE Annual Conference on ”The Pandemic and the Future of - ism: On the Political Economy of our Societies and Economies”...... 7 25th FMM Conference (Berlin, Oct. 2021)...... 7 2nd Call for Papers: 23rd Annual Conference of the Association for Heterodox Economics (online, July 2021)...... 9 69th Annual Conference of the Japan Society of Political Economy (JSPE).. 11 ASE@ ASSA 2022 (Boston, January 2022)...... 15

2 Cambridge Journal of Economics: Special Issue on ”Future of Work and Work- ing Time”...... 16 Conference on ”Monetary innovations and reconfigurations: Which currencies for which economic policies in the context of crises?” (Paris, Oct. 2021). 18 Extended Deadline: 33th Annual EAEPE Conference (online, Sept 2021)... 20 International Conference: Liberalism and/or socialism – tensions, exchanges and convergences from the 19th century to today (Nancy, Oct. 2021).. 21 Journal of Philosophical Economics: Symposium on ”‘How economists are taught philosophy: pedagogical and self-referential reflections about the role of philosophy in an economist’s work”...... 24 Policy and Politics: Special Issue on ”Transformational Change through Public Policy”...... 25 URPE @ ASSA 2022: Call for Papers...... 27

Call for Participants 29 10th PKES Summer School: Introduction to Post Keynesian Economics and Political Economy (June, online)...... 29 AHE Webinar Series: Heterodox Economics Goes Global (April 2021, online). 31 Intensive Virtual Course: ”Gender-Sensitive Macroeconomic Modeling for Pol- icy Analysis” (online, June-July 2021)...... 32 Online Course: ”Just and Green: Labour’s Ecological Question” (April 2021, online)...... 33 The 29th Annual Hyman P. Minsky Conference (online, May 2021)...... 34 Webinar Series: Labor and a Jobs Guarantee...... 35 Workshop on ”Innovative Financing, Development and Ecological Transition” (online, May 2021)...... 36

Conference Papers, Reports, and Podcasts 38 International Rosa Luxemburg Conference: Videos online...... 38

Job Postings 38 Bennington College, US...... 38 Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands...... 40 Gran Sasso Science Institute, Italy...... 43 Karlshochschule International University, Germany...... 44 Loughborough University, UK...... 45 Max Weber Centre, Germany...... 46 Research Department of the European Trade Union Institute, Belgium..... 48 The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw), Austria.... 49 University of Bayreuth, Germany...... 51 University of Glasgow, Scottland...... 51 University of Kassel, Germany (1/4)...... 53 University of Kassel, Germany (2/4)...... 54 University of Kassel, Germany (3/4)...... 55

3 University of Kassel, Germany (4/4)...... 55 University of Massachusetts Boston, US...... 56

Awards 57 Call for Submissions: EAEPE Prizes 2021...... 57 Call for Submissions: Stephen A. Resnick Graduate Student Essay Prize 2021. 58 Winner’s Announcement: 2020 Prize...... 59 Winner’s Announcement: AFIT-AFEE Student Paper Contest...... 60

Journals 60 Journal of the History of Economic Thought 43 (1)...... 61 American Journal of Economics and Sociology 80 (1)...... 62 Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 4 (2)...... 64 Competition and Change 25 (2)...... 65 Ecological Economics 184...... 66 Historical Materialism 29 (1)...... 72 International Critical Thought 11 (1)...... 73 International Journal of Community Currency Research 25 (1)...... 75 Journal of Post Keynesian Economics 44 (1)...... 76 New Political Economy 26 (2)...... 78 Problemas del Desarrollo: Revista Latinoamericana de Econom´ıa51 (203)... 80 Real-World Economics Review 95...... 81 Review of International Political Economy 28 (2)...... 82 Science & Society 85 (2)...... 84

Books and Book Series 86 Alternative Ideas from 10 (Almost) Forgotten Economists...... 86 An Introduction to Macroeconomics...... 86 Capitalism, Power and Innovation: Intellectual Monopoly Capitalism Uncovered 87 Conflict, Demand and Economic Development: Essays in Honour of Amit Bhaduri 88 Economic Philosophy...... 89 Emerging Economies and the global financial system...... 90 Populism and Neoliberalism...... 90 Power and Influence of Economists: Contributions to the Social Studies of Economics...... 91 Rudolf Hilferding: What Do We Still Have to Learn from His Legacy?..... 92 Russian Economic Development over Three Centuries: New Data and Inference 92 Schumpeter’s Venture Money...... 93 Social Media: A Critical Introduction - third edition...... 94 The Dispossessed: ’s Debates on Wood Theft and the Right of the Poor...... 94 The Gypsy Economist: The Life and Times of Colin Clark...... 95 Transnational Migration and the New Subjects of Work: Transmigrants, Hy- brids and Cosmopolitans...... 96

4 Heterodox Graduate Programs, Scholarships and Grants 96 International Economics Master (Berlin School of Economics and Law, Ger- many)...... 96 International Master’s Course: Economic Policies in the age of Globalisation 2.0 97 Levy Graduate Programs in Economic Theory and Policy: Students Applica- tion for Fall 2021...... 98 Political Economy of European Integration Master (Berlin School of Economics and Law, Germany)...... 98 URPE Dissertation Fellowship...... 99

Calls for Support 100 Exploring Economics is building up a new platform for teachers...... 100

For Your Information 100 ASE Announcement: A Message from ASE about the Recent Assault on Asian Americans in the Atlanta, Georgia Area...... 101 Announcement: Virtual Events of the Federal Reserve System on ”Racism and the Economy”...... 101 EPOG+ Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree - MOOC on ”Rethinking the economy after the coronavirus”...... 102 EPOG+ Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree: MOOC Series on ”Rethinking the economy after the coronavirus”...... 102 New Journal: Work in the Global Economy...... 105

Call for Papers

Review of Evolutionary Political Economy: Special Issue on ”In- dustrial Policies for Sustainable Development”

The purpose of this special issue is to further develop the discussion on a new gener- ation of industrial policies. What should be done amid multilateral agreements and deepening of world integration, to alleviate environmental systemic risks and build re- silient industrial systems that deal with uncertainties and create new opportunities? Momentum is particularly critical and relevant for advanced and emerging economies to shape strategies for environmental and economic sustainability, shifting their production paradigm with investments in infrastructure and new green solutions. Such strategies could accelerate creation of jobs and economic resilience.

We welcome papers dealing with the following issues:

5 • What are the key policy domains of industrial policies to enable sustainable de- velopment, taking into consideration (i) the arising new global order and (ii) the trade-off between deep processes of globalization and national policy space?

• What factors support and accelerate or hamper the shift to a green economy? (for example, controlling raw materials crucial for green technology supply chains, gaining an edge in technology, provision of capabilities and skills required for sus- tainable green transition etc.).

• How industrial policy could boost and accelerate the green transition exploiting windows of opportunities in specific sectors?

• How emerging countries could take advantage of green transition as new oppor- tunities occur and reshape advantages among countries based on new important resources and new technologies required in production systems?

• What is the interplay of industrial policy with macroeconomic policies for dealing with transition to a more sustainable and resilient economy?

• How industrial policy can identify, and bridge future societal needs related to health and environmental challenges with technological accumulation, capability building and innovation in emerging technologies and solutions at the local level?

• To what extent and how industrial policy for sustainable development can align with fragmentation of production along GVCs and the emerging need for a more resilient GVC?

• What specific challenges arise for European countries to address environmental challenges reconciling industrial policy with competition and trade policies? How possible is to compete with countries such as China that implement more protec- tionist policies?

• What could be a viable new mode of industrial policy in the changing global context of ’post-globalization’ and new geopolitics involving rising tension among the superpowers.

Country case studies especially in a comparative perspective are particularly encouraged. Abstracts should be sent to the guest editors at the following three email addresses: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]

Submission Deadline: 31 May 2021

6 11th IIPPE Annual Conference on ”The Pandemic and the Fu- ture of Capitalism: On the Political Economy of our Societies and Economies”

September 12-19, 2021 — online

Given the continuation of the COVID pandemic, this year’s IIPPE Annual Conference will be online. As we will not all be in one place we will have an issue of time zones. To address this issue and simultaneously to reduce the number of panels at any one time, we plan to have two sessions of parallel panels per day for 8 days, plus an opening and closing plenary. We will have our usual pre-conference workshop the day before the conference begins; that is, on Saturday September 11.

IIPPE calls for general submissions for the Conference, and particularly welcomes those on its core theme on the pandemic and the state and future of capitalism. Proposals for presentations will as always be considered on all aspects of political economy. New participants committed to political economy, interdisciplinarity, history of political and economic thought, critique of mainstream politics and economics, and/or their applica- tion to policy analysis and activism are especially encouraged to submit an abstract.

The process for submitting proposals will be largely identical to our standard proce- dure. The Electronic Proposal Form (EPF) will be opened on the IIPPE website ( www.iippe.org4 ) on April 15.

As usual, submissions may be made as

• proposals for individual papers (which IIPPE will group into panels)

• proposals for panels,

• proposals for streams of panels,

• proposals on activism.

Submission Deadline: 15 May 2021

25th FMM Conference (Berlin, Oct. 2021)

28-30 October 2021 — Berlin, Germany

4https://iippe.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=92a8d9d2b4dec27c4ac7c7b38&id= f2205968c3&e=1cdbc2215f

7 Conference Theme: Macroeconomics of Socio-Ecological Transition

Social inequalities, climate change and environmental pollution question the sustain- ability of current modes of pro- duction and consumption, and the policies underpinning them. Macroeconomists in both orthodox and heterodox tra- ditions have long focussed on economic growth as the central means to raise living standards, promote development of the global South, and ease distributional conflicts. However, externalities of economic growth should be consid- ered, because they affect welfare and its distribution – within and between countries, generations and classes. At our conference, we will discuss what macroeconomists can contribute to this debate and learn from other fields. How does global capitalism shape the environment? What can macroeconomic policies do to facil- itate a just transition to- wards a sustainable economy? What are the feedbacks from distributional issues and ecological developments back to the macro economy? How to improve macroeconomic modelling by including social and ecological dimensions?

The submission of papers in the following areas is particularly encouraged:

• Conditions and effects of green growth vs. de-growth or zero growth

• Green New Deal - institutional constraints, public investment and taxation

• Globalisation and impact of catching up of the global south

• Macroeconomic modelling and empirics of socio-ecological transition

• Green monetary policy, public investment and taxation

• Labour market effects of socio-ecological transition

Submissions on the general subjects of the FMM, macroeconomics and macroeconomic policies, are encouraged as well. We particularly welcome submissions for graduate stu- dent sessions. Those who already presented a paper at a student session in previous FMM conferences should submit to the regular sessions to improve chances for newcom- ers. There will also be a day of introductory lectures for graduate students prior to the opening panel on 28 October. Hotel costs will be covered for graduate student presenters (max. four nights from 27-31 October). A limited number of travel stipends for graduate student presenters will be sponsored by INET’s Young Scholar Initiative (YSI) based on a motivation-for-funding statement. Details will be announced in decision letters by mid-August.

Application Procedure

Proposals have to be submitted electronically via this web application5 . The deadline

5https://www.imk-boeckler.de/de/aktuelle-veranstaltungen-15386-macroeconomics-of- socio-ecological-transition-30034.htm

8 for paper proposals (extended abstract of max. 400 words, clearly outlining the research question, method and results) is 30 June 2021. Proposals for organized sessions with abstracts of three or four papers are welcome and can also be submitted through the web application. Decisions will be made by mid-August and will be based on clarity, relevance and originality of the abstracts. After acceptance, full papers are due by 28 September and will be posted on the conference page. Se- lected papers may be published in a special issue of the FMM’s peer reviewed European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies: Intervention (EJEEP). The conference language is English.

Registration details for the conference and the introductory lectures will be available via the conference web page by mid-August. Please note that registration is a separate step from acceptance of papers. Despite fundamental uncertainty about the pandemic situation over the next months, we plan to hold the conference as an in-person event in Berlin. As a fallback option, we would resort to an online event about which we would in- form participants in due course. We hope for your understanding and your commitment in both cases.

More information on the FMM is available at the official website.6

Submission Deadline: 30 June 2021

2nd Call for Papers: 23rd Annual Conference of the Association for Heterodox Economics (online, July 2021) fridays throughout July 2021 — online

Conference Theme: Structural Inequalities Uncovered - the Contributions of Hetero- dox Economics in Tackling Racial and Gender Inequality

The conference will bring together scholars from a variety of theoretical and geographical backgrounds to discuss how heterodox economics can contribute to tackling racial and gender inequalities. Confirmed keynote speakers include Gargi Bhattacharyya, Elissa Braunstein, S. Charusheela, William (“Sandy”) Darity Jr., Sue Himmelweit, Lyn Os- some, Elias Sampaio, Rhonda Sharpe and Sunanda Sen.

We invite proposals on any topic within heterodox economics, including (but not re- stricted to): racial capitalism, feminist economics, the black radical tradition, social re- production theory, intersectional analysis, (neo)colonialism and imperialism. Proposals on the following areas are also particularly welcomed: the history of heterodox economics in the Global South, heterodox economics and decolonial theory, heterodox economics and non-market activities, heterodox economics and Covid as well as heterodox eco-


9 nomics and climate inequality. We especially encourage submissions from scholars who are underrepresented in Economics, such as women, people of colour, and people from the Global South.

Papers presented at the AHE conference will be eligible for consideration of publication in a special issue of the Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics. To be considered for pub- lication, full papers should have up to 8,000 words (Including footnotes and references) and should be submitted for consideration until 31st August 2021.

To encourage a lively discussion, presenters will have two options to present their papers: a presentation session where you would present key insights in a virtual live session; and a networking session where you would submit a full paper/share a video beforehand and have the chance to engage in a focused discussion. In the latter, participants read the paper/watch the video beforehand and the virtual live session is solely dedicated to discussing its key insights and providing recommendations.

Submit an abstract (no more than 250 words) to [ [email protected] ] by 15th April 2021. The submission should indicate if you wish to take part in a presentation session or networking session. Within networking sessions, the participants will have access to the videos/papers two weeks prior to the conference.

Young Scholars Initiative (YSI) @ AHE 2021

The Inequality WG and the Economic Development WG will be hosting special sessions @AHE 2021, for young scholars (incl. PhD and MSc students). Submissions to YSI sessions should be made directly on the WGs website:

• Inequality WG8

• Economic Development WG9

AHE Membership and Registration

There are no registration fees for attending the conference. All participants are required to become AHE members or renew their membership to attend the presentation sessions. The plenaries are open for general attendance. Instructions to become an AHE member can be found here.10 AHE may offer preferential rates for academics based in the Global South and/or on financial hardship. Please contact the academic officers for more information. For any questions about the CfP, please get in touch with AHE’s

7mailto:[email protected] 8https://ysi.ineteconomics.org/project/604fb9d89acd5704d391d7e0/event/ 604fcce39acd5704d391de97~ 9https://ysi.ineteconomics.org/project/605be31d9acd5704d395660e/event/ 605bf6b09acd5704d3956c50 10 http://~https://www.hetecon.net/membership/

10 Academic Officers: Ariane Agunsoye11 or Danielle Guizzo12

Submission Deadline: 15 April 2021

69th Annual Conference of the Japan Society of Political Econ- omy (JSPE)

19-20 October — Hokusei Gakuen University (Sapporo)

General Theme: COVID-19 Global Pandemic and The Modern Capitalism

The ongoing global pandemic of COVID-19 has exerted severe impacts on the global economy, politics, society, and even cultures as well. Although its impacts have not been fully elucidated yet, the pandemic has aggravated in the number of deaths and infection, and science-based social control has come to be required. Lockdown of cities and national border, coupled with strong self- restraint measures, have been taken in all of the affected countries, including avoidance of ”Three Cs” and restrictions on movement of people. The ongoing of social transformation on a global scale has had great impacts on the economy, politics, society, and even cultures. The sudden and large-scale impacts would affect even social consciousness, and even if the pandemic ends, the impacts will have to remain.

The globalization, which progressed and accelerated in recent years with global capital- ism, was suddenly braked, and the movement of humans stopped suddenly. The impact has spread to local areas, including the negative impacts on agriculture and the fishery processing industry, which heavily depended on foreign technical intern trainees. We must also note that the movements of goods and money have been backed by the move- ment of human beings. Globalization, which was once expected to never stop, is now being forced to change. The link between capitalism and globalization was thought to be self-evident, but now it is quite questionable. It leads to a fundamental theoretical question about the relationship between the market economy and capitalism, even ques- tions about capitalism as an economic system per se. Thus, capitalism and globalization need to be reviewed both theoretically and empirically.

Humanity has nurtured culture by flocking, cuddling and connecting. Capitalism and modern society has promoted people to gather in cities, meetings and events on a large scale. But, the global COVID-19 pandemic has forced to bring forward teleworks to avoid face-to-face communication between people, and the service industries have also been hit hard. Modern capitalism, which has gained accumulation opportunities due to the progress of service sectors with the development of a highly consuming society, may

11mailto:[email protected] 12mailto:[email protected]

11 face the difficulties with a spreading ”new lifestyle”. Along with reexamination of post- industrialization and service economy trend, which are the characteristics of modern capitalism, it will be necessary to reexamination of the significance and problems of the economic and social agglomeration in mega-cities. Will the skyscrapers of the ”Global Cities” possibly become modern dinosaurs?

This time pandemic also provided an opportunity to re-question the roles and position of government under modern capitalism. Governments have spent a lot of money on various measures and issued government bonds on an unprecedented scale for epidemic prevention, medical enhancement, and economic measures. In order to make this possi- ble, monetary easing has been promoted once again on an even larger scale than at the time of the global financial and economic crisis in the late 2000s, and the extent to which fiscal policy and monetary policy can be expanded is severely being tested. Licensing of therapeutic drugs and vaccines, and other medical devices has had greatly influences on the formation of the market. This is an example which demonstrates the magnitude of renewed government roles in the complicated modern capitalist societies. At the same time, it has highlighted weakening social infrastructure due to the damage to publicity in a wide range of areas from health care and welfare to public transportation, which the progress of once dominated neoliberal policies has brought about. They and even the policies of epidemic prevention strongly reflect the class relations. It cannot be overlooked the hierarchical interests of class society.

The growing demand for the governmental roles to actively manage and control daily life in order to prevent the pandemic dooms the rise of a highly controlled society, and the ”success” cases of the nations that have adopted authoritarian measures to contain epidemic have been reported, typically the China case. Beyond the pretext of epidemic prevention per se, the process of global transfigurations in social decision-makings also needs to be analyzed generally. Politico- and socio-economic studies of political economy, which have had a relativistic perspective of modernity and have provided the basis for a framework for analyzing class consciousness and hegemony, need to address these issues.

In this way, as the COVID-19 global pandemic has shaken the international community and modern capitalism, the nature of contemporary capitalism and the significance and limitations of the ideas of modern society have needed to be re-questioned. Compre- hensive and systematic nature of political economy, including Marxian economics, has a great advantage as an analytical framework to elucidate this still-progressive situa- tions from various angles of comprehensive humanities. It is quite a suitable general theme for JSPE annual conference this autumn to provide an opportunity for political economists to gather together and deepen the discussions of the re- examination from that viewpoint.

Please understand the purpose of the above general theme of this year’s conference, and actively apply or recommend papers of the relating topics.

12 Call for Papers

The Japan Society of Political Economy will celebrate its 60th anniversary two years ago. Over the decades of its existence, the JSPE has endeavored to expand the scope of its explorations from study of the basic theory of capitalism to the analysis of con- temporary capitalism. Throughout its life, the JSPE has deeply imbibed the spirit of criticism against capitalism and mainstream economic theories and directs its theoretical investigations to elucidating the various problems of capitalism. Today, Marxian eco- nomics and other schools of critical political economy are exerting ever more influence in building analytical frameworks to address real-world issues in contemporary capitalism such as “financial crisis,” “globalization,” and class and inequality analysis.

The JSPE annual conferences in these years intend to develop our understanding of various economic problems in recent years which show how economic “deadlocks” signal the limit of capitalism. Therefore, the limit of capitalism and potential alternatives to it has constituted our conference themes. We expect the accumulated achievements of our society over the past 60 years will provide an ample basis for the discussions.

This year JSPE Board of Directors decided a general theme “COVID-19 Global Pan- demic and The Modern Capitalism” for the 69th Annual Conference. The ongoing global pandemic of COVID-19 has exerted severe impacts on the global economy, politics, soci- ety, and even cultures as well. Although its impacts have not been fully elucidated yet, the pandemic has aggravated in the number of deaths and infections, and science-based social control has come to be required. Lockdown of cities and national border, coupled with strong self-restraint measures, have been taken in all of the affected countries, in- cluding avoidance of ”Three Cs” and restrictions on movement of people. The ongoing of social transformation on a global scale has had great impacts on the economy, politics, society, and even cultures. The sudden and large-scale impacts would affect even social consciousness, and even if the pandemic ends, the impacts will have to remain.

Capitalism, historically, has been driven by prospects of economic growth and profit maximization on a global scale. However, under current economic conditions the tortured eking out of profits and economic growth has led to a situation where what economic growth is to be had exacerbates the deterioration of people’s lives and foments obscene inequalities and social conflicts. The COVID-19 global pandemic is even exacerbating the situation globally.

What does the current dire state of the world economy mean for critical political eco- nomic analyses? How can the ideas and theories of Karl Marx be developed to deal with the malaise and show pathways out of it to a progressive future for humanity? Is there a way for humankind to utilize the productive forces it has developed over the centuries in ecologically sustainable ways? Answering such questions is the responsibility of us who experienced the East Japan Great Earthquake and the disastrous accident of Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant in the midst of the serious global financial and economic crisis a

13 decade ago. We have shared the strenuous efforts by the desperate victims to overcome the “dual disaster”. All of these questions need for further discussions about alterna- tives to capitalism. In this regard, the JSPE is in the very good position to develop our approaches from our perspective of the intrinsic contradiction and future prospect of capitalism.

More information can be found on the conference website13 .


JSPE invites proposals for its International sessions – topics relating to the general theme for the plenary session and reflecting the tradition and analytical perspective of JSPE which includes:

(a) Critical accounts of the current situations of “deadlocks” of capitalism: neoliberal globalization, the global financial crisis, economic development, inequality, socialism, gender, environment, and global climate change;

(b) The future of the capitalist system and alternatives to the capitalism: major con- ceptual challenges for critical political economy

(c) Critical analysis of current political economic problems and policy challenges,

(d) Basic theories of political economy

*Proposals of other topics are also welcome

Please note : The international session(s) will be held online & in English. There is some possibility that certain session(s) may be held in a combination of face-to-face and online, depending on the COVID-19 situation.

Submission Procedures and the Deadline

Proposals should reach the JSPE International Committee by May 7, 2021 at the latest:

(i) by e-mail to: jspeintl (at) googlegroups.com or

(ii) by our Web page: https://jspeenglish2021.jimdofree.com/paper-submission/14

When submitting your proposal, please include:

• The title of the proposed paper;

• Your name and academic affiliation;

13https://english-hokuseigakuen69.jimdosite.com 14https://jspeenglish2021.jimdofree.com/paper-submission/

14 • Your e-mail and postal address;

• An abstract (up to 500 words).

• Desired language other than English, if any.

* Notification of acceptance will be sent by 30 June.

Deadline for the full paper: The full paper and the extended abstract (A4, 1 page) in Word format must be submitted by September 2, 2021.

ASE@ ASSA 2022 (Boston, January 2022)

6 - 9 January 2022 — Boston, Massachusetts, US

Conference Theme: The Multiple Facets of Inequality

The conservative revolution of the 1980s led to significant institutional changes that eroded public interventions in the economy. These changes led to an increase in inequal- ity and both relative and absolute deprivation. Forty years after, no alternative has yet emerged to this conservative “consensus” of the late 20th century. The theme of the 2022 ASE sessions at the ASSA meetings that will take place from January 6 to January 9 will explore the multiple facets of inequality.

For the ASE sessions of the 2022 ASSA meetings, we welcome proposals for papers/sessions on all aspects of social economics, but preference will be given to papers that address the 2022 theme. Possible questions to consider but are not limited to:

• Political economy of inequality

• Is there a link between inequality and the rise of populism?

• Inequality and the erosion of democracy

• Racial, gender or other identity-based discrimination and their impact on inequal- ities.

• Income and wealth inequality

• The importance of inheritance on the life cycle financial outcomes.

• Non-monetary inequalities

• Inequalities in the benefit/cost of environmental/ecological amenities

15 • Political philosophy and inequality. What and how much should we equalize?

Submission guidelines:

• Paper proposals should include: 1) author name, affiliation, and contact informa- tion, and 2) title and abstract of proposed papers (250-word limit).

• Session proposals should include: 1) session title and abstract (250-word limit), 2) name, affiliation, and contact information of session organizers, 3) titles and abstracts of proposed papers (250 word limit each).

Questions, as well as paper and sessions submissions should be sent to Paul Makdissi ( [email protected] ).

Individuals whose papers are accepted for presentation must either be or become mem- bers of the Association for Social Economics by July 1, 2021 in order for the paper to be included in the program. Membership information can be found at www.socialeconomics.org16 .

All papers presented at the ASSA meetings are eligible for the Warren Samuels Prize, awarded to the best paper that advances the goals of social economics and has widespread appeal. Papers can also be considered for a special issue of one of the association’s journals, or for edited volumes.

Note: Due to limited session slots, we unfortunately cannot accept all submissions. Papers and sessions not accepted for the ASE program will be automatically considered for the ASE portion of the ICAPE conference, which will be held right before the ASSA meetings on January 6. See icape.org17 for details.

Submission Deadline: 7 May 2021

Cambridge Journal of Economics: Special Issue on ”Future of Work and Working Time”

The idea that technology will ‘free’ people from work has persisted through time. Among some prominent early writers, the expectation was that technological progress would lead inexorably to a future with less or even zero work. Keynes, famously, predicted a fifteen- hour work week by 2030. For Keynes, constant capital accumulation and increasing

15mailto:[email protected] 16https://socialeconomics.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=e15a39cfff392ea8195f6303f& id=db2d518236&e=be8ce60873 17https://socialeconomics.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=e15a39cfff392ea8195f6303f& id=8427a2f25c&e=be8ce60873

16 productivity promised the reduction of work time and the move to a leisure society. He treated work time reduction as something of a formality and looked forward to a time when our lives would be filled with life-enhancing leisure activities. We now realise that Keynes was mostly wrong on this matter, although the reasons for the relative stability of the average full-time working week in wealthier countries are still disputed.

The same ideas about the reduction of working time have recently resurfaced. Debates in the present suggest that technology is (or is about to) erode the basis for employment in society. Digitalisation of work through new technologies such as big data and machine learning has been one of the drivers of this new interest in the future of employment. More recently, the use of short-time working as a reaction to the dramatic reduction in the demand for labour due to COVID-19 has also focused minds on the possible advantages of a general reduction in time spent in full-time waged work. Work time reduction also offers the potential to realise Nancy Fraser’s ambition for gender equality whereby everyone should be both a breadwinner and a carer. There has been a lot of attention to some possible policies relevant to a dramatic reduction in working time, most notably to the feasibility and desirability of a Universal Basic Income (UBI), but despite the large number of academics and policy makers showing renewed interest in working hours, there remain many unresolved issues in this debate that have not received serious academic analysis. A key objective of this Special Issue would be to further understanding of the future of work and working time, including the prospects and possibilities for work time reduction.

We particularly welcome papers that draw upon the history of economic thought and/or are interdisciplinary in nature. We have deliberately left the call for papers broad to attract creative and/or original contributions. For instance, we would be interested to see papers problematising the notion of leisure time, and contributions that consider both different types of unpaid work and different types of non-work activity (e.g. un- employment, retirement). We expect that some of the contributions may focus on the financial implications of working time reductions (for instance the role of benefits in- cluding pensions in alleviating poverty). If there are to be large productivity gains from these new technologies, who should and who will benefit from them? We would also anticipate contributions that deal with the politics of work time (including the barriers to shorter work hours) and policies for work time reduction.

Possible topics for the future of work and working time SI

• Digitalisation and implications for working time

• Gender and working time inequalities

• Regulation or collective bargaining to reduce working time

• Working time and working from home

17 • The environmental impact of shorter working hours

• Cultural and temporal variations in aspirations to leisure

• Working time reduction, health and wellbeing

• Challenges of reconciling productivity and working time reductions

• The societal consequences of increased “free” time

• Barriers to working time reduction

• Trade-offs between working time reduction and job quality

Special issue editors

Professor Brendan Burchell [email protected] Professor Simon Deakin Professor Jill Rubery (University of Manchester) Professor David Spencer (University of Leeds)

Submission of Papers

Submissions should be made using the journal’s online submission system. There is the opportunity, during the submission process, to indicate that your manuscript is a candidate for the Special Issue on ‘The Future of Work and Working Time’. Authors are also advised to include a note indicating this in a covering letter that can be uploaded during the submission process.

All papers submitted will be considered using the CJE’s normal peer review process. Please refer to the Journal’s information for authors. More information is available at the official website19 .

Submission Deadline: 30 September 2021

Conference on ”Monetary innovations and reconfigurations: Which currencies for which economic policies in the context of crises?” (Paris, Oct. 2021)

20-21 October 2021 — MSH Paris-Nord, France

18mailto:[email protected] 19https://academic.oup.com/cje/pages/call-for-papers-the-future-of-work

18 The research programs ‘ IN-MoCo’ (monetary innovations and confidence)20 of Pacte Social Sciences Research Center (Grenoble) and ‘M´etamorphosesdes monnaies et des politiques mon´etaires. Quelles monnaies pour quelles politiques ´economiquesdans un contexte de crise ?’ (MSH Paris Nord, CEPN Universit´eSorbonne Paris Nord21 ) co-organize a two-day conference on two main areas:

• Institutional shifts in monetary policies

• Monetary innovations and the overcoming of monetary institutions

Organizers: Benjamin Lemoine (IRISSO-Paris Dauphine), Jonathan Marie (CEPN- Universit´eSorbonne Paris Nord) and Jean-Fran¸coisPonsot (PACTE-Universit´eGreno- ble Alpes)

Scientific Committee: J´erˆomeBlanc (Triangle, Science Po Lyon), Thomas Boccon-Gibod (Iphig, Universit´eGrenoble Alpes), Benjamin Braun (Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies), Bruno de Conti (University of Campinas), J´ezabel Couppey-Soubeyran (CES, Universit´eParis 1), Ludovic Desmedt (LEDi, Universit´ede Bourgogne), Daouda Drabo (LEDi, Universit´eGrenoble Alpes), Marie Fare (Triangle, Universit´eLyon 2), Jonas Grangeray (CEPN, Universit´eSorbonne Paris Nord), Odile Lakomski-Laguerre (CRIISEA, Universit´ePicardie Jules Verne), Virginie Monvoisin (Grenoble Ecole de Management), P´epitaOuld-Ahmed (CESSMA, Universit´ede Paris), Laurence Scialom (EconomiX, Universit´eParis Nanterre)

All sessions will be organized in plenary sessions. Contributions from colleagues spe- cializing in political science, history or sociology will be particularly welcomed. Contri- butions from PhD. students are highly encouraged. The best papers will qualify for a peer-reviewed publication.

