Case dismissed for of line of harness etc He is already doing Brownhelm want prosecution Herman C Hatch to Chapin M Ban- it The notices posted up in the horse- V COUNTY J M Hord for ister 5 acres land W middle af LORAIN a fair and rapidly increasing patroDage plff in cars in conspicuous places requiring the There is of to write Emma Gatewood vs Samuel Gatewood part lot 36 Grafton Tp 100 conductors to punch the slips in the 9i which his superior workmanship merits nothing importance ali- trip Divorce granted to plff with 100 John M Ellis Admr to George W presence of the were thus Letters from Niws special correspondents Mr A H Bacon who has been absent from this orderly town no dishon passenger quiet mony I A Webster for plff Totten the S W corner of lot 54 paragraphed and chanted by the repor- County Seat from Rochester since last spring engaged est men are running away with other peo Benj N Tracy Son vs Emeline G L Oberlin village 975 ters in a wierd chorus like that of the et al court the in the lightning- rod business in the south- ples money and no one seems to be in a Fitzgerald Submitted to and Selah Chamberlain trustee et al to goblins of the Catskills in Rip Van- Dec 20 1875 for M for C 1 Winkle runs as follows Elykia O of State is to end their lives suicide judgment plff J Hord plff Oliver lots 2 3 4 and 5 It ern this now visiting his hurry by VV Young are in town part Johnson for deft in block 1 2000 When the couductor A number of people Winter is us with his Lorain village Recieves the large manv friends here upon piercing Charles M Brainard vs John B Clough fare to- of whom are paying taxes James F Mantor to Samuel Foltz et He must punch in the day many under the leadership of cold ferns and mosses on the et al Death of and case Preseu- e home last Sat- The Baptists tracing plff suggested al part of lot 45 in Grafton Tp of the pas enjar Sheriff Braman returned window and ears of continued J C Hale for P A trip slip Rev Mr Whittaker are holding a series pains pinching the plff George coutg about 90 acres 13000 For an cent fare from Pittsburgh where he Metcalf for eight urday evening of at North church al- the children as they wend their noiBy deft R E Braman sheriff to J H Broad A pink trip slip a Mr for obtain- religious meetings A G Mason vs F Burns Submit- For a six cent fare went to arrest Finney to school Benj lot 30 and sub- A though the Baptists assume the control of way ted to court and for for 28 wellpartof village yellow trip slip at Amherst under false pre- judgment plff lot 3 in village of Oberlin 2942 I or a three cent fare ing goods the members of other de The schools for the winter term have and costs All in the tenses was taken under a requi- meetings yet John S Warnock to Land- presence of the Finney in- commenced Mr T Fairchild vs Frederick Fair- Henry Tassenjai- e nominations have accepted the cordial mostly Huene teaches Mary J of lot No 2 sition from the Governor of Pennsylvania child Divorce 200 phair part Ridge- Chorus Punch boys punch to in in the Jerusalem district Mr Charles granted Alimony ville 60 acres of land 3500 Punch with care He is now in the county jail vitation given participate carrying Dickson Collester for Tp cong Fairchild Jr at the Station Mr Rich plff Alfrad A H All in the presence M W Pond gave a on the good work Thus ar the rough A vs Matthias Freder- Ayers to RedingtOH Of the passenjare Mr and Mrs party Mary Crampton 9 roads and weather have mond at the Quarry school and Miss Ada ick et al Dismissed C W part of lot No Amherst Tp The of New York were at their residence in Elyria last Tuesday unpropitious by plff John 16 acres 900 sparrows at combined to render the attendance of Faxon in the South or Cable district ston for plff Fay Johnson for deft cong one time a special peculiarity of this evening where a large number of their peo to A H city MisB a Daniel h Shedd vs Amos Coe et al John Bryant Redington But they have multiplied and a eve- pie from the surrounding country incon- Earmie McMungal has started 9 10 12 Am- wonderfully friends met enjoyed pleasant Default Judgment for Shedd for 115104 part of lots No and since their importation from England siderable the have been select school in her brothers house for herst 52 66- 100 acres 1700 to ning congregations Judgment for W Hurse for566S6 Judg- Tp cong now be found in many of Western mani- ones able to walk so towns I seen The Fall Term of our Public Schools small and little interest has been the little that are not ment for E A Rowell 49725 C Downing Randall Stetson to Harriet F Pur myself have them in San- of lot but nowhere are so nu- closed last Friday afternoon The senior fested Our people of the United Breth- far as to attend the other schools Mr for plff ple part original village dusky city they Hurst vs Anson Gabel No 51 Oberlin village 3000 merous and nowhere do they display class gave an entertainment in the high ren persuasion having been without a Blake is teaching a singing school on the Josiah Settled so and costs paid C Downing for J James Walker to Alva T Johnson tneir native cnaracterisucs prominent- school room at the close of the term The some time are now in the ridge and Mr Alls House at the station plff as here are a vola- pastor happy Myers for deft parts ot lot No 10 Amnerst Tp ly They pert saucy exercises consisted of orations and essays of an Excellent one Rev Mr and in West Brownhelm 20 acres 100 tile little bunch of brown impudence and possession Lothrup Reed vs Willard Richards et cong if in a broil with music the Brownhelm ladieB W particularly busy family over by the class together by Excell discourses to them every alternate The West held their al Sale confirmed and deed ordered I Lueian Wm Richmond to Geo a bit of cheese or a bread on and H 55 acres in lot 41 also crumb the school The music was excellent the Sabbath mite society at Mr Wm Bacon Srs A Webster for plff C W Johnston D J Robbins pavement will hold their with and for deft the south half of 25 acres in lot ground orations and essays were very fine A short time since a little son of Mrs Friday evening the proceeds to go to pay Nye refreshing coolness until you almost set Nicholas Dusendong vs Peter Beer 3S all in LaGrange Tp 1000 foot them and showed much in their prepara- of for an have your upon then with a thought Wm Rowland climbed on the back a organ they lately put in the maker Verdict for for 7410 Thomas J to Geo Rich flirt of the tail and a and The members of the plff GP Billings saucj whirr of rap- tion delivery frolicsome mule when the animal per- church on west side Metcalf for plff C W Johnston for deft mond the undivided one- sixth id wing off they go for a space of ten feet are of much credit for the in 55 acres in lot 41 class deserving formed a number of gambols which re Mrs John Butler started this week for William Mosher vs Mary A Mosber interest also perhaps and then and there renew the exercises would to P H the south half of 25 acres in lot effort they made The suited in the of her sons in Iowa where she intends to Divorce granted plff Boynton for interesting argument with augmented heads precipitate dismounting 33 all in Tp 500 have done honor even to older than of plff Lagrange volubility the rider whose fractured shoulder- blade spend the winter She is not fragil M The churches here all bear theirs A number of citizens were David usborne et al vs Matthias John C Chapin to John Miller prat conspicu- goodly now of mule- form and does not fear being blown Default for oo m con- ously displayed the residence or exercises and attests the precariousness away Danger Judgment plff for of lot Brownhelm Tp place present at these closing C 5 acres land 1000 of business of the sexton seldom riding by the gentle breezes of tbe prairie in 11310 J Hale for plff taining of Very spoke highly of them A vacation of two Artemas Beetle Sr vs the Brown of is the name of the church or denomina- winter UTVWKK John II executor Sarah indicated weeks will now be enjoyed by the pupils Co Settled at defts cost No record Richmond to Geo Richmond 40 tion and almost universally is Christmas are made on of non est Lorain presents being C W Johnston for Hale for deft acres from N W eorner lot 42 La- the name the pastor This looks and teachers plff J 0 a as the sly and Santa Clause will have a load vs Clark Barr et af 1400 little though the people thought A concert was given at the Town Hall Cbauncy Kyal In Grange Tp more of soul when he comes around The little ones disolved Plff notice of an the body than the and is a last the Arion Quin- Cold weather no mud bad wheeling junction gives Ira A Foster to Albert Foster the source of considerable to Friday evening by Bond 200 Metcalf Hale for one- annoyance the music was will not be forgotten if it is hard times appeal htth interest undivided and who would be to know tette Club of Cleveland The plenty of ice and plenty of skaters are Johnston for defts in common of of lot 76 stranger glad Deacon Levi Shepard celebrated his plff Boynton part what church he is looking at and who is very fine and highly appreciated by the notable facts with us Peleg B bbepard vs W H Surrage et al 72 42- 100 acres also village first the 9th of this month contg its pastor audience The concert of Sunday ninety- birthday Case dismissed by plff N L Johnson lor lots S19 12 13 79 80 81 82 and I and Congregational 3- Last Sunday evening my friend 22 He has lived to see his fifth generation 83 Said lots 2 50 acres O Wednesday evening Dec the North evening was well attended and the child- plff contg Ament 73 C and now of Union Sem- can see news of and B T Noakes vs W W Richardson et al land all in LaGrange Tp 1130 down to Carolina Colored Singers will give a sec- ren to read the the day inary went Jerry McAuleys did very nicely Settled and costs paid No record C W Wilcox to Lavina Mission on Water street Who is ond concert at the Town Hull This con- to do his own correspondence His great Raymond Phelps there The Methodists and Congregational Johnston for plff about 37 acres of laud in b W cor- that has not heard of Water street In is to the said to him on his birth Vv concert be given under auspices churches will each have a Christmas tree granddaughter llham Perkins vs Lucmda L McClin ner lot 21 also about 15 acres in the minds of many it shares equally in was al S W 22 4600 of the Ladies Centennial Committee for their Sabbath Schools on day Grandfather my birthday yes- tock et Submitted to court and decree corner of lot inElyria Tp bad eminence with the world- renowned these respective for Defts notice of W L to Five Points The Five Points have re- From the satisfaction which singers eve terday mine is the 8th and yours the 9th plff give appeal Nichols Elyria and Black Christmas Johnson Hale for J M Hord for R Jo 8 been purified A new street has gave here two weeks ago they will doubt- so I am one day older than you Yes plff River y part of lot brace cently It is a matter of wonderment to many deft tract Tp 17- 50 acre 75 been opened old buildings torn down less draw a crowded house They sing yes he with the of Elyria contg ones of our good citizens to Bee so many of our replied exception George Asheuback vs Meloineatt Story Ashel Taft to and better erected but Water street their character- Henry Elyria is abode of plantation songs with all Beventy- six years between only a little et al Case dismissed bv plff EH Him Black K Co of lots still the dirt and squaler and returued sailors bo very regular in visiting River y part wicked wretchedness Like istic accompaniments difference in our is man and Hale M Lean for plff Sheffield 67o the filthy certain vessels in the harbor It is well ages He kindly 110106 4111 Tp ooze a its Smith returned from Florida The State of Ohio on complaint of Wal of river along level flats this Judge scows cared for in the family of his step son A Aaron W Kellogg to Jane F Boyd lies near wator- of the- Ms known that these vessels or are ter C Crane vs Homer Franks Peace street the front where he has been in company with B o acres land msectlon 18 Avon Tp 2000 Mc- not if Lindsley His own sons live one in Deft to bond East river and here it is that Jerry sister Miss L E Smith last being repaired Perhaps inquiry proceeding required give et al to R has his mission As Saturday Colorado the other in Iowa and be pre- the sum of 100 to the Zilpha Ingersoll Henry Auley established was made of a certain one of our officials in keep peace J Tucker lots 79S0 81 S S2 block we low a morning He left Miss Smith at Jack- fers to H Dickson for enter the doorway young man would be ex stay here where he is acquainted plff 2 with a decided German with a sonville Florida where she was enjoying these regular visitations Bnrns vs Ihomas et al Wellington village accentsays rather than go to them and form new ac Mary laylor Suman to smile Come dis way and much He re- unless they are to be kept secretly Action to Bet aside sale of De- Whitney Saborie Orrin right gentlemen the climate locality plained in real estate and us a seat near the front We a few quaintances his old age He has buried cree for Metcalf Olmsted for T Baker three pieces of land in gives ports a pleasant trip by way of Washing- among plff plff tract 2 lot 19 have arrived early and the time is spent infla- three wives the last one nearly eight years C W JohnBton for deft Huntington Tp ton but says he likes Ohio best yet Eugene Connoly is lying low with in all 115 acres 5175 by the audience in singing lead by a since George P Metcalf vs Joseph Wise contg faced woman who The several Churches of Elyria are pre- mation of the lungs but has passed the Deanis Vincent Jackson pleasant- young plays Judgment for plff for 17672 G P Met- MjBibbto an accompaniment upon a small cabinet j acre also paring for Christmas trees for the little critical point In Brownhelm on the of the calf for plff N L Johnson for deft in Oberlin village Soon room of ac- evening of lot 76 96 organ the capable folks The Presbyterian Society have The stock holders of the Lorain Stove 16th inst at the residence of Mr Seth G George K Starr et al vs Valentine B part original coitg commodating about 150 is quite full and Melin rods of land 500 their Christmas entertainment at the Town Foundry hold a meeting January 3d Morse the Rev G A Farrand of Judgment for plff for 54360 the meeting is opened by Mr Hatch the by Hale McLean for S Burke for Vincent Jackson to EmelineR Bibb celebrated banker who reads in a cor- Hall next week on when it is will decide to Cleveland Mr plffs Wednesday evening expected they Charles Carroll of James- deft acre in Oberlin village also versational tone the story of Thomas and The Hose of will 96 Company Elyria give commence active operations They have town Ind to Miss Ida ECurry of Justinian Borck vs The C T V W R R part of original lot 76 contg his doubts and how those doubts were put a Christmas dance at the Town Hall Fri- quite a pretentious building and are ex- Brownhelm A few friends of Co Settled at defts cost C W John- rods of land 500 at rest by Christ Mr Hatch comments particular and and day evening of this week This party is will do a deal of work the bride elect were the ceremo- ston for plff Hale McLean for deft briefly simply then Jerry after pecting they great present NEWS CORRESPONDENCE all to be brief and One to be given for the benefit of the company Mr Mooris new vessel is which was an of the Randall btetson vs John JNagel Action charging saying progressing ny important part to collect shear note minute is the usual limit but we will to procure a uniform and such things as for the was patent right pruning two to those who ex- finely programme evening perform- Verdict tor deft O W Johnston for plff New Tork give minutes are they are in need of for their company Porters billiard hall seems to be the ed at half past seven oclock after which Metcalf for deft ceedingly long- winded announced that Hale is for Doubtless they will receive a liberal pat- those leis- was and L vs Amazi M LETTER FKOM QUERCUS the meeting open the relation of most attractive place for haying every thing lovely the goose Frances Thorp Thorp No time is lost old in view of the Divorce to D experiences men ronage worthy object ure hours Dont understand that I have hung high Jokes were cracked at the granted plff J Nye for plff A Moral Ride in the Horse- oars The and men old women and Vatentine Hebrebrand vs W Cock Robin Con- young young reference to the better portion of our expense of the happy pair and to the Joseph Murderers of women and even one littlechild confess Lake Avenue Dec 20 75 Bevington et al Settled and costs Sexton A Visit to Wa- is the solons amusement of all All agree in paid spicuous the their belief in Christ and their love for We have been hard to have some community Here where present N L Johnpon for plff St Mission Him trying we had a time Mr and ter The scene is intensely dramatic sleighing since our last writing but could and our oracle in the person of Capt saying good Wilson J Abbott vs Martin Y Bunn et If a man like the famous horses in the The low- ceiled room whose Mrs Carroll a few calls al Default 36946- counterpart not make it out we are not to most do congregate to discuss weighty after making Judgment for plff for grammar is of a moral turn of mind may be met with all along the street only quite will to in C W Johnston for a so blame for we snow as Here is where the vices and got their future home James plff or like the immortal Jaques of melan with different a furnishing In the- however let it just questions M Brown vs Brown Divorce a ride in the horse- cars one benches a of discussed town the best wishes of their friends ac bhepard choly disposition simple slightly raised hard as it wanted to virtues our citizens are with Alimony 300 Dickson him cause for mortification or som in the rear for the on company them Who next granted gives platform organ The young folks of our street met at the the ability usually found at such resorts Collester for plff ber renection mere are several good the walls ornamented texts and inscrip- house of Mr Thomas Hines for an even- Among those that frequent this place are John Kramer vb Wm Brown Settled reasons for this the selfishness it devel tions in the others sawdust on the and costs Brace for in human nature the stolid floors a bar one 6ide the redo- one last week Pop- a of that make some Huntington paid Downing ops pigish along air ing party evening couple young men ness on the ot the men the lent of and vile tobacco the corn and was order of plff part supercil- gin eager apples jokes the pretentions to respectability that were Deo 20 Old Probability is dealing Jeremiah B Hurst vs Jibenezer Parsons lious reception of favors as a matter of audience responding with fervor to the the evening until a five hour dance be- overheard to say that they were going to more with us just now The et al Default Judgment for George W course on the part of the women the earnest speakers the commanding figure mildly readiness to a seat to a seal- skin of black- gan which wound up the pleasure of stone the house of Mr Swartwood on the roads such bad condition Gibson for 115168 Continued as to rest give Jerry bright- eyed haired aqua which were in a silk dress of nose the of defts I A Webster for plff jacket and the utter oblivi nne incisive ot jesture quick and party occasion of a to Mr Fred Syous one week ago the mud somewhat to tne ot a of surprise being Mary B Gibbs vs Valorus Wheeler lousness presence ragged suawi vernacular speech the rough sailor of friends less knee and and a calico the of while and by Borne his young Their than deep have by freezing Default- Judgment 18318 Dickson gown spectacle the jackets prevailing here there Pittsfield names were to S and F S constant travel become hard and smooth Collester for conductor with his bell- punch chained the broadcloth coat of some up- town gen- plff to dis- curios- now be vs et his neck badge of dishonor and tleman who has dropped in out of Our stores are being filled with holiday and from many lips may heard John lirames Nicholas T Traxler all these and other facts or some better motive all these serve Dec 13 Mr F Hortoi died Monday al Default 12133 honesty sug- ity goods If it would only snow Many hearts reflection on the major morals in a to render the scene dramatic and to fix Nov 20 in of his John Kramer vs Nicholas Traxler et al gest the forty- sixth year echo the same for the air savors of Christ- minor key You walked down Broad- it forever as a picture whose lights and and a Default 19841 C Downing for plff age after an illness of three years mas and Christmas without sleighing way with me last week please ride up shades deserve to be painted with the half which he bore with Christian JLafciraiiue Mary Lyman vs Wm Crittenden et al one of the avenues with me to- day it colors of a Rembrandt The experiences pa- will lose half its relish Default 108488 tience till had her wont cost you anything or me either related are of the most thrilling character patience perfect The funeral services of Mrs Almeda for I am not as honest as Almost all with but with work entire His Dec 13 The week has been so supernaturally speak fluency wanting nothing past Sprague wife of Zephaniah Sprague who Real Estate Transfer the traveler in poor Heines poem who some foreign intonation One woman in funeral took In wet and that place Thursday Congl exceedingly disagreeable died in Wellington Deo 14 in her eighty when he lands addressses the ferrymen particular in a few words draws suoh a Church items has been a difficult and Consideration thus ot tier dark past and tnen so sud- picking up first year were attended at the M E picture and was M Bkies Roswell to Boatman here is thrice thy tee denly the opposite picture of its bright Saturday Sunday E Quar- dry business The gloomy daily in this on Dec Hardy First Disciple Take it for unknown to thee Church place Thursday Church 9 rods of present that one dispairs of reproducing terly Meeting Eev Mr Keplor officiated rains and mud seems to have aggra- at Ivipton land Spirits twain have crossed with me the deep 16 Mrs Sprague was born in 1795 in from the southeast of lot 16 it Said she One thing Lord has in of Elder Pierce both of part Nor indeed did I tender it could the is place congrega- vated the combativeness some of our Green Co N Y In 1820 she was mar tract 11 Camden 10 taught me not to borrow trouble I Tp conductor accept it for he is to well remember how one tions uniting citizens as the week ended More required I felt year ago usually quiet ried to Mr Sprague than forty Caroline L Woodworth to John W punch his fare- slips in the presence of I was a now me husband Dec 20 The writing class taught by in a lawsuit Knowlea vs Dale cause Francis of lot 3 in block 4 thinking years ago they came to Huntington being part the passenger Right opposite you sits will git his pay and thin he will go off on Mr Smith closed satis- in 100 a man who is and Friday evening line fence among the earliest settlers in this town Wellington village portly big enough a drunk and what shall I do Often and x to all Master West won C Smith to to know better than to allow that factorily Joe Our Post- office is the sweetest place in Here was their home until ten or Frederick Sophia Bea ought often have I been almost ready to kill was one ship ver one- halt acre ot land in tbe slender pale faced woman to stand mesilf once I had the around the prize which given to the town eleven when with their son rope my years ago of Rawsonville Grafton swaying to and every of neck once I sat bed l making the proficiency village frojwith jolting upon the there lay greatest during Dec 18 The remains of Mrs John and his family they removed to 150 the car to the dang- me husband dead drunk I how the term Three other were Lyman Tp clinging desperately thought prizes given were from Meadville Pa feeble H to ling strap with an ungloved worsted aisy twould be for me to put me lb to Rising brought Wellington Though prevented by Myron Cunningham Phebe just those who excelled in a single evening 219 71 hand Isnt he a specimen of the genus till his neck and him to this place for interment on Wednes- health from engaging in the more active Cunningham lot in block fingers sthrangle Miss Millie Eversz Burtie Whitney and Elyria village 3000 pork Hed be sure to take the prize at and no one iver know I thought no wo- Mrs Rising before marriage was a duties of lite and being of a retiring dis as the A as me But Anson West won the latter day John Heath to Moore 85 10 any country fair biggest hog man was iver so wretched prize She was Mrs was ever a burn Lydia men sit behind their I to resident of this town a good position Sprague 100 acres In 18 in great many young thank the Lord came this meeting The Union Sunday School will have a section Carlisle and blush for their sex Here Me husband is no woman loved and respected by all her ing and shining light in the cause of 5100 papers and now I have peace review the Sabbath following Christmas Tp comes a bare- headed bare- footed little more a drunkard I have a new husband She died Christ into Whose service she entered Moore to A Heath 85 r Mr Silas Gray from Illinois is visiting acquaintances very suddenly Lydia Mary urchin with a bundle of papers under and I am a new woman and a happy be- forty two ago Her daily life as all lu- iuu acres or land in section IS arm his friends in this and has left a husband and daughter years his and In the most complicated one for which I thank the Lord place who know her was imi- in Carlisle Pp 5500 nasal drawls auditorial nerves was Mr sides numerous relatives who will miss testify worthy rasps your Such the character of these experi- Frank Root brought his bride home Lucinda Ealand to L Foote with New- Tellegra- m five oclock men arose said v were held tation Not only to the children and John eje ences Many and they last week Our gain is loss her Funeral services in the zi oi tne Jiast nan oi lot 4b in the New- eye and failing to sell any van- had been saved from drunkenness and Elyrias grandchildren does she being dead yet 3 Saturday was the coldest day of the M E church Tp of Wellington containing 81 ishes Here comes the woman with the blasphemy and theft and even darker but to all who ever came within 5- season It seems that we are having trouble in speak 8 acres of land 1500 baby that always cries the man with the villainies At the conclusion of the ex her influence Of her it may with truth market basket hurts Derience his own ex our School between the teacher and N G Hoyt Wife to Havint A thatalways your legs meeting Jerrv gave Rochester High be said Her children rise up and call a of land from South the lady with the seal- skin jacket ah perience saying he had been converted some of He the Hoyt strip to the boys taught spring her blessed her husband also and he side of lot 28 in Block 8 in Well- yes be sure what am I thinking of in a prison cell but on his release had Deo 20 A few weeks Bince Mr J H and fall terms and it was generally known village 1200 Aiauatn will you oblige me by taking backslid He drank rum to drown his praiseth her ington seat Now I have to stand 1 One about three Davis sonin- law of a man and a fair Bchol- D to my that conscience morning Chauncy Armstrong that though good Henry Keller Caroline Resin he said he found the Lord He ot 30 vil- cant stay long in the car Only long oclock relinquished a large and lucrative busi- ar he sadly lacked in government The Ullictal hardt part loj Elyria enough to describe the conductors had fallen rrom his boat In wtiteti ne naa lage 600 ness at Winchester Ind and removed to large boys boasted of what they would do punch A penance hung round his been for no good into the river Three Common Pleas Court Joseph Barris to Sheldon Paddock neck for misdeeds as was tti3 called on Rochester hoping that the change of res- this winter and it is apparent that they previous times he had sunk then he sub lot lb in out lot 16 in Elyria the ancient mariners Albaros God to save him and The Lord just put idence result in the restoration of are out their 400 might successfully carrying plans John W Hart vs Peter J Schlief Ac village Various expedients have been tried bv His hand right under me and lifted me his wifes health Mrs Davis has been of mischief thus woise than wasting time tion to recover possession of read prop- Fear Welsher to Conrad Taylor the railway companies to prevent cheat- and as I came to the top I saw my boat C o on is river with the afflicted with a lung difficulty for a year which should be spent gaining that erty Verdict for plff J Hale for land in tract In original lot 23 ing the part of the conductors this as we both drifted up the N L and tx including lot 13 14 15 and of one of them It consists of a bell tide and I was saved After these ex- or two and a few months stay at her fa- of which are in great pin Johnson i poppieton part punch knowledge they for deft lot 42 in Rochester Tp 800 so arranged that the conductor punches perience had been related Jerry led in thers last summer demonstrated that our need Clerestina L Nesbit vs John I Nesbit Conrad to Clarica a hole in a trip slip which he has pinned prayer and was followed by a few short Taylor Taylor hen those climate