Willard Miller

October 23, 2002 These notes are an introduction to basic concepts and tools in represen- tation theory, both commutative and noncommutative, that are fundamental for the analysis of radar and sonar imaging. Several symmetry groups of physical interest are treated (circle, line, rotation, ¢¡¤£¦¥ , Heisenberg, etc.) together with their asso- ciated transforms and representation theories (DFT, , expansions in spherical , , etc.). Through the unifying concepts of theory, familiar tools for commutative groups, such as the Fourier transform on the line, extend to transforms for the noncommutative groups which arise in radar-sonar. The insight and results obtained will are related directly to objects of interest in radar-sonar, such as the ambiguity . The material is presented with many examples and should be easily comprehensible by engineers and physicists, as well as mathematicians.

1 Contents

0.1 INTRODUCTION ...... 3

1 THE DOPPLER EFFECT 5 1.1 Wideband and narrow-band echos ...... 5 1.2 Ambiguity functions ...... 7 1.3 Exercises ...... 10

2 A PRIMER 12 2.1 Definitions and examples ...... 12 2.2 Group representations ...... 17 2.3 Schur’s lemmas ...... 22 2.4 Orthogonality relations for finite group representations ...... 26 2.5 Representations of Abelian groups ...... 31 2.6 Exercises ...... 32

3 FOR INFINITE GROUPS 34 3.1 Linear Lie groups ...... 34 3.2 Invariant measures on Lie groups ...... 36 3.3 Orthogonality relations for compact Lie groups ...... 41 3.4 The Peter-Weyl theorem ...... 44 3.5 The rotation group and ...... 47 3.6 Fourier transforms and their relation to Fourier ...... 51 3.7 Exercises ...... 53


4.1 Induced representations of ¢¡ ...... 55 4.2 The Schrodinger¨ representation ...... 57 4.3 Square integrable representations ...... 58 4.4 Orthogonality of radar cross-ambiguity functions ...... 61

2 4.5 The Heisenberg commutation relations ...... 63 4.6 The Bargmann-Segal ...... 67

4.7 The lattice representation of ¢¡ ...... 72 4.8 Functions of positive type ...... 74 4.9 Exercises ...... 79


5.1 Induced irreducible representations of ¢¡ ...... 81 5.2 The wideband cross-ambiguity functions ...... 84 5.3 Decomposition of the ...... 86 5.4 Exercises ...... 90

6 WEYL-HEISENBERG FRAMES 91 6.1 Windowed Fourier transforms ...... 91 6.2 The Weil-Brezin-Zak transform ...... 93 6.3 Windowed transforms and ambiguity functions ...... 96

6.4 Frames ...... 97

¤ 6.5 Frames of £ type ...... 99 6.6 Exercises ...... 102

7 AFFINE FRAMES AND WAVELETS 103 7.1 Continuous wavelets ...... 103 7.2 Affine frames ...... 105 7.3 Exercises ...... 108


8.1 Automorphisms of ¢¡ ...... 109 8.2 The metaplectic representation ...... 112 8.3 Theta functions and the lattice Hilbert space ...... 117 8.4 Exercises ...... 121


These notes are intended as an introduction to those basic concepts and tools in group representation theory, both commutative and noncommutative, that are fun- damental for the analysis of radar and sonar imaging. Several symmetry groups of physical interest will be studied (circle, line, rotation, Heisenberg, affine, etc.) to- gether with their associated transforms and representation theories (DFT, Fourier

3 transforms, expansions in spherical harmonics, Weyl-Heisenberg frames, wavelets, etc.) Through the unifying concepts of group representation theory, familiar tools for commutative groups, such as the Fourier transform on the line, extend to trans- forms for the noncommutative groups which arise in radar and sonar. The insights and results obtained will be related directly to objects of interest in radar-sonar, in particular, the ambiguity and cross-ambiguity functions. (We will not, however, take up the study of tomography, even though this field has group-theoretic roots.) The material is presented with many examples and should be easily comprehensible by engineers and physicists, as well as mathematicians. The main emphasis in these notes is on the matrix elements of irreducible representations of the Heisenberg and affine groups, i.e., the narrow and wide band ambiguity and cross-ambiguity functions of radar and sonar. In Chapter 2 we introduce the ambiguity functions in connection with the Doppler effect. Chapters 3 and 4 constitute a minicourse in the representation theory of groups. (Much of the material in these chapters is adapted from the author’s textbook [[79]] .) Chapters 5 and 6 specialize these ideas to the Heisenberg and affine groups. Chapters 7 and 8 are devoted to frames associated with the Heisenberg group. (Weyl-Heisenberg) and with the affine group (wavelets). We conclude with a chapter touching on the Schrodinger¨ group and the metaplectic formula. It is assumed that the reader is proficient in linear and advanced cal- culus, and some concepts in (including the basic properties of countable Hilbert spaces) are used frequently. (References such as [[1]], [[63]], [[71]], [[86]] and [[95]] contain all the necessary background information.) The theory presented here is largely algebraic and (sometimes) formal so as not to ob- scure the clarity of the ideas and to keep the notes short. However, the needed rigor can be supplied. (The knowledgeable reader can invoke Fubini’s theorem when we interchange the order of integration, the Lebesgue dominated conver- gence theorem when we pass to a under the sign, etc.) Finally, the author (who is not an expert on radar or sonar) wishes to thank the experts whose writings form the core of these notes, e.g., [[6]], [[8]], [[32]], [[43]], [[55]], [[84]], [[98]], [[113]].

4 Chapter 1


1.1 Wideband and narrow-band echos

We begin by reviewing the Doppler effect as it relates to radar and sonar. Consider

a stationary transmitter/detector and a moving (point) target located at a distance £ ¢¡¤£¦¥ from the transmitter at time . We assume that the distance from the trans-

mitter to the target changes linearly with time,

¢¡¤£¦¥¨§ © £

£ ¡£¦¥

Now suppose that the transmitter emits an electromagnetic pulse  . The pulse

is transmitted at a constant speed  in the ambient medium (e.g., air or water)

impinges the target, and is reflected back to the transmitter/receiver where it is

¡£¦¥ ¡£¦¥

     detected as the echo  . (We assume .) Let be the time delay

experienced by the pulse which is received as an echo at time £ . (Thus this pulse



is emitted at time ¤ and travels a distance before it is received as an echo

£ £ ! #" at time .) It follows that the pulse impinges the target at time ¤ and we

have the identity

§ ¢¡¤£ ¥¨§ © ¡£ ¥


 " ¤$! #" " " ¤%! #"

Thus ©

£ " ¡¤£¦¥&§ "



£ £%


¡£¦¥ £ ¡£¦¥


The echo ' is proportional to the signal at time :



¡¤£¦¥&§ £,+

 ¤  ¤ "

 ¤ *) ¤

' (1.2)

£ £ .- £% 0/


5 ¡ Here the ¤ factor in the amplitude of the echo is based on the boundary condi-

tions for the normal component of the electric field at the surface of a (conducting)

¢ £¥¤


target, [[57]]. The factor  is needed if we require that the energy of the pulse ¨©

is conserved: ¨ ©

¡£¦¥ £ § ¡£¦¥ £


¤ ¤

© ©

Changing notation, we write the echo as

¡£¦¥ § ¡ £ ¥

£ ¡



§ ¡ § © ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ ¥



  ¤ ¤ "  ¤ 

where and . Note that the transformation

¡ ¥ ¡© ¥


 is one-to-one. The result (1.2) is the exact (wideband) solution for the given assumptions.

It is very common to approximate the wideband solution under the assumption

£ ©

   that  and is small (of the order of ) over the period of observation. (See [[28]] and [[104]] for careful analyses of the relationship between the wideband

solution and the narrow-band approximation.) One writes the signal in the form

¡£¦¥ § ¡¤£¦¥


¥  "!$#¥%

£ ¡£¦¥ where is assumed to be a slowly varying complex function of (the envelope of the waveform) with respect to the exponential factor.

Then we have


¡£¦¥&§ ¡ £ ¥

&) +*",

£ ¡


¥ & (' % !


¡ © ¥ ¡ ¥ §


¤ "0  - ¤ "  ¤10 0 

or, since .-/ where , we have

¤ ¤ £ ¤

¡¤£¦¥ ¡£ © ¥

) , 98 , ,;*

  - ¤ ¤ "  

¥  2! %3'54 ¥6 7' ':4 6


¤=< £ ¤=< ¤ £

¡£ © ¥

) 98 * ) 98 *

- ¤   ¤ "  

& ;6&!  ;6>! % # # (1.4) This is called the narrow-band approximation of the Doppler effect. (Generally speaking, the narrow-band approximation is usually adequate for radar applica-

tions but is less appropriate for sonar.) NOTE: We will see that the constant factor

£ ¤=<

) 98 *

¤   26&! of modulus one, # , can be ignored, because it factors out of all in- tegrals and, ultimately, we will be interested only in the absolute values of the correlation . To see the significance of this approximation, consider the Fourier transform

of the signal and the echo: ?



¡A@ ¥ § ¡¤£¦¥ £

  ¥  "!%

¤ (1.5) ©


? ©

where, [[39]], ¨

¡3@ ¥ @ ¡¤£¦¥ §


¥ & 2! %

¤ (1.6)


? ? ¤=<

Then £

@£¢ ¥ ¡A@ ¥  ¡ ¡3@ ¥ § ¡3@



"0  ¤ & 2! (1.7)

in the narrow-band approximation, whereas the exact result is

? ?¥¤


¡3@ ¥  ¡ ¡A@ ¥ §


¥ & 2! (1.8)



A@ ¥

Clearly (1.7) is a good approximation to (1.8) if the of ¡ lies in a ¨¢

narrow band around @ . In the narrow-band approximation the signal is delayed

© @©¢

 "  by the time interval " and the frequency changes by .

1.2 Ambiguity functions

To determine the position and velocity of a target from a narrow-band echo (1.4)

one computes the inner product (cross-correlation) of the echo with a test signal



¤=< ¤ £

¤=< £


¡¤£¦¥&§ £ "

)   8 *

& 2! %


'   ¤   2!  ¤ 





¡¤£¦¥ £ § ¡£¦¥

'   '  '    ' 







¤ ¨

#"$ "


§ ¡¤£ © ¥ £ £



# )   , *


 !  ¤%"   ¤ 

' %









Considering  as a function of , one tries to maximize this function

¡¤£¦¥)(+* ¡ ¥

for a signal  , the square integrable functions on the real line. Assume

§ §


         that is normalized to have unit energy: . Then by the Schwarz

inequality we have


 '  '    -,   '   /.   '    

  10  '   4


Furthermore the maximum is assumed for where is a real con-


© § © §

stant. Hence, the maximum is assumed if and only if  .

We can simplify the notation by remarking that

5 ¡6 ¥ § § ¡<6=¢ 6 ¢ ¥

 87 87 7

'  '       9;: ¤ ¤ 


6 6 ©

where ¨



£ ¡6 ¥ § £ £

87 £

*) ¤ 9 : *) 

& ;%


/ /

? ?


" "





¡A@ ¥ @ § ¡3@ ¥

£¥7  7


¥  "!




© © @£¢ @£¢

6 ¢ § 6 § ¢ § §

" "

  7  7


¡6 ¥

87 : Here, 9 is known as the radar (self-) ambiguity function.

To determine the velocity from the ambiguity function one typically¤ chooses

¡£¦¥&§¤£¦¥ ¡£¦¥ @


  ©¤ 4

¨§ %

a single-frequency signal of the form ¥  2! where and


£ ¥ ¡£¦¥&§

 ¤© , ,©



It can be shown in this case that as a function of the ambiguity function has

©   §

a sharp peak about , whereas it is relatively insensitive to changes in .

¡£¦¥ § ¡£¦¥ ¡£¦¥

 !  " #¥%

To estimate the range one typically chooses ¥  2! where

£ §

is a very peaked Gaussian function, centered at  and with standard

deviation . This gives an ambiguity function with a sharp peak about

©/ § ©  , but which is relatively insensitive to changes in .

Now we consider the wideband case and generalize to allow a distribution of

¡ ¥


moving targets with density function # , where the support of this function

¡ ¥&%




is contained in the set $ . Then from (1.3) the echo from the signal ¡£¦¥


¨© ¨ ©

¡£¦¥&§ ¡ £ ¥ ¡ ¥

£ ¡ ¡ ¡



¤ (1.9)


¡£¦¥ ¡¤£¦¥ 

Correlating the echo with a “test” echo  generated from the signal and

¡ ¥


the “test” density function # we obtain

© © © ©

¨ ¨ ¨ ¨

¡ § ¡ ¥ ¥ ¡ ¥

 ¡ ) *) ¡ ¡ ) ) ¡ )¡*) ¡

¢ ¢

   9 #      #  ¤

¤ (1.10)

© ©



where ¢

¡ ¡ £ ¥ ¡ ¥&§ £ ¥ £

) ¡ )¡ +) £ ¡ ) £,)¡ 


¤ (1.11) © is the radar (self-) ambiguity function in the wideband case. (A very similar

construction of a moving target distribution can be carried out in the narrow-band

¤¡ ¡ ¥&§.- ¡ ¥ §.- ¡ ¢ ¥ ¢¥

¡) *) ¡ ¡ ) ¡ *) ¡ ¡ 

# #   ¢¤  ¤  ¤1

case.) Note that if ¤ and 4

then 4

¡ ¢ ¢ ¥ § ¡ ¢ ¢ ¥

¡   ¡  ¡   ¡  



4 4 4 4

8 As with the narrow-band ambiguity function, if we normalize the signal  to have

unit energy, then by the Schwarz inequality

¥ § ¡

¡  ¡) *)

   ,      .      9


§ §

)  ¡ ¡ ) 

and the maximum is assumed for  . Note also that


¥ § ¡ ¥ ¡

¡ ¡ ) )  ¡  ¡) *)  

¤    9 9



Thus to study the ambiguity function one can restrict to the case


¡ £ ¥ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ § ¡£¦¥ £

£ ¡ ¡ ¡  

   9  9    

¤ (1.14)


* ¡ ¥



Suppose $ is a basis for , the standard space of square integrable


functions on the real line. Then we can consider the cross-correlation of  with

¡ ¡ 

the echo  from :



¡ £ ¥ ¡ ¥ § § ¡¤£¦¥ £

£ ¡ ¡ 

¡ ¡ ¡

  9 ¢   ¤¢)   ¥¢

¤ (1.15)


¡ ¡

¢  ¦¢ We call 9 the cross-ambiguity function of and . Similarly the

(narrow-band) cross-ambiguity function is

6 6






£ £ ¡<6 ¥ § £

£ 87

¡ ¡

) )

¤ ¢  ¦¢ 

& ;%


/ /


" "

The ambiguity and cross-ambiguity functions are of fundamental importance in the theory of radar/sonar. The use of the ambiguity function to estimate the range and velocity of point targets and, more generally, of the cross-ambiguity function to estimate target distribution functions in both the wideband and narrow band cases is basic to the theory. In these lectures we shall summarize and elucidate this theory by exploiting the intimate relationship between the cross-ambiguity functions defined above and the theory of group representations. In particular the wide-band cross-ambiguity functions can be interpreted as matrix elements of unitary irreducible represen- tations of the two-dimensional affine group; the narrow-band cross-ambiguity functions are matrix elements of unitary irreducible representations of the three- dimensional Heisenberg group. The basic properties of these functions thus emerge as consequences of analysis on affine and Heisenberg groups.

9 1.3 Exercises

1. Consider the Gaussian pulse


¦ ¤

¡£¦¥&§ ¡ " ¥¢¡


¥ & 2! %   %



 normalized to have unit energy. Verify that the ambiguity function is given





¦ < ¤





¡6 ¥ §



9 :  

¥ & 2!


¡6 ¥ § © 6

87 7

  9 : Describe the level curves in the ¤ plane. Discuss the

effect of varying the pulse length © on the problem of estimating the range

and velocity of the target.

¡6 ¥ § ©


9 :  2. Show that the area enclosed by a level curve  in Exercise 2.1

is independent of © .

3. Consider the normalized frequency modulated pulse


¤ ¦ < ¦

¡£¦¥&§ ¡ ¥¢¡


8 ,


% & (' ! % %



The ambiguity function is given by


¥ ¥ ¥

¤ ¦ ¤¥ ¦ <


¡ ¢ ¡




¡<6 ¥ § ¦


'54 4¥


¥ & 2!$#

¡<6 ¥ § © 6

 7 7

9 :  ¤

Describe the level curves  in the plane. Discuss


the effect of varying the pulse length © and the “compression ratio”




 on the problem of estimating the range and velocity of the target.

4. Consider the rectangular pulse with unit energy

¡¤£¦¥¨§ £ ¥ ¡£¦¥



¥  2! %

" ©



£ ¥ ¡¤£¦¥¨§

 ¤ © , ,©



Show that the ambiguity function is

¢ ¢


6 £ ¡ ¥ ¥'¡¤£


7  7

¡<6 ¥ §

©  ,  , " ©

¡  ¤ ©




 ,   " ©

¡<6 ¥ § © 6

 7 7

9 :  ¤

(This isn’t easy.) Describe the level curves  in the

© §


plane. Show that for with very close to zero, the level curves

¢ ¢




7 £



can be approximated by .

11 Chapter 2


2.1 Definitions and examples

A group is an abstract mathematical entity which expresses the intuitive concept

of symmetry.




$¡ . . . Definition 1 A group is a set of objects (not necessarily count-

able) together with a binary operation which associates to any ordered pair of

£¢ ¢

elements in a third element . the binary operation (called group multi-

plication) is subject to the following requirements:


1. There exists an element  in called the identity element such that

§ (


 for all .

¤ ¤

( §

¥ 4

2. For every there exists in an inverse element 4 such that



4 .

¡ ¥ ©!§ ¡ © ¥ © (

¢ ¢ ¦¢ 

3. Associative law. The identity is satisfied for all .

Any set together with a binary operation which satisfies conditions (1) - (3)


¢ ¢ ¢

is called a group. If we say that the elements and commute. If all

elements of commute then is a commutative or abelian group. If has

¡ ¥

a finite number § of elements it has finite order; otherwise has infinite


A subgroup of is a subset which is itself a group under the group multi-



plication defined in . The subgroups and are called improper subgroups 

of ; all other subgroups are proper. It can be shown that the identity element


is unique. Also, every element of has a unique inverse 4 .


Examples 1 1. The real numbers with addition as the group product. The


 ¡ ¡ £ ¡

product of ¡ is their sum . The identity is and the inverse of

4 4

¡ ¡

is ¤ . Here, is an infinite abelian group. Among the proper subgroups of are the integers and the even integers.

2. The nonzero real numbers in with multiplication of real numbers as the

¡ ¡

(commutative) group product. The identity is and the inverse of is . The positive real numbers form a proper subgroup.

3. The set of matrices ¤


§ % ( ¡



with matrix multiplication as the group product. The identity element is the

¤ ¤

identity matrix. Her¤ e,

¡ £ ¡ ¡ ¡





¦ ¦ ¦

so the one-to-one mapping ¤


 © ¡ ¥&§ (

¡£¢ ¡



relating the group element ¡ in to in takes products to products. (A

one-to-one mapping from a group onto a group which takes products

to products is called a group isomorphism. We can identify the two groups

 in the sense that they have the same multiplication table.) Thus and

are isomorphic groups.


More generally we define a homomorphism ¤ as a mapping

from the group into a group which transforms products into products.

( ¡ ¥ ( ¡ ¥!§

¤ ¤

Thus to every there is associated such that

¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ §   (


¤ ¤ ¤   

for all . (It follows that where is the

¤ ¤

¥ § ¡ ¥  ¡

4 4

¤ ¤ ¤ 4

identity element in , and 4 .) If is one-to-one and onto


¡ ¥ §



(i.e. if ¤ ) then is an isomorphism of and .


4. The symmetric group . Let § be a positive integer. A permutation




¥ $= " . . . § ¥ of § objects (say the set ) is a one-to-one mapping of

onto itself. We can write such ¤ a permutation as


" . . . §

¦ ¦

¦ (2.1)


. . .




¦ ¦ ¦ ¦   ¦

¡ ¡

. . . § . . .

where is mapped into , 2 into , , into . The numbers

4 4



" . . . § are a reordering of , and no two of the are the same. The

order in which the columns of (2.1) are written is unimportant. The inverse


permutation 4 is given by


¦ ¦ ¦




. . .



" . . . § ¦

and the product of two permutations  and


¢ ¢ ¢


£ §

. . .


" . . . § ¦

is the permutation ¤

¢ ¢ ¢



. . .


¦ ¦ ¦


. . .






(Here we read the product from right to left: maps to £ and maps to


¦ ¢ ¦

, so  maps to .) The identity permutation is



" . . . §

" . . . §


? ? ?

It is straightforward to show that the permutations of § objects form a group

¡ ¥ §

¡ ¡ ¡

§ §  " ¥¤

of finite order § . For is not commutative.

* ¡ ¥

§ 9

5. The real general linear group . The group elements are non-

§¦ §

singular § matrices with real coefficients:

( § ¥ % * ¡ ¥&§ § ¡



¡ ¡

  9 ,¨£ , § 9 § $/9 9

Group multiplication is ordinary matrix multiplication. The identity element

¡ § ¡ - ¥ - ¡

is the identity matrix ¡ where is the Kronecker delta. The inverse

§  "

of an element 9 is its matrix inverse. This group is infinite and for

¥ * ¡

 § it is non-abelian. Among the subgroups of are the real special

linear group ?

¥ % § ¥&§ ( * ¡ * ¡



9 $/9 § §

and the orthogonal group

¡ ¥ § ( * ¡ ¥ % § ¡


§ $/9 § 9;9 %


§ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥

¡ ¡

9 § ¦ § 9 9 9

where % is the transpose of the matrix .

Similarly the complex general linear group

¡ ¡

* ¡ % ( § ¥&§ § ¡ ¥



¡ ¡

§ ,¨£ , § 9   9 $/9 9

where ¡ is the field of complex numbers, is a group under matrix multipli-

cation. Among its? subgroups are the complex special linear group

¡ ¡

* ¡ ¥&§ ( * ¡ ¥ % §



§ $/9 § 9

and the unitary group


¥ % ¢ ¡ ¥&§ ( * ¡ § ¡



9 § $/9 § 9

§ § §

' '

¡ ¡

$ 9 9 $/9 §

where 9 is the complex conjugate of . For ,

¢ ¡ ¥&§ % §


$¤£ ¥£ 

is the circle group. ? It is not difficult to show that every finite group is isomorphic to a subgroup

of ¡ . Furthermore, every finite group is isomorphic to a (finite) subgroup

* ¡ ¥


of . ¡

6. The group ¦ . This is the finite abelian group whose elements are the in-


§  " . . . § ¤

tegers for fixed , and group multiplication is ad-


§ ¤

dition mod § . Thus is the identity element and is the inverse of

© §  '


§ ¤

. This group is isomorphic to the multiplicative group of




§ ¡ © ¥ %¥©§

¨§ ©  '



$ " £ § . . . § ¤


©  ¡ © ¥

 § ©


" £ §

is the isomorphism.

¥ * ¡

¢¡ £ ¥ 

§ 7. The affine or group. The affine group ¢¡ is the subgroup of

consisting of matrices



¡ ¥&§ (

 ¥   ¥ 


Clearly the group product is


¥ £ ¥

¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ §

 ¥  ¥

4 4 4


4 4



§ ¡ ¥

 ¥ £ ¥ 

4 4 4

¡ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ ¥

 ¥   ¥

¤ the identity element is , and the inverse of is .

8. The (three-dimensional real) Heisenberg group

¡ ¨ © ¡

¡ ¡



¥&§¥¤¦§ § ¡ % (


¡  ¡  ¡ ¡ ¡


¡£ ¡




* ¡ ¥ 

This is a subgroup of with group product

¥ ¥&§ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¡

 ¡ £ £ ¡  ¡ £ ¡ £   ¡  ¡  ¡

¥ ¥ ¥ ¥



4 4

4 4


¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ §


¡  ¡  ¡   ¥

The identity element is the identity matrix and 4

¡ ¥


¡  ¡  ¡ ¡ ¡


¤ ¤ ¤ ¡ ¢¡

. Note that is non abelian. The center of ,


4 4

i.e., the subgroup ¡ of all elements which commute with every element of ¡



§ ( % § (


¢ ¢ ¢  

¡ $ ¡ ¡

¡ ¥ (


  ¡  ¡

¥ ¥ ¡

consists of the elements . A finite analog of is

¡ © ¡






( % §


¡ ¡£

¡ ¡



a finite group under matrix multiplication where addition and multiplication

of the number is carried out mod § .

9. Let  be a finite dimensional vector space, real or complex, and denote

* ¡ ¥


by the set of all invertible linear transformations of of onto

( * ¡ ¥ * ¡ ¥


 . Then is a group with the product of given by

¡ ¥ § ¡  ¥  (



 where for each , i.e. , is the usual

4 4 4 4

product of linear transformations. The identity element is the operator 

%§  ( ( * ¡ ¥


such that  for all . The inverse of is the inverse

¤ ¤

 §  §   (


linear operator 4 where for if and only if .




 §  . .

Suppose and let . be a basis for . The matrix

§ ¡ ¥  §


¡ ¡

© © 

of the operator  with respect to the basis is where




© , , §

. It is easy to see that this correspondence defines an

* ¡ ¥ * ¡ ¥

! 4

 § isomorphism between the group and . Many of the most important applications of groups to the sciences are ex- pressed in terms of the group representation, to which we now turn.