Proposals should not exceed one page plus a selective bibliography and will be evaluated by the scientific committee.

Please submit your abstract to co-organizers:

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

20https://www.pacte-grenoble.fr/programmes/in-moco-innovations-monetaires-confiance 21https://cepn.univ-paris13.fr/ 22mailto:[email protected] 23mailto:[email protected] 24mailto:[email protected]

19 Submission Deadline: 1 May 2021

Extended Deadline: 33th Annual EAEPE Conference (online, Sept 2021)

2-4 September 2021 — online

The deadline of abstract submission to the 33rd EAEPE conference 25 on Recovery from the Covid-19 Pandemic held online on 02-04 Sept 2021 has been extended to April 15th. Please find the general call for papers of EAEPE Conference here26 or in an earlier issue of heterodox economic newsletter.27

Research Area [E1] Industrial Policy and Development: Call for papers on New Generation Industrial Policies

The scale of disruption caused by the recent health crisis has resurged interest for further discussion on the role of industrial policy in alleviating risks from global upheavals such as technological disruptions, climate change and ecologic threats, health crisis. Modern global challenges provoke radical structural changes in advanced and less advanced eco- nomic systems, involving a variety of industrial activities1 where multiple technologies are embedded. Industrial policy should address global challenges in an innovative and sustainable way, aiming to resilient industrial systems that deal with uncertainties and create new opportunities. It should announce clear long-term priorities and explicit per- formance targets in line with sustainable development goals and should set measures and mechanisms in concertation with other policies to alleviate the costs of transformation.

In this context, this year in addition to its general research interests, Research Area [E1] calls for papers on what should be the next generation industrial policies to address risks resulting from technological disruptions, environmental threats, and health crises. We particularly encourage research papers at different levels of analysis, namely national, regional, or sectoral, that relate industrial policy to sustainable and green economy.

Environmental and energy issues disrupt economic systems pushing to deep transforma- tions in production processes, calling for the development of new competencies, technolo- gies, and knowledge across sectors. They also result to changes in consumption patterns and broader structural transformations related to governance modes as well as to severe tensions due to redistribution of economic power. Notwithstanding, they open windows of opportunities for the development of new innovative activities addressing changing needs in energy, environmental protection, etc.

25https://eaepe.org/?page=events&side=annual_conference&sub=eaepe_2021_cfp 26https://eaepe.org/ 27http://www.heterodoxnews.com/n/htn275.html#art-17592186093926

20 Submission Deadline (extended): 15 August 2021

Reseach Area [Q] Complexity Economics

The call can be found here28 .

International Conference: Liberalism and/or socialism – ten- sions, exchanges and convergences from the 19th century to today (Nancy, Oct. 2021)

21 - 22 October 2021 — University of Lorraine, Nancy, France

Conference Theme: Liberalism and/or socialism: tensions, exchanges and conver- gences from the 19th century to today

The fall of the Berlin Wall led Francis Fukuyama in 1992 to predict the triumph of liberal democracy. However, the terrorist attacks of 2001, the economic crisis of 2008, Brexit and the Covid crisis have resulted in the reappearance of debates about the relationship between the state and the individual, ranging from the representation of the former in democratic countries to the distribution of wealth. These transformations question the boundaries between systems of political and economic thought that had previously been considered, perhaps wrongly, as being separate: China claims to bring together socialism and capitalism, while the ruling British Conservatives, like other governments which advocate free-market economics, are resorting to increasing public spending on a massive scale in order to address the current health crisis. In countries where the left has not gained sufficient support to be elected to government, it has displayed a vibrancy which refutes the thesis of its collapse, but it contains deep divisions concerning social reforms and the role of the state in the face of globalisation and multiculturalism. The principles of emancipation and individual rights based on modernity and the Enlightenment have faced criticism, which has been expressed in the rise of populism, conservatism, and the endorsement of holism as the basis of politics.

In light of the aforementioned changes, this conference aims at reevaluating the rela- tionship between two major ideologies – liberalism and socialism – which seem to be contested nowadays, exploring the forms they have taken and tracing their development from their rise in the 19th century onwards.

Socialism seeing itself as a critique of economic liberalism, the two systems of thought emerged partially in opposition to each other. The extension of the state was sometimes cited as a means of emancipation of an oppressed class and sometimes as a means of subjugation of individuals. Antisocialist rhetoric was a platform for important figures of


21 economic liberalism such as Herbert Spencer in the 19th century and Margaret Thatcher in the 20th century. Conversely, left-wing theoreticians and activists found in the cri- tique of capitalism common ground uniting various, potentially conflicting, currents like syndicalists, social democrats, cooperators and Marxists. The main focus of study will be the way socialism and liberalism use each other to define themselves as ideologies. To what extent do they draw their identity from their adversaries’ representation and critique of them? How does the polarisation of debates serve political mobilisation and activism?

The question of private property reveals elements of convergence between the two sys- tems of thought and visions of the world. The liberal tradition, which cannot be reduced to rational individualism, was able to incorporate into its project the concepts of com- mon good and community, particularly in a moral dimension (Rosenblatt) and, at the turn of the twentieth century, the principle of collectivism exerted an influence over the New Liberalism, just as the latter contributed to the development of reformist social- ism (Jackson, Clarke, Freeden). On the left, figures such as Anthony Crosland or Tony Blair laid claim to ethical socialism, a current represented earlier by Robert Owen, the Christian socialists and R.H. Tawney, which judged that the egalitarian ideal was to a certain extent compatible with the two pillars of liberalism – the market economy and democracy.

Consequently, can representations and assumptions which are common to liberalism and socialism be identified, and how do values and political principles (democracy, equal- ity, social justice) borrowed by one ideology from the other allow the ideologies to be (re)defined? Close attention will be paid to thinkers and theoreticians who, either by their trajectories (J.S. Mill, D.G. Ritchie) or in their system of thought (N. Geras), have laid claim to both ideologies. To what extent does their thinking result from political, economic and social contingencies or from specificities belonging to one system or the other?

Through these points of convergence or divergence, the conference will be an opportunity to question the meanings of political concepts and language in their context and will seek to identify the evolutions as well as the durability and / or the disappearance of these ideologies. Can socialism be rethought along the lines suggested by Axel Honneth and by the adoption of the principle of liberal democracy? Or are the class struggle and opposition to capitalism the very essence of this movement? Must Mark Bevir be followed when he states that, “ideologies are not mutually exclusive, reified entities. They are overlapping traditions with ill-defined boundaries” ? Is it possible to agree with Michael Freeden that the concept of a “post-ideological era” serves to promote in itself a system of thought which prefers to remain hidden? The rootedness of the two currents in modernity can also be examined. On some occasions, they have privileged the individual and on others the group, both defending a universal emancipatory project in history. Does the appearance of what Marx predicted as “an association in which the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all” find a paradoxical

22 echo in the project developed by R. Nozick to promote a minimal state in order to achieve a libertarian utopia of cooperation?

We will welcome papers that address the interactions between socialism and liberalism in the English-speaking world (Ireland, the United Kingdom, the United States,. . . ) , in the fields of intellectual history, the history of political and economic thought, economic and political history. The aim of this interdisciplinary conference will be to explore the overlapping of these ideologies and systems of thought, the implementation of policies drawing on them and the work of intellectuals and activists who have contributed to the shaping and evolution of these traditions.

Papers may discuss, but are not limited to:

• Transfers of concepts and the blurring of systems: new liberalism, liberal socialism, libertarian socialism and market socialism in theory and practice

• Interpretations and reappropriations of liberal thinkers by socialists, of socialist thinkers by liberals

• Philosophies of history common to the two ideologies

• Socialism, liberalism and the theories of value

• Methodological individualism and holism

• Socialism and liberalism faced with questions of identity and the influence of com- munitarians

• Liberal and socialist roots of working-class and radical movements: cooperatism, chartism, syndicalism, etc.

• Questioning of the socialist-liberal divide by conservative, anarchist, populist trends

• Theoretical and practical overlapping between socialism and liberalism in times of crisis (environmental, health, economic, political. . . )


Please send proposals (300 words maximum) and a short biography to [email protected] and [email protected] .

Submission Deadline: 10 May 2021

29mailto:[email protected] 30mailto:[email protected]

23 Journal of Philosophical Economics: Symposium on ”‘How economists are taught philosophy: pedagogical and self-referential reflec- tions about the role of philosophy in an economist’s work”


The need to reconstruct (or reorient) economics is almost unanimously acknowledged. Some scholars remind us about the admittedly pejorative picture of the economist as a “scavenger digging around the mullock heaps of the more developed sciences, searching for scraps of sustenance” (Nightingale). This call is premised on the observation that one possible resolve lies in the economists’ return to the philosophical roots of the science of economics.

To help provide insight and direction, we invite you to contribute to our special sympo- sium, ‘How economists are taught philosophy: pedagogical and self-referential reflections about the role of philosophy in an economist’s work’. Opposing optimal design (i.e., the lawful processes of market outcomes) to historical frames (i.e., the contingent pattern of shaping of present results by long chains of unpredictable antecedent states) possibly plays a bigger role in our theorizing about the social world than mere interdisciplinary fertilization suggests. The purpose of the symposium is to facilitate a dialogue between academics of different orientations with the aim of understanding of the present capabil- ity of economics analytics to significantly add to the process of knowledge creation and human progress.


Here are a few suggested essay topics:

• Economic thought: where the economic science and philosophy meet

• Making sense of historical social systems, structures of knowledge, unidisciplinarity, world-systems, long-dur´eeand other thought-provoking conceptual innovations at the frontier of social science

• Integration of historical specificity into a unitary explanatory framework of the economic science

• How do we forecast or imagine the future, interpret the past, and act in the present, when the economic system seems at once so predictable, and yet is prone to large shocks? How do we combine our sophisticated models of the world with the notion that in our action in the world, they can be so dominated by the impact of moments of history?

24 • The difficulty of integrating nature, time, and history into the economic science as a defining part of a mode of reasoning proper

• The concept of causality in its relation to facts of historical nature

• The evolutionary role for accidents

We intend to publish the essays in the current issue of the J Phil Econ Vol. XIV. Although no ideal length, we suggest each essay of about 2000 words, with essays longer (and shorter) welcome. We kindly ask for an expression of interest before May 1, 2021 and a deadline of September 1, 2021.

Please submit your essay to Valentin Cojanu, J Phil Econ Editor, at [email protected] (or [email protected] ).

Expression of Interest Deadline: 1 May 2021

Submission Deadline: 1 September 2021

Policy and Politics: Special Issue on ”Transformational Change through Public Policy”

Policy & Politics33 is a top quartile journal in public administration and political science. Its co-editors, Oscar Berglund, Claire Dunlop and Chris Weible, invite articles for a themed issue on “Transformational Change through Public Policy”.

How can Public Policy as a discipline contribute to desperately needed transformational change in our societies? Climate scientists call for systemic change; our liberal democ- racies suffer from crises in legitimacy; economic and social inequality continues to grow; culture wars increasingly polarise societies, and so on. Scholars have excelled at describ- ing and diagnosing these problems exploring and explaining how they have emerged, and occasionally positing few ideas for their improvements. Despite the knowledge gained in our scholarship, a need continues to persist and spread for ideas to achieve deeper and more transformative societal changes.

We pose two challenges to scholars from the diverse studies of policy and politics:

1. What have we learned from our respective literatures about societal problems and about past successes and failures in trying to achieve transformational change?

31mailto:[email protected] 32mailto:[email protected] 33https://policy.bristoluniversitypress.co.uk/journals/policy-and-politics/about

25 2. What recommendations can we draw from these literatures to achieve transforma- tional change?

Answering these questions will require us to draw from our respective empirical studies of what is happening here and now to derive recommendations for realizing better societies. It will require us to engage seriously with old and new theories seeking change and apply them to achieving changes in public policies and societal transformations. It will require us to think outside of our academic silos towards questions of practice. Finally, we will have to explore individual and collective changemakers beyond the institutional actors that we are used to studying.

In response to this challenge, we hope to receive papers on transformative change through public policy addressing topics including, but certainly not limited to:

• Political equity and democracy

• Social and economic equity

• Climate change

• Systemic racism

• Criminal justice and policing

• Culture wars

• Trust in government

• Societal fragility to human and natural crises and disasters

• Borders, immigration, and migration

• And more. . .

The co-editors will choose a selection of papers to contribute to a themed issue with au- thors participating in a workshop (possibly in person) in autumn or winter of 2021. The papers will offer comprehensive coverage and inclusivity in both research approaches and geographical focus. We welcome diversity in ontological, epistemological, and method- ological orientations.

Scholars with questions or wanting to contribute to this themed issue should submit their proposals with author names and affiliations, title, and up to a 300-word abstract by May 14, 2021 to [email protected] .

Submission Deadline: 14 May 2021

34mailto:[email protected]

26 URPE @ ASSA 2022: Call for Papers

7–9 January 2022 — Sheraton Boston, Boston, MA

Every January URPE sponsors a series of panels at the Allied Social Science Associations meeting to provide a venue for the presentation and discussion of current research in heterodox economics. In addition, each year the RRPE publishes a selection from the papers presented in a Proceedings Issue35 . All presenters at URPE sessions must be URPE members in good standing.

• Click here to update your account or join URPE.36

• Click here to submit an individual paper submission.37

• Click here to submit a complete session proposal.38

URPE invites proposals for complete sessions and individual papers for the URPE at the ASSA’s program. We welcome submissions on topics of interest to radical political economists from a wide variety of theoretical perspectives.

Guidelines for Complete Sessions

Proposals for complete sessions should include the following information:

• Session title

• A brief abstract of each paper (limited to 250 words)

• Two JEL bibliographic codes for the proposed panel

• The names, institutional affiliations, and email addresses of all session participants

35https://urpe.z2systems.com/track//servlet/DisplayLink?orgId=urpe&emailId= 4c447326f9029aac138b7a58874762d04m3775214c4&&linkId=811&targetUrl=https://nam01. safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Furpe.org%2Fthe-journal% 2Fbrowse-content%2Fpapers-from-the-assa%2F&data=01%7C01%7Cjaredr%40ccsu.edu% 7C26a22a8d033c4721c97608d7e55ba6dc%7C2329c570b5804223803b427d800e81b6%7C0&sdata= GFl4XIdsgC2ofjMG%2Fe6swMy5a%2B4LKqzQ5fryg6wuFDE%3D&reserved=0 36https://urpe.z2systems.com/track//servlet/DisplayLink?orgId=urpe&emailId= 4c447326f9029aac138b7a58874762d04m3775214c4&&linkId=818&targetUrl=https://urpe. z2systems.com/np/clients/urpe/membershipJoin.jsp 37https://urpe.z2systems.com/track//servlet/DisplayLink?orgId=urpe&emailId= 4c447326f9029aac138b7a58874762d04m3775214c4&&linkId=808&targetUrl=https://form. jotform.com/210623920681148 38https://urpe.z2systems.com/track//servlet/DisplayLink?orgId=urpe&emailId= 4c447326f9029aac138b7a58874762d04m3775214c4&&linkId=820&targetUrl=https://form. jotform.com/210623861813149

27 Proposals for sessions should contain four papers. Session organizers are responsible for conveying administrative information to session members, including confirmation that the session has been accepted, the time and location of the session, and the deadlines for distributing papers.

The total number of URPE sessions is limited by the ASSA, and we regret that high- quality session proposals may have to be turned down. Chairs and discussants should preferably be chosen amongst the panelists. External discussants and chairs, as well as co-authors, will be not listed on the ASSA program. However, they will be listed on an URPE program on the URPE website. The ASSA allocation of sessions is based upon the number of people attending sessions, and the ASSA does not consider chairs, discussants, co-authors, and panelists as attendees. Thus, we welcome the participation of those who would like to serve as external discussants or chairs, but will not include their names in our submission to the ASSA.

Guidelines for Individual Papers

• Proposals for individual papers should include the following information:

• Paper title

• Abstract (limited to 250 words)

• Two JEL bibliographic codes for the paper

• Author’s name, institutional affiliation, and email address

Individual papers that are accepted will be assigned to sessions, and each session will have an assigned chair. Session chairs are responsible for conveying administrative information to session members, including the time and location of the session, and the deadlines for distributing papers. We regret that high quality individual papers may be turned down due to the inability to place them in a session with papers with similar themes.

Proposals submitted after the May 1 deadline will not be considered. You should receive word from URPE about the decision on your session or paper in late June. The date and time of sessions are assigned by the AEA at the end of August.

Papers and panels that cannot be included on the URPE at ASSA program will au- tomatically be considered for the ICAPE (International Confederation of Associations for Pluralism in Economics) conference that immediately precedesthe ASSA conference. The ICAPE conference will take place on January 6, 2022 at UMass Boston, within an easy cab ride of the ASSA conference hotels.

Please note that all session participants must be a current member of URPE at the time of submission of the session or paper proposal. Anyone not current with their dues will

28 be notified, after which proposals will be deleted if membership is not made current. Membership information is available by clicking here.39

Applications for individual papers should be made to URPE@ASSA Individual Pa- per Proposals,40 or for complete session submissions to URPE@ASSA Complete Session Proposals41 .

If you have questions or problems with the online submission, please contact email the URPE National Office.42 For questions about the meetings, please contact the URPE at ASSA coordinators, Mona Ali43 and Jared Ragusett44 . See the American Economic Association45 website for general logistical information about the conference, and our past programs page46 for more information on sessions at the conference.

Submission Deadline: 1 May 2021

Call for Participants

10th PKES Summer School: Introduction to Post Keynesian Economics and Political Economy (June, online)

8-11 June 2021, online

This four-day online summer school introduces Post Keynesian Economics as an alter- native to mainstream neoclassical economic theory and neoliberal economic policy. Key assumptions in Post Keynesian Economics are that individuals face fundamental uncer-

39https://urpe.z2systems.com/track//servlet/DisplayLink?orgId=urpe&emailId= 4c447326f9029aac138b7a58874762d04m3775214c4&&linkId=819&targetUrl=https://urpe. z2systems.com/np/clients/urpe/membershipJoin.jsp 40https://urpe.z2systems.com/track//servlet/DisplayLink?orgId=urpe&emailId= 4c447326f9029aac138b7a58874762d04m3775214c4&&linkId=810&targetUrl=https://form. jotform.com/210623920681148 41https://urpe.z2systems.com/track//servlet/DisplayLink?orgId=urpe&emailId= 4c447326f9029aac138b7a58874762d04m3775214c4&&linkId=821&targetUrl=https://form. jotform.com/210623861813149 42mailto:[email protected] 43mailto:[email protected] 44mailto:[email protected] 45https://urpe.z2systems.com/track//servlet/DisplayLink?orgId=urpe&emailId= 4c447326f9029aac138b7a58874762d04m3775214c4&&linkId=815&targetUrl=https://www.aeaweb. org/conference/about 46https://urpe.z2systems.com/track//servlet/DisplayLink?orgId=urpe&emailId= 4c447326f9029aac138b7a58874762d04m3775214c4&&linkId=814&targetUrl=https://urpe.org/ conferences-events/urpe-at-the-assas/

29 tainty about the future; there is a central role for ‘animal spirits’ in the determination of investment decisions; inflation is the result of unresolved distributional conflicts; money is an endogenous creation of the private banking system; unemployment is determined by effective demand on the goods markets; financial markets are prone to periodic boom- bust cycles.

Post Keynesian theory is part of a broader Political Economy approach which highlights the social conflict and power relations between classes such as labour, capital and finance and social groups stratified along the lines of gender and ethnicity. Economic analysis should thus be rooted in a historic and institutional setting.

The summer school is aimed at students of economics and social sciences. As the aim of Post Keynesian Economics and Political Economy ultimately is to provide the foundation for progressive economic policies, it may be of interest for a broader audience.

Time Schedule

Tuesday 8 June 2021: Introduction to Post Keynesian Economics

• Post Keynesian Economics, Introduction & Overview (Engelbert Stockhammer, King’s College London)

• Endogenous Money and Minsky’s Financial Instability Hypothesis (Maria Niko- laidi, University of Greenwich)

• Aggregate Demand and Inequalities - Income and Wealth distribution and Gender (Ozlem¨ Onaran, University of Greenwich)

• Concluding panel: Economic Policy after the Pandemic (Chair: Maria Nikolaidi, University of Greenwich. Speakers: Ozlem¨ Onaran, University of Greenwich; En- gelbert Stockhammer, King’s College London; Gary Dymski, University of Leeds)

Wednesday 9 June 2021: Formal Modelling in Post Keynesian Economics

• Stock-flow consistent modelling and ecological macroeconomics (Yannis Dafermos, SOAS University of London)

• Complexity in New Keynesian and Heterodox Models (Jo Michell, University of the West of England)

• Endogenous Business Cycle Models (Karsten K¨ohler,King’s College London)

Thursday 10 June 2021: Development

30 • Development from Post Keynesian and Institutionalist perspectives (Christina Wolf, Kingston University)

• Development: Colonial Legacies. Decolonising Futures? (Glenn Lauren Moore, SOAS University of London)

• ‘Wage-led growth’ and Development (Adam Aboobaker, University of the West of England)

Friday 11 June 2021: Topics in Post Keynesian Economics and Political Economy I

• The Political Economy of Income Distribution (Alexander Guschanski, University of Greenwich)

• A New Keynesian and Post Keynesian Model in a Simple Unified Framework (Rafael Wildauer, University of Greenwich)

• The financialisation of almost everything (Ewa Karwowski, Hertfordshire Business School)

For application and further information please visit the website.47

AHE Webinar Series: Heterodox Economics Goes Global (April 2021, online)

28 April 2021, 3pm (BST) — online

Association for Heterodox Economic’s (AHE)48 monthly webinar series on ”heterodox goes global” continues on the 28th April at 3pm (BST), and it will host a presentation by Dr Julia Braga (Brazilian Keynesian Association & Fluminense Federal University) and Dr Ricardo Summa (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) entitled ”Applications and challenges of the Sraffian supermultiplier”, followed by an interactive discussion of heterodox economics in Brazil.

The event is free to attend, and participants can register here49 .

More information about the AHE webinar series can be found on their website50 .

47https://www.gre.ac.uk/business/research/centres/gperc/news/events/pkes-summer-school 48http://www.hetecon.net/ 49https://t.co/j2BmqwJmCd?amp=1 50https://www.hetecon.net/

31 Intensive Virtual Course: ”Gender-Sensitive Macroeconomic Mod- eling for Policy Analysis” (online, June-July 2021)

28 June - 16 July 2021 — online

Organized by the American University’s Care Work and the Economy51 Project and Levy Economics Institute of Bard College52

The purpose of this course is to engage with fellow economists to enhance capacity building in research and teaching of gender-sensitive economic analysis, with a focus on care and macroeconomic policy aspects. The course will be built on four pillars: a) understanding and measuring the care economy; b) adapting social accounting matrices to account for paid and unpaid care activities; c) integrating the information from time- use surveys on unpaid care activities with other relevant sources of information such as national income accounts, labor force surveys, and household or special surveys; and d) performing policy-relevant economic analyses that take systematic account of the interlinkages between care, macroeconomic processes, and distribution. Our goal is to guide the participants toward the formulation of viable research projects focused on addressing care needs in developing countries through a better understanding of the care economy and the formulation of gender-sensitive macroeconomic policies. Hence, the program will comprise lectures by experts and hands-on training in analytics.

We are especially interested in participants who either would like to or are currently involved in research aimed at influencing policymaking to address care needs in their countries. We particularly seek applications from the following countries: Colombia, Ghana, Kenya, Mexico, Mongolia, Senegal, Morocco, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Thailand, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Costa Rica, Uruguay, and Vietnam. Women and minorities (ethnic, racial, and other) are encouraged to apply.

We encourage economists in academia, research institutions, government, and civil- society organizations to apply. The applicants must have completed at least two years of study in a graduate economics program or have received a masters or Ph.D. degree in economics. We also expect that participants have the ability to analyze data using Ex- cel. We also consider the ability to analyze data with STATA or other similar statistical software such as R highly desirable. These requirements may be waived under excep- tional circumstances. The program will be conducted in English; therefore, applicants are expected to be fluent in written and spoken English.

For more information or to apply, please email AU-Levy Intensive Course Administrator, Thomas Masterson ( [email protected] ) or visit the seminar website54 . This course

51https://research.american.edu/careworkeconomy/ 52http://www.levyinstitute.org 53mailto:[email protected] 54https://mx.technolutions.net/ss/c/XXc6adqa997Wg7dFYCT9VoOq8mVPSMnLfJmZabqinpcYwnD8vRvyYsgtpL0fq8OYIje-

32 is organized by the American University’s Care Work and the Economy Project and the Levy Institute and is made possible by the generous support of the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation.

Application Deadline: 8 April 2021

Online Course: ”Just and Green: Labour’s Ecological Question” (April 2021, online)

15 April 2021 — online

Course content

This course is a part of Springer Nature MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) it is at the level of a Masters’ programme and requires a working level of English. It is a multi- discipinary course drawing on the fields of social, political and economic sciences. The concepts are explained in an accessible and well-illustrated way, so it is also possible to participate in the course using skills and knowledge acquired outside formal education.

The environmental crisis poses an existential threat to human life and is leading to a rapid destruction of ecosystems and extinction of species worldwide. Overcoming this crisis demands fundamental transformations of the ways we produce, consume and organise our economy and society.

This free online courseexplores different aspects of the ‘jobs vs. environment dilemma’ through a lens of current struggles, as well as academic and policy debates:

• Chapter 1: Introduction to the course

• Chapter 2: Setting the context: why is the environment a labour issue?

• Chapter 3: Responding to the environmental crisis: labour struggles from various sectors

• Chapter 4: Theoretical debates on labour and environment

• Chapter 5: Labour’s policy proposals

Key concepts

zWunHgiCTRM3Utug1BtVbigqgammlBLip903wUHv307eZv_-if0Ma9hF5kJDfZBjdcAcRRN4FYvHwU- CWyPNBNDy11oexWSHFT84RBA/3aa/GC19DRDjRCaSExNlISMwuA/h6/SgbFdL2MEu6gVE6USf_ OOXC6NAzS3pyi2vu-33EH7zE

33 jobs vs. environment, green growth, de-growth, environmentalism, just transition, de- carbonization, global labour transformation, natural resources, economic and ecological policies, working conditions

Learning objectives

• At the end of the course, the participants will be able to state key facts related to the unequal distribution of greenhouse emissions.

• The participants will also be able to discuss the underlying issues of the jobs vs. environment dilemma.

• They will also be able define and related to key concepts in the environmental- labour debate.

• The course participants will also be able to analyse and compare the merits of differ- ent analytical approaches and policy proposals related to the labour-environment topic.

• Finally, at the end of the course, the participants will be able to assess related policy proposals.

Course workload

The estimated workload is 6-7 hours per week if you read also the key reading for each unit.

Please find further information on the website55 .

The 29th Annual Hyman P. Minsky Conference (online, May 2021)

5-6 May 2021 — online

The 29th Annual Hyman P. Minsky Conference on the State of the US and World Economies56 will be held virtually, May 5–6, 2021. This year’s discussion will focus on “Prospects and Challenges for the US and Europe in an Emerging Post-Pandemic Recovery” and feature speakers from government, academia, financial institutions, and the media, as well as Levy Institute scholars.

55https://iversity.org/en/courses/just-and-green-labours-ecological-question 56https://mx.technolutions.net/ss/c/XXc6adqa997Wg7dFYCT9VoOq8mVPSMnLfJmZabqinpc_ VnzMQGr3p4Lhovp8j6Z3O59iW_UXH-NnHnLApHwt09ef6J2dgqiSLlVd93bUuTE/3aa/ GC19DRDjRCaSExNlISMwuA/h2/uRL-E8KGsI9a9cKTUTsHSVJOMN2PD2OpqoRJVMDNSzo

34 Scheduled presenters include Lakshman Achuthan, Economic Cycle Research Institute; Binyamin Appelbaum, New York Times; Robert Barbera, Johns Hopkins University; Peter Coy, Bloomberg Businessweek; Charles Evans, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago; Jason Furman, Harvard University; Charles Goodhart, London School of Economics; Michael Greenberger, University of Maryland School of Law; Bruce Greenwald, Columbia Business School; Jan Hatzius, Goldman Sachs; David P. Henry, Reuters; Lex Hoogduin, University of Groningen; Kathryn Judge, Columbia Law School; Robert Kaplan, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas; Bruce Kasman, JP Morgan; Denis MacShane, former Europe Minister and Avisa Partners; Patricia McCoy, Boston College; James Paulsen, Leuthold Group; Paolo Savona, CONSOB; Jeanna Smialek, New York Times; Deborah Solomon, New York Times; and Frank Veneroso, Veneroso Associates.

For more information or to register, please visit the conference website57 .

Webinar Series: Labor and a Jobs Guarantee

8/15 April 2021, 1pm EDT — online

Amid a health & economic crisis that has destroyed millions of jobs, a summer of up- risings that once again highlighted the deprivation of Black communities, and growing climate chaos, some policymakers are reconsidering a policy tool with a long history: to have the federal government provide jobs directly to anyone who wants one. But there are many questions about what a job guarantee can or should look like—especially how it can actually strengthen working class power.

On April 1, 8, and 15, three Thursdays in a row at 1pm EDT, you’re invited to join a short course on Labor and a Jobs Guarantee58 , hosted by Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung NYC (RLS-NYC), United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers of America (UE), Global In- stitute for Sustainable Prosperity (GISP), and Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)!

This series will serve three purposes. It will:

• be a popular education training on the Jobs Guarantee (JG);

• highlight the historic potential of a JG for racial justice and climate justice; and

• most importantly, build links between those advocating for a jobs guarantee and those fighting for a strong, mass, working-class, labor movement, following the

57https://mx.technolutions.net/ss/c/XXc6adqa997Wg7dFYCT9VoOq8mVPSMnLfJmZabqinpc_ VnzMQGr3p4Lhovp8j6Z3O59iW_UXH-NnHnLApHwt09ef6J2dgqiSLlVd93bUuTE/3aa/ GC19DRDjRCaSExNlISMwuA/h3/uDhrqwxY5lrG9DT6fhTXTBJTx7D2kCW-pblNJ0rbwOM 58https://rosalux.nyc/events/labor-and-a-jobs-guarantee/

35 framework of UE’s Them and Us Unionism59 .

This course will feature organizers and policymakers including Sara Nelson, Carl Rosen, Dr. Darrick Hamilton, Judy Ancel, Dr. William (Sandy) Darity Jr., Dr. Fadhel Kaboub, Keon Liberato, Kari Thompson, Sydney Ghazarian, and more! The first week will focus on the jobs guarantee, and specifically the possibilities presented by Rep. Ayanna Pressley’s Jobs Guarantee Resolution60 . It will lay out the concept, what is included, and what is not included in the JG policy proposal, and explore its historic potential with regards to racial justice, climate, and labor. The second week will pick up the strands and focus on the labor movement today. The invited labor leaders will talk about the challenges and opportunities facing unions today, and how the jobs guarantee can be a game changer for the mass, broad-based, labor movement that is necessary to achieve the Green New Deal. The third week will be smaller interactive facilitated discussions to draw out the links from the first two weeks, in order to build toward a common understanding of what a labor-centered jobs guarantee could look like—and what it would take to make it a reality. The panel discussions will be livestreamed & posted on Youtube. All sessions are open to the public. Rank-and-file union members are especially welcome to participate in the 3rd session!

