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Tuesday | February 18, 2014 Regents approve new chapel plans

By Jordan Corona graduate Molli Elliston and her husband But for all the forward thinking, Fri- University in July. Staff Writer Gary donated $1.7 million to support the day’s decisions also concerned the pres- Garland served as interim president Garland construction and design of the chapel.. ent. of the university August 2008 to May The Baylor Board of Regents approved “We’re very thankful to Molli and Starr appointed Dr. David Garland, 2010. named construction on a new chapel during its Gary Elliston for making it possible,” dean of Truett Seminary, to the position He said there was some chaos around quarterly meeting Friday. Also, President Starr said. “It was our hope to contribute of interim provost. Dr. Elizabeth Davis, the circumstances when he served in that and Chancellor Ken Starr appointed Dr. to a sense of community at Earle Hall and current provost and executive vice presi- capacity for 20 months. Garland said interim David Garland, dean of Truett Seminary, East Village.” He said the chapel would be dent, will be stepping down from her po- that’s not the case with the provost posi- to be interim provost. another of the school’s sacred spaces. sition, His work with Baylor administra- tion. The new chapel will be built near Earl Completion of Elliston Chapel is tion will take effect when Davis officially provost Hall and Teal Residential College.. Baylor planned for spring 2015. resigns in June to be president of Furman SEE REGENTS, page 6 Garland State of progress Higher education capable of growth, state legislators say

By Taylor Griffin News Editor

Though the next Texas Legislative session isn’t due for another year, the issue of higher education value continues to buzz on campuses around the state. On Monday, the Baylor College Republicans and Baylor College Democrats hosted two rising state legislators in a forum to discuss on-campus topics ranging from financial aid to finding one’s passion. “Whether it’s the amount of debt or whether we

Travis Taylor | Photo Editor can carry concealed guns on campus, what sports teams we watch, it all directly affects students at Bay- lor,” said Scottsdale, Ariz., senior Michael Blair, presi- To the beat dent of Baylor College Republicans. Students play a variety of different hand drums during a workshop with a Saakumu Dance Troop on Monday in the Glennis McCrary Music Building. The troop State Rep. Dan Branch, R-Dallas, and state Sen. performs traditional and contemporary Ghanaian dances with accompanying drums. Kirk Watson, D-Austin, facilitated the discussion in the Barfield Drawing Room and answered questions from the student body concerning the state of higher education in Texas. Watson said the current situation in Texas colleg- es is strong but capable of improving in areas such as Nonprofit to honor Waco affordability, maintenance of rigorous curricula and skills development. “I think higher education in Texas is good, but there’s so much opportunity for growth,” said Wat- WWII hero with memorial son, an 1980 Baylor grad himself. Financial aid and the cost of a college degree led By Rebecca Fiedler will be able to used as a stage for an appropriate memorial for Doris the panel’s opening discussion. Both legislators men- Staff Writer events. Miller in his hometown, as Doris tioned the help students can receive through the Tu- “It’s bringing people together,” Miller was the first African-Ameri- ition Equalization Grant, which provides aid to Texas Doris Miller, a Waco historical said Doreen Ravenscroft, president can to receive the Navy Cross,” Ra- students with financial need attending private, non- figure from WWII, will be com- of Cultural Arts of Waco. “I think venscroft said. profit colleges. memorated near the new McLane this is an opportunity to bring people The City of Waco dedication a Because the grants go to Texas students, Watson Stadium with a new large, riverfront together who want to celebrate what portion of land in Bledsoe-Miller said, it adds to the efficiency of the investment and outdoor memorial. Cultural Arts of was a historical first.” Park for the memorial, at the inter- becomes a better use of budget dollars. Waco, a nonprofit organization, is Plans for the memorial began in section of Washington and It allows the state to retain its native students and fundraising for the memorial. supplement the higher cost of tuition found at pri- 2009 by a committee led by Dr. Ger- Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. Courtesy Photo The proposed plans show path- vate colleges and universities. Branch said it makes ald Powell, a professor in the Baylor Ravenscroft said Cultural Arts The sculpture created by Eddie Dixon of the grant one of the best values of education dollars ways leading to a large, architectural Law School. Doris Miller will be placed at the memorial structure with a reflecting pool and “The mission became to build SEE MILLER, page 6 site near the new stadium. in the state. “I foresee that that program has an excellent track record of bringing value to the state of Texas, and I would imagine that it will continue on as the econo- my stays strong,” Branch said. In 2011, Gov. Rick Perry challenged Texas schools Baylor alumnus in race for state attorney general to offer a more affordable yet substantial education with his “$10,000 degree” initiative, which would combat the high cost of tuition. While schools such By Reubin Turner joyed working in legislature, he said he feels ed the Freshman Leadership Organization. as Texas A&M-Commerce and South Texas College Assistant City Editor he could do more for Texas as the attorney Katy junior Carrie Pyle said that Steppin’ have implemented his suggested system, Watson said general. Out is an event where students can spend the limitation on this seemingly ideal system is every Baylor alumnus Ken Paxton is running to “With Abbott moving on to become gov- time giving back to the community, and school should not be on equal ground. Different col- fill the office of attorney general for Texas, ernor, we need to continue to focus on the helping out others. leges and universities serve various purposes, Watson which is currently held by Greg Abbott, at- federal branch and their agenda to expand “Each time I’ve done Steppin’ Out, we’ve said, and an equal cost of degrees would hinder the torney general, a top contender in the 2014 power,” Paxton said. contributed to a project that would have rigor of curriculum. gubernatorial election. While an undergraduate at the univer- taken days or weeks to complete, but with “I think that we need to explore how to make Paxton, who is a practicing attorney in sity, Paxton served as student body president 30 plus students, it was a matter of hours,” McKinney and currently represents District and started the widely known service event Paxton 8 in the Texas Senate, said although he’s en- Steppin’ Out during his tenure. He also start- SEE PAXTON, page 6 SEE EDUCATION, page 6 Inside

NEWS p. 3 A&E p. 4 SPORTS p. 5 Baylor Ambassadors Rev your engines Men’s basketball lobbied in D.C. for for the Monster survives 70-64 in financial aid and Truck Rally headed overtime thriller research funding for to Waco on Friday Monday night the BRIC. night. against Okla. State.

