University of New UNM Digital Repository El Independiente, 1894-1913 (Las Vegas, New New Mexico Historical Newspapers Mexico)

5-26-1910 El independiente (Las Vegas, N.M.), 05-26-1910 La Ciá . Publicista de "El Independiente"

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Recommended Citation La Ciá . Publicista de "El Independiente". "El independiente (Las Vegas, N.M.), 05-26-1910." (1910).

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AS LASTIMOSAS DE OOOOOOOOOOOOOMXXXJOCXXXX QIEJAS IOS loii Yd. orque? Por la sencilla DOMINIO DIL MIDIO ÍN QIC St dia 18 de Junio enlagranciudad J unió. En cuanto al efecto poli-tic- o razón de que esa laya de gentes VIVt. de Nueva i- DESHEREDADOS. York, obtendrá un ret - de la venida del DE PINO BLANCO. practica on todos casos el méto- Solamente el hombre de gran bmuento que JARABE En fu entrega de la minina licuaría de onruilo Roosevelt á los Estados Vnidna do de los euv idiosos, que con voluntad y fuerte determinación y satisfacción A - pasada, la " Voi del Pueblo" pu- los Reyes y Era- eso no se sabrá de cierto hasta siste en de cizañar y desa puede levantarse sobre las segu- blica un artículo que ocupa mas tratar por peradorrs más poderosos del spues. aunnuecadi iimi.! Es el Remedio más eficaz y reditar a aquellos jup les hacen influencias de las de una columna de su página circunstancias mundo. Al desembarcar cd el facciones del partido Republica- sombra y á quienes, envidia. Si quejo envuelven ó sea el medio de editorial, el cual en sustancia no Puerto Nueva York, acompa- no funda grandes en ro para la tos y Resfríos. Don (.'leo fes fuese un T reí ford, ó social que lo rodea. ñado de los esiranzas es otra cosa que una incitación trofeos y desooius ella. Sin embargo, como es un osa por el estilo, ya veríamos & El poder de de- á los Republicanos de este con la mente puede que ha recogido durante su per. político tan hábil y baril-g- tan sagaz se estos entes arrastrarse de a sarrollarse por mediodeunaedu De dado para que se pongan la ca manencia de cerca de un nño en puede tener por seguro que uo Venta en la 1 y lamer la tierra, prodigan, cación metódica y regularizada. el Africa Austrnl- saca ul revén y se eidoquen del VVI VUVI nara nada que sea en menoscabo dole toda clase de bajas y rastre- Lh mas ligera condescendencia Roosevelt ser A Indo de " La Voz" y de tus par objeto da una uesu popularidad tu de su repu- A los má, fa ras adulaciones. Pero por mala con la mas leve tentación hará tan entusiasta y tun ni CRUZ ROJA, tidarios y suplan tación como abogado y defen-so- r BOTICA DE LA suerte es '"nativo" y á esos no que la mente las primeras se. mélicos y hambrientos de et dé versal cuul nunca ha estado al de loa derechos del pueblo. US VEGAS. NIEVO MEXICO. con los empleos y emolumentos los puede ver la clica difamato- nales de debilitamiento. En la alcuuce de ningún ciudadano de que por tantos años han cate ria. segunda ocasión esa debilidad se dsde que existe esta (NOT COAL LAND) OCKXXXXXXXíOOCXXXX NOTICE cido. Es al mismo tiempo un Asi mismo, se lamentan de que acentuará, y siguiendo ese pro- República, y que sólo encuentra fOR PIBUCAIION. Don Ignacio Lopez sea estafe- ceso, cou el curso del tiempo, la paralelo eo el regreso del Department of thn Interior. ataque embozado y pérfido con- (ran U. 8. Land Ollice Bt Santa Fe, N. M. Eu-geni- pe tra el estado, disimulado en fia tero, por ser pariente de Don mente harA impotente, por Nspoleónde la Isla de Elba A May 10, mo. ( Notice is hprthv triv. n that V.t!,,L y porque es el único em- derü todo su poder. 1' rancia en 1815. Sin embargo, ees y sentencias ulmlbaradas, y dad OrUas. of Ribera, NT. M., who on Así el A un llamamiento ul mutidoeutero pleado nativo que administra ts como hombre llega lny una gran diferencia entre lu6 feD. is, i07, nial Homestead En- try (Serial No. ühL'9), 1072.1, una de importancia en ser un ente sujeto á las 'circuns dos demostraciones, pues el en No. for para que vea cuau despreciable esthkta WiSW'i of Section 2, the KjSEi of é incapaz es el pueblo hispano toda la exteusiúu y aucuura del tancias, las cuales lo conducen tusiasmo por Napoleón fué sola aeciion .u, Township 13 North, Range "ir. 14 Kant, M. .v DONAS en eso de que de la utividad A la inaccióu, del mente entre los N. l Meridian, has tiled americano del condado di San Territorio. Pero solados de su notice of intention to make live vi-d- Final el superinteu-delit- o poder a Trajes para novias de Miguel por haber cometido el Dr. Desinaruis sea ola la ejército, al puso que Roosevelt year lYoof, to establish claim to the A la muerte,, por la térdida sera land bove described, before Robt. L. Sedas y Linos, hechos imperdonable delito de no haber de escuelas Lacemos alega- acogido por los vítores y M. ROHN. II. H. Court, I'.mimLiim,,. sí al último estilo com- dado ración á los cides de la to de "sin culpa" por parte de del dominio de propio, del vi aplauso de sus conciudadanos, at La Vepas, N. M., on the Bth. day or mío. puestos con la mejor Don Luiienio, pues el culpable gor del pensamiento. que no eu él .iuiy, "cuáquera," que por cosa de miran AuncrancoD Claimant tuunc as witnessea: Ra- clase de composturas. La educación de mente es uu quince años han estado ayunan- - de ese delito es la mayoría del la quistador y guerrero, siuo A un fael Ortiz, Juan Hena, I'laculo Ribera, Bona, all of Trajes do 3.60 á 150.00 Mi- - arte, nunca es tarde estu-diar- y Ribera, N. M. do debido A la ingratitud de los pueblo del condado, de Sun para hombre de estado quo ha mos Manvki, R. y de color. Otero, Regiater. Blancos l la temeridad de aprender este arts. trado tener dotes y votantes de este condado que no , gi' tuvo cualidudes (NOT COAL LAND) Calzado de lo mejor los han dejado hartarse en la .elegir al Doctor sin consultar y Mientras m As pronto nos em- eminentes como gobernante & NOTICE OR PIBUCATION. 5.00 pedir licencia ú la "Voz" y a su peñemos en dominar nuestros como tribuno popular. f troja pública. Pero sobre todo' Department of the Cuerpos de Seda mayores deseos eu la vida, mas Interior. lo anotado, el dicho uitículo es clica. Sin embargo, confesumos Autícipaae que no miles sino S. U.Land Olliee at Santa Fe, N. M. f3.50 á fl2.00 May 13, 1910. --. pon-- ; que el Doctor puede estar desea-zoñ- a beneficios reportaremos y más f un desahogo lastimero déla millones de personas de in compuestos fácil serA para nosotros la lucha, todas Notice hereby given that Ade- Sombreros y envidia que rebosa en los lineado por el pareuteseo que le partes de los Estados laida Garcia, of Trementina, N. SI., señoras 2.50 a 115. lu- Unidos to who on April 20 para de los factores y manU ligad Don Eugenio por ser am- - pues tendremos menos que ó Mia, mado borne corazones uiarán parte presenciarán la stead entry (Serial No. 0tíS02), No, üe y char. puladores de esa clica que por .boa descendientes .uan entrado, de Roosevelt A la ciudad 812, for Hi HEi 8ee. 31, and Bt BWt, novio tene- Lva, pero punto lo dejamos Debemos estar siempre alerta; Section 3ft, Township Id N. Range 23 Para el sus muchos abusos y desafueros este de Nueva York. Los Romrh Rid K. N. M. P. Meridian, hat) mm negros de debemos aprender A vigilar con- filed notice mos vestidos o al de si ha sido coudeuada por el pue-bl- criterio la "Voz." por ers ocuparan un puesto muv of intention. to make Final five year 8.00 hasta Í30. A Proof, to FBtabliHh lana por 6 y destierro per- acaso se le antojare decir oue tinuamente, fin do encontrar- rlaim to the land ostracismo conspicuo en la parada, coneti above described, before O. H. Bux- "fíX Camisas, Sombreros, mis-m- a nos en todo tiempo capaces pa- petuo de las oficiuas públicas. mienten las Ksurituraa. La tuyendo los miembros del regí ton, U. S. Commissioner, at Ru.xton, W Calzado, todo délo me A contrarrestar las influencias N. M., on the Mh, day of July, 1910. Lo más notable de ee art (culo cosa alegamos respecto ra miento de que & bajitos. fué coronel una es Claimant names an witneewes: jor precios Don Pero en exteriores que intenten dominar es el odio implacable que respira Pablo Jaramillo. pecie dé séquito ó guardia de ho (Jarcia, Petronilo Quintana, A Don Lorenzo Delgado, uuestra mente. Jose A. Quintana, Abtlino S. (Jarcia, eucontradola familia Homero, cuanto nor que murchará junto A su an all of Trementina, N. M. Hay que comenzar por no con- y su evidente deseo de extermi si no tiene perdón de Dios! Ser tiguo jefe. Naturalmente Mani'ki H. Otkho, Register, BROS. por ningún motivo que ee casi to BACHARACH narla y quitarla del número de sobrino de Don Eugenio y tener sentir dos los Rough Plaza Nueva del Hotel Castañeda. Riders de Nuevo NOTICIA. Enfrente ocupar el cm-- y albergue en nuestra mente ni la los vivientes, si tuviese el poder atrevimiento para México y Arizona no deiarán de Ahora que noHotros entamos cor- mAs leve entonces po- d-- j los me lios de hacerlo, (racias pleo le escribano, y por anadi-- tentación; A riendo la diligencia eorreoB cutre asistir la ceremonia, y seguu Santa Rosa y Laa Vegas, de y y dremos notur como de una ma- solicitamos Dios, que no estamos en loa dura las pesas medidas se entiende, ya se estAn hacien el patrocinio de tenias las personas nera progresist a é insenible se va que el tempos del Gobernador Thorn- - caza y pesca que tan grandes do ó se deseen hacer viaje para uno ti han hecho los arreglos otro lugar y lea garantizamos que los en-ced- fortaleciendo la mente, desper! ton y del Juez Smith, pues A su- - sueldos y responsabilidades necesarios pura que vnva una pondremos en ei lugar de sa destino l tole-teme- r taudose los poderes de ella de su en debido tiempo. tul cosa habría razón para cierran Esto no se; puede xcuiión de ellos para kt ciudad aletarga in ieuto. Jvan L. ees que todos los oficiales que' rar, vamos a insistir en que Don de Sanchez sí Nueva York á mediado ñr JímcsBaca Este Vocablo es la llevan el nombre de Homero ó Lorenzo entregue A uno de los Toda, mente tiene en el poder ó '" necesario para desarrollarse, así LA MARCA INDUSTRIAL tienen parentesco cercano re- de la Voz" el destino de pesas ÍSBESTOÍ moto con Don Eugenio Homero, y rundidas, y al tro el du'caza y como toda semilla encierra el ger men que la harA A su tiempo pro- hubieran sido condenados ul pa pesca, á tin de que de ese modo É De los Celebres Guantes y Mitenes de sí 9 1 el que en tíbulo 6 A lo menos o destierro, entretengan y disimulen el ham- ducir fruto encierra. del A flu de que con su presencia no bre los pobrecitos. No hay duda Los fracasos principio ja EISENDRATH'S mas deben arredarnos; porel con- 1 estorbasen á los descartados, re- que en unos cuantos meses te EL CELEBRATED EISENDRATH trario ellos deben servirnos de CENTRO MCÍIUÍIL 1 pudiado, despreciados y derro- pondrán en zancos. i lecciones practicas, que debemos HORSE HIDE tados en todas ocusiones y en IV ra conchar diremos que si L todos tiempos por el pueblo del la familia Romero tiene empleo aprovechar. Yi a dura, Cordovan experiencia es la gran ma- La clase que llechoade condado de ban Miguel. Ahora es por voluntad del pueblo y cou La y toda clase de las mejores pieles. Se venden 1 estra de la vida. Progresivo. preguntamos Que culpa tiene ayuda del pueblo y con el bene Grandes Almacenes por todo comerciante Moderno y Los fracasos del presente de- la familia hornero de que el par- - plácito y cooperación délos piin ben hacernos mús para el tido Demócrata del condado de cipales Republicanos del conda cautos San Miguel, con todas sus rami- do. Lo mismo hicieran los de la porvenir. De Ropa y Novedades. demos al desa- ficaciones y añadiduras se vea "Voz" y sus secuaces, pero el Jamás cabida liento en nuestro corazón. Lu sepultado en el inmundo precipi- - pueblo no los quiere ni en zahn debeti visi-tanto- paciencia y la coustaueia ció que labró por sí mismo con merio. Por lo demás, son s normar siempre nuestros actos. unos de crímenes y baje, ble sus incitaciones paradesper-zas- ? DESTRIBUI DORES EHos deben servirnos de1 guiasen Creemos que el veredicto tar los celos y la envidia de los Las Vegas, -- :- -- : - :: New Mexico el camino de la vida. ATENCION. universal de todas las personas Republicanos eu contra de la fu Cuando lus condiciones adver imparciales de este ó cualquier tnilia Romero. se nos presenten preñudas de Otro condado es que no tiene nin- Eso es querernos otroturcomo sas dificultades que nos sea imposi Esta cusa se lia bocho digna de la confianza y pred- guna, A no ser que sea delito ha- si fuésemos "chulos,," y uo cue- pruden-teniente- s ble vencer, retirémonos icación del público tie-n- ber ayudado á darle el último la. debido á que siempre ha tenido y e " de la escena; pero pre puntapié que lo arrojó del poder CAM PO'ÁBIE ÜTÓPÁRA TODOS. por norma expender los mejores Efectos A parémonos suficientemente para y precio y al mismo tiempo privó A los Algunos se quejan porque el volver a la carga de modo que verdaderamente módicos, por lo tanto, secuaces de ese partido de los pueblo de algún condado donde tengamos toda probabilidad de Os invitamos JOHN YORK empleo que habían prostituido residen reservas susfuvore y da cuntido se encuentren en esta pinza se E. éxito, como obra un general es- - y deshonrado. & ciertos indi vi-du- sirvau visitarnos. Pues es para Vdes. la preferencia itratégico, para poder vencer al el obtener mer- A juzgar por las opiniones que han sabido ó han podi- Comerciante en enemigo. cancías y comestibles á menos precio que eu cualquier tidns en el predicho artículo, los do hacerse populares entre sus Enluluchndela vida no hay que parto. descartados están quejosos de conciudadanos. Rajo el pie de otra Recuerden que no ofrecemos baratillo por darse por vencido jaiuAsl ó & Toda Clase de Abarrotes que el pueblo haya elegido y re esta preferencia depositan toda un dia una semana sino que ofrecemos un burutillo S elegido a Don Eugenio Romero su confianza y dan toda su ayu- IL GRAN DIA SC APROXIMA continue. Porque es NUESTHO MOTO el cuidar A 13 al puesto de colector y tesorero da A tales individuos sin hacer E 18 de Junio es el dia señala-d- o nuestra y Abarrotes Buenos y Frescos y quisieran de buena gana que aprecio de que tachen A la ma- para el recibimiento que se inmensa numerosa clientela y así disfrutar i" tal cosa no se hiciera. a eso lo yoría de los votantes de estar harA al de los Rough SS de vuestro apreciado patrocinio. ó sabemos muy bien, pues Don Eu- engañada nial dirigida en su Riders y de los Es- ' y Frutas Je Horno, Uerspetuosamente Su Hervidor de Vds. genio punca ha necesitado desús modo de obrar. Esto da motivo tados Unidos, Theodore Roose- 9 votos para ganar elecciones por A que los quejosos profesen una velt. Espérase que sera un dia 710 Douglas Ave. East Las Vegas, N. M. que siempre ha tenido y tiene el gran autipat'a ú los preferidos y grande y memorable en los ana ROMERO MERCANTILE COMPANY apoyo de la gran mayoría del no se cansen en mauifenturabier-t- a Ies de la Nación Americana, aquel f pueblo de este condado. Están 6 solapadamente que estos eu que vuelva A su patriad hom- Las Vegas, N. Ul. quejosos porque Jüon becumJino no merecen los honores que reci bre más popular de los Estados q f Romero fué secretario de distrito ben y que por tal motivo debe- Unidos, y el estadista eminente por algunos años y porque aho- rían ser arrojados de los pues- en quien tienen fija la vista to MARGARITO ROMERO, Propietario. ra ha sido nombrado alguacil tos qu ocupan en pro del bien dos los quo desean cambio de ad mayor; y eso no es cosa nueva general de todos y del provecho mioistración, y que por ese me- í para uadie porque es bien sabi- particular de los descartados y dio esperan mejoramiento gene- THE PLAZA BAR, do que desde que Don Secundino desheredados. Esto suena muy ral para todos y en particular 5 ocupó el primer empleo están da bien en apariencia, pero tenien. paradlos mismos, colocando ul R. II. GOIILKE, Propietario dos al diablo de envidia y despo do en cuenta que sobre gustos hombre de su preferencia en la cho, pues esa clase de gentes son no hay disputa, y que " vulemús Casa Planea. La fínica dificu- cualesquiera que presente este aviso I Tres puertas al Oriente de la imprenta de El Indepen f i tan de su tierra que no siendo que ser gracioso," ltad que se puede encontrar en la dinnte. Se vende la Mejor Clase de caer en gracia ...LE VENDEREMOS... ellos los escogidos, prefieren que viene A suceder que nadie puede realización de tan risueña espe. cualquier individuo de afuera obligar al pueblo A que rechace ranza se halla en que el preferido Una Libra de Café, Una Libra de Polvo para amazar, Vinos, Licores y Cigarros, ó A venga h ocupar ese destino A los que prefiero y favorezca A no tenga ambición suficiente pa- (Especial de Boucher) y siete Barillas de jabón por ó ó Tenemos en coneceión hermosas y magnificas Mesas de B- cualquier otro do igual mayor los que desprecia. Asi pues, co ra aceptar semejantes honores, iliary de' Pool. Importancia. mo el campo está abierto A to que si la tuviere, las discordias f 50 Centavos i? Al mismo tiempo les duele en dos losqueapliquetijiesultaqueel políticas utujeii el camino A su Se sirven Comidas A todas horas en nuestro aseado bien la impopularidad es una é .Mills mal de cabal cumplimiento. Sea esto conducido Lunch Counter, elnlmaqueel Gobernador enfermedad incurable que la cien- como fuere y suceda lo que suce-- d hayateuido á bien nombrar a cia es incapaz de curar porque C D. BOUCHER e Cafetero. Las Vegas, N. M. Alcai- lo cierto esqueelhéroedela Mr Don Cleofes Romero como parece estur ingertado en el ce, tendrá, el de de !a l'euiteniiaríu. Y sa- - celebración que lugar lr . F1 ! H F P F II I F !t-il- trü-u!fur- I u.. Li H7ni M(M.ZM:.' T 1.1- - Leuu ... Mu, .1 ii ni. Al lüv. hi F. A. Trady. At Uxei. Pirca xct to tx irJUCO. Tai es I51.TJ. r-- . 4 Iji.-'i.- ." . u-- a Kn tota. fit .i imjuj ra ' irui,!, V4lj4i,i u j 'ja. d.t ) : .l .'c. ! i " ti i s(?-o- r i ! - i mi t f.i. l I. $. . ( . . t I a iiii.N'- - v n A i i ir titil r ' ,i i J t tin I r, rwul í J. , All Tari ( ii j ii lii Imh 'rriiHa de .,:f. s'unt:in of eítit" d Uü. nuLj í.t 13 tai $ u .i. Li t ri Mujeres ' iiJ.-- i i.iudin (M 1 ii j'.in-li- m i. i'.: ' K. -- t j' .ia I Cl u.t ,14.1.1. it-t- . Kxe !.'. l -- OI 1. lí N. i Bl k Ii , , kf i i , I,c, ni, tj tuna tí.í'i, jibli fif.i iLí i I Hv . c e. 1 I I .V1 .i tj.i, ic-- j e u t un í jCh., .:.u'.!i!i is'.i'.v IVIiiitH .iuo pur t.r tuiepl:. I'rin i mm i! uui i.a ci.l t.i'.'Z. i. tnu, ti ic.l r.. 'J, J.'-'K- ir.-fu- . : Cansadas lll-.l- l Lal ii'.'t-- l AI Cl 01 .'U..k! . ( IM'NI'I.I pl ? lit; trio lo MirUutx i I'aa. lis W. ierJt.h i! fl I I: I ! pl-rd- en IV ' y .un. 1 :3 Cciaau i'íiDlítisla (!. t $11.11, ty r:. . cl c ii !u ani 1, T; u.t.aa es t.vvi.i La mujeres que , cl ii t i, i i I; rcai i'an " i líü.i'i. H.i.i .ip ir.iiu 1 ii nii If .: i ii i ' tf .i u i i; n. H. a. biljuie lLJ cl t ta talud dibiJo al exceso da Uc "ta Ilvpsmlicntc." - .tu lo.ui. u vauUj tiu l.ut'.tu. tu I j IJltl- II I . I , ! na IT If t - I. all- i l .i i i Mii.ti?. jfi-n- l fci!' 0' rí;al faille $T;ii''. rdJiJ hy asit?- - 1 402 00. laxe lis. 11. ptüiky VU, trabajo, necesitan un tónico. .Hi t W l.o.Hi I I t u-.- , L t ü0-- , ó ll ', Jil á J lift In.) Ill liryin 111 I... i t it i 5 aire louiifii'd N Ly S.e fer llk.O". tüta! vxl ualcn and aiuou.u 'j uUuatkn tot il Esa debilidad cansancio no t 1 i Tt . i,.., i mi ijini. . 5? I ft 1 I T i I. cu Uc by E by J. M. Taxes L'libarri. AU pal (I 1 'IP Ii If CeC Ill !,! iK llil .i J H I'll ,a iUo ihir, tiieii, lo tai $sj). 111! M.rioüna uve. Part to quita sola. Tómese el I., - V ty A. I ere 17 N. R. PI'i ll- i4n.ijiini, t nit iii.iji li mi ni- ii ni ITri. Mctccva: trl Jnptty I7c. jubllc.ttíon 25c. tou: cf tecticn )7. Tp. tl E, el verdadero remedio li III tl id. I de lillnn. - iHIU.iJil i, Cardul, l.ii.stuüi;, 111 . ii.t II. 111. Ill ri.... . f. .,1 1.. ly r. (I. S ty irrt. li A f ;.j5. arres. Va uatlon of real estate $210, para loa males da la mu or. hi n ,, , , A - ii inn ,:,,.,, W ty irri?'.; irrta bruni'i nitral Chaves. Al taxe. Pe- cl pirscnal preperiy J72.'ü, total ral filies da mujeres qua haa i . -- t N l)v r , yM' n i.'rt .1iiii t im liiuv lai iiiii.ii.iiiioni i muimIuii- - ,..,,, br:iwn r.-- jtnn. S by S. rl r nal proprrty: valantlnn $117.00, let- - tihtiin and amount íittje:-- ta tax escri- r V , M . tomado el Caurdul nos i ii;.L i I vV a M. Crf.sp'n by Luz Rome tnpipce penalty fili., Je M ein-eii- todo A lia tiempo A fu il l'n.1, i :, x a) .'..ii..iii, St., tr. I. ixemptlon $.ri00. suljcct t'''2'20'l. Taxe, ben y hablan con entusiasmo i m -'- elm la -- Oí-- I i.. mrt" nr iraiita ta v , , ro. Va e t $:'U l x 11. . J v. di.,-- : uitlnn reo ile tírPO. Taxf t2.!'. renaHy 'rt Uatlon 35c. total $11..!. pur la.n M roí" iinj io -a lo- - y no -- 'i .'ui i del provecho qua recibieron. ' peroral poni-rt- $l7"i.O.). i'iMiratlen tota! $1.a. Ma.x:mo I l b in l. AÜ UX'l. IV pi.'..lic..n..n,-n- i.a-)'- " l " SuM-ricio- I. euh.l ""!' Iv f'!3..)0. tr-t'- icnai.-;l:i- ; I'rct i. de .i..e 'T'" , " aif'si'ir rnlmt' Manuel M. rdrva. All taxej. !m (.nal poperty chbfy ot ... m l Ir nn iiii Hirp ir r.ü.OO. les exempflon f'On.OO. !m i v lla se aprenda. , . va'naffon $15.00. of per i "lie; ani amount uhjvt 00 iimJi.i ile . i in,!!,-.,- v li ircvementa; 'alien ti fífí i. fil.ri 4Mtt'rt n f't'l TT pnperty $14.0., total lo- .) tax $90 00. Taxes $177, penalty . I.W e- - rni va'tft VtMKllMtM. en A nevo .Mexico I " " " ni ,i- un. luí , 0?l 4."iC t A'pil ein inon ''" nMttv nuhl'rntli n fl.D rd amount subject tn tai ft SLA 19c, publication 35c, total $1.31. 'nSro r! Tren de nwft. tr ii iiiii.i(.n. 1 .. n,. rniiiin Li COMESE . una Í!it it lición cli la lntsj pj5i $t.75, penalty 34c. publication Druliiüo Vallejos. All taxes. Te eniitn ii-nh- mi-ti- l territonul i "xes Dere 'eln'tlo. i i iiiitu ai uu ti.iun iai-- los Kirtutien en 4f Victorino rndIJIi. All tixeg. l'.i V.c, total $7.44. o!.al property comUstlnR rhlef'y ol j ipie h (inu lto dinero, y la 1 ata Itiiliea t ciil. f l!l .i k 1 hartn.lcy y S .1 'onit't IMi.ttvmntciii-IM- i lntitií'pd N by rs, S by roa Jo.e Delores Duran. Second ha!' c.ittle: valiiatirn and amount subjeoi .i.'iwi.i iio-l- , ...... i i o. Ladi - cual enlá rada, ni na e ttiii .u i i ..i ' 'I .Ici.'i1.- hi ir'tHiiiM íHr ui!em coiiii" I' I - I C l .. . I . 1 . a.(, . til i ií il.i uv v "f taxes. The E 12 of NW 14 anr' ti. tax $!5i0'J. Taxe. $15.22. r v i r vtn nmtiMst - ii j. .Mfuma: uu' l.i"jt' ii,tki.r'h til (. In i f. Ill- Id I U lili ll u i 1.1. i III. li,. . , , ...... lio in ble. .mentó tie ti , 2 4 I not trie' n rlriA i j.inuifiB lr.l-- 0 ,i, of NE of section 1!. Tp. t' ty 7Gc. publication xr.n. total $!G.3S. Una carts reciente da U - ó , t n-- li- I, - ,,., iiiMilin-iún- ftolll'i fiil - turn nli iiiii, i.- . i, i wr v m. V 21 'KO nliura Ota pie '..i'iii, uj a, i v ii, i. .v. R. E, acrs. Land Grants. Bragg, Sweat-se- r. MAVO DE rn a i f Sra. Charles JLTUSZtuF. Wi te r ti ilc ve. ,;u 1 ni-s- ! ha An de nfio-- , cumulo, rinnnlii n'in cn-- lot l'utimled N al $230 00, cf persnra' pro" Torrd of Tilintees, Antn Chico existido ni treinta - In In- l;id ., y i. - n I Ind., dice "Con palabras tic more tm- let U n- - ,.t Pndl lt, S by J. Oí! K I t t75 00. total a'nitl'-- sn i "mnt. All taxes. All that lan fin I id Wailiiiijr 'I Ih i i.i niT el propio pat-- f. N't; i" Mil iría Innr ..iel ti..iicili uü vio. i mu firm- - land. Vrluatlnn of rea iottnt subject to tar $1105 00. Tax ' nov n es the Art4i Chico flrant no puede expresarse lo mu- ti la eiiM ñanra y i.- -- i tdii, ho li y i ij !'! '' de pur inainml aifi ola. un fiiuciiiuiiii ba n 6 inn dude la "r.lO. rf poronat refrerty l.'ií.f' ren'ty $1,23, publlcatlot l.t'h Is Is Fan MlTce' courtv, boitnl cho que tu medicina hizo por V et ml.inlilla, ii Ipsí d N by S ficA Ull)' IM) l ll'Jl dent IlOKO ñ pulilieo mi ttndaila deeca f pil ilo di'iieii.lrr de ;t"tsl $l."2.00, exenr1 "5c, total ?.2 El Cerrlto de Ptrnnl. the mi. No podia, como ahora, hi lint l'ililntii ile Iiiin piiitt Iih lli Ai .De lr n balnnce atibjert to ti Ceelllo Fre. All taxes. Tbe SV--' Irntidary line between San Ml?itil linter n) fin barn !! Iom HKimtoH uiiundo pidiese una Uialiifenta' i trabajar seguido trabajaba ó fpic lin ei iilivi l que '"".' ftt Tima 1t O nain't, KÜ.. 4 ff NW the N 12 rf FW !- - Tid Ctiadalttpo reuntliM Fnt and W d Nui-vt- i México ii eióri vcií licti de ton icMiltab lnripinii'n ii.ii)-diat.,- 4 -' que acos- nii iitr." Mibllcntlon II. orí. totfil $12.73. "f suction 1. the FW of NW by government land. Valuation ?9Afo. un rato y tenia A ( pie lia coiiM'uido conta 1 1 2 publl-rr.tln- n Como hablando it nombre dl 'ti r a Vi tul. i se pur tmloii Ion boticu- - Tefxlíiro Pena. Ail taxes. 100 ydí Ttton 14. the a of N'E an' Trxeg $331.00, penaltv $17.55, tarme. Siempre alabara su .V) '.'ii-t- I puft'1'. Midnr y t rabnjo iJe ton cunt i lai I'll' io. ci níiivo.. er Mil bnurded N by road, S by boido do VE 14 rf NE of section 15 35c, total $31?. 91. medicina." IdiiIlCo, Ni w ÚijÍc-- i i Cbb-- yenten, KUCeiJe nipif Itiiirln, Vi'lk. rHM, n by T. Martínez. W by 0. Mas "P. 17 N. it. 22 E. 320 acres. Vnl'i Artrm Crant. New MpxIoo I'ero Como btt-titi-- i n m IiccM' el ex pretddentt L'iiÍiIik. 1 tid l Ftor-- Cn. A'l taxe Il-e- 00 ydj. brumded N . 'en of real fr.'omt. of per"ii and ive ii mili lion eiiHOH doiiile m' ni il ni I li nn ii e ÍIiiíhi'.-- y na rerrnas: ani efte Pruébese el CarduL De J -- t Í uro, $'77S.Ofl. ae-r- v" n wit no i i ii n r . ll I.V l)Tio. E by rt. .Anhlbpiue. W h pronert? added br ti e .lard knor r the Anton ct'r t It Mil'j' fin II". partes. ambla .n r cm i.lii'li n ni : .A" ' Is venta en todas ! i,ite ro-'d- fi ft N by $3;0.00. totit vn'oftlnr, f 275 hico (Irirt. V'M'h 'n Fan Vwipt i z. j t iitf y iiit' mi iiiiiliirik'n yd, b"uiidi'd road, IhM lii tan ó ,J. fOO.OO. county N by Cerrlto A no lirienita (iiel'ii.ii. . Mili MUÍ DIM jlv e herd", H by mad, W bv i 'ei exemotln balance i"' brnnJed El ii-i- di i m r it'i.'Hiiti'uiltir' - ! I tax 12475 Taxe $100-"pnalí- rternal, Soiit bv boiindar-- ' rlt la v Kn li C. lo (iiiuLtdo iv'i'n.ta; 100 bnnr'e1 N by rt ti ''e the - ir, iUi iiinfni. i!t Ii iti., t!e lercs 1 ill- ;?i 1.' r i x i?ii i 'Htn repíi $3.40, publication 35c, tot-- ' 1 ne Fan i 1 V. ("r'rtt. at d cruv. land, ? by lielra betnern Vlíiirl ni Inada en liiirer l i in .Ví;;ü.'!, Al. 2.' Hm III' lio liiliiilill iumi b'-- 81i I I CJ $113.S1. 'i no (vmrC'eB. and Weú A en Pachuca, .If'i.'.l (,!' til 4 llpriM YV,c, .M. Mititlt, i I' CsrMa. Vaiuptl'n cf tea' Put balazos riúercn eapii l li e'a!' ti iiibi A h pmli. n- - lar iiie lan v. No. 6G2 tini.'.O, of prrannal property 79l Roque Iferrem. Fecond ba'f c veiTirrcnt lP'd. X'1..n'T, tal del Est ido de Hidalgo, Efren Her- liii'flll -- Ü. .irjir ul Üid.iil We Miicjiiiile ii n Laura .s.nUi, ) va!iiafnn Í2I2S.0'. bvs exeitci taxes. Part of ectrna 25 and "A. Tr rrt. suHeet to tax oooi 00. Taxes nández y Aurelio Barronis, resultando 1 1 :lt i rt 1 t N. R. R. 23 E, acres. '51.00. 1 un ii'n, puiipie la it yla ile uro La Jl t d t:t la L tur tU. Smith I en !f20'i0i). tiPlir'-- sutle'-- tn "i 10 Vbr pna'tv fl7.3;, pub'lcatlor. heildo el j r.mero de los contendien- - 00. 1101.(54. t' i"n of rea' eatcte $300 00 of pers-"- . total ?3fi.0n.P0. i ! j.orcht.a i.i tifa ii'a i,t.i! iai pl ito f Taxca pemtty $5.0 U e. ii'i.tH T.iit yi-zi- but'ii 'll ento tietnpon "i-- po- - I'ri K t rrorerty I1S5 00. total vt'tatl"-'45.0- 0. lnlar pordivi.n ha kMo ennieitzinío I (il.'lcnil"n f . 0. total J10M.I2. ilt- - iU-- t t Hubiliii-iit- A Inn tr ciM''iito la Lriii'raliiinl nilón ipir t ii'iii li I letM exemntl n ?no M, ha" conlrn de nut en U Cort. do Diattl-- j Jf.e dp la I vi Romero. All taxe-t- p iclilo itiiu i iiviuo y finica iiiaiinda,." Sin ij l , rwik aubject to tax f2ivno. mi Habilito. por t Uutulaüo do San Mi.ruc-1- n-r- bounded N by rond, S by 1' Tae Primer Banco Nacional f í .78. penalty 29c, publication 35' ta Un vi lo tniii r ili'iua-iai- la ron 1'Oillf'i lliiceine e Imbiie blleini dolido el ticti.r pido qu por doorclo f nirro. E by M. Creisrln, V by J. V . 'otal $6.42. ó ilo.- ti de la .i 1i,m vineul, h m iniiinii.- - 1 "Jr-n- Valuntlon of real estate $23' Vegas, fiatiX i 'ii uno - ii un r'H u vi ilu litad ()' pal t e de li imple innii-la- n cori id Las Nuevo Mexico. quo property $200.00, Thomaa Lester, Jr. Pecond half o ' ione.-- t'Xlt.!ii oatrj dicho y la.''1 l'erwal toii ?a DO la intuí iati. y diiieii talen iiiNt it in . actr u.xw. Personal property (luiriiiiidtda Hean d.Miii.lto y 8 para-: " leMt exemption 2t) conlstin cu-- ii - y en linbi di- , o hlefly e; ad Capital írlOO,OOC tul in Tax-ri- of catt valuation $78.00, inniieMi kn y quu á él lo eniieeda un diver- - innre ftiblect to tax ir.l.Ot). Existente. 8' MiutiCia mi' IVrft y Iauh by - ded asesKior $192.00 toUl valu lifnndir la juventud cono- abHi,lut.i de lit dk-li- bajo ,(rnal'J' publication 3.rc, te dor, dun icpúlilii fiH ild SuiJ Aun acusada tlon and amount subject to tax $9'i eÍUiÍcll!on pláctieon y teÓlifOKill ol pie L uliuiidoiio y para tali ctixttal 2'80, Se recibo huiiium ujcttiK A Se Vau í apelar A Iiln Taxes $20.41, penalty $1.02, public óiden. paga iutercfr sobre depósito rifa, urina. n.iea y auvio, etc, quu ti Antonio várela y Ortiz. AU taxe1 la Uíílietlituru y toHiilteinecálii. ntcno que tlon 35c, total $31.78. puní liii iJir Mm foiiliciiiIiiH y ar uwLed entre o 160 arret bounded N by J. Pendarle poruiauouteB. causo que s.ja entrada Nicanor Lopez. Second half of tax mu P by river. E by V. fánlaznr, V b rgiarntiM iiiii'ii'iiiiiiH, y una y eompan-nci- en dicho plettj en ói ea. Personal property eonsl6ltln Ktt ento líala (a Kobin dernsü'ii, tintos cía S7 n,e!,a: bouse and lot bounded N b JKFF KKSON IíAYNOI.DS, otra r'xt'ia iuo íli.ainlo mjk rjíi del dií Junio, A. 1). 1D1Ü cHefly of oittle; valuntlon an TroHidente. E. D.IAYiOLI)S, Caje Maei' 8 by J K Ar,uron' E by F I'M CH I' Ji'bl bien Chlnbli i un decreto en-i,- luí i.'e y para Inn j.( f j.foco.ifv'Hhos.rá dado amount subject to tax $175.00. Taxe n.H SMITH. Vic.. Pietiidctit KT ItAYNOI.I-R- . ntar tíina . i Várela, W by E. Tenorio. Valuatlo HAI.I An il reliitnb'e Milu Ion mu contra de unu-a- $1.03, penally 20c, publication 35c, to tam il "ratnpo fioljor." ipie nu' of real estate $2S0,.10, of p'?son', ii SUCVíNDMO t )MKU'.l, K tcribaiif . tal $4.58. le u puedi ii eiiM Üar, y (pie asse-- s . uim VV. ., property tuu.oo anded by . 0. Wauu. El nuevo y anioiin-íiibjec- t Julian Lucero. All taxes. Part o' Juulatwra pie luiibi miIiC ilc lo iple tríale VeúH, Nuovj MiÍaIío, v!)2.00. total valuation and pi 12. Tp. 17 N. R. 22 E. ir,f llftina Ji IV' Quinto, y lo ntn eitM'fi.ii lince lili papel lilóntiro Ani'guUu por 1 Actor. to tax $Pi2.00, Taxes $20.31 $1.02, publlcntlon 70e, aeres Valuation of real estate $25i. Mi' ili immi m prtia'ty to tf' iin iJuraiili if al ile lili i Íim;o ipa Va jillialnlo á personal property $70.01, total va' - c mo san - USUDt P'.OADC. VtM- w r. - OlllNCliMtS umm u a luí ilf luí .lui cH, iiiiti'iio- i ei- 'I n rjo. MU edn i.l ill lll- - atlon $320.00, em o.xeutptlrn $20. 9 i, Jto üí Prerlnto No. 52 vi-t- I - jvh lí!i mi Un i -- R.6 AsAtlJ chnce subject to tax $ 120.00. Ta- i.(ni frui nailon labl' UH Iile i he nr. t i jafe á lan Aben.lo Arniijo. Scconú iulf of ta. i $4.71. pena ty 21c, publication 35 i'oiiipMHiH'lla ffiaiiil! K'lieluH plIlilii'ilH el enl lidio de is. The SE of tectlon 10, 1 p. i ((.'O-- otal f5.30. t l N l IS L'ADA ) X. R. 13 E, ICO aeres. Valautk n c jiUfrr y r'iii'tt h HMillirio, ty i ieult ara y trabajo iiiniiual, e&tate $220.00. pro, Ricarda Martinez. ?A11 taxes. Per I)irijido por l(t Hermanos CiiatiutiOS. ,y N by Loa Asutijcs, is tiy tinrdo, B by rfal o Ipersonal huí '. piiiiK iiii lo nii'iaoM unen Hería un nimio inuv ele' tlVo onal property consMtln? chiefly o Arcl.lLcqiie, v by - rrty iHI.OO tolnl vr.luatlcn $331. 0' I T. I'mii. Vaina- ri'.la iUi:uilt' ' iiui'Vo niiiíiilo. !e Am 1 rheep; valuation and amount subjee ipie perdieran III mi tiempo tit it of cal Í2'.7. i0, 0f per Sá eseinptlon S2C0.O'), balance oil, i O eute o:i tax $350.00. Taxes Ion .pie á enruelin--, i.l $27.UM, j et to tax 1.00. Tax(,a pet ti $P.I0, renalt ,! t ' iiMetell talen projerty total valuation Un lea i'iilijii'.li.l;i !' tlty 14c, publication 35c, $3.1 "!1c, publication 35e. total $17.25. eircl Su(1)cste' r Í2SI 00, Icits exemption ba- total LL!ilií5iJ!!íls í.tl9ilJLÍÍ,):l,ar pie cu ViZ ipieiuli-- ' ( - pol de lina Tedro Pacheco. All taxes. ñu l. (in ti- mt muy ilifpillii. tane subJert to tax tax no Paitan o Armljo. All tsxes. Par Tta bji'ii - W 2 -' om) enlu liatiau litueli .meo- ef ioitlon 15, Tp. 13 N. R. 13 E. in of SW 14, PW of NW f tr io paiinl ii por jiaii fij lux' ll.X'i, peniliy Sc, publlllttl n. CURSOS. Literaria let-la- - eectl 7. Tp. 16 N. 22 y Ciéntifieo. ".IH tiinl V lio lilliüil- ""ic, teres. Xaluaton of real rBt;te $15 "f n P. E n & Omcrria!, Ciitkos i ixiijil el i'u-- pi niilen total $2 29. y 4 fol-iiiM- rio piifii l E of Of 11, i (' per-iOüa- rroperty $118.01, W eet'on Tp. Academic y l'lVji ar.itoi - II I. Aff en alie lo lliá i ll' ido. lo Pablo An liüieiiue. Second ha.'f .I tUni vi depal tunietitoM MCpa- ti i ú o) I i . i . N 21 it ; iii.u ni hi i'ont $21X.0). $20 R. E, 160 seres. Va'unpnn i' i no-- y l! xes. Iff) res bmiiuU'1 N b I. m 'eas exe'iiptlon radon, iiit. .'Xiei noM. Mai d ii por proupcctoM. nán pi ll lente y lo niA oer-on- llllillllH nri itnilo I al.inee siib.!e;'t real eMa'e $225.00. of al pro-ert- ti, I'ul M'll;ti', pill. Uut.JrK, K by (cnl.o, IJ by C. ra, tu tax IfiS.on. Taxi ! $45.00, PI' fi tatito utelCM e tiene i n VV tlty 16c, ptiblk'Htlon total valuation and amenn iii i ui'ini'ii, márt tu,- - i Ilea, by ft, An iL Vttljatli ten 35c, Los estudios comenzaran Setiembre (i nie, fll. to tax $270.00. 1ro. la eii- -i V i p $3.70. rubjet Taxe $'0.5' i lianza uiaiiuiM ne real l ite fílí.oil, persona. !i' M;H' ti fill Jil. allli)ti' lllH tf Penalty 63c, publication 35c, ni I $:.7.0-)- Anselmo Powles. AH taxes. tata liv-- Hi'H-ta- bl trty $3 a. Far ipie nil lan rri total valuation 1 1 vi nt. ij. i i el lit- - t ? 44. :)'''.a par Jado cxeiiiptlon 200 .00 of íedlon 21, Tp. 18 N. R. 13 E. V HERMANO HERMES, telrn dchtltiadoN A la em-eñan- f balance su' joc Presidente. J 'lililí a IH. to tax fllSOO, Taxej $2.fil, penalty aires. Valuation of real estate 52" ArtoKo Sandoval. AH taxes. The ' ! ' la enon niinoM, (piiera uno en ty ? of SE 4 I 1c, publication 35c, total $3.09. ff personal propei $110.00. nrde ef section 3t and tn. ''fu In ojiuMturi'.H y contra W of pectlon ada roud.iilo á tía de ipie fe iui. R. L. HtrV;er. A!i tuxes. Part of ly $12.00. total vsluatle 11 SW cf 32, In twp. . i r liilllM Vl It Ipll'fhtl 2 3 VMM, less exemption fiOfj.OO, N. R. 22 E, 110 aerea. Va'uatlcc lpll'l. partiera iurdmccióii de itetén- - c(tlona nnd In Tp. 18 N. R. It la' Tax-t.C- 2. i I R rnce sutject to tax $192.00. of real eRtate $223 00, of persr-- 'i rl' 'l p. ipfl ,iplil'na II o A Mipier.ill 300 rerra, Vnl.nillon of real ca alimón ipie tijilo. ren-alt- 43c. publication T $98.00, by A cto iiiDOO, of persmal property ?5c. t added as esse .iji.iitf ivinii lo ivyucó Finn ll l I fi il erda CM la jun. . fsl.OO, ATENTO .pie $17.". 00, added by nsseia-o- $512,00, tal f totel valuation snd amoii.! i y M ai' p i mi nota V vicio de il fon pif tracción ipie reunlai nifnt" Vele tal valunt'on ni atnniint subjet C'leores aallesrof. All taxes. IOC- stbject to tax $414.00, Taxes $15.9 nei bolicu oírccenios tt -- ! i Inicia iiti-i- ! - ( 'enalty 80c, publication 35c, '.nil tumo int li lo ipii- toca A art cm til cánii-íi- tax $1327.00. Taxes $!0.21, eenalt-- ' r'tes Irtirded N by rock and a 'iron top cada pai roipiiitn. ' $17.13. i" (lit iiii-- i lialna ifi(IMo, Kn t.01. pub Icatlnn t"ta! $!3.r.fl. creek, a by J. de J. Ma Valencia, jii' V ii(T' cultura en aipiellil ipie e 3c, Ml-u- cl Pe.-on- W by f Ningún i I Crenpln. half of ta rnd foot of hHls. Va'uatlo-e- Juan Sandoval. All taxes. M1 ridut'izo es tnpiiospreciado, iiin. rano !'' UooM'U'ít w pr'MlllU' aibpii'-r- Ion ul lado ilc ipaj pmc. '," $.10 00, of cf, 73 acr'.' bounded N by river, rial estcte personal prop acres of lanj at Begosw, Va'uat'ot ni mi ion 1 lw A jrnn acto .pu da nia hacooe t om-n-;- jr i.Uf mnlni 8 la Volvn t nii cm jatra 18 ociipacioiieM po ripie la bv me?, E bv N. Fontaine, V by I. erty $t 10.00, added by assessor $9' of real estate f240.oo, of pe-so- -- 'M fni It'll te, pi prartieit cm la mejor t'MiMlela para df la Luz Romero; .Inrrej bounded total valuation $3n,00 less exemntln' orperty. $405 00, tofl valnetlon $61" a pii nal y placer. N by by $111.00, ba'nnce ütibjet If $200 00. ntudiar con fruto. Solamente mesa, 8 river, E by J, P to tax $477..' ss exemvtion ba'ane ii Jr-c- Kste er icio Por-(p- l.! iiiMiit utiH lid C'otijinMi he"o, W by F VotMovn. Vnluntton raxes $21.11, penrlty $1.21, publlcr t to tax $445.00. Taxei $1".73, ren no cuenta nada extra. e n o' -- .pío MMpii'an al Mifl-cicntc- n irado de pm. t'on ?f $25.67. alty 94c, on pui on i n iiinin'io, pero rt"p t'lT'.on. of rror-- MM publication 35c. total $"0.v no se tuina bi ventaja de ello? . Moren y Car-la- . pnfii inclinar la tialanza Uinotroneli el lite le. ertv $'00,00. total vluatlo'i Abellrm fe'ond half o' Antonio P. Torres ar. PeccnJ half ' eMitaii un de ñ 1 sa cxP!-i'!t!o- f'.'no.OO. baHnf-- e suit- - Part rf section 10. In Tp. 1'' tf.ves. The ?E 14 of sect! .n 13. cu favor ó cu dfciialipnt r frailo cim inza Tr Telefoneen Nosotros Atenderemos. contra ii t. M. II. 13 E, 1"0 erren. ' 17 N. R. 22 E, KSO arcea, ni o v nlia pn ra nwrvir de jiiiii A h ii tx fg .i in. Tnxt'i :,iri, re. Valuation Va'uatlo- iiifiiiila iiiiiciiiio it ton Jifiin'). pill) al e $?r,n,,w. londemAM, fltv ?7". li"'tlrn 70", fill' n personal oro" real $210.00, of poron" WINTERS DRUG CO., ii ci- - .'i'edaia m ?rriiii(n, ertj fSI.Ofi, ndded by $14.0'' roperty $97.00, cratiM. Su objeto ,v mir.i pi Ketera vi sjsesor tctal valnrtion $3'" Calle del I.MM v ded-'xr'- . 25 acre- - 'erg exemption sn- Puente, has Vrpm, X. M, pal en ll ci del ,m ó. teolian MipiiMonc-- i hetpcrt N bv letal va'tcitlon I''.oa, epntn'e 2nooo. ba'arre in jo hie "'00.-"0- le liin.i.i.n A ..ii,i,.. I 8 by P, Pmc mex. E bv ,1, ppnd bclance subject to $17 'ect to'tax $"7 00. Tave en'ui d"l p.irliito It .piihiifaiiii t , Tn-e-- $3.05. penalty iip, publlcatlo-?rc- na'ty 12c, publication 35c, tot.'i iin iasqiiieien hacer el pap-- l i'Knl r on paitilo nuevo. Kn de,r. v hw H hv r,,,.M, total ft4. .79. pi'lil.M fi i n tt-- cm .1fR( irv INers't iii-ji- u infill en ),y T. V .1. E. Rnlbal. All T-r- re, probable ipie entino n otro inaleiiaME nolbnt. bv fendart. taxes. Tb Anln"(o rpura Jr. Pecon-- ' m re ii I VV l of io Uh ep ra na grm íiaenM. ipie lloran, lio noil diiniMi de pcleatlm of .trae fíenlo, ri NV of APctinn 1 half of ta ve. The ?W of NV 0 TP. 17 n iiait. 'M0 total vp',i i N. R. 13. E, 40 seres. Vl,r 4, cf SM-tlo- 1, í ha atención por.p.e Iiim .ple',nm,',, cie'ty the of of Nr 0 '' Pidan . lion of de CAO i and sublect to tax rea' eat.e of re,'e-ti- 4 1 2 " sus IOS A U TlíMPO Y LOS ! b.M A .''"n aninu't and E of SE of Comerciantes propalan hal.Iai. la . - É , - stlrn .a i Tnp( i ' pn.,.,v n it, $'23 added by p. 17 NASOS IH Aü UNIO. fu2 n.i wb- N. snd 8 1! of NW an' 0 i tura m'ii 8a Iter rcaliiiente to pen i.'O.on, 1? quo 70c, Mil $s.n. total valuation f.IS.OO 2 ff FV 14 of ceM n 21, T". 0 Mr ini!i. la palabteria que 0 dicen. It'iy labraitorcM iitelijeii. rimm Fre'inejs. A'l faxea, 1? vemrtin Í143O0, baJnoe s'iMc" IS N. Bl' Of rne f?2 E nrr" i.l l mm i- - - 1) tax fx5.i'1. Tsnp ? 1. 4. en ('poca art ti eitá CM'l Iten.iiiHt ,'M'U.'llaiieiinii1.I-.,r,.ni.'- . Hrn' "v 1 mc- renal 'a'ttrtlon of real $31".0i. , 0 "-- o, 0 Li-- F Y 'V b' P' ilc. total $4.70. nd-'e- l. i.tiptíaiieudoeu It.n ! I ' V'm,'v,; rfrsctiel orpprtv ?2'0AO. b 0 loé pe1 y H ' CO EIIO ..,,, ,, CrcT'-i-l- ... , . uatdiniii niinieniii. i.jein. pr.rp, N. i, ,lV c r,a,,t( RMbat. A'l taxes." 00 0 o sessor $"0 total va'tmt'on tare lUHilcont'i, u r.fvii,cia a r-- $u .nM Ar-sV- R jieueialiiicnt I.l R by C. Panrlicr,. W by P. -l. t brrrH N and bv cree' exemn'.'oi fooo-l- , sin 0 . lts bibere ti'anna), ja I'd di - te by n, lien eHciieitl, iiictlltlira cm II It arte .pl Hone- ,t''- Vslnrtlen o' re !31.00 ' Quintana. Wbv hi t. Val- - ct to tax 4'5no,. Tvp, ,7.'" 0 - ty n' H Utn tail. lie de'riiMitM ..- . rf "re-er- í' p.f, v i'rin C real et-- t $toa oi. or n o 8(!e. "0c. 'C. recuelan in oicli. -I ndi. v r a!tv to'il íoí.7 0 El Mejor por el ' ii'-- PVrn nil nronpvfy Precio. ij ;o rl ItÜOrt. I .1 'Vo iki.iiiii.iii.l.., - . : . .. i . " tim eíeri'pon total vbnt!" .1oe E eo Torre. ha'f n i.l,- y mu i i . i ... Feod - i leuuieie iiMimio . coimi ,un. . . , ....ii-- r-- r - ,,nnn , 0 , i,trmv ...,i.iiii.''i- i i i., i 'M( fienni ,t-'tnir'ii .ti viví, I'll taxes Py sa?e-?'cr- , rt ctl'-- ... aieiirionttaia, luí pitdiTMacnr i. t im 'f ie;tiediotí.;rti buen pn)veehMl. 'o.73. ren!ty 51c, puMlcatin 73e j"" to tax IH.II0. Tx 11 and 14. Tn, 17 N. R. 22 F, J2 0 ..Apura lod.M Jon mal.-- I'mo ?1,ft7- - 7n 0c, htb. de tnininciiir rn lan nalty publication 25c, tn seres. Valuation of re? espite n 0 t.i. $2.14 loMyporh berycouiouuiirbi. - vs. tal setsed ty 1 155.00 0 4cm.l.t8 pfiblioim iX,.,.H..,e,,toM V rT, aesior rf reroe g Insistan que se les - ' . No. 53 dé r . ÍT ??n- Precinto al la lo etic..7 i.ii i .mm ml. ii- i., ,t Wt-U- rrtperty $6600, total vnlutb-- MAItCArfé5 tmlinj .8 - ; p, i r hv ccte Wby E fiare,,.,'.Va'-- José Apedrea. Al, Peracn-- $F41,00 leu-- exemotton fOO.oo, t. v t,s. bl o. VWO. pioiincenai , t Solo inorar la n,i .Jmpmale de tomo y lomoipn itat,o e" it fn-o- 0f pPr. propei-t- conslstlns cMafly 0f srtee rere sublet to tax f II Aft Tare 0 se vende en paquetes de V-- i I rt ,:da d.' tol.m, tX'Mlit 4HIIIOM di-- nit by ' sut:j?et 7 ; : uoncrviia má pie para t i ner Prwii? '0i. ifn valuation and amount to t f'4."J 1c. pub'lcaticn 35r 0 ' M- ' una . í.nenaM Ínte..cío.,en b- rpwr libra, sellados. as d' - ii oH iniicliaeli.iH .I, l.m,- - """"on , tlS2.'J0. Taxes ?S 33. penalty 42 total $15.31. 0 i- -Tt It.-tn- to s..,,an. publiiiitlon .Vw n de .,,i, i - ,l"ect ts, Taxe 33c, total $ 9.10 Jes Fer' fin Torres. Feeord half rf 0 j o.l...n iLiitMiim v a hiim n ii .m v fiA iiiinn I" f tgi publication Moe-- Araron. Se half r NW -- . nd The rf VE Pi p..r eXH-ti.-n- tiu-ti- r fxe. 'ni u.cin ticbeit tic mi tiennto. I..w total $!95. taxes. expon 22, Par of Tp. ts V cf NW SW 1 of 9' (a I ' tri N" .pi" valeen.t c.ip.'ci. de eii-eú- n 3enn m All R 22, K0 cu pt nion de liza en bin eneue f!',r taxes E. ncres. Va'tiiPon of ie of ectlcn 17. In tnp. 17 N :..nMe,í.t.lonen MiminUl ra--- j L,m prima. ,im ent.Vu state $190.00, of persona! properi b. T3 F, 1'"0 eres. Va u a i ion of re claraaicnte Ela-Wo- " ,Mi,HM,'UH fTVJl .$2139 00, total valuation nnd awnir' oa"to $215.00, '.f personal nroren ovav45 i!"r l,1'"f"";''drlÍncadoM y íijoM y no iiweni- - v lVi rt. M Weet ' -- - to tax$23:'9. Taxes $:.' 0 Í7i.c0, tetat - le a na .cencía i hnn' vtnat'on- $3l".oo, MAQUINA exeíimi iih1m t,'' of ( tan de ndicioiieM ni aña. ti. t" b'r, bv pi Ipenty BE f rd, f $2.51, publication 35c, tota' exemotln $00 0,1, r MOLEE '. bl'n"e subiert lítente á emm jamón. iVai Cn- - hat, W hv n. t. Va'it $54 5.1. tluraM. ponpití cnttlM todo lo e-- h,h' f. ps ti'(?A0. Tax"s í.. oenalty 11c ' . ' , f r""' of onn Ara-'on- ala para Ja e.efKtn i t...... A ..... i i: : ... "'f iter Néstor All faxes. Par pub'l'.atl'-- -- ,i. i ll II ii i... I I I i . I . trtal f.74. "'.nii.. Miri, lil'l II' I' ...... i., (i.iiiii ".jj ..i ...... nv - or ?, De Las j nf" "csso- seotlon 33 and 34 n Tp. 17 N. p Tedro Tru'Ulo. Al'ts res. Perso-- si Vcffas.N. M. '.i.un.iiMlaltll.MiiiiioM y o! que tot-,- .low. dinero Hj'aeta rn inntruir fiooao. vnin.('on Vabt-tlc- n rd nnen' ,: E. 3'0 acres. cf rroperty ron--l.!t!- -- n.:,,., ret of cate; v1 .., i,, ( t It 1, 11 1 en. to tax V,100, Taxes $?3.St, ct-t- e l - P'.Miiniwivu'ilH., JOf tal 1)1. Wrt $17000. cf .leríon-- nrooort- . . i . . i i . foflon nnd amount subiert tav Pn-it- $1.19, publication 70c, yí, irinox, teta ,$347 Oí. total valuation TOO fÜOAAO. ppn-lt- ni por.pi. )táu, en luirde u.tiltiplicnr UM t si ira Tavpg $llrii ?.". EJ.McWEÉNIEj Gerente. 1 $25,7 fi !t f c M I 1 i eve'U"tfon ribia'ii lia a li.iin In u, ,i..i... i: ' $:'0íi00, brlorce snbloct t' publication 35c. total f H AS. . .i.i:,,u ...... v . , , r...v " All Tm)-,r,- n ni., xiHtnf. fTPS. ie tx fni."rt. Txes ?25 41. .enM'." , i CKHCA .....a , Mí LA ..ri....ii coiai cien. 8oIati,.'iite lo v nt t v H- -od. i'f CASA ilKDOXDA. ,,!,. t $',2?. n 3".r. w. en-pr- n rn' Hc't'l' T exes. or ? nn !?4 i i i,1Ícii-m - 1 t"i Part it ci 1 ine heir- ció y v ren' ai av. . oa-M- por.pie inteiitii fin .le tan cm ' sr"hul"ts. .MI ("yon. 1 V. R 2i - tvni. is E H? erre Ofrecen,,,, 1, ! Á si vender de cap a,,, de d,8 '" ' -, ,,ina VU.ry instruir us cneía.'eM int ruir la j. ...,t ad y """' sn'i "n'.Tuvo,, of re- ann Bn,K .Wpne, ,1. Per dt ' ,,fn,M-- " : v.u-t to V. Al vo. -- ,,,"'"r I H-Mr ;. Tvri tV 'prrsKI rty o() m' i, " un puede : .i",,,, y inpeiírlo nin . '-- r ' $t.S5, cubllcitjoa S3í, t;Ul ress-.- "'iu de Laayt-u- s. !..i.tiucoüitni icccioticíí cu br :Jt.v. i.nn, '' llaíraiiOB na visita paru uepuedaj; trso.ij. ten exta;jUoa Í20003, baJwcettral. crt'ur mejup. I j lit MU. i: IDO I'hR LA n de dicho cuerpo, n la cana de . í lo largo do U coreo' H 15 minute 3062 pies;' Eiclusion No. 11. di 1 d-- e- - cua- 1 iriS. vrt norte dicha iea crl. rite trwho de 'e la y ni i'o Independiente ro--.r- o comiilrlameiiU: Ue.liifU- - n i iv ho o miad i u. ) a . Iit-Il- v iS ininu; t ei-l- d Cierto trt cho Ifm n'i 'o en dro ti lado noi te de la .: a i vonri t tMlt ta llij h il . .M i t II !. t j i ;c ...... C Si a -- b.l s ui., ui. inil.a al Nuri de Ciudad c. u rajo por i a d .f.i i 3 i era ! a 03 ininiit. I ! l.i.' nor.e graui ui la rui aie do u ". ib éi inoitledur raía . ., , A . . I pl; ' ... A .. I Vite -, . . i , - .0,1 lie Ijím t i; 4- al laii.i d- - 1 te, h'.'t r I: ". .i i i ci ; er.,.1 laniau iia; '. a borle Oriente in i'i ,t 111-fi- ' IlUpi de N.rv- tri.'iit. o rat. fi.t- riiomu-adi- D . . . a..i. ÍJ L' de Fule. par lo loo. t.UNpo. ... .'. "V.. i N-i- t U-- c ; Pildora ila' ra a i i. ue ll.'-- - Kr-'l- - S .! II. Í. .U OS t 4, ii.iu-- t.e M u a. e.tulii.ilaiitlo al gi a !u4 1 2 m :.i.t . ,..-- : i.i.a. muí ti l if 0 pi-- . u.- ui 1, bar Ul pl i. l I K-- restaura- ' 'fie'. huí, i n ei i ( i!.' - 1 1 .-- u It no üe F. . al Orien- 'i) y tie anlicepiic, l'iik'uy ui'aiiü ito liTru.i.i ta i uit hj . a l niiiiu.i e i . 4 i ; ei4cion fticii.iu un punto en el tn lirurh. oe uul al sur o o, !. u ri.iK-.- t vo n il- -' i .ti caiutn-- t d i, . tivo y pronta restricción de todas las hurí de SuD de de S.n Miml. IT .1, "Uf i grull'. l- -" II. i .11. lniii un pumo en la te r rl nt lio tie la orieute, 'j'jii pi 4. u. ll Ü. í - ' .U Ck'-.l-'- 15 iii-a- i & U-.- a-- ) ! s It-h-ií,- e mU-rrv- t xu'o, j.witi.i o a i uii- 1 iu a no, u oe t, del rVn A .T. F.. al vesit) cuv o. M , d i rit t I i. , N mi rii ir nülarddi-- ur iuaria. sus- el fa.iavrr un niño. La ,. . . . 1 .. . . i . . iji.i i till. lie j;;iií:o t in hl.-- t' d-- Men-ciuii- O - ( i Ni !- ce l.i lh y . j- :.: . , i" i. uaj ai ni'T na -. i'Jj J l .1 i, i.e. te i.o U. era it'inx Mir ifirviio l iter graj.s li t I ca lo'- j I'i.liuiw l'i mi. ,d , titutos. De vfDU en la I.uUcj de lru;a:i ir quieu . 1 M.-stco- iral Pd..ieiiU n ! sud-j- i UlilKU.UU'.O.v iK I. s r.t. ."Mite 4 giuiis U) ii.i. ii i Om.. iri.ic.p. de Nuevo ir., j tM,r el caiuíod evimna dti le í O. ü. Sdiat ffer. abandonó aiti Ins eu CoilfO' nilj .U a I. t e un donde l i a dj ha . ( ' i 320 al fl grü í, i p, Uo Uo Cruz Kvja Jir .kIv ii i Api , le a.,i. í.ir jl Jj ,ti,i ncnttlr ci eres. allí uoris Act i oe Av;.