Event info: https://rosalux.nyc/events/labor-and-a-jobs-guarantee/61

Register: bit.ly/RLSLaborJG62

Workshop on ”Innovative Financing, Development and Ecologi- cal Transition” (online, May 2021)

3-4 May 2021 (Grenoble, France and online)

This workshop is co-organized by the IN-MoCo research program63 (monetary innova- tions and confidence) of Pacte Social Sciences Research Center (Grenoble) and Agence Fran¸caisede D´eveloppement64 (Paris).

Day 1/ Monday 3 May.

3pm - 4.30pm (Paris time)

Session 1 (in english): Structural Change and Financing for Development

59https://www.ueunion.org/ThemAndUs/ 60https://pressley.house.gov/sites/pressley.house.gov/files/Pressley%20Federal%20Job% 20Guarantee%20Resolution%20vF.pdf 61https://rosalux.nyc/events/labor-and-a-jobs-guarantee/ 62http://bit.ly/RLSLaborJG 63https://www.pacte-grenoble.fr/programmes/in-moco-innovations-monetaires-confiance 64https://www.afd.fr/en

36 • Camila Grankow (Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean CEPALC) & Jo˜aoP. Romero (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais): Increasing Economic Complexity to Boost Development and Reduce GHG Emissions

• Devrim Yilmaz (Agence Fran¸caisede D´eveloppement): Green Transformation and Structural Change

• Stanislas Augier (Pacte): Green Swans in Developing Countries

• Luc Eyraud (International Monetary Fund, Advisor and Mission Chief on the WAEMU): Financing the SDGs in Africa

4.45pm - 6.15pm (Paris time)

Session 2 (in french): Afrique

• Kako Nubukpo (Conseiller ´economiquedu pr´esident de la commission de l’Union Economique et Mon´etaireOuest Africaine): Financements innovants et transition mon´etaireen Afrique de l’Ouest

• Pascale Trompette (Pacte Universit´eGrenoble Alpes): March´esfragment´es: l’acc`es `al’´energie´electriquehors r´eseauau S´en´egal

• Edi Assoumou (Mines ParisTech): Choix technologiques et sc´enariode transition ´energ´etiqueen Afrique de l’Ouest: ´elaboration d’un mod`elepour la Cˆoted’Ivoire

• Martin Buchsenschutz (Nodalis Conseil) : Production priv´eeou maˆıtrised’ouvrage publique pour acc´el´ererla r´ealisationdes centrales solaires en Afrique : de l’approche exclusive `ala recherche de la meilleure combinaison

Day 2 Tuesday 4th May.

3.30pm – 5.00pm (Paris time)

Session 3 (in french) : Verdir le syst`emeinternational

• Mehdi Abbas (Pacte Universit´eGrenoble Alpes) : Verdir la gouvernance commer- ciale ?

• Romain Svartzman (University McGill) : Quelle ´ecologiepolitique pour un verdisse- ment du syst`ememon´etaireinternational ?

• Jean-Fran¸coisPonsot (Pacte Universit´eGrenoble Alpes) : Un  Moment Bretton Woods  ?

37 • Etienne Espagne (Agence Fran¸caisede D´eveloppement) : Environmental change and the international lender of last resort

5.15pm – 6.45pm (Paris time)

Keynote speakers session (in english): Financing Climate Policies

• Stephany Griffith-Jones (Financial Markets Program Director at the Initiative for Policy Dialogue at Columbia University): The Future of National Development Banks

• Daniela Gabor (University of West England Bristol): Greening the Wall Street Consensus

• Michel Aglietta (CEPII): Public Debt and Money for a Political Ecology in the EU

If you are interested, please contact [email protected] or [email protected]

Conference Papers, Reports, and Podcasts

International Rosa Luxemburg Conference: Videos online

Videos of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation67 ’s International Rosa Luxemburg Confer- ence 2021 are available here.68

Job Postings

Bennington College, US

Job title: Visiting Faculty Position at Bennington College, AY 2021/22 (Po- litical Economy of the Environment)

65mailto:[email protected] 66mailto:[email protected] 67https://www.rosalux.de 68https://www.facebook.com/rosaluxglobal/videos

38 Bennington College invites applicants to apply for a one-year full-time visiting faculty position with a focus on the political economy of the environment for the Fall 2021- Spring 2022 academic year. The successful candidate will teach courses that support our offerings in both Environmental Studies and Political Economy. Possible areas of curricular interest include: the ecological history of capitalism, macroeconomics of the environment, resource and environmental economics, growth models and the limits to growth, environmental (in)justice and political economy, and labor and the environment.

Description of position

This position will be responsible for teaching four courses. The ideal candidates will have a strong commitment to student-centered pedagogy. A Ph.D. is preferred, but ABD will be considered. We welcome and encourage applications from individuals who approach political economy from a variety of disciplinary lenses, including (but not limited to) economics, sociology, international relations, and environmental studies.

About the college

Bennington College is a small residential liberal arts college in southern Vermont, long distinguished for its progressive approach to higher education. The College was founded in 1932 on the principle of active engagement in learning, which is manifest in individ- ualized plans of study developed by students together with faculty. We serve a diverse student population, and our faculty and staff also reflect diverse backgrounds and iden- tities. Our aim is to educate students towards self-fulfillment and constructive social purposes, and we believe that equity, diversity, and inclusivity–in community and in curriculum–are vital to achieving those aims.


Candidates should apply online69 by submitting: 1) a letter of application; 2) a cur- riculum vitae; 3) a statement of teaching philosophy that includes descriptions of three potential course offerings; 4) links to, or examples of relevant recent professional work; and 5) contact information for three references.

Review of applications

Review of applications will begin on April 1 and will continue until the position is filled. This position requires the successful completion and acceptable results of a background check. For more information please check out the official website.70

69 https://bennington.recruiterbox.com/jobs/fk0uv2z~ 70https://bennington.recruiterbox.com/jobs/fk0uv2z

39 Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands

Job title: 2 PhD positions for ERC project on Green Industrial Policy in the Age of Rare Metals: A Trans-regional Comparison of Growth Strategies in Rare Earths Mining (GRIP-ARM)

Our new global political economy is increasingly defined by ‘critical raw materials’ – of which rare earths elements (or ‘rare earths’) are the most significant. These seventeen chemically similar metals – with special properties of ferromagnetism, superconductiv- ity, and luminescence – play a vital role in the production of advanced manufacturing and low-carbon technology. Two important trends underline the urgency of this re- search. Firstly, low and middle-income countries joining the race for industrialization are increasing demands for high-tech goods ranging from computers, mobile phones, and flat screens, as well as for low-carbon consumer products, such as energy- efficient cars, solar panels, wind turbines, and even lights – all of which constitute further pressures to accelerate the pace and breadth of natural resource exploitation. Secondly, grow- ing demands for rare earths are currently suffering from a supply constraint given that China – the dominant market player in rare earths mining – has begun to impose export restrictions and reorient its mining policy to support domestic industrialization. The impending resource crunch creates incentives for mineral states to gain strategic and economic advantage.

The GRIP-ARM project, and the researchers that are part of this team, will contribute to understanding how mineral exporters can design industrial strategies in pursuit of their national economic and security objectives, as well as examining the responses of end- user manufacturing companies and national governments both in securing stable access of rare earth elements and in facilitating the transition towards sustainable development.

PhD Position 1: Accelerated exploitation through resource nationalism in Brazil

You will be responsible in examining how political elites have repositioned Brazil as a mining giant through a combination of a resource-oriented industrial strategy, investment policy, and regional development plans. While the Brazilian state has played a central role in transforming its energy and mineral resources through resource nationalism, there is enormous potential for rare earths to become a tool for technological innovation par- ticularly in building linkages between mining and higher-value manufacturing, renewable energy, and national defence. Rare earth mining has end-user applications as a catalyst for petroleum refining which is likely to play a wider role in the context of the country’s discovery of the biggest offshore oil reserves in 2007.

While the project generally uses a qualitative approach combining semi-structured in- terviews with key informants, policy and media analysis, archival research, and site- intensive methods (SIM), there is sufficient leeway for the prospective candidate to pur-

40 sue new methodological approaches in seeking originality of work. The PhD candidate is expected to spend between 12-16 months of fieldwork in mining regions (Amazon and Minas Gerais) for the qualitative part of the project, exploring various political econ- omy questions that shape Brazil’s rare earths sector and broader industrial strategy, and placing the case study in global, national, and regional/sub-national contexts. However, the prospective candidate may propose different pathways for his/her own research, for example, by exploring potential comparative analysis within and between Brazil and other regions/cases, creating new research designs for the PhD involving mixed methods approaches, or to undertake value chain analysis of specific rare earth elements and end user manufacturing/high technology sectors.

Note that a good candidate for these positions must come from or have a strong associ- ation with the selected country.

PhD 2: Supply chain consolidation through joint ventures with MNEs in Kazakhstan

Full time, 4 years

You will carry out research on how Kazakhstan through its history of state-building, industrial policy and technical expertise on mining has implemented a series of economic reforms aimed at attracting investment to bring new technology and foreign expertise into the mining sector. Kazakhstan is the second richest in terms of proven uranium reserves and is the biggest producer with about 39% control of world supply. From the 1990s onwards, political elites have generally relied on privatization in developing mineral and oil reserves. Foreign control is well-documented in oil production as part of a broader package to transition towards full-fledged capitalism. With its rich reserves of heavy rare earth metals mined together with uranium, international investors from France, Germany and Japan have pursued joint ventures with Kazatoprom to reduce the long-term risks associated with a supply market dominated by Chinese enterprises.

The project will explore the extent to which foreign investment-based development strategies are compatible with its geopolitical interests and domestic economic prior- ities. The PhD researcher will examine the changing strategy of the domestic elites in their efforts to place rare earths mining as a complementary sector to its vast and highly developed energy industry, examining the role of industrial, trade and investment policies as well as the broader relationship of Kazakhstan with European, Russian and Chinese firms. While the project generally uses a qualitative approach combining semi- structured interviews with key informants, policy and media analysis, archival research, and site-intensive methods (SIM), there is sufficient leeway for the prospective candidate to pursue new methodological approaches in seeking originality of work. The PhD candi- date is expected to spend between 12-16 months of fieldwork in mining regions including in Chu-Sarysu basin for the qualitative part of the project, exploring various political economy questions that shape Kazakhstan’s rare earths sector and broader industrial

41 strategy, and placing the case study in global, national, and regional/sub-national con- texts. However, the prospective candidate may propose new ways to develop his/her expertise, for instance, by seeking comparative analysis within and between Kazakhstan and wider Central Asia (or other middle income countries), by examining Kazakhstan in the wider context of the New Silk Campaign, and/or undertaking value chains analysis of specific rare earth elements and end user manufacturing/high technology sectors.

Note that a good candidate for these positions must come from or have a strong associ- ation with the selected country.


• A completed Master in political science, political economy, and/or development studies;

• Evidence of a track record or working in the field of political economy and economic policy analysis, advocacy and/ or research in this domain;

• Proven knowledge on main subjects relevant to the project;

• Excellent communication skills to work in a teamwork setting, and a proactive, versatile and independent attitude in completing tasks;

• Experience with working in government, international organizations, or research institutions is an advantage;

• Be fluent in English, Portuguese (Brazil), or Kazakh/Russian (Kazakhstan). Local language in the selected country is an advantage.

Conditions of Employment

Besides being part of an innovative research on humanitarian governance and a national and international network, this position offers you an appointment for 4 years in the following structure:

We offer an appointment as PhD student for a period of 1.5 year, which will be extended with a second term of 2.5 years if the candidate performs well. Remuneration will be according to the PhD scales set by the Collective Labor Agreement for Dutch Universities (CAO NU) and will range from AC 2.395,- per month in the first year to AC 3.061 per month in the fourth year (gross amounts, in case of fulltime employment).

The EUR has attractive employment conditions, which include a holiday allowance of 8.0%, an end-of-year bonus of 8.3% and up to 41 days paid time off. Substantial tax benefits apply to non-Dutch citizens, conditional on permission granted by the Dutch Tax Office. Applicants will be provided the right to work in the Netherlands for the duration of the contract.

42 For further information regarding the positions please also contact Dr. Jewellord Nem Singh, at [email protected] or visit the official website.72

Application Deadline: 30 April 2021

Gran Sasso Science Institute, Italy

Job title: 7 PhD Positions to PhD programme in Regional Science & Eco- nomic Geography

The Gran Sasso Science Institute,73 a recently established public university dedicated to doctoral education in L’Aquila, Italy, has just advertised 7 positions in its English- taught PhD programme in Regional Science & Economic Geography.

The aim of the PhD in Regional Science and Economic Geography is to address issues related to local and regional development. The methodological perspective of research and teaching is multidisciplinary, combining regional and urban economics, economic and human geography, spatial planning and sociology.

Please note that the programme offers training in both quantitative and qualitative re- search methods, thus enabling students to move beyond dualistic understandings (quan- titative vs. qualitative) of economic geography and regional studies.

The PhD Programme lasts four years. The Academic Year will start on November 1st 2021. GSSI awards scholarships until the thesis dissertation and for a maximum of four years. The yearly gross amount of the scholarship is AC 16.159,91. An additional 50% on a monthly basis may be awarded for research period abroad if approved by the GSSI.

L’Aquila is a historical town in central Italy, surrounded by mountains in a largely unspoiled natural environment. It is the capital city of the Abruzzo region. All details related to this call can be found here74 .

Application Deadline: 14 June 2021

71mailto:[email protected] 72https://www.academictransfer.com/en/298683/for-two-phd-positions-for-erc-project-on- green-industrial-policy-in-the-age-of-rare-metals-a-trans-regional-comparison-of- growth-strategies-in-rare-earths-mining-grip-arm/ 73https://www.gssi.it 74https://applications.gssi.it/phd/

43 Karlshochschule International University, Germany

Job title: Freelance lecturer (m/f/d) in the field of Global Economy

With around 600 students, 15 full-time professors and 30 service staff, Karlshochschule International University in Karlsruhe is an innovative, non-profit foundation university with a cultural studies approach towards critical management and social studies at the bachelor and master degree level. As a feminist-oriented university, we strive to over- come all forms of racism and are committed to the values of interculturality, inclusion, diversity, and sustainability.

To support our teaching team, we are looking for a freelance lecturer (m/f/d) in the field of Global Economy for regular assignment in the winter semester (September to December). The Bachelor’s module ”Global Economy”, which is taught in English, pro- vides the foundations for a critical understanding of economics in the first semester of the interdisciplinary Management and Social Sciences degree programs. Students will be introduced to pluralistic and heterodox economic theories and methods in relation to ”global economy” and ”globalisation” through interactive and student-centered sem- inars.


• Desire for critical and interactive teaching whilst displaying sensitivity towards racisms and forms of discrimination

• A degree in economics, political economy or a comparable course of study

• Provide a foundation to the field of economics especially in relation to the global economy

• Didactic aptitude and student-centered teaching experience (e.g. experiential or playful learning)

• Academic engagement with pluralist/heterodox economic approaches (such as post- Keynesian, feminist or ecological and post-growth approaches), preferably demon- strated by a PhD or comparable academic qualification.

The university is a reliable partner and as such interested in long-term cooperation. As an employer, Karlshochschule International University promotes equal opportunities. We value diversity and welcome all applications.

If you are interested, please contact us either directly by telephone on 0721 48095-328 or by e-mail to [email protected].

44 For further information please visit the website75 .

Loughborough University, UK

Job title: Lecturer LU London

We are hiring a new lecturer in the Institute for International Management, Loughbor- ough University London.

Loughborough University is an amazing place to work. We’re ranked top ten in every national league table, named University of the Year in the WhatUni Student Choice Awards 2020, achieved Gold in the Teaching Excellence Framework, and have seven Queen’s Anniversary Prizes for Higher and Further Education.

The role

The Institute for International Management76 aims to become the leading centre for training and research into the successful management of international organisations across different national contexts. The Institute is actively engaged in international research projects concerning the globalisation of economic activity and the implications for patterns of work, sustainability, risk and governance. It is developing expertise in a range of emerging market economies over the next few years. The programmes in the institute include a general programme in International Management and more specific programmes in such areas as International HRM, Emerging Economies, International Project Management and IM, Risk and Governance.

Our Institute has a heavy emphasis on comparative political economy and critical man- agement approaches (broadly defined). We are committed to increasing diversity and strongly encourage applications from underrepresented groups. You will have a record of excellence which is contributing to the furtherance of knowledge in your discipline and which is recognised internationally. You must also have a PhD or equivalent research ex- perience and be able to demonstrate a clear trajectory towards achievement at a higher academic level.

Find out more by visiting the university’s job openings portal at www.lboro.ac.uk/outstanding77

Application deadline: April 25, 2021

75http://www.karlshochschule.de 76https://www.lborolondon.ac.uk/institutes/institute-for-international-management/ 77https://www.lboro.ac.uk/join-us/outstanding/london/

45 Max Weber Centre, Germany

Job title: PhD Position (m/f/d) at the project “Clash or Convergence of Capitalism: Property Conflicts over Chinese Direct Investment in Germany and the EU“

The project aims to analyze the expansion of Chinese corporations in the EU and Ger- many, in particular the conflicts arising from Chinese direct investment and the political responses to takeovers and increasing competition. The successful applicant will:

• Participate in the research tasks as well as the preparation and realization of events of the interdisciplinary Collaborative Research Centre ”The Structural Change of Property” ( https://www.uni-erfurt.de/max-weber-kolleg/forschung/forschungsgruppen- und-stellen/forschungsgruppen/sonderforschungsbereich-transregio-294-strukturwandel- des-eigentums78 )

• work on a PhD project on the internationalization of Chinese companies and Chi- nese direct investment in the EU and Germany

• create a data set with Chinese company data on the internationalization of Chinese firms, thereby analyzing corporate networks using tools for social network analysis, from findings the researcher will prepare high quality publications along with the team

• participate in an international research collaboration (primarily with Nan´ade Graaf, VU Amsterdam)


• applicants must hold a master’s degree or the equivalent in sociology, political science, international political economy, China studies or a related field

• knowledge of the political economy of China and/or transnational companies is an advantage

• full professional proficiency in English and advanced proficiency in Mandarin are required, proficiency in German is an advantage

• experience with social network analysis methods and tools and interest in qualita- tive social research is an advantage

78https://www.uni-erfurt.de/max-weber-kolleg/forschung/forschungsgruppen-und-stellen/ forschungsgruppen/sonderforschungsbereich-transregio-294-strukturwandel-des-eigentums

46 • applicants should be able to work both independently and in a team, and should have good communication skills

We offer

• the SFB offers an innovative and varied working environment and the possibility of further academic qualifications in an interdisciplinary context.

• an opportunity to participate in establishing a new research center at a modern and dynamic research institution in an attractive city of Erfurt

• an opportunity to develop a research profile and the qualifications as an academic

• flexible, creative, and a family-friendly working environment with a variety of offers for families, for example, flexible childcare (“R¨auberh¨ohle”)

• salary in accordance with the terms of the collective agreement for the public service of the L¨ander(TV-L) in accordance with personal qualifications up to salary scale E13


The German version of this vacancy notice alone shall be legally binding. The position is available as soon as possible, fixed term contract for 4 years. This call for applications is addressed to applicants who meet the requirements of Academic Fixed-Term Contracts Act (Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz). General conditions of employment of the § 91 (5) of the Thuringian Higher Education Act (Th¨uringerHochschulgesetz) apply. The University of Erfurt is committed to diversity and gender equality. It has been audited as a ”family-friendly university” and has received the rating ”equality excellent” in the female professor program. One of the university’s strategic goals is increasing the proportion of women in research and teaching. Qualified female scientists are therefore particularly encouraged to apply. Severely disabled persons and those with equal status are given preference in the case of equal suitability, professional performance, and ability. The University of Erfurt promotes the compatibility of career and family and offers flexible working hours and further training opportunities as well as a range of health and prevention offers as part of the company health management.


Please send your application (a letter of intent explaining your interest in the project and details about your research experience, CV, a copy of degree certificates, a writing sample such as a MA thesis and/or one publication, and contact details of two academic references) as PDF-files e-mail: [email protected] For more in-

79mailto:[email protected]

47 formation please contact Dr. Amelie Stuart ( [email protected] ).

Please find further information on the website.81

Application Deadline 12 April 2021.

Research Department of the European Trade Union Institute, Belgium

Job title: Vacancy for a Researcher or Senior Researcher on EWCs, SE- Works Councils and transnational information and consultation

The Research Department of the European Trade Union Institute is recruiting a Re- searcher or Senior Researcher specialised in European industrial relations, workers’ par- ticipation, and economic and industrial democracy.

Job Description

Within a dynamic international environment, you will work in a team of about ten re- searchers working in the broad area of the ‘Europeanisation of industrial relations’. Your research will focus primarily on transnational information and consultation that takes place within European works councils and SE-works councils. Together with colleagues, you will be responsible for developing an own research agenda which situates transna- tional information and consultation within the context of European industrial relations, which includes the different national industrial relations systems in the EU, a trade union agenda for European industrial relations, and European policy-making processes. You will support the coordination of the ETUI’s Workers’ Participation in Europe network, an expert network that focusses on information, consultation and board-level employee representation in Europe.

To these ends, you will take part in international research networks and maintain con- tacts with universities, other research institutes, and trade union organisations. You will organise workshops, seminars and conferences, and publish the results of your research in ETUI publications, academic and specialised journals, and other media. Additionally, you will be expected to provide expertise in support of European trade union organisa- tions, particularly the ETUC and the sectoral European Trade Union Federations.


80mailto:[email protected] 81https://www.uni-erfurt.de/universitaet/arbeiten-an-der-universitaet/ stellenausschreibungen/26-2021-wima-sfb-jrt02-mwk-schmalz-englisch

48 We expect you to have a Doctoral degree – or be nearing completion - in economics, sociology, political science, or a related discipline, and sound professional experience in researching industrial relations. Prior experience in developing and implementing multi-annual research would be a particular asset. We are particularly interested in candidates with a strong interest in working with databases and handling data and with proven analytical skills. Prior publications in the field, including in peer-reviewed academic journals, would be an asset.

In addition, candidates are expected to have:

• knowledge of the European Union and the European institutions;

• knowledge of the European trade unions;

• good communication and team-working skills and a readiness to travel within Eu- rope;

• excellent knowledge of English (working language). Knowledge of one of the official languages of the EU is an advantage;

• familiarity with standard computer applications.

Conditions of employment

The appointment will initially be a full-time position for a 3-year period with the possibil- ity of extension. The ETUI offers a uniquely dynamic working environment, combining excellent academic standards with close contacts to European policy makers. The ETUI offers good working conditions with a competitive salary and an attractive package of fringe benefits in line with qualifications and experience. Applications and supporting documents (CV, evidence of qualifications, list of publica- tions, etc.) should be addressed to: Prof. Nicola Countouris82 .

For further information visit the website83 .

Application Deadline: 20 April 2021

The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw), Austria

Job title: Post-Doc Economist (International Economics)

82mailto:[email protected] 83http://www.etui.org

49 The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw)84 is one of the principal centres for economic research on Central, East and Southeast Europe (CESEE) with al- most 50 years of experience. We have expanded our work on European integration issues more generally encompassing the CESEE EU member states, but also developments in the EU, in Wider Europe and its neighbourhood. We also cover a wide variety of issues in International Economics. Our overall thematic research covers macroeconomic anal- ysis, international economics, labour markets, regional analysis, industrial organisation. Research projects are commissioned by national and international clients and emerge from applications to research funding agencies. We coordinate and are integrated in a large number of international research networks. The Institute is now looking for a Post-Doc Economist specialised in international economics.

Major tasks

• Applied empirical research in the field of international economics

• Widen our expertise in trade policy issues

• Acquisition and execution of research projects

• Project acquisitions also in areas outside the narrow research focus

The position is limited to two years in the first instance; can be extended following a satisfactory probationary period. Start: as soon as possible – ideally by June 2021.


• PhD in Economics (or close to completion)

• Expertise in trade policy

• Expertise in FDI and/or environmental issues is an advantage

• Interest in applied economic research

• Good quantitative and econometric skills (use of MS Office, Stata and/or R)

• Knowledge of both conventional and heterodox economic analyses

• Excellent English and German (written and oral); knowledge of East European languages is an advantage

• Very good (proposal) writing and presentation skills


50 • Flexibility as well as ability to work in teams

Monthly remuneration for the 40 weekly hours position will be AC 3,945.90 gross, 14 times per year or above, depending on qualification. Women are particularly encouraged to apply.

Please send your application (with cover letter, CV, list of publications, copies of cer- tificates) as soon as possible to [email protected] .

University of Bayreuth, Germany

Job title: Two Doctoral Researchers (m/f/d) on ‘The political economy of monetary and economic sovereignty in West Africa compared’

Come work with us at the Africa Multiple Cluster at the University of Bayreuth. Pas- sionate about finance, coloniality, and the quest for self-determination? Join our research group on ”The political economy of monetary and economic sovereignty in West Africa compared”.


Your application should include:

• Letter of motivation,

• CV,

• copy of your Master’s degree (or an official letter certifying the imminent comple- tion of the MA)

• a writing sample, i.e. a published academic article, an unpublished seminar paper, your BA/MA thesis, or a blog post

For further information please visit the website86 .

Application Deadline 10 May 2021

University of Glasgow, Scottland

Job title: Professor of Wellbeing Economy

85mailto:[email protected] 86http://www.politicsofmoney.org/dr-kai-koddenbrock/research-group-uni-bayreuth/

51 The School of Social and Political Sciences are seeking a Chair in Wellbeing Economy to take a senior leadership role in the development of an ambitious research and educational agenda to promote the wellbeing economy. You will be responsible for leading this area of work in the University, developing and implementing plans for the establishment of a new externally funded research centre in this area. Managing a suite of external stakeholder relationships that enhance the University’s reputation, advance knowledge exchange, public understanding and outreach and strengthen links with key stakeholders in government and the third sector in Scotland, the UK and internationally, will be key requirements of the role. In addition to attracting external funding to support internationally-leading research, you will lead the delivery of research-led education and demonstrate excellence in teaching about the wellbeing economy and related fields and topics.

You will play a leading role in research and education about the wellbeing economy, developing strategies, relationships and methods to tackle the challenges of poverty and inequality and advance sustainability, inclusion, decolonisation and community engage- ment. We especially encourage applications from women, disabled and ethnic minority candidates, as these groups are underrepresented in the School.

The successful candidate will work with a team of academics from across the School and College, including a Senior Lecturer in the Sociology of Classand two fully funded two year Kentigern Research Fellowship (who you will play a leading role in appointing), developing a portfolio of research, engagement and taught provision on the wellbeing economy that spearhead the transformation of:

• theories, measures and models of economic success to prioritise improvements in human and ecological wellbeing, including with respect to prosperity, intergenera- tional wellbeing and ecosystems;

• policies and strategies that enable people to fully participate in economic life, including the poor and socially disadvantaged – e.g. in relation to sustainable development, cooperative ownership, community wealth building and participatory democracy;

• the implementation of wellbeing economic policy, including via effective design, evaluation and analysis of interventions, community involvement and effective use of data and evidence to bridge the gap between policy and practice.

This will include the development of a new MSc in Wellbeing Economy and a linked portfolio of blended learning/CPD to train a new generation of experts in the wellbeing economy for local, regional and national government and third sector organisations, focused on understanding, implementation, engagement and communication of theories, approaches, metrics and evidence concerning the wellbeing economy.

Applications are invited from candidates with a PhD or equivalent in related discipline

52 with an extensive and established reputation in research and significant teaching expe- rience in Economics or a closely related discipline.

This position is open ended and full time.

Please find further information on the website87 .88

Application Deadline: 6 April 2021

University of Kassel, Germany (1/4)

Job title: Nature: W3 Professorship (m/f/o) “Human-environment interac- tions”

The University of Kassel is establishing a new and unique interdisciplinary centre in the field of Sustainable Development and Transformation. The centre will bring together top global research and teaching expertise across the entire thematic range of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as defined by the United Nations. The centre aims to become a significant force in developing solutions to inspire and enable social transformations through scholarly research, effective networking and dedicated teaching.

We are currently looking for senior scholars with outstanding credentials working in the broad areas of nature, technology, culture, and society. As directors of the new centre, this core group will shape and oversee its further development in the coming years, including the definition of research priorities, development of international networks and hiring of additional team members.

This position will focus on research and teaching on topics related to ecosystemic health in its interactions between the natural environment and social dimensions of well-being, as evidenced in phenomena such as urbanization, nutrition or mobility. Candidates should pursue a sustainability-oriented approach to health issues or a health-oriented approach to sustainability, within which questions of adaptability, resilience and the ability to transform social-ecological systems play a central role.

Fields of research may cover for instance:

• Interactions between human action and ecosystemic health (‘One Health’ - Plane- tary Health)

• Influences of changing biogeochemical cycles on people and the environment

• Relations between the state of ecosystems, animal health and human well-being

87https://www.flipsnack.com/UofGRecruitment/professor-of-wellbeing-economy-draft.html 88https://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/CES763/professor-of-wellbeing-economy

53 Please find further information here89 .

Application Deadline: 27 May 2021

University of Kassel, Germany (2/4)

Job title: Technology: W3 Professorship (m/f/o) “Sustainable technology design”

The University of Kassel is establishing a new and unique interdisciplinary centre in the field of Sustainable Development and Transformation. The centre will bring together top global research and teaching expertise across the entire thematic range of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as defined by the United Nations. The centre aims to become a significant force in developing solutions to inspire and enable social transformations through scholarly research, effective networking and dedicated teaching.

We are currently looking for senior scholars with outstanding credentials working in the broad areas of nature, technology, culture, and society. As directors of the new centre, this core group will shape and oversee its further development in the coming years, including the definition of research priorities, development of international networks and hiring of additional team members.

This position will focus on research and teaching on topics related to technological sustainability as well as social sustainability in technological fields. Topics include life cycles of technological systems, infrastructures, products and materials with regard to their interactions with the environment and society, also considering long-term effects.

Fields of research may cover for instance:

• Technology assessment

• Product as well as system life-cycle assessment

• Sustainable energy and resource efficiency

• Sustainable systems planning, product design and construction

Please find further information here90 .

Application Deadline: 27 May 2021

89https://stellen.uni-kassel.de/jobposting/e4a689ca84bfc95a04e71c8669700a08783f265c0? ref=homepage 90https://stellen.uni-kassel.de/jobposting/e4a689ca84bfc95a04e71c8669700a08783f265c0? ref=homepage

54 University of Kassel, Germany (3/4)

Job title: Culture: W3 Professorship (m/f/o) “Cultures of sustainability”

The University of Kassel is establishing a new and unique interdisciplinary centre in the field of Sustainable Development and Transformation. The centre will bring together top global research and teaching expertise across the entire thematic range of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as defined by the United Nations. The centre aims to become a significant force in developing solutions to inspire and enable social transformations through scholarly research, effective networking and dedicated teaching.

