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*Information does not need to be repeated if already on le PLEASE FAX CURRENT PATIENT INSURANCE & HEALTH INFORMATION PLEASE MARK THROUGH ANY UNWANTED MEDICATIONS FROM THE FORMULATIONS BELOW Note: All Formulations contain Pentoxifylline 3%, please check box to remove Neuropathic Pain

1.) General Neuropathies 2.) General Neuralgias/ 3.) Peripheral 4.) General Neuropathies /Sympathetic Component Post Herpetic Neuralgias Neuropathies 8% 1% Bupivacaine 1% Bupivacaine 1% Bupivacaine 1% 0.2% 3% 3% 2% Doxepin 5% Doxepin 3% 6% Doxepin 3% Gabapentin 6% Gabapentin 6% 2% Gabapentin 6% 1% Topiramate 1% Orphenadrine 5% Topiramate 2%

Anti-Inammatory Combination

5.) General Joint & 6.) Myofascial Pain 7.) Neuropathic Pain 8.) Herpetic Antiviral Musculoskeletal Pain, Plantar Syndromes W/ Large Inammatory Cream (Active) Fasciitis, Osteoarthritis, 2% Component Bupivacaine 1% Tendonitis Bupivacaine 1% Bupivacaine 1% Doxepin 3% 3% 2% Diclofenac 3% Gabapentin 6% Baclofen 2% Gabapentin 6% Doxepin 3% 0.5% Bupivacaine 1% Orphenadrine 5% Gabapentin 6% Acyclovir 5% Gabapentin 6% Orphenadrne 5% 3%

Lidocaine- 2.5%, Other formulation or speci c considerations Diclofenac 4%, Gabapentin 6%


Carbamazepine 3% Diclofenac 3% Topiramate 1% 6%

Cimetidine 3% Orphenadrine 5% 10% (Other Medication) (Other Medication)

SIG Apply 1-2 GM to affected area 3-4 times daily. Quantity: 30 Day Supply Re lls ALT 90 GM 180 GM SIG 120 GM 240 GM Other *Unless speci ed, 120gm will be lled Prescriber Signature: Date: This prescription authorized through MD/DO by PA/NP (Name of Physician) (Name of Physician’s Assistant/NP) FOR PHYSICIAN USE ONLY --- This Prescription Pad contains formulations developed in conjunction with physicians and used in the treatment of the listed associates medical conditions. The exact formulation may be modi ed in accordance with the professional clinical judgment of the physician in consultation with the patient.