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The New Sex Therapy Active Treatment of Sexual Dysfunctions Helen Singer Kaplan

Hormones And Sex

Publication details Helen Singer Kaplan Published online on: 01 Dec 1974

How to cite :- Helen Singer Kaplan. 01 Dec 1974, And Sex from: The New Sex Therapy, Active Treatment of Sexual Dysfunctions Routledge Accessed on: 24 Sep 2021


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Downloaded By: At: 04:45 24 Sep 2021; For: 9780203727317, chap3, 10.4324/9780203727317.ch3 situations. which ilb eiwd pcfclythese Specifically reviewed. be will tioning havior; beginning h female the the sexual count The centers The Androgen non-sexual reciprocal THE prenatal CHAPTER HORMONES ANDROGEN 46 o hsdynamic. this for and relationship and h fet of effects the and 3 ob lrfe.I this In clarified. be to hormones other SEX other xrsa exerts hyare they relationships behavioral androgen HORMONES id of kinds parts between , significant androgen indicated fthe of Androgen a lyin play may experiences lyan play fet of effects N SEX AND between sex brain, and on influence as hormones chapter important adult therapeutic progesterone, ttesm time same the at include exerts androgen. influence h sex the organizing male on oeo the of some important and sexual a hormones oein role and consideration The gnsin agents h ee fthis of level the human ilas be also will later behavior female behavioral human that emerging fet ntesex the on effects gender and behavior certain the sexuality; the n,in and, sexual seii be• -specific fterole the of considered. production fet of effects brain concepts clinical is func• turn, just and ac• . Downloaded By: At: 04:45 24 Sep 2021; For: 9780203727317, chap3, 10.4324/9780203727317.ch3 Schematic ertsflile-st follicl secretes et these sents h ri.()i h otxwhich cortex the is (a) brain. the fthis of foundly production the fet on effects ftescientific the of ever, dealt havioral and eitc of teristics tioning hs ilbe will these The The hypothalamus the certain with fet ftesex the of effects substance fet cerebral affects sex fthe of fet fsex of effects practice ersnaino h reciprocal the of representation human yteml ets() n in and (d). testes male the by ee oee,tesex the However, here. relationships hormones both FIGURE concepts considered imulat genital community hc sintimately is which genders is behavior fsex of cerebrally [unction ing 9: hormones appear relevant organs hormones TESTOSTERONE in briefly have eas of because schematic and ing ohave to and controlled othe to here long aeonly have n behavior. and responds are (FSH). are ntephysical the on connected steroids loo the on also . not been form. emerging their understanding behavioral influences This turn, understood olife to ythe by oroe n Sex and rmones Ho recently AND also understood actions o()the (c) to hormone h ee of level the appear secondary into THE exp pituitary. between development consequences captured nthe on recs (b) eriences. lal syt How• yet. as clearly pituitary focus, of regulates BRAIN and ohave to human testosterone etseoeand testosterone brain sexual Figure and the need / gland testosterone and profound . 47 attention represents sexuality both oeof some The charac• not pre• 9 which func• pro• be• by be Downloaded By: At: 04:45 24 Sep 2021; For: 9780203727317, chap3, 10.4324/9780203727317.ch3 exerting different affecting Prenatal sexual and animal genitalia be: specific essentially genization is that, male energetic gressiveness. akof lack Actually, experiential influence Female talia othe to play practice from androgen troversial tend the tially to John In In Not not mounting if opportunities behavioral to pattern swl as well as if primates the infrahuman and oa to androgen 8/ 48 present, surprisingly, male (and behavior experiments left maternal behave Money monkeys mounting Androgens organizing issues adult rodent and on only on and greater and female osssof consists of without gender ntefemale, the in influences subsequent human which and The , parts female eseasily less unclear. and w ore of sources two behavior ri its if or like postnatal and behavior females. is has the and interested degree. e Sex New behavior whose present data for behavior will male attempts Anke specific) is effects fthe of and androgen, gender been central maternal nest more rmtshave primates controlled exerted rssbcuein because arises The action . therefore is The behavior juveniles sexual intimidated mothers However, clinical These Ehrhardt at localized Therapy both on building nteeseisis species these in and central ncare in sedate specific instead behavior critical nervous to is difficulty first principle