2.2 Group representations 

Definition 2 A representation (rep) of a group with representation space

%  ¡ ¥ * ¡ ¥

  is a homomorphism  of into . The of the

representation is the dimension of  .

It follows from this definition that

¤ ¤

¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥



4 4

4 4

¡ ¥&§¡ (©¨

 ¢¤£ ¥¢§¦ ¥¢    (2.2) (Initially we shall consider only finite-dimensional reps of groups on complex rep

spaces. Later we will lift these finiteness restrictions.)



Definition 3 An n-dimensional matrix rep of is a homomorphism


¥ * ¡ ¡ ¥


© of into .

¡ ¥ (

¦ § ©

The § matrices , satisfy multiplication properties analogous

to (2.2). Any group rep  of with rep space defines many matrix reps, since

 ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¡ ¥ ¥ 





$  © © . .

if . is a basis of , the matrices defined by



¡ ¥ ,§ ¡ ¥  ©

¡ ¡

 © , , §





form an -dimensional matrix rep of . Every? choice of basis for yields a

 © ©

new matrix rep of defined by . However, any two such matrix reps are


¥ ( * ¡

? ? §

equivalent in the sense that there exists a matrix such that


¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥

© ©

4 (2.4)

? ?


' '


© © $ $

for all . Indeed, if correspond to the bases respectively,

¡ ¥

then for we can take the matrix ¡ defined by



 §  §




. . . §

£ (2.5)




© ©

Definition 4 Two complex § -dimensional matrix reps and are equivalent


¥ ¡  ¥ ( * ¡

-.© § © if there exists an such that (2.4) holds.


Thus equivalent matrix reps can be viewed as arising from the same operator

¡ ¥

© §

rep. Conversely, given an § -dimensional matrix rep we can define many -


dimensional operator reps of . If is an -dimensional vector space with basis

 ¡ ¥



$ we can define the group rep by (2.3), i.e., we define the operator by



the right-hand side of (2.3). Every choice of a vector space  and a basis


for  yields a new operator rep defined by . However, if are two such


' '

$ $ 

§ -dimensional vector spaces with bases respectively, then the reps

and are related by ¤

¡ ¥ §¡ ¡ ¥¢


4 (2.6)

where is an invertible operator from  onto defined by


, £ , §




Definition 5 Two § -dimensional group reps of on the spaces are

¡  ¥



equivalent  if there exists an invertible linear transformation of 

onto  such that (2.6) holds.

Clearly, there is a one-to-one correspondence between classes of equivalent

operator reps and classes of equivalent matrix reps. In order to determine all  possible reps of a group it is enough to find one rep in each equivalence

class. It is a matter of choice whether we study operator? reps or matrix reps.

¡ ¡

¥ * ¡ ¥ * ¡


§ § § Examples 2 1. The matrix groups are -dimensional ma-

trix reps of themselves.

§ §

2. Let be a finite group of order . We formally define an -dimensional ¦¥

vector space consisting of all elements of the form


¡ ¥ ¡ ¥)(

¡  ¡




¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥

¡ ¡

. . 

Two vectors and  are equal if and only if


for all . The sum of two vectors and the scalar multiple of a vector

are defined by

¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥

£ ¡ ¡ £  

.  .   .


¡ ¥ ( ¡ ¥ §


¡ (2.7)

. 4 . 4 4

©¥ § ¢ ¢ (

. .

The zero vector of is . The vectors , , form a

©¥ § (

.¤ natural basis for . (From now on, we make the identification


¥ § ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥

¡ ¡ ¢  ¢

.   . .) We define the product of two elements

in a natural manner:

¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¡ ¥ ¥ ¡ ¥&§


¢ ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ ¢ ¡


¨ §

 .  .  .¤

§ ¡ © ¥ ©


¡ (2.8)



where ¤

¡¨© ¥ § ¡ ¥ ¡ © ¥

¡ ¢ ¢ ¡


¥ (2.9)



¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥

¡ ¡ 

  (Here is called the of the functions .) It is easy

to verify the following relations:

¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥&§ ( ¦¥

¡ £ ¡ £  ¡ £ ¡ £ ¡  ¡  

 £ £  £  £  £  £

¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥

¡ ¡  ¡ ¡ ¡ 

£  £ 4  4  4 



§ § (

¡ ¡ ¡ 



where  is the identity element of . Thus is an algebra, called the

group ring of .

¢ * ¡ ©¥0¥

The mapping of into given by

¢ ¡ ¥ § ( ¦¥

¡ ¡ ¡


defines an § -dimensional rep of , the (left) regular rep. Indeed,

¥ ¥¤¢ ¡ ¥ §£¢ ¡ ¥ § §£¢ ¡ ¢ ¡

¡ ¡ ¡ ¡

¢ ¡ ¥ § §

4 4 4 4

¡ ¡ ¡


¢ ¡ ¥

and the are linear operators. Similarly, the (right) regular rep of ¥

is defined by ¤

¡ ¥ § ( ¦¥ (

¡ ¡  ¡ 

4 (2.12)

Let  be a rep of the finite group on a finite-dimensional inner product


space  . The rep is unitary if for all


¡ ¥   ( ¡ ¥ §  




¡ ¥

i.e., if the operators  are unitary. Recall that an orthonormal (ON) basis for




¡ ¡


§  $  . .

the -dimensional space is a basis . such that , where

¡ ¥ ¡ ¥


.3  © 

. is the inner product on . The matrices of the operators with



respect to an basis $ are unitary matrices

¤ ¤

¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥

¡ ¡


© © 4  © 4

Hence, they form a unitary matrix rep of . The following theorem shows that for finite groups at least, we can always restrict ourselves to unitary reps.


  Theorem 1 Let  be a rep of on the inner product space . Then is equiv-

alent to a unitary rep on  .

¡ ¥


PROOF: First we define a new inner product . on with respect to which


is unitary. For  let

¡ ¥ ¡ ¥  ¡  ¥&§


¡ ¥


¥ (2.14)



¡ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥   ¥



(Thus is an average of the numbers taken over the group.)

¡ ¥


It is easy to check that . is an inner product on . Furthermore,

¡ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥  ¥ § ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥



¢  ¢ ¢  ¢

§ ¨





§ ¡  ¥ ¡  ¥




§ ¨





§ ¡  ¥



where the next to last equality follows from the fact that if runs through the


elements of exactly once, then so does . Clearly, is unitary with respect


¡ ¥


. $¡ 

to the inner product . . Now let be an basis of with respect to


¡ ¥ 



. $ . .3

. and let be an basis with respect to . Define the nonsingular

§ %   §

 , £ , § 4

linear operator  by . Then for and



¡ ¡

0 we find




¡ ¡


 4 0 

§ ¡  ¥ §


4 0

¤ ¤

 § ¡  ¥

¤¢  ¢


so 4 and

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤

¡ ¥¢  ¡ ¥¢ § ¡ ¡ ¥  ¡ ¥¢ ¥

 ¢  ¢


4 4 4 4

¤ ¤

§ ¡  ¥&§ 

 ¢ £¢

4 4


¡ ¥ §¡ ¡ ¥


Thus, the rep 4 is unitary on . Q.E.D.  It follows that we can always assume that a rep  on is unitary. Now we study the decomposition of a finite-dimensional rep of a finite group

into irreducible components.

¡ ¥ (


Definition 6 A subspace £ of is invariant under if for every

 ( (


, .



£  £  £

If is invariant we can define a rep  of on by

¡ ¥  § ¡ ¥   (



This rep is called the restriction of  to . If is unitary so is .


Definition 7 The rep  is reducible if there is a proper subspace of which 

is invariant under  . Otherwise, is irreducible (irred).


$ A rep is irred if the only invariant subspaces of  are , the zero vector, and


Every reducible rep  can be decomposed into irred reps in an almost unique

manner. In proving this, we can assume that  is unitary. 

If £ is a proper subspace of the inner product space and

§  ( %   § ¢¡£¡  (



£ $  

£ (2.15)


is the subspace of all vectors perpendicular to £ , it is easy to show that


¤ £  £ £  £ , ( is the direct sum of and ). That is, every can be

written uniquely in the form


 §   (  (


£ £


Theorem 2 If  is a reducible unitary rep of on and is a proper invariant


subspace of £ , then is also a proper invariant subspace of . In this case we



write  and say that is the direct sum of and , where

£ £

are the (unitary) restrictions of  to , respectively.

¡ ¥ ( ( (

£ £

PROOF: We must show  for every . Now for every

 ( £

, ¤


¥  §  § ¡ ¡ ¥





¥ ( ¡


since 4 . The first equality follows from (3.13) and unitarity. Thus

¡ ¥ (


 . Q.E.D.


Suppose  is reducible and is a proper invariant subspace of of smallest



dimension. Then, necessarily, the restriction  of to is irred and we have


4 4


the direct sum decomposition  , where is invariant under . If


4 4 

 is not irred we can find a proper irred subspace of smallest dimension such





that  , by repeating the above argument. We continue in this fashion


until eventually we obtain the direct sum decomposition

§ §

¡ ¡

  ¤  ¤ . . . ¤    ¤ ¤ . . . ¤

4 4 

where the  are mutually orthogonal proper invariant subspaces of which trans-


form irreducibly under the restrictions  of to . (The decomposition process

comes to an end after a finite number of steps because  is finite-dimensional.)


Some of the  may be equivalent. If of the reps are equivalent to to

4 4



 to and are pairwise nonequivalent, we write



¡ ¡




4 Theorem 3 Every finite-dimensional unitary rep of a finite group can be decom-

posed into a direct sum of irred unitary reps



. . . 

The above decomposition is not unique since the irred subspaces 

4 are not uniquely determined. However, it can be shown that the integers ¡ in (2.16) are uniquely determined, [[20]], [[43]], [[79]].

2.3 Schur’s lemmas

The following two theorems (Schur’s lemmas) are crucial for the analysis of irred


Theorem 4 Let  be irred reps of the group on the finite-dimensional vec-



tor spaces  respectively and let be a nonzero linear transformation map-


ping  into , such that

¢ ¢

¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥





for all . Then is a nonsingular linear transformation of onto , so 

and  are equivalent.

¦¤£ £ ¢

PROOF: Let be the null space and the range of :



¢ ¢

 ( %  §  §  ( §  ( %  §

'     '

   ¡ $  $ 


¢ ¢

¡ ¥  § ¤¡ ¥  §


The subspace ¡ of is invariant under since for

¦ ¦¤£

(  (


  $ all ¡ . Since is irred, is either or . The first possibility


¦ £ ¢

implies is the zero operator, which contradicts the hypothesis. Therefore, §


   ¢ ¢

¡ ¥  ( ¡ ¥  §



. The subspace of is invariant under because

£ £ £


 (   §

' '

  $ $

for all  . But is irred so is either or . If then



is the zero operator, which is impossible. Therefore  which implies that


 and are equivalent. Q.E.D.


Corollary 1 Let  be nonequivalent finite-dimensional irred reps of . If


 is a linear transformation from  to which satisfies (2.17) for all , then ¢ is the zero operator.

While Theorems 1 – 4 and Corollary 1 apply also for real vector spaces, the

following results are true only for complex reps.

Theorem 5 Let  be a rep of the group on the finite-dimensional complex vec-

¡ ¥


tor space  , . Then is irred if and only if the only transformations



 such that

¢ ¢

¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥



¢ ¡ ¡

( § (

  for all are  where and is the identity operator on .

PROOF: It is well known that a linear operator on a finite-dimensional complex

vector space always has at least one eigenvalue. Let ¡ be an eigenvalue of an


operator ¢ which satisfies (2.18) and define the eigenspace by


¢ ¡

§  ( %  § 



¡¥¢ ¡¥¢ ¡¥¢

  Clearly is a subspace of  and . Furthermore, is invariant

under  because

¢ ¢ ¡

¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥  § ¡ ¥ 


¡¥¢ ¡¤¢ ¡¤¢

¢ ¡

§  ( ( ¡ ¥  (  § 


for , , so . If is irred then and for


all  .

Conversely, suppose  is reducible. Then there exists a proper invariant


subspace  of and by Theorem 2, a proper invariant subspace such that

§  (  §  




 . Any can be written uniquely as with

 (  §  (

4 4

¡ ¡

¦  ¦ 

 . We define the projection operator on by . Then

¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥  § ¡ ¥ 

4 4

  ¦  ¦  ¦ (verify this), and is clearly not a multiple of .

Q.E.D. 4

  Choosing a basis for  and a basis for we can immediately translate Schur’s lemmas into statements about irred matrix reps


© § ¦ §  ¦ 

Corollary 2 Let © and be and complex irred matrix reps of the

9  ¦ 

group , and let be an matrix such that

¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥

© 9 9 ©



© © 9

for all . If and are nonequivalent then equals the zero matrix. (In


¡ ¡

§  ¡ ( ¡

¡ ¡

  © 0.© 9 0

particular, this is true for § .) If then where and

§¦ § is the § identity matrix.

Note that the proofs of Schur’s lemmas use only the concept of irreducibil- ity and the fact that the rep spaces are finite-dimensional. The homomorphism

property of reps and the fact that is finite are not needed.


< ¡   

 9 #

Example 1 # , the symmetry group of the square. Consider the square

¡ 1

with center at the origin of the ¤ plane and vertices with coordinates


¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥


¤¡ # ¤¡ ¤¡ 9 ¤¡

There are precisely 8 Euclidean transformations (rotations and reflections) that map the square to itself. These are the congruences of euclidean . Since

the square is uniquely determined by the location of its vertices, we can describe < the transformations as permutations of the vertices. Thus # can be considered

as a subgroup of the symmetric group on 4 letters. The symmetries are:





# 9




# 9



¢¦¥ ¥¡§

§ © ¤ ¡


# 9




# 9



¥ ¥¡§


§ © ¡


# 9




# 9



¥ ¥¡§



¡ § ©


# 9




# 9





    § §

9 #





# 9




§ ©

    ¢ §

9 #





9 #





§ ©  ¡


9 #





9 #




§ ©  ¡


9 #




9 # ¦


It is straightforward to check that these transformations satisfy the group¢ axioms. ¤ Recall that the tranformations are applied from right to left. Thus a  clockwise

rotation followed by a reflection in the ¡ axis is

¤ ¤ ¤

¡ ¡ ¡

© § §

9 # 9 # 9 #


¡ ¡ ¡

# 9 # 9 9 #

¦ ¦ ¦

the reflection in the diagonal # . <

This realization of # as a group of transformations in the plane automatically

¤ ©

¡ <

gives us a 2-dimensional representation of # . Indeed the rotation and the

¡ ¥ ¡ © ¥

¢  ¢ 

reflection correspond to the operators  in the plane such that


¡ ¥ % ¡ © ¥ %




4 4





¥ ¡ ¡ ¥




where  are the unit vectors in the and directions, respec-


4 £¢ tively. Since  generate the full group action, the remaining operators can be

constructed by taking appropriate products of these. Using this ON basis we ob-

< #

tain the unitary matrix representation © of generated by the matrices

¤ ¤


¡ © ¥ § ¡ ¥¨§



© ©

¤ ¤ ¤¡

¦ ¦

Now let us consider this matrix representation to be defined over the complex

field, and check to see if it is reducible. If






then we will have

¢¡ ¡ ( ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥



# 9 © © 9 

if and only if

¡©#¥ § ¡©#¥ ¡ ¥&§ ¡ ¥

 ¢ ¢

9 © © 9 9 © © 9

§ § §

 ¥ ¥


The first of these condition implies , and the second implies



 . Thus must have the form






and © is irreducible.



§ © © ©


<    <

$  #

Now consider the rotation subgroup of . If we restrict

¡ <

our representation © to this subgroup we get a matrix representation of gener-

¡ © ¥

ated by the matrix © . This representation will be irreducible provided the only

¡ © ¥ ©

matrix 9 that commutes with is a multiple of the identity. However, we see

¡©#¥&§ ¡©#¥

© © 9

from our above computation that 9 for any









where are arbitrary. Thus this representation is reducible. In particular the

¡ ¥ §

£ ¤¡

one-dimensional subspace with basis £ , where , is invariant under

¡ © ¥


2.4 Orthogonality relations for finite group repre-



Now let be a finite group again and select one irred rep ' of in each


equivalence class of irred reps Then every irred rep is equivalent to some ' and


, ,


 ¤  ¤ ¤  '

the reps ' are nonequivalent if . The parameter indexes the

equivalence classes of irred reps. (We will 4 soon show that there are only a finite


number of these classes.) Introduction of a basis in each rep space ' leads to a

, ,

© © § ¦ § '

matrix rep ' . The form a complete set of irred matrix reps of ,




one from each equivalence class. Here ' . If we wish, we can choose

, © the ' to be unitary.

The following procedure leads to an extremely useful set of relations in rep


, ,

© © '

theory, the orthogonality relations. Given two irred matrix reps ' of

¡ ¡

¦ § § ¦ §

choose an arbitrary § matrix and form the matrix

¤ ¤



§ ¡ ¥ ¥ ¡

, ,

9 © ©

4 ' ' 4

¥ (2.20)




§ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ ¥ ¡


, ,

§ 9 ©


' 4

where . (Here, is just the average of the matrices ' 9

over the group .) We will show that satisfies


¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥

, ,

¢ ¢

© 9 9 © ' ' (2.21)


( ¢

for all . Indeed,

¤ ¤


¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ §



, , , ,

¢ ¢



© 9 © ©

' 4 ' 4 ' '

¤ ¤


¥ ¡ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ ¥ ¡ §

¡ ¡


, , ,

¢ ¢



© ©


4 ' ' 4 '

¡ ¥ §




9 ©


We have used the fact that as runs over each of the elements of exactly once,

 § §¡


¤  9

so does . This result and Corollary 1 imply that if then is the


¡ ¡

§¢ § ¡ § (


9 9

zero matrix, whereas if ¤ then for some . Hence,

¡ ¡

¡ ¥- ¡ -

¡ ¡¥£ ¡

¤ where is the Kronecker delta, and the coefficient depends on

¤ and .

To derive all possible consequences of this identity it is enough to let run



¥ § ¡

 ¢ ,

 ¢ ,




§ ¦ §

through the matrices ' , where


§ - - ©

 ¢ ,

 © §¦  






¢ , , § ,  , §

Making these substitutions, we obtain





¡ ¥ ¡ ¥&§ - -





¡ ¡


© © : , £ , § ,   , §

' 4


¥ (2.22)


¡ ¡

§ §


 £  ¤ 

Here, may depend on ¤ and , but not on or . To evaluate , set £

£ , and sum on to obtain






§ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥

, , ,

¥ ¥



§¢¨ §¢¨

' ' '

§ © © © 


¢ ¢


§ -





§ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥*§ - § -



§ ©  ¢ ¢ §

since and ¢ . Therefore, . We can simplify

¡ ¥



© (2.22) slightly if we assume (as we can) that all of the matrix reps ' are

unitary. Then





¥ § ¡ ¡ ¥



© ©

' 4

¢: : ¢

and (2.22) reduces to




- - ¡ ¥ - ¡ ¥ §







: © © ¢

: ¢

¥ (2.23)



Expressions (2.22), (2.23) are the orthogonality relations for matrix elements of

irred reps of . We can write these relations in a basis-free manner. Suppose


¡ ¡

, , ,



' ' the irred unitary reps ' act on the rep spaces with bases


 ¡ ¥    ¡ ¥ §

' ¡ , , , ' ,

, ,


¡ ¡

' ' ' '

$  $ © 

' '

: , respectively. Then we have with a



, ,



similar expression for . Expanding arbitrary vectors ' in the basis


' , ' ¡ ¡

, ,




$  $

' '

and in the basis : and using (2.23) we find




§ - ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥

, ,

¡ ¢¡ ¢¡ ¢¡ 


    '   '

¥ (2.24)




That is, the left hand side of (2.24) vanishes unless ¤ , in which case the inner



, ,

  ' products on the right hand side correspond to the space ' .

To better understand the orthogonality relations it is convenient to consider

©¥ ¡ ¥

¡ ¡

the elements of the group ring as complex-valued functions on the


group . The relation between this approach and the definition of as given in

example is provided by the correspondence

§ ¡ ¥  ¡ ¥

¡ ¡ ¢ ¡


¥ (2.25)



¥ ¡ ¥¦¥ ¡ ¡

  ¡ ¡

. . . ¤£

The elements of the -tuple , where ranges over , can

( ¥

4 be regarded as the components of ¡ in the natural basis provided by the

elements of . Furthermore the one-to-one mapping (2.25) leads to the relations

¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥

¡ £ ¡ £  ¡ ¡

 ¥  4 ¥ 4


¡ ¥ § ¡  ¥ ¡ ¥


¡ ¡

¡ (2.26)

§ ¨



¡ ¥ ¡ ¥

¡ ¡

where the expression defining  is called the convolution product of

¡ ¥

and  . The ring of functions just constructed is algebraically isomorphic to ¦¥

with the isomorphism given by (2.26). Under this isomorphism the element

§ ( ¦¥

¢ ¢ .

is mapped into the function



¡ ¥ §




Now consider the right regular rep on . Writing

¥ ¥


¥ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ § § ¡ ¡ ¥ §

 ¢ ¢ ¡ ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ ¡

. .¤ 




§ ¨

we obtain ¥

¥ ( ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ § ¡

 ¢  ¢ ¢ ¡ ¡




¡ ¥ ©¥

as the action of ¢ on our new model of . From Theorem 1, there is an inner



product on ¥ the -dimensional vector space with respect to which the right

regular rep is unitary. Indeed, the following inner product works:



¥ § ¡ ¥ ( ¦¥ ¡ ¡ ¥

¡ ¡  ¡


¥ (2.28)


¡ ¥


  ©  ©



£ , £ , § ©

Now note that for fixed ¤ with the matrix element


defines a function on , hence an element of . Furthermore, comparing (2.28)

with (2.23), we see that the functions

¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥

, ,



¡ ¡

' '

§ © , £ , §

4 (2.29)


where ¤ ranges over all equivalence classes of irred reps of , form an set

¦  ¦ ¦

¦¥ ©¥

in . Since is -dimensional the set can contain at most elements.

Thus there are only a finite number, say ¡ , of nonequivalent irred reps of . Each


, '



¤ § $

irred matrix rep yields vectors of the form (2.29). The full set


spans a subspace of of dimension


£ £ £


§ § . . . § ,



The inequality (2.30) is a strong restriction on the possible number and


of irred reps of . This result can be further strengthened by showing that the


©¥ ©¥

, '

¡ ' set $ is actually a basis for . Since the dimension of is equal to the

number of basis vectors, we obtain the equality



£ £ £


§ § . . . §








' $

To prove this result, let  be the subspace of spanned by the set .

¡ ¥



From (2.29) and the homomorphism property of the matrices ' there follows




¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ § ¥ § ¡ ¥)( ¡

, , , ,

¢ ¢  ¢

¡ ¡


' ' ' '





Thus  is invariant under . According to Theorem 2, is also invariant under

¦¥ §


and . (Here  is defined with respect to the inner product



 $ £

(2.28).) If  then it contains a subspace transforming under some




¡   ¡


 . . . £

irred rep ' of . Thus, there exists an basis for such that





¡ ¥ ¡ ¥&§ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥


¡  ¢ ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ 





, £§, §





§ ¢

Setting  in (2.33) we find

¡ ¡

¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥

, ,


¡  ¡ ¡

¡ ¡

¡ ¡

' '





¡ ¡

§ (



£ ¢¡  £ $

so  . Thus . This is possible only if . Therefore,

§ § ¦¥


$   and .

Theorem 6 The functions

§ ¡ ¥

, '




¤ . . . ¡ , £ , § $


¦¥ ( ©¥ form an basis for . Every function ¡ can be written uniquely in the


¡ ¥&§ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥

, ,

¡  ¡

¡ ¡ ¡ ¡

' '





The series (2.34) is the “generalized Fourier expansion” for the functions ¡


and the ¡ are the “generalized Fourier coefficients”. Furthermore we have

the “generalized Plancherel formula”

¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥

, ,

¡ ¡ 

¡ ¡

' ' 




We can also write expansion (2.34) in a basis-free form through the use of (2.29)

¡ ¥



and the homomorphism property of the matrices ' :

¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥

, ,

¡ ¡


¡ ¡

' '

§ © ©



¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥



¢ ¡ ¢








© © §





¥ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ ¡ §

, ,


¡ ¢ ¢



¡ ¡


' '

© § ©






§ ¡ ¥ ¥ ¡



¡ ¢ ¢



¡ ¡



§ ©





¡ § ¥ ¥ ¡




¡ ¡


§ © .



§ ¡ ¥¦¥ ¡



§ © .

' 4

¡ ¥ ¡ ¥


, ,

¢ ¢

© © ' Here ' is the trace of the matrix .

Relation (2.35) can be written in the basis-free form

¡ ¡ ¥ § ¥






¡ ¥ § ¡ ¡ ¥¦¥

, ,

¢ ¡ ¢

 © .

' ' 4 where  .

30 2.5 Representations of Abelian groups

The representation theory of Abelian (not necessarily finite) groups is especially


Lemma 1 Let be an Abelian group and let be a finite-dimensional irred rep


of on a complex vector space . Then , hence , is one-dimensional.