Vol.116 No. 16 First copy free. Additional copies 25 cents each. © 2014, Baylor University Opinion Tuesday | February 18, 2014 2 The Baylor Lariat Bigoted restauranteur can’t refuse service aros. Gard is handicapped and hitting another and then claim- claims that he was refused service ing that it was fair because “it’s a Editorial because of his disability. free country.” James, however, claims that As a business owner, James Gard and his company were loud, has rights. The right to discrimi- Discrimination is far from and it was the noise that got them nate is not one of them. eradicated from our society, and permanently banned from his And yes, the Civil Rights Act it seems like each newsworthy restaurant. applies to private business as well incident is a reminder of just Oklahoma law protects people as public ones. how much more work our soci- from being turned away because In a perfect world, if a per- ety has yet to do. of their race, disability, gender or son opened a restaurant with religion, and the restaurant needs business practices like this, the “James is the owner of to be legally forced to stop dis- people would be disgusted and criminating. boycott the business until it was Gary’s Chicaros and he The issue is somewhat com- forced to close its doors for good. refuses to serve plicated, however, because Okla- James has been in business homosexuals, disabled homa law doesn’t protect homo- for 44 years and appears to have sexuals from discrimination like the support of the town of Enid, people and ‘ freaks’” it should. Okla. The town has allowed this and he flaunts his Title II of the The Civil Rights sort of business practice and this bigotry proudly.” Act of 1964 outlawed discrimina- speaks to the extent of discrimi- tion in businesses such as a “res- nation that exists today. taurant, cafeteria, lunchroom, If this issue doesn’t seem im- Gary James, a restaurant lunch counter, soda fountain or portant to you, just remember owner in Enid, Okla., serves as other facility principally engaged the words of Martin Niemoller, a painful example of a person in selling food for consumption an anti-Nazi theologian that that refuses to treat others with on the premises, including, but wrote, “First they came for the respect. not limited to, any such facility socialists, and I did not speak James is the owner of Gary’s located on the premises of any out — Because I was not a social- Chicaros, and he refuses to serve retail establishment; or any gaso- ist. Then they came for the trade homosexuals, disabled people line station.” unionists, and I did not speak and “freaks,” and James flaunts In light of these laws, James’ out — Because I was not a trade his bigotry proudly. In fact, his business practices are illegal and unionist. Then they came for the restaurant has shirts that demean he should be forced to stop dis- Jews, and I did not speak out — Muslims, African-Americans criminating against his potential Because I was not a Jew. Then and Democrats, among other customers. they came for me — and there groups. James’ sympathizers argue was no one left to speak for me.” “If you work, you own a busi- that, as a private business owner, If you feel as though a busi- ness, you pay their taxes, you’re he should be able to refuse busi- ness has unfairly discriminated more than welcome in here,” ness to anyone that he does not against you, contact your state’s James told NBC’s KFOR. “If want to serve. attorney general. you’re on welfare, stay at home. The problem with this is the You could make a difference Spend my money there.” aforementioned Civil Rights Act. and help prevent someone else’s News of this restaurant hit the Claiming that James has the pain and keep people like James public eye when Matt Gard was right to refuse service to groups from unfairly discriminating refused a meal at Gary’s Chic- of customers is akin to one child against innocent people. If you’re going to church, live out its teachings