-,-- i i t.. i a. 1. 1 "1 e ( s ccióu 1. va o. '.T.t) pl , Kx b siun No. U. te. U'X) pn h n r- la in iiii. ni. o óJJ p.ei.; tie ii.l .. rt k i í de muí ui a 1 1 1 1 - -l A t i de Nu vo , : 1 b.:i iiereeho de . MOK10. JUXICO tila irlr ri.iuio t.o NUxha. ,K ilül.Uv. S Oe-- t '2 i 1 ; at).,o c. ii lile d aqi.r.U del del irecuo; de a. ir uu.i.' - (.ra ilj , ' irlii ! U l'i.-.i- a. i!, li-- U I.I.-- 1 i;i nu I pun- de la 1 inpsfiia l FeilOe minuu a . a, "Una p u tiJa de Mormou. , ncabe-1 Aumenta precio u m oenu neee-I- - "I'll Acta Unco h a il. Ni ri o g.a ; üüi.ut a Disij1 e.i ti. i4 el li sie t'iilum.i t "rióme, t J l. ai 1 i A I Hit'iúíi," ir. Is, l;i J, ! . del ccn.i. . n II A. T. S. F., pie ee euire comienzo. mu aunn-nta- i Mao pi. t.c ,nii Nun.' i j r .... id i zadaporel obispo á la cal l.a l.U-U- e lil . i.iips - i i ti lit i-.i ; Nor-l- - Exiu-niO- la linea EiíIukI No. 4. M di- - - ' ivr mi. ii a Ut'te Oí. 3 pies de ,!;, No. 2. fiiei.u h seguid I frou-t- e el A Iquiti au di- Foley iritllMlt! i I l Del liíii, cruzando en til ,,l . - -- !e ets ion 6, 10, -- i;ru.l 1) . ;i..j Caoíldo Hilera Cierto cho do sito;:.!. - i'l Itniiii'l. TvnYuM .1 ii.nt-- ' tre-- tr i uui de y u gnu-d- e ' nix i: Nt 16 el tie 1 I ra hiél t Mxico con el fiu de inves- nii alta excelencia iue di ha lii ión ac p, a; i'.e nniu .tos U s-i r'e Ot ul', eii fondado mo 3 uii:Us et r.oru i lu.ti.lia n 47 1 1 . I Mé-kio- ', ni- - -- i N- - luii en salid n M cu. Nuevo la-l- - cu id i iu au-iuii- p.r una bu na y culi u s i i ue a h. I ,rnl- Territorio de 1.a al t iiei.;- d. , tigar 11 veouja ai(;jlu dtt aqutl cumlivas uiniiu rl ni rt 1 V'igis, It...; fl DepoMto i- d za wjiuh'i Vv-.- I .') 0-'- -a oriento de Sanguiu 1, limiU'4 M'pteuti Imiale l ' - m-- j r y, no;. s o- de Mora. i d E nt. .ii.í ji.i'; i, 1 conü!. dardo al nert r el r remedio - pal. o- - I i du- iU iil ai sur graci s '.'5 niii.ut s oe I nt'. cuya U .nía iu- lain i T l.) i itu.-u- O li t iutlnd i ega, en dicho K. iti - rreno de Jí, Kieru.i, al r pura d l", coqiitleehe, io li y p ti li. olí i a ia estaeio.i una del üe Miguel. tri nt' reuuiati-uio- , ó t), da r dicr.o cue o. v i nr c ra 1, pi s". d ! 4.1.1", .N'..ri 1 gr U CondüUti Ssn rreno de T. '1 . w, ul n.. . Un contaru de uoa ilit.i .i.. ulero ,i i 'lar Vid o lo y i c- 1 d. di. Ij.J) dj de-l- et d-- males de la gaiv inta, cht dich.i cu rp p.'..i t iii a uai l ies; le u.h. t grai'.y l. el aquella parle del leí reno t Jhn T. Ui L,lc y . i ' il.i puntada dv neuralgia, cualquiera que 1 a- -i t alii a est t.'i i;i in-- . y tlicba p tic'.u i. t cuk pi'tii i. s Vi O ft-- 7 pi. u 1. u h ue Ct) del ei io- va. bofes. lj irennlna etá i d t j mi .uu.s i.b s; 1 '2 lull la C"l:pñia ui.nte por ciinioo i', - a'i c' .o-- . a grades 5 mir.utt a sea la proa, el Lloimet.U de ihauibtr- ra excuivit n i e t , é im i N giiol- - a á s O .o ls-.l- iur ti ccte Fei rts-:irr- A. T. S. T.. que yace Iciiie-i.iii- !ti) At o !,. .. uniari'.li'. Ilohii!-- mu rio li inii.ut 4 mi- aciet, f. - m 6 pi s; 2 a a .ur 47 grades 50 í- tutn,- ,1,.!.. flk v i i d -a y.n nnu vaj j.iif ce t i '. h ii cln riis ri.., pi h, ui' ;;ur:t lígnil i'ininu-t.,- s i i liv e. Ido de l.a (iili:i4 en cons, cut e. i i ii : ii. , b 60 9 s; i a 4 Itf gra- - itol.t i la itu a do la ruz Koja y O. i ; nutos cut- loi sur ioci-o.- ic-r-.- - au.l-- t t y tamul n el a vi i.e pr. i.ta'-i n lie k .( at), pi.-- l.í. .V i Vt cas, fundado de Han Miguel, Nue- i i r i el nial proclame ti u La primer l iu i 4- 4 I 'es resi 'ni I - d -! m s i ,d if, a 5 ur 14 piib.icai ion j ia ru a de j u! .ira g id. s niiiiuu.s O u- lili I. pi s: ai vo y una iiut a tirana derecha bidauicni ade pta.'. p r c cu. rpf. caciAa De u 1 s e.i.(J pi. ; 3 ái alivia. veul f toda cion de ni ama. Y dicho i e jii gradúa iu miiiiii. ik;i! á de la del centro O t, l.i er.te.-- a lei'uiiuo d ia Aivq iia M.nue ti 10 '271 la dirección linea ltbSt hLVABK. su M p u bur li grades mii.ut. a oet-t- 5 la botica. ATK10 lAl't.L i.MIIA. d bidani.'iit, hal.ú (iuu d.cha ti, ion a construido, el iiiimuo estando del eao-iu- u principal de la Compañía plica de la peiiclon tie Clcofes Rome- pies; 6 A 7 ur 4J grados 43 minutes Ü. Maf-kiu- , ha sido debida y legalmente p.:t. ca i u Kj- - del A. T. A S. F., medio ro, Leahy, II. Cuando el üitio de en la a de y al norte iíj la est n d. A Ferrocarril J. S. DavU, Jr., ANTIÜlo 1K CAXO. ente 70.4 pies; 7 61 grodu Kava-nang- lilLLUK da por el tiempo y la manera requerí-- , rorte estación t'4 0 de li- R isenivai-t- , h, ' en rl ferrocarril A. T. i S. F de U á medio de la dicha Emanuel Juhii F. guerra del Transvaal, el general Ha- di.-ho- - "2 ndnu.os este "."J.l pies; 8 En el Bídco dtj Inglaterra kuelt en- do y qu peticiona- 1 norte cuyo parley, alié lo largo de la linea d. ;(ü nea ee dicho camino principal, Fidel Ortiz, E. V. Ixng. Eli grados 3D minutos ente 132.1 pies; i privile- den Pawell, que mandada la fuerzas rio baldan eunip ido debidainei t reí ho ú paMO e punto en c) meridional desdo y Cu- Caldwell y otr . para laorg'tniz.-,e- n señarse á altrunoa rUitautes dicha Acequia U s;ilida 7 enil.-ió- n todo, n requerimien-- ! M á Estueion de la norte rca billt-t- e itiada?, bizo una de papl respect, ci lo adro a un punto en la lim a oil ntal de la Homero, en el Con- del DISIRITO DK IRRIGACION DE giado el tnás antiguo de bunco ' grados 05 minutos ente 1)3 V 3 pies; de eu-r- . tos de diclio acta, prcliminariamei te de dado de Sun Miguel y Territorio de LAS VEGAS aquí Mipiieado, y la un moneda por valor de 5.2J8 libras derecho de piso dicha Aciiuim lll para lurgo la linen que tiene val r re(ie.. ct.nho lo en y al tiempj cié y in la r. ciisiant MI5 pies al pur a lo largo de atiasalo de Nuevo México. misma ea por a t loriada, v "una linai. De a, fóU) e dan cobrado cení i al de la salida. Estación 64 á 64 vi 6"ó libra enterlinud, con U ción de dicha petición. (licita linea do la linea sur Exclusion No. 13. elección es por esta ordenada, llama- ba-- U 1 sur 65 graih s :o oeste 3f l a aboca OIS ibran, el rento üh loi Oue en dia 6 de M.iyo, 1910, las del one 4.) ile minutea y dirigida de -- er ttt Co Xber, lew." camino extiende I. 61 Cierto trecho de terreno situado al da tenida litro r-- 64 n áü norte grado 25 minutes billetes, aurque reconoeidos por el siguientes ro-oui- i nc s y t in s fue- lie d .1 l'acili.-- al sur del Ho ialli- - pies; Mora, dicho propuesto tlUtrim de irrigación, oeste pi k; 4i) n 47 norte 8 gra- laño oriente del de como Rl-- , ron debidanicnts adoptadas pi r dicho nas la cual forma la linea t el lindero y en los varios precintes de aqui Las ríldoras de Foley para loa gobierno lulé como legítimo-- pre- - dos 25 111.9 pies; 2i nilibu al norte de la Ciudad de Las dio, cuerpo: minutos o.'ste punto par a el tt -- flones contienen en forma sur del terreno do Perry O. Iju; de eirá, eonlindando ul nort por terre- depues descripto, l.u tk coucentrada fleren sin poseedores guardarlos como de comii'i.zo. di.-tii-to "l'OK CUANTO, una petición ha till, cimo Kigue: no de John T. linche, al Orieute por terminar ai acuso tai i.clic t ingredientes de establecido lerapéuü recuerdo de) Eulubion No. 3. Kjs sitio. sido debiilunicnte pn st lUada, llrnia-rt- a Sur 60 gradi-- 41 minutes al ponien- terreno de S. F. Hemler, al Sur por bajo provistos io un Ac- Ccn.-i.i- l "1 y d-- de del co valor recibido para el alivio cura por Cleoícs Koinem, I). J. Li ahy, te ' la ti i. a oriente do la del Cemena do en Estación 73a de la 'teiit uo de S. i. Hemler, y al Ponlen- ia la Asanih'c.t cin- Co mandil ii le Julius A. Post No. Ú. tal i io del mal de loa ri ñones y U vejiga. De 1'rslt 8. Davis, Jr.. E:nami.l it sei wal.l, l'ai iiieo ul Sur; do al!i al in r.c á h, Caí a. al t r.ei te, de donde la enquiña lM,r el camino de Mora. Coutenlen-noie-t- to de Nuevo Mexico, intitúlala l Kept. . A. It. E. aere-- , niA ó menos, "Un Acta en ltda. ion á Distritos do venta en la botica de la Cruz lioja y U III., Juan F. Kavanaiicli, Fidd Dniz. liügLi de dicha linea ricnt i de i iel.a de neccu-- 16, a .ildo 18 norte do II t- s - 1 ! Irrigación," Marzo 2ñ, 3iO..', ü. Mr. Cook Comandante de la V. Long. Eli Ca.uuvll- V pro- calle c! IVtií'.to ul 8ur ti pies, de hilera ltí ai ori. nte. del Meridiano Exclusion No. 11. aprobado O. Sbaeffer. i y los del Kewanee, escriijes nictarios iibsolutoH. del C m do da Mili ül ut.ito 6.1 erad . 41 iiiiiuit. h l1 Principal de Nuio Mexico lleva sur Cierto trecho de terreno situado co todos acias i liuiciuUlorios Posta arriba, III.. ; y de A San Miguel, en el Tjnitcrio de Nu er.ente de ta linea oriental d- l dere- 14 grauott 32 mii.uos tríente 1112.9 mo 2i milla al Norte de la ciudad de oiueier veto délos iiAcrKKi.'LoiasiA i'KRro. uu largo yo fui molesta- califica-lo- tic distrito "Por iiemo vo Mélico, mani siando quo es el fin cho h jiaso de dicha Aci-qui- Madre; pies; de allí norte KS grados 3 minutos Eos Vegas, al lado Orlente del camino electores dicho di'l-i- & la la es- Falleció en la capital do Méxiuo el do con de espalda y dolores da lo p 'ü:i iturij- - d. un do allí á lo l irgo de ia linea oriente oriente 1172 pi. s a la Estación uno, de de Mora, conlludandi) al Norte por te- dicha cuestión de rioai ion, y tirgaiii.iicion ú eminente bacteriologist Anuricauo de mis mes. dt;s me- distrito dj irrieai i' n de acuerdo con ti j dn ho derecho dj paso de ( i.h. allí, á la Esta de C. al Ori- tablecimiento del través Geno rreno lierlha Thornhlll. propuesto de irrigation, Dr. Howard UL'keUs, que en yo comenzó la ley, c.ntoi i do vnu di ripc-io- Acequia Ma rj tn una tin ce, An ui 1 ti i sue 51 geadi 55 minutis orien- ente por terreno de T. T. Turner , ai distuto estudiaba ses á tomar las Pildoras l m.-- genci-b- r s dii h pi"-pa3- i US bajo y pt.r virtud ti", y de roo ha- de los lim'e di noi t.i tiaHia el punto dd Lit is in., te i.7 pies; a 3 ur 12 grades 10 m Sur por terrenos de S. F. Hemler y pals tifo, co,ui.-i-o. de Foley y pronto vi que etaliiu 1 ; p.-.r- ei aquel el mLrouio del y y wr.gular. eri.-utedi- l 1, , con la y y la ceivn ele un Sl-u- dis.rii t.dos dj ia pit- iiuu-h- i nu 1 a á 4 3 Sawat.k-- y ciendo com- reclaman. loiinin-dolu- s dn.a derteho de iii ts.i Mir Jortidi al Poniente imr ei nado por las Univeraidades Chica- por ley pivveido y ivqiu'-rid- ", 1.) i t.) 4 4 Cui'i'Hi dd Directores sigun da y ahora liore del dolor de tesCini 'iHos eo 0e ia Aci quia Madre con la luna g ad. h s oil 9 pt s; cumiuo de Mora. Conteniendo 'a y suplicando qu uerpu de- dé- a o 2.1 s 6'J mrt- ó por ley. go y Pensi.vauia. ep;tlda y el lolor miero de la vejiga esleí sur dj cii rio camino que conduce snr grail minutes t ili nta belt's, - menos. y lindar, s de 9 fl el Sábalo, 11 do A. ha desaparecido. Me gustan las Pil- termine establezca les la Calle del Pacifico hur ul Hio tiulli pii'4 5 á sur 40 grados 60 mi- Exelusiop No. 15. Quo dia Junio, d por la tí 7 ',3 D. 1910, e tija Las tablillas de Chamoerlain para de lie di- dicho dis rito irrigación, na; deslii al oriente á lo largo de la nutos oriente lii'.i.U pies; a sur de como Si mi- por osla Jo para tener doras Foley tan bien que les i Cierto trecho teireno cual so suplica en dicha petici.-- r ul Ki (la-1- 1 5 miiituos 234.8 dicha elección en dicno distrito, y los el Estómago y el Hígado limpiaran el cho á todos mis amigos y ompañe-r- o linea sur de dicho camino grados orienta pies; llas al norte de la ciudad de La Ve conocido como EL Dlfji'KITO DE ñas; de i. El al (i lo del n b (8 grados 30 minutos orien- varios precintos del misino, y las ur- eutómagu y Hobr) "lias y la renoml ndo en l.orte tugo norte iras, al lado oriente del canil-- o de agrio, el resuello DE VE1IAS, y 3(12.1 4-- ciiahpiier oportunidad.'' De venta en laitlOAClüN LAS. banco pon!, uto del Iíio tii.l.ii.iis al te pies; o á neite 61 grado Alora, eonllndando al norte por terre- nas electorales ea dichos precintos se un apetito Promue- sonu-t-i la cu sLion ion ti.? H21 10 27 son por de iibiiiBe pa- cria saludable. la botica do la Cruz Hoja y O. G. da la cranizai punto intersección de dicho banco niii.uU s oliente pies; Hh sur no de P. Polaco, al oriente por térro esta ordenados al de elect, i t s i hG7.! fin 0 M. ven la creciente del zumo gásirie , por de la misma vota ks i.l to y del banco al sur del gradi s 3 miiiutoa nto pies; uo de Mrs. Cora Archibald, al sur por ra ee á la hora de las A. califici.d s de dicho pre- 10 11 l,a en dia 11 de Junio, A. D. 1010, y lo tanto induciendo buena digtstiou. legalmente gra .dd arn yo que corre para dicho a sur ;3 grados minutos orlen terreno de N. E. llierson and Mrs, dicho f'e irriga h n. debida- l 15. i abiertas hasta, y á MIE UTO IMH ELE TitllIOVn. puesto distrito rio ai sur de is tierras de F. For w ssj.i pi. s; li íj sur 07 grados íoi S..B,, w K. llog, v al potilenw por e tenerlas cerradas De venta en todas las boticas. firmado por el r. mero ti c sa- i la hora de las o P. M, de dicho día. Y mente syihe; d allí al pimiento á lo largo nuuuios oriente i.u.s pies 12 a miroamlni, UH MorM; c,,teuiendo HX) Dicen d la CHiútal de México, con ri es pr pi abolti-- t al S ó la será t .mida di- da tarios do dicho banco sur del dicho arro- grados 65 minuu s orí. nte sie.O Bcn.s mii m,,n(W. SleBdo rl dicha elección entre fecha 8: "INunpióse ayer en la pla- qui. n. sen s en c. do ti 3 a 14 m dos 45 minu- - chas horas de las 8 do la mañana y las d.eñ yo la linea oliente del terrino de pits; rte t0 pn ...... o.-id- e- nn. el luirar de A. S. Cook Pe-rei- ti T- e-- so del i.ú total de pies; 14 15 de tardo de dicho dia. En Seguiu, las, ri&erou Edgio zuela de "incaico, de eU capital, á una maxoria Juan Knvauaugh, una distancia de tos oriente Kill a norte ti Exclusion No. 16. la s pro- acres perteneciendo a 1)5 pies al banco grados 3.) mi.i.i oí oeient líl'd.4 pie di-c- y Federico Flort, resultaudo del medio día, uno de lo. alambres poniente del oriente "lorio trecho de terreno situado al ES ADEMAS ORDENADO, Que pietarios absolutes de dicho prepues- cié ia Act quia Madre, de itllí Sur 13 15 a 16 norte 7 grulos W minutos distrito de irrigación sea y es por que inpru-dent- e del de Mora 3 mi muerto este último de un balazo conductores de luz eléctrica: un to distrito de irrigación : y grados 22 67. pies, 502 6 16 á 17 norte 39 gra- lado oriente camino minutos EstJ de pie; al norte de de Las Ve esta dividido en tres divisiones, como recibió en el brazo derecho y uu tre- gendarme, que pretendió cortar- 82 gradi 8 27 dos 45 poniente 1895,5 pies; lias la ciudad POR CUANTO, "la dicha petbion allí, Sur minutis O.ste minutos gas, al norte por terreno sigue, a saber: que peli- de 22 gradt s 10 mi- 17 a 1 sur 53 grad s 30 minutos poni- mendo golpe contuso en la cabeza lo para evitar qu" los trunseuutas hu sido hallada y per esti so halla de pies; allí. Sur Mrs. Cora Cook, al oriente por te Division No. I. Se compondrá to y r. guiar ferina; que nutos Este 68. 3 pies; de adí, 5 ente 331. li pies; IS a 707 en la salida dt da aquella parte tie dicho distrito quo le partió el ci á.ieo. grasen, recibió un choque tremendo estar en debida bat i reno de W. Kellogg, al sur por 1 45 Sarah so cump i 1 en tod reap ct s con grados 6 minutes Oeste 100 pies; de poniente del canal, sur grados 65 esta al norte de la linea tie sección ha i Urreuode Hertha Thornhlll, y al que le ocasionó la muerte I allí, NertJ 27 grados 31 minutos O h minutos poniente 8.6 3 pies; 707 á 723 i:. y Nunca dude eu dar á los niños el la L y en la registrackn, publicad. ni í jLüD extendleudose al críente poniente Ido noticia, presentación y con e ion te Ü pi. s; de alii, Norte 2i g' ndos 65 rte 35 grados 00 minutos poniente I'" '''r JllZ a io largo del Lulo surde las secciones Cbatnbei-lai- leuU'Ullu má 0 Remedio de para la Tos. minutos Oeste 07. aiif Norte 1593.7 pies; 721 a 730 norte 8Í grados 9.: H,,re';' m,:noí-1- 13, 14 15, 18 de dicha petición; que dicho distrito pies; de 17. y en cabildo al norte de ú d-- ino. No contiene opio otros narcóticos y La Sordera No Puede Ser Curada, j enteramente en el Condado 55 grados 62 minutos al tríente 15 minutes poniente 601-- pies; Vuntc la hilera 16 ai orienta del Meridiano esta co- - puede ser dado con implícita coufiauzu. por aplicaciones locales siendo que no, San Miguel, en el Territorio de Nuevo pies; de allí al lado norte de dicho de comienzo. Cierto trecho de terreno situado Principal de Nuevo Mexico. ú Pvf-limlo- mo 3 millas al norte d Las Vegas, al una y ul ue arroyo; de allí al oriente lo largo iso. Division No. 2 Compoi-dr- toda aque- Como es cura para tos trios puede alcanzarla 'parte del l6xleo; ?"a i. Jado oriente del eamiao de Mora, co-- registrada y SV1;por del banco norte dicho arroyo á la in- n trecho que linda como sigue. En lla parte de dicho distrito que esta al cual los niñob son susceptibles, es so- oído. Hay olamenie un rnododecurar con del de- l no,.i(1(1 ,.omo Uan,.,o de Vacación. No. 1, y e8te cuerpo proveyendo para el pago tersección la linea oriente el por ia lindero del sur de la División el norte do De venta la bo- d.j Norte linea del Pmiiin.1aulo al norte por terrenos de - de. brepasado. en todas ia sordcia, y esees mediante remedio do gastos da ios procedimientos y la recho paso de la Acequia Madre - . la linea del lindero Non l;i m.t mu- uj ia eiiiimu im u n i i,s, eu ri elM. it,,lt) v al oriente por cau-s.i- ia caso qua no de á lo de la i.iea oriente ionard, sur de mitad norte de ni.'.'c'óti , ticas. constitucionales. 1.a sordera ex election, en el aisuuo aii largo i por cu la omciiLB ei nio tt.ii.iuas, ei terreno da Mis Henrv. al sur por ter . se establezca; y que y singular- dj dicho tiei'ccho da paso al punto Arr-y- en cabildo 18 norte de lo ori l- por una con. lición inflamada del Oriciita por ei de Peces si coii-H'id- lugar del Pola ti- - 6 HAVO. mente las iones y t 's inionics donde la misma intercede la linea reno como el ite, y la ext.ui'to.1 d ill ha !iuca-r- -- lt nnrrai punto donde se Junta con el Rio llal- co, Mh como y En mayor de poblacio- tubo iniciinr del oido. Cuando este tu. da dicha p 'tii i n kcii verdaderos t y, sar d. l prim r callejón al sur do la ra de Harris UroMieis ta al oriente do la linea riel lindero o. la party las li ñas. Judd Detterlck, y al ixmiente porter nes del Sur del Estado de Texas, se lio se halla inflamado se oye un soni POR CUANTO. diV3ros cambios n calle del puente, en la piaza do Les Exclusion No. 6 dicho distrito. ó Vegus; allí ul en li- reno de David Jones, Sr. Couteniendo los de dicho dislriio han silo 'lo oriente dicha I do atronador e oye itnpcrfectamen linderas TY.i '' tni-i-n- n rt onnn l.j . Division No. 3. Compondrá celebró con enlusimo el Aniversario nen ii la con po- piO acres tnás 6 nienoi-- hechos por este cuerpo p ir la exclu intersección el banco A K .. 1 ...... I :o te, y cuando se por comolcto, u - ...... lt.. 13. aquella parto do dicho q cena tarr-íii- ui rtiiiei t naca, lueiuiu mi jjueo Exclusion No. -- de la heroica defensa de Puebla contra sion de clerti s i 8 contenidos en niente do Uto (ja. linas; de allí itir. está al ur de la División No. 2, arel-b- a a que ; . l.ti-g- al da ciu iad de Las Vega y las huestes iuvasoras del ariogante el leudado es sordeia, y no ser e v la jncu.sion en dicho distrito n.,rws á lo del banco poniente Norte la Cierto trecho de terreno situado co tlescrlpta d- n- - Ui- mis linderos s. n como sigua: la inflamai st quite y que es'e uivo de ciertcs terrenos nocon.enidi s cié. oicho - Ualimas al punto donde mo 3 millas al norte de la ciudad de SE ORDEN ADEMAS, que imla. Emperador Francés. in t lind.-ro- a En el Poniente p r Acequia de ; de dicho distrito el ni.smd intercede la linea del li.idero Lus Vegas, conocido como el lugar dis- vueiva a quedar en su condición nor. tro de l"s t i una de dichas divisiones do oicho ue a Lu los KonuTi.s; en Sur por las tierras di 1 p.daeo. al norte por D, que- Bt"S',n BP1if', dich petlci n; y. ni rtd Plaza de Veg..s; de eonlíndando trito sea y es por esta constituida t n John Kuckfeller do babia mal, el oido quedata destruí lo n.ra , Chas, lited, Brothers y á ul á de Harris Ell al por d-- j or CUANTO, 3 ha demostrado allí ornante lo larg de ia linea tei reno de Caidwe'l, oriente precinto de votación j dicho distrito si habiu gastado todo su iuterés por tarro, lo Chas. Hammond, en el Oriente por la Mi-i- brado sumpre; nueve casos el la satiHfaccIon do esta cuerpo que to- - nortt del lindero de dicha Tlaza de u rreno de s Henry, al sur porter de irrigación para todos Um s, s gnu in- calle octava y el camino de Mora, en 0H v poniente preparando una medicina mejor que cual nu es más oue una condición - dos los as'ini s oontenidi s en dinha Las Vegas al punto donde la misma rt,n Mr, Dora Cook, al proveído por ley, y que los lug r s ee 1 el Norte por ii rra do Mrs. Mercedes el Remedio oe Chamberlain para el Ruma 1.i de la meinhrana IP ticioii Im objeciones á ella, ituereeue la linea oriente di d ret ho por el camino de Mora. Conteniendo votación dentro oe dichos tos murosii. ytái M. Maestas y F. A- - Manzanare-- , ó predi. ue paso Acequia tic ios s Iflü eres, más menos. para elecciones son por Cólico, Cólera y Diarrea, para diarrea, Diremos Cien P.os por cada caso También un pedazo de tierra, sus 1!, tenerlas est ó y de al.í á lo de la linea Exclusion No. arreglados como sigue, ft desiuterla mal de intestinos. Es sim- de Sor (cansada or catairr.) tie ó ltr" lin leros son com-- sigue: En el l o-- ni saber: lera cho distrito, lanTTTinclusion da del derecho oe paso de dicha Cierto trecho de terreno situado tn Por Frecínto No 1. La real Jimia ca- tito per ti camino de Mora, en plemente imponible, y así lo dicen pueda ser rutada or la Hall' t'a. nos dentro mism.s. y tcd .s etres Acequia ul punto de intersección con ti a Cal e Octava, al norte de la ciudad do E. V. Long, en la División No. i, c- nsi-i- f Norte por terreno de P. Koth: en el al norte da uno de los que lo han usado. De tarrh Cure. '(n lanse . in ulare, gtati. "sunt, e y cosas propias d? s r ei banco oriente del liio Gallinas; de de Las Veas, eonllndando de dicho distrito. - Oriente por ei Arroyo de Pecos; en el deradas y d terminadas ce mo preli- alii al norte á lo largo del banco de con terreno de la Sra. Aniceto Haca, al Fi el No. 2. venta en todas las boticas. r. uhknky A. co, V. Hur por terrenos quo élites pertene- r Precinto í.ire eu I. - con por Calie Octava, al sur 1 minan flji.nieutoy estibljelmlon- dicho rio al punto de intersección oriente la tur el do F. 1 i hoti.-a- s. sal Juan Iía.iah, ini-l.a- cían á Scrapio Remero. Se vende en to Jas las de dicno prCpueg;o distrito de s la linea de arriba del derecho de paso terreno de Mari J. Hammond, y si pi del Pacifico sur, en L; Vega,N. Ml'EKl'E FATAL. de la al del Deposi- Exclusion No. 6. del ferrocarril A. Hall's Family Fills son las me gacion y los linderos de ello; que en acequia poniente Por el Precinto 3 La rvi-U- Vicente que trave- lo- - , Palos, muchacho - to de Sanguijuela y de allí á lo go T. & s. E. á Ojos Calientes. Con N-- i irt. la (.pinion del cuerpo, tod s los térro- a' Un trecho de tierra perteneciente á ó cia de Fide! Ortiz, en U IHvóxód seaba sobre lan azoteas de uuacasade. ' nos dentro de dichos linderos, según de la linea de. arriba del derecho ce Josó Haca locado un poco al Norte de teniendo 7 seres más menos. 3, do dicho distrito. 20. , acercándose al pretil del aquí modificados, están cispin sti sn p.isod.i dicha acequia ctt ic; d la Ciudad do Las V- - gas, mis linderos Exclusión No. ES ADEMAS OltW'NADO, q:o MAESTROS NOTICIA. y .ii.sado por medio de la sec.-cio- .1 I Cierto trecho de terreno situado co los irrigación por ios ijjs oe aiim son cotno sigue: bu ei ruínente) pe ).. ai. n jiomb: . , techo, iuientó cojerse de alambres y lá, cabildo 16 Hi .era 10 Hnp 'mo'2 millas al norte de la ciudad do T.a Vpo.. n. m.. m.ivo in loin clon s .licuados de ar oi.t nidos Noite, la Acequia d los H men s; en el das como jileo;.- de eleei.i conductores de electriclaad, recibien o n Veiras, elimino i construidos p r dicho distrito; Oeieiiie, trusundo el camino de Mora por terrenes de E. V. Long; en el Nor-- lais al lado oriente del este cuerpo, á saben que A los Maestros: en un punto cerca de 00 pita id sur y de Mora, eonllndando al norte por te un tremendo choque eléctrico, lo poR ESTO SE 03DHNA. Qw la per terreno del Asilo de Locos; en Por Procint-- No. - K. Y. I.on?, '.. ! .esl-denei- a Mi-- ! 20 pe.s al de I de S. F. Hemler, al sur por te -- y a El instituto del condado de San di-- ha potld-.- .r- - orient J del lugar Orient el camino de Mora; rreiiii V. Sumnii-rli- y K. L o. d. arrojó fulminado sin viia hacia Bapt,H dd sara ot pir al lí. - de l'eter ue alií al lu rte rreno de S. F. i?rub,y poniente or i gucl, 83 abrirá el Lunes dia6de Junio, gada y los H id r- - s de dic ho pivpues- ltoth; siendo una tira do tierra de 650 pies Por Precinto No. 2 Jna-- Y. E calle. 10 14, e v sea flj ido y determinado por inouio de las heccioius y de ancho. ciitnluode Mora. Conteniendo vanaugh, Juan Kiivai.-augb- o en la casa de escuela pAb ica. al lado to distrito mrt ó el I. El esplendido trabajo de las Tabli- en acuerdo con nichu pct.cion, según de nuevo dicho camino de Exclusion No. 7. aeres menos, conocido como Clcofes Homero. nnrrcrlrt la plaza, vestirá en saslón , ....., t erca de esquina su leste lugar de Emil Heubmiser. de para el Hígado n.if,n IM, ,,,.,inn rl,.i Akra, la Terrenos p 'rtenecientes a Miguel Por Precinto No. Iodd Oi'li.t, A' llas Chamberlain (4) i de sección 10, dicho ciibildo 6 21, Dor cuatro semanas. como urrma expuesta. la en U n a, Maria Haca y Aurelia Baca, lo- Exclusión No. beet Ludí v Tomii i i'.n h Cft, y el Estómago está viniendo á luz Dia- hik ra, de 1.1 í al norte pi r medio de Todos les maestros de tercer graío de l i Cuidad Las Cierto trecho de terreno situado al ES ADEMAS ORDENADO, quo ES ORDENADO ADEM AS Que el 1 cados al Norte da riamente. No e ha couociiio nuuca is s ecioin s 10, 11, 4 y 2, en dicho del de Mora, co- csiol-.-a- de los benefi propu-st- J distr-ts;a- y mis- Veas, y Rus inderos son comos'guct ludo oriente camino dicha elección mi tor que daseen aprovecharse dicho ei b.jccíóu o i abildo é hilera, y 31. en mo 24 millas al norte do la ciudad de di una tío dieinis t antes un remedio tan grande para des 15.00, mo es p ir esto lo y est acid. , En el Poniente con la Acequia oe cada ciivhiioiiet iu cios de la ley y recibir los ten créa M 17 Norte, i,i,era 10 Cíente, al l Veías, al norte por i Mi- - ros: en el Ni rte n tier.a del Lis eonlindaudo elegido como un nt'embr-- di en ordeues del hígado é iiitestiuos. al voto y elección de los ) Rui d sujeto pa-d.- drán oue atender las cuatro semanas. Hil-h-- del comienzo. terreno de Joseph and John po de de dicho r f. .ju rtiA lili .twl.iu il i (liattt..1. V estado do F. A. Manzai.ares; en el directores les las beudiceu por curar constipa- un quo es - c Comenzando en punto la M- - T. Hujrhes. a! por el Arroyo calidcaU- e út- La instrucción parales maestros de HPa nomi,re EL DiSTKITü DÉ Orienta por el cu mino de ra; en el orierte los electores tuto jf(Ue tl cho donde la , F, ción, dolor de cabeza, biMonidad, icte- esquina iioio sle del ir de Wi lam Harper. Peen-- al sur por terreno te S. distrito, y loa eiguieiit-- non p.:.t c-- t primero y segundo grado comenzará IRRIOACION DE LAS VEflAS y el Ifit'o Sur por tierras tsquii.a enana del mrte del Hrusli y al poniente por el camino do sonituldos para como ia-le- ricia é indigestion. De venta eu todas - mi-m- o es p est dr-- gando coin,) el Exclusion No. 8. votaoos el dia 2J de Junio. Las evaminaclo r i ste de sección 2, cabildo 110 masó ii tviuitonaro an- Mora. Conteniendo acres dlroctores, fcabrr; las boticas. los grado nombre de di h distrito; y qua dicho 1 Una tira de ti rra 101 varas de nes de prenución, para del i nort , h lera 16 oriente, hacia el monoi. Por la División No. 1. E. V. 17 1H distrito consistirá da toda aquella al de la Ciudad de Loti. octavo Bótendrán los dias y de nor e 10 vrados 30 minutos tríente, cho, locada Norte Exclusión No, 2í. la No. 2. LA UeU ES ALASKA. parte oe nan ungu i, t n í Acequia l'or División Jaan F. Junio, en el mismo edificio, comen- aei uonaaao 2005.5 pies; de al al sur 85 grados M j,H Vegas, y corre de la de Trece aeres de terreno situado aliado Eu la luna se levanta por ei & es- Tenitorio do Nuevo México, inclu , en el Poní rite al camino Alaska zando las 8 de la mañana. Se el mi u uto t, 187 pie-- ia esquina los Rotneios poniente de extension de la Calle Oc- No. 3. so los lird ros de dicho dis en el la Por la Divleión Fi el OrU?:. y se poue por el Lo rayos pera qua todos los maestres que de- dentro de allí al 11 do ora en el Oriente, linda Sur coiilii-fiand- sur norte. nurcbte del trecho; de sur tava, al norte por terreno lo tanto fué ordenad-- ' p-- r en el trito, los cuales están establecidos co- con tierras del Asilo do L 'Cf s y su el Por dicho de su luz son tenues, blanco, é ilumi- seen ensañar escuela condado grades 12 minutos poniente, 2J1.5 de la fira. Aniceto Haca, al orient'' por cuerpo que noticia de eii-h- Jeceion Miguel en atendentia. mo sigue, 'á saber: tre- Norte con tieiras de Wm. Harpor. nan el paisaje con un suave color de de 8an estén pies, por la esquina suda te del la extension tie la Calle Octava, al debia ser hechn, duda y puojicuda en el punto d loca- 8-- ini-n- Respetuosamente Coraeiuando ú i al grades 58 Exclusion. 0. tic-d- se- cho; al.í rioete N. snr por terrenos de !a Sra. Aniceto gúu rcquiíii-i- por cucha m porcelana hermosísimo. Forma un DRSM ARAIS, ción de la pu rta principal de la es- M. F. s poniente 187 pies, á la Haca, ul el Rio Gallinas, pei-fó.1- . quía que al Depósito il Un pedazo da t Treno perteneciente nonlente Dor ser pubilcEda pi.-- nn hechizo más admirable y bello que el Supt. da Escuelas. sale poniente del quina sudpoiiiente del trecho; do ailí 18 del es- a Mrs Anna War i, en Cabildo (exclniendo el derecho de camino tees semaiias eoimreiuivitM nics 'í de la Sanguijuela, Begun el mixmo t , al nort. 11 grades 12 minuu s al oricn-- i Lo Callentes.) L-.- D.ú-Optic- mejor de los magos orientales. -- Norte Hi era l Oriente, locado al ramo de Ojos dicha elección, cu el Veas AVISO A LOS PAGADORES DE TASA- tá agriinensaoo, nliut ado y en prolt 2W 5, del 'ieiii-toria- al panto cemien.o. lado del camino Mora, una 23. un peiio.iico coló en la ticiua del It gcniim l Orienta di ' xclueloii No. pul!,cd- oeo.ui-i- Exct puiando y excluyendo da di di-- t N, ilnilies cla-la- Vega- - - Por mas que tres CION. - vm corta incla al rt de los Todos los r. enos que yacen entre di La y ra IX did TorrLori de Nu- México, i cho distrito todo lo de la Cuida de 1 1 te OH P'OÍ-k'lc- La Miel de Alquitrán de Foley ha si Bajo y por virtud de la Sección 38 y de al í efc ndindose al crien tt ú lo de Ciu lad y doscripto como sigue: el lllo tí Lan Gallinas y el lindero t'KMllKNTE, S iriOrtii-t Las Vegas, y lo siguiente, tí saber: li putilic-i.d- d-- Linda en el Sur por una e t que d irrigación y impreso y cu iti í;!..a do en la para u aie eaoitulo 63, las leyes 19J7, que he iiirso d- -l borlo de la prea del dicho de dicho distrito favorita familia EXCU'HION No. 1. corre Nort i 6"0 Oí i inte de Estación ,r- - en parte como sigue: "Cada hombre D pó it i de Sangu juela al punto de ul norte de la línea sur de los terrenos v""". de la garganta, pecho y bofes. Para 83 y 6?.8 en el Roñal di los Hot AHORA, POR L : TANTO se ú o lODusto entre las edades de 21 y oo lee ción de la puerta piincipal do. la en t i punto donde ei de Fidel Ortiz, anteriormente reinólos A. T. y S. F. í, UOi V O. infante y niñus es la mi jor y mas se añ pasar anualmente al su c quia que al oriento do cieno llanto del norte del Air y o del Vcg-i-- Springs del ferrocarril por la Acequia Madre, exceptuándolas ptO lítate ilJ UiCOe l.O 9. deberá s.le ó : io - i En el Poi lente por el canil io da Mo de dicho terreno ordenes de este cuerpo, gura y Bafa no contiene o, ni drogas pervisor de camines del distrito don- O- - pósitj de a ugri intercede el banco oriente del Hio tres pintes sitios r ; el lindero del Norte comi en y 1, POR ESTA DAD A quo una ei ' dafiosas. Ninguna getiuina mas que de reside una tasa de tres pecs por mciisado, alménelo y protocolado ci O idinas; d i.lli al norte. U.ia di ta na deserlpto enumerado como sitios í un "VV" eu el íá'-- o ; ó lugar suma mo oicho, y io ul á la linca eia (;e 18. 0 pies A nn punto denee la i piedra marcada lado 2 y 3, eiivos dichos sitios no son ex sera tw.ida cu dicho i de Foley en el caminos en de dicha arriba de-- : La miel de Alquitrán - y esquina Noroeste eu el lado lo según aquí iind.i lo y rlji' los pú- de de dicha t- quina i.orój de la seeei-- Ires, Ca- Oriente r luido dicho distrito delrrlgacluu, to trabajan! tres dias en caminos orienta d.l derecho l y al Orier.te siguiendo A sub- - los ijcc'oi'es galmento i altl.t :uf paquete amarillo. Rehuse sustitutos. que sea notifica- de dicho depó-- i o y bildo 15, Noite de lid; 17 al oriente poniente corre r: blicos cuando quiera act quia al oriente ia - Uoj-- l'ri'u-ipa- Mé- un Arroyo en 1 lu lo Norte en el cual No. 1. Comenzando de un pun- do dicho tlit.U-ít- tie- ter".-cióu- De venta eu la botica de la Cruz i do par el supervisor," tasi da de ahí p ira abajo y áio de la .e Mendiatio di Nuevo Sitio proji.ioi.o li hay terreno reclamado por V. A. el cusí e la esquina nordeste de la el Sabinlo dia de Junio A. s y O. G. Schaeffer. caminos de ser colectada de los ciu- linea oriental de la acequia al oii ele xico, II. va nerce 17 g. ad 'S 35 minutes to íl 18 grados 13 y nij'-me- con- D jpód ,o Ú3 i igi-- s 2010 íils", oi ho punto ci nr!o (livens, Norte minutos propiedad de Juan Kavsnaugh.Có pies 1010, en la votación dadanos del Primer Distrito del da dieho á ul i, oiieiite , f.9J. ul terreno cer már-ge- n titTib;-- los ln dado de San Miguel, el cual incluye giln agrimenüado y alinéalo como etacióii O; de ahí según los siguie- Oriente, cadenas del punto do intersección de la ya tlcaerlpios LOS EJEKUT0S MAS PiqUlSOS. cado lo o Martna Green, Madre y res de de y (ueiim -. el precinto No. 6, e ahora debida y arriba dicho, extendijndose general- nte: reclama r poniente de la Acequia lu votación cdor To el mundo de las enormes ó d i ni Sur, siguiendo dicho cerco que co- lashore de. l.isS de i lo habla pagable, y la misma delvrá ser paga- mente en una dirección hI este y sud- O 1 Ncrle 73 grados 08 minutes 17 allí máiven sur del irrande arroyo abiertos entr! ó 2).23 a la arriba dicha linea do los mañana y do ia Uod-- s i fuerzas militares de Alemunia, Fran da dentro de diez dias después de la este al punto dunda la lla:a orient Oí sti 10)0 pies; 1 a 2 norte 00 grados cadenas rre dentro del rio al sur Ierre las ' pi-- s; del lindero del Sur, sh! marcando la nos de 11. F. Forsj the; sur 13 dicho dia, cotí el fin de del ruiinar cia. Rusia v otras iriandcí lOtencia", y ntihlieación de esta noticia Aquellos lade arriba del derecho d. pas i de di- 17 mieutós oeste 1000.5 2 6 3 nor deallial ó s linea d d lindera Poniente una area de 22 oriente, pies; de nó dicho pr p t o Dlé riliTO D n en pagar sera,, acequia al oriente de dicho Dcpó-t-lt- o tei3g-a,o- 43 mi mui oist 2171.0 grados minutos tí' 't que pot , que laitar.-- esta iasa cha nadie te acuerda de otros, no a í""0 34 po- LAS VE1A f cen- 3 a 4 n 3.) ff.-- i s acres. iillí hI sur 82 gradoa 27 minutos IRRIOAOION DE delincuentes y nn de Sarguiju da, intercede el pi. s; rrj minutos - considerados 10. F) m-- t dn-t- i' serpequefios.dej.ndestreAcitos. I 4 á C3 Evelusloii No. ní- nte, pies; de allí al grados berá organlxnrs;i e utx to to en 8U contra cW tro de la cama y i anal d arroyo oes to 1470 pies; ñ sur 51 grados sur22 arl . 1 e-- ie . co- 10 Ó8.3 pies; de si g.ielón baj loipr vUíoa ik De todos ellos, el má. chico es el del tar e mporte debido. La ?y será c mo el Arryo del Veg .se; mil Ules t 't.'M 5 j les; 5 á 0 0 gra-d- Cierto trecho de terreno .hundo minutos oriente, allí irr ó - á 7 gra- til de Ciudad ")0 iidos 6 minutos poniente, htí y acta-- i per en. ci ntr-i "I r.i.V:;. Móuaco, que de rigidamt-no- a imparcialmene enfor- de allí en una dir cción ul snr y sud- 8 ooBe Hí57 pies; 0 nortí 41 rno una k Illa norte la de sur üi acia Principado de consta 27 31 obj-.u- y y A largo del dos oeste 1871.5 pies; 7 á 8 Lus Vega, til Itld"! oriente del elimino pies; de allí al none grado mi bajo dielio nombre netí-nt- a w - oeste abajo ntro de !4 minutos en piuco setenta V Cin Zada li e 5- u.-.-bi- n ' Arr-M- . por te- poniente, de allí al norte linderos aquí ya m.1Sfesti.d0H y (FIRMADO) RAMON CHAVEZ. la cama y canal dei dicho dol n. . ríe t grullos ó3 minutos eMi 2118 de eoiiliinlttiido al Norte mitos pie; y bomberos. Des- v 29 53 97 p'es; con el fin de elegir un d.rccp-par- co carabineros veiute por el Pri- Veg iSO 1 pu.tto dond.í la Ihiea del pics; S a 9 norte 0 gra los 14 tniuut s rreno de R. Da idson, al Oriente por virado minutos poniente, Supervisor de caminos de trií pués sigue, en de menor á ma- de cama y di- ette ''.1.1 0 a 10 sur HO 40 el ochran. al Sur por el esta ''e sl'l al norte ftó erados 3 minutos cada una las diohs orden mer Distrito. centro dicha cnalvdel pi.s; raloi . fii-epn- 15 do al 84 dicho distrito, y dichón yor, ejército de Luxi mburgo, con cho Arroyo de! Vegoso intercede el minutos oeste 2i3t pies; 10 a 11 sur 16 do Cochran. JiiriimHIo, (ilvens, oriente, pies; a'lí norte nestle el EUGENIO G. Y SANCHEZ, 17 88 pies, ul deberán en lUchn. o! 'cií !;t banco orl-n- tc del Rio Oallhias, de grados 05 minutos oeste pi78 pies; ll y al Poniente por el elimino de Mora. grados minutos orieute, i electores ciento y gendarmes, cien- Supervisor de caminos por el Segun- b iL't iH qu treinta cinco á i á 12 bíi grades 31 minutos oeste Conteniendo ...... acres, más órne- punto de comienzo, depositar Hus t Miptn lu to y y nue- Distrito. allí al norte lo largo d banco al ncrle setenta voluntarios treinta do NI pun- 63 pú 12 á 13 79 grados .72 mi-ntit- nos. Sit io No. 2. Comenzando de un pun- palabras: "Distrito do Íitíí.icíói, oriente del dicho Rio Gallinas a; norte ó ,i ve mús'cos. fi 1 ni ei cual es la esquina norueste de la 8i," palabras cquivaln es lomU X0T1CU IE ELECCION. to donde el dicho banco ul oriente de oeste 3,i3 pies: 13 11 moto También terreno ludo Poniente to ó 4- A coiilindiin-d- o It de mo, " Distrito de (uieren dicho rio interceda la linea snr !e la - n iiu.K s f Kte llf-- pies; II de i eniniii-- de Moni, pin te, de dondo rinitia cuadro No" Lo que Todos 3,"i, Ca- T-t- ti lo t í s por leí reno de 11. W. del lado poniente de la sección 6 palabras equival sección 'U, en Cabildo 15 norte t!u Hi- norte 63 grajos Ij mínnt oest! hi -. cual - p.-w- Todos buena alud lo l- 18 y nonibifi- desean Territorio do Nuevo México, 16 al orí mta del Meri li mo Prin- 00") 4 a 10 norte 17 gradó 10 I.oiil', al Orlente e eiiinino de Mors, bildo 10 norte, hilera oriente, leva tambbn los i. lera pi.s; dii" ",i,t..r-.'- . 4 ríñones A 17 teri'i-no- do Ani- al snr "ti r minutos ponlen'e, para qtv s'trv.m com es Imposible menos que ios i SB. cipal de Nuevo México cuyo piinto miniitt.s ste lí)(Jd.5 pies: 10 norte ui 3. ir por del esliulo friido llin-B- , I "7 30 y saludablemente, El He- - Condado de San Miguel. ) locado 300 pie al la 9 grados 45 minutos oeste 1008 pies; ceto y til poniente ,t Calle Oc- 1IH1 pie; de allí norte unidos dicho potiu"t' estén sanos está crienie det a o 202 5 pies á la esu"l-n- EL ('UERi'O l'il de- -, de esquina de la secc ión 21, líe 17 á 18 norte 28 grados 7 minut s tava. liesr domiciliar, minutos oriente, medio de Foley para los Ríñones Ante el Cuerpo de Comisionados sudoeste ó al CONDADO,,u!. do- F ' é 1038 18 á 10 nortee 2) iriad..s07 Coiiteníeudo aeres, rná norde de dicha parte; de allí DE dd del Condado de San Miguel, allí al poniente lo lrgo de la linea pies; ineno. N-sí- indicación Condado -' ,12 278 el do berla tomarse á la primera da 21 y niinut a pie-- ; Ifl á 2 non." También t r.- tn eoino 31 millas al sur 12 grados minutos oriente, Mígud, ou Territorio Territorio da Nusvo México. del sur dicha s?edón ef2Hl ; en- 5 ! In pies, nu inri-n- d nllí á lo largo del México. de cualquier irrigularidaii, y una F.ii formación de EL 3 en dicho cabildo c l.i'ern A la cí 29 grajos 0 m u t s este 3175 p es; de Ciudad de Li" Vegas, á ssimto de la po- f'.'e.TT , e ) ! .'1 minu.'.iiH eniiliii-Isnd- ul por He h norte 8ó irndos3l mimt Per ft i'AX i fermedad séris puede desviarse. El IRRIGACION de LAS nuina u I non i nte de la dicha s ?-- 2 i 2 su a z u los oust Noun terreno céreo DISTRITO de , 1 ": rt (14 mi-l- a Iti ( l Sunjiiil'ii-lii- niente. 308 píe, á la esquina midoete c.iV 1 , 20 3 21 ?.í sur gr idos 0 'om iiilia de i Remedio de Foley para los ''iOone VEG S ción 23; do ailí al nono largo d pie; ..,! - ti i V ni nort 12 grad s J.'.r;;; 't. ni.-nt- d.- 20. 2;!)1 ,s o ; 14''-- 2j s H'i (i- ihIh noi- ri ii eomoiinia M de Is psrte! de silt Sello NOTICIA ES POR ESTA DADA, linea o s ce ión nut st lies; n:rt 5 Mee-';- ' ríñones y vejiga á u . .. i!t ' 31 río restaurará sus ..:A, á i t ...... ,i i., -- a, w u ;!. a il rilru , al iHir tie El i mlnet is pouli nte, pies, al punto del Cuerpo de llim. H IH lili t'lM'I'I'llld i;i i:.....lili. it lil'dl U oi.n i'i n tu lo ' t' 23 Cotislns. Snr terreno Pe que en una reunión ft I'liiil-'til- Comi donado, tic v- estado y actividad normal. Do venta secídóil con l linea r.riro. fal d l - .A 21 13 ETdcs 4s mlnlll,. 8 .CSt ''nldwell ul nor el elimino de de comienzo. da Condado del Condado i nt.l'te 1.; . ó a. L i. c'. ..-,- en do Bruz y C. G. Migue.1 el Territorio de cho do pas da la AcaquU Madr? s í 1314 pie; 24 á 25 crw grades 4 Mora. Couloiilcndd .00 ww, UJás , Bulo ""n0 ;j ti la botica la Roi de San en ."Vi" Eauriba.-.- do i-- ,í 33 paw el owl ct tísuioa - sfciaeSiI". yutrvv Me4CV, tvttííi tía oí tflctQg 3 lüvra agriA6Biv y do . ti CúaaWí teto ftW fKei ? WW Bov. h i 1 os trabajos de Hércules fue-ro- I3IMR0. MICHO UIURO. llIXlliv , nada rompa nido ron los San 1'rftiHÍM-o- la nu'V:i Sdo- - l'ruiiuur por Dun dor Miliar-- 1 ju pasa un rvd.ictor uoi( iouue lli.'l, qtj Hp'lült hace M' fio .td Ahí. I(!Ííalo Hall, Oiarii'in e le din al j mo- ten-mot- lira li iup Cha-perit- no ie bastante sal en la que fué deM ruida por un Lucero, d tif Huh. SreiiNtliim IImiiuti rn la i:.' lon lolunn resucita-d- is I llera y detea atenerse ú su propio y por el fueo, lit 1G TICIII m rn Prnn m' ruomutia en la ciudad Vhrdel,i leí l'rt ingenio para llenar las columnas de ende l.mei niza y cocom- ule me di atendiendo negocios particula- üá)t. N. M. Telefono 69. de su bros, y es hoy una ciudad tnús LaVco, res. Esquina Sudoeste ic la Plaza. lien y opulenta de lo pie fuera Honorable Mxcnmno IUmkko: lío-ciad- Nos le White Oaks Ihm Juan Jom' Minuta, Je comunican á del pie-tend- e Ilciinm venido ti hermoso Infurtí un de la Antis dcMiftie. Ahora ciudad iie dia seni uia pasada pooe-tivo- s se ucucntra eu lu l'ni-versa- CJU uJerle nuestro aaral'ii'nitt, tanto nprará un biigueci- - 75c galón. Estamo tener una EipoHeión l Pnv'be nuestros vinos bin igual á el la curte de di-trit- u. falleció en aquella población Don UtitAl como au extimada familia, 5.85 maule de la fabri 10. con asuntos ante el uño de 11)15, que es i i volverá vez más. Juan Chavez y Trujillo, A la ma- r halxT nido ut'-- el recipiente de ca 'Allwin" valor de que otra jor cuando e espera la ternihac."u la bien potación Alguacil dura edad de nños. liO so-br- e merecida de A. Spiesa, de alto grado de ) el galou para arriba. Kl má El Licenciado Chas. del canal de Panamá, y como Mayor del condado de San Miguel, en r,. r-- Whiskeys vive su esposa de segundas i 7. e-- i ha visto bastaute enfermo en paso preliminar para la realiza- lugar de u di;no hermano, el Hono- tino surtido en la plaza, t'na prueba lo convencerá. nupcias y varios hijos. Quedes deaem-leü- ó días pasados ol libado á guar ción se hu rable C'leofp Homero, quie. j en paz. de tal proyecto sus. kl cama. Lo Nuteiuos. canse la pOHcoii por diez aíloa, con el dar crito en dicha ciudad la suma de í7 Don lieuigno Martinez desea mayor cuidado y disciplina, y quien .t. o. El CleofeM Uüiihto, alcai- cuatro millones de peos. interno grado el verle partir llou. uuunciar ni publico en general en alto de medio, es lo V t de de la n'uitentiaría territorial, nuectro pue uno de I - que de esta fecha en adelante es- iÑUSCARlvitZA. 'l aten-dund- o principalea hombrea que tiene el con- te encuentra en la ciudad se en- tará listo para tomar contratos Conforme va poniendo dado de San Miguel. 6, la corte de distrito. para la construcción ele edificios, duro lo que sucedió realmente eu Ofrecemos tn tributo de gracias al s'i - Don José Vi. 