The Ultimate Aim of Human Life Portrayed in the Novels of Richard Bach
THE ULTIMATE AIM OF HUMAN LIFE PORTRAYED IN THE NOVELS OF RICHARD BACH A MINOR RESEARCH PROJECT SUBMITTED TO UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION, WESTERN REGIONAL OFFICE, PUNE BY SHRI. TULSHIKATTI DEVAL CHENBASU ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH PROF. DR. N.D. PATIL MAHAVIDYALAYA, MALAKAPUR, TAL. SHAHUWADI, DIST. KOLHAPUR (MS) 2013 1 AKNOWLEDGEMENT A minor research project work is both interesting and demanding. The project would not be completed without the help of some people. I am fortunate enough to have received the support and motivation from many people in achieving my task. I would like to thank Dr. Dilip Kuralapkar, Principal, Dr.N.D.Patil , College, Malkapur, Prin.Dr. Ajit Magdum . I also express my thank to my friends Dr.R.P.Lokhande,Head,Dept. of English,R.C.Shahu College,Kolhapur. I would like to place on record my deep felt appreciation to Mr.Shakil Shaikh,Dr,Rajendra Kumbhar, Mr,Prakash Chougule, Mr.Rajendra Dethe,Dr, Kakasaheb Bhosale,Mr.Babasaheb Nadaf. My special thanks to Librarian of Prof. Dr. N.D.Patil College,Malkapur. and their staff.I also thank to library of Barrister Balasaheb Khardekar Library, Shivaji University Kolhpaur. I must express my heartily feeling to my beloved family my wife Mrs. Pratibha and my daughters Pranoti and Manali. I must express my heartily feeling to my friends and colleagues. Mr. D.C.Tulshikatti 2 Contents Chapter I Introduction 2 Chapter II Ultimate Aim of Life: Theoretical Background 14 Chapter III The Ultimate Aim of Life Portrayed in Jonathan Livingston Seagull 53 Chapter IV The Ultimate Aim of Life Portrayed in Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah 73 Chapter V Conclusion 85 Bibliography: 97 3 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Choice of the Topic with Reasoning The idea of the ultimate aim of life is a philosophical and spiritual conception of the significance of living or existence in general.
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