The Clinton Independent. VOL XXXII.—NO. 30. 8T. JOHNS, MICH, THURSDAY, MAY VI, 1898. WHOLE NO-1645 BREVITIES. EX-POSTMASTER IN HOCK- BU8INE88 LOCALS Regular review of L. O. T. M. Friday. We have solid all-leather grain plow May 13. Dixie O. Hall, of Ithaca, Was Arrested shoes at $1.19, worth $1.60. A bargain. Judge Daboll is still holding court in by U. 8. Official*. Woodruff & Tromf . At the Court House Last Satur­ the Wayne county circuit, at . The Life Work of Mortimer Clark Read what Geo. D. Cooper says about One of the indictments found at the Spanish Cape Verde Fleet Re­ Call at The Racket for prices on day Slimiy Attended. Closed. recent session of the federal grand jury, tin and granite ware. the “Big C” bicycle, on our last page. iu Detroit, was against ex-Poatmaster ported to be at Cadiz. The IoniA county G. A. R. battalion Dixie G. Hall or Ithaca, who was Plow Shoes that are all leather, $1.19, will hold its reuuiou at Beldiug August $1.2*, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00, and we FORTY.TWO YEARS OF HIS LIFE WAS brought before Henry H. Swan of the QUESTION or SUBSCRIPTION OR 3. district court Monday. NO NEWS FROM ADMIRAL SAMPSON’S want your trade. Woodruff & Tromp . BONUS TALKED ABOUT. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Youngs. WENT IN ST. JOHNS. He is charged with having neglected to Essex township. May 7, 1898, a 11-pound make such a deposit of the postal reven­ FLEET. son. ues which came iuto bis possession as Sailor and Walking Hats, was required by law. He pleaded not i A charming stock in great variety at Born, to Charles Martin and wife, of A Large Concourse of Frlenda Congregat- Mr. William., Representative of the Pro. west Bengal, Sunday last, an 84 pound guilty and bis bail at $800. Elliott G. United Stale* Troop* Will Frokable be popular prices jectora. Sold no Fixed Amount Una rrl Ml the M. E. Church Last Sunday At Boucher & PETsen’s. boy. Stevenson of Detroit, is bis attorney. Lauded iu Within a Few Day*. Been Settled Upon. Afternoon to Fay Thnr Respect* to Hall claims that be has settled with Eliza Weatherhy, of Eureka, has been the post-office department and that the Second Hand Furniture. granted a widow's pension of $8 per HI* Memory. present alleged shortage of $364 65 is an I will buy aud Bell second hand Furn­ month. error. He says that he thinks that the The war news up to the time we co iture. Call and see me. The public meeting at the court bouse Jonathan Miller, of St. Johns, has had department has failed to credit him to press was characterized by its indefl- I. A. H ooker , his pension increased from $8 to $12 per Mortimer Clark was born at Water- with one of bis checks. He further niteness. The report that the Spanish Opposite The Steel. last Saturday afternoon in the interest month. alleges that this case is only another of the proposed north and south electric Born, to Harry Flowers and wife, of town, N. Y., November 12 1830, and feature of the fight for the Ithaca post- Cape Y'erde fleet is at Cadiz comes from A complete new line of Summer Hats road was very slimiy attended. It was Greenbush, an 84 pound daughter, last died at his home in St. Johns, May 5, office by W. A. Leet. Mr. Hall is a various sources, and stfems to be gener ­ At Mrs. H. W. H olton ’s. thought by some that the statement that Monday. 1898, after a comparatively brief illness, brother-in-law of Gen. Nathan Church. ally credited in Washington, although We have Men’s Heavy Shoes, all had gone out from a previous meeting The pension of Willis P. Beach, of of pneumonia, iu bis 68th year. in some quarters there is a suspicion leather, from $1.19 up. Ovid, has been increased from $12 to $14 The deceased came to with that the Spanish government may have Woodruff & Tromp . that $150,000 was required of the people pei month. EDUCATIONAL. his parents, who settled iu Wayoe coun ­ a surprise in store for us, and among the along the proposed line, had just taken G. Clair Stock went to Owosso. Mon ­ The Ladieg Are Delighted every bit of enthusiasm and hope dut of day, to accept the foremanship of the ty, where they remained for a few years, The City Superloteudent Association Id possibilities is mentioned the bombard ­ With the new and handsome millinery the heretofore hopeful, and they un­ Evening Argus. then removing to DeWitt or Watertown, Seaalou at Lansing. ment of Boston, which seems to he tbe arriving at the store of Boucher & Fetch, daily. The prices please them as well. doubtedly thought it a waste of time Regular meeting of St. Johns Tent this county. The twenty-fifth annual meeting of least protected of our large seacoast aud energy to attend another meeting. No. 200, K. O. TV M., next Tuesday On November 18, 1851, Mr. Clark was cities. The theory is also advanced evening. Initiation. the City Superintendant association of A nice line of trunks at very low In conversation with Mr. Williams, united in marriage with Miss Catharine Michigan began its session at Lansing that tbe Spanish government may have prices, at * The Racket . the representative of the enterprise Regular meeting of the L. O. T. M. Foreman, of Watertown. today, and will continue its proceedings a purpose to serve in preventing the re­ Friday evening of this week. A full Friday and Saturday. An interesting port to go out that the fleet is at Cadiz. We want your Fine Shoe Trade. The present, he said: attendance is desired. In the year 1856 Mr. and Mrs. Clark program has been prepared. The order If the fleet is there, tbe auxiliary oruis- best for the money. “ The exact amount to be raised along President’s day, and annual meeting came to St. Johns, which was then but of the day for Friday 10 as follows: ers and steamers in San Juan harbor Woodruff & Tromp . the way to aid in the construction has of the L. L. C., will be held at Mre. a " bole in the woods, ” and have bad an Business session. 1 Reports. 2 Elec­ have been abandoned to Sampson, whose not been decided upoD, but the road Martin Weller's May 18. uninterrupted residence here ever siuce. tion of officers. 3 General. *• What can squadron is probably now off San Juan, The Racket is tbe cheapest place in Born, on Friday last, to Richard Love Niue children were born to them, four the high school do for the professional unless it is turned from its course by town to buy linen Collars and Cuffs. cannot be built without a good, liberal sons and three daughters surviving, be­ training of teachers?” Pres. Z. G. Washington orders and heads about for and wife, of southeast Bengal, a daugh ­ A Home Cheap. contribution. ” ter weighing 84 pounds. sides their mother. Boone. Ypsilanti; Commr. H. H. Snow­ Cuban waters. Tiiat Sampson will bombard San Juan is denied in Wash­ Tbe Allison homestead, corner Oak­ When asked what he considered a W. W. Peck, the clothier, is moving Mr. Clark leaves an own sister, Mrs. don, Pontiac. “ Promotions from Dis­ “ good, liberal contribution, ” he Baid Lavina Reed, of Portland, Mich ; two trict Schools to High Schools. ” Supt. ington, where it is asserted tbe full land and McConnell streets, for sale very from the Kipp house to that of D. IL half brothers, one in Nortbville, Mich , J. G. Monroe, St. Johns; Commr. R. strength of tbe army aud navy is to be cheap. Enquire of R. G. Allison . $10,000 from St. Johns, or $00,000 along Hunt, on Oakland street. aud the other iu the state of Washing ­ M. Winston. St. Johns; Hon. J. E. exerted upon Cuba. When that is un­ the entire proposed line. This was Chas. O. Cohen, of this village, has ton. All of his owu children, bis sis­ Hammond, Lansing. der American control, the taking of Take Notice. only an individual's private estimate of betn granted an increase of pension ter aud one brother, aud three of Mrs. Porto Rico will be an easy matter. Notice is hereby given to all persons the amount that would he required in from $8 to $12 per month. Clark’s brothers —Tobias, DeWitt aud PERSONAL. Troop* to be Sent to Cuba. that the Holton farm, commonly known Thirty-live tickets were sold at this George Foreman —were pics* nt at the The report that all the forces are to as the brickyard, is not a dumping the way of private donations. It may station for the $1 50 round trip excur­ funeral, which took place at the M. E. he concentrated on Cuba is strengthened ground, and any one dumping rubbish be more or it may be less. J. T. Mlllmau was In Ovid Tuesday. sion to Detroit last Sunday. church last Sunday afternoon, the love ­ F. P. Smith went to Cbesanlng yesterday. by the preparations for the transporta ­ of any kind thereon, will be prosecuted Another meeting will be held at the F. II. Bush & Co. have sold thirteen liest day of the present season, and was Win. M. Leland was In Owosso on business tion of the army. The objective point under the law against nuisances. Tres- Opera House tomorrow (Friday) after­ bicycles during the past week, making conducted by the Masonic order, of Monday. must necessarily be Havana. To take iassing on tbe said grounds is also strict- a total of ninety-two this season. which he was a member. Rev. Martin this a bombardment of the forts will he fy forbidden. Mrs. Isaac H olton . noon, at which it is expected prominent preached a short but impressive sermon. Miss Gertrude Ferguson went to Pontiac St. Johns. May 10,1898. w2 Bishop Davies will make his annua1 yesterday. necessary, aud it seems unlikely that representatives of the proposed enter­ A large number bad assembled to pay any effort would be made to reduce the visitation to this parish, and hold con- their respects to his memory. The J. H. Fedewa was professionally engaged in Gay ’s Bug and Dray Line. prise will be present and tell the people flrmalion services, Wednesday evening, Ionia Monday. fortifications without tbe assistance of what they want, and what they may ex­ June 1. county officers served as pall bearers, as Sampson ’s heavy battleships. Having added to my general drayinp Mr. Clark had been the faithful, pains­ Dr. and Mrs. Straban, of Pewamo. visited St. Troops are being concentrated at business a safe and comfortable omni ­ pect in return for their liberal gifts and Dr. G. J. Kirn, presiding elder of the taking and obliging janitor at the court Johns yesterday. Mobile, New Orleans and Tampa for bus with which I make sure connection donations. Flint District of the Evangelical Soci­ bouse for many years, and he ever en­ A. D. McCabe went to Lansing Tuesday to transportation to Cuba, and it is ex­ with all trains. Calls made for one or ety, held quarterly meeting id Eureka joyed their kindest approbatiou and spend a couple of weeks. Mr. Williams was asked concerning last Sunday. pected that preparations will be com- two persons from same place for 25c; the passenger and freight charges. He best wishes. Mrs. 8 C. Avery Is visiting her brother at ileted by the time Sampson ’s fleet re- three or four, 50c. Orders left with me The Bengal Union Aid society will The floral offerings were large and ex­ Perry. Shiawassee county. Euins. or at The Steel will receive prompt and said he thought they would be able to meet with Mrs. James Lancaster, on ceedingly beautiful. The county offi ­ Joe Mbindorf went to Flint Tuesday to pur ­ Supplies for Dewey. careful attention. sell tickets to Lansing aud return for £0 Wednesday, May 18. at 1 o ’clock p. m. cers presented a handsome piece in the chase another lot of buggies. Nothing has been heard from Dewey Richard G ay , Proprietor. cents; from St. Johns to Detroit and All are invited. shape of a harp, composed of choicest W. H. Hall, of the Racket store, was transact­ at Manila. The Charleston lett San return for $2.50. The freight tariff will Dr. W. C. Walker, the specialist, will flowers. The Masonic fraternity also ing business in Owosso Tuesday. Now Ready. make his next visit to St. Johns. Satur­ Francisco yesterday with ammunition be wholly local, aud very low. They presented a beautiful piece. Besides Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Molnet. of Ithaca, spent and supplies for him. Having fitted up the north room in will depend more upon their freight day, June 4, and may be consulted at these there were a number of other last Sunday with their parents In thia village earnings than upon their passenger the Hotel St. Johns. handsome pieces from loving hearts and Two Companies of Infantry Landed Near the old Gibbs House block in fine shape The sons of the late Mortimer Clark Miss Maud Maxsam, of Greenville, spent Havana. fur a Lunch Counter and Billiards, I traffic. They are making great calcula­ hands. 8unday with Miss Hattie Vroeland, this village. tions upon carrying milk from this sec­ will continue to do the janitor work at Siuce the advent of Mr. and Mrs. It is reported that the expedition un­ am now prepared to entertain the pub ­ tion of country to the condensed milk the courthouse until the supervisors Clark, here in the wood, there has been Mrs Edwin Pennell and her family are en­ der command of Capt. Dorst, Fourth lic in a pleasing and enjoyable manner. factory at Lansing. meet in June, at least. no time but what lie has had more work joying a visit from her mother, Mrs. Kelsey, of Cavalry, which left Tampa on Tuesdav Well-cooked good things to eat. Good Be on haud uext Friday afternoon and The W. F. M. S., of Greenbush. will than he could do. Why was this so? Ionia. on hoard the Gussie, has effected a laud­ order will be maintained in the bil­ say just how much you want the road. hold their annual thank offering meet­ Because he was always ready and wil­ Miss Ellen Hodge left here Monday for ing within fifty miles of Havana. The liard room. The best of cigars and ing at the hall, Sunday. May 15. A cor ­ ling to work, and what was given him Grand Rapids From thence she will go to expedition comprises two companies of tobaccos always on hand. Call in and Preeport, III. see me. St. John* May be Side-Tracked - A New dial invitation is extended to all. to do he dfd it well. intantrv, who went to protect vast Mrs. E. E. White, having sold her When they' first came here he was Mrs. E. J. Matlison, of Frankfort, Ind., la stores of arms and ammunition, shipped Doc Leland . Survey Order, d. spending a vacation with her sister, Mrs. J. C. to the insurgents iu the Gussie. present residence, is now actively en­ designated from a large man named lee Creams. From the Lansing Republican, May 10. gaged in packing up preparatory to ”Ilamp'’Clark, as *• Little Clark.” Soon Hicks, this village. Uneaay About the Oregon. F. L. Dodge reports that a splendid moving to Milwaukee. We Are sorry to after they came to St. Johns they occu ­ MisB Nellie Allen, of Hammond, St. Law. The revival of doubts as to the where­ In every shape and quantity, from a meeting was held at St. Louis, Satur­ lose Mrs. White and her mother from pied a little bouse or shauty on the lots re nee county, N. Y., is here visiting her uncle. abouts of the Cape Verde squadron dish to a gallon. Put up in fancy col ­ day, to push aloug the Great Northern our midst. now owned and occupied by J. H. Cor- John Hicks and family. caused a renewal of anxiety as to the ored bricks at the same price when de­ line. Committees were appointed and The Lansing district ministerial and bit, which was accidentally burned while Mrs. J. T. Cole went 1o Romeo, Mich., Tues­ Oregon. Tbe ship was at Bahia at last sired. Special prices for private and a large amount was subscribed. A large lay association was in session at Alma they were living there. He had lived day morning to spend a few days looking after accounts, and is believed to have started public parties. Delivered any place in delegation was in this city yesterday to Tuesday. Rev. D. I). Martin, of St. town. Slade & Moyer , to see St. Johns hewn from the forests some insurance business. a day or two ago up the Brazilian coast Next to National BaDk. see the directors, and want them to go Johns, was present and delivered an into a beautiful village, and the people Frank B. Leland,of Detroit, spent Monday to join Sampson's squadron in the West through the townships of Riley and address on ” What the Republic Owes enjoying the majority of the desirable last with his brothers In this village, going Indies. She will have to make a run of Bengal, in Clinton county. They bad a to Methodism. ” 3,000 miles, which will occupy the Ore­ House to Kent. improvements of the day. from here to Grand Rapids. Centrally located. Euquire at Corbit long conference at the office of the com ­ Commander F. E. DeWitt has been Mr. Clark has performed a great deal F F. Murdock, P. E Walaworth and C- C. gon about ten days only, as she lain fine pany, setting forth the advantages of elected delegate to represent St. Johns of hard work. We are pleased to be fettle and averaged thirteen knots an & Valentines sard ware store. tent No. 206, K. O. T. M., at the bien­ Vaughan went to Argentine Tuesday to spend the route west of St. Johns. It was de­ able to say that we never heard a man the day with Geo. W. Emmons. hour on the long run around from San St. Johns Bicycle and Machine Works cided to comply with their wishes in nial session at Detroit next month. speak ill of him. lie was a member of Francisco. Lieut.-Commander Andrew Freeman Rev. Andrew Doolmg, of Ann Arbor, spent is headquarters for Bicycle repairs. East making a survey. the Masonic order in good standing, and the fore part of the week with bis parents in At St. Johns it is reported that the was elected alternate. was insured in the Ancient Order of WILL CROSS THE OCEAN. of Spaulding & Co. ’s hardware. friends of the Grand Trunk are exerting Justice Severance has just had his this village, returning yesterday. United Workmen for $2,000. E. W. Stephenson and daughter Bertha, of their utmost influence to prevent the council room, off from his main office, The interment was made in a beauti­ United State* Fleet May Go to Cadis Are You Going to Paint! thoroughly renovated, painted and pap ­ Eagle, visited at the home of George H. Ste­ construction of the line by all sorts of ful spot in St. Johus cemetery after the to Fight. If so, you can save money and secure methods, but it is the opinion of mahy ered, which will have a tendency to add Masonic service so ably conducted. phenson the latter part of last week. lasting satisfaction by using the paints of the best people there that they can­ to the good feelings of his clients as well Thus ends the transitory life of a good Wm. Hoffman is In Ovid this week, engaged A special to the N. Y. Tribune from and varnishes I sell. They are brilliant not succeed, and that St. Johns will do as to the justice received. citizen, patient and faithful husband in building a smoke stack for the grist mill. Washington say the naval war hoard is and long wearing. See me for estimates her part equally well with other points We invite attention to the advertise­ and father, and an obliging and upright None know better than he how to do it. convinced that the Spanish armored fly ­ and prices before placing your order along the line. ment by Commissioner of Schools Wins­ neighbor. Mra. L. McLaughlin, who has been here vis­ ing squadron, known as tbe Cape Verde elsewhere. C. 12. Van Sickle . If that town does not respond, how­ ton, on our last page, concerning the iting her daughter, Mrs. Charles Ra',1, went to fleet, has returned to Cadiz, and that The Druggist. law relatiye to text-books in this state. ever, the people of the tier of townships Bay City Tuesday to visit her son and daugh ­ Spain has abandoned all hope of effect­ If you want a good watch, buy it at west of that city are not only enthusias­ It is a matter which interests every tax- ter. ive resistance to the loes of her Ameri­ FOUND DEAD IN BED. Allison ’s.______tic, but positively assure substantial as­ iyer and patron of our public schools, Miss Marian Harter, after spending a few can colonies. The war in American sistance, and that the freight and pas­ Bon ’t fail to read it. days In the family of Rev. F. J. Feather, Eu­ waters, at least, has therefore been re­ If you have a good watch aud want iu senger business will be sufficient to war­ Department Commander Bliss, of the An Aged Resident of Eagle Pause* Away reka, returned to her homo In Berrien county duced to a simple matter, and its dur properly repaired take it to Allison ’s. rant the construction of the line through Department of Michigan, G. A. R., has ation is expected to he exceedingly limi Suddenly. Monday morning. the towns named, which would shorten issued a very patriotic order for the ob­ Mrs. L. Keoplinger. after pleasantly spending ted. Arrangements have been prompt ­ The Place to Get It. the distance and be more direct to the servance of Memorial Day, May 30, and From The Portland Review. thiee weeks with her sister, Mrs. H. E. Mack, ly made to briug back Admiral Samp­ Any person contemplating the pur­ terminal jjoint. asks that preachers in every cnurch in Ralph McCrumb, wbo came to this of this village, returned to her home In De­ son's fleet to Key West to unite it with chase of a Sewing Machine will find The directors will do everything rea­ the state deliver a patriotic sermon from section from Ohio, about fifty years ago, troit Monday evening. the army in quickly terminating Spanish prices at my place as low as in Chicago sonable to have the line go to St. Johns, their pulpits Sunday, May 29. was found dead in bed last Tuesday rule in Cuba. or any other city , on the same class of We understand that Mr. Edwards is Oliver Toan will attend the graduating ex­ It is positively announced that San but will not beg to build a railroad morning at his home in Eagle. His son ercises of the Detroit Medloal College today, goods. Come and be convinced. there. making plans for the remodeling of had been sitting up with him, and fifteen Juan de Porto Rico will not be bom ______A. B. Balcom . the present residence of E. H. Lyon, on minutes before his daughter in-law dis­ from which Institution hla brother John W. barded, and that the island will be left the corner of State and Mead streets. will graduate with honors. alone for the present, at least, or un­ It pays to trade at Allison ’s. covered that he was dead, bad been in Charles L. Haralson, a member of the atate BATTLE OF MANILLA. From all accounts it is to be up-to-date the room where he was believed to be til Cuba is freed and an American lnsnrance. in design and finish, containing all the resting comfortably. He had been suf­ , spent last Sunday with his mother, military government firmly established appliances of a modern home. Mrs. Duncan, in this village. He expects to be Fire, Life and Cyclone. A Full Arrount of TtaU Famous Naval fering from heart trouble nearly two there. It is believed that this is a matter The average housewife is meeting years. Funeral services were held un­ appointed superintendent of the hospital. of not more than two weeks, and then T. C. Butler . Engagement Appear* In This Issue. with unusual difficulties this spring. der auspices of Portland Masonic lodge. F. R. Jackson spent last Sunday and Monday our heavier ships will be relieved for A complete and interesting story (il When she suggests to her husband that Burial in Simons ’ cemetery. Eagle. with his parents In Arkona, Ontario. On bis duty against Porto Rico or for dry dock he state saving * bank . it is about time to spade the garden, he Just ten years and a month from date return he will attend a two days ’ meeting of on the Atlantic coast, preparatory for a T OF FOWLER. lustrated) of the battle of Manilla may says there is no use of his breaking his of bis death his wife passed away, since tne Grand Lodge, K. P., us delegate at Port cruise in force, augmented by the arm­ back at that kind of work, and paying Huron. ored ships in Commodore Schley ’s sauad- CAPITAL, 816,000. be found in this issue of The Inde ­ which time bis son, Herbert, has lived out money for high-priced seeds, when with him. Other children are Ralph W. F. Besley has been spending a few days ron, against Cadiz itself, unless Spain NET ASSETS OF STOCKHOLDERS, HOORN pendent , on page 0th. he is liable at any time to be called to A., Fred. T„ William. Milo. Lee, Mrs. with bis parents In this village. He has been in the meantime sues for permanent Washington to assist the government in Alma Southerland. Ilanby, and Mrs. accepted, and will be a member of tbe National peace. FRANK GRULER, President. giving Spain a sound threshing. Mary Cramer, Hastings. He was Light Guards, Company D, Second regiment FREDERICK SCHEMER, Vice-President W. H. 8NELLING, Cashier DISSOLUTION- Two more fakes have recently been years old. Michigan Infantry BUSINESS LOCALS. exposed. They are carried on through Mrs. A. E. Dutcher and Mrs. Geo. H. Steel DIRECTORS: The Old Firm of Foerch A Danley Has the mails. “ Ten vards of red, brown A Word to the Public. or green silk for $1*’ materializes as ten CHANGE OF VENUE- went to Port Huron Tuesday morning last to Constantine Feldpausch, Frederick Schemas Been Dissolved by Mutual Consent. yards of silk thread or cheap ribbon. attend a meeting of the Grand Lodge of Rath- Having dissolved partnership with W. H. Snelling, Michael 8yiUley, The old Arm of Foerch Jfc Danley, pro­ * $- per thousand for distributing circu­ Thu Important Caau of Kb Smith Against bone Sisters; the former as delegate and tbe Mr. Foerch, I wish to say that I have A. E. Dutcher, Frank Gniler. latter as member of the press committee. bought the large iron building across the Constantine Gruler. duce dealers, on Higham street east, has lars; send 60 cents for sample outfit and Tho Farmer* ’ Mutual Fire Insurance Mrs. Mary Hallenbeok. who had spent tbe street neat ly opposite the old stand, and been dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. order," results in the return of ten cir­ Co., Now Being Tried In the Ionia Danley has nurchased the iron-clad culars and a 2-cent stamp, which is et winter In California, and the last few days will build a new part on in front for an |3F“Money Loaned on Real Estate Mortgagee. the rate of $2 per 1,000, but does not re­ Clrcnlt Court. with her brother, R. A Moore, and family, and office and store. I will handle wood, building nearly opposite the old quart ­ live poultry the year round, grass seeds, ers, where he will handle farm imple­ munerate the sender for the 60 cents That important court case in which her uncle. Richard Moore and family, left here OTATE BANK OF 8T. JOHNS. which has “woodbined. ” Tuesday morning for New Haven, Mich., furs, hides, pelts, tallow, apples, aud ments and machinery, stove-wood, live Eb Smith, of Ovid township, is com- nearly all kinds of farm produce, for poultry, game in its season, potatoes, lainant and The Farmers’ Mutual Fire where she will spend a few days with her COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS seeds, etc. nephew, B. R. Moore, after which she will re. which I will pay the highest market {nsurance Company of Clinton and price at all times. I also have the agen ­ CAPITAL, 60,000. During Mr. Danley ’s business career GOOD WORK. Gratiot counties, defendant, is now turn to her borne in Avon, N. Y, cy for the D. M. Osborne farm imple­ in oar village he has earned many val­ being tried in the Ionia county circuit, P. E. Walsworth and Galusha Pennell went ments, also Fairfield plows. Will keep NET ASSETS OF STOCKHOLDERS 6000/MA uable friends and patrons, who will con A. G. Shepard, of Ovid,and E. H. Lyon, to tbe Island In lake Lobdtll, near Argentine, a full line of repairs for the machines tinue with him as long as they are ac­ la That Being Done Upon Onr Streets of St. Johns, appearing for Smith, and yeeterday. Mr. Walsworth. wbo was there tbe and plows. I thank our patrons very corded the same fair and honorable Fedewa & Walbrldge for the Insurance day before could not withstand the opportuni ­ treatment as thev have enjoyed at hi»« Under the Immediate Supervision of much for their liberal patronage in the P. K. PERRIN, President. Company. The case was tried at the ty to visit the place again. They will be made past, and ask a continuance of the same O. W. MUNGER, Vice-President. hands. Marshal Keeney. February term of the circuit court for very welcome and comfortable by Capt. and Mr. Foerch will continue the business In the future. Yours respectfully, J. W. FITZGERALD, Caahler. The work of rounding up the streets this county, when the jury disagreed. Mrs. Geo. W. Emmons, wbo are (here enlarg ­ Byron D anley . at the old stand. of this village and cleaning out the Change of venue was then granted. The ing and beautifying their oottage. ditches on either side, now being done facts In the case are too well known by DIRECTORS: Primary School Money. 10,(XX) dozen of eggs wanted at under the immediate supervision of our people who keep posted in court A Terrible Dileinna. The Racket . O. W. Manger, Geo. F. Marvin, J. W. FltageraM Seven thousand four hundred and Marshall Keeney, is, in most cases, re­ matters to require a review of the case Now if Leet misses the poetoffice, and 3. H. Co. bit, J. H. Fedewa. Geo. W. Em- eighty-three children of school age in ceiving favorable comment from those by us at this time. then have it rubbed in by being “thrown Boucher k Petsch, - mons, Jas. Richardson, P. K. Perrin, Clinton county draw $3,741.50 of the pri­ interested. It is believed that the pav­ out of court, ” what in the world is the The up-town comer milliners, have well O. 8. Allison, M. Spltxley, mary school money apportioned by State ing of the crosswalks with cedar blocks The agricultural college sent out poor cuss going to do P This is a ques ­ earned and secured tbe reputation of Jems Sullivan. Superintendent of Public Instruction would be safer, longer lasting, hence Hammond last Monday. nearly 1200 pounds of sugar beet seed tion that is hreakimg our rest—in a selling up-to-dAte millinery at popular less expensive than the present system. last week. measure.—Gratiot County News.. prices. 3 Per Cent. Interest Paid on Timo Deposit* CLINTON INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY. MAY 12, 1828.