PROOF: Suppose  is irred on and . There must exist a

¡ ¥

such that  is not a multiple of the identity operator, for otherwise would be



¡ ¥

reducible. Let be an eigenvalue of  and let be the eigenspace



§  ( % ¡ ¥ § 



¡¤¢ ¡¥¢

(  (


Clearly, is a proper subspace of  . If and then


¡ ¥'¡ ¡ ¥ ¥ § ¡ ¥ ¡ ¡ ¥  ¥ § ¡ ¡ ¥  ¥

¢ ¢ ¢ 



¡ ¥


  since is Abelian, so is invariant under the operator . Therefore, is

reducible. Contradiction! Q.E.D.



Example 2 ¦ ¦

This is the Abelian group of order , example (6) in 2.1, with addition of




§ ¦ £

integers  as group multiplication. Since for each irred rep of ,

¦ ¦


¦ £ ¡

it follows from (2.31) that has exactly distinct irred reps. Since the


© § §

¢ ¢



¦ £ ¤  " . . .

elements of can be represented as where ,

§ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¢¥


£ £ , , , ,


' ' '

we have ' for each irred rep . Thus


¡ ¢¥ ¡ ¥ (

, ,

©  ¦ £ ' ' is an th root of unity and it uniquely determines for all .

Since there are exactly ¦ such roots, which we label as

¦ ¦

¥ ¡ ¢¥&§ ¡ §

 § © 



 " £ ¤ ¤ . . . ¤ '

the possible irred reps are

¦ ¦

¥ © ¡ ¥ § ¡ © §

 § © 




 " £ ¤0 ¤ . . . ¤

' (2.36)

( ¢¡¤£ It follows from Theorem 6 that every function ¡ has the finite Fourier





¥ ¡¨© ¥&§ ¡ ¥ ¡ ©

4  § ©

¡ ¡

¤ " £ ¤0 ¦¥

¢ (2.37)


where ¤



¥ § ¡ ¥¨§ ¡ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥

¨§ © 4


¡ ¡ ¡ ¦ ¦


© ¤ ¤ " £ ¤0





Furthermore, the orthogonality relations are





¥&§.- § ¡ ¡ ¥ ¥

¨§ © 4

, ,




©  " £ © ¤ ¤

' '

¢ (2.38)


and the Plancherel formula reads

¤ ¤

£ £


¡¨© ¥ ¡¨© ¥ § ¡ ¥ ( ¡ ¡ ¥

4 4

¡  ¡ ¡


  ¤  ¤

¥ ¥



Since finite non-Abelian groups do not occur in the sequel, we refer the reader to standard textbooks for examples of unitary irred reps of these groups, [[20]], [[79]].

2.6 Exercises

1. The center of a group is the subgroup


§ ( % § (


¢ ¢ ¢  

$ ¡

Compute the center of the Heisenberg group and the center of the affine ¡

group .





 § $ . .

2. Let be an -dimensional complex vector space with basis . .

( * ¡ ¥ §



The matrix of the operator  with respect to this basis is


¡ ¥  § 


¡ ¡ ¡

© © , , §

where  , . Verify that the correspondence

* ¡ ¥ * ¡ ¥

! 4

¥ ©  §

 is an isomorphism of the groups and .


 ¡ ¥ ¥


3. Show that the map is a rep of the group on the group ring


¡ ¥ § ( ¦¥ (

¡ ¡ ¡

where 4 for , .

 ¥ ¡ 

4. Verify explicitly that the Hermitian form , (3.14), defines an inner

product on the vector space  . (Among other things, you must show that

¡ ¥ § §

if and only if .)


¡ ¥ ¡ ¥

© © § ¦ §

? ?

5. Let ? and be matrix reps of the group with real ma-

trix elements.4 These reps are real equivalent if there is a real nonsingular

¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ (

© © © ©

matrix? such that for all . Show that and


are complex equivalent4 if and only if they are real equivalent. (Hint: Write

§ £

£ £

£ 9 9 9 , where and are real, and show that is invertible for some real number £ .)

6. Show that the matrix elements of two real irred reps of a group which are not real equivalent satisfy an orthogonality relation. Show that every real irred rep is real equivalent to a rep by real orthogonal matrices.

33 Chapter 3


3.1 Linear Lie groups

We will now indicate how some of the basic results in the rep theory of finite groups can be extended to infinite groups. A fundamental tool in the rep theory of finite groups is the averaging of a function or operator over the group by taking a sum. We will now introduce a new class of groups, the linear Lie groups, in which one can (explicitly) integrate over the group and, at least for compact

linear Lie groups, can prove close analogs of Theorems 1–5.

§ ¡ ¥




£  . .

Let be an open connected set containing . in the space of

§ ¡ ¥



. . . £

all (real or complex) § -tuples . (The reader can assume is an 4

open sphere with center  .)


Definition 8 An § -dimensional local linear is a set of non-

¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ (

¢   ¢


9 9 . . .

singular matrices , defined for each £ , such that


¡ ¥ § ¡


1. 9 (the identity matrix)

¡ ¥ ¢

2. The matrix elements of 9 are analytic functions of the parameters

 ¡ ¥

¢ ¢  



. .

. and the map is one-to-one.




¡ ,




. . . § § ¥¤

3. The matrices § , are linearly independent for each


¢ §

£ . That is, these matrices span an -dimensional subspace of the

  ¦  -dimensional space of all matrices.




 £ £

4. There exists a neighborhood £ of in , with the property that

¢  ¡

£ § £

for every pair of § -tuples in there is an -tuple in satisfying

¡ ¥ ¡ ¥&§ ¡ ¥

¢ ¡

9 9 9 (3.1)

where the operation on the left is matrix multiplication.

From the implicit function theorem one can show that (4) implies that there

§ ¡ ¥ (

¢ ¢¡ ¢ ¢¡


exists a nonzero neighborhood of such that for all 

¢ ¢¡  where is an analytic vector-valued function of its an arguments and are

related by (3.1), [[52]], [[96]].


Let be a local linear group of matrices. We will now construct a (con-

) )

nected, global) linear Lie group containing . Algebraically, is the abstract



¥ * ¡

 subgroup of generated by the matrices of . That is, consists of all

possible products of finite sequences of elements in . In addition, the elements

) )


of can be parametrized analytically. If we can introduce coordinates

 ¡ ¥

¢ ¢ ¢

in a neighborhood of by means of the map 9 where ranges over


a suitably small neighborhood ¦ of in . In particular, the coordinates of

) )

§ ¡ ¥ (



 . . will be . . Proceeding in this way for each we can cover with local coordinate systems as “coordinate patches”. The same group element

¡ will have many different sets of coordinates, depending on which coordinate ¡

patch containing ¡ we happen to consider. Suppose lies in the intersection of


coordinate patches around and , respectively. Then will have coordinates


¥ ¥ § ¡ § ¡


¢ ¢ ¢ ¥¢ 9

respectively, where 9 . Since

4 4 4

¤ ¤

¥ ¥&§ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥&§ ¡ ¡

¢  ¢ ¢ ¢

9 9 9 9

4 4

4 4


4 ¢

it follows that in a suitably small neighborhood of  : (a) the coordinates are

¥ §¢¡ ¡ ¡

¢ ¢

analytic functions ¢ of the coordinates , (b) is one-to-one, and (c)


4 4

the Jacobian of the coordinate transformation is nonzero. This makes into an

analytic manifold. (In addition to the coordinate neighborhoods described above, )

we can always add more coordinate neighborhoods to provided they satisfy

conditions (a) – (c) on the overlap with any of the original coordinate systems.) )

We leave it to the reader to show that is connected. That is, any two elements

) ¡ )


9 in can be connected by an analytic curve lying entirely in . £

In general an § -dimensional (global) linear Lie group is an abstract matrix


£ ¤

group which is also an § -dimensional local linear group . Clearly, .

) £ Indeed, is the connected component of containing the identity matrix. The

group £ need not be connected.


? ?

 ¡ ¡

* ¡ * ¡ ¥ * ¡ ¡ ¥ ¥ * ¡ ¢ ¡ ¥ ¥ ¥


§ § § § §

Examples (3), (5) ( , § , , , , ),

¡ ¥ (

¡ 9

(7), (8) from 2.1 are all linear Lie groups. To illustrate, we can write

© * ¡ § - ¥

 ©  £ 

¡ ¡ ¡

, , § § 9 9 for “close” to the identity matrix as ,

and verify that conditions (1) – (4) of the definition of a local linear Lie group are

* ¡ § (% ¥





§ ¡

satisfied for the coordinates $ . It follows that is a real § global -dimensional linear Lie group.

3.2 Invariant measures on Lie groups

§  ¦ 

Let be a real -dimensional global Lie group of matrices. A function

¡ ¥ (

on is continuous at if it is a of the parameters

¡ ¥



. . .

in a local coordinate system for at . (Clearly, if is continuous 4

with respect to one local coordinate system at it is continuous with respect to


all coordinate systems.) If is continuous at every then it is a continuous

9 function on . We shall show how to define an infinitesimal volume element

in with respect to which the associated integral over the group is left-invariant, ¨

i.e., ¨

¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ (


¥ ¥

9 9 9

9 (3.2)

where is a continuous function on such that either of the integrals converges.

§ ¡ ¥



. . . 9

In terms of local coordinates at ,


§ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥

7 ¢ 7 ¢ ¢ 


9 . . .+



§ 7

where the positive continuous function is called a weight function. If

¡ ¥



. . . 9

is another set of local coordinates at then,


§ ¡ ¥ © © ¡ © ¥ § ¡ ¡ ¥ ¥ ¡¢¡ ¡ © ¥

7 )  7 ) 7 ¢ 



9 . . .7  

4 where the determinant is the Jacobian of the coordinate transformation. (For a

precise definition of integrals on see [[101]].)  Two examples of left-invariant integrals are well known. The group (exam-

ple (3) in 2.1) with elements



( ¡ ¥&§

 ¡ ¡ 

9 (3.4)


is isomorphic to the real line. The continuous functions on are just the contin-

¡ ¥

¡ ¡ uous functions on the real line. Here, is a left-invariant . Indeed


by a simple change of variable we have

¨© ¨ ©

¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ (

£ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡

¤ ¤

© ©

where is any continuous function on such that the integral converges. Since


is Abelian, is also right-invariant.

¢ ¡ ¥&§


¦ $  ¡

A second example is the circle group , the Abelian group of

¢¡ ¥ ¡£¢ ¥

unitary matrices. The continuous functions on can be written , where

¢ ¢

, , "

is continuous for and periodic with period " . The measure is

left-invariant (right invariant) since

¨ ¨

¡ ¢ ¥ ¢ § ¡£¢ ¥ ¢

¥ ¥


¢ ¢


We now show how to construct a left-invariant measure for the § -dimensional

¡ ¥



real linear Lie group . Let be a parametrization of in a neighborhood of

§ ¡ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥¨§ ¡




9  , ¢ ¤

the identity element and chosen such that 9 . Set


¢ ¦¥



, § ¦  $§¤

. Then by property (3) of a local linear Lie group, the  matrices

 ¡ ¥

¡ 9

are linearly independent.¢ Given any other parametrization near the identity

¤¡ ¥ § ¡  ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¡ ¥¦¥

¡ ¡ ¢ ¡

9 ¢ 9 9

and such that we have for some¢ analytic function






¡ ¡

§ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥  § ¡ ¤¡ ¥ ¡ ¡ ¥



¡ ¢ ¡ ¡ ¢



¡ ¡



¤ §£©




¤ 9  ¨ ¨ 9  4 ¤

and ¤ .


¢ ¦¥

4 4


 ¡ ¥ §

'  , 




§¤ 4 

Here the $ must be linearly independent so . In other words, the §

tangent space at the identity element of is -dimensional and once we chose a


¡ §¤

fixed basis $ for the tangent space, any coordinate system in a neighborhood of



, ,


¢ § § 4 . . . 4 ':4 will determine linearly independent -tuples ' which generate

a parallelepiped with volume

§ ¡ ¥





¡ ¥



in the tangent space. Now suppose is a parametrization¢ of in a neighbor-

¥&§ ¢ ¢ ¡  §



9 9 ¤

hood of the group element 9 and such that . Then the matrices

¡ ¡ ¥ §

  ¡  ©



¨ ¨

 . . . § 9

, are linearly independent. Furthermore,¤ the matri-


¡ (  ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¡ ¥ ¥


¡ ¢ ¡

¢ 9 9 9 ¢

ces in a neighborhood of can be represented as 4 .


¢ ¡ ¡

Differentiating this expression with respect to ¡ and setting we find











¤ 9 ¤ 4





, ,

§ § 4 . . .84 ':4

for linearly independent -tuples ' . This defines a parallelepiped in

¢ 9 the tangent space to at as the volume of its image in the tangent space at

37 ¡

¢ :



§ ¡ ¥

, ,



' '





By construction, our volume element is left-invariant. Indeed if then



¤ ¤ ¤ ¤



¢¥ § ¡ ¢ ¡ ¥ § §


¢ ¢




¡ ¡


¨ ¨

9  9 ¤  9 9 ¤ 4 ¤


4 4 4 4








¡ ¡  ¡ 9

so  . We define the measure on by

# #

§ ¡ ¥



9  ¡ . . .+


4 §

Expression (3.5) actually makes sense independent of local coordinates. If

¡ © © ¥



9 . .

. is another local coordinate system at then


¡ ¡ ¡

¤ ¤

¡ ¡


§ §




¡ © ¡ © ¡ ©

9 9 ¤ 4 ¤ :

4 4 '


¡ ¡ ¡

¡ ¡

 : ¤

so ¨

¡ ¡

¡ ¡


¡ ¡

¡¨© ¥ § § ¡ ¥


, ,


£¢  ¡ © 4  ¡ © /.  4 

' '

: :

¡ ¡

¡ ¦


¡ ¥ © © § ¡ ¥ ¡ ¡ ¡ © ¥ © ©




¡ ¡

 ¡ . . .  ¡   . . .7

§ ¡ ¥

4 4

¢ (3.6)


 ¡ . . .+ 4

This shows that the integral

¨ ¨

¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥



¡ ¡

¥ ¥

9 9 . . .  ¡ . . .7

4 4

is well-defined, provided it converges. Furthermore,

¤ ¤ ¤

¡ ¡ ¡ § ¡ ¥ ¥ ¡ ¥ ¥ § ¡ ¥ ¥ ¡ ¥

¥ ¥ ¥

¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢


9 £ ¡ 9 9 9  ¡

¤ ¤

¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ § §

¥ ¥ 

¢ (3.7)


9 9 9  ¡


where the third equality follows from the fact that 9 runs over if does.

 9 By analogous procedures one can also define a right-invariant measure in

. Writing



§ § ¡ ¡ ¡ ¥


¡ ¡


0 ¤ 9 9


we define


¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥


¢  ¢



¡  0   9 £ ¡ . . .+

£ (3.8) 4



The reader can verify that is right-invariant on .

¤ ¤ ¤

¡ ¡ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¡ ¡ ¥

¡ ¡

9 9 9 9 9 9

4 4

Since 4 , we have


¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥

¢ ¢ 

¡  9!/.  ¡

£ (3.9)



9 ¤ 9 ¤ 9

where is the automorphism 4 of the tangent space at the identity.


§ ¦ § §

(That is, we consider 9 as an matrix acting on the -dimensional tangent


§ §


9 9 #89 space.) Thus, if then and there exists a two-sided invariant

measure on . It can be shown that a much larger class of groups (the locally compact topo- logical (groups) possesses left-invariant (right-invariant) measures. Furthermore,

the left-invariant (right-invariant) measure of a group is unique up to a constant

- -/


factor. That is, if 9 and are left-invariant measures on then there exists a

- § -/

 9  9

constant  such that , [[43]], [[83]]. ¡

To illustrate our construction consider the Heisenberg matrix group , ex-


ample (8) in 2.1. Here is a -dimensional Lie group which can be covered

§ ¡ ¥

¢ ¡  ¡  ¡

by a single coordinate patch ¥ .




¡ ¡




§ ¡ ¥ §






Clearly, the matrices

© © ©

¨ ¨ ¨


¦ ¦ ¦

¤§ ¤§ ¤§

§ § §




¤ ¤ ¤


4 ¡

form a basis for the tangent space at the identity element of . Now



¡ ¡ ¡ ¡






§ §


4 4


9 9



¥ ¡ §

¡ £ ¡ ¡ ¡ £

¥ ¥ ¥

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤

4 4 4

¡ ¥


9 9

where is the differential of . Thus,






§ ¡ ¥&§ §










¡ ¡ ¡




and . Similarly,




¡ ¡ ¡ £ ¡





¡ ¥ § ¤§





-9 9



§ ¡ ¥

¡ ¡ £ ¡ £ ¡ 

¥ ¥ ¥

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤


4 ©

so ¨





¡ ¥ § § §



£ ¡  



¡ ¡ ¡



and .


¡ " The affine group , example (7) of 2.1 is -dimensional and can again be

covered by a single coordinate patch:



¡ ¥&§




A basis for the tangent space at the identity is

¤ ¤


§ §



¤ ¤


¦ ¦

and ¤



¡ ¥ § §

£ ¥


¤ ¤ 9 -9


4 ¦

Therefore ¤

¡ ¥ § §













and . On the other hand,


¥ £ ¥


§ ¡ ¥



9 9



§ ¡ ¥

¥ £ ¥

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤




Therefore ¤

¡ ¥&§ §




¢ ¢

£ ¡  




%9 and . In this case the left- and right-invariant measures are distinct.

40 3.3 Orthogonality relations for compact Lie groups

Now we are ready to extend the orthogonality relations to representations of a

larger class of groups, the compact linear Lie groups. We say that a sequence of




 ¦  $/9

complex matrices ' is a Cauchy sequence if each of the sequences of



, '



$/9 , £ 

matrix elements , is Cauchy. Clearly, every Cauchy sequence


!§ ¡ § ¡ ¥





9   9 9

of matrices converges to a unique matrix 9 . A set


¦  £ 

of  matrices is bounded if there exists a constant such that

( ¢ ¢ ©

 9 =, £ , £ 9 

for , and all . The set is closed provided every

¢ ¢

Cauchy sequence in converges to a matrix in .


Definition 9 A (global) group of  matrices is compact if it is a bounded,


closed subset of the set of all  matrices.

¡  ¥

As an example we show that the orthogonal group  is compact. If

( ¡ ¥ § ¡


9 9 9

then % , i.e.,



¡ ¡

¡ ¡

9 9



¥ § ¡ § © ©


9 =,  9 £

Setting we obtain , so for all . Thus the matrix


¡ ¥



9 $/9

elements of are bounded. Let ' be a Cauchy sequence in with

¡ ¡


¡ ¥ § ¡ § ¡ ( ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥

, ,





9 9 9 9 9   9

% ' % limit . Then ' so and is

compact. § Now suppose is a real, compact, linear Lie group of dimension . It follows

from the Heine-Borel Theorem [[96]] that the group manifold of can be cov-

ered by a finite number of bounded coordinate patches. Thus, for any continuous

¡ ¥ 9

function on , the integral

¨ ¨

¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥

¢ ¢


¥ ¥

9 9 9  ¡ will converge (since the domain of integration is bounded.) In particular the inte-

gral ¨

¥ §



 9 (3.10)

called the volume of , converges. The preceding remarks also hold for the right-



%9 9 #89

invariant measure . Moreover, we can show for compact groups.



9  9 Theorem 7 If is a compact linear Lie group then .



) )




 9  9 9 9 ¤ 9 ¤ 9

PROOF: By (3.9), , where is the mapping 4 of


9  ¦ 

the tangent space at the identity of . (We can think of as an matrix



9 9

rep of .) Since is compact the matrices 4 are uniformly bounded.



Thus the matrices are bounded and there exists a constant  such that

) )

( § §


9 , 9 9  9  

 for all . Now fix and suppose . Then

¡ ¡ ¡

) )

§ § §

    ¢¡ ¡


 9   9  " . . .





Choosing appropriately we get  , which is impossible. Therefore

( §


9 # 9

for all 9 and . Q.E.D.

§ §


9 9 #%9 -9 For compact we write where the measure is both left- and right-invariant. Using the invariant measure for compact groups we can mimic the proofs of most of the results for finite groups obtained in Chapter 2. In particular we can show that any finite-dimensional rep of a compact group can be decomposed into a direct sum of irred reps and can obtain orthogonality relations for the matrix elements.

For finite groups £ these results were proved using the average of a function

£ £

over £ . If is a function on then the average of over is


¡¨© ¥ ¡ ¡¨© ¥ ¥ §

¡ ¥

§ £


( ¢

If £ then

£¥¤ £¥¤ £¥¤

¡ ¡ © ¥ ¥ § ¡ ¡ © ¥ ¥&§ ¡ ¡ © ¥ ¥ ¢ ¢ (3.11)


£¥¤ £¥¤ £¥¤ £¥¤

¡ ¡ © ¥ ¥ ¡ ¥&§ ¡ ¡ © ¥ ¥ ¡¨© ¥ ¥ § ¡ © ¥ ¡




4 4

4 4

Properties (3.11) and (3.12) are sufficient to prove most of the fundamental results

on the reps of finite groups. Now let be a compact linear Lie group and let be

a continuous function on . We define

¨ ¨


¡ ¡ ¥¦¥¨§ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥-

¥ ¥

9 9 9 9 9

¥ (3.13)


¥ §


9  9

where ¤ is the invariant measure on , is the volume of , and

- §


9 9 

4 is the normalized invariant measure. Then

£¥¤ £¥¤

¤ ¤

¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¥- § ¡ ¡ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥&§ ¥- §

¥ ¥

9 9 9 9 9 9

£¥¤ £¥¤ £¥¤


¡ ¡ ¥ ¥&§ ¡ ¡ ¥ ¥ ¡ ¥ § - § (




9 9 9



- ¡ ¡ ¥¦¥ 9 since 9 is both left- and right-invariant. Thus, also satisfies properties (3.11), (3.12).

In order to mimic the finite group constructions we need to limit ourselves to

¡ ¥


continuous reps of , i.e., reps such that the operators are continuous


functions of the group parameters of 9 .

Theorem 8 Let  be a continuous rep of the compact linear Lie group on the  finite-dimensional inner product space  . Then is equivalent to a unitary rep

on  .


PROOF: Let . be the inner product on . We define another inner product

¡ ¥  (


. .  

on  , with respect to which is unitary. For define




¡  ¥ § ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ - § ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥



 9  9  9   9  9  (3.15)

(The integral converges since the integrand is continuous and the domain of in-

¡ ¥

 . tegration is finite.) It is straightforward to check that . is an inner product. In particular, the positive definite property follows from the fact that the weight

function is strictly positive (except possibly on a set of Lebesgue measure  .) Now


£¥¤ £¥¤

¡ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥  ¥ § ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥  § ¡  ¥


    9  9    9  9 

¡ ¥

. . so  is unitary with respect to . The remainder of the proof is identical with that of Theorem 1. Q.E.D. Thus with no loss of generality, we can restrict ourselves to the study of unitary



Theorem 9 If  is a unitary rep of on and is an invariant subspace of

 then £ is also an invariant subspace under .

Theorem 10 Every finite-dimensional, continuous, unitary rep of a compact lin- ear Lie group can be decomposed into a direct sum of irred unitary reps.

The proofs of these theorems are identical with corresponding proofs for finite





Let ' be a complete set of nonequivalent finite-dimensional unitary irred

¤ reps of , labeled by the parameter . (Here we consider only reps of on

complex vector spaces.) Initially we have no way of telling how many distinct ¤ values ¤ can take. (It will turn out that takes on a countably infinite number of





" . . .

values, so that we can choose ¤ .) We introduce an basis in each

, ,

 § ¦ § © ' rep space ' to obtain a unitary matrix rep of .

Now we mimic the construction of the orthogonality relations for finite groups.



, ,


© © § ¦ § '

Given the matrix reps ' , choose an arbitrary matrix and form


¦ §

the § matrix


¤ ¤


¡ ¡

¡ ¡

¡ ¡ § ¡ ¥ ¥ § ¡ ¥ ¥-

, , , ,


© 9 © 9 #  © 9 © 9 9

' 4 ' 4 ' '

Just as in the corresponding construction for finite groups, one can easily verify



¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥

, ,

© # # ©

' '


for all . Recall that the Schur lemmas are valid for finite-dimensional reps



¤  ©

of all groups, not just finite groups. Thus if , i.e., ' not equivalent to


¡ ¡

§ § ¡ (





© # ¤ #

' , then is the zero matrix. If then for some :

¡ ¡


¡ ¥- ¡ ¥ § ¡


¡ ¡¥£

# ¤ ¤



¦ §

Letting run over all § matrices, we obtain the independent identities





¡ ¥ ¡ ¥- § ¡ © ¥- -

, ,





' '

© 9 © 9 9 ¤ : 4

: (3.16)


¡ ¥ § §




9 ¤  £ £

for the matrix elements © . To evaluate we set and sum on :

¡ ¡

£ £



¡ ¡

§ § ¥ ¡ ¥- § - ¡

, ,




' '

§ © 9 9 © 9


4 ! 4


§.- ¡ ¥



§ © 9

Therefore . Since the matrices ' are unitary, (3.16) becomes



¡ ¥ ¡ ¥- § ¡ - ¥- - ©

, ,




¡ ¡


' '

© © 9 9 9 :¦ § ,¨£ , § ,  , §

: (3.17)

These are the orthogonality relations for matrix elements of irred reps of .

