Wiccid Academy of Witchcraft & Magic

Quarter 4 Lesson 2 (11)

By Wiccid

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Wiccid Academy of Witchcraft & Magic

Lesson 11

Greetings Apprentice!

Welcome to Lesson 11 the second lesson of the fourth quarter. In this lesson we explore the fascinating world of Romanian Witchcraft, we learn about the crystal Tourmaline, the herb Dill, the Moon phases of Sagittarius and Capricorn, the planet Venus and the African Pantheon. We connect with the final chakra in our energy work series – the crown chakra – your connection to the Divine. We learn about the magical art of scrying, you will make a new potion, you are asked to design your own ritual and this month you can have a go at making your own wand – how exciting!

There are also the regular features – Magical self-care, a new altar set up, a new reading suggestion and I guide you through a magical meditation to visit Goddess Brigid – Goddess of Inspiration.

There is a lot to cover this month so just a reminder that this is self-paced and self-monitored learning, how much or how little you participate and integrate these teachings into your life will be entirely up to you. I am simply here to provide you with the tools you need to bring magic into your everyday life.

Have a beautiful month,

Love, Light and Blessings to you, Bella x

How to get the most out of your lessons:

When you receive your lesson each month, I recommend you print and then skim through all the material to give you insight into what you will be doing for the month. Then gather the materials you will need and create a sacred study space for yourself that is quiet and private. I like to cleanse my space with a smudge stick or incense to clear any negative energies before I start.

It is up to you how you choose to study, some of you might like to tackle it all in one big hit and some might like to do a bit each day. There will be some tasks that will be required to be done daily but may only take a few minutes such as your morning ritual. Once you read through your material you will better understand how you will work through it. A few other things to note:

 - If you see this symbol it means there is an important point to note

 - This symbol means you are asked a question that you will be required to ponder/explore/journal about

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Some simple Terminology you may see throughout this course:

 Athame: A magical black handled knife used in ritual  Boline: A magical white handled knife used in the preparation of magic ingredients such as herbs  Wand: A magical tool used to cast circle and direct energy  Book of Shadows: A sacred book to record all your magic information, rituals, recipes and more  Pentagram/Pentacle: A 5 pointed star representing Earth, Air, Fire, Water & Spirit. A symbol used to represent unity and protection  Guardians: Each direction has a Guardian that represents the qualities of that direction and who you can ask to attend your magic ritual for guidance and protection. (Please note: in the North the directions and representations are different)  Cast circle: To create a sacred space  Altar: A table/surface where you can place all of your magical tools/ingredients and use as your sacred space to perform ritual and magic  Deity – Divine being  Otherworld - Another realm in which dwell magical beings such as faeries, elves, sprites, goblins, nymphs, salamanders, pixies and so many more

Things to do for the month at a glance Read through your lesson Take note of any supplies you may need and make plans to attain them Continue to perform your morning ritual (Lesson 1) Set up your altar with this month’s Altar Set Up suggestion Do your energy work Perform your ritual Do your meditation Read your book Perform the monthly practical activity Add to your Book of Shadows Carry out your self-care rituals Journal the journal questions

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Lesson 11 .1 The Planets – Venus - Friday

Each planet rules a day of the week and you can use its associations – such as incense for example, to strengthen your magical workings.


The planet Venus has been called the evening and the morning star and described as sister planet to Earth. It is associated with the day Friday, with Goddess Venus and therefore with love and all love magic. Venus is known as the Goddess of love, sex, beauty, relationships, desire, enticement, seduction, pleasure, growth, fertility, prosperity, victory, harmony and the arts so you may wish to invoke her when performing magic related to any of these intentions.

Ruled by: Taurus, Libra

Element: Earth

Colour: Green or Pink

Metal: Copper

Body: Veins, Throat, Kidneys, The back and Parathyroid

Incense: Strawberry, Vervain, Geranium, Sage or Rose

Crystals: Jade, Moonstone, Moss Agate, Turquoise, Pink Tourmaline, Rose Quartz, Emerald, Peridot, Amethyst

Trees/Plants: Birch, Violet, Daisy, Oak, Waterlily, Elder, Apple, Heather, Almond, Ivy, Baby’s Breath, Olive

Herbs & Oils: Pennyroyal, Anjelica, Cardamom, Sage, Thyme, Bergamot, Verbena, Yarrow, Mugwort, Feverfew

Foods: Artichoke, Pumpkin, Cashews, Lettuce, Apples, Tomatoes, Beans, Peach, Pear, Broccoli, Cabbage, Strawberries

Animals: Sparrow, Swan & Dove

Perform Spells for:

Love – in all its forms Breaking free from possessive and destructive partners Bringing harmony The environment Women’s health Pleasure Romance Acquiring beautiful things (in the material sense) Relationships of all kinds – partnerships, friendships, marriages Beauty – to enhance or accept and embrace your own beauty. To see the beauty in others Anything to do with art or crafting Matters of the heart

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Connecting with your sexuality and allowing it to more fully develop The slow gaining of prosperity (this is prosperity that is more likely to stay) Fertility Anything to do with gardening or horticulture

Lesson 11.2

Moon Magic – Plan your rituals by the Moon

There are only 2 lessons left yet we have 4 moons still to learn about! So for this month and the next we shall learn about 2 Moon phases each lesson.