'Quintana, de bauquetas de cimento, puentes Taos, aparece que el negocio no cuerjto de comisionados del Condado é$MW di Miguel por buen encogi- L'Doux, acompañado porsuh de concreto y perteneciente pasó de ser una escaramuza que San íl todo para esa nos hicieron una hicieron los indios, contra suje- miento que han heche llenar Tablo, al ramo. Sus precios serán muy punición de tan vital imiortancia, 4llí .i'.fcfv M ter- agradable visit a el Artes plisa- equitativos. tos que se han apropiado de y el encogimiento ha nido ractifleado renos que los indios reclaman co do. El Viernes en la noche, falleció por todo el pueblo en general. í ' suyos, y que los han conclusión diremos al señor Ro- El Sábado pasado, en la no- en la casa de resideneia de sus ino otros í'n tomado bajo el pie de haber he- mero que esperamos que en el desem- Comprará un Range che, se dio" un hernioso y lucido padres, en Santa Eé, la señorita de calidad excelen cho entradas de' domicilio. Se peño do sus deberes como alguacil $19.85 baile ni el Hotel de El Porvenir Pilar Ortiz, hija querida de Don mayor, use los minmo métodos y te del valor de $25 visi- Ja-cobit- dice que los indios hicieron esto para beneficio de todos los (Jabino Ortiz y esposa Doña a tfieticas que uso su predecesor para So vende solamentM 'ii la consejo de persona respon- es- tan tes. Lopez de Ortiz, A la edad por tener al pueblo satisfecho, lo cual mueblería de sable y autorizada, y la con-troveih- tamos satisfechos, que lo hará por el Nuestro uscritor, Don José L. de 2M años. Que reciba nuestra (pie no para ni aquí sino buen registro que ha llevado como se- La Liendre, se encuen- condolencia sus afligidos padres Have Your que el título de una y otra parte cretario de la corte de distrito y como Jkm tra en la ciudad sirviendo como y demás parientes. mayor de la Plaza de Las Vegas. se ventilara ante los tribunales miembro del gran jurado del nd Amador Vubakri. vkíj as. n. m. En caso de que se aplaco la en su debido tiempo. i:ast las Territorio Nature everyone to have a misión do Nuevo México y deque LA CORTE OC DISTRITO. NOTICIA DE DtMAND.4 Intended Don Leocudio Tupia, comer- no venga el estado con la pres. riRDIOOU IQUIIBRIO. La por el En do de perfect complexion. ó corte de distrito condado la Corte Distrito, Condado ciante en La Liendre, esiuvo en teza que se espera, es natural su Algunos que pagan poco na- de San Miguel se reunió el Lunes pa- 8an Miguel, Abril 25 de 1910. Palmolive is Nature's own aid to the skin. la ciudad A principios de la se- poner que no faltaran patriotas da tasación estAn levantando sado con el Juez Frank V. Parker en May me Wright, 1 5. The soothing, healing palm and olive el costo que la silla. VV E. Oortncr, Estenógrafo, vs No. C701 mana comprando surtido pura de uno y otro pnitido dispuestos mucha alarma por Richard W. Wright, ) bring back Nepomuceno Si gnar, Interprete; ís oils of which it is composed su comercio. A la con- se ha hecho enviando Ala mili- El W. sacrificarse en urns de T. Cordovn, Toribio Martinez y dicho demandado, Richard delicacy, softness, beauty to face and hands. de cia ó Taos, que no fué sino hasta Wright, es por esta notificado que un Nuestro amigo, Don Simón veniencia pública prest lindóse Simón Lucer-'- , Bailiffs. pleito por Baby, mother, iathei- - every member (Jarcia y Muntoyu, de El Cuervo, candidatos para delegado al Con- la mitud del camino, ocasionó Las siguientes son Jas listas del divorcio ha sido comenza- do encontra do usted en la Corte de of the family will appreciate it. aten- un gasto bastante considerable. gran jurado del Territorio sus oficia- se encuentra en la ciudad greso. Distrito por el Condado de San Mi A de esto, ni algua- les y el pequeño, jurado: the perfect soap (or all the diendo á la corte del Territorio El lion. Manuel H. Otero, re uora culpan guel, Territorio de Nuevo México, por It's one el Oran kado. que uctualinente eu sesión. de oficina de terre cil E. Quintana, diciendo que Ji dicha actora, Mayme Wright, donde uses of the toilet esta gistrador la (J V. Hedgcoek, Presidente; Refu- miedo lo hizo perder el equilibrio la actora pide que por decreto de la nos de los Estados I nidos en A single cake will provei it to you. ) gio Ksquibel, Pilar Abeytia, Antonio Hemos recibido una interesante A corte ella sea divorciada del dicho de- e, posición que tan hon- y dió lugar que no obrara con Montoya, Jesús comunicación do nuestro mingo Santa l A. Tapia, Anacleto mandado alegando abandono y falta el tino é intrepi ez que corres- Sanchez, Luis Sedillos, Victorino Pa- PARA VENDER LN LAS VIGAS, POR Don Euriipie Mares, de Dawson, rosamente ha desempeñado por de mantención: y que su nombro pri- ponden A uu oficial solue quien dilla, Andres Gutierrez, Narciso Ba-ru- s, incerta-reino- s los últimos doce años, estuvo en mero le sea restaurado y para tales lu cual cou mucho gusto de guar- Simon Fresquez, Fred Brefelt, de lase-man- a pesa la responsabilidad alivios en las premisas, etc., que eu nuestra próxima entre- - la ciudad á principios Simon (Jarcia, Juan dar la paz publica. Sin embar- Emilio Martinez, á menos que usted entre ó cause que IKE DAVIS con negocios ante la corte Ignacio Santíllanes, Prospero Baca, go, entre personas despreocupa, sea entrada su comparencia en dicho de distrito. No so olvidó de ha Jose N. Gallegos, Fernando Allemand, ó Zeuou Alaes, ciudadano bicu pleito en antes del día 27 de Junio, cernos una agradable y placente das se cree que el alguacil no me- Primitivo Escudero, Jesús Lucero, conocido de esta plaza, falleció A. D. 1910, un decreto encontra suya ra visita. rece censura sino alabanza por- Abwiiicio Armijo. será dado por falta de comparencia, LAS VtOAS ALBLQlERQlt eu la cnsa de su residencia el su loen, Interprete del gran jurado, Pablo A que cumplió deber según Skctnüino Romero, & edad do o2 Itoswell y Albuquerque estila estenógrafo, Miss Edith Viernes pasado la teudia y conforme lo exilian las JaramiUo; IIl'NKKK y Hcnkkh, Escribano. a fecha disfrutando de las cuan Beatrice Wray ; bailiff.Francisco Ley-h- a. años, causa un fuerte ataque de circunstancias. Al misino tiem- Las Vegas, Nuevo Mexico, tiosas upropi iciones que para Abogados por la actora, GROSS, KELLY & CO., pulmonía. po la milicia obró patrióticamen- 1'KOJ EfiO Jl'ltADO. edificios federules les consiguió Don 1'ublo A. Keuu, de Uowe y te y muía importa el costo que Harry Martin, Andy Storz, t'icilio el delegado que actualmente re AVISO A LOS PAGADORES DE (INCORPORADA.) su uiña, Agueda, ucompañados liicieiu el territorio. Jarainillo, Leocadio Tapia, Hijinio presenta il Nuevo México en el Tapia, Selgio Homero, Cleofes Rive- por bu mamá, Doña Tomusita Noticia en por este dada que la se- í - COMERCIANTES congreso, jsstos son javores co- ra, D. W. Condon, Leofredo Alarcon, gunda mitad délas tasaciones de 1!M)9, 11. Kan est uvie- LAOQIL (Jtlllil HACIRSf MIMO de Sena, de José, Andres A. Lucero, Culletano Garcia, taran delincuentes el dia 1 d Jupio TRINIDAD ILCIMCARI ino aquellos de quo hace mención RABIL AL POR MAYOR ron en la ciudad 4 principios de Felix Rivera, Tomas Galindro, dó- 191u, y sujetos á una pena después de la Sagrada Escritura acerca de úl- dicha' la lista de de- Eu las averiguaciones que mente Angel, José L. Ramirez, Ho- fecha. También, la semana. sin lincuentes de 1909, será hecha después los que arrojan pan ni agua han tenido un- Tenorio, Gurule, Favian ESPECIALIDAD EN LANA, CUEROS Y ZALEAS, "Tenía dispepsia ó iudegestión timamente limar rnillo Rafael del dia 1 de Julio 1910, y los nombres esperanza do recompensa. la del Chaco, Manuel I). Montoya, Dolores de los pagadores de tasación delin- lo te comisión senado sobre UNICOS AGENTES DE LOS por años. No tenía npetíto y Lucero, José A. Gallegos, RuinaJdo cuentes aparecerán allí, con sus cos- Abundan mucho Jos proyectos territorios, en Washington, se y penas uñadidos. tjuo comía me acongojaba terri- Gomez, Hilario J, Montoya, Manuel tos para la apropiación de aguas de ha li parecido como testigo un Fechado en Las Vegas, N. M., Ma E3AIN blemente. Hurduck lMood Bit- Ilenrlquez. yo 4, 1910. CARROS DE Wagner, que se 11. corrientes para fines de fertiliza- sujeto llamado ÜWIENIO HOMERO, ters ino curaron. J. Walker, PltlfilJ.MA lUiSPl'IKTA del ción de terrenos, y naturalmen- dice ser de Nuevo México, el cual Tesorero y Colector, PECQS LOGAN H LPRIS Suubury, Ohio. ó " La Verdad "contiene lo siguiente: condado de San Miguel. te figuran en ellos en primera li- fué do patriota testificar con- Don Felix Chavez, de Uuxton, Una Exclamación. nea especuladores que no tienen tra ol Juez Me Pie y dijo que este Qué tal si las "damas blondas" do Han Miguel, hijo del condado ni intenciones ni medios de ejec- y todos los que lo sostenían es Que corteja Lorenclto Don lamentado utar tales proyectos. Asi es que taban "locos," y en otra declara Supieran que es penitente, en ciudad sirviendo Por votoB, el pobrecito ! ucuentra la hizo muy bien el ingeniero terri- ción posterior aventuró la afir 7862 t omo en la corte del dis- testigo torial requiriendo lianza & todos mación de que todos los jueces A lo cual damos nosotros la siguiente Established trito que estfi actualmente eu se-hió- los que hagan tales aplicaciones. de la corte suprema de Nuevo Rehpit-sta- . No hay duda que las " hermosas," la México eran corruptos y que es-t- a y auedito, intentos el anunciar que Don Esta adquiriendo cuerpo Dirían recio ban vendidos ñ los ferrocarriles Que hay diferencias pasmosas La Man-- ; de que no haya divisiones f I M v Romualdo Moutoya, de y subvencionados por estos pa Entre aquel y entro Francisq ato, o. 7 fíiY i i en- partidarias en la elección paru cu, se encuentra seriamente ra .pie hagan lo que les manden. Aunque es cosa bien probada -- un de miembros de lu convención cons-titucional- y Que Frimcisquito es " Pknitkntk,', fermo causa fuerte ataque No se sabe A punto lijo quien será que ambos partidos la suerte desgraciada Plaza pulmonía. Que pronto resta- l'or este Warner, que tan de bmaias le V en de-seo- se catapultan amigablemente del Quo puso la frente. blezca su salud son nuestros rt primeras sale A testificar, pero personal que sea electo A la con- hisü. Stood the Test of Timer. se dice que es uu de Vas vención. La proposición merece proyectista Aviso es por este dudo a todos los Nunca puede Yd. cuando saber las hoteles que quiere pintar fierro padres y guardianes de menores de ó ser considerada por paites ' - T-- XS r-is- Si se un dedo Htifre de uno " oe los de or- D ".uf tt lastima será algo con "las del aire edad, j bajo provistos la v ' Vv" ó interesadas, aunque a cortada, magullado, quemada denanza No. JW, pasada y difícil hueer unadivisiónsaücíae-toria- . Estamos enseñando una inusita- escaldóla. Esté preparado. El DtSGANORtSrttTO ALISTADO. por el cuerpo de fideicomisarios de la uoti-fia- de Las Vegas, una seflal será damente hermosa linea de Aceite Eléctrico del Dr. Thomas En estos últimos días las s Plaza por 1 il-l- dada á las diez de la noche medio lU -y el dolor-c- ura El Ueverendo Padre !. E. recibidas de Washington res- y- ú Ml 1 alivia intnntemente de la campana de la escuela pública Svw A4-- hubiu permanecido en pecto ni proyecto de v f prontamente la herida. quien estado han del distrito No. 1. Dicha señal se dará vi Trajes para Boda esta ciudad vn rios mese con la sido decididamente desfavora- las noches hasta el dfa último de Una misa do cubo de año se todas esperanza d recobrar su que-brnuta- bles. Por un lado los llamados Octubre, para quo todos los muchachos elebró ayer A las ocho de la ma- de hora en adelante, y salud, falleció v J o "insurgentes" del Congreso es- se recojan esa Uu-v- '. En Lingerie, trajes de fia nn, en la Capilla de Santa ii si se encontrasen en las calles serán .v:',! y 'íV'i'M pasado en el Sanitario dp tAn haciendo el papel del perro 'ipil pieza, por el eterno descanso del al- arrestados y prosecutados en confor- una exquisitos trajea de 1Y, pa- ni de- San Vicente, en Santa El del hortelano que no come eon A no ser que Messeline de una pieza y ma dfl finado, el Hon. (VIko lía-v- a, midad la ordenanza, raso Keilly ctira-par-roc- a y A ó Ta-ta- dre era asistente ja conier, parecen resueltos vayan acompañados por sus padres trujes de dos piezas de Seda n. quien falleció eu aquella pla- , i de la Iglesia de Santa Ana, estoi bar el pasa jo de las medidas guardianes. Esta señal comenzará á son en za el dia 1Í0 de Mayo el ano pa- Todos estos hechos eu Ciik'iigo y restos fueron v darse el Silbado próximo en la noche. ? sus recomendadas por Presidente ; i : i A i' rtv los estilos mas nuevos, están vada. Desde el dfa primero do Noviembre wN.w.'ti llevados A aquel lugar pura dar- Tu ft. Pur otra parte, los miem-bro- s I" cuidadosamente adornados y de FA el h'isla el din último do Abril la señal jabón "Tnlin Olive" para - les Democrat as do cA- Taiu-blenotu- sepultura. ambas so dará ti las une ve de la noche. u calidad ein igual. Precios de tocador, n uunciado eu otruco-iumn- a niaras del Congreso no estAn prohibidos de Jugar en las de este emana rio por ike Venderé burato todas las pren- das de joyería y relojes que se me mostrando ningún celo en pro calles. Amaixik UuhaíUU, Mariscal. Davis, es sin duda alguna, uno da la causa de han traído para componer y que estado para los PRUfl FisTAS. hj los mejores que hny en el iner-:.-id- o se me han quedado por de territorios y se manifiestan más Noticia es por esto dada que propues- 18.00 00.00 hoy, y nuestros lectores no falta á sus dueños de venir por ellas inclinados A mostrar su indife tas pura la construcción de bauquetas Mf equivocarán si lo compran A de cimento y concreto en la calle de dentro del tiempo que provee la reacia que prestar su ayuda en ciando necesiten algo eu esta li- - la contienda. Esto lo hacen, á Valencia, en la Plaza de Las Vegas, ley. No se olviden que tienen serán recibidas eu la oficina del escri- J pesar de que siempre han preten- M Constipación causa dolor de oportunidad de obteuersebuenas bano del cuerpo de fideicomisarios de A dido, verbalnicnte, ser los cam- la Plaza de I.a Vegas hasta el dia 4 'i.ibt'za, Náusea, vahídos, dimi- prendas precios ínfimos espe- peones de loa derechos de los ter- da Junio de Ü'10, ti las doce del día. , cialmente relojes. Estoy Ijsto nución, y palpitación del cora-aún- acha-qu- deben de ser cons- pura hacer todo trabajo deíelj ritorios, aunque tienen el e Dichas banquetas purga drásticus presa, en-f- "i truidas según la especilicaciones que LujAn, de que sus eofrados en Nue- Vestidos de Verano para Hombres ma y debilita las Intestinos y grana. Sabino Joyero están protocoladas en la ofiiina del vo México están casi I abierta secretario. Alguna información que ji lotdde vestidos de verano parn hombre en una gran variedad de estilos, valen re- - u curan. Las lleguladoras de El Licenciado Don líenjamfn M, jiuente opuestos ul estado, y no so desee pwa ayudar á los interesados 'ulti miente $18.50, Especial en venta, uno Douu Hea l, de Vé, nos esta cada obran suavemente y curan Santa autoriza quieren admitirlo bajo el pie en á someter sus propuestas, Inteligente- que "HiMeña Histórica Sinóp- ::onstipución. 25e. Pregunte A la la conslguiráu en la oficina del Mexico-Atueri-cuuH,"d- que se de concederlo. Como mente, tica de la (S e trata us boticarios. tierra secretario de la Plaza-- $10.50 la cual él es el autor, ul oslo no byst&rn, ej senador El Cuerpo de Fideicomisarios de la 1- -3 comí-sió- REBAJADOS Toda la ropa para niños y muchachos, incluyendo de la-- Según los reportes del censo ya está concluida y entregada ul JJeverjdge, presidente de la u vestidos Plaza de Uis Vegas reserva el dere- ' ' ' ' ' ' ' .'liora figura como el y dentro de poco es Sena-do- , l'na y pin tes separadas. habitante impresor sobre territorios del cho ú) desechar uua ó todas las pro- f sobre-pujand- tañí lista para su distribución. ie unís edad Diego Vigil, o que os como quien dice el puestas. FkmcianoMauks, Secretario Esta senl una obra de gran in- 1 señor Denial, el pa de la medida y el que CAMISAS para HOMBRES terés considerando la capacidad . V Kit EX t'S 11 KM). de Costilla que l UU minea figuraba de su tin tor. La mandaremos debía estar más ansioso de su La mañana del domingo pasado, un óü Tu lote de camisas para hombres, frente planchado y de seda, todos colores y una varie- - vrotno el primero, líesulta que franco de porte por f 2 tan adopción, es el que e muestra gendarme de la ciudad de México en- Pernal tiene pronto coma esteconcluidn. " La contró eu un llano llamado de los Al- solamente lüó, al más desganado en llevarla ade- de Historia de Nuevo Mexico," ilus- il Colonia! dad moldes, Especial cada una 25 Centavos. oso que Yígil ha cumplido 10H lante, y por culpa suya na se canfores, cercano la famosa trada, obra principal del mismo de la Holsa, el cadáver de un n,iño re'J y ha pasado la mayor parte de ha hecho nada hasta aquí. Do autor, se est A preparando jhto cien nacido que probablemente fuo Hopa interior pura hombres, color Acuitado, Tardo y una vestidura excelente, lio en la población de Cuesta, modo que el negocio va algo cues- e uo .eBtarA lista hasta fines del baiiuonauo curante la ins-li- en Espacial por vestidura, 5 ?oqdadodeTaos, año, Centavos. ta abajo eu Washington, llUot 7 T TT WPÍT"VIH 1R" WT'IFT" TOMO XVII LAS VEGAS, XUEVO MEXICO, JUEVES lí( DE MAYO DE 1010. XO 17 LISTA DE DELINCUENTES PAGADORES DE TASACION

I NOTICIA bom.uVii N by R. Tenorio, S by F. perty $131.00. total valuation $14S.OO If!" nt Kh iu-r- e ..Llition. Valuation Chav . E by E. Domínguez, V by A. .Taxes $6.C, penalty 33c, publication by H. Montoya, E by P. Sena, W by Sena. V by F. Baca. V. by J. N. Du- less exemption $200.00. subject to tax of real estate $220.00, of personal pro- j Sena; house and lot bounded N br 31c. total $7.28. H. Vigil. Valuation of real cstat i (Sumas Abajo de $25.00) ran; house bounded N by ditch, S by $218. 0f. Taxes $16.22. panalty Sic, perty $274.00, total valuation $194.00 creek, S by P. Pacheco. E by D. Pa- $300.00, of personal property $10. CJ, rad, E by T. Bachicha, V by L. Ma. publication 70c. total $17.73. leu exemption $200.00, balance sub- checo, V by R. Trujlllo. Valuation Precinto No. 5 total valuation $310.00, les8 exemp A todos los Pagadores de Tasación i ject to tax $294.00. Taxes $19.10, or real z.'f&.uu, or personal pro- tion $200.00. balance subject del Condado de San Miguel, Nuevo Yiiiamicva. Valuation of real estate Jose Y. Arinijx All taxes. Lot 3 estaie Pilar Abeitia. All taves. House and to tat penalty 90c, publication COc. Total perty $25.00, total valuation and $110.00. Taxes $3.54, penalty pub- Mexico, que están Delincuentes por $2:S.!'J, cf perscnsl property $111.00, In block 9 of Kihlberg's additiui; val- lot bounded N by M. Jaramillo, 8 by isc, $20.66. amount subject to tax $270.00. Taxes lication 35c. $4.07. la Primera y Segunda Mitad de To- total valuation $3."9.00 less exemption uation $25.00 added by assessor $5.00, Santana. street, E by Lobato street, total $11.88 .penalty 94c, publication 70c. das las Tasaciones por el ano de $13(5.00. balance subject to tax $223. total subject to tax $31.00. Taxes Candelario Montoya. All taxes. V by Lopet street. Valuation of rsl B. A. Finnaman. All taxes. Lot II Taxes S9.49, penalty 37c, publication $1.99, penalty publication 20c, House and lot bounded N and S by J. total $13.52. In block 32 and lots 4 and 5 in bloc 19C8, A. D., Mencionados en la Lis- ,, 1?. estate 50.00, of personal property $55, .0.-- G re orlo Gutierrez. AH taxes. 45 Vala-atio- n ta Anexa Cuyas Tasaciones son $1 otal Sin.91. total $1.29. B. Maes. E by Paclño street, W by J. House total valuation $105.00, less exemp- of Porter and Mills addition, and lot bounded N, E & V by wall.'s Menos que $25.00. Francisco C. de Baca. Second half Jose Ignacio Eqalbel. All taxes, L. Padilla. Valuation of real estate tion $73.00. balanc subject to tax of real estate $145.00, adcred bf by dltili. Valuation of real estate $75. assessor t.36.00. tntnl vnltintlsm of tax's. 28 vs. bounded N by hills, S j House and lot bounded north by Tec-- I $200.00, of personal property $40.00, $30.00. Taxes $2.01. penalty 10c, pub- sml Ustedes están por esta, notificados by P. river, E by P. Garcia, W by olote St. S by D. R. de Romero, E"oy total valuation $240.00, less exemp- of personal property $258.00, total val- lication 35c, total $1.40. 'amount subject to tax $1S1.00. Taxei que el día 5 de Julio. A. D., 1910, en- vs. by S V tion $200.00, balance subject to tax uation $333.00, less exemption $200.00 $11.63, penalty C8c, publication 60j, P. road; 30 bounded N hills, National street, by J. Ma. Ksqulbel; i Florencio C. de Baca. All taxes. Lot tre la horas de las dies de la $40.00. Taxea $2.57. penalty 13c, pub- balance subject to tax $133.00. Taxes total $12,81. by P. river, E by V I rloste, V by valuation cf real estate $225.00, of 7 In Romero addition. Valuation of y laa cuatro de la tarde de di- 35c, $3.05. $6.29, penalty Sic. publication 35c, J. J. Gonzales; house and lot bounded personal property $25.00, total valu- lication total real estate $225.00, of personal pro Alfredo Flores. All taxes. 2 aerea cho día, en la casa de Cortes, en el total $0.95. N by street, S by B. Madrid, E by ation $210.00 lets exemption $200.00, Juan Jose Moya. AJI taxes. Lot for perty $20.00, total valuation $245.00 bounded N by J. Gallegos, S by P. Condado de San Miguel, Nuevo Mexi-Cf- -, Gutierrez & All rtver, by Z. Plaza, W by road. Valuation of real balance subject to tax $50.00. Taxes merly of Toma Ullbarrl, 50 by 175 lobato. taxes. less exemption $200.00, balance sub- E Lobato, V by C. Galle- ofrecer vender y venderé al mas to-t- House and bounded N by M. Val- gos; estate $306.00, of personal property $3.21, penalty 16c. publication 35c, ft Valuation of real estate $25.00, lot ject to tax $45.00. Taxes $2.90, pen- bouse and lot bounded N by C. aUo postor por dinero en mnno, la dez, S by E by B. Lu-er- o. S $21. ("i, total valuation $391.00 less ex- $3.72. added by assessor $6.00, total valua- ditch, Valdez, W alty 15c, upbllcatlon 20c, total $3.25. by Christ. Bros, E by Mor- propiedad descrlpta en la siguiente emption $200.00; balance subject to Gallegos. All taxes. Hous tion and amount subject to tax $31.00. by J. Gurule. Valuation of real estate rison street, V by J. Hays.,ValuatIoi Lucia Eduardo P. Baca. All taxes. Houe lista en la cual la delincuencia d" tax $191 .00. Taxes $4.01, penalty 20c, and lot bounded N by F. de Lucero. Taxes $2.00. renalty 10c, publication $25.00, of personal property $55.00, of real estate $1SO.OO, less exemption Gonzales street. Valuation of real tasación monta a menos que $25.00, publication $1.05, total $5.26. E by Chavez street, S by I. Torres, W 35c, total $2.45. total valuation and amount subject $30.00. balance subject to tax $150.00. venta de dia en to $S0.00. E by main ditch, W by y continuare dicha .'nun N. Duran. Second half of tax- by C. Angel. Valuation of real estat John S. Nelson, Jr. All taxes. tax Taxea $3.52, penalty Taxes $9.65, penalty 48c, publication propiedad 18c, publication Gonales street Valuation of real es- dia hasta que toda la aul es. Land bounded N by Pecos river, $100.00, of personal property $25.00, House and lot bounded N by Alamo 35c, total $4.05. 70c, total $10.83. vendida a hastn tate $335.00, of personal property descrlpta haya sido S E by B. Baca, W by Val-v.,- to'al valuation $125.00 less exemp- street, S and V by F. Robledo, E by Jose P. Mares. All taxea. 125 vs. Jame Frazer. All taxes. Lots J, rud road. ,$35.00. total valuation $3Í0.00 ex- 2. que las sumas debidas en las mlsnns $100.00, subject of estate $325.00, bounded N by M. Trujlllo, less 3. 4, 5 In of real estate $170.00, of per- tion balance to ix ditch. Valuation real S by I. emption $200.00. block 183 and lots 6, 7. 8, Ido realUrntoR. val- balance subject to hallan pasadas a Ei sonal property $03.00, added by as- $25.00. Taxes $1.C2. penalty 8c, pub- of personal property $52.00, total Dold, E by road, W by T. river. Valu- In block 158 of Lag Vegas addition. haiga comprador en tax $170.00. Taxea $10.93, penalty" ceso de que no sessor $r,$.oo, total valuation and lication 35c, total $2.05. uation $377.00, less exemption $200. ation and amount subject to tax $63. Valuation of real estate $100.00 add- dicha 61c, publication 35c, total $11.83. buena fe que ofresca sobre amount, subject to tax $291.00. Taxes Mary A. Goln. All taxes. Lots S7 balance subject to tax $177.00. Taxes Taxes $2.78, penalty 14c, publication ed by assessor $25.00. total valuation 1?. Juan C. Baca, Second half of taxes. propiedad el primer día cuando $C.13, penalty 31c, publication 35c, and 3S in block 80. Valuation $200 0. $11.38, penalty 57c, publication 35c, 35c, total $3.27. and amount subject to tax $123.00. para venderse House and lot bounded N by F. Gall- propiedad es ofrecida total $6.79. subject to tax $300.00. Taxes $19.21, total $12.30. Ruperto Martinez. All taxes. 79 Taxes $8.05. penalty 40e, publication y b1 propiedad vuelve a ser ofreci- 96c, publication 40c. All taxes. 160 eaos and A. A. Sena, 8 by F. & M. $1.60, la Jose S. Duran. Second lu'.t of tax- penalty Tot?l Jose Lion Padilla. acre of land bounded N by F. Gon- total $10.05. en venta después y ho hay com- bounded N by J. Morales, S by Baca and Mrs. C. Segura, E by Mrs. da es. House and let bounded N by .1. ?20.e5. acres zales, s by bill. E by T. Pino, W by Silvano Gallegns. All taxes. House Se, que ofrezca por C Pinard and Mrs. C Segura, W by prador en buena Duran, S by Fedro Garcia y Gonzales. All taxc road, E by Mesa, W by C. rights; F. Romero. Valuation and amount and lot bounded N by ase- road, E by F. Duran, W Morrison avenue. Santana street, entonces la propiedad 1 2 17. N by S Valuation of real la misma, by J. M D.uran, es- Lots and iu block Valuation bouse rnd lot bounded river, subject to tax $124.00. Taxes S by Santa '.lo lis- valuation of real $5.46, Fe streft. E by E. Ga aparece en la by Kav-anaug- estate $200.00, of personal property sada que simante tate $10.0(1, of personal property $75.00 added by assessor $19.00, total by J. Maes, E by ditch, W J. penalty 27c, publication S5e, total ttos, W by L. Newman. Valuation nt sera quitada para el condado cu-m- c valuation subject to tax $94.00. Valuation of real estate $6.08. ,$15.00, total valuation and amount ta $100.00, added by assessor $27.00, tot- Taxet subject real estate $150.00. added by assessor. camprador. La dicha venta se- 30c, 40c. property $5.00. to tax $215.00. Taxes $13.82, al subject to tax $137.00. Taxes $2.S8, $6.05, penalty publication $112.00, cf personal Simona M. Martinez. All taxes. 100 $37.00, total valuation and amnunt por 60 desde el exemp- penalty C9c publication 35c, total ra continuada días total $6.75. total valuation $417.00, less yds. of land Marti-n- e, subject penalty 14c, publication 35c, total bounded N by G. $14.86. to tax $187.00. Taxes $12.03. 5 Jiúio, A. D. 1910. All subject dia de $2.37. Estevan Gutierrez. taxes. Heme tion $200.00, balance to tax S by F. Sanchez, E by hills. V. renalty COc, publication S5c. total EUGENIO ROMERO. and lot bounded N by J. B. Maes, S $217.00. Taxes $13.95, penalty 70o. by T. river. Valuation Antonlno C. de Baca. All taxes, $12.98. drO Celestina Baca de Cáliz. All tax. $100.0. of Tesorero y o Colector by A. Fulgenzl, E by E. Quintana, V publication 70c, totat $15.35. personal property House and lot bounded N by E. Bar- House and lot bounded N by T. Galiz, $275.00, added by Anselmo Gonzales. All taxes. House Condado de San Miguel, Nuevo by Pacific street. Valuation of real George V. Prichard. All taxes. Lot assessor $69.00 total ber 3 by heirs of F. Delgado, E by S by street, E by L. Baca, W by R. valuation and and lot bounded N by M. Martinez, 8 Mexlcoi estate $200.00, of personal property 2 In jlock H, Rice's plat. Valuation amount subject to tax $344.00. Pacific street,' W. by M. Romero. Garcia; valuation of real estate $C5.00 Taxes by Bernalillo street, E by P. Arm i jo, $90.00, added by assessor $72.00, to- of real estate $300.00, added by as- $15.29, penalty 76c, publication Valuation of real estate and amount of personal property C3.00, 35c. W by M. Flores. Valuation of real es-sta- NOTICIA total valu- tax $302.00. and subject to tax $250.00. Taxes $16.07, ation $128.00, tal subject to Taxes sessor $75.00, total valuation total $16.40. and amount subject less exemption $23.00, penalty SOc, to tat $150. $23.28, penalty $1.16, publication 35c. amount subject to tax $375.00. Taxes Kpltacio Montoya. All taxes. 800 publication 31c, toísl no Menos que $25.00) balance subject to tax $105 HO. Taxes vs. Taxes $9.65, penalty 48c, publication (Sumas total $24.79. $24.11. penalty $1.21, publication, 20c not bounded. Valuation $17.22. $4.66, penalty 23c, publicifion 35c, of real estate 35c, total $10.48. A todos los Pagadores de Tasación Hummel. All taxes. Lot 1 H j15.00, total $5.34. Luis total ?25.52. of personal property $32,00, Nlcaslo C. de Baca. All taxes. Lot Manuel Gonzales Y Duran. All taxes. Condado de San Miguel, Nueva 5 del block 3. Valuation $50.00, added r Epltaclo Quintana. All taxes. House added by valu-atio- n In M. Romero assessor $137.00, total addition. Valuation of 6C4 feet on S J-- Delincuentes po- Hilarlo Garcia. Second half of tax- the side cf SE l ot Mexico, que están assessor $13.00, total valuation sub- and let bounded N by F. Ortiz, S by and amount subject estate $200.00 of personal pro- To- es. 64 to tax m! SV of section 17, Twp, 17 N. U. y Segunda Mitad de vs. bounded N by hills, S by pen- alley. la Primera ject to tax $63.00. Taxes $4.06, P. Ortega, E by ditch W by $684.00. Taxes $30.12, penalty $1.50, perty 425.00, total valuation $225.03 24 E; house and lot de A. D. 1908. P. river, E by C. Garcia, W by V. bounded N, S and das las Tasaciones alty 20c, publication 20c, total $4,4o Valuation of real estate and amount publication 31c, total $31.97. less exempt'on $200.00, balance sub E by L. by 50 vs. bounded N by C. Pinard, W alley, 100 by ta- F. F. O. Kihlberg. All taxes. Blocks 5 subject to tax $100.00. Taxes $6.43, Vidal Montoya. All Ject to tax $25.00. Taxes pen delincuentes pasadores de de Baca, S taxes. 440 acres $1.61, 150 feet. Valuation of real, estate $170. los by P. river, E jy E. Ara- amount sub- 32e .publication $5c, total de tasa- and 12, valuation and penalty of heights of the house and Tecolote alty 8c, plication 20c, total $1.89. of personal - en la Cimiente lista gón, V by road; es- property $120.00, total val- sación valuation If real to tax $50.00. Taxes $3.22, penal- $7.10. cuyas son r.o menos ject river. Valuation of real estate $550.00. J. O. Bayne. All taxes. Lota 19, it) uation $290,00 les exemption $200. ción tasaciones tate $165.00, of personal property AH taxes. Lot ty 16c, publication 40c, total $3.7S Desiderio Romero. of personal property $83.00, added by 21 in block 13 of & balance subject quf ?25.nn. Salud: $90.00, total subject to tax $255.00. Porter Mills to tax $90.00. Taxeu que Mrs. Pedro Lesperance. All tares 24 in block 26 of Rice's plat. Valuation assesor $161.00, total valuation Ustedes son por esta noíicMos Taxes $5.50, penalty 28c, publication and Valuation of real estate $30.00, $5.85, penalty 29c, publication 70c, House and lot bounded N by P. Mar- of real estate $25.00, added by asses- amount subject to tax $804.00. Taxes added by assessor total el día 70c, total $6.48. $7.00, total valu- $6.84. tinez, S by Chavez street, E by lot sor $6.00, total valuation and amount $35.55, penalty $1.78, publication ation and 5 de Julio, A. D. 1910 Lucero. taxes, 35c, amount subject to tax $37.00 Estate of W, E. Oram. All tjnei. Francisco All 50 vs. street, by Alley No subject tax $31.00. .Taxes $1.99. "- - a1 corte de distrito del next to Bernal V to total $37.68. Taxes $2.38, penalty 12c, publication Lot 4 in block 2 of Mv Romero addi- Aplicare la bounded N by E. Aragón, S by ; ditch, 4; B!uation of real flitate $350.01, penalty 10c, publication 20c, total Ignacia Martinez de Montoya. 60c. de San Miguel, en el Terri- E by E. Quintana, All Total $340. tion. Valuation of real estate $400.00 condado W by E. Aragón; of personal property J1.C0, total val- $2.29,' taxes. 400 Mexico, según proveí- 2 acres of land bounded N Fe!i;n Bohrlsch. All taxea. Lots 12 added by assessor $400.00, total valu- torio do Nuevo acres bounded N by river, S by E. I20C.U0 taxes, 60 contra de uation $360.00 les3 exemption Pedro Romero. All acr?s by C. Montoya. S by Celso Montoya, and 13, block 1. Romero addition; lot ation and amount subject do por ley, por juicio en Quintana, E by E. Aragón, W by L. to tax $800. en balance subject to tat $16?. 00. Taxes of land not bounded, at Puertoclto. east by Vega Crestón, west, Conon. boimdad E by M. Contrada, Taxes $51,44. penalty $2.57. todas las personas mencionadas Baca; valuation of real estate $130.00, N to S nubile. delin- $10.29, penalty 51c, pub'.lcuMon lrc Valuation of real, estate $275.00, of Valuation of real estate $525.00, of! 58 tion 20c, lista de tasación of personal property $227.00, feet, bounded N by A. Abeytia, total $54.21. la simiente total 15. personal property $10.00, added by person U property $775.00, v en contra de la propiedad subject to to, ill. added by E to W 61 feet. Valuation of real es-ta- te Juanita Otero de Griego. All taxes. cuente, tax $357.00. Taxes $16.25. G. Lucero. All 'ax-v- . Hoiii.e assessor $71.00, total valuation and aquí úeseripta por la Bsfael assessor $325.00, total valuation and aad amount subject to tax $560. House and lot bounded N by street. Taiz y personal penalty 81c, publication 70e, total - a'.d io- bounded N by street. S by N. amount subject to tax $356.00. Taxes amount subject to S tasaciones delincuen- $17.76. tax $1625.00. Taxea Taxes $36.05, penalty $1.80, publica- by A. Ma. Lucero, E by street, W by suma de dicha G. Chaw,, by P. An $22.89, penalty $1.14, publication 35c, costáis, penas IVi res. E by $76.44, penalty $3.S2, publication 35c, tion 75c, total $38. CO. cemetery; two lota bounded above. tes juntamente con los Porfirio Lucero. Second half af subject as en gjl variation and ancvuu to total $24.38. total $80.61.' J. M. Brown. All Valuation y no pagado las Villa-nuev- taxes. Lots 26, 27 of real estate $110.00, of e Interes debido taxes. 50 vs. bounded N by J. penalty 13c, F. Rosenberg. All taxes. Lots 7 and para vender tax $10.00. Taxes $2.5 Gabriel Montoya. All taxes. 40 acres and 28 in block 58 of person-- property $245.00. y por una orden s by J. Baca, E by ditch, W Val- Porter an.1 total val mismas di-ch- o publication 35c, total $3.05. 8 in block 80. Kihlberg's addition. of satlsflacer land bounded N. by Cedro Springs, Mills addition. Valuation of es- $355.00. lesa exemption propiedad para by J. Vlllaneuva; house bounded tu.'d added real uation $125.00 dicha des- Jesus Maes. All taxes. House uation of real estate $110.00, s by p. Montoya, E by road, W by tate $100.00, juicio y dentro de 30 día by creek, S by L. Lucero, E by A. added by assessor $25. balance subject to tax $230.00. Taxes lot bounded N by L. V. street, S by by assessor $27.00, total valuation and railway. Valuation of de dicho Juicio Lucero, by public real estate Total valuation and amount subject $15.00, penalty 75c, publication 70c, pués del rendimiento W street; valua- C. rights, E. by L. Lucero, W by C. amount subject to tax $137.00. Taxes $120.00, propiedad des ripta. en of personal property $13.00, to tax $125.00. Taxes $8.05, penalty total $16.45. contra de la tion of real estate $190.00, of persona' bounded N by $8.81, penalty 44c, publication 40c, debida rights; house and lot total valuation and amount subject to 40c, publication COc. IWa y después de dar property $20.00, total subject to Uy Total $9,05, Henry Grist. AH taxes. Lots 3 dicha tai J Silva, S by T. Garc'a, E elley, total $9.65. tax $135.00. Taxes $5.95, penalty 12 en a puerta 29c. Onig Case. All taxes. Lots 1 9 4 ad.!'-tio- n. por cartel puesto $210.00. Taxes $4.41, penalty 22c, of real tstyte All taxes. House to and 5 in block 182 of Kihlberg's noticia cun es W by street; valuation Martin Sandoval. publication 35c, total $6.59. 19 to 30 del edificio en el publication 70c, total $5.33. & ind., In block 76 of Porter Valuation of real estate $125.03, del oriente $210.00, of personal property $5.00, and lot bounded N by J. Maes, S E Jose Ma. Quintana. All distrito por dicho Apolonia taxes, taxea. 150 and Mills addition. Valuation of real added by c ssessor $31.00, valua- H la corte de Salz de Lucero. All added by assessor $54.00, valua- by P. Maes, W by Pacific street; lot vs. total - al mmo, diez to:l bounded N by R. Padilla, S by estate $270.00, added by assessor $67, condad de San Miguel, 200 vs. bounded N by P. river, S by $'..69. by Escurridero. S & W tion and amount subject to tax $156 0 tion and amount suhieci tax bounded N F. Vialpando, by road, Can-onclt- o fecha de la venta, by D. E W by total valuation and amount subject to taxes $10,03, penalty 50c, publication días antes de la ditch, E Garduño, W by F. Taxes $17.30, penalty S7c, publication by C. Garcia. E by alley. Valuation en venta publica Valuation of real estate ana tax $337,00. Taxes $21.66, penalty $1.00, total $11.53. vender Baca; house and lot bounded N by L. 70c, total $18.87. of real estate $100.00, added by as- la P"PW amount subject to tax $75.00 Taxes $1.08, publication FOe. total $23.54. C. N. Hall. half infante de dicho edificio Lucero S by F. Cortez, E by street, B. Maes. All tax'is. Homo and sessor, $25.00, total valuation and Second of taxw. en dicha Juan $3.31, penalty 17c, publication 35c, Euseblo Chacon. 1 y personal descrlpta W by bill; valuation of real estate S by $125.00. Taxes All taxes. Lot in Lota 19 to 27 Incl. in l lc k 75 of Por- raíz o lot bounded N by J. Padl'.la, amount subject to tax se ha rem-id- total $3.83. block 80, at corner of de la cual $230.00, of personal property $50.00, Quln'-an- Valeria atreet ter and Mills addition. Valuation of en contra ditch, E by E. a, W by A. $8.05, penalty 40r, publication 70c, lista de tasaciones, Jose Sanchez. All taxes. House and and N. M. Ave. Valuation of real es. estate $180.00, by juicio por total valuation $280.00, less exenip Martinez, valuation oí real estate total $9.15. real added assessor las mis lot bounded N by J. E, Montoya. S by ate and amount subject to $450. y costos debidas en tion $200.00, balance $80.00, added by personal property $65 00, M. De Ullbarrl. All tax- tax $43.00, total valuation and amount penas $275.00, of Mnria Rita river, E by plaza, W by J. E. Mon Taxes valu-tlo- $28.94. penalty $1.45, publi- subject to tax $225.00. Taxes $14.48, assessor $205.00, subject to tax $285. added by assessor $S5.00, total n es. House and lot bounded N & S by toya. ROMERO, Valuation of real estate $30.00, cation 20c, total $30.53. penalty 74c, publication 40c, toLal EUGENIO Taxes $13.22, penalty 66c, publication amount subject to tax $425. J. B. Maes, E by Perez street, W by Con-S-o and of personal property $145.00, added by J. A. Cobb. All o Colector del taxes. Personal $15.62. y 70c, total $14.58. Taxes $27.33, penalty $1.37, publica- J. B. Maes; house and lot bounded assessor $44.00, Miguel, Nuevo Mexico. total valuation and valuation $3083.00, les F, W. Helneman. All taxes. Lots de San Ambrosio Madrid. All taxes, 38 vs. tion 35c, total $29.05. N by A. Ullbarrl, S by P. Ullbarrl y amount subject to tax $210.00. Taxes exemption t-- - bounded N by T. Galiz, S by E. Ara- $10.00, balance subject 11 and 12 in block 13 in Torter nn,l Ambrosio Martinez. Second half of Mares, E & W by alleys. Valuation $10.09, penalty 50c, No. 1 publication 35c, tax $3045.00. Taxes $195.80, penalty Mills addition. Valuation of es- Precinto gón, E by P river, W by hills; house taxes. Lot 7 in block 50 of Rtce'J of real estate $100.00, added by real total $10.94. $9.79, publication 35c total $205.94. $20.00, and and lot bounded N by J. Gallegos, E lot bounded N by J. $25.00, total valuation and tate added by assessor $5.00, All taxes House plat, house and Hlginlo Sandoval. All taxes. 200 vs. Genevieve L. Colllna. pautín Baca. by hills, W by street; valuation of by Pa- amount, subject !o tax $125.00. Taxes All taxes. total valuation and amount subject by road, S by P. Baca, B. Maes, S by B. Martinez, E bounded N by A. Jackson, E by Burro All Ult b0Unded N real estate $03.00, of personal proper- publication 70c, of blocks 40 and 56 in to tax $25.00. Taxes $1.62, penalty W by D. Espera,, cific street, W by alley, valuation $8.05. penalty 40c, ave., W by Hill creek; house bound- by Ma Montoya, $767.00, 00. exemp- Porter and Mills addition. Valuation 6c, publication 40c, total $2.08. E lU-O- ty total $830. less of real estate $200.00, of personal total $9.15. Valuation of real estate ed N. by D. Garcia, S by L. Gonzales, of real estate $200.00 added by asses- Mrs. Mary Herman. All taxes. Lots added tion $200.00, balanc subejet to tax property $110.00, total valuation Pablo Ullbarrl y Mares. All taxes, property $242.00 E by creek, W by road. Valuation of sor $50.00, 1 2 of' personal $630.00. Taxes $31.39, penalty $1.57, exemption bal- not bounded, 85 feet from river; total valuation and amount and in block 4 of Reynolds addi- ?y total valuation $310.00, less $200.00, Land real estate $250.00, of personal pro- subject assessor $64.00, publication 70c, total $33.66. zy M. M. de to tax $250.00. Taxes $16.07, tion. Valuation of real estate $50.00, tax 1322.00. ance subject to tax $110.00. Taxes house and lot bounded N R. perty $186.00, added by assessor amount subject to Emiliana G. Prada. All taxes. 43 penalty 80c, publication 40c, total added by assessor $13.00, total valua- and publication, de $3.5!. penalty 18c, publication 55c, to Ullbarrl, S by B. Martinez, E by Pa- $109.00, $14.75, penalty 72c, total valuation and amount $17.27. tion and amount subject to tax $63.00, Taxes vs. bounded N by P. A. Galiz, S by tal $4.27. cific street, W by alley. Valuation of subject to tax $545.00. Taxes $24.09, Anita L. Collins. All taxes. 40 Taxes 20c, 35c, total $15.82. mesa, E by A. Amaron, and ditch, W B. De Martinez. All taxes. $162,00, of personal prop- Lota $4.05, penalty publication half of taxes. Lucionita real estate penalty $1.20, publication 70c, total to 56 In Celso Baca. Second by J. 5 vs. bounded N by ditch, Me- block á of Torter and Mills 40c, total $4.65. Miguel, Baca; House and lot bounded N by M. erty $10.00, added by assessor $43.01, $25,99. Cuesta and San addition. Valuation of . real Gablno S by mesa. E by E. Tafoya, W by R. S by Sapello street, E by Pa- total valuation nnd amount subject estate Herrera. Second half of Abounded; Interest In Tecolote dina, Virginia Valdez de Teltlebaum. All $800.00, added by ÍS an Tafoya; valuation of real estate $75. No. 4, penalty assessor $200.00, taxes. House and lot bounded N by Miguel: Valua- cific street, W by alley and to tax $215.00. Taxes $13.91, taxes. 1C acres bounded N by Main Grant; house in San of personal property $152.00, total N. total valuation and amount subject to E. Martinez, S by B. de Moulton, 13 added by honre pud lot bounded N by A. 69c, publication 70c, total $15.20. street, S by Tecolote Grant, E by M. of real estate $185.00, , tax $1000.00. Taxes $64.30, .penalty by Lopez street, W by O. Caballera. tion valuation $228.00, less exemption Aim-on- S by Bernal street. E Zacarías Valdez. All taxes. House total valuation and do Garza, W by Tecolote Grant; 42 $3.22, publication 40c. total $67.92, Valuation ot assessor $210.00 $150.00, balance subject to tax $78.00. - 4. Z. S by of real estate $200,00, Taxes b;- Pacific street, W by alley .No.' and lot bounded N by Ortiz, acres bounded N by Main road, S by amount subject to tax $395.00. penalty 17e, publication Helen Constant, All taxes. Lots 12 personal property $70.00, total valua- Taxes $3.41, Vrhmtlon of real estate $100.00, of P. Ortega, E by ditch, W by Pacific T. A. 43c, publication $1.05, river, E by J. Salazar, W by to 69 'n block 9 of $270, less exemption $200.00, bal- $8.70, penalty 70c total $4.28. 00, valua- street. real estate $200 Porter and Mills tion perftnal property '$30. total Valuation of Padilla; 12 acres bounded N by R, addition. total $10.18. Canuto Tenorio. All taxes. 100 vs. 57.00, valu- Valuation of real estate $40, ance subject to tax $70.00. Taxüs taxes. 5 tion and amount subject to tax $530. of personal property total Montoya S by T. river and J. San- Juan Garcia y Lopez. All bounded N by ditch, S by S. Padilla, added by assessor $10.00, total valu- $4.53, penalty 23c, publication 35c, and Taxes $34.10, penalty $1.71, publica ation $257.00, le3s exemption $200.00, chez, E by G. Lucero, W by Main at Tres Hermanos; house by Valu- ation tmd amount subject to tax $50. total $5.11. acres E by P. Salz, W F. Lucero. tion 70c, total $36.51. balance aubject to tax $57.00. Taxes 50 N by T, Garcia, S by S. road; acres bounded N by B. Val- Taxes $3.21, penalty 16c, publication Gordon Hicks. All taxes. All of blk. lot bounded ation of real estate $210.00, of per- Manuel Medina. Second half oí $3.69, penalty 38c, publication 35c, to- W by creek. Val- dez, S by J. Ma. Garcia, E by T. riv 40c,' total $3.77, 46 Mills Huerena, E by road, sonal property $22.00; added by as- N by D. tal in Porter and addition. Valu- per- taxes. House and lot bounded $4.22. er, W by Crestón; lot bounded N by V. estate $150.00, of . William Dawklns, All taxes. Lots ation uf real estate and amount sub- uation of real sessor $58.00, total subject to tax R. de Romero, S by B. Martinez, E Luciana Vigil. All taxes. Lot 3 In by as- road, S by T. river, E by J, Sanchez, 9 to 14 in block 84 22 tc pen- property $116.00, added $291.00. Taxes $12.00, penalty 61c, 9, real and lots to 23 ject tax $100.00. Taxes $6.43 sonal by Pacific street, W by alley. Valua- block Jones plat Valuation of W by J. Lobato. Valuation of real es- $67.00, total valuation and In block 78, all in Porter and Mills alty 32(5, publication 20e, total $6.65. sessor publication 35c, total $13.18. tion cf real estate $200.00, of per- estate $115.00, added by assessor subject $333.00. Taxes tate and amount to tax $325. addition. Valuation of real estate Imogene Hollen wager. All taxea. All amount subject to tax sonal proeprty $43.00. Total vocat- $29.99, total valuation and amount 70c, Precinto No. 3 Taxes $14.30, penalty 72c, publication $230.00, added by assessor $57.00, of block 44 and lot 15 in block 45 of $14.84. penalty 74c, publication $243.00, Jess exemption $200.00,, subject to tax $144.00. Taxes $9.26: ion $1.75, total $16.77. total valuation and amount subject to Porter and Mills addition. Valuation total $16.28. Benigno Allre. All taxes. Lot 75 by balance subject to tax $43.00. Taxea penalty 46c, publication 20c, total Jose I. Vigil. All taxes. 400 yarda taxes. 7 aerea tas $287.00. Taxes $18.46, penalty oí real estate $225.00 added by Andres Sandoval. All 175 feet bounded N by M. Medina, S penalty 7c. publication 35c, total $9.06. , j$t.39, bounded N by S. M. de Garcia, S by 92c .publication 80c. Total $20.18. $56.00, bounded N by El Pueblito, S by P. ' taxes. 1. total valuation and by Sapello street, E by alley, W by '$1.81. , Unkonwn owners. All Lots C. Montoya, by mesa, W by T. riv- river, W by Main E PAGE 7 amount subject to tax $281.00. Taxea Baca, E by Pecos Chavez street. Valuattrm of real es- Maria Ascención Montes. All taxes. 2, 3, 4, 5, in block 157, lots 4 5 6 7 S er. Valuation and of real estate ana Eplmenla L. De Delgado. All taxes. $18.06, penalty 90c, publication 40c, ditch. Valuation of real estate tate $30. 0 subject to tax $30.00. House and lot bounded N by property 9 In block 79 lota 1 2 3 4 6 in bloc amount subject to tax $200.00. Taxes Lots 12 and 13 in block 1, of John total $19,36. amount subject to tax $195.00. Taxes Taxes $1.93, penalty 10c, publication of Andrea Valdez, S by Tomas Lu-- 68. lots 1 and 2 In block 67, Valuation $8.80, penalty 44c, publication 35c, Pendarles addition. Valuation of real Mrs. Emannela Hunt. All taxes. $8.57, penalty 43c, publication 35c, 35c, No. 3, by alley No. 1, of reat estate and amount subject to total $2.38. f.ero, and lot E total $9.59. estate $500.00, of personal property total $9.35. $180.00. $11.57 58c, House and lot bounded ,W and, N by Jose Ignacio Anaya. All taxes. 8 W by Union street No. 36. Valuation tax Taxes penalty Francisco Vigil. All taxes. 7 acres $55.00, total valuation $555.00, less etreets, S by C. Segura, E by Delu-vln- a ' vs. of land on Pecos river bounded iof real estate and amount subject to publication $3.60. Total $15.75. bounded N by road, S . Precinto No. 2 by river, E exemption $200.00. balance subject to Tnrrieta. Valuation of real N by I. Salazar, S by old river. E by fax $75.00. Taxes $3.57, penalty 18c, by F. by W, Precinto No. 4 Sanchez, W F. Wock. tax $355.00. Taxes $22.84. penalty $73.00, of personal property $10 0'). Benito Baca. All taxes. 100 vs. Salazar, W by R. Salazar; 120 publication 35c, total $1.10. LyR. Valuation cf real estate $120.00, add- $1.14, publication 40c, total $24.38. total valuation and amount subject bounded N by P. river, S by ditch, E. acres of land not bounded. Valuation j Florentino Montoya. All taxes. Lot Cleofas Anaya Da Baca. All taxes. ed by assessor $30.00, total valuation Manuel Delgado. Second half of to tax $85.00. Taxes $3.7, penalty , , by J. Baron, W by E. Aragón; 50 vs. of real $317.00, personal pro In blwk 76 and lots 3 &4 In block 400 vs. N by creek, by L. estate of bounded $ and amount subject to tax $150.00. tares. Lot bounded N by R. Pena. H S7e. publication 35c, total $6.09. r