3.4 The Peter-Weyl theorem

In the case of finite groups £ we were able to relate the orthogonality relations to


an inner product on the group ring ¦ . We can consider as the space of all

¡¨© ¥

functions on £ . Then

§ ¡¨© ¥ ¡ © ¥

¡ ¥

4 4

§ £



¡ ¥

, '





$ § ©

defines an inner product on with respect to which the functions 4


form an basis. We extend this idea to a compact linear Lie group as fol-

* ¡ ¥

lows: Let be the space of all functions on which are (Lebesgue) square-

integrable: ¨

* ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ % ¡ ¥ -



$  9 9  9¡ £¢


With respect to the inner product


¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥-



9 9 9




* ¡ ¥

is a Hilbert space, [[43]], [[83]]. Note that every continuous function on

* ¡ ¥

belongs to . Let

¡ ¥&§ ¡ ¥

, ,


¡ ¡

' '

9 § © 9

4 (3.20)

, '




, £ , § ¤

It follows from (3.17) and (3.19) that $ , where and ranges


* ¡ ¥

over all equivalence classes of irred reps, forms an set in .




¡ '

For finite groups we know that the set $ is an basis for the group ring,

and every function on the group can be written as a unique linear combination

, '


' $

of these basis functions. Similarly one can show that for compact the set


* ¡ ¥ ( * ¡ ¥

is an basis for . Thus, every can be expanded uniquely in

the (generalized)


¡ ¥ ¡ ¥



9 9 









Furthermore we have the Plancherel equality



, ,

'2 '54




(For 0 this is called Parseval’s equality.) Convergence of the right-hand side of4 (3.21) to the left-hand side is meant in the sense of the Hilbert space . We will not here take up the question of pointwise convergence. See, however,

[[38]], [[39]], [[63]], [[92]].

, '


' $

Theorem 11 (Peter-Weyl). If is a compact linear Lie group, the set is


* ¡ ¥

an basis for .

45 The proof of this theorem depends heavily on facts about symmetric com- pletely continuous operators in Hilbert space and will not be given here. For the details see [[43]] or [[83]].

Corollary 3 A compact linear Lie group has a countably infinite (not finite)




number of equivalence classes of irred reps ' . Thus, we can label the reps



" . . .

so that ¤ .


* ¡ ¥ * ¡ ¥

, '




PROOF: The functions form an basis for . Since is a separable, infinite-dimensional Hilbert space there are a countably infinite number of basis vectors [[43]], [[83]]. Q.E.D.

We illustrate the Peter-Weyl theorem for an important example, the circle

¢ ¡ ¥ ¢ ¡ ¥ § ¡ § ¥


$  £ ¤ ¡

group , example 5 in 2.1. Since ¥ & , , is compact

¡ ¢ ¥

and Abelian its irred matrix reps are continuous functions ¡ such that

¡ ¢ ¢ ¥&§ ¡£¢ ¥ ¡ ¢ ¥ ¢ ¢ (

¡ £ ¡ ¡  


4 4 4

¡£¢ ¥ § ¡£¢ ¥

¡ £ ¡

and . The functional equation (3.23) has only the solutions

¡ ¢ ¥ § §


¡ ¡

 " £   and the periodicity of implies , where is an integer.

Therefore, there are an infinite number of irreducible unitary representations of

¢ ¡ ¥


¡£¢ ¥&§ §

¡  ¡



" . . . ¢  


¢ ¡ ¥ * ¡ ¢ ¡ ¥ ¥ ¢

The normalized invariant measure on is . The space is just the

* ¡ ¡ ¢ ¥ ¥


space consisting of all measurable functions with period such


¡£¢ ¥ ¢





  ¡¢ $ 

¥ &

that . By the Peter-Weyl theorem the functions form


* ¡ ( * ¡ ¥ ¥




an basis for . Every can be expressed uniquely in the

form ©



¡£¢ ¥ § ¡ ¢ ¥ ¢0

¢ ¢



 ¢   ¢ 

¥  ¥ 






Furthermore, ©


¡£¢ ¥ ¢ §



 7   ¢ 





Here (3.24) is the well-known Fourier series expansion of a periodic function and (3.25) is Parseval’s equality.


3.5 The rotation group and spherical harmonics

? ?

A second very important example of the orthogonality relations for compact? linear


¡  ¥ § ¡  ¥

Lie groups and the Peter-Weyl theorem in the rotation group  .

¡  ¥

Here we will giv? e some basic facts about the irreducible representations of

and refer to the literature for most of the proofs, [[20]], [[45]], [[79]], [[107]].

¡ ¥   ¦

Recall that ? has a convenient realization as the group of all real

§ ¡ §


9 9 9 9 %

matrices such that and ? , example 5, 2.1. This is the


natural realization of as the group of all rotations in ¥ which leave the


origin fixed. One convenient parametrization of ¡ is in terms of the Euler

angles. Recall that a rotation through angle about the £ axis is given by



¨ ©





( ¡ ¥ ¡ ¡ ¥¨§ §




and rotations through angle about the and  axis are given by








( ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ §


¥ ¤ ¡




¨ ©



( ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ §





¤ ¡

¡  ¥

respectively. Differentiating each of these curves in with respect to and

§  setting we find the following linearly independent matrices in the tangent

space at the identity:

© © ©

¨ ¨ ¨



¦ ¢ ¦ ¦ ¢ ¢

¤§ ¤§ ¤§

§ § §








§ ¡


9 9 %

One can check from the definition ? that the tangent space at the identity

is at most three-dimensional, so the matrices (3.26) form a basis for this space.


¡ ¥ (


The Euler angles for are given by

§ §

¡ ¥ § £ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥¦ ¡ ¡ ¥ §




¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥



§ § § §


¥ ¤ ¥   ¥ ¤  ¤ ¥  ¥ ¥  ¥ ¡

§ § § § ¦




£ £

  ¤   ¤ 

¥ ¥

§ §





( ¡ ¥

It can be shown that every 9 can be represented in the form (3.27) where

the Euler angles run over the domain




, " , 1, "

, (3.28)


The representation of 9 by Euler angles is unique except for the cases


£ 9

where only the sum ? is determined by , but this exceptional set is only

one-dimensional and doesn’? t contribute to an integral over the group manifold.


The invariant measure on ¡ can be computed directly from the formulas of


¡ ¥)( ¡  ¥



3.2. Let . Then

¥ ¥



¢ ¢ ¢

§ §




£ £ 


  ¡ ¡  9





¢ ¢

§ §




 9  ¤ 









9 4


¥ ¥



§ §



¦ § §

§ ¤§

¡ ¥ § §




 ¡   ¡









¡  ¥ 9

Since is compact, is both left- and right-invariant. The volume of


¡ is

¨ ¨ ¨ ¨


§ § §

¥ ¥


¢ ¢ ¢

¥¤§¦ 9 ¡ ¨

, (3.30)







¡ ¡

§ ¡ ¥ §

, ,


   " . . .

¢ '

The irred unitary reps of are denoted ' , where

¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ §

, ,

¦ £

" 9 © © 9 9 '54

. (In particular ' and .) Expressed in terms of an




basis for the rep space ' consisting of simultaneous eigenfunctions for the


¡ £ ¡ ¥¦¥


operators ' , the matrix elements are

¦ ¤


¡ ¡




¡ ¥ §

, © ¢ , ©




¤ ¦


¡ ¡

' '

£ ¦ ©


, © ¢ , ©


' '







)  * , 

¤ ¤  ¤

¢ ,


¤ ¦  ¦


¥ ':4 ¥

¥ 4



, ¢




4 ' ¥ 4



¦ ¤

¤ ¦

¡ ¡



§ ¡ ¥


, © ¢ , ©

¢ ¢ ,


¤ ¦


¡ ¡

' '



, © ¢ , ©


' '

¦  ¦

¤ ,  , (3.31)




¡ ¥

 ¡ £

Here is the Gaussian hypergeometric function and is the


 ¦ gamma function [[40]], [[107]], [[110]]. A generating function for the matrix

elements is

¤ ¦ ¤ ¦


¡ ¡ ¡


¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥

¢ ¢ ¢



§ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ §

£ ¤ 0 £ 4 4 £ ¤ 0

© 9 9 £

¥ ¥ ¡ © ¥ ¡ © ¥ ¡ ¡


¦ £  8 ¦¤£ ¦ ¦  8



 ¤ ¤  ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤  

4 4



¤ ¦

¢ ¢

§ §

,:8 ,:8

 4  0 £ 

(' ('

" "

The group property


¡ ¡ ¡

¥ ¥ ¡ ¥&§ ¡ ¡

¡ ¡

© 9 © 9 © 9 9

¢ ¢




4 4

defines an addition theorem obeyed by the matrix elements. The unitary property


¡ ¥



of the operator ' implies




¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥

© 9 © 9


¢ ¢

or in Euler angles,

¡ © ¥ ¡ ¥

¥ ¥

¦ £ ¦

¤ ¤


¡ ¥ ¡ ¥¨§ ¤ ¤  ¤ ¡ ¥


 ¢ ¢¨


¡ ¡

¡ © ¥ ¡ ¥


¦ ¦ £

¤ ¤  ¤


¡ ¥

 © 9 -,

Also, ¢ or



¡ © ¥ ¡ ¥


¦ £ ¦



¡ ¥

¤ ¤  ¤




¡ ¥ ¡ © ¥

, 1,   ,

¦ £ ¦

 ¤ ¤ ¤¥¤



¡ ¥



The matrix elements ¢ , are proportional to the spherical harmonics


¥ ¦ ¡



. Indeed



£ ¡ ¥

8 ¥


¡ ¢


§ §

¡ ¥ § ¥ § ¦ ¡ ¡ ¥

¤  ¤


¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢


¡ ¡

¡ ¥

£ ) £ © 


¦ £ ¦¤£


"  ¤



¡ ¥


¡ where the are the associated Legendre functions [[40]], [[45]], [[78]],

[[79]]. Moreover, ¥



¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥






¥ ¡


where is the Legendre polynomial.


¡ ¥

© 9

According to the general theory of 3.3, the matrix elements ¢ satisfy

the orthogonality relations




- - - ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ § ¨

¡ ¡

© © ¢ ¢£ 9 9 9








" '


¨ ¨ ¨



§ § §

¡ ¥ - ¥ - - ¡ ¥ § ¨

¥ ¥


¡ ¡

¢ ¢ ¢

© © ¢ ¢ 



¦ £



The and integrations are trivial, while the integration gives

¡ © ¥ ¡ ¥


¥ ¥

¦ ¦

¤ ¤ ¤  ¤ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ § " -


 ¢  ¢

¡ ¡

¡ ¡


  ¡ © ¥ ¡ ¥

¦¤£ ¦ £ ¦ £

" ¤  ¤

©!§ §

¢ ¢ ¢

¥ ¥ ¥ ¥

For these are the¤ orthogonality relations for the Legendre polynomials.

¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥,§ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥






¡ ¡

(Note: By definition, , where


 ¡ ¡ are Legendre functions.)

By the Peter-Weyl theorem, the functions

¡ ¡

§ §

¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥


  ¦ £   

" ©


¢ ¢

© §

¦  ¦  ¦   

? ?

¤ ,  , " . . .


¡ ¡  ¥ ¥ ( * ¡ ¡ ¥¦¥

constitute an basis for * . If then



¡ ¡

§ §

¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ §



¢ ¢

¢ (3.33)


¡ ¡



where ¡

¤ ¤ ¤


§ ¡ ¥ §

¢ ¢ ¢

¥ ¥



¢ ¢


§ §

¡ ¥ ¡ ¥






¡ ¥¦¥ ¥)( * ¡ ¡


Some particular cases of (3.33) are of special interest. ? Suppose


¥ ¡

is independent of the variable . If we think of ? as latitude and longitude,

¡#¥ ¢ ¡ ¥



we can consider as a function on the unit sphere , square-

integrable with respect to the area measure on . Since the -dependence of

¡ ¡


¡ ¥ § © §




¢ is , it follows from (3.34) that unless ; the only


possible nonzero coefficients are ¢ . Now


§ §

¡ ¥ § ¡¤£ ¥ ¦ ¡ ¥

8 ¢



4 ¢


¦ ¢

where ¡ is a spherical harmonic. Thus,

© ©


§ §

¡ ¦ ¡ ¥&§ ¥





¢ (3.35)






¨ ¨


§ § §

§ ¡ ¦ ¡ ¥ ¥ - ¡ ¦ ¦ ¥&§.-

¢ ¢




¡ ¡

¡ ¡ ¡

¢ ¢

  ¢ ¢£



This is the expansion of a function on the sphere as a linear combination of spheri-

* ¡ ¡  ¥ ¥

cal harmonics. Again,? (3.35) converges in the norm of , not necessarily



¡#¥ ¥ ¡ ¥ ( * ¡

If is a function of alone then the coefficients ¢ are zero

©§ §

unless  . Here,




¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥



 ¦   ¦ £   


" " . . .



¤ ¤


¡ £ ¡ ¡

¦¤£ ¦ ¦ ¦

¡ ¥&§ §

¤ ¤

¤ ¤ ¤





¡ £

4 4

" ¦ " ¦

¡ ¡

is a Legendre polynomial of order ¦ . The coefficient of in the expansion of

¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥


¡ ¡

is nonzero and . The expansion of becomes



¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥

¡ ¡




§ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥



¦ £ 

¡ ¡


4 ¥

¥ (3.36)




¡ ¥ #¡ ¥ §






4 3.6 Fourier transforms and their relation to Fourier series

Abelian groups , (not necessarily compact) are another class of groups concern-

* ¡ ¥

ing which one can make general statements about the decomposition of in terms of unitary representations [[20]], [[39]], [[43]], [[63]], [[83]], [[92]], [[107 ]].

We will not go into this theory but consider only a single, very important, example £ where the results are familiar to everyone: The group of real numbers with

addition of numbers as group multiplication. Here is isomorphic to the matrix

; £ group , examples (1) and (3), Section 2.1, and is the invariant measure. The


£ ¡£¦¥ unitary irred reps of are one-dimensional, hence continuous functions such


£ ¡¤£ £ ¥ §.£ ¡£ ¥ £ ¡£ ¥ £ £ (


£ (3.37)

4 4 4

£ ¡£¦¥¢§


This functional equation has only the solutions % and the unitarity re-

§ @ @ ( * ¡ ¥


quirement implies " where is real. Given a function we



have ¨

¡A@ ¥ @ ¡£¦¥&§



¥ & 2! %



¡A@ ¥

where the Fourier coefficients? are defined by




£ ¡3@ ¥ § ¡£¦¥




¥ & 2! %

§ ¡ £ ¥



£ ¡¤£¦¥¨§

¥  2! %

and is the irred rep. Parseval’s equality? is


© ©

¨ ¨

¡A@ ¥ @ ¡£¦¥ £ §


¤ ¤

© ©

Formally, the orthogonality relations are




¡ £ £ ¥&§ £ ¡3@ @ ¥ £ §.- ¡3@ @ ¥

 § ©


 " £ ¤ ¤



! !

¡A@ ¥ where - is the Dirac delta function. Note that the sum over irred reps, familiar for compact groups, is here replaced by an integral over irred reps.

It is illuminating to compare the Fourier transform on with the correspond-

( * ¡ ¥ ¢ ¡ ¥

¡ ¦

ing results for and . Assume that belongs to the Schwartz


¡ ¡

¡ ¥


class, i.e., is in and there exist constants  (depending on ) such


£ §




 -, §  " . . . ¡

that £ on for each . Then the projection operator

* ¡ ¥



maps to a continuous function in with period one:


¡ ¥¨§ ¡ ¥

 ¡ ¡ £ 





¡ ¥


Expanding  into a Fourier series we find



¡ ¥ §









where ¨

¤ ¤

¡ ¡

¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ § §



¡ ¡  ¡ ¡





¥  ¥ &

¤ ©


¡A@ ¥ ¡ ¥ ¡

and ¥ is the Fourier transform of . Thus,

© ©


¥&§ ¡ ¡ ¥

¡ £ 


§ § 

¥ & (3.39)

¤ ¤

© ©

¡ ¡

@ § ¡ ¥


¥ §

and we see that  tells us the value of at the integer points , but

§  not in general at the non-integer points. (For ¡ , equation (3.39) is known as

the Poisson summation formula, [[39]]. If we think of as a signal, we see that

periodization (3.38) of results in a loss of information. However, if vanishes

¥ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥


  ¡ ¡ ¡


outside of then 0 for and


¡ ¥¨§ ¡ ¥

¡ ¡ 


, § 

¥  (3.40) ¡

without error. Now suppose (3.40) holds, so that there is no periodization error.

¦ ¦ ¦



¤ . . .

For an integer we sample the signal at the points :



¡ ¥ §

¢ 8 £



, §  )

¥ & (3.41)



¦ ¦


¥ £ ¥ ¥ 

 ,  From the Euclidean we have § where and are

integers. Thus




¦ ¦

¡ ¥ §


¢ 8 £

¥ £ 




  , ¥ &

¢ (3.42)




Note that the quantity in brackets is the projection of ¥ at integer points to a periodic function of period ¦ . Furthermore, the expansion (3.42) is essentially

the finite Fourier expansion (2.37). However, simply sampling the signal at the

¦ ¦

¡ ¥ ¡ ¥

¥ £ ¥


¥ ¥  points tells us only not (in general) . This is known as aliasing error. Although we will not work out the details in these notes, a similar approach to the foregoing (with periodizing and aliasing error) is appropriate and useful for on the Heisenberg and affine groups.

3.7 Exercises

¢¡ ¥

1. Construct a real irred two-dimensional rep of the circle group .


¢ ¡ ¥

2. Show how to decompose any real finite-dimensional rep of as a direct

sum of real irred reps.


3. Verify that the measure , (4.8), is right-invariant on the group .

¤ ¤


¡ ¥&§ ¡ ¥ §


9 9 9 9 4

4. Prove: If is a compact linear Lie group then , i.e., 4


) )

¡ ¥*§ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥



¢ ¢


 9  ¤ 9   ¡ -9 ¡

. Hint: Show that  where is the


£ £ £

§§¦ § 9 9

automorphism 4 of matrices .

¡¤£¦¥ £ 5. Assuming that £ is a continuously differentiable function of , use a dif- ferential equations argument to show that the only nonzero solutions of the

functional equation

£ ¡¤£ £ ¥&§¤£ ¡£ ¥ £ ¡¤£ ¥ £ £ (


4 4 4

£ ¡¤£¦¥¨§


are % , where is a constant.

¡£¦¥ £ 6. Assuming only that that £ is a real continuous function of , show that

the only nonzero solutions of the functional equation

£ ¡¤£ £ ¥&§¤£ ¡£ ¥ £ ¡¤£ ¥ £ £ (


4 4 4

£ ¡£¦¥ § £ ¡¤£¦¥ § ¢ ¡¤£

¢ ,



% $'"%

are , where is a constant. Hint: Set so that

¢ ¡£¦¥ £ ¢ ¡ ¥ £ ¥¨§ ¢ ¡¤£ ¥ ¢ ¡¤£ ¥

4 £

. Then determine for rational from .


¤ ¤¡

¡ ¥¨§ ¡ £¦¥




 7. Use the Poisson summation formula for the Gauss kernel "

to derive the identity

© ©

¤¡¤ ¤





¥ %


¤ ¤

© ©

¡ ¡



¡A@ ¥ §


! % Hint: ¥ .

54 Chapter 4



4.1 Induced representations of

Recall that the Heisenberg group ¢¡ can be realized as the linear Lie group of ©

matrices ¨

¡ ¡




¡ ¥ §




9 (4.1)


with group product

¥ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥¨§ ¡

 ¡  ¡  ¡   ¡ £  ¡ £  ¡ £ £ ¡

¥ ¥ ¥ ¥


4 4 4 4 4

and invariant measure

§ §

¡ ¡ ¡



9 # 9

4 ¡ To motivate the construction of the unitary irred reps of we review the

essentials of the Frobenius construction of induced representations. Let be a

linear Lie group and a linear Lie subgroup of . If is a rep of on the


vector space £ we can obtain a rep of by restricting to ,

¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ (


On the other hand the method of Frobenius allows one to construct a rep of from

a rep of . Let be ¥ a finite-dimensional unitary rep of on the inner product

¢ ¡ ¥

9 space  . Denote by the vector space of all functions with domain and


range contained in where addition and scalar multiplication of functions¥ are the

( ¡ ¥

9 9   vector operations.¥ Here, for a fixed , is a vector in . Let be the

subspace of ¢ defined by

¥ ¥

¥ § ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ § ( ¢ % ¡ ¢¡ ¡ ( (


9  9  $ 9


¥ ¥

We define a rep  of on by

¥ ¥


¡ ¡ ¥ ¥&§ ¡ ¥ ( (


  9 9 9 9 9 

9 (4.3)

¥ ¥

¡ ¥


It is clear that is invariant under¥ and the operators satisfy the ho-

¡ ¥

. .

momorphism property. Here,  is called an induced representation. If is

the inner product¥ on and is compact we can initially define the inner product

. .3 

on by ¨

¡ ¥ ¥ § ¡ ¥ ¡



9 %9  9

4 4


#89  ¥

where is the right-in¥ variant measure on . Then we restrict the operators


  / ¢ 9

to the subspace¥ of functions such that . If and


we have

¥ ¥


¡  ¥ ¥ ¡  ¥ ¡  ¥ ¡  ¥ § ¡



9 9 # 9 9;9  9  9 


¡ ¥ ¥ § § ¡ ¥ ¡

4 4



9 # 9  9




¡ ¥ ¥ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ ¥&§ ¡ ¡ ¥ ¡

9 9 9 9

so  is unitary. However, note from (4.2) that

( ¡ ¥



. . 9

for all , i.e., the inner product is constant on the right¥ cosets . Thus

if is noncompact the above integral will be undefined (or will contain only



the zero function). If the coset space ¥ admits a -invariant measure,

¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ ( (

¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ 

¤ ¤ 9 ¤ ¥ 9

i.e., a measure such that ¥ for all , then we

can define the inner product on  as


§ ¡ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥¦¥ ¡ ¥

 ¡  ¡ ¡




4 4


% ¡ ¥  ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥

¡ ¡


and the operators  will still be unitary. Here, we choose

 (   ¡ ¥ ¡  ¥ § 

¡ ¡

9 9 ¥ 9 0 9 9 9


an in each right coset , so that  and .

§ ¡ ¥



. .

(Note: It is always possible to find local coordinates . on such

¥ § ¡ § ¡ ¥


 ¦ ¡   ¢


. . . ¢ . . £¢  , §

that . , , are local coordinates on and

4 4


are local coordinates on ¥ .) In general, no such invariant measure exists, but it does exist in many cases. In particular, if both and are unimodular, i.e., if the left-invariant and right-invariant measures for each of these groups are the


same, and is a closed subgroup of then it can be shown that an (unique up to ¤

a constant multiplier) invariant measure exists and that in local coordinates

§ ¥ ¡ ¥ (



-9  . . .+ 9

§ ¡ ¥ (



 ¡ . . .7 £¢



¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥

¢ ¢ ¦


¤   £¢ . . .+


§ ¡ ¥&§ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥

¢ ¢ ¡


9 ¤     where . Thus .

4.2 The Schrodinger¨ representation



Let us consider the case where and is the subgroup of matrices


¡ ¡ ¥ ¥ ¡ ¥&§ ¡ ¥


 ¡  ¡  ¡  ¡  ¡  ¡  ¡ £ ¡  ¡ £ ¡

¥ ¥ ¥

¥ ¥

$/9 9 9

. Since 9 it is clear


that is Abelian and that the operators


¡ ¥ §

 ¡  ¡ 



¥ & define a one-dimensional unitary irred rep of . Fur-

¡ ¡


thermore the left-invariant and right-invariant measure on is . Since

¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ ¥ ¡


¡  ¡  ¡  ¡  ¡ ¡  

¥ ¥

9 9 9

4 4

§ £



it is clear that the coset space ¥ can be parametrized by the coordinate ,

¡£¦¥ ¡ ¥


¡  ¡  ¡

¥ 9

and the (scalar) functions in  can be taken as . If acts on this

function, it transforms to 4


¥ ¥ ¡ ¥ ¡£ ¡¤£ £

£ ¡ £ ¡  ¡  ¡ £ ¡



4 4

§ ¡ ¥ £

 ¡  ¡ £ ¡

¥ ¢¡

where 9 , (4.2). Thus the action of restricted to the coset

space is

¢ ¢ ¢


¡¤£ ¥ ¡£¦¥ § ¡ ¡ ¥¦¥ ¡¤£¦¥

 , ¡

£ ¡ ¡  ¡  ¡  ¢


  9 0  

% '

¥ & (4.5)

4 4 ¢

One can verify directly that  is a rep, i.e.,

¢ ¢ ¢

¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥

 9  9  9 9

4 4

and that it is unitary with respect to the inner product



¡¤£¦¥ £ § ¡£¦¥

¤ (4.6)


4 4


¡ ¡

§ §


For this rep is reducible but (as we will show later) for  it is irred in the

* ¡ ¥

sense that there ¢ is no nontrivial closed subspace of which is invariant under

( ¡ ¥

9 ¡ 9 the operators  . This rep is called the Schrodinger¨ representation of the Heisenberg group.