This month we look firstly at the energetic influence of Sagittarius

New Moon and Full Moon. You can check online as to when each sign is passing through the month or get yourself a Moon Diary.

The Zodiac & the Moon:

 The new Moon – the Sun and Moon will be in the same sign

 The full Moon – Cosmic powers are at their peak at this time

 Blue Moon – A second full Moon in a month that occurs once a year

Moon in Sagittarius

Energy around this Moon: Charity, Hope, Cooperation, Understanding, Sharing, Generosity, Friendliness, Expansion, Faith, Optimism, Communion

Associated Element: Fire

The Sun is in: Gemini

Associated Sun Element: Air

Metal: Tin

Colour Association: Blue, Red and Crimson

Crystals: Topaz, Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Diamond, Smokey Quartz, Sapphire, Black Obsidian, Sodalite, Peridot

Plants & Herbs: Carnation, Sugarcane, Clove, Pink clover, Mint, Sage, Mulberry, Chestnut, Rosehip

Foods: Apricots, Chestnuts, Tomatoes, Figs, Olives, Currents

Animals: Mare, Eagle, Centaur, Lion, Unicorn, Peacock

Perform Rituals for:

Giving yourself or loved ones the gift of hope and optimism Clear and positive communication

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Planting the seeds for things you wish to manifest over the next 6 months Transformation Deepening your spirituality Healing for the liver, pelvis and thighs Making the world a better place Moving forwards Bringing more customers to your business Finding a new date (as in partner) Happiness Generosity – Whether you need to give or receive it Honesty – especially for being honest with yourself Getting your written work ‘out there’ – book, blog, manifesto Travel Growing or developing your talent Finding a mentor to help you expand and grow Being fully expressive Working on a project Finding understanding when faced with a difficult situation Expanding your awareness

Focus your Awareness on: Performing your rituals properly – don’t be lazy and miss steps

 Remember: When you make a commitment – stick to it

And secondly, we look at the energetic influence of Capricorn

Moon in Capricorn

Energy around this Moon: Patience, Independence, Diplomacy, Sincerity, Dependency, Endurance, Self- discipline, Structure, Order, Justice and Law, Restraint, Loyalty, Planning

Associated Element: Earth

The Sun is in: Cancer

Associated Sun Element: Water

Metal: Lead

Colour Association: Indigo, Brown, Purple

Crystals: Ruby, Onyx, Garnet, Smokey Quartz, Flourite, Black Tourmaline, Malachite, Hematite

Herbs & Plants: Thyme, Rosemary, Magnolia, Chamomile, Tarragon, Bromeliad, Marjoram

Foods: Mushrooms, Oranges, Figs, Lemons, Spinach, Broccoli, Potatoes, Walnuts, Brown Rice

Animals: Goat, Fish or the hybrid Sea-Goat

Perform Rituals for:

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Helping you work within order, structure and rules Planning and creating goals for the year ahead Planting the seeds for the desires you wish to manifest over the year Justice Healing for the bones, knees and skin Productivity Promotion and advancement in your job Creating strong foundations Patience Conserving the environment and raising our awareness around it Crystal magic Growing your business Self-discipline Sorting your finances, saving money and growing investments Fathers and the men in your life Adventure and pushing your own boundaries Simplifying your life – rituals to help you shed what you no longer need Strengthening your intuition Remembering dreams Bringing emotional issues to the surface Taking control of your life Strengthening your body

Focus your Awareness on: Keeping your rituals positive

 Remember: Not to be ruthless in your ambition at the cost of others

Lesson 11.3

Gods & Goddesses

This month we shall learn about the African Pantheon

Africa is a huge country and as such there is a diverse range of beliefs across many cultures. There is not a single set of myths or beliefs that unite the whole country but there are cultures and regions that share common elements.

One is that there is only one God, a supreme God or Creator of all that is and this God is usually associated with the sky. In West Africa this highest God is referred to as Amma or Olorun and in East Africa this God is referred to as Mulungu. Parts of Africa – particularly north of the Sahara - have converted to Islam or Christianity and they will often identify their supreme deity with their traditional African supreme deity.

The supreme God is known to be a distant God and isn’t really a part of daily life, therefore he/she is not called on for every day affairs. Instead there are many ‘lesser’ Gods and Goddesses who are invoked for their particular functions.

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Below we get to know a few of them: Gods: – Messenger God

Eshu is described as sly, unpredictable and disruptive and he loves to play tricks - at times in a cruel manner. He loves confusion and will cause arguments between friends and partners.

Also known as: Echu, Exu, Esu, Legba, Black devil God

Associations: Trickster God, Messenger between Gods and humans, Change, Uncertainty, Eshu carries the offerings of humans to the Gods in heaven. As he is a messenger, Eshu can speak every language known on Earth.

Myth: Eshu came to his role as messenger after he played a trick on a High God. He stole yams from the Gods garden and then used the Gods slippers to make footprints around where the yams were stolen from. He then suggested that the High God himself had stolen them angering the High God who then ordered Eshu to visit the sky every night and report what had been happening on earth during the day.