is much better adapted to her for Christmas festivities Case dismissed at her costs W Hum ill li acL u in lot zo to nis coat a Uttie bell is rune and this earnest personal petitions I Preparations by plff uriginai shows is were health than is of Mr and of L for J U Hale for deft lots 13 14 15 and that the fare registered The who wislieu prayers asseu to rise that Winchester are occupying the time attention Fay plff including part does not to each then a short exhorta- John W vs John Goland Action of lot 42 in Rochester Tp 800 conductor neglect punch A number stood up Davis rented the building formerly occu- our people now and among the shadows llarl time lest some notice the omis- was after which the to recover possession of real spotter tion given by Jerry by Thomas Elliott now of Oberlin of we see the property Geo H RobbitiS to Geo Richmond sion and him to head audience arose and sung PralBe God pied coming events snowy peaks Verdict for J C Hale for John oo report quarters plff plff acres in ioi 4i aiso tne south There is a humorous view also of this from whom all blessings flow and then and announced to our people his readi- of wedding cakes looming up in the dis- son for deft 25 Poppleton half of acres in lot 38 all in business and vou may be sure that the the meeting ended ness to attend to all the tance Elizabeth vs Glenn 1000 their wants in Gallup Gallup LaGrange Tp papers of the city were quick to discover New York uec 14 isia OBERLIN WEEKLY K 5775 TTIXJTISDAY DECEMBER 23 187o Millinery RAILROADS Pianos and Organs Kail roads Lake Shore and Michigan Sontn R R Chicago North- Western Railway BACON WHITNEY MAYHEW 21 notice y ani after Nov 175 until lurther Can furnish their Customers the very b at Dealer in O train will run as follows But yonr TICKWtS vf i the Cllcnro and North- Western Railway for EAST GOING STEMWAY PIANOS CO- Nol4 NolOiNo SiNo 2No 4Nol6 San Francisco Xj Snrremeno Salt Lake Cttv Den- GOODS Ofen Cheyenne MLLLLNEEY ver Omaha Llnroln Council Rhifl Ynnkion Sioux Toledo Cliv Dubumie Winona fil Paul Jjuluth Marquefe Both Hard and Soft Hoiinhton Hancock Urern Buy Oshkosh Fond du EVERY DESCRIPTION 1reinont 1 rid OF AND Lac lion anil Mllwankep By the Car Lea or Single Ton at very low figures Civile Ifvou wjini to iro to M il wsmkee Oshkosh St Paul iiellevuc Mlniitipois Duluth Fort Garry Wlnonii Wnrrcn taken in coal well Monroe ville Galena lhibuiie Sioux Cli v Y auk mm Council USjjGreat pains Screening 39 Main Street OBERLIN OHIO Norwalk Bhilts Omaha l- lncolu lJpiVf Salt Lake City Sac- North Collins ramento San Fran cisco or a hundred ilier northern Wakumau north- western or western points Ilils urent line Is the one you should take The track Is of ttiC test steel We can deliver Kipton rail and all the appointments are first- class In fvery QhiTlin mason hamlin respect Its trains are maie up f elejiautnew lull- Vulcan ad miu lalace Drawl n if- Room and Sleeping Coaches Lehiech Lackawana 8 15 li- xurlous well llirlited and well ventilated day Sandusky loun- and 8 coaches and pleasant jinp smokini cars Orauy grade of Hard Coal Huron ri all celebrated Miller 9 The cars are equipped with the Vermillion Oj Safety Jlatform ami paent HufTers and Couplings Iirownhelin 0 11 stlnirlioiiFP Saietv Air Urakes mxl every other ap- Massilon Marietta Fulton Bank North Amherst pliance that has heen devised for the safty of passen- S E S AH In a T trains trains are run bv A PT7 ger telopraph F TS5 Or of Soft Coal LL TL G It EAT LINK best and any 10 15 wnni this hasthe smoothest grade Olmsted Falls track and the most comiortable equipment of any Berua 10 20 mad in the West and has no competitor In thecoun- 10 55 On from the East or As as the IS17S Cleveland trv the arrival ofthe trains Cheap Cheapest New of Bonnets and Hats in Cheap Medium and Fine the of the Chlc- ic North- Western I am now prepared to exhibit tlie Styles south trains juro Ostrich GOING WEST Hallway leave CHICAGO as follows Qualities Otnnm nts in handsome designs Birds and Wings Tips Long Feathers Silks two branch of No 3Nu 9lNol3 For Council Hlufts Omaha and California trains We pay the and Velvets together with all varieties of g oods belonging to this trade Unquestionably Superior in QUAL- run dally with Pullman lalace Drawing Room and Sleeplnir Curs thmmrh to Council UlulVs ITY sf tone Durability For tit Iaul and Sllnneapolls two throne- h trains All Filled Cleveland PERFECTION of MECH- dally with Pullman Drawing Koom Cars attached Highest Market Price Orders Promptly liereH on both trains for Wheat Oats and all kinds of Grain Olmsted Fiills 8 4- 1 ANISM BFAUTY For Green Bav and Lake Superior two trains daily C N No 10 Ea- t street Oberlin Ohio and I Hides and LAWRENCE College P 5 4 141 8 5E with Pnl man Palace ars attached mid run Pelts Hay Klvrin 4p0 to HEKllN U 1B75 4 3S of FINISH nhiLthronifh Marquette Sppt11 mTiuTLT I 11 toany Fo Milwaukee four through trains dally Pullman 9 4 50 in Jirownlielm the world Carson niirbt trains We also keep all kinds of Vermillion 9 n 5 02 For Mlnona and otnts in Minnesota One through Commercial College Huron 9 52 5 34 train dally 10 15 0 05 For Dubuque via Freeport two through trains dally Siinitusky 6 15 with Piilliiian Jars On niirht trains i 1 10 11 Port intnn For Dubuque and La Crosse via Clinton two MILL FSBD OljeiTui 4 to J 15 tral ns daily wi in r nil man cars on input trains Corn and 4 51 9 2T No Seoond Rate Workmen Mate For Sioux city and Yankton two trains daily Pull- Chop MenlShortsMiddlingsnnd Kiton jr man Missouri J Bran always on hand Weotier also the Vwikemwi 5 04 9 3J In their Manufacture Carsto Valley unction lfJ 9 50 rial employed For Lake Reneva four trains dullv following brands of Collins 5 Kockford and 5 40 10 10 For Sterling Kenosha Jnmesvllle Norwnlk other you can have from two to ten trains 1 JT Lowest Rates Fremont 5 52 10 22 points I At the Monroeville daily pI fa a C Btlluvue and Oberlin Bellcvue 1310 41 PULLMAN PALACE CARS J J Clyde 6 39 11 CO These celebrated cars are run on all niirht trains on Clyde 11 20 JggfCall and Examine Fremont 6 55 All Instruments warranted to give all the lines ot this rond They are run between Toledo 6 05 11 13 entire satisfaction Cldcairo mid Omaha Chicago and Cedar Rapids Chi Cairo and Dubuque vs Clinton Chlcafro and CONNECTIONS Frepnort Chlcairo and St Paul This Is the Only Line runulne these cats between M 8 connection at Cleveland with C Chicago and St Paul or Chleupo and ilwaukee No miikcs Omaha our Photography V At Sleepers connect with the Overland Mm A ftimwivva aiau una aiti- CABINET ORGANS New on Union Pacific f 1Yir ItntTlllo Sleepers the Hnllroad for all points cr fnnm Cnnpll wesi oi me Missouri river No 2 manes connection at Clevelnnd with sell tlr- Commercial All Ticket Apents kets by this route New York Couches College Express Sleeping THIS Special Rochester MARVIN HUGHITT W H STENNETT DONT SKIP on New York Express lav lfi- G Gen Gen Special for Buffalo Rented and Rent Applied on for In Supt Pass AKt OBE3LLI3ST without change also SleepuifrCoach Payment It may interest you aud will take but a min- OHIO No 17 in iikes connection at Monroeville with strumenk ute to read it Ii O It R at Clvdo with C S s c li it If you want a Good There is a house iu the land but CliicHsro Exnress scarcely that rrtioin wiiii Rupihil h s one or more oiil lHguirreotypes Ambrotyjes Tlie School in No 3 connection at Monroeville with Pianos Business 01erlin makes Photographs or Tintypes of Father JUuilier Only Tl i II It nt Clvdfi w ith C S C It It Brother or tister No 9 makes connection tit Toledo with Pacific in thfl full Commercial Course Tuition O Gr jfV2sT How many has the J J Pays for three Scholarship Express lor ChicTO HAZELTON BROS fj L JL f fee payable iu ineillmenC as may be agreed upon LIKENESS OF A SOLDIER B0Y J C C C 1 R R 7 for Two time unlimited a above has to the next world These Pays Scholarship 21 18T5 notice that gone little X and ntter Nov until further not alwavs mado are in ua pictures carefully for One time unlimited the holder to com- O trains will run lollows many instances faTingaway The only means Pays Scholarship entitling PIANOS ot protection against the loss of these more plete Commercial Course and Practical and Oruameutal Penmanship NOIiTll 60 GOING SAMPLE INSTRUMENTS than valuable relicts is to have them copied to a including two diplomas stations No 3 No 4 No 6 No S Nol4No26 No 2 I have received two beautiful larger size and finished in Oil Water Colors At Conservatory Room Royoe jiiBt Crayons or India Ink From the Card or pocket Pays for a full courseof instruction time unlimited in the Commercia P H A M A M A M P M A M Block on any day at 11 oclock A M size picture a portrait with Practical Cincinnati 9 40 1 00 10 50 45 Department Writing including diploma Columns 1 45 10 CO 8 0C 12 35 4 0U F B RICE ISTEW A Pays for a Three Months Course of instruction in the Commercial Depart 1 6 10 Agent The Size of Life DclHveitre S 50 11 15 4 15 55 19- tr PIANOS SO ment a 12 30 5 35 6 30 4 45 9 20 can be made with success 0J including Practical Writing Galion 4 10 which I offer for sale at the lowest possi- perlect For the past Crestline 4 2U 12 40 S 01 6 1 9 45 tweuty years this department oi work has been Pays for a Six Weeks Course of Instruction in the Commercial Department 1- 1 ble rates of Parlor- Sew London 5 20 34 7 17 7 50 34 One these is a Grand practiced in our establishment with great success QOA OS V Practical Rochester 1 IS 8 Nol5 3 05 upright piano very rich in tone volume We have the best skilled artiste and the very best including Writing 6 40 1 53 7 88 8 21 2 40 instruments for The our for in and double Book- as in Wellington and finish The other is a Square Piano copying superiority Pays tuition single entry keeping given Bryant La Grange 7M 8 43 PM 3 25 Cards Etc work in this line has induced unprincipled agcnts 11 Strattons Book- Common School Edition blanks aud Grafton 6 03 2 14 8 03 9 20 7 15 3 50 of exquisite touch and fine singing tone employed by inferior Fgalleries as solicitors for keeping including North Enton 9 38 7 30 4 in Both instruments are first- class this work to use our name in securing orders text book Columbia 9 40 1 36 4 27 and pretend the work was to be done by ur Such Pays for tuition in single alone witli blanks also the of double 9 41 7 44 4 46 I have also a very excellent of are uot to be as we entry theory Olmsted SOMETHING NEW AND NOVEL organ parties trusted employ uo S6 as in Carnells Manual 60- tf Heron 6 29 2 35 8 30 9 r5 7 G0 4 58 Warren Cloughs manufacture seven agents entry taught 10 OS The work must be or sent to us Uockport One dozen plain written or tone warranted brought Lindalo 10 17 8 101 5 30 visiting stops pure quick speaking Readers ot this who have uch work to be done 5S 3 03 9 0110 30 8 25 5 50 in and in- are invited to them iu A A G W depot sent to auv address on receiut 01 vo cis every respect Call see these bring when visiting the 7 3 1C 9 8 40 6 00 and information as to Cleveland 06 1010 45 or fllty for 75 cts struments at No 26 West College street city get styles and prices Jewelry AM P M P M A M P MI P M Onfidozcii cnvrls It will cost nothing to talk about having the work hfiaiifcifnllvflnnriKhprl done even if vou do not leave it GOING SOUTH each different in design consisting of Dirns scrolls wreaens etc with any HCHURCHSLL J f SiYDER No llNo 31 No 51 No 7No25Nol3 LitlliJC UlOUlf UU LUlfULIlUr Willi C 239 St Cleveland O A- a nourished 37-m 49Jn Superior AT THIS nicely specimen of Penman- GIICT FROITT P M ship suitable for lramiug sent to any Clcvelind 2 10 4 00 address on receipt of 100 A G W lepot 2 1 4 Si 6 00 Remember this work is fresh from the Lindale 4 20 6 pen and that satisfaction is eiiar anted Photographer Miscellaneous lioeknort 4 20 on all work Berea 2 IS 4 39 7 o The money must accomnanv each Dealer in the Finest Stock of Olmsted 2 53 4 45 7 16 Columbia 2 5f 4 52 7 30 W C REESE North Eaton 3 04 5 00 7 45 Peiiwan HUGE STOCK Grafton 3 15 5 10 8 10 LaGranpe 8 25 5 20 8 43 Look Box 615 Oberlin Ohio TOILET SOAPS W ellingt- on 3 40 6 35 9 32i im rri 3 10 it Rochester 63 5 5l 0J to order with Neatness and HOLIDAY GOODS New London 9 5S 4 OS Ii 06 10 211 Very Cheap at Cre- tlino 11 10 5 55 7 30 1 20 1 1ST Jalion 11 20l 05 7 40 1 45 J M GARDNER LORIjST COUNTY Uelawarc 12 50 7 30 5 110 C0Si Joluinlu3 1 50 8 30 7 30 Furniture Cincinnati 5 00 P MP M P MJP M A M PHOTOGRAPHER PURE DRUGS a a Cleveland Tusoarawas Valley 8 Wheeling RR Formerly Lake Shore A Tuscarawas valley R R NEW and after Mov 29 1S75 until further notice ON trains will run as follows GOING NORTH OBERLIX 0 3 a STATIONS EX EX j AC o o AM P M A M GARDINERS Uhrichsville Lv 545 325 700 JpURNITUEJ 55 New PLiUdelnhia 601 346 760 5 Massillou 720 450 1130 40- ly Warwick 747 522 1255 Russell 816 655 200 A MAN OF A THOUSAND Medina 840 630 320 Grafton 930 745 5 21 ROOM d- W nen Elvria 955 845 610 Safes Consumptive Cure death was 2 Black River 1020 910 700 A hourly expected from Consnmntion nil Cleveland Ar 1040 835 remedies liavinc failed accident led tu a discov A M IP M p m ery whereby Dr II James cured his only child The undcrsierncd having secured one- half of with a preparation of Canabis lintiea lie now GOING SOUTH Worcesters new block has opened up the gives recipe free on receipt of two stamps to nav n s I3TJY is con- EX EX SAIMO expenses There nota sinirle symptom of fi STATIONS AC sumption that it does not dissipate Night Sweat M Irritation of the Nerves Diflieult Expectoration AM P AM Pains in the Nausea at the Cleveland Lv 755 400 FINEST STOCK You Sharp Lungs stom who have Books Papers or other ach inaction oi the liowets and Wasting of the It has neen our endeavor to secure a eovupK- te and varied stock Black River 810 850 630 Valuables oiany kind to protect frotn Fire Muscles Address JKAD1JOCK Cul03- i Race Elvria 835l 440 715 and whle vou are about the r 9201 it buy gut strpet Philadelphia Pa name o this to suit all No lor or Showino Goods Grafton 620 920 kind We see that the r giving Charge Engraving Medina 1000 600 1045 pupt Russell 1030 641 1205 Warwick 1068 710 125 Massillou 1140 750 301 MACNEAL URBAN SAFE Coliesce New Philadelphia 1244 854 640 FURNITURE Telegraph Uhrichsville Ar 105 915 030 Is a we P M P M P M having big run and judging from what Ever offered in this town The Btock have seen and having purchased one ourselves W W CARD Suut consists of alter thoroughly investigating the matter we are W L 140LDEN Gen Ticket Agt prepared to recommend those Sates to anv one a reliable both SHERMANS wanting protection They furnish UNION Cleveland Pittsburgh Rail Road and after Nov 21 1S75 until further notice Lines of Goods Fire Proofand Fire and Burglar Proof 3y trains will run as follows From the to Fine GOING SOUTH GOING NORTH Cheapest TELEGEAPH i COMBINED COLLEGES Mail Ex Ac stations Mail Ex Ac A M P M P M P M P M A M PARLOR CHAMBER SUITS Proof for Bank Vault 7- and 8- 0 1245 3H Lv Cleveland Ar 255 S5 1015 Buiear 9- M 432 Hudson 150 632 900 Vault Works 10US 221 50 Ravenna 117 600 815 11 530 05 301 550 Alliance 1235 725 All of which they warrant te be superior to any 1145 330 Iiitvard 1145 450 in the market Treir agencv for all of Northern 135 515 Wcllsvillo 1025 340 OhioNortheru and controll- Ar Lv 815 140 Indiana Sichigaii is 840 710 Pittsburgh ed by their ellieieut auu goutleuiauly ageuts P M P M P M A M P 11 A M Call at Johnsons E look over his Stock Acconimodntion leave Cleveland at 510 p it H arrive at Uivennn 705 p m Leave Ravenna 640 M PIXLEY SON a m Arrive at Cleveland 835 Leave llavard 11 50 a m and B 00 p M Ar- rive at Nortii Philadelphia 1 22 aad 20 p m o 50 Summit St Toledo Ck Leave North Philadelphia 750 am and 122 p M Arrive at Bavaid 10 a m and 325 p m Itiver DiTlitlon Walnut Bedsteads Couserratory GOING EAST GOING WEST AclMail Ex stations Mill Ex Ax At Manufacturers Prices Oberlin Conservatory of Music a mJa m p m am p m p m 545 1050 245 Lv Belleair Ar 1245 600 900 fip- To be had by calling at onccCiff 555 1100 255 Bridgeport 1230 547 848 651 1205 350 Stubenville 1127 443 747 TERJI begins Tuesday Feb 15- SPRINGMWinter Nov itzU ill 815 135 515 Wellsville 1030 340 650 925 23l 605 Rochester 925 245 515 Branches Taught 1035 340 7 li Ar Pittsburgh Lv 815 140 405 I am hercalter to manufacture A M P M P M A M P M P M prepared Piano Solo Violin and all styles of Singing Organ Accommodation leaves Bellflirat430p m and Theory arrives at Steubcnville at 605 p m Leaves Steubenville at 810 a ui and arrives at Bellair at Send Stamp for Circular to 11 F B Director 9 35 a in lv RTE F R MYERS UPHOLSTERED WORK Gen Passenger and Ticket Agt Hair and Feathers And will guarantee as low prices and as Cincinnati Sandusky Cleveland R R work as can be found in good Cleveland 1 have just received a fresh stock of f and after May 28 1875 until further Established at OUrlln J862 O notice trains will run as follows organized 1S6S Enlarged and Be- Furnished 1S72 GOING SOUTH GOING NORTH HAIR AND FEATHERS Malll Ac I Ex Ex Hall No Block I shall continue the business of From Cincinnati and would respectfully College Royces Oberli Ohio A M A M announce to the citizens of Oberlin that I i MI P M Hall oS I and 10I1010 800 Lv Sandnskv Ar 40l 330 730 am prepared to furnish everything in the College 3 Carpenters Block Oberlin Ohio 850 Clyde 06 215 637 Hue of College Hall No 1 Block 2o 1205 900 Green Springs 151 62S UNDERTAKING MusseysJ t Uluo 551255 940 Tiffin S25 104 552 Feather Beds Pillows Matrasses Elyria 1035 203 1025 Carey 501203 506 Acknowledged by all to be the s and 1105 300 105 Forest 25 1117 432 as heretofore Bolsters Etc largest thorough best regulated Telegraph College in the United States 135 341 11 30 Kenton 00 1017 400 250 525 1232 Bellefontaine 110 845 256 Of all sizes from a two pound pillow to a feather 637 11 Urban a 217 7271 208 bed I will furnish to order any of the above 50 T- S6 200 Springfield L50f B30 115 A B named articles filled either with feather J O O M I 1 I I 1491 JOHNSON o 57 300 Dajton 1200 steamed dressed or with hair at 90 ccnta per lb jRKaULAR In LINE H 615 CinomnaU 40 940 made up ruadv fcr use Connection With this Colldge 3 55 1010 840 Ar Columbus Lv 0Ol Worcesters New Block All orders left at 26 East College street tor Ren- r m p m If m ovating Feather Beds and Hair Mattrassea will OVElt IN SOUTH MAIN be attended to as usual riFXY MILES I LENGTH CHAS HOWARD H M BRONSON ST OBERLIN promptly Worked exclusively by our students who are 26- 23- placed in offices as oon as Superintendent Gen Ticket AKt tf ly ANDREW JACKSOS competent and receive a salary while practicing OBERLIN WEEKLY NEWS THURSDAY DECEMBER 23 187o

ed and properly rested before he drives blushed and laughed and agreed that Do you know Mr Trewhella said Dry Goods Books THREE FEATHERS them over Your affectionate son Mr Harry should bring the necessary Mabyn boldly that Wenna hadnt time Harry Trelyon provisions for the wild night- ride to Ply- to eat a single hit when all those children Next morning as Mabyn RoBewarne mouth were gobbling up cake Couldnt you let CHAPTER XXXI V Continued was coming briskly up the Travenna Oh it does bo plea6e me to think of her have a little bit a little bit of cold road carrying in her arms a pietty big it she said with a curious anxious ex- meat now a r NEW A DARK CONSPIRACY she was Btartled the citement as well as gladness in her face Dear dear me said the kind old TTrvrv tPiJL A parcel by appear- y I to 11 i J J 33 all sure he will said ance of a young man who suddenly I hope I havnt forgotten arrange gentleman in the deepest distress that i am not at that I Let me see we start at ten I not have I BOOof Bible himself should remembered l showed overhead and then anything Dictionary Knowledge her son goaded past endurance road said his mother with scrambled down the rocky bank until he then down through the wood to the There was no use in Winnas protest- Abbott 6 Why Harry in hollow oh I there will be In little she was of Dr Guthrie 2 vols 4 wide I you had stood beside her the hope ing the snug study Autobiography her eyes open thought made and if 4 for Miss Rosewarne Ive been watching for you all the nobody coming along just then then to eat some supper she got Christian Theology Lord a great respect said I the then come for- off with one of it God in Human Thought 2 vols I have he said abruptly far too morning Mabyn Treylon you light lamps you drinking glass sherry to notion of her want to speak to you Where are you ward to persuade Wenna by the way was not through the intervention of her t Gillett 5 great a respect like the I Shall I would of that old fool going Mr Trelyon where must go sister who apparently have had Alleged Discrepancies the Bible marryiug to Mr Trewhellas You know not be in the way her drink a tumblerful Halley 2 Would you rather not have him to Up dreadfully his granddaughter is very nearly quite You You must stand by the horses It was not until a quarter past ten that PEESENTS The Paralete 2 dinner I man with me the could Modern Doubt Christleib 3 Oh I should like to have him to din- well again and there is to be a great heads shant have my girls get away of to- to And are not animals Now I must see ladies down FarYarsLifeof Christ 2 ner gathering children there night yet they very fiery you young I be less the unfortunate to leat some one Bhould run Discoveries Smith 4 For one leastthis young man celebrate her recovery This is a cake theyll fiery the village Assyrian eveningat wretcheB when to with the old said Scottish McCosh 4 considered these two would be separated am carrying that Wenna has made her they get Plymouth away you clergyman Philosophy At time down top- coat Mental 3 He was sure that Roscorla would self what taking his Physiology Carpenter pretty to be half three in the Oh no must not must not Lectures on Revivals Kirk 1 come to meet General Weeks he was Is Wenna there Trelyon said About past morning you you Wenna would not come to eagerly if we go straight on said he indeed Mr Trewhella Mabyn said Around the Tea Table Talmadge 3 positive that Do know a I Life of Christ 3 while he himself was in it Why of course said Mabyn petu- you good hotel there anxiously Wenna and always go FOR Hanna the house said about ourselves and far UTILITY AND COMFORT CAN Communistic Societies of U S 4 notion that this lantly What do you think the children the practical Mabyn by later than BE HAD the But the except during The best one is the station but too is a beautiful clear AT MY STORE FOR THE Sacred Tabernacle of the Hebrews one his rival would have free could do without her1 by this It night NEXT TWO evening if in the front of the house WEEKS 4 access to the inn and would spend pleas- Look here Mabyn he said I want you sleep you Why Atwater have of all made sister smile Remains of Lost 3 hours there and would take Wenna to speak to you very particularly Couldnt the whistling engines night Her impetuosity her Empires Meyers ant and if in the back You as if would like John Miller 4 with him for walks along the coast mad- you just as well ko round by the farm long you sleep you talk you rather Metaphysics overlook a barracks and the confounded to be run with she said Memoirs of Gen Sherman 2 vols 5 dened him He dared not go down to road Let me carry your cake for you away Mabyn about four oclock I But indeed Mr Trewhella must The Religion of the Christ for fear of seeing these two Mabyn guessed what he wanted to trumpeting begins you Bampton the village cir- of witfl us Lecturea 4 He walked about the ground speak about and willingly made the believe not think coming It is quite together and wont mind that we what The Earth Reclus 5 or went over to the cliffs cuit by a more private road leading by Wenna I true Mabyn says away torturing shall be too Baid Do so clear Commentaries 4 3 hiB with Roscorlas oppor- one of the upland farms At a certain tired Mabyn And tbey went out into the Meyers vol8each heart imagining Commentrries 18 And once or twice he was on point they came to a stile and there they you think they could give ub a little hot darkneSB together and the door waB Langea vols 5 tunities coffee when we and found Commentaries 4 vola 5 of down to Eglos- rested So far Trelyon had said nothing arrive shut they themselves in the VERY CHEAP Speakera the point going straight Oh the a world of time with The French at Home Rhodes 1 ilvan and on Wenna before Ros- of consequence yes Ill give night- porter silent the night- the calling Ma- A Drama 1 face to be true to her own heart Oh do you know Mr Trelyon sovereign a cup then hell offer to bring white stara throbbing overhead Far Queen Mary Tennyson corlas to Now in Our New Crusade Hale 1 and declare herself free from this old and byn remarked quite innoctly I have it you in buckets dont you think away the distance they could hear the been reading such a nice book all about the whole thing is beautifully arranged murmur of the sea We and Our NeighboraMra Stowe 1 hateful entanglement Breakfast and Tea In these circumstances his grand- Jamaica Mabyn Are you cold Mabyn that you tremble Luncheon is said joy- said Marion Harland 1 mother was not a good companion for So youre interrested about Jamaica It quite lovely the girl so the elder sister for we be off with No a sort of in Girl I 00 him In her continual glorification of the too said he rather bitterly fully shall the morning only shiver coming Ugly Papers to London while Mr Roscorla is out info air A A Double Goo McDonald 1 self- will of the Trelyons and her stories Yes much Do you know that it is train the night Nice Ready- Made Story was soon Ma- BricaBr- ac Series each 1 50 of the wild deeds she had done she was the most fearful place for storms in the pottering about Launceston station at Whatever it was it over most mid- Then we must send a seemed to be cheerful Short of the unconsciously driving him to some des- whole world the awfnl hurricanes day telegram byn unusually History English People down and from a fine dramatic Wenna she said afraid of Greene 1 parate thing against his better judg- that come smashing everything Plymouth telegram youre ment killing people You cant escape if youre and my father he will swear a little but ghosts Life of Thomas Arnold 2 of be content and mother do No not and 1 Why grandmother be said one day in the way the hurricane It whirls quite my you Im Strength Beauty Hopkina be- roofs off houses and out know Mr I believe mother 1 know are On in the World Mathews 2 you hint that I am a nincompoop the the twists Trelyon my you Getting trees The will be aB as What shall not half as much afraid of BEAVER CLOAK and HallD D 1 cause I dont go and carry off that girl the plaintain- just like straws glad anybody Im ghosts Moody SankeyJohn we To Mr Rosewarne are Dr 1 and her against her will Is that rivers wash away whole acres of canes say Eglosilyon as you thats quite certain Spiritual Victory Patton marry We fled Not walk of the U S 5 what mean by telling me of what the and swamp the farms Sometimes the have the least good pursu- Ill bet you you wont down Lossings HiBtory you us as well make mind Parnassus Emerson 4 men did in former days Well 1 can tell sea rages so that boats are carried right up ing May up your through the woods this that it would be a deal easier into the streets of Kingston There to the inevitable Will write to- morrow Just now GodB Word Through Preaching you more words for Yes Dr Hall 1 for me to try that than not to try it The But why does that pleaseyon Is that than the twenty a Without Notes 1 is in holding your hand But Why she said with proud indigna- shilling Why Ill not only go down through Preaching difficulty of We Chraitian Missions 1 what would you do after all The tion the notion people talking as if shant grudge the other shilling the woods but Ill undertake to be home Seelye good if man said Now broad The Church and Her Children time has gone by for that sort of thing they could go out to Jamaica and live it ib the young you before you though youve a road to must cake I Barrows 1 I shouldnt like to have on my hands a forever and come back just when they go on with your Mabyn guide you am off to see horses shoes Four Phases of Morals Blackie 1 woman sulking because she was married please it is too ridiculous Many acci- about the But I did not mean you to go alone Mind as soon as can Oh Childhood the Text- Book of force besides you cant do these mad dents may happen And isnt November after ten you just eaid Wenna you propose to the Age by Crafts 1 50 freaks now there are too many police a very bad time for storms Ships often where the path from the wood comes into come with me Then it is you who are courts about get wrecked gqing out to the West Indies the main road afraid to go down by yourBelf Ob Ma- Hand Book of Bible Manners and Then she hesitated and for a minute Customs 2 50 force No the old lady said dont they byn I have still on hand some 50 of By si- Sets of I of were glad to run At another time Trelyon would have or two she remained thoughtful and Never mind Wenna lets go down Hand Book Bible Geography 2 50 Thegirls speak of 1 as the men I can tell you and laughed at this bloodthirsty young wo- lent while he was inwardly hoping that through the wood just for fun Ephocs History each 00 away they 1 did it too when their