We are currently looking for senior scholars with outstanding credentials working in the broad areas of nature, technology, culture, and society. As directors of the new centre, this core group will shape and oversee its further development in the coming years, including the definition of research priorities, development of international networks and hiring of additional team members.

This position will focus on research and teaching on topics related to cultural represen- tations, discourses and practices of sustainability. In addition, concepts of sustainability themselves should be subjected to explicit critical reflection.

• Fields of research may cover various sustainability-related topics and practices, including their historical, creative, philosophical, linguistic-communicative, archi- tectural planning, space-related and cultural anthropological dimensions.

• Possible approaches could include constructivist, aesthetic, hermeneutic or empir- ical methodologies to investigate the interaction of social and cultural parameters as well as social and discursive practices.

Please find further information here91 .

Application Deadline: 27 May 2021

University of Kassel, Germany (4/4)

Job title: Society: W3 Professorship (m/f/o) “Just Transitions”

The University of Kassel is establishing a new and unique interdisciplinary centre in the field of Sustainable Development and Transformation. The centre will bring together top global research and teaching expertise across the entire thematic range of Sustainable

91https://stellen.uni-kassel.de/jobposting/e4a689ca84bfc95a04e71c8669700a08783f265c0? ref=homepage

55 Development Goals (SDGs) as defined by the United Nations. The centre aims to become a significant force in developing solutions to inspire and enable social transformations through scholarly research, effective networking and dedicated teaching.

We are currently looking for senior scholars with outstanding credentials working in the broad areas of nature, technology, culture, and society. As directors of the new centre, this core group will shape and oversee its further development in the coming years, including the definition of research priorities, development of international networks and hiring of additional team members.

This position will focus on research and teaching in connection with the question of how social transformations can successfully be implemented without creating injustices within and between societies.

• This may include, for example, inter- and transdisciplinary analysis of the role of economic, social and cultural human rights, negotiation processes in connec- tion with international agreements and global trade, relations between capital and labour and between local economies and the world market, the North-South power gap, as well as the areas of tension related to raw material policies, climate change and sustainability.

• Research in this domain should consider culturally and historically embedded transformation processes in the context of their social impact, and address ed- ucational concepts for future generations.

Please find further information here92 .

Application Deadline: 27 May 2021

University of Massachusetts Boston, US

Job title: Visiting Assistant Professor, AY 2021/22 (Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics, International Economics)

The Department of Economics at UMass Boston seeks to hire for a visiting assistant professor position for one-year appointment starting September 1, 2021.

The role of the visiting assistant professor is to provide instruction in the areas of macroe- conomics, monetary economics, and international economics. We are interested in candi- dates who include an international comparative approach, heterodox political economy, feminist approaches, and applied policy analysis both in their teaching or research.

92https://stellen.uni-kassel.de/jobposting/e4a689ca84bfc95a04e71c8669700a08783f265c0? ref=homepage

56 Qualifications

• Successful teaching record and the capacity to contribute to undergraduate general education and the economics major.

• Evidence of successful teaching with diverse students.

• Completed Ph.D. by August 31, 2021.

• Evidence of progress towards an excellent scholarly record is a plus.


Please submit a letter of application (explaining how your work complement the hetero- dox nature of the Department), curriculum vitae, sample of written work, evidence of teaching effectiveness, and the names and email addresses of three references to Adugna Lemi at [email protected] .

UMass Boston provides equal employment opportunities to all employees and applicants for employment without regard to race, color, religion, gender, gender identity or ex- pression, age, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, disability, military status, or genetic information. This policy applies to all terms and conditions of employment.

Applications are open by 1 March 2021


Call for Submissions: EAEPE Prizes 2021

The EAEPE Council94 has decided to change the name of our current Myrdal Prize to the Joan Robinson Prize. We want our prizes to be more representative of the diversity that exists within the academic world, in our founding values and in particular in the contribution of women economists. Robinson’s contribution to economic thought was broad, applied to real world problems and path breaking in how we understand com- petition and macroeconomics. We have also become aware of inappropriate behaviors by Mr. Myrdal towards women which EAEPE condemns and wishes to distance itself from. All these reasons and the prestige of Mrs Robinson’s work prompted us to rename our current Prize. EAEPE remains committed of course to addressing issues in develop-

93mailto:[email protected] 94https://eaepe.org/?page=about&side=council

57 ment economics, that the previous prize name highlighted. Please find more information about the Joan Robinson Prize95 online.

Furthermore, The EAEPE Council invites you to submit papers for the 2021 William Kapp and Herbert Simon prize competitions. The Kapp prize competition96 refers to papers that were published in a scholarly journal in 2020. The Simon prize competition97 refers to papers that have been submitted to the 2021 EAEPE conference by young scholars.

Papers should be sent to the EAEPE Prize Coordinators, Yannis Dafermos ( yan- [email protected] ) and Caroline Vincensini ( [email protected] ).

Submission Deadline: 19 April 2021

Call for Submissions: Stephen A. Resnick Graduate Student Es- say Prize 2021

The Association for Economic and Social Analysis100 , in collaboration with Rethinking Marxism101 : A Journal of Economics, Culture, and Society, is proud to announce that submissions are now being accepted for the 2021 Stephen A. Resnick Graduate Student Essay Prize.

Stephen A. Resnick (1938-2013) earned his Ph.D. in economics from MIT, taught for eight years in the Economics Department at Yale University and two years at the City College of New York, before joining the Economics Department at the University of Mas- sachusetts at Amherst in 1973. Resnick was an award-winning undergraduate and grad- uate teacher. He also pioneered, in collaboration with Richard D. Wolff, an antiessential- ist approach to Marxian economic and social analysis. Of their many jointly authored works, the best known are Knowledge and Class: A Marxian Critique of Political Econ- omy (1987), New Departures in Marxian Theory (2006), and (with Yahya Madra) Con- tending Economic Theories: Neoclassical, Keynesian, and Marxian (2012). Resnick was a founding member of the Association for Economic and Social Analysis and Rethinking Marxism.

95https://eaepe.org/?page=awards&side=eaepe__joan_robinson_prize&sub=rules 96https://eaepe.org/?page=awards&side=eaepe__william_kapp_prize&sub=rules 97https://eaepe.org/?page=awards&side=eaepe__herbert_simon_prize&sub=rules 98mailto:[email protected] 99mailto:[email protected] 100http://rethinkingmarxism.org/aesa.html 101http://rethinkingmarxism.org/index.html

58 Submissions are invited from graduate students in any academic discipline whose work offers a novel, compelling engagement of the modes of analysis and philosophical con- cerns found in Resnick’s work or in the pages of Rethinking Marxism. In particular, we seek essays that explore the complex intersection of class with economic, political, psychological, or other social processes or the intellectual, social, and political conditions that shape Marxian interventions and analyses.

The winner will receive a $2,000 award and publication of their essay in Rethinking Marxism.

The winners of the 2020 Stephen A. Resnick Graduate Student Essay Prize are Dan- ishKhan, Department of Economics, University of Masachusets-Amherst (Ph.D.,2020) for his essay entitled “Political Economy of Uneven State Spatiality: Conflict, Class, and Institutions in the Postcolonial State of Pakistan” and Sayonee Majumdar, Department of Economics, University of Calcuta (Ph.D. expected 2021) for her essay entitled “A Class-Focused Theory of Minimum Support Price and Agricultural Distress in India.” Both essays are published in the January 2021 issue of Rethinking Marxism102 .

To be considered for the 2021 Resnick Prize, please submit a current CV and a 4000- 8000 word essay (consistent with Rethinking Marxism guidelines103 ) to resnick- [email protected] . More information is available here.105

Submission Deadline: 1 June 2021

Winner’s Announcement: 2020 Warren Samuels Prize

We are delighted to announce that Nicolas Brisset and Rapha¨elF`evre,of Universit´e Cˆoted’Azur, have been awarded the 2020 Warren Samuels Prize for Interdisciplinary Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, for their co-authored paper

• Nicolas Brisset and Rapha¨elF`evre: The Vichy Opportunity: Fran¸coisPerroux’s Institutional and Intellectual Entrepreneurship106

The prize winner is chosen from among the papers accepted for publication in the journal throughout the year. Previous winners include the late Gabriel Oliva, Tom Stapleford, Wade Hands, Isabella Weber & Gregor Semieniuk, and Erwin Dekker & Pavel Kuchar. The award carries a $1,000 stipend.

102https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rrmx20/33/1?nav=tocList 103http://rethinkingmarxism.org/author-guidelines/index.html 104mailto:[email protected] 105http://rethinkingmarxism.org/resnick-award.html 106https://www.emerald.com/insight/publication/doi/10.1108/S0743-4154202038B

59 Nicolas and Rapha¨el’spaper appeared in volume 38B of Research in the History of Eco- nomic Thought and Methodology, as part of a symposium on Economists and Author- itarian Regimes in the 20th Century, guest edited by Federico D’Onofrio and Gerardo Serra.

Winner’s Announcement: AFIT-AFEE Student Paper Contest

AFIT107 and AFEE108 are happy to announce the winners of this year’s student paper contest (and their paper titles) as follows:

• Sam Levey, The Social Relations of Exchange Rate Risk

• Annesha Mukherjee & Satyaki Dasgupta, Assessing Quality of Life of Hindu and Muslim Households in Urban India

• Sayorn Chin, : Economic Impacts and Expenditure Tax

• Emily Hrovat, Globalization and Demographic Transition

• Bhavya Sinha, Indian Capitalist Development: An Exploration in Labour Rela- tions in Special Economic Zones

• Vishal Choudhury, Adam Smith in Beijing: The Market, the State, and Society

Note, in an effort to help cover the costs of conference attendance for more students this year we temporarily expanded the number of prizes to six papers, instead of the usual three. Additionally, the AFEE board has generously agreed to award each of the prize winners with a year’s membership in AFEE. All winners will also receive a one-year membership in AFIT, registration for the WSSA conference next month, and, for the top three winners (listed first above), a $300 prize.

We’d like to congratulate our winners and to thank all those who submitted a paper this year. We’d also like to thank Nicola Mathews for heading up the contest this year, and Sarah Small, Ely Fair, and Pedro Clavijo for their work with Nicola as well.


107https://www.institutionalthought.org 108https://afee.net

60 Journal of the History of Economic Thought 43 (1)


Constantinos Repapis: W. STARK, J. M. KEYNES, AND THE MERCANTILISTS110







109https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-the-history-of-economic-thought/ article/jewish-social-science-and-the-analysis-of-jewish-statistics-in-the-early- twentieth-century/928F87DFB82C0C3DCE404073EAF9D356 110https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-the-history-of-economic-thought/ article/w-stark-j-m-keynes-and-the-mercantilists/81730BC2AF6CB7D7278215885BE2758E 111https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-the-history-of-economic-thought/ article/reconsideration-of-the-doctrinal-foundations-of-monetary-policy-rules- fisher-versus-chicago/17EE5CA652F6568C941E86F7F5DF7270 112https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-the-history-of-economic-thought/ article/retrospective-look-at-the-hayek-story-roundaboutness-sticky-consumption-and- sequestered-capital/18C74DC3B684E4679B696076D1C67C56 113https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-the-history-of-economic- thought/article/need-for-governmental-inefficiency-in-platos-republic/ D30803628219F75DC1E64308112F85BD 114https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-the-history-of-economic- thought/article/pleasure-of-exchange-adam-smiths-third-kind-of-selflove/ 8B33EF16F4BD7873A137832169B0A9B0 115https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-the-history-of-economic-thought/ article/jhet-interviews-robert-f-hebert/687D7250F3B89E3DFC3B233137799EC2

61 American Journal of Economics and Sociology 80 (1)

Paul Cook: The University of Crisis116

Hershey H. Friedman: Is Higher Education Making Students Dumb and Dumber?117

Beth Mintz: Neoliberalism and the Crisis in Higher Education: The Cost of Ideology118

Richard J. Cebula, James V. Koch: The Crisis in Public Higher Education: A New Perspective119

P. Jesse Rine, Joshua T. Brown, James M. Hunter: How Institutional Identity Shapes College Student Recruitment: The Relationship Between Religious Distinctiveness and

116http://el.wiley.com/ls/click?upn=3P-2FFNDAGSso-2BACQqCJSxZQYXuyDFuSyQWVXTOVuATZfE2ZYhBvN14MKB0KVXOLGO8obGng7vSyli3t- 2BN6pmyphFab0LHwZcP25fwP4m3hM44uGo70oSc7rCjUz-2BJJC41R7WvwqWmMgbXA7ZS4fVGotEeFiiMuO0sE8jhxJuaDndr0DaIzYptCGg9dnRYo- 2B63TCW8hVC6R5y1alTp0rUuJ0ouqnlwa6Je95CyKqWTjyZtLkZMF3DLLEOpSq3DqqaedUBnzvQdZhHREDBthyD8Zf01WTiX3pwMwseO0D3Gk4vdGgWS- 2FbaJAaDOEzPaw5tNnJPZkifTJ0XO-2FebBurL6CAzLLQijQICThNqQ7mf-2Bx74-2FwDiD5CR7RCtug1t- 2FAWrkl1G7kpEnxeKo0isQ3RjLIbUfTmhhJE-2BRyd7iDG1mf8o-3DiNl3_47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf- 2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUsvp5bQtMqoeRgeSOmbW- 2BP9pWajYo2KBmzqBo03j5x9c7-2Fj4QDycAt455FN9PO51iV9Tc6n1pXtsXI4T9i6pSQY8vgXaiYRlYF7xmKiaSLgcmDj4DNRk- 2F8VUg2z4fvCZH115c4H-2BdCAnJBJmPDhdB8ircaqX-2Ba1mCw7aXLgMtUU1EfQxKgDpJnh3KvhX9mUnHJAS8pavUCA9uzwCDWbrLhG16HIVZTdpU10EpyG- 2BKsJkAUl8FBg-2B13Gv-2FEWHvv3u-2F 117http://el.wiley.com/ls/click?upn=3P-2FFNDAGSso-2BACQqCJSxZQYXuyDFuSyQWVXTOVuATZfE2ZYhBvN14MKB0KVXOLGO8obGng7vSyli3t- 2BN6pmyphFab0LHwZcP25fwP4m3hM44uGo70oSc7rCjUz-2BJJC41R7WvwqWmMgbXA7ZS4fVGotEeFiiMuO0sE8jhxJuaDndr0DaIzYptCGg9dnRYo- 2B63TCW8hVC6R5y1alTp0rUuJ0ouqnlwa6Je95CyKqWTjyZtLkZMF3DLLEOpSq3DqqaedUBnzvQdZhHREDBthyD8Zf01WTiX3pwMwseO0D3Gk4vdGgWS- 2FbaJAaDOEzPaw5tNnJPZkifTJ0XO-2FebBurL6CCIxlJxNq1kNUS2HcRs2SZVKmRMJwrYjSs4WNv80DeKZHdhbk8qHNoG9- 2BGvfxWxWn-2BVnAwzZn9N0Osut74HagwY-3DM8Q8_47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf- 2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUsvp5bQtMqoeRgeSOmbW- 2BP9pWajYo2KBmzqBo03j5x9epfj06hYIXEwkUKI7Gxdg6eGFuIo0qxJz-2Fl4Fer2ab1SWZ1vjwmB3eALFAJp3SaNAh7yv2jog- 2Bah8p2gppBvSd3CXlGTXm8YBPgtaakeppLoXF699TyUFd8ZpxKIGd0V-2F3qqnTlR1- 2BAfiIOP45YgJNsuO8kUlxbj1anb64O20NsfuKEJDmTBkYFCZz75jzhI3u8dugPYVPsNon4cPq2-2FLb 118http://el.wiley.com/ls/click?upn=3P-2FFNDAGSso-2BACQqCJSxZQYXuyDFuSyQWVXTOVuATZfE2ZYhBvN14MKB0KVXOLGO8obGng7vSyli3t- 2BN6pmyphFab0LHwZcP25fwP4m3hM44uGo70oSc7rCjUz-2BJJC41R7WvwqWmMgbXA7ZS4fVGotEeFiiMuO0sE8jhxJuaDndr0DaIzYptCGg9dnRYo- 2B63TCW8hVC6R5y1alTp0rUuJ0ouqnlwa6Je95CyKqWTjyZtLkZMF3DLLEOpSq3DqqaedUBnzvQdZhHREDBthyD8Zf01WTiX3pwMwseO0D3Gk4vdGgWS- 2FbaJAaDOEzPaw5tNnJPZkifTJ0XO-2FebBurL6CN5-2Fj8LAL6KiBG59JEXhTdDUe-2F7dIXmyFXUDhNEwL- 2BFmfMb9wafqmLrSLeD1MYq-2FD9sKlR5-2BE7q35RSLhleUzas-3Dzvwk_47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf- 2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUsvp5bQtMqoeRgeSOmbW- 2BP9pWajYo2KBmzqBo03j5x9fHrOhnhgLggZNnNvVj39ud-2BaFQcgdlS0mX88uvvUur7fuInWEe153ZGSUvIAcAVk3NVodTKGxc4s0PJ- 2FQuOrcaSGlDJAZz46iRm-2FFAnr45Jp068rMerrr3IWBpqfA69iGkNZJ-2F6OfnV18HQd49cLo1qDalnhORNVvev5RChpukG- 2B9SFVJVa0MDWDhTEJ-2BT8X0v-2BEVJh9WJgkbIWu8o4k3-2F 119http://el.wiley.com/ls/click?upn=3P-2FFNDAGSso-2BACQqCJSxZQYXuyDFuSyQWVXTOVuATZfE2ZYhBvN14MKB0KVXOLGO8obGng7vSyli3t- 2BN6pmyphFab0LHwZcP25fwP4m3hM44uGo70oSc7rCjUz-2BJJC41R7WvwqWmMgbXA7ZS4fVGotEeFiiMuO0sE8jhxJuaDndr0DaIzYptCGg9dnRYo- 2B63TCW8hVC6R5y1alTp0rUuJ0ouqnlwa6Je95CyKqWTjyZtLkZMF3DLLEOpSq3DqqaedUBnzvQdZhHREDBthyD8Zf01WTiX3pwMwseO0D3Gk4vdGgWS- 2FbaJAaDOEzPaw5tNnJPZkifTJ0XO-2FebBurL6CNR6g5D7CbgBvkcb4LBb89TurkcmWdT7Vc5HLJl4hck7BUuXyd5dX- 2B-2BH-2BxVm2z7saX62v44nwzjOvqi6pW9kji8-3DSeDp_47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf- 2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUsvp5bQtMqoeRgeSOmbW- 2BP9pWajYo2KBmzqBo03j5x9f7v6Fs9-2FCi-2Fsa4UvkyyKREEASBLgABntl3DHbMKD-2Byd- 2FAKbhhcGrHDc4bVbB4svS4q-2Fdx1RVyfhZKKbA0Z2swOlXTL6hbATjkqmDJBtFAtTInahsdqy40BPrqSy9RsxpvdkhTXQtpocSyAQqQdhY9lBRAp2GGORogh63AYaQfVgPVUMVaGGr6PpxRafUx8FqroM5BEfF- 2B8AwEVzMttS8AZ

62 Market Demand120

Victoria Ballerini, Miriam Feldblum: Immigration Status and Postsecondary Oppor- tunity: Barriers to Affordability, Access, and Success for Undocumented Students, and Policy Solutions121

Kenneth Ronkowitz, Lynnette Condro Ronkowitz: Online Education in a Pandemic: Stress Test or Fortuitous Disruption?122

Kenneth Ronkowitz, Lynnette Condro Ronkowitz: Choosing Transformation Over Tra- dition: The Changing Perception of Online Education123

Melanie Banfield: A Shared-Cost-Profit Model of Teaching Materials for Higher Edu- cation124

120http://el.wiley.com/ls/click?upn=3P-2FFNDAGSso-2BACQqCJSxZQYXuyDFuSyQWVXTOVuATZfE2ZYhBvN14MKB0KVXOLGO8obGng7vSyli3t- 2BN6pmyphFab0LHwZcP25fwP4m3hM44uGo70oSc7rCjUz-2BJJC41R7WvwqWmMgbXA7ZS4fVGotEeFiiMuO0sE8jhxJuaDndr0DaIzYptCGg9dnRYo- 2B63TCW8hVC6R5y1alTp0rUuJ0ouqnlwa6Je95CyKqWTjyZtLkZMF3DLLEOpSq3DqqaedUBnzvQdZhHREDBthyD8Zf01WTiX3pwMwseO0D3Gk4vdGgWS- 2FbaJAaDOEzPaw5tNnJPZkifTJ0XO-2FebBurL6CLy44bzoYvlFoTZRoiX7najfqQHby2UN7H- 2BZbWc5DTUnAPeL1PyPZ00zxYyoTMvk6vnCFJbKA0lvdUk08xvQ-2FH4-3DGQs7_ 47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf-2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUsvp5bQtMqoeRgeSOmbW- 2BP9pWajYo2KBmzqBo03j5x9ftVigt2x64AEHGSVqA3Sah1h2YMIiwW0OV8- 2Fk3d030TSSK76h9wEURiDPrjavcecNR72SAlSbpxum1EbaaU-2FPCZZY3SN- 2FmwJrBQj1wmSLrh8WSPIoWF0uTCGJ0iaecJNasfZUYyi4hYRPcOLebqvukuHXz5Ev2d10ioCwKtFQK9bG4vvmZlgKe2wVANoxSdTsDisCMGn- 2Bt-2FaO8JbM4VfBe 121http://el.wiley.com/ls/click?upn=3P-2FFNDAGSso-2BACQqCJSxZQYXuyDFuSyQWVXTOVuATZfE2ZYhBvN14MKB0KVXOLGO8obGng7vSyli3t- 2BN6pmyphFab0LHwZcP25fwP4m3hM44uGo70oSc7rCjUz-2BJJC41R7WvwqWmMgbXA7ZS4fVGotEeFiiMuO0sE8jhxJuaDndr0DaIzYptCGg9dnRYo- 2B63TCW8hVC6R5y1alTp0rUuJ0ouqnlwa6Je95CyKqWTjyZtLkZMF3DLLEOpSq3DqqaedUBnzvQdZhHREDBthyD8Zf01WTiX3pwMwseO0D3Gk4vdGgWS- 2FbaJAaDOEzPaw5tNnJPZkifTJ0XO-2FebBurL6COyWHTJ-2F09-2B0prydE0MBsiSKavAm1EsOmc5nWlGTrSslmUufn5hX5Cmwg3rlNYW6GLUKip2GoIvj2LNP6Bvnf- 2BA-3DbkcE_47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf-2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUsvp5bQtMqoeRgeSOmbW- 2BP9pWajYo2KBmzqBo03j5x9cRhMdYEZd7EC36zmOHSbkdPrHb8NbsMAk5dt-2F0QKisiBHTHTigaJ8I3nQ- 2BsDB4vtQdQnCofUYIu1BRNJRcPVUoL2KgzNtlRHdkOkh06XC849e4C0Y5CNSQoGqtWdpcHc- 2Bh7Pf5S6fCxgkYLBJ-2B1q4yZNdZpdDv4FzNO0m22JWlM6rW-2BNMaj-2FsOZMBYx5ZD44dUvtgsk5eaXUunBskmDTFs 122http://el.wiley.com/ls/click?upn=3P-2FFNDAGSso-2BACQqCJSxZQYXuyDFuSyQWVXTOVuATZfE2ZYhBvN14MKB0KVXOLGO8obGng7vSyli3t- 2BN6pmyphFab0LHwZcP25fwP4m3hM44uGo70oSc7rCjUz-2BJJC41R7WvwqWmMgbXA7ZS4fVGotEeFiiMuO0sE8jhxJuaDndr0DaIzYptCGg9dnRYo- 2B63TCW8hVC6R5y1alTp0rUuJ0ouqnlwa6Je95CyKqWTjyZtLkZMF3DLLEOpSq3DqqaedUBnzvQdZhHREDBthyD8Zf01WTiX3pwMwseO0D3Gk4vdGgWS- 2FbaJAaDOEzPaw5tNnJPZkifTJ0XO-2FebBurL6CB-2FWbrUdXN5B-2FFcapk2pjCXtwggPnZlhWUq5USRNfsvWlmcqz17cTOcNoN9zaKW38X5AzVIkSg1o5wxWf- 2FIqE7A-3DIeVV_47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf-2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUsvp5bQtMqoeRgeSOmbW- 2BP9pWajYo2KBmzqBo03j5x9c49qgsIqEekn2wVgEBxx0kYvuIB-2BI0ddtPqm0ItUrdlp- 2BQHnPDHVdP7Oi1C6ysKzN-2FyQnskgfbGuobbPfNOMDBAW7uFMg3NiGZAWpCmQD-2F9bIopbq- 2FtYDUYFGOyhSJKoSShnuB2sZ072A1D7ZeOwD3HAjJLkJ238jEH4yI5MoinnBgwa5qAw7- 2BYsLajB6OganfnakZT0R15WEB938XAHUV 123http://el.wiley.com/ls/click?upn=3P-2FFNDAGSso-2BACQqCJSxZQYXuyDFuSyQWVXTOVuATZfE2ZYhBvN14MKB0KVXOLGO8obGng7vSyli3t- 2BN6pmyphFab0LHwZcP25fwP4m3hM44uGo70oSc7rCjUz-2BJJC41R7WvwqWmMgbXA7ZS4fVGotEeFiiMuO0sE8jhxJuaDndr0DaIzYptCGg9dnRYo- 2B63TCW8hVC6R5y1alTp0rUuJ0ouqnlwa6Je95CyKqWTjyZtLkZMF3DLLEOpSq3DqqaedUBnzvQdZhHREDBthyD8Zf01WTiX3pwMwseO0D3Gk4vdGgWS- 2FbaJAaDOEzPaw5tNnJPZkifTJ0XO-2FebBurL6CPLc7qWFe6-2BEpicbiPT-2FIX4aA3ALrst6nP8nE0b- 2FhuqnhRh5vzL2pb-2FQCUqwtkQr59ImxjoSOaa5CbvgKvaSoT8-3Dzm8v_47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf- 2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUsvp5bQtMqoeRgeSOmbW- 2BP9pWajYo2KBmzqBo03j5x9df3kR7zKUs66XRC3ULIQd-2FGmz7oll9w7lHwQR59lA4YfS7FyOlj35SiG4aXD5f4289unSSUnfA8lMYmjqC5RrlQZqj- 2B2pY-2FXlTV00-2FY5TnpC53YTHC5wBURFMQ4vxotIfWQr8el6rHeGKYKmWaxe7cLCPhhbWvL4F4M6iVPa- 2Bgix2JnGoX84-2FhI6-2FBJ0C3-2BtmeFh7gghyQZm2XYXQaDnJw 124http://el.wiley.com/ls/click?upn=3P-2FFNDAGSso-2BACQqCJSxZQYXuyDFuSyQWVXTOVuATZfE2ZYhBvN14MKB0KVXOLGO8obGng7vSyli3t-

63 Raghu Krishnamoorthy, Keith Keating: Education Crisis, Workforce Preparedness, and COVID-19: Reflections and Recommendations125

Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 4 (2)


The Brazilian Journal of Political Economy is published by the Centro de Economia Pol´ıtica in Brazil.