In another myth Eshu tricked the sun and moon to switch places which upset the cosmic order. Nyame – Creator God

Nyame is portrayed as a benevolent God who is at times a bit aloof and distant. Nyame created the first human – Kamunu – who he tasked with naming all other creations.

Also known as: Nyankopon, “He who knows and sees everything”, Omniscient, Omnipotent Sky God

Associations: God of the Akan people (Ghana), Lord of the Sky, Creator of the first human being

Myth: In one myth, the Ashanti people appealed to Nyame to help them with a large python that was terrorising them. Nyame had grown tired of a human named Kwaku Anansi - also known as the spider man - who was always boasting about his wit and intelligence. So Nyame punished him by making him deal with the python. Kwaku tricked the python into eating a large meal and drinking a lot of wine so the snake eventually passed out. Kwaku summoned the villagers to beat the snake and carry it away. Pleased with Kwaku’s cleverness, Nyame gifted him vast wisdom and a long life. – God of War and Iron

Ogun is described as cautious, hardworking, impetuous, authoritarian and at times a little selfish. He is the husband of Goddess .

Also known as: Ogoun, Ogun, Ogum Gu, Oggun, Ogou

Associations: Warrior, Justice, Political power, rum and rum making, Sword, Iron and iron chain, Dog, Transformation, Palm frond, Medicine, the day Tuesday, Feijoada (stew), Yams, Dark blue and Green, Broadsword, Iron smithing, Intelligence,

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Myth: Ogun is an ancient who first appeared as a hunter and was the first Orisha to descend to Earth to find a decent place for the future humans to live. It is said that he cleared a path to Earth for the other Gods with the assistance of a metal axe and a dog.

In his earthly life, Ogun is the king of (an ancient Yoruban city in ) who was known to fight for the people. It is said that when his followers were disrespectful he killed them and then himself with his own sword. He then disappeared into the earth promising that he would help those who called on his name. It is believed that he merely disappeared into the earth’s surface and did not in fact die.


Ala – Mother Goddess

Worshipped among the Igbo people of Nigeria

Also known as: Ani, Ana, Ali, Ale

Associations: Fertility, Creativity, the Earth, Mothers and Children, Pythons, the Moon, Morality, the Underworld, the Ground – she is the ground itself

Depicted as: Sitting on a throne with her family surrounding her, often with a child in her arms and a crescent Moon – her sacred symbol

Partner/Consort: Amadioha – Sky God

Worship: Ala is in charge of Igbo laws and customs and as such she judges the actions of humans. If a crime or taboo is committed it is considered an insult to Ala herself as the act was committed on the land - and she is the land itself. All people must respect Ala as she is the Earth and everyone resides on the Earth. It is believed that the souls of the dead reside in her womb and she is the protector of mothers and children. Her earthly messenger is the revered python and Ala is still worshipped today in the annual Yam festival. Oya – Goddess of Change and Storms

Also known as: Yansa, Lansa, Oia, Oia-lya Mesan, Oya-Lyansan which means “Mother of Nine” related to the Niger River having 9 tributaries.

Associations: The wind, Tornado’s, Lightening and destructive Storms, Acaraje – crushed beans formed into a ball and fried in palm oil, Pervasive Charm, Colours – brown, purple, white, burgundy, pink & red, Fire, Water buffalo’s, Copper sword, Wednesday, Female leadership, The number nine.

Partner/Consort: Ogun – God of war and iron

Worship: Oya is worshipped in Latin America, Benin and Nigeria. She is called upon to invoke feelings, charm and sensation. It is also said that Oya controls the mysteries that surround the dead. Invoke her for protection when you are finding it hard to resolve a conflict.

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Oshun – Goddess of Pleasure and Sensuality

Oshun has a love of beauty and beautiful things. She loves to adorn herself in yellows and golds. It is said that the women who dedicate themselves to Oshun will carry her gift of walking and dancing in the most seductive way. No-one can escape their charms.

Also known as: Osun, Oxum, Ochun

Associations: Fertility, Sexuality, Colours – white, yellow, green, pink, gold, The river, streams and brooks, Beauty, Luxury, Love, Divination, Pleasure, Destiny, Cowrie shells


Myth: Oshun was the only female deity to be sent to set up the world by the Supreme Gods () and at first the males that were sent with her started work and ignored her. So Oshun protested such disrespect by forming a band of women called the “Iyami Aje” who were all endowed with special powers. The men failed at their attempts to form the world and when they went to the Olodumare to find out why they were told that nothing could be successful without Oshun – without women everything they ever attempted to do would fail. So unsurprisingly the men begged Oshun to join them.

Worship: As Oshun is the Goddess of the river – her followers will leave offerings of honey and pennies or copper and perform ceremonies wherever there is a body of fresh water such as a river, canal or stream.

* What is an Orisha?

Orisha’s are deities that are a spirit who reflects one of the manifestations of a Supreme Deity – so in other words – they are ‘lesser’ deities with their own attributes. They exist in the spiritual world or on astral planes and can also be humans who are recognised for amazing feats. Other than the Supreme Gods, all Gods and Goddesses are described as Orisha’s.