such the ssuccessfully is yfamily by l fetuses all apply behavior, more behavior the w esof sets two observations studies in be in received brain and experiments data and nthe in have nervous behavior of ie of times human behavior, contrasting considered that ytmsite system complex this yielded than become displaying that timid, play humans have fthe of called on ilb female. be will and submissiveness hyare they data hypothalamus would in other androgen beings has system differentiation, human with influences blocked, than essentially been masculinized; mounting attempting culture less fteefcsof effects the of rather and to our developing separately. with emerged qualities which tis it develop females. human the infants. more competitive, in are determined exploited attention mediating subjects the infrahumans. easily more presumed have during the extremely . emto seem mediates aggressive, prenatal and and Gender similar ensaecon• are beings based nthe in into to external They fetus usual far a defined the if : extrapolate appears greater otefact the to receptivity iatrogenic androgen anatomic postnatal experien• receptive external on prenatal that limited. tend involve and specific male• results greater gender female andro• more geni• Also, both and the ag• by to to . Downloaded By: At: 04:45 24 Sep 2021; For: 9780203727317, chap3, 10.4324/9780203727317.ch3 prenatal alter recognized) presumably energy fthe of When eefar were that have ferent etc. age. hywere they sensitivity effects) except 1950's indicates have behavior These genized rehearsal choice. gender less the married sdfcece in deficiencies as ffetal of hywere they osb h g f18 of age the by tors tendencies their In It Girls It female energetic Surprisingly, Similar has should these h effective the no an behavior anatomically (before youngsters level, genitals the progestational had " identity They othe to suffering androgens ovaries and androgenization been attempt more when fthe of that behavior syndrome, uniformly compounds aroused girl yeof type postnatally. been eegiven were have be results liked had and were hypothesized the the concerned pattern extent emphasized and offspring hywere they rtestes or wihis (which employed. prenatally androgen-estrogen maternal from hyalso they similar children competitive osv a save to virilization exhibit competitive . female behavio may exclusively ymales by masculinizing were Similarly nthe on and found pregnancy-saving that various reflected Turner are months) They predispose and virilizing hs el do cells whose found and fthese of with thought hormones normal embryos ral and behavior tended chemically by that androgenized maternal threatened central obe to hence , potential rather than patterns the feel sports, Feldman youngsters progestational and did heterosexual syndrome more independently h il whose girls the was genetic "little obe to to gestations but boys typical effects that not have o to boy a were fantasized ratio rehearsal. nervous are than disliked have unambiguously energy . hormones quite report of pregnancy only and not and the determined no hormone not not girl ftefts. fetus the of provide Hormones disorders both group h ufrfrom suffer who progestational yfmls. females by "tomboys much prenatal respond enjoy interplay MacCulloch exhibit in " and similar ytmsex system responsible homosexual behaviorally compounds were doll sexual about behavior nthe on in their . brains higher influence competitiveness Turner , a doll play England, (one studied many of n Sex and ." control by to eae-like female hormonal careers problems to orientation female. metabolism between play They embryonic In androgens had and child testosterone in I.Q which enow We . centers compounds o the for that syndrome in women addition masculinizing development. that and .'s rlyclothes, frilly androgen later been group where than / had their rearing o level low a . Later than influences However, uhten- such does 49 maternal behavior hyare they swell as , swell. as "andro• tomboy nlife, in in display a babies, anlage nthe in which which object dif• a know aver• high their girls they that and was not fac• in• Downloaded By: At: 04:45 24 Sep 2021; For: 9780203727317, chap3, 10.4324/9780203727317.ch3 ufcetto sufficient factor uiietefetal the culinize dencies vironment primary estrogen house family Consequently opment leged yhsboy's his by testhe stress family dem which developing Ingeborg tion highly and fet on effects gradually to Androgen lished h fetal the both from androgen The to tion, Our e h are who Men 1. have compete asculinizing has fet of Effects functioning Androgen or play, " genders certain low-androgen-determined 0/ 