Michigan's First Regiment. 66,000 TROOPS FOR CUBA. Adjt.-Gen. Irish has issued a special Id Nf order consolidating thq Second Inde­ 16,000 U. 8. Regulars sod 00,000 Volun­ Detroit la a Republican city. Michigan Is teer* to be Landed at Onee. • The Only a strong Republican State. The Journal la pendent battalion, which is composed Doings of the Week Recorded in a Reports that He Utterly Destroyed Washington: Gen. Miles says posi ­ not an organ, but a fearless, independent of Cos. A, B and F, Detroit Light Guard tively that he will have 66,000 troops • Metropolitan Republican newspaper. Brief Style. and Co. G of Monroe, with the First Spain’s Philippine Fleet. in Cuba within 10 days This army of I have noticed a continued Improvement regiment, , In tbe Detroit Journal. invasion will consist of 16,000 soldiers ! Republican hon . jambs McMillan . CONCISE AND INTERESTING. making it 12 companies, forming the HAS MANILA IN HIS POWER. of the regular U. S. army and 50,000 of U. 8. Senator for Michigan. First Michigan Volqnteers. Capt. Gar­ the volunteers being mustered in from I read the Detroit Journal dally and dener has been commissioned colonel. the several states. • Newspaper in consider It Michigan ’s leading evening news­ Michigan National Guard Officer* Find Nous of the V. 8. Warships Badly Dam ­ paper. HON. J. C. BURROWS, Lieut.-Col. Fred 8hubel, Jr., of Lan­ President McKinley, Secretaries Alger U. S. Senator for Michigan. Physical Examination* Very Severe— aged not an American Sailor Killed sing, will be retained as lieutenant- and Long and their advisers have be­ • Detroit and Tbe Republican party can well be con ­ New Officers for the First Regiment colonel and as the regiment is entitled and Only Eight Slightly Wounded— gratulated upon having so able an expon ­ come convinced that this nation must ent of Its principles. —Eight New Companies Ordered. to three majors the order commissions Manila Is at His Mercy. now take aggressive action all along • Michigan. HON. IX M. FERRY, Maj. Henry L. Hunt, of Jackson, major the line. The bugbear of the yellow Chairman Rep. State Central Com. Many M. N. O. Officers Fall to Pass. first battalion; Capt. Chas. W. Ilarrah, Just one week from the day the great fever scourge is to be ignored and the The physical examination of officers of Detroit, major second battalion and battle at Manila bay was fought the Spaniards are to be ejected from Cuba Advertiser* But first of all a newspaper in the ! and surgeons of the Michigan National Capt. John P. Kirk, of Ypsilanti, major first official report of the glorious before midsummer, if American sol ­ Qet more broadut and best sense. • Guard at Camp Eaton is very severe third battalion. The other staff offi ­ American victory was received from the diers can drive them out. Next week Than and many fail to pass. The first to be cers are: Maj. Wm. B. Watts, of Jack- Commodore Dewey, the latest naval the permanent army of occupation will Mere circulation examined were the surgeons of the son, surgeon; Capt. Andrew P. Biddle, hero. The report was carried from be established in Cuba and volunteer In An Agent In every Town. Yon can have It regiments, as it was desired that they by mail. 81.26 for three months. Bend for of Detroit, assistant surgeon; Capt. E. Manila to Hong Kong by the U. S. dis­ regiments will be hurrying forward to The Journal. should assist in the examination o< the W. White, of Jackson, chaplain; First patch boat McCulloch and then1 trans- reinforce it from nearly every state sample copies. men. Of the 10 surgeons six passed Lieut. Duggar, adjutant. The latter ihitted to the navy department at east of the Rocky mountains. By the and four were rejected for physical dis­ is sergeant-major of the Nineteenth Washington. The distance from Ma­ same time the volunteers and regulars ability. The latter are Maj. McNaugh- infantry, U. S. A., stationed at Mobile, nila to Hong Kong prevented an earlier west of the great divide will be em­ ton, of the Fifth; Maj. Harvey, of the and was highly recommended by Col. report being received from Dewey. barked on transports and fairly started Fourth; Maj. Hume, of the Third, and Apollo Nervi-Tablets MAKE Gardener. The portion of the first report made on their voyage of 3.500 miles to estab­ A positive care for men (young or old) suffering from A Capt. Bailey, of the Third. Maj. Me- The promotion of the line officers to nervous disessss, threstened iassuiti, lock of memory, loss _ public by the navy department is as lish American provisional government of manly powers.w*sted organs and othnr weaknesses csused M A M Naughton is a magnificent specimen field officers left a good many vacan­ follows: in the Philippines. jby early excesses and abuse of the vital forces. A sure re- ■torer of lost vitality and quickly flu a mnn for business. KM A Al I V of physicial manhood and an excellent cies in some of the companies which Manila: Squadron arrived at Manila The first division of regulars, agg re- pleasure or sasisd marriage. APOLLO NKKVl-TAULKTa*^* ■ athlete, but Examining Surgeon Mun- cure where ell other .ornlled serve and brain remedies fsil. They here restored were filled by election. at daybreak. Immediately engaged 15,000 men, and a regiment of Cubans thousands of men to the pink flush of manhood anu they will oureyovt. A day would npt pass him, on account of the enemy and destroyed the following written guarantee to do so or money refunded in every oase. Don ’t delay. Boy It is announced that the troops will which lias been organized, armed and nons but APOLLO NMtRVI-TA BLKT8. Price within reach of all. his heart. Maj. Harvey has rheuma­ leave Camp Eaton as soon as the regi ­ Spanish vessels: Reina Christina, Don drilled at Key West, will be landed in en PFHTC e paokese, or full treatment (six packages) for Sent tg tism; Capt. Bailey, poor eyesight, and ments are mustered and equipped. Antonio de Ulloa, Isla de Luzon, Isla ww ■■■ I • mall, plainly wrapi>ed upon receipt of prtoe. Address, de Cuba. General Lezo, Marquis de Cuba as speedily as they can be trans­ OPo: ICINX OO., 860 DEARBORN STRUCT, CHICAGO, ILL., or our agents. Maj. Hume, slight physical defects. They will probably go to Chicka- ported to a point within 300 miles of The surgeons who did pass were im­ Duero. Correo, Velasco, Itla de Min- TRAVIS & BAKER, DRUGGISTS, ST. JOHNS, MICH. mauga where they will' rendezvous, diano, a transport, and a water battery the gulf coast cities. This force will mediately mustered into the U. S. ser­ and other regiments will follow as rap ­ at Cavite. The squadron is uninjured, at once establish an entrenched camp, vice. The enlisted surgeons are: idly as possible. and only a few men are slightly fully fortified, to be used as the base ALL SORTS. * Maj. Lawrence D. Knowles, Second in­ Co. A (Ann Arbor), First infantry, wounded. Only means of telegraphing of operations for the land attack on fantry; Capt. Andrew P. Biddle, Second Capt. Ross Granger, had the honor of is to American consul at Hong Kong. Havana. The transport vessels, as Pass words —“Admit one. ” independent battalion, of Detroit; Capt. being the first company mustered in, I shall communicate with him. rapidly as they are emptied, will hurry A tug of war—the torpedo boat. James A. King, Fifth infantry; Capt. and the soldier boys were given a rous ­ A second report given is out is as back to be refilled with volunteer reg ­ One of the fold —the closing bed. Charles D. W. Colby, First infantry; ing reception as they lined up to take follows: iments ordered as reinforcements to A necktie of the period —a polka dot. Capt. John L. Burkhart, Second infan­ the oath of allegiance to their country. Cavite: I have taken possession of the regulars, the latter beginning act­ A man of letters—the sign painter. try, and Capt. R. R. Owen, First infan­ the naval station at Cavite, Philippine [Caveats,RATENTSl and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat­ Co. B (Adrian), Capt. James M. Hollo ­ ive operations in the field us soon as Islands, end destroyed its fortifications. The top part of a man Is in his hair. ent business conducted for MODERATE Fees. i try. There are still five more surgeons way, was next mustered in and then Have destroyed fortifications at the they are relieved of the duty of holding A familiar hand shake—the dice box. Our OrricE is Opposite 0, 8. Patent Office needed to fill Michigan ’s quota, and followed Co. C (Tecumsehl, Capt. Thos. the established base. 'and we can secure patent w less time than those; Gov. Pingree has only 1,025 applicants bay entrance (Corregidore islands), pa ­ The home stretch—on your own sofa. 'remote from Washington, , R. Kyle; Co. D (Jackson),' Capt. Cyrus roling the garrison. I control the bay Within 10 days after the first landing t Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip­ to choose from. F Smith; Co. E (Lansing), Capt. Robt. completely and can take the city at it is expected that the transports will Without reserve—seats In the gallery. tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of The officers of the First regiment charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. , J. Craig; ,Co. F (Mason), Capt. George any time. The squadron in excellent complete a third round trip, and the Across the wave—flirtation over a 1 A Pamphlet , “ How to Obtain Patents,” with were the next to come under fire and P. Griffin; Co. G (Ypsilanti), Capt. Frank health and spirits. The Spanish loss fan. cost of some in the U, & and foreign countries; volunteer division, which has in the scat free. Address, '< it proved disastrous to their hopes. B. McKeand; Co. II (Jackson), Capt. not fully known, but very heavy; 150 meantime held the base, will evacuate Right about face—the frill of a bon ­ killed, including the captain of the Col. Tyrrell and Maj. Howell were the Benj. O. Newell. it on the arrival of the relief, and ad­ net first to fall; then Capt. Snook, Co. F; Reina Christina. I am assisting in pro ­ C.A.SNOW&CO. The companies of the Second Indepen ­ vance in support of the first regular Friends In disguise —at a masque Opp. Patent Ofpice, Washington . D. C. < Capt. Frank J. McNolty, Co. D; First tecting the Spanish sick and wounded. dent battalion (Detroit Light Guard)," Two hundred and fifty sick and division. This process will be repeated ball. Lieut. Burton C. Hinckley, Co. D; Sec­ that were attached to the First regi ­ wounded in hospital within our lines. until at least two volunteer army corps It runs from door to door —the side­ ond Lieut. Chas. M. Frost, Co. D, were ment have had their letter changed. Much excitement in Manila. Will pro ­ of 25,000 men each have been succes­ walk. all rejected. The enlisted men were Co. A will now be known as I, Co. B as tect foreign residents. D kwey . sively established in Cuba, with a sup­ The way through the wood —use an LIVERY considerably worked up over it and K, Co. F as L, and Co. G, of Monroe, These reports, although brief and porting force of 50,000 volunteers more auger. marched to Col. Tyrrell's quarters . —# ND— as M. They were mustered in as fol ­ lacking in details, caused the most in­ on the southern coast of the U. S. less Lost In the deep—the bass singer off and publicly demonstrated their sym ­ lows: Co. I, (Detroit), Capt. Duncan tense enthusiasm in government circles than 24 hours away. pathy for the officers. Col. Tyrrell and the key. Henderson; Co. K (Detroit), Capt. W at Washington. The destruction of The volunteer regiments to compoi e A game of cards is really a hand-to- Maj. Howell both made speeches to the H. Sink; Co. L (Detroit), Capt. Chas. S. ten warships, and the silencing of a the force will be selected from among men and advised them to do nothing hand contest Baxter; Co. M (Monroe), Capt. John M. score of shore batteries without the those most prompt to muster. State It’s a loose character that is always rash that would disgrace the regiment Gutman. loss of a ship or a man, is a feat so stu­ organizations which are earliest ac­ and its officers. They both expressed pendous that the most experienced getting tight. cepted by the United States will be re­ Most price marks are more or less fa** 1 regret at not being able to accompany Michigan's Second Regiment. naval officers could hardly believe their warded with the most active duty, ex­ the regiment, and hoped that it would remarkable. Gen. Irish issued a formal order at­ eyes when they read Dewey's terse and cept in a few instances. bring credit upon itself and the towns taching the First Independent battal­ graphic message. No parallel is to be Major-Gen. Sliafter will command The fowl ready to roast la a full- which it represents. The speeches ion (Cos. C, D, E and II of the old found in history for this remarkable the regulars and Major-Gens. Lee and dress affair. brought forth hearty cheers from the Fourth M. N. G.) to the Second regi ­ accomplishment, and to Dewey's credit Wade will lead the two divisions of There Is a class distinction even in Boarding Stable boys, and they left in better spirits. ment M. N. G., thus forming the Sec­ is placed the first demonstration of the volunteers. It is believed this force public schools. Gov. Pingree poured balm into the ond Michigan Volunteer regiment. terrible effectiveness of the modern will insure the speedy downfall of Ha­ As a rule, a kind neighbor is a good FINE TURNOUTS OF ALL KINDS wounds of Col. Tyrrell and Maj. How ­ The officers of the Second regiment are: warship manned by brave men and vana and assure the complete surrender one to live by. ell by giving the former a commission Col. William T. McGurrin, Grand Rap­ commanded by cool and skillful officers. of Spanish rule in the island before You don ’t have to spread the meaBles Ipseisl attention given to Boarding Horses, rus as major, and giving him charge of or ­ elsas outfits furnished for Commercial Mes, ids; Maj. T. H. Reynolds. Detroit; Maj. The Spanish surrendered everything the rainy season fully set» in. The to scatter them. Funeral?. Pleasure Parties, Ktc. ganizing the recruits of the eight new B. L. Abbey, Kalamazoo; Maj. W. B. they had left to surrender outside of statement is made on authority that companies gathered in various parts of Through the gold region —her en­ A.-f-Porsons having Lame and Disabled Horses Kalmbach, Grand Rapids; Maj. L. D. Manila. Admiral Montejo fled to Ma­ ships enough to convey the whole ex­ gagement finger. »lll find the bent of facilities for treatment at my the state. Maj. Howell is given a com ­ Knowles, surgeon, Three Rivers; Capt. nila with all of his staff and such offi ­ pedition, their equipage and subsist­ .tables, M. C. LI VESA Y, Veternir f Surgeon, la s* mission of major of state troops and is If you forget your right glove, that tendance. Stable* 2d door West of The Sts* John L. Burkhart, assistant surgeon, cers as had not been killed. Admiral ence, supplies, await the orders of the Norih tide. (1228) detailed as provost marshal of Camp makes it tbe left. Grand Rapids. Dewey sent his marines ashore to cap­ government. I’UAIfK NCHOt’IEl D Prep' r. Eaton. The photographer ’s shop is a pleas- This makes Maj. Reynolds, of De­ ture Cavite, and then cut the cable so ant-looking place. The next regimental officer turned troit, the senior major, and he will be that the Spaniards could not summon TO HOLD THE PHILIPPINES. down was Lieut.-Col. Vos, of the Sec­ entitled to the right of the line. The succor. And when all noses had been Your bread and butter is one kind ond, who was rejected because of slight line officers of the regiment went be­ counted, not a man was missed from Uncle Sam Will 8cnd 6,000 Troops and of a table spread. physical ailment. He took the result fore the examining board and four the fighting fleet, though the chief en­ Plenty of Supplies at Once. The actors In an open-air perform ­ in a manly way and in a speech to his failed to pass. They are Capt. Wm. M. gineer on the McCulloch had died from Washington: The cabinet has decided ance are out-casts. men he told them that it was their first Hatch, Company D, (Battle Creek), heart disease, an attack Iroaght on by to send to Commodore Dewey the num­ The barber makes headway when duty to be soldiers and not to allow the whose vision is very poor; Capt. Joseph excitement. Some estimates place the ber of troops he deems necessary to en­ he parts your hair. absence of their old officers to deter J. Nolan, Company C (Kalamazoo), number of Spanish wounded during force our control of the Philippines. As a musical Instrument the tam- them from enlisting. He was loudly Capt. Ed. Rode and First Lieut. Max. A. the engagement at over 1,000 men. The administration has practically de­ borine Is easily beaten. cheered and his speech had a good Kean, Co. C, (Scott Guards of Detroit). Commodore Dewey ’s orders were to cided to occupy the Philippines with a In boring for oil a man runs his own effect throughout the camp. The latter is minus several front teeth, capture or destroy the Spanish fleet and strong military force as soon as possi ­ business into the ground. The examination of the officers of the which was marked against him, but as never were instructions executed in so ble. For this. purpose Pacific slope A cheap, home-made kite may be Second Independent battalion (Cos. A, he passed an otherwise excellent exam­ complete a fashion. At the end of troops will be used and it is expected quite a high-flown affair. B and F. Detroit Light Guard and Co. G, ination, his case may be reconsidered. seven hours there was absolutely noth ­ that at least 5,000 will be en route of Monroe) was not as disastrous as to We cannot get along without bread; Capt. Rode had rheumatism and is over ing left of the Spanish fleet but a few within the next 10 days. it is kneaded everywhere. the officers of the old First regiment. the weight limit. relics. Only the cruiser Baltimore had Gen. Nelson A. Miles telegraphed Second Lieut. Fred W. Reisig, of Co. G orders to Brig-Gen. Merriam to at once The convict has a bill of fare of suffered in any way from the fire of the bread and water and cell-ery. (Monroe), failed to pass on account of Mlchlgnn Loyal Legion. get the troops in his command ready enemy. A shot which struck her ex­ To enlarge one ’s view a pair of opera defective hearing, he being the only Grand Rapids gave the Michigan ploded some ammunition near one of for transportation to the Philippines, UTHINGSU officer that failed to qualify. commandery of the Loyal Legion a pa ­ her guns and slightly injured eight of it having being decided that the Fifth glasses may be recommended. The result of the physical examina­ triotic reception and the sessions were the crew. The Olympia was struck five and Seventh cavalry and Fourteenth A horse's front feet are his forerun ­ tions somewhat surprised the members thoroughly enjoyed. The annual ban­ times about her upper works and sev­ and Fifteenth infantry shall be drawn ners, but only two of the four. EVERYDAY! BOXES of the First regiment. The twelve quet was largely attended and the hall eral shots passed dangerously close to upon to form a nucleus of the invading “The Old Oaken Bucket” Is a drink­ companies were examined and out of was elaborately decorated with patri ­ Commodore Dewey, but little or no force, and that they shall concentrate ing song that has hung on well. 1,071 men, 230 failed to pass. Several otic emblems. Col. Henry M. Duffield, damage was done. A whaleboat of the at San Francisco immediately. Enough Hammers would be dear if the pur­ AND NIGHT.125 CENTS. of the companies lost over 20 men the retiring commander, presided. Offi­ Raleigh was smashed. Although the men will be taken from volunteer chaser had to pay by the pound. each, while only nine were plucked out cers elected: Commander, Claudius B. Krupp guns on the esplanade of Manila quotas of extreme western states to A correspondent asks how to change 25 CEMTS WILL BUY. of the Lansing company. Nearly all Grant, of Lansjng; senior vice com ­ were fired continuously during the en­ form an army of 5,000. The President the color of his hair. Why, dye-it. Wfoy pay 50 ceqts for others. of the men who failed were sent home, mander, James T. Sterling, of Detroit; gagement, Commodore Dewey did not has concluded that it will be danger ­ The result of a-game of tennis is al­ and there is a general hustle for re­ junior vice, Orrin Bump, of Bay City; reply to them, and the battery after­ ous to delay. He is afraid that Dewey ways a toss up between the players. Knill’s RED Pills cruit#: ^ recorder, F. W. Swift, of Detroit; reg ­ ward hoisted a white flag in token of will have serious need for all the sol ­ The place for a heart Is In the bot ­ diers sent him. When the insurgents for War) People. Organization of Eight New Companies. ister, Charles L. Williams, of Detroit; surrender. tom of a chest.—Philadelphia Record. find that they are not to be given pos- Pale ar)d Sallow People.” The state military board has decided chancellor, James Rhines, of Detroit; The terms of capitulation were still An umbrella Isn’t often neglected, Tfye Great Toqtc for tl)e Nerves sion of the Philippines they may make to allow the following towns to raise treasurer, L. H. Chamberlin, of Detroit?; unsettled when the McCulloch left but it may still be a loan-some ar­ a rye Blood. (WOW %N S PKIKNII,) trouble, and another cause for alarm Restore Strerjgtf), Hjtaltl> and the additional eight companies neces­ chaplain L. A. Arthur, of Detroit. Manila, and it was said that Commo ­ ticle. dore Dewey feared rioting upon the is that there are a la-ge number of Beauty. (MF.N’s Hki.kiht.i sary to fill out Michigan ’s quota of vol ­ Spanish soldiers fully equipped already You should be able to hear both unteers: Benton Harbor, Traverse City, MICHIGAN NEWS ITEMS. part of the insurgents if he attempted at Manila, and it will be impossible to sides at once if there is nothing the Kn.-. Liver Ionia, Mt. Clemens, Three Rivers and a bombardment of the remaining forti ­ WHITE Gov. Pingree received a telegram matter with your ears.—Philadelphia •Allegan, one company; Sons of Veter­ fications at Manila. The forts at the restrain them. Bulletin. PILLS A nt i-Bilious. Cathartic from Alger requesting that two regi ­ There does not seem to be any doubt Cure Cor)stipatior). ans. two companies, and the Detroit entrance of the bay were dismantled ments be mustered in as soon as possi ­ as to government's purpose to hold The Great Liver Iryvigorator. Light Guard an additional company. after they had surrendered It is said ble and sent to Chickamauga. the American commodore ordered the these islands pending a final settle­ IN VARIOUS PLACES. 25 OO.SLS 25 c:ii NTS. They are ordered to organize immedi­ Lieut. Albert G. Winterhalter, who cable to be cut because the Spaniards ment with Spain, when they will be ately and await orders. They will not refused to permit him to use it pend ­ used as a collateral to secure the pay ­ ' In Germany one man in 213 goes to Knill’s BLUE Kidney go to Island Lake until one regiment served on board the U. 8. cruiser Balti­ ing the complete surrender of the city more under Commodore Dewey's squad ­ ment to the United States of a war in­ college; in Scotland one in 520; in the PILLS Cure all K,idr)ey ar)d Ur>\ has been mustered and sent away to and also to prevent foreign govern ­ United States one in 2,000, and in Eng ­ nory Troubles. Etc., aqd all dis­ ron, in the engagement with the Span­ ments from ordering their consuls to demnity. High officials are of the one of the camps of instruction. opinion that none of the powers will land one in 5,000. eases a risl qg frort) arjy disorders ish fleet at Manila is a native of De­ protest against the bombardment or of the K'doeys aqd Bladder. Webb Gets an Appointment. troit, and when off duty resides in blockade of Manila. seriously dispute our right to make The Japanese government haB under On*- l»«n of thfMp pill* uoit.tmIii more such final disposition of the islands as m« «il< lit** v him m dollttr tiottl* of ahv Tli|til«l Ex-Lieut.-Col. Merrell E. Webb, of Detroit. The Nation ’s Gratitude to Dewey consideration a plan for the establish­ toil uml «re rlmn uny AO the old Fourth infanty, of Detroit, who suits our purpose in the enforcement ment of banks with foreign capital. M III |»$ I Iff*. Gov. Pingree has appointed Dr. C. B. The reply sent by Secretary of the 4'hrHt»«l !>«•*?. IVtarrmitViJ. Tukt* no made such a hard fight against Capt. Nancrene, dean of the medical faculty of war claims against Spain, and in any The plan, as outlined, is designed to ollipru. All «. Navy Long to Commodore Dewey was Will*’ for I'mniihlH <**»!»I fr«*«M or rilU. A Lothrop to be elected oolonel of the of the University of Michigan as sur­ as follows: event this government will be prepared encourage foreigners to become inter­ Itov* * 1 .OO. Fourth infantry, has been commis ­ geon of the Third infantry with the Dewey, Manila.—The President, in to contest any point which may be ested in the support of industrial enter­ raised. prises in Japan. An effort is being KnjH > Kp«1. While A Hint* I’ill Co., sioned major in the recruiting service. rank of major. Dr. J. A. King, of Man­ the name of the American people, j’oirr mi uon Mien.. When Gov. Pingree disorganized the istee, has been decided on as a surgeon thanks you and your officers and men Chickamauga and Washington have made, it is said, to establish a Japan- Fourth infantry. Lieut.