(Assessment conducted under Section 38 (8) of the National Heritage Resources Act (No. 25 of 1999) as part of an EIA)

Prepared for SRK Consulting () (Pty) Ltd Private Bag X18 Rondebosch 7701 Tel: 021 659 3060 Email: [email protected]

June 2014 Revised April 2015

Prepared by Natalie Kendrick Tim Hart

ACO Associates Unit D17 Prime Park Mocke Rd Diep River

Phone 0217064104 Fax 6037195 [email protected]


1 Introduction ...... 4 2 Methodology ...... 5 2.1 Restrictions ...... 5 3 Description of the affected environment...... 5 3.1 History of the affected area...... 6 4 Findings...... 6 5 Assessment of Impacts ...... 8 5.1 Mitigation ...... 8 6 Conclusion ...... 9 7 Recommendations ...... 9 8 Bibliography...... 9 9 APPENDIX ...... 11

Executive Summary

The Western Cape Department of Transport and Public Works (WCDTPW) propose to complete the Regional Route R45 road corridor between National Route and the at Malmesbury in the Western Cape. The project involves the route determination and construction of a new roadway of approximately 6 to 8 km in length, linking the R45/N7 intersection and the R45/R46 intersection to complete the R45 road corridor to the northeast of Malmesbury. The project forms part of a larger transport infrastructure project for a freight route linking the Saldanha Bay area to the major inter-regional transport routes in the Western Cape (Background Information Document SRK).

Three alternative alignments (1 (A and B), 2 and 6) were distilled from 6 potential routes after completion of the scoping process.

A desktop archaeological assessment of three alternatives for the proposed activity has revealed that archaeologists who have worked in the area have reported very little of archaeological significance.

Although artefacts dating to the early Stone Age are relatively common, historic landscape transformation resulting from both natural factors and a long history of formal agriculture has destroyed most of the spatial integrity of any surface archaeological sites.

It must be noted that specific desktop information for any of the three alternatives does not exist so there is no evidence on archaeological grounds to suggest that any alternative be favoured over another. Similarly it is not possible to suggest specific mitigation for each route other than to recommend that final route should be subject to a walk-down by an archaeologist prior to construction.

The proposed activity is considered acceptable and the general significance of any impacts is likely to be low given the general insensitivity of transformed agricultural areas.

1 Introduction

ACO Associates has been appointed by SRK Consulting to conduct a desk top Heritage Specialist Study as part of the Environmental Impact Assessment for the proposed new road to link the R45/N7 intersection with the R45/R46 intersection to the northeast of Malmesbury. SRK Consulting has submitted a Notice of Intent to Develop (NID) to Heritage Western Cape (HWC). HWC responded requesting an Heritage Impact Assessment (consisting of an archaeological desk top study) in terms of S.38(8) of the NHRA Act 25 of 1999. The following report is a desktop study reflecting available information.

The Western Cape Department of Transport and Public Works (WCDTPW) propose to complete the Regional Route R45 road corridor between National Route N7 and the R46 at Malmesbury in the Western Cape. The project involves the route determination and construction of a new roadway of approximately 6 to 8 km in length, linking the R45/N7 intersection and the R45/R46 intersection to complete the R45 road corridor to the northeast of Malmesbury. The project forms part of a larger transport infrastructure project for a freight route linking the Saldanha Bay area to the major inter-regional transport routes in the Western Cape (Terms of reference provided by SRK Consulting). See Figure 1 and Appendix for details of the Alternatives and municipal roads. There are plans in place at government level to develop an industrial development zone at Saldanha Bay.

Figure 1. The alternative 1, 2 & 6 (both options for each), to the north east of Malmesbury, linking the R45/N7 intersection and the R45/R46 intersection. More detailed maps are provided in the Appendix. Note that Alternative 6 overlaps 1 & 2.

2 Methodology

The desk top study was conducted through the compilation of reports submitted for HIAs and EIAs in the town of Malmesbury (it did not cover the entire Malmesbury magisterial district). These were firstly obtained from the South African Heritage Resource Agency’s (SAHRA) online data resource SAHRIS (www.sahris.org.za). Secondly, reports were viewed from ACO Associate’s own archives. An online review of published journal articles was also undertaken, however the area has not been subject to much by way of academic studies. These, along with a map survey and the expertise of ACO Associates were collated to provide a background archaeological heritage assessment that can evaluate known archaeological heritage, and likely heritage of the area in question.

2.1 Restrictions None of the reports and papers consulted covers the actual archaeology of the proposed alternative routes. Findings and suggested mitigation are based on extrapolation from closest observations. It cannot be stated with certainty what archaeological heritage lies on proposed routes as a field assessment was not requested. Without information specific to each route it is not possible to compare and rank the alternatives.