50 to has and understanding speculative interactions fact. with whose om of forms of recently . ratio, brain. Ward, primary behavior medication lose mother appears incomplete a be may especially fetus produce However, for . urological the "feminine" h e Sex New The and This Androgen eis he or testosterone their and receptor who feto h male the on effect deprived gained environment and male brain 's tany at et on rests homosexuality su fthe of issue to apart display Male swell is then basically adrenal desire masculinization showed usually have is his fteefcsof effects the of so recent homosexuality. testosterone disorders and prescribed. some rate on presumably rmthe from renders Libido ie nthe in sites father, or and , of Therapy pcfceffects specific somewhat for ee slow is level documented maternal according Adult subsequent evidence gl their "sissy" that fetal a gentle subject theoretical potency and a ean be may and behavioral behavioral . are who h boy the maternal purely The main Sexual This interest offspring. produces action, androgen given traits. and of prevents behavior suggests firmer androgen to not critical They othis to due r lost are the boy and behavior supply happens support that sexual. negative timid Behavior fet fthe of effects important vulnerable surprisingly estrogenic osome to stre oy is body, but The in tendencies reason born a be may ground It androstenedione enhance areas environment hypothesis that sexuality proper scan ss , more which on of toward is dislike combination when rmthe from a ea be may from postulated interactions testosterone testosterone adult illness that not in considered preparations determinant have than rapidly othe to masculinization with the is a be may the prenatal patients ufcett mas• to sufficient such and dolls physical low a . sexual similar or This erotic a studies h new the which, brain contributing the behaviorally their other later a , ea en• fetal a when that or fteal• the of androgen ycastra• by may dismayed with behavior formula• suffering sestab• as negative steroids drive enough . "rough babies. steroid fthe of fthe of ability fDr. of When under devel• while cause, have anti and his of of • . • Downloaded By: At: 04:45 24 Sep 2021; For: 9780203727317, chap3, 10.4324/9780203727317.ch3 requisite compulsive dreams They ing many oe eoeassertive become poses -for ablation covered cyproterone, of obe to metabolism women. which ratio whom behavior. brain and and cent androgen ings. beyond and trast tive partner. Androgen, Animal 2. 3. Androgen On It androgen ieeffects. side sexual thsas been also has it motivation contra-indications, evidence Androgen is Non has with equally are years is the they is clear and that t use Its the bathed of been -Sexual required for rapidly other tend Dominance swl as well as their stimulation. been ovaries sexual have for fantasies specifically and women o tany at (or an is sperm that which influential indicates libido ntelwside. low the on with sometimes and odsr sex desire to The women, hand, and androgen nan in clearly ageso, also "aggression," previous an Behavioral restored testosterone behavior, and for Female h are who women production, affectionate ttesm time same the at presumably employed s of use in and human some environment rate that behavior proper adrenals sdsusdin discussed is understood and erotic Recent women probably nthe on cannot antagonist, when useful pattern na in testosterone Libido the is deprived women libido fet of Effects highly independently studies limited and nthe in The structure activates behavioral animal high sexual the oeall lose relationship, also. erection, and activates to be especially and of o men, for also appear libidinal given which aroused drug increase sexually androgen-estrogen falsucsof sources all of management is provides suggest yits by energy Testosterone Androgen being Chapter eie of desires studies potency nsex in administered influence sexual the and is testosterone Hormones fet of effects , cerebral contains obe to discontinued. of tendency but when brain sexually. aroused potency fet of effects aroused some ee,a elas well as level, functioning that therapy, have their the eie cease desire, 15. disappear recently women. enhanced agnosic chemical the flow of when ocause to women sex androgen a confirmed sa is n Sex and relationship androgen ocause to nthe in and only by high for Moreover, androgen androgen-estrogen swl as well as etc. ratio), centers, have previously highly It an in libido medicinal libido and fthe of concentration on by by having However, a endis• been has environment erotic treatment three individual's / may been masculiniz• apart by exogenous hs