-Col. Webb and rank as major of the Fifth Infan ­ for your splendid achievement and been decided on as volunteer army con ­ ese-American bank, which proposes to joined Co. G, of Monroe, as a private, try, and Dr. Robb, of Calumet, will be overwhelming victory. In recognition introduce more than $60,000,000 of he has appointed you acting admiral, centration points. At least one other The Papuans of the Malay coast and a few weeks later he was promoted assistant surgeon of the Fifth and rank point will be chosen, probably either American money on loans bearing 4V4 New Guinea are still in the most prii to first sergeant. and will recommend a vote of thanks to 5 per cent interest. as lieutenant. to you by congress. Long . in New York or Pennsylvania. itive state. They are wholly una The annual convention of the Michi­ Santiago de Cuba is in a terrible state Budapest, the progressive capital of qualnted with metals, and make the The first pay day in Camp Eaton saw gan Equal Suffrage association was Upon hearing of the Spanish loss at of panic and riot. Over 5,000 citizens Hungary, has no longer any horse cars. weapons of stone, bones and woe •60,000 distributed among the boys. held at Bay City. The program was Manila the pope was almost overcome fled to the country within a week. The On Dec. 27, 1897, the transformation of They do not know how to start a Hi The Agricultural college boys failed interesting and enjoyable. The follow- and said he wished he could have died Spanish troops are committing all all hone car lines into electric roads though fire is used among them. Wh< to turn out a full company for the vol ­ officers were elected: President, Mrs. before this war was begun. kinds of excesses and threaten to kill was completed. The city has the larg ­ a Russian asked them how they m& unteers, only 46 responding to the call Mary 8. Knaggs, of Bay City; vice-pres­ Secretary Long says that Dewey will every Cuban man and outrage every est mileage gf electric roads of any a Are, they regarded it as very amusii for enlistment. That settled the chance ident, Mrs. Perlina Sizer Davis, of De­ be-made an acting admiral at once and Cuban woman and girl if the American city in Europe. The total length of the and answered that when a person ’s fl of the college being represented. troit* recording secretary, Miss Edith later his nomination to be rear admiral fleet attempts to take the city. Gen. tracks is 119 nrfles (of which 66 miles went out he got some of a nelghbt Schremser's famous Fourth regiment F. Hall, of Flat Rock; treasurer, Mrs. will be sent to the Senate. Garcia's insurgents are drawing closer are operated by one company); total band, of Detroit, was mustered out of and if all the fires in the village shou Emily B. Ketcham, of Grand Rapids; W. .R. Blanchard, chairman of the about the city, preventing supplies length operated with underground con­ go out they would get it from the ne service owing to the division of the old auditors, Mrs. Lois Avery, of Ann Ar­ Joint Traffic Railroad association, has from being taken in by land, and the Fourth regiment. There was much ductors, 36 miles; number of motor village. Their fathers and grandfat •sorrow among both band men and sol ­ bor, and Mrs. Lila E. Bliss, of Coleman. been named as a brigadier-general of Spanish soldiers are beginning to suf­ can, 366; other cars, 68; central sta­ era had told them that they remembe diers as the musicians left the camp. Clarence Dutcher, aged 56, was struck volunteers, and will be attached to the fer for food. If the American fleet tions, 6, with a capacity of 6,500 kilo ­ ed a time, or had heard from their a: Bchremser was offered the leadership by lightning and instantly killed at quartermaster's department of the should blockade the port the city watts. The entire equipment was com­ cestore that there was a time, when fl of the Ftrst Volunteer ’s band, but de­ Bentley. He was a veteran of the civil army, to take charge of all matter re­ would be starved into submission pleted a full year before the time or ­ was not known and everything wi clined. war. lating to the transportation of troops. within a week. iginally contemplated. eaten raw. "Lord Aylmer has an heir, madam," when she might have reclined on the ter calls up the pedigree of the people she said quickly, thinking that Mrs. TALMAGES SERMON. hillside near her father’s tent, and whom Moses was to deliver, and Moses Harris was giving a keen eye to the plucKed buttercups, and dreamed out Is ordered to say to them, "The Lord future. "His nephew, Mr. Richard AyL THE "SHEIK’S DAUGHTER” SUN­ romances, and sighed idly to the winds, God of your fathers, the God of Abra­ mer, Is the heir—he is in India.” DAY’S SUBJECT. and wept over imaginary songs to the ham, the God of'Iaaac, and the God of "Ah! yes, really, ” said Dorothy. She brooks. No, she knew that work was Jacob, hath sent me unto you. ” It felt very sick and faint as she leaned honorable, and that every girl ought that thought be divinely accurate, let From the Text: Kxodu* 8:1, M Follow*: back among the cushions. Amelia Har­ to have something tq do, and so Bhe me ask, What are we doing by prayer ris thought she was disappointed, "Now Mom Kept the Flock of starts with the bleating and lowing and and by a holy life for the redemption of whereas, in truth, Dorothy was only Jethro, HU F»ther-ln-Lew, the Frlett bellowing and neighing droves to the the next four hundred years? Our work nervous and upset at the sudden men­ of Blldlun.” WjBll for the Watering. is not only with the people of the lat­ tion of her husband’s name. Around every home there are flocks ter part of the nineteenth century, but "Mr. Aylmer, ” Amelia continued, "is and droves of cares and anxieties, and with those in the closing of the twen­ in the army —in the 40th Dragoons. A In the southeastern part of Arabia every daughter of the family, though tieth century, and the closing of the CHAPTER XXIX.—(Continued.) stretched between them? And then, handsome young gentleman, but wild' a man is sitting by a well. It is an there be seven, ought to be doing her twenty-first century, and the closing of For a long time Lord Aylmer sat loBt her eyes fell upon the bangle, which —very wild.” arid country, and water lg,jjq*rce, so part to take care of the flocks. In the twenty-second century, and the in angry thought. So thla was the she always wore upon her left wrist, Dorothy got up. "Yes, I dare say, that a well is of great value, and Cocks many households, not only is Zlpporah, closing of the twenty-third century. meaning of Dick’s sudden surrender, with its bright beacon of hope and but I ought not to talk aboat him,” she and herds are driven vast distances but all her sisters, without practical For four hundred years, If the world hla dutiful acquietcence with his un­ trust, Dick’s last message to her—“Din- eaid, her voice trembling, and her eyes to have their thirst slaked. Jethro, a and useful employments. Many of continues to swing until that tln»e,or if cle's wishes. There had been no break­ na Forget. ” No, nothing should make misty with tears. "I must go and dress Mldianite sheik and priest, was so for ­ them are waiting for fortunate and It drops, then notwithstanding the in­ ing of his chains when he set sail for her doubt him he was overworked, ill, for our drive.” tunate as to have seven daughters; and prosperous matrimonial alliance, but fluence will go on in other latitudes the East, no burning of his boats be­ something had happened to keep him they are practical girls, and yonder some lounger like themselves will and longtltudes of God ’s, universe. hind him. Not a bit of it! No; the from writing. CHAPTER XXXI. they come driving the sheep and cattle come along, and after counting the • • • young gentleman had quietly —ay, and "Don ’t worry about it, dear Blether,” HE was sobbing and camels of their father to the wat­ large number of father Jethro ’s sheep Still further, watch this spectacle of very cleverly —made thf best of what she said bravely. "Dick would not leave passionately by the ering. They lower the buckets and and camels will make proposal that to him was a very bad and very dis­ me without a letter without some good time she got into genuine courage. No wonder when Mo ­ then pull them up, the water plashing will be accepted; and neither of them ses scattered the rude Bhepherds, he tasteful business, and intended to car­ reason for it. Please don ’t doubt him; her own room. on the stones and chilling their feet, having done anything more practical ry on the Palace Mansions arrange ­ you don ’t know how good and kind "Dick, Dick,” she won Zipporah ’s heart. What mattered and the troughs are filled. Who is than to chew chocolate caramels, the it to Moses whether the cattle of the ment in Madras just as he had done and thoughtful he is, you don ’t, indeed, cried passionately, that man out there sitting unconcerned two nothings will start on the road of In London. Esther.” seven daughters of Jethro were driven "it is hard to deny and looking on? Why does he not life together, every step more and more from the troughs by the rude herds­ But somebody else had to be dealt “No, I don ’t,” said Esther, dryly; you like this, for it come to help the women in this hard a failure. That daughter of the Mldl- with the old lord ’s grim thoughts ran then with an outburst of tenderness was denying you, men? Sense of Justice fired his cour ­ work of drawing water? But no soon­ anitlsh sheik will never find her Moses. age; and the world wants more of the —somebody else with a br** ‘" a good very rare in one of her serene and com­ though I said noth ­ er have the dry lips and panting nos­ Girls of America! imitate Zlpporah. deal shrewder than Die" .. •■•d a will posed nature, she cried: “Oh, don ’t ing. Why are you spirit that will dare almost anything trils of the flocks begun to cool a little Do something practical. Do something to see others righted. All the time at like cold steel. Lord Aylmer would look at me in that reproachful way, leaving me to fight in the brimming trough of the well, helpful. Do something well. Many have something to do and say in the darling. I want to believe this Dick of all these difficulties wells of comfort, at wells of Joy, at than some rough Bedouin shepherds have fathers with great flocks of ab­ wells of religion, and at wells of litera­ matter of Mrs. Harris’ intended voy ­ yours perfect—I d^>, dear. But when we alone? I won ’t believe that you are break id upon the scene, and with clubs sorbing duties, and such a father needs age to India, and he had no notion go on day after day, week after week, false to me—not until you tell me so; ture there are outrages practiced, the and shouts drive back the animals that help in home, or office, or field. Go wrong herds getting the first water. whatever of allowing his nephew, and I see your anxious eyes, see your but if it is so, you ought to tell me!” were drinking, and affright these girls out and help him with the flocks. The whom he cordially detested, to carry face getting whiter and whiter—why, She was sobbing passionately, and Those who have the previous right until they fly in retreat, and the flocks reason that so many men now condemn come in last, if they come in at all. out all his arrangements in triumph, I can’t help feeling angry at times, and the scalding tears ran down her poor, of these ill-mannered shepherds are themselves to unafflanced and solitary and in spite of him. suspicious, and—and as if I should like pale face and over her little cold hands. Thank God we have here and there a driven to the troughs, taking the places life is because they cannot support the strong man to set things right! I am He roused himself presently, and to kill somebody, ” she ended passion ­ They recalled her to herself. "No, I of the other flocks. Now that man went to the table, where writing ma­ modern young woman, who rises at so glad that when God has an especial ately. will be brave, I won ’t doubt you, my sitting by the well begins to color up, half-past ten in the morning and re­ terials were lying. Then he forced him­ Dorothy did not Bpeak for a long darling. There is something I don ’t work to do, he has some one ready to and his eye flashes with indignation, tires after midnight, one of the trash­ accomplish it. Is there a Bible to trans­ self to write an ordinary letter to Dick, time, but sat tracing the words on her understand. I will wait a little longer. ” and all the gallantry of his nature is iest novels in her hands most of the telling him he was in town for a few bangle with a very thin and fragile- She unlocked a drawer in her ward­ late, there is a Wickliff to translate It; aroused. It is Moses, who naturally time between the late rising and the if there is a literature to be energized, days, but was ofT to Aylmer ’s Field to ­ looking finger. robe, and took out the large picture of had a quick temper anyhow, as he dem­ late retiring —a thousand of them not morrow; that my lady was better and "I know what you must think,” she Dick which she had hidden out of Lord there is a Shakespeare to energize it; onstrated on one occasion when he worth one Zlpporah. if there is an error to smite, there is a he trusted Dick would bear In mind said at last. "And I know what Dick’s Aylmer ’s way. "My love, my dear love, saw an Egyptian oppressing an Israel­ that he had to reinstate himself in his silence must seem to you; but I prom ­ I will trust you and believe you, ” she There is a question that every father Luther to smite it; if there is to be a ite and gave the Egyptian a sudden and mother ought to ask the daughter nation freed, there is a Moses to free it. uncle’s good graces, that he might get ised to trust him whatever happens,and murmured fondly. "I will not give way clip and buried him in the sand, and over the disappointment caused by his I always will. He gave me this the again —I will be brgve. ” at breakfast or tea table, and that all But courage is needed in religion, in as he showed afterward when he broke the daughters of the wealthy sheik literature, in statesmanship, in all refusal to marry Mary Anuandale, and very last of all,” she cried, holding out She heard the carriage draw up with all the Ten Commandments at once by therefore he trusted he would spare no her wrist—oh! so much too small for the usual jingle and dash, and hastily ought to ask each other: “What would spheres; heroics to defend Jethro ’s shattering the two granite slabs on you do if the family fortune should fail, seven daughters and their flocks and pains to make himself indispensable the pretty bangle now —towards her locked the portrait away again. Then which the law was written. But the to his old friend, Barry Boynton. And cousin, "and he gave it as a token be­ she bathed her face in cold water, and if sickness should prostrate the bread­ put to flight the Insolent invaders. And injustice of this treatment of the seven winner, if the flocks of Jethro should those who do the brave work will win at the end of this meaningless and tween us; ‘Dinna Forget. ’ I know it tried to remove the, alas! unmistak­ girls sets him on fire with wrath, and commonplace letter Lord Aylmer made will all be right by-and-by, Esther, I able signs of tears from her eyes. Not be destroyed by a sudden excursion of somewhere high reward. The loudftst he takes this shepherd by the throat, wolves and bears and hyenas from the cheer of heaven is to be given “to him an addition, which, like the scorpion's know it will; but wait a little longer, very successfully, though she went out and pushes back another shepherd till tail, contained the sting: mountain? What would you do for a that overcometh. ” before you condemn him, just a little Immediately afterwards, walked into he falls over the trough, and aims a • • • "P. S.—By-the-bye, ^ou will be in- longer. ” the drawing room and fouiid there-- living? Can you -Support yourself? Can stunning blow between the eyes of an­ you take care of an invalid mother or Oh, what a fascinating and inspiring The piteous appeal went straight to Lord Aylmer. other, as he cries, “Begone, you vil­ Esther’s heart. “Well, I won ’t men­ "Lord Aylmer! ” she cried, then went brother or sister as well as yourself? ” character this Moses! How tame all lains!” and he hoots and roars at the Yea, bflng it down to what any day other stories compared with the biogra ­ 03 tion him again, Dorothy, dear, not for quickly across the room to him. “Oh! sheep and cattle and camels of these another month. We will talk about oth ­ I am so very glad to see you, ’’she cried. might come to a prosperous family, phy of Moses! From the lattice of her invaders and drives them back; and “Can you cook a dinner if the servants bathing house on the Nile, Thermutls, er things. Are you going for a drive to ­ "I did not know you were in town. ” having cleared the place of the despera­ day? The carriage will be here at 3 "I came up last night, dear lady, ’1 he should make a strike for higher wageB daughter of Pharaoh, sees him in the does, he told the seven girls of this and leave that morning? ” Every min­ floating cradle of papyrus leaves made o ’clock. ” said, taking both her hands in his and Mldianite sheik to gather their flocks "Just as you please, dear,” Dorothy speaking in a very soft and tender ute of every hour of every day of every water tight by bitumen; his infantile together and bring them again to the year there are families flung from pros ­ cry is heard among the marble palaces answered listlessly. voice. "But you are ill, you are not watering. “I think you ought to go. It is good recovered, you are unhappy about perity into hardship, and alas! if in and princesses hush him with their lul­ O, you ought to see a fight between such exigency the seven daughters ot labies; workmen by the roadside drop for you, and good tpr the boy, too, and something. ” the shepherds at a well In the Orient of course you won ’t have a carriage — "I?” murmured Dorothy, evasively, Jethro can do nothing but sit around their work to look on him when as a as I saw it In December, 1890. There and cry and wait for some one to come boy he passed, so beautiful was he; two at least, not such a carriage —always. ” "Oh! I am not so very well—but---- ” were here a group of rough men who "No, ” said Dorothy. "But you have been crying, ” said and hunt them up a situation for which bowls put before his Infant eyes for had driven the cattle many miles, and they have no qualification. Get at choice to demonstrate his wisdom, the Esther was busy making a wonderful Lord Aylmer, still keeping her hands in here another group who had driven bonnet for the wonderful boy, and she his. , something useful; get at it right away! one bowl containing rubies and the their cattle as many-miles. Who Do not say: "If I were thrown upon other containing coals of fire. Suffi­ pinned in several folds of lace and "Perhaps,” Dorothy admitted. should have precedence? Such clash­ tried several effects before she spoke "Perhaps! I am sure of it,” he re­ my own resources I would become a ciently wise was he to take the gems,, ing of buckets! Such hooking of horns! music teacher.” There are now more but, divinely directed, he took the coals again. “Isn’t it odd, ” she remarked at turned. "But what is the matter? If Such kicking of hoofs! Such vehe­ last, “that Lord Aylmer has left his there is anything that I can do, you music teachers than could be supported and put them to his mouth, and his mence in a language I fortunately could if they were all Mozarts and Wagners tongue was burnt, and he was left a carriage and horses and servants in know that you have only to command not understand! Now the sheep with a W r 1 town all this time, when he is away. me." and Handels. Do not say: "I will go stammerer all his days, so that he de­ WROTE A COMMONPLACE LETTER, peculiar mark across their woolly backs to embroidering slippers. ” There are clared, in Exoih 4:10, “I am slow of "Perhaps he never takes them out of He laid stress on the words "you were at the trough, and now the sheep terested to hear that your little friend, town, ” suggested Dorothy. know, ” which in any other circum­ more slippers now than there are feet. speech and of slow tongue; ” on and on Mrs. Harris, has consoled herself for of another mark. It was one of the • • * until he set firm foot among the crum­ "Perhaps not. Anyway, it is very stances would have been enough to put most exciting scenes I ever witnessed. your absence, without loss of time. I pleasant for us as it is," Esther replied. Dorothy on her guard. Now, however, Our friend and Washington towns ­ bling basalt, and his ear was not deaf­ saw her yesterday, with a gentleman, An old book describes one of these ened by the thunderous "mou shalt "Well, I shall go and get ready, ” and, with her thoughts filled with Dick and contentions at an eastern well when it man, W. W. Corcoran, did a magnifi ­ In an uncommonly well turned out gathering up her bonnet and materials, his strange and inexplicable silence, cent thing when he built and endowed not ” of Mount Sinai; the man who open carriage —splendid horses, smart says: “One day the poor men, the went to the relief of the Israelites who she went out of the room, leaving Dor­ she did not notice the unusual tone. widows and the orphans met together the “Louise Home ” for the support of servants, in white liveries, cockades, and othy alone. "Oh!” she cried Impulsively, "there is the unfortunate aristocracy of the were scourged because without chopped all the rest of it. After a long and inti­ and were driving their camels and their straw they were required to make Arm Almost immediately Amelia Harris something you could do for me if you flocks to drink, and were all standing south —the people who once had every ­ mate acquaintance with the world I came in, bringing a bag filled with lit­ would. ” thing but have come to nothing. We bricks, the story of their oppression have come to the conclusion that soft- by the water-side. Daji came up and found chiseled on the tomb of Rochere tle vases of fresh flowers. “Oh!” said "What?” he said eagerly. "Tell me.” stopped them all, and took possession want another W. W. Corcoran to build eyed little women of that type have Dorothy, "those are lovely. Is it a But Dorothy did not tell him. She a “Louise Home ” for the unfortunate at Thebes; and when his armies were marvelous wisdom —they forget the of the water for his master’s cattle. impeded by venomous serpents, sent pretty place, Amelia? I suppose you wanted to say, "I am Dick’s wife, I am Just then an old woman belonging to aristocracy of the north. But institu­ past, give no thought to the future, ha/c of ter been there.” so wretched and so unhappy at his ab­ tions like that in every city of the land crates of ibises, the snake destroying take the hour as it comes and make the tribe of Aba came up and accosted birds, to clear the way so that his host "Yes, madam; 1 have been there once sence. Let him come home, and I will him in a suppliant manner saying, ‘Be could not take care of one-tialf the un­ the best of it. Sensible creatures!” or twice,” Amelia replied. love and reverence you forever. ” fortunate aristocracy of the north and could march straight ahead, thus sur­ And this most dangerous of all lies, so good, Master Daji, as to let my cattle prising the enemy, who thought they "It is a fine place, is it not? ” Dorothy That was what she wanted to say; drink. They are all the property I south, whose large fortunes have failed, the lie which was half a truth, Lord asked. but when she was face to face with the and who, through lack of acquaintance must take another route to avoid the Aylmer dropped into the post-box, and "A very grand placs, madam,” said opportunity, her courage failed her, and possess and I live by their milk. Pity reptiles; the whole sky an aquarium to my flock, have compassion on me. with any style of work, cannot now drop quails for him and the hosts fol­ in due time it went speeding over sea Amelia, apparently giving all her at­ she was afraid. earn their own bread. And land in place of Esther Brand’s tention to the flower vases. (To be Continued.) Grant my request and let them drink.’ lowing; the only man in all ages whom telegram, "Boy —both well.” Then came another old woman and ad­ There needs to be peaceful, yet rad­ Christ likens to himself; the man of "And Lady Aylmer —what is she ical revolution among most of the pros ­ like?” Is she nice—handsome? ” dressed him: ‘Oh, Master Daji, I am a whom it is written, "Jehovah spoke un­ CHAPTER XXX. CORONETS AT AUCTION. poor, weak old woman as you see. perous homes of America, by which the to Moses face to face as a man speaketh "My lady is very handsome, madam,” elegant do-nothings may be transform ­ WHOLEmonth had said Amelia, putting the last vase in And the Bidding W»« Not at All Time has dealt hardly with me. It has to his friend;” the man who had the gone by and still aimed its arrows at me, and its daily ed into practical do-somethings. Let most wondrous funeral of all time, the its place, and coming to put a fold of Brisk. » useless women go to work and gather no word had come the window curtain straight. "Very Some queer commodities find their and nightly calamities have destroyed Lord coming down out of heaven to from Dick to the all my men. I have lost my children the flocks. Come, Zlpporah, let me in­ bury him. No human lips to read the haughty and hard-like, but v«ry hand­ way into the auction room, but it is troduce you to Moses! But you do not anxious heart so some for all that.” v not every day that a coronet may be and my husband, and since then I have service. No choir to chant a Psalm. fondly waiting for been in great distress. These Bheep mean that this man affianced to this No organ to roll a requiem. No angel "Ah!” picked up at a bargain in a salesroom, country girl was the great Moses of news in Palace Dorothy sat in silence for a minute says the London Chronicle. This was are all that I possess. Let them drink, alighting upon the scene; but God lay ­ Mansions. Or stay, or two. Amelia Harris began to tidy for I live on the milk that they pro ­ history, do you? You do not mean that ing him out for the last sleep; God up­ what happened yesterday, when & mar­ he was the man who afterward that is not quite quis ’ coronet was put up and knocked duce. Pity my forlorn state. I have turning the earth to receive the saint; correct, for a long n» one to tend them. Therefore grant wrought such wonders? Surely, you God smoothing or banking the dust down by a Conduit street auctioneer. my supplication and of thy kindness do not mean the man whose staff letter from Dick It is odd enough that such an adorn*- above the sacred form; God, with fare­ had come by each let them drink.’ But in this case the dropped, wriggled into a serpent, and, well and benediction, closing the su­ ment should find its way into the vul­ brutal slace, do far from granting this then, clutched, stiffened again into a mall, but they had never reached Doro ­ gar atmosphere of furniture dealers blime obsequies of law-giver, poet and thy, each one of them having fallen in humble request, sihote the woman to staff ? You do not mean the challenger warrior. "And no man knoweth of his Lord Aylmer ’s possession. and brokers ’ men, but that anybody the ground. ” of Egyptian thrones and palaces? You sepulchre unto this day. ” Get your should want to buy a second-hand cor ­ do not mean him who struck the rock “I can’t made out w’hy your husband onet is odder still. The biddings, it is A like scrimmage has.taken place at eye on him, instead of trying to imitate has never written, why he never an­ the well in the triangle of Arabia be­ so hard it wept in a stream for thirsty some smaller example. true, were not keen. They began at a hosts? Surely, you do not mean the swered the telegram. I think I shall go couple of guineas and went up to £5, at tween the Bedouin shepherds and A great snow storm came on a prairie into the post-office and find out if it Moses championing the cause of the man who stood alone with God on the In Minnesota, and a farmer in a sleigh really went.” which the coronet went into the posses­ quaking Sinaitlc ranges; not him to sion of some apparently plebeian per­ seven daughters who had driven their was lost, and after a while struck the "Amelia said it went,” Dorothy re­ father's flocks to the watering. One whom the Red sea was surrendered? track of another sleigh, and felt cheer­ plied. She, poor child, had never ad­ son —certainly not a marquis. But Yes, the same Moses defending the sev­ then the article was no longer "prac­ of these girls, Zlpporah, her name ed to go on, since he had found the mitted as much to her cousin, but she meaning "little bird,” was fascinated en daughters of the Midianitish sheik; track of another traveler. He heard was prepared for the worst that could ticable,” as they say on the stage. The who afterward rescued a nation. * * original owner, or possibly "an heir or by this heroic behavior of Moses; for sleigh bells preceding him, and hasten­ possibly happen. Dick’s long silence however timid woman herself may be, See also in this call of Moses that ed on and on and caught up with his ■was beginning to tell upon her, and an assignee, ” had so little use for it she always admires courage in a man. God has a great memory. Four hun­ predecessor, who sa.a: “Where are you she was not recovering as quickly as that he had cut it in two and mounted Zlpporah became the bride of Moses, dred years before he had promised the going? ” “I am following you, ” was might be desired; indeed, her doctor it as a pair of wall brackets. It is one of the mightiest men of ail the deliverance of the oppressed Israelites the answer that came back. The fact and her cousin, too, were for the most commonly supposed that peers ’ coro ­ centuries. Zlpporah little thought that of Egypt. The clock of time has struck is that they were both lost, and had part thoroughly uneasy about her. And nets, like royal diadems, are of geld. that morning as she helped drive her the hour, and now Moses is called to gone round and round in a circle. Then yet, she had now been nearly six weeks JUST AS YOU PLEASE. DEAR, That is not so. They are of silver, father’s flocks to the well, she was "richly gilt, ” as in the case of yester ­ the work of rescue. Four hundred they talked the matter over, and, look ­ without a line from Dick—Dick, who the little table between the window splendidly deciding her own destiny. years is a very long time, but you Bee ing up, saw the north star, and toward had left her with such fond words of and the fireplace. day ’s bauble. This particular one bore Had she stayed in the tent or house God can remember a promise four the north was their home, and they love on his lips—ay, and in his eyes; “It seems such a pity that—” Dorothy the hall mark of 1831, which suggests while the other six daughters of the hundred years as well as you started straight for it. Oh, Instead of Dick, who knew that now, of all times, began, intending to say, "such a pity that it may have been made for the sheik tended to their herds, her life can remember four hundred minutes. imitating men like ourselves, and cir­ letters would be of greater value than that Lord and Lady Aylmer did' not coronation of William IV. That there would probably have been a tame and Four hundred years includes all your cling round and round, let us look up ever they had been, when she was left get on well together. ” Then she brSke should be so little competition for coro ­ uneventful life in the solitudes. But ancestry that you know anything about and take some starry guide like Moses, alone in her hour of trial. Yet he had off short, suddenly remembering that nets in' their material form is ex­ her industry, her fidelity to her father’s and all the promises made to them, and follow on until we join him amid not written, there was no answer to the it would not do to speak of Lord Ayl ­ plained by the rarity with which they Interest, her spirit of helpfulness and we may expect fulfillment in our the "delectable mountains. ” You say telegram announcing the boy's birth, mer’s private affairs to his valet’s wife, are worn. There are probably not half brought her into league with one of heart and life of all the blessings pre­ you can not reach his character. Ob, there had come no word nor sign out and also that she was not supposed to a dozen peers living who have ever had the grandest characters of all history. dicted to our Christian ancestry cen­ no. Neither can Vou reach the north of the dark blankness of hope and fear, know more of them than Lord Aylmer one. They are worn only at corona ­ They met at that famous well, and turies ago. You have a dim remem­ star, but you can be guided by its heav­ doubt and despair, which was gradually himself would be likely to tell so new tion, and then, at the moment when the while she admired the courage of Moses brance, if any remembrance at all, of enly pointing. creeping over her. an acquaintance as she was. Amelia archbishop of Canterbury places the he admired the filial behavior of Zlp­ your great grandfather, but God sees And after all, she told herself, it was was looking at her with an expectant crown on the sovereign ’s head, the as­ porah. those who were on their knees in 1598 Disinfectants and perfumes can be not to be wondered at if Dick had got expression, and Dorothy made haste to sembled peers and peeresses simulta­ The fact that it took the seven as well as those on their knees in 1898, diffused by a newly-patented night * little tired of her—a stupid little finish her sentence. neously put on their silver circlets with daughters to drive the flocks to the and the blessings he promised the for ­ light consisting of a candle around thing like her, as ignorant as a child. "It seems such a pity that Lord Ayl ­ their crimson velvet caps. Indeed, it well Implies that they were immense mer and their descendants have arrived which is wound an absorbent casing 'What was there in her to keep such a mer has no heir,” she said confusedly. may be shrewdly suspected that most flocks, and that hsr father was a man or will arrive. While piety la not her­ which carries the perfume and vapor ­ ir*n as Dick faithful and true when Amelia Harris nof unnaturally per­ peers do not even possess this tangible of wealth. What was the use of Zip­ editary, it is a grand thing to have had izes slowly as the oandle burns down ­ the width of (half the world was haps misunderstood her. badge of their rank. po rah’s bemoaning herself with work a pious ancestry. So God in this chap­ ward. t CLINTON INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1898. The Independent OBITUARY. Advertised Letters. CONSULTATION and EXAMINATION FREE and Strictly Confidential BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 8 t. Johns , Mich . May 10, ISOS. Another Old Pioneer Hu Answered the Bond, Foote Ghent, Mrs. Mary IB., S. <2C CO. Barbers. Boll Cell. Barr, Henry Lyman, Wm. GEORGE 8. CO KBIT. Proprietor Dynea. W. L. Warner. C. W. ACNB FOERCH, proprietor of tbe Centre: Flynn, J. O. The Celebrated Specialists of the Berber Shop, hes tbe egency end right to FRANK E. Da WITT. I Leasees Daniel C. Smith, who died in DeWitt Juse tbe Coke Dandruff Cure, which does away O. CLAIR 8TOCK, ( May 2nd, 1888, from gangrene, was born H. D. MCCABE, P. M. witb dandruff and preventa the bair from fal­ in Potsdam, N. Y., April 16. 1808. American Medical and Surgical Institute of ling out. It oontains no grease, ammonia or minerals. It produces great benefits. ALL HONOR TO ADMIRAL DEVVKY. When 11 years of age he went to Ver­ Late to bed and early to rise, prepares Muskegon, Mich., will be at “Things do not turn up in this world mont, where he stayed until 18 years of a man for a home in the skies. Early to ACIFIC BARKER SHOP- W. W. Feinus- age. He then left home and went back bed and a Little Early Riser, the pill that on, Proprietor Go to the Pacific.Barber unless some one turns them up.” That to New York, where be resided two Shop,P u nder WI Ison ’s Clothing Store, St. Johns, makes life longer, better and wiser. Mich., for first-class work. SbaviDg, baft is the principle on which all the master years. He then led a roving life for C. £. VanSickle. The Steel Hotel, St. Johns, cutting, shampooing, etc., done in the latest spirits of the world have acted. Dewey some years. He came to Michigan in styles of tbe tonsorialart' 1886. In 1888 he was married to Miss did not blunder into victory; he had Margaret Newkirk, of Northville, Mich. Attorneys. won the battle in bis head before be He moved to Clinton county and pur­ Sunday and Monday, May 15 and 16. won it in the harbor. The lesson chased the farm known in Kiley as the Try ItatOurRisk. Office Hours from 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. it at 1 which bis action teaches is tbat which Nigger Dew farm.” He lived there E1 Johns, Mich. Office over Kend rick’s i two years, and sold out and purchased a That’s a fair offer? Any PAULDING, NORTON A DOOL1NG vigor always teaches—that there is al­ farm known as the “ Bird farm,” in one with impure blood, dys ­ Attorneys at Law. Office over St. Johns Nstfcn- ways opportunity for it. To what DeWitt. In 1862 he went to California S• 1 Hank. 1696. heaps of cowardly fears is not that on the overland route, and remained pepsia, rheumatism, weak \1 riLL H. BRUNSON, Attorney at Law and there seven years. He returned to nerves, liver or kidney disease, VV Solicitor ia Chancery. Office over PuU’i man’s heroic conduct an answer’ To Michigan and traded bis farm for the irocerj store. )bi6 what volumes of European sneers is it Colony Mills, in Duplain, where he re­ can thus make a trial of fOHN u. kkdkwa shut a. wal -sii>xk not an overpowering reproof V—Lansing sided five years. His wife died during jtCUCUA Sc WAI.BKI DUE, Attorneys J ournal. his stay at the Colony. He then went E! si Law, at the old stand, over the “corner to Olive township and resided with his ini* «tore,” St. Johns, Mich. 1887 daughter, Mrs. McCutcheon, until 1875. I.M. FKRR1N. P. K. rKRRIN. A. J. BALDWIt An important decision regarding the He then married Mrs. Elizabeth Lewis I JEKKISN Sc BALDWIN, Attorneys at compulsory school law has just been and moved to DeWitt Village, where he SARSAPARILLA I I-aw ami Solicitors in Chancery. Bounty .tension, real estate agents, conveyancers and rendered by J udge Wisner, who holds remained until his death. He was 90 “The Kind that Cures.’* nuney loaners. Also examine titles, pay taxes, years of age April 15,1898. Deleaves ••nil make collections. Business entrusted to their that an incorrigible pupil cannot be ex­ a wife, a son in Kansas, and daughter, Buy a bottle from your nearest sre will be promptly and faithfully attended to. pelled from school, and that in case a Mrs. McCutcheon, in Olive. His fune­ dealer, and if you receive NO iffice over Wickes’ grocery, Clinton Avenue, Si. pupil becomes an incorrigible, it is the ral was held at his late home May 4, fohn«. Mich______1188 Rev. Niles officiating. Interment in BENEFIT you can GET JI. H. CASTLE, Attorney at Law. duty of the truant officer, who in a town ­ YOUR MONEY BACK. Money to Loan, office head of Clinton ship is the chairman of the board of Rochester Colony. Wareinie, esst side. 1183 school inspectors, to make a complaint EVERY BOTTLE IS R. SMITH, Attorney at Law, 8t. Johns before a justice of the peace. That the EXCURSION. GUARANTEED. s• Mich, office over Heller's Bazaar. |1924 J. WOODRUFF, Justice of tbe Peace child must then be tried in open court. To Grand Rapids and Return (or 91.00 for All Druggists Keep It. • Office over Allison ’s Jewelry 8tore. Collect If found guilty sentence must be sus­ Round Trip Between Durand and Rions a specialty. Remittances promptly made. 6931 pended for the first offense, and for the Fowler Inclusive. second offense the child must be sent to The D., G. II. & M. division of the Dentistry. the State Industrial School either at Grand Trunk system will give an excur­ H. KENYON. Dentist East Walker sion to Grand Rapids on Sunday, May . Street. 1183 Lansing or Adrian. 15. Fare, for the double journey, $1.00 G. H. MANN, D. D. 8. Office over from any station between Durand and Spaulding A Co. ’s hardware, oppo ­ The Grand Ledge l’ostoffice war has Fowler inclusive. The train, which site The Steel Hotel. Surgery a will leave St. Johns at 10:15, will arrive specialty. Office hours, 8 to 12 a. been settled, J.W. Fitzgerald getting the at Grand Rapids at 12 o'clock, noon, and m., 1:30 to 6 p. m.. 7 to 8, evening. place. Editor Gunsenhouser, of the leave on the return trip at 7 p. m. Ex­ P E. CORBIN, M. D., D. D. S. To get vX e the benefit of tiie experience, medical kDow- Itepublicau, who was an unsuccessful cursionists may return by anv train on ledge and surgical skill which are indispensable to the following day, Monday. Excursion ­ perfection of results in dentistry, apply to Corbin aspirant for the place, says: “ It would « Son, St. Johns. have been pleasanter could we have ists may have their bicycles and baby of Havana carriages carried free, but at their own May be of interest to some but the carried this load for Fitz during the risks, and must attend to loading and majority of people are more Imer- Physicians. next four years, but it seems they believe unloading them. ested In finding out where they can deal to the best advantage. Firms B. DODGE, IB. D., Surgeon and He we have all we can do to maintain Real Rotate. that lake advantage of all spot cash e meopathic Physician. Office and residence prices in goods pertaining to their J»ver Spaulding A Co. ’s hardware, opp. The Steel. a republican paper without calling upon Anna S. Smith to J. Freund et al, land line and are willing to sell to you at us to run the postoffice. The appoint ­ on sec 6, Westphalia...... f 800 00 at a living protit are the ones to IjX C. DUNN, M. D., Physician and Sur- Julia A. Watkins to Wilson C. Gilbert. deal with We claim to do tbat. Jj • geon.geoa. Office over SpauldingSpauldf A Company ’s ment is satisfactory to us, as it frees us lot 14. block S, Ovid...... 100 00 which we think you will acknowl ­ hard ware store, St. Joh ns. M leb. 136, edge upon Investigation We have HE CURES AFTER OTHERS FAIL. from all political obligations, free to Florence E Bare to Guy L. Cbunipney, E. KNAPP, IVI, l>., Physician and 2 acres on outlot I, and lots 9 and 10, just received a fine assortment of The Most Snccessful end Scientific Treatment of All Diseases and Weak­ • S'Tgeon. Office at residence, first house act our pleasure when and whenever block 23. Ovid...... 1,000 00 Watches. Clocks and Jewelry of the Ciouth of the M. E. church. 8t. Johns. 1367 we please. Sort of an independent feel­ latest designs, wblch we invite you nesses of Mankind Possible to Obtain. Frank A. Stiles and wife to James V«n to Inspect For one week we offer H 4 HT, n. II., Physician and 8ur- ing that a partisan never feels.” Houghton. 40 square rods on n o \ you the following bargains: The most widely nnd fa vfrably known Specialist in the United States. His long experi ­ H • geon. Eureka. Mich. 1217 of n e 14 of sec. 7. Essex...... ?...... 50 00 8-day, half hour strike Clock, regu- ence, remarkable kki II and universal success in the largest hospitals in tbe world enables Victor Clavey to John M Culp, e J4 of ular price 13 00; our price...... SI 75 nun to treat ail CHRONIC, NERVOUS, SKIN and BLOOD Diseases upon the latest scien­ W. POLLAKD Physician and Surgeon. Orders have been issued for the for ­ of sec. 16. Olive...... 2,800 00 8-day, half-hour strike Seth Thom ­ tific principles, and entitles him to the full confidence of the afflicted everywhere. • Office over the State Bank of 8t Johns. Hem- Jlence corner Cass and Ottawa streets. 1284 warding of ten thousand troops from Harriet E. Rickerd et al to Matthias as, regular price $3.50; our price 2 50 Fan OT'T'lVf AM has no superior in diagnosing and treating diseases and de- Van Der Lee, w *4 of n e J4 of n e $4 Genuine Elgin 18 size Stem Wind ^ *' • v/1 fortuities. Medical and Surgical Diseases, Acute and Chronic 3I. POST, W. D.» Physician and Sur- San Francisco to the Philippine Islands of n e ‘4 of sec. 28, and 10 acres of w and set, works in silverine case, •'atarrh, Diseases of me Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat and Lungs, Dyspepsia, Bright ’s Disease, • aeon. Office over H. L. Hicks’ millinery of s e 54 of sec. 21, DeWitt...... 3.000 00 $6 00; our price...... 4 25 Diabetes. Kidney, Liver, Bladder, Chronic Female and Sexual Diseases speedily cored by S at the earliest possible moment, and 17 Jeweled Elgin 18 size G. W. treatment that has never failed in thousands of cases that had been pronounced beyond store, No. 14 Clinton avenue. Residence, corner Stephen Chapman and wife to R F. Wheeler, adjusted silverine case. hope. Many people meet death every year who might have beeu restored to perfect health of Lansing and Rodgers streets, St. Johns, Mich. present expectations are that they can Chapman, w of n w * 4 of sec. 28, price 814 00; our price...... 9 00 had they placed their cases in the hands of experts. * Duplain...... 500 00 ITTIH. HAVENS, 171. II., Homoeopathic be started by the 15th inst. The Philip­ Gents’ 16 size open face 20 year IMPORTANT TO LADIES.—DR. OTTM AN, after years of experience, has discovered YY Physician and Surgeon. Office over R. J. Dina A Fedewa to Ferdinand Fedewa, filled case, with Elgin fancy dial, the greatest cure known for all diseases peculiar to the sex. Female diseases positively cured foodrufTs shoe store. 1183 pine Islands are a bigger prize than n w fri k of n w frl *4 of sec. 4, Ea­ gold hands, 81600; our price...... 9 00 gle ...... 20 00 by the new remedy, OLIVE BLOSSOM. The cure is effected by home treatment. Entirely most people suppose. Their area is ten Ladies’ 14k 25 year filled case Elgin harmless and easily applied. Consultation Freee anaand strictlyStrictly Confidential. R. A. J. WIGGINS, Physician and Sur­ Gebhard Gutekunst and wife to Henry nickel works, 6 size, regular price DR. OTTMAN operates successfully and DEAFNESS. I cure 90 per cent, of all D geon. Office south of residence, on Spring per cent, greater than that of New Eng G. Gutekunst. no^. except 40 acres, $15.00; our price...... 10 00 painlessly for squint eyes, pterygium, iridec­ cases. Many cases cured in one treatment. street, St. Johns, Mich. 1244tf land, New York, New' Jersey, Maryland of sec. 18, DeWitt...... 6.600 00 Look out for next week. tomy, turning in or out of eye lashes or lids, DISCHARGING EARS cured iu every Wm. T. Vanghan and wife to Loren W. closure of tear duct and all other eyeopera- case. C E, and Delaware combined, and their esti­ Vaugban, w H of w‘4 of w!i of block tions. CATARRH OF THE NOSB. bronchitis O* Surgeon. Office at Residence, opposite com I G, Ovid...... 500 00 CHRONIC SOME EYES and granu- and lung troubles, caused from catarrh, posi ­ hiuse, west. Office hourslto4p.m.,exceptWed- mated population is about 10,000,000. Porter & lated lids quickly cared. tively cured. o wday, then 6 to 9 p. m. 1188 The fact is not generally known, either, Simeon Hewitt and wife to George E. A CERTAIN AND POSITIVE CURE Bliss, part or lot 6, block 23, Maple for the awful effects of early vice and the TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE- R. ERNE-tT SCHEMER, Physician and that more than half of the commerce of Rapids ...... „...... 120 00 numerous evils that follow in its train. Surgeon, Office over C, Gruler’s store Melzer Turner and wife to Ida Schai- Emmons. PRIVATE BLOOD AND SKIN AGED MEN. DFowler, Mich. 1461 the islands is with the United States. ble, e H «f n w of s w of sec. 36, DISEASES speedily, completely and per ­ towo of DeWitt ,q. c)...... - 31 10 WWWWWW manent Iv cured. The awful effects of early F. BECKWITH, M. D„ OCULIST AND Chairman Fred. A. Baker, of the Angellne Honk to Leroy Bugner, e 20 NERVOUS DEBILITY AND SEX­ A SURE CURE. rice, which brings or ­ E. AUR1ST, 225 E. Main St., Ionia, Mich. Union-Silver state central committee, acres (if w HI of s e Wof sec, 36,Essex, UAL DISORDERS yield rapidly to his ganic weakness, destroying both mind and fl.OOaud other considerations ...... 1 00 Skillful treatment. body, with all its dreadful ills, permanently 3byg told a Free Press reporter recently that PILBS, FISTULA AND RECTAL cured. _____H, Surgeon. Office Hunt's drug Jeremiah Blackinar and wife to Leroy ULCERS guaranteed cured without pain or store, 8t- Johns, Mich. 24tf he had not yet called a meeting of the Bugner, e 20 acres otw 1/, of 8 e >4 of Grand Trout Railway System. detention from business. sec. 36, Essex, $ 1.00 and other consd ’n 1 00 DR. OTTMAN t’Lo*7K." ,~ committee to fix the date of the state SYPHILIS, GONORRHEA, GLEET, paired themselves by improper indulgence L. Belle Chapman to Cbas. L. Clark, n Arrival and Departure of Trains Spermatorrhea, Seminal Weakness, Lost and solitary habits, which ruin both mind convention, and he did not thing there 16 acres of n eJ4 of see. 31, and 8 >4 of Manhood, Night Emissions, Decayed Facul­ and body, unfitting them for business, study, Undertakers. s e 14 of sec. 27, Bengal ...... 500 00 ties, Female Weakness and all delicate dis- society or marriage. At St. Johns. W. INGHAHAIT1, UNDERTAKER was any immediate prospect of any such Frank A. Sbuart and wife to Danford orders pscnliar to either sex, positively cored MARRIED MEN, or those entering on as well as functional disorders that result tbat bappy life, aware of physical debility, Walker Street East, St. Johns, Mich. meeting being called. This would seem Shadduck et al, n w % and n fr. s w 1403 % of sec. 18, Watertown ...... 8,000 00 IN EFFECT APRIL 11, 1898. from yonthfnl follies or the excess of mature quickly assisted. to effectually contradict the widely cir­ years. WE GUARANTEE TO CURB Nervous Jacob P. Sleight to Lucy A. Stoughton, SPECIALTIES: Catarrh, Skin Diseases, Debility, Failing Manhood, Syphilis, Varico ­ culated report that an early day was to nw^oftw * 4 of sec. 8, Bath...... 600 00 a s a a a a a a a a Sores,' Pimples, Scrofula, Blood Taints, cele, Stricture, Gleet, Unnatural Discharges Auctioneers. be named for the convention. Edwin C- 8tevens and wife to trustees . ft ft < el Ok c. a. « « « Eczema, Cancer, Piles and Diseasesof Women Weak Parts and all Kidney and Bladder of M.E. Church of Greenbush, land « 5 2 $ £! 8 SCiJSS Quickly and Permanently Cured by the latest Diseases. ichard freeman , auctioneer .— on s e *4 of n e ?4 of sec 16,Greenbush 50 00 M5 ei do 09 wjl i> n 6 n o approved treatment as pnrsned by leading SVCases and correspondence confidential, Farm property and merchandise sold on com ­ Editor Jennings of the Fenton In­ <4— <+_ specialists of America and Europe. bnt personal consultation preferred. missionR or by the day. Satisfaction guaranteed. Minnie Streeter to Oliver Hyde, n $4 of Orders to my addreas through St. Johns post-ofiee dependent is somewhat of a philosoph ­ 8 w <4 of sec 20, Greenbush...... 800 00 s a a a s a a a g a a FRBB EXAMINATION OF THE URINE.-Each person applying for medical treat- will receive prompt attention. Add son A. Woodruff and wife to Hen­ ► oa e. a « as * o. a - O. • ment should send or bring from 2 to 4 ounces of urine (that passed first in the morning pre­ er. He did not get the postoffice, and ferred), whicb will receive a careful chemical and microscopical examination, and if requested OUIE BORON, AUCTIONKER. I am pre­ ry Kubnle, w 4 of s w L4 of sec. 26, - 5 s s s a 8 2 B 3 g a'writteu analysis will be given. Persons ruined in health by unlearned pretende/s, who says of the result: “Some of the can­ Olive...... ~...... 1,800 00 » IO N V pared to sell farm property, household furni­ a «,2 » £> keep trifling with them month after month, giving poisonous and injurious compounds, should Lture and general merchandise on most favorable didates receiving kindly expressions of apply immediately. Delays are dangerous. terms. I speak English, German and French.— The Inquisition. WflN npRFIII ftllRF? perfected in old cases which have been neglected or nnskillfnlly Orders through 8t. Johns post-office will receive sympathy are forcibly reminded of the TIUnULnrUL bunco treated. Noexperiments or failures. Parties treated by mat prompt and careful attention. ______What was the Inquisition? It was a or express, but where possible, personal consnltation is preferred. Cnrable cases guaranteed. feelings of a corpse, as it contemplates machine for winnowing out and de S&~Cases and correspondence confidential. Treatment sent C. O. D. to any part of U. S. T EO. H. SOWLE, AUCTIONEER. Farm the beautiful flowers on the casket.” stroying such individuals as surpassed -1st of 130 questions free. A duress, with postage, I~ stock and merchandise sold by the day, on a Cper cent, or by tbe ion. Satisfaction guaranteed. the average in quickness of wit, earnest­ Order*era promptly tilled. Post-office address, 8t China has made the last pajment of ness of purpose and strength of charac­ Pr ivate Box 160. Johns ter, in so far as to entertain opinions of DR. 6. S. & CO., Muskegon, Mich. indemnity to Japan, and Wei-hai-wei, their own and boldly declare them. held by the Japs until the indemnity The more closely people approached an * | 5 Is was paid, will be evacuated at once, elevated standard of intelligence and S3 33 a m a. The Fenton Normal Summer School and will be occupied by the British, as moral courage, the more likely was the SSflf. machine to reach them. It worked with ° * Is the largest, mostt popular, and best etequipped an offset to commercial advantages deadly efficiency, cutting off the bright ­ ilalf granted by China to Russia. est and boldest in their early prime, a. a. c*. 