Creaceuciana JacobL Ail taxes. Nicwior Martinet. Second half of lax $105.00. Taxes $6.75, penalty 34c ation and amount tubjt-i-t to tax $50. uation $128.00 less exemption $103.00, and lot bounded X by L. Montoa, A peuaity $3.60, publication 25c, total 35c, toUl subject W). Hous and lot bounded N by street taxes. llou and let bouudtd X by publiiatiun $7.44. Taxes $3.21. penalty 16c, publication balance to tax $35. Taxe by Mo: ano stmt E by alley Xo. 2. $73.96. W Val- Ignaiio Rouuro. All taxes. 40c. I'tuaity 12c, 25c, to- W W by uttt S by alley. ValuaUon of E. Sai., S. K and by street. Joe total $.77. $2.56, pubiicuiiun by lA)ti avenue, being lot 9 in Jure C. Sandoval. AH taxe. Iíojm oí per-ton- bounded X by M. Mon- tal Valua-'.o- ree! ;;iat and amount subject to uation of real eatate $15tJ."0, Houe and kit Heir, of A. Weil and A. D. Higglns. $.'.i3. block 72. oí nal estate an l tnd iOt loundcdX by r. Laca, t by al a, by y E by :S.rt. Taxes I1.C2, penalty fcc, property $!.u0, added by attes- to) 5 J. Cbavet CLatz. All taxes. Lots 12 and 22 In block ICO, John iVrtuo,. AH taxc. Lota 7 io amoun; subject to tax $iuu.0o. Taxes ii y, E by F. Maldonado, W by sireet; til ua, aiiey, W by of public ilion 35c, total $2.05. tor $u. total valuation sunt. Vluliua reai lot 5 in block 77, lots 1 2. 3 In block 11 inci i. In biuck 160, lots 6 to 9 lucL $19. 2Í, jienalty 96c, publication 35, lot bounded X by F. Baca, S. by D. Pe- exemption $2U.W balance sub- $120.00, of peraonal property 79 161, tal I'al'.o Jai autillo. AH Una. House les eut in Montezuma addition. Valuation in block all In KilJberg addition, $20.60. rez. E by C. Ariiiljo, W by atreet. Va- ject to tax $3.1.00 Taxes IJ.C4. pen- $50.00 added by asaewtor $42.00, to- of lota 6 7 8 9 211 and !oi bounded X by Mr. Potter, irl $30.00 added by assess- and In block lota Salomon Montano. Second half of luation of real eatate $150.00, of per- alty 13c. publication 35c, total $3.12. tal valuation of real estate and amt S by E. de liara. E by X. M. Av, or $23.00, total aluatlon and amount 21 and 22 In bl'x-- 181. lots 15. 16,17 taxes. House and lot bounded X by C subject to tax $212.00. Taxes $13.63, sonal property $62.00, total valuation W by alley Xo 2. Valuation of real 'Ma C. de Maitiuet. bull ubjet to tax $113.00. Taxea $7.27, ?nd Is lu block Ivj. Valuation ofreai lubiic S by Perez síreet, E by tu. CSc, publication 25c, , and amount to tax $212.09. of and lot bounded, X by total penalty 36c. publication $1.20, total estate $!iu.00 added by asehsc-$47.00- PaciSc W by etUte $4 (0.00, oí personal property taxis. Houe atreet. street; lot Taxes $13.63, penalty 6Sc, publication llernaliilo street, S by 8. Asat, E by $14.66. $8.83. total valuation and bounded X by $94.00. total valuatioa $131.00 hi amount T. Montano, S by B. 7oc, Kibl-berg'- s JuHuMia C. de Baca. All taxes. toial $15.01. exemption 1200.00, balance subject to J. Corlx, V by X. M Ave.; lot in William Wells. All taxes. Stone subject to tax $237. "0. Taxes $15.24. Martin, z, E by Pacific street, W by House and lot on Carmen Gonzales taxes, tax $294.00. Taxa $18.8;. penalty addition. Valuation of real es- Quarry 12 mile XW from penalty 76c, publication $2.80, total alley. Valuation cf rei.1 estate $125.00, Jose ..ariano Sena. All lious street by the arroyo, being four lota courthouse. 93c. pjbll.atiuu S3c, total $29.25. tate $105.00, of personal property Valuation of real estate and amount $18.80. of personal property $110.00, total val and lot bounded X by creek, S by between above and brew.ry. Valua- 11 $25.00, total valuation and amount ubject to tax $100.00. $6.43, Crescendo Gallegos. All taxea. Per- uailon $265.00. less exemption $145.00, Perez street, W by L Lopez, East F. 0. Klhlberg. All taxea. Lot la of aubj Taxes $120.00. Taxes $3. SC. tion real estate and amount ct ioui-rty- , by M. block 45 of Porter and Mill addi- subject to tax penalty 32c, publication 35c, total aonal valuation $50.0J, add- balance subject to tax $120.00. Taxea I'riotite and A. Martinez. Valu- publication 55c, to tax $Su0.00. Taxea $51.44, penalty tion. Valuation cf real estate $20.00. penalty 19c, total $7.10. ed by assessor $13.00, total valuation $3.90. penalty 19c publication 70c, ation of r?al eatate $40.00 of personal $4. 60. $2.07, publication 35c, total $53.86. $4.79. peraonal property $23,00. total C. B. Wesche. Ail 7 and amount subjeit to tax $63.00. total prope.ty $43.00 added by assessor of Lulslta Romero. A Htaxes. V 1-- of taxes. Lot In subject tax $50. Jose A. Martinez. All taxea Houae brock 88 Taxes $4.05, penalty 20 cents, publl-cailo- Llzandro Montoya. All $21.oo, total valuation and and amount to lot 4 In block 108 of Klhlberg's addi- of Klhlberg's addition. Va- taxes. amount 16c, publication and lot bounded X by P. 51111s, 3 5, $4.60. House and subject to tax $106.00. taxes $3.21, penalty bi tion. Valuation of real estate $100.00, luation of real eatate $20.00 added by lot bounded X by C. Moul- Taxes $6.81, F. Bai.a, E by lot Valuation of real Cecilio Garcia. All taxes. 360 va. ton, S by penalty publication 30c. total $3.57. of personal property $10.00 added by assessor $5.00. Total valuation and etreet. E by alley Xo. ;i. 34i. 35c, total (i tata $165.00, of personal property amount bounded X by Lopez, S by L. M. de W by Lopez avenue. $S.(,5. ..J. 1L Hooker. All taxea. Lot 7 In assessor $28.00, total valuation and subject to tax $25.00. Taxes Valuation of real $5$. 00. added by assessor $C1.00, total $1.61, Róblalo. E by road, W by mesa; estate $3ii0.00, block 45 of Porter and Mills addition. amount subject to tax $138.00. Taxes penalty 8c, publication 35c, to- of personal property Ira Smith. All taxes. Lot 4, in block: amoun; valuation and amount subject to tax tal $2.04. bouse and lot bounded N by E. Mon-slme- r, $42.00 exemption $200.00, Valuation of real estate and $8.87, penalty 44c, publication 20c, less balancs 77 of Klhlberg's addition. Valuation subject $20.00. $304 00. Taxes $19.58, penalty 98c, pub- r by E. II. Salazar, E by L. aubject to tax $142.00. Taxea $9.1.1, to tax Taxei $1.23 total $9.51. of real estate $100.00, added by as- lication 35c, total $20.91. Precinto No. 6 Lopez W by Pacific street Valuation penalty 46c, publication penalty Cc, publication 20c, total Janet Rosa. All taxes. 300 vs. bound- 33c. total sessor $25.00, of real ettate $190.00, of peraonal $9.94. total xaluatlon and $1.55. John Mernln All taxes. Lots 22 and X by S. B. Davla, S by P. & Martlnita A. de Baca. All taxes. ed Mrs. $S3.00, amount subject to tax $125.00. Taxea M. AH 23 in block 58 or Porter and Mills House property total valuation $273, Mrs. Anna Anule Latourette. taxes. All of M Add, E by 11. 8 Boulevard. W by and lot bonded N by J. Ribera, McDonald. All taxes. Lot $8.05, penalty 40c, publication addition. Valuation of real eatate Itsa exemption $200. balance subject bounded 20c, block 55 in Porter and Mills addition. Creaton; 100 va bounded N and S s by J. Elsworth. E and W bv t X by F. Mares, S by A. $8.65. $30.00 by to tax $73.00. Taxes $4.79 penalty 24c, total Valuation of real entate $400.00, add- added aaseseor $7.00, total by Est. of A. J. Browne, E by. O. river. Valuation of real estate and amount E by Pacific street, W by F. valuation amount to publication 70c, total $5.73. M. Torp. All taxes. Lot 2 ed by asi'86cr $100.00, total valua- and subject tax W by ditch. Valuation of real estate subject to tax $150.00. Taxea $9.64, Mares, X to S 45 feet. E to W 237 1 2 in blk. L $37.00. Taxes, $2.38, penalty 12c, pub- Garcia y F of R'ce'g plat tion and amount subject to tax $500. and amount subject to tax $150.00. penalty 47c publication C5c, total Fraicisco Gonzales. All ft; lot bounded E by above lot, X by Valuation of real 40c, estate $250.00, Taxeg $32.15, penalty 1 1 .CI, publica- lication total $2.90. Taxes $9.64, penalty 4sc, publication $10.46. taxes. Houae and lot bounded X by F Maros, W by Escudero; lot bound- added by assessor ' A. de Abeytia. S by $63 00, tion 20c, total $33.96. Charla F. Miller. AH taxes. Lot In 70c, total $10.82. lgnacla G. de Baca. Second half of S. Ulibarri, E by ed N by C. Mares, s by above lot. total valuation and amount alley, W by subject Henry Laumbach. All taxes. Lot block 4.! of Porter and Mills addltlou. Fannie M. Ross. All taxes. Lots 22 taxes. Houae and lot bounded X by J. Ulibarri. Valuation of by Pacific street, V by P. street. Val- to tax $313.00. Taxes $20.12. real $100.00, and Improvements bounded N, an! Valuation of real estate $100.00, add- and 23 in block 71 of Porter and Socorro street S by A. Larranairn estate added by asses- idation of real estate and amount penalty $1.01, publication 20c, total sor $25.00, W by streets, and S by B. T. Mills, ed by assessor $25.00, total valuation Milla addition. Valuation of real es- E by C. Garcia, W by J. Padlla. Val total valuation and subject to tax $50.00. Taxes $3.01, $21.33. and amount subject to tax $125.00. Taxea penalty Valuation of real estate and amount amount subject to tax $125.00. tate $100.00 added by assessor $25, uation or real estate $275. oo, 0 fper- 16c. publication $1.05, total Amador I'libarri. All $8.05, penalty 40c, publication 35o, taxes. House subject to tax $300.00. Taxes $19.29, Taxes $s.05, penilty 40c, publica- total valuation of real estate and sonal property $127.00. total valua $4.42. and lot $s.80. bounded X by F. D. y Lucero, penalty 96c, publication 35c, tion 20c .total $8.65 amount subject to tax $123.00. Taxes tion $102.00, less exemption $200.00 total Pablo Ornelas. All taxes. 8 total Lots and S by R. Esquibei. E by Gonzalea $20. eo. Mills Abstract Company. All $8.05, penalty 40c, publication 40c, balance subject to , where in hell Is Octave Geoffrion. All taxes. House 9 in block 66. Valuation of real taxc. estate Rtreet, W by G. de Roybal. Valuation Valuation of personal property total 18.85. balance subject to tax $202.00. and lot bounded N by Grant street, $200.00, added by $50.00, to- Lizzie V. Lawkln. AH taxes. Lot and Taxes assessor i vi reai estate $180.00, of pro-jper- ty Roybal. All taxes. House $C60 penalty 33c, Xo. 16. S by Socorro No. 16, tal personal 36 In block 30, lot 12 In block 72, amount subject to tax $000.00. Taxes, Romualdo publication 35c, to- street valuation and amount subject to $74.00, E by 31 72 total valuation $234. 0 lots 2 and 3 in block 43, all In porter $38.58. penalty, $1.91, publication 35c, and lot bounded X by G. Moulton. S tal $7.23. lots and In block 138, W tax $250.00. Taxes $16.07, penalty ;less exemption $200.00, balance sub- Mills total $40. 84. by E. Paca. E by M. Madrid. W by Maclovla Barela. All taxes. 13, by New Mexico Ave. Valuation z 80c, publication 40c, total $17.27. and addition. Valuation of real Lots to tax $54.00. Fclip-- 1 ject Taxes $3.50, pen-nlt- y estate $350.00, added by assessor Montoya. All taxes. House Montoya. Valuutlon of real estate 14, 15 and 16 in block 158 of Klhl- teal estate $600.00 of personal pro- Susano Ortiz. All taxes. House and perty is?, publication 33c, $87.00, total valuation of real estatt and lot bounded X by Santa Fe street, $150.00, of personal property $98.00, berg's plat. Valuation of real eitjir $176.00. Total valuation $766.00 lot bounded X by alley, S by B. Ro- total $4.03. 1 ' j Paulita H. de and amount subject to tax $437.00. S by L. Gallepo, E by A. A. Sena, total valuation $218.00, less exemp- $100. Oí), added by assessor $25.00. to exemption $200.00, ba'.uie.u sub- mero, E by F. Lopez, W by street. Várela. Second half of taxes. Taxes $28.10, penalty $1.41, publica- W by Morrison avenue. Valuation of tion $200.00, balance subject to tax tal vacation and amount subject to ject to tax $570.00. Taxes $:!7.23. Valuation of real estate $250.00, of and lot bounded N by y pro-l-ert- $1.86, ,E. Martinez, S by tion SOc, $30.31. teal enlate $180.00, of personal $48.00. Taxea $3.12. penalty 16c, pub- tax $125.00, Taxes $8.05, penalty 40c, penalty publication 33c. total personal property $40.00, total valua- Socorro street, fij total by Ignacio Lopes. All taxes. House and $45.00, total valuation $225.00 lication S5c. total $3.63. publication 80c, total $9.25. $39.44. tion $290.00 less exemption $200.00, j Mission school, W by R. Luccra less exemption Housj Valuation of lot bounded N by It. Dunn, S by Bern- $200.00, bnlanee sub- Eugenio Rudulph. All taxes. Walter Blerman. All taxea. Valua, Pedro Griego. Second half of taxes. balance subject to tax $90.00. Taxes real estate $300.00 of ject to pen- on Sa.nt.ina tlon $3.79, to- pcr,ona! alillo street K by I. Martinez. V by tax $25.00. Taxea $1.62, and lot street. Valuation of personal protprty and amount Land bounded X by G. Martinez, S penalty 29c, publication 35c, property $25.00, total vol Sc, 1-- alty publication 35c, $2.05. of real estate $250.00, of personal subject tax by J. by tal $6.43. ,ation $025.00 N. M. Ave., 41 it front ValuaUon total to $520.00. Taxes $33.41, l. Apodaca, E road, W by les exemption $200.00. W. II. All property $275.00, of real tato $200, of personal pro- McClutie. taxes. Lots 4 total valuation $525 penalty $1.67, publication 35c. tntnl mesa; loo vs. bounded X by F Le Due, Placita Ranch Co. All taxea. Lot 1 balance subject to tax íiok nn 8 33 sub- t perty $45.00, total valuation $245.00 and in block of Porter and Mills less exemption $200.00, balance $35.40. S by P. Padia, E and Wr by road; In block X of Klhlberg and Rice"s sur- H.Oo, penalty 20P, publication pen- 35c, to--I less exemption $200.00 balance sub- addition. Valuation of real estate $20 ject to tax $325.00. Taxes $20.89, Charles Ulanchard. Second half r,f house and lot bounded X by R. Aide-rat- e, vey. Valuation of real estate $50.00 '1 $1.5S. by 35c, taxes. ject to tax $45.00. Taxes $2.93, penal- added assessor $5, total valuation alty $1.04, publication total House Bnd lot not bounded 90x S by S. Rodriguez. E and W by added by assessor $13.00, total valu- 300 Precinto No. 7 ty 15c, publication 35c, total $3.45. and amount subject to tax $25.00. $22.28. feet. Vuluatlou of real eatate streets. Valuation of real estate ation and amount subject to tax $63. Taxea $1.C2. penalty 8c, publication Ines Martinez do Sandoval. All $C0i. 00, of personal property $215.00, of personal property Taxes-Í4.05- , Cayetano Lucero. Second half of $120.00, $116.00, penalty 20c .publication Fernandez Armflo. ....ah t...... taxes. House and lot bounded N by 40c. total $2.10. taxes. House and lot bounded N by added by assessor $23.00. total valu total valuation $331.00 less exemp- 20c, $4.45. vaATTD. 131 tnl acres being part ? , James McFnrland. All by atreet, E ation $743.00, of sectinn Valencia street, S by S. M. & Land taxes. Lots ditch, 8 by A. Gonzalea, leas exemption 200.00, tion $200.00, balance subject to Rita S. de -- tat Ribera. All taxes. House V R. 12E and 2 acres t. 4. 5, 6 In block 160 ad- es-sta- te balance , bounded X by Inv. Co, Valuation of real estate of Kihlberg's W by I Iiopez. Valuation of real subject to taxation $543.0. $131.00. Taxes penalty 22c, pub- and lot, corner between S Pacific and A. dition. Valuation of real Taxes Sandoval. S by p. Ortiz, E $250.00, of personal property $48.00, estate $100 $200.00, of personal property $17.46, penalty 87c. publication lication $1.05, total $5.61. Gonzales streets. Valuation of real ea- by and W edded by asc. Government land. total valuation $208.00 less cmeptlon assessor $25.00, total valua- $16.00, total valuation $216.00, less total $18.68. Independente Publishing Company-Al- tate and amount aubject to tax $3u0. Valuation of real .estate $209.00, 00.00, balance subject to tax $98.00. tion and amount subject to tax $125. exemption $200.00, balance subject to Heirs of Teodoro Casaus. All taxea. taxes. Personal property. Valua- Taxes $19.29, penalty 96c, of personal pro- publication perty $158.00, Taxes $6.37, penalty 32e, publication Taxes $S.05, penalty 40c, publication tax $16.00. Taxea $1.03, penalty 5c, 160 acres of land not tion and amount subject 33c, total total valuation bounded; to tax $400. $20.60. ess $367.00 - 60c. $9.05. and exemption 35c. total $7.04. . total publication 35c. total $1.43. lot abounded N by A. Abeytia, S Taxes $25.72, penalty $1.29, publica-tl- o Demetrio M. Ribera. All taxes. Lots $200.00, balance sub- - Jas. McKnlght. All taxes. Lot 6 In by 35c, 18 Manuelito. V. de Lucero. AH taxes. Flora II. Schneck. Second half of Jesuit Fathers, E by Gonzales total $27.36. 19, 31 and 32 bounded X by Mo- TaXea ,7"75' Pen- block CO of Porter, 1 street, W by alty -- 9c publication House and lot bounded N by X. Ho- and Mills addition. taxea. Lots to 18 Incl. and 28 to 36 Pacific street. Valuation Paulin T. Kilberg. All taxes. Lot 12 reno etreet, S by alley, E by B. T. 70c, total $8.84. Ro- Valuation of 75 of real ndde-- Valup-tlo- I acido mero, 3 by Santa atreet, E by C. real estate $50,00 added Ind. In block of Porter and Mills estate $550.00, by as- In Block X on Bridge street. n Milla, W by O. S. & Co. Valuation o! Armijo. All taxes. o Land r by assessor $13.00, total valuation sessor $112.00, Part mero, W by Church street. Valuation of addition. Valuation of real estate and total valuation and and amount subject to tax $500. real estate $50.00 of personal proper- section 34, twp. 17 X. R, jo' of real estate $200.00, of personal rral estate and amount Bubjcct to tax amount subject to tax $405.00. Taxea amount subject to tax $662.00. Taxes Taxes $32.15, penalty $1.61, publica- ty $50.00, total valuation and amount $63.00. Taxes $1.05. 20c, pub- $12.57. penalty tax property $58. ot, total valuation $258 penalty $13.03, penalty 65c, publication 80 $2.13, publication 70c, tion 20c, total $33.96. subject to tax $100.00. Taxes $6.43, $61.00. total valuation lication 20c, $4.45. total $45.40. $271 00 less exemption ?00. 00, balance iubject total total $14.43. Heirs of Lorenzo Lopez. All taxes. penalty 32c, publication SOc, total to tax $58.00. Taxes $1.73, penalty Antonia Narbaís. AH taxes. Lot I In Timoteo Sena. All taxes. 65 varas Francisco O. y Casaus. All taxes. 50 vs. bounded N by V. L. de Romero, $7.55. Ject to tax $71.00. Taxes, $3.22. pen- - block 30 of Klhlbere's addition. Valua-tlo- n bounded N by A. R. Baca, S by House and lota S Wr 19c. publication 35c. publication $4.27. de not bounded. Valua- by E. Romero, E by Ry., by road; Jose Ribera. All taxea. House and 16C, PUblicaMnn o- - of ""- - Carlos Lucero. AH taxes. House and rcsl estate $50.00 added by as- B. Romero, E by G. river, W by boul- tion of real estate $60.00, added by house and lot bounded N by Moran ) lot X. M. Ave., not bounded. Valua- H S. I3.74. Arnold. All taxes. 800 lot bounded N by Bantana street, S sessor $13.00, total valuation of real evard; lota and Improvements In M. $15.00, total valuation and street, S by E. H. Salazar. tí by Sec. tion of real estate $150.00, of person- land, acres part 0f BectIons 10, by by estate and amount subject to tax Romero addition. Valuation of real es- amount subject to tax $75.00. Romero, by al property 23 15, 2 2 Christian Bros., E T. C. da Taxes W H. C. Monslmer. Valu- $S0.00, total valuation in Twp. 17 N. $63.00. Taxes $4.05. penalty 20c, pub- $1.83. penalty 24c, R.,12E v'iu' Baca, W by It. Becker. Valuation of tate and amount subject to tax $630. publication 35c, to- ation f real estate and amount sub- $230.00 less exemption $160.00. bal-ane- e y lication 20c, $4.45. tal $3.42. real estate $215.00, of personal pro-ptrt- total Taxes $40.51, penalty $2.03, publica- ject to tax $600.00. Taxes $38.58, pen- subject to tax $70.00. Taxes New Mexico $32.00, total valuation $247.00 Colonization Co, Alt tion 70c. total $43.24. Dionisio Castellano. All taxes. 250 alty $1.93, publication 70c, total $4.50, penalty 22c, publication to- taxes, 35c, less exemption $200.00 balance sub- Loti 11 to 15 Incl. In block 20 J. P. Shirk. All taxes. Lots 29 in vs. in San Miguel dol Vado Grant, $41.21. tal $5.07. lota 1 2 3 4 7 Port-e- ject to tax $47.00 Taxea $3.02, pen- and In block 71 of r block 19 of Porter and Mills addition. bounded N by heirs of A. Domínguez, John J. Ludl. All taxes. House and Peregrina Romero. All taxes. Lots and S by M. alty 15c, publication S5c, total $3.52. Mills addition. Valuation of Valuation of real estate $40.00 added Gurule, E by billa, w by ar- lot bounded N by creek, S by J. An- and improvements bounded N by B. real estate and amount subject to by $10.00, royo; house and Rebecca Sophia ' Ponelanlta Lucero. All taxes. Housq tax assessor total valuation ot lot bounded N by E. gel, E by Pacific street. W by C. Lu- Lucero S by road, E by F. R. de La-badl- Arnold ah $100.00. Taxes pub- T. and lot bounded N by II. Lucero, 8 by $(.43, pennlty 32c, real estate and amount subject to tax de Patron S by street. E by Blanch-ar- d cero, Valuation of real estate $250.00, W by I. Piñones. Valuation of lication $1.40, total $8.15. $50.00. Taxes $3.21, penalty 15c, n atreet, W by KB. 160 acres. A. Sena, E by Gonzales atreet, W by J. Maldonado. Val- of personal property $S0.00, total val- real estate $75.00, of personal pro- Valuation 0f real . H. nací. Valuation of real estate Fernanda Camarona de Odam. All 20c, total $3.66. uation of real estate $213.00, of per- uation $330.00 less exemption $200.00, perty $14.00, total valuation and amt. Lot C. C, 7 $220.00. of personal property $25.00 taxei. In block 160 of Mrs. E. C. Stevenson. All taxes. sonal property $115.00, total valua- balance subject to tax( $130.00. Tax- subject to tax $S9.00. Taxes ?5.73, Klhlberg's t $25;: added by assessor $10.00, total valua- addition. Valuation of real Lots 4 and 5 In block 23 and lot 5 In tion $328.00 less exemtnlon es $3.30, penalty 42c, publication 33c, penalty 29c, publication 35c, total tax 0 sub,r estate $65,00 by zvzTo tion $315.00, less exemption $200.00, added assessor block 50 of Porter and Mills Addi- balance subject to tax $128.00. Taxes total $9.13. $6.37. Plication rtot iP9e0na3t7 $16.00 total valuation and amount $8.25, balas; subject to tax $115.00. Taxea tion. Valuation of real state $30.00 penalty 21c, publication 70c, Sabino Lujan. All taxes. House and Valeria L. de Romero. All taxes. Luciana Ribera A . subject to $7.72, penalty 39e, publication 33c, tax $S1.00. Taxea $5.20. pen- added by assessor $7.00, total valua- total $9.16. lot bounded N by Xatlonal street, S House and lot on south side of Plaza; alty 2(c, publication 60c total $6.06, tion of real estate and sub- JuUanlta V. total $8.46. amount Chavez. All taxes. by F. Desmarlea. E by F. Colman, W adobe house adjoining. Valuation ot EnC" C. A. Parson. All taxes. Ixits V, penal- House 11 Gs,bEand Sabino Lujan. All taxei. Valuation ject to tax $37.00. Taxes $2.38, and lot bounded X E. Ortiz by A. A. Senecal- - Valuation of real real estate $1700.00, added by assess- L9 and 21 in 58 of S by of personal property and amount sub- block Porter and Mills ty 12o, publication 60e, total $2.10. heirs of F. D. y Lucero, E by E. estate $430.00, of personal property or $125.00, total valuation and amt. Í7TRTr el3"' addition. ject to tax $400.00, Taxes $25.72, pen- Valuation of real estate Josefa Baca de Tafoya. All taxea. Homero, w by Pacific street. Valua- $165.00, total valuation $615.00 less subject to tax $2,125.00. Taxes $136.63, $100.00 by 7 nc" alty $1,29. publication 35c, total added assessor $23.00 .to House and lot bounded X by C. Ilfeld, tion of real estate and amount sub- exemption $200.00, balance subject to penalty $0.83, publication 70c, total ízales, E tal w w $27.36, valuation and amount subject to S by Santana street. E by C. Ilfeld, ject to tax $100.00. Taxes $25.72, pen- tax $415.00. Taxes $26.74, penalty $144.16. til , eminent land, In BeC 20 11 tax $125.00. Taxes $8.05, penalty 40c. W by Carmen Btreet; lot bounded N alty $1.29, publication W. J. Mfther. All taxes, Ixrta and 35c, total $1.34, publication 35c, total $28.43. Canuto Romero. All taxes. Lota nnd tate XÚmtloa ' real 12 in block 59 of Porter and Mills ad- publication 60c, total $9.05. by Santana street, S and E by C. Ro- $27.36. PAGE 17 17 17 17 17 Improvements 1 ' f Personal not bounded. Valuation HC.OO, tnt'í ?f PwPertr dition. Valuation of real estate $100; Clemencia Plnard. All taxea. House mero, V by R. IVna; lot bounded E Adolph Coors. AU taxes. Personal Obaldo Maloof. Second half of tax- or real estate $S0.OO added by assess- valuation $437 00 by assesnor $23.00, al and lot not bounded, in Klhlberg's by Church street, W by ditch; lot property. Valuation and sub- es. Hojse on or $20.00, é added total amount and lota south side of total valuation and amount plat; house M. -'-0- and amount subject to tax and lot bounded X by bounded N by E. de Herrera and M. ject to tax $125.00. Taxes, $8.05, pen- Bridge utroet; lots 2 cud 3 in block subject to tax $100.00. Taxes $6.43, Taxes $10.74 ra Flores, 8. by C. Pinard. by street. Martinez, S by R. Gallegos, I. alty 40c. publication -n- ts, publication 7Sc. $125.00. Taxes $8.05, penalty 40c, pub- E and 35c. total $3.80. 85. Valuation of real estate $2200.00, penalty 32c, publication 33c, total total $11 V 1 by adobe house. Valuation real M. Sandoval. es- Adolfo B- lication 40c, total $3.85. tf de Valuation of real Delgado. All taxes. Personal of personal property $1355.00, total $7.10. f - Ch,,ders" - S3 A 'axes. Ramon Manzanares. All 173 estatt- $300.00. of personal property tate $300.00, of personal preperty property. Valuation sub- lees 12 na off taxes. and amount valuatioa $3355.00, exemption David Rosenwald. All taxes. Lot be- of S. 1-- end of SW 4 of yards, bounded N by Pettlne Bros., $20.00. total valuation $320.00. lesa $50.00, total valuation $350.00. less ex- ject to tax $125.00, Taxes, $8.05. pen- $200.00, balance subject to. tax ginning at a monument set on the W exemption fffi H6eCtlDn twp" 17 N. H. S by D. X. Baca, E by Town limits, $200.00, balance subject to emption $200.00, balance subject to alty 40c, publication 35c. Total 8.80. $3355.00. Taxes $107.68. penalty Bide of S. P. street and 44 ft. from W roo . V by top of Crestón; house lot tax $120.00. Taxea $7.71, penalty 39c, tax $150.00, Taxea $9.64. penalty 48 Eplmenla L. de Delgado. All taxes. $5.39, publication 75c, and total $114.02. the intersection of said S. P. street w mx iiuo.oo. Taxes Christ-Ia- n publication 70c, total $8.80. cents, publication $1.40, $11.52- - Houso $4.40, bounded N by U. Becker, 8 by total and lot bounded N by B. & M. Heira of Fermín Mitdynado. All and Socorro street, gaid monument be- penalty 22c, publication George 1 35c Bros., E by A. Flores, V by New B. Preston. All taxes. Lot Dr. William Thompson. All taxes. Co., S by J. S. Esqulbel, E by Gon- taxes. 150 vs. not bounded; house and ing white eand stone set to a depth of $4.97. total Mex. In block 112 of Klhlberg's plat. Valu- 12 to 18 In block 5S part zales street, 7 by Ave Valuation of real estáte Uta and M L. Delgado, lot lot bounded N and S by aHey, E by L. two feet below the surface of the Agapito Cortez. Second half tax-1- 0 $289.00, of personal $100.00. total n ation of real estate $30.00 added by of Mock 69 in Porter and Mills addi- bounded X by B. Romero S by Pacific Maldonado, W by I. D. de Duran. Val- ground; the exact joint of beginning of ,160,!cres of 389.00 leaa exemption $200.00, assessor $13.00, total valuation of real tion. Valuation of real estate and street E by M. L. Delgado, W by Pa- uation of real estate $260.00, of per- being at a point X on I" Part ot section marked sala tp. 17 X. R. 12E. balance subject to tax $189.00. Taxea estate and amount subject to tax $63. amount subject to tax $270.00. Taxes cific street Valuation of real estate sonal property $50.00, added by as- monument; thence running at an an- Valuation of real 0f $12.18. penalty 61c, publication 70c, Taxes $4.05. peualty 20c, publication $17.36. penalty 87c, publication COc. and amount subject to tax $300.00. sessor $77.00, total valuation and gle of 90 degrees to said S Pacific st. c?e,21-00- ' personal ProPerty ÍIS8.00. added by total $13.49. 20c, total $1.45. total $18.83. Taxes $19.29. ?pnnlty 96c. publication amount subject to tax $:87 00. Taxi's In a westerly direction 144 feet 4 assessor $10.00, R. Q. 1 total valuation Vicente Mares. Second half of taxes. Haywood. All taxea. Lot in Manuel Uraua. Second half of taxes. 70e. total $20.95. $24. S8, penalty $1.24. publication 70c inches; thence in a northerly direction $408.00 less exetnp-tlo- n $200.00, Land and improvements bounded N block I of Plaxa addition. Valuation House and lot bounded N by A. Apo Modesta L. Delgado. All taxes. total $26.82. 61 feet 1 inch; thence easterly paral- balance subject to tax $208.00. by It Dunn. S by A. Gonzales, E by of real estate and amount subject to daca, S by Mora street, E by O. Mon House and lot bounded N by alley S Estate of Josefa S. Manduvfield. All lel to the westerly line of said S. Pa- Taxes $4.84. penalty 24c, pub- E. de Herrera, W by R, Dunn. Valua- tax $120.00. Taxes $7.72, penalty 39c, toya, W by Taos atreet. Valuation of by J. S. Esnulhel. E by F. Lonex w taxes. Houae and lot bounded N by C. cific street; thence along said S. P. lication 35c, total $5.43. tion real $150.00, added by publication 20c, total $8.31. real $250,00, personal pro- by E. L. Delgado; M. Rosen-wald- . H. K. Gilmour. of estate estate of house bounded N Garcia, S by Delgado, E by street to point of beginning; the said All taxes. E 2 of assessor $50,00, total valuation and Catarlno Romero. All taxes. House perty $53.00, total valuation $303.00, by E. I Delgado, S SW br Pacific street. W by Pacific rcs.. Valuad. iu westerly line of above lot being thd of SE SE of XW 1-- N by street, amount subject to tax $200.00. Taxei and lot bounded Santnna less exemption $200.00, balance sub- E by alley. W by E. I,. Delgado. Val- - of real estate and amount subjec to easterly line of 2nd. lot; the N. S. line and lot Xo. 2 of sec. 4, twp. 1; x. 32c, S by street, E by O. Robledo r. $6,43. penalty publication 35c, Santa Fe ject to tax $103.00. Taxes $3.31, pen- nation of real eatate and amount sub- tax $350.00. Taxes 822.30, penalty being now established by the present 12E. Val. of real estate $275. of person- $7.10. V by Lucero. Valuation of real es- alty 10c, publication 35c, ject to total U total $3.78. tax $70.00. Taxes $4.50, penal $1.12, publication 353, tor! $?.97. location of division fences and build- al property $100.00, total valuation Jose P. Mares. All tuxes House snd tate $250,00, of peraonal property Jose Manuel Valdex. All taxes. Per- ty 22c, publication 70c Hou'í-an- total $5.42. Enrique Mares. All tues. ings and Drooertv beloneine to Frank and amount subject to tax $375.00. lot bounded N by J. Jaramillo, 8 by $31.00, total valuation $2S1.00 less sonal property, $70.00 add- laabel All . valuation Baca de Duran. taxes. lot bounded N by O. Sanche.-!- 3 Cayot; the width of Bald lot being 61 Taxes $16.52, penalty 83c, publication E. Rudulph, E by N. M. Ave. W by $200.00, balance subject to ed by assessor $14.00, total valuation House and lot bounded X by alley, 8 by Chavez St., E by F. Flores, W ft. 11 inches and at a point 90 feet 35c, total $17.70. $5.21, 2iic, alley; house and lot bounded N by tax $81.00. Taxea penalty and amount subject to tax $84.00. by P. S. de Baca. E by F. Maldonado. by street Valuation of real (M-n- at rignt angles to said western bound- Toriblo Gonzales. Second half of Bernalllo street, S by J P. Mares, E publication 35 cents, totaj $5.77. Taxes $5.56, penalty 33c, publication W by Chavea street. Valuation of $200.00, of personal propj-- y ary being 46 2 wide; real $28.00. feet inches a taxes. Part of section 31. twp. by S. Jaramillo, W by alley. Valua- Romero & Jaramillo. All taxea. 49 35c, total $6.24. estafe $150.00, of personal property total valuMion amour, 17 N. R. and aubject to distance of 182 ft. on same line the 13E Valuation of 2 real estate $210.00, tion of real estate $200.00, of per- acres bounded N and 8 by W. "Wells, Santiago Valdex. 24 aerea $25.00 total valuation and amount tax $22S.OO. Taxes, fl4.ü3. pena'ty width being 32 4 in. on Aragón ft of personal property $100.00. sonal property $50.00, total valuation E by F Oonzalet and L. Lobato. W by bounded N and 8 by W. Well. S by subject to tax $175.00. Taxes $11.26. 73c. publication 35e, totai $15.74. street. Valuation of real estate $500 Total valuation $310.00 less $250.00, less expmtpion $200.00, bal- Crestón, a half Interest. Valuation of U. Márquez, and L. lobato; 2 acres penalty 56c. publication 35c, total Pedro Martinez y Svna. All less exemption $200.00, balance sub- exemption tw $200.09, balance ance subject to tax $50,00. Taxes, real estate and amount subject to tax formerly of R. Lucero. Valuation ot $12.17. House and lot bounde.l X by E. H. ject to tax $300.00, Taxea $19.29, pen- subject to tax $110. pub- Taxes $2.44, penalty $3.23, penalty lfic, publication 70c, to- $25.00. Taxes $1.62. penalty 8c. real estate $37.00 added by assessor Filomena P. de Escudero. Second Salazar, S by Friedman street E by alty 96c, publication 35c total $20. CO. 12c, publication 35c. total Í2.91. tal $4.09. lication 35c. total $2.05. $9.00, total valuation and amount half of taxes. Lots 1 2 8 4 and 5 In F. C. de Romero. W by F. Papa. Val- E. H. Salazar. All taxes. Lot and L. Romero. taxes. R. H. Hanna Edith Markland. All taxes. Lots Ellas All House and subject to tax $46.00. Taxes $2.95, Campbell's plat. Valuation of real e uation of real estate $200 00, cf per- Improvements bounded N by Plaza, and Frank Owen. Sec- 19 to 36 In block 12 and lots 19 to lot bounded N by J. Silva, S by Va-lepc-la penalty 15c, publication 70c, total tnte and amount subject to tax sonal property $35.00, total valuation S bv Morenn atreet. E bv C. Ilfpld. ond half of taxes. 18 acres bounded 36 In 4, n street, E by main W by $300.00. N by block of Tortcr and Mill ditch, $3.80. Taxes $3.65. penalty 47c, pub- $235.00 lepra exemption $200 00, btl-anc- e W by G. & Desmarala. Valuation of J. A. Sandoval, S by F. Armijo, Gonzalea Valuation of es- August AU 5 tr Valuation of real ztate and street real Well. taxes. Lots and lication $1.00, total $11.12. subject k tax $5.00. Taes real estate $1,200.00, of personal pro-rtpr- W by ditch, E by P. land. Valuation subject personal property 0 amcunt to tax $60.00. Taxet tate $250.00. of In block 73 of Porter and Milla ad- Joae S. Esqulbel. All taxes. Lot not $2.25, penalty 11c, puulicatlon 35c, Í1 20.00. total valuation $1.320 of real estate $135.00, added by as- $3. fid, penalty 19c, publication valuation $305.00, 80c, $55.00, total less dition. Valuation of real estate $40.00 bounded. Valuation of real estate $10, total $2.71. less exemption $200.00 balance sub sessor $34.00, total valuation and amL total $4.85. exemption $200.00, balance subject to added by assessor $10.00, valu of total personal rroperty $128.00, total val t Luz Mondragon. All taxef. Hou?e ject to tax $1,120.00. Taxes $72.01, aubject to tax $169. Taxes $3.72. enalty 19c, publication 33c. toUl al property $323.00, added by assess- Flonnio Martinez. All taxes. $1.29. l injlty Co. publication S3e, t tinez, E by vommon rights; C acres Filomeno Creipln. all Uies. 1G0 Taxes $15.93. penalty SOc, publication $t.2C. j or $156.00, total valuation and mt. bounded X by L. Rocbemoct, E by lal $1.70. bounded X and E by river, S by J. L. sens bounded X by Canada Hondt, 35c. total $17.08. V V. v. uUu.ía Martinez. All taita. Tart subject to tax $779.00. Taxes $22.89, din h. and S Ly E. Rochemont; Kian ím-- Valónela. AU taxes. Houij Taj'ia. V by Mesa, ia precinct Xo. á by Ra lina. E by Canada 53 vs. ' Marcos Mares. All taxeá. cí tícction 17, HO en and part oí r unity $1."4, publication 35c. total land bounded X and i by A. I'rada, r.ot boinded. Valuation of real etUte 43. Valuation of real estate and amt. ilonda, W by n.ldd'.e Canada. Val- bounded X by hill. 8 by river, E by section 17. 2G acres, la Twp. 17 N. R. $21. SS. E by ditch; laud bounded S and X by $1S.OO, cf pcrcotial property $27.00, subject to tax $204.00. Taxes $8. OS. uation of real estate $239.00, of per-sou- A. Baros. W by road. Valuation of ! H- property $71.00, 12E. Valuation of real estate $24S.00, Mrs. C. V. Prescott. Second half of i - VÍ3U. W by old IVcos river bed. added ly assessor $11.00. total valuv Penalty 42c. publication $1.05, totat total valuation real estate $50.00, added by asseaw $310..'O, val- - E by ditch, Valuation lss exemption $20100. bal- $13.00, of pe.'soDdl property f 3.00, total taxes. 3 acre bounded X by C. W. j of real estate tlon and amount subject to tax $10.05. total valuation and amount ance subject to tax $110.00. Taxes uatUm I253.u0, lesa exemption $200, Sunimorllu and Allen, E by Sth $03.00, cf personal property $175.00, $56.00. Taxes $2.42. penalty 12c, pu lila A. Lucero. tax- subject to tax $C3.00. Taxss $2.78, tt. Second half of $5 02. penalty 23c, publication 33c, to- subject to S by road, V by 5 bound- total valuation $240.00 less exemp penalty 14e, publication 35c, total tax $53.00. Taxes road; acres Ucatioa 35c. total $2.89. es. Personal property consisting chief- tal $5.62. $2.33, penalty 12e, publication 70c, ed by C. Allen. W by G river, E by tion $175.00 balance subject to tax ly of sheep. $3.27. Abran Valencia. All taxes. 1C0 Valuatlo nof personal pro Dally & CO. pub- Adann. All taxes. Per Iandro Martinez. All taxes. 151 total $3.15. Ry. S by T. T. Turner. Valuation of $65. Taxes $3.04, penalty 15c. acre In 19, Tp. pert y $2S0.00. added by areessor $SS. section X. R. KE, onal property, valuation and amount acres bounded X by road, S by M. real estate $320.00, of personal pro- lication $1.05. total $4.24. valuation Iieury Mente. Second half of taxes. bounded X by P. Várela. E by publb total aud amount subject to subjoct to tax $950.00. Taxes $41.80. Martlnex, by D. W by perty E radllla, P. Tart of section 1. twp. 17. X. R. 12E. $10.00, total valuation $300.00. Faustln Ortiz. All taxes. 10 acres of land, S by G. Montano, W by P. land. tax $3CS.0O. Taxe $18.03. penalty 90c. penalty $2.09, publication 35c, total Jaramlllo; house in San Gerónimo, less exemption $200.00, sub- laud not Grant, publication Valuation of real estate $119.00, of balance bounded, on Pecos Valuation of real estat $200.00. rf 35c. total $19.18. $14.24. not bounded. Valuation of real es- ject to tax $160.00. pen- Valuation personal property $53.00 added by Taxes $6.72, of real estate $101.00, of personal property $70.00. added by Jullanita Angel de Lucero. Second G. II. englefsby. AH taxes. The S tate $261.00, of personal property alty 34c, publication 70c, total $7.76. personal property $3S.O0, by as- 4 assessor $373.00 total valuation $515 added assessir $82.00, total valuation and l.a'f of taxes. Laud bounded X by road i of SE of Section 5. and the $1SS.00. totat valuation $449.00, less less exemption $103.00, balance sub- Lester Sands. Second half of taxes. sessor $15.00, total valuation $154.00, amount subject to tax $412.00. Taxes to Laa Vegas. S by BeslU. E by Ceja, S 12 of XW 4 of section 4. Tp. 16 exemption $200.00, balance subject to ject to tax $142.00. Taxes $9.74, pen- 13 acres bounded N by Mrs. Baca. E less exemption $110.00, balance sub- $17.33, penalty SCc, publication 33c, W by O. Gallegos. Valuation of real 13 E. VtUatton o ireal estate :tat $249.00. Taxes $11.02. penalty alty 49c, publication 35c. total $10.08. by 8th street. S by Mrs. Baca, W by ject to tax $44.00. Taxes $1.95, pen- total $18.54. estate $250.00, of personal property $20.00, added by assessor $50.00, to- 5ic, publication 70c, total $12.27. alty 10c, publication 35c, $2.40. tal valuation and amount aubject Taulita Medina, All taxes. The II. U. Mudge. Second half of taxes. E G. river. Valuation of real estate total Juan Valencia. All taxes. 4 acres $302.00. total valuation $552.00, less to tax $:'5000. Taxes $11.00. penalty X 1 r of SE 4 an dS 12 of XE 4 2 of of $093.00, of personal property All 80 bonnd-f- j exemption of NE and E SE 14 $105.00, Hilarlo Ortiz. taxes. varas of l X by J. A. Vigil. S by á. $200.00, balance subject to 55c, publication 35e, total $11.90. of section 8. Tp. 16 X. R. 15 E, 160 sec. 34. twp. 17 N. R. 12E. Val. r.t total valuation $S0O.00 less exemp- land not bounded. Valuation of real Quintana. E by Pecos river, W bv ! lax $352.00. Taxes $8.32. pe nalty 42c. Sipitenes Esquibel. Second acres. Valuation of real estate $200. 4 publication half of real estate and amount subject to tax tion $200.00. balance subject to tax estate $100.00, added by assessor hill; the E 2 of XV and lots S 35c, total $9.09. by taxes. 8 acres bounded N by D. At- added assessor $50.00, total valua- $43.00. Taxes $1.06, penalty 5c, pub- $600.00. Taxes $12.51, penaty C3c, $10.00, total valuation and amount and 4, ln SO, Twp. 16, N. R. Jose Ma. Madrid. Second section half of encio. S by F. Esquibel. E by P. land tion and amount subject to tax $250. lication 35c, total $1.46. publcation 35c, tota $13.59. subject to tax $200.00. Taxes $S.40, 13 E. Valuation of $275,00. real estate W by San Gerónimo road: 2 aerea Taxes $11.00, penalty 55c, publication Mrs. penalty 42c, publication 35c. ! chiefly Jose Ma. Ortega. All taxes. Part Anna Ward. Al taxes. 34 total of personal property $305.00, added by of cattle. Valuation of per bounded X by I Benavldez, S by G. 35c, total $11.80. $9.17. ' of sections 5 and 6, Twp. 16 X. R. 12E. acres bounded X by P. Roth S and county commissioners $173.00, added sonal i roperty and amount subject to Gutierrez, E by river, W by San Ge John S. Nelson, Jr. All taxea. The Valuation of real estate $240.00, of E by Martha Green, W by Mora road. Pecos River Mining company. All by assessor $145,00, total valuation tf.x $331.00. Taxes. $8.23. penalty 41c. rónimo road; hoiue and lot bovnded W 12 of XW the SE the SE personal property $75.00, total valu- Valuation of real estate aud amount taxes. Mining claims: Victor Hugo, jrioft.00, le exemption $2i0.00, bal publication 35c, total $3.99. N by church. S by H. LeGuillon, E 14 of XW and SW 4 of XE 14 of section 14 Tp. 16 X. R. 14 E. 160 ation $315.00, less exemption $200.0 subject to tax $S3.00. Taxes $3.49, 17.32 acres; Evangeline. 12.87 ance subject to tax $700.00. Taxe? lues Pimm. All by E. Maea aud J. M. W by street; taxes. House and 10 Te- 17c, publication 7'"e, acres; yds. between ditch at balance subject to tax $115.00. Taxes penalty publication 35c, total acres; Evening; Star, 12.93 acres; $31.14. penalty $1.56. lot bounded X by P. S by Con-- i bouse and lot bounded as above. Val. street, colote river, and aide of Canada. Val penalty 2Gc, publication to- $4.01. Katy Did, 12. Ci aeres; Katy Didny. tctal $33.40. of real estate $200.00, of person $5.10, 35, has street. E by alley. V by river. per- - uation of real estate $215.00. of Miguel Zamora. All taxes. 50 vs. 1 S 1 nrtr- Maud MnlW 1 S 57 4 J al property $104 00, total valuation tal $5.71. Francisco Várela. All taxes. yds. Valuation of real estate and amount sonal property $32.00, total valuation X by G. S by Za- $304.00, los exemption $200.00, bal- Ventura rortillos. All taxes. Land bounded Saavedra, P acres; Daniel Deronda, 14.43 acres, loundíJ X by J. Várela, S by aame, subject to tax $40.00. Taxes $l.6S, and amount subject to tax $247.00. Rod-rlgue- ance subject to tax $14.0.1. Taxe bounded X by M. Portillos, S by J. mora, E by G. Long, W. by J. A. nil in Sec. 27, Twp. 18 X. R. 12 E. E by liver, V by road. Valuation of penalty Sc, publication 35c, total $2.11 Taxea $10.91, 55c, publication $2.22. penalty 12c. publication $1.40, penalty W by patent land. Valu- 90 vs. bounded X by P. Zamora, Valuation of real estate and amount real estate $74.00, of personal proper- 70c, $12.19. Ortiz, E and Allison B. Stone. All taxes. Ranch $3.81. total S by F. A. V total ation of real estate $110.00, of per- M., E. by Dr. Olney, by subject to tax $135.00. Texas $5.66. ty $79.00, total valuation $153.00, less near tlie town of El Aguila, known Fidel Ortiz. All taxes. 5 acres. as Jesua Gonzales y Garda. All tax-- , sonal property $108.00, added by as- Mora road; house and lot bounded X penalty 2Sc, publication $2.45, total exemption $12S.0O, balance Fubject to not bounded. Valuation of real es the Hamilton ranch. Valuation of real ci. SO yds bounded X and E by riv- valuation $32S, by F. A. Romero, S ly street, E by 8.39. tax $25.00. Taxes $1.23, penalty 6c, tate and amount subject to tax $80.00. sessor $110.00, total estate $600.00, added by assessor er. R by J. Madrid, W by J. Gonzales, sub J. Monzanares, W by Mora road. Val- Mantel D. Pino. Second half jf publication 35c, total $1.64. Taxes $3.52, penalty ISc, publication less exemption $178.00, balance $150.00, total valuation and amount y Garcia; house and lot bounded X pen- uation of real estate $2CO.OO, of per- taxes. of 13. Twp. 1C, X. All 5c, total $4.05. ject to tax $150.00. Taxes $0.87. Part Section Tomas Várela. taxes. Part of subject to tax $750.00. Taxes $31.50 and S by river, E and W by streeta. sonal property added by as- U. 12E, 1C0 22 yds. N 8, tp. 16 X. R. 13E, 1C0 Desiderio Padilla. All taxes. 755 alty" 34c, publication 35c, total $29.00 acres; bounded section acres; penalty publication 35c. Valuation of ad- total real estate $173.00, vs. bounded X by road, S by M. Mar- sessor $72.00, total valuation and by J. Ribera. S by J. B. Lucero, E by 2 acres bounded X by J. O. de Várela, $33.43. by $7.56. ded assessor $41.00, total valua- tinez, E by Gallinas road, W by can Roybal. taxes. Part of amount subject to tax $361.00. Taxes Pecos river, W by road; 28 yds. S by A. Roibal, E by river, w by Romulo All tion and amount subject to tax $219. yon; 6 acres bounded N by rood, S 17 N. R. 12E. Valua- $15.16, penalty 76c, publication $1.05, boundod N by A. Roiball, S by J. ditch. Valuation of real estate $200.00 Precinto No. 11 Taxea $9.61, penalty section 29, Twp. 47c, publication by M. Martinez, E by D. Padilla, W. $152.00, person- total $16.97. Várela, E and W by public land. Val- of personal property $65.00, added by 70c, $10.S1. tion of real estate of A. G. Adams. All taxes .Mineral Hl.'i total by L. Martinez. Valuation of real valuation .aud uation of real estate $260.00, of per assessor $45.00. total valuation $310 Teodora Garcia. All taxes. 20 al property $90.00, total Precinto No. 9 place, 157 acre3 in sections 2 and 1, vs. estate $423.00, added by assessor property $135.00, valua- - exemption sub- amount subject to tax $242.00. Taxes sonal total le3 $200.00. balance Twp. 16 X. R 14E; Sheffield placa, bounded N by A. Garcia, S by M. Du- $106.00, to tal valuation and amount 35c, Francisco Armijo. ICO tioa $395.00, less exemption $200.00, ject to tax $110.00. Taxes $4.66, pen-alt- y ran, E by hills, W by river; house $10. C9, penalty 53c, publication All taxes. 100 ama in section 3, Twp 16 X. R. subject to tax $529.00. Taxes $23.28, acres bounded X. by A. Bustamante, balance subject to tax $195.00. Taxes 23c, publication 70c, total $5.59, and lot bounded X by F. Tafoya. 8 penalty $1.16, publication 73c, total total $11.57. ' 14E; Wlgton place, 160 acres ln sec- of S by $4'23, penalty 21c, publication $1.05, Pablo Várela. All taxes. The by road. E by R. Lopez, W by river. $24.14. James J. Sweeney. Second half J. Valencia, E by Pecos Grant, XV tions 3 and 4, Twp. 16 X. R. 14E; Mic- being in 7, 17, total $5.49, 4 of SE X of SW 14 SW Valuation of real estate $80.00, of per- Juan 8. Quintana. All taxes. The 4 miles north of El Sec. Twp. X. R. 13 E. 12 and 1-- 2 taxes. Land Homestead, the W of XW 4 and sonal property $69.00, as- 4 Jesus Ma. Pino. All 14 of XW 4 19. Tp. 16 added by SE Cf Section 34, Tp. 12 N. R. 13 Twp. IS X. R. 12E. Valuation Valuation of real estate $247.00, of taxes. House of section X. 1-- 4 ho, in W 12 of SW of section 11, twp. $37.00, and lot X by S. R. $220, sessor total valuation and E. Valuation of real estate $200.00, of real estate $200.00, of personal pro personal property $107.00, added by bounded Valencia, E 12E. Valuation of real estate 16 X. R. 14E. 160 acres. Valuation of amount subject to tax $186.00. Tax added by assessor $50,00, total valua- perty $595.00, total valuation and assessor $30.00, total valuation $384, by river, and A. Bustamante, S by G. of personal property $85.00, added by real eRtate $946.00, of personal pro es $8.21, penalty 41c, publication 70c, tion and amount subject to tax $250. amount subject to tax $795.00. Taxes less exemtpion $200.00, balance sub- Roybal, W by S. Pino; 120 vs. bound- assessor $15.00, total valuation $320, perty $50.00, total valuation and total $9.32. Taxea $11.00, penalty 55c, publication penalty 8Sc, publication U.'