find• these men androgen. territorial sapre• a is 51 appetite, have states effective nmen, in surgical to caution ncon• in genital extend weeks. found desire erotic effec• from their with pur• for re• of of Downloaded By: At: 04:45 24 Sep 2021; For: 9780203727317, chap3, 10.4324/9780203727317.ch3 secretion sion sensitive drogen conditions low a intimidated, ingly, muscular, which sc ic Psych found ucsfli curing in successful r as are lecsaethe are fluences and sessten the assesses nsaalestress, e inescapabl Thu libidinal sas as also is oso f a of loss obs rearing ual be behavior o r for n diffi a ing terone t tremendously esest be to seems he it"t pists" aking P • The These In ervation more stimuli. ehabilitating s, erhaps a and doing ctivity end androgen sociated more when in 2/ 52 -determined t experiments. and level. ends ps Influ sociated important to obser and fet eo she or he effects one ofail. to and cult ychological emal energy, that and ti heelow ese th is it ugs the suggest maternal odors sexual likely Studies an ne on ences to tend ature more Depression, elns. feelings study The female powerful vations uiescrisis business experience. to e act with fluctuate he th suffering impotent ee slkl to likely is level prime , her with e Sex New The pain ob associ be to owni these. in win to make more such therapy fthe of likely fright another behavioral to than monke d fmale of acti a epri Androgen state are Nevertheless warm a correlate following dramatically determinants and ened, psychic as androgen significantly vities.· energetically. rather ved him previously from man smake ys patient's defeat to not tends Therapy Sexually experienc one , fa of male touch, patient non enter or withdrawn humans ated more meant is tendencies depression ssniiet such to sensitive is markedly -competitive reduce after influences with Secr to or and under much rel or person , more Criminal situ into with such eat femal wher ationships attracti suspected ed etion eetin defeat responsive oee testo lowered fa of low high a humiliation osuggest to socially , and mor The ation the more, ra elo tes uhas such stress, of deal great a destructive during a heaggressive e th eas e competitions influences interested ered nices fthe of increase an ti sal wise usually is it , effective e a be may influences in qualities person which ea e femal lower testosterone person's ve individual in behavior response . andro become other inept opportuniti ewe male between offi formul to that 's monk primates uha,for as, such , govern minor which e c cer sterone "th emto seem ecologic in behavior iore t. or etc., rce, divo adient ee of level e level. gen products adversary his erapi these ey and, babies opsychic to stronger in ating sless is andidat male level. e oDr. to led "th compa androgen adolescence sts" a s tml tion stimula es, stimuli level; under exist erapist" most anger, person's hormonal . elements fhis of monk the blood and than to Clearly likely In testosterone tr e situ e othe to red and example postpone problem and contrast, ey and interest• ncare• in omles mal do chronic various Harlow's , isolation aining aggres• ations, is testos• "th when obe to level, more more an• , total may often dur• sex• and was era• in• , . , Downloaded By: At: 04:45 24 Sep 2021; For: 9780203727317, chap3, 10.4324/9780203727317.ch3 stood, sexual has ogy ciated of ing However, man have progesterone The teristics, a nfact in may or always during that nity days. cycle: The The The The ovulation, ondary and The eoe eaea follows: as behave terone, surgical testosterone been adult ftefemale the of The it Progesterone, to Menstrual and no The menstrual beyond with ESTROGEN fet fsrs nfemale on stress of effects therapy antagonizes during fet of effects study hormonal present two which and regained pcfcefc on effect specific ie is life, rise animal the following castration. disturbances increase hormones on h fet ftefemale the of effects the and inhibits influence h fact the during menstruation. which h eaesex female the o his for in Cycle obscure pregnancy, estrogen period . fluctuations also studies small secreted reproducti the peak hormonal libido AND is female the diminishes that impotence actions ertdb vra ise srgnadproges• and estrogen tissue, ovarian by secreted fthese of manufactured and a be may quantities in tthe at and indicates luteal sexual tis it ythe by PROGESTERONE by delivery the confusing ve sexuality fthe of progesterone of unmasking changes known hormones menstrual organs time phase steroids sexual androgen. conceptualized during behavior. rlow or corpus in that and menstrual reproductive of possibly , eiwo the of review A . the nthe on , occur ythe by that ftecycle. the of hormones lactation estrogen ovulation, menstruation on libido luteum, Hormones the yl nsome in cycle woman drop A nthe on emotional There behavior, during sexually drop adrenal cycle secondary until sharply indirectly, even , sa as nrae tthe at increases are hormones and are ssome is anatomy nfml sex female in n Sex and and h female the They provide emotional clearly . not rssmyb asso• be may crises glands stimulating prenatally progesterone "minimenopause" literature women after loso sec• a show also for swell as sexual fall evidence othe to and on about I an understood and sharply menstrual . behavior. 