McCollum lronds lecrd role tn .JB'

Cast in the leading role as Job Ruth, Regan l0mnaugh es Mery, in "J.B.," is James B. McCallum. Danny Abaldo as Davld, andMich- McCallum appeared lrst semester eal \{edel as Jonathon. McCallum appeared bst sem- The three comforùers sent by ester ln the major productlon, C'od wtll be pbyed by Ertk Llnd- egren as the pollttctan Blldad, "YKICHYWTWR," and also appeared as the r¿ncher in the Stephen Lusby as rhe preacher one-act drama, "The Puriflc- , Zoplnr, and Jim llardcestle as the etion." physlcian Eltptnz. Rose Marle Caglia will appeer Playing numerous roles as on the stage cast as J.B.'s wlfe, rowtrbouts, wtll be Rendy McNeil Sarah. While at Roosevelt High and Davld Spencer. Miss Caglia appearedonthe stage The cast also lncludes Renee under the dlrection of Fred Ber- Robbins and Sylvla Young aspro- ling. This will be her first perty girls, Shirley Grace, glrl appearence on the FCC sürge. of the streets, Gayle Ocheltree Ted Esquivel will play Zuss, as Mrs. Adams, Alison lVright the balloon vendor whodoublesas as Jolly Lesure, Llnde Olsen as God, the tormentor. Ted comes Mrs. Lesure, Sherry Russell as to the FCC stage from Mcl¿ne Mrs. Murphy, and Claudla Mon High, where he appeared ln num- Pere as Mrs. Botticelll, with Sue erous productions. R¿smussen as Miss Mabel. Cast as Nickles, popcornvendor Also appearlng as the off-stage who turrs devil, is Stephen T. voice of God wtll be Joe Justlce. Barile. "J.8." will be dlrected bydrama Appearing as children of J.B,'s irstructor Frederlck Johnson, family include Mishele Wedel as with Ltnda Martin as sbge man- Rebecca, Leslie lQvanaugh as âger.

Richord Zoilion, Joe Justice ond Kit Jones. Circus tolent needed in 'J B'

The call is out for circus clrcus acts as part of the acts to eppeer in the theater circus clnracter of the play. Trio leods Rompoge arts departments spring play Any students with circus .J.B.t' acts or fumbling or juggling D irector Frede¡ick Johr¡son ability are asked to contact pros and new policy úill room technician chores. Ilarold Sutton, sports editor; Gayle Old is looking for people whocan Johnson in the Auditorium, join to guide the The lnnontion this semester Ocheltree , Photo editor; and Dan this semester juggle, fumble anddovarious M-F at 6:45 p.m. Sprlng'?3 edltiors of the Ramp- will be the Rampage's first try Weymouth, advertising meneger. âge. at working under an editorial Fall Edltor Joe Justice will bard. Justice, ZailianandJones Advisor Pete Leng is "Pleased both the return to the helm thissemester, will comprise the three-man and optimistic" about and editorial board con- Fall News Editor Richard Zail- berd, whose main function vrill be steff the ortists work semester we Block disploy ian will move to the managing to determine the Rampage'sedit- cept, saying, "This editor post, Fall Editor Klt orial and news policies on both have both the optimum staff size '31 questions plus needed experience to Jones will resume duties as news long and short-range the Several black shdents from F CC among reces. popularly and editor, photographer Dave this semester. make the Rampage are contrlbuting their services Art displays by Anthony Garvin and positions Schoenwald lns tàken over derk- Other staff went to critically successfú1. " for Brotherhood Week. The theme and Archie Weaver will be on of the event is peace and love ldispl"ay at Fashion Fair ¿nd the Fresno City School Libr¿ry.