.e, ject to tax $184.00. Taxes $8.03, pen- ed N by S. Pino, E by river, S by less exemption $200.00, balance sub- $17.09, amount subject to tax $996.00. Taxes Juan A. Garcia. All taxes. Person 15c, total $11.90. alty 40c, publication 35c G. Roibal, W by ditch; land bounded ject to tax $120.00. Taxes $5.08, pen-alt- y total $18.93. total $8.78. $43.82, penalty $2.19, publication al property, valuation $90.00, added Romulo Ribera. All taxes. 303 vj. Burger. All taxes. 8 Aniceto Bustamante. All taxes. 160 X by A. Bustamante, E by river, W 25c, publication 35c, total $5.68. by James E. Vres $1.40, total $47.41. assessor $23.00, total valuation bounded N by J. Vigil, S by D. Val-de- z, by Ross, E by G. r, acres In section 9, Twp. 16 X. R. 13E; by G. Roibal, S by hill. Valuation of Josefa Gonzales Je Várela. All tax- and amount bounded N. T. rivt Rufino Armijo. AU taxes. 230 yards subject to tax $103.00. E by D. Padilla, W by F. Esqui- 160 Twp.' real estate $150.00, of personal pro- es. 100 bounded by F. M. de A. Sena, W by II. S. boulevard. acra on section 9, 16, X. R. yards N Taxea $5.06, penalty 25c, publication Santll-lane- s, S by bounded X by J. Gomez, S by F. Mar-- bel; 200 vs. bounded X by J. $180.00. add- 13E; 160 acres on section f?, Tp. 16 perty $76.00, added by assessor Roibal, S by chuch, E by river, W by 35c, total $5.66. Valuation of real estate tlnez y Samora. E by L .Roibal, S by F. Esquibel, B by C. $39.00, ex- W y by $43.00, total valuation X. R 13E; house and lot bounded N total valuation $2C5.00 less road. Valuation of real estate $150.00, Frauclsco Garcia Gutierrez. All rights, W by 3. F, Esquibel. Valua-tlo- n ed assessor by hills; Eaqul-be- l, land bounded N by J. taxes. 90 and amount subject to tax $225.10. by P Bustamante, E by road, S by A. emption $200.00, balance subject to of personal property $276.00, total acres bounded N by road of real estate $250.00, of person s and E by road, W by ditch; S by penalty 47c, publication Roibal, W. by original boundary; 2 tax $65.00. Taxes $2.86, penalty 14c, valuation $426.00, less exemption J. M. Gonzales, E by J. Gutier al property $50.00, total (valuation,1 Taxes $9.46, Ben-avide- house and lot bounded N by J. z, Publication $1.05, $4.05. $200.00 subject to tax $225. rez, W by C. Roibal; 4 aerea bound and amount subject to tax $300.03. 35c, total $10.28. acres bounded X by C. Valencia, E total balance S by F. Gonzales, E by road, ed X by J. Coca, 8 by M. Roibal, K Simon Gallegos. All taxes. House by river, S by J. M. Pino, W by ditch. Cesarlo Quintana. All taxes. House Taxes $11.32, penalty 57c, publication Taxea $13.23 penalty 66c, publication W by hills. Valuation of real estate by p. Montano, hetra of, W by hills. bounded N by S. Otero, S by Valuation of real estate $36.00, of and lot not bounded. Valuation of 35c, total $12.24. 0c, total $14.59. and lot $230.00, f personal property $47.00, Valuation of estate $166.00, - - real of Martina Martines de Ribera, All B. Daca, E and W by streets. Valua- personal property $99.00, added by as- r1 estate $10.00, of personal proper- Ascension Vigil. All taxes. 300 yds. added by assessor $74.00, total val- personal property $137.00. total val taxes. 4 acres bounded N by M. of Teal estate $50.00, added by sessor $?29.O0, total valuation $764.00 $109.00, added by assessor $30.00, bounded N by J. Vigil, 8 by J. Va- tion uation and amount subject to tax uation $303.00, lesa exemption $200.00 Santlllanes, 8 by Santillanes, by valuation and less exemption $200.00, balance sub-- total valuation nd amount subject to lencia, E by ditch, W by road. Valua- J. E assessor $13.00, total $371.00. Taxes $16.33. penalty 82c, balance subject to tax $103.00. Tax F. Garcia. W by V. Roibal; 300 vs. $63.00. Taxes Ject to tax $564.00. Taxes $23.71, pen- - tax $149.00. Taxes $6.41, penalty 32c, tion of real estate $300.00, of per- amount subject to tax publication $1.05, total $18.20. es $4.88, penalty 24c publication 70c, bounded X by L. Martinez, 8 by T. 13c, publication 35c, to-tot- al $1.19, publication $1.75, total $20.65. Publication 35c, total $7.08. sonal property $50.00, total valuation $2.C5, penalty Santiago Armijo. All taxes. 160 total $5.82. Esquibel. E by D. Padilla, W by F. E. M. De Bustamante & Son. All Andres Ribera. All taxes. 20 yards, $350.00, less exemption $200.00, bal- Geoffrion & $3.13. aerea bounded X by R. Medina, S by Des Marals, All taxe. Esnulbel, Valuation of real estate bounded X by S E by ance subject to tax $150.00. Taxes 50 Heirs of Patricio Gonzales. All taxes. House and lot bounded N by Grant line. and L. Quintana, acres bounded N by J. F. Esquibel, $195.00, of personal property $30.00, to- E by J.' Armijo, W by 1C0 N by Ry. 3 A. Roibal, E by S by Busta- - A Roibal. W by road. Valuation of $6,33, penalty 32c, publication 35c, S by J. L. lienavldez, E by taxes. acre3 bounded road. Chupadero; 160 acres bounded S by P. land. tntal valuation $225.00, less exemp- by N. T. Cordova. mante W by original boundary. Valua- - real estate $40.00, of personal proper- - tal $7.00. W by road. Valuation of real estate $200.00, by Hayward, E W road, X and E by Armijo, W by L. tion balance subject to tax - ty $47.00, added by assessor $15.00, Toribio Vigil. All taxes. The SW $925.00, of personal poreptry $75.00, by C. rights. Valuation of real estate tlon of real estate $150.00, of person- Quintana. Valuation real' $25.00. Taxes $1.12, penalty 6c, pub- 8, twp, 16 of estate total valuation $200.00, added by assessor $50.00, to- al property $1,200. 00? total valuation total valuation and amount subject of section N. R. 13E; land and amount aubject to lication 70c, totaj ?1.P8. $430.00, of personal property $85.00 tax $1,000.00 and amount subject to and amount subject to tax $1,350.00. to t ax$102.00. Taxes $4.32, penalty bounded X by P. Archuleta, S by M. Taxes $44.00, penalty John Rogers. All taxes. 160 acres tal valuation total valuation $515.00. less exemp- $2.20, publication - 22c, publication 35c, $4.89. Lopez, E by ditch, W by road. Valua- 35c, total $46.55. nt a place called Canada del Alamo, tax $250.00. Taxes $10.50, penalty Taxes $"6.90 penalty $2.85, publica- total tion $200.00, balance person- subject to tax Francisco Gonzales y Creapln. All Valautlon ad- 53c, publication 35c, total $11.38. tlon 33c, total $60.10. Jose Ribera. All taxes. 66 yards tion of real estate $220.00, of of real estate $200,00, $315.00. Taxes $13.96, penalty 70c, taxes. 2 acres bounded N by Rito de Jaramlllo. All Refuglto Bustomante. All taxes bounded N by A. Roibal, S by M. D. al property $73.00, added by assessor ded by aisessor $50.00, total valua- Ma. de Jesus J. de publication 70e. lors .r total $15.36. Gonzales, S by hills, W by D. Es- tion nnd amount t t.-- $250. taxes. Land bounded N by Cooper, 3. House and lot bounded N by Busta- - Tino, E by river, W by road; 35 yds. $161.00, total valuation $454.00, less aui;Jet Simon Atencio. All taxes. 160 acres quibel, E by same rito; 19 acres bd. ' ines $11.00, penal ty B5c, publication by T Davis. Val. of real mante & Son, E by road. S by A. Bus- - bounded N by Valley Ranch hill, S by exemption $200.00, balance subject to E and W of land bounded X by A. Lucero, S by X by S. Gonzales. S by hills, E by J. 35e, total $11.3)0. added by assessor $84, tamante, W by same. Valuation of river, E by S. Várela, "W by H. Rol- - tax $254.00. Taxes $10.70, penalty estate $337.00 gov. land, E by A. J. Campos, W by R Abeytia, W by gov. land; house Juan M. Romero. All taxes. 2 subject to real estate $90.00, of personal proper- - bal. Valuation of real estate $126.00, 54c, publication 70c, total $11.94. total valuation and amount gov. land, I nsection 23, twp. 16 X. R. and lot bounded N by R. Martinez, S aces bounded N by M. Swabachar, ty $75.00, amount of personal property $500.00, added Pablo Vigil. All taxes. 39 yards, tax $421.00. Taxes $17.68, penalty total valuation and 14E; 180 vs. of land not bounded. by D. Atencio, E by road W by hill. S. by E, Lopez, E by O. Várela, W 35c, subject to tax $1C3.00. Taxes $6.93, by assessor $116 00, total valuation bounded X by P. Vigil. S by G. Vigil, Valuation 88c. publication total $18.91. Valuation of real estate $290.00 add- of real estate $104.00, of by river; 213 acres in Las Vega of penalty 35c, publication 35c, $742.00 lesa exemption $171.00, bal- - E by ditch, W by P. land. Valuation personal property F. A. Manzanares. Second half total ed by assessor $73.00, total valuation $48.00, total valua- grant; 1 acre bounded N by D. Vigil, Ma. $7.63. ance subject to Taxes of real estate $59.00, added by asses- tion $152.00 less exemption $122.00. by D. taxes. 306 vs. bounded N by Baca, and amount subject to tax $363.00. S Ullbarrl, E by river, W by Felimon Clockey. 40 $26.91, penalty $1.35. publication sor $104.00, total valuation $163.00 balance subject to tax $30.03. Taxea S by R. Z. de Otero, and P. A. M. E by All taxes. acres Taxes $15.97, penalty 80c, publication road. Valuation of real estate ana 70c, less exemption $59.00, balance sub- $1.34, penalty 7c, publication to- Mora road, W by Romero ditch; 190 bounded N by E. Valencia, s by G. total $28.96. 70c, total $17.47. $1.05, amount subject to tax $335.00. Tax- N by A. M., by F. A. Montano. E and W bv P. land, beine Gabriel Roibal. All taxes. Part of ject to tax $104.00. Taxes $4.41, pen- tal $2.46. es $14.75, penalty 74c, publication vs bound '1 F. S iDarlo Atencio. All taxes. 82 acres section 9, Twp. 16 N. R. 13E, 160 alty 22c, publication 35c, total $4.98. Gregorio Gutierrez. All taxes. 48 $1.05, total '$16.44. M., E by . :ora,road W by 8th street; in section 19, twp. 16 N. R. 12E. Valu. bounded X by B. E-l-- Gonzales, s by acres. Valuation of real estate $210.00 Daniel Warbln. All taxes. The 2 aerea bounded N by J. L. Benavldez, Valentin Roibal. All taxes. 100 120 vs. bounded north by V Otero and atlon of real estate $60.00, of personal trail, 3 by gordo, W by 4 cañada; S by D. Atencio. E and W by fence; acres T. E by Mora road property $56.00, added by assessor of personal property $28.00, added by of SE of section 10, the SE of bounded N by M. Martinez, S F. A. M., S by Baca. house and lot bounded N by F. Gon- 4 lot, not bounded, at San Gerónimo, by S. by M. 16 aerea, bound- $29.00, total valuation and amount assessor $33.00, total valuation $271.00 SE of section 11, the NV of Santillanes. E Martinez, W by Romero ditch; zales, S by Atencio, E by road, W by Valautlon of real estate and by 1-- 4 twp. amount W J. F. Esquibel; house, not bd. ed N by P. Roth S by A. B. Man- subject to tax $145.00. Taxes $6.13, lesa exemption $200.00, balance sub- XW of section 14, in 17 N. C. rights. Valuation of real estate and aubjoct to tax $291.00. Taxes $12.81, In 8an Gerónimo. Valuation of real by 8tb penalty 31c, publication 35e, ject to tax $71.00. Taxes $2.99, pen- R. 12E. Valuation of real estate and zanares E by A. Baca, W total amount subject to tax $170.00. Taxes penalty C4c, publication 70c, total estate $212.00 of personal property N by X. Ta-foy- $6.79. alty 15c, publication 35c, total $3.49. amount subject to tax $300.00. Taxes street; 72 acres bounded $7.48, penalty 37c, publication 70c, $14.15. $97.00, total valuation $309.00, loss Atanaslo Roibal. All taxes. 87 acres $12.60, penalty 63c, publication 35c, S by V. Baca, E by road to Los Andres Garcia. All taxes. Part of total $8.55, Esteban Gutierrez. All taxea. 100 $200.00, balance subject to Ri- G. 12 acres i 19, Twp. 16 N R 12E. Valua bounded N by B. Mares E by P. total $13.58. Valles, W by river; section Mrs. Kate Bell. All taxes. 2S0 vs. bounded X by G. Gutierrez, S by tax $109.00. Taxea $4.85 penalty as- bera, Jr., S by road, W by P. land; 8 bounded N by F. Baca, S by F. Baca, tion of real estate $50.00, added by Precinto No. 10 acres ln section 11. Tp. 16 X. R. 14 E, J de la G, Oonzales, E by river, W 24c, publication 70c, total $5.79. N by by E by Romero ditch, W by G. river; sessor $13.00, total valuation and acres bounded T. Várela, E bounded X by Wenthw;rth, S by by hills. Valuation of real estate Lorenzo Roibal. All taxes. 100 25 acr"3 bounded E by G. river, W bv j amount subject to tax $63.00. Taxes P. river S by J. Ribera W by main Florencio Arellanes. Second half of Campos, E by Grant, W by Carr. Val- $115.00, of personnl property $128.00, yds. bounded N by F. Duran, 8 by A. top of Crestón, N by F. Baca, S by $2.C5; penalty 3c, publication 35c, to- ditch; 10 acres bounded N by Santa taxes. 124 vs. bounded X by main uation of real estate $100.00, of per- added by assessor $61,00, total valua- Crespln, E by D. Armijo, W by R. asylum. Valuation of real estate and tal $3.13. Fe road. B by Grant, S by Pecos ditch, S by G. river, E by E. Ortega, sonal property $57.00, added by as- tion and amount auTjeet to tax t:w Marttnez. Valuation of real estate amount subject to tax $1,345.00. Santiago Lujan. Second half of creek, W by J. Gonzales; house bound W by A. Alarcon; house and lot sessor $10.00, total valuation and Taxes $13.42, pennlty 67c, publication $250.00, of personal property $18.00, 35o, Taxes 02S.25, penalty $1.41, pub- taxes. Part of section 6, in twp, 16 N. ed X. by E. M. Bustamante, E bv bounded N by 1 Alarcon, S by F. amount subject to tax $407.00. Tax- total $14.44. total valuation $268.00. lesa exemption Antonio Gutierrez. All taxes, $138.00, lication $2.45, total $32.11. R. 12E. Valuation of real estafe $130, road, W by creek, S by mines. Valua- Lucero, E by main ditch, W by street. es $20.74, penalty $1.01, publication land balance subject to tax $130. 35c, 570 yds, long, 480 yds. wide, not bd. Taxea $5.72, penalty 29c, publication Antonio B. de Manzanares. All of personal property $113.00, added tion of real estate $408.00, of personal Valuation of real estate $308.00, of total $22.13. Thomas J- - Breene. All Valautlon of real estate $240.00, of 35c, total $6.36. taxes. 90 acres bounded N by V. Baca, by assessor $70.00, total valuation property $500.00, total valuation personal property $806.00, total val- taxes. 460 acres bounded X by Leaperance road, personal property $65.00. total val San Miguel Development Co. All E by H. S. road, S by J. A. Baca, W $313.00, less exemption $200.00, bal- $908.00, less exemption $200.00. bal- uation $1,114.00, less exemption S by San Gerónimo road, E by M. Ri- uation $305.00, less exemption $20 taxes. The NW 1- of SW 4 and W 10 tnx Taxes $200.00, subject to tax $914. by top of Crestón; acres hounded ance subject to tax $113.00. Taxes ance subject to $708.00. balance 2 bera, W by Gallinas road. Valua- ance subject to tai 105.00, Taxea of NW 4 of section 36, and the Val- publication penalty $1.08, publica- N by F. A. M by road to Los $2.50, penalty 13c, publication 35c. $31.19, penalty $1.56, Taxes $21.66, 4 E tion of real estate $707.00, of per- $4.70, penalty 23a, publication 35c, SW of SW 4 of section 35, Tp. by V 7 $1.40, $34.15. tion 70c, $23.44. les, W by G river, S Baca; total $2.98. tctal total sonal property $383.00, total valuation total $5.28. 17 N. R..14 E., Valuation of real es G. Al 3 acres 29 29 29 29 29 acres bounded N by F. Baca, S by Julian Lujan. Second half of taxes. Octavlano Segura. taxes. PAGE $1090.00, less exemption $200.000 bal- Pablo Lesperanee. All taxes. 80 tate and amount subject to tax $420. by of river, E by G. river, W by ditch; 8 Part of section 19, twp. 16 N. R. 12E. bounded N and S by V. Vigil. E Valentin Baros. Second half ance subject to tax $890.00. Taxes acres bounded X by C. rights. S by Taxes $18.48, penalty 92c, publication A. Du- acres bounded N. by J. A. Baca, S by Valuation of real estate $226.00, of P. land, W by Pecos river. Vauatlon taxes. 3 acres bounded X by $40.13, penalty $2.01, publication 35. G. Várela; 3 acres bounded N by E. V. Baca, E by G. river, W by II. S. personal property $113.00, total valua- of real estate $90.00, of personal pro- ran, S by J. Madrid, E by river, V7 total $42.49. Duran, S by ditch, E by Martinez, L Precinto No. 12 road; 7 acres bounded X by Ma. Baca, tion $339.00, less exemption $200, bal- perty $194.00, total valuation $284.00 by ditch; house and lot bounded N Miss Hannah Carr. Second half W by river. Valuation of real estate 15 S by A Baca, E by Ry, W by H. S. ance subject to tax $139.00. Taxes less exemption $200.00, balance sub- by J. A. Garcia, S by S, Archuleta, of taxes. The SE 4 of SW the $140,00, of personal property $250.00, Juliana Deun. All taxes. 16 acres penal- Valuation of SW 4 of SE 11, valuation exemp-tltt- ii road; 3 2 acres bounded N by M. $2.99, penalty 15c, publication 35c, to- ject to tax $84.00. Taxes $3.79, by street, W by river. of Section the total $395.00, less of land on Los Tngos Rrant; house Baca, S by V Baca, V by H. S. road; tal $3.49. ty 19c, publication 35c, total $4.33. real estate $70.00, of personal proper- XE 4 of XW 4 and XW 4 of NE $200,00, balance aubject to tax and lot in Rowe. Valuation of real 4 of Section 14, Tp. 16 X. 14 $193.00. Taxes $3.34, penalty 47c, E by Ry. 7 acres bounded N by F. Marcos Lujan. All taxes. Part of Crescencla Garcia de Sena. All tax- ty $94.00, added by assessor $25.00, R. E. estate $40.00, of personal property 160 acres. Valuation of real publication 70c, total $10.51. $137.00, to- Baca, S by J. A. Baca, E by G. river, section 4, twp 16 N. R. 13E. Valua- es. Land bounded N by M. D. Pino, total valuation and amount subject estate added by assessor $44.00. and amount subject to tax $170.00. Francisco Lucero. All taxes. 50 vs. tal valuation W by By; 187 vs. bounded N by A. & tion of real estate $250.00, of person- 8 by F. M. de Roybal, E by river, W to tax $189.00. Taxes $3.54, penalty and amount subject to Taxes $3.74, penalty 19c, publication bounded N by ditch, S by river, E by tax $221.00. Taxes $8.88. penalty 44c. Ma. Baca, and Dr. Olney, S by M. Bá-c- al property $359.00, total valuation by ditch; land bounded N by dltcn, 43c, publication 70c, total $9.67. 35c, total $4.28. Ma. T. de Alarcon, W by church, Val publication 70c, total $10.02. by Mora road, W by old road $C09.00, less exemption $200.00, bal- S by river, E by E. Sena, W by T. X. Goldsmith & Co., all taxes. Per- E Julian Coca. All taxes. 160 acres uation of real estate $205.00, added Juan Encintas. All raxes. 6 acres 100 vs. bounded ance subject $409.00. Taxes Ortiz. Valuation of real estate $63.00, sonal ptoeprty consisting chiefly of to Upper Las Vegas; to tax bounded X by gov. land, S by by assessor $51.00, total valuation and of land on Los Trigos grant. Valua M-- , É penalty 91c, publication 35c, of personal property $15.00, total val- stock of merchandise. Valuation of N by F. A. by boundary of L. $18.22, V. Duran, E by E. Trujillo, W by gov. amount subject to tax $256.00. Tax- tion of real estate $33.00, of personal amount subject tax personal property $215.00, added by V. Grant, W by 8th street. Valuation total $19.48. uation and to land; 200 yds, bounded X by G. C. es $11.26, penalty 56c, publication property $112.00, added by assessor. pub- total valuation and of real estate $2,081.00 less exemp- Cesarlo Lujan. All taxes. Part of $80.00. Taxes, $3.36, penalty !7e, assessor $100.00, Gomez, S by R. Martinez, E by J. do 35c, total $12.17. $30.00, total valuation $175.00, le.?s Taxes tion $200.00, balance subject to tax section 18, twp. 16 N. R. 12E. Valua- lication 70c, total $4.23. amount subject to tax $315.00. los R Abeytia, W by J. C. Gomez, Juan de Dios Lucero. All taxes. exemption $114.00, balance aubject to 66c, publication, 35c, $1,881.00. Taxes $79 . OOpenalty $3.95, tion of real estate $160.00, of person- Ensebio Valencia. All taxes. Part $13.23, penalty Valautlon of real estate $?C0.00. of 160 ncres, bounded N by Adams, 3 tax $61.00. Taxea $2.64, penalty 13c, publication $3.15, total $86.10. al property $35, added by assessor of section 19. Tp. 16 X. R. 12E, 40 total $14.24. personal property $55.00, total valua- by A. Lucero. E by Xeawtine. W bv publication 35c, total $3.12. Rita S. de Otero. All taxes. 100 yds. $40.00, total valuation $235.00 less ex- acres. Valuation of real estate $65.00, Santos Lopez. A11 taxes. 8 acres tion $315.00, leas exemption $200,00, J Trujillo. Valuation of real eata" Cosme Esquibel. Second half of Mai-donad- S W by Tax- $285.00, personal property bounded N by F. A. M S by M. emption $195.00, balance subject to of personal property $73,00, total val- bounded N by ditch. by river. balance subject to tax $115.00. of $5.00, taxes. House not bounded, in pre- $5.09, 70c, added by assessor $72.00, valua- E by F. A. M., W by ditch. tax $10.00. Taxes $1.85, penalty 9c, uation $140.00 less exemption $110,00, J. M. Martinez, E by P. Plantard; es penalty 23o, publication total cinct No. 12; 2C0 yds bounded N by tion and amount subject to tax $362. Val.' of real estate $300.00, of person publication 35c, total $2.29. balanea subject to tnx $30.00. Taxes lot bounded X. S and W by J. M. Mar total $6.04. P BiiHtamante, S and E by river, W -- : Vaiuj-- 1 n t- - I .tch la tirecinct No. 22. ' alty 29c, publication S, to'al $S.3i. vshisttt and amrtrtsutjef t tat;8W of E of XV. rcctlcn C. Tup. 21 X. R. 20S, 1CJ Aurelia Bai.a. AS' ta.iet. Personal penal:? $$.07, publication 70c, total I í y - $2".ü.0ü. pvt - - 11.63. 4 cf SW SW 4 tion of rel eüte ef ou.i Martin Eena. Second of tax- Jf Ttic 14. and NE 14 of acres; the ?E 14 of SE 4 of cattle $170.14. ! t!f of section pr;crty n!Miu ilKiy property $120 uO. addel by a. peb!l-atio- a 70c, total $34 ÍS. ani VV 1 2 of NW of sec. siwor i'ersonai property, vaiuauon SE of 33. the S of SW 4 of senlou and iheep. valuation and amount Farmer Bros. Second half of taxes. . 00, total valuiUon 1433,00. lesa ex - added by $75.00, total valua- Abttir.lo Ja Sancbox. Ail taxet. 2- -1. Tp. 13 X. II. IS 1C0 acres. iuitor E, 31. Tp. 13X. the XW 14 of XW 1 subject to tax $603.00. Taxes $23.77. The X 12 of XE 14 and X 12 of XW jit on t;"'0 6). balance subject lo tion and amount tubject to tax $375. 103 vs. bounded N by road, s by E. Valuation of real estate $273.00, of tc of aectlon 3 Two. 14X. R. "rt F ico $1.4?, publican r. .5c, tcal 14 of section 21. Twp. 18, X. R. 26E; Ui !:: .'0. Tat tl C per.atty 23o Taxes $7.ES, penalty publication Sanchex, E by ton, W by LIU. Vai-uatlo- lrsonal property $43.00, added by 3c, 1-- acres; the SE 14 of SE E 12 $31. CI. SE of XE and E 2 of SB rutücation 70c. tota! $5.33. 3c, of estate $75.00, per- - stressor $79.00, 14. the the toal $S.6t ral of total valuation and 4 of SW and let Xo. 4 of section 3. C4 sv--f r. The 14 of fvotion 19, Twp. 13 X. R. 26E; Netttorita Rui Je GabaUon. a. 'scnal property $25.'j0, total valuation amount subject to tax $3?5.00. Taxes Ascfnflon taxe. Twp. 16 x. rt. so 1 tv. 4 4 Precinto No. 14 bal- - E. 139 acres; the SW of section S, the S Si; XW of SW of section 20, traes. ,i r 1 bounded N Ir F. Arch- $110.00, less exemption $73.00, $17.4?. penalty Í7c, publication 35c, cf S of 4 2 1 4 sec-ti- c Uotal 12 SW the SW 14 of SE XE 4 of H 4 of section 9. lie S of XE 2 of SE of ive! :, 8 by mes, E by Rr.. W by Lorenzo M. do C de Baca. All taxes. anc subject to tax $33.00. Taxes $18.64. anl of 2C. 4 2 Sc, publication Zoc, to-t- aectlon the XE of XW of and tha XW 4 nf SW I I of B,rtl.,n n 21. Twp. 18 X. R. 26E; tho E Eim Pate. Valuation of real U 5 aerea formerly ovcel by Juanita $1.57. penalty Heirs of Andrea Martinez. All Ficiion oo. Twp. 15 X. R. 2 of 4 personal property $112.03. $2.01. s 20E. 160 10, all In 9. X. It. 13E. Va!, of SE the W SE and fU'COO. cf Gal egos de Montoya; houae and lot tat. ICu acre bounded X by L)U-ct.e- tp. 158.00, valua- acres; the XW 14 of XE 4 of see- - of real $700, personal pro- - XW 14 of section 8. the W T2 of XE fcdJod by aseasor total bounded N by T. Mactoya, S by J. Manuel Sand v. AH taxes. 37 fence. S by J. Morales, E and XV estate cf tlon , TWD. 14 X. the XW 1- nf SP! rw.r-t-. .S OA ,.. ,,.r 1 4 1 2 tion and amount subject to tai $2'."'. Montoya, E by F. Montoya, W by ditch acres bounded X by bills, S by river, ly c. rlgata. Valuation of real es acne anl E of XW 14 of section 17. 4 of SE 4 and SW 18 Taxes $11.34, penalty 67e, publication Valuation of real estate $30.00, of per- E by M. Padilla, W by N. Sandoval; tate $2S0.00. of personal property $23, 14 of XE $241.00. total valuation and amount Twp. X. R. 20E. Valuation of real 12 of see'lon 31. Twp. 'subject tie, total tS. sonal property $257.00, added by a- - 100 vs. bounded N by F. Sandoval, added by assessor $76.03, total valua- 15 x. r. ;nf e. Ho to tax $1206.00. Taxes $34.21. estate $1400.00, of personal property acres; lot 1 ' Jesui Gutierre. Atl taxes, sessor $S7, total valuatl m and amount S by pasture land. Valuation of real tion and amount aubject to tax $3Sl. of section 32. lotstand penalty $3.71, publication 70c. total $1150.00. total valuation and amount 5 and S 1 ? if 1.4 f "t-- .r . yds. bounded N by Canada. S by A. subject to tax $434.00. Taxes $19.3?, estate $202.00, of personal property Taxes $16.76, penalty 84c, publlcaton Sw' V BV.VIIUU (JO, 'VWa Fi:lj.ct to tax $25.",O.00. Taxes $35.88, K by P. Una, W by road; penalty 97c publication 70c, $38.00, valuation $393.00, 23c. iwp. io, ;v so E, 159 rrJ. river total total leis total $17.95. r. acres; the Teodocio Chavez y Márquez. All penalty $2.24. publication $1.40, total bom and lot not bounded. Valua- $20.99. exemption $200.00, balance subject to 8 12 of XW 4 2 1-- J. It. Martinez. All taxes. and 8 of XE 4 taxes. Improvements on gov. land. $.10.00, The tion of real etat r f personal D. Daca. All tax W 2 of section 4. Twp. 14, X. , Francsco de taie. $19000. Taxes $?4t. penalty of XW the XE 4 of NE R. 20 E. 160 Valuation of Improvements $23.00, of Eugenia Trujilllo de Gonzales. All property $43.00, added by aisesso-- 2 bounded N by top bill, S by 42c. publication 70c, $9.33. 2 acres; the X 4 2 Land of total of XW the E ot XW 4 of SW and X personal - taxes. property $"00 00, of property $256.00, totla vabi- Personal valuation total valuation $273.00, les by by M. Anayx 4 river, E F. Kaca. V Franclscr Vliril. Second half of XW 2 Twp N- - of aectlon 33, the 14 :81-0- 0 $133.00 exemption $03.00. E of r .I ' R !tlon Ie" exemption $S1.00. less exemption $65.00, bal- balance subject to $349.00, ad- 50 I 4 -- 0 Valautlon of real estate taxes. yd, bounded X by A. Vis SW of SW 4 E. 160 acres. Valuation s- - 00. the SE of SW of real balance subject to tax $200.00. Taxe? ance subject to tax $7n,00. Taxea Cat $110 Ta $12.19. penalty ded by asaessor $S7.00, valua- S by It. VIkII, by M. 5,0ft- total E river. W by 14 and W 12 of SW 4 4 - f I)eraOT,aI lo, publication ?0e, of SE of Property $9.57. penalty 48c, publication 35c. f.1.33. penalty 17c, publication 35c, fc total $11.50. tion and amount aubjert t tax $430. Ceja: CO ydc. bounded X by ( Vl(?il, ret Hon 26, all In Tp. 15, X. R. 18 E. total valuation $6218.00 lesa tal $10.40. tal $3.85. . Anastasio Herrera All taxes. Ijini Taxes $1S.74. penalty 94c, publication S by K. radilla. E by top of crwton, Valuation of real estate $240.00, of I bounded N by J. Quintana, 8 by H. 33c, $19.03. W by 300 uTlSl0; t0 Francisco S. Leyba. All taxes. 161 J. M. Howe. All taxes. Part of section total Ceja; vs. bounded X by personal property $40.00, added by 2 sí"1'1 YV . irT 2 E by b Val- taxe.-- i, nded X E by government 14. Twp. X. R. 23E; S Cm la. river, br !'.!. J. Inaacaon. All íju1 boundel Canonclto bondi, S by edse of moun-tnlt- $70.00, total valuation and :i and U the of y r8üa. $3.15, $,15. total 4 4 uation of real estate "0, of H- - V Cu-f- land. S by Leyba, W by XW XE of SW X by river, S and E by J. Montoya E by tup of Creton, by l amount subject to tax $350. Taxes $202. 09i J. E. Lavba. the and $"1.00, added by V 1 Valuation 4 SE by road, Valautlon of real ratals llb; house and t bounded N by 13.40, penalty 77c, publication 35c. of real estate $241.00 of XW of cf section 22. twp. $23.01, Ana M. R. de Garduño. All total valuation $141.01. $43.00, of personal property $100.0 t, street. S and E by A. Vlgl!, XV by C. t tal $1C.52. tare?. personsl property $176.00 added by 16 X. R. 23E. Valuation of real estate sub-Jc- Half W exemption balance aded by assessor $36.00, total valua- rleliti. Valuation of real tate Interest in part of section 1?, assessor $19.00. total valuation $475.00, of personal property $970.00, T. I'. .McManus. All taxes. The wp. to tax $15 00. Taxe $191. pen- to ' l '3 x. R. 22. E. being 80 tion and amount subject tax $11 $"20.00, of personal property $lf.",0 E acres. $436.00. less exemption $200.00. bal- - added by assessor $107.00, total valuv ary 10c, publication the XE of XW 4 Valuatlon 2, total $2.38. Taxes $7.7S. penalty 20c, publication total valuation $43.00, leí exemp of real estate $100.00 add ance subject to tax $236.00. Taxes tion $1552.00, less exemption $2"0.00, ?.?rcos Lucoto. All the X of SIC 4 of XW 4 of ed by taxe. Tart 25c, total $S.f.J. tion $, ba'ance subject, to tax assessor $25.00, total valuation $10.70, penalty 54e, publication 35c, balance subject to tax $1352. Taxes Val-eat!- 24, Tp. 15 22, Tp. X. Tí. 12 E. n section X. R. 17 E: th of II Ma. All taxes. 160 '?2S3.00, Taxe.1 $ft.iw, penalty 32c, and amount ?ubjeet to tax $123.00. $00.67, penalty $3.03, publication 70c, Jesus Jaramillo. S 2 4 total $11.65. of $1't0.0l, per-frn-- 'l cf SW of section IS and X" real otte of acres bounded N by T. Jaramillo, 3 publication $1.40, total $l.0S. Taxe $a.20, penalty 26c. publication total $64.40. propety $191.00, 14, and S of SW 4 cf section 19. Fidel Leyba. AH taxes. 160 acre? fftRi valuation and V.' by C. rights, E by T. Oormle. 0, total $3.87. $10! 00. Ky.j exemption $200, Precinto No. 16 in Tp. 15 X. R .18 E., total 700 acres bound ?d X by G. land S by A. Sando F. M. Hughes. All taxes. The SB balance Valautlon real earn $2..0f), cf .'Mnion of A. Gonzales. SO 4 4 2 to $20100. $11.40. Valuation of real estate $700,00, ad- All taxes. val, E by I Chavez. W by C. Leyba. of SW the W of SE Hubert Tatfs personal property $100.00, added bv y Leandro Haca Martinez.. Second acres bounded X by F. R 4 rer-slt- 57c. publication S.'.e, total ded by assessoj $330,00, total valua ' Gonzales Valuation of real estate $240.00, of the XE of SW of section 23 asiessor $98.00. total valuation an half taxe S by " o Land bounded X, Hon and Ortiz Grant. E bv P. land. W hv 4 $1241. amount subject to tax $11.00. Taxes amount subject to tax $1030 and XW of XE 14 of section 26, and E by government land, W by F. Taxes $46.20, Los VUigles. Valuation of Uation Jinn Varda Ais nxes. Per.oml $20.72, penalty $1.01, publication 35c, penalty $2.31, publica- real estate $563.00 less exemption $200, twp. IS X. R. 20E. Valuation of real Gonzales; 53 vs. bounded X by L. Sal- - property, valuation and amount sub- tion $1.05, total $13.56. Vi personal rroperty $120.00, balance subject to tax $363.00. Taxes estate $673.00, cf personal property total $22.11. azar, S by X de A cuero, E by creek, ject to tax $75. Taxes $2.93, pen- Emanuel Rosenwald. All added by assessor $67.00, total valua - $17.23. 86c, $190.00 added by assessor $291.00, Juan n. Martinet, second nnir or y by road. taxe. penalty publication 35c, alty Valuation of real estate Hon and amount S.117. ISe, publication 35c. total $3.4.3. - Land bounded X by road. S by subject to tax total tía jr total valuation nnd amount subject to taxes. 100 va. at Las Tuans, bound- $290.00, of personal property $325.01 Water C. W. Wawwi, All taxes. 200 Canyon. E by T. Griego, W by F. Taxes $14.50, penalty 73c, publication tax $1456.00. Taxe, $62.10, penalty ed N by Sapello river, S by mesi,jtotal valautlon $615.00, less exemn- - Emlterio T.evha. ah tar ttob vs. bounded X and E by billa, S by Sanche; land bounded N and E by Jt, ividl 910. 05. publication E by M. Paca, w by V. Martinez. ;tion fjoo.OO, balnnce subject to tax and lot, bounded X by F. Leyba, S by $.ri1. 35c, total $65.56. river, W by M. Dosmarals. Valuation road, S uy V. Tenoro, W by P. land, Gregorio Madrid. All. taxes. Im- - ' Valuation of real estate $206,00, of $415.00, Taxes $0.62. penalty 4Sc, A. Sandoval, E by L. C. y Mares, W by Ramon Martinez. Second half of of real estate $100.00, added by as-ev- r property $107.00, valúa- - valuation of real estate $320.00, ad- prove'rents, not bounded. Valuation C. taxes. 11 acres bounded X by J. C. i7r..C,0, total Hcation 70c, total $10.80. Leyba. Valuation of real estate total valuation and j ded by assessor $80,00, total valua of Improvements $34.00, tion $313.00 less exemption $200.00, Amado Hidalgo. e of personal $25.00, Romero, S, E and W by J. Lobato, mount subject to $373.00. All taxes. of personal property $379.00, tax Tared Tax-SOn- al tion and amount subject to tax $40?'., property aubjeot to tax $113.00. property consisting chiefly of $130.00, added by assessor total valuation $404.00 less exemp- valuation of real estate $150.00, of $14.62, penalty 73c, publication 35e Taxes i..C0, penalty S8e, publication $2-4- puiuicauon ee, - Í41.UII, total valuation and personal property $741.00, val-- I total $15.71. es penalty izc. cattle. Valuation $136.00, le exemn- amount tinn 107. nn hoi Rhwt t t.r total 70c, total $19.18. subject $205.00. total $.2.94. tion $36.00, balance subject to tax to tax Taxes $9.26. .OO. Taxes $14.68, penalty 73c. nation $891.00, less exemption $191.00 Cruz Roibal. Sec. of taxes. j.uum-auo- Precinto No. 13 Helra of Anacleto Olivas. All tax- $100.00. Taxes $4.81, penalty 24c, half The doc. total publication 33c, total $15.76. balance subject to tax $700.00. Taxes W 4 publication 35c, total $5.40. 12 of SW 14 of SE of sec. 14, the $10.07. '$17.16, penalty SOc, publication 35c es. 400 vs. bounded N Bnd by roads, Natividad Leyba. Second of Luisa Montoya de Bustos, 70 acres W of XW 4 of XE SW Ped-- o half 3 by river. W by Henry Coke; 100 Marcelino Montoya. AH taxes. 160 the Mondragon. All taxes. Th j !t,VM total $1S.37. o? land, not bounded. Valuation 4 1 . 1 , , T"e SE of section 4, twp. va. bounded N and W by by acres bounded X by Gov. land, S by of XE the XW of SE v Ma. Padilla. All road. S s- - Jesus taxes. The rcnl estate $215.00, of personal prop, the AV 2 of XE l- - of SE of sec íw ; 5 of real com. rights, E by W C. 14 n 2 erty $07.00, river E by P. Land. Valautlon of P. Lucero, by snfrH w !SV of XE 14. the S of XW total variation $282.00, tion 23, the XV 12 of SE of XE real estate $510.00, of personal prop- Trambley. Valuation of real estate b ng 1, 4 4 los aub-Jfc- of section the SE of XE exemption $200.00, balance ct of section 23, In Tp. 15 X. R. 17 E. vMd bl JieO.OO, total valuation $423.00 les, erty $73,00, added by assessor $146, $230.00, of personal property $336.00, "f of section 2, Twp. 13 X. R. 22E. Va- to tax $82.00. Taxes $3.50. pen- Valuation of real e.Uate $250,00, of yiRnttn0n' "PUon $200.00. balance object alty total valuation and amount subject total valuation $566.00 less exemption MrZt " ll lidation of real estate and amount 18c, publication 35c, total $4.03. personal property $28.03, total valua Va'':t0 $223.00. Taxe, $5.12. penalty to tax $729.00. Taxes $31.38, penalty $200.00, bnlarce subject to tax $366. fJJrT Testate IIT3; per-- l" - subject to tax $205.00, Taxes Fred E. Corhett All taxes. Lot 2 tion $278.00, less exemption $200.00 ,fi ,on 33c toU, $8.61. $1.S7. publication 70c, total $33.63. Taxes $16.71, penalty Sic, publication sonnl MaPrar)o and 4 4 property $103.00, total valuation penn'ty 43c, publication 35c, t tal XW of BE and X of ! Alberto Romero. All taxes. CO 35c, total $17.90. balance subject to tax $78.00. Taxeí t & SW 1- of Section 15, 14 $9.39. Tp, 19 N. ft, vs. N by $1.72, penalty 9c, publication 35c, to-t- 'l not tXvmP 9i,0tbaH bounded X by Lathrop. S by F. V- bounded river. E by S. Paca, Victor Solano. All taxes. 10 vs. "jr'e' 2 - Valuation of real estate $175.00. 1. Hilarlo Padilla. Second half of tax- S by bill, W by M. Jimenez. Valua- bounded X by A. Solano, S by Ta- $2.15. of personal property J1B5.00, total l. $i.9., penalty 40c, publication 35c, .., .... es. The S of SW 4 of section 1. tion of real estate and amount subject pia, E by Tecolote Grant, W by creek, C. F. Smyth. Second half of taxes. vi,u. valuation $640.00, , . 4 lesa exemption 2 4 total as. ts. . the S 12 of SE of section 2, Twp. ,to tax $110.00. Taxes $4.73, penalty The X of NE of section 4, Tp. nn - fiOO.00, bouse and lot bounded N. E, S and W iiiijirn.v fita.vv, loiai vai- balance subject $4 40. Luis Sena y 1 15 X. 22 E. es- to tax 24c, publcatbm 35c, total $5.32. by 13 X. R. 17 E. Valuation of real es- Gonzales. All taXeS. 6 m- - A A .1 mttn.t R. Valuation of real Taxes $19.1?. Fernando Archuleta. Valuation of penalty 96e, publication All 80 $80.00, by $40.00, Part of section 5, Twp. 20 X. Valua tate and amount subject to tax $200. Ensebio Romero. taxes. real estate. $20.00, personal prop-ert- y tate added assessor balance Bubject $235.00. total $20.43. of tion to tax Taxes rt, .acres bounded N by P. Montoya, S by $88.00, tjota.1 total valuaton and amount subject to of real estate $281.00, of person- Taxes $1.20. penalty 21c, publication Helm of Dally. valuation and $10.68, penalty 53c, publication 33c, to- nernard All taxex. M. Jimenez, W by dltcb, E by river; tax $120.00. Taxes $2.64. penalty 15c, al property $166.00, added b;f assess- 35c, total $4.76. 1- amount subject to tax $108.00. tal The SW -4 of aectlon 19 Taxes $11.56. 'ip. N. house and bounded by Apo-'dae- publication $3.12. or $112.00, total valuation 2. lot N T. F. $5.07, penalty 25e, publication 70c, 35c, total and amount Leyba. All E 14 E. valuation w-txt- e Justlnlano taxes. The Precinto No. 23 of real estate R by R. Marmjo, E by P. Rl- - Henry Sternweis. Second of subject to tax $559.00. Taxes total $6.02. half $23.70, 2 $238.00. added by E of XE the SW 4 of XE aaaeaaor $373. era, W by F. Lucero. Valuation of taxes. The E.l-- of section 24, Tp. 15 penalty $1.19, publication 35c, Roman Trujillo. All Im- total 4 1-- Apolonia Sec- valuation and taxes. and SE 4 of XW of section Chavez de Padilla. total amount subject to real estate $175.00, of tersonal prop X. R. 18 E. Valautlon of real es- $25.24. provements, on land bounded N, 8, E 8, twp. ond half of taxes. 70 vs. bounded X by tax $581.00. Taxes $24.40, penalty erty $77.00, total valuation $252.00, by 11 X. R. 13E; land bought of nnd W by cora, rljrhta. Valuation of tate $320.00, added assessor $160. P. Trujillo, S by Pecos river, E by $t.?2. publication S5o, total $23.87. less exemption $2'00.00, sub- Preclnt-- No. 20 Pablo Sandoval, 160 acres; land balance improvements $50. total valuation and amount subject to . of personal pron-ert- ditch, W by Gov. land; land at Cer-rlto- nelmo Contales. All taxeo. ject to tax $52.00. Taxes $2.28, penal tax $480,00, bouelit of Pablo Chavez. 80 acres; $273.00, added by assesor $81.00, Taxes $10.56, penalty 53e, Pedro Casaus. All taxes. 200 !land Ilnue and lot not bounded. Valua- ty 1le, publication 70e, total $3.09. yards bopht of FelIpe Trujui ,M not bounded. Valuation of real total valuation and amount subject to publication 35c, total $11.44. bounded X by tion of real estate' and amount sub- Guadalupe I) de Sanchez. All tax- Vaca river. S by T. ;apres. ,Bnd bonRh't of ReRlna Uvb estate $200.00, of personal property tax $104.00. Taxes $17.00, penalty Emery J, Thompson. Second half ot by ject to tax $30.00. Taxes $1.28. pen- es. 1500 vs. bounded N by Sapello Flores. E J. A. Gallegos, W by gn acrs; land bought of Rafael"or-dltcb- . $159.00. total valuation $359.00, less 90c, publication 35c, total $15.24, taxes, the SE 4 of section 10 and alty 6o, pnbllcaUon 85c, total $1,67. Irlver, S by Mora rood, E by T. Paca, Valuation of real estate $120.00 !t y Ix)pez 1C0 !e:emptlon $200.00, ba'ance subject to 2 acrea. valuation of Asrustfn X of section 15, Twp. 15 X. R. ltfaesta. Second half of J & Rro. V by F. Otero. Vay. es-jta- te 17 of personal property $148.00 added om tax $159.00, Taxes $3.60 penalty ISc. of real Precinto No. 17E. irai nxes, 40 acres B V Valuation of real estate and bounded and $310,00 of personal property $", Jby assessor $ls5.00, total valuation $925. 00. Taxes $40.70, penaltv $2.01, publication 70c, total $4.43. ly pot. land, N by Mora county. !: Santiago Chavez, Second half of amount subject to tax $720. 0O, Taxes $153.00 j total valuation $315.00, lesa exemp- less exemption $200.00. bal publication $2.10. by C. N, taxea. 160 acres bounded N by Lo $15.84, penalty 79c, publication 35c, total $44.81. Precinto No. 24 Sparks, belnf In section $200.00, anbject to tax J. ance subject to tax $233.00. Taxes tion balance by M. Jesus Ma. Ortiz. All taxes. Part of 17. Tp. 19 N. I?. 14 E. Valuation of pez, S Aragón, E by D. Rivera, total $16.98. 1 A nt - ta. r i . . . . i. .... n j 'no, Taxea 4.I4, penalty 25c, ox. venauy oic. puoncauon áoc, range Agaplto Aragón. $70.00, W by J. I), Chavez. N. section 28, HE. Valuation of Second half of real estate of personal prop- publication ft.54. Valuation ot S. Belden. AH taxes. The XW total ;rea 3re. total $11.17. estate J280.00. of pro- - taxes. 250 yards, bounded X and W erty $30,00, added by assenor $163.00 real estate $210.00, oí personal prop- 4 of XE 14 of section 9, the S 18 rersonal Atanasio Casaus. All taxes. 5 acres ;rerty by roads, by L.. Lu- 15 1-- $734.00, total valuation $1001.00, E Tapia, by L. ota! valuation $263.03, exemp- Precinto No. erty $168.00, total valuation 378.00, SW1-- 4 sec- s less of SE 14 and 8 of of bounded X by hills, S by S. tion $100.00, less exemption $ru0.00, sub-jtü- Flore, eSg exemption $200.00 balance sub-- E cero. Valuation of real estate $268.00, balance subject to tax balunee tion 6. the XW 4 of section 33, all CiroRorlo Garcia. AH taxea. 4 2 by mesa, W by J. A. DImas; 2 acres flül.OO. Taxe $3,C(1, penalty to tax $17S.oo. Taxes $4.18, Ject to tax $804.00. Taxes $39.44, of personal property $30.00, total val- lie, X by mesa, rlv-- of section 4, all of section 5, all of ptil HcBtlon S5e, acres bounded 8 by tenuity 21c, publication ücc, X by bills. S by mesa. E by jaity $1.97, publication 35c, uation $298.00 less exemption $200.00 otaI $4.19. total 7. 1-- 4 total ;er. E by T. arela, W by 11 Careta. section the XE and XW tho R. Flores, 2 - Vicente F, Marlines. AH $1.74. W by river; acres bound- 7 balance subject to tax $93.00. taxei. 100 2 4 '1 Taxes (Valuation of real estate $77.00, of X of SW and XW of SE ed X by vs. bounded N by J. A, Martinez, S Xiiolnp T. Cordna. All taxv mesa. E by Canon, W by T. jciriaco Ortiz. Second half of taxes. $2.06. penalty 10c. publication 35c, personal property $43.00, total valua- 4 of section 18, the X 2 of section by J, R. Marlines, E by Teeolotwios, j Part of section fi, Tp. 16 N. R. 17 E, Garcia; land bounded X, S and W by Part of section 28, twp. 11 X. R. 14E. total $2.51. tion and amount subject to tax $122. 8, the X 2 of XW 1-- and NE 1-- 4 of hill. road, W by J. N. Martinex. Valuation Valuation of real estate $2)0.00, ad- Valuation of real estate $265. "0 Valuation of real estate $225.00, of Manuel Delgado. Second half of Tase $5.53, penalty 28c, publication section 9, all In Twp. 15 X. R. 18E. personal of real estate and amount nubjeet to ded by assessor $50.00, total valua- of property $144.00, total personal property $360.00, total val- taxes. 160 acres bounded N by Mesa, viOO.OO. ,35c, total $6.18. Valuation of real estate $470.00, of tlx Taso $140, penalty 42c, tion and amount subject to tax valuation $409.00 less exemption i?! 0, uation $585.00, less exemption $200, S by mesa, E by II. Delgado, W by 35í-- , Francisco Curute. Second half of personal property $550.00, total val- ttubtlcatlon total $9.17. $250.00. Taxos $11.00, 55 1, balanca subject to tax $209.00. 'taxes. 13 A. bounded N by river, S penalty Taxes balance subject to tax $385.00. Taxes M. Delgado. Valuation of real estate Jose Ignacio Martines. Second publication 35c, $11,90. uation $5290.00, less exemption $200, $8.23, penalty 41c, publication by Cuchilla, E by P. Gurule, W by total $1.40, $9.12, penalty 46c, publication 35e, $275.00, of personal property $240.00 half of taxos. 100 vs. bounded N by balance subject to tax $5090.00. Taxes $10.04. 1. Gurule; 6 acres bounded N by river. Juan Antonio Gonzales. All taxes. total total $9.93. total valuation and amount subject to P Corbett, S by J. A. Martinet, E $224.57, penalty $11.23 publication !S by N. Sandoval, E by hills, W by L. The SW 14 of section 30, twp. 15 Casimiro DImas. All taxes. 1 vs. Manuel Tenorio. All taxes. of tir 315.00. Taxes $11.36. by Montoya Rito, W by $3.15 total Part nenaltv rov. land; ' Mo-r- a X. It. 17E. $238.95. bounded by j Sandoval: 150 vs. bounded N by Valuation of real estate X hill, S by Pecos river, sections 27 and 14, twp. 11 X. R. 14 cents, publication 35c, $12.2S. 2M vs. bounded N by P. A. total Busto. road. 8 by V. Olvas, E by Cuchil- $200.00, added by assessor $50.00, to--1 E by J. A. Gallegos, W by S. Glrjn 25 Manuel Garcia and Bro. 8 by p. Corbett, E by W by Precinto No. 18 E; 75 vs. bounded X by Mesa, S by All taxes rlrer. A. la, W by A. Gurule; house and lot tal valuation and amount subject to vs. bounded X by hills, 8 by L. Cha- 600 vs. bounded 109 vs. C. Lucero, E by river, W by hill; 100 X by D. Pacheco, 8 F1srt- bounded N by '. I j funded N by P. Maes, S by J de la tax $230.00. Taxes $11.00, penalty 55c, Heirs of Felipa Delgado y Lucero, vez, E by 8. Guron, W by J. A. Gal- by Canada, E by Martinez, S by D. IHisto. E by road, yards, bounded X by mea, S by C. Aguilar creek, W by Ascension Maes, E by alley, W by X. publication 35c, total $11,90. 'All taxes. The XE 4 of section 2, legos; 4 acres bounded X, E. and W Canon. 'Valuation W by Montoya Rito. Valuation of Duran E by river, W by hill. Valua- of real estate $300, fMartlnez. Valautlon of real estate Francisco Griego. All taxes. Land Twp. 12 X. R. 23 E. Valuation of real by river, S by hills. Valuation by rof1 estate $553.00, of personal prop- of real tion of real estate $415.00 cf person- added assessor $75.00, total val- $360.00, of personal property $08.00, bounded X by road; S by J. M. Me- estate and amount subject to tax estate $88.00, of personal erty $180.00, total valuation $S35.00, property al property $97.00, added by assessor uation nnd amount subject to tax $375. tota valuation $138.00, lea exemp- dina, E by road, W by R. Sanchez. $200.00, Taxes $8. R0, penalty 44e. $S8.00, added by to- Taxes $15.74, losa exemption $200.00, balance sub- assessor $127.00. $138.00, total valuation and amount penalty 79c, publication tion $200.00, balance subject to tax Valuation of real estate $200.00, ad- publication 35c, $9.59. ject to tax $635.00, Taxei $13.51. total tal valuation $303.00, less exemption subject to tax $690.00. Taxes $30. ü 35c. total $16.88. $238.00. Taxes $3.74, penalty I9c, ded by assessor $50, penalty 6So, total valuation Placido Gurule. All taxes. Part of $153.00, balance anbject to tax $150. Pablo Garcia. All taxes. publication $1,05, total publication $1.40, total $7.43. .penalty $16.62. publication $1.05, to- 70 ra nnd amount subject to tax $250,00. 11. 12 X. R. 23 Valu- bounded $15 27. ' section Twp. E. Taxes $3.83 penalty 24c, publlca'.lon tal $33.06. X by Water Canyon, S by Francisco Montoya. Second , half Taxes $11.00, penalty 53c. publication Juno Jose Moya. Second balf of tax-vn- , ation of real estate $220.00, of per- $1.05, total $7.17. river. E by II. Garcia, W by C. of taxes, 100 vs. bounded N by J. 33c. total $11.90. 160 acres bounded N and 8 by R. sonal property $103.00, total valuation Herculano DImas. Second half of Precinto No. 22 Rosenwald: house and tot WHint M. Padilla, S by river, E by P. Mon- J. M, Lyon. All taves. XW Pnnob?, E by Ü. TruJIUo, W by I V. The $325.00 less exemption $200.00, bal- taxes. 