53 opportu stability physiol steroids of rdur• or charac• time is under• extent action eight both may thus that of at • . • Downloaded By: At: 04:45 24 Sep 2021; For: 9780203727317, chap3, 10.4324/9780203727317.ch3 surprisingly libido writers, period panied pothesis sexual and changes drop correlated from determined. in libido inhibits Benedict this the there by phase controversy constant the tilization the tions. hs fKinsey of those Women Apart Throughout Perimenstrual In Concurrently, the eaea follows: as behave female contraceptive beginning luteal most LH S is FSH postmen subject contrast to . 5 o10)by 100%) to 25% is luteal This (These and r obe to are 4/ 54 desire of in their notably feminine not agreement is that from level and along physically with a phase sexual highest sharply ifrin differ orgasm this , regarding relatively is Some nyin only phase. substantial the , strual and and low fluctuations Helene The the ftecycle the of (±.4%) not libidinal hsccetefemale the cycle this and the with Tension Udry found. h two the ftecycle. the of b . ebb orgasm libido. medication responsiveness other high e Sex New contention women report elevated during feminine surprising that menstrual periods sexual Masters their unfavorable messy Deutsch, constant, where This and with estrogen studies O'Connor number fluctuations, many significant r most are Syndrome seem are that libidinal pituitary the Therapy and desire Morris, o day a for menstrual preference iyrise tiny a hnthe when and nteccethe cycle the in psychic summarized which is eas female because cycle. luteal These women feel of psychoanalytic being peaks to Johnson, phase consistent during of but conditions fluctuations experience intense ta.have al. et that claim epne othese to responses women hfsin shifts hormones However, androgen or lcso blocks phase. integration reported when writers the in bleeding is experience estrogen coinciding near w tthe at two female striking irritability their menstrual nthe in in ohave to indicate estrogen with This .. low i.e., , highs (various Figure ovulation vulation no conclude mood ffemale of reviewed erotic supply many as menstrual hc euaetecycle the regulate which writers, and libido special premenstrual, and in somewhat depression and the and found time ossetfluctuations consistent with that in , 9.) that and discomfort. eesare levels yl sas accom• also is cycle report authorities cravings progesterone remains psychoanalytic eist rise to begins receptivity. and h oso female of lows the hormonal possibility that and of for libidinal the notably libido, behavior ovulation mood tcoincides it a cycles, ovulation. depression many so feeling lower literature nthe in progesterone is . are tafairly a at eliminates menstrual high. prevented including Although estimate Therese there changes fluctua• women and during ffer• of multi• Other sthe is luteal cyclic levels with near Not hy• on in of is Downloaded By: At: 04:45 24 Sep 2021; For: 9780203727317, chap3, 10.4324/9780203727317.ch3 studies significantly psychic cifically change-admission alcohol ass l the All lapses. lems headaches, highest anxiety; consecutive ing these to mid-cycle behavioral peak os 1974). Sons, Human drome, this remains relief respond stood, explain during docrine havioral the no desire. bolic to There Very Figures The An suicide attribute corpus small the period: during in fluctuations meaning of important although find mechanism non phase rarely, with and integration. atr r also are factors incidence disturbance the obe to Reproduction, this depression favorably (2) Rhythms san is mid-cycle estrogen 0 11 10, luteum prevention disturbance. gastro-intestinal -ovulatory days-four This that following (1) the drug behavioral higher this phenomenon significant clarified. fthe of some fthe of obvious studies mood menstrual there datum the and syndrome period of bs,cie of crimes abuse, dip! of is to R peak fthe of and to emotional, menstrual during cusat occurs Numerous elated incidence women formed. violence, changes-depression, 12 menstrual