TITLE : Uig Community Council Uig Community DATE : 02-03-20 TIME : 7.30pm Council VENUE : Uig Community Centre

Minutes of Meeting DISTRIBUTION : To all Council Members

Present: C. Mackenzie, C. Maclean, A. Morrison, N. A. Macdonald, L. Darley.

Item Summary and Action When?

1 Apologies G. Attrill, W. Greer, R. Fraser, A. Murray, S. Brown.

Minutes of meeting held on 10th February 2020, approved by CMacK, seconded by CMacL. 2 Approval of Minutes Matters Arising: WG and CMacK have completed updates to the Discovering Uig booklet, which is now ready to go to the printers. The Accommodation section has been removed from this version.

3 Finance Balance stands at £4,304.77. Paid - £800 to Peter MacLennan for the Community Bus and £301.50 to Community Centre for fireworks.

1 Item Summary and Action When?

E-mails forwarded to members - • Planning - weekly lists. • E-mail - Coinneach Morrison, introducing himself as Islands Policy and Communities Expert. • E-mail - Winnie Greer - Murray Macleod offer of another film show event. • E-mail - Belle Ann - ’s consultation event re Sectoral Marine Plan for Offshore Wind Energy. • E-mail - Alice Murray - Letter re. meeting for next round of Community Conversations (turns out to be re. Crown Estate Funds). Other correspondence - 4 Correspondence • E-mails - to Peter MacLennan, asking for Bus Service invoices. • E-mails - re. meeting to discuss Crown Estate Fund. • E-mails - sent notification of new e-mail address for UCC. Acknowledgement received from Alice, Angus, Catriona and Tinie. • E-mails - Sophie Brown, notes re. Crown Estate Fund. • E-mail and .pdf letter sent re. Broadband to Paul Wheelhouse MSP - Minister for Energy, Connectivity and the Islands, John Swinney MSP - Deputy First Minister of , Angus Brendan MacNeil MP, MSP. • E-mails - Zurich and Belle Ann, re. Insurance Renewal Notice. • E-mail - Sophie Brown, forward of letter of introduction from Kathleen MacDonald, Community Energy Scotland Manager, re. CES Development Officer.

Letter sent via e-mail to Paul Wheelhouse MSP - Minister for Energy, Connectivity and the Islands, John Swinney MSP - Deputy First Minister of Scotland, Angus Brendan MacNeil MP, Alasdair Allan MSP, requesting comments and advice on the loss of 5 Broadband Connected Communities Broadband coverage. LD Automated reply received from Alasdair Allan requesting confirmation that Uig is within his constituency. LD to reply to the affirmative. No other acknowledgements received.

CMacL contacted Jim Morrison regarding funding after the end of March. The budget is 6 Community Bus under review and if there are any changes CMacL will be notified. CMacL to speak to Alison Maxwell (shop manager) regarding collection of Saturday papers, and to speak to CMacL Peter MacLennan with a query about a journey on his invoice.

NAMacD has been in discussion with Fiona Douglas, Chair of Bernera Community 7 Crown Estate Funds Council, concerning forming a Joint Partnership Board to take forward any applications to the fund. Next step - NAMacD to set up meeting between Bernera and Uig with NAMacD representatives from local trusts.

2 Item Summary and Action When?

• AM noted that ‘Lucky To Be Here’ are experiencing delays in obtaining replacement pads for defibrillators due to hold-ups from suppliers. He emphasised that the defibrillators with out-of-date pads can still be used. • AM has received an anonymous donation to be used to provide a further defibrillator for the top-end of Uig. Mangersta was agreed as the most suitable area. A community training session will be arranged. • It is understood that Langabhat Medical Practice, Miavaig, has lost the Tuesday 8 AOCB Practice-Nurse Clinic and patients are being asked to go to Leurbost Surgery. LD to AM write to Dr. Rigby to ask for clarification of the situation. LD • Murray Macleod has offered to hold a charity event to show more of Dr. Hay’s films, as seen at the Senior Citizens’ Dinner. All agreed that this should take place. Planning and organising will be set underway. • LD has set up a new e-mail address for Uig Community Council [email protected], and asked that this now be used for UCC correspondence, in preference to her personal e-mail address. Date and Time of 9 Next Meeting Monday 6th April 2020 at 7.30pm, Uig Community Centre.