100 acres bounded N by C. N by P. M. de Garcia, S, E and W toya, W by J. M. Padilla: 150 vs. 2 Cornelia Brennan. All taxes. the X of NE 4 and SW Pait by (ra ct. Valuation of real e.Hnte $233, ance subject to tax $125.00. Taxes Chavez. 8, E and W by the wa'1; 75 H. Garcia. Valuation of rea es- bounded X by Crestón, 8 by river, E 4 of 24, 120 acres, part sec- of XE of section 14, Tp. 15 X. It. section of tate $50.00, ' pergonal property $223.00, added by creek, XV by J. Padilla. Valuation $3.66. penalty 28c, publication S5c, V3. bounded X by P. river, S by the of personal property $213. 17 E., 2S0 acres, "valuation of rotil tion 25, 230 acres, part of section 26, total by sesor $i0.00, total valuation and of real estate $263.09, of personal total $6.29. wall, E by P. river, W by A. Chavez. valuation $263.00, le88 exemp- estate $280.00, added by assessor 40 acres all in twp. 13 X. R. 26E; tion f. mount subject to tax $538.00. Taxes property $33.00, total valuation $298. Valuation of real estate $75.00 ot $S8.00, balance subject to tax $140.00, total valuation and amount No. 19 lot No. 1 In twp. 18 X. R. 27E. 40 $175.00, Í12A1, penalty fiOe, publication 35c, less exemption $200.00, balance sub- Precinto personal property by Taxes $8.60. nenaltv 43c nuh. subject to tax $420.00. Taxes $18.4. $58.00, added acres. Valuation of real estate $725.00 totnl $12.89. ject, to tax $98.00. Taxes $2.17. pen- Ilcatlon 70c, total $9.73. penalty 92c, publication 85c, Pedro Aragón. All taxes. 160 acres assessor $150.00, total valuation and of personal property $1650.00, added Tilesfor Padilla. All taxes. 100 alty 11c, publication 70c, 2.93. total Remigio Garcia. All taxes. 160 total f $19.75. bounded N, 8 and W by mesa, E by amount subject to tax $283.00. Taxos vs. bounded N by I. Padilla. S by A. Juan Peres. Second half of taxes. by assessor $395.00, total valuation acres bounded X, S and W by mesa; Celso Maestas. All taxes. The N F. Ortega. Valuation of real estate $5.55, penalty 28c, publication 70c, to- amount subject $2970.00. Rodriguez, E by P. river. Valuation 38 aers of land, not hounded. Valua- and to tax land bounded X and W by R. Garcia, 2 4 2 $6.63. of XW and X of XE 4 $220.00, of personal property $303.00, tal of real wtato and amount subject to tion of real estate $350.00, of person- Taxes $131.75, penalty $6.59, publi- S by R. Urloste. E bv B. XTarnno or section 3, Tp. 15 X. R. 17 E., 160 by $131.00, valu- Juan Sandoval. Second half ot taxes. tax $150.00. '''axes $6.30. pena!ty al property $93,00, total valuation added assessor total cation 70c, total $139.04. Valautlon of real estate $350,00, of acres. Valautlon of Tersonal property, valuation 52e. publication S5e, total $8.97. t roo. lee exemption $200.00. bal real estate $240, ation and amount subject to tax and Janus M. Brennan. All taxes. The personal property $1242.00, added by added by assesor adO.OO, amount subject to tax $172.00. Is.dra TrujUlo. All taxes. 100 arce subject to tax $243.00. Taxes total valua $654.00. Taxes. $29.34. penalty $1.47. Taxes E of, SW 2 of section 18 and assessor SR05.00. total valuation 1 tion and amount subject to tax $300, $3.62, penalty 18c, publication 35c, vs. bounded N by F. Vwcro, S by T. penalty 27c, publication 35c, to- publication 35c, total $31.16. the E 2 of NW 4 of section 19, $2197.00, less exemption $200.00. bal-anc- o Taxes $13.20, penalty 66c, publication rsillla.-- by Peco river, W by dltci tal $6.04. Jose de la Crus Aragón. AH taxes. total $4.15. Twp. 18 X. R. 27E. Valuation of real subject to tax $1997.00. Tares 5o, total $14.21. bonve bounded N by F, Lucero, S by Jos E. Ramlres. AH taxes. 1" 25 acres bounded X by J. Jaramillo, estate $200.00. of personal property $95.40, penalty $4.77, publication 70c, Heirs of F. A. Manazanares. All Precinto No. 21 road, E by ditch, W by hill. Valua- yds. bounded E by R, Chavez, XV by S. by T. Apodaca, E by river, W by $660.00, added by assessor $215.00, tc.tai $100.87. Val-nntlo- taxes. 250 vs. bounded X by M. Gon- tion of real estate $200.00, of person- creek, s by Ceja, X by river, n ditch. Valuation of real estate $31.00, Filadelfo Baca. All taxes. Person- total valuation and amount subject to Bonifacio Garcia. Second half of al property $123.00, totai valustlon $150.00, zales, S by F. A. M., E by O. river, taxes. 32 v. of real estate addc. of personal property $208.00, added by al property consisting chiefly of cat- tax $1075.00. Taxes $47.91, penalty vs. bounded N hv rivw ?3"5.Cp, less exemption $200.00, bal- by assessor $37.00, valuation W by old Romerovllle road; 375 acres by T. M. de Tapia, total assessor $61.00. total valustlon and tle and sheep. Valuation and amouut $2.40, publication 35c, total $50.66. S by road, W by ance subject to tax $123.00. Tax?s and Rniount subject to tax $187.00. bounded X by F. A. M., 8 by A. A. T Tapia. Valautlon amount subject to tax $300.00. Taxes subject to tax $985.00. Taxes $49.28, Frank Carpenter. All taxes. Im-- of real estate $".32. penalty 27c, publication 70e, to- Taxes $8.23, penalty 41 e, publication Senecal, E and W, by roada., Valua $32.00, of personal $13.83, penalty 69e, publication 35e, penalty $2.46, publication 35c, total npAvAmanta .n nrtinnl lanrt tn pMIrm property $175.00, tal f.23. 35c, total $8.99. tion of real estate and amount sub- total valuation total $14.89. $52.09 :!'6,tp. 18 X. R. part of sections and amount subject to Klrnor Itudulpb. AH taxes. 10 Juanita & Candido Sanchez, All tax- ject to tax $618.00, Taxes $27.19, pen 2E: tax $207.00, Taxes $4.96. j nenaltv 25c. ,T. $1.36, publication 70c, Albino B. Gallego. All taxe. Th Maria A. Baca. All taxes. Personal 31 and 35 In Twp. 18 X. R. 2C and 27 acres bounded N by creefc, S by road, es, 200 vs. bounded X and W by alty total publication 35c. total $5.56. S 2 of SW of SE and XE 1-- 4 property consisting chiefly of cattle E. Valuation of TO al estate and Im V by bill, E by creek. Valuation if D, Hand. B by river, E by hills; 300 $29.25. Manuel Garcia & Bro. All taves. vg. Anastasio All tax- of XW 4 of section 26. Twp. 35. X. and sheep. Vauatlon and amount sub. provements $1,147.00. of personal real tat $03.00, of perwnal protr-t- bounded N by E. Sanchez, E by Jose Martinez. 600 vs. bounded X by D. Pacheco, 3 W 2 4 1- -i 20E, 160 4 of Ject to tax $605.00. Taxes $29.77, pen property added by assess- $270.00, total valuation $333 00. F. Sandoval, E by A, Garcia. W bv es. Tha of SW of XE R. acres: the XE XE $1795.00. by Canada, E by Aguila creek, W by SE 4 XW 2 4 (!, Twp. 14X; Wl-- 2 alty $1.49, publication 35c, or total valuation and amount lens exemption $200.00, balance sub- Bado. Valuation or real estate $563. the of the B of of section the total $735.00, canon. Valuation of real estate $300. $133.00. Taxes $5.71, pen of personal property $164.00, total and 2 of XW of SE 4 of section SW nf XE 4 $31.61. subject $3677.00. Taxes $161.3.7 ject to tar of SE the of to tax ot personal property $28.00, total val-- latlon and amount subject to tax tax $100!.u. Taxes $43.79. penalty assessor $100.50. total valuation ani Dr. Elanore lvland. All Usi. 275 $:id.oo. total valuation $272.00 Jew $700.00. Taxta $30.80. penalty $1.51,1 H. O. Brown. Second half hoel-lfttn- p m of uxe. t 1 '1 tt , , , .. $328.00. Taxes $13.79, 63c. ,$ , i.iil.l'.. it !.n Tit.-, - r.i ..... tit!, . amminr Knhttt! t t t'.il.lAA Tnvt.a ttrrtsA At m ruVnr , . nn k . ... ., ...... t'l - " - - r b - - nruü'uuu, l.H.ailc UÜJCCI 13 1UU ;C3Uon II...... fU. ICU 133.71. lAili S aild fi In Lucero adJItlan. VaU ! 0(- .V publication 35c total $14.S3. 1:1 - Penalty $1.05. publication 35?. of corner of see. 11, 12, 13 aud II f iicirs of Juau Rafl Martinez. All tax $H0.00. Taxes $3.82. realty 19c! u,,,,!,,,, t,. ..-- ,.f uation of real estate tfm of ncrsonaJ -- - t.. - E sn Geoffi All Per- - taxes. 800 Tt. bounded X by J. Ra- HP", Publication 70c. total $155.üu. Octave ion. taxes. ( V' '. .', $4.7L uot bounjcd Valuation of P"Prty toUl valuation $555. to oíf j t4 S n. Santiago Crwpln. All taxes. .chains .ntersectlon ire ub-U- property, valuation and amount rnlnz. Sanchez, E ty Mora; Jual JIron. gecoDd half of taxes. tjeg.... 0Q of Dcrional rroner- - exemption $200.00. balance thence N 2 degrees K M r3 subject to tax $100.00. Taxes $1.5.1, 100 vs. bounded X by L. San- - yü. X by Sapello river, S by thaln.!M . bounded N by U Maegtas s . a"dj;d'by Ject to tax $355.00. Taxes $11.51. pea-- N 40 degree, 15 min N penalty 23c, publication 35c, total $3.13 chez. S hy F. Gonrales. E by Mora C HKhU. K by J. G.rcia y Maes. W .tbence A p, E gala W fcy Va Viemí Publication 40c. total $12 49. V.l-.t- - . les w by L Sauchex. lu oad; 13, bounded X by river. .'S T I Geoffrlon & Dea Marais. All tax-- j bouse and lot touted N I, Col $ bLnce aubject to Kíl, I. Broun. AH taxc. LoU Ta. 10t of prop- - S ty blue canon. E and W by P. Jone.i. h C. n;;; I.L- es. 203 aerea bounded N by round estate personal .r.nlni. rmtnA. S br- 3 Tim p w - !.' .. 34 35 n,l in ?ii nt aa t...nt u.... .I-.- - .,c f ! in. 3 nun. u to cna ns. thence s 11 d - " pvuitny hit ..u.j ' ' . . oak, S, E and W by mesa. Valuation j y ... river, w by mesa. ValuatU-.- of i,nS M addition. Valuation of real s publication 35c total $7.28. total valuation and amount subject Personal property $4J2.00, ad led by V, ...C..?-n- t0 .&W ot real estate $350, of personal prop- - j to. estate $S3.0. of er,nal nrnrtJ ...... estate and amount aubleet to ta. i $40.49, penalt? tJ -- . $475.00. to tal valuation and amount beginning. lolal va.uati..,'. :üj.00 less ., XT 1 Tl-- B2c. $2.02. publication 70c, $13.21. amount subject to tax $93.0O. Taxes cf Valuation f real osíai IÍA l...,I.J T a r"" $835.00. $36.65. total Memp-J.- lCa.OO b 69. ubject to tax Taxes SS- and amount yubjent to tax 12.0 V Vu'). e aubject M '9 - publication 7vc. I. k M Lu E by S. M.rtlnex, W Jerónimo Masetas. Second half ef í1-0'- penalty $1.83. publication 35c, total Taxes $17.31. penalty 87. publi- atlc - c. Emma S. & C. A. Browning. All taxes. Land bounded X and W by total 42i"- - ,",I,t',(,), PnT by B. Encinlaa. Valuation of real $38.83. 35c, $18.53. pub J",0c total $1.76. taxes. Lot 1 and 1 in block 4 of L. C. Forsythe. All taxes. 640 total $:t0,00 of nal rt J. A. Archuleta, E by Cuchilla, S ty t F. ut S. & R, Samuel Gomez. Second half of tax- L. II. Rathjen. All taxes. D'on,l'o Martines. All taxes. addition. Valuation of real J. A. de Archuleta; 8 3-- 4 acres bound- - acres bounded X by Mrs. J. H. Ward, The' $252.00, added by assessor $115.00, N by E by 4 estate and amount subject to tax $200. es. 200 va. bounded meia, by & Turnbull. Valuation of NE of SK of aectltm 18, Tp. acreg bounded X by creek. S by E. total valuation amount subject el E by Cuchilla, W bv river, X by F MeCee and Taxes $12.96, penalty C5c, Gomex, B by mountain. W by P.. 1 X. R. 19 E, 40 acres. publication 1. R Duran S hv .T. A Arrhnlnta Val. real ewtate $3u0.00i of personal proper-- 1 ' Valuation of II. Blake, E by J. F. Esmilbel. W bv to tax $377.00. Taxes $26. CI. penalty Valaution of real estate $205. by 40c, total $14.01. Urioste. fSO-00- . $SO0.0O, We $4.00, added assessor J. B. Samuelton; 20 N uation of real estate $254 00 of pe-"-'- added by assessor acres bounded $1.33 publication 35c, total $28.32. val- 120-00- Brunswick Balk Co. All of personal property $S7.00, total svbject to , total valuation and amount sub- - by II. E Blake, a by Oüender senal property $90 00 total valuation if'tal valuation and amcitt mesa. E by P. Sixto Martinez y Garcia. All taxes. taxes. Personal $292.00, exemption $50.00. $.;n.ot). $2 pen- - property, valuation uation less x Tax- -, 49.64. to tax Taxes 52. bal-'ta- $1180.00. penalty Padilla. W by T. Jaramllro; 45 acre , $344.00 less exemption $"00 00 J't Personal property consisting chiefly and amount subject to tax $100.00. balance subject to tax $242.00. Taxes publication 35c. $52.47. .altr 13c. publicatum 35c. total $3 ...n. X by ance subject to tax $144.00 Taxes total bounded road. S by mesa. E by eheep. Valuation of per-- $6.48, $5.3C, penalty 27c, publication 35c, to- . !, emu and Taxes penalty 32c, publication, Galleg-w- .. saucm-z- . w ny $3.07, penalty 15c, publication 70c, Isidor V. All taxes. Uaml lnmuiu ah laxen. ixiaio Jir. r. Martinet dejgonaj property $340 00 less exemp- - 35c, total $7.15. tal $5.9$. vs. bounded X by S by fi total $3.92. on Sanguijuela grantbounded X bv200 red hill. Armljo; acres bounded X by H. n r,y taxes. 301 " 00 balance subject to tax Thomas V. Bryant. Second half of Teodoro Uomer. .All E by T. Mitchell, W by p. R. Blake, S by F. Valerio Ramirez. Second half ,f Ma. Ik. O. de Baca. S by tre,. E byjrtver Jaramlllo. E by creek.lr71 oa Taxes 13 C4 penaIty 68c taxes. Lots 5 and 6 in block 26, II. S. yds bounded N by mesa, S by bordo, aluatIon of real estate $120,00. Val- taxes. 21) acres in Tp. 19 X. R. 14 K. irrnd. W by J. A. Bernal. Valuation W bv road. Valuation of real estate Tiblíoafon T. Co., addition. Valuation of E by J. Garcia, W by J. Gomez. fa personal operty $ bv S5c. total $14.67. real real estate and amount subject to o' ad.fcd nnd .vmf mU t T . $220.00, of per- Valuation of real estate $375.00. f;f MlbJrt t0 t?28.00. f $850.00, of personal property uation of real estate $ 3.00 total valuation and , 'lan Romero. Second ha of personal property $458.0. added by as- - t $550.00. Taxes $23.10. penal.v aese.r Tax f 10.03 pon!,fr ro,, pul)!(.atIoa $75.00, valuation $9.25.00 sonal property $CG.00. Taxes $3.63, of 28 12 total !eta publication 35c. total $24.61. mnmt .ubjert to t liisoo Tax;-- ( section V property $60.00, valuation sessor $57.00. total valuation $390.00, ?M. fl.40. toU, u.93. tjp. exemption $200.00 balance subject to Bonal total tax-'.-- publication r...o. . ,, ; K. 2211 alnntion of estate mn,niA tonnnn v,! Cleotihle G. de Gallegos. All WW m tax $725.00, Taxes $23. 5), penalty $286.00, less exemption, $200.00, bal- .v M. w property $333.00, i. e:: 3 acres ooiinaea ana r. ny a. it. $275.00 of pernona! $3.63, Ject to tax $690.00. Taxes $14.S0. taxes. 200 yards bounded X by X. $1.18, publication 40c, total $23.08. ance subject to tax $86.00. Taxes - $00S.f)0, exemp- - 'Gallegos, S and W by river: 150 vs. j Rafael Sanchez y Chavez. All ta- total valuation less publication 35c, total $4.1 penalty 74c, publication "5c, Montoya. Rito, S by J. Ma. Pino, V Bessie Cavnnaugh. Second half of penalty 18c, 1 4 . t subject tax $15.89. minded X and S by A. G. GaPegon, Part of NV of section 9. Tp. Kl, . n - , T ... ticu $200.00, balance to Second hair ot lax- 'e. taxes. House Rnd lot hour ded E by Felix Gonzales. E by S. Gallegos. W by J. M. C. IT X H. IS 11 Valuation of real es- - ' tm- - 47C PU'V by river, Lazara Sanchez de Sanchez. All atfo ef tatV I200.M bv Eighth treet. S by National street. es. 50 vs. bounded N and E 0.,H). m addd J." Martinez. Valuation of real estate it te of Property , j Imatlon 3c, total $10.31. 1 W by fence; 200 vs. taxes. 10 vs. bounded X by L. San- na W by lot of Lucero addition. X by S by G. Gonzales, ar.d subject tax $195.00. 15.50. total valuation $, '"' I i HI'ilnio Sanchez. All taxes. Part of W chez, S by It. K by amount to ',.' h,'.'t Anna Ilartntan. Valuation of real es N by Herrera, Martinez. Cuchil i . bounded and S J. Taxes $8.18. penalty 41c, publication xnption $2i'.00. subject to:,,'0'"11 .M section 2. twp. 15 X. R. 2CE. Valua-7.V- by T. Tapia. Valua- la W by cerro; 200 vs. bounded N 53" tate $700.00, of personal property by II. Garcia, E total $9.29. ' i.x $1S:..0. Taxes $1.113. alty f11' ? ' rU,,ll''a,,n real estate $200.00, added by of person- by J. R. Martinez S by A. Lobato, E tion of $55.00, total valuation $755.00 less tion of real estate $25S.00. Julian R. Garcia. All taxes. 100 1c, publication 35c. total $17.29. i101"1 lassesM.r valuation and by Mora grant, VV by f"'V' $50.00. total exemption $200.00, balance subject to al property $72.00, total valuation road. Valuation W M. M. MeSchooler. All taxes, land vs. bounded X by hill. S by river, Toma? Sena. All taxes. Land bounded amount subject to tax $250.00. Taxes tax $555.00. $17.98, penalty exemption $200.00, bal- of real estate $300.00, added by as- bounded N by bills, s by mesa. E by Taxes $330.00 less by Wm. Frank, E by A. Sena. Valua- N by land of 1st. Xat. Bank, S and $11.00, penalty 55c( publication 35c. $130.00. Taxes sessor $75.00, total valuation and . S9c, publication 35e, total $19.22. ance subject to tax tion real estate $230.00, of personf.1 E by game, W by Garcia y Apodaca, reek, W by J. M. Pino. Val. of real es- 70c, amount subject to tax $375.00. Tax- of J. total $11.90. M. Ccllers. All taxes. Personal $2.76, penalty 14c, publication property $15.,added by assessor $61, tate $50n, of personal property $395, es $15.75, penalty 79c, publication 70c, 40 yards. Valuation cf real estate $145 John L. Taylor. Second half of tax- property consisting chiefly of stock total $3.60. o " total valuation and amount subject property uuai. vai 4 1-- 4 taxes. Land total $17.24. of personal $130.00. total !ou"tu es. Tho SE of SE of aection of merchandise; valuation and Marto Lopez. All tax $306.00. Taxes $12.90. penalty uation and amount subject to tax by C. valuation $275.00 less exemption 10, the E 12 of XE the NE amount subject to tax $300.00. Taxea bounded N by J. Sandoval, S $13.90. $1244.00. Taxes penalty No. 26 65c, publication 35c, total $55.01. $2.75. 1-- ' Valuation Precinto $200.00, balance sube jet to tax $75.00. of SE the XW 4 of XE 4 of $19.44, penalty 97c, publication 35c, TruJIllo, E and W by ditch. Teófilo Garcia. Second half of tax publication 35c, total $55.11. personal prop- Taxes $3.22, penalty 16c, publication sections 14 and 15, twp. 12 N. R. 23E. total $20.75. of real estate $10.00, of Juan M. C. de Baca. All taxex es. 125 vs. bounded N by river. S ny Prudencio Santlllanes. All taxea. $52.01. 55c total $3.73. Valuation of real estate $200.00, of D. L. Chambers. Second half cf erty $200.00, added by assessor 100 vs. bounded X by river. S bv m... r-- i, r timón w hv Pb.i 160 acres bounded" by subject to r HeirB of John H. Teltlebaura. All X D. Coca, S by personal property by taxes. Personal property consisting total valuation and amount com. rights, E by F. C. de Baca. W by VP,' estate $155, $1570.00 added Valuation of real as T. OlTuin, W by mesa, E by Com. chiefly of stock of liquors, cigars and $262.00. Taxes $12.25, penalty X. C. de Baca. Valuation of real es- - valua- - taxes. Land known the Collins assessor $50.00, total valuation and tax bv assessor $33.00, total ujr itrnvHJ, Valua-- 35c, total $13.21. ranch, 100 acres; land known as the ,.6i0, i.m uuuhuvu ii u. .,-- . M- - t . 1S?n M saloon furniture and fixtures. 61c publication tate $200.00, added by .assessor $50, t!on nnd amount subject to tax $133. S by by Tto. All 1193 acres; land creek. W J. B Santlstevan, !, publIcRt!on 35c and amount subject to tax $700.00. lielrs of Jose Ma. Martinez. total valuation and amount subject to Taxe3 $4,06. penalty 20c, publication Coops. ranch, pennl f, ' N by top of E by A. Crespln. Valuation of real es-- Taxes $27.68, penalty $1.68, publica- 133 vs. bounded tax $250.00. Taxes $10.50, penalty 3,--c known as the Teltlebaum home ranch $44.93 taxes. totAl $4.61. $435.00, u.i 1-- 2 tate of personal property tion S5c, total $29.41. heights. S by river, E by M. Gallegos, 53c, publication 35c, total $11.38. of plata iled in 1887 and 1888, 2C28 Mrs. Mary E. Taylcr. Second half Eugene Gaussoln. Second half $12.00, by All taxes. IBS vs. bounded added assessor $112.09. tax-s- . Alejandro Clements. W by Water Canon; NT by acres. Valuation of real estate $5976, of The NW 4 of section 27, Francisco C. de Baca. All taxes, taxes. 150 vs. bounded red hill. k. river, E. Taxes $24.60, penalty $1.23. publica- House and lot bounded N by T. top of heights, S by - b assessor $1494.00, total val- twp. 12 N. It. 23E. Valuation of real N bv 100 vs. at Joya Larga; land at Palo- S by S. river, E by T. Gaussoln, W added Ull- - tion 70c, total $26.63. S by A Campos, E by U by Water Canon; es-X- o. b- M. Galléeos. W durosa, beginning at a point 756 feet by .1. D. Hand. Valuation of real uation and amount subject to tax estate $210.00, added by assessor S by J. Gal-lego- s, Daniel Wells. All taxes. 160 acres barrl, W by C. Meyer. Valuation of land bounded N by road, 63 E from the XE corner of the tate $100.00, of persona! property $7470.00. Taxes $313.74, penalty $40.00, total valuation and amount Martinez, Val- of land not bounded. Valuation of real estate $100.00 added by assessor E by F. Riberay claim of Jullanlta L. C. de Baca. $1104.00, total valuation $1204.00, less $15.03, publication $1.05, total subject to tax $250.00. Taxes $11.00, amount sub- real estate $225.00, of personal pro- $25.00. total valuation and amount uation of real estate and thence X 63 degrees east 4.16 chain.', exemption $200.00, balance subject ta penalty 55c, publication 35c, total $15.03, 1330.48. perty by subject tti tax $125.00. Taxes $8.11. ject to tax $358.00.. Taxes S 15 degrees 357 chains, tax $1004.00. Taxes $24.36, penalty taxes, $155.00, added assessor $11.90. thence E G. L. Van Fleet. All tne sw penalty 41c, publication S5e, total. 75c, publication $1.05, total - $95.00, total valuation and amount penalty thence W 4.16 chains. thece 15 de- $1.22, publication 35c, total $25.93. '14 of section 19, Twp. 17 X. R. 19E, The North American Investment taxes. subject to tax $475.00. Taxes $21.03, $8.87. $16.83. grces North, thence W 351 chains to Jose Gonzalez y Baca. All 112 4 of Co. Second half of taxes. divi Second half and tie E acres of SE The J. R. eleven ger. Second half or vidala de Montano. - X S by foot penalty $1.05, publication 35c, total 1-- the corner of beginning and NW cor- 285 vs. bounded by river. 24. Twp. 17 X. R. 1SE, 272 ded 3 Int. In the Preston Beck 170 bounded N by P. section taxes. Lots 17 and 18 m block A, of taxes. vs. 160 acres. Valuation of real es- - o" hill, E by M. Jimenez, W by Los valuation $22.43. W by tier, acres. Valuation of real estate $272, Grant, P2.901 acres. Valuation of. real Rosenwald addition. Valuation of A de Maes, S by G. Gonzales, Luceros. Valuation o freal estate tate $300.00, added by assessor $75.01, ty assessor $136.00, total val- Precinto No. 28 estate and amount subject to tax $600.00, or personal prop- 65 vs. bounded N by Puertoclto. to-ta- x added real estate oad; total valuation and amount subject to $285.00, added by assessor $71.00, $19,870.00. Taxes E by top of moun- uation and amount subject to tax $437.14, penalty erty $55.00. (total valuation $655.00 5 bv F. Sanchez, $375.00. Taxes $15.T1, penalty tal valuation and amount subject to Totnag Brlto. All taxes. Improve-ment- a Gallegos. Valuation $408.00 Taxes $17.13, penalty 86c, $21.86, publication 35c, total $459.35. less exemption $203.00, balance ub- tain W by J. M. 7Pc, publication 70c, total $17.25. tax $356.00. Taxes $14.95, penalty of government land, valuation $300.00, added by as- publication 70c, total $18.69. ject to tax $455.00. Taxea . $14.75, of real estate Maria Ignacia O de Baca. Second 75c, publication 35c, total $16.05. $15.00, of personal property $379.09, Precinct No. 29. valuation and 133 Wesley Allen. All taxes. The E of penalty 74c, publication 40c, total sessor $75.00, total half of taxes. 30 acres bounded X by Ricardo Gonzales. All taxes val- 1-- added by assessor $40.00, total 4 2 28, LoU nmount subject to tax $375.00.' Taxes beginning at XW corner of XE and W of XW of sec. Victoriano Abeytia. All taxes. $15.89. S. river, B by main ditch, E by S. acres uation $434.00 lesa exemption $84,00, tax- 70c, to- 2 aection 27. 10, 11, 12 in block 32, S. M. T. Co., Mary Colvllle. Second half of $7.88. penalty 39c, publication O. claim, X 63 degrees E 4.16 the W of XW of river, W by A. Gallegos. Valuation thence balance subject to tax $350.00. Taxes 31, M. 4 21, of real estate ea. Lota 18 and 17 in block S. tal $8.97. of rent Í213 00. nersonal chains, thence S 15 degrees E 337 the SE of SE of section addition. Valuation tas- óslate of $17.18, penalty 86c, publication 35c, T, es- y Vigil. All 4 ,1-- 4 22, $200.00 of property $25.00, Co. addition. Valuation of real Juan Jose Quintana property $61.00 valuation and chains, thence W 4.16 chains, thono the SW of SW ot section personal Quin total total $18.39. $300.00 added by assessor $50.00, es. 60 varas bounded N by P. 'to X 15 degrees W 336 chains. Valuatlon au jn Twp. 17 X. R. 16E. Valuation total valuation $225.00, less exemp- tate amount subject tax $274.00. Taxes taxes. Person- amount aubject D. Maes, E by mountain, , by as- - pro Anto.ilo Chavez. All tion $200.00, subject total valuation and tana, S by $5 83. penalty 2.-c- publication 35c, to- - of real estate $173.00, added 0f real tutate $560.00, of personal balance to tax Canon. Valuation al property consisting chiefly of cat pub- to tax $350.00. Taxes $11.35, penal- brow, W b Water tal $6.47. sessor $, Total valuation perty $46.00, added by assessor $25.00. Taxes $1.63, penalty Sc, $72.00, of personal prop- tle, valuation $20.00, added by asses- ty 67c, publication 40c, total $12.32. o? real estate Feliciano C. de Raca. All taxes. 160 and amount rubject to tax $216.00. $153. 00, total valuation and amount lication 60c total $2.31. valuation $92.01, $29.00, valuation and amt Francisca O. Coombs. All taxea. erty $20.00, total acres bounded X by river, S by Mon- - Taxes $9.07, penalty 45c, publication Bubject to tax $758.00. Taxes $31.85, sor total Procoplo Abeytia. Second ball nf $32.00, balance sub- tax $40.00. Taxes $1.79, Lots 7 and half of 8 In block 34, H. less exemption toya grant, E by Kroenlg land, W by 35c, total $9.87. 'penalty $1.59, publication 35c, total subject to taxes. Lot 3 in block 4, L. S, & S. ad- $60.00. Taxes $2.54. pen- All 140 penalty 9c, publication 35c, total S T. Co., addition. Valuation of reál ject to tax F. Baca. Valuation of real estate $300, Jose X. Gonzales. taxes. 79 dition. Valuation of real estate $175, 35c. total $3.02. j33 estate $200.00, of personal property, alty 13c, publication added by assessor $75.00, total valua- - acres, beginning at XW corner of $2.23. of personal property $25.00, added by All taxes. 100 j $25.00 added by assessor $57.00, total Feliciano Quintana. tlon and amount sutjeet to tax $375. claim, thence X 63 degrees E 4.15 Precinto No. 27 Teloüfor M. Chavez. All taxes. 120 assessor $50.00, total valuation and S by . valuation and amount subject to tax vs. bounded N by. J. II. Herrera, S 1 degrees fc, Taxes Í15.76. nenaltv 79c. publication chains, thence .7 . i t ...... i.. All 1 v Vii araran acres, part of section C, Twp. 12 N. amount subject to tax $250.00. Taxes by S. Quintana, $282.00. Taxes $18.27, penalty 91e, edge of mountain, E 35c, $16.90. ' ' $150, total cna.ns.uMtm . h.,,,,,,, by A. R. 24E. valuation of real estate $3.11, penalty 41c, publication 20c, Quintana; 70 vs. bound- .i" v ,! -S hv roada.' E J. publication 40c, total $19.58. W by J. Ma. Jullanlta C. de Baca. All taxes. 100 N 15 degrees W ::37 cnains 10 uie, . property $206.00, added total $3.72. river, . NV by of personal James N. Cook & Bro. All taxes. N by L. V. Grant, S by G. begin- - place of beginning. vtenci. üona A,7 ed tp not bounded; 140.25 acres, NW corner and by assessor $114.00, total valuation Emma Adlon. Second half of taxei. C. Quintana. W by same. Val- $379.00, N and S by lusoba, L by II. Personal property consisting chiefly E bv J. ntng at NW corner, thence X 63 de-- Valuation of real esUte $200.00, bal- 11 13 29 M. T. $50.00, of person-a- l W by road. Valuation oi $470.00 less exemption Lots and In block 8. of stock of merchandise. Valuation uation of real estate E 4.16 chains, thence S 15 de- - ded by assessor $95.00, total valuation .Gutierrez, Ptees pro- - ance subject to tax $270.00. Taxes Co. addition. Valuation of real estate of personal property aud amount ub- - property $192.00, added by assessor corner amount subject to tax $474.00. real estate $173.00. of personal grees E 343 chains to the XW and CSc, 35c, amount tax less - o. $13.53, penalty publication aud aubject to $750.00. ject to tax $350.00. Taxes $22.69, $85.00, total valuation $327.00, place beginning. Valuation of Taxes $19.91, penalty $l.uu, ptiDuca tpurty Iüu.uu wuu va.uuuon nnd of Taxes $22.68, penalty $1.13, publica penalty $1.13, publication 33c, exemption $152.00, balance subject to - 35c, $21.26. exemption $200.00 balance sub- total $14.56. total real estate $275.00, added by assesso- tlon total .: 39c, L. Chavez. All taxes. The tlon 402, total $24.21. $24.17. tax $175.00. Taxes $7.84. penalty amount .D. Hand. All taxes. Persona' ject to tax $28.00. Taxes $1.29. pen- Marta de $69.00, total valuation and j 1-- 1-- 15 - 1-- 2 S 12 of SW Chas. W. Allen. All taxes. Lots Mrs. Crusie Cordem All publication 70c, total $8.93. subject to tax $344.00. Taxes $14.4", property, valuation and amount 'sub- alty 6c, publication 70c, total $2.05. S of SE the tax's. 1-- 2 2 Land 2 N ot SW and 16 in block 34, S. M. T. Co. ad- Lot in block 3, Teltlebaum addition. Peter Trambley. All taxes. pcnalty 72c, publication 70c, total Ject to tax $1310.00. Taxes $55.03, Touiaa Chavez. All taxes. 400 yds. the N of SE the hill-- . S and N by creek, 24, N 1-- 2 of SE 4 and dition. Valuation ot real estate and valuation of real estate $100.00, of bounded E by $15.87. penalty $2.75, publication 35c, total N by P. Santlllanes S by of sec. the el- Bounded personal property $10.00, by estate $150.00, 4 of aec. 17, all In twp. amount subject to tax $100.00. Taxes added Valuation "f real Xestor C de Baca. All taxes. 100 $58.18. E. Pudllla, E by L. Chavez, W by SW of SE $38.00, valuation of $650, $6.48, penalty 32c, publication 40c, to- assessor $28.00, total valuation and ided bv a, srr total vs. bounded X by river, S by G. Baca, Alfred B. Manby. Second half of real ea- - 13, N. R. 25E. Val. of real estate $188.00. r. de Gutierrez. Valuation amount subject totax $138.00. Tax- and a'mov subject to tax bv L. C. de Baca. W by Montoya taxes. 180 acres being a part of the of personal property $485.00. total tal $7.20. E , 230.00. of personal property es $3.94, penalty 45c, $7.r9, penalty 40c, publication not Dounaea and amount subject to tax W. A. Allison. All taxes. Lots 26 publication 20c, Taxes grant; 142.25 acres, beginning at the Watrous ranch, vju-- ou- valuation $290.00 less valuation $8.64. $270.00. by penalty and 27 in block 2, Ortega addition. total $9.59. 35c, total XW 4 claim, thence 63 degrees a tlon of real esUte to $1135.00. Taxes $51.61, All taxes. 16. balance Lizzie F. Dailey, All taxes. Per- Ricardo Urioste. 4 50 S 15 degrees E assessor $67.00, total valuation and publication 70c, total $54.89. Valuation of real estate $150.00, add- chains, thence iff ü( 'J0'00' .3 20t' $2.58, land on Ortiz grant. Valua- tax $337.00. Taxes .tax $90 9J' X valua- sonal property, valuation and amount acres of 345 chains thenc W 4.16 chains, amount .object to R. de Chavez. All taxes. The ed by assessor $38.00, total estate $235.00 of personal publication 35c, publication 3,c, total Josefa subject to tax $150.00. Taxea $9.72, tion of real N 15 degrees W 345 chains to $7.08, penalty 35c, f 1-- 4 tion and amount subject to tax $183. thence NW 4 of section 21 and SE of $52.00, total valuation $287. - penalty 49c, publication 35c, total property the NW corner and place of begin- total $7.78. j Jose,Igna?loH 25E. Val- Taxes $12.19, penalty 61c, publication 'sub- N J. Jlron 8 py aection 20, In Tp. 13 N. R. $10.56. less exemption $200.00, balance ning. Valuation of real estate $277 Antonio Martinez. All taxes. The acres 7" 40c, total $13.20. pen- of real estate $500.00, of per- $3.68, 4 2 4 Sandoval, W by I uation Albert Denton. Second of tax- to tax $87.00. Taxes valua- - 2 XW and N of SW mesa, E by P. half ject added by assessor $69.00. total S of $35.00, valuation Frances E. Belden. All taxes. LoU 35c, total $4.21. 18 Val-- 1 Valuation of real estate sonal property total ea Porsonal property .valuatloo alty 18c, publication tlon and amount subject to tax $346. of section 20, Tp. 17 N. R. E. Ullbarrl. 10, 11, 12 In block 2 Blanchard & Co. property $120.00, and amount subject to tax $535.00. $129.00. Taxes $4.18, penalty 21c, Taxes $14.53. penaltv 73c. publication uation of real estate $200.00, added $25C. 00 of personal addition. Valuation of real estate and Precinto No. ?5 - $1.18, publica by assessor $50.00, total valuation and 'total valuation $276.00 less exemp- Taxes $23.54, penalty publication 35c total $4.74. 70c, total $15.96. amount subject to tax $375.00. Taxes Henry - Taxes tion 70c, total $25.42. Denwlddle. Second half of Albino Archuleta. All taxes. Nestor C. de Baca, trustee. All tax- amount subject to tax $250.00. Uon $200.00. balance subject to tax publication 60c, Jose taxes. An undivid- $21.29, penalty $1.21 taxes. Lots 5 6 In 4 of 53c, publication 35e,jj176-00- Xaxeg penalty 40c, O. L. Curtis. All and block li, 8. S 2 of SW the SW es. M00 vs. bounded N by river, W $10.50. penalty i $3.04, ; The Grant, total $26.10.5 r M. T. Co. addition. 1 23, S by $11.88. ed interest in the Preston Beck Valaution of real SE 4 and lot No. of section by Gonzales, E by Jullanlta, total publication 35c, total $8.79. & Vegaa Guaranty All undisputed portion. Valuation I!eldn Laa Title estate $450.00, of personal property Tp. 19 N. R. 14 S. Valuation of real Montoya grant; 139.50 acres, begin- - Refugio Mondragon. taxes. Gallegos. AU taxes. 100 vs. in the Nlcoa3 as- & Invest. Co. All taxes. LoU 1 to S $50.00. personal property N 63 da- - acres bounded N by Toro Lake, S by S by Florea, of real estate $500.00 added by total valuation $500.00, lest estate $200.00, of nlng at NW corner, thence fbounderl N by N. jiron, J. 7, 17 20 lncl. Lopez, W by . valuation and Inch, In block lots to exemption $200. ao, balance subject to $44.00, total" valuation $244.00, less grees E 4.16 chains, thence N 15 de-- Mesitas, E by S. edsej d w by mcsa. valuation of sessor $125.00, total Taxes In blo ik 10,i lot3 13 to' 18 lncl. In blk. tax $300.00. Taxes $9.73, penalty 49c exemption $200.00, balance subject to grees W 339 cnains to tne nw cor- - or moma, aiunuuu vi iw $80.00, of personal pro- amount subject to tax $025.00. $100.00, real estate 35c, 11 lots 14 to 20 lncl. in block 12 loU publication 40c, total $10.62. $44.00. Taxes $1.87, penalty 9c, ver and place of beginning. Valua- - $400.00, added by assessor added by aasessor $27.50, penalty $1.38, publication tax aubject perty $475.00, 6 & 7 In block 13. and all of blocks Patrick Dugan. All taxes, Lot 13 publication 35c, total $2.31. tlon oí real estate $274.00, added by total valuation and amount amount total $29.23. $139.00, total valuation and 14, 15 16, all L. S. & R. addi- In block 10 taxes. 50 vs. $69.00, valuation and to tax $500.00. Taxes $21.00, penalty vs. and in of T. Romero addition. Cruz Duran. All assessor total subject to tax $694.00. Thxe $31.01, Doroteo Gallegos. All taxes, 100 C. z, publication 35c, total tion. Valuation of real estate and Valuation of real estate $65.00, added bounded X by J. R. Duran, S. by amount subject to tax $343.00. Taxes $1.05, publication 35c, total bounded N by A. Duran, S by J. Ma- gov. nonoUir 70e Anlcfvta Gallegos de Montoya. All penalty $1.55, amt. subject to tax $725.00. Taxes by assessor $16.00, total valuation E by road, W by park; niii.Ttrntinn" - - - G. W by ditch. Valu- itiii ny t 01 drid, E by river, and amount subject to tax $81.00, Tax- house' lot bounded N by Rociada, total $15 83. taxes. 42 vs. bounaea reu um, $40.99 penalty $2.35, publication and R. de Gutierrez All tares, ation of real estate $100.00, added by es $5.24, penalty by R. riv- Lucero de Baca. All tax- - R by S. river. E by J. D. Hand W by Rafaela $2.60, total $51.94. 26e, publication 20c, river. S by J. R. Duran, E Jullanlta , total valuation and Gallegos. Valuation of real es-- 50 yards, bounded N by P. Olguln, 3 assessor $25.00, Evallne C. Benjamin, AU taxea. Lota total $5.70. er, S by J. R. Duran, E by river, es. 144.50 acres, beginning at tha J. N. assessor $10.00,! by Jlron, E by T. Martinez W by amount subject to tax $125.00. Taxes John B. Floyd. Second half of tax- by road. Valuation of real estate NW corner, thence N 63 degrees K tate $42.00, added by J. 25, 26, 27, 28 in block 38 IL S. T. Co. W to Valuation of real estate $5.51, penalty 28c, publication 25c, es. Lots 23 and 24 in block 3, of Pa- personal property $163.00, 4 50 chains thence S 15 degrees E total valuation and amount subject r. Encinas. addition; half interest in lots 12 3 4 $155.00, of 00 blo $2.19. penalty , personal property $30 total $8.14. Baca addition. Valuation of total valuation $318.00, less exemp- 349 chains,' thence W 4.50 chains, tax $52.00. Taxes 28. 00, of In block 3 Ilfeld & Baca addition. rel 35c, $2.65. $14.00, vaU-corn- Maximiano Gonzales. All taxes. The estate $450.00, of peraonal property $200.00, balance subject to tax thence N 15 degrees 347 chains to NE lie, publication total (added by assessor tttal Valuation of real estate $2650.00, of tion Bection 20, Twp. 13 N. R. $50.00. $500.00 ex- 1 Land and Grazing Co. subject to tax 172. NW of total valuation less $118.00. Taxes $5.16, penalty 2Cc, pub- and place of beginning. Valua-- The Union 'atlon and ara0unt personal property $100.00, total valu- viz Paul Butler, Blance Butler Ames Taxeg penalty 16c, publication 13E. Valuation of real estate $226.00, emption $200.00. balance subject to lication 70c, total $6.12. tion of real estate $181.00, added by , $319i ation and amount subject to tax sections 1, 12 and personal property $77.00, added by tax $300.00. Taxes $9.72, penalty 49c, Canuto Martinez. Second half of assessor $45.00, total valuation and All taxes. Part of ,nC( total j370 of $2750.00. Taxes $178.20, penaty $3.91, - N. R. 19 E.; al of flections $195.00, total valuation and publication 40c. total $10,61. taxes. House and lot. Valuation of amount subject to tax $226.00. Tax- 13, Tp. 17 Q p Hammond and h. E. Blake. All assessor publication $1,80, total $188.91. 5, 6, 15, 16 17, 18, 34 20 A subject $198.00. Tax- J. P. Fonner. All taxea. Lot 1 in $50.00, of personal proper- es $9.49, penalty 47c, publication 35c, 4, 7, 8. 9. Uxe3 () RCreg bounded N by J. F amount to tax Blgford. All real estate Mrs. Nellie taxes. Lot 11 addition, val- s 1 o- - nu ov, . v. w T penalty $1.16, publication block of T. Romfo ty $188.00, valuation $238.00. less trtnl Í10 31. r, a hv Martinet. W es $23.26. 13, 7, S. & total a 13, 23, Ttt,oi ' in block I R. addition. $300.00, added subject to Thinker & Lnens. All taxes An 29 K: part of sections 3, 10, 14 of 35c, total $24.77. uation of real estate exemption $108.00, balance 1 valuation real w - j Valuation of real estate $200.00, of 14c, 500 acres 25, 29 33 33 Tp. 17 n. u. w, an 01 sec- by assessor $94.00, total valuation and tax $130.00. Taxes $2.87, penalty undivided interest of in fey aaf,e8Sor fl, 0 Carlota TJ. de Lopez. All taxes. The personal property $20.00, val- tíons 30 and 31 Tp. 17 N.R. 21E; part or total amount subject to tax $394.00. Tave publication 35c, total $3.36. Wright place about 8 miles from Las yaluftt,on and ftmount gubjt SE Of section 8, Twp. 11, N. R. R. 21 uation $220.00 less exemption $200.00 $25.53, penalty $1.28, publication 20e, All taxes. 15 Vegas, being 23 to 27, Tp. sections 29 and 32. Tp.17 N. Ro- Teófilo Martinez. sections Rj m M Tflrea $27g p,nftltr 24E; 'and bounded N. by A. A. balance aubject to tax $20.00, taxes $27.01. es- - section 24, 25 and 26 Tp. total bounded N by T. Martinez, S 17 N. R. 17. E. Valuation of real E; part of -.- .vi,-.!- or Ro- acres total $3 27 mero, 3 by C. Robledo. E by E. $1.30, penalty 7e, publication 20c, to- IT. J. Franklin. All taxes. Lot 3 Suazo, E and W by gov. land, tate and amount subject tax ,750,, is N. 19 E; all of 19. 29 by T. t. sections mero. W by J. L. Lopez; land bound- ta $1.57. In Mock 33 S. M. T. Co. addition. 14, Tp. 19 N. R. 11 being in aection PUb"Ca',E Ik JoMSÍÍ'afd taxes .12 acres ed N by road, S by S. II. Neafus, E Walter I,. Boardman. Second half Valuation of real estate $50.00 addod E; 300 ydg bounded N by J. Sanchez tTs5 S,1SSy acre,. D. Martinez E by El Rito W by L by J. L Lopez, W by top of moun- of taxes. Ixts 3 snd 4 In block No. by assessor $13.00, total valuation nnd S by V. Ramirez, E by Cuchil- H. E. Byers. All taxes. Land on 34. Tp. 18. N. R. 20 E, 24,500 6 Bro. Jaramlllo; house and lot bounded N tains; land bounded N by road, 3 3 of Martinez addition. Valuation of amount subject to tax $63.00. Taxen R. Valuation of real each side of R. R. track and S of Valuation of real estate and amount la, W by Bustos. by T by round mountains; E by J. J. Her- to tax $1.09, penalty 20e, publication 20c, to- personal property Kroenlg pasture, formerly of Wm. subject to tax $36,750.00. Taxes by D. Jaramlllo, E JaramllH. real estate and amount snblect estate $590.00, of $3:10.' pub- - publication by D. Martinez. Valuation of raal rera. W by C. rights. Valuation of real Taxes $12.64. penalty 63c, tal $4.49. $611.00, total valuation $1201.00, less Kroenlg and' Benito Garcia. Valua- $1543.50, penalty $77.18, W of personal property estate and amount aubject to tax lication 40c, total $13.67. Antonia Garcia. All taxes, tot exemption $200.00, balance subject to tlon of real estate $400.00, added by i$2.80, total $1623.48. estate $72.00, Jdlaíj tax- -- IS ía block k of T.tUiuia tddiUon !6uc. total I1S.29. $2u2U.Ou. Txe Jiij.To. penally i until. Second lai uí $C3o. Taxei $21.07. penalty $1.0-.- ':. 3 and 4 in block 9, nl lot lu assessor $100.00, total valuation $293, M es. Part of lots j, 10 and JJ, 'publication - 2UB-uati- V!uuuu of estate and acuoua: $3.73, publb atioa $3.:'J, total $2yb.C9. a 4c, total $22.52. block 12, of L. S. &. H. aiditíon. Va'.- exemption $200.00, balance 5. 6 and N of 7, In block 2:id uljtH-- to taxrl:3.00. laxe $i.3. taxes. Lois 20 aiid 21 In block 2, sn.J JiiAfpli UriUilti. AU taxe, ljuli Andy Storz. All taxes. lVrB0n.1I of real estate and amount ject to tax $198. Taxes $8.73, penal-subje- VI. r rado alüition. ValuaUiin of n-ta- t rejiltjr Sc, publication 20c, total ft b'ts 21 ta 21 ind.. In block 2 f 1 and 2 la block 11 of L. S. It. ad real property; valuation and amount su to tax $140.01. Taxes $.u7. ty 41c, publication 33c, total $9.52. V. $12JS.uo, of personal property Jtiiu Ma. Caída. All Uxts. Lou T. Co.. addition. Valuation of dition. Valuation of real estate $300. Ject to tax $iC3.00 Taxes $10.70, pci -- penalty 43c, publication SOc. tot .1 Manuel 1). Montova. All taxea. 550 $150.00, le-i- $1C30.00, total valuation $13SS.OO l'0-"- " 13 fciiJ 14 ;a 4 of L. S. & S. rtaj e.tta nf personal pro;i-$23.0- added by assessor $75.00, total valua alty 51c, publication 33c, $11.5". N blotk exemption total 'w. bounded by T. Martinez. S by real erty total valuation $1G73.00 amount $2Uc.00. balance subject to eJdition, Valuation of eíuto tion and subject to tax $375. - y All Unknown Owners. All taxeó. Lots L. Quintana, E by A. Vigil, y by C. tax Taxes Deaaity Vicente- Trujillo Fresciucz. added ty assessor $5.00. total exemption $200.00. balanr :. Taxes $21.29, penalty $1.21, publica- Illüü.úJ. $$.52. I, 2, 3 and 4 1, 5 $.U'ü iss publication taxes. Ix)ts 6 and 7 in block 12 of L. in blck ncl lots arJ Lucero: 0 vs. bounded N by road, a subject to tax Jec to tax $1473.00. Taxes 40c, $l.i3, $1.C0, total $12.05. 6 va'aulluu and amount $17.7. tion total $23.90. S. & R. addition. Valuation of reU in block 2 of Falrvinv o . by ditch, E by E. Lopez, YV by R. de pub-Ika'.iu-U per, alty $2 39. Mary . Taxe $1.63, penally 8c, publication SOc, toUl Natividad Martlnex. All taxes. Lot Purcell. Second half of tax- estate $215, of personal property $1!, Valuation of real estate anil &:noimr Ii-ihh- Valnitlnn itf .roal aetata 2 $30 .98. es. N of E 8. 10 . - 4uc, lota! $2.11. 11 In block 4 of L, S. 8. addition. of lots 9. li total valuation $258.00 less exemp- isubject to tax $130.f-0- Taxes $9.7.1. "0. of personal property $76.09, G H. Hutchison. All 12, and S 2 of 7 In block 2, Eldorada Mrco Garduño. Alt taxes. Lot lo. taxes. Lot Valuation of real estate $23.00 added tion $200.00. balance subject to tax mrnaii tjc, puDiicanon i.;u, total tot ii valuation fij'j.UO le.--s exemp-$1-1. 3! addition. Valuation real 4 la block 31 of 8. M. T. Co. addition. in block 8 of L. V. T rv aa. atsesor $7.00, total valuation and nf o.l.i'n $58.00. Taxes $3.78. penalty 19c, pub- 2. tion balanc subiect tn tar $812.00, of personal Valuation of real estate $100.00 of tlun. Valuation of real estate and amount subject to tax $32.00. Taxes property $55.00, licación 40c, total $4.37. Unknown Owners. All taxes. Lot ;$ Taxes $11.29, penalty 56c, valua- ount suliject to total valuation and amount suhl-- t personal property $S3.00, to tal tax $230.00. Taxes $2.07, penalty 10c, publication 20c, to- Magnus Talt. All taxes. Lot 34 in 10, 11, 12, 20 and 7 to 13 Ind.. in publication 70c, total $12.35. 1.18. penalty 81c. nuliiiraiinn to tax $867.00. Taxes $28.08. penal- - ron $220.00 les exemption $2i0. in. tal $2.37. block 31 of S. M. T. Co. addition. Val- block 50, Buena Vista addition. Val - Vicente Sanchez. All taxes. 23 . fotal $17.19. ty $1.40, publication $1.20, total $30.68. fcaíanc subject to tax $30.X-- Taxes l)mlngo Martinez. All taxes. Lot uation of real estate $100, added by uatlon of real estate and amount sub- - vs. bounded W by V Trullllo. E br to- Ltta E. $.'.02. penalty 10c, publication 20c. uan F. Jariimlibi Si.n.n ,,.if 12 in block 4 of L. S. & S. addition. Reed. All taxes. Lotj 11. assessor $23.00, total valuation and Ject to tax $275.00. Taxes $17.R2, J. C Martinez. S bv Cuchilla. V , Ü 12 ' Í2.S2. tax es. I3ta E. 7 In lr fi f 3 and 13 In block 6, L. & penalty tal "ilv v AJ.t ,J . Valuation of real estate $23.00 added 8. R. ad amount subject to tax $123. Taxes S9c. publication $1.20. totil Cudiilla. Valuation i,t ata- - S. addition. dltlon. Valuation Gibson &. SdU. All taxes. Luti 6. Valunllnn nf ,0.1 ... by as.ief.Hor $7.00, total valuation and of real estat nd $8.11, penalty 41c, publication 20c, $19.91. and amount subiect tr tax tic? no tat eo 130 DO ,!,ti. Kv ,.! , . amount subject to t.. 6. 7 la block 2 oí I &. & U. additlod. amount subject to tax $32.00. Taxes tax $25.00. Taxes total $8.72. Unknown Owners. All taxe. Lots es $2.02, penalty 10c, publication tota! penalty 35c. Valuation oX rcul estate and amount valuation and amount subject to $2.07, penalty 10c, publication 20c, to-- $2.67. publication 60c. 11 to 40 lncl.. In block 2: lots 3 to 12 t'rtal $2.47. $63.00. total $56.74. Taylor & Storm. Second half of subject tax $1 30.00. Taxa $3.7.1. tax Tum ,a. and 21 to 34 to lni tax $2.37. taxes. Ix)ta 5 and 6 in block 4 of ind., In block 3; lots 15 Benigno Truijillo. All taxes. 