cycles, problems medical, are premenstrual indicate centers; important The The Ferin, negative become disturbances which paranoid of of are menstrual cycle. many is disturbance disturbance othe to disturbances, true to the from highest report when In that ovulation. .e l,Es,NwYork, New Eds., al., et M. period must fawide a of neurotic medical, illness surgical (3) investigators that more occur The flow. perimenstrual significance atasevere a fact hypothe correlation determinants. and John perimenstrual Menstrual violence, no illness that and incidence be or the tension results motivated productive when However, with and progesterone depressive al ttesame the at falls coincides accounted tranquilizer O'Connor's and psychiatric sources four ses. maximum hyfeel they array schizophrenic Hormones presumably paranoid accident far the are fthese of accidents between psychiatric Psychoanalytic have phenomenon menstrual. perimenstrual Cycle of of greater phase estrogen remarkably tseems it which by with during disturbance tension features disorders systematically o nany in for increased and n Sex and disturbance mood recent is medication, (in striking feelings, occur , estrogen ftecce Spe• cycle. the of the suicides produced frequency related involve time episodes behavioral Biorhythms wards, Another ee slow is level this certain does peak John which disturbance• eiwof review is during in uniform. writers I sthe as tension correlations period. energy occurs irritability, not attempt not women level and of to migraine 55 h sym• the Wiley and that is and because studied smaller do during under• sexual mood prob• small occur eight often calls tend dur• and and syn• and and All not Be• the en• re• to is & Downloaded By: At: 04:45 24 Sep 2021; For: 9780203727317, chap3, 10.4324/9780203727317.ch3 FIGURE OF ture) FIGURE eae) sciti hospital psychiatric females): FPS OF rsnes iodryprisoners. disorderly ers; prison FIGURE LE MORBIDIT VELS (527 YCHOP 6/ 56 ~ ~ !E 'i( '0 ..,. o " u E >- .. 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COMBINED COMBINED HNEEXPECTANCY CHANCE ._. __ __ HNEEXPECTANCY CHANCE n calls; and srgni steroids ic Estrogen - _ PROGESTERON nteltrtr)(812 literature) the in Pregnaned Androgen indust newly iol INCIDE y accidents. ry; I NCIDENCE ovicted conv NCE E Downloaded By: At: 04:45 24 Sep 2021; For: 9780203727317, chap3, 10.4324/9780203727317.ch3 for helped number drome Anger increased a women, ways. women tany at have women ftebasic the of important tendency their require l osex to ble paintings of indicate aebehavioral male play nfemale on cated a.Even far. and this terizes mild There In The testosterone contraceptive topic no h oreo sex of course the an usual accidents. in Depending n the and CLINICAL regardless concepts by irritability rate the direct fcases. of conflicted that externalize there certain important sone is that to sexual more which at ovulation therapy. concepts behavior pattern. perimenstrual behavioral react motivated present the clinical . both em ob a be to seems Perimenstrual It problematical striking clinical discussed Creative express brain tension of tendencies on with olw rmthis from follows purposes or with They APPLICATIONS . role Some a be may suppressive male whether is their The sasevere a as their applications therapy, that and data anger. to conditions guilt clinical in anger when are women in women and only rage behave . and personality the the establishing This upon summarized is this relevant the Syndrome great and r h fet of effects the are Other drop and fascinating treating n may one female genitals clearly and medication menopausal observation psychotic chapter patient can tend . a a has which in ergtill, get fear fthis of The increase that depression nteetwo these in women attack self-destructive only tolerate emergent and libido to a be evidence androgen take male strikingly are clinical manifests thus: non-responsive Hormones data write paranoid but supplied inasmuch uha h type the as such defensive and in which not are periods advantage and gender and during estrogen have there yno by depressed, anger violent all practice disorganized hormones concept that provoke therapy integrate her sexual beneficial characterizes n Sex and immediately with episode. been sgood is ste oma form they as or is prenatal organization, identity or means hstime. this distress and of other accompanied poetry woman. aggression rests. n a e on see can one adequate developed withdraw is responsiveness perimenstrual others. which an progesterone usually clearly / In evidence established, effect thereby and androgens The aggressive merely increased 57 or l these all h syn• the applica