relations were man at this moment he was too serious she was not going to draw back Sudden- So the two girls set out armina- rm Self Culture Blockie 00 Baid she looked with and of Wen- The Wonderful Life Stratum 1 50 against the match Mabyn he I cantt ber this ly up at him earnest and through some Bpirit mischief But you dont know what a any longer standing by like a fool and anxious eyes na would not Bpeak a word Mabyn was Gift of the Holy Ghost Harry Bhe D D girl thinks this dangerous old lady said looking on while another man is doing his Oh Mr Trelyon said this is a gradually oveawed by the silence the J Morgan She has her notions of duty and her best to marry Wenna I cant go on like very serious thing You you will be kind night the loneliness of the road and the MINK FURS for her and all that and this longer Mabyn when did you to our Wenna after ahe ia married to solomn presence of the living vault Wc keep constantly on band a general assort- respect parents any great ment ol if the man only went and reasoned with Bay she would leave Mr Trewhellas you above them Moreover before getting her he would never carry the day but houBe to- night You will see Mabyn he answered into the wood they had to skirt a curious Theological Books just as she comes out of a ball- room some I did not say anything about it I gently little dingle in the hollow of which are Miscellaneous Books when she is all with fun and suppose we shall leave about ten the You dont know how sensitive she is both a church and a Many night aglow churchyard 15 Sabbath School Books pleasure and ready to become romantic young ones leave about nine she continued apparently thinking over a time the siaters had come up to this ro- Which I can Sell at and up- with stars see and the darkness You will be there all the possibilities of the future in a mantic dell in the spring- lime to wards Huff and Boa And sell them at a liberal discount from retail the you gather pricrs to purchasers in quantities then just Bhow her a carriage a pair of Yes Wenna and I are to keep order much grave fashion than she had done aplendid primroses sweet violets the yel- horses a marriage license and her own Nobody else with you If you were unkind to her it would low celandine and other wild- flowers that Sermon Paper Note Paper Cap maid to accompany her and see what will No kill her Are you quite aure you wont grow luxuriantly on its steep banks and Paper happen Why shell hop into the car- He looked at her rather hesitatingly regret it very pretty the old church looked then CIRCULATING LIBRARY of MUSIC riage like a dicky- bird then shell have And supposing Mabyn he said Yes I am quite sure of that Baid be with the clear sunshine of April stream- a bit of a cry and then shell recover slowly supposing you and Wenna were as sure aB a man can be I dont think ing down through the scantily- leaved CHJUDRENS SETS E J GOODRICH and be mad with the delight of escaping to leave at ten and that it iB a beautiful you need fear my being unkind to Wen- treeB into this sequestered spot Now the Oberlin Ohio from those behind her Thats how to clear night you might walk down by the na Why what has put Buch thoughtB deep hole was black as night and they win a girl man The sweethearts o wood instead of by the road and then into your heads could only make out a bit of the spire of there days think too much thats about supposing that you came out on the road If you were to be cruel to her or in- the church as itappeared against the dark Books Stationery Etc it its all done by argument between down at the foot and you found there a different she said slowly and absently sky Nay was there not a sound among 3Iuff and Boa 150 them carriage and a pair of horses I know that would kill her But I know the fallen leaves and underwood down Youre a wicked old woman grand- Mabyn began to look alarmed more than that I would kill you there in the direction of aome unseen mother said Trelyon with a laugh And if I was there he continued Mabyn he said quite Btartled graves You oughtnt to put such notions into more rapidly and I said to Wenna sud- whatever has put such thoughts into Some cow haa atrayed in there I be- the head of a well- conducted young man denly Now Wenna think nothing but your head lieve said Mabyn in a somewhat low CHILDRENS FUR CAPES like me come and save yourself from this mar- Why she said passionately havent voice and she walked rather quickly un- NEW Well youre not such a booby as you riage There is your Bister will come I seen already how a man can treat her til they got past the place and out on to used to be Harry the old lady admitted with you and I will drive you to Ply- Havent I read the insolent letters he has the hill over the wooded valley Your manners are considerably improv- mouth sent her Havent I seen her throw her- Now said Wenna cheerfully not ed and there was much room for improve- Oh Mr Trelyon Mabyn cried with self on her bed beside herself with grief wishing to have Mabyn put in a real ment Youre a deal like a sudden in her face she would do And and these are I dont for- as we down I am to tell growing good joy things fright go going In at from 75c to 1 your grandfather it She would do it get Mr Trelyon No I have got a word you something Mabyn How would you Variety But theres no Gretna Green nowa- And you would you come too he to say to Mr Roscorla yet for his treat- like to have to prepare for a wedding in a BOOKS days said Trelyon aB he went outside demanded ment of my siBter and I will say it And fortnight so you cant expect me to be perfect Yes the girl cried full of excitement then Not at all Baid Mabyn promptly grandmother And then Mr Trelyon and then The proud lips were beginning to even fiercely Emitation Furs On the first night of his arrival at Eglo- Why he cried boldly up to Lon- quiver Not if it was your own Ladies silyan he stole away in the darkness don at once twenty- four hours start of Come come Mabyn said Trelyon No why the insult of such a re- sets at Trom a to sa a 50 down to the inn There were no lamps everybody and in London we are safe gently dont imagine all men are the quest Queeu Mary drama Tennyson l in the steep road which was rendered all Then you know Mabyn same And perhaps Roscorla will have According to Mabyna way of thinking Memoirs of Gen Sherman 2 vols 550 the darker by the high banks with Yes Mr Trelyon been paid off quite sufficiently when he it was an insult to ask a to jj rocky yes girl marry you We and Our Mrs Stowe 1 75 its rough ma pes of foliage he feared Dont you think now that we two could hearB of to- nights work I shant bear in a fortnight but none to insist on her Neighbors that by accident some one be out her to a quick with him any malice after that I know Al- the after to- morrow Morals of Abon Ben Adhero Nasby 1 50 might persuade marriage marrying you day X and meet him But in the absolute si- a license know could I confess I feel a deal of com- Yon a special you you ready good think that girl could fairly Life and Labors of Livingstone 2 50 lence under the stars he made his way persuade her I am sure Mabyn punction as regards him plead that as an excuse the mere time to down until he was near the inn and In the gladness of her heart Mabyn I dont at all I dont a bit said get ones dress and things ready The Unseen Universe 1 0 there in the black shadow of road felt herself at moment to fall 1 the he this ready Mabyn who very quickly recovered her- Certainly A Dress Management of infancy and Childhood 50 stood and looked at the lighted windows on the young mans neck and kiss him self whenever Mr RoscorlaB name was Oh Mabyn said Wenna far more Leisure Day Rhpmes Sixe 2 00 Roscorla was doubtless within lying in But she was a properly- conducted young mentioned If you only can get her to seriously it is not of dresses I am think- an easy- chair probably by the fire while person and so she rose from the big go away with you Mr Trelyon it will ing at all but I shudder to think of get- A Shawl What and How to Read Van Rhyu t 50 Wenna her old- fashioned to block of slate on which Bhe had been sit- married now I could do sang songs serve him juBt right Indeed it is on his ting just not it Parnassus R W Emerson 4 00 a him He would assume the air of being ting and managed to suppress any great account that I hope you will be success- I have not had enough time to forget one of the family now only holding intimidation of abounding joy But she ful I I dont quite like Wenna run- what is past and until that is done how A Set of Underwear Our New Crusade E E Hale 1 50 j1 himself a above Per- was all same and little the family very proud the there ning away with you to tell you the truth could I marry any man Christian Missions Seelye 1 25 haps he was talking of the house he was a great firmness about her lips as she I would rather have her left to a quiet de- Wenna I do love you when you talk i meant to take when he ad Wenna mar- said cision and to a with like that her sister cried You can be A A Double Story Geo McDonald 1 25 r ried marriage everybody Waterproof We will do it Mr Trelyon we will approving But there is no chance of 80 wise and reasonable when you choose Goils Word through Preaching Hall 1 50 That was no wholesome food for re- do it Do you know why Wenna submits that This iB the that will Of course you are vuite dear But It only thing right Preaching Mrithout Notes Storrs 1 25 flection on which this young mans mind to this engagement Because she rea- save her you dont mean to say he wants you to get A Felt Skirt was now 2 00 a feeding He stood there in the sons with her conscience and persuades That is precisely what I said to you married before he goes to Jamaica and Art Life and Theories Wagner darkness himself a while herself that is When meet K whitens ghost it right you Trelyon said eagerly for he was afraid of then to leave you alone Mrs 1 50 all of Blankets Urbane and his Friends Prentiss the vague imaginings what might her like that she will have no time to losing so valuable an ally Oh no He wants me to go with him A Pair of be on within the house seemed consider Geologic Stories Taylor 115 going to And you will be very very kind to to Jamaica I be at his heart This then was That is what of 1 eating precisely my grand- her Mabyn uttered a short cry alarm A Cotton Preparing to Teach Normal class book 15 a the comfort he had found by secretly mother says Trelyon said with a tri- Im not at fine words To Jamaical To take from Bolt of good Mabyn you away The Voice in Mad Seiler 1 50 stealing away from London for a day or umphant laugh Youll Bee the whole of us why oh Wenna I do Singing two had he arrived just in time to find Yes she was a girl once Mabyn re- She held out her hand to him and hate being a girl so for not allow- The Voice in Speaking Mad Seiler 1 50 his rival youer A Willow Basket I triumphant plied sagely Well well tell me all pressed his warmly ed to swear if I were a man now To Ja- The door of the inn was at this about it have A Short History of theEngiish People The K private What arrangements you I believe you will be a good husband macia Why dont you know that there Life and Growth of lb moment a warm of li- Language opened glow made You havnt got that to and of kill- 1 yellow special her I know you will get the best are hundreds people always being A Work Stand irof Whitney 50 it streamed out into the darkness cense wife in the whole world ed there the most frightful hurricanes Good- by night said some one was it No said he I didnt make up my She was going away when he and earthquakes and large in Ilomerf and How to MakeTliem Gardner Wenna till last suddenly serpents mind to try this on night But said the woodB To Jamaica no you are not A Gloves Parlor Gems C M Good- was Pair of Cady night the answer and the difference of a day is nothing when Mabyn going to Jamaica just yet I dont think then the figure of a man passed down the you are with her We shall be able to She turned are to Jamaica road you going just yet hide ourselves away pretty well in Lon- Do you know said he rather shame- No indeed I am not said Wenna A Pair of 3Iittens breathed more at Treylon freely last don dont you think facedly how much I am grateful to you with a quiet decision Nor could I his rival was out of Ihe house Wenna Of course cried Mabyn confidently for all frank kind- think of married in case at was now alone your straightforward getting any would she go up into But tell me more Mr Trelyon What ness and your and your courage But then dont you see Ma- A Neck- Tie SPECIAL BARGAINS her own room and help present think over all the have you arranged What have you No no said the young girl good- byn Mr Roscorla ia just a little peculiar eveuts of the And re- day would she done humouredly You make Wenna in some ways happy 1 member that he had come to Eglosilyan What could I do until I knew whether and dont consider me Yes A Porlmonnaie N and that she could if such certainly any feeling youd help me to a definite arose in her heart summon at XXXV and he likes have fc him need You must bring a fearful amount of CHAPTER reason for what do If I were to tell It was very late that before Trel- with you A Motto and Frame BOOKS AND STATIONERY night wraps you UNDER THE WniTE STARS him of I to no- yon retured he had all round more thon the repugnance have the gone by Certainly youll want I During the whole glad evening Wenna tion of married now h would the harbour and the cliffs and un- getting jtst the high- know And I shant light the lamps had been Queen of the Feast and her call it mere sentiment and to For the Xext Thirty Days lying church on the hill All in the til I hear For a try argue A Pair of Leggins you coming along they subjects had obeyed her wilh joyous me out of it then we should have a quar- house had gone to bed but there was a would attract attention down in the val- submission did not take fire in his They quite bo rel But if as you say a girl may fairly burning study and there were ley I should like to wait for you else- kindly to for she was of biscuits and wine on the table Mabyn sharp refuse in point of time A Pair of Hose A box of where but if I did that you couldnt get tongue and imperions in her ways but cigars stood on the Do Now Ill tell you said Mabyn plain- mantlepiece Wenna to come with you you think they knew that they could tease her elder HAWD BOOKS Apparently he was in no mood for the you wili even then sister wilh to the ly no girl can get married properly SECOMD- indolent impunity always up who six to in She A Linne Collar dnd Cuffs comfort thus suggested He Oh yes said Mabyn cheerfully wel- lunderstood line at which her author- hasnt months get ready stood for a minute or two before manage in three or four months the fire Nothing easier I shall tell her shes ity began That was never questioned might staring into it and seeing other things afraid and then she would walk dowH Then at nine oclock the servants for a man she was particularly fond of Bought Sold or Exchanged than but if it is a mere and a disa- the flaming coals there then he the face of Black Cliff By the way Mr came some on foot and some on dog- stranger moved about the room in an impatient I must to eat carts greeable person and one who ought not and Trelyon bring something and presently there was a bundling- ALL ABOVE MAKE DESIRA- Magazines rerlo- Ucals and Aewspapers excited fashion finally with his hand with me and some wine she will be so of in and and to marry her at all then six months is THE up tiny figures rutrs wraps time BLE AND CAN BE trembling a little bit he sat down and nervous and the journey will tire Wenna stood at door to kiss each of the very shortest Just you send PRESENTS long the FOUND GREAT VARIETY AT BY wrote this note her half- Mr Roscorla to me and Ill tell him all IN FOR J ALE Dear them and say good- bye It was past VERY LOW TRICES Mother The horses and car- You will be at Mr Trewhellas Ma nine when this was over about it will be at performance Wenna riage Launceston station by byn you cant go carrying things about Now my dear Miss Wenna said the laughed first I Yes no would the train on Saturday morning with you old must be tired Ive doubt you Ithink Will clergyman you quite he is more afraid of of all ser- yon please send Jakes over for them I could bring a bit of cake in ray out with labours Come into the you than the And bid him your and snakes in Jamaica take the horses up to Mr pocket Mabyn suggested but this Btudy I believe the has been taken pents M s stables and have tray STRAUS them ted water seemed even to her so ludicrous that she in there TO EE CONTINUED No 2 West College St OBERLIN WEEKLY ISWS TTTTTttPTO A Y DECEMBER 23 187g GENERAL NEWS THE WEEK duties on in legal tenderi Law Harpert Weekly for last week contains a ment of imports The Game and national bank notes Adjourned till cartoon of and ap- In last 518439 We call attention to the provisions of great power singular Mondiiv TWEED Michigan year people m in the were married There propriateness in view of recent develop- The House was not in session mere huik hu uc u 0Binnmfnts the game law herewith appended as the of families are about ments in the administration of in of office search for William M Tweed Fifty Virginian emi are not a few sportsmen in this county Dec 10 Hoi- se The oath iu to Hood Co Texas of and to fluials were reticent The niienn grating field and fhey view New York It pictures the departure was administered to the Chaplain a who delight in Bports A was Me nau mew winuu New Orleans boasts detective named Justice from New York and showes Congressman Egbert resolution as fc with the gradual curtailment of of the Presi- he seemed to be in verv good spirits Garlick He must be good on a scent Battle Co regret adopted referring that part for the fugi- J H of careless the scene of the farewell The picture is thoughn his troublesome hunt Wilson an the recklessness to the Centennial i n ifl Vice President left estate their sport by dents Message relating was muiim rtiio It nnder of a Its truthfulness is only too ap- a committee of one Mr McDougall tive apim- that will hardly reach the estimate of PROPRIETORS gunners Reports of the depredations study to stood that the Sheriffs men believe that the of es- introduced a bill the law ot the u 5000 tiP come to our notice very fre parent In light Tweeds easy repealing were very close on tne chicks notions last Congress postage on third they ami Hint he had The in Berlin cape followed up by the similiar escape increasing 1WWU uii aquarium numbers and fanners are taking the only class matter Mr Starkweather offered tlucBunj iitfiij its thirty- one crocodiles quently of lesser criminal of a narrow escape from capture Beyond among pets ailt to secure themselves oy posting two lights the way a bill to the same effect prepared by the MAIN STREET nipnns this tnere is w any alligators 24 AND 28 SOUTH the does not seem to bo so Postolliee as a substitute and nothing tAwr B one from hunting transgressor Department belief in rumored One George McClellan has been ar- signs prohibiting any it was The House then ad- the the negotiations Within a short particularly hard Still more recently accepted mnrd nlnnnn numillT ttlOSe wllO rested In Philadelphia for an assault on upon their premises affairs killed careless Dolan the murderer of Mr Noe is respit- journed ought to know the real state of J Davis time animals have been by Memorials were pre- THE WEEKLY NEWS is published every Tilden Dec 13 Senate Boston has a new charity in the shane and stock is often disturbed by ed by Judge Donahue after Gov of interna- CHAKLES OCONOR hunters sented favoring arbitration oi an institute for invalid female scliooi Thursday morning Five cents per copy refused to What makes this of the 15 1875 a crowd of dogs and men rushing into interfere tional disputes favoring repeal Fort Wabiunoton Dec 2 in advance re- teachers Annual subscription will not tolerate proceeding more novel is the fact that the law increasing postage and against op- The condition of Charles OConor as Vice their midst Farmers Bills to be Though acting President Sena- law- erations of the Little Tariff bill mains unchanged and there seems and the result is thai none statement of Mr Beach the criminal in- tor will not draw the of that such abuses were introduced declaring the true no of his during the night Ferry salary is fol- on his word of honor as a law- danger dving ollice are allowed to hunt The law as yer that tent and meaning of the Pacific Railway the day the patient rested com- TO ADVERTISERS The New birth During a Pullman palace- care have been Intro NOTICE lows yer he considered the points raised ought act protecting persons of foreign fnrnihlv and was in unite talkative read of He duced in Belgium Russia Ge- most circulated and any 1 from servitude forbidding the England is the widely SUCTION Lr it tntu- tft ff the Gtnerrt Awa- to he passed upon by the Court of Ap- involuntary mood during morning partook of the State and the itit of lliu il shall unlaw- of National Banks with less ol some fruit mutton broth and minced rmany weekly paper in this section lly ur had more influence organization ful lur iiny purnun in imy time iu fiitcli kill peals seemingly than 50000 and extending the As his stomach shows no Complete success is said to have at ten b an capital mutton yet consequently valuable as advertising injure or to pursue with Mirh itiUiit imy spar- decision of than the claims for additional boun- has retained in of rolmi hi no- hi iniirliu thrush upon the the judge time for iling of digestion although it ded the attempt Paris raising and medium rates on page row pi nioijkius- a resolution sign Advertising eighth Ijirl uwiillow oriole reil- hiril tivs beukcith- evidence submitted It looks much ty Mr Davis submitted tlie food for seventy- two hours Dr zeoras na robin wee o phiebe- very to training ehci it oi ground pi- asking the of the Treasury koirpq was with him trom naif- past nine a bird wren ciu- koo iuUigo- bircl mil lunch as if had Secretary A careful estimate shows that ship justice departed an annual list of defaulters half- the and de i- vellow- Uinl or Iriunillii hammer explain why to Past ten in evening reeper yellow had not been canal through central America would or Ilieker warbler or Iiuili niun red olark and amounts of defalcations clared that if Mr OConor wits a younger cost 66000000 duiuuiOLk nifciUiiifiilo croislji- ll or corn crake A in Times communicated to Laid over out ov On and bluck- biril correspondent the St Louis Congress man he would predict recovery NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Unitarian robin iiuropuuu yreat bill was Introduced the General Bennett reports the organized lit or blue lit of the reform movement A merging nsr to his age he would have to await 1 1875 the News will be sent OD writing says militia of the United States at 74724 and after January Sko 2 It sliull bo unlawful tor any per- in territory of Alaska with that of Washing- further developments before expressing niiv place to eaten kill or injure or to pursue The prospect that a man can bring his A was request- Mr the enrolled and unorganized at 3701977 to all subscribers free of postage V ton resolution adopted tiis opinion At latest advices OCon with suih iiilun l any tjuail or irgiuia partridge wife to Washington and be of Interior to inform Afox- hnnt in Colloway countv Mn or aiiv wild uirkev between the llist day or JiU- respected ing the Secretary the or was quietly Bleeping inarvaud the iHleeiith ol October inclusive or without living in a 40 000 house divine the Senate whether each lndhin agent extended over fifty miles the other day any milled grouse or pheasant pinnated gun5 52 000 banquets or in a 1600 lan- a book of itemized receipts and ex- omos on ay one of the artful chicken- stealera b or chicken blue wiugeU leal mallard or riding kept headquarters prairie daulet behind a 1000 team and a record of contracts as TV Secre taken All remittance except by draft or P 0 wood duck or oilier wild duck wild fjoosu or caparisoned penditures On Snndav Hon F Green ing brunt at auy time buuveeu tiiellrsl daj o Jan- with a iwOO gold mounted harness is very required by law of the State Board ot Centennial The export of American leather is in order will be at risk of sender aud the ili- tit duv of September or at any was not in session tary uary and the encouraging to the young man who can The House Mnunirers leit at this omce a very iin to substantial figures It has ris- lime between Die first day of January not creasing fourlli d v of J ill v to caich kill or injure or reconcile his conscience to the fash- Sec 14 Senate The annual report of lithograph picture of Ohios headquarters en from S0OU00 sides two years ago to All communications not accompanied by with such intent on the land ol another ionable distinction between from is well this purituo and the Btealing the General was received and at the Centennial The cut gotten 1800000 sides year name the writer will be between the first dav of January llrt day the and his Attorney an structure the of rejected of October anv wdd rabbit or hare And it government picking neigh- referred Numerous petitions were pre- up and represents elegant J B Ford Co publishers have com- time to And feet two stories iu ahnll be unlawful lor any person at auy bors pocket that glad day ap sented for a commission to inquire into about forty square with their creditors at 30 centa catch uv nuate or trap anv quail o irginia par- and several In pounded unlawful for a y proaches Indeed it is at hand the traffic in alcoholic liquors Bills height having gables on the dollar to be paid by the new firm tridge Aud it hall be person it is one will be an orna- Oberlin Thursday December 23 1875 bv die aid or use of any swivel or punt gun or Let us thank Joyce for the bit of phil were introduced transferring Indian trust appearance that in sixteen installments aiiv other than the common shoulder gun or by which funds to the addition- ment to the grounds and a source of pride oi boat or sneak boat osophy prefaced his adieux to the Treasury providing A of brimstone 1000 tne aid ur tisu auy push al in to the bonds to such citizens of Ohio as may visit the lump pure pounds UMnl for carrving such gun to catch kill or world The epidemical era of reform is safeguards reference in is one of the conti ibutions to eve of wuiiBd or to with such of Indian and exposition weight Vesuvius ib reported to be on the ordesiioj pursue alter good and it is none the less good because and responsibilities agents the Centennal Exhibition It comes from intent upon anv or the waters bays rivers the duration of the Alabama On entenuff a person win oe usnereu ilii- 3 wild extending another eruption marshes mud or anv cover to which it ib true was into a hall about nine feet in width VVinnemucca JNevaUa fowl resori within the state of Uhio any wil Claims Commission Tho latter large wild duck or This is a assurance for The of Mr Davis off from which will be dressing rooms Ex- President Tappan of the Michigan A notorious goose brant very comforting passed resolutions Mr Oakby Hall chiefly SKC 5 Il shall be unlawful to shoot at kill or as to ac- bath rooms a ladies room who has been in Europe for minis poor young men do get to calling for Information unsettled parlor reading University for of New York the pursue with such intent ou the unclosed ol Washington to and a room for such of the ten to visit his lormer being Mayor during another auv of the bird a or game protected by counts and defalcations were referral representatives years expects laud occasionally McMil- of the State a home the Centennial ascendancy of the Tweed ring has gone this act inter receiving notice to leave said the Finance committee W L Press may visit niiaei- during year or premises by the owner hies agent or any person to In the room will be His firBt waB be ver lan was permitted by vote withdraw phia reading kept A Kiowa Indian recently created a sen upon the Btage appearance having chariro thereoi Iliis notice may The recent as from files of all the of the State bal or wriieu served on the party to be not Hied failure of the German Sav his papers claiming a seat Senator leading papers sation in Clay Co Texas by offering to received with little favor by the critics less two icet and n tunes or bv putting up a hoard not than ings Bank in New York offers another Louisiana both daily weekly The win trade even with a Mr Stratton his pouv long bv one wide inscribed with legible be fir- t class in and s fot or every particular equal for the larmer young daughter characters in English that no shooting hunt promising field for Gov TUdens investi House A large number of bills and to those ot any residence with ev Hon Jamks Monrok representative ius will be allowed on these premises which were introduced the private Commodore Vanderblt has madh an he set at least ten leet iroiu the ground gation The Chinese method of resolutions principal modern A office from this district has been transferred shalj up cuting were Mr Blaine ery improvement post additional donation of 100000 to Van on a post in sonic conspicuous place on the prom- of which By propos- 11 be one ot the auoruea anu eullicieut off the hiads of