401 49c, publication 63c, total publication Ce, trKal $2.75. W. T. Reed. 40 penalty Harriet I!. Martinez. Second half All taxes. Personal Falrvlew addition. Valuation of real to In block 4; Jots 5 to 14 and 22 vs. bounded N and S bv Cuchilla R F. W. Kelley. property. Valuation 110.81. Al! taxes. I,ts 23 of taxes. Lot 35 and N 3 feet cf 34 $180.00, less ex- estate $100.00, of personal property to 40 inc., in block 5. lots 1 to 5 Inc., by R. Vlgi!, W by R. Lujan. Valuad id 2 la block 4 emption $33.00, Mrs. J. J. Gltchlrst. Second half of BInnchard & Co. In block 19 of S. M. T. Co., addition. balance subject to $.10.00 added by assessor $108.00, to- lots 23 to 34 Inc., In block 9, all in Lo- tlon of real estate $175.00 of personal 10 11 In block ." Idltlon. Valautlon ,tax $123 00. Taxes $8.10. pez cf law. Lots and of real estate Valuation of real estate and amount penalty 41c. tal valuation and amount subject to Sulzbacher & Stearns addition. property $218.00 total valuation $6J3, or 'OO.Oit, adej by publication 33c, cf labio Baca, addition. Vaiualton assxor aubject to tax $500.00. Taxes $16.20. total $8.86. tax $538.00. Taxes $17.43, penalty Val. of real estate and amt. subject less exemption $200, balance aubject or personal prop- valautlon and amount subject I 1'elrs real estate $650.00, to tax penalty 81c, publication 40c, total of Mrs. L. H. Reynolds. All S7c, publication 40c, total $18.70. ti tax $2480.00. Taxes $160.70, pen- to tax $J93.00. Taxes $22.22, penalty erty $30.0.), valuation $700.01. tales. . Ix)t8 11 alty total $17.41. and 12 In bloz'i 10 The Montezuma t'Inb. All taxes. $8.04. publication $3.20. total $1.11, publication 33c, total $2:5.N. Km exemption $2oo.00 batanee nbllcntion 40c, total. $17 40 of r. Romero addition. $171.94. Romaldo Martinez. Second half of Valuation of Personal property, valuation $1000 00 Asustin Yiiril. Ail taxea. 77 a, r Ji-- i t to tax $.oi).co. Taxes $ 16.20, pen- James Kerr. Beeiuul real estate half t;f taxe taxes. Lot. 20 In block 9 of L. S. & and amount subject to tux added by $1700.00, val- Unknown Owners. Al taxes. Lots of 6, 7 ou.oo. assessor total lind n't bourcled; 20 acre alty Sic, publication 40c, $!7.4t. and N of 8 Taxes ; bond total y in block 2 f I;, addition. Variation of real estate $22.67, penalty it uation and amount subject to tax 27 and S of 26 in block 11, of T. ed N and S by i.os 'i Homero ndditlun. publication 40c, Carros, E. ),y r. Mrs. I). F. CUtnet. All taxes. Part Valuation of !' of personal property $10,1.00, total $24.20. $2700.00. Taxes $174.96, penalty $8.75 Romero addition. Valuation of real Jujan, W by L. $i;u,t.i.n. Lnjui; lorndM 1 2 3 1G, Lopez Mat. of p,TRM;l, W. B. tf lots In blk. of or ro,,,,rly total valuation $:t"0.00, leas exemp- Rhodes. Second half of tax- publication 35c. total $14.06. estate and amount subject to tax N and S by R. Vi,--I E by J ".on, total viiltmtlon $65u.,K) es ditch W Zi ni 11Ü1 addition. Valuation of les ex- tion $200.00, bniiince subject to tax Porual property, valuation The Ross & Browne Wool Seour-in- z $225.00. Taxes $14.56. penalty 73c, by J. T. Jaraniilio; emption $200.00, i0 acres bound- f?!.iii and Biiiount subject t tax balance subject to ÍTOO.r.rt. Taxes $22.08. penalty $1.13, .'J.00, less exemption Co. All taxes. Lots 13 to IS inc. publication 40c. total $15.69, ed N X $20.00 and S by Carros, R. by p 73c, $ 130.00. Taxes $H.rS, anee subject Iis Jl'i'.'.flO. Taxe $14.58, penalty palty publication 20c, total $24.01. to tax $.'!()(). 00 Taxes in block 4 of B. . M. addition. Val Torres, W by L. Quintana -c, public nMun KOc, $9.72 Precinto No. 29 and Sou. pe.Vieatton COc, total $15.41. total $t5.9l. Byron T. Mills. All taxes. Half penalty 40c, publication sr.e. uation of real estate and amount sub- Valuation of rea! Vesas total $10.5(5. estate $1330.00, of Heirs fif Patricio Conzules. Sec- Iode No. 40K, l. j' o Interest In lots 17. 18. 19 and 4 to ) ject to tax $200.00. Taxes $12 97, Outside of the boundaries of the In personal property $100.01. added' hv i All tuxes. R- - ond half of taxes. Lot 11 and 15 Lot K. being a iub! lncl., In 9 of Haynolds & L. Ric hmond. penalty 65c, publication 40c, total City assessor $490.00, v. block Har All taxes. Per- corporated of Las Vegas. total valuation and 13 of lot. 9. 30, 31, 32, 33 34 $14.01. fct of J2, In block of L. S. & It. and In rolds addition; part of lot 2, and 17 sonal property, valuation $170.00, 1ms amount subject to tax $2120.00. Tax- MOCk 7. L. V. T. CO. ndrllltr,,, exemption Thompson. W. S. Bradley. Second half of tax eld :tlon. Valuation of roal estate to 24 In blk. 10 and Iota 1 to 7 and 17 $15.00. balance ubject tc, Mrs. Hnttle L. 3?con1 es $93.73, penalty ;4.G9, publication 4 - loet h of Grand ax $125 es. The SE of Sec. 30, In Tp. 16 $"r,.00 added by assessor $1.00, to- vpBw, nnfl f to 23 furl, and part of 24 In block 11 00. Taxes $U4. pena'ty half of taxes. Lots 17 and 18 In blk $1.40, total $99.82. 23 by 133 feet. 41c, 2 & N. K. 19 E. Valuation of real tal valuation and amount subject to Valautlon of of Raynoldg & Harolds addition. Valu- publication 33c, total $8.90. of Ilfeld Baca addition. Valua- estate Bablo Vigil. Second half of real estate and $160.00, taxes. tat $406.00. Taxes $13.1, penalty ex- Mrs. G. M. tion of real estate and amount sub added by assessor $80.00. to 73 vs. bounded N 1600.00. ation of real fHtate $227.00,' les9 Roberts. All taxes. Lots and s by top of COc, publication 40c, total $14.22. Taxe, $38.88, penalty 2 3 ject to tax $100.00. Taxes $3.24. pen tal valuation and amount subject to fi. emption $200.00, balance subject to and In block 32. S. M. T. Co., Cuchilla, W by S. Montoya, E by j. publication 35c, total $41.17, ad. 17c, publication 40c tax $240. Taxes $6.16, penalty 31c, Alfred Gren. All taxes. ICO aeren Taxes $1,74, 8c, dition. Valuation of alty total $3.81. Valdez; 33 vs. bounded N S Heirs of Mrs. tax $27.00. penalty real estate $200 publication and by N M. Sarah Leonard. All of personal Jojin Thornhlll. All taxea. Per 35c, total $6.82, Cuchilla TV' tv V r. v.. . 0 land bounded by 'Green, S $2.60, $1.42. property $25.00, n VnlJ. taxes. Lf tg 19 publication total total ty Wiley, r. by Commons, W by M. Mi 20 n Djk 5 of u fí $225.00 sonal property : valuation $300.00 ad ucuuu uau ui caica, cero, valuation of real & R. W. R. Mizo. All taxes. Personal less exemption $200 estate $1'i addition. Val. of tv.ol, f.ef nin ded by assessor $75.00, total valua- The SW 4 of Sec. 30, in Tp. 16 N. of personal Creen. Valuation of real estate and . vnwiv property, valuation $325.00, less ex- udiance suuject to tax $25.00. Taxe property $32 00 total va ii.o0.00, of personal nnd amount subject to $375. R. 19 E. Valuation of real estate ... amount subject to tax $2600.00, Tax- property $30 00 emption $75.00, subject H.63. penalty 8c, publication tion tax iintinn ...u'.. balance to 40c - omt KBi.muon ana t- -j Taxes $24.30. penalty $1.22. publica $160.00, added by assessor $80.00, to es Jl 68.48, penalty $.42, publication amount subject tax $450.00. Taxes $29.26, penal'.y total $2.11. $137,00. Taxes $3.53, penalty 18c tax $700.00. Taxes lir,.!fi tion 35c, total, $25.87. tal valuation and amount subject to miiiiinottn ?n ... ' 25c, total $177.23. $1.46, publication 35c. $31.07. C R. Rogers. 11 $2.27, totnl Lots and 12 In .Tameg $240.00. $6.16 publication 40c, $48.03. r'- II. Tolle. All taxes. Lo's tax Taxes penalty 31c, j Antonio Vigil. All 40 acres total Ml.s Nora Morrlasey. All taxes. bIork - I S. & R. Second half of tax- - Martha Green. taxes. addition. Valua- 7 11 , , i''"cney. Second half of tion to Ind., In block 6 of Blanch an! .. y,, D,Tin(ie(j K jjy. p, bounded N by Anna Ward, S by J. & ps. fa. Lot 5 In block 3 of Martinez addition. of real estate and amount sub- J(, Valdey Lot O In block 1 & Co.. pdditlon. Valuation of real es- Arthur Bradley. Second half of W o t' .. . . 1. V of OrteKa a of ron! $375,00. ject to tax $150.00. o film i oy DOruO E. Raynoldn, by Mora road, E Valuation estate ad Taxeg $9.71, pen-all- y el Valuation tate $500.00, of personal property taxes. The NW 4 of Sec. 30, in Tp. (Soo vs. by A. Green, lfiO acres not bounded. ded by assessor $94.00, total valua- 4Go, publication 40o, bounded E by F Valdez ?V of personal property total $19.57. $215 added by assessor $179. to 16 N. R. 13 E. Valuation of real es- - by Valuation $117100 $50.00, total val- tion and amount subject to tax $469, Peregrina E. Vigil. N and S by el bordo-- ' 175 of real estate of $500.00, Romero. All taxes. Lot tate $160.00, added by uation less exemption $200.00 3 In tal valuation and amount subject to assessor $S0.OOs. bounded E bv R peruana! property $J5.00 added by al- Taxes $30.39. penalty $1.52, publico-- block 11, L. S. ft R. addition. de Herrera W o Buojpci 10 tax $300.00. tax $S94.00. Taxes $57,94, penalty total valuation and amount subject bv n. vigil. bo"rd- $331.00, total valuation and Taxes tlon 20c, total $32.11. Valuation of real estate $50.00. N and S by El ienor $9.72, i- added penalty 49c. nnMoti - by $2.90. publication 40c, total $61.24. to tax $240.00. Taxes $6.16, penalty Valuation estate' amount ubjwt to tax $1754.00. Tax-t- P. J. Murphy, Seronfl half of tax-ef- l. assessor $13.00, total of real $55 00 of total $10.41. valuation Felicita Townsley. All taxes. Lot puuinauuu m cocui .0j. 2 3 31, and nmount ui, personal property $58 00 tota! vabm- - $113.77, penalty $5,69, publication Mm. Mary Lota i, and in blrrk S. subject to tax $63.00. Tax- taxes, Lewis. All taxes, al C In block 50, II. S. T. Co., addition. Julia Catron. Second half of tiryi $583.00. icRS exemption 70c, tola! $120.16. M. T. Co., addition. Valuation of real es $1.09, penalty 20c, publication 20c, $"00 01 pronortr.- - - valnntt.m i Valuation of real estate $100.00, nd- Land NE of City of Lag Vegas on W. aim OlIIUMIJL extnte $300.00 of personal property total $4.49. balance subject to tax S3S3.00 Taxes Mra, Mattle Greene, AH taxes. LoH subject to J 155 no tax T. ded by assessor $25.00, total valua- side of Mora"road between Mora roa i $8.45. netialty 42c. publication SI, 35, SO, 1), 31, 32, 33 In B, t.,. $30.00. total valuation $330.00. lesa Romero. All taxes. 4 ÍL05 ' block of penalty 50c, publication 35c Lots to tion and amount subject to tax $125. nnd mild to nnnpr fnwn Vntitotinn i n nn total exemption $200.00. tmianc subie-- t U' and 24 to 28 In block 12, rb! Uses addition. Valuation of and lots Taxes $8.11, penalty 41c, publication of real estate and amount subject to to tax $1,10.00. Taxes $1.21, penal- to 15 lncl., In block real estate and amount subject to tax I. K. Lewis. 13, and IoU I 20c, total $8.72. tax $300. Taxes $7.69, penalty 38c, Precinto No. 31 ty 21c, publication 60c, total ".02 to 6 Inc., and 19 to 30 $2700.09. Taxes $174.9(5, penalty $8.75 and 12 In r.- lncl., In bloc block 31 nf a i - ... IS Heirs of Juan de la Cruz TruJIllo. publication 3e, total $8.42. publication $1.40, total $185.11. dltlon. t Heirs of Mapgt Murrell. Al! tax- - of T. Romero addltlom. Valuation Manuel Apodaca. All taxes. 100 Valuation of real estate All taxea. Lot bounded N by M. Buo-to- Heirs of F, A. Manzanares. All 13 m. . Lots 10, 11, 8 9 In block 46 of real estate and amount vs. bounded W by mesa, E by P. H. Look Guln. All taxes. Lot In exemption subject to E by D. S by taxes. 60 vs. bounded N by Baca, .es $200.00, balance sub- of Buena Vista jddiUon, and tax $150.00. Cruz. D. Zamora, W J. Lopez, S by D. Baca. N bv block 8 of Martines & Fort's addition ject to los Taxes $9.72, penalty 49c, & P. Lucero: tax $390.00. Taxe - by Baros, Valuation of S by B. M. Co., E by Pecos creek, $23.27 pen- 20 21 publication real estate , Valuation of real estate $32.00, added and In block 14 of Lopez or $2.00. total $12.21. , . . , . ... muw aim coi. uouuuea w Dy ft. ljus-- PuWpntion 40c, total Zlon and amount subject to tax $12300. by $8.00, OZJ19' Hill addition. Valuation of real Janet Ross. All taxes. A 2-- 3 In- assessor total valuation and $26.93. Taxes $8.10, penalty 41c, estate and amount terest. In 1 publication mount hubject to tax $40.03. Taxes Crestlno subject to tax lots to 17 Inc., In block Leyba. All taxes. Lot 2 i 35c, total $8.86. w o ; $1350.00. Taxes $87.48, penalty $4.37, of Pablo Baca fi ,p.r p lu-- addition; ul'' $2.59, penalty 13c, 20c, In and lota sub-!.,,,- ,, ' publicaron block H of Raynoldg & Carrie Bell Vogt. Second half estate and amount, víí.s::,.... Harrolds publication and 7 of p - total $2.92. additlm,. $1.20, total $93.05. In block 8, L. V. T. Co., addi- u - iinnn n. . . assessor $08.00 total va ua- Valuation of real tion.. taxes. Lots 3 and 4 in block 5 of Pa r estate Charles McCulley. Second Valuation Thomn Harrison. All taxes. Lot 175.00 of persona! half of of real estate and property $60.00 taxes. The W 125 amount subject bio Baca addition. Valuation of real 2? In block 34 of S. M. T. Co. addition total vahiatlort feet of lots 29 and to tax $1140.00. Tax- TaW"uim 30 In es estate $600.00, of personal property Pablo Milto. Al, The ' ' Vn, nation of real estate and amount $.00.00 block A of Rosenwsld's addi- $73.87, penalty $3.6.1, publication S."" balance aubjoct to tax $33.00. 80c, $55.00, total valuntlon and amount $150.00. $9.72, tion. Valuation of real estate and total $78.36. t. rublect to tax Taxes ppnaUy subject to tax $655.00. S .'I2.9: J,c' Taxes $21.23,'.- penalty 49c, publication JOc, ST? PWicaUon amount subject to tax $600.00. Taxea James M. Russell. Second half total of penalty $1.00, publication 40c, totsl 1 Í10 41. $19.41. penalty 97c, publication 40 taxes. Personal property, "'Vllll; 5 valuation $22.69. .amount subject to - G?zaI(S' Z total $20.81. and nmount tax Tax- .? T A. Haul.!. Second half of taxej. - nd Jn subject to tax $300.00. 'es publLL f It block 3 of Rosen Mrs. Emma F. Ward. All taxes. $12.31. penalty 62 33 . Sub dtv. of lots 7. 8. 9, 11, 13 vR!d t Mrs. Emma B. McOee. All taxes. Taxes $19.44; nennltv i7e oq 'IZfZ $15.1.00, total valua- - 10, or Co. addition, Valuation Lots 28 and 23 in block 19 S. M. T. tntai of rea! Half In 1 3 4 tlon 35c, in ?1S5-00- . C, Interest lots 2 In blk. total $20.76. , exemption let in block 10, L. V. T. Co., addl and amount subject Co. addition. Valuation r n nw m. $5.00, to tax $70. 13 L. V. T. Co,, IT. of real estate ?10ft-nn- addition. Valuation William Salisbury. ba'anre ct t0 - Taxe ti'in Vacation of real estate $200 00 laxes $4.54. n,, Second half nnd amount and P I 1 r nenntf ...u.... !of real of subject to tax $700.00. P vv w 23c- ' estate $S00.00, of personal taxes. Lot 9 10 1 iM PenaUy - added ty assessor $200.00, total val- 20c, total $4.97. and In block Taxes $45.36, 'Le 4, tfií R. Plication 35c. property of penalty $2.27, publica- ip. M Valuation total $5 24 uation and amount subject to tax Mice 'au $40.00, tota valuation $810. Ortepi addition. Valuation of real R. Lonff. Al! taxes. Lot tion 40c, toital $48.03. Teo'noHo G5"., less exemption $200.00, bn!nnce sub-Jc- estate and amount sublect to """Ir'1'0 , y Mar,,,,,. All $40ii.00. Taxes $12.96, penalty n Work 1 of L. S. ft It. .nil tv Mrs. Anna .Ward. All taxes. S,T' addition: to tax $610.00. $700.00. TaxPo ! r.s ,.i Lots 'V0M't. - -- pub $13,81. Mnr-b- - Taxes $41.47, N leatlon 20c. total 13 Bnd 14 In -- ilt Yt n ir,.,ia.ii,rr,oH f J.I.I, 12 in block 26, S. ."v.. tw in.1 ii, n. .1, penalty $2.07. publication publication M. T. Co.. addition sr, it"- v- s Mrs. Anna Hartman.. to. 80c. total 40c. total $24.21. as:i All addition; c. sr taxe. 11 lot In block 40 B Valuation of real estate $450.00 of pv-son- al ,,, , 7 of H $44.34. Tomas Sanchez. sr Lctj and 8 block 25 36 build- T. Co., ' All taxes. Lots Mr'" la of addition; lot 22 property $25.00, 'zz In block 14 1 total valuation Charles NIehart. All taxes. ITniuii and 2 in block 6 of L. S. & icrj, ing lots addition. Valuation of real Loppj or S. addi- zlon Jm R(IdltIon VaJu!i and lot tion. $475.00 less exemption $200.00 balance Unte $300.00, of personal property tlon of bounded N by alley, S by Valuation Of real patata tM.l subject real estate $2025.00, of per- of to tax $275.00. Taxes $17.81. 50 00, y trues, L by TruJIllo, W by Maestas. personal property $25.00, val' f total valautlon and amount sonal pronei-t- sioonn ...... total penalty 89c, publication 20c. Valuation 0 - nn unnon total subject to tax $550.03. Taxes $.15.6:!. tlon and real 'estate- 175. '2D.on, exemption $200.00 518.90. amount subject to tax $2125 by assessor penalty $1,73, publication - $19.00, total valuation balance subject to tax S5S on 40c, total Heirs of Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson. AU ana amount subject to tax es $1.62. penalty 8c, publication t.. 37.8l. t!on $1.00, total $145.60. $94.00. 40c taxes. Lot 9 in block M. Taxes $6.10. penalty $2.10, 22, S. T. Co. I. O. llauard. Second half of tax- C. S. Losey. 30c, publication addition. Valuation John C. Talley. A íe" it. Second half of tax- 35c. $6.75. of real estate taxe, The N R Vare vY """í 3, G, 6. total Ben Sandoval. All 2 es. Lot 4, 7 In block 23 of es. Lota 34. 3S vt 1 n . taxes. Lot 9 SE 4 2 .... and amount subject to tax $400.00. of and N of SW 4 of íeai eltate Mra. A. M. Paddock. All In block 9 of $7 of nelS 5 M. T. Co. addition; lots 33 to 3 block 2 of J. A. & A. taxes. R. Baca addition. Val- Taxes $25.92, penalty Section 1, TP. 16 N. R. 16 E. - ' Baca addition. Lot. 13 14, 15 $1.30, publica- Valua- erty sToo S.i ST 4 in block 1 Rosen-wal- d uation of real estate n lncl.. In block of J. A, & A. Baca aluatlon of real nutat nnn nn of and mount mi!i. tion 20c, total $27.43. tlon of real estate and amount RUblpct . ti addition, Valuation r Ject tax oi,n.l ..1.J xo as.oo. addition. Valuation of real estate personal ma . to $50.00. Taxes $3.25. oen- - & to tax Jt'innn '"'"uul tax Taxes property $150.00. total val- alty Wise Hopsett. All taxes. Lot t..-- - $1830.00, of personal property $50,00, 16c, publication 20c. total $3.61. A 'p"i","m uation $1150.00 lesa exemption $200, In block A of Pablo Baca addition. i.o.oo, ndded by Jtinn All 0 s,s"- total valuation adn amount subject balance subject assessor $289 00 handoval. to tax $950.00. Tax-e- Valuation of real estate $100.00. added ! ti s total valuation and In block 9 R. rt Precinto No. 30 Jes,,s Ma- Rivera. All taxes. 8 tax . $2000.00. Taxes $64.80, penalty $30.78. penalty ...... ' Baca addition. Valua- by assessor $25.00, sr" acres $1.54. publication to tax $1400.00. total valuation and bounded N by H $2.24, publication $1.40, Taxes $90.'79. penal- - tion of real estate $200.00, person Jimenez S by r total $69.41. 60c, total $32.92. , of amount subject to tax $125.00. Taxes ! Pedro Jose Garcia. Second publication COc half of Manzanarez. E by N. O. Herman. Second half of tax-- . T ii.oi, total $95.93. al property 130, total val. $230. 1ms $8.11, (taxes. ditch rlyer Estella.n. Lnstisr. All Taxes. Part penalty 41c. publication Me. to. 200 vs. bounded N by top of Valuation of $lí . liwpoionoi Pad a. SWnnrf exemption $200 .v)0, real e Personal property, 'oU 10- - 12- i,i balance subject to valuation ? - 14 oiu nilll III tal $8.72. Cuchill, W by D and in blocit taxea. Lot 14 In r o de Herera. E by A. ded by 0 Sntlon $215 00. Taxes $6.97, penalty 35c, S of " hWir t tax $30.00. Taxes $1,94, penalty I W. O. tL va Martlnex addition. Valuation 0! V Wood. Second half of tax-f- a. P. do Ulibarri, a by top of Cuchilla; í í publication 35c, $7.67. addlton. Valuation nf mni publication 20c. total $2.24. and amount subject to tax W total real pítate and amount subject raimo Lots 8 9 and 10 In block 2 of L. Mrs, to of personal property Ambrosio Sandoval. All tn Annie M. Herzog. All taxes. tax $400.00. $25 00 ' too Tfj S & R. Taxes $25.92, penalty addition. Valuation of reel ... o ujr -' 110 rt. total valuation 1300 on C. D and R belner a i ..ujinv, iup ui cui'ou- .wc, Total J.28. of K end of lot 1 and 2 In $1.30, publication ?.5c r subdivision of lots I nt1 ot iOO.00, i. estate and amount subject to tax la, W by J. Lucero; 83 yds. bounded balanca JV,V-- IS. 19 nnd 20 b'oek 4, L. V. T. Co. addition, and lota J. R. xniiw l" K UPU. in block 50 of II. S. T. $850.00. MackelAll taxea. Lots 13 T .... Taxes $27.54, penalty $1.38, N by top of Cuchilla, W by C. j Precinto No. 32 nr-- Co., addition. Valuntlon Lucero, 10 !n Mock 14, of Lopex or 15. IS, 17, 18, 19, nf publication 60c, i, 2. 5 and 6 In total $29.52. S by Cuchil!a'l Jo-- tate and ri V1f" t0P f " E. Gallegos. 1 amount subject Kion hill addition. Valuation of real block of T. Romero to tax $150. Unknown Owners. taxes. v ?y' All' taxes op. addition, lot i0 rWo Padilla y iRxes All Lot of real estate $339.00. of v., i, w $2100.00, of personal property and 9 !n. of a nt 11 i . Callers. All tax-P- s. r.i.i2, penalty 49c, publication 17 In block 2 n.. Lot 15 of Pablo Baca addition. Personal property $61.00, total - .I. po In block 7. L S & eOc. total $10.81. valua Gallegos 2nd N by hinT V" to tal valuation $2130.00, less of T. Romero, nddltlon, lota 28 n Valuation of real estate tlon by ? and " addition. Valuation Mary Sellmnn. and amount $100.00, less exemntlon 1200.00 nr- H- P' emotion $2.10 00, balance 1 1 of real p state Second half of tifi- subject subject to ; or . nomero addition. to tax $100.00. Taxes $6.48, Balance 8ubject to ,tax ?200.o0. "byroadJ of Phonal property, es. Ix)t 10 in block 22. S, M. Taxes ,1' S E D ttx $1950.00. Taxes $126.36, penalty aluatlon of real pstaf $53 00 T. Co. penalty 32c, $7.' -. ' Gallegos otal publication 20c, total $4.47, penalty 22c. Dubiicatinn i n- publication Kiibject valuation $253,00, exemp! addition. Valuation of by Romero. Valuation of t f3.22. 80c, $133.4,1. to tax le.s real estate real estate total $3275.00. Tnxe $21 2 "l Ion $200.00, Unknown Owners. Lots 27 and 28 'total $5.74. V.r. balance subject faí $600.00, of personal o.ou, or personal J. Hesser. All taxes. 15, to property $50.00 in block 24a, 36 property $271 00 ioi- - , l"'u P'i'Jileatlon $2.60, total Í.OO. Taxes $3.47. total of building lots ad- Pablo de Herrera. All taxes. 150 added by 33 17 block, penalty n valuation $650.00 less assessor $124.00, and In 49 of the Buena :7c. exemption dition. Valuation of vs bounded N total val- - 20c, total $3.84 $200.00. balance subject real estate and by top of Cuchilla, S and amonT,t VNta addition, Vahuilon of Mrs S M Mackel to tax $150. amount $1 rni0 Bi,ii3eot to tax real e$. Second half of Georeo E. subject to tax by top of Cuchilla of S river, E $620.00. 1Mo and amount subject axes. Lots 2S nnñ a I., . Parkhurst. Second half Taxes $14.58. penalty 73c, publication $9.72, and Taxes $27.72, penalty to tax $120. .i.,i. penalty 49c, publication 40c, to-- W. by D. de Herrera; 100 $U1 Taxeg T. rt"SOnaI v.Uua-tio- 20e, total $15.51. vs. bound- publication 70c, $7.78. penalty 39c, publication Romero addition, A B . ProPrty. total $29.81. lots C D Tamount uhioc Shank, ed E by A. Montoya, W by D. TruJIl- Rafael COc. total $8.77. E and F In 9 Rawlins & Rhodes. All tas-e- s. Ortiz y Lopez. block nr nri... .Ill Taxes Unknown Owners. All taxes. Lot lo. N by top of Second ha'f I. $12.96 penalty 65e, publ'cat'lon Land on W side Cuchilla, S by top of taxes. Personal Mrs. Hollenwager. All taxe. ttlon. aluatlon of real of Mora ruad 9 !n 'block 33 and 14 property, valua- estate and and lots In block 34 of Cuchilla of S river. Valuation for tion $389.00. Lota 14 and 15 In block 4 n.oouni 8th street, between Friedman S. M. less exemption of L. 8. & sunject to tax $1200,00 Tax- - of T. Co., addition. Valuation real estate $270.00, $135.00 It. narlta Ranch Co. All taxes. and Raynoldg avenue, of of personal prop- balance subject to Taxes' addition.' Valuation of real estate Half bounded S by real estate and amount subject erty $87.00, tax $254.00. nterest In lot 1 8 Friedman to tax added by assessor $28.00, $6 09 aded by assessor $200.00, to- to and 17 to 4 Bros. W by ditch N by U $100.00. penalty 30c. publication 35c, to- & Taxes $6.48, penalty 32e total valuation $385.00. less tal vsluMIon Mrs, Win. II. addition. 127 feet N to S, 700 exemption tal $6.74. and amount subject to Malbeonf. Second half . In ft. publication 40c, total $7.20. $200.00, balance subject to tnx , block 10 !ncl lots 1 7 E to West and containing tax $185. Ribera. Ortiz $1000.00. Taxes $64.80, penaltv-t3"t- and 14 In to and 17 loís 1 to 6 Unknown Owners. All Taxes ft Son. Second half ,.a"'; block and 17 to 21 taxes. Lots $S.21, penalty 41c, publication In Rav-nob- is of taxes. 125 vs. bomirio r publication 40c, tota! $68.41. 12. L. V. T.fuCo., addition. ind.. block I of 25 and 26 in 70c. v.. Valuation ft Harrolds addition. nnd Reldllnsers addition. Val- total $9.32. ereek, S by Earl 3. HotlinKsworth. All of real estate Valuation of Harrold addition. Valuation - J. L. Ribera, W by taxe.i. $300,00. ndded by as- real uation of real estate- and amount sub- Diego de Herrera. All taxes. ditch Mtate $460.00. added nsse-o- of real 300 a nv recos 14 in block 2 of Rosen wald & Co. sessor $100.00 totol voi.,.ti br r estate and amount subject to ject to tax $100. vs. river. Valuation of real $115.00. Taxea $6.48. penal- bounded N by top of ., lt total tax $130.00. Cuchilla, S estate $125.00. nei-o- v.. MIMnn. Valautlon of real estate ammmt subject to Taxes $8.42, penalty 42c ty 412c, publication of tax $400.00 Tax- - amount subject publication 40c. total $7.20. by top of Cuchilla of S river, W by $439.00 ?1'm1 (W, added by $100.00, to- v to tax $375 00. Tax- - $1.15, total $3.99. total valuation and asiessor penalty r,5c. publication 40c Unknown owners. All taxes. Lots A. Garcia, E by J. Garcia. Valuation amount ts! and $14.01. C. C. Shaw. Second Fonject to tax $564.00. Taxe--, vitiation amount subject to total half of taxe? 23 and 4 In block S of Raynoldg & of $12 41 Í2.40, total $41.52, . Lota 3 4 real estate $312.00, of personal penalty 62c, ; tnx $400.00. Taxes $25.92. penalti-fl.SO-. F, A. Manzaners. and in block 1 of T. Romero Harrolds publication 35c, total' Jr., All taxes. riactta Ranch Co. addition. Valuation of property $17.00. added bv Busesaor $13.3.8. publication !0c, 1 All taxes. Land addition. Valuation of real Iota! $27.42. Iiots to In Mock 10 of L, P ft R and improvements estate estate and amount subjpect to $184.00, total valuation $513.00 riM-- b Hoolter. All bounded W by Mo- $3S5. of personal property tx less Juan Urloste. Second fcoi taxes. Lota 10, addition, lots 1 und 2 jn WoPt , 0j ra $15, total JjO.00. Taxes $3.24. penalty lRc. pub- exemption $200.00, balance road. N by subject to i. 8 acres 1ST 11 pnd 1! In block 9 Añ Manzanares. E bv tip-pe- r val., and amt subject bounded by of T. Romero BInnchard Cn to tax. lication 40c. total $3.80. tax $313.00. Taxes $14.17, J. E Cal- town R Val-iiatio- penalty R .T. road, by R Tafova. n $100. léeos. by w , aHMin.- Valuation of rea! taNí and S3 to 42 In block 6 Taxes $12.96. penalty 65c, pub- Unknown Owners. ,11 91 c, publication Sandorat junt. of Pablo Baca of real taxes. Lot 35c, total $15.43. W by Pecos f4ft:.n, ,r pergonal property $35.00. addition, estate $J75.00. added lication 40c, total $14.01. 2 In 1 river. Valuation 'of real' lots 28, 29 and SO In block by assessor block of Ortesra addition. Val- Facundo Montoya. All taxes. 200 tots! valuation $450. leas A. $14.00. total valuation Mra. Addle Sparks.' Second estaré ího.oo. of nersona! property exemption of Tablo Baca addition, lots 1 2 and half of uation of real estate an I f mount sub. vs. bounded E by M. Gallegos. W by, and amount subject tr tat tM oi taxes. Lots 14 $?0.00. total valuation balance subject to tax $260.00. 8 In Rnndovsl addition. Valuation nnd 15 In block 5 of Ject to tax $75.00. Tarev $4 85, pen C. Lucero, S and N by top of Taxes $14.20. penalty 71c, pubücaúo.t L. S. & of Cuchil- object to tax $160.00. Taxes $1.8!5. penalty 84c, publication pni ana R. addition. Valuation of ally 24c, publication 20c, $5.29. la. Taxes $3.52. amount subject to tax ic, Total total Valuation of real estate $210.00, penalty J15.S6. real estate and amount subject to tax Unknown Owners. 18c, publication 35c, total All taea. Lots of personal property $28.00,. added by ,$4.05. Tax-Vit;i- l. W by Sal- by 1) Person-- ' 78, penalty 99c, pub'!cuu& 25c, Precin.J No. Z3 :tcü property property $20.0), tiHKiLce tubject to tax $223.00. E by L. Aragón, X. persoLil property $73.00, added Juan Lucero. All taxe. $1. valuation $205, lets exemption es $9.56, penalt ISc, publication 35c, jaaar. Valuation ci real estate $270, asesor JCs.00, total valuation and al property; valuation $227.00 added total 21.11 Aragón. All val- - Juan P. taxe. The $200.00, balance subject to tax $53.00. utal $10.39. 'of personal priority $46.0u, total auiouut tubject to tax $241.00. Taxes by assesor $56.00, total valuation Hrir of Pedro Mcntoya. All taiea. W 1-- 2 oí NE 4 and NW 4 of SE Taxea $2.43, penalty 12c, publlva'ion Juan Garda y ÜeKura. All taxes, juauon íes fii'uua lvj.v $13.33, lenalty 67c. publication 35c, uuJ amount subject to tax $283.00. HO aeree bounded N by J. Moja, S by 4 and NE 1-- 4 oí SV and E 2 $21,oO. Tax ."V. total $2.90. 100 i.vree bounded N by It, j by balance éubjeet to tax total $14.35. Taxes $12.35, penalty C2c. publication Tecolot Grant. E by El Panco W by 4 Tp. 17 N. of NW of Section 33, a, es $0.10, penalty 40c, publication 35c, Celestino All taxes. The NW nif.-- E by J. ileuavidez, W by J. 25c, tola! $13.32. R Montoya. Valuation of real estbttt R. 16 E. Valuation of real estate Gania. Precinto No. 39 Perea. Valu; tk u of real estate total $9.01. David Martluex Cordova. All and amount subject to tax $215.00. person..: property $IS0.00, oí XE ti e NE of XE of $598.00, of - Ma. Trujillo. Second half of 5. : 16 X. R. 15 E, ;,25o.oO, of pt :.- uai proptit. $03.00, Jesui Albhio Baca. Ail Uxc. Ranch al taxes. 61 acrta of UuJ bounded W ty Taxe $9.46, penalty 47c, publication ?TTS, exemption H'c. andSWM Val-de- total valuation Ins valu-Itio- taxes. 400 vs. bounded X by M. 1 4 by $72.00, total i;i 160 acres. Val- It. E by Laijuu, X by ,25c, $10.23. - oi s?E and SE of SYV of audvd I'iuo not bounded. Baca. b. uiea, total $200.00, balance subject to tax $..- aiur $300. S by N. Salazar, E by L. Quin-tañan- . . .SeUUn .12. Tp. 17 N. R. 15 E.; 40 V3. and amount subject to tax uation of real estate $220.00, of per- b bj M. Solazar. Valuation of real Romahlo Montoya. All taxes. 16J Taxea $25.78, penalty $1.2!, publica W by Cuchilla. Valuation of uounaea . ny oy nev. r.n-- t "" ...... sonal property $205.10, added by as- eKtate $1 5.00, of personal property acreg N by Moya, S by 35-:- , $27.42. naciia, bounded J. tlon total '- $230.00. of personal prop- - 1'. loU1 -' real estate $129.00. valuation $254.00 less n. rlnue OKier. E bv scenic road. W byi sessor $106.00, total valuation and total Tecolo. by Montoya, W. T Mt v t ..... m 11 fovua 'A $318.00. Grant. E P. All taxes. 400 erty $SV00, total valuation exemption aubject to rt r a river- - Valuation of real estate Anastasia Herrera. amount gubjeet to tax $521.00. Taxei $200.00, balance by M. Montoya, Valuation of real ea bounded N by ditch, a7 river L by .. S by les exemption $200.00, balance subjec t Qf M rropt.rty $40.0). vi. bounded X by J. U. Garcia, $22.58. penalty $1.13, publication 35c, tax $51.00. Taxes $2.60, penalty 13c. tate $2S7.00, of personal property $35, 1)711 V liV Al. ilO IB, UUUll'l . . . V.I.... " . 1".. - tax $118.00.. Taxes $2.50, penalty It exemp-- : r-- uy vu- O 35c, t total valuation $200.00 less r. aiae.sias, eucuuia, vj total $24.06. publication total $3.08. total valuation $345.00, exemp- ed N by ditch, S by river, tj by. . 13c, publication 35 total $2.98. less :i0..'i0 balance subject to tax chilla. Valuation of real estate $220, y half of $200.00, 10 ' Julian Baca Martinet. All Leandro Martines. Second tion balance subject to tax Vigil. V by A. Almanzar; vs.; - val- Várela. Seocnd half of Uxex. tae. $!o. Taxes. $4.0?. penalty 20c, pub- oí personal iroperty $40.00, total 17 ' 3 aerea bounded N by Puertoclto, taxes. Part of section 5 twp. X. $145.09. Taxea $6.41, penalty 32c, pub- bounded N by aiun, a oy nver, i. c exemption acre bounded N by r. Arcnuieta, litaUon TOc total j1P2. uation $200.00, less $200.0J5! R. 21 C. W by K. Paeheco; 57 yd hy p. by W by top S by river, E by J. Archibeque, W E. Valuatlou of real estate lication 35c. total $7.08. Padilla j Q of balante 8ubj.t to t ,,0 00, Taxes 8 yigll E Canada. b by F. Laca; 2 acres, not bounded. $220.00, of personal property $137.00, acres, bounded N by diuh. b by ner, h $2.55, penalty 13c. publication 35e, lot hill; acres bounded N by Antonio Nieto. All taxes. 160 ' S bv U-- M. Maestas; house bD E by Var- - Valuation of real estate $118.00, of total valuation $357.00 exemption bounded N by Jaramillo, 8 B. Lopez. W by Vrd.ibeque W by total $3.03. Canada, S by Cuchilla, R. C de bf ., j - by $200.00, subject to $157. X by Quintan ,;rtl a'; , D- - Abeytla. personal property $225.00, added balance tax road. E by mesa, W by and lot bounded J. J. , !?,,,' ti-- All 130 . w J Valuation Cerro. Valuar e . imn Ltuera taxes 18c, publication S by road. E by ditch. W by T. Baca. ; - - $ Perna, assessor $86.00, total valuation and Taxes $3.54, penalty tion of real estate $210.00. of person- f - by Taxes 35c, $1.07. ( $1..00, nn Property $73.00, added assessor amt. subject to tax $429.00. property $37.00, added by assessor Valuation of real estate L t-- by al n 0 lr PLlLLn no W persona, property 10 00. total valu,-- . U. Salval "valuaticfn tafe ni.00. total valuation and amount $18.92, penalty 95c, publication 70c, Rey mundo Martinez. Second half $62.00, total valuation and amount tlon $38 5.00. less exemption 2o.o ."-'- " - w I subject to tax 1569.00. laxw 11.7. total $20.57. of taxes. ICO acreg of land In section subject to tax $309.00. Taxes $13.62, $1.15, penalty 6c, publication 3,"c, to- $385.00, of personal property $93.00, to tax $1S5.00. Tas-e.- i penalty 60c, publication 70c, total 17 balance subject total valuation $478.00. Ies exemption Jose Del Rayo Gonzales. All taxes 23, twp. N. R 23 E; 2 acre of penalty 68c, publication 33c, total publication $1.7". tal $1.56 $13.27. $8.57, penalty 42c. $200.00. balance subject to tax $273. House and lot not bounded and 160 land bounded E by P. Olivas. W by $14.65. Antonio Jaramillo. All taxes. 300 San tlago Wallace. All taxes. 600 total $10.75. Taxes $11.69. penalty 5Sc, publication acres not bounded. Valuation of real A. Coca, N and 8 by river. Valua- Reymundo Nieto. All taxea. 160 yds. bounded N by F. Tadllla, S by vs. bounded N by G. Moestas, S by 4. Manuel Maes. All taxed, 138 vs. 35c, $12.62. estate $260.00, of personal property tion of real estate $251.00, of per- acreg bounded N by D, Nieto, by P. F. Lucero, E by top of Ladera, W by total by edge, W by palndurosa; 8 by S by M de Ro- Padilla, E property $197.00, added by as- bounded N river. N by S. Padil- Francisco Maestas. All taxes. 400 $160.00, added by assessor $103.00, sonal Nieto, E by G. river, W by road. M. Cres-pin- ; river; house bounded 41 vs. bounded N by red hill. S by mero. E by P. R. Co., W by vs. bounded N by A. Harrera, S by total valuation and amount aubject sessor $102.00, total valuation $5u0, Valuation ot real estate $250.00, of N by U. la, S by B. Ortega, E by C. Padilla, river. E by B. & M. Co.. W by F. Wal- house and lot bounded M. Romero, W $523.00. $22.32, penalty Ies exemption $200, balance subject personnl property $30.00, W by same. Valuation of real estate G. Maestas, E by A. lace. Valuation of real estate $240. to tax Taxes added bv Archuleta, S by J Mejillas, E by road, to tax $350.00. Taxea $7.70 penalty $li!0.C0, of personal $123.00, total val- by J. E. Ramirez. Valuation of real of personal property $107.00, total $1.12. publication 35c, total $23.79. assessor $70.00, total valuation snl W by A. Sanchez. Valuation of real 39c, publication 70c. total uation $2S5.0.i, less exemption $200. eKtate and amount subject to tax valuation and amount subject to tax PAGE 73 73 73 $8.79. amount subject to tax $350.00. Taxes estate $166.00, of personal property balance subject tax $85.00. Taxes $220.00. Taxes $3.21, penalty 46c, Andres A. Lucero. All taxes. 2 Pedro Romero. All taxes. Persoual $16.40, penalty 77c, publication 35c, ior-n.- (Alol vulnnHiwi 1302.00 1e33 to $"47.00. Taxes $15.02. penalty 75c, publication 35c, total $10.03. property; valuation $132.00 by total $ie.52. VúorSo: subject to iW.Pen.ltr 2c. publication 70,, publication 70c. total $16.47. acres bounded N by P. river, S by added Cayetano Martinez. All taxes. 500 ditch, E by E. Esquibel, W by J. Ro assessor $33.00, total valuation and Juan Ortiz. AU taxes. Land bounded , - lax JVIi.uw. iaAvn i N W by public; Precinto No. 37 I IVirs of F. A. Manzanares. All yds, bounded and mo. Valuation of real estate and amt. amount subject to tax $165.00. Taxes X by V. Chavez. 8 by L. Lobato, E 23c. publication 70c, total $5.50. Monto-ya- . tciAtn. One-thir- d interest in Trout laud, S by top of hill, E by M. tax Taxes $3.19, $7.29, penalty 36c, publication 35c, to- by ry. F. A. Manzanares. All Agapita M. de Manzanares. All subject to $76.00. top of mesa. W by Valuation of Helra of Springs ranch Timber. Valua- Valuation of real estate $315.00, In Sanauijnelr, ,inl taxes. 94 vs. bounded X by J. Ma. penalty 16c, publication 35c. total tal $8.00. real estate $350.00, of personal pro- taxes. 150 vs. the an,1 sub- oí personal property $30.00, val-utio- n tion of real estate amount total 2 perty 30 acres bounded N by un- Quintana, S by G. M. de Quintana, E $3.70. F. F. Welsh. All taxes. The W $12.00, total valuation $362.00, grant; ject to tax $500.00. Taxes $22.00, $545.00. less exemption $200.0;). S by road to Hot Sprincs, E by river, W by ditch; 81 vs. bounded Gregorio Lucero. All taxes. 3 of XE 4 and W 12 of N!V 4 of less exemption $200.00, balance sub- known, penalty $1.10, publication 35c, total balance subject to tax $345.00. Tax- by unknown, W by F. LeDuc. Valua- S by river, N by ditch. E by E. Quin- acres bounded X and S by L. Encinas, section 8, twp. 17 N. R. 21 E. Valua- ject to tax $162.00. Taxea $7.13, pen- $23.45. es $14.52. penalty 73c, publication 35. tion and amount subject to tax $10".. tana W by G. M. de Quintana; house E by rher, W by ditch; 5 acres tlou of real estate $423.00, of per- alty 30c, publication 35c, total $7.84. Otteiia. All tVx s. 1'V) Utal $15.60. Taxes $4.63, penalty 23c, publication Alberto and lot bounded N by ditch, S by bounded N by E. Romero, S by ditch, sonal property $3446.00, added by as- A. D. Tuttle. All taxes. 615 yards acres bounded X by A. J de Pelead?. r."o:nai Martinez. Al taxes. 600 70c, total $5.56.' btreet, E by J. Macs, W by F. Ma- E by E. Gonzales, W by E. Romero; sessor $968.00, total valuation and land. 615 yds. SE corner stone mark- S by P. Sandoval. E by rt. Ortega, bounded W by J. M. Tmjlllo, E by M. N. & C. A. McMillan. Second drid. Valuation of real estate $319.00, 2 acres bounded N by J. L. Enclnlas, amount eubject to tax $1839.00. Tax- ed L, V. Grant. 2 miles W 880 yds. S of :, 11. by M. W by A. P. da Lucero. Valuation VI;. X by X. Salazar, S 615 taxes. The E 2 of XE of personal property $528.00, added S by B. Fresquez, E by river, W by es $216.98, penalty $10.85, publica yards, E 8S0 yards; 160 acrta of half of real estate $281.00, of personal prop- Moiuoya. Valuation of real estate 4 Mar- 4 of SW NE of by total valuation ditch; 5 acres bounded N by V. tlon S5c, total $228. IS. land not bounded. Valuation of real the SE the erty $00.00, total valuation $371.00, $324.00, of personal property $73.00, assessor $212.00, SYV 4 Section 2S; the ditch. Valuation of real estate estate $518.00, of personal property and SE of exemption $200.00, balance su'i- - $3!7.00, exemp- - and amount subject to tax $1059.00. tinez Chester J. Woodford. All taxes. less total valuation less to- W NW of Section 27; thd $2.37, publica- $250.00, of personal property $38.00, 2 1-- $43.00, added by assessor $146.00, of j.ct to tax $171.00. Taxes $7.65, pen- - tlon $200.00, balance subject to tax Taxes $47.41, penalty The 3 of NE the SE 14 of 4 4 21, SE of Section the valuation amount subject to 4 1-- 4 tal valuation and amount subject to SE of. alty 38.'. publication 35c, total $8 S. $197.00. Taxes $8.30, penalty 42c, tion $1.05, total $50.83. total and XW 14 and XE of SW of sec- SW 4 of SW 4 of Section 22. all Benito A. Nelson. Second half of tax $288.00. Taxes $12.12, penalty 61c, 18 21 tax $707.00, Taxes $31.13, penalty Ile-- isa miro Ortega . All taxes. 300 publication 35c, total $9.07. tion 34, twp. N. R. E. Valuatlou in Tp. 17 N. R. 16 E. Valuation of 25 30. publication $1.40, total $14.13. $1.56, publication 70c, total $33.39. vs. bounded X by Canada, S. by hills Elíseo Quintana. All taxes. 100 taxes. Fait of sections and twp. of rel estate $200.00, of personal pro- real estate and amount subject to tax 10 15 & 16 Jose Urioste. Second half of taxes, Amador Ulibarrl. 125 vs, bounded tí by V. Loppz, W by S. Padilla. Val- vs. bounded X and S by Cuchinas X. R. E. Valuation of real perty Í820.00, added by assessor $720.00. Taxes $15.84, penalty 79', 2 acres N by hills, S by P. N by C. O. de Baca, S by R. Esquibel. uation of roal estate $185.00, of per- W. by L. Lucero, E by F. Quintan' estate $250.00, of personal property bounded $258.00, total valuation and amount publication 70c, total $17.33. E by M. W by M. E by Ry., W by Crestón. Valuation of sonal property $100.00, total valuation Valuation of real estate $50.00, of per- $808.00, added by assessor $100.00, river. Jaramillo, subject to tax $1288.00. Taxeg $57.61, Peter Roth. Second half of taxe. $283.00 less exemption $200.00, bal-unc- e total valuation $1158.00 less exemp- Urioste. Valuation of real estate $70, penalty 35c, real estate and amount subject to tax sonal property $61.00. total , valuation $2.88, publication total Sanguijuela val- - pub- 175 acres of land in subject to itax $S5.00, Taxes and amount subject to tax $111.00. tion $200.00, balance subejet to tax of personal property $76, added by $60.74. $36.00. Taxes $158. penalty 8c, 4 by ueraems, s ny ,i. 35c, joy, bounded $3,5:7, petmlty lfc, publication 35e Taxes $4.69, penalty 23c, publication $958.00. Taxes $22.95, penalty $1.15, assessor $36. Total valuation and amt. lication total $2.01. Com. rights, W by $7.86, Precinto No. 42 A. Eerncrd, E by total $4.41. 35c, total $5.27. publication 35c, total $24.45. subject to tax $182.00. Taxes Precinto No. 43 Sanguijuela grant. Valutalon of reil Ortega. All taxes. 160 acres p.rmero. 160 penalty 39c, publication 35c, total Bias Antonio M. All taxes. Manuel Alcon. All taxes. The Wl-- 2 $288.00, added by county com- Precinto No. 38 Apolouio Almanzar. taxes. Land estate bounded N by Canada, S by L. Maes, by $8.60. 1-- All acres bounded N by Cuchilla, S of XW 4 and W of XE 14 of JS missioners $264.00, total .valuation E by Trout Springs, W by E. Roybal, j by G. by T. bouuued by JL Aragou, 8 by river, road W Maestas, E Mariano Anaya. All taxes. 100 vs. 40 section 27, twp. 18 N. R. 22 E. Valu- and amount subject to tax $552.00. of $206.00, of Precinto No. E by ditch, W by C. Ortiz; 50 vs. real estate. ca Valuation of real estate $505.00, bounded N by J. Carillo, S by C rights, ation of real estate $2C0.00, of per- 61c, publication f Taxes $12.15, penalty personal property $45.00. total valua-i0- $64.00, val- - bounded W by 1. Martinez, E by C. personal property total E by X. L. Rosenthal. Valuation of Rejmundo Castellano & Juan de sonal property $583.00, added by as- 35c, total $13.11. tlcm $251.00, less exemption $200.00, Ufltkm exemption N by S by $569.00 less $200.00, real estate $115.00, added by assess Dio Aragón. All taxes. 1 acre- bound- sessor $211.00, total valuation and Martinez. ditch, river. balance subject to tax $51.00. Tax- - balance subject $369.00. Tax- Valuation of estate $90.00, added Precinto No. 34 ta tax or $29.00, total valuation and amt. ed W by Ry. N and S by Tecolote amt. subject to' tax $1054.00. Taxes real es $2.28, penalty 11c, publication 35r, $15.62. nonalty 78c. publication by valuation and Lc subject to tax $144.00, Tuxes $5.62, Grant; 200 yards, bounded N by Ry. $18.49, penalty $2.42, publication 35o assessor $22.00 total Jose Andres Aragón. All taxes, total $2.74. 35c, total $16.75. subje.ct $212.00. Taxua penalty 2Se, publication 35c, total S by mesa, E by A. Salas, W by L. total S51.26. amount to tax iu;t X by M. A. Aragón Apolonlo Padilla, All taxes. 140 Ezequiel Sanchez. 200 vs. bounded All taxes. Mares. Valuation of real estate $110, $4.37, peualty 22c, publication 70c, to- E by L. Gonzales. acres bounded N by T. Martinez, S by $6.25. Crespln Apodaca. All taxes. 24 S and W by hills, vs. bounded N by road, S by ditch, $123.00, added tal $5.29. per- Franckquita Apodaca. All taxes. 50 of personal property acreg 8 Valuation of real estate $243.00, of V. Ortega, W by R. Archuleta, E by E by town, V by hills; 1047 rs. bounded N by J. Martinez, 16 yds. vs. N by S. Apodaca, by by assessor $59.00, total valuation and Apolonlo Gouzalea. All taxes. sonal property $57.00, total valuation J. Garcia; house and lot bounded N bounded N by Crestón, S by stone bounded S by J. Baca, E by Ry. W by Crestón. A. W amt. subject, to tax $292.00. Taxea" not bounded. Valuation of real es exemption $200.00, bal- and E by J. Cordova, S by C. Ilfeld. wall by W by Val-- Martinez, E by hill, by river; Valuation of real estate $79.00, of per- $300.00, less E Canon, Cuchilla. publication 70c. tate $45.00, added by assessor $11.00, - house and lot bounded X by A. Rol-a- l, $13.11, penalty C6c, ance subject to tax $100.00. Taxes by P. Road; house and lot bound- uation of real estate $387.00, of per-e- d sonal property $109,00, added by as- $14.47. total valuation and amount subject $4.40, penalty 22c, publication 35c, to-t- N by P. road. S by B. Ortega, E aonal property $34.00, total valuation S and W by hills, E by A. Apo- total sessor $47.00, total valuation and Márquez. All taxes. Im- to tax $56.00. Taxeg $2.18, penalty $5.06. by N. Gallegos, Yv by Q de Jaramllli. $421.00, less exemption $200.00, daca. Vauatlon of real estate $60.00, Porfirio amount subject to tax $235.00. Taxes provements government land. Val- 11c, publication 35c, total $2.64. Juan Benavldez. Second half of of real estate $200.00, of ance subject to tax $221.00. Taxes of personal property $15.00, total val- on $10.43 penalty 52c, publication 35c, to- - Improvements of Lauriano Gutierrez. 10 aerea of land, taxes. 50 yds. bounded N by river, S personal property $45.00, total valua- $9.30, penalty 47c, publication 70c, uation and amount subject to tax uation of $10.00 tal $11.30. valu- not bounded; houses at La Vegas by ditch, E by F. Benavidez, W by. riv- tion $245.00, less exemption $200.00, total $10.47. $75.00. Taxes $2.93, penalty 15c, pub- personal property $145.00, total Candelaria Ortiz de Baca. All tax- and Conception. Valuation of real er; house and lot not bounded. Val- balance subject to tax $45.00. Taxes Filemon Sanchez. All taxes. Land lication 70c, total $3.78. ation $155.00, less exemption $70.00, La es. Part of section 28, twp. 15 N. R. of personal property uation of real estate $15.00, of person- $2.02, penalty 10c, publication $1.05, jbounded X by E. A de Sanchez, S Bivian Duran. All taxes. 100 vi balance subject to tax $85.00. Taxes estate $205.00, to- 16E. Valuation of real estate $25.00, by assessor $287.00, al property $100.00, added by asses- total $3.17. ,by P. Sanchez, E by top of mountain bounded N by C. rights, S by J. Mar- $4.01, penalty 20c, publication 35c, $944.00, added added by assessor $6.00, total valua amount subject sor $193.00, tcita.1 valuation $308.00. Santiago Quintana. All taxes. 160 ,W by Terremote. Valuation of real tinez, E by C. rights, W by J. M. L tal $4.56. total valuation and - tion and amount subject to tax $31.00. Taxeg $2.18, penalty less exemption $115.00, balance eub- acres bounded N by T. Pena, S by estate $125.00, wf personal property P. Montano; 50 vs. bounded E pi.d Ambrolso Solano. Second half of to tax $56.00. by Taxc $1.36, penalty 7c, publication $2.64. Ject to tax $193.00. Taxes $4.37, pen- F Valerio, E .by top of Sierra, W $164.00, total valuation $289.00, less W by R, Mendoza, N by 75 taxes. 200 vs. of land not bounded; 11c, publication 35c. total es- - rler, 35c, total $1.78. 10 acres of alty 22c, publication 70c, total $5.23. J. P. Chene. Valuation of real exemptlon $200.00. balance sublprt. vs. bounded N by river, S by top. E house and lot bounded N, E and W Lauriano Gutierrez. land 30 tate $200.00, of personal property $58. to tax $89.00. ; Deluvlno Gonzales. All taxes. 