HEROIC VIRTUES INDIAN GIRL- PRONOUNCED Tbs Rcgtstst Hss Tbs Intsmstioosl Nsws Ssrries (Wlrs Sod Hail), Tbs N

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HEROIC VIRTUES INDIAN GIRL- PRONOUNCED Tbs Rcgtstst Hss Tbs Intsmstioosl Nsws Ssrries (Wlrs Sod Hail), Tbs N HEROIC VIRTUES INDIAN GIRL- PRONOUNCED Tbs RcgtstsT Hss tbs Intsmstioosl Nsws Ssrries (Wlrs sod Hail), tbs N. C. W. C. Nsws Semes (Inelading Kadlot sad Usblsa). C W 1/II H n Y t f of ih* French nation* and one of the Its Ows Bpseial Esrrics. Lamsa Ssreies ol China, Intsrcational lUnstratsd Nsws, sad N. C. W, C. Pietars Sarriss. D u p u i i n u i , r U J U beautiful buildings in the worid Listening In is the rebuilt Rheims Cathedral, which was consecrated in a three-day 1ST OF RACE ceremony in the presence of ecclesiastical 3nd civil authorities from a Local half-dozen nations. The famous edifice arose from shattered. ruins Local left by shellfire in the World war, a large share of the funds Edition Dr. Aleck William Bourne, iH>ming from America, principally through endowments' by Andrew Edition one of the most noted gyne­ PROPOSED FOR Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller. cologists of England, per­ THE formed an abortion on a 13- year-old girl who was the vic­ tim of an assault by a group BEATIFICATION of soldiers. Eminent English doctors applauded the verdict Formal Decree for Introduction of Her Cause of a jury freeing him. He had invited prosecution in order REGISTER(Name Registered in the U. S. Patent Office) Expected Soon, Is Word From to open the way for other Vatican City gynecologists to perform simi­ VOL. XIV. No. 31 DENVER, COLO., SUNDAY, JULY 31, 1938 TWO CENTS lar operations. Vatican City.— The first North American Indian ever What sort of civilization Movie of Home to Enhance Fame proposed for beatification advanced one step nearer the is this, that would make a On Catholic Hour honors of the altar as the Sacred Congregation of Rites doctor pose as a great public issued its unanimous decision that Kateri Tekakwitha, the benefactor and martyr for ABANDONING MEN FOR Lily of the Mohawks, was a maiden of heroic virtue. The comniitting a murder? If the Indian girl’s beatification cause now passes to another girl was the innocent victim of section of the congregation, and it is expected that:a an attack, no possible blame BOYS, PRIEST CREATED formal decree for the introduction of her cause will «oon could attach to her. No sane be published. letter from Kateri’s Indian tribe person would criticize her if Father Francesco Antonelli, 0. asking her beatification. Not in­ F.M., relator general of the his­ cluded are the petitions' of thou­ she bore the child and gave GREAT INSTITUTION torical section of the. Sacred Con­ sands of American Indians pre­ it to others to rear if she did gregation of Rites, says in his re­ sented to the Holy Father this not want to keep it herself. Boys Town, Nebr.— (Special) discouraged, contemptuous the port on the hearings that it would summer by Monsignor Egidio Vag- If she would allow this inci­ law and society, they still had a be difficult to have more or better noiszi, auditor of the U. S. Apos­ —Twenty-one years ago the then documents in a beatification cause tolic Delegation in Washington. dent to wreck her life, she has Father Edward J. Flanagan, now spark of manhood burning in their been reared with crazy no bodies. “I’m missing my mis­ than those in Kateri’s case. Of the a . Right Reverend Monsignor, sion,” the priest says, “if I pry Mohawk girl, he -writes: “The serv­ tioqs of the fitness of things closed his refuge for homeless into the private affairs of boys ant of God, Kateri Tekakwitha, is If hei* neighbors would look more hopelessly lost than a stray a North American Indian, a real men because he was accomplish­ Redskin, and it is the first time Biography of down upon her, they need to ing no lasting good. From that pup. When a boy seeks me of his own volition, I ask him but two that a figure of this great and be shocked back to sanity decision to discontinue his mis- sorely tried human family has sion” for the unfortunate wan- questions: ‘How Old are you?’ But does the doctor think he and ‘What do they call you’?” been presented to the Sacred Con­ derers has grown one of the most gregation of Rites as a candidate Italian Nun has righted things by an Today, Boys Town houses 212 abortion? Both he and the noteworthy institutions in the for the honors of the altar.” country. Father Flanagan’s home youngsters ranging in age from . The historical body concluded girl are now smudged with for boys at Boys Toiiin, lljp ile s five to 18. His dream today (and that documentation in the case is. horrible crime. west of Omaha. Its nstroTPwde didn’t his first dream material­ complete enough, that the docil- Is R e la te d Even the testimony on his fame will be enhanced by the ize?), Father Flanagan says, is a ments are genuine and worthy of movie now being made of it. city of 500 boys. behalf by Lord Hordor, physi­ belief, that the documents show Vatican City.