the officers make so luxuries at Term from the Committee on Education and ises either of which shall be deemed might ing to amend the Constitution as to one where Ohioan can have his mail derbilt University Nashville notice under this act Provided that nothing in such failures less forbid division of Behool funds with every which makes 700000 In all where Berved in last Con section ahall to who has re- frequent In China they public matter directed with a of receiv- Labor he the this apply auy person schools or State establishment certainty ceived express permission from the owm r or say such an occurrence has not sectarian ing it as and as though James Dean fireman on the Indianap gress to the Committee on Af- in of land to hunt or shoot happened of Mr the promptly safely Foreign person possession the for five religion by Harrison making received the office The olis Cincinnati and Lafayette railroad fairs and on liicreon uutil such permission is withdrawn hundred years President to re- election and through city from of a Library 1 for ineligible stone for the structure is furnished was knocked the top car while Sic And It shdl be unlawful any person him end of his official term entire between the llrst day of December auu tne ilrst retiring at the ratis by the different of the passing under a bridge Monday night kill per- Senatoratlar- Mr Morri- quarrymen The of Senator day of October to anv wild deer Any LITERAEY as a lite ge by State some courses others and killed question whether Ferry son offending aguiust this section of this act son the Presidential oflioj to a furnishing shall be lined in any sum not less than ten nor limiting window corners some one part and some the municipal election in Mata- was properly President of the Senate on eou- a term of six Mr Randall During more than llfty dollars or be imprisoned LippincoWa ifagatine uakca strong bid for single years by auother A considerable part of the fur- moras Mexico Saturday there were dis- without a re- election has been settled vici ion not more than thirty duvs in the county favor the resolutions to the saine effect by Mr by of court and dopular during coming year by begin niture has been donated much of turbances in bloodshed Both jail or both at the discretion the in the a Landers the act already resultiug a resolution which declares ThomaB cue oi ning January number scries ot papers repealing Resumption which comes from Cleveland but more is for and that aiiaii pay costs prosecution Mr Davis of candidates Mayor were wounded Skc 8 it shall be unlawful lor any person to entitled The Century ita Fruits aud Its Festi- by North Carolina repeal- The was men one were W Senator from the State of Mich the birds or of wanted building designed by three and ooy itiued Ferry purchase or oiler lor sal any of game val aud designed as the name indicates as n ing the law forbidding the payment Heard Sons and be of Senate mentioned in this act caught or killed during the claims citizens for the lithograph plate by Four hundred out of five hundred and igan President the until killinir or record of the Centennial Exhibit on while in by Southern quarter- Messrs W Co Cleveland time when such caicliiiiK destroying masters stores Mr J Morgan five in the Jeffersonville Ind 7th 1S75 and until a fresh ap- la made unlawful hereby Any pensous offcud progress Tho opening paper gives a spirited by Springer looking Leader prisoners January snail uc men are hired out on contract for nir ugain- t the provision of this section flkctch of the generul adrnuco in tho past hnii to reduction of the army to 10000 penitentiary pointment should be made iabli io the same nenaH v H6 is provided in this RESPITED a sum 250 such birds Ired years aud the chief inventions and im by Mr Holman repealing the Resump- DOLAN aggregating per day act for catching killing or destroying act Mr or game provcmeDlB that have revolutionized society tion by Eames reducing postage Judge Curtis and Wm A Beach as The number of idiots in the United The feeling in regard to Kerrs commit SKC That the exposure for sale oi any oi After this preliminary survey the series will be on third class matter by Mr Sparks au- counsel for John Dolan senteuced to be States according to the census of 1S70 the birds r game mentioned in t act miring ol duties in was whom tee may be estimated from mane uma- illustrated and can hardly fail to prove attract thorizing payment import handed on December 17 for the murder of 24527 of 14435 were males appointments lime wnen tne Killing inereoi is notes Mr to 3 II u H be pr nia facie evdence thai the same as well as serviceable The third installment legal tender by Chittenden Mr Noe waited upon Governor Tilden at and 10042 females 31SS were colored the Enquirers indignant rejoinder the in was killed or caught unlawfully within State of Mr Bruces Up the Thames furnishes very fund legal tender notes t4 per cent his residence in and and 3645 foreign born A Mr Morrison leader of of Ohio 20- Albany recently the the pleasant reading and throws fresh interest on year bonds by Mr Morey removing asked for a of the execution on the Governor Tilden that the Democratic in House A brawl- respite says during party the the historical sites and picturesque scenery do political disabilities from all citizens by grounds laid before half Charles OConor has headed unknown Mr of a subsequently Judge century prac- ing empty- village poli- TnE New York Herald has found another ed in the flue woodcuts that accompany the Harris aiding the construction Do no hue The Governor said Mr Howe ticed law he has never been known to tician of Waterloo Illinois to narrow from tide- water to attempting of text Another illustrated article transports us to gauge railway had been before him and made a similar misstate facts or to unsound prop- direct Na- mares nest Nearly two pages the St Louis and Resolutions present Democratic legislation in the India and denls in a somewhat novel manner Chicago application that he had refused to enter- ositions in law tional House of issue of the 21st is devoted to giving the ith its and ideas were introduced and went over Request- xnd Representatives religious systems always ob tain it had notified the Sheriff that Governor of Terri- inside of the 0 A U This ol wonder and Three other articles ing the President to transmit to the House he would not interfere Thayer Wyoming enterpris jects inquiry further in his annual to the Wyo- in the number call lor notice The all relating to dismissal not tory message Ed News Will you please tell us ing says special correspondence Discouraged but disheartened these extols the of journal House on the Beach which is a account of special counsel Henderson declaring two hastened to ming Legislature working the columns of the News the Herald over was graphic gentlemen the Supreme woman and recommends its con- through The twenty years ago of the signal service and the benefits it confers it the duty of Congress to regulare com- Court and for a on these suffrage meaning and the pronounciation of the first in to applied stay tinuance the paper the country expose upon tho country by Sirs Rebecca Harding merce on inter- State railways Resolu- in which Mr Beach assured the word catafalque and oblige some of its real motive for Know tions were Introduced the grounds Last in Gulf the the Nothing ris an anecdotieul paper on court life in favoring pref- Judge in as counsel had belief year the pearl fisheries the readers movement We then gave the secret France under the title of Gentfilhomme and erence of wounded Union soldiers for 1st Tiat the as to the of California yielded about100 000 worth plea grand Jury ot Catafalque is an Italian word and is ritual of the Order the passwords signs Gentleman1 by a writer who has evidently a appointments under officers of the House is tenable That the Grand that in- pearls and 200000 worth of shells incidental to and the called but it Jury The of Catafa- lk with the short and other secrets the work personal knowledge of the scenes and incidents previous question dicted Dolan was drawn an operations this year will barely pronounced failed to be seconded a illegally by ing of the lodges The public thus defi- described and a letter from Portugal giving a by strict party improper officer which raises the ques- pay expenses sound of a It is the name applied to the vote Mr Cox ottered an de- nitely learned how sweeping were the id but appalling picture of the destitution and amendment tion as to whether Col or Doug- A was some little State occasions as in Dunlay theory propounded funeral car used on objectB of the Know Nothing and demoralization that prevail among the masses claring that the Union being restored all las is Commissioner of Jurors time ago by an eminent French musician party citizens In Taylor the case of the obsequies of President Lin- when tbev read in the columns ot the of the people The variety of the contents le were entitled to consideration and that the from such that the of on wind in- Alter discussion legal presumption practice playing or late Vice Wilson Herald all the various charges oaths and well maintained by an entertaining article on making appointments a fact would be that and struments was beneficial rather than coln the President the resolution and amendment were re- wrong injury instructions to candidates they obtained Old Plantation Life in South Carolina by Kob were done the prisoner On this point otherwise for the health ert Wilson the continuation of Mrs Lintons ferred to the Committee on Accounts the case was cited a clear idea of the danger that then men- Treary when the court The late Senator Ferry was a praise- TnE of Committees able and serial The Atonement of held appointment by aced the country With this knowledge interesting Dec 15 Senate Numerous memori that any irregularity in the panel worthy example of a man who redeemed Learn Dundas and a the author of Speaker Kerr gives general dissatisfaction and the aid of the independent press the story by als were for as to drawn by the proper authority was not a himself irom an early life of dissipation Blinrlpf ts Lady Arthur Eiklons Let presented investigation for to his associates The most con- people of the United States broke up the Dying the traffic Mr Morton intro- ground reversal where it appeared and became the pride of his pany family party ter which is marked by the shrewd observation whisky that no was done monstrous organization ana re- ararmed duced resolutions looking to injury the prisones It and friends spicuous blunder seems to have been the and into character that this investigation was if the was il- their will that the accident of birth or insight distinguish of the late election in Mississippi Mr urged that Grand Jury Five acres of be of Wood anonymous writer A flue poem by Mrs Kemble it as well be held ground will set apart gratuitous snubbing Fernando religion should not a citizen of Stevenson introduced a resolution legal might that any at the Centennial for deprive and a letter in the Gossip the recent calling without the camping ground Considering his social and political posi- his rights under the lavs of his describing upon the of the for assembly any legal existence of the Grand of and political of the Kreusesscheale at Obcr- Am Secretary Treasury er- Army the Republic performance an to rrauu could indict 2d That there was an tion his long term of service in the House adopted country mergau should not be overlooked Tho whole papers relating whisky prose- ror in the tents and accomodations for the members To- renews as a cutions After discussion mover of charge Judge Barrett having who be was en- day the Herald its duties number is and in a the are expected to attend will and his general ability he clearly bright readable high degree the it Mr Morton said that if the prisoner committed mur- journal to the people by giving the real and commends this to those resolution withdrew furnished titled to the of a Magazine strongly a series of anti- secession der while engaged in a felonv for in chairmanship prominent facts touching the A U or Order ot to subscribe to such a introduced and desiring periodical for the Slate resolutions stance a burglary in the third degree The late Vice President once said Committee The Republicans however American Union The information U3 ob- 400 annum B sovereignty Mr West coming year per J Lippincott offered of tnen unuer the statute it was murder in Let there be written upon the simple as from a source that is believed to be Co resolutions inquiry as to what have no reason to complain it seems tained Publishers Philadelphia the first degree and counsel claimed that slab which shall mark my last truBt- amounts oi compensation it any are resting that the men have been in the worthy and all of the documents conceding Dolan to be the man who struck place the words He Did What He right put have been Bet our due to McMillan and Riy contestants for given up by composi- seat as Senator from Louisiana down Mr Noe his offense amounted to Could to Break the Fetters of the Slave right places tors from original printed copies as used LEGISLATIVE murder in the second only degree The war between and by the members committees not At 4 Dohohue the Egypt Abyssinia IToue The being yet pm Judge signed is still in A states Tentriple hanging which occurred in It will be seen that this Order has for the call of States bills order for a decision the progress late report Dec 6 Spnatk Met at twelve oclock appointed lor and stay pending by that the was sur- New York last followed its aim a decided and social and follow- General term Irom the case be Egyptian army recently City Friday by persistent noon and called to order bv the President resolutions was resumed and the which will a force of war all Roman Catholics in Mr taken to the Court of The Gen prised by Abyssinians who the revelation of a frightful murder com- political upon pro tem ing were introduced By Hale of Appeals killed 1200 men and eleven officers this It is to oppose the exten- Maine that the of enil Term meets December 30 mitted about the very time of the execu- country David McKee was sworn in as successor declaring Secretary tion of the Church of Rome the preven- to the late Senator Andrew Johnson of the treasury should have whatever pow- Ann Connolly of San Francisco aged tion the of the death of- 73 suggests inadequacy tion of Catholic citizens from holding Tennessee ers are necessary to make the Resumption dynamite plot lias sued for divorce from her husband penalty to hinder the crime of murder fice and for the purpose of carrying out a A committee was appointed to the act effective by Mr Starkweather re is now Henry aged 75 because he had failed to notify on It ascertained that the passen he Whether a and more settled plan of campaign in favor of the President of the readiness of the Senate ducing postage third class matter by wno case keep the promise made to her before prompter unfailing Mr ger owned the oi dynamite were election of President Grant for a third to receive any communication from him Kantian removing political disabili which at is they married and give up tobacco administration of the penalty would effect ties from all to them exploded Bremerhaven named term The death of Vice President Wilson was persons yet subject Thomassen and not Thomas as has been John Welkens an desired result we are not to Mr Koouins the or English miser the likely The Order is Baid to be in the hands of announced by Mr Boutwell oy declaring purpose given heretofore wanted to cheat his so on his the House to modification of the to- mother have a chance of to Grant and Blaine E Cowles from Cleve- Met at noon and or- at He experimenting prove House called to bacco tax Mr has confessed to the authorities that deathbed he ate up bills to the amount of land member of the National Executive der the of the last House by Rainv abolishiug the he constructed 150000 Where one Delany is hung several Stokes by Clerk committee on Affairs Mr the chest which exploded The numbers were registered Committee which met the St Nicholas The nominees of the Freedmens by and a Dolans are freed It is at Democratic caucus Cook to refund arranged clockwork attachment to aud the old lady got the money back from and practically Hotel la t week went to last for offieeas of House were elected the cotton tax by Mr cuuse the Washington the to a explosion after a certain time the bank the great possibility of escaping the pen- to Blaine and talk There was some discussion in to canning estaonsii orancu mint at had was fort- Thursday night initiate regard Cincinnati Mr to elapsed He occupied lor a A medical of Cremona slates robs of its be of Louisiana members result- by Lawrence looking in chest gentleman alty that it terrors with the President Grant will run by credentials ot night tilling the and worked in that if a of ammonia be be- in the of Frank whose restoration the Japanese indemnity a coach house one drop injected the Order for a third term as a political ing seating Morey fund the same a in of the most lrequent neath the skin a red will of credentials were Governor Kel passed by favoring ea ot spot appear Thb Shreveport Times speaking of La necessity Most the men employed by signed by financial Mr Hol parts iiremen should the patient be alive but if death in Post- Offices and Cus logg resumption policy by The police have examined the house al mar makes the of the the government man opposing all subsidies and has actually taken no such effect plan Mississippi tom Houses are believed be Mr Goode of Virginia to whom objec- grants luded to and touud some of the place to members pledges of public credit to associations or packing follows campaign very plain It will be remem of Order of has been tion had been made was then also sworn material but no explosives of any kind the Plenty money corporations engaged in public or A announced its intention bered that Lamar made a very moderate obtained to out the Chief in private To TnE Editor congregation carry operations The rules of House enterprises passed by same proposing of the Herald to add 200 to the for each Justice Dunn of Arizona was removed it the last were adopt- Ihe or mm of the that the case of pastors salary speech in convention deprecating any ed rules 1G6 and 167 a new rule of the House as to amendment story child born in his his minis- is bv command of the American excepting providing dynamite w hich exploded with such family during like violence The Times Bays alleged that motions to the rules be of retrenchment bills by Mr lately trations there The result was twins thing Union because he was a is also suspend may Springerof fearful effects at Bremerhaven was in- Papist It seconded by a and ins declaring against a third Presidential and the mean society has rescinded its It is argued by the of the said of New ork majority forbidding tended to explode on board the steainshin supporters lorn Murphy wasasned motions terra passed 232 to IS by Mr Caulfield resolution in that in the Dem- to the for the same dilatory Mosel at sea for some purpose not ex- gentleman question resign Collectorship 7 that heads of shall an ocratic Convention he out Dec Senate James E English re- providing departments plained can no doubt be traced to an at- General James S Brisbin assures pointed the reason but of this there is good reason to seats on floor of House Omaha road and led to ceived the oath of ollice as successor to occupy the the by tempt to burn when at sea two cases of paper that the crops in Nebraska subsequently the way the doubt same a one this have been that of the State The facts of Senator Ferry of Connecticut deceased proposing Presidential term soi disant silks on board the Vanderbilt year enormous and redemption It goes on reveal the Constitution and The Presidents wras received amendment by Mr Anderson the State has been restored to the the Mississippi campaign do not sustain Message declaring steamship Ariel sailing in 1856 from the fully By- Laws with the officers read and ordered that expenses should be reduced to reve- same prosperity it enjoyed before the grasshop- any such statement On the contrary prominent printed port of Bremerhaven Captain Mr a nue and not revenue increased to ex- Ludlow wbo commanded per scourge that campaign so far as it was a success Among the names mentioned as promi- House Blaine made personal then the Ariel in to penses passed by Mr Bebolt authoriz- received as I r on The vote on the of was conducted in direct opposition- to the nent in this are E Cowles o explanation regard remarks refer- he passed the tit house new Constitution organization to Mr Lamar of made ing indemnity to Postmasters in certain his way to sea a from the Missouri has been canvassed at Jefferson advice given in the Convention by Mr Leader Dr ring Mississippi telegram the Van Epps and Rev Dr in tne course oi ueDatc cases of robber or larceny by Mr Buck- agents Messrs Kuppel Son saying City with tne following result Total Lamar In the counties where his pro yesterday ner vote 104902 was out radicals were Furbush all of Cleveland A telegram The drawing of seats by members took reducing the Presidents salary au- simply Stop the ship He intended majority for the Constitu- gramme carried the which of no to this absurd tion 76238 went into Colonel from Washington where Mr Cowles now place after the Presidents Message thorizing appointment a Canadian paying attention ouasi The Constitution overwhelmingly triumphant was read treaty commission House demand but on the of effect Nov 30th Lamar made a tremendous in the is authorizes a of his The adopt- representation the speech denial connection A petition in to ed a current to JMiropean atrent of the line who haiinpnprl at Convention the white line and ad regard representation resolution adjourn from In order to preserve the water power against with any such society of the Tl ird District of South Carolina next 4 to be on board he did the shin and the vised a in which the Monday until January It then stop Falls of St Anthony and navigation policy pursuing was presented by Mr Cox after which until the two went to the where above whites of Louisiana Alabama and Mis adjourned Friday lighthouse the falls two gigantic water- tight ever the House adjourned until Friday Lucy uuu received news irom the Bremen walls are the lt at the time and have been de- If greatness waB thrust upon a being built under dge siseippi again Dec 8 Senate Numerous bills were Dec 16 Sknate Memorials were in- agents two cases declared as silk of which bottom of the river in order to its feated The of the State however man it is in this insane howling of oppo- the marks prevent press introduced Mr Morton troduced asking for the appointment of a were given were stored In the nroKeo on dv or tne wa- was he and in most of the sition includingone by an ueing tne weight stronger than journals upon the third term So regulating the counting of votes lor commission to inquire into the alcoholic noia and which instead of silks were ter Two hundred men are in counties the contest was made on the race filled with combustibles and a working much has been said against it that people President and Vice President Mr Mor- liquor trafic In referenca to the clockwork three relays night and day on the im- issue aad those counties won the State ton also submitted a to abol- steamboat laws looking toward a arrangement to set them on lire when the mense structure walla constitutionally obstinate are beginning proposition change was The sustaining In Adams Wilkinson and other counties ish by constitutional amendment the Referring the of ship at sea above the fall is the to think Grant is abused investigation Spen- On just underneath where Mr Lamars platform was adopCed that being by Electoral College and choose the Presi- cers election to committee A searching the cases were found and limestone which its number were as described ledge rests upon top the Radicals and negroes swept the field all this clamor and are beginning to think dent and Vice President by direct vote of of personal bills were introduced above They were sent and extends from one bank of the rier truth is that if of Mis- together to Bremen where served to The the people favorably of the matter The latest de- the poople with others of minor importance Mr they convict to the other It is 1850 feet in length had W acted on Mr La- The House was not in session the guilty who Boon eet sissippi general of Morton introduces a resolution an parties after were more than a third of a mile forty to- velopment this feeling is the formation asking found and arrested mars advice Mississippi would day be Dec 9 Senate The com- investigating committee in the case of high and four feet thick Its base is sev- of a society for the of it standing The father committed suicide soon some still in the hands of her oppressors and purpose putting mittees were announced A bill was in- the Mississippi election House was not after enty feet below the water level and forward arrest and the sou is now in the plunderers troduced by Mr Bogy authorizing pay in session life prison for twenty feet lower than the foot of fall nRVRTTV IVKifTTY TvThS TTTTTPST A Y DECEMBER 21 1875 1 f Medicaid and SIUC8 Moves iKPrT HOUSE AffD FARM Bootg ProPee liability for Frlghtenine Hore BUT THE si In the case of the Philadelphia Wil- PROSPECTUS C EC TUTTLE OP THE mington Baltimore Eailroad Company Philadel- COLDEST BOOT against Btiuge appeal from the Great Family Newspaper was a THE Practical Watch Maker phia County District Court which in error was case where the defendant CLEVELAND fcV1 i drivinn a horse known to be afraid of lo- No13 West College St near AND comotives along a road parallel and to the track and the engineman of an Lawsons Curative train sounded the whistle 1ST A V approaching LEADER E G R E I AS been in use some fifteen years foni causing the horse to run away and throw H permanent and positive euro of the man to the ground injuring him for Rheumatism Neuralgia Sciatica which he brought suit to recover and inflammatory diseases Externally injury Centennial and Presidential relief from amii Court of it gives immediate pain Then o damages the Supreme Pennsyl- two bottles taken internally remove every J1 Wo have cured vania held of the disease KheunmtW YEAR OF 1876 FIFTEEN YEAltS STANDING where all oil of have faded We bavo seen 1 That the question whether the ubb Jililiii remedies those w out with suffering from whistle in that case waB A United the negligent Map of the States NEURALGIA SCIATICA NERVOUS ANn U was for the jury todecidebutnot whether OR SICK HEADACHE A relieved from pain In a few hours then use of the whistle was negligent MAP OF OHIO cured so in after the disease bits nH any wEth nently years Colored by Counties a Sectional Map returned The Curative destroys the poison 2 That the use of a horse known to be colored by Townships will bo pre- tho disease jH neuted to each Subscriber blood that produces IIPHTHFRij afraid of locomotives in the vicinity of a is robbed of its terrors with a buttle of Ciiru as it the virus Year 1S76 to be the most memora- jit hand destroys and prevent railroad was The promises the formation of the poisonous ou contributory negligence THEble year in our history Bioce the War of the patches it DYSPEPSIA as it prevents acid fermentation ft of the lower court giving dam- Rebellion It will be the Grand Centennial Year judgment One birth oftho the food and promotes digestion cures that m- PtOYCE the Hundredth Anniversary of the obid BeekB relief in Kum and a new trial ordered SAMUEL its 45000000 appetite which tlrinkir ages wa reversed Great Republic with population of Curative does It will also be the when another of our gignn- The not contain any ali year on STIMULANTS SPONGY OR INFLAMVh in Winter- tic quadrennial contestB will takepluce for the con- a few Butter Making trol of our National Government GUMS are cured by applications jL milk and cream out of the Is constantly receiving This contest and Centennial at who have used it have told its merits in strong Keep the the Exposition we have ever used Have a Philadelphia will creates greaterdesire than ever terms than room occupied by the family as to Price ONE DOLLAlt PER BOTTLE If nr amongst thointelligent people to be posted send us One in it A coal what is on during the year The for sale by your Druggists Dollar aa with a stove going coming BALLOa IUST a bottle separate place Leader willdo its duty as ithns in the past It we will send you by express prepaid and secures JJEALEE CHEMICAL CO stove requires less attention DOOTS AND SHOES will advocate Republican principles fearlessly and LAWS0N Cleveland Ohio oppose tho machinations of the Romish priesthood nnd American Gold and a more uniform temperature And it need our Public Foreign li- Itwillstand by glorious Schools and Silver Watches Solid Silver and ly cost but little fuel as no hot fire as for oppose the efforts Of Romoto divido our School fund for the special benefit of their Sectarian Tlatcd Ware All Styles of Solid cooking and baking is needed But have For Fall and Winter Wear Bcnools It will oppose the mad scheme of the XL Lemocrney to flood our land with an irredeemablo m O T A Y nnd Plated