N ursing gro nts moy be sought Arrhitect gronts for minorities Nurse and Psychiatrlc Technician Nursing grants for the l9?3 A program for students from scholarship program is for mem- must Examiners in Sacramento. The Nomimtlon applicatiots summer session are available to disadvznbged minority grouÞs, bers minority grouPs who by March Further application must be filedwith the of be tn 15. students interested ln becoming sporsored by the Americanlnstl- would not lnve the aveilable in the b@rd by April l. otherwise informatlon is LVN's and RN's. hrte of Architects, is anilable opporhrnity to begin professiornl Aid offlce, SC-Z16. Interested sh¡dents may contact Financlel Applications maybe obùrined to qualified nominees. This archltectural studies. from the Board of Vocatioml the Finencial: Aid Office, SC-216, for further lnformation. Grod pefition' dole lomorrow Srholorship information ovoiloble

Joe Kelly, associate deanof ad- evaluation last semester, it is not Finaneial Aid applicatiors for dents already partlcipating in the shlps are avalleble ln the Coun- 1973 -7 4 academic year are missions and records, said the necessary that you applyag'ain; avall- Financial Aid Program must re- seling Center, A-118,andthe Fin- able the Flnancial Aid office, deadline to applyfor June t9?3 but if you have not yetpetitioned at apply annually. ancial office, SC-216. Deadline priority graduation has been extended to for an evaluation foreither the SC- 216. for Scholarship information and The deadllne for applylng for consideration is March 15. Stu- Friday. Kelly says absolutely no A.A. degree or AS degree, you must applications for FCC schol4r- these scholarships is lvlarch 15. petitions will be accepted after do so this week. thet dete. Ifyou received en

Survey iobs ovoiloble

The Student Placement Office be a five-week iobdoingasurvey announced it lns a job for students in Fresno for Boeing Computer who are freebetween6a.m. and Servlees. 3 p.m. every weekday. Those interested are asked to It pays $2.50 anhourand will contact Dorothy Marsh inSC-216.

Senote needs Gommissioners lì

The Student Senate is looking ASB President lVilllam Neads people for interested to fill the urges you to consider filling one of positions: following these positions. "This is a great Commissioner of conferences,, opportunity to-serve FCC through commissioner of publicity, com- your student governmentby being missioner of student services, a part of it," he said. commissioner of social affairs, Applicatiors springsem- for FREE WHEELER--Student Ed compus this yeor, low enough commissioner of ecology and ester commissionerships are commissioner of voter resistrat- available in fhe Sfudent Body Blonkenship tries out one of to permii hondicopped siudents ion. Office, SC-205. anc. the new romps instolled on to enter without ossistonce. Ège 2 RÂMPÁ'GE Feb.22,1973 RAP Ep rTo RlAt, COUNSELORS' il. Yiet o¡d Grqduotion needs chqrred

ln to Groduoting? --iustified? Students frequently come Why the Rop? ask this question--'ltrhat courses and how many unlts do I need for Come June, some 11000 or more There seems ùo be much controrærsy at the present time The ls here to serve my diplonâ?l' FCC sh¡dents will be getttngtheir "Rap" Untted S"btes government you the student. If you bave any on wtettrer or not the gPt diploma wtth the AA or A,S degree. Courselors will usuallY out qrestiors or comments, bring check for the student's Are you plennlng to be among the list them by the Cour¡seling Center, rnajor he pursuing and st¡rt them? Il you lnven't t¿Ien the is A-118 or A-206. If it's a ques- completed courses time to go to the Admlsslons and ehecklng off tion, we will do our best to arc- and those tn peegpess. Oftenitis Records Office to petition for wer lt; if it's a comment we cen surprlsing discover that time your degree, you have only until to prlnt, we'll print it; so let's keep had to be spent taking prere- thls Friday, February 23, to act! lns the llnes of communlcation open qisite prepratory to Accordlng to Dean Joe Kelly, subjects for a better understrnding. those required for completingthe thls is the lrst chence you will major. So one comes up short on have for processing your degree Acosto reqdred units. AIso, the tempt- applicatton this semester. Adriqn atlon to ùeke eleetive subþcts, MejorutY Leader DemocraHc Senate unreleted to one's major, pro- Sondy Grover (See Rop, poge 3) necessa¡Y to çntlemeu cl¡lm it is the day vhen requirements this asa lottgs Nam. They seem to reg:ard are met. Theminimumoneneeds is the basic 60 untts vith a SOUNDS SUCH "Ct' or better aver¿ge,Providing 'N the right cotrses lnve beentrken for the maior. In any event, once have com- Amerlea. You pleted 45 unlts, vtstt lVln- If President Nlxon's plan does succeed ln vlnning approml about 104 the Adminlshation n' foneatms not lncrease taxes, at least it isn't supposed to. dov in Iumfables it wtll mat