2 Summer School in Eastern Michigan. Courses while the duller and weaker spirits were (2 « (2 <2 "2 leading to all grades of certificate including It costs a great deal to keep the wolf spared to propagate the race. Thus the o S S S s State. Work given in the Languages, Kinder- MERCHANT ideas and methods which other nations TAILOR8, from the door in Montana. The boun Sleeping and Parlor Car Service.,* ^|:garten, Primary Methods, Elocution, Music, ties paid in the state during 1897 for were devising to meet the new exigen ­ cies of modern life were denied admis­ WEST-BOUND. Book-keeping, Shorthand, etc. Over 70 classes killing wolves and coyotes aggregate sion into Spain. In manufactures, in 10:47 s. m. train has parlor car to Grand Rapid*. in all. Terms open April 5, June 8 and July We are showing a complete Extra charge 25 cent*. line of Samples for $490,000. Like the sparrows their num­ commerce, In the control of the various 7:59 p. m. train has Parlor Buffet car to Grand ft, ’98. Expenses very low. Send for circular. ber never grows less. sources of wealth, she was completely Haven. Extra charge, 28 cents. Connects with left behind by nations from which the steamer for Milwaukee. Address. The evening train leaving St. Johns at 7:59 con ­ W. A. STEVENSON Prinnpal, Fenton Mieh. It cost the Chicago Record 11.759.20 minds hospitable toward new ideas bad nects with the evening boat for Milwaukee, and SPRING AND not been so carefully weeded out. In leavee (or the eati on the arrival of the boat in the for the transmission of 2,886 words from many respects the atmosphere of morning. Hong Kong, telling the story of Dewey ’s thought in Spain remains medieval EAST BOUND. SUMMER 8:26 a. m. train has parlor car to Detroit. Extra victory. News comes high, but reliable even to the present day. In the govern ­ charge 25 cents. Pullman parlor ear from Detroit papers must have it. ment of her dependencies her methods to Toledo connecting with sleener for the East and SUITS. have shown scarcely any improvement New York. FOR A SUMMER CRUISE TAKE THE COAST LINE since the Middle Ages, and it was not 6:28 p, m. train has parlor car to Detroit. Extra Intervention that intervenes is the charge 25 cents, and Pullman sleeper from Detroit We make . . . strange that the advent of this stirrin to Toronto, Suspension Bridge, Buffalo, Philadel­ program now. It is a genuine Ameri­ nineteenth century should bring rebel phia and New York. lion. —Prof John Fiske. 1:67 a. m. train has through day parlor cars and can article—and is built for service.— sleeper from Windsor to Suspension Bridge, Buffa­ Suits from $16 to $45. Pontiac Post. lo, New York and Boston, To Mackinac The human machine starts but once 8:25 a. m. and 12:10 p.m. train connects at Du­ and stops but once. You can keep it rand with C. A G. T. Dlv. for Chicago. Pants from $4 to $12. D ewey , Samson and Columbus will 8:25 a. m. and 5:23 p. tn. trains connect at Durand going longest and most regularly by us­ with C8 A M for Saginaw and Bay City and with NEW STEEL COMFORT, We also do all kinds of Repairing. go down in history as great discoverers. ing De Witt’s Little Early Riser, the C A G T Dlv. for Pt. Huron and attle Creek. . famous little pills for constipation anti E.H. HUGHES, A G. P. A.,Chicago, III. e Clothes cleaned, pressed and BEN FLETCHER, Trav. Pass. Agt., Detroit, M. PASSENGER Among the Faragraphers. all stomach and liver troubles. SPEED dyed. C. E. VanSickle. THOS. BROMLEY, Agent. St.Johns. Mich. Dewey went into the teeth of the STEAMERS Philippines, and he left there an aching and SAFETY Cavite.—State Republican. Invalids Should Remember the Date. We wish again to call the attention All Work Guaranteed. If there is any cable cutting around of our readers to the return visit of Dr. The Orsatest Perfection yet ettelned In Boat Construction - Luxurious GIVE US A TRIAL. Porto Rico somebody is going to get B. 8. A Co., physicians who have be­ “MEMORIAL DAY,” Equipment, Artistic Furnishing, Decoration and Efficient Service. very unpopular with the American pub ­ come so well and favorably known in lic.—Detroit News. our community. These physicians The day we celebrate each year 5411 have spent their lives in the investi- by having our lot iu the ceme­ To Detroit, [Jlackinac, ‘ Bag, Petoskeg, CWcago It was not the fault of the fake corre ­ ation and treatment of Chronic and tery carefully gone over with No other Line offers a panorama of 460 miles of equal variety and interest JOHN H. HARMON. spondents tbat they did not splice the ’rivate Diseases, and the fact that they f the lawn mower and made beau­ Four Tsips sir Wick Betwecn D ay ans N ioht Sesvice Between Over Wilson A Son’s Clothing Store. cut cables at the Phillippines with yel ­ refuse to prescribe for anv disease out ­ tiful with flowers and green. low yarns. —State Republican. side of their specialties and ask only What would be better than to Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac DETROIT AND CLEVELAND those that have failed to get relief from place a beautiful monument in PET06KEY, "THESOO,” MARQUETTE Pare, SI.50 e** Direction. Schedule of Teachers' Examinations. Card of Thank*. their family physician to visit them, marble or granite, or even a AND DULUTH. Berthe, 75c.. $ 1. Stateroom, S1.7S. Until further notice Teachers Examinations entitles them to the confidence of the nice marker, to tell tbe people Connections are made et Cleveland with will beheld as follows: We employ this medium through which to afflicted. Large numbers already throng LOW RATES to Picturesque Mackinac Earliest Trains for all points Best 8outh St. Johns, High School Room, Third Thurs­ thank those friends and neighbors who so where our friends lie. end Return. Including Meals and Berthe. and Southwest, and at Detroit for all day and Friday of August. their private rooms at each visit, ana Approximate Coat from Cleveland, $ 17; freely and kindly assisted and comforted us points North and Northwest. St. Johns. Court House, Third Thursday and every invalid is cordially invited to con ­ from Toledo, $ 14; from Detroit, Si s.50 . Sunday Trips June, July, Aug., Sep4, .ict. Only Friday of October. by act and word, during the brief but painful sult them at The Steel Hotel. Ht. Johns, 8t Johns. Last Thursday of March. illness cf that kind husband and father, Mor­ on Sunday and Monday May 1517. urrEDOCK: Every D ay and N ioht Between 8t Johns, Court House, Third Thursday and timer Clark. Especially do we thank theooun- Friday of June. Consultation free and strictly confi ­ Cleveland, Pot-In-Bay and Toledo. Certificates of all grades will be granted at ty officers, the Masoolo fraternity, Mr. and dential. can show you the largest variety the examinations of 8t. Johns in August and Mrs. James Hughes and Mrs. and Miss Spayd of work of any shop in Michi­ Send jc. for Illustrated Pamphlet. Address March. Certificates of the second and third A. A. Sohantz . e. e. oornoiT. mioh . Ml id Cleveland Navigation company. grades will be granted at all other examina ­ for their unbounded kindness during our tri­ One minute Cough Cure is the best gan. Call before it is too late to tions. als and afflictions. Not forgetting those who preparation I haye ever sold or used get your order filled for Decora ­ All examinations will begin at 9 o'oloek a so generously bestowed beautiful flowers and and I can’t say to much in its praise.” tion Day. m. floral designs. MRH. CATHARIND CLARK L. M. Kennon, Merchant. Odell. Ga. R. M. WINSTON. Como Jssloner of Schools. AND FAMILY. C. E. VanSickle. Opp. Postoffice, St. Johns, Mich. CLINTON INDEPENDENT THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1898

KIKKKA. Awarded [ ouJtM the food pare, A LITTLE BLAZE. * wholesome mud delicious. From Our Correspondent. Highest Honors —World ’s Fair, Mrs. W. Smothers is quite 14, “He Tbs Goods la One of the Show Windows Darwin Kirby rides a new wheel. DR. of the*" Fenny Store” Consumed Eva Burk has returned from DeWitt. and Damaged. Milo Pray, of St. Johns, was in town Laughs Sunday. Shortly after lighting-up time last Friday evening, the contents of the A. Russell returned from Benzie north show window in the “Penny county Tuesday. Store, ” in the Opera House block, were John Tripp, of North Star, was at discovered by a passer-by to be on fire. Best” D. L. Kaegle s, Thursday. , Whoso teeth are beautiful, therefore give The discoverer rushed into the store them all oare. Owen Stearns moved into Elwood and informed Mr. Berger, whops assist­ W CREAM $26.00i 1 will make the following regular weekly Hixson ’s house last week. ing bis sister, Mrs. Blank, in the busi­ visits: Miss Edna Jones, of Ithaca, spent ness, of the fire. Mr. B. was sitting in i! * Sunday with Edith Smothers. the back part of the store reading a pa­ Buys a first class Bicycle, guar- 9 Shepardsville on Tuesdays. Bert Couter moved into Mrs. Lewis per. He rushed to the window and BAKING * anteed for the season. . Fowler on Fridays. managed to extinguish the flames. Barber's hou9e last week Tuesday. There were quite a number of flags in |...... § Mrs. Wm. Price and son Jay, of Pom ­ the window, and they burned readily. DR. T. S. MANN, peii, spent Sunday at John Price’s. The metal goods were more or less ♦ ^AklH15 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Redfern,of Ma­ damaged. It is not known just how the POWDER ple Rapids, were in Eureka Sunday. Are occurred. The loss, which is cov ­ MOST PERFECT MADE. DENTIST. $28.00♦ Office, Main St., opp. The Steel. Rev. A. N. Henry will preach in the ered by insurance, has been adjusted. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free Christian church Sunday at 3 p. m. from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant. Hours, 8 to 12 a. in , I to 5 p. in. FOWLEK. POWDER Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Dennis attended a 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. 8_ Buvs a flush joint, 2-piece % Absolutely Pure I Baptist association in Grand Ledge last H crank Bicycle, guaranteed for || week. From Our Correspondent. DR. AM Steadily Fowler is adding to her busi­ Report of Pomona. p the season. || Mrs. William Smith visited her ness and social interests. Clinton County Pomona Grange met daughter near St Johns the latter part at the home of J. F. Clemons, in Bath, x------——------£j B. SPINNEY, of last week. Born, to Mr and Mrs. Joseph Putsch, Saturday night, May 7, 1898, twin Wednesday, May 4, 1898. A good at­ p; We can show you the names M OR DETROIT. Mrs. David Eaegle is very ill with daughters. tendance and a splendid time reported neumomia, with but slight hopes of ALSO Many of the buildings of Fowler are by all present. A dinner, such as the i; of 92 people we have sold % saoeaitros ROYAL BAKING POWMM 60., N(W YORK. Eer recovery. grangers know so well how to prepare, or Miss Emma Ingersoll, of St. Johns, decorated with American flags, which was gotten ready and all did justice to it, § wheels to this spring. spent the latter part of last week with give evidence of the true patriotism of after their long ride. w % Hti cm the people. After the business part of the meeting MMWMM&MMWMWdWMWd'MMMMP&M&M Siiitarln, IN OUR NEIGHBORHOOD. friends here. Miss Carrie Geller left her home in Presiding Elder G. Kirn was present was over, recitations were given by The Old at the E. V. Quarterly meeting Satur­ this village Sunday last for a five weeks’ Mrs. Clemons, of Durand, ana others. Measles are epidemic at Alma. visit with friends iu Detroit. Cleveland, Selections were read by Mrs. Dills and RIUABLB day and Sunday. Cincinnati and Covington, Ky. Mrs. Ennest. SPECIALIST, More school room is needed at Du­ Mr. and Mrs. Burt. Stevens, of Maple The first of the week Frank Gruler The following question was presented: F. H. Bush & Co. Crowned with 38 yeats of unparalclled success In rand. Rapids, visited at their father s, A. this state in treating NERVOUS, UK1NAKY, SEX­ paid as high as $1.45 a bushel for wheat. “ Should District Schools Adopt Free UAL and all forms of CHRONIC DISEASES, will be A curfew agitation has been launched Stevens’, Sunday. Monday night he shipped five cars, most Text Books? ” No. One reason was in yonrtown at the date, place and daya named be­ HOSATE OilDER-Slate of Michigan, low, where parties can see him and receive consulta ­ at Durand. The Misses Frances Nelson and Ida of which was of high grade wheat. that children would not take as good County At a session of t he Pro ­ tion and advice free, find treatment If they desire, at Work is in progress on the new brick Schaffer, of St. Johns, were guests of care of them if they were free. This Pbate Court for the County of Clinton, holden theat lowest rate of any specialist of bis experience In Frank Gruler had purchased, up to the state. If you cannot he treated successfully at bank building at Durand. Pearl Hart, Sunday. last Monday, since the opening of this question will have to be decided upon the Probate office in the village of St. John*, on home he will tell you what he can treat you for at the annual school meeting in Sep­ Saturday, the 30th day of April, In the year one at the Sanitarium, where you can receive the best of Corunna ’s new electric lighting sys ­ Mrs. Laui^a Odell and granddaughter, season ’s wool market, 4,093 pounds of thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight. treatment at the lowest price of any sanitarium In tem is in successful operation. Lena Ingersoll, spent Saturday at Wil­ unwashed wool, for which he paid fropi tember. It would be well for voters to Present, Charles M. Merrill, Judge of Probate. the Country- ber Odell’s, in North Star. 14 to 20 cents a pound. cousider it. In the matter of the estate of CHRISTINA Particular attention 1* given to the treatment of the During April 1,088,154 bushels of 2. “Do We Need College Educated HARDY, deceased. following long standing diseases, vlx.—Nasal CA­ wheat were marketed in Michigan. Miss Alice Carter went to Harbor Frank Ulrich, the tonsorial artist, is On reading and filing the petition duly verified, TARRH, Polypus, Mucous amt Follicular Diseases Men in the Grange? ” Yes. of the throat. • ort-ign Growths In the I arynx. Laryn ­ An electric line to Pine lake is Lan­ Springs. Friday, to spend the summer erecting a wooden building on the east 3. “Was Pingree Justified in Calling of William Hardy prating that the last will acd gitis, Bronchitis, bronchial Consumption, Spitting of with her aunt, Mrs. Chappell. side of our principal business thorough ­ testament of said deceased may be proved and ad­ Blood, Loss of Voice. Enlarged Tonsils, Incipient sing's latest electric railway project. an Extra Session of the Legislatuie? ” mitted to probate, and that he or some o her su t- Consumption, Asthma, Diseases of the Heart, Gen­ The New State Telephone Company is Misses Minnie Barrington and May fare, to be used by him as a model and Yes. able person may be appointed executor of said eral Debility, lH»eas» s peculiar to Women. Neural­ Post, of St. Johns, spent Saturday w ith up-to-date barber shop and bath room. estate. gias, and all forms of Nervous Discuses, Diseases of organizing an exchange at Hubbards- 4. “ Is the Freedom of the Press too Thereupon it Is ordered, that Tliumduy, the the Kidneys and Bladder, Strictures, constipation. their grandmother, Mrs. Mahala Hulse. The building now occupied by Feld- 26th (lay ol May, A. D., 1898, atone o ’clock Piles. Ms ure, Fistula, Irritable and Indolent Ulcers, ton. Free in Times Like This?” General Hip Diseases, Scrofula, lilood and Skin Diseases, The Spiritualists will hold a camp Mrs. Mary llinkley, who has been pausch & Geller will be taken out by its opinion that the newspapers have to In the afternoon, be assigned for the hearing of Surgical Diseases of all forms, the Kye. Ear, Face visiting friends in Maple Rapids for the owner, L. W. Baldwin, as soon as it is said petition, snd that the heirs at law and legatees and Internal Organs, including Deformities, Club meeting at Grand Ledge in July and guess at a great deal that they print. of said deceased, and all other persons interested in Feet, Cross-Eye. Tumors, Hair Lli>s, etc. Also, August. past two weeks, returned home Sunday. vacated by them. Mr. Baldwin contem ­ A vote of thanks was given the editor said will, are required to appear at a session of said Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Dianhca and all forms of Liver, plates the erection of a brick store of the North Lansing Record for printed court then to he holden at the Probate Office in Stomach and Bowel Diseases. The necessary funds have been sub­ Dr. II. Hart went toSimcoe, Canada, the village of St, Johns, and show cause, if any YOUNG MEN led into evil habits, not knowing the to attend the funeral of his aged father, building on the lot, thus lessening his programme, and also to Mr. Clemons harm, and now nervous wrecks unfit for study scribed and a test oil well will be sunk insurance by a considerable amount. for his hospitality in making us all so there be, why the will should not be approved. social pleasures or business, with lossot Memory, at Charlotte. Thomas Hart, who spent the winter in And it la further ordered that notice be giver Headache, Weak Hack. Palpitation. Red and Sunken this place. Conrad Feldpausch has commenced welcome. to the persons interested In said estate or the Eyes, Pimples, Tired Mornings, No Ambition, Aver­ Mrs. Eliza Welch, of Ionia, is to be operations for the erection of a two- Next Pomona meeting will be held at pendency of the bearing thereof by causing a copy sion to Society, Dreams and Losses, Deiwmit* In the the new matron of the Soldiers ’ Home, About twenty members of M. W. A. of this order to be published in the Clinton Inde­ Urine, which Is passed too often, sometimes smart­ visited the Ithaca Woodman Lodge story frame store building on the east Elsie, June 1. pendent, a newspaper printed and circulated in ing. Milky Urine, Kidney Trouble, Gonorrhoea, Gleet. at Grand Rapids. side of Main street, on the lot formerly Mus. C. L. Pearce . Lecturer. said county of Clinton for three successive weeks Stricture, or any Disease of the Sexual System, can Monday night. A very enjoyable time here find a safe and speedy cure. Charges reason ­ Supreme Court Justice Claudius B. is reported. owned and occupied by II. M. iiosmer previous to said day ofhearing. able, especially to the poor. CURESGUAKANTEED. Grant has been elected Commander of for a meat market, the old buildiug to Discovered by a Woman. CHARLES M. MERRILL, THE SIGNS of SYPHILIS are Blood and Skin Mr. and Mrs. James Besley, of St. (A true copy.) Judgeof Probate Diseases. Painful Swellings, Bone Pains. Mucous the Loyal Legion. be moved back and to be added to the Another great discovery has been Patches In the Mouth, Hair Loose. Plmphs on the If you intend to raise sugar beets it is Johus. visited their sister, Mrs. Lide rear part of the new structure. The made, and that, too, by a lady in this Back, and warty growths. These cured for life with­ Matthews, and other friends here, Sun­ new building will be occupied by Feld­ country. “Disease fastened its clutches out the use of injurious drugs. time to begin. They should be sown day and Monday. ROBATE OIt l»l:K—State of Michigan VARICOCEI.E, PILES, etc., CURED AT Once . from May 10 to May ‘JO. pausch & Geller with their stock of dry upon her, and for seven years she with­ County of Clinton, ss. At a session of tbt H ave Y ou the seeds of anypast disease lurking in Lewis W. Ingersoll,a former resident stood its severest tests, but her vital or ­ PProhste Court for the county of Clinton holden yourat systeml IMPOTKNCY, or Loss of Sexual Hubbardston high school is to have a goods, groceries, etc., on the opposite the Probate Office, In the village of St. Johns, on Power, and do you contemplate MARRIAGE? Do graduation celebration, an alumni ban­ of Greenbush, died of malarial fever in side of the street from their new quar ­ gans were undermmed and death seem­ Saturday, the 23rd dav of April, in the year you feel sare in taking this step? You can’t afford Benzie county, Mich., Friday morning, ters. ed imminent. For three mouths she one thousand eight hund’red and Dinety-eigbt. to take any risk. quet and a baccalaureate sermon. We cure all such cases by building up the system May 6, aged 62 years. coughed incessantly, and could not Present, Charles M. Merrill, Judge of Probate. and purifying the blood Fruit prospects have rarely, if ever, MAPLE KAPJDS. sleep. She finally discovered a way to In the matter of the estate of JACK- Wf* Remember, all who are poor and have no been more promising at this season of recovery, by purchasing of us a bottle of SON V. PERDEW. deceased. money, with which to pay, v.Ill receive ONE the year than now. —Ionia Standard. DUPLAIN |] On reading snd filing the-petition, duly verified, MONTH’S MEDICINE FREE I From Our Correspondent. Dr. King ’s New Discovery for Con­ of Clarice Jane Perdew praying that Henry H. Those unable to call should write particulars. In­ John Williams, of Lansing, 65 years From Our Correspondent. sumption, and was so much relieved on Jeniaon or some other suitable person may be ap­ closing stamp, and receive question list. of age, committed suicide Saturday. He Charles Wade is visiting in Fulton. taking first dose, that bhe slept all night; pointed administrator of said estate. Thousands cured at home by correspondence. E. J. Warren’s driving horse died of Levi Frisbie spent Sunday in town. * Thereupon it is ordered, that Thursday, the Write us and if the case Is one that can he tieated cut his throat and then jumped or fell pneumonia last week. and with two bottles has been absolutely 19th day of May, A. D., 1898. at one at home, wc will do so. into Grand river. Eli Jones, we are glad to say, is great ­ cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz.” o ’clock iu the afternoon be assigned for the Consultat.on free. Our honest opinion always Mrs. Jay Kneeland.of Owosso, is vis­ given, and good, honest, careful treatment given to Saturday, May 7, was devoted to clear­ ly improved. Thus writes W. C. liummick & Co., of hearing ot said petition, at the probate office,In every patient. iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hamil­ Shelby, N. Y. Trial bottles free at Fil- the Village of St. Johns. ing up the Elsie cemetery and putting it Frank Redfern and wife were in And ltTsfurtherordered.that noticebegiven to ADDRESS ALL MAIL. in fitting condition for the observance ton Teeter. Eureka Sunday. dew & Millman s drug store. Regular the perrons interested in said estate, of the of Memorial Day. Elder Young and wife are in Alma sizes 50c and $1.00. Every bottle guar ­ time and place of said hearing by causing a copy this week, attending the ministerial Chalmer Redfern and wife visited in anteed. of this order to be published in the REED CITY SANITARIUM. Dr. James M. Taggart, a leading citi­ St. Johus, Sunday. Clinton Independent, a newspaper printed and PIED CITY. MCCB. zen of Durand, and ooe of the earliest association circulated in said county or Clinton for three Mrs. Geo Weale has entertained her MissKitte Vaughn and Ivah Ilubbel successive weeks previous to said dsy of hearing. graduates from Michigan University, were in Grand Rapids, Wednesday. CHARLES M. MERRILL, Dr Spinney Will Be At died Sunday, aged 62 years. cousin. Miss Carrie Carch, of Ovid, for (A true copy.) Judge ol Probat *, the past week. Harry Jones has gone to Mount Mar­ N. 1. Daniells, of Wacousta, celebrat­ ias, U. P., in the interest of a new posi­ The Racket. Steel Hotel’ Friday, May 13 ed his 90th birthday Wednesday, May 4. A number of people from here attend­ tion. Only a few of his immediate relatives ed the funeral of Uncle Tommy Craven, ORTGAGE 8ALE —Default having been ONE DAY ONLY. in Elsie, Tuesday. Elmer McCracken has moved bis M made In tbe conditions of a certain mort- were present on the occasion. family on the Coomer farm South of We are still here aud doing busi­ age, executed by John W. Groom to Giles J. The latest Michigan crop report Miss Nellie Seeley is in St. Louis, ness at the old stand, and we mean ibbs, dated May 1st, 1893, and recorded In the helping to care for her uncle, James town. 8office of the Register of Deeds for the County shows wheat in excellent condition, Mis. llinkley, who has been visiting at to stay. We have a nice stock of of Clinton, State of Michigan, on May 1st, 1893, Dr. F. B. Monroe, ranging from 92 to 98, an average of 12 Goldsmith, who is sick. Mm. Bertha Redfern’s, returned to her In liber 83 of mortgages, on page 167, on which WILL feE AT per cent, higher than in 1897. Mrs. William Dennis, of Ovid, and bright new goods and matchless mortgage there is claimed to be due at the date home Sunday. bargains at prices in reach of all. of this notice, $540.00, principal and interest, But forty-six students at theM. A. C. Miss Gertrude Faxon, of Owosso, visit­ Charles Warner has moved his furni­ and $20.0u, the amount of taxes paid on the Steel Hotel, Wed., May 25. have expressed a willingness to volun­ ed O. M. Pearl’s last Sunday. ture stock to the building next to his We have a nice line of trunks and mortgage herein described, besides an Fred. L. E. Wilcox, of Duplain, and telescopes. A full line of tin and attorney fee of $25.00 stipulated in said teer, ana they will not furnish an entire residence, prepared for that purpose. mortgage to be paid, should any pro ­ company, as at first proposed. Lillie E. Chapman, of Bengal, were ranite ware at very low prices. We ceedings be taken to foreclose said mort ­ The Local News, a four column, four married at the bride’s home oh Wednes­ The Durand Land Company. gage; day evening at 8 o ’clock. gave a nice line of lace curtains, cur­ or in < page paper, home print, published by The annual meeting of the stock ­ tain poles, window shades, ladies' any i . ___ __ Thomas E. Jackson, formerly of the We are pleased to hear that Miss Ma­ holders of the Durand Land Companv therefore, by virtue of the power of sale con ­ Tribune, has made its appearance at mie McDowell, one of Duplain's former shirt waists and underwear, ladies' or tained in said mortgage, and of the statute In teachers, has been employed to teach in was held Wednesday, May 4 in the such case made and provided, notice is hereby Muir. office of the Durand Land Co. A large gents' linen collars and cuffs, gents' given that on the Ot» day of August, 1898, at At the annual tax sales in the several the Ovid schools next year. amount of important business was tine laundered shirts ill the latest one o'clock in the afternoon, at the west front counties there was a marked diminu­ Last Monday being the 79th birthday transacted. An ajourned meeting will style. We have a nice line of nicely door of the cou> t house for Clinton County, in of Mrs. Susan Birmingham, about fifty Michigan, in the village of St. Johns. In said tion in the number of bidders, recent be held the first Wednesday in June. made ladies’ wrappers. Do not buy county, there will be sold at public vendue, to decisions having discouraged tax title of her friends, who bad been previously Those in attendance were: Porter K, tbe highest bidder, the premises described in sharks. invited by Dora, gathered at her home Perrin, J. W. Fitzgerald, O. W. Mun- until you have seen the Perfection. said mortgage, viz : Lot 25, block l.also lot 27, and spent a very pleasant afternoon. We have a small line of hardware, in Gibbs addition in the village of St. Johns, J. B. Alexander, of fake horse buying er, Geo. F. Marvin, J. E. Littell, O. B. Countv of Clinton, Stateof Michigan. Dated fame, took the short end of his entan­ After partaking of refreshments, which wain, Edward Brown. John C. Dool- galvanized pails and wash tubs, and May 5th, 1898. glements by pleading guilty to the Ionia bad been prepared “on the sly, ” the ing, St. Johns; J. M. Fitch, L. L. Conn, we have the cheapest and best line GILES J. GIBBS, Mortgagee. county charge. He was sentenced to company withdrew, leaving with Grand­ Durand; E. C. Cummings, Carson City. H. J. Patterson , Attorney for Mortgagee. Ionia Prison for three years. ma Birmingham their very best wishes, —Durand Express. of whips in the county. We can J. J. Noyes ’ three egg wagons made and a large number of useful gifts. save you money on every purchase, TATE OF MICHIGAN.