Sets Sleeve Biitvons a good draft so that no gas gets into the paper currency and will advocate a currency equal in value to as soon as it can bo dune is Sttids Charms Gold and Silver room and let the room have no direct con- gold safely It the Best From Reliable Manufacturers without creating embarrassment to the business Chains Seth Thomas American nection with the inhabited room so as interests of the country We therefore lay our Prospectus for 1S76 oeforo SOFT COAL STOVE Calendar Crystal Palace Clocks to get its bad air The milk- room will our friends with the utmost feeling of confidence that we shall give thorn a more valuable and read- Solid Steel Knives Plated Iine then be one of the pleasantest places in able newspaper than they have hud in the past In the Market a live in sense of word Ivory Rubber and Common Table is of course to be newspaper every the the house It kept JSSLadies Gents ami Children s Boots am Cutlery Combs Brushes Kazors clean And so is the milk when drawn Shoes An excellent assortment We have Five different PREMIUM HAPS It effectually consumes its own gas and Scissors Shears Pocket Cntlery Ext Carms Sii from the cow and to be re- TO BE PRESENTED TO SUBSCRIBERS will MORE HEAT from the SAME i Mr i m nc is KnnciORin s crocoBal immediately give Kazor and Fnncy Iron 5 j AMOUNT COAL than other Straps Soaps Prot Oxalate moved from the stable so that odor shall CALL AMD EXAMINE of any Pino Parian and Bohemian Glass AlkaioiciB oi umcnona 3 13 A MAP of the UNITED STATES stove made Although introduced JKH IY Pepsin Sacchnrated 3 not affect milk and cream 5 it Keep the Colored States same size as our oi last season its Vases Toilet Sets Mustache Cups iUxt jjionraa OJeoa 13- tl by ilup Ohioj only reputation Ehei Turk 3 at about sixty degrees that is have the namely 2Sx3S inches This is designed for is established It has for those subscribers who are already sup- im- room where the milk and cream are kept plied with a Map of Ohio since been much and we at about that point lower a few degrees Medical No 2 proved A lirmly b lieve and churn the cream at the IS ITAI OF OKIO is than higher Colored by Counties and a lUnp of 17 Cotin- it to be Specialties same temperature tioa in the Northeastern part of Ohio colored the by Townships all on one sheet size 28 by 88 American Watches ladies Doing this you are sure to get a good inches and mounted on rollers will be presented and delivered FItEE to of Fall or each subscriber who will LEADING Gold Watches Gold Chains article butter better than the eepd one years subscription to the Daily Tri- if HabitOPIUMcured Chinese mode of Cure Painless weekly or Weekly LEADER The names of SOFT COAL BURNER 18 Karat and Flat Band Summer make because fresh and the Does not interfere with business or tho counties embraced in the map of Northeastern FOR of No publicity uuio are Thim- feed is right well flavored solid and con- Rings Silver Spoons pleasure Cure guaranteed Address or Ashtabula Gcantrs Medina Summit HALLS a good color Such butter will sell rap- sult D WILFOllJD Toledo O Ashian il It u ron Mahoning Trumbull bles Napkin Kings and Fruit Cuyahoga Lorain Portaee Lake STOKES or idly at a superior price but is apt to stay Columbiana Wayne Eichiaud Stark Knives at home where it iB more wanted Where DWELLINGS No 3 a good- sized is a large propor- dairy kept Is the same Map of Ohio with the exception that We also have a large variety of HARD BE Vith thirteen years experience as tion of the make can be sold at an in- the County Map consists of the following watch- maker and I am Diseases to women treated as a spe- and SOFT coal and WOOD Stoves both engraver prepared peculiar in Northwestern Ohio to entire satisfaction in all branches creased price over the summer and au- Cures in all curable cases Allen Fnlton Paulding YanWert BASE BURNERS and DIRECT DRAFTS give 9 cialty guaranteed Crawford Putnam Wood ol the business 1 am determined that no tumn make and a for Address or consult DR WILFOItD Toledo O Henry No 10 North Main St reputation making Defiance Lucas Seneca Williams poor watch work or shall leave Erie Ottawa engraving superior winter butter established But- Sandusky Wyandotte WEED EDWARDS my establishment ter is much dearer in winter than in Bum- No 4 42- tr mer is this the case with a Is afMap of Ohio same as No 2with the exception especially Chrome Diseases that the Map of counties has the article so that a most in- followingicountiea 2 Tears- good profitable Knox Jefferson All Work Warranted Muskingum Morgan Carriage Sfannlactorj dt OFFERED for rnv cirtiilcnte come can be realized the forepart of the Of all kinds successfully treated by DR WiL- Holmes Harrison Guernsey Noble AAA Tuscarawas Coshocton Belmont Call and sec me C H TUTTLE puniisn wtiicn is not genuine in- Toledo O of Perry tDfJJfVf winter Feed well This not only FORD Thirty years experience Carroll Licking Monroe Fairlleld lulJovnig neecia no romintiu creases the milk but flesh and should insure confidence Cleveland O Dec S i74- Dear Sir Mv gives No 5 3 Block Oberlin 0 has be- u Htlliciett wills tiirrli Mr thirty years to animal to with- Carpenters have hul ner use an remedies mat were ad strength the the better Is the Map of Ohio with the following oounties in 15 tf aim snent a rreit dowl 01 nim- y ivllli nhysSc ex- the County Map all to 110 purpose I never I- iim anvthlnir to Uo stand the cold weather is in the W It Morrow Hardin Mercer Clarke piirticle of KOOl until sue userl li fcN CATA tra taken where the llervons Debili Delaware Logan Franklin Miami CI Lit Anvtiinivr iiit wn en re iicr win curi pains profit usually Marion Aaglulzo Madison Darke bmiv I havp perfect fultli In lis merit ami clu- in We out of old Union rprnmmf nil It Vere trulv A V PIA comes must get the Shelby Champaign Nn id Kiiclid Aveii Cured in case and s The of Ohio has all therailroadB laid down To do is so difficult not so every permanently speed Map This will cure Catarrh in twenty rut that yet com- and the most useful nreapHratlon No one need suffer from this distinctly is valuablend Map in three Cr- hl In the heart In distressing the and Business Man can have for Hay lever dstys difficult to do it as to make the start Have Do not but consult either letter that rarmer hours fcir uiroat in turee tiays rain m tlie plaint delay by the purpose of reference The retail price of these is relievel the oUcnslve breath is corrected clean warm stables well ventilated they or in person DR WILFORD 142 St Clair St Maps by agents is 00 It will be delivered free the sense ot smell ami iate are restorer at er O 47- of to subscriber of edition of the ooki uy le- uers in nieulciKe at fl are a of fodder Then food Toledo ly expense any any 4SL5iEHT applleainnis saving good LEADER COBE CO Pole Agent Each subscriber will indicate by number when STRONG with water convenient and OF ARSftlOfltA 4- 0ly 112 A 114 St Cleveland given good sending hia subscription which of the five niaps he lODIDg Superior cleanliness accompanying the milk in all School wishes Of course in selecting a Map of Ohio ha Cures Neuralgia Face Ache Rheumatism Gout Examination will select that containing his own county in tho fronted leeU Chilblain Sore Throat ryHipelaH its stages the milk- room in the proper County Map THOSE WHO ARE ALREADY r lines or Wounds of every kind in man or ammul SUPPLIED WITH A MAP OB1 OHIO WILL A of and of severe Injury to my rlplit arm caused nn enlarge- Miscellaneous condition temperature purity BE SUPPLIED WITH A MAP OF THE ment of the bone above tlie wrist irave me great pain air there will be Bueh a for UNITED STATES equal in size and finish to tho and trouble Giles Liniment Iodide of Ammonia change the Examination for Teachers MapofOhio In regard to Inequality of these maps effected a cure ADAM EN GEL better that there will be no going back to the publisher can refer to tholC000 subscribers who Oyster House 4S fith Aye have been supplied with themap of Ohio last year Sold by all Druggists Depot No 451 Sixth Av- COQO NEWS FOR THE HU the old system again The maps now offered are in every respect equal to enue New Yoi- k Only 5tc und 1 per bottle those furnished last year I XJenfielcl c Son 1- 4 Wheat as Food For Stock DANA M0RGAX As wheat has been this with the MANUFACTURERS OF year The Ceueand Leader Have taken the Mark formerly occtile exception of a little barley oats and rye Piano Rroadvill X llorgau and will Uercaiter sue Union Schools Oberlin Gives all News byTolocraph from nil Parts of the tneir pn rune nun tue the only crop in those States and Terri- World It has the Host ttarket Reports Best of News and FME CARRIAGES tories that have been devastated the Selection and Miscellany by publishes the Best of Stories AXD F A FJOLZE CO CHOICES M E AT migratory or hateful grasshopper it has Is The Leader is published every Saturday and In a ho the Journal of itsclass has the their peaon They solicit trial from become to use wheat the cheapest It largest ami 01 necessary only Circulation of in Northern Keepers hope to merit by the quality will be held lor the any paper published Light Heavy Wagons Pianos Oranna Sheet Mnsic and Musi- Meat nnd their prompt attention an exte grain that is yet available as a substitute EXAMINATIONSTeachers ol the Public Schools in Oberliu Ohio The Leadexus the LARGEST WEEKLY Kemcmber the the close of the Fall Term Dec PAPER IN OHIO For proof all that is necessary cal Instruments patronage place for corn and to feed it to such animals as the Saturday after its aire with other Ohio 191874 also the Monday following the Spring is to measure any Weekly They are now prepared to oflVr as fine a selection SI 1S75 The examinations It has forty long columsof matter and circulates in of IU UGjES Two and Three fHAli- No cannot get along without grain Last Fall Term June will town in Ohio priiiK City Hall Block 344 St 4 West College SU be open to all teachers desiring situations in nearly every TUNS Double CAJlIilAGKS and Light Superior I was asked by a gentleman from Nebras- the schools and no tea her will be till and Heavy WAGONS a can be shown employed in this Our CLEVELAND OHIO ka to they have secured the proper certilicate from the The Weekly Leader will befurnlshed country give my opinion concerning wheat Board of Examiners l free of GALLER SO including Map postage Sole for the Celebrated NEW PHOTOGRAPH as food for live stock At that time I had Teachers whose standard of scholarship is Work and Material FIRST- CLASS Agents per cent in Arithmetic Grammar Geography For One Dollar and Fifty Cents Annum not sufficient experience to a satis- per give AXI 11 X This includes the of the above de- WAEBAXIEI jfls IB HI E DOSIAW in Koyce- 8 answer Now however lOtf presentation factory having months 95 per cent for twenty- four months scribed of Ohio or the United States per cent t- r six mouths Map Pianos and also other makes been obliged to feed wheat all Winter to thirty Money can be sent by Money Order or Registered Prices as Low as The best Gtillery me akee Each applicant will be required to pay fifty Letter addressed to CLEVELAND LEADER jEJrWe guarantee any and and s tiacs invite of all Pianos on PhotogMjh Tintvp my own animals I am prepared to say a cents for each examination CLEVELAND O atourrisk comparison buyers and Organs sold monthly payments enlarged ProfG W SHURTLEFF CALL AND OUR Persons in any pnrt of the State wishing to pur- little more Prof W If RYDER Kxaminors SEE STOCK chase anything in our line will save money by E IP MOU1TON Cleveland Tri Weekly Leader I PENFIELD SON procuring our prices Inquiries by mail prompt- Compelled by necessity I have given it 6UU ly and cheerfully answered giving full informa- A paper containing nil the reading matter of the tion Cabinet a fair trial and have fed in almost ev- DAILY LEADER Tues- Organs it published every So 4t Sonlli Main street Oberlin O Every instrument sold us day Thursday and Saturday aa- flg by fully guaran- ery shape in its natural condition soaked tr teed Second- hand instruments taken in ex- LTERMS change i- s in water ground to meal and boiled and ONE YEAR S5 00 SIX MONTHS 2 50 have found that its value as food for live Lorain County THREE MONTHS 1 25 Medical stock is much lower than one would ex- Remember a Map will be presented to every Serine Machines and yearly subscriber of any of the above editions of the pect depends largely upon the pecu- Leader of the animals to which is fed liarity it Cloveland Leader Printing Co Fed to horses three bushels of wheat are Publishers about equal in value to four bushels of THE oats Horses fed with wheat do well Examination of Teachers 75 are strong and active and seem to digest Jewelry without difficulty Fed to pigs wheat WILSON SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE has very little value One bushel of corn The Boarrl of School Examiners for Lorain County will hold meetings for the examina- C HAYWAHD helps them more than one and a half ton of Teachers as follows v III mnsl positively im cise ot rliPimiailsra of At OBERLIN tho fourth Saturdays of Septem- ilK- miy bushels wheat Besides that pigs do or nninlk jrotit no initu- r how lone RlMiitlintr on 111 ber October November March and May lace ol I lie FOR April JE X the earth heinn tin Inward imllcit ion It 5000 not seem to like it very well and do not At ELYR1A the second Saturdays ot Septem- J W Li dues the work quickly llioronirhlv aiui E Hie inuiiHIv ber October November December klvinii sysu- ui stronsr ami health v Write to iiiv thrive on it as do on corn no January in CUBSHET ORGAN they matter March April May and June prominent person Washington Cliy and poii will tludu111 Ue llbove saeiIlcul is in every par- in what shape it is fed During the recent AT WELLINGTON the third Saturdays oi 93 Broad St opposite Becbt IIovee Ehjria DNEQUALEDSSIINAPPROACIEi October and March CONDENSED CntTTFICATKS In A cold Berk J A I I capacity and excellence bv nnv other spells my pigs pure bred will be no Bxrinii nations and IHIAAL II J r There othkr Wnshincton D C Dec 1S74 shires who have warm and comfortable no certificate will be renewed except upon W iinb- iie and Re ail Dealer in examination Teachers should have certilicaie ient I very elucrfuliy state that I nsed Diir mgs pens needed a large quantity to hold their before engaging schools M A H STEVKNS own and I am fully convinced that the Examinations commence at 9 oclock a Membm of and should be Congress oi Gn D farmer of applicants punctual at the WATCHES CLOCKS JEWELRY Presidential Mansion DIPLOMA OPH0H0Ej good the Kansas Farmer who hour The Examination Fee of 63 cents must aslilnLion D April 23 1S75 be prepaid Mescre Ilelpnensieln A Pent lev claims that one bushel of wheat produces Gents Ifor the seven wife 1851 GENERAL DIRECTIONS a past yeurs my hasheeu VIENNA 1373 PARIS seventeen of solid ureM suflerer ironi rheumatism her doctors falllnc pounds pork is either Those who have never taught in this County SPECTACLES tneive her roller she used three bottles Dnrantrs or who are unknown to the Exami- and Uieitmatlc itemeily and a permanent cure was the in very much mistaken or draws largely on personally rcstilL WM H CROOK UrJLI Europe or which present eucli etri ners must furnish evidence oi t- satisfactory xeentfve Clerk to President tirant J wAi- Auunce us to command a wide eaie ni- his is far moral character x 1 Tr imagination It from being true theirgood ashiimon C March 3 li75 tM fl nt must themselves writ- T of Ijy VC ttnfird highest preminma not Applicants supply with In the space twelve hours my rhenmaMsm was f- lLVS fi I O trifil In Amerlcn only according to my own materials either pen or be used SILVER- WARE ffone havintr taken Exposition experience ing pencil may three doses of Durans Rheu- Europe Outof Qunilredft thero hnvo noC tiocn In a tho matic Jemedy My brother 1 B Cessna of Bed- all urcferreJ but also to that of all estimating paper general 1 a where any other have been others in this appearance us well as correctness is considered Especial attention given to ford was cured by a similar amount oryaua JOHN CKSSNA neighborhood who were to feed Penmanship and orthography are judged lrom L I obliged the in com- Member of Coneress of Ia LO hemispheres to bo unrivaled writtenanswers other branches No one J- Price dollar n bottle or six bottles for five bsriUONfAL CIUCtTT AR with oinniom w wheat to pigs is allowed the sk- munication during examination VA yoiir tov than of certifi- Watch and Clock ri Untwist Unradys lihenmatie One Thousand sent free A few I Any violation this rule may forfeit a Ktiucij manntailitred by I10 days ago butchered a pig that cate on hnyintr- B Mnnn Si Hamlin IT HKUHENSTEIX ft HKNTLKY IuCIPT take had been fattened IT B AW DEN Pres Board and tiOlO I any other Dealer ibo1 with wheat and found M A Urugirists Chemists MibstONS and II PARKER Clerk j of JST Washington I C for selling inferior orffans that the nice in NYE Examine jp I R I G reason often try very hard to sell something pork though every other DJ Sold in Cincinnati Ohio Co 1- be by Allen contains tf Wholesale respect comparatively very little Druyyists merits ever nmJe j ninl rthnv 1 I v 1 iL j SUP fat much less JULIUS KIXGS 4- 1ly Sold by W ilk than pork that has been Druggists Everywhere George Steadman mt- re and other Cawes of new detKU produced corn by feeding The pig was a PlftNO- KRRP CABINET ORGAN cross between Miscellaneous COMBINATION Berkshire and Poland SPECTACLE SAVE YOUR MONEY AGENT quisiU combiuiitiun or these instruments China was months old eight and weighed And System for Fitting the Eyes br getting your SCHOOL BOOKS second- hand t EASY PJ1YRSFNTS 130 Solo at 25SS org1 I only pounds dressed As food for WANTED UTrif Agency No 14 West St payments or rented until rent piy8 or tbe the world where second- bnml College cattle I have used Single packages with elegant prize books nre bought sob or iifed wheat too little to be post- paid 25 cents For other novelties send A very larire stock of CATALOGUES F P G Headers McUulleys able to give any definite stamp Address GLUCK New Bedford HSaywards Elyria Sloddnrds nnd Kays Arltli UKUAN COr154 Trcmont M luetics nnd opinion Mass 2- 8ly Alpebras Bullions nnd TON 25 Union Square NEW 1OKK rianeos Grammars lfor Sale Cbcas 14 4- 2ir OBERLIN WEEKLY NEWS THURSDAY DECEMBER 23 1875 5 London ANOTHER FIRE Deeper Harmonies of Science and Religion The BUSIXESS TOCAIiS Wellington Market Editorial Departments are well- filled with the On Monday evening Prof Leighton deliv Consumed current news at the Town Hall Dwelling Entirely Blankets Blankets Johnson December 22 1875 ered an interesting lecture The Electic for November as a frontis- two eontains Hnmvntr- mn his theme London lhe Professor About half past Saturday morning Whitney are closing out Blankets at about Pavine Butter 2fto Kerr 20r being a fine of Holman the famous 1 mil the residents on East College street were piece portrait Hunt ed 20c comb 20c Applessrreen 00 Dried 8c is an Englishman over tven to one half value Call and see tefore 1 evidently startled the of fire The first alarm English painter and this is accompanied in the their Potatoes 25530 Beans 502 00per bu Tallow TIME TABLE the cut of his and he by cry 8c 25 Dressed 10c POST- OFFICE garments although hesitated to out witha brief sketch of his life and art you freeze 3 Turnips Poultry chickens cannot in sense be as an orator was so slight that many go lettertpress urubs- eu cursey uressea geese B5G any regarded lac 1 the theories The number leads off with a notable Hams 12c Shoulders fie i 7 a to 8 m but the of the flames together with Xnrd iStrr When tSi FFICE hours from ni p in the of the term he ie cer- light 6 50f IOTA proper meaning a and highly article on Napoleon Bo- Silk Neck Handkerchiefs in all colors Seed Timothv Pork si ii cries made it plain that serious interesting 1 well informed upon the subject he increasing Chop Feed t5 00 Bran 1 15 o mails tainly fire was near at hand The was napart based on the recently published Memoirs Gents Silk Mufflers Gents Cashmere meaHl leaye treated and the fund of information gained night sting- East 745 p cold and the fire was discovered in the of the Count de Segur The Count was in close Going f 4 00 P M lecture of more than an hourwell ing Mufflers For Handkerchiefs go West lf during his al- straight SKLLrrfd Nn 1 Rpd R fWl r Going5 roof of Mr Gerrishs house the reach personal association with Napoleon during Flour Whnt tn ftftl ncton 600 those who had the of beyond to Johnson 3 bbl Seeds 3 00 7 00 repaid pleasure hearing of the steamer most the entire period from ISOl to his fall and Whitneys Timothy Clover MAILS ARRIVE him tn his debuc to an Oberlin au- of buckets Themachinery making was in Cleveland and he reveals much that is valuable and interesting From East 8 30 A M 530 p M dience his countenanoe and manner betrayed undergoing repairs is it that there is such a rush at M done remove the bis inner life and personal character- Why From West 215 P 700 a embarrassment as he the there was nothing to be but concerning Elyria Market 500 slight surveyed istics Other articles are The Arabs Johnson store these clays From Wellington formidable rows of chairs and the household goods and await the hand engine attractive Whitneys for transaction empty in An of Eng- Money order department open of which The alarm was soon sounded by the bell and Palestine Americrns Impoessions Because they are closing out goods at busine- s from 8 a m to 7 p in select company about thirty greeted os Chica- Corrected weekly by Hoyle Bros of afrer drawn by Buch as were on the street land by Horace White late Editor the and see them Mails distributed from IS to 25 minutes him yet under Buch discouraging circum- engine fearfully low prices Call December 22 1875 the mail which is distri- come on to the scene of action The go Tribune The planets put in Leverriers Bal- arrivals except night stances he seemed fully hequal to the oc- engine and you will be sure to 3 PAYING Butter 22rt2fi Ke- crs 25 ChPfA I1ffli11 v buted at 8 the following was stationed at the creek on Water street ance by Richard a Proctor F RS jBircs of buy morningW O ALLEN P M casion and entertained his auditors with a Honey strained 20c comb 25c Apples green and soon had a stream on the flames Passage Asking Tennysons Queen Mary Ocean 7580 dried fffiSr Ppm- he tIHp is description of the worlds great me- playing 20 graphic The flames made slow and Circulation by Dr W B Carpenter Not to Be BnfiKrcT Oystfvrs Frpsih Rnnlcpt Ovs unpeeled 79o Potatoes 2530 sweetniido its antiquity importance vast size very progress 75o Beans 1 50 Onions Gc REGISTER tropolis would have been but the intense and an amusing paper entitled Shylock the Jew- 00l 4045c Cabbage TRAVELERS mercantile and financial supremacy its pro- Btopped ters direct from Baltimore by express by Turnips 2030c PoultrvDresed ChickenslOc cold made the engine very inefficient Ice ed Mrs Alexanders Her Dearest Foe and Miss Turkeys 14c Geese75c Game Quails 125perdoz and rapid growth its religious and the and at the Balti- 3 digious into the hose and the flow of Fraser- Tylers Jonathan both striking stories pint quart gallon f artririees 00 per aoz Rabbits 12 Wild Tur- MICHIGAN SOUTHERN R R intellectual influences the men who got stopped 50 each 9 LAKE SHORE great made the to the are continued and the Editorial are more Oyster Depot No 5 East College keys 751 Dressed Pork 000950 have shed lustre on its annals ils water and attempts check departments Hams 12tfil2c Shoulders 910c Lard 14c Tallow proud well filled aB usual S ftfilll a of its flames of no avail The work of removing St 2tf T Munson Proprietor KetlHc Hides irreen trimmed SVipph Polt- GOING EAST halls legislation magnificent churches GO Corn 3Sc 512 the household goods was rapidly accomplish- We the December number of Petersons 503 far Hav Timothv 00 its royalty wealthy aristocracy and monied thought ood Hard 850 per cord of 4 ft Solt 2 7553va 00 ed and almost article of value in the not be beaten is th e 2 ACCOMMODATION classes etc Our will a every Magaeine could yet there Hickory 50 7J0 10 TOLEDO BUFFALO space permit only of the house was Stoves AUCTION Leaves oberlin 932 a in arrives at Cleveland brief notice of the lecture London is the lower part saved January numboreven more beautiful still There 10 55 a m wonder of the world its area is were carried out in good shape crockery are two steel engraving a mammoth colored I will sell at Auotiorii commencing EXPRESB- Leaves great equal was and even Cheese Market So 8 CHICAGO ST LOUIS to three hundred miles and has a unbroken lamp chimneys fashion- plate and a splendid Berlin pattern in December 18th i and Wellington 142 m arnves at Cleveland 300 square Saturday Exening Oberlin p pm of to of were saved as good as new A large piano twelve colors besides innumerable wood engrav- continue until Christ- ACCOMMODATION Leaves population 4500000 equal that the every evening No 2 N0RWALK Ohio was taken out with but very slight damage ings or fashions patterns etc The mas which close in town December 22 1875 Oberlin 815 p m arrives at Cleveland 935 entire States of and Pennsylvania principal will my stay The waB so choked up it waB steel- A Little Tot of 1776 is after a cel- Buvinz 113111 Billincr 12f512Wc RiUin- 13 p m and increases at the rate of a city of Cleve- engine badly plate Great Bargains in all kinds of Holiday 107i50 the mud hindered its and Sir and she Shipments 228 Boxes lbs No 70 WAY PUEIGHT- Leaves Oberlin 323 p m land every year It is forty miles from the thought working ebrated picture by Joshua Reynolds Goods sea in a direct line The Lord of it was moved to the reservoir on College is about the most charming cunning little lady 2- tf A H JACKSON Mayor was this time that the GOING WEST London receives a salary of 80000 street It plain by we have ever seen A very powerful novelet Cleveland Wholesale per was the of the six is Market year The inauguration of a Lord Mayor is building beyond power engine called The Days of Seventy- begun by Do you want a choice lot of Raisins and to save and the could do little more Ann S All the stories are 17 TOLEDO ACCOMMODATION Leaves the most festival in which the engine Mrs Stephens good No important Canned Fruits to Farrar Sons 22 1375 Cleveland ti00 a m arrives at Oberlin 720 a m each off- than keep the flames in check The main h owevcr even better than usual There is alBO go AJ December Londoners ever engage succeeding 2- 4 No 3 TOLEDO EXPRESS Leases Cleveland icial to out- do his building was entirely destroyed but a small an illustrated article on old Independence Hall Flotjr Citv- made xxx white 7 75 xx amhw trying predecessor in 7 330 p m arrive at Oberlin 448 p m was by water thrown in and the Declaration of 25 xxx red iio 1 SO 75 Akron City Mills grandeur and magnificence for which he wing preserved mainly Philadelphia Indepen- 58 75 No 9 N0RWALK ACCOMMODATION Leaves lavishes immense sums of London on from buckets dence which was signed there Ic is the best Carter Bros say they have juzt re 855 p ni arrive at Oberlin 916p m money Rye Flour 5 005 ss Elyria six hundred charitable The fire originated in the attic where the number Peterson has ever issued and that is ceived a new lot of those Soft Coal Shin- No 71 WAY FREIGHT- Leaves Oberlin 935 a m contains institutions Mill Feed- Middlings S22 on sennii fin An furnace went the to en- a deal It aeems to us that and want all to come 24 M YOUNG and 6000000 are distributed yearly pipe through ceiling saying very great ing Lights they 00 fine do 2S 00 Shorts 20 00 country made J Agent the The Boot in this had JS7i so and see them before ton through ihat means From twelve to twenty ter chimney pipe everybody will take Peterson in it is they are gone- 12 per lower Re- 1 feet below the surface be discovered become ignited and burned out early in the cheap and yet so good As a guide for the fash- They consume the soot and dust Wheat No 1 red held at 30 No 2 do sold may yet at 1 20 OBSERVATIONS traces of the ancient Roman London The evening but this had been checked and ions it has no rival You do not know bow to member the place found to be cool The furnace fire have seen Oberlin Deo S 75 Corn High mixed held at 67c low mixed 66c river Thames is nine hundred leet wide at perfectly dreas says acotemporary till you Ears 62c London The House of Parliament extends had been prepared for the night and no un- Peterson The price is only two dollars a year Hang up your stocking The Oats No 1 State 40c No 2 do 33c white flt for fifteen hundred feet the of easiness waB felt in regard to it first with a great deduction to clubs and valuable Who and best stock of 41c The mud has come again along banks keeps the largest that river London is noted for its alarm was given by a brick falling through premiums to persona getting up clubs Speci- RTE 75c for No 2 was in the palaces Crockery in town Tuesday the shortest day them be the the hole burned in the attic floor and roll- men are sent to those wishing to get up 30 prominent among may noted gratis 2- Barley fi 051 for ordinary State to ex- down the stairs the whole 306 4 Farrar Son year palace of St James Kensington palace is ing arousing clubs Address Charles J Peterson Chestnut AJ tra Canada with racket Mr Gerrish