Saturday night is full of de- read their Bible every day, serve yes, you attend the 11:30 a.m. ser- Jesus dined with sinners and of- regular church attendees, I would bauchery — the fake ID gets her others and attend church to grow vice each week. ten preferred their company to the run the opposite way. This is often drinks at the restaurant. The drinks in their own faith. Some have heard the phrase self-proclaimed saints. And yes, a bad reputation Christians receive get the crude words flowing with There are also those who attend “going to church doesn’t make maybe one monotonous church — the lack of intentionality — and his friends. His drunken alter-ego a Sunday service with the guilt of you any more of a Christian than service can transform into a life- in the end, God will not honor it. gives him confidence to hit on the the night before on their soul. They standing in a garage makes you a changing event and be the moment Isaiah 29:13 says: “The Lord says: girl at the bar and take her home. might fall under the category of the c ar.” where someone truly repents and ‘These people come near to me They wake up with a hangover, opening paragraph, but they are Going to church won’t get you commits their life to God. Maybe a with their mouth and honor me maybe even still drunk, but two truly repentant. to heaven. You don’t get brownie verse or phrase will pop into their with their lips, but their hearts are hours later, they are on the fifth They realize their mistakes and points with God for attending head before they sin and help them far from me. Their worship of me is row of the Sunday service. are there to ask for forgiveness and church every Sunday, no mat- resist. Maybe. based on merely human rules they We all know someone like that. try to change their lifestyle. They ter how difficult it was to get out Everyone sins. Everyone makes have been taught.’” Baylor University is a school are intentional with their faith de- of bed with a hangover. Religion mistakes. There’s a big difference I have no right to judge an in- full of proper Southern traditions spite their struggles. doesn’t save you — it’s more than between churchgoers who honest- tentionality of a person’s faith. That — hold the door open for ladies, Neither are these the focus of that. ly repent and attempt to do better is for God to decide. I do believe, always say “ma’am,” and attend this column. This is not to offend “I’m spiritual, but not religious.” and churchgoers who sit through- though, that instead of honoring a Kat Worrall | Reporter your Baptist, Catholic or Method- them — not everyone at church is Have you ever heard someone say out service, daydream about their Christian upbringing and our Bap- ist church service every Sunday. there for the wrong reasons. that? These are the people who bad decisions the night before and tist university by attending church The lessons of good manners ture. Yet when I see them Wednes- I am not a saint. This is not a might believe in something, but count down until lunchtime. every Sunday with a wrong pur- and respect that mothers and fa- day morning at class, their glazed holier-than-thou opinion where don’t attend church weekly or even It is the lack of intentionality pose, own up to your real life or thers instill in their children often eyes and Scruff’s hand stamp tell I shove repentance and salvation monthly. I believe many of Baylor’s that isn’t right. change. remain when those children grow another story. at readers. Instead, I believe you students are the opposite — “I’m Some Southern values focus Be authentic with your faith. up and attend college, but as the When I hear of how they treat- should honestly live the life you religious, but not spiritual.” Most on being composed on the outside Use that hour and a half service as children grow into young adults, ed their significant other, their truly practice — whether that is people here can tell you about No- and sweeping any inner demons something meaningful, something the sincerity is sometimes left be- drug dealers, or even witness their one of a true Christian who attends ah’s ark, the parting of the Red Sea under the rug, and that has trans- that will, if you let it, change your hind with the childhood spirit. stumbling self at a bar 10 hours church each week out of a pure de- and quote John 3:16. lated into people’s faith. Instead of life. It seems the sincerity of reli- before church begins, I see a differ- sire or of a believer who isn’t quite It’s easy to be religious at Baylor pretending you are OK on the out- If you are not ready for that giously attending church every ent story than the life they want to living on the straight and narrow and know all of the right answers. side but being a hypocrite under- commitment, then be who you Sunday is gone, especially here at portray. road right now. If you’re some- It is a different thing to be spiritual neath, open up to the possibility. truly are. Be the Friday night bar “Baptist Baylor.” Before I continue, let me clarify where in the middle, why not pick and have a one-on-one relation- Honor church, re-examine your super-star. Be the comedian with Some of the biggest “sinners” — this is not for those who attend the positive side and make your re- ship with God. morals and then apply the changes the foul mouth. Just don’t fake your I know here at Baylor are also church every Sunday with a pure ligion authentic? For anyone arguing with me to your life. Live the life you are al- religion. Stick to your true inten- the most “religious” people. They motive. Church here at Baylor Uni- saying, “How judgmental — ev- ready “living.” tions, no matter how “Baylor Bap- haven’t missed a Sunday service Plenty of people at Baylor fall versity is often a social event. It is eryone sins. Jesus loves the sin- When people don’t do this, tist” they may or may not be. all semester, lead Bible studies for into that category. They walk the good to be seen at church — peo- ners too. Going to church is bet- they make a mockery of the entire Kat Worrall is a junior journal- their organization and caption Christian walk as best as they can. ple think better of you. You are as- ter than anything. They can still institution. If I was curious about ism major from Roswell, N.M. She their Instagram photos with Scrip- They positively influence others, sumed to be a good person because repent!” Well, of course they can. Christianity and saw some of these is a reporter for The Lariat.

baylorlariat com Baylor Lariat WE’RE THERE WHEN YOU CAN’T BE

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To contact the Baylor Lariat: Opinion The Baylor Lariat welcomes reader viewpoints through letters to the editor and guest columns. Opin- Newsroom: Advertising inquiries: ions expressed in the Lariat are not necessarily those of the Baylor administration, the Baylor Board [email protected] [email protected] of Regents or the Student Publications Board. 254-710-1712 254-710-3407 The Baylor Lariat TUESDAY | FEBRUARY 18, 2014 News 3 Baylor Ambassadors aim to represent student voice