Willian Capriata; Leonardo Flauzino de Souza: The exchange rate in Orthodox, Key- nesian and New Developmentalism theoretical models126

Francisco Eduardo Pires de Souza: Conventions, Money Creation and Public Debt to Face the Covid-19 Crisis and its Aftermath: A Post-Keynesian View127

Ant´onLosada; Cristina Ares: The resistance of the four European worlds of welfare from the birth of the euro128

Alessandro Morselli: Growth and institutional changes: a historical evolution129

Simone Deos; Ol´ıviaBullio Mattos; Fernanda Ultremare; Ana Rosa Ribeiro de Men- don¸ca: Modern Money Theory: rise in the international scenario and recent debate in Brazil 130

2BN6pmyphFab0LHwZcP25fwP4m3hM44uGo70oSc7rCjUz-2BJJC41R7WvwqWmMgbXA7ZS4fVGotEeFiiMuO0sE8jhxJuaDndr0DaIzYptCGg9dnRYo- 2B63TCW8hVC6R5y1alTp0rUuJ0ouqnlwa6Je95CyKqWTjyZtLkZMF3DLLEOpSq3DqqaedUBnzvQdZhHREDBthyD8Zf01WTiX3pwMwseO0D3Gk4vdGgWS- 2FbaJAaDOEzPaw5tNnJPZkifTJ0XO-2FebBurL6CBFd-2BXt4WJCzbV-2BjNx89sb1YbGalJMyofz7vpJgZh- 2BXvqbbDl3FPu3sHXEcW93-2BogkoaAcbrN4JbsS8Api6QPcs-3DVSr-_47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf- 2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUsvp5bQtMqoeRgeSOmbW- 2BP9pWajYo2KBmzqBo03j5x9d0JWIrcGnKiWqmTXejxYSJMZT1ufFB4XBQCBpswQqGiNOIgCn3SDfqF5o9vz3i1pWAINf7y6hr- 2Be6Z41AG3oIH0pRYjtylNcdjQgZvFxXh7VGOnvGlmVhHg4cxsuYXH7oNhjMSBaF3RZyT9DjbvrYYliuKg- 2FU5RzQX6Cu2o3-2F5yiwExl10eJrlJTrH-2BER11LeDluZ-2FRPPWa1yKFSs8vwa5 125http://el.wiley.com/ls/click?upn=3P-2FFNDAGSso-2BACQqCJSxZQYXuyDFuSyQWVXTOVuATZfE2ZYhBvN14MKB0KVXOLGO8obGng7vSyli3t- 2BN6pmyphFab0LHwZcP25fwP4m3hM44uGo70oSc7rCjUz-2BJJC41R7WvwqWmMgbXA7ZS4fVGotEeFiiMuO0sE8jhxJuaDndr0DaIzYptCGg9dnRYo- 2B63TCW8hVC6R5y1alTp0rUuJ0ouqnlwa6Je95CyKqWTjyZtLkZMF3DLLEOpSq3DqqaedUBnzvQdZhHREDBthyD8Zf01WTiX3pwMwseO0D3Gk4vdGgWS- 2FbaJAaDOEzPaw5tNnJPZkifTJ0XO-2FebBurL6COCt4mEaJIUQZxD4GkxJLXgZeIhMgCknibjWJKu07q7z- 2FmgcXTqHLfoZIXnHtkUHt9q7COmOEvdjJbUA-2BTlJIhM-3DbfcJ_47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf- 2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUsvp5bQtMqoeRgeSOmbW- 2BP9pWajYo2KBmzqBo03j5x9e6HyM8eWZzXaqHZArTY-2FPrTy1-2BLm7bnLIPsQ8F-2Bmi- 2FgM6NpQDgFGWaIEIED016uLi86j0iEdZIrnEHAa6KE-2FAAmrmoU72UJwdSMgtdx5BZFWOh6WdcctEAak5lDzpzF8NA4DHy- 2BGeKNeDq7FoTf0xz0fG4J8wa0A7iVhmLw6ek83SehIrMGt0z1IBIAJyB6aEBm4i6n8SVGvSX66dyGD5f 126https://centrodeeconomiapolitica.org/rep/index.php/journal/article/view/2148 127https://centrodeeconomiapolitica.org/rep/index.php/journal/article/view/2151 128https://centrodeeconomiapolitica.org/rep/index.php/journal/article/view/2152 129https://centrodeeconomiapolitica.org/rep/index.php/journal/article/view/2153 130https://centrodeeconomiapolitica.org/rep/index.php/journal/article/view/2154

64 Sebasti˜aoNeto Ribeiro Guedes; Rodrigo Constantino Jerˆonimo: The unexplored influ- ences of modern physics on John R. Commons’ economic theory131

Elaine Aparecida Fernandes; Gustavo Barros Leite: Performance of clean development mechanism projects for sustainable development in Brazil132

Gabriel Vilela Resende Freitas: Narrative Economics and : con- tributions to the behavioral insights on post-Keynesian theory133

Julia Veiga Vieira Mancio Bandeira; Pedro Perfeito da Silva: National, democratic and social: Chilean developmentalism during radical governments 134

Andr´eRoncaglia de Carvalho; Luciana Rosa de Souza: The conceptual evolution of inequality and poverty in economic thought135

Jana´ınade Oliveira; Maria Chaves Jardim; Sidney Jard da Silva: Unionism, productive restructuring and finance capitalism136

Competition and Change 25 (2)


Gale Raj-Reichert, Sabrina Zajak, and Nicole Helmerich: Introduction to special issue on digitalization, labour and global production137


Nicole Helmerich, Gale Raj-Reichert, and Sabrina Zajak: Exercising associational and networked power through the use of digital technology by workers in global value chains138

131https://centrodeeconomiapolitica.org/rep/index.php/journal/article/view/2156 132https://centrodeeconomiapolitica.org/rep/index.php/journal/article/view/2157 133https://centrodeeconomiapolitica.org/rep/index.php/journal/article/view/2158 134https://centrodeeconomiapolitica.org/rep/index.php/journal/article/view/2159 135https://centrodeeconomiapolitica.org/rep/index.php/journal/article/view/2160 136https://centrodeeconomiapolitica.org/rep/index.php/journal/article/view/2161 137http://el.sagepub.com/ls/click?upn=jzaGsQJhoGeIOmLQbz1SMpGIkp107kQ6WXn94KSDOClPDDTvVX1K3PJdizCh3SL7gYgLRuWePc7gv0VfEYPTCQvhSzE8RcrAnXCnasp5WTXu7P0yam- 2Fg3ZsukFe4PuLpRbL5_j1NY4tOmgW5cyg1YOSgxqk8uYdLShEybioPo3UziExAHa1U4PyaNiBif- 2BtExsh7a6oVBY7LtILYfgyn2SaPJHwaDk0R3uqk5GCuWks2YEzwz0DPLfELucnTS3PGiprT5tGmbrQ2VUlOP4mY70Vw0Y6ZIDFJKUQLfoCEsA2ti73YClSpqnjDfv1umtqiAWaKEXzqo0OucngDwWqtioMsozNidQK6QZEGQS5HijunVEOJ8m3vQ- 2Ba7-2FOM9pSGBNGkCY1dBFktjBb4u8bIRNgrxezbJr81FWqR2vPibQ643qlitTAOLEbt-2Bs- 2Bifg7FP3hbGA 138http://el.sagepub.com/ls/click?upn=jzaGsQJhoGeIOmLQbz1SMpGIkp107kQ6WXn94KSDOClPDDTvVX1K3PJdizCh3SL7gYgLRuWePc7gv0VfEYPTCewCwnd7hwhhJOOHFPgZJBEww7M9XWLLjJW9QUkviTwL8dqd_ j1NY4tOmgW5cyg1YOSgxqk8uYdLShEybioPo3UziExAHa1U4PyaNiBif-2BtExsh7a6oVBY7LtILYfgyn2SaPJHwaDk0R3uqk5GCuWks2YEzwz0DPLfELucnTS3PGiprT56XRBz3TNpC99zegzLGuAaZ0Vxa4- 2FyHD79q0dRkgVHm3Kzu9ip-2BTI-2F0Th2XjV9DgfubIa6BtLZaN6vollRymx90G2- 2BD5Y4O53XpRWPfrEaXC5rXa6BwUSVIGceIlX6LPU-2FxmPexKyfLuPZqPB2fpkVSZJymn67zyIx3AntoO2ExqsYSisRw1b1HKl4oNEPpiQ

65 Gideon Hartmann, Gilbert Nduru, and Peter Dannenberg: Digital connectivity at the upstream end of value chains: A dynamic perspective on smartphone adoption amongst horticultural smallholders in Kenya139

Christine Gerber: Community building on crowdwork platforms: Autonomy and control of online workers?140

Uma Rani and Marianne Furrer: Digital labour platforms and new forms of flexible work in developing countries: Algorithmic management of work and workers141

Mohammad Amir Anwar and Mark Graham: Between a rock and a hard place: Free- dom, flexibility, precarity and vulnerability in the gig economy in Africa142

Florian Butollo: Digitalization and the geographies of production: Towards reshoring or global fragmentation?143

Ecological Economics 184

Peter Howson: Distributed degrowth technology: Challenges for blockchain beyond the green economy144

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66 E.I. Lopez-Becerra; F. Alcon: Social desirability bias in the environmental economic valuation: An inferred valuation approach 145

Amy Isham; Simon Mair; Tim Jackson: Worker wellbeing and productivity in advanced economies: Re-examining the link146

Nicolai Heinz; Ann-Kathrin Koessler: Other-regarding preferences and pro-environmental behaviour: An interdisciplinary review of experimental studies147

Katerina Troullaki; Stelios Rozakis; Vasilis Kostakis: Bridging barriers in sustainability research: review from sustainability science to life cycle sustainability assessment148

Karen Turner; Julia Race; Oluwafisayo Alabi; Antonios Katris; J. Kim Swales: Policy options for funding carbon capture in regional industrial clusters: What are the impacts and trade-offs involved in compensating industry competitiveness loss?149

Wenchao Wu, Yuko Kanamori, Runsen Zhang, Qian Zhou, Kiyoshi Takahashi, Toshihiko Masui: Implications of declining household economies of scale on electricity consump- tion and sustainability in China150

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67 Jingjing Wang; Janie M. Chermak: Is less always more? Conservation, efficiency and water education programs151

Geoffrey Poitras: Rhetoric, epistemology and climate change economics152

Manuel Bellanger; Robert Fonner; Daniel S. Holland; Gary D. Libecap; Douglas W. Lipton; Pierre Scemama; Cameron Speir; Olivier Th´ebaud: Cross-sectoral externalities related to natural resources and ecosystem services153

Olivier E. Malay; Stephane Aubinet: Improving government and business coordination through the use of consistent SDGs indicators. A comparative analysis of national (Belgian) and business (pharma and retail) sustainability indicators154

Martin Drechsler: Impacts of human behaviour in agri-environmental policies: How ad- equate is homo oeconomicus in the design of market-based conservation instruments?155

David Cook; Brynhildur Dav´ısd´ottir: An appraisal of interlinkages between macro- economic indicators of economic well-being and the sustainable development goals156

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68 Tongzhe Li; Danielle Roy: “Choosing not to choose”: Preferences for various uses of recycled water157

Ann L´evesque; Charl`eneKermagoret; Thomas G. Poder; Chlo´eL’Ecuyer-Sauvageau; Jie He; S´ebastienSauv´e;J´erˆomeDupras: Financing on-farm ecosystem services in southern Quebec, Canada: A public call for pesticides reduction158

Yinjin Lee; Alexis Bateman: The competitiveness of fair trade and organic versus conventional coffee based on consumer panel data159

Xiaowei Chuai; Runyi Gao; Xianjin Huang; Qinli Lu; Rongqin Zhao: The embodied flow of built-up land in China’s interregional trade and its implications for regional carbon balance160

Christopher A. Hartwell; Vladimir Otrachshenko; Olga Popova: Waxing power, waning pollution: The effect of COVID-19 on Russian environmental policymaking161

Ursula Kreitmair; Jacob Bower-Bir: Too different to solve climate change? Exper- imental evidence on the effects of production and benefit heterogeneity on collective action162

157https://click.notification.elsevier.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fwww.sciencedirect. com%2Fscience%3F_ob=GatewayURL%26_method=citationSearch%26_version=1%26_ piikey=S0921800921000501%26_origin=RV_SD_TOC_EMAIL%26dgcid=raven_sd_via_ email/1/010001788755df94-a96f3e9b-942f-4592-95ba-7a2eccd73a4c-000000/ vBrqCNKCLvVi3pMUyyGAIJfjq2kSjmFCiwL8y9GZ8FI=186 158https://click.notification.elsevier.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fwww.sciencedirect. com%2Fscience%3F_ob=GatewayURL%26_method=citationSearch%26_version=1%26_ piikey=S0921800921000550%26_origin=RV_SD_TOC_EMAIL%26dgcid=raven_sd_via_ email/1/010001788755df94-a96f3e9b-942f-4592-95ba-7a2eccd73a4c-000000/Ld8P- cRgaBuEqDYTqnDUEoCSkal2F2jPAew8H9M-H-g=186 159https://click.notification.elsevier.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fwww.sciencedirect. com%2Fscience%3F_ob=GatewayURL%26_method=citationSearch%26_version=1%26_ piikey=S0921800921000446%26_origin=RV_SD_TOC_EMAIL%26dgcid=raven_sd_via_ email/1/010001788755df94-a96f3e9b-942f-4592-95ba-7a2eccd73a4c-000000/ jvSbYKWmUhlgYt7tfnzM3NdPE2f5a4IyEKRM9CmtYEI=186 160https://click.notification.elsevier.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fwww.sciencedirect. com%2Fscience%3F_ob=GatewayURL%26_method=citationSearch%26_version=1%26_ piikey=S0921800921000513%26_origin=RV_SD_TOC_EMAIL%26dgcid=raven_sd_via_ email/1/010001788755df94-a96f3e9b-942f-4592-95ba-7a2eccd73a4c-000000/ K89r0Ha1AjaFPWN3V5SrL2DWLOKIB0WU3CAGBI0T_UI=186 161https://click.notification.elsevier.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fwww.sciencedirect.com% 2Fscience%3F_ob=GatewayURL%26_method=citationSearch%26_version=1%26_piikey= S0921800921000616%26_origin=RV_SD_TOC_EMAIL%26dgcid=raven_sd_via_email/1/ 010001788755df94-a96f3e9b-942f-4592-95ba-7a2eccd73a4c-000000/6EAqZ7ccacIC_ aUFZrXIzoNggFAZLS72rKKmlcE88rE=186 162https://click.notification.elsevier.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fwww.sciencedirect.com% 2Fscience%3F_ob=GatewayURL%26_method=citationSearch%26_version=1%26_piikey= S0921800921000562%26_origin=RV_SD_TOC_EMAIL%26dgcid=raven_sd_via_email/1/ 010001788755df94-a96f3e9b-942f-4592-95ba-7a2eccd73a4c-000000/mfJqDA9QWgiA_ BdalfI6Hpyoth3kxFuXmtsgjLtliB0=186

69 Huong-Giang Pham; Swee-Hoon Chuah; Simon Feeny: Factors affecting the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices: Findings from panel data for Vietnam163

Shana M. McDermott; David C. Finnoff; Jason F. Shogren; Chris J. Kennedy: When does natural science uncertainty translate into economic uncertainty?164

Veronica Lupi; Simone Marsiglio: Population growth and climate change: A dynamic integrated climate-economy-demography model165

Jos´eA. Zabala; Jos´eM. Mart´ınez-Paz; Francisco Alcon: Integrated valuation of semi- arid Mediterranean agroecosystem services and disservices166

Cyril Bourgeois; Louis-Ga¨etanGiraudet; Philippe Quirion: Lump-sum vs. energy- efficiency subsidy recycling of carbon tax revenue in the residential sector: A French assessment167

Simon Dikau; Ulrich Volz: Central bank mandates, sustainability objectives and the promotion of green finance168

163https://click.notification.elsevier.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fwww.sciencedirect.com% 2Fscience%3F_ob=GatewayURL%26_method=citationSearch%26_version=1%26_piikey= S0921800921000586%26_origin=RV_SD_TOC_EMAIL%26dgcid=raven_sd_via_email/1/ 010001788755df94-a96f3e9b-942f-4592-95ba-7a2eccd73a4c-000000/jvAa45lRh_ 512xaeZwo1Ojus_gjdjh341WO__64h9_k=186 164https://click.notification.elsevier.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fwww.sciencedirect.com% 2Fscience%3F_ob=GatewayURL%26_method=citationSearch%26_version=1%26_piikey= S0921800921000574%26_origin=RV_SD_TOC_EMAIL%26dgcid=raven_sd_via_email/1/ 010001788755df94-a96f3e9b-942f-4592-95ba-7a2eccd73a4c-000000/dX30coDVjLMNvZnvAIiXhV- SxjEWjNUmI9Ww-2YFpb8=186 165https://click.notification.elsevier.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fwww.sciencedirect. com%2Fscience%3F_ob=GatewayURL%26_method=citationSearch%26_version=1%26_ piikey=S0921800921000690%26_origin=RV_SD_TOC_EMAIL%26dgcid=raven_sd_via_ email/1/010001788755df94-a96f3e9b-942f-4592-95ba-7a2eccd73a4c-000000/ FZjC1QXLiLaaAJIqaLEdQiUWaVqXOzTRejTJc9JydII=186 166https://click.notification.elsevier.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fwww.sciencedirect. com%2Fscience%3F_ob=GatewayURL%26_method=citationSearch%26_version=1%26_ piikey=S0921800921000665%26_origin=RV_SD_TOC_EMAIL%26dgcid=raven_sd_via_ email/1/010001788755df94-a96f3e9b-942f-4592-95ba-7a2eccd73a4c-000000/ lbzIpyJCHRcFusFEVTZgCU9_cs57JTKadSiREusG9sU=186 167https://click.notification.elsevier.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fwww.sciencedirect.com% 2Fscience%3F_ob=GatewayURL%26_method=citationSearch%26_version=1%26_piikey= S0921800921000641%26_origin=RV_SD_TOC_EMAIL%26dgcid=raven_sd_via_email/1/ 010001788755df94-a96f3e9b-942f-4592-95ba-7a2eccd73a4c-000000/nsc7TUzU8qfn0m_ xAnF6HY0hin5AuHrG-7pXO94hIV8=186 168https://click.notification.elsevier.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fwww.sciencedirect.com% 2Fscience%3F_ob=GatewayURL%26_method=citationSearch%26_version=1%26_piikey= S092180092100080X%26_origin=RV_SD_TOC_EMAIL%26dgcid=raven_sd_via_email/1/ 010001788755df94-a96f3e9b-942f-4592-95ba-7a2eccd73a4c-000000/KS-RpXSQ_aL3OSNq1167g8_ ebwdUs7zbbUkBBrvXTvI=186

70 Xialin Wang; Ernst-August Nuppenau: Modelling payments for ecosystem services for solving future water conflicts at spatial scales: The Okavango River Basin example169

Shachar Hatan; Aliza Fleischer; Anat Tchetchik: Economic valuation of cultural ecosys- tem services: The case of landscape aesthetics in the agritourism market170

Crist´obalDe La Maza; Alex Davis; InˆesAzevedo: Welfare analysis of the ecological impacts of electricity production in Chile using the sparse multinomial logit model171


B. Cavalletti; C. Di Fabio; E. Lagomarsino; P. Ramassa: Corrigendum to ecosystem accounting for marine protected areas: A proposed framework, Volume 173, July 2020, 106623172

Special Section on ”Sustainable Commodity Governance and the Global South” edited by Hamish van der Ven, Yixian Sun and Ben Cashore

Maja Tampe: Turning rules into practices: An inside-out approach to understanding the implementation of sustainability standards173

Special Section on ”Social mobilization and the commons: a virtuous circle?”, edited by Sergio Villamayor, Gustavo Garcia, Giacomo D’Alisa

169https://click.notification.elsevier.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fwww.sciencedirect. com%2Fscience%3F_ob=GatewayURL%26_method=citationSearch%26_version=1%26_ piikey=S0921800921000409%26_origin=RV_SD_TOC_EMAIL%26dgcid=raven_sd_via_ email/1/010001788755df94-a96f3e9b-942f-4592-95ba-7a2eccd73a4c-000000/ 6dqWwdzSQlnsXPyXy5PR6n11UGGDz3v8XaJZD0iSZtI=186 170https://click.notification.elsevier.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fwww.sciencedirect.com% 2Fscience%3F_ob=GatewayURL%26_method=citationSearch%26_version=1%26_piikey= S092180092100063X%26_origin=RV_SD_TOC_EMAIL%26dgcid=raven_sd_via_email/1/ 010001788755df94-a96f3e9b-942f-4592-95ba-7a2eccd73a4c-000000/Gi1UI9jdOn7wHvfpm88W- 9iWIk4e3VBGmpfcTz-vMrU=186 171https://click.notification.elsevier.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fwww.sciencedirect. com%2Fscience%3F_ob=GatewayURL%26_method=citationSearch%26_version=1%26_ piikey=S0921800921000689%26_origin=RV_SD_TOC_EMAIL%26dgcid=raven_sd_via_ email/1/010001788755df94-a96f3e9b-942f-4592-95ba-7a2eccd73a4c-000000/ HzFWP4YG1UPLOxptZ9jg8PvIFJpoVCdWn-4c_VEQlR4=186 172https://click.notification.elsevier.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fwww.sciencedirect.com% 2Fscience%3F_ob=GatewayURL%26_method=citationSearch%26_version=1%26_piikey= S0921800921000537%26_origin=RV_SD_TOC_EMAIL%26dgcid=raven_sd_via_email/1/ 010001788755df94-a96f3e9b-942f-4592-95ba-7a2eccd73a4c-000000/9K46oe6A-p6YTY- _q6flj3VwHSpk_FWiB-mWQTQVd0w=186 173https://click.notification.elsevier.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fwww.sciencedirect. com%2Fscience%3F_ob=GatewayURL%26_method=citationSearch%26_version=1%26_ piikey=S0921800921000057%26_origin=RV_SD_TOC_EMAIL%26dgcid=raven_sd_via_ email/1/010001788755df94-a96f3e9b-942f-4592-95ba-7a2eccd73a4c-000000/ ieUJw6QaBrWn690jvcKHPwmyxHhKIvYaoJ7ysCRBnTM=186

71 Jampel Dell’Angelo; Grettel Navas; Marga Witteman; Giacomo D’Alisa; Arnim Scheidel; Leah Temper: Commons grabbing and agribusiness: Violence, resistance and social mobilization174

Special Section on ’Insurance Value of Ecosystems’ edited by Jouni Paavola and Eeva Primmer

Eeva Primmer; Jouni Paavola : Insurance Value of Ecosystems: An Introduction175

Historical Materialism 29 (1)

Editorial Review

Andreas Malm; Wim Carton: Seize the Means of Carbon Removal: The Political Economy of Direct Air Capture176

Research Article

Daniel Gaido: The First Workers’ Government in History: Karl Marx’s Addenda to Lissagaray’s History of the Commune of 1871 177

Symposium on Fredric Jameson’s ’Allegory and Ideology’

Alberto Toscano: Elsewhere and Otherwise: Introduction to a Symposium on Fredric Jameson’s ‘Allegory and Ideology’178

Carolyn Lesjak: Difference Relates: Allegory, Ideology, and the Anthropocene179

Benjamin Noys: ‘The Masses Make History’: On Jameson’s Allegory and Ideology180

174https://click.notification.elsevier.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fwww.sciencedirect. com%2Fscience%3F_ob=GatewayURL%26_method=citationSearch%26_version=1%26_ piikey=S0921800921000628%26_origin=RV_SD_TOC_EMAIL%26dgcid=raven_sd_via_ email/1/010001788755df94-a96f3e9b-942f-4592-95ba-7a2eccd73a4c-000000/ 6v9KcU0NBWSsHteLGJ8SUzftA43vYUL-Y8W7FzfdzoA=186 175https://click.notification.elsevier.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fwww.sciencedirect. com%2Fscience%3F_ob=GatewayURL%26_method=citationSearch%26_version=1%26_ piikey=S0921800921000598%26_origin=RV_SD_TOC_EMAIL%26dgcid=raven_sd_via_ email/1/010001788755df94-a96f3e9b-942f-4592-95ba-7a2eccd73a4c-000000/ e19u48PRHNjm7fGIklPDjhBujSO3YttqWHRqpbyDyI4=186 176https://brill.com/view/journals/hima/29/1/article-p3_1.xml?rskey=QwPgw9&result=4 177https://brill.com/view/journals/hima/29/1/article-p49_2.xml 178https://brill.com/view/journals/hima/29/1/article-p113_3.xml 179https://brill.com/view/journals/hima/29/1/article-p123_4.xml 180https://brill.com/view/journals/hima/29/1/article-p134_5.xml

72 Maria Elisa Cevasco: Jameson on Allegory: Notes from the Periphery181

Alberto Toscano: The Faust Variations182

Daniel Hartley: The Jamesonian Impersonal; or, Person as Allegory183

Clint Burnham: Jameson with Lacan184

Gabriele Pedull`a: ‘Everything for Me Turns into Allegory’185

Leigh Claire La Berge: The Future Perfect, Otherwise: Narrative, Abstraction and History in the Work of Fredric Jameson186

Fredric R. Jameson: On Levels and Categories187

International Critical Thought 11 (1)

Elias Jabbour; Alexis Dantas; Carlos Esp´ındola: China and Market Socialism: A New Socioeconomic Formation188

Luiz Repa: Socialism as an Organic Democratic Form of Life: On Axel Honneth’s Project of a Renewal of Socialism Based on Social Freedom189

Eamonn Slater: Engels on the Dialectical Ontology of Nature: Climate and the “Heavy Atlantic Rain Clouds” of Ireland190

181https://brill.com/view/journals/hima/29/1/article-p151_6.xml 182https://brill.com/view/journals/hima/29/1/article-p162_7.xml 183https://brill.com/view/journals/hima/29/1/article-p174_8.xml 184https://brill.com/view/journals/hima/29/1/article-p187_9.xml 185https://brill.com/view/journals/hima/29/1/article-p198_10.xml 186https://brill.com/view/journals/hima/29/1/article-p211_11.xml 187https://brill.com/view/journals/hima/29/1/article-p221_12.xml 188https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/21598282.2021.1886147 189http://url310.tandfonline.com/ls/click?upn=odl8Fji2pFaByYDqV3bjGMQo8st9of2228V6AcSFNq2Y6MdAyQ17- 2BnWCG-2BkDRzjfayl-2Bobx82kcooZbA0ZXUf0ibMf9NVZ5p1ggYyGxuhj9ehbNU1dJ1V78ERvSHvASw2LJl_ 47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf-2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUCwoxvysWC- 2B7xiH4FaFv7pjmBnTK9j-2BIhW16ESP019Npl2TDIhX-2BRKyZjqDmUGhbXCP3NQXsgXSoJNtYYRjsyCFsuz5FluQBs6CeqGYoJWLkfpaauhcDQhXPwwTfkUfdnpPDaiMzJQG- 2Bsdl5f-2FUuzLPoUmjCcI6CHJYdLM2iJpEz8sXzdXZUNtSozh4GScpWZvW9YBS3w0wih2FSY- 2ByWJO8XMkiEoBrTdad-2BPvoo4qCXqS4ogGqdmXqWhjPbTq6uH 190http://url310.tandfonline.com/ls/click?upn=odl8Fji2pFaByYDqV3bjGMQo8st9of2228V6AcSFNq2Y6MdAyQ17- 2BnWCG-2BkDRzjfayl-2Bobx82kcooZbA0ZXUf788IbOiBCk5WMbDRUwFXTIWl4SZ7- 2B1MtaRRa4fUpfOOxc2w_47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf-2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUCwoxvysWC- 2B7xiH4FaFv7pjmBnTK9j-2BIhW16ESP019NqAXEICk7ERQnTrBxOkgKSa0WiwLioo4QkRVAsljLiI9tUOMU6lVAzsp- 2F-2BbXgqaywNkiFLsZQN9POkAdYMFK0HrTr4U1QOIwiPcgxNzs2INRqRCQ89XfnG2vVZeFKJvaIXZGFo- 2F4nzyJ4RNiyfMRKHr0pkaQOpK19dz7rM8sCC955-2FTOU61R4fhaWXjI9HGJqOHaVw4Ll9zXX6M- 2BvnzRC88

73 Minh Hoan Nguyen: Friedrich Engels’s Critique of the Nature of Social Justice under Capitalism191

Giuseppe Montalbano: The Winding Paths of Hegemony: Giovanni Arrighi and the Limits of the Theory of Hegemonic Transitions192

Spyros Sakellaropoulos: Lenin’s Theory of the Weakest Link and the Intervention by the Greek Radical Left in the Course of the Crisis: Lessons for the Future193

Darko Suvin: Notes for Illuminating Freedom and Knowledge in Das Kapital: Aristotle, Leibniz, and Spinoza194

Albert Doja; Enika Abazi: The Mytho-Logics of Othering and Containment: Culture, Politics and Theory in International Relations195


Enfu Cheng; Jun Zhang: Five Hundred Years of World Socialism and Its Prospect: Interview with Professor Enfu Cheng196

191http://url310.tandfonline.com/ls/click?upn=odl8Fji2pFaByYDqV3bjGMQo8st9of2228V6AcSFNq2Y6MdAyQ17- 2BnWCG-2BkDRzjfayl-2Bobx82kcooZbA0ZXUf5401nRZ6mKU8DdFcYW-2BmfhylrQTXKu- 2BbsSNBppENhYHig7__47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf-2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUCwoxvysWC- 2B7xiH4FaFv7pjmBnTK9j-2BIhW16ESP019NrYm1t-2FTgfneFXSt9jTpy58d- 2FBsnJhvH6haoM9SPlkgkosZ1O6ZN2R3O0c1bC0q4a-2BmxChf6yaETDHcLVM0tcvMH6TrEuM3VE0kUsWUeYDDtpLL41482F6lGaPnDDTRUna02hMtc7mS3BB6J8Zem6EDFXIQrtYBjBNK6GAiAIhLaN1MoMtuXpUcOt28pqxRIgWZ69PAH1tvBEWgNBnZcMgk 192http://url310.tandfonline.com/ls/click?upn=odl8Fji2pFaByYDqV3bjGMQo8st9of2228V6AcSFNq2Y6MdAyQ17- 2BnWCG-2BkDRzjfayl-2Bobx82kcooZbA0ZXUfzHG3TgogsBxOQ-2BecRZwbgD- 2BKRL3i5xmZJ8HAzfJT5MrufGO_47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf-2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUCwoxvysWC- 2B7xiH4FaFv7pjmBnTK9j-2BIhW16ESP019NotcnEctzo1Bw516LRKOz5Yz9RmqmhmqsfciVt1LcgFWK5Cdl- 2FsQIJlD1zZ2dz-2B5ZT6FSjSyPloGXTC7d0KrJzX8csaI0aDbwEuxXRNSJkTiBlt2DlQjA7TaZ7HFDxPXjcUnDuYHwEdFjW- 2FHMNhXJglbI9wkgxP-2FA7g63aNVSq7eNz2q5aGUBLlewq-2FVlSAG-2FJbN9f8B7skI1XDb3cWYs4D 193http://url310.tandfonline.com/ls/click?upn=odl8Fji2pFaByYDqV3bjGMQo8st9of2228V6AcSFNq2Y6MdAyQ17- 2BnWCG-2BkDRzjfayl-2Bobx82kcooZbA0ZXUf4cSYwz8xsIsTHNwcUrOf4JxxdZDzrD525FYUlfRxAS6JzN6_ 47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf-2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUCwoxvysWC- 2B7xiH4FaFv7pjmBnTK9j-2BIhW16ESP019NpRNZVqgqGsoOmBaTPV1FAVbSwHqm5wUBuqat8aqGRZ1uE2kqQmvyD2rRrqAjFT1GrmM5K3wktExb9fqNuR- 2FLDQili-2BC0Cn606ldha-2FBx7Sp2e6H3bM3Vl5fQB1umoBIZOaYqVS-2FjIEHLcdxm4mjg9m23nBk5- 2FdrSkoVM22V0o1w1b3rbuK6DYmgAp5I6TxRfAx2WXlV9FRW5O3uBhji54c 194http://url310.tandfonline.com/ls/click?upn=odl8Fji2pFaByYDqV3bjGMQo8st9of2228V6AcSFNq2Y6MdAyQ17- 2BnWCG-2BkDRzjfayl-2Bobx82kcooZbA0ZXUfy79-2F0rSe6w7yvbS2p5nx2CCE62u01ay00qr4C1dK2IJzdYV_ 47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf-2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUCwoxvysWC- 2B7xiH4FaFv7pjmBnTK9j-2BIhW16ESP019Nr-2F0S4Oi49sq4AFYhUG1iprOkaSoQOW9EK6AoCa2hmO7itjY27RnAnj7dzPxy0MnKX29xm8iG7QUJ7YzvHpiDjQFhqu1z7ur8dCVPgoZHRbFK5GfIn4qIyLvIQCrDfy8L8QGoqdOkRPgi6LM- 2FOpfUAD31nQCGKbRQVXRVVIAz907mcvYaN6L0htqF-2FZB5tpqLVm2-2FPwmY4iWSTno39Jh7F3 195http://url310.tandfonline.com/ls/click?upn=odl8Fji2pFaByYDqV3bjGMQo8st9of2228V6AcSFNq2Y6MdAyQ17- 2BnWCG-2BkDRzjfayl-2Bobx82kcooZbA0ZXUfyCid4XO7Xt92fQXLfcSZR8EQb6ZxbR73ygAoP0K5fpzDJ8r_ 47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf-2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUCwoxvysWC- 2B7xiH4FaFv7pjmBnTK9j-2BIhW16ESP019NpHYVmMuqdHTfns6NA8YqjqxBDwOnAmDbLmxhNnSZAEIH5c3wQ8iP6LDPeuOj5C97olLdKjuxyIhOoFIuQ2hcfS7y2tYxJYHdEVVqXGQCyWnoVshq- 2Bfw8QApCgcNuq7TFrdPCQcf9WfCIkY-2FOMy-2Fqs6-2B2tg5SlioBOKoqbdBNMcNgofEFUirrNN9ICHaLASgfveBmqDCveSdYFrMm1RacI1 196http://url310.tandfonline.com/ls/click?upn=odl8Fji2pFaByYDqV3bjGMQo8st9of2228V6AcSFNq2Y6MdAyQ17- 2BnWCG-2BkDRzjfayl-2Bobx82kcooZbA0ZXUfyKxQhr0-2BIZ1DBe94Dh1fFCJF8JTQsUt- 2BARLChAJYIK6O6Np_47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf-2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUCwoxvysWC- 2B7xiH4FaFv7pjmBnTK9j-2BIhW16ESP019NoN12aHDeuozLp-2Bq5LaQVHS0fmYQa76XteyrcUzzyGa5ANwFof3WJ9NXxJ2RyJkhRRH7WxWZIYhWp3Lb1rJVQXdldSNeCOeG0fdGCHnNgTnZYm54-