—The Circuit Court for Mrs. Hannah Smith died at her home Quarterly Meeting. the County of Clinton. Benjamin F. Schofield quite a procession Tuesday night, as no matter how small. Call und get Svs, J. C. Conley, whose full name is John C. Con ­ they came down the street, loaded down in Duplain last Friday evening. She The third quarterly meeting of the our prices before buying elsewhere. ley, In attachment. with between three and four thousand has lived here since girlhood, ana leaves St. Johns and South Ovid Circuit, will Thanking you for your liberal pat­ Notice is hereby given that on the 5th day of dozen of eggs. —Grand Ledge Republi ­ a host of friends, besides a husband, April 1898, a writ of attachment was duly issued be held iu the South Ovid Free Metho ­ ronage in the past, we remain, out of the Circuit Court for the County of Clinton can. three sons —Earl, Lemuel and Dwight — dist Church May 13-15, by Rev. W. W. st the su t of Benjamin F. Schofield, the above Ed. Shay, of Bath township, has trad­ and one brother, Earl Wilcox, all of this Hoyt, District Elder. All are cordially named plaintiff, against the lauds, tenements, Y REASON OF REPEATED REQUE8T8 1 place. Funeral services were held at invited. Yours for trade, goods snd chattels, moneys snd effects of said J.C B have decided to visit 8t. Johns once in five ed 80 acres of land in Northern Michigan the house Sunday, at 2 o'clock, conduct ­ Conley, whose full name is John C. Conley, the weeks, and will be at the private parlor of The for two sets of double harness, one light 29 2w J. D. Bennett , Pastor. • defendant above named, foi the sum ot one hun­ 8teel Hotel, where I can be consulted free upon all and one heavv. Frank St. Clair now ed by Elder R. R. Cook, assisted by dred and forty-two and (0-100 dollars, which said cases. Everything confidential. All are requested owns an 80 he has never seen.—Laings- Elder Norton. An immense crowd S. M. Geary, Pierson, Mich, writes: writ was returnable on the 25th day of April, 1898. to bring two ounces of urine. Charges moderate, gathered to pay their last respects to The Racket, Dated this 2nd day of May. 1898. and no Incurable cases taken. I always make dis­ burg News. the departed, and about fifty teams fol ­ “Dewitt’s Witch Hazel Salve is cur­ EDWIN H. LYON, eases of women and children a specialty, also One effect of the present war, if it ing more piles here to-day than all the WILL HALL, Prop ’r. (28-6t) Attorney for Plaintiff. chronic diseases. I have disposed of my local busi­ lowed the remains to their fast resting others remedies combined. It cure ness iu order to take tbe road, expressly for the should continue into the planting sea­ lace in the Duplain cemetery. The benefit of chronic sufferere. Come and see me. It son, will be a largely increased acreage eczema and all other skin diseases.” costs you nothing. All medicines furnished are Eereaved family have the sympathy of C. E. VanSickle. purely vegetable —roots, herbs and barks. Corres ­ of beans in this state. The bean is a the entire community. pondence solicited before my visit if possible. Ad­ popular army food, and the price has dress me at 448 Cue St., Toledo, Ohio. taken a jump since hostilities began, and REPORT or THE CONDITION will probably go still higher. Licensed to Wed. CA8E8 I CURE. Date. Name and Residence. Age. Dyspepsia, All Sexual Diseases, An official examination of the sources Rheumatism, Heart Disease, of Lansing ’s milk supply show a very May 4—Charles A. Covert. Ovid...... 21 Indigestion, Consumption in Its Lenora Hass, Ovid,...... - 24 Fits, Early Stages. bad state of affairs. Of the fourteen May 4—Theodore Bengal, Westphalia...... 22 The State Bank of St. Johns, Piles, Bronchitis, farms visited, not one was found in any Margaretha Kademacher, “ ...... 20 Neuralgia, 8ore Eyes, AT ST. JOHNS. MICH. degree of cleanliness, and the majority May 4—Theodore N. Hengrbach Westphalia, 23 Pure Drugs. All Nervous Diseases, Urinary Troubles, of them were filthy in the extreme. Mathilda Arens, Westphalia, ...... 21 At the close of business. May S, 1808. Costiveness, Lost Manhood, Fevers and Results, Kidney and Liver Stables, yards and surroundings were May 5—Karl E. Whitmore, Eagle ...... u...... 30 RESOURCES. Blood Diseases, Complaints, found reeking with disease-breeding Bertha Fleming, Onlda,...... 22 And all Chronic Diseases. filth. Loans and Discounts ...... $ By my new process through tbe blood I examine Circuit Court. Stocks, bonds, mortgages,etc... 48,804 7ft Skill. all diseases through tbe blood, treat all through Portland Observer: “ It is reported Overdrafts...... 1.577 03 the blood, an1 cure all I pronounce curable through to The Observer that there were well Geo. A. Lounabury vs. Ester C. Lounsbury. Banking House ...... the blood direct. Bill to set aide oonveyanoe. Hill dismissed. Furniture and Fixtures...... 2.500 00 DR. F. B. MONROE. beaten paths along the trout streams in Other real estate...... ft.624 88 this vicinity long before May 1st. If Due from Hank* In reserve eitiea...... 29.687 35 aa q. s. this is true there is no doubt but that 8. E. Parker, Sharon, Wis., writes: “I Checks and cash Items...... 2,033 26 Fair Prices. the fish law has been violated. . If fish have tried DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve Nickels snd cents...... 59 44 for itching piles and it always stops Gold coin ...... 8,*40 00 laws are good for anything they should Silver coin ...... 1,75s 00 be enforced or wiped out altogether and them in two minutes. I consider De- U. 8. and National Bank Notes ...... 2,887 00 * You’ll Regret It given the law-abiding citizen the same Witts Witch Hazel Salve the greatest M. chance to get a string of trout that the pile cure on the market.” Total ..$224,745 87 U. If you let the days go by with- violator takes himself, and gets all the m ,C^E. VanSickle. T out getting those photographs LIABILITIES. On this basis we solicit your prescriptions. We use but one grade taken which you have In mind. fish beside.” MERLK BEACH. sT Time brings changes Think Capital stock paid in...... $50,000 00 of Drugs —tfie best. In accuracy our work will please the most critical. 4. what may happen. 1 hare great Surplus fund...... 5,118 11 Our prices compare favorably with any, and are founded on years of care to obtain tbe most artlstlo Yellow Jaundice Cored. From Our Correspondent. Undivided profits less current expenses, d. «nd natural poses, and the ones Interest snd taxes paid...... ] 951 96 experience in the drug business. Your prescriptions will be perfectly Suffering humanity should be sup­ Merle Beach house is opened to the moat becoming to tbe subject. public. A large and commodious barn Commercial deposits subject to check.... 85,397 50 safe if intrusted to us. d. Besides this, my pictures have plied with every means possible for its Commercial certificates of deposit ...... 40,218 48 Have you seen our windows? If not, do not fail to take a look at a reputation tor fine retouching relief. It is with pleasure we publish recently built adds another desirable Savings deposits ...... 88,766 78 d. and superb mechanical finish. accommodation to the place ; room for them. the following: “ This is to certify that I Total "w1 I have b«en particularly suc- was a terrible sufferer from Yellow 75 horses, and has office and check room $224,746 87 jjjl cessful with children's pictures for baggage. etat«of Michigan, County of Clinton, ss I, J. Jaundice for over six months, and was W. Fltsgerald. cashier of the above named bank, treated by some of the best physicians The first dancing party of this season do solemnly swear that tbs above statement la true # Hand Cameras. in our city, and all to no avail. Dr. at Merle Beach will be given Thursday, to the best of my knowledge and belief j|| The season for Hand Cameras Bell, our druggist, recommended Elec­ May 19. First-class music will be in at­ J. W. FITZGERALD, ^ Is at hand. I can furnish any CHAS. W. LOUD, hit hand camera on tbe market at Cashier. tric Bitters; and after taking two bot ­ tendance. Bill for dancing, including Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11th day ^ the lowest prtoe. Also amateur tles. I was entirely cured. I now take care of horses, 60 cents ; refreshments of May, 1898, RODNEY A. BEEBE, uk supplies of ail kinds. great pleasure in recommending them extra. A cordial invitation to all. Notary Public. Opposite The Steel. DRUGGIST. to any person suffering from this terri­ Correct —Attest: JOHN H. CORBIT, * J. HAMILTON, ble malady. I am gratefully yours, M. The attendance at Alma College this PORTER K. PERKIN, ^|| The Up-to-Bate Photographer. A. Hogarty, Lexington, Ky. ’r Sold by ear exceeds that of last year by twenty GEO. F. MARVIN, Flldew A Millman, Druggists. Jve per cent. Directors. # ^ ^ ^ ^^1kH

i CLINTON INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1898. »ooo5^o6oo6oo6 ‘ooo6*6oo6ooo6oo6o so many corks. The tearing of steel, O, the splitting of timbers, even the Bad Eruptions of shrieks of the wounded could be plain­ ly heard following this awful noise. loros Broke Out and. Discharged O o- Dead bodies of men were seen flying :5 through the air, while the survivors But Hood'a Cured. The Battle of Manila. o: were noticed jumping from the decks. " My son had eruptions and sores on hia The Don Juan careened over to port, face which continued to grow worse in io . III s*. a I1Bo: righted ggaln and dipped . once more spite of medicines. The sores discharged and began to sink rapidly. Hardly a a great deal. A friend whose child had ig One of the Greatest Naval Battles of gj second's time elapsed between the been cured of a similar trouble by Hood ’s striking of the fatal shot and the ex­ Sarsaparilla advised me to try it. I began plosion, but It seemed to the watchers giving tbe boy this medicine and he was ;g Modern Times. § that it was five minutes. soon getting better. He kept on taking io ______■ _ . _ o The shot undoubtedly penetrated it until he was entirely cured and he has < and exploded the Don Juan’s maga ­ never been bothered with eruptions zines. The Americans bad an oppor ­ since.” MRS. Eva D oi .bearb , Horton, Ill. It was 4:25 p. m. Saturday, April 30, course known to the Yankee fleet. It tunity to see this, for at that moment HOOd’S SparMla wtiaa the American fleet passed Sublg was soon apparent, however, that two the dense clouds of smoke had settled lay, which is on the China sea, and more Spanish cruisers were close at in the direction of the Spanish line, •round Mariveles peninsula from M&* hand and there was other shipping, not while the American ships were com­ America’s Greatest Medicine. $1; six for gs. ■n« and Manila bay, and steered di­ clearly distinguished, near by. paratively free. The vice consul ’s re­ THE CRUISER OLYMPIA, CA PT. DEWET’S FLAGSHIP. Prepared only by C. I. Bood & Co., Lowell, Mass. rectly for the entrance to the mouth It was plain that the Spanish ad­ port says: “The notoriously bad Hnn/i’c Pi lie are the best after-dinner af the latter. miral was taken entirely by surprise. marksmanship vt the Spaniards was IIUOU » rills pills, aid digestion. 28 c. Aa It drew near the entrance the Hia fleet was ready, but he did not ex­ apparent from the starv The fleet was Sp&nPih Aset, and it may be said to disabled that they retired slowly and have determined the whole battle, for If Eve hadn’t been forbidden to eat slackened speed, for it was then pect the Americans to enter the bay. managed with daring and skr -----n the torpedoes! Go ahead.” firing the first shot. The effect wss ment officials claimed that these ves­ strong. A11 drugglala. 50c. or tl. Cure guaran ­ All this time the vessels proceeded teed. Booklet and sample free. Address not noticed, for the battle began almost sels were sunk by Admiral Montejo to Sterling Remedy Co.. Chicago or New York. almost noiselessly on their way. When immediately afterward on both sides, j keep them from falling into the ene­ the fleet had rejoined, inside of the the Are of the Spanish fleet being aug* j my ’s hands, but the Americans deny No man can get rich loafing around bay. Commodore Dewey reformed his mented by that of the Cavite batteries. | this and say that they were sunk by stores and saloons. line in the following order: Under orders the American boats de­ shots from Dewey ’s fleet. The Cebu, a Educate Tour Bowela With Caacareta. ployed to the right and left until or ­ Spanish transport loaded with coal and Candy Cothartlc. cure constipation forever dered back for the formation and ad­ ammunition, was set on Are by Ameri­ 10c. 25c. If C. C. C. fall, druggists refund money. vance which finally destroyed the can shells and sank off Cavite. The A thirsty man will catch at a straw. Spanish fleet. Admiral Montejo direct­ Cavite batteries continued the fight for ed the movement of his fleet from the some time after the Are of the Spanish deck of the Reina Maria Christina dur­ ships slackened, but they, too, became er ing the early part of the fight, and silent about 9:30. A Spanish lieuten­ Established 1780. Commodore Dewey never left the ant, who was badly wounded on the Olympia until it was all over. Reina Mercedes and was landed near The Boston and Baltimore were !n i Cavite with a load of other victims, Baker’s The re-formation of the fleet took advance of the American line and the many of them dead or dying, said: roar of their guns was incessant. But some little time, but bo soon as this "The greatest naval battle of the world Was accomplished the flotilla proceed- presently the commodore ’s flagship occurred today. We were defeated, but Chocolate, ad with full steam on as though it were came up as though eeviou.* of the part no wonder when one considers the ■ailing in broad daylight in American the others were playing. Her n»!a heavy armament of the Yankee ships. battery of eight-inch guns was soon The Spanish navy was ignorant of the celebrated for more 3 waters. It was still dark at this time, than a century as a ^ lot presently the dawn began to break, thundering away while the cannon of j power of the fleet against which it was and the sun arose in all its oriental the Concord and Raleigh were making ! pitted. Our boats, many as they were, delicious, nutritious, '3' splendor. it interesting for the remainder of the were no match for the enemy, but the and flesh-forming The weather was calm and sultry and Spanish boats. The Petrel was not honor of Spain is intact.” beverage, has our <3> swer the waters of Manila bay a thick idle, nor was the McCulloch, which When Commodore Dewey found he well-known '3' dodged in and out among the fleet, laze, so common to early morning in SPAIN’S ASIATIC SQUADRON, ANNIHILATED BY AMERICAN FLEET, had his adversary at such a disad­ Yellow Label those parts, hung like a curtain, doing its work of dispatch boat. The UNDjSR CAPT. DEWEY IN MANILLA HARBOR, SUNDAY, MAY 1. vantage he detached the Baltimore, through which the rays of the coming noise of the bombardment was deafen­ Concord and Boston to a point nearly on the front of every ing on both sides, and the firing, con ­ opposite Cavite point with orders to package, and our day penetrated with dull but beautiful rapidly and Admiral Montejo and a <3 lues. Gradually, however, this lifted, sidering the dense smoke which soon They and their commanding officers shell the batteries there. Knowing trade-mark,“La Belle $ arose and obscured the fleets from each seemed unable to locate any of the few officers had barely time to untangle the danger of risking his boats even and the dim outlines of the hills in the a boat and pull off in it before his flag ­ Chocolatiere, ”on the 3* •elghborhood of Cavite were dlscern- other, was well nigh continuous, al­ American ships in time to deliver the at this advanced stage of victory too back. 3 though every shot was intended to broadsides where they intended. No ship, the finest Spanish boat in Asiatic near the stationary guns of the land fbie. Nothing whatever could be seen( waters, sank in the bay. He tried to mt the Spanish fleet, but the Americans count. The noise was plainly heard at sooner would a gun be sighted than battery, he instructed them to use the NONE OTHER OENUINE. Manila, each shot being easily , noted, the whole American squadron would reach the Reina Mercedes, but she was greatest caution in the undertaking, knew they were but a few minutes in so hot a corner that he had to go on MADE ONLY BV away from the greatest naval battle of although, of course, the result was not have seemed to change position, and for they had not only to face the Cavite known. the Spanish shots simply churned the board the nearest boat, which proved to guns, but those of Mount Manila, Par- WALTER BAKER & CO. Ltd ■M)dern times. The nerves of the offi ­ be the Isla de Cuba, a small and in­ cers and men on Dewey ’s fleet were Suddenly a Spanish ship, which water in the bay. Those shells which anque and Las Pinas, on the inland • Dorchester, Mass. „ proved afterward to be the Don Juan did take effect did so almost without ferior cruiser. It is said that a ma­ shore of Bakor bay, which overlooked %yed up to the strongest tension. Ev­ jority of the Reina Christina’s crew ery officer was at his post and every de Austria, ran down the Spanish line exception merely by chance, and it is that body of water as well as the Ca­ under a mistaken signal from the ad­ quite likely that some of them came were killed or drowned, but some of vite peninsula, and commanded a wide gunn^y behind his weapon, which he the men were picked up by the Spanish lad watci*cj for hours. The word had miral. It was struck at least three from the land batteries. When the sweep of Manila bay itself. He did times by the American shells, one of Spaniards heard the explosion of the fleet and the ship ’s exact loss in men not know the strength of those batter­ mone around, wa4 hy word of mouth, cannot now be ascertained. The flag­ it Try Grain=0! let by some subtle psyd&»?ogy: which was plainly seen to hit one of its Don Juan they gave shouts of Joy, ies, but he had the seaman's caution of “Remember the Maine! Remember guns, disabling it. It fired as it went, thinking it was one of the American ship burned fiercely during the rest of risking a fight with a land fortification. | Try Grain=0! the Maine," and into drawn faces there but a shot from an eight-pounder on fleet. but when the dull yellow smoke the fight, but sank before any explosion He had at the same time to beware of the Olympia struck the Spanish boat lifted and they saw their cruiser a total could occur. She is a total wreck. All the still stronger fortifications farther Ask you Grocer to-day to show you came that look which one sees only this had taken place within sixty min­ when man, stirred by strong and prim­ near the waterline. Watchers saw the wreck and the bay in its vicinity full up the shore, the particular defenses of a package of GltAIN-O, the new food itive emotions, determines to meet and Don Juan quiver as a horse does when of dead and wounded Spanish officers utes. There was not a gun on board Manila.- The Baltimore and Cqncord drink that takes the place of coffee. his enemy to the death. shot in battle. Then in a sudden ces­ they Bhrleked with agony and Montejo the American fleet which had not been stood down the bay for a mile or two The children may drink it without sation of firing on both sides, which is said to have lost his head and to used, and most of them had done exe­ and began a heavy cannouading upon injury as well as the adult. All who The breeze freshened up from off cution. Cavite and at 4:30 the enemy was in seemed almost for the purpose of have run up and down the deck al­ The Spanish cruiser Reina the Cavite batteries, lasting twenty- try it, like it. GRAIN-0 has that watchlug what followed, the Spanish ternately cursing the Yankees and the Mercedes was engaged by the Balti­ seven minutes. sight, ships as well as land batteries. more and Concord, the shells of which rich seal brown of Mocha or Java, Am near as could be determined at that cruiser exploded with a noise which Don Juan’s captain for his reckless­ did frightful damage to her, and she Their work was effective from the but it is made from pure grains, and fln* eight Spanish ships were in full made all the cannonading that had ness. start and the Spanish reply was short the most delicate stomaoh receives it but their Identity was not of gone before sound like the popping of The explosion unnerved the whole was obliged to retire behind the Span­ ish line. The Boston and Raleigh did and Ineffective. The cruisers ran la without distress, j the prioe of coffee. splendid quite close to the shore and the work 15 cents and 25 cents per package. work along with their sister of their gunners dismounted several ships. Spanish cannon and killed a large num­ Bold by all grocers The battery which had been rigged ber of men. The position of the Amer­ Tastes like Coffee up on the sunken Castilla fired a few Looks like Coffee shots at the enemy, but was quickly ican ships prevented the forts on the disabled by the American guns. The hills behind Bakor bay from keeping Insist that your grocer gives yon QRAIN-O up anything but a desultory fire, and Accept no imitation. Civile battery kept up a steady can­ even some of this was so badly man­ nonading upon the American fleet, but aged that it dropped into the Cavite many of its shots fell short and some battery. From the very first shot of came nearer to the Spanish boats than the battle Manila was in a panic. to the Americans. After the battle The stream of people who began to BAD had raged for an hour the American leave last week turned into a river and fleet retired by twos to the Nashan and that river into a flood, and when tfye Zaflro, where they recoaled, the re­ foreign office here last heard all was BREATH «I have Been using CASCABKTS and ae mainder of the fleet keeping up the confusion In the city and its suburbs. • mild and effective laxative they are Mtnplr won fight. None of Commodore Dewey ’s derfol. Mr daughter aud 1 were bothered with Also there was word that the insur­ slok itomaoh and our breath waa very bad. After fleet showed any apparent injury to the taking a few dooee of Caecareta we tare Improved gents had moved up to within fifteen wonderfully. They are a great help In tbe family Spanish fleet. They maneuvered with miles of the western gates. Wll.HIT.MIKA BACXL. as much ease as though they were list Blttenbouaa |t. Cincinnati. Ohio. merely going through a squadron evo­ I Ilia Sad Experience. CANDY lution in calm waters. Nearly all the w m. ^ CATHARTIC ^ Spanish fleet showed bad injuries, and "I bought a claim,” said the returned the loss of life among their sailors was K’cudlker, "where the nuggets were l«n turnn o*r> so great that the commanders moved said to be as plentiful as blackberries.” kwvwWwvvWvv “And they were not? ” "Well, yes, the ships with difficulty. The transfer THAOS MASK MSTSHfP of Montejo ’s flag to the Isla de Cuba they were; but, you see, there are no was not noticed for some time, in the blackberries in that region. ”—Illustrat­ confusion and wreck of the Spanish ed London News. „ Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. DC fleet, ind it was nearly fifteen minutes Good, Never Slekea. Weaken, or Grlpa. 10c. 2&o. 50c. before he made his boats understand A Good Indication .. CURB CONSTIPATION. ... where their admiral was and what he Junior Partner—"Do you think the ItorMag ItaMi C.ep.iy, fUnge, SMlmt, In Verb. SIS wanted them to do. Then there was a new office boy is trustworthy? ” Senior lOfOBAC gleu to 4(ffi W%Sbaooo*iabit? cessation of really hard fighting for Partner—"I’m sure of it. I've noticed about twenty minutes, when the Amer­ that when be hasn't anything to do he ican fleet re-formed its line and began never pretends to be busy. ”—Puck. once more. This time the Isla de Min­ danao. a converted cruiser, and the The majority of tbe world ’s idols MANILA. BAT, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, IN WHICH THE NAVAL BATTLE BETWEEN THE RESPECTIVE will be shattered at thw oack of doom. ASIATIC BQtJADftftM* OF SPAIN ANN TUB UNITED STATES TOOK PLACE OTHMk* MOPJIIKJ, MAY L Don Antonio de Ulloa were so badly ?! uvi /fcv&itii'i%ixt ‘M