ffT COTENTS IBY ÏfIE Iïrite to Sen. Zenovich

De¿r Edltor: ttre law. Tbere existatoù¡lof Any trelp youcanprovldewillbe 8?0tgreatly Recently Sen¿tor lUervynDY- sDeclel exempüons for indtvtdrnt appreciated' The tlme melly lnhoduced SB 139. Tttis bill, sùores. Tlpse tnconstsienc[s factor lsc¡ltlcal.Senatehearings begin in vhen pssed, vlll remorre from dtscrimlmte agalnst .niõ.ît!.'-- on the bill wtll' early book a sbtue tlþ lev l0O-year-old SB 139 has been asstgrndto the 'Marcn' tJEt Þs beenresponsiblefor the be malled to: -ti*Seøte Gorrer¡mentel öga;;: letters ^should polrlbltion of the sale of elcohollc y.* q9T+9T zery1iglt ôomutõ.. .i;t*. Fotæcapital Building beverages wtthina speclfled sen. ceorge Zenovich, trä;g;;: 2045 stete. un- 95814 dlstrnce from s college or ber of tbis'eommlttee. Sacramento lverslty qrmtr¡s. The presentlrw Dertrt¡¡stothe ,"*"'Üfülï3ily "li "3iffi;H Janice Perkins pckaæd llqr¡or. The , sale ol Student Lobby ln Sacramento, this requlre trLIE:/E A effect of I¡Vls to bas esked the help of all lnter- students to go out of thPlr vaYüo \r/glg Ydi m¿ke a prrrclnse. Present lar¡ Reod the permits a ln the distrnce 3:Hi"Ë:'åi.i:'Hååfff:,ll verl¿tlon se¡tlments on the issue. of the dry zone ranglng fromone Of Framount lmporürnce would to tluee miles. h.ll be eftorts on your part to solicit been Rompoge Some Z3colleges have frcmr promllent eommu¡- outrtght exemptions tg letters Sr¿nted Ity leaders ln supDort olSB 139. Feb.22, l9?3 RAMPAGE P¿æ 3 Cogers to host Deltq rn fi nqle Rcrp (From pog" 2) Veterons Ben Lee, a product of San Joa- "Go back Saturday and beat quin Memorlal High, combined his Delta, and things will stlll look The Veüerans Adminlstratlon üalent along wtth those of Rlch good for us, but I really cnnted says nev nrles took eüect Jen I{arvey and Capbln Sky to defeat that geme." Toomaslan sald. I to provlde more llmnclel pro- the Modesto Pirates Saturday tectlon for veterens end thelr de- tttght in the FCC gym by a close ændents who bke correspond: Fresno Ctty will host Delb score of 69-68. Sat- ence courses. The rules glve a urday nlght in the FCC gym, ttp- Lee, freshman, played one of veteran a l0-dey."coo¡lng-olf' a off time ?:30. his best games of the season, period after he slgnsupforeqor- dumping in 22 points, while Will- respondence course. They also iams hit for 2-1 and l{arvev 14. provide tlat tf the veteran drops the course after complett[g IEU Accordlng to Lee, "Itwasah¿rd the lessons, the school may keep flght, and they didn't glve up, but only the registratlon fee ¡rdpoy- we didn't give out, andtlat'swlnt Gutillo, Borr ment for the part of the co¡¡se keeps the audience alive. During ttat was completed. the lest four minutes of the final Merle L. Mortin perlod, lt was a do-or-die battle pqce llnKsmen¡o ¡ for both teams. Now