74 International Journal of Community Currency Research 25 (1)

Masayuki Yoshida, Shigeto Kobayashi, and Yoshihisa Miyazaki: Relationship be- tween a community currency issuance organization’s philosophy and its issuance form: a Japanese case study197

Ricardo Orzi, Raphael Porcherot and Sebasti´anValdecantos: Cryptocurrencies for social change: the experience of Monedapar in Argentina198

Christophe Place, Jem Bendell, Ian Chapman, Jamie McPhie and David Murphy: In- tegral research on the lake district pound: six mixed methods for assessing the impact of a currency199

Nourhan Heysham, Hisham Elkadi and Sara Biscaya: Exploring social capital within Damietta’s furniture industry value chain as a mode of community currency200

Thomas Coutrot and Bruno Th´eret: Tax-credit instruments as complementary curren- cies: a policy proposal for fighting the austerity while saving the Euro zone201

Christian Gelleri and James Stodder: Chiemgauer Complementary Currency – Concept, Effects, and Econometric Analysis202

Kiminori Hayashi: Rethinking the Significance of Regional Currencies: The Case of the Chiemgauer 203

A.A. Panachev and D.B. Berg: Prospects of implementation of complementary curren- cies at the municipal level by dataset of economical agents banking transactions204

Alexander Zatko: Merit signal – the ´eminencegrise of economic systems205

Mayumi Dan and Kayo Okabe: Revitalizing Local Communities through Regional Currencies Using GIS: A Case Study in Kasama and Kesennuma in Japan206

2BFPWhxblxxOrBONJde1tZ2pbWRK-2Bee8LPUgXy4NIKs4OoDuf69Re2-2FPkw0nTRGU9Euaz0Tz7tbmKBmyPnDRkDRi0CIlDI- 2FZ64l22D4P 197https://ijccr.net/current-issue/vol-25-issue-1-pp-1-15/ 198https://ijccr.net/vol-25-issue-1-pp-16-33/ 199https://ijccr.net/current-issue/vol-25-issue-1-pp-34-51/ 200https://ijccr.net/vol-25-issue-1-pp-52-67/ 201https://ijccr.net/vol-25-issue-1-pp-68-74/ 202https://ijccr.net/vol-25-issue-1-pp-75-95/ 203https://ijccr.net/vol-25-issue-1-pp-96-106/ 204https://ijccr.net/vol-25-issue-1-pp-107-115/ 205https://ijccr.net/vol-25-issue-1-pp-116-129/ 206https://ijccr.net/vol-25-issue-1-pp-130-158/

75 Journal of Post Keynesian Economics 44 (1)

The Legacy of Wynne Godley

Gennaro Zezza: Presentation207

Dimitri B. Papadimitriou: The legacy of Wynne Godley, Wednesday, May 13, 2020: welcome and introduction208

Marc Lavoie: Wynne Godley’s monetary circuit209

Francis Cripps: Godley and the world today210

Ken Coutts: Notes for a talk on the Legacy of Wynne Godley, Wednesday 12 May, 2020211

Graham Gudgin: Notes from Graham Gudgin212

207http://url310.tandfonline.com/ls/click?upn=odl8Fji2pFaByYDqV3bjGMQo8st9of2228V6AcSFNq2Y6MdAyQ17- 2BnWCG-2BkDRzjfcgC0aXKEgqbe3tabJw1wrsDFgO9vVWv5fJykpbKnxuI1ROH-2FKY0-2Fpmszn4t- 2BKfsxC-9G_47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf-2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUS1O5BquJthf8MPD- 2BYsNxHaDvgmVXOMmS8VNqdUVCIEb6szIyDnfRu5U0HmrTiq1c7pkad1X3OBReWdK4qNSVUhTc4sVueDb3eMWx1dwn0Xq0g17- 2BGxJTA-2BRA1K0iWBo5jF17xlkAS1BysOjF6moeQa0dpSJrOmS33Z2XOl2idZj- 2BivT04HvVO9qhCBojCbMuoe4NA9opJ1HmiqnWpz0I5Bn7FKaaOmtI7VSCW4a71aQElQr- 2BhA73PCkFu8KIIF-2Fw 208http://url310.tandfonline.com/ls/click?upn=odl8Fji2pFaByYDqV3bjGMQo8st9of2228V6AcSFNq2Y6MdAyQ17- 2BnWCG-2BkDRzjfcgC0aXKEgqbe3tabJw1wrjolAjWXzCyP8RJVN2GxRESV5Tg8hJy6Rjnb30jI1v5eCaGM_ 47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf-2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUS1O5BquJthf8MPD- 2BYsNxHaDvgmVXOMmS8VNqdUVCIEZ3VbQOTBj5joaU01SYbUNpcMMt4O0Ip44bXFGxWW- 2FkPZle9I8vC7ps5NrNr4KLxFVdXxpF65t3xqkWn-2FvkNgN5rH-2Bn9P55Q96jzfP43vlsVhmh6vswrm7SB4vMDMrlzF6Oji2fvYlETWetWmRh3jbYP- 2BVN9cKzIhNtMtcx0Dq0y4qW6pqDt-2BkgXAaUdblBPEGf-2FDCgrghrBfmikDX-2FsmbH 209http://url310.tandfonline.com/ls/click?upn=odl8Fji2pFaByYDqV3bjGMQo8st9of2228V6AcSFNq2Y6MdAyQ17- 2BnWCG-2BkDRzjfcgC0aXKEgqbe3tabJw1wrnwn-2Bb7IY-2BagBxwiLv8wBAVsB6flDQ20q5QqUs- 2BWFV05rIHi_47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf-2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUS1O5BquJthf8MPD- 2BYsNxHaDvgmVXOMmS8VNqdUVCIEarvJPr72873Om5U2KQSIdA1L1IqTDlwm6gfupOQp3Gi3K0b2gjA5K2D796rZXUjK6TmMGSPsccJsmPv9W5UdwWmY3xsq5dz4pc2cWU- 2F3P5rWLOVvESPlz93HWqqNMi6ltcLPn3rSuiL-2BHX8ciHd-2Fflqkz9GWu3IYkL5uCg4WDdKSvhd42UM2bNHZ2g- 2BQjdAlGV8ltdo-2F-2FF4r2Tc6xTHRPj 210http://url310.tandfonline.com/ls/click?upn=odl8Fji2pFaByYDqV3bjGMQo8st9of2228V6AcSFNq2Y6MdAyQ17- 2BnWCG-2BkDRzjfcgC0aXKEgqbe3tabJw1wrtkICCXRkqI-2B994xJAcmy3A1- 2FudtgDZ4knGaX1I2LIJpBQ5p_47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf-2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUS1O5BquJthf8MPD- 2BYsNxHaDvgmVXOMmS8VNqdUVCIEa8oLbqBl32IUm-2BjKY8AjS2dTsGUqgwq48pfq6uFLQ- 2FwXnlwxmG93ocDJnRT0yyZus9C8OOJhLpeEGhxKBdhswgjatnbcJwojY-2BCouMlcE8KDInTFI8VK7WQLRxz1DkqQPnmw0PByx9Yq- 2Buabh9KSAEkGDu0Bo2NMGIicxgZ36y0Z9fnG6sCA85g14YYJRSNudJfQ-2B2XJY9-2FVj7R3HecIhu 211http://url310.tandfonline.com/ls/click?upn=odl8Fji2pFaByYDqV3bjGMQo8st9of2228V6AcSFNq2Y6MdAyQ17- 2BnWCG-2BkDRzjfcgC0aXKEgqbe3tabJw1wri9cap-2FUVjouJAaKJPe13qEQP8J- 2BEXP3CTjMXJnMWQDfcM90_47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf-2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUS1O5BquJthf8MPD- 2BYsNxHaDvgmVXOMmS8VNqdUVCIEZ9oKbAf1tVZwr8g4NI5pEXQvc-2BLYX- 2BdqlkRZFjVTCiWkmeUm5n5AVlcDfIReETZ3xH9xRk-2Fgcagp1k-2FtF1Akc4ZV9oDfGW8yDuFLJiuGeEYApKSW9I1GW1vUSK04U5ZNtTjOMwLDFwTUV24L2buxVqIJXs3fMOYLupMCYlVVB6QoX4T4LLbNchyoLXDPjy- 2B69Y266kwrcFd6yqs10a0y-2F2 212http://url310.tandfonline.com/ls/click?upn=odl8Fji2pFaByYDqV3bjGMQo8st9of2228V6AcSFNq2Y6MdAyQ17- 2BnWCG-2BkDRzjfcgC0aXKEgqbe3tabJw1wrjpGns2sH7WHsrF5TcizIQQ1-

76 Gennaro Zezza: Learning applied macro with Godley as a mentor213

Claudio H. Dos Santos: A passionate craftsman and his craft: reflections on Wynne Godley’s work and legacy214

Jacques Mazier: The legacy of Wynne Godley215

Anwar Shaikh: Notes from Anwar Shaikh216

General Articles

Yeva Nersisyan & L. Randall Wray: Can we afford the Green New Deal?217

2Byou90qddL69ZglVMs7h0HOE_47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf-2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUS1O5BquJthf8MPD- 2BYsNxHaDvgmVXOMmS8VNqdUVCIEZ8zn2B-2F1xRIKcTSz8hw4iD8xsxzalU- 2FHfvsefxmGTZeB9PfHOf3uqMHGFoji5impGslKXrRjUFmENsKH-2F1v1K2kovZ5fgMlDSfjNVi5eA3D7ivIn1pzeta4jvpG6HOJmjErhVhAZw7rviFjCulscNyTUODmu08GLOWiyODoT8XzkFeDTaacAR9B- 2BUgHVWwjCFixsM0TFXMtjZfCjPvhE3X 213http://url310.tandfonline.com/ls/click?upn=odl8Fji2pFaByYDqV3bjGMQo8st9of2228V6AcSFNq2Y6MdAyQ17- 2BnWCG-2BkDRzjfcgC0aXKEgqbe3tabJw1wrsja8c29HK3b71LK-2F9wJ2EOJ- 2BXq5OwgNaSmVoUQJsHt80WIG_47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf-2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUS1O5BquJthf8MPD- 2BYsNxHaDvgmVXOMmS8VNqdUVCIEY5NuBPMfeviSC-2BSf3GmfE1RpeVH5zWlyQOPEYO0ZtIQVS- 2BY8557yVc-2BcyLwEQ7azaPH5jfi25PuwSAmRJUzcoY0o2e6wEgh0qZHo9IBYqSvehSwfzSWn4b3cQeb6tFXycwje- 2F6vYU36JxhbfzuKkUd28GwNnPPVreqYEACn-2BiFKDUSufPCxSODpsAqkGesXmxJY7O- 2B23SmUdv0QKAqTbNY 214http://url310.tandfonline.com/ls/click?upn=odl8Fji2pFaByYDqV3bjGMQo8st9of2228V6AcSFNq2Y6MdAyQ17- 2BnWCG-2BkDRzjfcgC0aXKEgqbe3tabJw1wrnp6227HkJtDXk5G5CiE5cr10MQQ2N- 2B3ZAKvwhbUnLN4FZPF_47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf-2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUS1O5BquJthf8MPD- 2BYsNxHaDvgmVXOMmS8VNqdUVCIEYO-2F9rhhW6sjcVXNEQBmx20v7FUe8WtICIDRyhq- 2FcdSyzNot7zIhgfl61TiHqb0hnoa1H1vc93JINYRSZ3-2FO0qnlNIhIpmIElQzh4Q4vOKgSU8dXK3BH3EnsLbTnM- 2BEqm5BQLO1O8FHQA9gaK66hwPXTQjY6FmXidfG907AHGZFYhS6NRi3WckDGYrfEia57K- 2BGzOeBCCvr9xz5HdSPSiyl 215http://url310.tandfonline.com/ls/click?upn=odl8Fji2pFaByYDqV3bjGMQo8st9of2228V6AcSFNq2Y6MdAyQ17- 2BnWCG-2BkDRzjfcgC0aXKEgqbe3tabJw1wroZ8tyaOuET0idC9XX1wlz-2FOgD6J6fEzXNnkUQAsiERYdjHI_ 47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf-2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUS1O5BquJthf8MPD- 2BYsNxHaDvgmVXOMmS8VNqdUVCIEazhrTpB8xPHeGCA1Seax3knJo4JblS7LDOhu9TybivTKslrpjgILc7YA4Kj- 2FDspPdvetHkzzjj97o2FePu4N0UyHh1Zv0f6h0VezTeC9bgKtEf-2B4SThHNoifqR8n9k- 2FSLP0VhDrUUHGiigpTO-2FAwneV3sS91mRnGM69KI1sMCK-2BChBRuMHFtZZgFFexJsYjnvHGTdZxpF5mD41gqowwITQ 216http://url310.tandfonline.com/ls/click?upn=odl8Fji2pFaByYDqV3bjGMQo8st9of2228V6AcSFNq2Y6MdAyQ17- 2BnWCG-2BkDRzjfcgC0aXKEgqbe3tabJw1wrp4vVV-2BP5DY4bsTWWhnAvdj7boaGbg04o31oOW1u35OAChdN_ 47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf-2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUS1O5BquJthf8MPD- 2BYsNxHaDvgmVXOMmS8VNqdUVCIEYnK78d9oQxzbU5Uq3C-2FN5iuCc1YP6HqmprjWapaggG1Dk6NRcVK5Di5vn- 2BLmlhV-2FrtThjjfRbqcWiAZViJyeuQ-2F4oa-2B75bu61IWrv4BbC-2BelZm01j1HC8uunbEzDDIE6AHR7v7wht4Y9C1fCTX66YrwfsOoxoF3EM6yPf3xBle- 2BVLo6t9vtscLmDzT7APAc5EY5BKQupsoDPlIbb9uubI2 217http://url310.tandfonline.com/ls/click?upn=odl8Fji2pFaByYDqV3bjGMQo8st9of2228V6AcSFNq2Y6MdAyQ17- 2BnWCG-2BkDRzjfcgC0aXKEgqbe3tabJw1wrnXZcbI9TSC15MUm48CvQC9CP99UB0FUQcUajt3LBj- 2F0C0x9_47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf-2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUS1O5BquJthf8MPD- 2BYsNxHaDvgmVXOMmS8VNqdUVCIEbbAJEIS8ltLvpe170mes11K96-2FSQZAApKVDiACheW9XMpmueW0kQpVk56TDf- 2BVQ-2Bxubyb5q9WfF4RHX9e7kruRGSq3ekKOxagxBBUIZb8fXIysjVohJxl15a1DBuRcv0D52HW3MNpWieBLd4MS0KqAYo- 2Bwi13RXYf4oA-2Bzf1ZoKE5MmDNup6llFIVHBEAn-2FxD9Ulxkt7bSJM0HsLkLfYNK

77 Jo˜aoSics´u,Andre de Melo Modenesi & D´ebora Pimentel: Severe recession with infla- tion: the case of Brazil218

Samuele Bibi: The stabilizing role of the government in a dynamic distribution growth model219

Dun Liu: Is China’s economic growth profit-led or wage-led? A re-estimation incorpo- rating investment nonlinearity, sectoral change, and regional 220 disparity221

New Political Economy 26 (2)

Guest edited by: Jacqueline Best, Colin Hay, Genevieve LeBaron and Daniel M¨ugge

Blind spots in political economy: revisiting the historical foundations of cur- rent thought

Jacqueline Best, Colin Hay, Genevieve LeBaron & Daniel M¨ugge: Seeing and Not- seeing Like a Political Economist: The Historicity of Contemporary Political Economy and its Blind Spots222

218http://url310.tandfonline.com/ls/click?upn=odl8Fji2pFaByYDqV3bjGMQo8st9of2228V6AcSFNq2Y6MdAyQ17- 2BnWCG-2BkDRzjfcgC0aXKEgqbe3tabJw1wrq-2FVuelVtK12pdto9pjOngBc3X1OCmJTGIv41dNgedckTQqt_ 47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf-2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUS1O5BquJthf8MPD- 2BYsNxHaDvgmVXOMmS8VNqdUVCIEb0W9W-2BegQ45qwF26Ir4pFzesDmmhhG21meF1HnBZfOLUFyxxHCZCPuV36MJJcWCF5t- 2B7A714ZgEt7kh6R8Q8ounGijviYU-2FkwLbl0EcpaqchXG90oUu9DY5WURgZCpwf7vJrVdFol7p9UNCYp2W5Dhs2tNGXzgoioRGNw0UUmWTszYgQ6emmQxhDSHQFpiH94Pq- 2FrxNcZPIDDlnN3wdB-2BG 219http://url310.tandfonline.com/ls/click?upn=odl8Fji2pFaByYDqV3bjGMQo8st9of2228V6AcSFNq2Y6MdAyQ17- 2BnWCG-2BkDRzjfcgC0aXKEgqbe3tabJw1wrrEVXMreXMmlfd80vKDLefQXIezt3BJK5uO8iVgDV9M- 2B1s2U_47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf-2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUS1O5BquJthf8MPD- 2BYsNxHaDvgmVXOMmS8VNqdUVCIEaN2VfUPMkKKjSVT-2BrEl4RcJMZIvA5TaC9EdXvbN1aJ-2BLy5z- 2FnWmpAjbHhZZzZ8-2FPwTMVQnGPAqEyilaGanipU9chvRO6oF-2FuAgW1iGdji0pNMdvX-2B2QHaiyak-2F- 2FQePMG-2FB9mJkfRiTX-2BFkgT2eNOuGOARk9mU8kNiaOqMT5gvKeLpNApjl6hEQeL6fhmmPnYDRzOmMR- 2B3bPOfv-2BJaToFnw 220http://url310.tandfonline.com/ls/click?upn=odl8Fji2pFaByYDqV3bjGMQo8st9of2228V6AcSFNq2Y6MdAyQ17- 2BnWCG-2BkDRzjfcgC0aXKEgqbe3tabJw1wruAkL1luNZTRzX5lh2VsxDugEovDR3v4EjdmlLj900dKB6ww_ 47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf-2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUS1O5BquJthf8MPD- 2BYsNxHaDvgmVXOMmS8VNqdUVCIEbR4hZNJgtRGKsJESHb48iQ43O78yBik6xCEUURtzv9BxiMUQuxkcqbKDviBtd5OZe2qe6NRylTz9esl4j9dwW70hsCD7dfx- 2F2T61m7CF5mYewxTlUEQH1CDlNNsC84O33h0hsDKIThfZ0GA0G1gBSN-2FVLSk1aFUAmcnFtMC0dz9DqEFQkh8pY7lDdsPQTqQRmuu- 2BkDMoDGL7fKAODhs5RF 221http://url310.tandfonline.com/ls/click?upn=odl8Fji2pFaByYDqV3bjGMQo8st9of2228V6AcSFNq2Y6MdAyQ17- 2BnWCG-2BkDRzjfcgC0aXKEgqbe3tabJw1wruAkL1luNZTRzX5lh2VsxDugEovDR3v4EjdmlLj900dKB6ww_ 47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf-2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUS1O5BquJthf8MPD- 2BYsNxHaDvgmVXOMmS8VNqdUVCIEbR4hZNJgtRGKsJESHb48iQ43O78yBik6xCEUURtzv9BxiMUQuxkcqbKDviBtd5OZe2qe6NRylTz9esl4j9dwW70hsCD7dfx- 2F2T61m7CF5mYewxTlUEQH1CDlNNsC84O33h0hsDKIThfZ0GA0G1gBSN-2FVLSk1aFUAmcnFtMC0dz9DqEFQkh8pY7lDdsPQTqQRmuu- 2BkDMoDGL7fKAODhs5RF 222http://url310.tandfonline.com/ls/click?upn=odl8Fji2pFaByYDqV3bjGMQo8st9of2228V6AcSFNq2Y6MdAyQ17- 2BnWCG-2BkDRzjfbEy6NyJahuFnhX3UB1890KKkrG3uREGvEVIMECuHLuknEgnzc594yTTtdvU9yB0BKvGO_ 47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf-2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUbHX-2FRcw4HZw9u- 2F9Y6XV9ZiRQJ3uu-2Bzu-2Br2TFOd2LjIPfHEggstpuTDe86pqz4ITmzHEwCQxxwdIthjZwttfn4zj75ZDHNzoXmJkXpjzcGcozqgYwJUzhvRm0oRegpeIuDNl7ivheMG0BaFMBvN-

78 Eric Helleiner: The Diversity of Economic Nationalism223

Robbie Shilliam: Enoch Powell: Britain’s First Neoliberal Politician224

Kate Bedford: Gambling and Political Economy, Revisited225

Erin Lockwood: The Antisemitic Backlash to Financial Power: Conspiracy Theory as a Response to Financial Complexity and Crisis226

Kristen Hopewell: Trump & Trade: The Crisis in the Multilateral Trading System227

Andrew Gamble: Making Sense of Populist Nationalism228

2Fzb5mNKk-2B1Ukc3twUmAdIYfQh-2BQGrnh-2Fp2gmqRzbscj9AvNLfIqYauiZfjYyOLVctHTIsv0lBKKsPtMP0G2- 2BPXH1lFUFbcbOMmwjvR2lRXlDPi 223http://url310.tandfonline.com/ls/click?upn=odl8Fji2pFaByYDqV3bjGMQo8st9of2228V6AcSFNq2Y6MdAyQ17- 2BnWCG-2BkDRzjfbEy6NyJahuFnhX3UB1890D8Dli1HdRVb5rN9DFtGyOz0kUwfrZh174TkEqgPIwOP2tTv_ 47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf-2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUbHX-2FRcw4HZw9u- 2F9Y6XV9ZiRQJ3uu-2Bzu-2Br2TFOd2LjIM2IhOyadsGunaWrqNinAMwajotyekoHILdz6MDPL5BTTKYvpQ36- 2BxHIM2xG9QQiyj-2BOrT2WQy5EQPtJr7doOUZZbXh0e0R1jXdUU-2Fmb1BHFRFx5NCSb9FhZVp5wMdtZV71k82c3v3VWM- 2FNvl8pIZNBR-2BNvO5h6bkyEHWj39pn30T-2BlKv50obcMSw8YMiX8s4LLMySGQqFuMpdPMZVX31qt 224http://url310.tandfonline.com/ls/click?upn=odl8Fji2pFaByYDqV3bjGMQo8st9of2228V6AcSFNq2Y6MdAyQ17- 2BnWCG-2BkDRzjfbEy6NyJahuFnhX3UB1890C2Yx1kzHGWHwVAFUgpQGQ6gS0My1nCGSG2NT4v6Nb9EZBs4_ 47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf-2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUbHX-2FRcw4HZw9u- 2F9Y6XV9ZiRQJ3uu-2Bzu-2Br2TFOd2LjIOHZIcNSL7hWMHcA8NXd8l9yJRQyRS0CPtRv8170- 2BRqYeFq7VjBS-2BVXVP7yNVyWtv8V4ZcyRiQaF9s1FnlAl50FIxxi4MVqcjx-2F3mKVNykGLkSArL38- 2BGsyffIEG3AWvYV-2BFFtlXEq9IFZRhOWPwHiAGATcFiMzHzwEpJitxzYstkdLq- 2Fl0nLvWlgeTwP7TzE3W20zK3NJLs8iY2LKV8aYL 225http://url310.tandfonline.com/ls/click?upn=odl8Fji2pFaByYDqV3bjGMQo8st9of2228V6AcSFNq2Y6MdAyQ17- 2BnWCG-2BkDRzjfbEy6NyJahuFnhX3UB1890Bbib2-2BS7-2FZXVX9U1dNCYdnLFaB-2BJFmcCXdWr5- 2F158vSll-2_47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf-2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUbHX- 2FRcw4HZw9u-2F9Y6XV9ZiRQJ3uu-2Bzu-2Br2TFOd2LjIPcbbpli0Fz7FcUyeGisOvzvkKoVKyXtjl47Hfx1F4SP5l3n8lxt8hEt- 2BlkHYtjIzyRx-2BEXuL7r1d5vPDn4oUe4Xgn7rrjadcMFbqsZ3Oe61DbS-2BY1PKId8GqePpiDNMIymYSBysTMLnnMaQ5GPnuqmKVLG5RtyzkRphCuxltacuOvxyFrOvZYuPnbTgjsqVAHMf4dgnwSu- 2FADE7qx-2BbNEZ 226http://url310.tandfonline.com/ls/click?upn=odl8Fji2pFaByYDqV3bjGMQo8st9of2228V6AcSFNq2Y6MdAyQ17- 2BnWCG-2BkDRzjfbEy6NyJahuFnhX3UB1890DkvaekzuYBwnXs77T5j0Y37K1Eebv-2Fi59P- 2BLHPCHzamEyRI_47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf-2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUbHX- 2FRcw4HZw9u-2F9Y6XV9ZiRQJ3uu-2Bzu-2Br2TFOd2LjIMR9Ef-2FBJKXrYzChKgw0N0B7TtAt6d9d4- 2Fvb1BwjGC0OaGDJsixrE6knoOYwioDxQj4q1tg1lGlSF1-2B84-2BWPNdmhBXRd1wJb91bnDaUVPjq7G31N3APkedLwiKRoLA9zEuLVkObzKnwpwQQbqwNepnsB5s31pfaOmVwQeheQJPmRKZq6F- 2F7HcCuWB8Y4PHk8-2B0xy2prQOOhau1A0Ypq2o7C 227http://url310.tandfonline.com/ls/click?upn=odl8Fji2pFaByYDqV3bjGMQo8st9of2228V6AcSFNq2Y6MdAyQ17- 2BnWCG-2BkDRzjfbEy6NyJahuFnhX3UB1890AnOxRX9LbdaTujSFMg9da9MJZ8fUOaaLd0ayxj8YchdN5Oj_ 47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf-2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUbHX- 2FRcw4HZw9u-2F9Y6XV9ZiRQJ3uu-2Bzu-2Br2TFOd2LjIO688jCaOd9VXQWKU8lx4iXS- 2B7EN7FQH82xfmufSUVx0g36RiJuYqFG1mqovKjMoWkN-2FkoDK1pAcrMhAwznQNZQ2D5NLc94ao- 2F7c1rbPN1-2BUooa-2BqYztWGuAk6fi3h2EXHjWtFdHVj0gFf9u7WBJIjH-2Bdlky3A- 2Fcubjqve9DPjOo7tJFdk3VInK1Qun8WIudmmETZprg4DRyJjd-2B5MJglPY 228http://url310.tandfonline.com/ls/click?upn=odl8Fji2pFaByYDqV3bjGMQo8st9of2228V6AcSFNq2Y6MdAyQ17- 2BnWCG-2BkDRzjfbEy6NyJahuFnhX3UB1890IL1V-2BehcE80e2i1wmlsW-2BQ0JipKgnYHZ- 2B3LSDLiqbncd85e_47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf-2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUbHX- 2FRcw4HZw9u-2F9Y6XV9ZiRQJ3uu-2Bzu-2Br2TFOd2LjIN4RHLK-2BDY1VckYmDZp1- 2FGtJvbh3peURVJEsjdzMy-2B5-2BTp5MMU8tp4iPJirGuNE1RfXQFSR7MV0d7ePxtZ-2BXzzcr-2BDajGPX-

79 V. Spike Peterson: State/Nation Histories, Structural Inequalities and Racialised Crises229

Louis W. Pauly: Darkness and Light in a Global Political Econom230 y231

Problemas del Desarrollo: Revista Latinoamericana de Econom´ıa 51 (203)

Owen Eli Ceballos Mina, Humberto Guadarrama G´omez: Effects of Education on Calorie and Nutrient Intake in Mexican Families232

Rodrigo P´erezArtica, Hern´anPedro Vigier: Industrial Policy and Exchange Restric- tions: An Analysis of the Argentine Automotive Industry, 2012-2015233

Pablo Wahren: Dollarization of Agricultural Costs in Argentina234

V´ıctorHugo S´anchez Arizo, Juan Fern´andezSastre: The Effect of Technological Pack- ages on Maize Productivity in Ecuador235

2B1SxGX0L-2BPUuSjZ3e4Q7OtU5GLSNOO-2BBFQwxpcPdLjlAi6hzmzJVrPFRTrufwfewzNO5oLlqK2lwYhzeJTQ- 2BY2F4x1ilPer53dQ3dz2q226VMmvU0kQ0Nmpa 229http://url310.tandfonline.com/ls/click?upn=odl8Fji2pFaByYDqV3bjGMQo8st9of2228V6AcSFNq2Y6MdAyQ17- 2BnWCG-2BkDRzjfbEy6NyJahuFnhX3UB1890PTRu25E7bYcbe-2FumU7e4dvMz6Qixf0btTo- 2BFZ3Nb5YhHbqa_47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf-2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUbHX- 2FRcw4HZw9u-2F9Y6XV9ZiRQJ3uu-2Bzu-2Br2TFOd2LjINIzLz7MLedC1bWbjqfoCUP7T- 2FB5VzJX4RFYK8v8ApUAlRtlZMk7NY-2Ft3-2BmEAiWblFeu5KYsuTyXzU6uomjDttT- 2B95cV9dGrtY2HfLUkWm2exMC3UYmw1idsuiN0O9wTy21c5-2Fktqubcl6b7y7FBFUA9XNA2TFxVQrCquSyCuLBCYGTA5v4jAisaqZ4r- 2BrAB-2BwoDSOA9SAkEPzqh2rllTQn 230http://url310.tandfonline.com/ls/click?upn=odl8Fji2pFaByYDqV3bjGMQo8st9of2228V6AcSFNq2Y6MdAyQ17- 2BnWCG-2BkDRzjfbEy6NyJahuFnhX3UB1890LcYUuXk1bGca-2BiUZP7rD00kLcj2wVX4hqjaSLKcF1EBXmJA_ 47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf-2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUbHX- 2FRcw4HZw9u-2F9Y6XV9ZiRQJ3uu-2Bzu-2Br2TFOd2LjINkrTdGk92j4b8mGhUWjH- 2FeWx2icSjheHSbp4RL9DeBwv2TP8qDb7Kyi4Um2TNUKH6wVla8ACfvnpeiRIG9cr6oODry6Iof- 2BNrAtpFhrEVRooGcTmob-2B7Hd73Jq6n3A018rIBv0FP8-2FrKuZySxBW5ypIsbn- 2BhSRq43kORgxFADqc9I0AJ1y2ScFNZzOzBlhYMpA7zLxVJbghAH7-2FnLHpxxc 231http://url310.tandfonline.com/ls/click?upn=odl8Fji2pFaByYDqV3bjGMQo8st9of2228V6AcSFNq2Y6MdAyQ17- 2BnWCG-2BkDRzjfbEy6NyJahuFnhX3UB1890LcYUuXk1bGca-2BiUZP7rD00kLcj2wVX4hqjaSLKcF1EBXmJA_ 47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf-2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUbHX- 2FRcw4HZw9u-2F9Y6XV9ZiRQJ3uu-2Bzu-2Br2TFOd2LjINkrTdGk92j4b8mGhUWjH- 2FeWx2icSjheHSbp4RL9DeBwv2TP8qDb7Kyi4Um2TNUKH6wVla8ACfvnpeiRIG9cr6oODry6Iof- 2BNrAtpFhrEVRooGcTmob-2B7Hd73Jq6n3A018rIBv0FP8-2FrKuZySxBW5ypIsbn- 2BhSRq43kORgxFADqc9I0AJ1y2ScFNZzOzBlhYMpA7zLxVJbghAH7-2FnLHpxxc 232https://www.probdes.iiec.unam.mx/index.php/pde/article/view/69680 233https://www.probdes.iiec.unam.mx/index.php/pde/article/view/69681 234https://www.probdes.iiec.unam.mx/index.php/pde/article/view/69682 235https://www.probdes.iiec.unam.mx/index.php/pde/article/view/69683