By Madison Adams “When traveling to Austin or ton, D.C., where the group saw Reporter D.C., Baylor Ambassadors serve success in the time spent lobbying as representatives of Baylor Uni- and advocating for research fund- Meeting with political stars and versity and their interests,” Eman- ing for the Baylor Research and attending prestigious events may uel wrote. “When an official visits Innovation Collaborative and in- seem unlike the usual day of a col- the campus, we also provide addi- creased student financial aid. lege student, but these events are tional support in accommodating Katy senior Bonnie Cantwell just a typical part of the itinerary their needs.” said the Baylor Ambassadors trip for this Baylor Ambassadors. Emanuel wrote ambassadors to Washington D.C. was effective San Antonio senior Braden All- generally help during President and she said believes they were man, president of Baylor Ambas- and Chancellor Ken Starr’s On- able to convey their messages at sadors, said the group’s purpose Topic discussions. When President the right time to some of the na- is to be a voice for the students Obama was on campus for the tion’s most influential voices. on Baylor’s campus by working West Memorial, the ambassadors “Our meetings in D.C. were am- closely with the Office of Govern- helped with the president’s secu- icable and informative,” Cantwell ment Relations on Baylor’s cam- rity detail, he wrote. said in an email to the Lariat. “We pus in a variety of capacities. Allman said advocating for are hopeful for the preservation of “In general, we represent the student financial aid allows him to federal financial aid and increased student voice on government is- raise awareness for the issues di- research funding in the coming fis- sues,” Allman said. “In addition, rectly affecting the students on the cal year. As ambassadors, we aim we also aid in hosting dignitaries Baylor campus. to articulate the concerns of Baylor that visit Baylor’s campus and lob- “We are a voice for the student students and represent the spirit of by for issues that affect students population, even if they do not the university and achieving this on Baylor’s campus statewide and realize that we are,” Allman said. goal equates to a successful trip.” nationally.” “We met with Senator Ted Cruz Since the spring of 1982, when Courtesy Art Houston senior Carnell Eman- and Senator John Cornyn while in Baylor Ambassadors was created, The Baylor Ambassadors visit the Lincoln Memorial during the February trip to Washington, D.C. The group spent uel wrote in an email to the Lariat D.C., but we also met with their a large portion of the student or- time lobbying for funding for the Baylor Research and Innovation Collaborative and student financial aid. the job description of a member staff, who are often the brains of ganization’s time has been spent of Baylor Ambassadors is diverse, Congress behind the scenes. If you advocating for Tuition Equaliza- “We work with TEG a large Allman said the with- ence majors. In fact, probably only ranging from advocating for issues can convince the congressional tion Grant, also known as TEG, percentage of the time, which aids in Baylor Ambassadors makes the one-half to one-third are. We have that are important to students on staff of your points, you can often which seeks to provide grant aid to students who go to private univer- group well rounded and balanced. a diverse group, but we are all stu- the Baylor campus to hosting po- convince their congressman.” students to enable them to attend sities,” Allman said “The grant al- “We are all using the specific dents who are interested in govern- litical celebrities when they visit Baylor Ambassadors returned private, nonprofit colleges or uni- lows more Texas students to attend areas that we are good at in order ment issues, especially those that Baylor’s campus. on Feb. 7 from a trip to Washing- versities in Texas. universities that might be a better to help make a difference,” Allman directly affect us as students.” fit for them than state universities.” said. “We are not all political sci-

Students raise thousands of dollars Activate awareness Mental health matters Active Minds, an organiza- Omega Delta Phi is holding tion dedicated to raising mental a health forum from 7-9 p.m. in chapel to help African orphans health awareness and reducing Wednesday in A108 Baylor the stigmas associated with Sciences Building. The forum mental illnesses, is meeting at will cover how to deal with By Madi Allen Josh Philip, the philanthropy chair before the “pass the plate” service 5:30 p.m. Wednesday in C231 stress, the importance of men- Reporter for Phi Kappa Chi. “They really to present their mission and ongo- Baylor Sciences Building. All tal health and how to maintain surprised me. I never imagined that ing ministry in Bukaleba, Uganda. students are welcome. For ad- it. For additional information, After being challenged in Cha- they would give that much.” “I really liked how personal ditional information, contact contact Adrian_Galvez@bay- pel to “change the world in a day,” Phi Kappa Chi wanted to raise it was,” Lafayette, La., sophomore [email protected]. Baylor students raised more than money for the charity “I Love Or- Allie Matherne said. “I felt more $24,000 for charity, Baylor an- phans” and went to Dr. Burt Bur- connected to it because Baylor Welcome the Class of 2018 Sign up for Steppin’ Out Race for registration nounced this Monday. leson, the university chaplain, for alumni started it. I also really loved Applications are due at 5 Two weeks ago, “I Love Or- advice. the video they showed because we Registration for Steppin’ Early registration for the p.m. Friday and are available phans,” visited Baylor Chapel and Philip and Burleson developed got to see the life of the children and Out is open to all students, Bearathon Half and 5K ends on at asked students to give. The students the idea to do a “pass the plate” ser- it seemed really genuine.” groups or organizations. The Friday. After Friday, entry fees week. For more information, raised $24,836.51, these funds were vice, a way to raise money by pass- Burleson said the money raised deadline is March 21 and Step- will increase. To register, go to call New Student Programs at matched by a donor, making the to- ing buckets throughout Chapel. will provide for the construction of pin’ Out will be held on April 254-710-7240 or email wel- tal donation around $50,000. Three of the founders of “I an education building and dining 5. For more information, con- dation. The race takes place on [email protected]. “I was really impressed by the Love Orphans,” Baylor alumni facility for 80 children ages 7 – 12, tact [email protected]. March 22. money donated by the student Nick Martineau, Matt Flanigan and residing at the Bukaleba Project op- body,” said Houston sophomore Geoff Price, visited Chapel a week erated by Arise Africa International. Arts & Entertainment Tuesday | February 18, 2014 4 The Baylor Lariat Monster trucks coming to Extraco Events Center