Lesson 11.4

Let’s take a closer look at Romanian Witchcraft

Witchcraft in Romania has been around for centuries and is still very much alive and flourishing today. Romanian witches are among the few who were not persecuted during the witch trials however, witchcraft was banned during the reign of President Nicolae Ceausescu from 1974 – 1989 who was a staunch communist. During this period witches were openly arrested and jailed so continued to practice their craft in secret until his reign ended. These days witches are publicly acknowledged with a congress of witches formed by the president (wow!).

Even with the introduction of Christianity into Romania and witchcraft now a blend of Christian and Pagan beliefs and practices, the craft in Romania has not really changed much in hundreds of years. The lore is still passed down from mother to daughter, the solstices are observed, rituals are performed and these witches indeed live magically every day. They have permanent altars, magical tools like brooms, knives and dolls are used, the kitchen is a place to cook magical recipes and make potions, plants are collected in a sacred manner with an

©Wiccid2017 0422 958 100 www.wiccid.com.au 11 incantation said over the plant as it is cut for the spell and beautiful dress is worn for ceremony (and in everyday life actually) to spread happiness. They will perform rituals, use divination and foretell the future for family, friends, the community and clients.

These days witchcraft is a big business with witchcraft recognized as a profession and the industry in Romania generating over 1 million Euro a year. At one stage the government attempted to put a tax on witchcraft but quickly withdrew after public threats of curses from Romania’s most well-known witches – I watched a documentary (details below) where one of these witches openly admitted to threatening the politician spearheading this with paralysing him and putting him in a wheelchair!

For some Romanian witches performing spells and casting curses is part of their everyday job. They literally get paid hundreds and hundreds of Euro’s to cast spells and make potions. They have websites where you can check out what they do and they conduct a lot of their business over the phone. One elder witch remarked that the business has changed over time – most people used to come to them for love potions or prosperity and healing spells but a lot of their work is now casting hexes – to break up marriages, to make one lose their money & fortune, to cause illness. In the research I conducted the witches quoted said that they practice both black and white magic, they do what has to be done and occasionally ask for God’s forgiveness if it’s a particularly nasty curse.

This is just a snippet of the rich history and practices of the Romanian witches as true information is scant but for a fascinating short documentary go here: Witches of Romania

Lesson 11.5

Magical Tools: Wand

* Image above: My wand I constructed is the black one on the left

Remember that in this quarter we combine your magical tool and your practical activity so you will be making your own tool – Exciting!

The most important piece of wisdom I can give you when fashioning your wand is to go with what feels good for you! There are a million different books, tutorials and people that will tell you it must be made a certain way but to work for you, it must be made in a way that feels good and right for you personally. Here I share the method I have used to construct my own wand as well as teach many others to make their own beautiful wands.

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Some common uses: Used to direct energy in rituals and circle casting

Best time to make it: On a Wednesday during a new or waxing moon. Wednesday is the day sacred to the God Mercury – God of tool making, and the new or waxing moon will give upward energy to your working.

Materials: Decide on the look of your wand so you know what materials from this list you will need. You may want to keep it really simple with just a crystal at the top or go elaborate with gems and feathers.

Wood for your wand – please collect it sacredly, preferably from wood already fallen on the ground Glue (if using). I use a hot glue gun A smoky or clear quartz crystal for the tip of the wand. Quartz projects energy. A dark stone for the bottom such as obsidian or brown jasper (optional). This is to ground the energy if needed. Oil such as linseed to seal your wand and protect it (optional) Decorational items such as gems, feathers etc (optional) A soldering gun to burn sigils into your wand (optional) A carving or sharp knife String, faux leather, tape, ribbon, clay or wire to bind

To make your own:

1. Set the intention: For your first wand let’s make it a general purpose wand but later on you can experiment and make wands for specific uses. For example: I made mine specifically a Moon Magic wand 2. Choose what wood you will use. Some say to use woods such as rowan, ash, oak or willow but the wood you use will depend on where you live and what is available. I have heard it said that fruit and nut trees are good because they produce fruit so are not energetically attached to giving parts away. As we are taking from a living thing, I like this idea. I myself collected a piece of olive tree and have also used bay and gum. 3. When collecting your piece of wood, make sure you ask the tree permission and collect your branch in a sacred manner. The general rule of thumb is to collect a piece that measures from your inner elbow to the tip of your middle finger. The best time to collect your branch is when the tree is in its prime growing season to utilize these ‘upward’ energies. Personally, I like to collect wood that has already fallen on the ground.

4. Make sure your wand handle is dry before you begin decorating it 5. You may or may not choose to remove any bark. Some say this is best, others don’t like to strip it as apparently there are magical properties contained just under the bark that help conduct energy. I say, do what feels right. If you choose to remove the bark, you may like to give it a little sanding as well 6. Rub some oil into your wand to seal and protect it if you would like to 7. Gather the rest of the items you will need for construction To construct:

 Carve a niche out of the tip of your wand to sit the quartz crystal in and then secure with glue. Put a large dollop of glue on the tip and hold the crystal into place until secure. Then you will need to wind more glue around the tip and base of the crystal to fully secure it. If you prefer to keep it natural and not use glue that is totally cool, you can just bind it with string, wire or faux leather. You may also like to use clay to secure it in place.