240 bounded; houses at Laa Vegas and Crescendo Gonzales. All taxes. Taxes $3.78, penalty by M. Duran, Y by J. J. Dj.-nn- b by Tecolote Grant, S by road. Valua not valuation $258.00, less exemp-tlr- 19c. publication 33c, yards of land bounded N by J. Madrid, real es- - vs. bounded N, by Cow creek S by total total $1.32. acres not bounded. Valuation of ival tion of real estate $230.00, of per- La Conception. Valuation of $200.-- , balance , subject to tax Toriblo All 50 as- S by A. Madrid, E by Crestón, W personal property ditch, E by river, W by S. Gonzales, Sanchez. taxes. vs. , by sonal property $140.00, added by tate $205.00, of pub- estate $104.00 added assessor $30.00, of per-son- $58.00. Taxes $2.57, penalty 13c, bounded N by top of S by road; house and lot bounded N by by assessor $287.00, Valuation of real estate mesa. by E $165.00, total valuation aid amount sessor $98.00, total valuation and $9Í4.00, added by as- lication 35c, total $3,05. Aragón, E by P. Sanchez, W by top road S by A. Madrid, E by hill W amount Bubject to property $110.00, added subject to tax $269.00. Taxoj is 0.4, amt. subject to tax $4S8.00. Taxes total valuation and valuation and Donnciano Roibal. All taxes. 160 of mesa. Valuation of by Puertoclto. Valuation of real es- penulty sessor $35.00, total real estate penalty 52c, publication $1.40, rota. Taxes $10.75, penalty 54c, publication tax $1436.00, Taxes $61.92, $175.00. Tax- acres bounded N by V. Ortega, S by $80.00, of personal property $166.00, tate $140.00 of personal property amount subject to tax $22.41. 70c, total $11.99. $3.10, publication 70c, total $05.72. penalty 39c, publication 35 P. Roibal. E. by R,. Archuleta, Yv". bv total valuation $246.00, less exemption $90.00, added by assessor $58.00, total All taxes. 5 es $7.80, Anastasio Duran. All taxis. 75 s. Juan A. Gutierrez. P. Roibal. Valuation of real estate $146.00, balance subject to tax $100. Precinto No. 41 valuation and amt. subject to tax N Begoso creek, 3 total $8.54. N by G. 3 by acres bcunded by 187 vs. $215.00, of personal property $100.00. Taxes $4.26, penalty 21c, publication bounded and E rie Trinidad Ortiz. All taxes. half $288.00. Taxes $12,75, penalty 64c, by P. Madrid, E by mesa, W by G. es- total valuation and amount subject J. Gallegos, W by hill; hone and lot Jose Leando Arguello. Second not bounded. Valuation of renl 35c. t'tnl $4.82. publication 70c, total $14.09. river; 5 acre of land adjoining $315.00. Taxes $13.99, penal bounded N by A. Baros, S utul E by of taxes. 160 acres, not bounded. Val tate $152.00, of personal property $65. to tax Octaviano Sandoval. All taxes. 500 real estnte end 04. "V by P. lot, estate $239.00, of per- Manuel D. Maestas. All taxes. Part above. Valuation of nssessor $53.00, total valua- ty 70c, publication 35c, total $15 vs. bounded N .by bordo of Cebolla. hills, land; housa and uation of real added bv as- of S 12 of section 21 twp. 15 N. R. amount subject to tax $96.00. Taxea Jore Pemetrio Roibal. All taxe?. S by G. bounded N by mill, S by street, v' sonal property $75.00, added by tion $270.00, less exemption $187.00, Maestaa, E by edge of wolf 19c, publication 70c, N by V. Ortega, S L. by $113.00, total valuation $427.00 16E. Valuation of real estate $125.00. $2.74. penalty balance subject to tax $83 00. Taxes 160 acres bounded Canada, W by fence. Valuation of Duran, W P. Atenclo. Valuation sessor by ft Nahm, E by E. Roibal, $230.00, pro exemption $200.00, balance sub- added by assessor $31.00, total val total $4.63. $3.72, penalty 19c, publication ?.5c. to- Stern real estate $165.00, of personal prop of real estate of poncun! less W by Valuation of real Taxes $4.82, pen- uation and amount subject to tax Jose C Martinez. All taxes. Tho $4.26. P. Roibal. erty $85.00; total valuation $250.00, perty $12.00, added by assessor ject to tax $227.00. tal pub-- . 4 section 14, and estate $210.00, of personal property sub-- 25c, $5.41. $156.00. Taxes $6.86, penalty 34c, SW of NW of Maria T. Sena. All taxes. Land less exemption $200.00, balance ! $91.00, total valuation and amount alty 24c, publication total ex- Mention 35c, total $7.55. the SE 4 of XE of section 15, commonly known as the Gusano, $20.00, total valuation $230.00, less ject to tax $50.00. Taxes $2.27, pen- subject to tax $303.00, Taxes $11.83, F. A. Brady. All taxes. The S 4 All 100 twp. 14 N. R. 17 E. Valuation of real Val- emption $200.00, balance subject to 11c, publication 35s $2.73. 59c, publication NW 4 of NE of Octaviano Maestas. taxes. bounded by the river and hills. alty total penalty $1.05, total of NE and asses'sor, tax $30.00. Taxes $1.34, penalty 7c, Val- yards of land bounded N by S. Or- estate $100.00, added by uation of real estate $100.00. added Trido Sandoval. Second half of $13.46. section 32, twp. 1C N. n. 21 ast. publication 35c, total $1.76, tiz, S by M. D. Maestas, by Ry., $25.00, tctal valuation and amount by assessor $25.00, total valuation taxes. 800 vs. bounded N by Mora Manuel Flores y Esquibel. All taxes. uation of real estate $171.00. added E Eulogio Roybal. All taxes. 3and S. Lu- by 25 yards of land subject to tax $125.00, penalty 21c, and amount subject to tax 125 00. road, S by J. E. Ramirez, E by 50 vs. bounded N by C. river, 3 by li?l by assessor $43.00, total valuation and W Crestón; bounded X by J. Garc.1t, S bv S. Gar- E. publication 35c, total $5.47. Taxe9 $5.50, penalty 13c, publication cero, W by J. Hernandez. Valuation E by V. Baros, W by river and hill. nmt. tubject to tax $214.00. Taxes bounded N by A. Madrid, 8 by cia. E by B. Orteera. W by D Roibal. subject 13 W Ortega. All taxes. 80 vs. 35c. total ?5.98. of real estate and amount, to Valuation of real estate $70.00, of $8.99, penalty 45c, publication 35c, MaeKtas, by creek, by Cres Lucas Valuation of real estate $225.00, of penalty 8 by creek, E by tax $415.00. Taxes $8.72, persontl property $163.00, added by total $9.70. tón, Valuation of real estate $185.00, bounded N by river, Precinto No. 35 , personal property $74. total valua- Romero. Valuation, 44c, publication 35c, total $3.51. assessor $58.00, total valuation and Modesto Cordova. All taxes. Person- of personal property $65.00, total val C. Ilfeld, W by J. tion $309.00, le's exemption $200.00. All taxes. 90 vs. $100.00, added by as- Ruperto Archuleta. All taxes. Land Biliaílldo Silva. amount subject to tax $291.00. Taxvis al property consisting chiefly of cat- uation $250.00 less exemption $200.00, of real estate balance subject to tax $109.00. Taxes E. Silva, S by J. Silva, valuation and amt, bcunded N by H. A. Harvey, S by B. bounded N by $12.03, penalty 60c, publication 35c, tle; valuation $100.00, added by as- oalance subject to tax JJ50.00. Taxes sessor $25.00, total $4.92, penalty 25c, publication 35c, Terremote, W by Pe- $125.00. penalty 25!, by M. Sanchez, W by V, E. by edge of $25.00, total valuation and $2.23, penalty 11c, publication 70c. to subject to tax Duran, E $5.52. of total $12.98. sessor of real estate total ñasco Blanco mesa. Valuation Tares tal $3.04. (taxes $4.88, publication 35c, total Sanchez. Valuation prop- Gregorio Flores. All taxes. Iand amount subject to tax $125.00. to- estate $100.00, of personal $180.00 of personal property $77.00, Precinto No. 38 real bounded N by river, S by hills, E by $5.70, penalty 29c, publication 35e, Juan D. Madrid. All taxes. 82 $5.47. exemption erty $90, total valuation and amount M. Maria Quintana. All taxes. tal valuation $257.00 less J. D. Duran, W by L. Floes. Val. total $6.34. acres of land bounded N by J. Jesus $57. Juan de Jesus Duran. Second half subject to tax $190.00. Taxes $8.14, by land, S by $200.00., balance subject to tax of real estate $60.00, added by asses- Esperanza Herrera, All taxes. Per Benavldez, S by Madrid, E by top of Land bounded N P. of taxes. 86 3-- 4 acres bounded in by penalty 41c, publication 35c, total $8.90 W Taxes $2.60, penalty 13c, publication sor total valuation amt. property consisting chiefly of Crestón, W by edge of Salitre. Valua- A. Ortiz Grant, E by F. Quintana, M. Gallegos, S by P. Utuninguez, All taxes. 90 vs. boun- $15.00, and sonal 35c. total $3.08. E Luis Silva. amount subject tion of real estate $130.00, of per- by I. Quintana; house at La Concep- S by J. Silva, Y subject to tax $75.00. Taxes $2.92, cattle. Valuation and p. All taxes. 480 acres by Cuchilla, W by F. Sandoval; 2 ded X by R. Silva, property $111.00, valua- ción, not bounded. Valuation of real J. Chene. Valuation penalty 15c, publication 35c, total to tax $118.00. Taxes $5.47, penalty sonal total C. Aranda, N by A. Or- acres bounded S by B. Lucero W by by Terremote, W by mesa. personal bounded S bv prop- 27c. publication 35c, totnl $G.09. tion $240.00, less exemption $180.00, estate $25,00, of property and T. Pena, P. Domínguez, E. by P. Sanchez, W. of real estate $90,oo of personal $3.42. tega, B by A Archuleta Lopez. All taxes. 200 vs. William Hoberg. All taxes. 160 balance subject to tax $61.00. Taxes $98.00, total valuation and amount 1 by $70. valuation and amount Gumecindo by C Aranda and S. Quntana, Val-- P. road. Valuation of real estele erty total $123.00. Taxes $4.93, W $6.87. N by Tlver, S by Meaitas, E acres of land at Canon Largo, part of $2.72, penalty 14c, publication 35c. subject to tax $530.00 of of personal property $205.00, subject to tax $160.00. Taxes bounded Hation of real estate 14 23. In twp. N. It. 22 total $3.21. penalty 25c. publication 70c, total o 35c, total by G. FJores, V by J. Duran. Valua- Sections and property $110.00 total valuation total vtluatlon $339.00, les8 exemp-mí- penalty 34c publication sonal tion of estata $120.00, added by E; 640 acres of land near Watroua LIzandro Montoya. All taxes. 651 $5.88. exemption $200. balance !tIon $200.00, balance subject to tax $7.56. real vs. 90 Scolly Laa Vegas Grants. yards of land bounded N by V. Cha- Gabriel Romero. All taxes. 43 ls $19.60, $139kOD. Taxes $3,1 T, penalty 16c, Riendo Silva. All taxes. rs. assessor $20.00, total valuation and In Mora, and subject to tax $440.00. Taxes S by Ortiz, E by road W by bound3d N by river, S by L. Lopez; publ!"atIon 70c, total $4.03. bounded N by .T. Silva, S by U Silva. amount subject to tax $150.00. Taxes Valuation of real estate $332.00, of ve, J. 98c, publication 35c. total Ma, Ji-an-a penalty r-- bounded N by J. Lo- house and lot bounded N by Jose E. Garcia. All taxes. 400 vi. 13 by edge of Terremote. w mesa. $5.85, penalty 29c, publication 35c, personal property $460.00, added by Ity.; 105 yards, $20.93. Tax-- S by E by road, by do Romero, 3 by L. Ortega, E by tax- bounded N by J. Duran, S by A. IIe Valuation of real estate $100.00. total $8.49. assessor $616.00, total valuation pes, E. Lucero W Ramon Duran. Second half of Gutierrez, W by ditch. Valuation by rerra, E and W by mesa. Valuation es $.773, penalty 39c, publication due, Pedrs Roibal. All taxes. 100 yards $1608.00 less exemption $200.00, bal- T. Romero, Valuation of real estate J. es. 240 . acres bounded N and E $8.47. ftubject $1408.00. Taxca and amount subject to tax $227.00. of real estate $63.00, of personal pro- A. Ortega, S by Caldos del rio, W by of real estate $215.00, of peTSoml total of land, not bounded. Valuation of ance to tax or 70c Tax-e- s penalt 50c, publication perty $50.00, added by assessor $31.00 government land. Valuation of real property $48.00, total valuation $263, j .Tosefita Silva. Second half tat real estate $140.00, of personal pro- $C0.87. penalty $3.04, publication $999.00, S valuation amount subject to personal property les exemption $200.00, balance subtes. 90 vs. bounded N by B. Silva. perty $391.00, total valuation $531.00, total $64.61. 70c, total $11,19. total and estate $335.00 of 31c, pen-jb- v R by Terremote, W bv Montoya. All taxes. tar $154.00. Taxes $6.11. penalty $52.00, total valuation $387.00 less Ject to tax $63.00. Taxe $2.66, Silva. E less exemption $193.00, balance aub- Henry Lnumbach. All taxes. The S Jose Francisco 2 publication 70c, $7,12. exemption $200.00. balance subject alty 13c, publication 35c, total $3.11. Mesa. Valuation of real estate $338.00. Taxes $14.96, pen- of NE 1-- of aectlou 24 and N 130 vs. bounded N by J. Esquibel, S total ject to tax 1 iof property $45.00. total 1-- - Marcelino Romero. All taxea, to tax $187.00. Taxes $4.13, penalty Pula Gomez;. All taxes. 500. vs nereonnl alty 73c, publication 35c. total $16.06. of NE of section 25, In twp. 18, by F. Montoya, E by Ry., W by Cres- N by S by F. Ro-- (notion and amount subject to tax acres bounded N by O. river, S by 21c. publication 35c, total $4.69. Mora road. Florencio Valverde. All taxes. ?0 North, range 24 a Valuation of real ton. Valuation of real estate $80.00, by D. Vigil, W by F. 8!l- - 135.00. Taxes $2.i2. penalty 15?, mesa, W by A. Brenegar, E by 3. Dornlneo Galléeos. All taxes. 300 darte. E J. vs. bounded N by G. river, S by hlll3, estate and amount eubject to tax of personal property $275.00, added N by F. Sanchez, S by P. va. Valuation of real estate $265.00. .publication 35e, total $3.42. $7.98, penalty 40c, by assessor $89.00, total yaluatlonand Green; bouse and lot bounded N by rs. bounded I W by P. Valverde, E by B. Montana $190.00. Taxes personal property $158.00, total Josefa Trujilla All taxes. 700 vii. 3. A. Duran. W h top of bill. W by ton of of $200.00, of publication 35c, total $8.73. amount subject to tax $444.00. Taxes I Lopes. S by road. E by Lope, N by J. Montoya. S by A. Valuation of real estate MIL Valuation of real estate $235.00, valuation $423.00 less exemption $200. bounded 1C0 Valua- $1901.00. Taxi $54.42, penalty Total valuation $2740.00, less ex- - ftotal valuation $500.00, less exemp- - penalty 52c, pub! ication 70c, total ing part of 8 and 9 two, W by tirvfU. Valuation f real ré'k'-- v land In L. V. Grant. acreJ. tax sections in per- 70c, tuiptlon $200.00, balance subject to tkm $200.00, balance subject to tax $11.55. !l4 X. R 20E. Valuation of acd amount subject to tax t&O.OO. tion of real estate $ii3.0ti, of $4.22, publication total $9.34. real estate Co, 73 tsx $2540.00. Taxes $123.75. penalty $300.00. Taxes $14.16, penalty 71c, taxes." 160 ' amount subject to tax $919.00. Tax $3.51, penalty lie, publication enal prurty $125. total valuation lonaciano Trujillo. All taxes. ( Ju lcnsclo Romero. All 'publication $38. CO. penalty $1.93. publica-- E ttc, $4.29. $110S.(0, le exemption $2)'i.0. bal vs. hounded X by S. rl r. S by hills, $6.19, publication ar, total $130.23. total $15.92. acres bounded X by Mesita S by trail iTaxes anee jubjfct to tax $HS.' Taxes E by V. Trujillo. W by J. D. Hand; Sofero Gonzales. All taxes. Tart of P.arbarita Romero de Ribera. All bv read, W by Carboneros. Valúa-- ,tit,n tl-- . ,otal $41.93. 44 Prcnti No. $20.01, ptnalty $1.W, publication and lot bouuded X by S. river, section 24, twp. 14 X. R. 22E. 255 taxes 160 acres boucdid X by P. tkm of real estate $20.00, added by Jose Gabriel Martinez. All taxes. ' boue V. W D' 210 vs. Gallegoi, S W by government 4 L- $1. i:,, total $22.06. 5 by hill. E by Trují.lo. by J. acres; bounded E by J. Ribera and assessor $j0.0A,, total valuation and The S.V 14 cf XE 14. the XW of Jua - Chave. Ali taxei 4t0 W by by F. Quintana. P0. 4 N by F. CaHtgo. 6 Í J Uod Dur.iel lia. a. All taxes. 46 vs. Hand. Valuation of real estate $375, by S. Várela. S and X hills. land. E Valuation of amount subject to tat $230. Taxes SE 14 of XE 14. and XW of S3 Kod-rlgue- by personal property $305.00, total Valuation of real estate $359.00, m real estate $210.00. added by assess- - $11.00, penalty 55c. publication 85c, XE 4 J rUurx. hi by A. Chavez, W by S, bounded X by bilí, 8 road, E by of the of SW 14, the S by or $52.00, Valuation of rial e.uu fill, T. Garcia, W by S. I!acs; Land valuation $710.00, les exemption personal property $70.00, added total valuation and amt. total $11.90. of SE of XW the XE 14 of subject to 4 4 ci property $32.00. total val bound ! X by river, S by road, E by $200.00, balance subject to tax $540. assessor $157.00, total valuation and tax $262.00. Taxes $11.27. Juan and Pablo Salas. All taxes SE XW of section 11. in twp. R- s I). W Tsxes penalty $1.20, publi- amount subject to $786.00. Taxes penalty 66c, publication 33c, total 17 - 16 es-os- a, uation $242. W k-- eiemplloo 1200.00, liara, by G. Lopex; bouse and $21.01, tat 200 vs. bounded X by top of Encln-- ! E. Valuation of real publication 70 $12.18. tax 1 12.00. Tax.a lot bounded X by F. Lopez, 8 by A. cation 70c, total $25.91. $33.84. penalty $1.C9. S by Lynch, E by I. Trujillo. W ,tate $200.00. added by assessor $50, balance mbject to i 85c, to- Garcia, E by 8. Martines W by road. cents, total $38.23. Eugenio Salas. All taxes 160 acres by A. Salas; 200 vs. I tota' valuation and amount 11.79, penalty 9c, publication Precinto No. 47 not bounded. subject tal $2.23. Valuation of real estate $116.00 ti Francisco Jaramillo. All taxes. Per- bounded X. E S and W by govern Valuation of real estate $120.00. of tt at $250.00. Taxes $10.50. penalty person il property $34.00, added by Mrs. It sac Flood. All taxes. Lots property consisting chiefly of ment land. Valuation of real - Paul!; llibarrl de Gallegos. AH sonal estate j pvrsuuii property, luiai vaiua i""v wt, iuiai $43.00, valuation 19. 20 21 In 1 M. C by $230.00, personal fii.. tatea. The SE 14 of section 34, twp. assessor total and and block of & cattle: valuation $213.00, added of property $60.00, tlon and amount subject to tax $128-- Maria Inei Martinez. All taxes. 210 amount subject to tax $213.00 Taxes Klhlbet g'a addition. Valuation of real assessor $54.00, total valuation and aaaea oy assessor igs.uo, valua- Taxes $5.C3. penalty 28c, X", 16 X It 15E. Valuation oí real eiui total publication 'acres bcunded S and W by L. V. $9.50, penalty 48c, publication $1.05, personal subject Taxes tion and amount subject .oc, $200.00, added ly aaesor $0.00, to- tbUts $200.00, of property amount to tat $267.00. to tax $358. total $6.61. Grant. E by Mrs. Guadalupe Rendon. total $11.03. $25.00, by to- 62c, publication 35c, Tsxes $15.42. peaalty 77c, publica- tal valuation and amount subject la added assessor $56.00, $12.32, renalty Isidoro Trujillo. All taxes. Land Valuation of real estate and amount tion 35o, total $16.54. tax $230.00. Taxes $10.60, penalty Maria ignscla G. de Baca. All tax tal valuation and amount subject to total $13.29. bounded X by X. Armijo. S by F. M. subject to tax $300.00. Taxes $12.60. $231.00. $11. penalty C9c 62c. publication Sic, toUl $11.37. es. 100 acres bounded X by ditch, S tax Taxei 80. Xobertc Jaramillo. Second half of Jose Salas. All taxes. Personal pro- Thomas, E by top of Enclnosa, W by ;Penaltv 63c, publication 35c, total by publication 60c, total $12.99. perty; $13.S8. Jesus Jaramillo. All taxes. The SE by road E J. M. G. de Martinet. taxes. Part of section 8, twp. 14 X. R. valuation $875.00, added by Lynch. Valuation of real estate $90, Valuation of real estate and amount John V. Grlswold. Second balf of 23E, 160 acres. Valuation of real es- assessor $219.00, total valuation and of personal property $181.00, j Gabriel M. 4 oí section 32, twp. IS N. R. 16 E. total Montoya. AH taxes. 160 & subject to tax $546.00. Taxes, 24.02, taxes. Lot 3 In block of Hot Springs tate $230.00, of personal property amt. subject to $1094.00. Taxes j Valuation of real estate $200.00, add- tat valuation $271.00, less exemption acres bcunded X, S and E by L. V. penalty $1.20, 35c, $317.00, $53.18, penalty $2.66, ed by $50.00, total valuation publication total addition. Valuation of real estate $87.00, total valuation less publication 35c $175.00, balance subject to tax $96. Grant, w by G. S. Montoya; house iaeor $25.57. $500.00, by to- exemption $200.00, balance subject to total $56.19. 'and and amount subject to tax $250.00. added assessor $25.00, Taxes $4.73, penalty 23c, publication lot bounded X by E. Sanchez 8 tal and subject $117.00. Taxes $2.64. penalty 13c, 35c, Taxa $10.60, penalty 52c, publication Segundo naca. All taxes. House valuation amount to tat Jose Abran Salazar. All taxes. The total $5.30. jand W by street, E by F. Otero. VaL X by S by tax $73.00. Taxes $1.59, penalty 8c, publication 35c, total $3.02. XW 1-- of 2. Twp. of real 35c, total $11.37. and kt bounded street, 8. section 14, X. R. Juan de Mata Trujillo. All taxes. estate $478.00. of personal prc-6-17 Lopex, publication 20c, total $1.86. - All 23 E, 160 es- rty George Lucero Jirou. All taxei. Crenpin, E by F. W by A. A. Xoberto Tafoya de Jaramillo. acres. Valuation of real yards, bounded X by A. Trujillo, $804.00. total valuation $12S2. j Valuatlop of real $"9.00 taxes. House, bounded. Valuation tate $200.00. added by S less exemption 160 acre bounded X by M. Montano, Garcia. estate Santiago Martinez. All taxes. loO not assessor $50, by Puertoclto, E by top of Crestón, $200.00. balance subject added by assessor $15.00, val- ai rog bounded S, by public of estate $23.00, of personal pro--pert- y total valuation and amount subject to W by J10 $10S2.00. 8 and K by L. V. Grant, W by P. Mon- total E and W real San Gerónimo road. Valuation lix Taxes $50.41, pen-o- f uation snd amount subject tax $74. land, by edge of canyon. $172.00, added by assessor $48, tax $250.00. Taxes $10.75, penalty $315.00, pro-!at-v 12.52, publication Uno; 20 acre bounded N by C. Or- to S Valuation real ertate of personal 70c, total Taxes $3.24, penalty lGc, publication of real estate $225.00, of personal pro- total vr.luatlon and amount subject to 55c, publication 35c, total $11.63. nertv S75.00 tntal valuation fW.OJ. tiz, S by T. Lucero, E by J. L. Lepe?, - 1 - - 35c. perty Taxes $11.07, penalty Gabriel S. V by G. galas. Valuation of real es- total $3.75. $373.00, total valuation $628.00, tat $243.00. Feliberto Sanchez. All taxes, im- less exemption $200.00, balance sub- Montoya. All taxes. 160 55c, 35c, acres $285.00, personal property $49.00 Juan A. Pernal. All taxea. 2639 less exemption $200.00, balance sub- publication total $11.97. provements on government land; val- ject to tax $190.00. Taxes $S.39, pen- bounded X and S by L. V. Grant tate E by c. total valuation $334, less exemp. $200, acres of land at SanRuJuela, Valuation ject to tax $428.00. Taxes $19.42, pen- Creatine Leyba. All taxes. 21 acres uation $40.00, of personal property alty 42c, publication 35c, total Montoya. W by L. V.Grant Aaluation balance subject to tax $134.00. Taxes of real estate $1539.00, of personal alty 97c, publication 35c, total $20.74. boundel X and S by government $231.00, total valuation $291.00, less $9.16. of real estate nn added by fm $3. C6, penalty 2Sc, publication 70c, property $448.00, total valuation F. II. I'egram. All taxes. Lots 24 & land. E by A. Gonzales, W by X. exemption $106.00, balance subject to Joe Abran Várela. All taxes. 250 assessor $52.00. total valu' tota; $6.64. $1987.00 less exemption $200.00. bal- 35 in biock 2 and lots 3, 4, 5 and 16 Martinez. Valuation of real estate and tax $185.00. Taxes $9.22, penalty 46c, vs. bounded X by S. Gonzales, S by 9"'1 amo"nt subject to tax $262. n-01- . publication - '8xes penalty 55c, Moya. yards ance subject to tax $1787,00. Taxes, in biock S of 11. S. addition. Valua- amount subject to tax $49.00. Taxes 35c. total $10.03. com. rights, W by D. Trujillo. Valua- publication Santiago All taxes. 150 c total $79.64. penalty $3.98, publication 35c, tion of real estate $70.00, added by $2.11, penalty 11c, publication 35c, Xarclso UHbarrl. Second half of tion of real estate $110.00, of person. not bounded. Valuation of real estate o total $83.97. assessor $18.00, total valuation and taxes. Part of 32 and 33, twp. proeprty $163.00, total valuation . Ortiz. Second half of $40.00, added by assessor $10,00, sections 0 1 of land iu total valuation and amount subject to Picio Garcia. All taxes. 125 vs. amt subject to tat $8.00. Taxes Faustln Lopz. All taxes. Part of 14 X. R. 24 E, 160 acres. Valuation of $573.00. less exemption $200.00. bal-- fres E. V. penalty 11c, bounded X by river, 8 by Blue canyon, $3.69, penalty 18c, publication $1.20, section 29, Tp. 14 X. R. 25E. 80 acres. real estate $230.00, of personal pro- ance tubject to tax $373.00. Taxes , ' Valuation of tax $50.00. Taxes $2.10, ' "-o- "d. f peráonaI Pro?-tot- publication 35c, total $2. EC. E by M. Crispin, W by D. Montoya; total $5.07. Valuation of real estate $100.00, add- perty $60.00, total valuation $290.00, $16.55. penalty S3c, publication 35c. L,.l ?n 7 t0,al. valuation Miguel Romero. All taxes. Personal 2tvs. bounded X by river, S by hill, Thoaias 11. Reed. All taxes. Lota 1, ed by assessor $25.00, total valuation less exemption $200.00, bnlance sub- $17.73. if $583.00, balance property; valuation $255.00, less ex- E by V. Lucero, W by J. R, Sandoval. 2 aud 3 in block 4, and lots 14, 15 and amount subject to tax $125.00. ject to tax $90.00. Taxes $1.95, penal- Manuel Várela. All taxes. 160 acres "T"0"J'00' 26c, ty 9c publication 35c, X by F. Ursua, by A. Jara- - " M: Taxoe S.73, emption, $200.00, balance aubject to Valuation of real estate $282.00 of 16 and 17 In block 5 of 11. S. addi- Taxes $".38, penalty publication total $2.39. S 43c - P"bIk'at'n total $6. 8, penalty 33c, personal property $40.00, added by tion; lots 34 and 24 block 20, and 35c, total $5.99. millo. E and W by E. Bustos. Valua- 3, tat $155.00. Taxes in Precinto No. 49 publication S5c, total $7.28. SAKeKinr $82.00, total valuation and lots 1 end 2 in block 2 of M. & K. Lopez. AH taxes. Personal tion of real estate $200.00, of personal Teodor Pedro Pacheco. All taxes. Per-son- amount subject to tax $410.00. Taxes addition. Valuation ex- Felipe Angel. property $147.00, added by assessor Bernardo Salas. Second balf of of real estate property; valuation $215.00 less All taxes. 200 yards, property consisting, chiefly $18.05, penalty 90c, publication 70c $87.00, valuation and amount of 4 1 $610.00, added by asaor to- Bubject bounded X by Chavez, S by T. total taxes. Tie SE of XE 4, the 8W $153.00, emption $100.00, balance tu J. J. bheep. Valuation .added by total $19.65. valuation 252, Kavanaugh, by top subject to tax $434.00. Taxes $19.52, 14 of NB the XW 14 of SE 4 tal and amount subject to tax $115.00. Taxes $5.11, penalty E of Crestón, W il.15.tio, total valuation Juan P. Lopex. All taxea. 100 vs. by penalty 98c, publication 35c, total and and KB 14 of 8W 4 of section tax $763.00. Taxes $32.05. penalty publication 35c, total $5.71. road. Valuation of real estate and amount subject to tax by $677.00. Taxes Val- hounded X J. I). Hand, g jiy river, $1.60, publication $2.20, total $35,85. Alejando Lucero. All taxes. of amount subject to tax $55.00. Taxes $20.85. $32.12. 15. township 15. X. R. 1515. Part penalty ll.áp pnbjication 35c, E and W by Diego Trujillo, Valuation SO uation of real estate $260.00, of per- PAGE 80 80 80 80z sections 1 and 2, twp. 13 X. R. 23E, $2.42, penalty 12c. publication 35c, Precinto No. 50 total $34.0S. of real $215.00, of personal 160 33 by L. total $2.89. itonei property $50.00, total valuation Magnus Tait. All taxes. Lots S and acres; acres bounded X Guadalupe Ribera de Pendón. Sec- property $1033.00, added by Matías Aragón, AH 160 acres exemption $200.00, bal- assessor 6 In block 7 M. & Val- Gonzales, E by B. Lucero, S by P. Prospero Baca. Second half of tax- taxes. ond htir AV $310.09 less of K. addition. of taxes. The 2 of SW $312.00, , Total valuation and amount W by 3. M. Quintana. Valuation ea. 268 yards bounded X by L. Baca. of land, not bounded. Valuation of 2 ance subject to tax $110.00. Taxes uation of real estate $20.00, added by land, of hec. 2.1, the E of SE of subject to tax $1500.00. Taxes $75,41, pro- S by real estate $265.00, of personal pro- $2.36. penalty 12c, publication 35c, assessor $5.00, total valuation and of real etatc $286.00, of personal J. Montoya, E by J. C. Boyd, W sec. 22, twp. 16. X. R. i) E' lno penalty $3,77, publication 35c, totxl by by h&lrs of L. Lopez; 245 yards, perty $1Í2.00, total valuation $457.00, total $2.80. amt subject to tax $25.00. Taxes perty $390.00, added assessor Valuation of real estate $2.55.00 of $79.53. sub- p to-ta- l $83.00,-tota- l valuation $759.00, le3s bounded X by J. C. Boyd, S by L. Del- less exemption $200.00 balance personal property Jose UHbarrl. All taxes. The NW $1.06, penalty 5c, tllcation 40c, $45.00. total valua-tio- n Santiago Lopez, All taxes. 150 vs. pen- 1-- exemption $200.00, balance subject to gado, 'ü by A. Márquez. W by T. ject to tax $257.00. Taxes $11.34, $300.00, 14 of SW the SW 4 of SW $1.51. J. less exemption $200.00, Nmndsd X by Sapello river, S by tax' $559.00. Taxes $26.52, penalty Kavanaugh. Valuation of real estate alty 57c, publication 35c, total $12.26. ba lance subject tbe W 2 of NW of section 2, Wait & Moore. All taxes. Lots 12 & to tax $100.QO. Taxeg hills, E by Placlta, W by D. UHbarrl. publication 70c, $277.00, of personal property $78.00, Santiago Archuleta. All taxes. Im- $2.11, penalty twp. 35 X. R. 15 n. Valuation of real 13 in block 25 of Mills & X. addition. $1.32, total $28.54. 10c, publication 35c. to. Valuation of real erUte $175.00, of Ma. Martinez. All The total valuation $355.00, exemp- provements of government land, valu- $2.56. eat at a $250,00, of personal property Valuation of real estate $50.00, add- Jose taxes. less tsl personal property $70.00, 1-- added by 2 SW 4 S SE 4 tion $200.00, balance subject to ation $25.00, personal property, val- Jose L. Romero. $10.00 total valuation $260,00, legs ed by asaes'sor $13.00, total valuation E of and 12 of tax All taxes. The assessor $61.00. total valuation and 21, twp. 14 160 $155.00. Taxes $3.43, penalty 17c, uation $1S0.00, total valuation $205.00 SW of 2. Tp 15 vxemption $200.00, balance subject to and amount subject to tax $63.00. of section X. R. 23E, section X. R. 19 amount subject to tax $306.00. Taxes publication 70c, $4.30. less exemption $115.00, balance sub- E, 160 acres. tax $00.00. Taxes $3.52, penalty 13c, Taxes $3.C5, penalty 13c, publication acres. Valuation of real estate $212.00, total Valuation of real e?. $13.48, penalty C7c, publication 35c, property Lorenzo Delgado. All taxes. 163 by ject to tax $90.00. Taxes $4.11, pen- tate $230.00, of personal publication total $3.00. 40c, total $3.18. of personal $63.00, total val pronertv .. total $14.50. uation and amount subject to tux 500 yds. bounded X. by M. Várela, S alty 20c, publication 35c, total $4.66. $52.00, added by assessor $70.00, total Martina Goi.zalei de UHbarrl. es-on- d Unknown Owners. All taxes. Lots Moisés Lucero. The W 12 of W 12 $275.00. Taxeg $U-8- penalty 68c, and E by A. Márquez, W by Preston: Antonio Castillo. All taxes. The XE valuation and amount subject to tax half of taxes, 100 acres bounded 4, 1 4 3 and in block 8, lots 41 and 42 In of XW the W 2 of XE of publication 35c, total $12.79. 163 by 500 yards, bounded X by M. 4 of section 13 Twp. 15 X. R. 20 E. $352.00. Taxes $14.81, penalty 64 E, Re-Kin- o N by J. UHbarrl S. and W by 4 block 27, 13 14 In 7, SW of section 28, the XW of lots and block Timoteo Martinez. All taxes. Per- Márquez, S by D. Mares E and W by 160 acres, Valuation of real estate publication 35c, total $15.80.' X'lHarrt. Valuation of real estate 2 1-- all In Mills & Kihlberg'j addition. Val- SW 14, and E 12 of E of XE 4 sonal property; valuation and amount Crestón; 40 square bounded X $200.00, added by assessor $30.00, to- Maximo Romero. All taxes. 160 and amount subject to tax $250.00. 2 4 uation of and sub- and the B of XE of SE Í real estate amount subject to tax $511.00. Taxes $24.81, and W by road S by creek E by M. tal valuation and amount subject to acres bounded X by Ojo de la Víbora Taxes 15.25, penalty 26c, publication ject to $150,00. pen- S by M. of section 29, In twp. 17 X. R. 18 E tax Taxes $6,30, penalty $1.23, publication 35c, total Márquez; 163 by 500 yarda, bounded tax $230.00. Taxes $10.50, penalty 62c F. Jimenez, E by La Manea. 35c, total $5.S6. alty 32c, W by E. 160 acres. Valuation of real enlate publication $1,20, total $26.39. X by D. Mares, S by A. Márquez, W publication 35c .total $11.37. V. Lang. Valuation of real ertate $250.00, Rfghio UHbarrl. All taxes. Part of $200.00, added by assuror $50.00. $7.82. Tomos Martinez. Second half of by Crestón E by A. Márquez; house Apolonio Cordova. Second half of of personal property $37.00. 2, twp, 15 1-- 2 total valuation $287.00, ex- XW corner of section N. total valuation and amount subject to taxes. The SE 1-- of section 25, twp. and lot 70 by 70 feet, bounded X and taxea. The X of XE the SE less Precinto No. 48 emption Valuation $210, $250.00. 1-- 4 1--4 $200.00, balance subject to R. 15E. of real estate tax Taxes $11.00, penalty 55c, 14 X. R. 23 160 acres. Valuation E by . Márquez, S by H. Várela, W of XE and XE1. 4 of SE K tax $87.00. Taxes of personal property $25.00, total val- publication 35c. total $11.90. Encarnación Estrada. Second half of real estate $225.00, of personal by alley. Valuation of real estate and of section 19, Twp. 16 X. R. 19 E. 160 $3.68, penalty 18c, publication 35c, $4.21. uation $235.00 less exemption $200.00, LuUlta S. de Martines. All taxes. of taxeB. 131 acres, bounded X by E. property $38,00, added by assessor amount subject to tax $100.00. Taxes acres. Valuation of real estate $200, total E. Rosenwald & Son. Al balance subject to tax $35.00. Taxes C36 yards not. bounded, at Sanguijue- Lucero, S by J. L. Estrada, E by $20.00, total valuation $283.00. less $4.40, penalty 22c, publication $2.15, added by assessor $50.00, total valua- ltaxes. to- ICO aerea of land known as Jose Inez $1.53, penalty Se, publication 85c, la; 7C0 acres of land at Sanguijuela school section, W by S. Gallegos; 160 exemption $200.00, halance subject to total $6.77. tion and amount subject to tax $250. Ranch, X to S 27 chaina or 5 and 4 tal $1.66. and at Mesteuo, not bounded. Valua acres bounded X by government land tax $83.00. Taxes $1.84, penalty 8c, Juan D. Kavanaugh. AH taxes. 35 Taxes $5.25, penalty 26c, publication yd, bounded S by G. Vigil, X tion of real estate-- $2599.00, of per- S by Gregorio Garcia y Sandoval, E publication 35c, total $2.27. acres and house and lot, bounded X 35c, total $5.86. Precinto No. 45 by P. Palomino, E by X. Jimenez, W sonal property $485.00, added by by school section, W by government Tomas A, Medina. All taxes. The by A. Chavez. S by L. Sedillo, E by Manuel Flores. All taxes. The SE by canon de Los Cuervltos Val. of assessor $771.00, total valuation ana land, Valuation of real estate $397.00, S 2 S 4 edge of Crestón, by 1-- of section 27, twp. 15 X. R. 20 E. Teodocio Garcia. Second half of of XE and of SW W road. Valuation real estate and amount subject to tax val- . amount subject to tax $3855.00. Taxes of personal property $73.00, total of section 1". twp. 15 X. R. 22.-E- of real estate and amount subject to 160 acres. Valuation of real estate taxes. 100 acres bounded X by J. F. $160.00. Taxes $6.72, penalty 33c, pub- Corta-la- , $170.38, penalty $8.52, publication uation $470, leas exemption $200.00, of personal property $190.00, Madrid, 8 by Cerrlto, 13 by M. 160 acres. Valuation of real estate, tat $44.00. Taxes $1.94 penalty 10;, $210.00, lication 35c, total $7.40. 70c, total $179.60. balance subject to tax $270,00. Tax- j 35c, amount subject to W by Ceja. Valuation of real es- $260,00, of personal property $277.00 publication total $2.39. total valuation and G. R. Shaffer. All taxes, 160 acres Juanita Gonzale de Martinez. Sec- es $5.S'i, penalty 29c, publication 70c, by val- - j Martín Márquez. All taxes. 80 yds. $400.00. Taxes $17.66, penalty tate $250.00, of personal property added assessor $131.00. total tax of land known as Gonzales land; 160 ond half of taxes. CO acres of land total $6.85. not, 88c, $59.00, total valuation $309.00 loss nation end amount subject to tax bounded. Valuation of real estate publication 35c, total $18.89. acres, being 8S0 yds, bounded S by J. bounded N by bills, s and E by Pla- Daniel Flores. All taxes .60 yds. nf $671.00. 160 acres exemption 200.00, balance subject to Taxes $29.63, penalty $1.47, $235.00, of personal property $72.00, j Teófilo Garcia. All taxes. It." Gutierrez, E by B. Baca, W 8S0 W by Mft, X by G. by - ; tax $109.00. Taxei $2.15. penalty 10c, clta Rmch, l. Gonzales. laud bounded river, S publication 35c, total $31.45. total valuation $307.00, less exemp bounded S by M. Jimenez, E by L. V. yds. from B. Baca. Valuation of real Valuation of $1150.00, by C. W by Lo- publication SSc, total $2.60. real estate of ditch, E Daros, G. Jose Manuel Medina. All taxes. Part tion $200.00, balance subject to tax Grant. W by C. Ortega, X bv Wm. estate $120.00, of personal property personal property 00, val- pez; ICO X M. Amad A. de Lucero. All taxes. 300 $1545.. total acres bounded by of section 17. twp. 15 X. R. 23 E. $107.00. Taxes $4.75 penalty 24c, White. Valuation of real estate $215, $60.00, added by assessor $120.00, to-

s. uation and amount subject to tax y S by Martinez, E 160 acres bounded N by Montón de Sabln-tío- Flores Padilla. F. acres. Valuation of real estate publication 35c, total $5.33. added by assessor $54.00, total valua- tal valuation and amount subject to by M. Mora, E by G. river, W $26.95.00. Taxes $04.28, penalty by C. Remero, W by M. Gonzales. Val- $2.15, of personal property $95.00, Regino Márquez. All taxes. Land tion ind amount subject to tax $269. tax $600.00. Taxes $25.25. penalty S publication by road. Valuation of real estate $1.21. 35c, total $57.84. uation of real estate $290.00, of per- added by'assessor $78.00, total valua- bounded X by D, Tafoya and J. Vár- Taxes $11.30, penalty 56c, publication $1.26, publication 70c, total $27.21. Martinez, $435.00, of personal property $90,00, Uomaldo Second balf'Of sonal property $383.00, total valua- tion and amount subject to tax $!SS. ela, S by J. J. and X. Herrera, E 35c, total $12.21. Diocio UlibarrL Second half of tax- total valuation and amount subject to taxes. The W of XW the XW tion $675.00 lesa exemption $200.00, Taxes $17.06, penalty 85c, publica- by A. Encintas W by road from L. Anastasia T. de Garcia. All taxes. es. 160 aerea bounded X by M. F. tax $52:. 00. Taxes $20.74, penalty 14 of SW 4 of section 1, and the balance subejet to tax $475.00. Taxes tion 35c. total $18.26. V. to San Gerónimo. Valuation of real 9 vs. bounded X by river, S by hills, Jimenez. S by P. Mondragon, E by $1.04, publication 35c total $22.13. XE 14 of SE 14 of section 2. twp. $23.35, penalty $1.12. publication 70e, Victoriano Pacheco, Second half of estate $231.00, of personal property E by M." Martinez. W by F. T. de Gon- rnnd, W by Concha Canon. Valua- I Felipa X. Lucero. All taxes, 100 vs. 17, X rrngo 16 E. Valuation of reil total $24.17. taxes. Part of sections 30 & 19, twp. $47.00, total valuation $278.00. less zales. Valuation of real estate $14.00, tion of real estate $250.00, of person- by $C0, y 14, al property $60.00, bound-i- N by ditch 8 by river, E by estate $240.00, added assessor Gregorio Garcia Gonzales. Second X. R. 25E, 160 acres. Valuation of exemption $200.00, balance subject to of personal property $645.00, added total valuation amount 100 X $310.00, O. Gallegos, W by A. F. Balde; 65 vs. total valuation and subject to half of taxes. acres bounded real estate $220.00, of personal pro- tax $7S.00. Taxes $3.46 penalty 17c, by assessor $165.00, total valuation less exemption $200.00, bal- D, ance subject bounded N by ditch, S by river E by tax $300.00. Taxes $6.60, penalty 33c, by Garcia, S by J. Garcia, E by perty 00, total valuation $275.00. publication 35c total $3.38. and amount subject to tax $824.00. to tax $110.00. Taxes publication S5c, $2.37, penalty 12c, publication I). Atenrlo, W by J, Sena. Valuation total $7,28. government land, W by Pond Bros., less exemption $200 balance subject Felix Martinez y Torres. All taxes. Taxes $38.33, penalty $1.92, publica 35c, total $2.84. of real estate and amount subject to J. Hilario Mohtoya. Second half of being in section 22, twp. 13 X. R. 22 to tax $75.00. Taxes $1.65, penalty 300 vs. bounded X by C Armijo S by tion 35", total $40.63. taxes. 40 3-- of land bounded X E. 7c, Marcial UHbarrl. Second half of tax $230,00. Taxe $8.97. penalty 45c, acres Valuation of real estate $267.00, of publication 35c, total $2.07. L. Lopez, E and W by hills. Valuation Elisha V. Long. All taxes. Land by IX taxes. 160 acres bounded X by Burro publication 70c, and S by hilts, E J. Hand; 800 personal property $155.00, total valu- BIbiau Quintana. Second half of of real estate $133.00, of personal pro- formerly of Xicolas Salazar, not, total $10.11 Canon, S by acres of land bounded X and S by ation $422.00 less exemption $200.00, taxes. 160 acres bounded X by A. Ta- perty $124.00, total valuation $257.00, bounded; the SE 1-- of SW the Mesa, E by Eugenio Can- Juan de Diog Lucero. Second half on, W by VI by D, 2 1-- 2 P. Mondragon. Valuation 32 not bounded; 50 vs. bills. J. Hand.. Valuation of balance subject to tat $222.00. Taxes pia. S by C. M. Quintana, E by P. less exemption $200.00, balance sub- E of E of sections 19 and IS, of taxes. vs. of real estate $304.00, and amount subject 25c, 35c, 2 2 of personal In Montoya and 60 vs. In lower real eu.te to tax $5.03, penalty publication Gallegos, W by G. land; house and ject to tat $57.00. Taxes $2.58, pen- and E of E of section 30, in upp?r property $17.00. total valautlon $321. estate. $12.32.00. Tases $27.11, penalty $1.3, total $5.63. lot bounded X by G. M. de Quintana, alty 13c, publication 35c, total twp, 16 X. R. 20En part of sections Montoya. Valuation of real less exemption $200.00, balance publication 70c, total $29,17. Juan Garcia y Sandoval. Second S, E and W by L. E. & J.S Quintana. $3.06. 12, 25 end 24. in twp. la N. R. la E; sub $122.00, of personal property $73,00, ject to tax $121.00. Taxea $2.54. pen valua- Roman Romero. All taxes. The S half of taxes. Part of section 5, in Valuation of real estate $230.00, of Desiderio Padilla. All taxes. 280 and part of section 7 in twp. 16 X. R. added by assessor $51.00, total alty 13c, publication 35c. total $3.02. of XE 14 and X 12 of SE 14 of twp. 13 X. R. 24E. 160 acres; part of personal property $187.00, total valu- acres bounded X by D. Morales, s by 20 E; 1860 acres of landn ot bounded; tion an i amount subject to tat $258. William White. All taxes. 320 sec, 36, twp. 17 X. R. 17E; house & lot section 2. in twp. 14 N. R, 24 E. 160 ation $417.00, less exemption $200.00 J. A. Trujillo, E by Gallinas road, W 160 acr?s bounded X by Puertoclto, S Taxes $;.02. penalty 25c, publication acres of land E of Lake Monia in bounded by V. Lucero. Valuation of acres. Valuation of real estate $175.00, balance subject to tax $217.00. Taxes by P. S.; 74 aeres bounded X by by M. Jimenez, E by Ceja, W by Mo- 70c, total $5.97, Laa Conchas country. Valuation cf real estate $245.00, of personal pro- of personal property $87.00, added by $4.91, penalty 24c, publication 70c, M. Trujillo, S by Maestas. E by red gote. Valuation of real estate $3550, Paula R. de Sanchez, All taxei. 144 real eatate $400.00, added by assessor perty $20.00, total valuation $275.00, assessor $334.00, total valuation total $5.85. cerrlto, W by creek; 200 vs. bound- - added by assessor $S88, total valua- - !, . N. by N. Apodsca, S by ,inftnn nfn, H vs. bounded less exemption $200.00, balance sub- $596.00, exemption $200.00, bal- Luciano 160 S amount subject , less Quintana. All taxes. led north by encierrlto by M. Ribera, tion ani to tax $4438. T. Jaran-.illo- E by T. Baros. W by gje' $500.00 Taxesi $21 00 ject to tat $75.00. Taxes $3.32 pen- ance subject to tax $396.00. Taxes acres bounded X. S, E. and W by E by old road, W by canon. Valuation i axes penauy pumica- - 31 vs. bounded N by river, 8 us pub,Icatlon S5 tota, bills; alty 17c, publication 70c, total $1.19. $8.62, penalty 43c. publication 70c, government land. Valuation or real of real estate $302.00, of personal pro- - tion $1.75, total $197.46. !t2240 by Apodaca, W by T. by bill. E N. Isidro Sandoval. All taxes, 130 vi. total $9.75. estate $220.00, of personal property perty $106.00, added by assessor uem:o L,opez y acá. raxes. Grant. Valua- ah Wlnslow F mitft A11 160 Jaramillo, land la Ortiz not bounded. Valuation of real estate Hilario Gonzales. All taxes. 160 $100.00, total valuation amount $152.00. total valuation and amount 500 vs. bounded X by Truchas, S by person- and 'acres bounded N by L. Camdeterlo, tion of real estate $313,00 of $260.00, by assessor to- X subject D. added $65.00, acres bounded and S by C. rights. to tat $320.00. Taxes $14.21, subject to tax $760.00. Taxeg $33.62, R. Gallegos, E by Padilla, W by ,W by B. Jimenez. S and E by M. Ji-- al property $530.00, total valuation Archlbe-que- . tal valuation and amount subject to S by A. Martinez, W by 8. penalty 7le, publication 35c, total penalty $16.58, publication $1.05, to- Romero. Valuation of real estate menez, and L. V. grant Valuation of and amount subject to tax $843.00. $325.00, Taxes $14.29, penalty $18.27. personal property $204.00, tax Valuation of real estate $220.00. tal $38.35. $250.00, of teai estáte $300.00, of personal prop-adde- d Taxes $38.05, penalty $1.80, publica-tk- 71c, publication 35c, total $15.33. of personal property $443.00, total Luis Ma, Quintana. All taxes. 160 , Victoria Romero de Padilla. All by assessor $113.00, total val. eity $100.00, added by assessor $100. $1.05, total $38,50. Jose A. Sandoval. All taxes. 400 Valuation $663.00, less exemption acres bounded X, S and W by gov. taxes. 160 acres bounded X by F. Ta- - and amt. subject to tat $567.00. Taxes total valuation and aomunt subject yds, bounded X 8 by hills, E by $200.00 lanoVE by L. publication penal-cent- s, Precinto No. 46 and balance subject to tat $463.00, B. Quintana: 35. vs. bound- foya S and E by P. land, W by $24.48, penalty $1.22, $35 to tat $500.00. Taxes $21.00, L. S, Martinez, W by A, Cordova, t Taxea $21.38, penalty $1.07. pub- ed N bv Pecos river. 8 by O. Garduño, Tafoya; house and lot bounded X by total $26.05. ty $1.05, publication 35c, $22.40. Santiago Aragón. Second half of Emplaza; land bounded X by Mora lication 85c, total $22.80. ' E "by J. Vigil, W by E. Arellanes; C. Romero. S by P. Lucero, E by N. Heirs of Lorenzo Lopez. All taxes. No. 51 tare. 175 v. bounded E by J. D. Grant. S by H. Marej. E by blue can- Marga rito Gonzales. All tatea. 240 house end lot bounded X by II. Quin- Méx. A., W by alley. Valuation of 159 acres being part of section 2, In K Pr,nt Hand, W by Manuel M. y Leal, 3 by yon, W by Cuchilla. Valuation of real acres bnnnded X by mesa, 8 by A. tana. 9 by street. E by J. Vigil, W by real estate $375.00, of personal pro- twp. 11 X. R. 24 E; 160 acres being Toroasitn Archibeque de Aragón, till?. X by Kapello river; 206 vs. estate $í00.00, of personal property Gonzales, E by I. Castillo, W by J, F. Quintana. Valuation of real estate perty $59.00 total valuation $434.00, part of section 24 In twp. 12 X. R. Second naif of taxes. 160 acres bd. bounded X by bills, 8 by S. river; W $621.00. added by assessor $380,00, to R. Sanchez. Valuation of real estate $260.00, of personal propreyt $65.00, leas exemption $200.00, balance 24 E; 160 acres being part of section j 111 by J, M, Aragíin. by D. amount $375.00, 8 11 24 be-- j E J. Hand; tal valuation and subject to of personal property $2365.00, added by county commissioners $175, subject to tat $234.00. Tatei $10.83, In twp X. R. E: 320 acres (Continua en la Ediclon Regular) ,