Canadian Institute of Forestry

Tour of Ireland – May 12th to 18th

Sunday – May 12th Host: TED WILSON  Participants arrive in – evening reception and dinner  Informal meet and greet – with Society of Irish Foresters from Dublin area  Overnight in Dublin – Hotel TBA

Monday – May 13th Host: NUALA NI FHLATHARTA AM – Ashtown (Dublin) Teagasc Centre  Welcome from Teagasc & Department of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Marine  Official welcome from Minister of State for Forestry  Outline of forestry in Ireland – history, policy and practice  Outline the Teagasc Forestry programme (Teagasc)  Short perspectives on Canadian forestry by the visiting group.  Tour of Teagasc forestry research o tree breeding work - labs/glasshouse/tunnels o Shade experiment o Ash dieback research?  Lunch at Ashtown Research Centre  Commemorative tree planting PM – Travel to Durrow CO Offaly  Teagasc Silviculture Research Experiments, Niall Farrelly  Travel to and overnight in TULLAMORE

Tuesday – May 14th Host: LIAM KELLY AM – Travel to the Slieve Bloom area  Coillte – Forest operations and the Glendine Sitka spruce stand  Lunch – Location TBA PM – Visit Birr Castle and Estate  Travel to and Overnight in KILLALOE

Wednesday – May 15th Host: JONATHAN SPAZZI AM – Visit the Cliffs of Moher  Lunch? PM – Raheen Forest Estate; historical 200 ha Mc Lysaght private estate. Section of the mature Estate (150 ha) leased by Coillte for industrial timber (SS clearfell), 50 ha


privately managed with a range of integrated sylvicultural systems: CCF, clear felling and conservation management - Includes a 300-year-old sessile oak section under NW Scheme and a community woodland section (Nighbourwood). Near scenic lakeside village of Killaloe. Points of interest include history of Irish forestry, Sitka spruce harvesting, silvicultual systems, sustainable production and recreation.  Overnight in KILLALOE

Thursday – May 16th Host: MICHAEL SOMERS & IAN SHORT AM – Travel to and meet with the directors of the Limerick and Woodland Owners Ltd. on John Kavanagh’s property. This will include private forestry and growers’ groups; hardwoods and estate forestry  Visit the Rock of Cashel.  Lunch (Horse and Jockey) PM – Visit Jim Dunnes’ specialty Sawmill and Jim O’Brien’s Hurley mill in Drangan  Travel to and overnight in  Evening program - Music session and story-telling in Jim Ryans of .

Friday – May 17th Host: MICHAEL SOMERS AM – Visit the Castlecomer Discovery Park, Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny Joint venture with Coillte and the community  Lunch in Castlecomer PM – Visit Coillte’s Ballintemple Nursery and seed centre  Travel to and overnight in Laragh near WICKLOW

Saturday – May 18th Host: PADDY PURSER AND LIAM BYRNE plus Ted Wilson AM – Travel Laragh and tour of forestry in the Wicklow mountains  Private forestry - Knockrath Estate owned by the Brabazon family  Continuous Cover Silviculture  Lunch PM –  Visit Glendalough Monastic ruins  Tour of the Glendalough craft distillery  Return to Dublin  Evening dinner and farewell social in Dublin  Overnight in DUBLIN