we lnve to UCSB b¿vel to Modesto anddoourthing tours in thelr gym Tuesday ntght! The FCC go'lf team tns a 1-1 Camps tours et UCSBarebetng record after a 460-485 victorY provlded by student gutdes Head coach John Toomesian over Merced and a 455-4?7 loss through June 3, lg?3. Reserv- job" thtnks the team dld "a good to Bakersfleld, atlorc are not necessa¡y except ln defeating the Plrates at home. for groups of more than approx- "Now I'm looking forw'¿rd to fln- lmately 25. Lunch ls avellable lshing them ln Modesto." The Rams yielded to Bekers- at the Unlverslty Center. field lest Thursdey with Mike lVeekday tours vill contlnw a¡d But in the return eng"egement Barr firing a ?4, Steve Gutiilâ should be requested through the ln Modesto the Rams were put Offlce of Rel¿tlons vlth Schools. lnto a hance pirates. lVrite Code 93106), bythe Dur- ?5, Kenneth Lowe an 80, Bill @tp or tel- ing tlìe fl¡st Ìnlf the R¿ms led by ephone (Area Code 805, 961- Storey an 81, Nelson Hughes an five polnts, but trailedbyas ¡neny 2811). The campus ls 10 miles 83, and Murghy Peck: an 84. as 22 polnts fn the second north of Sanb Barbara end about half, SteveGu_Hlla led the victory over lostng flmlly 83-?5. Captrin 3 mlles from lllghvayl0l. Free- Sky :Mercedïttn a tuo-uñder par ?0 lead players way slgrs indlcate all wtth 28 points at Riverside. approprlateoff and 22 rebounds. Don Gregg grobs o rebound. remPs' Dorothy Blíss Tonkers foce llorGol meet 4-,O Roms enter TlÞ CC swim team's only com- Ms. Koop finlsheo rhird ln the SPECIALS petition this veek will be at the Zfi) breastshoke, whlle Ms. V¡solio tourney Northern Cal Relays at Diablo Pool caphred second in the three- The undefeated FCC baseball Rmerlcan Rick Contente's tvo- SHREDDED Saturday. diving and the meter third on team beat Ilancock 4-3 Tuesday out, ninth-inning grand slam. The Rams bowed to Bakersfield one-meter boerd. in John Euless before traveling Contente's blast also ctralked up 60-53 þst week despite the efforts Sbn Reynolds crackedthe school to Visalie tomorrow for the two- triumphs over [,eney, g-4, and Í0AIN of I9thy Koop and Debbie Pôol, a (z 50r record in the 200 butterfly :1 z. 8) day COS Tournement. AttheCOS San Mateo, 4-2. pir of freshman coeds who made and tr¿t Eaton was vlctorious on affair, Fresno wlll meet I¿ney rtas pleased of course with ''. their debut on the ufèn's team. both divlng boards. "I at 12 :30p.m. and Reedleyat 3 p.m. the outcome of the tournament,', RUBBIR on Friday, and will face Bakers- said head coach Len Bourdét, field at 12:30 p.m. and lVestHills "end I was fairly pleased wiili Gropplers trovel to at 3 p.m. on Saturday. our pltching and ability to score The Rams, 4-0, won the FCC runs. But our defense leftsome- Tourney lest weekend on All- thing to be desired.', Bqkersf ield Soturdoy