—Mother Mary The dream of starting a shelter Spencer Tracy as “Father Tim” that Kateri enjoyed fame as a holy cian to King George VI, does foi homeless boys came to the (Turn to Page S — Colum n S) person among her contemporaries, Joseph Rossello, who -will be bea­ not help. The medical pro­ priest one night as he pondered his The Very Rev. Dr. Edward V. that this fame was spontaneous in tified Nov. 6, foundress of th« fession. can afford no more failure to do anything with the origin, and that the documents are Daughters of Our Lady of Mercy, grown men at his mecca for the Stanford, O.S.A., president of Vil- than the clergy to let down a solid foundation for sure judg­ who ha've labored in the United unfortunates. To begin with, he Program for lanovB college, Pennsylvania, will ment regarding the girl’s heroic the bars on its ancient code reasoned, these men were almost States since 1919, was born of ethics. begin a series of addresses July 31 ■virtues. Priest Fears for Private Hospitals without exception homeless boys over the nation-wide Catholic Hour In the large historical volume of poor parents near Savona, who became the tramps and vaga­ Italy, May 27, 1811. When bonds looking for a meal from Verein Meet broadcast produced by the Na­ compiled in the cause, documents Irving Stone is the author tional Council of Catholic Men, ■from the pens of three Jesuit mis­ the girl was 25, Bishop DeMari of of a serial life of the late door to door and who, in many cases, turned Jo a life of crime for Dr. Stanford will speak on “Prac­ sionaries who knew the Indian Savona, troubled at the number of writer, Jack London, Sailor Political Control of their subsistence. Next day, the Is Announced tical Aspects of Catholic Educa­ maiden predominate. The mis­ tion.” There will 1^ five addresses sionaries were Father James de poor young girls who were falling on Horseback, that has been home for men was no more. into lives of vice, appealed for With his Bishop’s blessing he in the series as follows: July 31, Lamberville, who instructed and (Turn to Page 4— Column 1) Bethlehem, Pa, — (Specif) — baptized • Kateri; Father Peter Medicine Is Termed started out on his new venture. When the Catholic Central Verein “Religion in Education;” Aug. 7, someone to provide care for such First he visited a Jewish pawn­ “The Development of Catholic Cholenec, who was her spiritual children. Benedicta Rossello of America and the National Education;” Aug. 14, “Catholic guide and confessor, and Father PRIEST SLAIN IN broker who lent him enough Catholic Women’s union meet in Education’s Contribution to Ameri­ jClaude Chauchetiere, who was started thp work with three of her money to equip A rickety house Holy Ghost parish here Aug, 20 friends, founding her little reli­ with mismatched furniture and to 24 delegates will find them­ can Life;” Aug. 21, “Catholic present at her death. Other docu­ MEXICO, REPORT /Dangerous^ Trend Education and Tolerance;” Aug. ments include a .report of the gious congregation in August, beds. Then he went seeking boys selves in the midst of a strong Episcopal curia of Albariy, which to help, but before he realized German population that has for 28, “Catholic Education and (iov- 1836. Mexico City.—Word has been Washington. — Substitution of The confference passed no reso­ ernment.” held hearings in 1931-32, and a received from San Miguel Ixtian political control over medicine for lutions, but Father Schwitalla’s what was happening he had more years fostered the solid Catholic Her orphanages spread through in the state of Oaxaca that the statement was prompted by fre­ waifs than he could handle. He family life that the Verein seeks Italy, and in 1875, Mother Mary the present personal relationship begged in the daytime, taught and Rev. Lucio Serrano Martinez was between patient and physician in­ quent appeals of convention speak­ to promote throughout the nation. Irish Deserter Reveals Real Situation Joseph herself introduced her nuns brutally murdered by a group of dicates a trend to make society ers for. adoption of the $850,000,- mothered the boys at night, and Social problems and youth; ac­ to the New World. From the orig­ Communists on June 2 and that, and government the same thing 000-a-ycar health drive proposed somehow kept things going. Some tivities will,receive particular at­ inal American foundation in although more than a month has and “is too dangerous an experi­ by the President’s Technical Com­ years later he bought a farm and tention at sessions of the Joint Buenos Aires, the sisters have de­ passed, so far as is known the ment.” said Father Alphonse M.
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