By Kat Worrall forth with arena cross events until on motorbikes and quad bikes, or Reporter the fan favorite ending, the mon- four wheelers. ster truck freestyle. Local, regional and even out of This weekend, Wacoans and “Each truck will go out one at state competitors will attend the students will have the opportunity a time,” John Darnell, MAP Mo- event. to see athletes compete under the torsports’ event coordinator, said. “They run their practices and aliases of TailGator, Smashosau- “They get two minutes. They can heats during the day,” Darnell rus and Stinger while launching do anything they want on the said. “If they qualify, they get to into the air and smashing cars — track — big air, wheelies, donuts run them at night.” yes, this is monster trucks. — that kind of thing. Once ev- There is not a standard grand The event, hosted by the MAP eryone has ran, they do a crowd prize for the monster truck com- Motorsports on Friday and Sat- cheer-off to see who the winner petitions, since it is varies for each urday, will be held at the Extraco is.” truck and event, but this weekend Events Center and is composed of Instead of following favorite has a $30,000 purse for the mon- two extreme sports, arena cross racers, fans focus on the truck, ster truck winner. However, arena and monster trucks. Allison said. cross participants just compete The monster trucks will com- The big names attending this for the title. pete in various activities, such as event are TailGator, a truck that Before and after the event, side-by-side racing, wheelie con- looks like an alligator, Smashosau- as well as during intermission, tests and freestyle. rus, a dinosaur truck that is popu- there will a “monster bus” ride for Courtesy Photo “They typically do a head-to- lar with children, and Stinger, guests. For $10, up to 16 guests Stinger, a monster truck designed to look like it has a scorpion’s stinger in the back, drives over a number of cars head race where there is a course which has a scorpion tail. can ride around the track. during a monster truck rally. Stinger will be competing in Waco. set up in a coliseum where they “They always have good trucks “They take them around, not jump over hills as well as other here,” Allison said. “They will at the speeds they will be racing, most fans like it. On Friday night, from 6 to 7 p.m., adults and $14 for kids and under cars,” Wes Allison, president and have some professional class rac- but just take them around the “It’s a great show,” Allison said. anyone with a ticket can also at- at the door. CEO of Extraco Events Center, ers for the arena cross but will also tracks,” Allison said. “Just bring some ear protection. It tend the “pit party” down on the O’Reilly Auto Parts is offer- said. “The big deal is big air.” have local racers.” He has one small warning for is loud.” racetrack floor to meet drivers ing a $2 discount for tickets pur- The event will begin with During arena cross, amateurs anyone attending the show —the The two-night event begins at and get autographs. chased at any of its stores before monster trucks and go back and and professionals alike compete trucks are loud, but that is how 7:30 p.m. and doors open at 6 p.m. The event costs $24 dollars for the event. Cowell’s time in limelight fades away

By Scott Collins Fox, slapped the show for "disap- fairly simple premise. And no major reality franchise L.A. Times via McClatchy pointing" ratings. Cowell raised eyebrows at the has reinvigorated the format on Tribune-Herald "Sometimes we rest these end of the first season when, in an broadcast in recent seasons. shows," Cowell wrote Thursday. extensive and seemingly whimsical "The reality genre is cooling for LOS ANGELES — Not so long "And that's what we did in a crowd- fit of housekeeping, he fired judge network TV," said Jeffrey McCall, a ago, Simon Cowell was probably ed market" with the American ver- , a friend and former media studies professor at DePauw the most powerful man on Ameri- sion of "X Factor." The 54-year-old "Idol" colleague about whom he'd University. "Singing competition can TV. His cranky, caustic judging Cowell — who was unavailable to spoken warmly in the past (judge shows had a certain charm at first, had helped make "" comment further, his spokeswom- and host Steve but audiences surely can see by now an invincible No. 1 hit. an said — has returned to his native Jones were also sacked). that many of these acts are just too As a producer, he makes "Amer- country to appear on the British Season 2 returned with an em- forced or demonstrate no more tal- ica's " and similar shows version, which is itself flagging. Of phasis on big, brassy production ent than can be found in a local pub that have long been top sellers course, hit shows don't get "rested" values. or at the county fair." around the world. after three seasons. "It was overproduced," said Given the media landscape, He ranked No. 17 on Forbes' But there's little question that, Scott Sternberg, a veteran reality Cowell did himself no favors by 2013 Celebrity 100 list, with esti- squaring off against not just "Idol" TV producer who's made shows vowing to crush "Idol." mated annual pay of $95 million, but also NBC's "The Voice," "X Fac- with Abdul, William Shatner and "'X Factor' suffered from unre- and famously predicted that his tor" was getting lost in a crowd of Paula Zahn. "The director spent alistic expectations," McCall said. own "" on Fox would singing competitions. more time in getting in the wide "Simon overpromised and under- hammer "Idol," the singing contest The problems ran much deep- shots with all the lighting and digi- performed." he left in a storm of publicity in er, though. Cowell and Fox often tal effects, but did not recognize The band — 2010. seemed unsure what they wanted (the importance of) being tight on which Cowell helped discover on And now? The hanging judge "X Factor" to be, and so the show the faces of these performers ... 'X the British version of "X Factor" has fled the stage like a bad karaoke ran through a dispiriting and con- Factor' had very little heart." in 2010 — is now one of the top- singer, leading many to wonder if fusing gantlet of changes in pac- But finding the heart can be selling pop acts in the world. His "X the rapidly changing TV business ing, procedures, production values, tough in a genre that has pulled Factor" comedown, then, might yet has outrun even someone as savvy hosts and even judges. audiences toward every possible prove to be a mere rest rather than as Cowell. A system that gave each judge emotional extreme and back again. a swan song. Earlier this month Fox abrupt- a category of performers to men- Viewership for network real- As Brad Adgate, an analyst for ly canceled "X Factor" after three Al Diaz | Miami Herald tor (young men and women, older ity series has been steadily drifting Horizon Media, put it: "I don't nec- Simon Cowell flashes an X as he arrives to judge auditions for “X Factor” troubled seasons and after a top ex- singing acts) may have overcom- downward as audiences tire of the essarily think we've heard the last of on June 14, 2011, in Coral Gables, Fla. ecutive at News Corp., which owns plicated what was supposed to be a format. Simon Cowell."