The CC grapplers will compete ttÍvidual championship. Conhary at the North Centr¿l Reglonel to previous reports vhich had Saturday beginntng at 11a.m. in lVatson second, the formerMad- "Onc Bakersfield. Top finishers will Þre High standout pinned his COS of lhc tcn bcst $Fltfy for wrestling champion- opponent in the finels t.r cl¿im picturcsofthc ycar!" shlps March 2 and 3 atFullerton. the crovn. _PETEF TßAVEPS. STYROFOAffI F resno garnered thlrd at the Valley Coúerence Tourmment last weekend, with sophomore PETlTI5 heavyweight Don lVatson coming for beon bog choin avay with the Rams' lone in-

BARGAIN MAT5. EVERY DAY'TIt 2 :OOP.M.- 5T.OO Woodpushers to Yisolio rrrrrrlrrr¡llrtrrl FCC's chess team wlll try to Team members are Brent Codd- extend lts unbeaten strlng to ington, Marcla Reid, Larry Ish- t JET CHARTER FLIGHTS 4-0 Saturdav ln Central Valley lmoto, Hemy Lopez and Fred I Intercollegiate Chess Iæague Solis, wlth Steve Brovn as alter- play at College of the Sequoias mte. I EUROPE I973 in Vlsalia. The FCC Chess Club will meet SPRING SUMMER & FALL SCHEDULES The Rams, current leaders at at 12:10 Tuesday in Committee t - NOW AVAILABLE 2-0, wlll play COS ln the morning Room B, according to advisors I and Reedley in the afternoon. DeWayne Rail and peter lang. I r0t{ll0l{ Complete ¡elcotim of I OR A 7ê '279:"'H!!" ARTIST 09N¿â ñ I BRUSSELS ARE TIRED OF SITTING I Low Air Fares on lnter-Europ€an Fl¡ghts TAITRN$ YOU HOME ISRAEL_AFRICA-ASIA WAITING FOR A DATE? CALL GENIE -MAT I INTERNATIONAL I.D. CARDS AVAILABLË Attention group leaders: Special flight arrangement for n%y:f*,ll We offer o minimun I small or large groups - Ask for details of 5 compqtoble dotes These flights Ðre open to students, faculty, staff Canv¡s - bru¡hc¡ for I employaes and theh immediate family Liquetex - fr¡mc¡ - olls- only $15.00. Chosen from omong FOA SCHEDULES, CALL ON WAITE. mony young singles desiring dotes. I Phone (415) 392-8512 ARIIY E NAVY FOR INFORMAT1ON I MA¡L TooAv FoR FREE FLTGHT tNFoRMATtotF Ç ¡I CTOItlING õÉin'F Te-nTIi -c n-rE TñT.------266 -9084 t 995 Market St., San Francisco, Cal¡f. 94103 | I Pleaso mail me information on fl¡ghts I Phone No.- . t i:i,i Apt. No.- I State & Zio Code: tsrrrI Citv r rrrrrr r rd r -- Peæ 4 RAMPAGE Feb.22,1913 Roch concell sel lomorrow Ietter Sounds (From poge 2)

$155.; Philips 212 Elechonic at poliry $140.; AR at $85. News Dept.: FCC concertwith ELVIN BISHOP and JOY OF COOKING Fridey night, March 2, Tte Rampege welcomes let- at the Convention Center, starting ters to the editor. Theyaresub- at I p.m. Must have current ject to shortening or editing as FCC sfudent card to get in... is all other materiel in the FCC student body card togetin... paper, although any editing will also Friday eve March 2 is Blood, preserve attempt to the essent- Sweat & Tears at the Berkeley lal content of a letter wlthout Community Theatre....Elvin Bis- distorting context. hop, Paul Butterfield, and Mich- ael Bloomfield at 'ilinterland(San ' \4¡riters of letters to the ed- Francisco) Friday and Saturday itor are subject to the same Feb. 23-24.....Stevle Wonder Sun- standards of taste andavoidence day, March 4, also at the Berk- of potential libel or inrasion of eley Community....FCC Bnd prlvacy imposed by the edltors Saturday, Feb. 24, ln an all-day upon staff ìvriters, and, as wlth þzz festlnl at Fresno State... eny newspaper, the editors re- also appearlng in the Bay Area serve the right to decide not soon wlll be America (March 10), to publish and letter. Seals and Crofts (March 31)... new albums worth corsldering; Pseudonyms xttU be allowed "Filthy" by Papa John Creach, at the edltor's descretion, but "Birds of Flre" by Mclaughlin/ not with critical letters, and Matevishnu, "Shoot Olt at the the editor must know the real Fantasy Factory" by Trafflc,"In neme of enyone submltting a Concert" by Derek and the Dom- letter for publleation. Ínos, and just received news tlat 's latest LP t'Iong Iætters should be unltten John Sllver" wasbannedin only on one slde of a page, Slngapore because it shovs a typed and double spaced. The photograPh of sure letter deadline is Mond¿y for to catch Pape John Creach on the eâch week's issue. Flip Wilson TV Shov ThursdaY, Short lette¡s--Z50 words or March 1. Go Head On..... less-- will receive preference. The R:mpage does not publish poetry. Vetero ns