Note that the mapping

¥¡  ¡ ¥ ¡

¡  ¡ ¡  ¡  ¡



4 4

¥¨§ ¡ % ¡ ¥ ¡

¡ £ ¡  ¡ 


is a homomorphism of onto the Abelian group .

¥ £ ¡ ¥&§

4 4 4

 ¡ £ ¡  ¡


. The unitary irred reps of are clearly of the form 

¦ ¡

¡ ¡ ¥¦¥¨§

4 2 2 4



¡ ¡ ¡

4  4 © 9

¥ & (' 2 2 2

2 for real constants . It follows that the matrices




¡ ¡



2 2

¥ & (' define one-dimensional unitary irred reps of . It can be shown


 © ¢¡ 2 that and 2 are the only irred unitary reps of , [[98]].

4.3 Square integrable representations





Assuming for the time being that  is irred for real let us see if there ¡ is an analog for of the orthogonality and completeness relations for matrix elements which hold for linear compact Lie groups, and for compact topological

groups in general. Noncompact groups can have infinite dimensional irred

unitary reps. That is, the rep space is a separable infinite dimensional Hilbert

¢ ¡ ¥ (



space with inner product . . The rep operators are unitary

¡ ¥ ¢

i.e., each  is a linear mapping of onto itself which preserves inner product:


(£¢ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ §



 , for all . The rep is irreducible if there is

¡ ¥ (

4 4


no proper closed subspace of which is invariant under the operator .


¢ ¢


The reps  of on the Hilbert spaces , respectively, are equivalent if

%¤¢  ¢ ¡ ¥ §

there is a bounded invertible linear operator such that 



¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ (

   for all , i.e., 4 . With these definitions the analog of Theorems 2, 4 are true and can be proven

with ease. Moreover, the following analog of Theorem 5 holds:

Theorem 12 Let  be a unitary rep of the group on the separable Hilbert space

¢ ¢

. Then  is irred if and only if the only bounded operator on satisfying

¡ ¥ §¡ ¡ ¥



§ ¢  is  where is the identity operator on .




SKETCH OF PROOF: Part of this result is easy to prove. Suppose  is ¢

the only solution of (4.7) and let be a closed subspace of which is invariant

% ¡ ¥ ( ( (

under  for all . Then is also invariant under

¢ § (£¢


 and . Thus for every we have the unique decomposition

( ( § ¡ ¥ ( ¡ ¥ (



where and . Now



4 4

¦ ¦

define the projection operator ¦ by . Clearly is a bounded operator

¡ ¡

¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ ( § ¢ §


 ¦ ¦  ¦

on and  for all . By hypothesis, . If

¡ ¡

§ § ¢ §

 then is the zero subspace; if then and . Thus is not a

proper invariant subspace and  is irred.

The converse is somewhat more difficult. Suppose  is irred and is a

£¢ bounded linear operator satisfying (4.7). Then the adjoint of also satisfies (4.7) so, without loss of generality, one can assume that is self-adjoint. Then,

by the spectral theorem for self-adjoint operators [[1]], [[2]], [[43]], [[83]], [[95]],


the projection operators ¦ in the spectral family associated with must all com-


¡ ¥


mute with each  . By hypothesis then, each is either the zero operator or

¡ ¡


the identity operator. Hence  for some real number . Q.E.D.

Note: At this point it is appropriate to mention that if the unitary irred reps

 of a group are equivalent, then they are unitary equivalent, i.e., there

¡ ¥$§ ¡ ¥ (


is a unitary operator such that for all . (Here


maps the Hilbert space ¢ onto the Hilbert space and preserves inner product:




( ¢ § §



for all . In particular, this means that 4

¤¢ % ¢   ¢ % ¢  ¢ 

4 4

where4 the adjoint of a bounded operator is de-


 ( ¢ ¤   § ¤¢  ( ¢ 



fined by for all ) Indeed, if


% ¢  ¢ 

then there is a nonzero bounded invertible operator such that?

¡ ¥,§ ¡ ¥¢

 . Taking the adjoint of both sides of this equation and using the

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤

¢ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ ¢ ¡ ¥*§ ¡ ¥ ¤¢ ¡ ¥*§ ¡ ¥ ¢


4 4 4

fact that 4 we have .

¤ ¤

 ¢ ¢

¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥¢


Eliminating from the two equations we find 4 or

¢ ¢

¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥'¡ 0¥


 . Since is irred it follows from Theorem 12 that


§ §

4   4 4    

where is the identity operator and is a constant. Since


§ § § ¥¢ §


       4 0 /

for , then is a positive con-

¤ ¤

¥¢ § § ¢ §

 0 4 4

stant. Setting 4 we have , so is unitary and

¡ ¥ §  ¡ ¥


Based on these results we can mimic the proof of the orthogonality relations



 9 9 (3.17) for any linear Lie group which is unimodular, i.e., such that .

There are two differences, however: (1) In order that the integrals (3.17) exist we

¡ ¥





 © 9 must limit ourselves to those irred reps ' of whose matrix elements are square integrable. (2) We cannot normalize the measure in general, since the


volume of may be infinite. Thus we obtain the result





¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ - -









9 9 © 9 © ¡ ¥

: (4.8)



¡ ¥





© 9 

where are the matrix elements of ' with respect to some basis and


, ,


' are unitary irred reps of whose matrix elements are square integrable.

¡ ¥



The constant is called the degree of ' . (It can be shown that if

¡ ¥





9 © 

one matrix element of ' is square integrable, then all possible matrix

¡ ¥



9   elements ' are square integrable.) Furthermore, (4.8) can be written

in a basis-free form analogous to (2.24).



§ * ¡ ¥


Theorem 13 For  the representation of on is irreducible.

PROOF: We will present the basic ideas of the proof, omitting some of the tech-

¢ * ¡ ¥

nical details. Our aim will be to show¢ that if is a bounded operator on


¡ ¥ § (

9  9 ¡

which commutes with the operators  for some and all then

¢ §¡


 for some constant , where is the identity operator. (It follows from


* ¡ ¥ ¢

this that is irred, for if were a proper closed subspace of , invariant



under  , then the self-adjoint projection operator on would commute with

¡ ¥

9 ¦ the operators  . This is impossible since could not be a scalar multiple of


Suppose the bounded operator ¢ satisfies

¢ ¢

¢ § ¢

¡  ¡  ¡  ¡  ¡  ¡ 

¥ ¥


4 4

§ § ¢

¡ ¡ ¡ ¥

for all real . First consider the case ¢ : commutes with the






operation of multiplication by functions of the form for real . Clearly





% must also commute with multiplication by finite sums of the form ¥  and, by using the well-known fact that trigonometric polynomials are dense in

the space of measurable functions, ¢ must commute with multiplication by any


¡¤£¦¥ ¡ ¥

¢ ¢

bounded function on ¤ . Now let be a bounded closed internal in


¡ ¥ £¤£ ( * ¡ ¥

¢ ¢

¤ and let be the characteristic function of :


£ (



£ (


£ ( * ¡ ¥ £ § ¢ £¥£ £ § £¥£ £&¡£¦¥*§ £

Let be the function . Since we have

¢ £¥£&¡£¦¥ § ¢ £ ¡¤£¦¥ § £¥£&¡¤£¦¥%* £¥£&¡£¦¥ § £¥£&¡£¦¥ £ ¡£¦¥ £


so is nonzero only for


¢ ¢ ¢ ¢


£ ( £ § ¢ £¥£

. Furthermore, if is a closed interval with and then


£ ¡¤£¦¥¨§ ¢ £¥£ £¤£ ¡£¦¥&§.£¥£ ¡¤£¦¥¤¢ £¥£&¡£¦¥&§¤£¥£ ¡¤£¦¥ £ ¡£¦¥ £ ¡£¦¥&§ £&¡£¦¥ £)(

so for


£ ¡¤£¦¥ § £ (  ¡¤£¦¥

and for . It follows that there is a unique function such that



£¡ ( * ¡ ¥ £¢ ¡¤£¦¥ ¡¤£¦¥ § ¢ £¢ ¡£¦¥

£ £

£ and for any closed bounded interval in


¡ ¢ )

¡ ¥

¢ ¢

¤ . Now let be a function which is zero in the exterior of . Then

¢ ¡£¦¥¨§ ¢ ¡ £¡ ¡£¦¥¦¥&§ ¡£¦¥ ¢ £¡ ¡£¦¥¨§ ¡¤£¦¥ ¡¤£¦¥ £¡ ¡£¦¥¨§ ¡¤£¦¥ ¡¤£¦¥ ¢

£ £ £

, so acts on

¢ )

by multiplication by the function ¡£¦¥ . Since as runs over all finite subintervals

¡ ¥ * ¡ ¥ ¢%§ ¡£¦¥

¢ ¢

¢ ¢ 

of ¤ the functions are dense in , it follows that .

¢ ¡£¦¥ § ¢ ¡¤£¦¥


¡    ¡   


Now we use the hypothesis that  for all

(+* ¡ ¥ % ¡£¦¥ ¡£ ¥¨§ ¡£ ¥ ¡¤£ ¥ ¡¤£¦¥¨§ ¡£ ¥

4 4

£ ¡ £ ¡ £ ¡ £ ¡

¡ and . Thus


4 4 4 4 almost4 everywhere, which implies that is a constant. Q.E.D.

4.4 Orthogonality of radar cross-ambiguity functions



The results of 4.3 do not directly apply to the unitary rep of because


¥ ¢

this rep fails to be square integrable. Indeed¢ it is evident from (4.5) that the -

¡ ¥



dependence of the matrix element is of the form ¥ & , so the


¨ ¨ ¨

¢ integral ¢


¡ ¥ ¡ ¥

¢ ¢  < ¡ ¡ ¡ 

¥ ¥


4 4 ¡

will diverge. All is not lost because we can factor out the center of and

¡ consider only the factor space. The center ¤ consists of all elements of which

commute with every element of ¢¡ . Clearly

§ ¡ ¥&§ ¡ ¥ (


  ¡ ¡  ¡

¥ ¥ ¥

¤ $/9 9

¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢

¡ ¥ ¡ ¥&§ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥

¡ ¢ ¢ ¡ ¢

¥ ¥

¢     9

Now  is irred and for all . From Theorem

¡ ¥ * ¡ ¥



¢ ¢

12,  must be a multiple of the identity operator on . Indeed we know

¡ ¥&§




that ¥ & . Now

¡ ¥&§ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥

¢ ¡  ¡  ¡ 


9 9 9


¢ ¢

¡ ¥ (

¡  ¡  ¡  ¡ 

and since  is irred, the unitary operators , , must act

* ¡ ¥

4 4

¡ ¡

irreducibly on . Furthermore the measure is (two-sided) invariant



under the action of ¢¡ . Thus we can repeat the arguments leading to (4.8) for reps



, ,

¡ ¡


  0  '

' and measure to obtain (with the assumption, correct as

¡ ¥


¡ 9

we shall see, that the matrix elements © are square integrable):

- -

¨ © ¨©





¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ § :


¡  ¡  ¡  ¡  ¡ ¡




¡ ¥

© ©

: ¤

¤ (4.9)

© ©

4 4 4

61 ¡ In fact, the structure of is so simple that one can use ordinary Fourier analysis to evaluate the left-hand side of (4.9) for arbitrary matrix elements. The

result is

© ©

¨ ¨

¢ ¢


§ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥

 <  ¡  ¡ ¡  <  ¡ ¡  ¡

¥ ¥



¤ (4.10)

© ©

4 4 4 4 4


¨ ¢

where ¢

¡£ ¥ § ¡ ¥ ¡¤£¦¥ £

£ ¡  ¡  ¡


¥  %



4 4

4 4


¡ ¥

 ¡  ¡ 

(This shows explicitly that the matrix elements  are square in-

4 tegrable. 4 At this point we recall that the narrow-band cross-ambiguity function can be

written in the form



¡ ¥ § ¥ ¡£¦¥ £ ¡£


¡  ¡ £ ¡


¡ ¡

¢ ¤ #"    ¥  ;% ¢

¤ (4.11)


4 4

so that the cross-ambiguity function differs from the matrix element

¥ ¡


¡  ¡  



¢)  ¡  &

4 of by the simple multiplicative factor . Thus the results4 of group representation theory can be brought to bear on the radar ambi-

guity function. (For the purposes of computation of the ambiguity function,


¡  the phase factor & is of no concern and we henceforth will identify the

matrix element itself with the ambiguity function.)




Note the special case of (4.10) where 0 and :

© ©

¨ ¨


¥ § ¡

¡  ¡  ¡ ¡



¤ (4.12)

© ©

4 4




For this is the radar uncertainty relation. (The maximum of

§ ¥ § ¡

¡ ¡  ¡  ¡


 is and occurs for . However, in view of (4.12)


the graph4 of this function cannot be too “peaked” around the maximum.)


§ * ¡ ¥





$ § " . . .

From (4.10) we see that if is an basis for then


¡ ¥ * ¡ ¥


¡  ¡ 


$  ¢)

the matrix elements form an set in . This set


* ¡ ¥


is actually an basis for , see Exercise 5.2. This allows us to expand a moving target distribution function in the narrow-band case as a series in this ON basis, [[113]].

62 4.5 The Heisenberg commutation relations

To motivate our next example we make a brief digression to study the Heisenberg

commutation relations of . Recall that the matrices

¨ © ¨ © ¨ ©


¤¦ ¤¦ ¤¦

§ § § § § §




¤ ¤ ¤


4 ¡

form a basis for the tangent space at the identity element of . Defining the



. . ¦ 9 !9 ¤ 9 commutator [ ] of two matrices and by 9 , we see


§ §¡ §¢


¥ ¥ ¥

¤ ¤ ¤  ¤ ¤  ¤ ¤


4 4 where is the zero matrix. (Indeed, one can show that the tangent space at the

identity for any local linear Lie group is closed under the commutator operation:


!9 if 9 and belong to the tangent space, then so does . The tangent space

equipped with the commutator operation is called the Lie algebra of . The Lie

algebra contains essential information about . Indeed one can reconstruct the

connected component of the identity element in just from a knowledge of the Lie algebra. The lack of commutivity in the group operations corresponds to the nonvanishing of the Lie algebra commutators. For more details on the relationship

between Lie groups and Lie see [[43]], [[52]], [[78]], [[79]].) ¢

§ ¡ ¡ ¥




 9  £  ¡

Recall that ¤ . Corresponding to the representation of

¦¥ ¡

we can define the analogous operators ¤ where


¡£¦¥ § ¡ ¡ ¥ ¡£¦¥ § 

¢  ©  



   £ " ¤




* ¡ ¥

and ( is a function with compact support. From (4.5) we see that

¡ ¡

£ § § §



£ ¤ " £ ¤ " £

¤ (4.14)


¢ ¢ ¢ ¢


¦¥  ¥ ¥ ¦¥ ¤ Defining the commutator of operators by  we verify

that £

¡ ¡

§ § £ §




§¤ ¤ ¤ " £ " £





§ §©¨



§¤ ¤ " £

£ (4.15)



¡ ¡

§ £ § ¨



 ¤ ¤  " £ " £


where ¨ is the zero operator, in analogy with (4.13). Applying these operators

© ¡

on the domain of functions with compact support, a dense subdomain of

* ¡ ¥ ¢ § § 




¤ ¤ "

, we see that they are skew-adjoint; i.e., ¤ , , where the



adjoint ¤ of is defined by





§ ¡ ¡£¦¥ ¥ ¡£¦¥ £&§


 ¤ ¤  ¤

¤ (4.16)


4 4 4


for all . (In the case of ¤ we have to integrate by parts.)


The skew-adjoint operators 4

¡ ¡

§ § £ §



" £ ¤ " £ £ ¤

¤ (4.17)

4 satisfy the Heisenberg commutation relations (4.15) and are reminiscent of the

annihilation and creation operators for bosons, familiar from quantum theory. ¢

In this theory there is a separable Hilbert space , an annihilation operator ¡ ¢

and its adjoint the creation operator ¡ such that




¢¡ ¡ ¤ 


¢ ¢

¡ ¡

where  is the identity operator on . Here and , and the relation (4.18) are


well-defined on some dense subspace of and map into itself. It is further

§ §

§ ( ¢

assumed that the equation ¡ , , has a unique solution in , up to a

§ §

¢ ¢ §

   multiplicative factor. The normalized solution ,  is called the vacuum

state. Finally it is assumed that the closure of the subspace generated by applying

¢ §

¢ ¢ ¡

¡ and to recursively, is itself. With these assumptions one can construct


explicitly an basis for ¢ , a basis of eigenvectors of the number of particles

§ ¢

¡ ¡ operator £ .

To make the commutation relations of the ¤ -operators agree with (4.18) and

¢ ¡

to assure that ¡ is the adjoint of we have, in essence, only one choice:

£ £

§ §

¢ § £ §




¤ ¤

¡ ¤ ¤ ¤

4 4


£ £


% ¥

§ § £ § §




¤ ¤

¤ ¡ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤

4 4

¡ (4.19)



¥ %



 ¤ ¤


§ §

¢ ¡£¦¥ ¢¢§

To find the vacuum state we solve the equation ¡ . The solution of

this first order is easily seen to be

¤ < ¤


¢ ¡¤£¦¥ §

8 8

4 %



¢ §


where the constant factor is chosen so  . Since



§ §


£ ¡ ¡ ¤ ¤

£ (4.20)

" " "



¢ § ¡¤£¦¥




we have . (We can take to be the space of all functions %

§ ¦ where is a polynomial.) Now let be a normalized eigenvector of £ with

eigenvalue ¤ . The commutation relations (4.18) imply

§ §

¡ ¢ ¥ § ¡ ¥ ¢


£ ¡ ¤ ¡

§ §

¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥


£ ¡ ¤ ¤ ¡

¢ ¡

Thus ¡ and are raising and lowering operators: Given an eigenvector with


¤ § § eigenvalue ¤ we can obtain a ladder of eigenvectors with eigenvalues , an

integer. Now


¢ ¢ ¢ ¢

§ § § § § §

§ § ¡ ¥ §

  £  £

¡  ¡ ¡  ¡ ¡   ¤

¡ (4.22)


¢ §



   ¡   ¤ ¢ Thus for ¤ , , so the process of constructing eigenvec-

tors of £ by applying recursively the creation operator to the vacuum state can be

continued indefinitely. Indeed from (4.21) and (4.22) we can define normalized

§ ¡

eigenvectors with eigenvalues § recursively by


§ §

§ ¡ ¥ §


£ ¦    

¡ ¡

¡ § § " . . .

4 (4.23) 4

The commutation relations imply the formulas

§ § § §

§ §



¡ ¡ ¡ ¡

£ § ¡ §

4 (4.24) 4

Substituting expressions (4.19) into (4.23) and (4.24), we obtain a second-order

§ ¡£¦¥

differential equation and two recurrence formulas for the ¡ .


¢ § ¡

We can obtain a generating function for the from the first-order operator ¡

£ £


£ § ¢ § §

¡ ¡

8 8

¤ ¤

¡  ¤ 

4 4

% % ¡

¡ . Note that . Hence by Taylor’s theorem,

% %







© ©

¢ § §

¥ § ¡¤£¦¥ § ¡ § ¡£¦¥



¢ ¢

8 8




2 %


© ©

¤ ¦





¡£ ¥ §

, 8


8 8



4 "  

4 %

¤ ¤


§ ¡ £¦¥ ¡¤£ ¥

 § ©

8 8



¤ 4 4 ¤ " "


4 4

for any analytic function § . On the other hand, from (4.23) we have




© ¥ ¡




§ §

¡£¦¥&§ #¡£¦¥

¤ § 4


¡ ¡




§¥¤ ¤ ¤


Comparing these equations, we find the identity





¡ © ¥



§ §

¥&§ £ ¡£ #¡£¦¥

" 0 § ¤ 0

 § ©

£ ¦

¡ ¡

0 ¤ ¤ 0 © ¢



¦ " § ¤ ¤


In the special case § , the generating function yields



¤ <


#¡£¦¥ £ § £

" 0

 § ©


) ¤ 0 ¤ "0 ¤

¡ © ¥






" ¤


Comparing this with the well-known generating function


¡ £¦¥ § ¡£¦¥


 § ©


¤ 0 "0




for the Hermite polynomials , [[40]], [[78]], [[79]], [[80]], [[107]], [[110]],

¤ ¤ < ¤

we obtain ¤


#¡£¦¥ ¡¤£¦¥ § ¡ © ¥ ¡ ¥

8 8 8 8

 ¤ ¤¡ "



4 (4.27)



£ ¡¤£¦¥


¡ $

The above series converge for all and 0 . Since the form an set in

¡ ¥

* we easily obtain the formula





¡£¦¥ #¡£¦¥ £&§ -


¡ ¡

 " § ¤

% 4





¡£¦¥ * ¡ ¥

' ¡

We sketch a proof of the fact that the $ form an basis for . It

* ¡ ¥

is enough to show that this set is dense in , i.e., if


§ (+* ¡ ¥ §




  § " . . .


£ ¡¤£¦¥§ ¡£¦¥



then almost everywhere. Since is a polynomial of order in £

with the coefficient of ¡ nonzero, conditions (4.28) are equivalent to






£ ¡£¦¥ £&§ §



 § " . . .

¤ ©

Now consider the function





¡ ¥¨§ ¡£¦¥ £





( * ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥

£ £ Since , is an (entire) analytic function of and its can

be obtained by differentiating under the integral sign:

¡ ¥


¨ ©



¡ ¡ ¡

£ § ¡ ¥&§ ¡£¦¥ £



  £ £

% '






Now ©

¡ ¥




¡ ¥&§


£ £ 0


¡ § ¤



¡ ¥ ¡¤£¦¥ ¡£¦¥ §

£  Since is the Fourier transform of , it follows that almost everywhere.

4.6 The Bargmann-Segal Hilbert space

¢ ¢

§ §

¡ ¥ § ¡ ¡ ¥ ¥



9  9 Our next task is to compute the matrix elements © with respect to this basis. However, a computation of these matrix elements using the

direct evaluation of the integral is not very enlightening.¢ A better approach is to


use a simpler model of the representation  , motivated by another solution




¡ ¡ ¤  of the Heisenberg commutation relations  . Rather than the solution

(4.19) we can try


§ §

£ ¡

¡ (4.29)


¢ ¡

This will work provided we can define a Hilbert space on which ¡ and

¢ §¦



¡ $¢¡

act and such that ¡ is the adjoint of . (We will construct an basis


¢ ¡ ¥§ ¢ ¡ ¥



¡£¡ £ ¡ £ for corresponding to the basis $ .) Since implies that is

constant, in order to mimic successfully the construction (5.22), (5.23) we see


¡ £

that the ¡ must be proportional to , so the elements of must be functions

¡ ¥

£ £

¡ . If were a real variable it would not be possible to find an inner prod-


¡ ¥ ¥ § ¡ ¥ ¡ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¢

£ £ £ £ ¡ ¡

uct with respect to which is the adjoint of .

4 4

However, if we take £ to be a complex variable and search for an inner prod-

© ©

¤ ¤

¡ ¥ ¥ § ¡ ¥ ¡ ¡ ¥ ¡

 ¡ ¡ 

¤ ¤

© ©

£ £ £ £ 

uct of the form we will be successful.


4 4

¡ £


(Here £ and the region of integration is the plane . We assume ¡

that the weight function is nonnegative.) Integrating by parts in the formula

¡ ¥ § ¡ ¢ ¥


¡ ¡

, assuming that the boundary terms vanish and that the for-

¡¥¤ ¡ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¡ ¥

4 4

 ¡  ¡ 

¤ £ £ £ £ £


mula holds identically in we obtain the condition .

¤ ¤ ¤

¡ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ §



£ £  4 Thus 4 where we have chosen the constant so that .

It follows from the analogs of (4.23), (4.24) that


§ §

¤  £ ¦ 

¡ ¡ ¡ ¡

¡£¡ §§¡ ¡ ¡ § ¨¡

¡ ¥ § - §

4 4


¡ ¡ ¡ ¡

¡ ¡ ¢ § ¡ ¢ ©¡

£ (4.30)



§  " . . .




where 0 and



§ ¡ ¥&§




" . . . ¡ §

£ (4.31)


© ©

¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥¨§

¢ ¢

¡ ¥

£ £ £

For any two functions and £ in we find



¡ ¥&§ ©



¤ ¢


and ©

§ ¡ ¥&§ ©








¤   ¢

From (4.33), belongs to the Hilbert space if and only if .

¡ ¡

© (

 ¤   ,

Clearly if then there is a constant such that for all

© ©

¤ £ . By the ratio test, the series £ converges for all complex , so is

an entire function, i.e., the power series expansion for has an infinite radius of convergence. The space was introduced by Segal and studied in detail by Bargmann

[[13]]. We mention here some of the special properties of .


( ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥&§

 § ©

¥ ¥

  £ £

Define the function for some complex constant by



¡ ¥ © (




£ . It follows from (4.32) that for any ,


¡ ¥ § § ¡ ¥


 ¥ ¥ 


¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥&§



( ¤

Thus  acts like a delta function!

¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ §




    -,      .         

From the Schwarz inequality, . Thus,

( ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥


¢¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ ¢

 ¤  ,    ¤  

if , then which shows that convergence in ¡

the norm of implies pointwise convergence, uniform on any compact set in .