80 Germ´anAlarco Tosoni, Cesar Castillo Garc´ıa: Concentration of Wealth in Latin Amer- ica in the 21st century236

Ra´ulAlberto Ponce Rodr´ıguez,Alan Adri´anRodr´ıguezHern´andez: Electoral Systems and their Influence on Environmental Policy Design237

Paula Gabriela N´u˜nez,Carolina Lara Michel, Santiago Conti: Development Challenges in the Province of R´ıoNegro, Argentina238

Pablo Garc´es Vel´astegui: Humanizing development: taking stock of Amartya Sen’s capability approach239

Real-World Economics Review 95

Theodore P. Lianos: Is a capitalist steady-state economy possible? Is it better in socialism? 240

Tanja von Egan-Krieger:T 241 he “ideal market” as a normative figure of thought242

Blair Fix: The rise of human capital theory 243

Steve Roth: How downward redistribution makes America richer244

Constantine E. Passaris: The moral dilemma and asymmetric economic impact of COVID-19245

Duncan Austin: Pigou and the dropped stitch of economics246

236https://www.probdes.iiec.unam.mx/index.php/pde/article/view/69684 237https://www.probdes.iiec.unam.mx/index.php/pde/article/view/69685 238https://www.probdes.iiec.unam.mx/index.php/pde/article/view/69686 239https://www.probdes.iiec.unam.mx/index.php/pde/article/view/69687 240https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/973841/18137885/7544019_/www.paecon.net/PAEReview/ issue95/Lianos95.pdf 241https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/973841/18137885/7544019_/www.paecon.net/PAEReview/ issue95/Egan-Krieger95.pdf 242https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/973841/18137885/7544019_/www.paecon.net/PAEReview/ issue95/Egan-Krieger95.pdf 243https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/973841/18137885/7544019_/www.paecon.net/PAEReview/ issue95/Fix95.pdf 244https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/973841/18137885/7544019_/www.paecon.net/PAEReview/ issue95/Roth95.pdf 245https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/973841/18137885/7544019_/www.paecon.net/PAEReview/ issue95/Passaris95.pdf 246https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/973841/18137885/7544019_/www.paecon.net/PAEReview/ issue95/Austin95.pdf

81 Ted Trainer: Third world development: Simpler way critique of conventional theory and practice247

John Komlos: The American Gordian Knot and Alexander the Great is not in sight248

Shimshon Bichler and : Unbridgeable: why political economists cannot accept capital as power249

Geoff Davies: A modest proposal for generating useful analyses of economies: a brief note250

Ron Wallace: On the relevance of the Church-Turing Thesis for theoretical eco- nomics251

Steve Keen and Jamie Morgan: From finance to climate crisis: An interview with Steve Keen252

Review of International Political Economy 28 (2)

Guest editors: Genevieve LeBaron, Daniel M¨ugge,Jacqueline Best and Colin Hay

Special Issue on ”Blind Spots in IPE”

Genevieve LeBaron, Daniel M¨ugge,Jacqueline Best & Colin Hay: Blind spots in IPE: marginalized perspectives and neglected trends in contemporary capitalism253

Elisabeth Pr¨ugl: Untenable dichotomies: de-gendering political economy254

247https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/973841/18137885/7544019_/www.paecon.net/PAEReview/ issue95/Trainer95.pdf 248https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/973841/18137885/7544019_/www.paecon.net/PAEReview/ issue95/Komlos95.pdf 249https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/973841/18137885/7544019_/www.paecon.net/PAEReview/ issue95/BichlerNitzan95.pdf 250https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/973841/18137885/7544019_/www.paecon.net/PAEReview/ issue95/Davies95.pdf 251https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/973841/18137885/7544019_/www.paecon.net/PAEReview/ issue95/Wallace95.pdf 252https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/973841/18137885/7544019_/www.paecon.net/PAEReview/ issue95/KeenMorgan95.pdf 253http://url310.tandfonline.com/ls/click?upn=odl8Fji2pFaByYDqV3bjGMQo8st9of2228V6AcSFNq2Y6MdAyQ17- 2BnWCG-2BkDRzjfBqwSVTSOTI2mYoWT2b9s0jicBXsRBOu12V-2F1lk2nnEqLWy- 2FgxViNoBqDN753hUL7hMCC_47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf-2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUF4zRJJNZ6- 2FASa-2B-2FmlV-2FVimpNqsrf-2Bjm5lNh11-2BorgUxQn1p7CU4uHQ6pjJAyjrfA5dM7nJ8yuJ4Hi2Q0q8B2PMrsm9oTVdcBjLowqFJRmMTqGHy9hlhNwfsRERZF10SQ- 2BkB1WWLvGL2pbxZbCpwU3a8aJxCv0uieyKsO30I0szRE9VFS30b4l-2FnBFxzNWqlB9vvah32VGUHvYCwgK0aPvjowhZ3XOv0KxTylbBLlAbZJBn- 2BMSk9DqcQELSWA0py7 254http://url310.tandfonline.com/ls/click?upn=odl8Fji2pFaByYDqV3bjGMQo8st9of2228V6AcSFNq2Y6MdAyQ17- 2BnWCG-2BkDRzjfBqwSVTSOTI2mYoWT2b9s0r9jsr-2BC1jnk6t6HPYzHB4NdI0FYnWg-2B5nSfN4-

82 Gurminder K. Bhambra: Colonial global economy: towards a theoretical reorientation of political economy255

J. P Singh: Race, culture, and economics: an example from North-South trade rela- tions256

Maha Rafi Atal: The Janus faces of Silicon Valley257

Marieke de Goede: Finance/security infrastructures258

Andr´eBroome & Leonard Seabrooke: Recursive recognition in the international polit- ical economy259

2Br9xIbKvXk_47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf-2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUF4zRJJNZ6- 2FASa-2B-2FmlV-2FVimpNqsrf-2Bjm5lNh11-2BorgUzlh0xFouif9R-2B1cKO9nxMBwp1XhRi6xMRsU0PvYD4SnhytXzI5LZSXU0LT78iPVQlRxJJ2RlLP8CWFGV- 2BTMYaUL3rSc3ZoqpeTZZ2GYUeL7XzTX1Bis1eT2-2BzxebV0J74RmFZZyVqmyrxc98Fv4Q2BTqbyGj0t0ZkRYFpbHoYez4hGMLZ0px- 2BB0-2BcwVdwRJ5aiI8G7KpFies1Av8yT53yZ 255http://url310.tandfonline.com/ls/click?upn=odl8Fji2pFaByYDqV3bjGMQo8st9of2228V6AcSFNq2Y6MdAyQ17- 2BnWCG-2BkDRzjfBqwSVTSOTI2mYoWT2b9s0ovh1CkxjznmV1Do-2FNzml6-2F74YF5zsxd- 2FHx1QAKOpjWeWBYF_47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf-2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUF4zRJJNZ6- 2FASa-2B-2FmlV-2FVimpNqsrf-2Bjm5lNh11-2BorgUx4HVfBnEN14phKlcY1L3q61x7w6Gwz3UzxoSnD8Po21WaDdD9az3noLAvyytTE17r969RJzdK79bvZoAXGazghVLr9- 2FzukGwxDyYK5B1yI-2FevrbsatgXC1LCSfJpWt5toTn8iXzW5fq5GKwelMlRII2W9KVklypqTUQ2OLvsBRg3VKMm67BtbphRJ- 2FoqtUxMBnbEOWWt7o3w7AHG-2FbcFla 256http://url310.tandfonline.com/ls/click?upn=odl8Fji2pFaByYDqV3bjGMQo8st9of2228V6AcSFNq2Y6MdAyQ17- 2BnWCG-2BkDRzjfBqwSVTSOTI2mYoWT2b9s0vMSFlhB1w6O2fo0yja7eYCj6MUALv0r0zop6EYTfUQVA- LS_47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf-2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUF4zRJJNZ6- 2FASa-2B-2FmlV-2FVimpNqsrf-2Bjm5lNh11-2BorgUxooC7-2BJxI-2FKQVUm2jXlx1QqBtg- 2BYoW0VthUynMhznDI1jZrAdHA9yquflq-2BwtxB1o6EMdhRUmzrBtAL27W4zOWwTkYSdePii6JoH1PHHHM48lYmrm3x2pJzCOoLgmPfMAFNRVY5Dg675FuOOY1K3oclCQ4cgXcZdh01pzNj4omdxzaZfpEPlcfo5fPDz9DKAX54U- 2BEwMpCfwLbK7XcpORX 257http://url310.tandfonline.com/ls/click?upn=odl8Fji2pFaByYDqV3bjGMQo8st9of2228V6AcSFNq2Y6MdAyQ17- 2BnWCG-2BkDRzjfBqwSVTSOTI2mYoWT2b9s0tqFcLVvp1SML3i0kdKTyc6s9U04LnkdvsprIkz2iVMvmcJE_ 47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf-2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUF4zRJJNZ6-2FASa-2B- 2FmlV-2FVimpNqsrf-2Bjm5lNh11-2BorgUz5tT60wXdOmvrs7j5XFSThsIZ2n33nhklNzcB149BZi0CIH1oGm- 2FiF5aBeuIPdclfOswYhVuHORtujcMu7NSU2AwVA4-2FwlZXf7JeVSnF1ki8ooMM- 2FnW8n-2Ff-2BwRR7mFGMw5JkrtqlJBQtyEXbbfafOR0Z0ZMrDWWLcJJgR67yE8- 2Ff1tWSBUaaTOMw2oyQMmzgnucz54IMCT1zU-2F1fVAgl8r 258http://url310.tandfonline.com/ls/click?upn=odl8Fji2pFaByYDqV3bjGMQo8st9of2228V6AcSFNq2Y6MdAyQ17- 2BnWCG-2BkDRzjfBqwSVTSOTI2mYoWT2b9s0o7RyBbhCLbggJBeTodN9x1lDLj76EBkaqyzUxUmB1cQdy86_ 47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf-2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUF4zRJJNZ6-2FASa- 2B-2FmlV-2FVimpNqsrf-2Bjm5lNh11-2BorgUyIZuVNkQzQeuoXkEniEhF22dJCWLzT0MUGz4X- 2FAx01XdHB3BbvOrRWadS0kbGJHgCRnXTTBm-2B8IcItXv17fZlFnIrWzB5Z9fxo5xoDqOrc- 2FTRq1lLHR3yyvBhYu6tEw1I5CwvSZelWH1HDioF951xj3zdwymu2Blp9ndBOorpMxSQ8aTBt- 2B6MbBibluoaBcMBFf0OfV5u3wnWcHWMoVtKK 259http://url310.tandfonline.com/ls/click?upn=odl8Fji2pFaByYDqV3bjGMQo8st9of2228V6AcSFNq2Y6MdAyQ17- 2BnWCG-2BkDRzjfBqwSVTSOTI2mYoWT2b9s0riQZO0-2B6cM3xNE719vcFHN8k5awHdtyCnDciuHlkyBydDTK_ 47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf-2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUF4zRJJNZ6-2FASa-2B- 2FmlV-2FVimpNqsrf-2Bjm5lNh11-2BorgUycmSFzmMm8BNKxYezg3YPOwvxnxf6S05bzgSrXKjPNZm- 2BMnpy988BNJ3KCYjp-2F6Vd7YYSyFsTJEeLTzqKVabpZT-2Fs6VRg0Oq2M3i- 2B-2BoiVZtL9wIs2DQhizw2EzdNtrJ6FrgedXrU-2BZtygeDKZ2Egm9MFBREKSO- 2FaiQrNHF3BGl4LU4yOUDs4k4lLQYkVASOh6VAVRfsCoJJCZn1R0qkfql

83 Paul Langley: Assets and assetization in financialized capitalism260

Matthew Paterson: Climate change and international political economy: between col- lapse and transformation261

Kevin L. Young: Progress, pluralism and science: moving from alienated to engaged pluralism262


Erin Lockwood: The international political economy of global inequality263

Science & Society 85 (2)

Marxist State Theory Today: A Symposium

Ilias Alami: State Theory in the Age of State Capitalism 3.0?264

260http://url310.tandfonline.com/ls/click?upn=odl8Fji2pFaByYDqV3bjGMQo8st9of2228V6AcSFNq2Y6MdAyQ17- 2BnWCG-2BkDRzjfBqwSVTSOTI2mYoWT2b9s0guGO8VBg3PSDvXH3QUclcCA1-2F8hmBkbHPKxVlv4- 2BPETZ6dg_47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf-2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUF4zRJJNZ6- 2FASa-2B-2FmlV-2FVimpNqsrf-2Bjm5lNh11-2BorgUwVsjip3IQssiHLPrGfM0IRgI0NM0Yp0hW8DQpunJa1IGB- 2BrOjnH7UpUECZnGKhPrGUzLv3K1XA2rfwqmKUKIpMqjfbaW6vQB-2FfBPeTQMc49B-2BSky9BAQKa3z8m- 2FI1O-2FSxLlR76F6IRFrKJ4KCfKWnl4CJ7KssCiKqtlhKH-2FGfJDvcqkPttOZMNb- 2B5p0DSAUH4SwOytTDHkbm-2BE0jZ6opSa 261http://url310.tandfonline.com/ls/click?upn=odl8Fji2pFaByYDqV3bjGMQo8st9of2228V6AcSFNq2Y6MdAyQ17- 2BnWCG-2BkDRzjfBqwSVTSOTI2mYoWT2b9s0uUWUBl6TuPQuWHac7d-2Fr0uEFHRC0WGyyH1pLvG0ICyJ6huO_ 47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf-2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUF4zRJJNZ6-2FASa-2B- 2FmlV-2FVimpNqsrf-2Bjm5lNh11-2BorgUwhY9jYK-2B7BDmDHFzrwJPckhyKlGiXl3sQLO4JQYSBoies9qkmzaKRNr9KpCAzlpqNa6b5ACg69vx- 2BXX7yLuSfqEaU7t6nTi5nINQgEhpcDV3XBGm-2Ba0PZQy0mj7h43FI4oDRRijuK1pXFS-2F4Wf7- 2B7dMX9a9YqLGZqijIfAjULBcpKfKwewtHNJez3-2B90J2I9-2BvsR3IJvVVFhHKSMjcfkgJ 262http://url310.tandfonline.com/ls/click?upn=odl8Fji2pFaByYDqV3bjGMQo8st9of2228V6AcSFNq2Y6MdAyQ17- 2BnWCG-2BkDRzjfBqwSVTSOTI2mYoWT2b9s0ise5KZyagMTPen-2FsFbvXSvUb4rBwbO6V1qe7HOSNADmLjwu_ 47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf-2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUF4zRJJNZ6-2FASa-2B- 2FmlV-2FVimpNqsrf-2Bjm5lNh11-2BorgUwXZ4vdTwNXv7RtHONu6JSFUVThMLvPOuqEbcPiOUVYOocnKYOXa5UMROKAtNZKQ4Zj9xkXza5- 2BCTE-2BnAzY2X5AO0VbWrW49liMfzOYRrsMRmv5SRCqAsliBgc46G4RqqFFqzyT- 2Bq35o8XSTxQKut6yhNDNRIJL6Vd28tzxUtd6U3frhPCu-2Bas-2BkUOSNg9MuZ3fXGh7xdr8ZOJfMqMhln4C 263http://url310.tandfonline.com/ls/click?upn=odl8Fji2pFaByYDqV3bjGMQo8st9of2228V6AcSFNq2Y6MdAyQ17- 2BnWCG-2BkDRzjfBqwSVTSOTI2mYoWT2b9s0mRFFxXj1Fmr7yMEyR23P4v4oHfuSoNYt-2BqrEcGX- 2FihqjG3C_47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf-2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUF4zRJJNZ6- 2FASa-2B-2FmlV-2FVimpNqsrf-2Bjm5lNh11-2BorgUyKhqZQ0Z9l4EwS2LqyDVG4WE8ie9p6zGOUM73RaCVQvZHj- 2F6Pz16MwafCwQ8HvPBaYjtCxHDMaNfGDBl9-2FQLt-2FmU9B7eJOKJkiVtSeIY8kHJGk5jlwtnghR- 2BHROe9RKLJVXDu5qkPuCPJH2-2FJ3rLtm9qby8Zqj1naZQQNHXHdMZCCyLbvomSqPbdSx3goWFIpl9KniY7O2GnmwNiLnYLRs 264http://el.guilford.com/ls/click?upn=dLZSQ3QoLhvG-2BfFrleZiP25qVkagwqzUk7jH- 2Fg2nrS2mzwlhbmIWLByqmGlM-2BE8H5QCsyHA3m4iMyZVr7PQ0KI70SL3j83pUsVjKMsZ1lw- 2FoVtQ2rIsQp31MAK57Wx9Pk6kL_47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf-2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUHxPMXs6FQ0WuJc8hDGryLxu8P5qfNIVYO- 2Fu9Yfwh-2BG-2BT1rrvpEF-2BgyhsDzp3VRBPph6EHpIJSCGo8-2BwwnyslaVmz1MiRvu8eauKWSWQEzR7lUM0usCoo- 2FYLLkdBfrL-2Bzzb-2BRwHZK91mwwURlK6CEbBARhh1bfjFJ4NhjYi9uRDjVcwBZq2Yf3K3FCKUWJk65teFoy3Tt2P2pRjn9yBeewoh835YS7YbJB7HQu- 2FD35q8VFKjNesw7nd-2FXl-2FaMg6tK

84 Clyde W. Barrow: Globalization and the Emergence of the Fortress State265

Werner Bonefeld: On the State as Political Form of Society266

Rob Hunter: Capitalism, Depoliticization, and Climate Politics267

Stephen Maher and Rafael Khachaturian: Socialist Strategy and the Capitalist Demo- cratic State268

Kirstin Munro: The Welfare State and the Bourgeois Family-Household269


Chris O’Kane: Critical Theory and the Critique of Capitalism: An Immanent Critique of Nancy Fraser’s “Systematic” “Crisis-Critique” of Capitalism as an “Institutionalized Social Order”270

265http://el.guilford.com/ls/click?upn=dLZSQ3QoLhvG-2BfFrleZiP25qVkagwqzUk7jH- 2Fg2nrS2mzwlhbmIWLByqmGlM-2BE8H5QCsyHA3m4iMyZVr7PQ0KDVj7OBbyRJ5qeSdsqXqA2jl- 2FlZoSkHBh2gZ3tVdCn55UesM_47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf-2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUHxPMXs6FQ0WuJc8hDGryLxu8P5qfNIVYO- 2Fu9Yfwh-2BG-2BfpprXjOftXSiAS9X1cOwCEWPse-2F4AK-2Bm5Z5zohRuKCb8bY4UIPp1Br7Y4HzdmkHZhdrznqkVgIlm8KmXV- 2BZ52Rha4c-2FgPV20fT7yXtITfq743bZBTkVVJLpr9vv37H9HxRuC22z8sOvXXB-2FzCjLDXgiJr8951- 2FPttW9asqY169l3P7d-2B5fWpSy59BtX5tWxcahc7gB5kObdM-2BLbXUvxW5 266http://el.guilford.com/ls/click?upn=dLZSQ3QoLhvG-2BfFrleZiP25qVkagwqzUk7jH- 2Fg2nrS2mzwlhbmIWLByqmGlM-2BE8H5QCsyHA3m4iMyZVr7PQ0KK-2FkMpBjT5C1KYzzFvd6y-2F3- 2BOt2GMFkVL4NPfXdvrVKRyWLX_47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf-2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUHxPMXs6FQ0WuJc8hDGryLxu8P5qfNIVYO- 2Fu9Yfwh-2BG-2FW1FFm38wsL5cu-2Fd2XSnblpgkBtUp-2BedJNOtPVtdweRbE1ChCj- 2FCrx-2FdlVCgHmEcmZJcXnRQD-2FuqPcyDULW8uoV8vHPMT2dZ4SPp1-2B-2F- 2BStfQkEHQECyYVPAndl0fikhWO-2B-2FXeFYYtHZn-2Fq4A3CPuJYvDRvUqRxmdLKnFF16- 2BBeXf8RdeEHOfavpuet0y0izF2gjz75hytIGmIAu5Xn9ADt 267http://el.guilford.com/ls/click?upn=dLZSQ3QoLhvG-2BfFrleZiP25qVkagwqzUk7jH- 2Fg2nrS2mzwlhbmIWLByqmGlM-2BE8H5QCsyHA3m4iMyZVr7PQ0KNd0Mtmf7- 2BJMrizekM8n3MRVEio3F1wZLilRWHJJ0Af-2FJlzY_47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf- 2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUHxPMXs6FQ0WuJc8hDGryLxu8P5qfNIVYO- 2Fu9Yfwh-2BG8Gia5Rz7bG130PL1BYjFBdrtT5mF3xuQhrXJqzMEtegaIixjjE34XETxc4ELQ-2Fe84- 2FHI2LuSQuxzMHbwu0oDgEVz2Kvv6MX3OB-2BXN-2Fab-2FzFMMxd2kVrsKTqFF8xxWrJanENiGPr2YRNh2SODB8RVSpQ6kk- 2FaBHyQaXLCyaFvQCW6IwseBRdPVsKGEpH6l86X9CV5ObkAc4iFP4nrj3KMGu 268http://el.guilford.com/ls/click?upn=dLZSQ3QoLhvG-2BfFrleZiP25qVkagwqzUk7jH- 2Fg2nrS2mzwlhbmIWLByqmGlM-2BE8H5QCsyHA3m4iMyZVr7PQ0KFJcIHX3gwxKqvGkKUvAeiErnuv1CJKxdtkFoX- 2BidNUsTB31_47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf-2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUHxPMXs6FQ0WuJc8hDGryLxu8P5qfNIVYO- 2Fu9Yfwh-2BG80cKpZW-2BHsp799wtDSdnXaDMPXg5SaTss-2FZ8KlA52bHbiWeMvX6Bie3g9zrAtkanZmMnbVfUUuXOcA0tJxhwZHYtKFtvOrnONkDJXqyFtDCllXtfFIXKss5hJCH1XC50KuMfh0WCjqubXgG5vxdq5s7q9UJa- 2FZAxVxScynb083BZOw0k5W5LNpalRa9OWR7H-2B-2BdeIUiRzBJyRE1itrGj9b 269http://el.guilford.com/ls/click?upn=dLZSQ3QoLhvG-2BfFrleZiP25qVkagwqzUk7jH- 2Fg2nrS2mzwlhbmIWLByqmGlM-2BE8H5QCsyHA3m4iMyZVr7PQ0KDjuBlZBViE14CFQivbLeKXG5AcGfDyvQZaNwXtz9s5Dc6c- _47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf-2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUHxPMXs6FQ0WuJc8hDGryLxu8P5qfNIVYO- 2Fu9Yfwh-2BG-2F46HIg3g6-2BYEWkFFT2SRxSgnmfPr8ge57huxsMN50-2FT- 2FSEjriGk7vA3XvRH6efTiNDI-2BmEdsT7szBwI7LyLE7mN4bui-2BpD-2F81aj-2BZSvznEUAzzJOrFZD- 2BkqhO-2BVrJlJ2V4mtkZn2BgIK0KqfcDuk77Cjmb9STHAo7g7u0ti-2BJUh-2BFBUeQ45U4- 2BYPEMdiuLz7-2F0nklNWibnDN8PLyc67Mzq 270http://el.guilford.com/ls/click?upn=dLZSQ3QoLhvG-2BfFrleZiP25qVkagwqzUk7jH- 2Fg2nrS2mzwlhbmIWLByqmGlM-2BE8H5QCsyHA3m4iMyZVr7PQ0KC8P17mxzzbSrVwlHbD0Vk1606nAOEfO- 2FWsSE7B2pYCNpQsq_47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf-2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUHxPMXs6FQ0WuJc8hDGryLxu8P5qfNIVYO-

85 Doug Hornstein: Capital Accumulation and Capital-Labor Relations: A Critique of the Social Structure of Accumulation Theory271

Books and Book Series

Alternative Ideas from 10 (Almost) Forgotten Economists by Irene van Staveren — 2021, Palgrave

How should we address today’s big problems, and what we can take from icons of eco- nomics past? How would John Maynard Keynes have resolved today’s debt problem, or how would Adam Smith have assessed the European carbon emission trading mar- ket? This book applies the ideas of ten renowned economists (Marx, Minsky, Keynes, Knight, Bergmann, Veblen, Sen, Myrdal, Smith, Robinson) to real world economic prob- lems, directly or indirectly related to the causes and consequences of the 2008 financial crisis. Each chapter presents an economist, and structures the ‘problem’, the ‘insight’ (the economist’s idea), the ‘economist’ (short bio), and two ‘practices’ offering real-world alternatives. This book presents a lively and original approach that will be of interest to economists and non-economists alike, discussing key elements of an economics for a postcapitalist economy and connecting policy insights to real-world problems of today.

Please find a link to the book here.272

An Introduction to Macroeconomics

Edited by Louis-Philippe Rochon and Sergio Rossi — 2021, Edward Elgar Publishing

The second edition of this important textbook introduces students to the fundamental ideas of heterodox economics. It is written in a clear way by top heterodox scholars. This introductory book offers not only a critique of the dominant approach to economics,

2Fu9Yfwh-2BG9L6ibPdxubSXxCo7CGxmwhL16z4sS9zh09FdQHgQzabmVUHo1E2HVy7PNQpXLe32KBx3IZnheubJuJ0fO3gWq6gSkn9qXMTuIo- 2BSJN491pOv9ctRLo47n07WsgLHIVluF-2BjRX1zVaQB4YVf-2FBM7r-2FZ4TaWpIXNulCzHEdzGBHyQfcb97ZLaQVwsf- 2Bz2-2BtJPkTEWc04RUH-2BJJmj24JsvzGU 271http://el.guilford.com/ls/click?upn=dLZSQ3QoLhvG-2BfFrleZiP25qVkagwqzUk7jH- 2Fg2nrS2mzwlhbmIWLByqmGlM-2BE8H5QCsyHA3m4iMyZVr7PQ0KMUs1OisvjFd0bt2A8GdYjPwiQMvhwnJKfsM- 2FamDqZ9QhBcj_47UfRuHLRkp8L5QyWCIRf-2ByY9yYol5HJbOlo424UasRfhcInymzrLgqMSD0R7GEUHxPMXs6FQ0WuJc8hDGryLxu8P5qfNIVYO- 2Fu9Yfwh-2BG-2BCgbZwAjyUGrfHiZNFohuVFFwoLQTPf-2BL7McQskgTFxzM2L-2B- 2BdRFFtZltsMWez4Zcw9IgAu3-2BizpmrjSZiPch-2B7yzjzFmpcMlbt0PkuEtvwfU9ReDlge2wBXz-2FcDD- 2BWlerA6FFLEdl5A-2BG04JGKRbxTyzg-2BjWhVdilVcKzva1WAwi52YGJTraRRBylSFQDAfdXWXH8XnotkpG2TDN- 2BrB-2FW 272https://www.palgrave.com/gp/book/9783030576080

86 but also presents a positive and constructive alternative. Students interested in an explanation of the real world will find the heterodox approach not only satisfying, but ultimately better able to explain a money-using economy prone to periods of instability and crises.

Key features of this textbook include:

• A non-conventional understanding of economic analysis on a number of relevant topics

• A new analysis of the state of macroeconomics

• Deep and convincing criticism of orthodox thinking

• Discussion of the crucial importance of money, banking and finance today

• New discussions of the theories of consumption and investment

• Analysis of the roots of the 2008 global financial crisis

• A presentation of the features of sustainable development.

Students of economics at all levels can use this textbook to deepen their understanding of the heterodox approach, the fundamental roots of the 2008 global financial crisis and the need to rethink economics afresh.

Please find a link to the book here273 .

Capitalism, Power and Innovation: Intellectual Monopoly Capi- talism Uncovered by Cecilia Rikap — 2021, Routledge

In contemporary global capitalism, the most powerful corporations are innovation or in- tellectual monopolies. The book’s unique perspective focuses on how private ownership and control of knowledge and data have become a major source of rent and power. The author explains how at the one pole, these corporations concentrate income, property and power in the United States, China, and in a handful of intellectual monopolies, par-

273https://www.e-elgar.com/shop/gbp/an-introduction-to-macroeconomics-9781789901160. html?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Rochon%20Rossi%20An%20Introduction%20to% 20Macroeconomics%20TEXTBOOK%20-%20Economics%20US&utm_content=Rochon%20Rossi% 20An%20Introduction%20to%20Macroeconomics%20TEXTBOOK%20-%20Economics%20US+CID_ 7c98c60089086c9fcb0c3c8010c36fcb&utm_source=Campaign%20Monitor&utm_term=An% 20Introduction%20to%20Macroeconomics

87 ticularly from digital and pharmaceutical industries, while at the other pole developing countries are left further behind.

The book includes detailed empirical mappings of how intellectual monopolies develop and transform knowledge from universities and open-source collaborations into intangi- ble assets. The result is a strategy that combines undermining the commons through privatization with harvesting from the same commons. The book ends with provoking reflections to tilt the scale against intellectual monopoly capitalism and arguing that desired changes require democratic mobilization of workers and citizens at large.

This book represents one of the first attempts to capture the contours of an emerging new era where old perspectives lead us astray, and the old policy toolbox is hopelessly inadequate. This is true for the idea that the best, or only, way to promote innovation is to transform knowledge into private property. It is also true for anti-trust policies focusing exclusively on consumer prices. The formation of global infrastructures that lead to natural monopolies calls for public rather than private ownership.

Scholars and professionals from the social sciences and humanities (in particular eco- nomics, sociology, political science, geography, educational science and science and tech- nology studies) will enjoy a clear and all-embracing depiction of innovation dynamics in contemporary capitalism, with a particular focus on asymmetries between actors, re- gions and topics. In fact, its topical issue broadens the book’s scope to those curious about how innovation networks shape our world.

Please find a link to the book here.274

Conflict, Demand and Economic Development: Essays in Hon- our of Amit Bhaduri edited by Deepankar Basu and Debarshi Das — 2021, Routledge

This book presents a comprehensive overview of three key areas: heterodox macroeco- nomics, and classical political economy. It offers an alternative macroeconomic framework to analyse policies with an emphasis on issues of equity and justice.

