Amos Garrett Acoustic Trio (Alberta) J 14 A Nickelodeon Debut! (Steve Pineo Amos recorded with and gave the world Snowbird, toured with Ian and Sylvia opened, February 1995) and the Great Speckled Bird, played the classic solo on ’s Midnight at the Oasis and was a member of ’s legendary band Better Days. He won a for e Return of the Formerly Brothers with the late and pianist . He has a wicked dry sense of humour and understated guitar licks that sound simple but need 40 years of hard work to pull off with the class that he always delivers. His latest CD, Acoustic Album, spotlighting Amos’ honey-buttered vocals, was nominated for a Juno and is fresh, funny, and widely varied. Says Amos: “I just love to sing, and this record puts the spotlight on that. e guitar stuff? Pretty good. But check the vocals.” Amos will be backed by Steve Pineo and Dave Carroll.

Terry Tufts (Ontario) A Nickelodeon Debut! Terry is the only two-time winner of the Ontario Council of Folk Festival’s Songs From the Heart competition, taking that honour in 1998 and 2001. His stirring melodies supported by sophisticated finger- style guitar orchestrations result in songs that are often anthemic, and always profoundly affecting. His newest CD,e Better Fight, explores pop, jazz and folk idioms, moving “one of the most lyrical and original guitarists seamlessly through all three in the company of some of the best musicians in Eastern playing today....” Canada. Whether he’s tackling the dilemma posed by an unjust war or savouring Guitar Player magazine moments in time, Tufts “displays a boxer’s heart wrapped inside a troubadour’s spirit.” Tracy Grammer (Oregon) January 28 First Nick Headline (with Dave Carter) Since the untimely 2002 passing of songwriter Dave Carter, Tracy Grammer re-emerges with November 2000 Flower of Avalon a set of previously unrecorded Carter songs; utterly new and timelessly rooted, exquisitely chiseled and probing life’s imponderables in vivid and openhearted ways. “I have no choice but to go on singing, and to go on telling our story, on behalf of my brilliant partner, and on behalf of every dreamer who stumbles, as I did, upon a profound calling.” Her dark, ethereal vocals evoke a purity and resonance that brings radiance to the songs she performs, and her attention to melody and story lines lends a rare sophistication to her vocal and instrumental interpretations. Her vocal prowess and intuition infuse her work with a numinous quality that has established her as a formidable performer in her own right. Tracy will be accompanied by Jim Henry on acoustic and electric guitars, mandolin and dobro.