BUTTER Sleighbells made our sham winter seem more celebrated as a residence for royalty household its street Philadelphia Choice firm at 2Sa2c creamerv 2Ta rushed with a bucket of water and dash- 29c medium to prime 2124c inferior to 15 real last Saturday Hampton Court palace has attained great up The January number of the Catholic World Do you want a delicious cup of Coffee good concentrated the 99 been built Cardinal ed the contents upon the flames He felt has been received The leading article The That cheapness celebrity having by hiB the old Government Java at Farrars Chkes- e11i2c for prime for com- one of win- sure of puttting it out but on return with Presidents at Des Moines deals with Try 10llc cent store closes this week Woolsey Each its great stained Spreech 2- mon to rood a second the flames had Bpread all the ot in this The 4 A made dows contain the initial of Cardinal Wool- pailful subject the day country Eggs 2728c pickled 23S5c limed c large number of teams business the floor and was control is sey The National Gallery contains magnifi- over beyond It speech of course is viewed from a Catholic Potatoes Peach Blows 40c Rose a35c look brisk in town on Monday soot Early cent collections of and ib one of thought that the in the pipe ignited and the criticism on it is temperate Everybody will want some of those ex- Dressed of zero there was paintings standpoint Poultry turkeys llc chickens Friday lost sight and the finest in Near again and became so heated as to fiire the the tone of veilad sarcasm that 910 fire- sights England this gal- notwithstanding tra fine flavored Christmas Oysters from a demand tor front seats at the wood about it some loose PoRK- Heavv mess 23 50 general is the grand monument of Viscount Nel- Fortunately pervades the article It would seem to have been 5 per barrel lery near the Baltimore Oyster Depot No East Mess 23 50 Extra Short Clear 25 60 place son The great Tower of London dates back bricks that were laying fell through written before the delivery of the Presidents Light Services will be held in the the made by the fire and aroused be read as a College St 2tf Lard ity rendered 14c in tierces 14 Episcopal nearly two thousand years The wondrous opening Message yet mny representative in rendered nominal church Christmas eve at 7 m and Christ- the household The loss is save on Catholic comment on of kegs country p Cathedral of St Paul has stood on its present complete that portion the message Smoked Hams 15 10 30 a m the furniture a of which was saved Meats shoulders mas day at site for more than twelve hundred part which has called foith the most general remark Nioknaoks Candies bacon 15c dried beef 15c beef tongues lljc5 50 years The house in the Phoenix for Holiday Fanoy The Post- office will be on Saturday The earlier ones had been sacked and burn- was insured The Protestant Episcopal Church Congress is Toy Candies Home- made Candies of per dozen open 1200 200 and at December 25th and on 1 from sev- ed This cathedral was built and furniture at clothing an article that will claim attention in certain A Stook of Beep We quote 13 00 for extra mess January designed 150 every description full en a m till 9 a m from 1 p m till 2 30 by Sir Wren This immense quarters The Conference at Bonn The Choice Caramels Nuts fact ev- Oils Linseed firm 65c for boiled raw 60c Christopher ts In oil W S 1 14 1 02 5 m 8 m was Mission to Chili and the Lard extra 111 No 90cl p m and from p till p building twnty- six years in building Apostolic pleasant ery ia the Confectionary line that No 2 Neatsfoot 8487c Western Lu- to thing Virginia Some of our vigilant watchmen thought and cost about 8000000 in the currency of New Book sketch From Cairo Jerusalem will repay is nice for the holidays for sale cheap bricating 45c indeed a Roman A number of stories 1- they had discovered an incipient conflagra- that period It is vast Prayer and its Remarkable Answers is perusal especially adapted by R B MEAD SON tf Honey Strained 1520c per pound comb 25c The is Doric the to season form an attractive feature of the 15 tion in Dr Haywards office last Saturday temple architecture a new book by Rev W W Patton which the Hat- Car lots on track at 0017 00 per ton of the dome is 442 feet and 617 steps of present number In addition to the articles al- Buck and choice for Timothv and in a retail way at 17 0018 00 night but it proved to be only the light of height presents itself for the consideration a Wheat Flour syrups 12 00 14 00 bT lead to the to its mentioned there is an exhaustive review Prairie 0014 bv ear lots 0016 his base- burner topmost height Owing reading public This volume is written upon ready also Honey on draft at A J Farrar the bale from store baled straw 10 0012 00 per vastness it is rarely used for church servi a that has attracted considerable at- of the year 1875 which with Literaiy Notices ton made a rich of subject Sons 2- 4 Tuttle display jewelry ces and is reserved for particular occasions tention from minds since the closes the number A card from the editor the Seeds Timothv 2 502 6n clover nominal There were philosophical 5 00 last Friday and Saturday nightB A magnificent pageant filled this of the celebrated Rev I T Hecker who has just returned from a 75ti per bushel some of building announcement prayer four thousand dollars worth jewelry once a time when the Queen at- three years visit abroad gives notice of his re- Call at R B MEAD SONS and see Beans 2 252 50 for choice hand- picked MarS upon repaired In this volume an 7- and ware The scene was enlivened guage by Tyndall rows 2 002 25fbr good to medium 1 251 plated thither to offer prayer and thank God for the tempt has been made to give in popular sumption of personal supervision of the maga- a pyramid of Choice Fancy amd Toy for inferior by music by a music- box of of Wales from a zine large recovery the Prince severe form the facts and the of the Candies such as will make the little Onions Held at 1 50 philosophy 1 401 per barrel selling J M Gardner Co came near being illness There is no city in the world whose subject The first seven chapters aim to The A tlantic Monthly for January is an unu- folks eyes shine tf 50c from store 40c the ruling buying price made the victims of confidence in vastness and commercial attractions can at elucidate the nature characteristics meth- sually rich number Opening with a long and Dried Peaches Unpeeled peeled misplaced 2024c 9105c a stove- pipe elbow last Saturday evening all oompare with London Each day the ods and conditions of prayer to show its brilliant installmentof Mr Howells new novel Dobbins Electic Soap is pure and does of Dried for to extra nice The trouble was discovered at once but not financial transactions amount to hundreds true place in the systems of the universe it includes articles of travel history literary its own work without the main strength Apples S9c good before the rafters well warmed millions Capital to the amount of 800- to answer the of the criticism and matters of public interest Of the Cider New pure juice in fair request at 12 got up and specious objections of a washerwoman it and pav for 000000 is now lying idle there The lectur- The chief aim of the book how last- named sort is Charles Francis Adams Jrs try 14cper gallon packages The house that burned last skeptics 2- Friday night er considered centre The Revere Catas- 4 A J Farrar Son Tallow 8faSc for good to choice lots was sided- J b London the great brain ever as announced by the author is to pre- third railroad paper entitled up by Presidents a and ti of the had an Hides Green trimmed and full cured 7c Fairchild and has been Mr universe inasmuch as it contain- sents authentic facts so grouped and explain- trophe Elizabeth Stuart Phelps contributes occupied by ed and was now of the account of South which is Gerrish for the the residence great- ed as to dispel doubts and encourage a ra- entertaining Going If you want Choioe Canned Fruit for thirty- eight years longest est of intellectual followed a from Miss Harriet time house bas been one living representatives tional and scriptural faith Many of the by charming essay Christmas or some of the finest Oysters any occupied by these illustrious names be Preston on Jasmin the Provencal Toledo Market person consecutively power Among facts related pertain to the persons well Jaeques in the market just call on R B MEAD mentioned those of Spencer Shakespeare known in this Mr Hinds poet including graceful translations from his SON No- 14 East and M the community College Street Quad offers following Christmas Milton Byron Thomas Carlysle Dickens Smith is agent for this book We append poems Few magazine papers can offer the fresh you can get them cheap 1 tf Docember 22 1875 suggestion Goldsmith Sam Johnson Newton Viscouit some testimonials that will add further evi- touch and ripe literary skill here combined Mr Flour Dull should Santa Clans time Every father respect Nelcon Sir Robert Peel Pitt Swee- Allan B Magrudor tells about Lincolns Plans No 2 white Wabash 1 37 Extra 1 50 even it he cant do better than to uut a potato in Sherry dence as to its value Where did you get that Young Hyson Wheat denbourg and the Duke of Wellington The 20 of Reconstruction W H Bishop a new writer Corn High mixed at 4S low mixed 53c the oldest boys stocking For the space of five Oberlin Dec 1875 Tea at 75cts pound or six seconds the boy will thiok he has got a speaker warmly eulogized the memory di To state in clear popular form the Scriptural gives a very original and startling short story per OatsNo 2 held at35c Michigan at 95c watcn in nis stocKing ana its soinetmng to mati Pitt and idea of prayer and thus to sweep away the errors One of Pieces and Mr Whittier con- 2- 4 At Farrars a for that brief time Shakespeare Byron Sweedenbourg in minds Thirty boy happy and a handsome tribute to Thomas Car- that gather about the subject niauy tributes a of loveliness called We have received a in paid cannot fail to be of great importance to the cause poem singular neatly printed who is now a resident of London The of at time After exam- Sunset on the The Mafiusi of Did you know that Farrar Son had vitation from the of Fisk Univer lysle Christianity the present Bearcamp Buffalo Live Stook Market Secretary great city is well supplied with churches ination I believe that Wm W Patton D 0 Sicily is a curious account of brigandage in that the best Tea in town for 85cts to be present at the Dedicatory Exer- in his book entitled Prayer and its Remark- Japan try sity and fifteen hundred six island It Is followed a of Mrs Keni- 2- cises of Jubilee Hall The invitation bears chapels having able Answers has made a valuable contribu- by chapter t 4 December 21 1875 hundred of which belonged to the church of tion to that end The work will be helpful as a bles Old Womans Gossip the autobiograph- a cut of the building which greatly resem common sense statement of the of Cattle Receipts to- day 697 head making the England Spurgeons chapel holds about philosophy ical interest of which is heightened by the inser- Car 3621 bles Council Hall in The ana still more so ns an incentive to scuay total for the week thus head No market general appearance five thousand prayer tion of some letters written by her in youth Handkerchiefs Johnson Whitney to- day except sales ol small lots to the dedication occurs 1st lfcwb the subject broadly in the Word of God No city trade January Christian can fail tobe benefitted by it Oliver Wendell Holmes adds to the list some wit- are offering the finest of Handker- The fresh arrivals were through consignment The News now a line new reading display The are bare of stock occupies brick ty verses A Familiar Letter to aspiring poets chiefs ever offered in this market em- yards building on South Main street which by the way A Swindler Pastor of the First Church Oberlin O Sheep and Lambs Receipts to- day 1600 head will i- oon be the business in Pittsburgh and Mr Howells roviews in a short Four prominent street What Christian does not often have to say paper in all grades of ladies aud making total for the week thus far 800 head Oberlin The ground floor of the building is used Pittsburgh Pa Dec IS 1875 New Books of Besides all this we bracing part 4 25 4 00 Indiana at as an Lord teach me to pray Who does not feel Poetry Ohiosheep Michigan 255 editorial room and business oice in front John A Finney a well- known commission me- the neod of that he more have Irom Aldrich Maurice gents linen handkerchiefs from fifty cents 4 25500 while the job and press room is in the rear The help may thoroughly poems Thompson rchant of No 112 Second avenue was arrested to- understand whattheLord has in his Word said Mrs and Mrs Moulton and Hem- stitched Handkerchiefs Hogs Receipts to- day 7100 head the composing room is in the second story of the welcome Piatt the editorial apiece up making and is The rooms day a from Governor Allen About praver Who does not sugges total lor the eek thus far 29700 head Tho building admirably lighted through requisition on a ieilow- departments which contain reviews of Stedmans 25 to 30cts 33 to 45cts 50 to 60 to 75cts 7 fire all commodious and when tions cue Fuuject eitner irom tne hub oi market was dull and slow Yerkers at 007 05 fully completed on Governor Hartranft This was at the instance Christian or from the books written those Victorian General n tons book on 7 40 this will be one of the finest country ouices ia the by PoetSj Boy Initial handkerchiefs Christmrs heayy hogs at 207 of the banking firm of Spitzer Brother North who have earnestly and prayerfully thought and Sherman hd account of Education Merry State Elyria Democrat it I have marked the of interesting Amherst Ohio and Governor Allen in filling out written upon As scope in the Western States and much matter handkerchiefs Embroidered handker- Mr Gerrish desires to thank the citizens Dr PattonB oook on 1rayer ana its itemaricaDie other tne requisition expressed himself distinctly that Answers and read a number of chanters in it I This number of The Atlantic the chiefs lace handkerchiefs childrens for their thoughtful care in removing the should be no the begins thirty- war there loophole whereby man could not but wish to read it all and wish that seventh volume of the and a more to notices goods from his dwelling on the ocoasion of could escape all the Christians in this read magazine handkerchiefs and an elegant display of com- community might and the hre last week i- verything was found Finney Co is a well- known wholesale it I believe it would lead many to a fullerclear- abundant promising opening it would be ladies handkerchiefs mission firm and have succeeded it is said er idea of what the Bible teaching on is difficult to devise Notice in good shape and nothing of consequence within the last or so in crooked Prayer year making by and would stimulate them to more earnest eflec persons claims H Ros- has yet been missed from the articles in the commissions over 70000 It will be suit- As this Is the time when readers are up having against J absalutely tual prayer I certainly regard it as a book making ALLsi ter of Oberlin O are requested to p re- lower of the house His are re- impossible to euumwrate the number f their ed to the times and calculated to do much their minds what to subscribe for dur- Where did you get that Flour from part family victims sent out about 600 circulars good periodicals sent the same with proper proof to the under- for the at 17 East Lorain St They every HENRY H BaWDEN the a lew words as to the which make such bread signed at Cleveland O without delay siding present week and the number of dupes thus brought in Oberlin O ing coming year special you splendid Pastor of the Baptist church L F S was astonishingly lurge merits of the Eclectic will perhaps prove useful 2- 4 At Burgess One firm in the of Cleveland a Dr Patton opens the preface to his new vol- Farrars Dec 141675 3 6 neighborhood ume and its Answers The Eclectic is pre- emineutly the magazine for a Assignees Fatal few weeks ago sent 300 barrels of ilour having Prayer Remarkable Accident with the question Is there room for another cultivated family where is recog- Mrs C P Goss is trimmed hats M received Finneys tempting current list He fol- improvement selling David Tennant an old resident of lowed with 700 more The whole book on prayer We have to thank him for an nized as one of the of and the sub- Disolution it up barrels most objects reading from One to Three Dollars Now is the Camden was wounded by the accidental dis- lot was sold and the Lake Shore man is whistling swering tins finestion in tne sacisinctory to its a between manner possible viz by laving his book betrre criuer may go pages with certainty that 1- 2 partnership herctsfore existing charee of his eun Mondav mornine for hie money Miller E Kepscr of West Salem time to buy remember the place No 13 THEB W Locke and Geo E Newell is this early Wis 200 barrels of llour Not the public that they may judge whether there is he will be conlronted with nothing of a trivial day He heard an owl shipped receiving room cnac West 2- ft diiolved by mutual consent All accounts oi said disturbing his hens and oue of the II rm came on and lor it ine oook is wanted win serine character or of transient interest and College Street S any remittances an chord in the Christian of the merely firm will be settled at Royces by B W Locke went out with his to him succeeded in 200 for a worth answering heart 1 gun dispatch It getting consignment I if this volume will not that he will find something adapted to the tastes Dec 1875 is in to over the over 1000 The Empire Flour Mills of Del- age greatly misjudge thought attempting get sent 100 have such credentials both for what in it is of every member of the family circle Ils scien- fence he his in phos Ohio Finney barrols of flour and LETTERS placed gun over and getting suffered in consequence of their iolly The Em- trood for all times and for what is specially adapt tific papers literary and social essays criticisms AITERTlSii over himself his the Flour Mills uf III Bent two cars ed to our own time For all time ic is most vital Bank Notice pulled up gun striking pire Edinburg men know raver means reviews and summaries of discussion render it Dimmer tne rail and it The of chops but were warned in time to save one that whether p really There will be a meeting of tho stockholders of upon exploding car WilliamsoD Price of Cherokee Iiansas any thing in particular whether in our rela- well- nigh indispensable to whosoever would of letters remaining uncalled lor in Ober- the Bank Oberlin its otllcc contents entered his left side hiB tions to God there is such as LIsTlin Post- ollice Lorain O Dec 18th First National at piercing contributed to Finneys sinking fund one car any thing asking keep up with the intellectual activity of the time county Tuesday Jan 11 proximo for the purpose o A was each of oats corn and A dealer io and receiving analogous to asking and receiv- 1875 lungs physician immediately called hay the rela- while its serial and short stories tales electing directors for the ensuing year Polls of sunt on seven cars oi ing as between children and parents in the biograph- GENTS 10 m to 2 P m who pronounced him the reach of neighborhood Chicago uses open from a beyond oats by the time three oi them had been sold tionships of earth In our own t it is well ical sketches poems and narratives of adven Oberlin O Dec 7 1S75 aid lie died later in the known that some of the which assumes Andrews A B B about Harrison day the shipper was warned and by good fortune ar- thinking ture and discovery render it attractive to those Bell Thomas Brooks Edward T F Daniels rived at the moment were for itself to be in advance of all former thought 2- when tin others being who seek amusement as well as profit in the Colline D P Echtruth tf Cashier oQered Hyman Fuller of Ohio are also vic- has lifted itself above the honest idea of prayer Henry Therefore it is well for the masses even Chris- of their visitor In fact Ec- Grimn James Gillett E S Our New Quarters tims of a llour consignment pages monthly the Howard E H E H The of was to make out ac- tian renders to find a calmdiscriminating well- to Hughes plan Finney bogus il- lectic may be said provide that desid Chas F Johnson Thomas Penmanship We have deferred calling attention to our count sales for the editication of the balanced discussion of prayer as taught unci exactly Humphrey shippers in the Divine Word and as witnessed eratum of so many households a magazine which Knapp Calvin McKenzie Chas Normal Institute of Penmauship- Oberlin recent of until we should charges freight lustrated C THE affords forob- change quarters containing extraordinary paid untrj in the of multitudes of whom is instructive without dull and Pardee Will Parsons Ebeuezer College superior advantages be able to annouuoe ourselves anil storage One Ohio man was charged on a experience being entertain Parish M W C a good completely with bushels short meas- the greater part remain unto the present time The Rigclon taiuing handwriting settled we have not vet reached grain consignment ilfty but some arc fallen It was a ing without being trival January number Sanderson Alex Stephenson Joe Plain visiting cards with name written 25 ctB Although ure The shipper on application to the elevator asleep capital a new volume and a new is a Smith John Tullman E R per dozen that we desire to announce the found the false and further dis- idea to call forth and mass together the testimo- beginning year point change charge utterly nies ol witnesses if for else to Thompson S C Wilson U W For particulars and specimens address with in our business office the News covered that his grain h id been sold at a price living nothing good specimen of the magazine and offers a fav W F LYON Hereafter was bushel less show that prayer has Dot ceased from among Persons callingfor the above letters please say stamp that twenty percent per than orable opportunity for new subscribers to begin V will be found in the new building recently He has been lor a men nor God ceased to show himself right of Advertised O Allen PM Finneys quotations engaged to save These testimonies It ia enibelished with two fine steel- erected by Mr E J Goodrich on South long time in these practices and is reputed to be heart and mighty engravings well oil He to- in the of the will give zest to this volume and insure it a wide The Flower- Gatherers and George Washing- IV Main street This building espe- left night custody and welcome I trust conduce ANTED designed Sheriffs nicer New York Herald reception it may ton and his The first is a child- cially for our needB is a model office The powerfully to receive the spirit of prayer and Family piece MARKET REPORTS lower floor will be The above- mentioned gentleman is at pres- thus forth into former vigorous develop- very beautiful in design very tender in senti occupied in front by the ment bring tlutt Two Hirst- class Canvassers business ent residing with Sheriff Brainan at Elyria the glorious spiritual power hangs ment and admirably engraved The second is CANVASSERSto and editorial office in the rear bv upon it Henry Cowles work on commission or a salary Apply stock press and job rooms The peculiarly appropriate to the centennial year Financial Market at once at this oilice 45- tf upper story in uni- will be occupied in the rear the O Dec 18 75 comprising portraits of Washington his by composing Ouerlin December 22 1875 room The front room will be rented When Ed News Dear Sir Letters from Platteville LITERARY form as general of the army of Martha Wash- we ington of WmLee and of the children Geo Buying Sellln completed shall have an elevator run- Col this week toll of an exciting time there two Gold 114 FOR SALE ParkeCustis and Eleanor Parke Cus- ning from the cellar to the upper story thus weeks ago littlo Katie Sutherland went out on Books Washington Silver large 105 108 the best of for con- the with her to search for tis We may add that each monthly numberof the Silver small 103 105 affording conveniences plains father cattle Geier Wally a Tale of the Tyrol is No 40 of Ap oi 1881 conn 124 forms from the calves Eclectic contains at leastonc steele- nLravingusually Sixes l4i SALE FARM- A good farm of 126 acre veying composing room to finding them he sent her with the while plctons Library of choice novels It is a German Five- twenties 1812 117 US FORwith good house and barn This property the room and and fuel he On a portrait of some man distinguished in let- Fivo- 18l4 press paper from the went further to look for cows returning story giving something of an insight to pleasant twentica is situated at the center of Brighton township cellar to the room The at seven oclock in the evening she had not ters art or politics Of the literary attractions of Five- twenties liSiiS old 115j Lorain county and is very near to church school engine situation life In Tyrol Published D Co 120 this come A sisging- school being in session many by Appleton the number the most are A Eive- Tweuties ISfiSnew house and poto- flice 30 acres is in good timber renders almost invaluable for the print- men some of 50 cents January striking Five- lsii7 122 300 A were soon searching for her them Received 1rem E J Goodrich Price f twenties ma land with seme good thrifty maple trees business no chance for in- out all the next synopsis of the curiously ascinatiugMemoirs of Five- twenties 1808 123 frame and for ing leaving any continuing nearly night day Frederick is No 48 of Li 18 good building complete facilities terference with the so Sunday Nov 28th about forty horsemen and Brigadier ApplctoDs Saint- Simon an article by Prot Tyndall on Ten- forties ex- coup 117 118 making sugar light amply provided on in all direc- of Novels is Erckmann- six Most of our citizens have learned of our many foot scoured the country brary and written by Materialism and its Opponents an excellent I wish also to dispose of five or tions without tinding the child On Monday Chatrian The is a of the Prussian hor- ses harnesses wagons a lot of farm and have us a visit to see the the search commenced when about two story history paper by Col Chesney on Sherman ana John- change paid again invasion and the reader in a situation Oberlin implements a lew tons of good timothy machinery work We shall soon be com- oclock p m a man came in bringing her sale brings ston Galtnns suggestivo paper on The His- Market hay in barn put up in prime order and one stack and sound She had wandered about fifteen that enables him to appreciate the force of being tory of Twins an admirable arti- of about 5 tons hay in Held also a lot of wheat pletely fitted up and shall be glad to show miles south cabiu whose own- biographical be sold finally entering a driven out by the Germans Published by D cle on Two Danes Thorvaldsen and Ander- aud oat straw The above property will our friends about the office Persons desir- er being absent she waited his return and he December 22 1875 at sale on reasonable terms and posses- Co Received from KJGoodrich sen au on private ing to see the at work can do bo cook tier home On being asked n sue was not Appleton entertaining treatise Automatic session giyen any time between now and the llrst press any afraid she said mother had told 50 cents o liutter24i26 23c Cheese 11 at atter two Nofor her her Price Chess and Card Playing another description of Payin- Eggs of April For further information apply the ueanesuay aiternoon oclock if she was good God would always take care of llcHon- eystrained z2ucomb25c Apples- green News olllce or of The Dutch and ihetr Dead Cities a collection 1 There is a suggestion we would like to her she said the wolves followed her all the last Magazines 0ucff80 Dried tahi Peaches peeled un- 8tf W M Battle Oberlin O make to our friends here We have night and when asked if she ran from them she of OConnelliana a brief paper on the natural peeled 1013 Potatoes 2530 sweet40fflr0 Beans right com co Science for December contains 1 50 Onions been to considerable in and buu io ior nor miner mem nevwi run Popular Monthly history of the Arctic Region and another giving 405Oc Cabbages 4g8c Tur expense moving from a wild animal or they would surely tear its usual amount of selentific miscellany Prof nips2550 Poultry Dressed Chickens 12 them in ftncl She the Recent History of the Pitcairn Islanders 13 Pork- LEGAL NOTICES adding improvements and we shall expect nieces whon asked if did not John writCB of Martinean and Material- Turkeys Dressed 8jc Hams Su them to assist us cry the little heroine replied she did not for Tyndall Besides these there is some good poetry stories Shoulders 7H ard 14c Tallow 7c Hides- by renewing their subscrip- fear she ism Prof Barnard an illus- trimmed 50 as as would not hoar them call her whom she gives interesting by Mrs Alexander author of The Wooing green 5jc sheep pelts 601 Wheat APPOINTMENT tions promptly possible There are a r her on Ot 1 1 15 Corn 15c 62c thought would be out searching f This trated paper Opossums and their young Mias C U shelled ear Wood Hard that old and Fraser- and the usual well- 4 a cord 4 200 S3 00 good many through the of little girl was scarcely nine years The in which he be- Tyler