College open events

Blackburn College Saturday 14 November, 9.00am - 3.00pm You must register for this event in advance: ​ This is an actual open day - if you would prefer a virtual appointment, dates tbc

Bolton College Available from Monday 16 November To register, please visit and complete the ​ ​ registration form. You will be sent a link and automatically be entered into a prize draw!

Bolton 6th Form College Experience the virtual event from Saturday 7 November to Wednesday 25 November. Register by ​ ​ visiting: ​ Meet the Principal and Tutors via live Q&A sessions and view the fantastic facilities on a 3D tour of the building.

Cardinal Newman College Saturday 10 October and Saturday 14 November - times to be confirmed. These will probably be virtual events, but if you register in advance, they will keep you informed as to whether you can visit in person or not, depending on current guidance.

Myerscough College Saturday 10 October, 9.45am - 12.30pm Please register for this event - you will receive confirmation as to whether the event is live or virtual and updates will be on the website.

Preston’s College Wednesday 7 October and Thursday 8 October (virtual), 4.00pm - 7.00pm Saturday 7 November (possibly live), 10.00am - 2.00pm Registration in advance is required for all events: ​ Check out Career Coach on the Preston’s College website if you are unsure of what you want to do ​ ​ after school - it’s a simple way to find out about jobs and careers, create a CV and much more.

Runshaw College Thursday 8 October and Tuesday 17 November, 3.30pm - 7.30pm Places are limited and these are registration only events.

Wigan & Leigh College Monday 12 October and Monday 9 November, from 4.30pm Register in advance and choose which talks/presentations you want to be part of (these can be viewed later if you miss one). These are virtual events - live ones to follow later in the year depending on guidance.

Winstanley College Thursday 15 October and Wednesday 4 November, times tbc You can register for these virtual events from 24.09.20

Please note that there will be further open events after Christmas, hopefully actual events and not virtual. In the meantime, try to ‘attend’ as many events as you can in order to find out which college is the right one for you.

Remember that they all have different offers and it’s important to choose the one that suits you, not the closest one to your house or the ones all your friends will go to.

Some will allow you to mix and match A Levels with BTECs, others won’t. Some offer apprenticeships or full time courses that will allow you to transfer to an apprenticeship. Make sure you do your research and ask lots of questions.

At the application stage, you do NOT have to specify which course/subject you intend to take, it is just a case of reserving yourself a place at college(s). You only decide on enrolment day, next August when you turn up at your chosen college with your GCSE results.

You need to be getting your applications in by Christmas if possible, to allow the colleges time to interview you (especially if it needs to be done virtually). Some have early cut off dates so don’t miss out.

You should apply to at least TWO colleges so you have a back-up option, even if you are totally committed to attending a particular college or intend to take up an apprenticeship. As we have seen this summer, things can change and you need a Plan B!

If you need any help with registering, applying or any aspect of careers, please let me know. [email protected]