Joe Jencks (Washington) A Nickelodeon Debut! A Joe Jencks concert is an occasion for singing, a contagious rising up of voices, an act of joy and defiance. He has a remarkable tenor voice that’s capable of great strength and sweetness in the same moment. With undergraduate and graduate studies in vocal music performance, choral conducting, and music education, Joe’s style is both fierce and “Tracy has one of the most beautiful and expressive tender. His newest CD, I Hear Your Voice was released in 2003. As deep as voices I’ve ever heard in my life. I was looking for his union and social convictions go, Joe’s animating purpose runs deeper, someone with depth and gentleness - as soon as I heard tapping into the latent, nearly mystical beauty that a roomful of people can that voice, I knew I had found it.” Dave Carter unleash by singing together. The Clumsy Lovers (British Columbia) February 11 A Nickelodeon Debut! e Clumsy Lovers started out playing tunes in their parents’ basements and scrounging for gigs. eir unique blend of Celtic, bluegrass and rock made that search easier, and the response received was enough to encourage them to add more cities to their itinerary. Ten years and over 1,500 live performances later this happy-go-lucky quintet has made Smart Kid their 7th album that expertly walks the tightrope between tradition-minded roots music, “raging bluegrass Celtic rock” and sparkling modern pop. e Clumsy Lovers feature two time Western Canadian Banjo champion Jason Homey on banjo and mandolin, Chris Jonat on bass, Andrea Lewis on fiddle, Gord Robert on drums and Trevor Rogers on guitar, harmonica and percussion. Smart Kid collects 15 slices of bouncy roots-pop, a genre-busting gumbo that blends traditional bluegrass, Celtic and country with contemporary hooks, lyrics and melodies, then tosses in dashes of reggae, Afrobeat, folk-hop and surf-rock for extra flavour. Mark Perry (British Columbia) First Nick Opener: October 2002 Mark Perry has emerged as a writer with an inherent talent for melodies and realism in a style he calls “rural roots” music. Nominated for Roots Traditional album of the year at the West Coast Music Awards, Mark’s live shows are filled with humorous stories and glimpses “there’s evidence throughout the disc that the Celts of small town life. His songs take listeners on tours from towns about to be ganged up with the Rasta force when they decided to born, to a hockey game on a frozen lake, tragedies, laughs and immigration to invade the Smokey Mountains.” a new land. In Every Town was released in fall 2005. Scott Atchison, featured - Freight Train Boogie on every track, will accompany Mark on mandolin and vocals. N H 284-5440 Dust Poets (Manitoba) F 25 A Nickelodeon Debut! (Murray Evans Dust Poets feature cool acoustic roots and wry urban folk, these five fast-picking, slick-singing opened September 1989) throwbacks, combine bits of twangy old country, irreverent folk pop, and punchy acoustic swing. eir hooky arrangements and razor-sharp vocals showcase sarcastic, insightful, and occasionally off-the-wall original songs. Formerly called das macht Show!, Dust Poets poke affectionate fun at themselves and the world around them while spreading their own irreverent brand of small town angst. Well known for a powerful stage presence and genre-bending originals that frame hot solo chops and juicy four part harmony singing, Dust Poets feature Murray D. Evans on guitar, Karla Ferguson on accordion, Corey Ticknor on mandolin, Gord Mowat on bass and Sean McManus on clarinet and percussion. Songwriter Evans’ wry writer’s eye explores themes of home town losers, travel in foreign lands, and the absurdity of war. Dust Poets, their new CD, will be launched in Alberta at the Nick. Joël Fafard (Manitoba) First Nick Opener: Jan. 1993 Joël Fafard’s fiery blend of urban and rural, slide, finger-style guitar, embodies such styles as , bluegrass, country and Celtic. He has showcased and performed at prestigious events across Canada, including an appearance with the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra. His four previous albums have garnered both critical “What the heck was that? A feisty potpourri of sounds that acclaim and diehard fans and his most recent CD, Rocking Horse, was nominated for a slams country, swing, klezmer, bluegrass and jazz against 2004 Western Canadian Music Award as Outstanding Instrumental Recording. Joël will a wall to see what sticks results in a uniquely distinctive be releasing his latest CD ...and another thing... early in 2006. Joël will be accompanied by effort in which everything sticks.” Penguin Eggs former Bills fiddler Jeremy Penner and by Gilles Fournier on standup bass.

Patty Larkin (Massachussetts) March 11 A Nickelodeon Debut! She has received multiple awards, an honorary doctorate from Berklee College of Music and even been accorded her own “Patty Larkin Day” by the city of Boston. Originally hailed for her acoustic guitar wizardry and blazing wit, Patty Larkin has never hesitated to expand her musical horizons. Her most recent solo release, Red=Luck, showcases a world where the ancient strains of modal folk meet brooding ambient noise. It is a world where Middle-Eastern flavored melodies collide with R&B, where joyous pop and somber reflection, playful eroticism and naked soul searching entwine. Here Larkin has created a world beyond her guitar that springs from the imagination, each song part of a tightly written song cycle cinema verite of challenging times. Red=Luck is the supremely assured work of an artist who has caught a near perfect wave: an artist whose influence becomes clearer with each passing season.

Jory Nash (Ontario) A Nickelodeon Debut! A love of traditional Appalachian balladry and the sounds of acoustic instruments steered Jory towards train songs, work songs, gospel, bluegrass, and other folk-influenced singer-songwriters. Along with an affection for complexity in lyrical phrasings, Jory adds a dash of roots and country-rock, a spoonful of R & B, a pinch of jazz and a soft yet resonant “An absolutely stunning guitarist, easily on a par voice. Jory won the 2000 Ontario Council Of Folk Festivals Songs From with , Larkin matches her instrumental e Heart songwriting contest. His second CD, Tangle With e Ghost was chops as a vocalist and songwriter, making her a true the most played Canadian release on North American folk radio. His fourth triple-threat artist.” Billboard CD, Spaz Loves Weezie was released in 2004. Bill Bourne with Eivør Pálsdóttir (Alberta/Faroe Islands) March 25 Bill, first Nick headline March 1980 (with Multiple Juno Award winner Bill Bourne is a mainstay on the international roots scene, with Sweetgrass), Eivør a Nick Debut! powerful rhythms and soulful songs, steeped in world beat, folk, flamenco, funk, blues and more. Eivør Pálsdóttir is considered one of the best musical artists in the whole nordic region. In 2004, she released her 3rd solo album, eivør, produced by Bill Bourne. Her trademarks are the intensity and honesty of her performances, as well as an astonishing variety of vocal styles, from resonant operatic to clean folk, from raw, open throat ethnic to husky jazz, all skillfully implemented in a sublimely personal musical expression. Bill’s ability to write thoughtful and inspiring songs is legendary, and combined with Eivør’s lilting and enigmatic voice, the result is magical and evocative, touching the very essence of our being and our connections with all humanity. e interplay of their indomitable spirits leaves any audience totally and utterly spellbound.