charac• Other levels paint adult some most in indi• used over part thus and or as in to a • Downloaded By: At: 04:45 24 Sep 2021; For: 9780203727317, chap3, 10.4324/9780203727317.ch3 sion is ment ment many which ment and luteum, fthis of to available modify syndrome take fcoc by choice of fthe of therapy women stops 58 material which into the I o this for ovulation hormone-related The by couple's with consideration often, sthe is osex to various New many estrogenic syndrome but primary and therapy Sex sexual ere of degrees not clinicians. Therapy thereby always, h iespsychic wife's the interactions . psychic compounds oreof source is In that the psychological prevents Interestingly, responds the disorders, post-menopausal progesterone. therapist na in is the considered to therapeutic state contraceptive formation the disturbance the should when primary peri Apart patient, ob the be to menstrual be direction. eis he fthe of . sensitive application medication rmtreat• from Treatment working replace• corpus treat ten• to • Downloaded By: At: 04:45 24 Sep 2021; For: 9780203727317, chap3, 10.4324/9780203727317.ch3 spective pneare sponse orgasm ugse rs R Cross Suggested r icse w discussed are The with Dete sidered and icse in discussed interesting male hl the while Sexuality elxsfrom reflexes with funct garding nthe in is Brown neurophys Human ing Blakiston, h male the treatment Bibliography ram scooy hsooy Fantasy Physiology, , Orgasm: McGraw-Hill, In A Area The A The Mary described depression rminants sexual good biphasic ions and the more hsbo,the book, this and 1970). , journal FOR CROSS literature clinical II (and S rma from nAe IV. Area in Jane the sexual exual inhibit relation and of on ooy is iology, NwYork: (New female strategies ai eton text basic 1953). provided d functioning icsino the of discussion power in Chapter etailed h Female. the particularly Etiology inh nature AREA hre has Sherfey , fteS the of 93 sa is 1973) The eaesexual female and ithin Medical Human esponse, R dysfunctions s of use REFERENCES different ibition the ship nfml ramis orgasm female on eference The reproductive ffemale of anxiety. Mcaimof "Mechanism Functional hc aebeen have which description nScinI on A IV Section in a sexual fthe of physiological 5o the on 15 between icse the discusses I exual Understanding clinical testosterone Random S set of Aspects is by neuroanatomy, exual more s Additional h oeo the of role the yMsesand Masters by provided perspect further higher sexual response, sexuality that Dysfunctions, organs comparative sexual framework Inad organs, advanced Neuroanatomy erectile fbasic of are House, influences. v in ive AND response icse nS in discussed Human many concomitants in equacy nexc an Erection associated in hl Area while physiological and physiology summarized fteBrain the of developed treating swl sa as well as dysfunctions. hc also which The NwYr:BscBos 1973). Books, Basic York: (New negative Th Johnson BIBLIOGRAPHY 1972). okon work its Seymour sexual in ellent and Sexuality ytesame the by sas icse rma from discussed also is embryological e is " influence Section Nature Sexual with loi Ch in also potency yW. by This ection and reviewed IlIon ffemale of description nthe in orlaethe release to hsooymybe may physiology Basic influences Bso : (Boston and data neurophysiology. Fisher's , explains yJ .Ece NwYork: (New Eccles C. J. by psychiatric controversial various February VBon B IV Dysfunctions and The volume nsociety. on J. Concepts the II Treatment author nthe on and production apter .Kig(e York: (New Krieg S. on A Evolution by relationship development Little phenomenon sexual book, which sexual some fteaaoyof anatomy the of libido Howard Bso : (Boston s also disorders, The 1973. male 3 hc deals which 23, sexual , The hypothesis Brown, / principles can fteMale. the of The icse the discusses arousal dysfunctions includes clinical Sexual disorders forgasm) of fFemale of 59 sexual Biological found .Weiss D. interfere response fstress of Female fthe of includ scon• is Little, 1966), Dys• and per• re• an re• of in is • Downloaded By: At: 04:45 24 Sep 2021; For: 9780203727317, chap3, 10.4324/9780203727317.ch3 spect formation n"New in Brain" cerebral and and on the Vol. t. bral o the for 3-3 . 432-433 tioned oedipal n"ieiodof "Likelihood in a Practice, cal 33,1972. 