3 Description of the affected environment.

The study area is set within a mosaic of farmlands and rolling hills just to the North East of Malmesbury. This landscape is used for stock keeping, viticulture and production of wheat. It has been extensively farmed for the last 200 hundred years, however in places such as valley sides and river banks small amounts of indigenous vegetation has survived. Kaplan (2007) notes that the most of the areas around Malmesbury have been extensively grazed and have historically been intensely agricultural (mainly wheat). Hence vast tracks of landscape have been transformed as a result of sheet erosion and ploughing. Malmesbury is an historic town and regional centre which has developed around the banks of the Diep River. Most of the heritage sites of the area lie within the urban edge of the town. The farmland does not include features such as rocky outcrops or shelters that may have attracted Middle and Later Stone Age occupations. No doubt the areas close to the river were important to Khoekhoe herding groups such as the Cochoqua, however the ephemeral archaeology typically left behind by transhumant herding peoples will have been destroyed by years of formal agriculture. A review of the proposed road routes using Google Earth imagery has revealed that they do not affect any visible heritage buildings or ruins.

3.1 History of the affected area.

Malmesbury is the ‘capital’ of the Swartland area (which also includes the towns Chatsworth, Kalbaskraal and ). Prior to the earliest European habitation of the Cape, the Swartland area was the grazing and hunting ground of the Cochoqua (Khoekhoen pastoralists). The first Dutch arrivals to the Cape sent expeditions to the interior to establish cattle trade with Khoekhoen, which was vital for the refreshment stations set up by the VOC at the coast. During the 17th century, the Swartland area saw movement and trade of cattle which were driven down the “cattle road” (which lay to the west of the N7) to . The granting of land by the VOC government to Freeburghers gradually pushed the Cochoqua out of the Swartland and established the area as the ‘bread basket of the Cape’.

At the heart of Malmesbury was the hot water spring (Die Bron), which attracted settlers and visitors. The wetlands attached to the Diep River were also prime grazing for cattle, ensuring that Malmesbury became a rest stop along the cattle route. Market gardens established along the river became the historic centre of settlement.

While the church was built ~ 1745 and the parsonage in 1771 (Fransen 2004), the town saw its largest growth during British occupation in the 1800s. It was named Malmesbury in 1829 by the Governor Sir Lowry Cole after his farther-in-law, the Earl of Malmesbury, when he visited the hot spring (now the site of a shopping centre). Malmesbury also saw large residential growth during the mid-20th century. The area around the town continues to be agricultural.

4 Findings.

Hart (2013) states that “The extensive transformation of this area both in terms of the built environment and centuries of agriculture has reduced the archaeological potential of the area”. There have been a number of heritage studies in the area. These have largely been undertaken for heritage and environmental assessments for the planning of roads and residential development.

Figure 2. The previous studies (yellow markers) in relation to the three bypass alternatives. These reports (all included in the bibliography) provided low to medium significance ratings for the respective areas. The reports all reflect similar findings despite the variety of projects and their contexts. Half of the assessments did not find anything of heritage significance, while others reported low density levels of stone artefacts, mostly of Early Stone Age and Middle Stone Age origin. In the majority of studies no mitigation was recommended due to the low significance of the finds and the disturbed contexts in which they existed.

Artefacts were found on one of the two assessed sites that are closest to the bypass alternatives on the eastern side of the town. These were on the farm Klipfontein, where only a few ESA flakes were found in a degraded and very disturbed context (Kaplan 2007). There were also a couple of historic ceramic shards, which were undated. No mitigation was recommended.

The Swartland was clearly rich in archaeological sites as generally there is a high volume of material dispersed throughout the wheat lands. Years of landscape transformation has had a huge impact on its spatial integrity and diminished its value. On a macro level, the broad distribution of the artefact scatters are important as they indicate what parts of the landscape were favoured by humans over different time periods.

5 Assessment of Impacts

Archaeological sites and graves are typically sensitive to disturbance of the land or context in which they are situated. This means that any work that involves excavation or remodelling of the landscape has the potential to disturb archaeological material and its context. In this particular instance, years of ploughing of the landscape have already inflicted a great deal of disturbance so further changes to the landscape are not of great significance – the damage has already been done. In broad terms the landscape is of moderate archaeological sensitivity.

The bypass alternatives are outside of the Malmesbury residential area and clear of the historical areas of the town. They cross grazing and agricultural land, while the alternatives 2 and 6 cross the Riebeeks River to the east. Some of the proposed new municipal access roads and future district roads follow existing roads and tracks and therefore will have a minimal impact on archaeological material. The bypass alternatives do not follow existing tracks and therefore will be a new road through mainly transformed agricultural land which is generally not archaeologically sensitive.

Table 1 Loss/disturbance of archaeological resources.