Answers at Across 1 “A Different World” actress 10 More than ready to do 15 Halley’s field 16 Veronese white 17 Norwegian offerings 19 Most like a beachcomber 20 “__ Mutual Friend”: Dickens’ last completed novel 21 Royal letters 22 Texting gasp 23 Profile listing 25 “Yes!” 26 St. Peter’s Basilica 29 Many roomies 30 Match 31 The first one open on Majorca in 1950 33 Lake Geneva river 35 Princess with a Wookieepedia entry 36 “I Lost It at the Movies” author Difficulty: Easy 37 Narrow vents 39 Teaching method based on set theory 42 Gent 43 Moselle tributary 45 “The Love Boat” bartender 47 Hit the __ 48 “Precisely!” 49 Lucy of “Elementary” 50 Time to look forward 51 Trot 8 Graph- ending 39 Hound 52 Aids 9 Cooperstown charter member 40 Like owls 56 Fails to intervene 10 There’s a lot of interest in it 41 Lock-changing tool? 59 Spud 11 Food cooked in an imu 42 See 57-Down 60 Europe’s tallest ferris wheel 12 Method 44 Luanda’s land 61 Underhanded type 13 Accruing fines, maybe 46 Triggers a bleep, maybe 62 Mississippi has four 14 Did a double take? 48 Icelandic singer 18 Chafes 53 Org. that rejects bad eggs Down 24 Kin of -ish 54 Van. alternative 1 Telecommuter’s tool 27 Spring bloom 55 Recent Yankee star named for 2 Faith of more than 1.5 billion people 28 Distract the security guard, say Jackie Robinson 3 His was the first number retired by 30 Pampas weapons 57 With 42-Down, spots for sailors’ gear the Mets 32 Assignment 58 Scand. kingdom 4 Ireland’s __ Islands 34 Half: Pref. 5 Audio giant 36 Fuel that built the Rockefeller fortune 6 Cross to bear 37 Adjective for “Pygmalion” or “Major 7 View from The Hague Barbara” 38 Shower paraphernalia Sports Tuesday | February 18, 2014 The Baylor Lariat 5 Bears survive Oklahoma State 70-64 in OT thriller By Jeffrey Swindoll from three-point territory and on the inside to start the second they needed me. I just wanted to Sports Writer 6-for-11 from the line. half. It was Baylor’s three-point give them my all tonight.” It was a frantic first half for the shooting that kept the Bears alive. Baylor led by three with only For the second game in a row at Bears, pulling ahead 12-6 early, but Baylor’s success at the free throw seconds left on the clock, but this the Ferrell Center, the Bears won in eventually giving up that lead. The line also aided their cause in a game was far from over. a comeback effort in overtime. This Bears could not tie the game before rough game on the inside but its After Baylor seemed like it had time, it came against Oklahoma the half. success at the line diminished as the win in the bag, with two time- State, beating the Cowboys 70-64 With star guard Marcus Smart the game went on. outs, the Bears botched the in- on Monday at the Ferrell Center. missing the game because of a sus- Both teams needed a win badly bounds pass and had to face OSU Baylor had the game in its hands pension, the Cowboys needed oth- on Monday, and were expecting in overtime. with 3.5 seconds left in the second er players to step up in his absence. some big plays from big players. It was a big boost for OSU’s half with an inbounds pass from Baylor grew more patient with Senior forward Cory Jefferson and morale, but the Bears were focused the far end of the court. Leading the ball in the second half. Baylor’s Austin fueled Baylor all the way. going into OT. by three, with two timeouts, Bay- defense also tightened up after al- They did it all­— blocks, dunks and “When you give up something lor committed an errant pass that lowing too many drives in the lane rebounds. Baylor pulled away in like that, that’s devastating,” Baylor fell to OSU’s Leyton Hammonds, from in the first half. the rebounds-battle in the second head coach Scott Drew said. “That’s who drained a clutch three-pointer The Bears kept getting defen- half, 34-49. like getting punched in the gut. For to send the game into a shocking sive stops, but struggled to find Jefferson dominated defen- us to refocus, regroup, come back overtime period. openings for game-tying buckets. sively and offensively in the paint out and be very, very sound and ef- It was a turning point in Bay- The Cowboys helped the Bears out with 3 blocks, 13 rebounds and 25 ficient in overtime – I thought that lor’s season when the men’s basket- a little too. OSU committed two points after shooting 8-for-12. was tremendous.” ball team went on the road to beat shot clock violations, Chery forced Austin, after throwing up all of Baylor’s experience showed Oklahoma State in Stillwater. This a turnover that resulted in an Isa- Sunday because of illness, and with in its calmness during overtime game tested Baylor’s consistency in iah Austin three-pointer after rip- the aid of an IV prior to Monday’s against OSU to survive with a 70- conference play as well as its abil- ping a steal from Forte. game, came up big for Baylor with 64 win. ity to defend home court in yet Baylor played with a sense of 12 points, 12 rebounds and “Everybody stayed positive,” another overtime thriller against a urgency. The Bears needed a full blocks. Jefferson said. “We knew that we defensive effort to cut OSU’s deficit “I wasn’t feeling very well last could win it; nothing cocky about Big 12 rival. Constance Atton | Lariat Photographer Baylor had four different play- from the first half. night with 101 fever,” Austin said. it, but just real positive from the ers score from downtown in the Their defense was solid, but the “I couldn’t keep any fluids or food coaches, to the bench and the play- Baylor senior forward Cory Jefferson slam dunks in Baylor’s 70-64 over- first half. The Bears shot 4-for-11 Bears struggled to create anything down, but my teammates said that ers in the game.” time win against Oklahoma State on Monday at the Ferrell Center. Baseball wins one of three versus No. 19 ASU By Jeffrey Swindoll The Bears trailed by three, but “It was a relentless attack by our Sports Writer the fourth inning was the begin- guys,” ASU head coach Tim Esmay ning of Baylor’s rally to tie the said. “I was very proud of them.” Baylor baseball opened the sea- game. Freshman outfielder Darryn The Bears overcame a 7-2 defi- son in dramatic fashion, coming Sheppard earned his first collegiate cit in game one, but 11 runs in from behind 7-2 to beat the No. 19 home-run in the fourth inning, game three was too much for the Arizona State Sun Devils 9-7 Fri- making it 3-1. Baylor would go on Bears to pull off in two innings. day. The rest of the series shaped up to score another to make it a one- ASU left-hander Brett Lilek to be much different for the Bears run game. pitched four innings and earned a (1-2, 0-0), who went on to lose the ASU responded to Baylor’s career-high seven strikeouts, only series 2-1 after a 7-4 loss on Satur- eventful fourth inning with a run allowing two hits and one walk. day and a 12-1 result on Sunday at off of a double steal to make it 4-2. “I knew that Baylor was go- Winkles Field-Packard Stadium at Baylor’s junior outfielder Logan ing to try and get us starters out Brock Ballpark in Tempe, Ariz. Brown blasted a one-out home run of the game as fast as they could, “It’s early in the year,” Baylor to help the Bears cut the deficit to so they were going to be patient,” head coach Steve Smith said after one once again. Lilek said. “I knew if I [got ahead game three. “You’re going to see Brown ended the night going of hitters], our offense was going to some really, really bizarre scores 2-4 with one hit, one RBI and one be relentless and put in some nice from some really, really good run. Sheppard went 3-4 with two work and get runs, so I didn’t have teams, and that’s just the nature of hits, one RBI and a run of his own to worry about that. the game. It’s really the nature of on a homer. ASU won the hit-bat- Errors and inefficient play from this time of year, especially.” tle though, 7-12. the bullpen hurt Baylor badly in Early in game one, there was Six of Baylor’s batters made up game three. not much room between the two those seven hits, and ASU earned The Bears fielded five different teams. After some back and forth its 12 hits with nine different bat- pitchers, and none could really sta- play, ASU led Baylor 3-2 after five ters. Baylor tied the game 4-4 in bilize the game after the crippling innings. the sixth inning, but it was the sixth inning. Devils (2-1, 0-0) pun- closest Baylor got to the lead. Smith brought up the condition ished the Bears in the sixth and Game three exposed problems of the field as a possible factor for seventh innings. After some errors David Wallace | Associated Press in Baylor’s defense. It was a fairly Baylor’s fielding miscues that led to tight game for most of the nine in- runs. Generally though, Smith ac- from Baylor, ASU scored five un- Arizona State’s Trever Allen slides into home against Baylor catcher Matt Menard during the eighth inning of an nings. knowledged those mistakes as his answered runs, putting the Bears NCAA college baseball game Saturday in Tempe, Ariz. The Sun Devils won the series two games to one. in a deep hole late in the game. The Sun Devils scored early off team’s, and the fault should not fall Senior infielder Grayson Porter an error in the second, but Baylor on anything else. for Baylor, but Porter had other the sixth and seventh,” Smith said. started the game on the mound helped Baylor finally get some- responded later with a run in the Sheppard was a clear standout plans. Porter continued to impact “We hung in there and battled. I for Baylor, but only pitched 3.1 in- thing going with a leadoff single sixth. It was the calm before the and positive takeaway after his the game with his bat, tying the like the fact that our kids now be- nings and was one of five pitchers in the top of the eighth. Following storm for the Bears though. homer in game two, and won Big score on a 3-0 count with a two- lieve they can win a game like this.” that pitched for Baylor on Satur- Porter’s lead, Baylor fought back to ASU gashed Baylor wide open 12 Newcomer of the Week honors run homer in the top of the ninth After a huge comeback win on day. Kuntz checked out with three make it 5-7, scoring three runs in with nine runs in the sixth. An in- on Monday. inning. Porter finished the night Friday, the Bears would have to dig strikeouts against 16 batters. The the eighth inning. ning later, Baylor failed to score The Bears play their first home going 2-for-4 with three RBI’s. out another comeback in game two Sun Devils put the Bears in a hole It was late in the game and any runs, and the Sun Devils added game against UT-Arlington at 6:35 “We were very good in the of the series on Saturday. early, getting nearly half of their looked like it was going to be a loss two to their total, making it 12-1. p.m. today at Baylor Ballpark. eighth and ninth, not so much in Junior pitcher Brad Kuntz hits and four runs off of Kuntz. The Baylor Lariat *TUESDAY | FEBRUARY 18, 2014 6 News