A CHEERFUL WOMAN. TO TAKE PORTO RICO. THE DAWN OF WOMANHOOD. HOW IT SPREADS. From The Democrat, Brasil, Indiana Every woman cannot Le beautiful but • Sampson's Largest Vessel* Ball for That cheerful face often supplies the deficient Purpose. •ople all owr Michigan Talking About It. B&mest Words From Mrs. Plnkham tc^Mothers Who Have Daughten^ But no one can be cheerful and bring jov Spain ’s Atlantia fleet is not to be al­ others unless they have perfect health. Ftz The Reigning Spanish Dynasty Ap­ How it spreads. lowed to reach Porto Rico or to ap­ and a Letter From Mrs. Dunmore, of Somerville, Maes. Can’t keep a Wood thing ” down. tunateiy. science has placed this pricelc boon witnin the reach of every woman as parently Doomed. proach the coast of the United States. Ever notice how “good things ” are the following incident proves: Rear Admiral Sampson has perfected mitated? Mrs. Amanda Robinson, wife of William plans for meeting the enemy on the The advent of womanhood is fraught with dangers which even careful Better the article, more imitators. Robinson, farmer and stockman, near REVOLUTION IS THREATENED. Howesvills. Clav County, Ind.. is thirty- high seas and giving battle at a time mothers too often neglect. Fortunately the public * has a safe­ two years old and had for several years been and place of his own choosing. The One of the dangers to a young woman is belated guard. in declining health and despondent. For Martial Daw Proclaimed in Madrid —Sen­ large fighters of Sampson ’s squadron, menstruation. “ The lily droops on its stem and dies Praise can’t be imitated. three months she was not only unable to sational Utterances in the Cortes— attend to her domestic duties but too feeble the New York, Indiana, Iowa, Puritan before its beauty is unfolded; ” or she may have ca­ And true praise takes root and spreads. to be up and about. To-day she is in good Riots In the Province*—Queen Regent and Mayflower were withdrawn from tered into the perfection of womanhood Claim is one thing, proof is another health and able to attend to her household May Abdicate to Save the Throne. the Cuban blockading fleet and coaled with little apparent inconvenience or Claim is what the manufacturer says. affairs. 8he relates her experience as fol­ up heavilj? at Key West, after which disorder of health. But suddenly tbs Proof is what the people say. lows: “I was afflicted with female troubles and All Spain is in an uproar and revolu ­ they sailed eastward at full speed, ap­ menses entirely cease. Everywhere in Michigan people say was in a delicate state of health. I lost my tion is in the air. The people are de­ parently for Porto Rico, either to de­ Mother, puberic malady is taking Doan's Kidney Pills cure sick kidneys. appetite, grew thin and was greatly de­ fying tl^ troops and the royal family stroy or to occupy the coaling station hold of your daughter, and quids Cure all kidney ills. pressed. After taking various remedies without being benefited I was induced by a is on the point of flight. The mobs as a naval*base before the Spanish consumption may follow ! Take ia W. S. Kilmer, Passenger Engineer, on friend to try Dr. Williams ’ Pink Pills. cry “Down with Moret and Bermejo. ” squadron arrives, and then put to sea stant steps to produce regular men­ the M. C. Ry., residing at 214 Orange “Early in The Weylerite leaders are discussing street, Jackson, Mich., says: “In 1895 I the summer and try to engage the Cape Verde fleet. struation. had considerable trouble with my kid­ of 1897 I pro ­ ways and means for bringing the Cuban Meanwhile the smaller vessels of the Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Can- neys from the result of a severe cold cured five butcher into power. Surprise, disap­ North Atlantic squadron are ample to pound is certain to assist nature to per­ which settled there and though I tried boxes of them pointment and indignation have been maintain the blockade. Capt. Converse form her regular duties, procure it at every means at hand and treated with and before ^ ct caused at Madrid by the tremendous of the Montgomery will direct them. once; there are volumes of testimony froas finishing the r doctors the pains through the small of second box 1» destruction done by the American Sampsi n’s warships sailed prepared grateful mothers who have had thehr my back became more persistent and began to fleet at Manila. Owing to the ex­ for an unusually long cruise. Their daughters ’ health restored by its use. severe. To add to my troubles the kid­ prove and by cited condition of the populace martial magazines are overflowing with am­ If personal advice is desired, write ney secretions were unnatural and ir­ the time 1 bad law has been proclaimed at Madrid. regular. At last I was obliged to lay taken the five munition. They will be in fit condi ­ quickly to Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mam. off work. When at home gev.;=g no boxes I was In the Spanish parliament the wild­ tion to round up the Cape Verde fleet It will be given you without charge, and better under the treatment I was then able to go est excitement of 20 years reigned. next week if it be that the Spanish it will be the advice of abundant experi ­ aboutt my There were scandalous scenes while taking, some one advised me to use usual work A Priceless Boon. warships are coming to Porto Rico at ence and success. Doan ’s Kidney Piils and I procured a and stepped taking the pills. Premier Sagasta wa^peaking, the Re­ all. It is reported that on the way to Read the following from Mrs. C harlbs bog more out of curiosity than from “Our daughter Anna, twelve years old, publicans and Carlists hurling insult­ Porto Rico Admiral Sampson will stop D unmore , 102 Fremont St., Winter Hill. any expectation that they might help was also afflicted with decline and debility. ing and abominable epithets at him. Matanzas and Santiago de Cuba. It is Somerville, Mass.; me. Now, I want this thoroughly un­ She lost flesh, seemed to be bloodless and Senor Salmeron criticised the action of derstood, when I finished the box I had no ambition. She took two boxes of the believed that any repairs to the fortifi ­ “I was in pain day and night; my doctor pills and they restored her appetite, aided the crown in the crisis and declared cations at Matanzas which j,he Span­ did not seem to help me. I could not seem to went back to work without a pain or digestion and brought color to her cheeks. that the monarchical government was an ache. But to make matters doubly She is now in the tost of health. I think iards have made since the recent bom­ find any relief until I took Lydia E. Pinkham'a certain I took a second box. Since Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People the solely responsible for the present situ­ bardment will be knocked to pieces. Vegetable Compound. I had inflammation of the womb, a bearing-down pain, that time and that is three years ago, best medicine we ever had in onr family and ation. He said, “We expend millions Then the fleet may go around to San­ and the whites very badly. The pain was so intense that I could not sleep a4 I have neither had an ache nor a pain. recommend them to all needing a remedy to maintain the monarchy, but have tiago on the outskirts of which Garcia night. I took Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound for a few months, for toning up and rebuilding a shattered not enough to buy ironclads. Whoever Is it any wonder that at this date, 1898, system. ” is pressing, and destroyed the fortifica ­ and am now all right. Before that I took morphine pills for my pains; that was I recommend Doan's Kidney Pills. will destroy the existing regime will tions there. After that the warships Doan ’s Kidney Pills for sale by all No discovery of modern times has proved a great mistake, for the relief was only momentary and the effect vile. I am such a blessing to women as Dr. Williams’ be a great patriot. ” are expected to pick up the Oregon, so thankful to be relieved of my sufferings, for the pains I had were something: dealers. Price 50 cents. Mailed by Pink Pills for Pale People. They restore Rioting and bloodshed are reported Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Sole strength and health to exhausted women the Marietta and the Nichtheroy (now terrible.” agents for the U. S. Remember the when every effort of the physician proves at Seville, Barcelona and Valencia. named Buffalo), which are on their name Doan's and take no substitute. unavailing. These vegetable pills are There is the most intense excitement way from Rio Janeiro, and go back to Lydia B.Plnkbam'sYesetableComponnd ; a Woman ’s Remedy for Woman ’s ins everywhere recognised as a specific for dis­ throughout the kingdom and a revolu ­ Porto Rico, the taking of which is now eases of the blood and nerves. If the saloons were open on election tion is imminent. Madrid is an armed considered a military necessity. day it might be possible to poll a full camp and the queen regent and the boy Silence iz alwuss safe, and iz fre­ king have completed all preparations Miles Commands Insurgent Army. vote. quently the smartest thing we kan say. IRONING MADE —.Tosh Billings. for flight. While the Carlists are ac­ It is asserted that Gen. Miles is now War with Spain. tive, it is believed, nevertheless, that practically in command of the insur­ As war with Spain has broken out Repentance is the shortest road out the dictatorship of Weyler may be the gent army in Cuba. The Washington EASY. of sin, but the last which most people outcome of the crisis. During the dem­ the officials seem to think that all take. government is now in close touch with that will be needed is worships, tor ­ onstrations at Madrid the soldiery at and has established communication HAS MANY IMITATORS, BUT NO EQUAL. the barracks were only prevented from pedo boats and other instruments of The Baldwin Locomotive works, of with three army corps commanders of destruction. Bat really what will be joining the mob by personal pleadings the insurgent forces. Every move Philadelphia, Pa., have recently deliv­ of the officers. Many officers mingled on needed more than anything else is a ered to the Baltimore and Ohio Rail­ made by Gens. Gomez, Garcia and Rod- scientific principrii ­ good supply of "6 DROPS” (manufac­ with the mob inciting them to attack eriguez is on the advice of Gen. Miles. This Starch tured by the Swanson Rheumatic Cure road company the last of the large or ­ the residences of ministers. The re­ ples, by men who have had years of der of locomotives placed last fall,. Through war maps of Cuba our own Co., 167 Dearborn street. Chicago Ill.), publicans were even more busy than commanders know the whole of Cuba experience in fancy laundering. It to knock out the Rheumatism which is This delivery included twenty heavy the officers in urging on the crowd and better than any officers in Blanco ’s restores old linen and summer dresses sure to grip our soldiers and sailors In engines, which are now being broken shouting “Down with the queen re­ army. There has been a concentration to their natural whiteness and imparts the miasmatic climate of Cuba and In for service between Cumberland gent. ” More than once they led the a beautiful and lasting finish. The and Baltimore. These locomotives are of troops in accordance with orders the surrounding islands, where the mob toward the royal palace but each from Gen. Miles. The Cuban army is only starch that is perfectly harmless. war will be waged. The truth is that of the same style that the motive pow ­ time the police drove them back. divided into three divisions —the army ONE roUNO OF THIS STARCH WILL 00 Contains no arsenic, alum or other In­ something to heal and cure is precise­ er department adopted as the standard The outbreaks in the provinces are of the east, under Garcia; the army of AS FAR AS A ROUNO ANO A HALF ly what is needed right now in the for the first and second divisions. They assuming alarming proportions. Es­ OF ANY OTHER STARCH. jurious substance. Can be nsed even the west, under Roderiguez, and the for a baby powder. desolated "Queen of the Antilles.” are of the Consolidation type, with 21x pecially in the province of tiijon, on the army of the center, under Gomez. J.C.HUBINGER BROS’C?^ 26-inch cylinders, and the average load Those 200,000 reconcentradoa reported Bay of Biscay, where troops have been Garcia and Roderiguez have the larg ­ tKaKUKJOWA. NEWHMEN.CONN.ig ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT AND TAKE NO OTHER. sick and dying by hundreds need pro­ that they pull approximates 1,800 tons: compelled to fire on the rioters “in self- est number of mep. Gomez is near the visions, it is troe, but they need good Don ’t bet with your wife, unless you are pre­ defense,” the artillery has been ordered coast, cutting off food supplies of thog medicines fully as much. If Miss Bar­ pared to lose, whether you win or not. out and a state of siege declared. Mar­ Spaniards and rounding up cattle ton, the good lady who has charge of tial law has been proclaimed through ­ for future use. He has named his the Red Cross relief work, was sup­ Beauty Is Blood Deep. out the province of Valencia. Rioters place to meet the force now massing in plied with “6 DROPS” sho could, by Clean blood means a clean skin. No at Talavera have' committed serious the United States. He will cover the Worth Double the Price of the Best their agency, sive many a sick Cu­ beauty without it Cascarets, Candy Cathar­ tic cleans youf blood and keeps It clean, by disorders. They burned railroad cars landing on the land and the gunboats ban. These miraculous “6 DROPS” stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im­ and set fire to several private houses. will attend to it on the sea. The men Chain Bicycle. conquer many of the worst diseases purities from the body. Begin today to They then trigd to break into prison who know where that landing will be that afflict ailing humanity, such as banish pimples, bolls, blotches, blackheads, and release tKfe convicts. Riots have made are Gens. Miles, Shatter and Rheumatism, Neuralgia, the excruciat­ and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets—beauty for ten cents. All drug ­ occurred at C'aceros. The miners Nunez, in addition to Gomez and the Bevel-Gear ing Sciatica and the other diseases for gists. satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 85c, 50c around Oviedo have struck and rein­ authorities at Washington. Two de­ which it is recommended. The War forcement of troops has been hurried pots of supply will perhaps be estab­ Department should see that there is Why is it so few women like to give the name to Oviedo. A renewal of the rioting at lished, one for the purpose of arming Chainless Bicycles an abundant supply of "6 DROPS” in of their dressmaker to their friends? Gijon is feared. the medicine chests. the Cubans, the other for a base of sup­ Makes Hill Climbing Easy. The plan by which Messrs. Grimes ft Vienna dispatches state that the res­ plies for the United States troops. One ignation of the regency by Queen Maria Worthington (whose adv. appears in this landing may serve for both. Arms for That is the verdict of those who have ridden them. Call on almost Love is the chief bond of human sym­ issue) are placing high-grade wheels with­ Christina is being seriously considered the Cubans will also go to Garcia. He pathy —riding a bicycle is next. . out cash is worthy of everybody ’s consid ­ by the members of the imperial family is in the far east, keeping Santiago de any Columbic dealer and try one. It won’t coat you anything. eration who wants a wheel. They are re­ of Austria with a view of averting an Scratch, scratch, scratch; unable to liable.—Pobs . Cuba in terror. • attend business during the day or sleep anti-dynastic movement and saving the We continue to make the best chain wheels in the world. A man often goes into mourning for his wife throne to the young king of Spain. An NOTES ON THE WAR SITUATION during the night. Itching piles, hor ­ by dyeing bis white whiskers black. rible plague. Doan's Ointment cures. exchange of ideas on the subject is go ­ We use the same material and the same care in building Col ­ Never fails. At any drugstore, 50 cents. ing on between the queen regent and Wm. Astor Chanler, the well-known Hall ’s Catarrh Cure millionaire, has departed from New umbia Chain Wheels that we do with the Chainless. Is taken internally. Price, 75c. her Austrian family. It is generi£ly The best of us owe more to chance believed at Vienna, however, that the York with three companions with the Columbia Chain ...... $7*. than we are willing to admit. avowed intention of joining the forces If a man trusts to luck for his happiness he Spanish dynasty is nearing the end. Hartford Bicyelos,...... will be in luck when he gets It. A special dispatch from Brussels says of Gen. Gomez and fighting Spaniards. Coughs and colds, down to the very a high Spanish diplomat there declares Martial law has been proclaimed in Vodotto Bicyelos, ...... Con cough Balsam borderland of consumption, yield to loth* oldntuil boot. It will break up a cold quick*! that Spain is practically in a state of Porto Rico, and it is being enforced in Machines and Prices Guaranteed. the soothing, healing influences of Dr. than anything elae. It ia alwajr* reliable. Try It. revolution. The end of the regency a tyrannical manner. Crowds of peo ­ Wood ’s Norway Pine Syrup. has begun. ple are leaving for the interior, and If justice was really blind she wouldn't be the capital is almost deserted by the POPE NIFG. CO., Hartford, Conn. Punctuality, honesty and brevity are able to wink at her favorites. Honor for Dewey and HU Men. The President and congress, in be­ civilian population. The military au­ the watchwords of life. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup For children tcethtng.aoftcns the trum*. red urea inflam­ half of the American people, have paid thorities are most actively engaged in Two million Americans suffer the mation, allays pain, cures wind colic. 25 cents a bottle. a fitting tribute to the heroism of Com ­ preparing for the defense of the island. Americans are without protection and torturing pangs of dyspepsia. No need Don ’t raise your hand against your husband— modore Dewey and his officers and men, to. Burdock Blood Bitters cures. At broomhandles are plenty. for the magnificent and unparalleled in danger. Food prices are rising fast. WEHAVENO AGENTS any drug store. victory in Manila bay. President Mc­ bat havt iold direct to the oon No-To-Bse for Fifty Cents. Kinley sent a message to congress set­ THE MARKETS. tamer for 25 yean at wbolt- Guaranteed tobacco habit eure, makes weak eale prioet. earnur him the It makes some men “nutty ” to be ting forth the principal facts relating dealer'! profit*. Ship aoj asked to “shell out. ” men strong, blood pure. 50c. II. A11 druggists. LIVE STOCK. when for examination. to the achievement and recommended Ererjthinx warranted. An opportunity to do good Is a chance to New York— Cattle Sheep Lambs Hogs 118 itjln of Vehicles, please God. that a vote of thanks be extended by Best grades. . .85 00®5 50 81 75 86 50 84 &) 55 (trie* of UtruMt. Impossible to foresee an accident. congress to Commodore Dewey and the Lower gtades ..85 ;@4 75 3 50 4 85 4 25 Top Bantier fV, to f70 Not impossible to be prepared for it. Barrera, f50 to 1125. Carria- Dr. Thomas ’ Eclectric Oil —M A* good bs Mila for |S6. CmUJogue of all onr stjlec. chad*, apron and faoddra, foo. At good as mUs tor fM. out a dissenting voice the Senate Detroit— Unless the ghost walks the business God reigns la the heart that will not har’oor agreed to a resolution carrying into ef­ Best grades.... 4 25 3475 4 25 4 75 4 05 ELKHART Alto HAKHEM MFG. OO. W. B. PKATT. See’r. KLKHAKT, IXB. cannot run. hate. fect the recommendpGon of the Presi­ Lower grades .. 3 0J ii4 00 3 85 4 85 8 85 dent. A bill was then presented in­ Buffalo — Brown's Teething Cordial makes good babies jaLt grades. ...4 no@l 40 4 85 4 90 4 30 “THE POT CALLED THE KETTLE BLACK.” To Care Constipation Forever, out of cross babies. creasing the number of rear admirals C3?.er grades. 88>a3 85 3 50 4 25 4 10 Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c. in the aavy from six to seven, in Cleveland— BECAUSE THE HOUSEWIFE DIDN’T USE If C. C. C. fall to cure, druggists refund money. Jlllnon says that he has noticed that some order that the President might Best grades .... 4 00 44 25 4 00 4 60 4 15 men are a great deal like rivers. When their Lower grades.. 8 00 <8 85 3 00 4 00 8 95 Don ’t pattern after the busy little bee. It's heads are swelled you realize it from their nominate Commodore Dewey to the the other fellow that eats the honey. mouths. Cincinnati — highest position in the navy within his Best grades.... 4 40(44 75 4 00 4 75 4 15 gift, and that, too, was passed without Lower grades. .3 2>Oi 85 3 25 4 00 8 95 dissent. In addition a joint resolution Pittsburg— Best grades. ...4 75®) 15 4 25 4 9) 4 25 SAPOLIO was unanimously agreed to directing Lower grades ..35 >04 40 3 50 4 25 4 00 the secretary of the nuvy to present to UK AIN, ETC. When Answering Advertisements Kindly Commodore Dewey a sword of honor, Wheat. Corn, Oats, Mention This Paper. and to have struck, in commemoration No 2 red No 8 mix No 8 white A Cheap Farm of the battle of Manila, a bronze medal New York SI 4*®! 45 40.44054 3703754 Chicago 1 4.V&1 47 34031* 34 134 'ISZ'&li.VS I Thompson ’s Eye Wator. for each of the officers and men who ♦Detroit 1 31 1 33 36 33 32® 32 \ participated in the gallant fight. The nPODCV NEW DISCOVERY; «b** and a Good One. Toledo 1 3«)1 85 3.V&3. 34® 3 4 LtlWr I w I quick relief and cures wuret resolution appropriates 310,000 to en­ lean. Send for book of tentimnnialH and lO (lavs’ hr. Ayer ’s Cincinnati 1 |S®1 18 88 t8854 34^3454 treatment Free. Br. H.ll.UkkkirsHOSB. Atlanta, ue. Do you want a good farm, where yon is the name to remember when buying Sarsaparilla. Dr. able the secretary to carry its provis ­ Cleveland 1 3>JJ1 30 86 iS6 8203854 can work out doors In your shirt ions into effect. Plttshnrg 1 30(41 30 37® 37 32038 expelled sltve, bend guar ­ fcleeves for ten months in the year, and Ayer ’s Sarsaparilla has been curing people right along for anteed. 20-page pamphlet The llouse also promptly concurred Haffaln 1 8*01 3) 87 87 860% TAPE-WORM_ free. FBOFTB.FIELD where your stock can forage for itself nearly 60 years. That is why it is acknowledged to be the •Detroit —Hay. No 1 timothy, *175 per ton. A CO., 188 State Street, Chicago. all the year round? If so, write to P. in the President’s recommendation and Potatoes, 9t>c per bu. Live Poultry, turkeys, sovereign Sarsaparilla. It is the original and the standard. passed the bill creating an additional 10c per lb; chickens, 854: ducks. Sc. Bus, Sid Jones, Passenger Agent, Birming ­ The record of the remedy is without a rival,— a record that strictly fresh, 1U54C per doz. Butter, dairy, PENSIONS. PATENTS, CLAIMS. ham, Ala., or Dr. R. B. Crawford, Trav­ rear-admiral of the navy. 1454c per lb; creamery 18c 'JOHN W. MORRIS, WASHINGTON. 0. G is written in the blood of thousands, purified by its power. 1ms rnstl>*l Vremiaer ff. a. Nuke Boros*. eling Passenger Agent, 6 Rookery The monitor Puritan had a narrow I/ last war.Uadjudioaung elaiui».attjr mnee. Building, Chicago, Ill. “ I nursed a lady who was suffering from blood poisoning and must escape from being sent to the bottom The capture of the Spanish steamer Do you want to go down and look at have contracted the disease from ber; for I had four large sores, or ulcers, Argonata by the gunboat Nashville off Wanted In every by treachery off Matanzas. A watch­ WOMEN______I6ENTS ______«lty. snd state; some of the Garden Spots of this coun­ break out on my person. I doctored for a long time, both by external the southern coast of Cuba proves to smart women make from »U to 834 a week sell­ try? The Louisville A Nashville Rail­ application and with various blood medicines; but in spite of all that I ful turret boy discovered a man boring ing our corsets. Finest goods, largest commis ­ a hole in the bulkhead of the magazine. have been most valuable. The Argo ­ sions; express prepaid. Write us for descrip­ road provides the way and the oppor ­ could do, the sores would not bsal. At last I purchased six bottles of nata carried a Large quantity of am ­ tive catalogue. The Gilbert Maenfetter- tunity on the first and third Tuesday Ayer's Sarsaparilla, thinking I would givs it a thorough trial. Before the He had a bundle of waste saturated lag Cs„ New H area, Con*., Box 4»*. six bottles had been taken, the ulcers were healed, the skin sound and with turpentine wldch he intended to munition and arms besides important of each month, with excursions at mail for Gen. Blanco. Besides there only two dollars over one fare, for natural, and my health better than it had been for years. I have been ignite and throw into the magazine. HICH-CRADE round trip tickets. Write Mr. C. P. At- well ever since. I had rather have one bottle of Dr. J. C. Ayer ’s Sarsapa- The boy gave the alarm and the villain were on board a Spanish colonel —Col. ilia than three of any other kind.”—Mrs. A. F. Taylor , Englevale, N. Dak. Vicente de Cortijo, of the Third Span­ more, General Passenger Agent, Loula- was captured red-handed and was hur­ vllle, Ky.. for particulars. riedly placed in double irons and locked ish cavalry, with 19 other army officers Do you want to read about them be­ up, before the rest of the crew learned —and it now transpires that the colonel fore going? Then send 10 cents in sil­ Get Ayer ’s Sarsaparilla. is a brother-in-law of Lieut.-Gen. Val- Bicycle Free! of the attempt to blow them up. The Agent* wanted. Any man, woman or child can ver or postage stamps for a copy off fellow was Carlos Fernandez.a Spaniard erino Weyler, the famous “butcher,” have one. Send for catalogue, telling how to get It, “Garden Spots ” to Mr. Atmore. who has been in the navy four years. the former governor-general of Cuba. Inclosing 2-cent ttamp. Crime* A Worthington, He was courtmartialed and shot. His captors are immeasurably elated. V«3 Wabash. Ave., Chicago, IIL W.N.U.—DETROIT—NO.20—I8QS CLINTON INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1898.