The Rampage ls publlshed ¡ every Thursday during the coros school year, exceptfinal ex- amination perlods and holidays, If you attended Fresno CltyCol- by students in the NevsPaPer lege durin[ the fall semester Productlonclasses. Opiniorc under the veterars bill and have expressed are those of the not yet completed a new veterars authors. Letters to the editor card for the spring semester, should be addressed to Rampa ge, please do so this week at Window A rock eoneert FrtdaY ntght at sllver Messenger Senlce andttte Tlckets, prlced at $4.50, ere on Fresno Clty College, ll0l East A-110 of the Admisslons and Re- Sellrnd Arena will feah¡reQuick- Doobie Brothers (shown above). sale at Convention Center outlets. University Ave., Fresno93?04. cords Office. tETTER, puzzling powers Unclossifieds Ihe of love .TIIIIIIIII,

mm, who lns made anextensive tils moment of oneness is the Dear Edltor: i iologists have been making LEARN TO calculate and lnter- most exciting experience ln life." Questlons, sùatements the studies to find answers to the stutly of love, saysitisa feeling pret your own horoscopel Begin- in Tell me, Doc, how canyoutell if interrogative. Love,illuslveand,questiors tlnteveryone asks of ir¡finite closeness to the heart ning and advanced classes(after- you're really ln love? lVell, (slgh) mysterious, is themostpowerful about love. of another. noors and evenings). For inter- is really the simplestthtng tn force on earth,andmostpuzzling. lVhat is Love?Nowordin the He finds that if twopeople are it view call Buddie Vance,255-5943. able to let the wallbetweenbreak the world. Instifutions and resea¡'ch ¡o¡- English language is lnrder to de- down and close, feel one, Roger Zamora. ndatlons, psychologists andsoc- ¡ fine. Psychoanalyst ErickFro- "feel FOREIGN STUDENT wantEd to llve wlth doctor's family. Free room and board, nohousework, in R,AMPAGË lovely home. 222-0031.

The ye¿r, TAPE RECORDER--Two speed in the comapct portable reel-to-reel those Cnig 212 with telephone plckup editor. Letters to the editor should be addressed to Rampage' for conversatiors. Brand new-ex- Fresno Ctty College, ll0l E. University Ave., Fresno 93?(X. cellent condlton. Less than half Editftr-in-ihief Joe Justice price at $Zg for immediate sale. Managing Editor Richard Zúlizn Call Riclet 264-12õ6. News-n¿itor _ Kit Jor¡es bread phoüo Editor Gayle Ocheltree LOOKINC FOR a place to live? Sporùs Editor l{¿rold Sutton Wish to meet new faces? Invest- tg:ate Collegian excellent rd llall: Ila¡lcoom Technician Dave Schoenrryeld condltlon! For more lnformation, contact Marilyn at Colleglan llall, 1509 N. Maroa, 266-8583. 'Kelth Yetes l. No prio¡ b¡nk ¡ccount tequiÌemenas Reporters: 2. No ¡te limit¡tions John Sanchez 3. Est¡blished credit not necesrv Photographers: 4. No income Umit¡tions Artists: Dave SPencer John S¿nchez STUDENTS:.¡9 you sruDy, ó. No deadl¡ne fot applying AND STT'DY, BUT CÁ.N'T GET 6. No coll¡te¡rl rcquitements 7. No payb¡ck for l3 months DECENT GRADES? DO YOU 8. At established bank interest J'BEAT YOUR BRAINSOUT'' TO ONLY OUALIFICATIQII: MUST BE A FULL- Discover the World on Your NO AVAIL? IF SO, THIS IS FOR For fu¡ther information w¡ite: YOU: A STITDY SYSTEM THATIS NACS Student Education Loan Fund SEMESTER AT SEA I]NCOMPLICATED AND EASY 79ll Herschel Avenue Sails each September & February TO USE. DEVELOPED AND La Jolla, California 92037 Combine accredited study with TESTED AT COLLEGE LEVEL, Telephone (714) 459-3705 educational stoos in Africa. Aus- IT HAS HELPED MANY STU- tralasia and the Orient. Over 7500 DENTS TO IMPROVE THEIR students from 450 campuses have GRADES. already experienced this interna- Send to StudYSYstems, P.o. program. $2.00 tional A wide range of Box 555, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, financial aid is available. Write 838t4. Your passPort to better now for f ree catalog: grades will be sent to You Post WCA, Chapman College, Box CC41, Orange, Cal. 92666 Fld