of ft Stove Wood Soft Oats stringency gives many pleasing incidents filled ex- new 33c the timos have allowed Kituiiv utiu ueen in tne uiujumuis una editorial departments Surely it is an FTEREBY their subscriptions to it have beenrcsiunvgitartU the eilect of such educa sides are exhaustive scientific accounts IS GIVEN that the under- We may Strange acting taste that will not find something here to NOTICE beon and get in arrears trust all such will pay tion which enabled her to be so bravo yot she Mental Faculties in Disease is an signed has duly appointed qualified as soon as seems to interesting pa- satisfy it Published by E R Pelton 25 Bond Selling- FlourNo 1 Red Wheat 66 80 per bll as Executor of the last Will and Testament of up possible thus us in have had great confidence that God Lo- aiding per bylButterworth Othar articles on Geog- 5 Buckwheat Hour 454 50 per cwt Com Meal A Allen deceased late of Henrietta wouiu iano care oi ner street New York Terms per 1 50 dridge our year single Bran 100 1 80 Chop 75 Ohio JOHN S DENT meeting obligations S H F raphy and Evolution Diamond- The 45 Middlings Feedl rain County Respectfully cutting number cents Oil Meal 2 50 Salt Fine 1 60 Coarse 2 00 2- 4 OBEttLJN WEEKLY NEWS THURSDAY DECEMBER 23 1875 BUSINESS A delinquent arrested for drunkenness Subscriptions J Insurance DIRECTOR PUBLISHERS DEFT was asked at the Police Court what he had done with his money Invested it in was W B DU RANDS HA TirROOM lots was the reply What lots TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS the next question Lots of whisky he ADVERTISING KATES ATH- HOOMS served with with a serious face hot ami MM replied NEWSPAPERS AT COST Gfeneral Agency hese rooms have been recpnllv fmPi Hollis Caramels at Harmon h ill I lie lute nmrm Terms Net Cask 46- 33 tf n E9ENT8 r Beechers II tk- s Im those who desire shiivlng i V 1 inir I c T1MJJ 3 in 4 In X News office Is the place to get linlr dressing in any of Its branches nci1 The We are now prepared to offer to Subscri- AND ACCIDENT OKAYING will also be lone Hs 6 10 oo LIFE FIRE MARINE lieritofor 1 week S3 0 i3 26 3 75 f4 76 i 00 fine done iliincl hut and slilmli t your printing bers to the SEWS the following list Kiirnlture a bill- heads letter- heads 1 specially Royce sye 15 S 15 4 75 5 60 7 00 9 00 15 00 Envelopes of periodicals at the owest Club Tlace f 51 Sweekt BLOCK EAST COLLEUi 43- KttxJ and note- heads printed at the News Job Rates All periodicals are OFFICE Remoyed to VIETS SIKttl ly week 3 HI 4 75 S 00 7 00 9 00 11 50 19 00 Room Post- Paid STATE OF OHIO INSURANCE DFPAKTMEM COLUMBUS Dec4 1876 50 3 22 00 1 mo t oo 5 75 7 15 8 50 10 50 Business cards and envelopes printed fit St Louis tn Ine COLLEGES H WTTirHirAQ Th ST IOUIS Insnratice Company located its in the latest 6tyle at the News Job Rooms J Battle Co mJm Vflledln llin oitlee a sworn statement Jy tlic proper officers thereof Bliowlnr 8 mo T 00 10 00 18 OO 15 01 10 00 24 00 40 00 sitol in all respect wftltle o tLls State relating to lire the St Louis nmiLManiburs1C 5VompVd las Hj- of TfMAN i The old bald- head ILlVl kku Jolletre open Insnrance TV of of 1 y 6 mo 11 00 18 0OIJ1 00 43 00 29 00 38 00 05 00 A man can law I AM D H ILL Snperintemlent Instance s even n if Send stamp for circular iJ Times says fully appreciate Post- to Address Jlifo dVhe 1 Its business ot Anj One Sent paid any the pflViJoRKJSinSfII I salf CO Is authorized to transact appropriate oo of winter when he awakes S Stiteof elverlJIV mny the curre The condtlon and business 1 10 00 1 8 00 25 00 32 0037 00 18 00 60 1M0O the terrors lU year year rb1rn jlrlK31 lb Is as follows uear and finds the bed clothes on of said al the date of suet statement December shown COTjIjEGKWrcesters BWv morning company COMMEKCIA1 Mtis9- Block column or with the floor and himseli engaged in a gigan- 22 llnOand iy8 Klyria Ohio Advertisements set in double available Assets 320596 sinmp uir cniiinii givm inn inionujtlon to crawl under liis shirt Aggregate amount of mens of Address Klini P on wood lire subject to a charge of tic struggle up re- 11868 71 spec penmanship I electrotype Aggregate amount of Liabilities except capital inchiping insurance bind Lock Box hi OberliuO or Kline 4 h vu 10 per cent additional A Chkistmas Present A 258727 51 Splendid i 10 91 50 Net Assets Notices under the special headings of For Cabinet with six stops piano harp American Agriculturalist 240000 00 Organ Home 2 00 2 6o Amotiut of actual paid up Capital Sale To Let Wanted etc on 5th patre attachment with action complete Arthurs Magazine 18727 57 piano Atlantic 3 20 4 00 JOB not five lines 50c each insertion Ad- the and Monthly Surplus 83 PRINTING exceeding combining promptness precision Appletons Journal 3 25 4 00 Amntint nf inrrvme fnr thj nrprepdinn year in Cash 135350 5c insertion of ditional lines each of the piano with the sustaining power Advance 2 40 u 00 in cash 104807 10 Amount of expenditures for lliepreceding year H A CO 1 T BATTLE Publishers notices on this 10c per line for the organ thus rendering the instrument Halloas 10 1 50 name and office to e nm xeel the Proprietors onB page Monthly In witness thereof I save hereunto s ibscrlbeI my caused the seal of my J Wkkkly N exts bieum Book and lob lrin of the effect of either a Cincinnati 1 SO 2 00 I HlLL superintendent and West llrst insertion and 5c per line each subsequent capable giving Gazelte day and jetir above written Wll corner Collejrt tlace College i Oberib Insertion piano or organ or both combined One Cincinnati Times with Hand Book 1 45 2 Q Hy Wm Ewino Deputy of the inventions of the It is Cincinnati Commercial 1 S5 2 00 CHANGES in advertisements must be m great age who like Cincinnati 1 40 2 00 ATTORyJSTS week NEW especially valuable to persons Enquirer weekly Machines before Saturday morning of each C r0 7 50 Wagons Sewing as the piano and organ but donor feel able Cotemporarv Review Advertisements must be received as early 1 25 1 50 to own both Both piano and organ are Clevelund Herald weekly T A WKBSTEU AttorneYatL- aw Xm noon to insure their insertion in the Cleveland 1 25 1 50 L 11c and Heiil Estate Office on Tuesday not to out of tune Call and Leader premium Aent south warranted ijet 1 8 Clies- following issue at room No 2 DetroltTribune t4 00 Wagons p see sample instrument 1 CO 2 00 Business Cards of live lines or under S500 per westEide on Detroit Free Press DOMESTIC Royce Block entrance any trl- 4 60 6 00 lines 75c Detroit Free Press weckly H1NMAN AtoriivatLa- w and Jim year in advance Additional per year 11 1 O 0l day at oclock tf Demorest Monthly f chroino 2 3 10 3 Until the first EH1ubllc North Amkerst free Marriage and Death Notices A Marylander who died the other day Evening Post weekly 1 30 y otof Marchiviarcn next we SEWING MACHINE for his heirs to his doc- Graplrc dally 10 80 N YE AttorueyatL- aw and left directions pay C Nfl will sell WagonB J KotarvImutl tor bills and has heirs wont do it on the Godeys Lady Book ciroiuo 2 40 vA at the following D JClyrIu0 NOTICES that he was insane Yesyhe must Galaxy 3 20 4 00 PUBLISHERS ground Harpers Weekly 3 25 4 00 been H lit Law have 3 25 4 00 P LANG Attorney- Notary Ptiblli Bazar p Harpers AGENCY ueuerai iina ao Watsons 1 All persons indebted to Weed Ed 3 25 aijcui Once in a whilea man gets the starch Harpers Monthly 3 Inch Skein 75 00 note or account are re 2 50 so taken out of him that wards either by Hearth and Home tiliich Skein su uti 1 w its 1 AttomeyatU- thoroughly 1 1 0U morgan ouested to call and settle before Jan 1st Horticulturist 0 1- 14 ll Charles f no use A few a i r lnch Skeinti5 C Nstarv- Piiblic 1ubllc Square next 0i trying days ago prairie r- 1 25 Ocean j O jrj- as we wish to close our accounts for the Iiitt weekly lntffl Bunk Cleveland ly schooner passed eastward Peoria 2 70 through year l Independent new subscribers On its canvas cover was pain tea in large Ltdies Floral Cabinet chroino 1 00 1 30 With Box Top Box letters the back to my 3 10 4 00 Spring Seat Neck- PHYSICIANS legend Going Llppincott Whiflle- folks St Louis 0 5 voko anil wifes Republican Living Age trees ittul Chain Prospectus 3 00 4 00 Stay Leslies Illustrated News all included R HAYWARD Homeopit hist Office iJm Pure Drugs at Harmon Beechers La Creme De la Crenie 3 00 4 00 D Jilock residence w est jorain street 37tf A Repository of Fushion Pleasure anl In Manufacturer and Builder 1 37 struction 4 00 5 00 Toilet Soaps of all kinds at Harmon Nation new subscribers and clergymen Brown k Sod TTTlM TITTVrK will nrnctii- pniPfllnliiP nnrt 4 50 5 00 M 0M YV In and 61- Nation renewals Oberlin the surrounding comm Beechers store tt ue drug New York Tribune 1 35 tjails ieil Rl ills oince mum or uaj wm prom weekly attended to Ollice and residence 4i Suuih Main finest lot of Candies in town are semi- 2 50 The HARPERS BAZAR New York Tribune weekly for tho Mil- at 2 75 3 50 Agents to be found Harmon Beechers New York Times burn Wagon Co 37- ILLUSTRATED 1 2 9- NOBLE and tf New York Times weekly 35 00 ly LLEN Physicians Surety a eo A The finest stock of pocket knives and North American Review 6 0u New Medical Journal 3 25 1 00 razors in town at ce needier 8 Notices oft he Frees York iiarmon 1 Hu 2 15 JOHNSON and Sureer 37- The Bazar is edited with a combination of tnct Ohi Farmer TToMKIt Physician tf Prospectus 11 and tiilent that we seldom ilna in tiny journal Oliver Optic Magazine 2 25 3 00 Oberlin Another invoice Blocking Cases just nad the journal itself is the organ of the great PetersonB Musical Monthly 3 OU 4 00 received at A B Johnsons Worcesters world of fashion Boston Truvelier Petersons 1 50 2 00 Buaar commends itself to member of Magazine JAMES HULL A CROSS M D Office overso 31- The every Science 1 00 6 00 Agent WILLIAM Block South Main Street tf to tne cliilclrcn uy arou una pret- Popular Monthly West Colleue street Residence Is household 1 the 1 2 00 2 50 e Gin- i ii Ohio Those moved or ty pictures to the young lady by its fashion Rural New Yorker rol swti wishing buildings 2 75 1876 raised should call or address L P plates in endless variety to the provident matron Scientific American Page Gy its patterns for the childrens clothes to pa- Serlbners 3 20 O O Box 3S6 15tf for embroider- Monthly Oberlin P ter families hy its tasteful designs St 2 40 The attention of ed luxurious But Nicholas persons desiring slippers and dressing- gowns 2 A new Lumber Wagon for sale very of Baxur is of Standard of the Cross 50 the reading matter the uniformly Machines is called to a large Office cash Bros 4- tf The has a wide State Journal weekly 1 25 Sewing F SIDDALL Dentist over Western cheap for by Carter great excellence paper acquired atore Carter Bros have a few first- class soft popularity for the fireside enjoyment it aflords The Republic Washington D C 1 50 stock of Second- Hand Machines com- N Y Evening Pent The Methodist New York 2 25 coal burners for sale at cost for the 30 In its there is like it Fresh and 1 some of the most way nothing The Nursery 10 prising prominent R KNOWLTON Dentist OfllceOverVr Remember the and Xo this trust- worthy asa fashion guide its stories and Block East College street days place are all weekly Witness 1 00 1 50 I SINGER HOWE c 30 48- essays its poetry andsqtiibs invigoruting makes offer the offer for days only tt to the mind Chicago Eoenino Journal Waverly Magazine 4 00 6 00 Just received at Mead Sons 14 WEED WHEELER WILSON East College street a large invoice ol CLEVELAND WILSON Under- Feed and others at choice canned Fruit to be sold cheap Medical REGORY HOUSE Gregory Van Horn Pny Free to all Subscribers In the United States T ftorfl New London Ohio This House Ispni R B Mead Son the Confectioners Postage iy new large and commodious handsomely farml keep the largest and finest stock of Con- Harpers Bazah one year H oo Purchasers Own Figures and centrally located Contains gooa sample rooi fectionery in Oberlin a large portion of 14 oo includes prepayment of U S postage by the which is of their own manufacture Call publisher TARK HOUSEOberlin Ohio Joel Terrlll pr Subscriptions to HarnerB Magazine weekly and These Machines will be Sold for the and see them at 14 East College street Bazar to one addresB for one yeiir lo oo or two of Centaur l pneior arner s Periodicals to one auuress ior one year Ex- no e Dodgers gotten up in time and in 7 oo postage free HERALD First Reasonable Offer Call and MERICAN HOUSE Wellington Ohio V U on the most attractive style at the News Job An Extra Copy ol either the Magazine eeklv or amine them at 8 and 16 Viets Block A alien paiu lu iraveirs Rooms Bazar will be supplied uratle for livery Club ofFlve Stan Wilcox Proprietor Subscribers at H oo each In one remittance or Six Street Hollis pure homemade Candies al- Copies for oe without extra copy postage free East College LEEBE HOUSE corner of Main and Court sire fresh at Harmon Beechers Back numbers can be supplied at any time U iuyria o this House is situated in tne cen ways In oi the business section of tlie city It has secei The Annual Volumes of Hamers Bazar neat eeu is a first- in resr 46- tf be sent bv free of refitted and class hotel every cloth binding will express expense iniments 61 Proprietor Edwin Hall for Castoria is as for J7 oo each A complete set comprising Eight Children cry It volumes sent on receipt of cash at Hie rate of 5 1a I have a to take as and is abso- per vol at expense of purchaser Perfectly pleasant honey Irelght The Clereland Herald for tlie year 1876 will con- BOOK STORES lutely harmless It Is sure to expel worms Prominent attention will be iriven in HarperB Tlie Quickest Surest and Cheapest tinue as heretofore a FIrst- Clnssand Reliable News- Weelclv to the illustration of the Centennial Inter paper Its Editorial Management will be fearless cure wind colic regulate the bowels and national Exposition Remedies aud not controlled or NEW STYLE of DOMESTIC by any party clique GOODRICH Books Stationery Plctn stomach and overcome irritability caused Newspapers are not to enpv this advertisement Frames Wall etc Corner is a without the e press order ol Harper Brother Which will suit the most fastidious EJi Paper College by rash or cutting teeth It perfect recommend and Farriers declare that surely llain Btieets Oberlin Oil Costive- Address HARPER BROTHER New York Physicians substitute for Castor and for no such remedies nave ever oetore been In use ness in young and old there is in Words are but the of these articles REGAL Dealer n Books Station nothing1- cheap proprietors EDWIN existence so effective and reliable 14 will present trial bottles to medical men as a Call and See it Pictures Picture Frames Wall Paper etc gratis 2 West College street Oberlin Ohio We cant all be President of the United THE GREAT REPUTATION guarantee of what they say JAMES States one of us can throw ashes THE CENTAUR LINIMENT WHITE WRAP BULL but any Which VEGETINE has attained In all parts PER will cure Rheumatism BOOTS AND SHOES and as a Neuralgia Lumbago on theicy spots help human nature of the country sore S a sudden sit- down sciatica caken ureasis nippies frosted eet and 16 East College Street along unruffled by Cbillblalns and Swelltugs Sprains any ordinary DAILY 3- tf 1 ROYCK Manufacturer and Dealer in Bootsii We have a few first class Bard Coal Great Good Medicine FLESH BONE OR MUSCLE AILMENT j onoes a o io est uoige street Stoves second hand that we will close out and the large number of testimonials which are con- We make no pretense that this article will cure from who been 48- stantly being received persons have Cancer restore lost bones or health to a at a bargain by Carter Bros tf cured by Its use are conclusive prooi of its great give wulskey soaked inhuma- Miscellaneous Kedive of value It is recommended by physicians and apoth- carcass But It will always reduce The Egypt cant speak Eng- ecaries As a Blood- Puriller and Health- Restorer it tion and 1 allay pain lish very well and when he strikes his has no en n m Morning and Evening VEG ETIN E is not for a drink made It will extract thenoison of bites ard stings and P A o New Boohs on B UILDING stove arid bobs prepared iancy a Tof7WI K N St 27 shin against the around it from poor liquors which debtllates the system and neai uuriib or ecaius wimuui tear rais weak Jt free BIC ELL CO Warren stNY to Back Caked BreHSts Earache Toothache Itch anb is lonesome to hear him try to do justice tenos destroy health instead oi restoring it utaneous to Its treatment I 30 EL KG ANT OILCIIROMOS moun- Are not the many testimonials given for the differ irruptions readily yieiu prilTPI to the occasion to Henry Black of Ada Haidin Co O savs Mv ALlLll O ted size 9x11 for tl Novelties and ent complalutssatlsfactory any reasonable persons T- CLOTHIERS tlerlnir from dlsense that can be cured Head the wife has had rheumatism for live yearn no rest no erms Aununi 10 Chromos of every description National Cromo Call and see those Patent Rocking could walk across the floor She Is per Co Pa different testimonials given and no one can doubt In sleep scarcely use Philadelphia on castors No rockers to stumble oi cases now completely cured by the oiCeniaur Llulmen Chairs many these the persons say that meir pain We all feel thankful to you and for the beat and fastest- T A STRAUS Clothiers Talld B and suffering cannot ba expressed as in cases of recommend your Merchant over or mar other furniture at A Serofula ihe whole was one BelliBir book ever ntih dealers in ail kinds ot gentlemen furnish where apparently body IS Worcesters Block South Main mass of If V KGETINE will relieve James Hura of Zanesvlllp O savs The Cpninnr shed Send for circulars and our extra terms to ijoods Everything first- class Johnsons corruption pain CO 111 31- cleanse nnd cure such diseases the uuimtui cureu my Agents NATIONAL PUB Chicago street tf purity restoring neuralgia or Mo patient to perfect health alter trying different phys- Alf red Tush Ol Newark writes Send me onp doz St Louis Iclani many remldies suffering for years Is it not J KAMER A ECKERT Clothiers Merchant Ti Dk Sloan was opposed to all en bottles by express Ihe Liniment has saved my Chances for all Male ors anu dealers in furni bitterly conclusive proot If you are a sufferer yon can be want to c Lb all kinds ol Gents medicines he cured is thlB mecilclne uch leg l aisinuuie it and Female Ing Goods patent yet prescribed Why performing great sale this Ib Short Cut Agents cures It works in the blood in the fluid The of Liniment Increasing rapidly 1st of 187C and Canvassers Free Halls Balsam for complaints can circulating After the day January we shall publish a lung It be truly called the Great blood Purifier The THE YELLOW CENTAUR LINIMENT To Information and free When asked to explain he said Halls great source of disease originates in the blood and Samples Wealthwith every order P O Box 5367 DRUGGISTS Balsam is not a medicine but is no medicine that does not act directly upon it to Is for the tough skin flesh and muscles of HILTON CO 152 Worth street N Y patent purify nnd renovate has any just claim upon public HORSES MULES AND ANIMALS one of those fortunate discoveries that aitenMon When the blood becomes lifeless and WJ A Agents lor the best Belling Dealer In We have never yet teen a case of Spavin KITrn worlcf AAVERY Drugs Medlcinuuj a to The doc- stagnant either from change of weather orcliniale Sweeny I tUPrize Pnokafte In the H o rocenes 1rescriptions prepared prove blessing humanity want of exercise irregular diet or from any oilier Ring- bone Wind- gall Scratcuesor Poll- Evil which tf All it contains 15 sheets paper tor was in the latter of his cause the VEGETINE will renew the blood carry 15 Goltlen Pen Pen right part off this Liniment would not speedily benefit and we TRI- envelopes Holder Pencil ARMON BEECHER In Dr There is no the putrid humors cleanse tlie stomach regulate WEEKLY yatent Yard Measure and a ol Dealers statement better remedy Die bowels and Impart atone of vigor to the whole neversaw but a few cases which It would not cure piece Jewelry II raints varnishes etc Jo 7 West college 1 Is as Single package with prize 25c for diseases of the chest and lungs per body The conviction on the public mind well It will cure when anything can It is folly to spend1 elegant postpaid as In medical Circular freeBRIUE CO 769 N Y FU the profession that the remedies sup- 20 for a one Broadway CO Drugs Medicines Oils bottle plied by the Vegetable Kingdom are more sale more Farrier wli en dollars worth of Centaur GARDNERetc Now is the time successful in the cure ol disease than mineral medi- Liniment wtll do better The lol lowing- Is a sample Remember This of cines VEGETINE Is composed of roots barks and of the testlmon y COUGHS COLDS herbs It Is to take and Is safe to produced Tuesday Thursday A Saturday HOARSENESS the year for Pneumonia Lung Fever pleasant perfectly W P Postmaster O give an Inlant Do you need it Do not hesitate to HopkiuB Piqua says AND ALL THROAT MSEASEg BANKS i Coughs Colds and fatal results of pre try It You will never regret It Centaur Liniment cant be beat It cures every disposition to Consumption and other time NATIONAL BANK of Oberlin WELLS CARBOLIC TABLETS FIRST Rr- Throat and Diseases Boschees Yelverton O March 2 1874 TermB Annnm 4 Atld Sell finvoriiniPiit il a c an Lung per PUT UP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES pons Iin has been used in this The Centaur Liniments are thebest medr Foreign and Domestic Exchange Drafts gi German Syrup selling A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY neighborhood for the past two or three Cannot be Excelled we have ever had The demand Is ery great for It T F Daniels Castile and we cannot afford to be without H For sale by Druggists generally ana Hilt am Hulburd President without a failure to cure If 19 18C9 FULLER years single CHARLKSTOWX March H FULLEll Chicago in have not used this medicine H It STEVENS P HIS BY SON you yourself Mo 1873 to Harmon Beecher Dear Sir This Is to certify that I have used your Jefferson Nov io PEN MA NSHIP go your Druggist Blood Preparation In my family for several y9ars Some time airo I was shinnlnE- horsee to St Louis 4ManWhen death wasofhourlyThousandsexpected troui ton- and I or Cankerous Humors V and ask him of its wonderful success think that for Scrlula I got one badly crippled In the car ith great dllllcul sumption all remedies having failed and Dr ATOKMAL orRheumatlcAffectionsit cannot be excelled and James INSTITUTE Of Snonrlan P U among his customers Two doses will a blood and medicine Is Die best ty I got him to the stable The stable keeper gave me was experimenting ho made connected with as purifier spring it a x- a accidentally Xl Oberlin College Forsrecic 1 and I noiiie oi your ceutaur iniment wnicn l used with preparation of INDIAN HEMP which cured i- relieve the worst case If you have no thing have eyer used have used Blmost every success in WEEKLY r rrincipsi I can recommend It to any one in such that two days the horse was active his only child and now gives this recipe free on iHijauuiess lyos medicine a thing cheerfully and nearly well 1 have been a to faith in any just buy Sample need of such a medicine tor veterinary Burgeon receiptor two stamps pay expenses HEMP Bottle of Boschees German for 10 Yoars respectfully thirty years but your Liniment beats anything I also cures nieht- sweats nausea at the stomach GROCERIES Syrup MRS A A DINSMORE ever useu and size Bottle 75 A J MCARTY and will break a fresh cold in 24 hours Address cents try it Regular 19 Russell Street Veterinary Surgeon Craddock Co 1032 Race Btroet For a we will a Philadelphia O1 cents Dont neglect a cough to save 75 postage stamp mall Centaur Every SATUEDAY naming this paper J FARRAR Dealer in Flour Feed Almanac hundreds of certificates from A mI1 Groceries Glass- W cents containing etc All Crockery State in the Union These sold kinds of VeKetablesin their season The latest and most reliable every Liniments are greatest What ib Needed by all dealers In the country Terms per Annum 125 remedy ever put together by medical Labratory ot J B Rose A Co HARDWARE science for Rheuraajism Wounds Swell- H R STEVENS ESQ 16 Dey St New York Dear SirAbout a year since I found myself in a Burns Caked Breast c is the feeble condltlou from VEGETINE flAHTEH A BROTHER TlMUr In Hard ings general debility Stoves and forStewtf There are two kinds was recommended to me by t friend who had and J Tin Ware Sole agents Centaur Liniment strongly arti- Cross sickly babies and children may enjoy health The oldest host appointed Institution for ou worn uone in manner been much benefitted by Its use I procured the B3Clubs with Herald and Obio Farmer pOBtane a Business Education nest What the White Liniment is for the hu- cle and was to and mothers have rest If will use castoria 3 obtaining after using several bottles restored they prepaid For circulurs addrecs man family the Yellow Centaur Liniment health and discontinued Its use I feel quite confi- Worms feverlshness teething wind colic sour stom- dent that there is no medicine to It for those P DUFF SONS TATeED A EDWARDS noniors in Storps Tin superior ach and undigested food make children cross and T is for spavined lame and strained horses complaints for which It is especially prepared and Pittsburgh Pa I Sheet Iron M are and Hardware of all 2- would recommend It to those who Jeel that produces sickness x and animals 14 cheerfully ii i Mchines etc Merchants Exchange they nted something to restore them to perfect health Casforla will assimilate the food worms and uam oireei made for a Respectfully yours expel AV IV Having arrangements sup- U L correct all these things For twenty Pitcher PETTINGILL yearsDr Good MEN T E I of the best new broom corn and S M Co In RELIABLEj AND WOMEN to so- ply Firm of Pettlnglll experlmenteb his private to an 10 Boston practice produce licit Orders in a F1UST- CLASS WELERS assistants the subscriber is about No Slate St ellctive Cathartic and stomach paying business JE good regulator which Send for Old established and reliable house Exclusive a at South Main street one wonld be as effective as Oil Specimens onilllf opening shop Castor without Its un- territory Liberal inducements offered and H TI1TTT V i n taste or constant Wii door south of Carpenters new building pleasant recoil employment given References as to Vy er in Watches Clocks Jewelry and Silver intends to take the utmost The reputation of his experiment extended character required For full particulars enclose He pains that GIVES HEALTH STRENGTH AND Physi- 3 cent stamp and address no work that goes out of his shop shall be cians and nurses rapidly adopted his remedy to MAILED FREE APPETITE which he the name of Castoria HILDRETH YOUNG Sk poor and solicits patronage from the gave CO LI VER T STA BLES Castoria Is aB to take as Union business men of the place and the sur- pleasant honey regulates City Erie Co Pa My datrhter has received great benefit from the use the stomach and bowels and does not gripe It is rounding region He also intends as far ofthe VEGETINE Her health was a to declining A adapted all ages contains uo alchohol and Is abso- to students and others fource of anxiety to all of her friends few and rt as possible employ great harmless to the most A trents and on TJhornl teams furnished at all hours aiid at reasonable wish to in this business bottles of the VEGETINE restored her health lutely tender infant Newsdealers sminlled Tarm ChromoTTTCIC who may engage strength aud appetite Try Castoria once and you will never be wit Ap plication made in person or by mall a reasonable for H N TIL- DEN hout and give compensation and Real It We ran assure llifl rpndfr thnt th Wo- Tiffio h The Great Atlantic RU Insurance Estate Agent and Beet Pacific Tea Co BARNARD WKTHERHKE Flue their work In connection with this and No iJ Sears Building Boston Mass Prepared at the Labratory of J R Rose Co Hi Largest Taper in Cleveland and now enjoys Horses New at theii Liverr Headquarters 35 and 37 St JV Carriages for the of he New 2- U Vesty T on East College street next to Park House solely purpose doing good Dey street York AN intends to establish a general agency ORGANIZATION FOR business for Lorain County in all new Gained Fifteen Pounds of Flesh IMPORTING DRY GOODS and valuable improvements and for the A Circulation and direct to consumers TEAS MiHcellaneous Larger m- selling for one small of all 17 1872 oat Sixty Branch Retail Stores etc sale and circulation useful books South Berwick Me Jan Oil Bcai STRAUS Dealer in Dry Goods H R STEVENS Esr Chromos of dilloront sizes to pur- M Block JJorth Main street tracts etc anew 1 presented periodicals Starting Dear Sir I have had Dynpepsln in Its worse form chasers of 2 3 4 or 5 of Tea The Co on God for and of dol has pounds n dependence wisdom for the last ten years and have taken hundreds PHYSICIANS PRESCRIPTIONS Than Paper in tUe now ready for delivery a splendid Chromo means the co- and lars worth of medicine without obtaining any relief anj City entitled NIPAND TUCK a new three NOTARY PUBLIC he invites operation In Sept last I commenced taking the VEGETINE AND sh0 a pound all lovers of God and of hu- since which my health has Improved Kil0 m1 ively skiish between baby prayers of time steadily and his pot dog for the possession of a doll My food digests well and I have gained fifteen 1 It is man All persons who may see In f 10IlrK u iilett progress pounds of ilesh There are several others this tellfJifi so description can Deeds the store oi SC and who Lave VEG ETIN E and all obtained rellel the story well as the ar- W etcover this advertisement may place taking have Family Recipes Fairbanks Benedict Co tist The bottle simple title of the broom corn to of are invited to Yours truly is just Nip and Tuck and must dispose THOMAS E MOORE ACCURATELY 11reiitoU K for deli v see or correspond with the subscriber Overseer of Card Room Portsmouth Cos Mills Compounded ery at ready OMNIBUS Wheaton is Sold all 18 Jay Veeetine by Druggists M Prospect and 360 Pearl Sts 0b O Oct 9 1875 45- tf J GARDNER WHITNEY MAYHEW proprietors u Obeblin CCw CLEVELAND O V to every train Ollice South Main O L E E TjJ2Sf ID O Oberlin Ohio OBERLIN WEEKLY NEWS THURSDAY DECEMBER 23 1875