DEWITT. KEW. LEHANON. bott of a son, who arrived Saturday, SOUTH ORAL. From Our Correspondent. May 7. The Independent. From Our Correspondent. From Our Correspondent. Lebanon Farmers’ Club held its May from Our Correapondent- Our citizen* are very enthusiastic Clyde Chadwick rides a new bicycle. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Coon are still over the war. among the sick ones. meeting lost Friday, at L. S. Scott ’s, and Mr. Cole has a tine new tool-shed. Chas. Wilkins *pent Suuday at laland as is its baDpy custom, a floe time was Herman Eike is painting M. 8 . Wares GEORGE 8 OOHBIT, Proprietor Mis* Olive AveriU has been ou the Lake. Orvers and Lydia Messer went to Ly ­ had by the large company present. Tbe ons Monday to visit their cousin , Mrs. house. PRANK K. DlWITT. ( Lrueea sick list for a few day*. next meeting^ will be held at Frank *. CLAIR STOCK. f Rev. Morse, of DeWitt, will preach Myrtle Burch. Miss Tows and Miss Dunlap ride new Tbe advance in the price of wheat i* at the Lenim school house next Sunday, Lamphere ’s, Friday, June 3. wheels. certainly encouraging for farmers. at 10 o ’clock. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Smith and Mr. aud Our quiet neighborhood was startled Mrs. Fernando Plggott attended Essex Mr. D. B. Ratiiburn is treating his -THI F. B. Jones and family, of Victor, Elmer Hause, of WilliamstoD, was a Monday of last week to And that L. W. barn to a fresh coat of paint. visited at Newton L. Webb s over Sun­ guest of his sister, Mrs. E. M. Chad­ Farmers’ Club last week. Travis and family had left for parts un­ day. wick, Saturday and Sunday. Tbe infant child of Mr. and Mrs. John known during the preceding night. It D. B. Rath burn aud son, Roy trans­ Miller H sick with scarlet fever. Dr. had been given out that he was to re­ acted business in Lansing, Monday. Clinton Go. Savings BanV Miss Alta Gunnison will teach tbe Mr. and Mrs. Adams and Mr. and Mrs. McPherson has charge of the case. Grove school in Watertown this sum­ Emery Jones, of Springport, were move to a farm near Carson, which now Charley Miller intends to move his ST. JOHNS. MICH. mer. 4 uests of Mr. aud Mrs. Rew over Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Herscbel Duffer are the appears to have been a hoax. It is sup­ saw-mill to Mr. John Spearbreaker ’s ay. happy parent* of a daughter, born Fri­ posed that they are making an overland farm. Deloss Preston is no better, and but S day, May 6, and Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Ab­ trip to New York, bis former home. slight hopes are entertained for bis re­ All members of tbe Olive Tent are Pays 8 Per Cent. Interest or Deposit*. covery. especially requested to come out to tbe Our Maroon Band will give a dancing regular review Saturday night, May 21, C^ i*h« Money on Approved Bonds and party at Masonic Hall May 20, 1898. as there will be special business to come Beal Estate Security. Bill, 60 cents. before tbe meeting. Miss Gerda Jaynes, of this place, is Jacob Kuhnle, last Thursday, was one of tbe class in Lansing high school ridiug on a load of wood. That a noth ­ Tie Penny Store OTI'ICSBS: to graduate m June. ing. But it was something whin he A. J. Ba LOU IK, Pres. P. E. Wsi-wokth , Ties, Fred. Tucker, Alphonso Smalley and fell off between the horses. Of course a. Pan MILL.. Vc-Pres. R. C. D kztkb Asst Ties George Gall are among those who will they ran away, and as a result. Jake As ever the people ’s friend. We ride new wheels this season. wears a badly skinned face, and feels a little sore from the shaken up. hear that expression every day, THE LOCAL MARKETS. Tbe Sunday school convention was largely attended at the First M. E. Mrs Boron was initiated into the mys ­ and we will always try to merit church of DeWitton Sunday last. teries of the Lady Maccaheeism at a 8t. Johns , Mich.. May 11, IMS. special meeting Saturday night. After the good felling towards us by In plain, unvarnished terms; Toe following are tbe pncee paid in cash for The little folks of tbe village enjoyed tne regular meeting closed, the Ladies produce in this market: a May party, given by Guy and Helen being courteous and polite and If you wish to save money in Wheat, white. No. 1, flR». Dills, at their home on Saturday last. and Sir Nights joined in a lterary pro ­ “ red. No. 2. SI 40 gram, after which the ladies treated all give the greatest value for the the purchase of Clothing', Un­ Oats, 31®82c. A. House and James Richmond trans to fried-cakes, cake aud coffee. Clover 8eed tW.50. ported the pleasure steamer to be used money, and to prove to you Alslke. 14.00—S4.N). derwear, Neckwear, Hats Hay. *1.00 to S7.U0. on Round Lake from Pleasant Lake, that we are selling cheaper than Beans.*l.oo@*l or,. JackBon county, last week. One minute is not long, yet relief is any store in Clinton county, we and Caps, you have the oppor ­ Barley, 80. Tbe friends in this place of Rev. Chas. obtained in half that time by the use of Rye. 66. One Minute Cough Cure. It prevents tunity now of taking advantage Potatoes, ,[email protected]. Legal are very much surprised to learu will mention a few bargains. Onions, 00.(370. of nis resignation as pastor of the consumption aud quickly cures colds, Butter. 10.@n. Church of Our Father at Lansing. croup, bronchitis, pueumonia, la grippe, As expected of us, we keep of the Chattel Mortgage Sale still Kkk ». k &io - and all throat and lung troubles. ” Tallow. .0214. During his pastorate be has been with C. E. VanSickle. all such things as penny articles, on at No. 17 Clinton Ave.4, St. Corn. ear. Ml the people of this place very frequently, Lard, 6*. and made lasting friendships, which Laces, Pins, Needles, Pencils, Johns. Better goods or lower Hldea .07. will continue during the years to come. Pelu, .25<3*i 00 Tacks, Thimbles, Tablets, Hooks Beef, live 3.00(33.75 While it is with regret we must part prices were never before offered to Beef, dreased. 8.<*»©7.00. with a man of such noble and humane The Mercantile Co. ’s and Eyes and dozens of other Pork, live, *3 00(33.40. principles and sterling qualities of mind the people of Clinton county. Pork, dressed, *4 00(34.60. * Shoe Department* articles too numerous to men­ Veal Calf, llve.*4 5u©5.oo and character as Mr. Legal possessed Come and see. Veil Calfidressed, *5.50@400 for the uplifting and advancement of tion. But we will cite a few Fowls and Chickens, live. 4c mankind, we can do no better than to Fowls and Chickens dressed 7c®8c. bargains. Ducks, live, 6c; dreased,8c. thank him from the bottom of our Disturbed Oceae,live. 6c; dressed, 8c. hearts for the good be has accomplished i Turkeys, live, 8c; dressed, 10c. in our midst, and wish him and bis fam­ Wood, dry hard, *1.40; soft *1.00. ily health, happiness and prosperity in WEE SELL Wool —fine, unwashed, I3@lr> all the future years. Trade J. T. WEBBER, *• •• washed, 18(320. •• —coarse, unwashed, 16@10. Table Oil Cloth, first quality, per •* •• washed, 25. UNION HOME. Conditions yard ------13c The low Price Clothier. From Our Correspondent. Guaranteed all Linen Towels...10c WESTPHALIA. Miss Mary Howard spent Sunday at home. Make Ladies’ Fast Black Hose ______5c from Our Correspondent Mrs. Charles Corwin, of Bengal, vis­ Ladies’ Vests------5c llurrab for Old Glory ! ited her brother, Frank Harvey and 2-qt Dinner Pail...... 4c Charlie Goerge is working for Arens family, last week. Our Low 10-ql, Dairy Pail...... 8c & Co. The little son of C. fi. Stevens, who 10-qt Galvanized Pail------13c Ed. Arens, of Grand Rapids, is in has been very ill of late, is much better, Prices Large Cut Glass Pitcher...... 9c X)WU. and improving each day. 6 fine Glasses only ...... 10c * Simon Fetlewa, of Fowler, was in town Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith, of Ben­ Pretty Cut Glass Tea Set only.-30c Sunday. gal, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Still Lower. * House-cleaning is booming, so is the E. A. Smith, last Sunday. Curtain Poles and Fixtures com ­ * COOPER LEADS. £ price ot wheat. Union Home aid society meets Thurs­ plete------18j Plum and cherry trees give evidence day, May 19, at 1 p. m., with Mrs. J. T. A set of Cups aod Saucers------35c * * af a large yield. Thompson. All are invited. All Tan Shoes Reduced. A bargain Copper Bottom Tea * We Challenge Comparison With the “Big C" Bicycle. * The new sidewalk along Simon &Co ’s Milan Martin, of Bowling Green, O., Kettle------25c made a flying visit to bis parents, Mr. * itore, is completed. and Mrs. George Griffith, arriving Mon ­ 7-piece Water Set ■ —------25c DON’T forget that Cooper makes tbe BIO C and it la all right. Willie Arens, of Detroit, is out here No. 8 Galvanized Wash Boiler -74c * DON’T bur a ’’freak” of a wheel, that within a year will coat you more for re­ * day evening, and returning home Tues­ Ladies’ and Gentlemen's $4.00 pairs than It la worth. visiting his relatives. day evening. * DON’T forget to think of the buropa, brulaea. Injured pride and long walks home * Postmaster Locber was in St. Johns Recently J. Heibeck and daughter Tan Shoes marked down to $3.30. or to a repair ahop you will bare to take If you buy a defective wheel. an business Saturday. And to crown our many bar­ * DON’T buy a wheel that has been made iu a large factory, for the men there * Eflle were on their way home from Fow­ Ladies’ and Gentlemen's $3.50 work by tbe piece and (heir only object la to turn out, in a day, aa many Michael Spitzleyand Wm. Smith were ler with a horse and buggy. In trying gains we have a large lot of * as they can, giving no tbougbt or care as to bow long tbe wheel will hold * in Portland Saturday. to cross a bridge the horse became Tan Shoes marked down to $2 85. up under the rider. Their one thought is ‘‘How muon can I earn today? ” Nickle Copper Ware, such as DON’T forget that a wheel that must pass through dozens of bands before it Is * A little child of John Ilalfuer was frightened at a hole in the bridge, back­ i completed must be In some of Its parts slighted; especially when built In ed tbe rig, occupants and horse into the Ladies’ and Gentlemen's $3.00 Tea and Coffee Pots, Tea Ket­ * buried Sunday afternoon. Tan Shoes marked down to $2.35. large factories where all la hurry and bustle to turn out lots of work io a The paving in front of the hitching water, turning the buggy upside down, tles, all sizes, Nickel Trays and * day. with Miss Eflle lying face down in two DON’T be talked into taking up wltb a wheel built of poor parts when you can * posts has been commenced. Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s $2.50 Brushes that were slightly dam­ * have the BEST by getting a wheel made right here at home, every part Miss Bernet, a little daughter of John feet of water. She was extricated from GUARANTEED and put together with care and skill, making a perfect * her perilous situation as soon as possi­ Tan Shoes marked down to $2.00. aged by fire in our window, * wheel without flaw or fault. * $tump, rides a new tricycle. ble. They went to a house near by and 5 DON’T forget that this wheel Is GUARANTEED FOR ONE YEAR, and warranted Ladies’ Tan Vesting Top Ox­ to be perfect. * Mrs. Kosel, quite well known in this procured dry clothing, also a rig to take that we will sell at a great sac­ DON’T forget that this wheel is called "THE BIO C“ and Is made and sold at (Tillage, died Tuesday, May 10. them home, their buggy being badly de­ fords, good value at $2.50, during COOPER’S. J. B. Stone has finished his work for molished. this cut price sale only $2.00. rifice. Come in and see them DON’T let anyone tell you they have a better wheel than tho BIQ C. If they do * :be McCormick Harvesting Co. and 1,000 of other things we * tell you so and show you a wheel, bring It up to ray place and we will * D. S. Morrison, while taking tbe Children’s Tan Shoes reduced compare It with the BIG C part for part and you will see bow tbe two Arens & Co. have arranged their win- assessment of a resident in tbe south have no space to mention. * wheels show up togethor. THE BIG C LEADS AND CANNOT BE BEAT­ * >art of tbe township, left his horse in the same proportion. EN IN ANY WAY. lows in a pretty dress of bunting. DON’T forget to come in and examine It and also look over our other makes. The price of eggs has increased one litched near by. It became tired of Thanking the people for past- * DON’T forget that our repair shop Is still at tbe head. Try us. * cent, and that of butter decreased one waiting for the assessor, broke loose and favors and asking a continuance * * cent. started for home at break neck speed, Miss Augusta Arens, who was sick without further ceremony, arriving of the same, we remain as ever, * * home safely, minus the buggy. Now, Prices for COOPER MAKES THE BIG- C. * vith inflammation of the lungs, recent- the all absorbing thought in Dwight ’s the people ’s friend, * y, is steadily recovering. mind was, “ Must I walk home? ” But Desirable Shoes A very necessary rain shower refreshed his kind-hearted wife was much alarmed he oats and other crops Monday night. on seeing the horse come home without Jats, generally, look well. a driver. She immediately sent another Worth | CEO. D. COOPER. * #errine & Snyders ’ combined circus rig to meet her husband or ascertain his The Penny Store. ibowed iu our village Monday night. whereabouts. Thinking About ft************************* \s is always the case a good crowd umed out. OVID. g and Spain has been doing so much blowing ibout the would-be republic of Cuba; From the Register Union. Remembering. STATE OF MICHIGAN. OFFICE OF Hit it will be a republic itself after the The heavy rainfall thus far this seas­ ables are turned. on promises abundance of small fruit. Tbe following named parties were The outlook is bright for a good apple narried this week : Theo. Bengal and crop. Maggie Itademacher; Tho. Hengsbach Wm. Everest, who resides about six Mercantile ind Mathilda Arens. miles west of Ovid lost three lambs and Commissioner of Schools... Dr. Geo. J. Schaller, late of Mavbee, one wounded by dogs, Friday night. Monroe county, has located in West- Justice Hall adjusted the loss at $8 ihalia for the practice of medicine and Saturday. Co/s mrgery in partnership with Dr. Martin. The soldiers ’ lot in the cemetery has I 3r. Schaller is a German and a young been handsomely terraced and sodded. nan of good habits; faithful and atten- The loundation has been completed CLINTON COUNTY. ,ive to his duties. He is a graduate of and all is in readiness for the mounting Shoe St. Johns, Mich., April 27,. 1898. Michigan College of Medicine and Sur- of the guns. To The Director: fery, Detroit. We learn that Rev. D. D. Martin, of A pleasant surprise was given Mrs. St. Johns, in his sermon Sunday paid a The State Superintendent of Public Instruction has recently sent out to the School Directors of Michigan a cir­ \nthony Shafer Tuesday evening, the very high compliment to Mrs. Lettie cular in which attention is called to important matters that should come before the annual district meetings soon to be held >ccasion being her 56th birthday. The Nesbit, who has for some time past jompany spent the evening very enjoy- been the salaried chorister in that place. One of the questions to be disposed of at the next annual meeting relates to submitting the matter of free text ibly with games and general conversa- The choir furnished excellent music tfWWVVVWVWVVWVW' hooks to the voters. This is in compliance with the Act of tbe Legislature of 1897 making it the duty of school boards to ion. Cake and other refreshments, in- under her supervision, and the church put the question of the adoption of tree text books to the voters or electors of districts at the next annual meeting, as pro ­ iluding some healthy lager were passed, deeply regrets her leave. Vocalists of vided in Act 147 of the Session Laws of 1889. D all of which full justice was done, Ovid, as well as others, will gladly wel­ ifter the small hour of 1 »tid arrived come Mrs. Nesbit to our midst. It is plainly your duty to see that this question is properly presented at the next annual’meeting of your district, and ,bey all returned home, well pleased, and TO ARMS! TO ARMS! it is well for you to remember the following important points so that you may intelligently explain to the voters or electors visiting her many more suen happy re­ of your district just what the effect of their vote will be in disposing of the question. turns or the day. Mrs. Shafer was pre- OLIVE. lented with a handsome easel. Many thousands have responded to 1st. TO HAVE FREE TEXT BOOKS REQUIRES A MAJORITY VOTE OF ALL THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS From Our Correspondent. the call. War is now a reality. Prices A little story was overheard the other Saturday evening, Mav 14, the third OF THE DISTRICT. lay. It was told by some person on the and fourth degrees will be conferred. on many things are advancing every 2nd. NOT TO HAVE FREE TEXT BOOKS REQUIRES ONLY A MAJORITY VOTE OF THE QUALIFIED corner. It was something after this day, and it is to your interest to know manner: Minister to a lawyer : “Say, All that are entitled to these degrees ELECTORS PRESENT AND VOTING. Mr. Lawyer, don ’t you ever make a mis­ are requested to be present. where you can buy the best goods for News was received from Parker, S. the least money. I bought heavily be­ 3rd. NOT TO BECOME SUBJECT TO THE UNIFORM TEXT BOOK LAW PASSED BY THE LAST LEGIS take in making your plea?” Lawyer : D., last week, that S. H. Fancher, who LATURE (and to remain independent as you are at present) ALSO ONLY REQUIRES A MAJORITY VOTE OF THE ' Why, certainly I make mistakes when sustained terrible injuries by falling fore the raise in prices and am willing QUALIFIED ELECTORS PRESENT AND VOTING. I make my pleas. But I tell you how I sixteen feet from a bridge last De­ to give my patrons tbe benefit. Do not proceed when I do so. 1 just correct the cember, is dead. Mr. 1 anchor was be deceived by others who would take Thus you will see that if a majority of those present and voting, vote not to become subject to the uniform text book big mistakes and let tbe little ones go. formerly a resident of Oliye. law passed by the legislature, no change will be made in the present status of your school text book matters, and the selec Now Mr. Preacher, how is it with you ? Eighteen quilt blocks belonging to advantage of the times and get big pric­ tion of text books will remain as it now is in the hands of the school boards or electors of each school district. Do you never make a mistake when you the German M. E. Aid society of De­ es for their old stock. preach your sermons?” Minister: The law requires that the subject of free text books shall be votod upon. It is obvious, therefore, that your electors •Certainly 1 do. But I proceed in the Witt were lost between Mr. ltey s, in My goods are all fresh and will be sold Watertown, and Herman Deitztree s, at the lowest prices possible. Give me should first vote for or against free text books, remembering that it requires a majority vote of all the qualified electors of Bame manner as you do. I let the little in Olive; recently. The finder will the district to become alaw. mistakes go and correct the big ones. please leave the same at the DeWitt a call and get prices and you will be J ust last Sunday, in my sermon, I meant convinced that I mean business. to make the remark : 4 The devil is the postoffice. father of all liars!’ but I made tbe mis­ The Cuban question and political FARMERS, take and said : 4 The devil is the father issues sink into insignificance with the of all lawyers, ’ but the mistake was so man that suffers from piles. What he I want your butter and eggs and will small I let it go. ” Notwithstanding all most desires is relief. Dewitt’s Witch give you the highest market prices in In reply to those who have written to me for information and my opinion, I will state that I do not favor comhig of this I do not believe that statement Hazel Salve cures piles. .. under the provisions of the recently enacted Uniform Text Book Law, so called. It is a misnomer. It is called a Uniform to be true. C. E. VanSickle. cash or trade. Text Book Law, but it incorporates features that will produce a lack of uniformity, besides other conflicting elements which FRE8 H Vegetables and Fruits of would tend to make it burdensome and inoperative. To come under the provisions of the law would require the purchase Bucklin’s Arnica Salve. Cadillac will hold another street fair, all kinds always in stock. of a new set of tsxt books for each pupil of our schools, thus causing a needless expenditure of at least $10,000 for our The Beat Salve in tne world for Cota September 14-17. A prominent feat­ REMEMBER, that all dishes and entire county. ure will be the Grand Army reunion. Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever plant jars are to be closed out at cost. The Michigan School Moderator has the following upon this subject: Sore*, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblanes, 8. C. P. Jones, Milesburg. Pa., writes: “Certainly a district will be extremely foolish that permits itself to come under the provisions of the Uniformity Law Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi 441 have used DeWitt’s Little Early and be compelled to change its books before it shall know what the new books are to be, when by a vote It can keep out of Risers ever since they were introduced the net until after the books are adopted and tested, then if desired it may adopt the uniform plan. It may thus make lively enres Piles, or no pay required. ♦ here and must say I have never used intelligent choice, not take a jump in the dark.” la gu ran teed to give perfect satisfaction any pills in my family during forty Yours respectfully, or money refunded. Price 26 cent* per years of house keeping that gave such J. SIMMONS. R. M. WINSTON, box. For sale by Fildew A Millman, at satisfactory results as a laxative or St Johns and Fowler. ^cathartic. C. E. VanSickle. Successor to C. A. Putt. Commissioner of Schools,