EDUCATION from Page 1 PAXTON from Page 1 REGENTS from Page 1 Pyle said. and the states’ rights to pass voter “I don’t anticipate it to Suarez and another work- Paxton said the office of the ID laws that don’t infringe on the be an overly long period of er were on a manlift when it attorney general has become in- rights of voters. time,” Garland said. “I just collapsed and dragged them creasingly important in the past In June 2013, the U.S. Supreme want to maintain what’s been into the Brazos River. Suarez few years, as the executive branch Court struck down the require- going well.” was unable to unharness has continuously attempted to ment that states such as Texas and In other business, regents himself from the machin- violate the 10th Amendment. Mississippi get approval from the also named the new track ery and drowned. The other According to an article pub- federal government before enact- and field facility after Clyde worker was able to release lished USA Today in July 2013, ing any voting laws. Paxton said Hart, who served the univer- himself and was treated for Abbott had, at the time, sued the this will help Texas pass laws that sity 51 years. hypothermia after making it president more than 27 times ensure voter ID fraud does not “Clyde Hart is a living to shore. within the past five years. occur. legend,” Starr said. “In his de- “The purpose is to com- Abbott was quoted as saying, “Voter ID is a simple concept, cades of service, he’s accom- memorate the life of this “I go into the office in the morn- and it’s a very common practice,” plished great things. It’s an good man, Jose Suarez,” Starr ing. I sue Barack Obama, and Paxton said. According to his appropriate way to pay trib- said. then I go home.” website, safeguarding voter ID ute to a spectacular coach.” Though Starr wouldn’t Paxton said if he were elect- will be one of his primary con- Not all the commemora- comment on any correspon- ed, he would likely continue this cerns. tive intention was so celebra- dence between the university