in Rehearsal hum increases almost to a roar Thats DIRECTORY Rignold UTery Stable Slippers GENEIUL right he says and the curtain falls In When the curtain goes up again Rig- the succeeding Bcenes the trouble goes nold himself is on the Hia round- OOUKTT OFFICERS stage on Trouble with wooden HO FOR THE HOLIDAYS black covers a head of thin refractory topped hat horses and trouble with real horses THE PLEAS w w quiet O F1 V lr- nrlt OF CO IKT OF CoMMW dark hair and a piccadilly collar peepB II E L N Trouble in getting the shattered and bat cSoVcOf- OF COMWOX PLEAS- W above the velvet collar of the brown over- UT tered scenery into place and trouble mltl coat half conceals a suit of IKOBlTRi- rDRFL P Metealt that light gray in of no- PrtUSKCrTlSfi ATTOK BYGeo again keeping the large company Grents i of faded flllXHIFF- R E rnll ending in a pair patent- leathers Slippers rc n bodies in their proper places out of the acditok It I 11 with cloth His left hand is cov TlEASLKE uppers road The as it moves A FIXE ASSORTMENT KELOKDBIt iceberg again AT Successors t Favel Whitney ered with a kid and in his GEE Jr light glove WILL BE FOUND AT i ii- shakes off a cloud of and COHOSSii- HI rati V whitish dust H- r Mills he carries a slender cane He is rnM i Siov k- iiL rriK l right each curtain as it falls and each scene as B Clarke about five feet ten in per- IXFTrvTpY TMRTOKS- Ioseph height thirty shifts adds of to al- A Pond I S Mctealt it its share dust the SAMUEL ROYCES stoops slightly and would pass un- haps ready heavy air But with all the ex noticed in The scene any thoroughfare citement and rush and all the flow of un No 13 West College Street COUNTY JUSTIC S OF TEE PEACE is the one in which the king seated on a conventional words the play at last drags CLOTHING SALE Desire to call the attention of the in a In front of public to his E H stump indulges revery A M It Ell ST Ge- i C Prin Illiunau Henry itself through and the tired actors have Sign of the GOLDEN BOOT Hircnltig the stump is a large coarse green mat tf Avon A Theriioriiv nt- ni narrows Joseph not much more than time to get home to hretzer Rignold as he is about to take his seat supper before the audience begins to JittlitlTON Iiii H Hlcttmiid M bisa glances contemptuously at the mat and Kdwln H lii on Timest j li rtOWNIILM gather Philadelphia 11 Flick lucr Joseph hose then advancing to the footlights and rais Savings Bank Cajiuen W arren C John Patterson Shim C CakllbA- WlllliMi K V KOLrvir bolhiinsiife Harvey ing both his hands shouts Ho Mr Kerrs Record Klvhia J H baxon Joshua Myers Charles II Goodwin Is Mr Goodwin here or any Livery Establishment Jaiiie Hnlbnrt A D mUh manager Half a dozen supes to Mr C GraftOX MlSliTl hurry It was very proper that Michael H EN i I ETTA tiSlllii ItPaVs H I nines M Clark N U Grhtgs tell him that Mr Goodwin is present and should be LVTivOToy 1 Kerr the 1aGh AXGK L L Crane H llrwii supported entirely by P div F r G cfirf N Norton rhiilp Bunt Rignold breaks out with I want a new of leaders rld 1 more bitter the Southern He M Pit rs Fl bld Richard M lis Charles Mm k STRAUS Ki do E vill E liaiifv filakesley lames Healy mat here Mr Goodwin Ill not stand has been a very consistent friend of KOCHESTEit Ai Maim G L GUiimre Will lain I Harris W R L eke D of Send for a new mat VUisiA thissort thing theirs He voted against the bill grant- It has been lately enlarged and valuable Brown additions made to the stock Savings Deposit Bank of pays six SlIEFFIBLD L P Parke and Ill pay for it He is assured that a to the colored in the ol THE Elyria 1 suffrage people ou Wellinutun WHou- l ing percent compound interest Savings and new mat shall be forthcoming and one of of time deposits commencing with the lirst ol District Columbia He voted in favor each month well out of earshot ventures TOWNSHIP OFFICERS the supes of extending the benefits of the home- This Bank calls especial attention to its to Hes on his ear No 2 North Main and 2 East responsibility All the real estate and personal whisper getting aint stead acts to rebels immediately after the College property of all its stockholders amounting i S B G H H E the aggregate to Half a Million op Dollas Tiicstees Dudley Hulohiugs he of the rebellion and when is Leonard termination HORSES AND CARRIAGES pledged as secuiity to its depositors Th Treasurer Edwin Beiral For the tableau that is supposed to rep- the bill was to organize the Ter- public may therefore rest assu red that thore it CLEiK W B Iunmd pending absolutely no possibility of tlaeir suffering lo Asskssok G H Hmchinss esent the battle of Agincourt the most ritories of Nebraska Colorado Dakota by depositing their money m this Bank drew Jackson H I Coxstadlksn- Whitney elaborate are made The This Bauk will buy and sell Exchange Govera Thomas Utile preparations Montana Washington Idaho Arizona Care is taken to secure meat Bonds and other approved security mate Sotakies Public Iral Webster W P Harris J collections H in the rearbearsa battle scene and transact a general banking Lang drop dusky Utah and New Mexico which contained busines in all its branches and eight flat wooden horses that have T L NELSON Prest among otherB the following beneficent J C HILL Cashier CITY OFFICERS been quietly leaning against the wall are to wit Board of Directors Hon S S Warner Hon- provision W W braced on the On each of Neatness in Boynton Hon John C Hale Wm A firmly stage That within the Territories aforesaid there Style Turnouts Eraman Lorenzo Clark Johu WHart R A Montraville Stone be no denial of the elective franchise to cit- K G Mayor A C D phall Horr S Laundon W Borr I S Metcalt Council J Farrar Reamer WlUard Purr the horses is an uncomfortable board Beat col- izens of the United States because of race or and Jerome ManviUe 6- Aaron Bacon W T Hhderson Geo s Pay be ly U Wild man which sits But or and all persons shall equal before the law RecORPEIiA on the rider the great Our Stoek of consists of T 11 E AS L It E It E Johnson Mr Kerr was the first to Carriages Top Buggies Marsh al Gen Psuworth war- horse of the lot is an immense fellow among oppose j miuLun iirriicj5arouceswarenaous cast vote He also vo etc etc e can suit the most fas- Fancy Goods made of iron rods pasteboard hair and and his against it tidious in the line of horses neck ted against the bill regulating the tenure We ask simplv an in- BOARD OF EDUCATION blankets with his long twisted into spection of our of office and construction laws stables S LEVYS pn impossible shape and his four feet against the PRICE LIST 1867 he voted the act President Jmisou Smitn planted on a low pedestal which moun- In against prohibit Clerk of bounties to former Mottoes lOo Tkeasiiiek E JGoodrich ted on little wooden wheels carries the ing the payment C A Manlev Idwln ifeual E P Johnon H FAVEL Oberlin Ohio Book Marks 5o K F M- owners of BlaveB and favored his voice Suptof Public Schools mlton warrior to the center of the stage It is by No 14 and 15 North Main St Book Marks 2c NIon school South Main street and vote the for slaves on this ferocious charger that the Dauphin paying drafted 3- 2ly Motto Frames 50o of seated encoun into the military service this too for to Close Out Zephyr Worsteds oz ISo CHURCH France is in his bloody Desiring DIRECTORY after the of our Germ antown Wool oz 12 l- 2c ter with King Hal and as the Dauphin years proclamation emancipa Kid Gloves 2 buttons 100 tion and a or two after the close of pair First Con a n men Northwest corner of helps roll him to his place one of the ani year Carpets Kid Gloves 1 65o North Main and West Lorain streets Itev James the war When an act was to Ladies Merinos Vest and Brand Pastor Services 1030 am and 7 o mal s pasteboard ears dnps out ot its pending A Weekly prayer meeting Friday afternoon S oclock tail restore to the Union men of the South Pants each 70o Jfl and every Thursday eveninsf In Chapel of CouncI socket and his long vibrates perpen Felt Skirts 15o Hall Sunday School a a m Pastors residence No lands and other confisca- only 2 Place like a handle But the their property Fall and Winter CARPETS Collect dicularly pump Dont a of Second Conu Church South side West Col horse is no sooner in its place than troub ted by the rebel government Mr Kerr buy yard Carpet lece St Rev Judson Umich and Kev H train Mead until you have seen the S L E V Y Pastors Services 10311 a m and 7 p m Weekly le The on which he voted against that act thereby showing prayer meet In on Thursday evening In leg lure begins pedestal v of C room Sunday school a in stands is six inches high and from this a his estimate loyalty When the Four EEADY- MADE EEADY- MADE A RPETING- S Miscellaneous Baptist Church No 3 East Lorn in street Rev Amendment was before READY- MADE EEADY- MADE H H Bawden Pastar Services 1030 a m and 7 p long raking platform four feet wide teenth up the ni Sunday School i m Younc Peoples Praver House which amendment that EEADY- MADE READY- MADE Meeting Sunday at 6 p m Prayer meeting Thursday should slant gradually to the stage for the provides EExVDY- MADE MADE eveiilnir Pastors residence 33 North Pleasant St READ f of all persons born or naturalized in the No Methodist Church No 5 South Main St Kev double purpose hiding the pedestal and 215 Superior St CANARY BIRDS 7 I J R Jewett Pastor Services at 10n a tu and p of an on United States are citizens and that no m Weekly prayer meetine Thursday evening giving Harry elevated place Sabbath school a m Pastors residence No 12 State shall make or enforoe law which NEW BRUSSELS North Pleasant street which to stand in the coming fight But any We have an pndlpss varliitv nr those not cfimic f 3V sale nicely caged and shlpped to any part of the Christ P Kl Chirch No and Rectory fi5 since the last performance in Baltimore shall abridge the privileges and immuni- O L O H i H T Main St Kev 1030 I NEW INGEAIN South Judd Rector Services of such citizens also tela uiand pm Sundav Scliool 9 am beats tree this platform has disappear ties providing that One Pair Young Birds Good Singers 00 I mysteriously 5 00 ed and Eignold in a fury begins to the public debt and the debt incurred in NEW CHEAP CARPETS n V eiuier nme or emaie as desired Terms shout for carpenters and attendants who the payment of pensions and bounties We offer on and after Dec 16ih CAbH with the order We are also agents for the new THE ORIGIN OF MAIZE our entire Btock of those NEW LACE CURTAINS should have it in charge The latter come shall not be questioned but that all debts goods without regard to cost especially Silk Fowls of on with a rush and each in turn a incurred in aid of the rebellion or any These birds are Japan K get a large lot of covered with long silky hair instead In the days when the grand ol J woods untamed of SPECIAL PRICES f feathers green purple and variegated flesh very lashing from the actors tongue claim for the loss any slave shall be ellcate and tendpr Ihi- co c eft Stood erect in the sunsets red English and nincT and void Mr Kerr TO great layere never have cholera or gaps anil are Or besprinkled the rushing floods unnamed Wheres that platform Eignold shouts illegal distinguished sold at present for 48 ner pair or 410 for trio With the bloom of eieii- Ht terms lor ar ois Swans and other pet j their summers dead Whose business is to see is here himself by opposing the proposi- D it that it litterly own letter1 receipt of stamP Address by registered in Lived a maid in a hunters lodge as fair OutofT- Ho Penelly what do you mean by this tion It is now understood that the new IT ens Overcoats Customers t As a flower o the forest rude hard- Frank Co Aeentsf And as free as the free untroubled air Why didnt you see that that platform Speaker is a money man but in 1S69 Lindsey ITHIEL STONE 5- 3lr HOLSTON VIRGINIA Of its infinite solitude was here I look to you for these things he voted against the bill to strengthen and Youths Overcoats l Find or have a new one made I must the public credit that the But a spirt whose haunt was th9 river- shore it declaring No 512 SUPERIOR ST 6- 20 Oft caressing her slender feet slope gently down so I can stand on it bonds were payable in coin or its a Stole glance at the gentle face bent oer too bad should this Mr Hendricks states that he Cleveland Onio 45- 5 Its that I go through equivalent The Great Family Paner of AmPrlrn tbe onlv n- no The unrest of his windinj- shect Boys Overcoats turmoil I enough regards the passage of the above aB a set- exposing eyery swindle quack and humbug ami sav- And so limpid the depth of those dark every place go Its ins millions to the public is now ready forthecen- eyes of ennial and 100000 more Whence her innocent soul outshone why its heart- breaking tlement this question of quasir- epudiation campaign delighted subscrl That the of the stream desired but it seems Mr Kerr does not or Prospectus god with sighs At last a wide door is found for a tem Mens Suits STARS PA NGLEDBANNFR That the maiden might be his own porary platform and the act begins The did not so regard it as the following rec- umn paper Ledger size overflowing with charming PROSPECTUS FOR 1S76 OF THE Stories Tales Sketches Poetry Wit Humor and Then he twined oer his brow the dripping weed new men in the play are careful of every ord shows In January 1870 Mr Mc- MONTREAL WITNESS r un it gives an new Keceipts Rights Secrets Arts And the Youths Suits Ac Ac lias a Childrens Department n Medical De- mariner lily fair word and act to do juBt as they Neeley submitted the following resolu- partment Puzzlers Corner etc tslc and is a And in mood for trying perfect desperate loves mad need Tub tr lends of literature hnve Dy persever- Family Paper uk should before an audience But tion healthy Up arose from his lair Rignold ing diligence placed the Montreal Witness In the TTnmVmcrc Its specialty Is to expose every watery Resolved the Fraud Like a the maid no attention to his own recitals As That national debt shall be paid very first rank of newspapers The rapid arrow th of nUIUDUgS Ouack Swindler and Beat startled gazelle leaped back pays in strict compliance with the contract whether Boys Suits trashy reading and ot what Is positively vile Is stim- Every number has five columns of truthful reliable crood to statements No sawdust bond pi Neath the fluttering forests wing he mounts the hillock to lead his men to it be made payable in gold or or ulating people more earnest effirts than ever lottery gift or nut I greenbacks to Hll everv household with sound mental food A and can ever catchr vou if you read this With the flight of a fawn when fierce hounds their equivalent vui we condemn the policy of crllgame all track the conflict turnB to the auditorium which is mil- oleriryman lias lately secured for the Witness hun- paper It exposes swindlers without fear or favor irhe from the he the administration squandering dreds of subscribers and declares his Intention to and gives a llstof over 100U with names and escaped floods bold king lions of money b buying such bonds at a games and on his thin Btick he high make this one of his first duties In his present and Rllt 75 cents a year and is sent leaning wearily of when the has the TtA L prepaid rate premium government every future field of labor as he holds that by no rrciUai1 everywhere It Is lust the miner for But the sons of the gods are fleeter far clear to redeem them at meaus could he do so miicn for a shuts his eyes and repeats his lesson in a right par other the future of every home Northern or Southern It is not politi- Than the daughters of mortal kind A motion was to resolu We have also a large stock of neighborhood as by placing good reading in every cal religious or sectarian It waves for all Started made lay this family 1863 on 13 100 With the rush of a meteoric low sing- song voice and so rapidly that in it has gone for years and is read bv Btar Successive attacks upon the Wlntess during 000 people You want It and will have It sometime an- tion on the table and the motion was car each of the three In what has j He pursues and she flies like wind it is impossible to tell one word from past years culminating ried Mr voted A been called The Banofthe Roman Catholic Blsh Now a bend of the etream her eyes deplore- other however he bnt Kerr against it op of Montreal although not otherwise desirable cir- Occasionally opens cumstances have done a irreat deal to conceutrat- Elegant Chromos In her path is the death few davs afterwards Hon William mos size 0x11 ZfeXhl watery his eyes and gives a indication that the and Intensify the zeal of the friennsoi Temperance worth tl each inches finely mounted f Close behind is the god O fatal shore slight and religious liberty in favor ol the Witness and we oiler any four of these gems and Banner a of Iowa introduced a resolu SILK MUFFLERS an i nese are euro On her fase is a chill he is alive But when he reaches the Loughridge Indeed the fact that the last assault has ben followed wnote year iree ior i genuine damp breath lor six months with the most efforts to nios suitable tor any parlor 60 other premiums tion the Committee on Bank up untiring offered lines where standing before his handful instructing break down the paper on the part of the most power- f With panting of prayer Great M anitou to a bill in fulmoral opposition tiiut could be organized on earth Header remember 18701 sour of warriors and his sword above ing and Currency introduce and has resulted lu cutting us off from some at least AT ar Wrtrr centennial During Hasten now to deliver she waving would make fine Koman countrys pleads the at least S50 000000 They Christ- of those Catholic readers whose good will we this one year do take a National patriotic wide Then with sudden- born impulse swift she flew his head he shouts creasing currency mas formerly enjoyed and highly prized gives us1 per- awake paper one that is for right and against wrong presents some claim on the kind otllces 01 those wh a no or To a bower of Mr Ward moved to the resolution on haps value one that knows no party north south east f river reeds This is calld the feast of lay and belief ac- day Crispian free speech treedoiu of religious The est Otlt a paper lnienueu iui cini irwnuiii i And their tremulous stems about her bound He that outlives this and comes safe home which motion was tual diminution of the circulation of the Ddly saves money to its readers uy exposing tne iricKs day the table defeated Witness isoicourse small amount- Bwindledom and now is the time ou As if in the is named comparatively and traps of swept whirlwind storm Will stand a tip- toe when this day Mr Kerr it A few ing to about 600 out of 13000 or less than four per have nut it off too long Sandto- day Now is the ac- And behold in their embraces And rouse him the name of voting against days cent and does not effect us pecuniarily as we can time light wound at Crispian a In 10 all cepted still claim circulation equal volume that of 75 secures a She is changed to another form Now soldiers march and how Thou after the resolution was passed Mr Kerr Ties Scarfs Gloves Wristlets rest ofHie the Only cens this paper year away the dully city press probably majority OXjX-qitIj1J With four charming chromos only fl 6 I Ocean of our old lioman Catholic renders beinj such still 15 100000 lcasest God dispose the day voting for it Inter he numbers sent for cents Specimens ready She is rooted in earth her rare rcund arms Tne progress of the paper may gathered approx- sent free to all Send for it now Costs nothing to then he warm up his eyes flash and he imately from the following llguaes see Pend to- to BANNMi PUBLISHING Into tapering leaves arc grown Cir aeim- Weekly it day Xri- Cir CO Hinsdale N H And a proud plumed stalk her warms looks like King before an audience Clr Dally and weekly weekly heart yet Henry Acatof Beechertown Mass killed a 1st Sept 1st Sept 1st Sept Like a 1871 princess the reeds enthrone An hour at least is in making SHIRTS lo Too 3no 8000 t Tn Ttav nt linmo Tnrms freft spent black snake the other clay that measured 1ST loToo r Ann Fine and silken her hair sheaves round the 3110 Jooo t0 Co pearls for 11 ion SUoo loooo Jh JJZU Address GStinson Port ready the battle tableau Eignold in lill B- Flushed out from her smile of scorn nine feet length 1S74 1JDOO 3NuO 17ti0 laud Maine ly Now the kernels of snow the milk- set whorls stands with his back to the curtain wav- K7u liiJuo anoo l7oo comes to are not with the Of a beautiful ear of corn orders a Ifthis any who familiar ing his cane and shouting in O wearisome condition of humanity Witness we may say that lor twenty- nine years It bass CD has labored for the promotion of evangelical truth Tims arrested the his deep voice This Earl must advance How many wrerched homes in our and for the suppression of the liquor irutilc Our ef- Weather gd chaplet flings is to Strip On two land How heart- invalids ACHELS forts prwuucea hrlslian Temperance Newspa- Duke should the waves of his subject stream steps further and that many broken per uiKitlaclied lo any political party or religious Prtr nnor nnd Wlndnws the twtt chennest and most V a mere onerous H- enomination to for How to mockery broken its current sings know better than to his hands in his Liie with many signifies seeking only witness fearlessly common sense strip lu existence Qulcksales large keep existence All are Of all Kinds the truth and against evfl doing under all circum- no capital needed Agents wanted every Of his broken delusive dream subject to disease but stances ami to keep lis readers abreast with the news profits Then the pockets The pages must carry their flag- when health is removed the is near- and the knowledge of the day Jt devotes much space passionate spirit foiled betrayed hope and Is Is staffs an and the or- out Sickness is lo Social Agricultural and ismllary matters J DOwNlE CO dissolved mtodew- flne sprays at just such angle ly gone usually incurred especially lie paper lor ihe home circle It is Ircely To adorn with a crown of tears the maid off through exposure or carelessness Es- embellished with engravings Manufacturers 20 Public Squara chestra must cut that last call shorter The Witness has been enlarged twice J is this true with those diseases Weekly 62- 3 CLEVELAND O Metamorphosed to graceful maize ex- pecially and nearly doubled within four years and ts the very When that play is I they protest they peculiar to woman Through her own GREAT BARGAINS most that can be g ven lor the price llo per an The Mo NT it K al Witness Trl- Weekly gives actly according to the notes he answers and folly she is made to the news a and all ol the And as as the rivers scorn imprudence drag three times week the reading All the long tho chain I want it out a miserable existence a source of an- Daily Wits kss for 200 per an of Leading Of a future of shorter thus putting his The Witness is In every respect a first Ycngecse king noyance and to her friends and Daily matter i And as aa hands to his and an em- anxiety class dally containing much more reading long the pale moons wax and wane mouth blowing a and than the papers which coat twice us much lor 4J00 of the Dav J anything but comfort to Patent Medicines Oer the wild of the call pleasure per an shadowing wings bryo bugle At length every body is herself to the cold at times All course to all When the moccasined Exposure of arc post- paid by Publishers STOUE foot of tho red man strays at his station but at one when she should be most and parts of the United States and Canada AT GATCDNERS DRUG 441y Where his bannered fields unfurl Rignold glances prudent of overtaxing her body with laborious em- UNDER- CLOTHING Will he liken tho rustling leaves of maize the French soldiers who is resting his FOR 1870 OF THE il ployment are both fruitful causes of the PROSPECTUS To tho flight of the timid jrirl knee uncomfortab ly on the rough boards NORTHERN MESSENGER EXAMINE STOCK OF w maladies from which she suffers Grad- Baeknn in Harpers Magattine or October He like his companions iB entirely un- ually the bloom leaves her cheeks her Fine White Merino Shirts Drawers THE PIONEER lAIEK and Burners armed and turns to him with a lips grow ashy while her vivacity de- i Tho Messenger Is designed to supply the homes Lamp Chimneys Rignold she a feel- of the Sunday Scliool scholars of America with fam- parts continually experiences of the and AT During the past winter no provision snap and demands Soldiers where are of ily reading most useful interesting sorlat ing weariness and general languor For SI or 50c a the lowest possible cost It consists of eight pages of was made in Augusta Me for and arms Then around he and a piece lour columns ouch and couUlna a Temperence de- lodging your looking altogether presents ghostly appear- partment a Scientific Sanitary depart- J M GARDNER ance does and an departments feeding tramps Not long ago a vaga- exclaims Why good Lord there isnt a What she need Should she ment Agricultural department Two pages CW take some which will are iriveu to family reading two tu a tale in large type bond applied at the police station for a in the whole French Six stimulating drug of children and one to the Sunday School lessons ol weapon army for the time make her feel better or does the International S rles and a childrens column Bleeping place We are and FEW NICE CHINCHILLA OVER- The paper Is magnificently illustrated There has only lodge prison- spears brought out the her entire demand d GOOD GROCERIES hurriedly system reparation COATS MADE TO ORDER WHICH been a very rapid Increase in its circulation uring ers said the sergeant behind the desk French army has its weapons Now She requires something which not only the past year namely from loooo to 2ooo and the will restore to diseased WE WILL SELL VERY CHEAP ratio ot Increase rises so rapidly that the proprietors Prisoners repeated the applicantmedit- the manager shouts when you once health the organs havesangulne hope or doubling the latter figure be- but will tone and invigorate the system fore of next year This Increase has been In atively Thats all was the reply take your positions in this picture no man Dr Pierces Favorite will large masure the result of the postal barrier between have Prescription Canada and the United Slates There has bven as a you got to steal something or as- must move but everybody bum Ready do this It imparts strength to the dis- ALSO SOME FINE SUITINGS AT result ot this prosperity some Improvements in the sault eased back the of LEAST 10 PER CENT LESS style of the paper and It will of course be possible to REASONABLE RATES Bomebodyor something of that kind The curtain goes up Rignold still stand- parts brings glow Introduce more and more Improvements as circulation health and restores comfort where pre- THAN USUAL PRICES grows Most of the gaowlh of the Messenger has Ive got to assault or some- with No been by the voluntary recommendation ol It by friends somebody ing his back to the auditorium viously there was formed ot only suffering who have their own oplulon of Its worth and Our Motto Is thing that kind again repeated the body moves but with closed Every invalid should send for by the Introduction of it into Sundav Schools Young every body lady correspondents say that their Sunday Schools are more vagabond thoughtfully Then he reach- lips begins to hum h m h m to im The Peoples Common Sense Medical Give us a Call Before the Interesting and better attended since It has beeu in- Adviser in which over are Holidays troduced ed across the desk with hie and fifty pages The are of the AXD LET LITE right arm itate the noise and shouts of a distant bat- dis- foliowlug the prices Messenger LITE devoted to the consideration of those 1 a knocked the off copy o 3o Bergeant his stool saying tle Louder Rignold shouts raising eases to Women will be sent lo copies 2 5o peculiar It RESPECTFULLY 35 9 as the officer to Ad- copies oo 14 West St got up with his hand to his his hands The hum increases Loud- post- paid any address for 150 6o copies 11 6o Call at No College Give me as dress E V Pierce M D Worlds Dis- loocopies 22 oo eye good a bed as you kin er he cries Still louder goes the looo 2oo oo Ed HATNE3 again pensary Buffalo X Y wanted M A copies cause I dont feel very well to- Agents STRAUS Surplus copies lor distribution as tracts twelve dozen night hum Louder be shrieks and the to sell this valuable work for 91 FormerlT A N BEECHER