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 Now attach the bottom crystal if using (using the same method as for the top crystal). The bottom crystal is to help ground the energies and also to collect your energy and intent before it is released into the wood of the wand to direct.  Now wind string, ribbon or suede around the top crystal base and tip of the wand to cover the glue and secure the crystal even more – add little dabs of glue as you wind it around to secure it.  Now add any decorations you wish such as symbols, feathers, gems.

On completion of your wand you will need to empower it. Have your wand on your altar and then cast a simple circle. Pick up your wand, hold it close to your mouth and speak the intention of the wand into it (your breath empowers it). For example: “I charge you wand to create a magical boundary between my sacred space and the otherworld”

Lesson 11.6

Crystal Magic – Tourmaline

*Image from Crystal Healing

Tourmaline comes in many colours that all have their own magical properties. In this lesson I give a general overview as well as share some star qualities of some of the coloured stones.

Attributes: Tourmaline cleanses and purifies, brings serenity and balance, aids in transformation, it is a protective stone so is good to use in ritual and to put a protective shield around yourself, is a stone of compassion, tolerance and understanding, transforms low energy to a higher vibration and promotes inspiration and happiness, green tourmaline especially is excellent for herbalists & gardeners and attracts success, money and abundance.

Psychological healing: Helps to banish fear and gives you new confidence, boosts understanding and will guide you to look deep within yourself which brings self-knowing, aids in concentration and communication, helps you to let go of being a ‘victim’, will give you a deeper understanding of others which helps you to be more tolerant and compassionate. Changes negative thoughts to positive ones, encourages a healthy mood, balances the right and left sides of the brain, helps to lesson paranoia, brings your thoughts and energy centres into alignment, helps with dyslexia, helps with hand to eye coordination

Emotional healing: Helps to heal the emotional side effects of losing your libido and improves sexuality (brown,yellow or red tourmaline are best), can give you more virility, helps you deal with grief, alleviates anxiety

Physical healing: Helps with adjustment of the spine, reduces water retention in the body, can help heal blood poisoning, aids the nervous, cardiac and endocrine systems, helps detoxify the body, releases tension and

©Wiccid2017 0422 958 100 www.wiccid.com.au 14 relaxes the body, improves circulation, helps arthritis, supports the kidneys and liver, aids with weightloss, boosts vitality and vigour, treats infectious diseases

Spiritual Healing: Balances the yin & yang energies, acts as a channel for communicating with higher forces, clears the aura, grounds spiritual energy, works with the meridians to clear blockages and bring back balance, aids astral projection journeys, acts as a bridge between the spiritual and physical self, yellow tourmaline will boost your spiritual growth and violet will protect you against dark entities

Chakra Healing: Clears, harmonises and energises all the chakras, Red, violet or pink tourmaline is good to heal the base chakra, Orange is good for your sacral, yellow is healing for the solar plexus, green will open the heart chakra and allow it to understand what your third eye sees, blue activates the throat & third eye chakra, watermelon will connect the heart chakra with your higher self

How to use it: Place or wear as needed, use for scrying, use to strengthen your marriage or partnership, use to attract inspiration and prosperity, the wands can be used to point the way to a good direction in which for you to head and find solutions to problems, use in the garden to keep insects away from your plants and bury in the soil to encourage good growth and plant health, wear in your clothes for weight loss and to reduce cellulite

* Tourmaline also comes in various other colours that all have their own specific powers: Pink, multi-coloured, white, black, green, colourless, grey, purple/violet, red, yellow, blue, brown and grey.

It can also be found in combinations with other stones such as: Black tourmaline rod in quartz, black tourmaline with mica, black tourmaline with lepidolite

Lesson 11.7

Divination – Scrying

* Image from “Knot Magic”

Scry – “To Reveal” Scrying is a wonderful way for us to tap into our subconscious mind so can be used as a powerful method of self-discovery and for finding the answers to what our core needs, goals and dreams are.

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Scrying is the art of looking within the surface of an object in the hope of seeing visions or messages. It is a form of divination that has been around for hundreds of years and is used to foretell prophecies, divine futures, gain clarity and guidance or receive revelations or inspiration.

There are many different objects you can use to scry such as a crystal ball, a black mirror, any still water, smoke, wax dripped onto water, any reflective surface, fire, stones (crystals), a black bowl filled with water or black glass (obsidian). You can even close your eyes and use your closed eyelids to see what you wish to see – this is called ‘eyelid scrying’.

To successfully scry you must trust your intuition and not discount anything you see, sense or feel – even if it seems silly or insignificant. You can look for general information or ask specific questions.


I would recommend you perform your scrying sitting before your altar at night or in a darkened room as this will help your focus and help you to see images more clearly.

Gather the materials you will need such as your crystal ball, scrying mirror or bowl of water Create a sacred space – cleanse your area, yourself and the materials you are using Cast a simple circle Place your scrying tool on your altar in front of you along with 2 candles on either side. Light the candles – they will help you to focus and may reflect images. Now sit before your altar and allow yourself to relax, go into a trancelike/meditative state and look within the object you are using Notice any symbols, images, colours or numbers as well as any feelings that come up or any messages you hear You may see some things very briefly (like seconds) and at times your mind may begin to wander. This is all normal and ok. Let images and thoughts come and go freely. The idea here is that you are an observer rather than actively participating. Write down everything and if necessary look up the meanings when you are done.