Travis Taylor | Photo Editor trend. Paxton graduated from Baylor tory. Starr also announced and the Suarez family, he said State Rep. Dan Branch, R-Dallas, and state Sen. Kirk Watson, D-Austin, Paxton studied law at the Uni- with a bachelor’s degree in 1985, the university’s plans to in- the memorial was to demon- discuss higher education issues during a forum Monday. versity of Virginia, and said he and went on to receive a Master of stall a memorial plaque on strate the school’s commit- believes the Constitution is not a Business Administration from the the Umphrey Pedestrian ment remembering Suarez living document and should not university as well. Bridge to honor the late Jose and those he loved, sharing things more affordable,” Watson workforce. be adjusted to fit social norms. Paxton’s opponents for office Dario Suarez, who lost his in a deeply profound sense of said. “We need to explore the op- “If we don’t successfully edu- “I think it’s important we con- in the Republican primary in- life last month working on regret and loss. portunities for new technology, cate our next generation, then we vey to the government that they clude Rep. Dan Branch, R-Dallas, the bridge. but we need to also recognize that will suffer,” Branch said. “I think it can no longer continue to trump and state railroad commissioner one size probably shouldn’t fit all.” behooves us all to try and get on the rights of states, especially with Barry Smitheran. Branch said he is optimistic the same page.” laws that violate our constitution- Early voting for the office be- about the prospects of lowering Additionally, both legislators al rights,” Paxton said. gins today and ends on Feb. 28. Get social. the price while boosting the qual- advised future politicians and Paxton said he supports leg- Election Day will be held on Mar. ity of education with cost-efficient students alike to stay involved, islation that protects gun rights, 4. means with hybrid courses and engaged and informed in politics, online lectures. agreeing that doing so makes for a “As technology becomes so more knowledgeable public. MILLER from Page 1 invasive in our culture and be- Schertz senior Kimani Mitch- comes a larger part of education, ell, Baylor College Democrats of Waco received proposals from “We’re hoping that we will be nery training received by white vice,” he said. we think there are opportunities president, said open discussions 27 designers across the nation. breaking ground next year,” Ra- sailors,” states the Doris Miller Ravenscroft said she thinks for some decreased cost,” he said. of higher education like this fo- Eventually a design by Oklahoma venscroft said. “It just depends memorial website. the site for the memorial along The biggest concern with the rum bring together relevant ideas City architect and engineer Stan on how the fundraising goes this Wilton Lanning Jr., long time the river is beautiful. level of rigor in the state, Watson to which all Baylor students can Carroll was chosen. Eddie Dixon, y e ar.” Waco resident and founding di- “When the pathways are built, said, lies with the K-12 educa- relate. a sculptor from Lubbock, also Ravenscroft said the memo- rector of the Dr Pepper Museum the memorial will be within walk- tion system, specifically in math. “Everyone can attest to the contributed to the design. rial will pay tribute to Miller’s and Free Enterprise Institute, ing distance of the new stadium, The need for STEM, or science, level of financial aid and cost of “We wanted a team approach going beyond the call of duty in said the Navy Cross was a major so it will be a wonderful feature; technology, engineering and education,” Mitchell said. “Getting to this project, because it’s a park his actions at Pearl Harbor. Mill- award for someone to receive. a destination people can walk to mathematics, majors has greatly a Baylor degree is more than just a as well as a memorial design and er was a mess attendant second “Doris Miller became a hero,” from the stadium,” she said. increased, Watson said. piece of paper.” sculpture design,” Ravenscroft class in the Navy at Pearl Harbor Lanning said. “He saved the cap- Ravenscroft said she thinks “From a job perspective, you Blair said the purpose of the said. and was collecting dirty laundry tain of the ship by pulling him out the memorial will be a positive see a lot of growth in that area, forum was to improve campus Baylor has donated $20,000 to when bombs began to fall. of the line of fire and took hold influence on the community. and you see a lot places that are dialogue and generate academic this cause, and other groups and Miller gave assistance to a of a gun. He was a mess atten- “This just shows the leader- growing in Texas that are focused discussion. He said he believes the organizations have given as well. mortally wounded captain and dant, not a gunnery person. But ship of one man who was only on that,” he said. issues presented at the forum re- Cultural Arts of Waco needs to then proceeded to fire at Japanese he stepped forward and was hon- in his teens,” she said. “And how However, while those majors flect the thoughts and curiosities achieve funds of around $500,000 planes with an unattended deck ored for that.” wonderful to have an example and jobs are high demand, majors of students at Baylor because the before they can break ground on gun. Lanning said he feels Miller’s like that in your community. We outside of these few are still hot issues directly relate to all of them. the memorial. “It was Miller’s first experi- actions at Pearl Harbor were very need good examples for all young commodities in the workforce. “The best thing we can do as They are still around $190,000 ence firing such a weapon, be- heroic. men; doing more than what’s ex- Both legislators emphasized the students is to stay interested be- away from this goal, Raven- cause black sailors serving in the “At that time he became a role pected for you.” importance of honing one’s skills cause it affects us too,” he said. scroft said. Ultimately it will cost segregated steward’s branch of model for the folks in the U.S. to fit the right position in the $1,350,000 to build the memorial. the Navy were not given the gun- Navy and the whole military ser-