Now we construct a representation of ¢¡ on , using the annihilation and

creation operators (4.29). Comparing with (4.19) we see that the standard basis ¡

for the Lie algebra of is


§ ¡ ¢ ¥¨§



¤ ¤

¤ ¡ ¤ ¡ £ ¤

4 4


¢ ¢



§ § ¡ ¢ ¥&§


£ £

¤ ¤

¤ ¤ ¡ £ ¡ ¤


¥ (4.34)





¤ " £

Mimicking the derivation of (4.25) by exponentiating these operators, we obtain



the following candidates for operators defining a unitary rep of on :


¤ ¤

 ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥


   § ©

8 8

¡   £ ¡ ¡ 



¤  £ " £ £ ¤$"

4 4


4 4 4

¡ ¡ ¡

¡ ¥  ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ §


   § ©

8 8

¡ ¡  ¡  ¡ 

¤ " £ £ £ ¤ " £ ¤ £


4 4


¥ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¡ ¥




 £  £


¥ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ ¡


¢  ¡  ¡     ¡


9 9 9

Since 9 we construct the operators

¡ ¥ ¡ ¡ ¥ ¥


¢ ¢

0  9



¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ ¥ ¡ ¡ ¥


¢  ¡  ¡     ¡ 


 £     £



¦ <



¡ ¡



 § ©


£ ¡ ¡ £ ¡


¥ ¡




' ¥ ;

£ ¤ £ " £ ¦ ¤






 * ) 



¥ ;

£ ¤


¤¡ ¥




It is straightforward to check that the operators  define a unitary rep of on

* ¡ ¥

0  ¡

. As one would expect, this rep is equivalent to the rep  of on .


% * ¡ ¥

To establish the equivalence we construct the unitary operator

§¦ §¦


¡£¦¥ * ¡ ¥

which maps the basis vector of , (4.27), to the basis vector

#¡ ¥&§ ©

£ £ ¤

¡ of :



¢ § § §

¡ ¥ § ¡ £¦¥ ¡£¦¥ £ ( * ¡ ¥




 £ 9 £

¤ <



¡ £¦¥ § £ ¡ ¥ ¡£¦¥&§ ¡ £ ¥

¨§ ©





9 £ " £ ¡ £  ¤ £ #" ¤


§ ¡ ¥ ( * ¡ ¥

"0 9 £ .

The last identity follows from (4.26) with £ . Since for



( ( * ¡ ¥

each £ the integral in (4.37) is always defined. Now if then


§ §



¡ ¡ ¡

it can be expanded uniquely in the form  . From (4.37) and the


* ¡ ¥


orthogonality of the basis $ for we have


¢ §

§ § (

¡ ¡






' ¢¡

where the $ form an basis for . Clearly the operator is unitary. A



%§  * ¡ ¥

correct expression for 4 is a bit more involved:




£¦¥ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¡ ¥ ¡£¦¥&§ ¡ ¡

 ¡ ¡  

9 £ £ £    ¤ £


4 4

£¦¥ ¡

9 £

see [[13]], [[78]]. (It is necessary to insert the parameter ¤ because for fixed £ does not belong to .)


Now we can verify explicitly the relations

¢ ¢

¡ ¥ ¤¡ ¥ §


¡    ¡  


 ¢ ¢

¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ §


4 4

 ¡    ¡ 


¢ ¢

¥ ¡ ¥ § ¤¡


   ¡   ¡

¥ ¥




¡ ¥ §



where  is given by (4.5). Since is invertible, it follows that


¢ ¢ 

¡ ¥



4 , so is equivalent to .


Since our chosen basis for consists simply of powers of £ , it is relatively

¡ ¥ § ¡ ¡ ¥ ¥

¢ ¢ 

¡ ¡

 ¡ ¡

easy to compute the matrix elements © . (It is immediate that

§ §

¡ ¡ ¥ ¥ § ¡ ¥

¢ ¡  

¡ ¡

¡ ¡  

 so these matrix elements are exactly the same as



* ¡ ¥ '

those which could be computed using the basis $ for .) We define

the generating function






¡ 6 ¥ § ¡ ¡ ¥ ¤ ¥&§ ¡ ¡ ¥ ¥

¢  ¢  ¢ 

¢ ¡

     ¡ ¢ ¡

¢ (4.38)


 ¤ §¥¤



Due to the delta function property of  we obtain

¡ ¡ ¥ ¤ ¥ § ¡ ¥ ¤ ¡ ¥

¢  ¢ 

¢ ¢




¦ <


¡ ¡


 § ©   ,


£ ¡ ¡ £ ¡







' ¥

¤ ¤ £ " £







 § ©

)   *




¦ ¤


Introducing polar coordinates



§ © § ©

 ¡ ¡

¡ "



¡ ¢ and equating coefficients of in (4.38) and (4.39) we obtain the explicit ex-



¤ <


¡ ¡

¡ ¥ § § ¥ ¡ ©

 § ©



¢ ¡ £ ¦ ¡ ¡ 





© ¦  " ¤ £ £ ¤ £ 





¤ £

¡ (4.40)

¡© ¥ *






* ¡ ¥


¡ 2 where ' is the associated Laguerre polynomial [[40]], [[77]], [[78]]. An

alternate expression is


¤ <



§ ¡ ¡

¡ ¥ § ¥ ¡ ©

 § ©



¢ ¡ £ ¦ ¡ ¡ 




© ¦  " ¤ £ £ ¤ £ 





¤ £

¡ (4.41)

* ¡ © ¥





¤ #"





¤ £ £ ¤ £ £

Note that the skew adjoint operator ¡ is well defined on and

¡ ¥

can be exponentiated to yield the unitary operator 4 :



( ¡ ¥¨§ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥¨§

 § ©

¤ £'4 £ £  £ 4 £ 32


£ ¦


¡ ¡

Here the eigenvectors of acting on are just the basis vectors :



¡ ¥ §

¡ ¡

4 ¡  ¡ 2



(One can extend the rep  of the three parameter group to the four-parameter

 ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥



oscillator group generated by  and . See [[77]], [[78]] for the details.)


¡ ¥ 4

Using the unitary transformation one can transform the to unitary opera-

¡ ¥

tors on * :






¡ ¥ ¡£¦¥ § ¡





¢ ¢


¦ 4  

¥ ¡¡




¡£ ¥ £ ¡ ¥

¨§ ©  2

'; ¥ (4.44)

£©¨ ¨  ¨ ¨

 £ 4 #" ¤ £ ¡ 4


¢ ¢

¡ ¥ ¡ ¥¨§ § © © §



4 4 4 " 0 0

Here, 4 and , an integer, , .

¡ ¥


(See [[13]] for details.) Note that is just the (ordinary) Fourier transform

¡ ¥ on * . Thus, the Fourier transform is embedded in a one parameter group of transformations. the infinitesimal generator of this one-parameter group is the

second-order differential operator





¤ £ £ £ £ ¤

" " "



§ §

¡ ¥ §


¡ ¡

4  2 Furthermore, .

It follows from the orthogonality relations (4.10) that the matrix elements


* ¡ ¥

(4.40) form an set in . (See [[77]] or [[78]] for a direct proof of this fact.) These orthogonality relations reduce to the following orthogonality re-

lations for associated Laguerre polynomials:

© ¥ ¡




¤ ¦

* ¡ © ¥%* ¡© ¥ © - © §

¤ §

, , 





' ' 4

¢ (4.45)

" §¥¤

© © ©


 £  £

   §  §

valid for all integers  and all integers such that



¦ ,

. (By switching between (4.40) and (4.41) depending on whether ¤

© © ©




or ¤ we can always take in (4.45).) Since for each

* ¡ ¥


the associated Laguerre polynomials are known to be complete in ¢ with


¦ ¤





 $¨© ¢ 4

weight function , it follows that the matrix elements form an

* ¡ ¥ basis for , with the usual Lebesgue weight function . (Indeed, this follows

from Exercise 5.2, without any knowledge of the completeness properties of the


Laguerre polynomials.) Thus, the matrix elements of  with respect to any


* ¡ ¥ * ¡ ¥

basis for will form an basis for . (In other words, the cross-

§¦ §¦


ambiguity functions with respect to an basis of signals $ form an

* ¡ ¥

basis for .)

4.7 The lattice representation of ¢

There is another realization of the irred unitary rep  that we shall find useful:

an induced rep of ¢¡ from the subgroup where

© ¡ ¡






§ ¡ ¥&§




¡ ¡£




( ¢ ¡ ¥¢§


¥ ¥


are integers and . Note that the operators ¥ 

4 4

define a one-dimensional unitary rep of . (Here, the fact that are integers





is crucial in verifying that  is a rep of .) We will study the rep of




induced from the rep of , (4.2)-(4.4). Here  is defined on the space of

¡ ¥&§ ¢ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ (  (

¡ 9  9 9 ¡

functions on such that for all , i.e.,

¥&§ ¡ ¡ ¥

£ ¡  £ ¡  £ ¡ £ ¡ ¡  ¡  ¡

¥ ¥ ¥


¥ & (4.46)

4 4 4 4


¡ ¥ (

9 9 ¡ 

The operators  act on according to



¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥

 9 9 9 9


¡ ¥ ¡ ¥

¡  ¡  ¡  

¥ ¥ 

We see from (4.46) that for any 9 we can always choose


¡ ¥ §


4 4

¡  ¡  ¡  ¡

9 , ,

such that 9 where . Thus can be

¡   ¥ §  §

4 4

¡  ¡  ¡



restricted to ¥ with coordinates . Moreover, setting




¥ ¤

 in (4.46) we have the periodicity condition



¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ §


¡  ¡ £ ¡  £ ¡


¥ & (4.48)

4 4 4

¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥

¡  ¡ ¡  ¡ 

where . Conversely, given satisfying (4.48) we can

4 4

define a unique satisfying (4.46) by

¡ ¥¨§ ¡ ¥

¡  ¡  ¡ ¡  ¡



4 4


¡ ¡

¡ ¥

The -invariant inner product on is :


¨ ¨

¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥

4 4

¡  ¡  ¡  ¡ ¡ ¡ 

¢ ¢


4 4 4 4 4

) )

¥ ¥ ¡ ¡



   0  9 

and the operator  acts on these functions by



¥ ¡ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥&§ ¥ ¡

 § ©

 ¡ £  ¡  ¡ £ ¡  ¡ £


    " £  


4 4 4 4



To recapitulate, we have defined a unitary rep  of on the Hilbert space

 of all functions satisfying (4.48) and of finite norm with respect to the inner ¡

product (4.49). This is known as the lattice representation of .  The lattice rep is equivalent to the irred Schrodinger¨ rep 4 , (4.5). To see this

consider the periodizing operator (Weil-Brezin-Zak isomorphism)


§ §

¡ ¥'¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ §

¡  ¡  ¡  ¡  ¡  ¡


¥ ¥



  § ¦




¥ § ¡


4 4

¡  ¡

£ (4.51)





¥  ¥ 



* ¡ ¥

which is well defined for any ( which belongs to the Schwartz space. It




is straightforward to verify that satisfies the periodicity condition (4.46), 

hence belongs to . Now

§ §

¥ ¥  ¡ ¡



 ¦ . . ¦ . .



¤ ¤

§ §

¥ ¡ § ¥ ¡


¢ ¢

¢ , 

£ ¡ ¡ ¡ £ ¡




4 4


¥ & ('





4 ¤ ¤ 4

§ § § §

¥ ¡ § ¥&§ ¡¤£ ¥ ¡ ¡¤£¦¥ £



£ ¡ ¡ £ ¡









§ §

¥ § ¡

4 4 4 4

* ¡ ¥ 

so ¦ can be extended to an inner product preserving mapping of into .


¥ ¥ § ¡ ¡

¡  ¡  ¡  ¡

It is clear from (4.51) that if ¦ then we can recover


§ §

¥ § ¡ ¥ ¥ % ¡ ¡

4 4


¡  ¡ ¡ ¡


by integrating with respect to  . Thus we define


* ¡ ¥

4 4 4 

the mapping ¦ of into by



¡£¦¥&§ ¡¤£ ¥ (







Since  we have




¡¤£ ¥&§ ¡£ § ¥ ¡£¦¥



£  ¤


= ¦   ¢



¡¤£¦¥ ¡£ ¥


§  for an integer. (Here ¥ is the th Fourier coefficient of .) The Parseval

formula then yields




¡£ ¥ ¡£ ¥ §




  ¦    =





so ©

¤ ¤ ¤

§ ¥ £ § ¢ ¡¤£ ¥ £ ¡£

¢ ¢ ¢




4 4 4





¢ ¥ § ¢ ¡£¦¥ £ § ¡ ¢



¦  ¦  ¦


* ¡ ¥  and ¦ is an inner product preserving mapping of into . Moreover, it is

easy to verify that


§ §

§ ¡ ¥


¦ ¦ 

§ ¢ ¢ 

§ ( * ¡ ¥ ( * ¡ ¥

¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ 

for ,  , i.e., is the adjoint of . Since on it



* ¡ ¥ §

¦  ¦ ¦

follows that is a unitary operator mapping onto and 4 is a

* ¡ ¥

unitary operator mapping  onto .


¦ ¦ ¦


§ §

¥ ¡ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ §


  , ¡    ,

£ ¡ £  ¢





 §  ¦   

¥  ' 4 ¥ & ('

4 4

) §

§ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥



) )



¦     ¦   4 so 4 and the unitary reps and are equivalent.

4.8 Functions of positive type


Let be a group. A complex function on is said to be of positive type


. . .

provided for every finite set of elements of and every set of complex

¡ ¡




. .

numbers . the inequality





¡ ¡

¡ ¡ ¥

¡ ¡



4 (4.53)




holds. If is a unitary rep of on the Hilbert space then the inner product

( ¢ ¡ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥


is of positive type on for every . Indeed,

¤ ¤

¡ ¡

¡ ¡ ¡ ¡

¥ ¡ § ¥ ¡ ¡

¡ ¡ ¡ ¡

¡ ¡

¡ ¡

¡ ¡

¡ ¡


4 4



¡ ¡

¥ ¡ ¥ § ¡

¡ ¡

¡ ¡





¡ ¡

¥ ¥ ¡ § ¡

¡ ¡ ¡ ¡

¡ ¡




It follows from this construction, in the case where , that narrow band ¡ ambiguity functions are of positive type on . It is an important result of abstract harmonic analysis that all functions of positive type on a group arise as diagonal matrix elements of unitary reps, exactly as in the construction (4.54). This result, whose proof we now sketch, sheds light on the structure of the set of ambiguity functions.


© ¢ © ¢ ¦

Note first that ¤ the inequality (4.53) implies that the matrix with ele-


¡ ¥ ©-¢ § ¡ ¡ § ¥

¡ ¡ ¡ ¡

¡ ¡ ¡


ments 4 is Hermitian and nonnegative. Thus the eigenvalues of this matrix are nonnegative; hence the determinant is also nonneg-

ative. ¡

Lemma 2 Let be a function of positive type on the group . Then


¡ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¡ ¥

1) 4

¡ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¡ ¥




for each .

© ¢!§ ¡ ¡ ¥ © ¢§


PROOF: For , the inequality (4.53) yields . Now take ,

§ §


, . Then

¡ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¡ ¥


¥&§ ¡




¡ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¡ ¥






§ ¥ ¡ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¡ § ¡ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¡ ¥




Since we have 4 . Further,


. Q.E.D.4§ ¡

Theorem 14 Let be a function of positive type on . Then there is a unitary

¢ ¡ ¡ ¥¨§ ¡ ¥


representation of on a Hilbert space such that for some

¢ ( ¢ ¡ ¥ % (


$¡ . Furthermore the span of the set is dense in .

PROOF: We will use the computation (4.54) as a motivation for the construction

¢ * ¥

of and . Let be the subspace of the group ring consisting of those

elements ¡ which take on only a finite number of nonzero values:


¡ ¡




¡ ¡

(Alternatively we can consider as a function which is zero except at *

a finite number of points .) The inner product of two vectors in is defined as


§ ¡ ¡ ¥

 ¡ ¡ ¡

¡ ¡




¥ ¡ ¥ ¡


¡ ¡ ¡

where we sum over all points such that either or is nonzero. It is





evident that . is linear in its first argument and from Lemma 2 that


¡ ¡ ¡


 and .


Thus, . satisfies all requirements for an inner product, except that we might

§ §

¡ ¡ ¡

have  with . It follows from this result that the Cauchy-Schwarz


¡ ¡ ¡ 

   ,     inequality is valid: .



We use a standard construction to convert . to a true inner product.

¦ ¦

§ * ( * % §


¡ ¡ ¡ $

Let  . Then is a subspace of . From the


§ ( ( *

¡ ¡


Cauchy-Schwarz inequality we have  for , . Thus



£ ¡  £ ¡ 



4 4 4

¦ ¦

( * ( *


¡ ¡

. .3

for  . We can now define on the factor space whose

¦ ¦ ¦

§ § § % (


£ £ £ ¡ ¡

 $ elements are the sets $ . The set

corresponds to the zero vector. From (4.55) we see that the definition


¦ ¦

§ §

 £ £  



4 4


§ § §



is unambiguous. Furthermore only if , i.e., . Thus

¦ ¦

* *


. is a true inner product on . Now by taking all Cauchy sequences in


* ¢

we can complete to a Hilbert space .

( * ( § ¡ ¥ % *  *

¢  ¡ ¡ ¢

Given we define the linear operator

¡ ¥ §

¢ ¡ ¡ ¢

by . . Then



¥ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¡

¡ ¡ ¡ ¢ ¢ ¢  ¢ ¡

¡ ¡






§ § ¥ ¡ ¡

 ¡ ¡ ¡

¡ ¡




¡ ¥ * ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ § (¥*

¢ ¢ ¢ ¡ ¡ ¡

so is an isometry on . Furthermore, 4 for all , so

¥ ¥ ¡ * ¥ § ¡ ¡ ¥ ¡

¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢

is invertible, hence unitary on . Also, so is

* ¡ ¥

4 4


a unitary rep of on . Clearly, the operators extend uniquely to a unitary ¢

rep of on .

§ ( * ¡ ¥ * §


¡ ¡

.  $¡

Let . Then the vector span , for if .

¡ ¥ § ¡ ¡ ¥ § ¥ ¡

¡  ¡

we have . Moreover, . In the extension of


* ¢ ( ¢ ¡ ¥ ¢


to maps to such that the span of is dense in and

¡ ¥ § ¡ ¡ ¥


. Q.E.D.


If is a linear Lie group, one can show that the function is continuous on if and only if is a continuous rep of , [[43]], [[83]].

The unitary rep constructed in Theorem 14 is unique up to equivalence.

¢ ¢


Indeed, suppose there are unitary reps on Hilbert spaces such that


¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ ¢ § ¡ ¥


4 4


¡ ¡ ¡


where the spans of are dense in .

% ¢  ¢

4 4 4 4

Define the map by


¡ ¡

¡ ¡ ¥ ¥&§ ¡ ¥


4 4



§ § ¡ ¥

for all finite sums . In particular . This mapping is


§ §

4 4 4


well defined because if and then

4 4


¡ ¡

§ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥  


¡ ¡





¡ ¡

¡ § ¥








¡ ¡  

§ ¡ ¥ §







4 4 4 4 4

4 4


so . (Furthermore this same calculation shows that is an isometry.) Thus,

¢ ¢ ¡ ¥ §

extends to a unitary transformation from onto . Finally


¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥¢ § ¡ ¥

4 4


for all finite sums , so , and the reps

4 4



and are equivalent.


Corollary 4 Let be a unitary irred rep of the group on the Hilbert space

such that


¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥



4 4


§ ( ¢

for all , where are nonzero elements of . Then for some


¡ ¡

( §

4 4

with  .

¢ ¡ ¥



PROOF: Since is irred, the spans of are dense in . From the con-

¡ ¥ ¢ ¡ ¥ ¢


struction (4.56) with 0 and we see that there is a unitary

§ % ¢  ¢ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥¢ (

4 4

operator such that for all and .

¡ ¡

§ §



Since is irred it follows from Theorem 12 that , where since



is unitary. Thus, . Q.E.D.

Note that the cor4 ollary implies that two signals correspond to the same ambiguity function if and only if they differ by a constant factor of absolute value one.

Next we will characterize those functions of positive type on a topological

¡ ¡

group that correspond to irred unitary reps of . Consider functions of

¡ ¡ ¡ ¡



positive type on . We say that dominates if is of positive type on

¡ § ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¥

4 4 £

(so that ¤ is a sum of two functions of positive type). A function


4 4

of positive type on is indecomposable if the only functions of positive type ¡

dominated by ¡ are scalar multiples of . (Clearly, the multiples must be of the


form where . ) ¡

Theorem 15 The function of positive type on the is inde-

composable if and only if

¡ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥



( ¢

for all where is a unitary irred rep of on some Hilbert space and

( ¢

. ¡

PROOF: Suppose is indecomposable. By Theorem 14 there is a unitary rep

( ¢ ¡ ¥ ¢


of on the Hilbert space and a vector such that the span of

¢ ¡ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ ¢


is dense in , and . Let be a nonzero subspace of which

% ¡ ¥ (

is invariant under for all . Then is also invariant



under (see Theorem 9), and we have the unique decomposition


( ( ¡ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥




with . It follows easily that


§ ¡ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥


4 4 4



. Since is dense in , is

¡ ¡ ¡ § ¡

4 4 4 4 4

a function of positive type and dominates . Hence for some constant


§ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥

4 4



 , so or,

4 4 4

¡ ¥ §

¤ /



§ ( ( § ¢

for all . It follows that so , hence and is irred.



Conversely, suppose there is a unitary irred rep of on such that (4.57)

( ¢ ¡

holds for some . Let be a function of positive type on that is dominated

¡ ¡ 4

by . Without loss of generality we can assume that is obtained from and

¦ *

the space according to the construction given in the proof of Theorem 14.


On this same space we can construct the inner product . associated with the

¡ ¡ ¡

function . Since is dominated by , the Cauchy-Schwarz4 inequality implies



( *

4 4

¡ ¡ ¡  ¡ ¡ 

    ,    ,       0   . .3

for all . Thus extends


4 4 4

to a positi4 ve definite Hermitian form on such that

    ,            ,    


4 4 4 4

4 ¢

This means that there exists a bounded self-adjoint operator on ¢ such that







4 4 4

( ¢


for all . (Indeed, it follows from (4.59) that for fixed is


4 4 4

a bounded linear functional . By the Riesz representation theorem [[95]] there


( ¢ ( ¢ §



exists a vector for all such that ¡¤¢ . Clearly, the


% ¢  ¢ 

4 4 4 ¡¤¢

map is linear, so there exists a linear operator such that


¢ ¢

§ §


¡¤¢       ,        

. Since , we have in the case


¢ ¢ ¢ ¢


4 4 4 4

    ,             ,   

the inequality or . Thus,


¢ ¢

§ § §




is a bounded operator. Furthermore,


¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢

§ §

4 4 4 4 4



, so is self-adjoint. Since is

4 4 4 nonnegative.)




¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ *


 . .3

By construction of through the completion of we have



¢ ¢ ¢

¡ ¥ § ( ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ §

4 4 4



for all . Hence, and 4

¢ ¢ ¢

¡ ¥&§ ¡ ¥ (

4 4 4

, which implies for all . Since is irreducible, we have


¢ ¢

§ ¡ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ §


 / /

for some positive constant . Thus

¡ ¥ § ¡ ¡ ¥ ¡

4 4


, so is indecomposable. Q.E.D.

¢ ¢


Corollary 5 Let be an irred unitary rep of on , and suppose are


nonzero elements of such that 4


¡ ¥ ¢ § ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ ¢




4 4


§ ( (

for all . Then , .


¡ ¡ ¥%§ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¢ ¡ ¥%§

¡ ¡ ¡

PROOF: The functions of positive type satisfy

¡ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¡ ¥ ¡-¢ ¡ ¡ ¡


, so dominates and . Since is irred, is indecompos-

¡-¢ § ¡ § ¡ §

4 4

¡ ¡



able. Thus where are positive constants. Setting ,


4 4


¦  "

we have



¡ ¥ ¢ ¢ § ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥



4 4

¡ ¡

§ §  § 


By Corollary 4, . Hence for . Q.E.D.

4 4

Note that Cor4 ollary 5 implies that the sum of two ambiguity functions


corresponding to nonzero signals  is again an ambiguity function if and




only if  .


4.9 Exercises

1. Verify explicitly equation (4.10).


§ * ¡ ¥




$ ¢ § " . . .

2. Show that if is an basis for then the matrix


¡ ¥ * ¡ ¥


¡  ¡ 


$  ¢ 

elements form an basis for . Hint:


From exercise 5.1, 4 the matrix elements form an set. Hence to show

that they form a basis it is enough to prove that if

¨ ¨ ©


¡ ¥ ¡ ¥¨§

¡ ¡  ¡  ¡ ¡  ¡





4 4 4

( * ¡ ¥ §


for and all , , then almost everywhere. This shows


* ¡ ¥

that the set is also dense in , hence is a basis.



¥ § ¡ ¥ ( * ¡ ¥ ¡ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥

¡  ¡  ¥   ¥ ¥ 


3. Set for and .

Show that 4

¥ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ ¡

£ ¥ ¥ £ ¥   £ ¥  ¥ £

¥ § ¡ ¥ ¡ ¡ ¥ ¥ ¡ ¥ ¡

¥ £ ¥ ¥ £  £ ¥ ¥ 

£ £ ¤ £


¡ ¥ ( * ¡ ¥

¡  ¡ 


4. Prove that the ambiguity functions for all

* ¡ ¥


span a dense subspace of .