Extent Intensity Duration Consequence Probability Significance Status Confidence Without Local Medium Long-term Medium Possible Low – ve High mitigation 1 2 3 6 Essential mitigation measures:  Avoid and protect archaeological sites wherever possible.  Reports any finds that seem unusual to Heritage Western Cape.  Commission archaeologist to undertake a walk-down of the preferred alternative prior to construction to photograph and record any finds. Best practice mitigation measures:  Completely mitigate through scientific excavation any archaeological site that will be physically impacted.  Curation of material should involve full basic analysis and radio-metric dating of sites as necessary. With Local Low Long-term Very low INSIGNIFICA Neutra Improbable High mitigation 1 1 1 3 NT l-+ve

5.1 Mitigation

Since this is a desktop study, there is little by way of specific mitigation that can be suggested. There are also no definitive reasons to suggest that one alternative would be more suitable than another as the depth of information required is not available at desktop level. Other environmental considerations should influence the choice. It is suggested however that when a final alternative has been decided on, a walk-down of the route should be undertaken by an archaeologist to record in loco any material that may exist and photograph a representative sample of artefacts. It would need to be accepted by the archaeologist that the route is final and cannot be changed. 6 Conclusion

The review of local reports and published articles has found that there are no archaeological heritage sites of high significance reported in the study area thus far. The landscapes through which the bypass alternatives pass have been heavily transformed, meaning that any in-situ archaeological material that did exist, is unlikely to have survived in context. A map and google earth review did not find any grave sites indicated along the bypass alternatives. However, there may be informal and prehistoric graves that will only be apparent when surveyed or during construction.

The significance of the heritage impact of the all the proposed bypass alternatives has been rated Low.

7 Recommendations

It is recommended that the proposed activity is considered acceptable, subject to any further requirements of Heritage Western Cape. There is no preferred option between the three bypass alternatives in terms of archaeological heritage.

Low density artefact scatters may be encountered; however these are not expected to be prehistoric sites of high significance due to transformation of the area by years of agriculture.

It is recommended that a walk-down be carried out of the final alignment prior to construction to record and photograph any material that may be found within the new road reserve.

Graves may be impacted during construction, at which time the matter needs to be reported to an archaeologist immediately, and/or Heritage Western Cape for advice. The find-site must be left as intact as possible (treated like a crime scene) until it has been checked by appropriate personnel and exhumation undertaken.

8 Bibliography

Deacon, J. July 2007. St Dicks Aeroport. Proposal to develop a ‘Fly In Estate’ with runways, hangers and housing on parts of two farm properties, Nassau and Windhoek, 7 km south of Malmesbury, adjacent to the .

Deacon, J. April 2008. Majuba Cattle Housing. Proposal to develop two sheds to house 1000 cattle and an evaporation pond for wastewater on the farm Majuba, 10 km outside Malmesbury.

Deacon, D. April 2008. Proposal to manage the clearing of the channel of the No Go River passing through the town of to prevent flooding.

Fransen, H. 2004. A guide to the old buildings of the Cape. Cape Town: Jonathan Ball.

Fransen, H. 2006. Old Townss and Villages of the Cape. Cape Town: Jonathan Ball.

Halket, D. March 1995. Report On The Phase One Archaeological Investigation Of Aspects Of The Site Known As Die Bron In Malmesbury.

Halket, D. March 2009. An Assessment Of The Impacts On Heritage Of The Proposed Storm Water Detention Pond And Associated Infrastructure On The Farm Dassenberg (Farm No 15), Chatsworth.

Hart, T. June 2012. Heritage Baseline Study For The Proposed Expansion Of The N7 Between Philadephia (Km 26) And Leliefontein (Km 43). Malmesbury Magisterial District, Western Cape.

Hart, T. August 2013. Heritage Baseline Study For The Proposed Upgrade Of The N7, Phase 3, (Lelliefontein – Abottsdale – Malmsbury- Hopefield Intersection).

Kaplan, J. July 2005. Phase 1 Archaeological Impact Assessment Proposed Development Of A Portion Of Farm 688 Malmesbury Western Cape Province.

Kaplan, J. August 2006. Phase 1 Archaeological Impact Assessment. Proposed Sand Mining on a Part of the Farm Olyvenhoek 818, Remainder Malmesbury Western Cape Province.

Kaplan, J. December 2006. Phase 1 Archaeological Impact Assessment. Proposed development Schoonspruit Country estate. Portion of erf 317, Protion of erf 7455 & Erf 882. Malmesbury. Western Cape Province.

Kaplan, J. January 2007. Phase 1 Archaeology Impact Assessment. Proposed Development. Portion 2 of Farm 690 and Remainder of the Farm Klipfontein 688 (Glen Lily) Malmesbury Western Cape Province.

Kaplan, J. June 2007. Phase 1 Archaeological Impact Assesment Proposed development Precinct 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6. Malmesbury Western Cape. Portion of erf 317, Portion of erf 7455, a Portion of Farm Oranje Fontein 113, Portion of farm 771 Rozenburg. Portion of Portion 1 of Farm 697 and a Portion of Portion 2 of Farm 695 Malmesbury.

Kaplan, J. May 2008. Phase 1 Archaeological Impact Assessment Proposed Elsana Quarry (Farm No. 701 Lange Kloof) Malmesbury Western Cape Province.


Alternatives 1, 2 & 6

Figure 3. Alernative 1, option 1

Figure 4. Alternative 1, option 2.

Figure 5. Alternative 2, option 1.

Figure 6. Alternative 2, option 2

Figure 7. Alternative 6, option 1.

Figure 8. Alternative 6, option 2.