Andrea Revel () First Nick opener January 2001 Country girl meets city girl; folk meets urban. Andrea Revel’s second CD Citysong, was ranked by CKUA among the top 3 Albertan CDs. She collaborated with sound designer and electronic producer Michael McCann, while highlighting her trademark finger-style guitar playing, other-worldly melodies and true-to-the-bone lyrics. Revel “marries her folk- “...she offers up a voice so pure, powerful and strangely roots side with light electronic beats and atmospherics, for a moody and often primordial that it’s something of a shock...” intoxicating disc”. Dedicated to twisting the expectations of a single genre, Revel - e Star has taken folk into the world of playful and sly emotion, from the femme-fatale of the 1920’s flapper to the lovelorn and always proper fifties girl. N H 284-5440 Chuck Brodsky (North Carolina) April 8 First Nick opener (with Doug Cox), is down to earth musical storyteller, with his dry, barb-witted social commentary combined Nov. 1999 with a deep underlying compassion, knows that the best stories are the little things in the lives of everyday people trying to muddle through with some grace. His great gift as a writer is to infuse these stories with humanity and humour, making them resonate profoundly with his listeners. Chuck Brodsky’s songwriting pokes fun at political corruption, road rage, mischief he made as a kid, even dumping garbage in the river; he sings about unsung heroes and forgotten but incredible people; odd characters from the game of baseball, migrant fruit pickers, the Goat Man, a clown, or Radio, a developmentally disabled man and the love showered on him for 40 years at a high school in South Carolina. His most recent CD, Color Came One Day, produced by JP Cormier, was recorded in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia.

Nathan Rogers (Manitoba) A Nickelodeon Debut! e weight of his surname is enough to garner Nathan Rogers a preliminary buzz, but after hearing his razor-sharp brand of fusion folk it becomes obvious that he would have earned himself a place in the music world even without the family heritage and acclaim. On his debut CD True Stories, his lyrics are not an adjunct to the music but the primary focus “One of the finest singer-songwriters in America. of his writing. With one foot planted firmly in folk music’s traditional roots ere are a lot of good ones, but when it comes to the and the other stepping proudly into its’ incendiary future, Nathan writes and really great ones it boils down to a select few -- he’s one performs songs that are rife with insight and blazing with purpose. of them” Larry Groce (National Public Radio)

2005 - 2006 Nickelodeon Season Ticket Gold Cards • 2006-2007 passes will sell for $180.00 and, as always, 100 GOLD CARDS will be sold. • Confirmed performers for 2005-2006 will be announced at the beginning of the club on March 25, 2006. Current GOLD CARD Holders • Current GOLD CARD holders may renew their passes, by mail or in person, starting on February 11, 2006 up until the end of the break after the first set of the club on March 25, 2006; write cheques to “e Acoustic Music Society”, post-dated September 1, 2006. • Passes not renewed by March 25 will be made available, in order, to those who have indicated interest. New GOLD CARD Patrons • To indicate interest in purchasing a Nick GOLD CARD, patrons must write cheques to “e Acoustic Music Society”, post- dated September 1, 2006. • Cheques may be submitted, by mail or in person, starting February 11, 2006. ere is a limit of TWO passes per patron for new season ticket holders. • Receipts for these cheques will be issued and the order in which cheques are received will be noted. Any available GOLD CARDS will be distributed based on the order in which we receive cheques. • After the March 25 club, those patrons hoping to purchase a new GOLD CARD will be contacted to confirm they are still interested and you will have one week to confirm. All outstanding cheques will be returned to unsuccesful applicants. • If any GOLD CARDS remain unsold after this process, notice will be posted on our website and they will be sold to the first patrons to contact us.

The Nickelodeon Music Club is a volunteer operated, non-profit organization. The Nick wishes to thank its volunteers for the countless number of hours they dedicate. Without the work of our volunteers, these special nights would not be possible. N H 284-5440