With contributions by leading economists from across the world, it examines the growth and distribution of income; trade and finance in developing countries; classical political economy and Marxist theory; dualism in the US economy; economic crisis; and agrarian economy in poor countries. It explores themes such as the effect of an exogenous shock to wage share; Harrodian instability and Steindlian solutions; economics and politics of

274https://www.routledge.com/Capitalism-Power-and-Innovation-Intellectual-Monopoly- Capitalism-Uncovered/Rikap/p/book/9780367357634

88 social democracy; the role of power in the macroeconomy; economic development through the promotion of domestic value chains; and reflections on primitive accumulation. Going beyond the neo-classical tradition, the volume opens up a new vista of economics by discussing unexplored questions. It provides a refreshing treatment of time-tested ideas as well as discussions of recent developments and current research.

A major intervention in heterodox macroeconomics and a tribute to macroeconomist Amit Bhaduri, this book will be useful to scholars and researchers of economics, po- litical economy, development studies, sociology, political science, public administration, economic theory, economic history, economic geography and critical studies, as well as professionals, economists and policymakers.

Please find a link to the book here.275

Economic Philosophy by Joan Robinson — 2021, Routledge

Joan Robinson’s Economic Philosophy is being reissued in the ‘Routledge Classics’ series with a new foreword by Sheila Dow. Joan Robinson (1903-1983) was one of the greatest economists of the twentieth century and a fearless critic of free-market capitalism. A major figure in the controversial ‘Cambridge School’ of economics in the post-war period, she made fundamental contributions to the economics of international trade and develop- ment. In Economic Philosophy Robinson looks behind the curtain of economics to reveal a constant battle between economics as a science and economics as ideology, which she argued was integral to economics. In her customary vivid and pellucid style, she criticizes early economists Adam Smith and David Ricardo, and neo-classical economists Alfred Marshall, Stanley Jevons and Leon Walras, over the question of value. She shows that what they respectively considered to be the generators of value - labour-time, marginal utility or preferences - are not scientific but ‘metaphysical’, and that it is frequently in ideology, not science, that we find the reason for the rejection of economic theories. She also weighs up the implications of the Keynesian revolution in economics, particularly whether Keynes’s theories are applicable to developing economies. Robinson concludes with a prophetic lesson that resonates in today’s turbulent and unequal economy: that the task of the economist is to combat the idea that the only values that count are those that can be measured in terms of money.

Please find a link to the book here.276

275https://www.routledge.com/Conflict-Demand-and-Economic-Development-Essays-in-Honour- of-Amit-Bhaduri/Basu-Das/p/book/9780367410643 276https://www.routledge.com/Economic-Philosophy/Robinson/p/book/9780367540876

89 Emerging Economies and the global financial system edited by Bruno Bonizzi, Annina Kaltenbrunner, Raquel A. Ramos — 2021, Routledge

This book provides a comprehensive overview of the financial integration of emerging economies through an in-depth analysis of the international monetary system, how it impacts capital flows and exchange rates, and its implications for policy making.

The financial integration of emerging economies has been a remarkable development of the past two decades. The growth of cross-border transactions and asset ownership, not least through the accumulation of foreign exchange reserves, has put many of these countries in a more prominent, if still peripheral, position within the global financial system. This has not been a smooth process, as integration has been marked by cyclical waves of capital flows, with financial and currency instability often accompanying the acute phases of these cycles. While conventional economic theory traditionally sees financial integration as a positive development, Post-Keynesian economists, working in the tradition of Keynes, Minsky and Kalecki, have long taken a more sceptical viewpoint. By centring the analysis of financial dynamics on concepts as liquidity, uncertainty, balance-sheet structures and institutions, Post-Keynesian theory highlights the intrinsic character of shocks imposed by financial integration upon emerging economies, and their implications for economic growth and distribution. This book demonstrates that these analyses can be fruitfully used to gain a better understanding of financial (in)stability and economic development in emerging economies as they integrate into the global financial system.

This work provides key reading for students and scholars of economics, political economy and finance that are interested in the financial integration of emerging economies, and how the heterodox tradition of Post-Keynesian economics contributes to its analysis.

Please find a link to the book here.277

Populism and Neoliberalism by David Cayla — 2021, Routledge

Populism and Neoliberalism argues that the roots of populism lay in the contradiction between the democratic ideal, which implies that the people should decide, and neolib- eral governance, which seeks to make markets and competition the arbiters of major social developments. The rise of populist movements poses a significant challenge to lib- eral democracies, yet the causes of these movements remain beyond the understanding

277https://www.routledge.com/Emerging-Economies-and-the-Global-Financial-System-Post- Keynesian-Analysis/Bonizzi-Kaltenbrunner-Ramos/p/book/9780367111427

90 of experts. The explanation of populism is often limited to a mere political analysis. Contrary to that, this book investigates the economic and social dynamics of the free- market system and explains how populism emerges from its imbalances. It also aims to explain the emergence of the neoliberal doctrines during the 1930s and to characterise their common features. In light of this, it explores how the rise of inequality and social discontent create a pressing duty to develop another model, and argues that we must now rethink our policies in depth in order to respond to the challenge of authoritarian populism.

This book marks a significant intervention in the debate about the rise and fall of neoliberalism. Its analysis of the links between the failings of neoclassical economics and the failings of neoliberal politics provides essential reading for anyone interested in the damaging impact of neoliberalism, the failings of neoclassical economics, and explanations for the rise of populism.

Please find a link to the book here278 .

Power and Influence of Economists: Contributions to the Social Studies of Economics edited by Jens Maesse, Stephan P¨uhringer,Thierry Rossier and Pierre Benz — 2021, Routledge

Economists occupy leading positions in many different sectors including central and private banks, multinational corporations, the state and the media, as well as serving as policy consultants on everything from health to the environment and security. Power and Influence of Economists explores the interconnected relationship between power, knowledge and influence which has led economics to be both a source and beneficiary of widespread power and influence.

The contributors to this book explore the complex and diverse methods and channels that economists have used to exert and expand their influence from different disciplinary and national perspectives. Four different analytical views on the role of power and economics are taken: first, the role of economic expert discourses as power devices for the forma- tion of influential expertise; second, the logics and modalities of governmentality that produce power/knowledge apparatuses between science and society; third, economists as involved in networks between academia, politics and the media; and forth, economics considered as a social field, including questions of legitimacy and unequal relations be- tween economists based on the detention of various capitals. The volume includes case studies on a variety of national configurations of economics, such as the US, Germany,


91 Italy, Switzerland, Greece, Mexico and Brazil, as well as international spaces and organ- isations such as the IMF.

This book provides innovative research perspectives for students and scholars of hetero- dox economics, cultural political economy, sociology of professions, network studies, and the social studies of power, discourse and knowledge.

Please find a link to the book here (open access).279

Rudolf Hilferding: What Do We Still Have to Learn from His Legacy? edited by Judith Dellheim, Frieder Otto Wolf — 2020, Palgrave

This edited volume is focused on Hilferding’s major work, Finance Capital. In revisiting this influential book from a methodological point of view, both historical and intellectual, this book affirms Hilferding’s place in the Marxist tradition. Hilferding’s ideas are used to criticise incumbent approaches in economics and enrich existing discussions and debates about the nature of modern capitalism. In doing so, this book highlights the importance of Hilferding’s work in analysing and understanding modern capitalism and corporate developments. The volume has contributions from a range of expert scholars addressing various aspects of Hilferding’s arguments. It elaborates on Hilferding’s central idea on the political economy, as well as its historical context, and its relation to Marx. Contributors move on to criticize Hilferding’s views on the political economy and politics in general. This book is relevant to those interested in the political economy, the history of economic thought, and European politics.

Please find a link to the book here280 .

Russian Economic Development over Three Centuries: New Data and Inference edited by Masaaki Kuboniwa, Yasushi Nakamura, Kazuhiro Kumo and Yoshisada Shida — 2019, Palgrave

279https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/oa-edit/10.4324/9780367817084/power-influence- economists-jens-maesse-stephan-p\unhbox\voidb@x\bgroup\accent127u\penalty\@M\ hskip\z@skip\egrouphringer-thierry-rossier-pierre-benz?fbclid=IwAR0VZm4Vzj_ WOvHL2t2cnTs46cZqlPvjz5l4De_87H_dy5GaS25hzPd4kyc 280https://www.palgrave.com/gp/book/9783030473433#aboutBook

92 This book aims to provide a comprehensive statistical picture of the Russian economic development covering the Imperial, Soviet, and New Russian periods. The authors have reconstructed Russian socio-economic statistics from both published and archival materials. The book gives concise descriptions as well as new insights on the Russian economic development. Compiled such that estimations by the authors are kept to a minimum and extensive explanations and notes on the sources, the definitions, the statistical methodologies, the problems and inconsistencies of the original data, and the pitfalls of interpreting the time series are given makes this a standard reference book of the Russian economic history. It will be of value to economists, scholars of collectivist economics, and scholars of Russia and the Soviet experience.

Please find a link to the book here.281

Schumpeter’s Venture Money by Michael Peneder and Andreas Resch — 2021, Oxford University Press

Distinctively tying history with theory, political economist Joseph A. Schumpeter reached far back in time to understand what drives economic development and determines its course. Historical and empirical research provided a laboratory for learning. At the same time, he reached for a long-term vision through theoretical inspection and utmost abstraction, seeking to distil a phenomenon’s essential nature and function. He believed that good theory can indicate where the economy is headed in the future.

Schumpeter’s attention to history and theory also informed the plan for this book. Part I trails the historical stream of financial innovations and the scholarly struggle to assimilate them in monetary thought, while Part II focuses on Schumpeter’s own monetary theory. Its deliberate reconstruction from scattered sources reveals a strikingly original and still modern conception. Drawing from the detailed study of documents at various archives in Austria, Part III then concentrates on the business history of Schumpeter’s failed personal endeavours in banking and as a proto-venture capitalist. Finally, Part IV casts light on the legacy of Schumpeter’s monetary ideas on contemporary thought. It depicts how monetary theory initially left them behind, yet has more recently set out to return to his ideas on money, financial innovation, and growth. Overall, a surprisingly coherent picture emerges from the study of Schumpeter’s neglected monetary theory, his personal history, and his intellectual legacy on the present day.

Please find a link to the book here282 .

281https://www.palgrave.com/gp/book/9789811384288#aboutBook 282https://global.oup.com/academic/product/schumpeters-venture-money-9780198804383?cc=at& lang=en&#

93 Social Media: A Critical Introduction - third edition by Christian Fuchs — 2021, Sage

Now more than ever, we need to understand social media – the good as well as the bad. We need critical knowledge that helps us to navigate the controversies and contradictions of this complex digital media landscape. Only then can we make informed judgements about what’s happening in our media world, and why. Showing the reader how to ask the right kinds of questions about social media, Christian Fuchs takes us on a journey across social media, delving deep into case studies on Google, Facebook, Twitter, WikiLeaks and Wikipedia. The result lays bare the structures and power relations at the heart of our media landscape. This book is the essential, critical guide for all students of media studies and sociology. Readers will never look at social media the same way again. This book equips you with a critical understanding of the complexities and contradictions at the heart of social media’s relationship with society. The revised and expanded Third Edition:

• Explores populism, racism and nationalism in a new chapter on right-wing author- itarianism.

• Introduces the phenomenon of social media influencers in the age of Instagram, YouTube, and Snapchat.

• Explains how big data is central to social media in a new chapter on big data capitalism and imperialism.

• Explores the growing prominence of platforms and platform capitalism.

• Challenges you to envision and achieve a truly social media that serves the purposes of a just and fair world.

• Analyses fake news and misinformation in the context of Facebook and Cambridge Analytica.

Please find a link to the book here283 .

The Dispossessed: Karl Marx’s Debates on Wood Theft and the Right of the Poor by Daniel Bensa¨ıd— 2021, University of Minnesota Press


94 Excavating Marx’s early writings to rethink the rights of the poor and the idea of the commons in an era of unprecedented privatization.

The politics of dispossession are everywhere. Troubling developments in intellectual property, genomics, and biotechnology are undermining established concepts of prop- erty, while land appropriation and ecological crises reconfigure basic institutions of own- ership. In The Dispossessed, Daniel Bensa¨ıdexamines Karl Marx’s early writings to establish a new framework for addressing the rights of the poor, the idea of the com- mons, and private property as a social institution. In his series of articles from 1842–43 about Rhineland parliamentary debates over the privatization of public lands and crim- inalization of poverty under the rubric of the “theft of wood,” Marx identified broader anxieties about customary law, property rights, and capitalist efforts to privatize the commons. Bensa¨ıdstudies these writings to interrogate how dispossession continues to function today as a key modality of power. Brilliantly tacking between past and present, The Dispossessed discloses continuity and rupture in our relationships to property and, through that, to one another. In addition to Bensa¨ıd’sprescient work of political phi- losophy, The Dispossessed includes new translations of Marx’s original “theft of wood” articles and an introductory essay by Robert Nichols that lucidly contextualizes the essays.

Please find a link to the book here.284

The Gypsy Economist: The Life and Times of Colin Clark by Alex Millmow — 2021, Palgrave

This book offers the first intellectual biography of the Anglo Australian economist, Colin Clark. Despite taking the economics world by storm with a mercurial ability for statis- tical analysis, Clark’s work has been largely overlooked in the 30 years since his death. His career was punctuated by a number of firsts. He was the first economist to derive the concept of GNP, the first to broach development economics and to foresee the re- emergence of India and China within the global economy. In 1945, he predicted the rise and persistence of inflation when taxation levels exceeded 25 per cent of GNP. And he was also the first economist to debunk post-war predictions of mass hunger by argu- ing that rapid population growth engendered economic development. Clark wandered through the fields of applied economics in much the same way as he rambled through the English countryside and the Australian bush. His imaginative wanderings qualify him as the eminent gypsy economist for the 20th century.

Please find a link to the book here.285

284https://www.combinedacademic.co.uk/9781517903855/the-dispossessed/ 285https://www.springer.com/in/book/9789813369450#otherversion=9789813369467

95 Transnational Migration and the New Subjects of Work: Trans- migrants, Hybrids and Cosmopolitans by Banu Ozkazan¸c-Pan¨ — 2021, Bristol University Press

In an increasingly globalized world, mobility is a new defining feature of our lives, livelihoods and work experiences. This book is a first in utilising transnational mi- gration studies as a new theoretical framework in management and organization studies. Ozkazanc-Pan presents a much-needed new concept for understanding people, work and organizations in a world on the move while attending to growing inequality associated with work in changing societies.

Please find a link to the book here.286

Heterodox Graduate Programs, Scholarships and Grants

International Economics Master (Berlin School of Economics and Law, Germany)

The Master in International Economics provides students with a critical understanding of current debates in economics, including heterodox economics in particular. The pro- gramme has a strongly international approach and aims to integrate an understanding of theoretical controversies, historical developments and contemporary policy disputes. It also contains an interdisciplinary component reflecting the importance that social and political institutions play in shaping economic developments, and offers several options for specialisation. The programme is accredited and it will equip students with the skills to pursue internationally oriented careers with government and non-government organ- isations, research institutes, think tanks, trade unions, international organisations and international businesses, as well as to apply for PhD programmes. Courses are taught entirely in English.

The application period for the winter term starts on 15 April, and ends for students with a German Bachelor’s degree on 15 June; for students with a non-German Bachelor’s degree on 30 May. For more information please visit the website.287

286https://bristoluniversitypress.co.uk/transnational-migration-and-the-new-subjects-of- work 287https://www.hwr-berlin.de/en/study/degree-programmes/detail/23-international- economics/

96 International Master’s Course: Economic Policies in the age of Globalisation 2.0

The call for this 1-year programme is now open. The application shall be open between March 22nd and April 25th. Given than a number of classes are now common with EPOG+, the number of available seats will be limited. So if you decide to apply, make sure you do provide all the required documents and you do explain why you apply to EPOG2 in your statement of purpose.

If you have a good level in English, you are motivated by heterodox economics and/or economic policies and/or economic modelling, please do not hesitate to apply!

1-Year programme information

Additional students can be enrolled directly in the second year (“1-YEAR-PROGRAMME students”).

The responsibility for these students belongs to the Universities of Sorbonne Paris Nord and Universit´ede Paris. It does not involve the responsibility of the other partners. 1-Year programme students will pay the regular French national Master’s tuition fees. The successful students will only be awarded a Sorbonne Paris Nord APE degree if they are in Option I or a APE Universit´ede Paris degree if they are in Option II. With the exception of the awarded degrees policy, these students and the 2-year programme students will be treated similarly.

The application packages are examined by the programme coordinators from Sorbonne Paris Nord and Universit´ede Paris. A number of candidates are then interviewed online, and a selection is made with criteria that are very much identical to those of the 2-year programme ( see the criteria here288 ). The requirements are the same but with a Master or equivalent 4-year degree (240 ECTS minimum).

The EPOG2 Master programme does not offer any Erasmus Mundus Scholarship. How- ever, other scholarships may be accessible. For instance:

• Eiffel scholarships289

• MIEM scholarships290

288http://www.cepn-paris13.fr/epog/?page_id=3957 289https://www.campusfrance.org/en/eiffel-scholarship-program-of-excellence 290https://u-paris.fr/en/call-for-applications-international-students-miem-scholarship- program/

97 Register and follow the procedure by clicking on this link291 . For further information please visit the website292 .

Application Deadline: 25 April 2021

Levy Graduate Programs in Economic Theory and Policy: Stu- dents Application for Fall 2021

Backed by over 30 years of proven policy impact, the Levy Institute Graduate Pro- grams293 in Economic Theory and Policy provide innovative approaches to topics such as time use, poverty, gender, student debt, and employment that other programs neglect, encouraging students to evaluate policies, examine behavior, and dig deeper into the so- cial phenomena that underlie economic outcomes. Working alongside professors who are actively engaged in tackling today’s most pressing economic problems, the Levy gradu- ate programs allow you to apply what you learn in the classroom to real-world research while giving you unprecedented access to leaders in government, NGOs, central banking, academia, and journalism. Along with a challenging academic environment, the Levy programs also offer a supporting and caring community where students make lifetime connections. To find out more, visit bard.edu/levygrad294 or follow the program’s Facebook295 page.

Applications for fall 2021 are now open. Interested students should contact the program recruiter, Martha Tepepa ( [email protected] ), to discuss their options. Scholarships are available.

Political Economy of European Integration Master (Berlin School of Economics and Law, Germany)

The Master in Political Economy of European Integration offers an extraordinary, in- terdisciplinary Master programme, combining critical research in political sciences and sociology, law, and (heterodox) macroeconomics. The programme covers different di- mensions of European integration such as environment and energy, labour and social

291https://paris13.moveonfr.com/form/60584ffc48225525ae273ae0/eng 292https://epog.univ-paris13.fr/?page_id=3960 293http://www.levyinstitute.org/about/ 294https://mx.technolutions.net/ss/c/XXc6adqa997Wg7dFYCT9VrB4UIR1LGAtMnm0Num_ ZcdefzZ4jKgpM0RU9q4pepPi/3aa/GC19DRDjRCaSExNlISMwuA/h18/W342lUqyaC-xvFYPse- dQBl2wmh7s8_j4Chj7Fc51UY 295https://mx.technolutions.net/ss/c/gsby7xed_Q9kJKoUKuDGdIIaz-Ge-UZOM0Rsh3Nqw9_ LcFQBApZWedED-cOO2yw33UB0qgneKhif28d9CAhUzA/3aa/GC19DRDjRCaSExNlISMwuA/h19/gmaIl9o_ BxGUaOiay2LgJ0UFIgXCuhA2JYtPoc1KQ7o 296mailto:[email protected]

98 reproduction, as well as money and trade, and offers several options for specialisation. The programme is accredited and enables students to participate professionally in the processes of European integration and to pursue international careers with European institutions and with governments as well as business organisations, trade unions, non- governmental organisations and institutions of policy formulation and research in the member states of the EU. Courses are taught entirely in English.

The application period for the winter term starts on 15 April, and ends for students with a German Bachelor’s degree on 15 June; for students with a non-German Bachelor’s degree on 30 May. For more information please visit the website297 .

URPE Dissertation Fellowship

The application for the 2020-2021 URPE Dissertation Fellowship is now open. The recipient will be announced by July 1, 2021.

URPE invites doctoral candidates in any discipline with an approved dissertation pro- posal in the area of radical political economics to apply for the URPE Dissertation Fel- lowship. The URPE dissertation fellow will receive $6500 to support their dissertation writing during the 2021-2022 academic year.

Applicants should submit:

1. A cover letter describing their background in radical political economics and ex- plaining how the fellowship would contribute to the completion of their dissertation

2. Curriculum Vitae

3. Their approved dissertation proposal

4. Two letters of reference (one of which should be from the dissertation committee chair). Letters of reference should be submitted directly by the letter writer by clicking here.298

Click here to submit your application.299

297https://www.hwr-berlin.de/en/study/degree-programmes/detail/30-political-economy-of- european-integration/ 298https://urpe.z2systems.com/track//servlet/DisplayLink?orgId=urpe&emailId= 219049d1101c8e0aea2bb48e68900ac62m627321219&&linkId=823&targetUrl=https://form. jotform.com/210666370629055 299https://urpe.z2systems.com/track//servlet/DisplayLink?orgId=urpe&emailId= 219049d1101c8e0aea2bb48e68900ac62m627321219&&linkId=829&targetUrl=https://form. jotform.com/210666457028155

99 Submission Deadline: 31 May 2021

Calls for Support

Exploring Economics is building up a new platform for teachers

With about 35.000 monthly visitors and 1500 learning materials, Exploring Economics300 reaches a broad international student audience. Now, we want to move one step further - from an e-learning to an e-teaching platform. Via offering syllabi, curricula, e-books, and other resources, we want to help lecturers to organize and innovate their teaching.

In the first step, we will collect syllabi, transform them into teaching material and publish them on Exploring Economics. You can shape the e-teaching platform by sending your syllabus!

• Title, topic and content description of your course

• Break down of class units with the content, learning aim, readings of each class

• Pedagogical remarks on how to teach the individual class units

• You can send us slides and additional material to complement your syllabus

• You may focus on one specific class unit, block seminars or workshop-like formats instead of a standard semester course

• Document, as Word or PDF

• Presentation as Power Point or Prezi

• Export or public link from your Learning Management System (LMS), like Moodle, GoogleClassroom or Edmodo

Send the syllabus via email to [email protected]

For Your Information

300https://www.exploring-economics.org/de/ 301mailto:[email protected]

100 ASE Announcement: A Message from ASE about the Recent Assault on Asian Americans in the Atlanta, Georgia Area

The Association for Social Economics expresses deep concern and outrage at the murders and targeting of three Atlanta-area businesses on March 16, 2021 in which a male shooter killed eight people, six of whom were women of Asian descent and service workers. We stand in solidarity with Asian Americans during this time of intensified white supremacy that has led to heightened racism and xenophobia.

As scholars dedicated to the study of inequality and social justice, we denounce acts of xenophobia and racism of any kind. Anti-Asian discrimination has a long history in the United States and has repeatedly contributed to the exploitation and exclusion of Asians/Asian Americans. Racism directed at Asian/Asian American women has an even more troubled history. The United States’ first anti-immigration legislation, the Page Act of 1875, directly targeted and prohibited the entry of Chinese women. Furthermore, Asian and Asian American women have been consistently dehumanized, sexualized, and depicted as subservient objects of male fantasy and violence in American popular culture and public discourse.

In today’s economy, a large proportion of personal service workers are women, immi- grants, and migrant workers, many of whom are Asian. We recognize that personal service workers, who perform intimate care work and other similar labor, are in vul- nerable positions, when intimate aggression, gender- and sexual-based, as well as racial violence are rampant in our societies.

As members of multi-racial democracies, we are obliged to take seriously how the history of anti-Asian discrimination and notions of white supremacy drive these recent events. We will continue to speak out and work against dehumanizing individuals, groups, com- munities, occupations, and workplaces.

Announcement: Virtual Events of the Federal Reserve System on ”Racism and the Economy”

The Reserve Banks will host a series of virtual events to examine the ways in which structural racism manifests in America and advance actions to dis- mantle structural racism.

Racism forms the foundation of inequality in our society, and it threatens our economy and limits economic opportunity for people of color. All 12 District Banks of the Federal Reserve System are partnering to highlight the implications of racism in the United States and identify solutions.

101 See details and sign up for updates here302 .

EPOG+ Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree - MOOC on ”Rethinking the economy after the coronavirus”

MOOC: ”Rethinking the economy after the coronavirus”

The “Rethinking the economy after the coronavirus” series has been initiated by the EPOG+ Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree programme303 during the first lockdown period, with the objective of understanding the (endogenous) origins of the COVID, its socio-economic consequences and the perspectives for policy makers to reorientate our development model.

Taking benefit of a very qualified network of scholars (the EPOG partners, associated partners and beyond!), this series contains several lectures, with very diversified but totally complementary contents, coping with some of the aspects we collectively under- stood as vital aspects for the understanding of the current crisis, not only in its surface, but in its structural dimension.

The MOOC is made of four blocks:

• BLOCK 1 - The ecological roots of Coronacrisis

• BLOCK 2 – Impacts and structural changes provoked by the Coronacrisis

• BLOCK 3 – The economy and the coronavirus in the global South

• BLOCK 4 – Rethinking economic policy after the coronavirus

Please find more information about the individual blocks online.304

EPOG+ Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree: MOOC Series on ”Rethinking the economy after the coronavirus”

The “Rethinking the economy after the coronavirus” series has been initiated by the EPOG+ Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree programme during the first lockdown period, with the objective of understanding the (endogenous) origins of the COVID, its

302https://www.minneapolisfed.org/policy/racism-and-the-economy 303https://www.labxchange.org/org/epog/pathway 304https://www.labxchange.org/org/epog/pathway

102 socio-economic consequences and the perspectives for policy makers to reorientate our development model.

Taking benefit of a very qualified network of scholars (the EPOG partners, associated partners and beyond!), this series contains several lectures, with very diversified but totally complementary contents, coping with some of the aspects we collectively under- stood as vital aspects for the understanding of the current crisis, not only in its surface, but in its structural dimension.

The MOOC is made of four blocks:

BLOCK 1 - The ecological roots of Coronacrisis

• Pandemics, conservation and human-nature relations by Peter H. May, Maria Fer- nanda Gebara and Gunars Platais (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and Uni- versity of Colorado Boulder)

• The first crisis of the Anthropocene by the Agence Fran¸caisede D´eveloppement (AFD)

• The Ecological Origins by L´eaLugassy, Scientific coordinator of the Association for a Living Agriculture

• The Crisis: emergence, aspects and diffusion by Antoine Godin, economist at the Agence Fran¸caisede D´eveloppement

• Lessons for economics by Devrim Yilmaz, economist at the Agence Fran¸caisede D´eveloppement

Please find the block here.305

BLOCK 2 – Impacts and structural changes provoked by the Coronacrisis

• The Pandemic as structural crisis (“Virus Economics”) by Robert Guttmann (Hof- stra University)

• The schockwaves of the Corona crisis on global value chains by C´edricDurand (Universit´eSorbonne Paris Nord, University of Geneva)

• Rethinking the firm by Joel Rabinovich (University of Leeds)

Please find the block here.306

305https://www.labxchange.org/library/pathway/lx-pathway:b33a95b3-98c9-4980-81f0- 7aac7a601e39 306https://www.labxchange.org/library/pathway/lx-pathway:79969175-4340-40d4-b6f7- 7efd596bf449

103 BLOCK 3 – The economy and the coronavirus in the global South

• Facing coronacrisis in peripheral countries: the economic policy and the political economy constraints by Bruno De Conti (University of Campinas)

• Policy responses to the Coronavirus in Latin America by Gabriel Porcile (ECLAC)

• The disaster of negligence: coronacrisis in Brazil by Guilherme Mello (University of Campinas)

• Role of the State and public policies in times of pandemic. The case of Brazil. by Alexis Saludjian (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)

• The COVID Crisis in India: High on lockdown, low on welfare, and timid on economic stimulus by Rajan Kumar (Jawaharlal Nehru University)

• Covid-19 lockdowns and extreme inequality by Joeri Schasfoort (University of Cape Town)

Please find the block here.307

BLOCK 4 – Rethinking economic policy after the coronavirus

• Coping with an ecological systemic crisisby the Agence Fran¸caisede D´eveloppement (AFD)

• Past and partial solutions by Achilleas Mantes, economist at the Agence Fran¸caise de D´eveloppement

• The ecological turn in political economy by Etienne Espagne, economist at the Agence Fran¸caisede D´eveloppement

• The financial side of a Green New Deal by Guilherme Magacho, economist at the Agence Fran¸caisede D´eveloppement

• The history of economic crisis as academic fiction and political drama by Mary O’Sullivan (University of Geneva)

• Climate change challenge: a new era for central banks? by Dominique Plihon (Universit´eSorbonne Paris Nord)

• Short term macroeconomic responses to Coronavirus in Italy and the Eurozone by Antonella Stirati (Universit`adegli studi Roma Tre)

307https://www.labxchange.org/library/pathway/lx-pathway:3403c978-87b2-4e74-8605- 16988aa9c733

104 • A degrowth perspective for a post-Covid19 world by Jo¨elleSaey-Volckrick (Berlin School of Economics and Law, St-Paul University, Degrowth.info308 )

Plese find the block here.309

For further information please visit the website310 .

New Journal: Work in the Global Economy

Bristol University Press311 is delighted to announce the launch of a new journal, Work in the Global Economy312 , published in association with the International Labour Process Conference313 .

Work in the Global Economy is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal that promotes understanding of work, and connections to work, in all forms and dimensions. This can mean a focus on labour processes, labour markets, labour organising and labour reproduction.The launch double issue of Work in the Global Economy will be published in October 2021.

Submit your article

The Editors welcome wide-ranging contributions that extend and deepen connections between all aspects of the division of labour: from the production networks that underpin the global economy, to the gendered and racial divides that shape how work is allocated and organised. Read the call for papers314 for more information.

AHE Member Discounts

AHE members can get a discounted personal online subscription from just £43. To take advantage of this offer, please contact [email protected] quoting the journal and your membership number. AHE members also receive 25% discount on all Bristol University Press and Policy Press books. Simply use code AHE21 at check out at: bristoluniversitypress.co.uk316

308http://degrowth.info/ 309https://www.labxchange.org/library/pathway/lx-pathway:154e3236-0029-4123-b6cc- e7f3a99046ab 310https://www.epog.eu/ 311https://bristoluniversitypress.co.uk 312https://bristoluniversitypress.co.uk/journals/work-in-the-global-economy 313https://www.ilpc.org.uk 314https://bristoluniversitypress.co.uk/journals/work-in-the-global-economy/calls-for- papers 315mailto:[email protected] 316http://bristoluniversitypress.co.uk/

105 Stay up to date with the latest developments by signing up for Work in the Global Economy journal news317 or following @WGEJournal318 on Twitter.

317https://bristoluniversitypress.co.uk/signup-bup-pp 318https://twitter.com/wgejournal