23-30, ackse l NwYork: (New al. et Paschkis Moan 427,1954 progesteron ple gender n Psychoanalysis and Brain" Williams the by A in Money's and Brunner ru n Family and Group loby also .M Rose M. R. The The Some An ai nomto nthe on information Basic The eo.and . Nero Review" asure "Fetal Cerebral Electric biphasic Proceedings Pous" Ment ,4547 1963, 485-497, 9, Localiz Psychological to excellent and okof work studies nti rawere Area this in 0/ 60 in reciprocal specific yJ.Olds . J by Initiation L. speculations haeof ase ph /Mazel center localization . Self-Preservation Irving Finding article & Hormones Dis., . [, nthe on .Kreuz E. al in .C. R. Wilkins a be can e ation in The and concept eo.and . Nero Representation Ment. Eighth Stimulation l- of The rh fSx Behau., Sex. of Arch. Paul , behavior nthe in Bieber summary fteSceyof Society the of 1972). n" he "T on of Robert Vol. development J. lsi eerhwhich research classic limbic Heath Relevant for fet fstress of effects of Human tes in Stress" and e Sex New Neurophys o,1966). Co., Revisited Dis., R. Th and nthe on MacLean, and Edition, fthe of of Heterosexual Scratching 127, brain loby also found Jennings erapy, presents Ment, P. Heath ytmcnbe can system ejaculation .M oei Assmn fAggressive of "Assessment in Rose M. R. published Vol. in the by fteefcsof effects the of fthe of and Milner Determinants Pheromones no. Hoeber, existence chemistry othe to ]. sexual John was Therapy Brain: of rh.Gn.Psychiat., . Gen . Arch NwYork: (New 154, iology, C. .H.Best . H C. nhis in in Dis., Behav. hc was which on MacLean ,11,1958, 1-11, 1, the i iw nthe on views his Penile in reported J. and Septal Medical pleasure Clinical Money and in no. Evolution Behavior in response "Suppression Vol. feton Effect 1967) Sager Preservation and of paper Vol. Vol. l- and Seminal "Pleasure Ther. ,31,1972 3-18, 1, yA. by " found demon androgen pheromones Erection opoPyil Psychol., Physiol. o Comp 135, and Area of described erection and and n"Positive in 1, hsooyof physiology and 26, Brunner and Psychoanalysts and nthis on Endocrinology was Human no. prenatal na in and of Sexual strated no. in others no. while neA. Anke The Discharge" S. . H and ramin orgasm Comfort .B. N. : and Psychosexual "The ,2122 1971, 241-262, 3, published importance of are fteSeis in Species" the of Exp ,2931 1962. 289-301, 4, Caudal Homosexual ,2323 1963, 273-293, 2, subject respectively Mzl,1974). , /Mazel hsooia ai fMedi• of Basis Physiological Vol. nti ra a be may Area, this in . in and other Plasma Dimorphism Brain more the Sexuality" Psychiat., . Kaplan reported androgen Taylor, human Reinforcement Limbic Ehrhardt androgen in 6 7-8,1972, 479-482, 26, in existenc , man Symposium Thalamus, hc will which in Regions Activity information in Natu "Septal Third Testosterone d.(e York: (New Eds. ; of Functions rh.of . Arch ensaeoffered are beings "Further hc eemen• were which System Eds, by ae"b .E. C. by " Male which olfaction re, fa of e in on , o.3 o 1, no. 3, Vol. of Vol. a be can Behavior estrogen L. and Edition, in Stimulation Further fthe of April rgesin Progress and (Baltimore Behavior• subsequent , appear Midbrain Produced .Kreuz, E. with , [ Sexuality Man" supports 47, physical in Neuro., nthe on Studies fthe of "Cere• found nthe in eo. Nero Levels found 1971, John 419• Re• Rat and and and in• in by in : Downloaded By: At: 04:45 24 Sep 2021; For: 9780203727317, chap3, 10.4324/9780203727317.ch3 Vol. and lationship Plasma and in chosomatic eesi the in levels which estrogen androgen on in and Science has ioral 1966). • oenwfnig fteefcsof effects the of findings new Some The Saatlandisches l- human "The recently androgens Hostility Human 4 2-3,1972. 321-332, 34, Rhythms Endocr include complex Testosterone and and s fAtadoesi ua Medicine" Human in Antiandrogens of Use in between Med subjects Psychoanalysis, ., been Reproduction female male progesterone to "Die Related a be can Vol. ., Testosterone subject Vol. Arzteblatt reviewed . were Anwendbarkeit Plasma 2 51-58, 52, The sexuality na in 3 6-7,197I. 265-277, 33, found othe to Related published fteefcso the of effects the of classic Young , on NwYork: (New Testosterone nan in . J in 1969, Menstrual a yM G. M. by was Production female Jan. Masserrnan "Relation idnso the on findings td which study Criminal ics h fet of effects the discuss articl yC .Fxe l in al. et Fox A. C. by von 1972. sexual libido by e yl"wihwill which Cycle" Wiley Antiandrogen of Levels d NwYr : York (New Ed. , in The Population" Psychologic activity Man" and John Drellich first , 1974). menstrual relationship publications and Basic on confirmed O'Connor yH esye l in al. et Persky H. by on other Human and in anti Concepts in Measures fluctuating der appear androgen cycle Psychosomatic "Studies .E. S. set of aspects between Grone of the Humanmedicin'w al. et Sexual Ursula fluctuations Waxen importance in of I testosterone nteRe• the on Biorhythms & medication Aggression aggression 61 Activity" behavior Stratton, "Behav• berg Laschet Med., Psy• in of of