Please note: Scrying takes practice and it may take a while for anything to appear so be patient.

Lesson 11.8

Herb Magic: Dill

Also known as: Dillweed, Garden Dill, Dilly

Element: Fire

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Planetary Association: Mercury

Gender: Male, Hot

Which part/s you use: The whole plant

Magical Powers: Love, Lust, Protection, Money

Use it for: Sachets, Potions, Magical natural beauty recipes, To hang around the home for protection, Incense

Magical Workings:

Protection spells Spells to attract luck Hang in a babies cot for protection Spells for money Bathe with it to drive your lover wild with lust Assists us in looking at painful emotions Add the seeds to your bath to attract a women to you Hang a sprig in your child’s room for protection Love sachets Use in incense recipes Hang a sprig inside your front door to repel any visitors that do not have your best interests at heart or are envious of you Can be used in vision quests (use it in essential oil form)

Lesson 11.9

Potions and Brews

Potion to make a good impression

Use this potion when you need a boost of confidence and to make a good impression. This potion will calm you and help you to communicate clearly. For Example: To a job interview, to a meeting, when you need to do a presentation, to meet your new in-laws or when going on a date for the first time.

You will need:

A base oil such as coconut, grapeseed or almond 30ml 3 drops spearmint essential oil

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3 drops cassia essential oil 5 drops lavender oil A small sterilized glass bottle to store

To make:

 Combine all ingredients in the glass bottle and give it a good shake  Place on your altar and focus your intention into the oil  Leave for a day and a night to empower

To use:

Dab on your pulse points at the neck and wrists right before you are leaving for your event/interview/meeting

Lesson 11.10

Your Altar set up for this month:

For your ritual this month I have asked you to design your own, you have also been asked to make your own wand and a new potion. So for your altar set up this month you could add items you will use in your ritual, add your wand once it is completed and your potion to empower.

Also note if there is a sabbat this month and add representations from that (refer to lessons 2 – 9). You might also like to add colours in the form of candles or an altar cloth that represent what phase or sign the moon is in, what season it is or what day it is (planet).

Add any new tools you have acquired and any crystals you would like to empower.

Lesson 11.11

Your energy work for this month: The Crown Chakra

Crown Chakra – I AM THAT I AM

When your crown chakra is open and in harmony you are one with your higher consciousnesses, you have let go of anything and everything that is not of yourself (including ego) and you have transcended above anything that previously limited you.

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You have become your true self.

Your energy has become one with the whole Universe. You are intelligent and thoughtful and therefore able to receive the answers you seek from your highest self, helping you to achieve true understanding. You have clarity and enlightened wisdom. You have an understanding of what is sacred and are able to recognise and receive spiritual guidance. You are like a ‘beacon of light’ to people and affect everyone you come into contact with – your vibration is uplifting and healing. You are aware and fully present and therefore able to experience bliss and spiritual ecstasy. You will feel divinity from within and without and have a complete sense of oneness.


Colour: Opalescent, White, Deep purple

Element: Thought

Sense: None

Scents: Frankincense, Rosemary, Melissa, Rosewood, Rose, Helichrysum, Myrrh, Lemon, Lavender, Sandalwood, Lotus flower, Roman Chamomile, Jasmine

Crystals: Diamonds, Herkimer Diamond, Moldavite, Lepidolite, Opal, Clear quartz, Sugilite, Tourmaline, Amethyst, Apophyllite, Moonstone, Sapphire, Obsidian

Symbol: 1000 petalled lotus or the rose

Lotus: 1000 petalled lotus

Location: Top of the head

Governs: The pituitary gland, the hypothalamus, the pineal gland, the nervous system, the endocrine system, the brain

Functions: Your connection with the Divine and as such, the centre of your highest spiritual purpose and the deepest meanings of your life and existence. The crown chakra is your spiritual centre and stores all the energy of your spiritual practices like meditation, self-healing, devotion and prayer as well as being the centre for your inspiration, trust, happiness and positivity. The crown chakra disperses universal energy and life force into the other 6 chakras clearing any blockages.

Corresponds to: Base chakra

Affirmation: The Divine, the Universe and my Higher Self are one within me and I am therefore – Whole

Signs your Solar Plexus Chakra may be unbalanced:

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You feel a sense of discontentment. The world no longer holds joy and the everyday seems mundane and boring. You desire more from life but are not sure what that looks or feels like. You do not believe in divinity, are not spiritual at all and do not understand spirituality – therefore you don’t trust the Universe You may actually be too ‘spiritual’ (so not embodying it in the true sense) You live too much in your head. You are disconnected from your body and the earth. You feel depressed and like life has no meaning You suffer from physical energy disorders such as chronic fatigue, exhaustion and anxiety You feel disconnected You are close-minded You are greedy and materialistic You try to achieve the feeling of being ‘high’ in unhelpful and unhealthy ways like drinking, drugs, sex, food or burying yourself in work You have an intense fear of death You feel empty, isolated and find it hard to reach out to others You are self-important, over proud and narcissistic People with an unbalanced crown chakra may suffer from dementia, migraines, brain tumours or amnesia You resist any sort of self-development You find it hard to feel grateful for anything You find it hard to tolerate other people’s illnesses or emotions seeing them as a sign of weakness You are really hard on your body You may suffer from an auto immune disorder You feel you need to control everything and everyone and constantly impose what you want on everyone else You find it hard to tolerate people that are different and will judge them based on their weight, appearance, gender, age, success, status, wealth or colour Tips to balance and heal this chakra

 Climb to a mountaintop and meditate with your eyes open  Find and indulge in things that inspire you  Find ways in which you can serve others to feel compassion and oneness with humanity  Tone “mmmmmm” or “aum”. This is the eternal sound of all creation  Wear white  Use Frankincense essential oil to change your consciousness, cleanse & open your chakras via the crown  Learn to recognise when you are coming from a place of ego rather then a place of oneness and love  Repeat crown chakra affirmations. For example: I am open and expand  Use a Crown Chakra essential oil blend on your Crown and spend time breathing in the energy  Spend time in silence so that you may hear the hum of the cosmos  Connect with an object from Nature and spend time witting with it so your energies can converge  Breathe into your crown and observe any colours, feelings or sensations that come up  Ask to have an experience of the Divine  Get yourself a dream journal and record snippets of your dreams each morning, particularly symbols, colours, people, feelings etc. Look up what they could mean to develop your higher consciousness

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 Surround yourself with white flowers to open yourself to divine light, healing and knowledge  Sit in front of a mirror by candlelight and discover your true beauty – your own divinity  Visualize – imagine a golden orb of light emanating from the crown of your head and practice expanding it. Feel connection with the Universe.

Lesson 11.12

Your Ritual for this month – Design your own Attraction Ritual

For this month I ask you to design a simple ritual to attract what you want. Is it prosperity? Is it love? Is it protection?

So when designing your ritual for this month there are quite a few considerations to make: (It would be a good idea to journal your notes/ideas in your moon book – magical journal)

What sort of attraction ritual do you want to perform? What is your intention and what is your desired outcome? What phase is the moon in and what phase would be best for your spell? What day should you do your ritual? Days have their own power Eg: Thursday’s are best for money spells What time of the day is best for your spell? What tools and supplies will you need – Candles, herbs, charms? What can you use to add more power to your spell like colours or crystals? Are you going to invoke specific Gods or Goddesses to aid your ritual? Do you need to invoke Aphrodite for love? Goddess Brigid for Inspiration? Will you need to design an incantation to empower your spell? What words will give it more power or define your intention?

Once you have designed your ritual and gathered the tools/supplies you will need you are all ready to go!

The Ritual:

 Prepare your sacred space and your altar by cleansing with sage and making sure you have your altar set up correctly (Refer to Lesson 1)  Gather together the tools you will need for your ritual and place them around or on your altar  Cleanse yourself with either sage smoke or shower cleanse with sea salt mixed with water to a paste and scrub yourself, rinse  Cast circle (refer to lesson 3)  Perform your ritual  Thank the guardians and Goddess and God for attending your rite  Close circle in the usual way

 Journal your experience

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Lesson 11.13

Meditation - Inspiration

In this meditation we will visit Goddess Brigid at her sacred well to ask her to bestow us with inspiration.

Lie down comfortably with your spine straight and place a pillow under your knees for support. Take 3 deep nourishing breaths all the way down to your toes and on the third breath let your breathing return to a gentle and relaxed pace.

In your mind’s eye open your eyes now and when you do you find yourself sitting on a hilltop. You look around you and see that there are gently sloping lush green hills all around you for as far as the eye can see. You notice a copse of tall trees in the valley below with a stream winding toward it and get up to go and explore.

You begin to walk an easy winding path down the hill until eventually the path takes you to what appears to be an entrance. There are 2 enormous trees arching over the path and as you walk beneath them you feel the air shimmer and realise that you have just entered a portal into the other world.

You continue to follow the path through this amazing forest filled with the tallest and most majestic trees you have ever seen. There is a gentle breeze blowing through them and you can hear them whispering to each other. The air seems to have a shimmer to it and you can feel the crackling energy – this place is truly magical and inspiring in itself.

Up ahead now you notice there is an open glade bathed in sunlight. As you approach you can see that there is someone there sitting on a beautiful stone well. The stone well and the surrounding glade is cloaked in delicate flowers of every colour and birds are happily singing. Goddess Brigid stands now to greet you with a radiant smile. She is wearing a beautiful purple flowing gown made of silks, her vibrant red curls are adorned in flowers from the glade and her skin is like milk. You are immediately struck by not only her beauty, but also her grace, her warmth, her welcoming energy and her great wisdom.

You greet Goddess Brigid now and tell her you have come to ask her for inspiration. With a smile she says “Of course” and asks if you have brought her a gift. You give her one with gratitude and love. She now gently touches the top of your head, right where your crown chakra is and lights the flame of inspiration. You wait for just a moment to see if she has any additional words of wisdom or inspiration for you after which she tells you that whenever you need inspiration all you need to do is relight the flame.