§ ( * ¡ ¥ 

5. Suppose such that  almost everywhere. Prove that the


¢ ¢ §¦


¡ ¡ '

¢  , ¢ 


¡ ¡

" . . .     $ 

set ¥  5' is an basis for the


lattice Hilbert space  . Find an explicit expression for the corresponding



* ¡ ¥ ¦

basis of obtained from the mapping 4 .



6. Show that the rep  of is continuous in the sense that


¡ ¥  ¡ ¥  ¡ ¥


¡  ¡  ¡  ¡  ¡  ¡  

¥ ¥


4 4

* ¡ ¥

for each ( .


¥ ¡

¡  ¡ 


7. Show that the ambiguity and cross-ambiguity functions

¥ ¡



are continuous functions of ¡ .





8. Construct the unitary rep  of induced by the one-dimensional rep


¡ ¥&§






   § 4

¥  of the subgroup , where is an integer (not nec-

4 ¡

essarily positive). Determine the action of on the rep space, in analogy



with (4.50). Under what conditions on § is irred? Show that the rep

§¨ space contains  linearly independent ground state wave functions.

80 Chapter 5



5.1 Induced irreducible representations of 9 ¡

Recall that the affine group is the matrix group with elements



¡ ¥¨§



9 (5.1)


and multiplication rule


¡ ¥'¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥

 ¥  ¥  ¥ £ ¥

¦$" Even though this is a " matrix group with a very simple structure, there are some difficulties in developing its rep theory in accordance with the general results

presented in Chapters 1-3. An indication of the complications appeared already in



¡ 9  %9

Chapter 3 where we showed that is not unimodular, i.e., . Indeed

¥ ¥

§ §


9 # 9


We begin by deriving the irred unitary reps of ¢¡ . One family of such reps

¡ £ §


 is evident: real. We use the method of induced reps to derive

several forms of the remaining irred unitary reps.

¥ ( ¡


 ¥ ¥

¢ £


Consider the subgroup of elements of the form , . The


¡ ¥ §




unitary irred reps of take the form . We now construct the unitary 4



¡ ¡

rep of induced by the rep of . The rep is defined on a space of functions

¡ ¥




on such that


¥&§ ( ¡ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ (


9 ¡ 9 ¡ 9 4

i.e., ¢

¡ ¥&§ ¡ ¥

 ¥ £ ¥  ¥


¢ ¢

¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥



Thus where is defined on the coset space

¡ ¥


§ §


 £ ¡ £ 9

¥ and is the subgroup of elements . The

4 4 ¡

action of in the induced rep is given by




¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ (


 9 9 9 9 9 9 ¡

or, restricted to the functions :




¡ ¥'¡ ¥¨§ ¡ ¥

 ¥+ ¡ ¢¡



 § ¤¡ ¥ ¡ ¥&§

¡ ¡ ¡ ¡

9  ¥ ¥ ¤

where 9 . The right-invariant measure on is , so the





inner product . with respect to which the operators are unitary, is





¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥

¡ ¡ ¡  ¢



4 4 4 ¢

The elements of the Hilbert space with the inner product are ¥ Lebesgue mea-

¢ ¡ ¥ §




surable functions such that . The rep is reducible. 4

However, we have 4





¡ Theorem 16 For  the representation of is irreducible.

PROOF: This demonstration is very similar to that of Theorem 13. For complete-

ness we repeat the basic ideas of the proof, omitting some of the technical details.

¢ ¢

Our aim will be to¥ show that if is a bounded operator on which commutes


¡ ¥ ( ¢%§


9 ¡ ¥ 

with the operators for all 9 then for some constant , where



 is the identity operator. (It follows from this that is irred, for if were a

¢ ¢

proper closed subspace of , invariant under , then¥ the self-adjoint projection


¡ ¥



operator ¦ on would commute with the operators . This is impossible  since ¦ could not be a scalar multiple of .)

Suppose the bounded operator ¢ satisfies

¥ ¥

¢ ¢

¢ § ¢

 ¥+  ¥+



§ ¢



for all real with . First consider the case : commutes with the



operation of multiplication by the function . Clearly must also commute




  with multiplication by finite sums of the form and, by using the well-

known fact that trigonometric polynomials are dense in the space of measurable

¢ ¡ ¥

functions, must commute with multiplication by any bounded function ¡ on


¥ ¥ ¡ ¡ £ £+( ¢



¢ . Now let be a bounded closed internal in and let be the ¢

characteristic function of : 4




£¥£&¡ ¥&§






£ ( ¢ £ § ¢ £¤£ £ § £¤£ £&¡ ¥ §

£ ¡

Let be the function . Since we have

¢ £¥£&¡ ¥ § ¢ £ ¡ ¥ § £¥£&¡ ¥%* £¥£&¡ ¥ § £¥£&¡ ¥ £&¡ ¥ £



¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡

so is nonzero only for

¢ ¢ ¢ ¢

  £ § ¢ £¥£ (


. Furthermore, if is a closed interval with and then

£ ¡ ¥ § ¢ £¥£ £ ¡ ¥§ £¥£ ¡ ¥ ¢ £¥£&¡ ¥§ £¥£ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ £ ¡ ¥ § £&¡ ¥

¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡

so for

¢ ¢

£ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ (  ( 

¡ ¡ ¡ ¡

and for . It follows that there is a unique function

£¢ ( ¢ £¡ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ § * £¢ ¡ ¥

£ £ £

¡ ¡

such that and ¡ for any closed bounded interval



¢ ¢ ¡

) )

¡ ¥

in ¢ . Now let be a function which is zero in the exterior of .

¢ ¡ ¥ § ¢ ¡ £¡ ¡ ¥¦¥ § ¡ ¥¤¢ £¢ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ £¡ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥

£ £ £

¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡

Then , so



¢ ¡ ¥ ¡

acts on by multiplication by the function . Since as runs over all finite

¡ ¢ ¢%§ ¡ ¥ ¥


 ¢ ¥

subintervals of the functions ¥ are dense in , it follows that .

¢ ¢

¢ ¡ ¥&§ ¢ ¡ ¥



  ¡   ¡


Now we use the hypothesis that for all 

( ¢ % ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥¨§ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥&§ ¡ ¥

¡ ¢¡ ¢¡ ¢¡ ¡ ¢¡

and . Thus almost everywhere,

¡ ¥ 4

which implies that ¡ is a constant. Q.E.D.

¥ ¥¡

¢ ¢


Lemma 3 For  the reps and are equivalent.

% ¢ ¢  ¢ ¢ ¡ ¥&§ ¡ ¥

¡ ¨ ¡

¥¢ ¥

PR OOF: Let be the linear unitary operator . Then


¢ ¢

§¡ §¡

 ¥+  ¥+


¥    4 and . Q.E.D.

It follows that there are just two distinct irred reps in the family ¢ . We





choose these reps in the normalized form . Thus we¥ have constructed the

%*£ ¡ ¡ ¥

¦ ¤

¡ ¤ ¢ ¢

following irred unitary reps of , ; and where

£ §



¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥

¦  ¥  ¡ ¡ 




¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ §

¡  ¤  ¥  ¡


( ¢

and . It can be shown [[67]] that these are the only unitary irred reps of

4 ¡ .

83 5.2 The wideband cross-ambiguity functions

Another important class of unitary reps of ¢¡ can be induced from the subgroup


¡ ¥






of elements of the form . Consider the irred reps of

¡ ¥ § ¢ 

¡ ¡

: , complex. We construct the rep of induced by . It is

¡ ¥

 ¥ ¢¡

defined on a space of functions on such that

( ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ ( ¥¨§ ¡


9 ¡ 9 9



¡ ¥ ¡ ¥&§ ¡ ¥

 ¥  ¥


¡ ¥§ ¡ ¥§ ¡ ¥

 ¥  ¥ ¥

Thus where is defined on the coset space

§ §

£ £

¡ ¡

¥ . The action of in the induced rep is given by



¢ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ (


 9 9 9 9 9 9 ¡

or, restricted to the functions :



£ ¥

¡ ¢ ¥'¡¤£¦¥&§




¡ ¡¤£¦¥ § £

There is no right-invariant measure on ¥ . However, goes to a multiple



. .3 

of itself, so an inner product with respect to which the operators are


unitary is ¨

§ ¡£¦¥ ¡£¦¥ £


¤ (5.9)


4 4

§ ¢ §

¡ £ ¤ ¤ ¤

provided 4 where is real. The elements of the Hilbert space

* ¡ ¥ ¡¤£¦¥

with this inner product are Lebesgue measurable functions such that



. Since we will be restricting to the case of unitary reps, we

¢ ¢©



introduce the notation ¡ :



£ ¥


¡ ¢ ¥ ¡£¦¥&§ ( * ¡ ¥






The rep is reducible. Indeed let us consider the Fourier transform as a

¡ ¥ * ¡ ¥

unitary map from * to :




¡ ¥ § ¡£¦¥ £ § ¡ ¥


;% ¤

¥ (5.11)



84 ©

Then ¨


¡ ¥ ¡¤£¦¥&§ ¡£¦¥&§


;% 4


¥ ¥



¢ ¢



and the action of on the function ¥ corresponding to the action on is

¢ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¢ ¥'¡ ¥

 ¥+  ¥+






¤ ¤



§ £






% 4

;% (5.12)



¥ § ¡

¥ 8 




¦ ¤

%-* ¡ ¥  ¢ ¢

Now consider the map ¤ defined by

4 4


¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ §




¥ ¥ ¦

and let ¦

¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥)( ¢



¥ ¥



¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥)( ¢ §



£   £ ¤  

¥ ¥




( ¢ ¢


Then the action induced on ¥ by is



¦ ¦

¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥

¦  ¥+


¥ ¥



( ¢

and the action induced on ¥ is



¤ ¤ ¤

¡ ¥&§ ¡ ¥

¤  ¥+

 £  £

¥ ¥

¦ ¤

¤ ¦

§ §

¡ ¥ ¢ ¢ ¡ ¥


(Here, the spaces consist of functions  on the positive real

4 4

  £ £ line with weight functions , , respectively. The operator is responsi- ble for the change in weight function.) As the reader can easily verify, we have

the “Plancherel formula”

¥ ¥

¦ ¦ ¤ ¤


§ § §

¢ §

 ¥+    ¦  ¥+ £ ¤  ¥+



4 4

where ¦

§ §

¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ §




§ §

¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ § § 


 £  ¤ £

¥ ¥


¦ ¤


Thus the rep decomposes as the direct sum of¥ the irred reps and ;

¡ ¥

¦ ¤


the Fourier component ¥ of corresponds to for positive and to

¢ ( * ¡ ¥

for negative  . (If, however, we restrict the rep to those whose

¡ ¥ ¢


Fourier transform ¥ has support on the positive reals, then is irreducible and equivalent to ¤ .)


¢ ¢




Note that the matrix element  coincides with the wideband


§ §

 ¡ ¥

cross-ambiguity function (1.15) with 4 . Formula (5.13) suggests

¡ ¥

that, for computational simplicity, in selecting a basis for * in which to deter-

mine the cross-ambiguity function, one¥ should choose the union of a basis on the ¦ subspace transforming¥ according to and a basis on the subspace transforming according to ¤ .

5.3 Decomposition of the regular representation ¡

Even though has a very simple structure, the decomposition of the regular

¡ ¢¡ rep of and expansion formulas for functions on in terms of the matrix

elements of irred reps are not trivial consequences of the general theory worked



89  9 out in the earlier chapters. In particular, ¢¡ is not unimodular, i.e., .

(The machinery developed in Chapter 3 for averaging over a group assumed that


the group is unimodular.) Choosing¦ the measure to be definite and assuming



¡ ¥ ( ¢ ¡ ¥


 ¡ that the functions are with compact support in ¢ to avoid

convergence problems, we can4 verify directly that

© ©

¨ ¨

¥ ¥




¦  ¥   ¤  ¥+  < 




¤ (5.15)


4 4 4

in accordance with the earlier theory, but

¥¡ ¥¡

© ©


¤ ¤

¡ ¡



 ¥+   ¥+  <








4 4 4





4 4 4

¡£¦¥ £  ¡¤£¦¥¨§

where . To investigate the problem in more detail we will decom-


pose explicitly the right regular rep of ¢¡ into irred reps of , [V].


¡ ¡

Recall that the right regular rep of is defined on the Hilbert space of

¡ ¡ ¥ ¥ ¡ ¥

 ¥  ¥ 0

measurable functions 9 , square integrable with respect to the



# 9

measure . The inner product is

© ©

¨ ¨


¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥

  ¥  ¥ 


¤ (5.17)


4 4


¡  ¥

9 ¡

and acts on this space in terms of the unitary operators :



¥ ¥ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¡

9 9;9

9 (5.18) ¢

To decompose ¡ into irreducible components we project out subspaces of func- §

tions which transform irreducibly under the left action of the subgroup



¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥


$ ¡ ¥ 9 

 . (Since the left action of commutes with the right action,

¡ ¥

it follows that these subspaces will be invariant under the operators 9 .) The



(% £ ¡ ¡ ¥ ¥,§




function , defines a one-dimensional rep of . Now

 ( ¢

consider the map where ¡ , given by


¡ ¡ ¡

¥ £ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥&§ ¡


9 (5.19)



¡ ¥ §


where  is the two-sided invariant measure on . Note that



¡  ¥ § ¡  ¥ ¡ ¥


9  9


satisfies . In terms of coordinates we have

¤ ¤



¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥



 ¥ ¨  ¨  ¨ ¥ ¨



¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥


 ¥  ¥




Note also that the map is invertible:

¨ ©


¡ ¥¨§ ¡ ¥


¨  ¨ ¥  ¥ ¨

4  ¤


© "

(This is just the inverse formula for the Mellin transform, a variant of the Fourier

transform, [[41]], [[107]].)


¡ £ ¤ ¤/ #" ¡

Now (5.20) agrees with (5.7) with ¥ , so the action of on

¡ ¥ ¢ 



the functions induced by the operator is just 8 , or in terms of the



functions where ¤



¡ ¥&§






it reads ¤


£ ¥


¡ ¢ ¥ ¡£¦¥&§






in agreement with (5.10). Furthermore, we have the decomposition formula

© © © ©

¨ ¨ ¨ ¨


¡¤£¦¥ £ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥¨§ ¡£¦¥

 ¥  ¥



¤ ¤

¤ (5.23)

© © ©




( * ¡ ¥ ( ¢

¡ ¡

where the are related to ¡ via (5.20) and (5.21). On each


¥ ¢ ¥ ¤ ¢

space of square integrable functions ¤ , the rep decomposes

¦ ¤

into the direct¥ sum of the irred reps and , (5.12) and (5.13). Thus the right ¥

regular rep decomposes into a direct integral¥ (rather than a direct sum) of a

¦ ¤

continuous number of copies of the irred reps and . (The one-dimensional¥

£ §


 unitary reps do not appear in the decomposition of .)


As we have shown

¤ ¤

© ©

¤ ¤

¡ ¥&§



¤ ¤

© ©

¤ *    ¦




¡ ¥ £ ¡ ¥ ¥ £ ¡ ¥ ¡


'2 ¥



 ¤  ¤  $  


£ ¡ ¥ §






We can express these results¥ in another form by choosing an explicit basis

¡ ¥ ¢


¡ $

 for in the reps . Then




¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥

¡ ¡


¢ (5.25)




where ¨

¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ §


¡ ¡ 



Substituting (5.25) and (5.26) into (5.24), using (5.20) and (5.14) to express the

' ¡

expansion in terms of $ and alone, and making appropriate interchanges of ?

integration and summation orders, we arri? ve at the formula


? ?

¤ ¤ ¤


¡£¦¥ ¡ ¡ ¥ £¢¡ ¡¤£¦¥ ¡ ¥ §


 ¤  ¥   ¥

¡ ¡ ¡




¦ ¦ ¦

¥ ¡£¦¥ ¡ ¥ £¢¡ ¡¤£¦¥


£  ¦  ¥ 


¡ ¡



§ ¡ ¢ ¡ ¥£¡ £¦¥



? ?



££¡ ¡¤£¦¥&§ £ ¡£¦¥

¡ ¡

Here  ,

? ?





§ ¡£¦¥ ¡£¦¥


© ©; £


¡ ¥

and is the operator




¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ §

¡ ¡


9 9 9

9 (5.28)





¡ ¤ (Since the bases $ are the same for all , dependence on this parameter dis- appears from the final result.)

Similarly, the Parseval formula


© © ©

¨ ¨ ¨


¦ ¤

¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥

 ¥ £


¡ ¡


¤ ¤


© ©

" ¡



© ©

¨ ¨



¡ - ¥¢¡ ¡ ¡ - ¥£¡ £ £ ¥ ¡ ¥ §





¤ (5.29)



- ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥


 ¥  ¥ where 4 . (The simple derivation of (5.27) and (5.29) given here is motivated by Vilenkin’s treatment of the affine group, [[107]]. It is not our purpose here to give a rigorous derivation with precise convergence criteria. Rather, we want to demonstrate simply how group theory concepts lead to the correct expansion formulas. A rigorous, but much more complicated, derivation was given by Khalil [[66]], and the relevance of these expansions to the radar

ambiguity function was pointed out by Naparst [[84]].)

The expansion (5.27) has been expressed¥ in terms of the inner product on


? ? ?

the Hilbert space? and the operators . It is enlightening to re-express it

¢ ¢ * ¡ ¥


in terms of the operators , (5.10) and the Hilbert space . For this we set

¦ ¤


¡¤£¦¥&§ £ ¡£¦¥ * ¡ ¥

' ' '

¡ ¡ ¡ ¡

$ $

$ where and are each bases for . Now

? ?


let ¨

¤ ¦ ¦ ¦

¡ ¥&§ ¡ ¥¨§ ¡£¦¥ £

¨ ¨


¡ ¡ ¡


4 ;%


? ?


and ¨

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤

¡ ¥&§ ¡ £¦¥ £ ¡ ¥&§

¨  ¨

¡ ¡ ¡


4 ;%






¡ ¡ 

i.e., are the inverse? Fourier transforms of . (Recall from the discussion



following (5.12) that corresponds to a Fourier? transform with support on the



positive axis and ¡ corresponds to a Fourier transform with support on the


¡¤£¦¥ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ § £ ¡ £

 ¨ ¨ )

¡ ¡


negative axis.) Further, let 4 with the same support ¡

conventions as for  . Then we can write (5.27) in the form


¤ ¤ ¦ ¦



¥ ¡ ¥¨§ ¡ ¡ ¥ ¢§¢ ¡ ¥ ¢ ¢

 ¥ )   ¥+ £ )   ¥+

¡ ¡ ¡ ¡


¢ (5.30)


* ¡ ¥


where . is the usual inner product, and


¨ £ ¥


¢ ¢ ¡ ¥&§


 ¥+ ¨ 

¡ ¡






  ¡ ¥ ¡   ¥ ¢ ¢ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ §


 ¥  ) ¨  ¥ ) ¨


¡ ¡




© ©

¤ ¤

¡   ¥ §


¡ ¡



 ¥ )






¢ ¢ ,


© ©

¤ ¤

¥ § ¡ ¡ ¥ ¢

' (5.31)

¡ ¨ £ ¡ ¡ )




=¡ #    

§ ¡ ¥

) ¨ 




¥ ¡ ¡ ¥ § §

¡  ¥  ¡ ¥


where # with . Comparing (5.31) with (1.9) we

¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥

) ¨ ) ¨ ¨

¡ ¡ 

see that  is just the echo generated at time from the signal

¥ ¡ ¥ ¡

) ¨ ¡



and the target position-velocity distribution # . Each inner product on

) ¡

the right-hand side of (5.30) is the correlation function between the echo  and a




test signal  :


¦ ¦ ¤ ¤


¡ ¦ ¥&§ ¢§¢ ¥ ¡ ¢ ¢

   £ )  ¥+ )  ¥+

¡ ¡ ¡ ¡

# ¥        

¢ (5.32)



§ ¦ §

¥  ¥

where 4 . Note that (5.32) provides a scheme for determining the

¡ ¦ ¥




distribution # experimentally: we can send out signals , measure the


 ¥+ )

¡ ¡

  echos  and then cross-correlate these echos with the test signals to

construct # .

5.4 Exercises


¢ ¡ 1. Show that the representation of the affine group is reducible.

2. Verify directly equation (5.15).

3. Verify directly equation (5.16).


¢ ¡

4. Show that the rep of is continuous in the sense that



¡ ¥  ¥ ¡ ¥  ¡


 ¥   ¥ 


( ¢

for each .



¢ ¢



5. Show that the ambiguity and cross-ambiguity functions

¡ ¥

 ¥ are continuous functions of .

90 Chapter 6


6.1 Windowed Fourier transforms

In this and the next chapter we introduce and study two procedures for the analysis of time-dependent signals, locally in both frequency and time. The first procedure, the “windowed Fourier transform” is associated with the Heisenberg group while

the second, the “ transform” is associated with the affine group.

( * ¡ ¥ §

  0  Let with and define the time-frequency translation of


¡¤£¦¥ § ¥ § ¡¤£¦¥ ¡¤£

)    * 

¡  ¡   £ ¡




¥  ;% (6.1)

4 4




where 4 is the unitary irred rep (4.5) of the Heisenberg group with

¡£%¢ @£¢¥

. Now suppose is centered about the point in phase (time-frequency)

space, i.e., suppose

© ©

¨ ¨

@ ¡A@ ¥ @$§ @£¢ £ ¡£¦¥ £ § £ ¢


¤ ¤


© ©




¡¤£¦¥ ¡A@ ¥ § ¡£¦¥ £



¥  2! %

where ¥ is the Fourier transform of . Then

© ©

¨ ¨

¡£¦¥ @$§ @£¢ ¡£¦¥ £ § £ ¢ @ £

)    * )    *

¡  £ ¡

¡ ¡


¤ ¤


© ©


@£¢ ¥ ¡¤£ ¢

)    *

¡  £ ¡

¡ ¤

so is centered about in phase space. To analyze an

¡¤£¦¥ * ¡ ¥

arbitrary function in we compute4 the inner product



¡ ¥ § § ¡£¦¥ ¡¤£¦¥ £

)    * )    *

 ¡  ¡ ¡

¡ ¡





¡ ¥


with the idea that ¡ is sampling the behavior of in a neighborhood of

¡£ ¢ @£¢ ¥


¡  ¡ ¡  £ ¡

the point ¤ in phase space. As range over all real numbers

¡ ¥ ¡£¦¥

4 4


the samples ¡ give us enough information to reconstruct . Indeed,



)    *

¡  ¡  


 ¡   4

since 4 is an irred rep of the functions are dense in

* ¡ ¥ ( * ¡ ¥


¡  ¡  

as runs over . Furthermore, is uniquely determined




)    * )    *

   ¡  ¡

¡ ¡

  ¤ ¢ ¢

by the inner products . (Suppose

( * ¡ ¥ §

4 4

)    *

  ¡  ¡


for and all . Then with ¤ we have

* ¡ ¥

4 4 4

)    *

¡ )0

, so is orthogonal to the closed subspace of generated by

* ¡ ¥ §

)    *


the . Since 4 is irreducible this closed subspace is . Hence


and .)


)    * )    *

¡ ¡

However, the set of basis states is overcomplete: the coefficients 

* ¡ ¥

are not independent of one another, i.e., in general there is no ( such that

¥ ( * ¡ ¥ § ¡

)    * )    *

 ¡  ¡

¡ ¡

for an arbitrary . The are examples

of coherent states, 4 continuous overcomplete Hilbert space bases which are of in- terest in quantum optics, quantum field theory, group representation theory, etc.,


¤ < ¤


§ ¢ ¡£¦¥ §

8 8


As an important example we consider the case 4 ,




(4.27), the ground state. (Recall that ¡ where is the annihilation operator §

for bosons (4.19). This property uniquely determines the ground state.) Since ¢


§ ¢

is essentially its own Fourier transform, (4.44), we see that is centered

¡¤£ ¢ @¨¢ ¥ § ¡ ¥


about  in phase space. Thus

¤ < ¤ ¦


)    * 8   , 8

¡ ¡


4 '"%

¥  ;% (6.2)

¥ ¡ * ¡ ¥

¡  ¡

is centered about ¤ . It is very instructive to map these vectors in



with inner product . to the Bargmann-Segal Hilbert space with inner product


¡ ¥ ¢ ¡ ¥&§

. ¡ £ . , (4.32), via the unitary operator , (4.37). In the ground state is .

Thus the corresponding coherent states are


¡ ¥ § ¢ ¡ ¥&§ ¡ ¥

)    *


)    *

¡  ¡ 



£   ¡ £ ¡ £




§ ¡ ¥ £

 § ©



¡ £ ¡ £





£ ¤ ¤


§ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ £


 § ©

 ¡ ¡ ¡ £ ¡



#"  £  ¤ ¤ £







¡ ¥ § ¡ ¡ ¥ § ¥ (

¨§ ©



where £ is the “delta function” with the property

¡ ¥ (


for each . Clearly

¥ § ¡

)    * )    *

¢ ¢

)    * )    *


¡ ¡

¡ ¡

 ¡ ¡

§ ¡ ¥ £

 § ©

¡ £ ¡ £ £ ¡ ¡ £ 

 ¤   ¤ £ £   ¦


¤ ¦

4 4

4 4

 § ©

 ,  ,  

¡ ¡




( * ¡ ¥

)   * ¡

so the are not mutually orthogonal. Moreover, given with


§ (

we have


¡ £ ¡

§ ¡ ¡ ¥ £ ¥&§


)    * ¨§ ©


)    *

¡ £ ¡ £ ¡ ¡   




£  ¡  ¤




¦ " Expression (6.5) displays clearly the overcompleteness of the coherent states.