You thank her from the depths of your heart and turn to leave. You follow the path away from the glade and back through the forest to the entrance where you entered. You pass back through the portal and feel the shimmer as you pass back into this world. You follow the path back up the hill and eventually reach the spot where you started. You sit now and after taking one last look around you close your eyes. Take 3 steady even breaths and return into your body, into this time and space.

Welcome back!

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Lesson 11.14

Self-Care Rituals – Holistic Witchcraft Taking care of your own wellbeing is essential to keeping your energy in flow. Being in flow helps to make sure that you can give your study, rituals and

spells 100%.


Something I talk to people about a lot in my studio is the importance of remembering to nurture self. There are many reasons as to why people forget to nurture and take care of themselves – family commitments, heavy work schedules, stress, depression, relationship issues, feelings of unworthiness (I don’t deserve to take care of myself) and a million others.

But the thing is, when we are experiencing any of the feelings above that is when we need to nurture ourselves most!

Some people when they are feeling low will withdraw and cut themselves off from friends, family & society. They don’t want to ‘burden’ anyone with their problems. So they will retreat and suffer in silence. Oftentimes they plummet lower and lower and self-care rituals become almost non-existent – who has time for skincare, good nutrition, meditation, quality sleep, hygiene or exercise?

This can become a trap and negative cycle that can be very hard to recover from. So I heartily encourage the people I work with to remember to reach out for comfort and nurturing when they are experiencing stress, fatigue, sadness or the pains of transformation.

If you think your friends will feel ‘burdened’ by listening to you – then they are not your friends. If you believe you do not deserve to have the best of everything and treat yourself and your body – get busy right now changing those thoughts to the more helpful belief of “I am worthy”.

Remembering to nurture self not only when we are feeling challenged but all the time, can actually help us flow more easily through problems when they do come up because how you feel really affects how you react to things – even everyday situations. I know I react to stress and challenge a lot better when I am feeling rested, healthy, happy and relaxed then what I do if I am feeling rushed, tired, stressed and frumpy!

Below I list my fav ways to nurture self:

Get plenty of sleep Remember to rest – like really chill out for a bit. Read, journal, relax with family, get outside or watch a bit of telly Indulging in comfort - If I am feeling blue I will retreat to my room (which is my magical sanctuary), light candles, put a chick flick on and snuggle. I always wake up with a different attitude the next day. It’s the nurturing my soul always needs. Get outside and let the magic of nature heal me Give myself a pamper. New nails, a new hairdo or a facemask always makes me feel better. Get a healing treatment. Go and spend time with someone who can help you move through your situation a bit easier

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Eat comfort food. I am a wholefoods person so comfort food for me is not takeaway or junk but is a big plate of veggies, a slow cooked casserole or something chocolate (sugarfree!) Connect with your inner child. Sometimes I do this through meditation or by connecting with one of my childhood books/toys that I still have Reach out to a friend. Sometimes I will meet with a good friend, have a 5 minute rant and then it is like I have released all the negative energy around whatever is bothering me and I feel lighter. I don’t carry on and on – I say my bit and then I am done. My friends frequently reciprocate and none of us feel like we are being a ‘burden’. We are just supporting each other – like friends should!

Bonus Magical Bits

Your reading suggestion for this month:

Craft of the Wild Witch by Poppy Palin. This book teaches you how to practice magic that is deeply rooted in nature, wild and free. It is green spirituality!

Your Book of Shadows:

For this month:

Add The Planets and The Moon Phase info Add the information about Gods & Goddesses Add info about Dill Add Wand recipe and instructions + outcomes when you try it out for yourself (you might have your own ideas) Add your potion recipe Add the crystal info Add info on Divination Add info on Crown Chakra Add your Ritual

As I have previously mentioned, your Book of Shadows is your own so it is 100% up to you how you wish to lay it out and what you wish to include.

Next month:

In Lesson 12 we will learn about the final 2 Moon phases in the lunar calendar + we learn about the planet Saturn and the Egyptian pantheon (I saved my favourite for last!). There will be a new meditation, a new ritual, a new herb and crystal to study, a new reading suggestion and a new self-care ritual. I have a few surprises planned for your final lesson so this is all I am giving away for now - you will have to wait and see!

In the meantime, I hope you have enjoyed this lesson as much as I have enjoyed putting it together. Remember – you will only get as much out of this as you put in so I would recommend daily practice.

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If you have any questions you can email me anytime: [email protected] or post them in our Facebook group.

Please also remember to fill out the feedback sheet and email it back to me so I can continue to improve your learning experience,

Love, Light & Blessings to you, Bella x

* Disclaimer: Whilst every care has been taken to ensure an individual’s safety throughout this program - All recipes, meditations, magical workings and rituals are suggestions only and should only be undertaken under your own discretion and responsibility. Belinda Payne & Wiccid do not take any responsibility whatsoever for any adverse reactions to any of the items listed above whether physical or mental. If you are unsure as to whether you are fit to undertake any of the above listed items – please seek the advice of a health care professional.

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