Since is an entire function, it is uniquely determined by its values in an open

set of the complex plane (or a line segment or even on a discrete set of points


)   *

¡  in which have a limit point). Thus the values cannot be prescribed

arbitrarily. However, from the “delta function” property

¡ ¥¨§ ¡ ¥



)    *


¡ ¡

we can easily expand as a double integral over the coherent states ,



( * ¡ ¥ §

hence we can expand 4 as the corresponding double integral

)    * ¡ over the coherent states . There are two features of the foregoing discussion that are worth special em-

phasis. First there is the great flexibility in the coherent function approach due

(¥* ¡ ¥

to the fact that the function can be chosen to fit the problem at hand.

Second is the fact that coherent states are always overcomplete. Thus it isn’t

¥ § ¡

)    *

 ¡  ¡


necessary to compute the inner products for every point

in phase space. In the windowed Fourier approach one typically4 samples at

¥*§ ¡ ¥ ¡

 ¥ ¡  ¡  ¥ §

the lattice points  where are fixed positive numbers and





 range over the integers. Here, and must be chosen so that the map

 ¡ ¥




$ is one-to-one; then can be recovered from the lattice point

¡ ¥

 ¥ § values  .

Example 3 Given the function


¡£¦¥ §








* ¡ ¥



) ¢¨ *


¤ ¢ ¢ $¡  §

the set is an basis for . Here, run over the integers.

)    * ¡

Thus is overcomplete.

6.2 The Weil-Brezin-Zak transform

The Weil-Brezin transform (earlier used in radar theory by Zak, so also called

* ¡ ¥


the Zak transform) (4.51) between the Schrodinger¨ rep 4 of on and

93 )

the lattice rep  , (4.48)-(4.50), is very useful in studying the lattice sampling

§ §


problem, particularly in the case . Restricting to this case for the time


* ¡ ¥

being, we let ( . Then


§ § §

¡ ¥&§ ¡ ¥ § ¡ © ¥

¡  ¡ ¡  ¡  ¡ £

¦  ¥ 



4 4 4


satisfies ¤

§ §

¡¨© © ¥&§ ¡ ¥

£ ¡  £ ¡ ¡  ¡


¥ &

4 4 4


© ©

for integers  . (Here (6.6) is meaningful if belongs to, say, the Schwartz

§ § § § §

§ ¡ § ¡


¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡

¦    : ¦ class. Otherwise : where and the are Schwartz class functions. The limit is taken with respect to the Hilbert space

norm.) Furthermore

) § §

¥ ¡ ¥ § ¡


¡  ¡        ¡  ¡ 




¥ ¡ §

 § ©

4 4 4 4

¡ £  ¡ £ ¡ 

   " £ 

4 4 4


§ §


) ¢& *



Hence if 4 we have


¥ ¥&§ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¡

) ¢& *

¨§ ©

¡ ¡  ¡  ¡ ¡  ¡

 " £ § ¤ 


4 4 4


) ¢¨ *

Thus in the lattice rep, the functions differ from simply by the multi-


¥ § ¡


  ¢ ,

¡  ¡ 



   ¢ § 

plicative factor ¥  5' , and as range over the integers





the  form an basis for the Hilbert space of the lattice rep:

¨ ¨

¥ ¥ ¥&§ ¡ ¡ ¡

4 4

¡ ¡ ¡  ¡ ¡  ¡ 

¢ ¢


4 4 4 4 4

¡ ¥,§ ¡ ¥ % § ( * ¡ ¥


) ¢& *


 § $¡

Theorem 17 For and the transforms

¥ § ¥ § ¡ * ¡ ¥ ¡

¡ '  ¢¡ 

  ¡  ¡ ¡  ¡ 

" . . . 

span if and only if ¦ a.e..

4 4

* ¡ ¥



) ¢& *

PROOF: Let be the closed linear subspace of spanned by the .

§ § * ¡ ¥ §


) ¢& *

Clearly iff a.e. is the only solution of for all

§ ¦

integers  and . Applying the Weyl-Brezin -Zak isomorphism we have

§ ¡ ¥


) ¢& *



 ¦   ¢ ¦


§ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥


¡ (6.9)

¡ ¡

 ¦  ¦   ¢   ¢




Since the functions  form an basis for the Hilbert space (6.8) it follows


§ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ §


) ¢¨ *

  ¡  ¡ ¡  ¡


that for all integers iff , a.e.. If

4 4



§ § * ¡ ¥ § § §


, a.e. then and . If on a set of positive


£ § §


measure on the unit square, then the characteristic function ¦


§¤£ § § * ¡ ¥ §


) ¢& *



satisfies a.e., hence and . Q.E.D.

¤ < ¤

¡¤£¦¥ §

8 8


In the case % one finds that


¤ < ¤ ¦

¡ ¥¨§

8   , 8

¡  ¡


4 ¥  '





As is well-known, [[40]], [[110]], the series (6.10) defines a Jacobi Theta function.

Using complex variable techniques it can be shown that this function vanishes at

¡ ¥


 ¡ ¡

, , 4

the single point 4 in the square , , [[110]]. Thus

§ * ¡ ¥

 ¡ '


) ¢¨ *


a.e. and the functions span . (However, the expansion of

* ¡ ¥

¡ '

) ¢& * ¡

an function in terms of this set is not unique and the $ do not form a

in the sense of 6.4.)

% § ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ ( * ¡ ¥


) ¢& *


 § $¡

Corollary 6 For and the transforms


¥ § * ¡ ¥ ¡

 ¡ '

  ¡  ¡

. . . 

form an basis for iff  , a.e.


PROOF: We have

§ § ¡¡ ¥ - - ¡

¡ ¡

) ¢& * ) ¢  *


¡ ¡¦¡ ¡

  ¢  ¢ ¢ ¢

§ ¡ ¡ ¥

 ¤ ¤

¡ ¡

   ¢ ¢



iff , a.e. Q.E.D.




As an example, let ) where



£ ¢ ¡¤£¦¥¨§



)  ,



¥ ¡

¡ '

) ¢& *

¡  ¡

§0 $¡

Then it is easy to see that  . Thus is an basis for

* ¡ ¥

. 4

¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ ( * ¡ ¥


Theorem 18 For and , suppose there are constants

9 such that

¡ ¥

¡  ¡

 , ¢ 9 , 


 ¡ '

) ¢¨ *

¡  ¡

almost everywhere in the square , . Then is a basis

* ¡ ¥ ( * ¡ ¥ §

for , i.e., each can be 4 expanded uniquely in the form


) ¢& *



¢ ¨

¢ . Indeed,



¡ ¡

§ § ¡ ¡ ¥


) ¢& *


¡ ¡

¢    ¢



¡  ¡


PROOF: By hypothesis 4 is a bounded function on the domain



. Hence is square integrable on this domain and, from the periodic-


¥ § ¡

¡ £  ¡ £



ity properties of elements in the lattice Hilbert space, §



¡ ¥

¡  ¡ ¡

§ . It follows that



§ ¡

¡ ¡

¢  ¢

¢ ¡

¥ § ¡ ¡ § ¡

¡ ¡ ¡ ¡

 ¢ ¢  ¢

where ¢ , so . This last expression im-

§ §

¡ ¡

) ¢¨ * ) ¢& *

¡ ¡


plies ¢ . Conversely, given we can reverse the


¥ § ¡ ¡

¡ ¡

 ¢ steps in the preceding argument to obtain ¢ . Q.E.D.

6.3 Windowed transforms and ambiguity functions

We can relate these expansions to radar cross-ambiguity functions as follows. The


¡ ¡

)  *


expansion ¢ is equivalent to the lattice Hilbert space expansion


§ ¡

¡ ¡


¢ or


§ ¡ ¡ ¥


¡ ¡

¢  ¢  


¥ ¡

¡ ¡  ¡


Now if is a bounded function then and both belong to the


¡ ¡

lattice Hilbert space and are periodic functions in and with period . Hence,



§ ¡

¡ ¥

¡ ¡

¢  ¢

§ ¡

¡ ¡

   ¢  ¢





§ ¡ ¡ ¥&§ ¡ ¡ ¥&§ §


) ¢¨ *

¥ ¡       

¡ ¡ ¡


 ¢  ¢     § 



§ ¡ ¡ ¥ § §


) ¢& *


¡ ¡


 ¢     § 



Thus (6.11) gives the Fourier series expansion for as the product of two


other Fourier series expansions. (We consider the functions , hence as



known.) The Fourier coefficients in the expansions of and are cross-



ambiguity functions. If never vanishes we can solve for the directly:

¡ § ¡ ¡ ¥'¡ ¡ ¥


¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡


¢  ¢ ¢  ¢   ¢





where the ¢ are the Fourier coefficients of . However, if vanishes at


¥ ¤£ some point then the best we can do is obtain the convolution equations  ,


§ ¦¥


¡ ¡




¦ ¦

¡ ¡




(Auslander and Tolimieri [[10]] have shown how to approximate the coefficients



even in the cases where vanishes at some points. The basic idea is to


¡ ¡


truncate ¢ to a finite number of nonzero terms and to sample equation

¡ ¥

¡  ¡



(6.11), making sure that  is nonzero at each sample point. The

can then be computed by using the4 inverse finite Fourier transform (2.37).)

The problem of  vanishing at a point is not confined to an isolated example,

such as (6.10). Indeed it can be shown that if is an everywhere continuous function in the lattice Hilbert space then it must vanish at at least one point, [[55]].

6.4 Frames

¡ '

) ¢& * ¡ To understand the nature of the complete sets $ it is useful to broaden our

perspective and introduce the idea of a frame in an arbitrary Hilbert space ¢ .



In this more general point of view we are given a sequence $ of elements of




and we want to find conditions on $ so that we can recover an arbitrary

( ¢ ¢ * ¡ ¥



from the inner products on . Let be the Hilbert space of

¡ ¥ §

' '


¡ ¡ ¡ ¡


¡ ¡ ¡ $ ¡

countable sequences $ with inner product . (A sequence


* ¡ ¥ % ¢  * ¡ ¥

¡ ¡


¦ ¡ £¢  ¦

belongs to provided ¡ .) Now let be the linear

mapping defined by

¡ ¥ §

¡ ¡


¢ * ¡ ¥ ¦

We require that  is a bounded operator from to , i.e., that there is a finite



¡ ¡



such that . In order to recover from the we


%¡ £¢  ¢ ¤¢ ¢


want to be invertible with 4 where is the range of

* ¡ ¥


 in . Moreover, for numerical stability in the computation of from the




we want 4 to be bounded. (In other words we want to require that a


“small” change in the data leads to a “small” change in .) This means that





9      9!     ¡


there is a finite such that . (Note that if


¡ ¡

¡ .) If these conditions are satisfied, i.e., if there exist positive constants

9 such that


9    ,    ,    



¢ (¡¢



$ 9 for all , we say that the sequence is a frame for and that and

are frame bounds.

¢ ¢ %-* ¡ ¥  ¢


The adjoint  of is the linear mapping defined by


§ ¡ ¥


 ¡ / ¡ 


(+* ¡ ¥ ( ¢


for all ¡ , . A simple computation yields



¡ ¡

¡ ¡




(Since  is bounded, so is and the right-hand side of (6.15) is well-defined for


( * ¡ ¥ § % ¢  ¢

¦   all ¡ .) Now the bounded self-adjoint operator is

given by


§ §


¡ ¡


(6.16) ¡

and we can rewrite the defining inequality (6.14) for the frame as


9!    ,   / ,    



§ §


Since 9 , if then , so is one-to-one, hence invertible.

¢ ¢ ¢

Furthermore, the range of is . Indeed, if is a proper subspace of

¢ ¡ ¢ ¥ % § ( ¢

¢  ¢

then we can find a nonzero vector in for all .



§ § ¡ ¥*§ §

 ¢  ¢  ¢ ¢  ¥¢

¡ ¡


        However, . Setting

we obtain






§ ¢ § ¢ ¢

By (6.14) we have , a contradiction. thus and the inverse operator



4 exists and has domain .

¤ ¤

§ § ( ¢

4 Since 4 for all , we immediately obtain two expan-

sions for from (6.16):

¤ ¤


¥ § §


¡ ¡ ¡ ¡

¡ ¡


4 4


¥ §



¡ ¡



¤ ¤




¡ ¡


(The second equality in (6.18) follows from the identity 4 ,


which holds since 4 is self-adjoint.)


Recall that for a positive operator , i.e., an operator such that for


all the inequalities

9!    ,  ,    


for 9 are equivalent to the inequalities

   -,     ,     9 (6.19)

see [[95]] or [[38]].



An examination of equations (6.18) suggests that if the $ form a frame then




$ so do the 4 .






$ 9 

Theorem 19 Suppose is a frame with frame bounds and let  .


' '

¡ ¡

$ $

Then 4 is also a frame, called the dual frame of , with frame bounds

¤ ¤

9 4

4 .

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤


¢ ¢ ¢ ¢

   ¨,    ¨, 9    

4 4 4

PROOF: Setting 4 in (7.19) we have .

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤

¢ ¢ ¥¢ ¢

    , ;, 9    

4 4 4

Since 4 is self-adjoint, this implies . From

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤


§ §

¢ ¢ ¥¢ ¢ 

¡ ¡



4 4 4

the last equation (6.18) we have 4 so

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤




¢  ¥¢ ¢ 

¡ ¡ ¡ ¡

¡ ¡


4 4 4

4 . Hence is a frame with

¤ ¤

9 4

frame bounds 4 . Q.E.D.





We say that $ is a tight frame if .

( ¢



Corollary 7 If $ is a tight frame then every can be expanded in the

form ¤


¡ ¡





§ ¡ ¥ §




$ 9    / ¤ 9  /

PROOF: Since is a tight frame we have or



where  is the identity operator . Since is a self-adjoint operator

¡ ¥ § (¡¢ §

 ¤¥9    9 

we have  for all . Thus . However, from (6.18),


¡ ¡


. Q.E.D.

¡ 6.5 Frames of type

We can now relate frames with the Heisenberg group lattice construction (6.6).

¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ ( * ¡ ¥


Theorem 20 For and , we have

¥ ¡

¡  ¡

 , ¢ 9 , 



¡ ' 

) ¢¨ *

¡  ¡

almost everywhere in the square , iff is a frame for

* ¡ ¥


¡ 9

with frame bounds . (By Theorem 18 this frame is actually a basis

¡ ¥

for * .).

PROOF: If (6.20) holds then is a bounded function on the square. Hence for


(+* ¡ ¥

 ¡ ¡  ¡

any is a periodic function, in on the square. Thus


© ©


¡ ¡ ¥ §


) ¢& *


¤ ¤


© ©

¡ ¡


¢& ¢¨


¡ ¡

§ ¡ ¡ ¥ §

¡  ¡


© ¡




¢ (6.21)

¤ ¤



¢ ¢

¡ ¡

4 4





¡ ¢ (Here we have used the for the exponentials  ) It follows

from (6.20) that



) ¢& *


9    ,    ,    






¡ '

) ¢& * ¡

so $ is a frame.

¡ '

) ¢& *

¡ 9 Conversely, if $ is a frame with frame bounds , it follows from

(6.22) and the computation (6.21) that

¨ ¨

¢ ¢ ¢

4 4

¡ ¡

¢ ¢

9!    ,       ,  

4 ¡

for an arbitrary in the lattice Hilbert space. (Here we have used the fact that



       ¦  , since is a unitary transformation.) Thus the inequalities (6.20)

hold almost everywhere. Q.E.D.



) ¢ ¢  *

$¡ Frames of the form are called Weyl-Heisenberg (or W-H) frames.

The Weyl-Brezin-Zak transform is not so useful for the study of W-H frames with

¡ ¥

 ¥ ¥ general frame parameters . (Note from (6.1) that it is only the product that

is of significance for the W-H frame parameters. Indeed, the change of variable


£ § £ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥§ ¡ ¥

 ¥  ¥  ¥

in (6.1) converts the frame parameters to .) An

easy consequence of the general definition of frames is the following:

( * ¡ ¥

 ¥  ¡


Theorem 21 Let and such that

¡ ¥

¡ £

9 ,    , ¢ ¢

1. , a.e.,


5 5


2. has support contained in an interval where has length 4 .

¤ ¤

* ¡ ¥



) ¢ ¢  *

¥  ¥

$¡ 9


Then the are a W-H frame for with frame bounds 4 .

( * ¡ ¥ ¡£¦¥ § ¡¤£¦¥ ¡£ ¥



PROOF: For fixed and arbitrary the function 


5 § £ % ( 5 ¡£¦¥


£ ¡ ¥

¢ $ ¢ 

has support in the interval of length 4 . Thus can be

¡ ¡¤£¦¥¨§




expanded in a Fourier series with respect to the basis exponentials ¥ 


on ¢ . Using the Plancherel formula for this expansion we have





) ¢ ¢  *



¡ ¡





§ § ¡£¦¥ ¡¤£ ¥ £


¢)      ¢  

4 4

¢ ¢



§ ¡£¦¥ ¡£ ¥ £








From property 1) we have then



) ¢ ¢ *


    ,        ,

¥ ¥



¡ '

) ¢ ¢  *

so is a W-H frame. Q.E.D.

¡ ¥

 ¥ ¥

There are no W-H frames with frame parameters such that  ,

¡ ¥ §


[[14]], [[94]]. For some insight into this case we consider the example

¦ ¦ ¦

¥ ¡ ( * ¡ ¥


, an integer. Let . There are two distinct possibilities:

¡ ¥

¡  ¡

9  9 , 

1. There is a constant such that  almost everywhere.



2. There is no such 9 .

* ¡ ¥ §


) ¢ £0 *


$¡  §

Let be the closed subspace of spanned by the functions

( * ¡ ¥

¡ ' ¢¡


" . . .

and suppose . Then


¡ ¢

§ ¡ ¡ ¥¨§ ¡ ¡ ¥

) ¢ £0 *


¡ ¡

  ¢ £

 ¢ £



§ ¡



If possibility 1) holds, we set 4 . Then belongs to the lattice


§ ¡$¡ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ( ¡ ¥¨§




) ¢ £  *


¡ ¡ ¡

  ¢ £  ¢ £ 

Hilbert space and so

¡ '



) ¢ £  * ¡

and $ is not a frame. Now suppose possibility 2) holds. Then according



) ¢& *

to the proof of Theorem 7.4, cannot generate a frame with frame pa-

¡ ¥


) ¢& *



9  9      


rameters because there is no such that .


¥ ¡

¡ '

) ¢ £  *


Since the $ corresponding to frame parameters is a proper subset

¡ ' ¡ '

) ¢& * ) ¢ £  *

¡ $¡

of $ , it follows that cannot be a frame either.

¡ ¥

 ¥ ¥

For frame parameters with it is not difficult to construct W-H

( * ¡ ¥



) ¢ ¢  *

frames such that is a smooth function [[33]], [[56]], [[55]].

§ §


Taking the case 4 , for example, let be an infinitely differentiable

function on such that



¡ ¥&§





¡ ¥


¡ ¡

and if . Let

¡ ¡ ¥ § ¥


¡ 7 ¡ 

 ¤¡ ¤

and set







¡ ¥

¡  ¡


¡ ¥ §



¡ ¥


¡  ¡

7 (6.23)


, , "




( * ¡ ¥

Then is infinitely differentiable and with support contained in the in-

¥ ¡ §

¡ £  


  0/  "   0  

terval . Moreover, and . It follows immediately

§ §

¡ '

) ¢¨ 8 *

$¡ 9 " from Theorem 21 that is a W-H frame with frame bounds . We conclude this section by deriving some identities related to cross-ambiguity

functions evaluated on lattices of the Heisenberg group.


( * ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥

 ¡  ¡ ¡  ¡


Theorem 22 [[97]], [[98]] Let such that 


are bounded almost everywhere. Then 4


¡ ¡ ¡


) ¢¨ * ) ¢¨ * ) ¢& *



¡ ¡

¢¨ ¢¨

¡ ¡

§ ¡ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¡ ¥


) ¢& *


¡ ¡


¢ PROOF: Since  we have the Fourier

series expansion



¥ ¡ ¥ § ¥ ¡ ¡ ¡

) ¢& *

¡  ¡ ¡  ¡  ¡  ¡




4 4 4



£ ¢



Since  are bounded, is square integrable with respect to the measure

¡ ¡ ¡  ¡


on the square . From the Plancherel formula for double


Fourier4 series, we obtain the identity

¨ ¨




) ¢& *

4 4

¡ ¡ 

¢ ¢






¡ ¡


Similarly, we can obtain expansions of the form (6.25) for and . Ap-

plying the Plancherel formula to these two functions we find

¨ ¨


¡ ¡



) ¢& * ) ¢¨ *

4 4

 ¡ ¡ 

¢ ¢





¢& Q.E.D.

6.6 Exercises

¡¤£%¢ @¨¢ ¥ ( * ¡ ¥ §


1. Verify that if , and is centered about in phase

@£¢ ¥ ¡£ ¢

)    *

¡  £ ¡

¡ ¤

space, then is centered about .


2. Given the function


¡£¦¥ §








* ¡ ¥

¡ '

) ¢& * ¡

show that the set $ is an basis for .

102 Chapter 7


7.1 Continuous wavelets

Here we work out the analog for the affine group of the Weyl-Heisenberg frame

( * ¡ ¥ §


for the Heisenberg group. Let with and define the affine

translation of by



£ ¥


¡¤£¦¥¨§ §£¢§¢ ¡£¦¥

¢ , 8



' (7.1)


¢ ¢

¥ ¥

where  and is the unitary rep (5.10) of the affine group. Recall that

¦ ¤ ¦

¢§¢ * ¡ ¥%§ ¢ ¢ ¢

¦ £ ¤ ¤

- is reducible. Indeed where con-

¡ ¥

¦ ¦

sists of the functions such that the Fourier transform  has support on


¢ ¤

the positive  -axis and the functions in have Fourier transform with sup-


¢ ,


port on the negative -axis. Thus the functions ' will not necessarily span

* ¡ ¥ ( ¢ §


. However, if we choose two functions with  then

% * ¡ ¥ £

¢  , ¢ ,  '

¦ ¤

' '


the functions $ will span . By translation in if nec-

© ©

¤ ¤

¡¤£¦¥ £ § ¡ ¥ £ © §


¦ ¦





essary, we can assume that . Let ,


© § ¡ ¥

¤ ¤




. Then are centered about the origin in position space

and about © in momentum space. It follows that

© ©

¨ ¨


¡ ¡¤£¦¥ £ § ¥ § © £

¡ ¢  , ¡ ¢  ,



' '

 ¤ 0    


¤ ©

To define a lattice in the affine group space we choose two nonzero real numbers

¢ ¢ ¢ § § § ¢ §

¢ ¢

¢ ¢

 ¥  ¥ ¥ 

 §  §  with . Then the lattice points are ,




. . .

, so



¡ ¡

£ ¢¥ ¡¤£¦¥¨§ ¡ ¡£¦¥&§

¢ 8



¢ ¢ ¢  ¢  ,

£ ¥



# #

# (7.2)


© ¢





¢ ¢


¤ §

Thus is centered about in position space and about in mo-


mentum space. Note that if has support contained in an interv¤ al of length






then the support of is contained in an interval of length . Similarly, if




has support contained in an interval of length then the support of is


¢ ¢

contained in an interval of length . (Note that this behavior is very different


) ¢ ¢ * from the behavior of the Heisenberg translates . In the Heisenberg case the

support of in either position or momentum space is the same as the support of


) ¢ ¢ *

. In the affine case the sampling of position-momentum space is on a loga- § rithmic scale. There is the possibility, through the choice of  and , of sampling in smaller and smaller neighborhoods of a fixed point in position space, [[26]],


¢  ,


The affine translates are called (continuous) wavelets and each of the




  functions is a mother wavelet. The map is the wavelet

transform ¥

NO¥ TE: There is another way to get around the fact that the representation


¦ £ ¤

- is reducible, and that avoids using two continuous wavelets. Let

( * ¡ ¥ §


with and define the (extended) affine translations of by



£ ¥


¡£¦¥&§ § ¢ ¢ ¡£¦¥

¢ , 8




' (7.3)


§ ¢  ¢ 

 where . Here defines a unitary rep of the extended affine group ¡ . This

is the matrix group with elements



¡ ¥¨§ §



9 (7.4)


and multiplication rule


¡ ¥'¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥

 ¥  ¥  ¥ £ ¥


¡ ¤

Here, contains as the subgroup of elements¤ with . As a manifold



¡ ¡

it has two connected components ¢ where is the set (not a

subgroup) of elements of ¡ with .



¢ ¢ * ¡ ¥

Theorem 23 Let be the representation of ¡ on defined by operators

¢ ¢

 ¥+ ¤

 such that


£ ¥


¢ ¢ ¡¤£¦¥ §







¡ ¥ ( ¢ ¢ ¡£¦¥)( * ¡ ¥


9 ¡

for any and ¡ . Then is a unitary irred rep of .

The proof is almost immediate from the proof of Theorem 16. Indeed the

¢  ¢ ¡ ¥

¡  ¥+ ¥

induced action of the operators  on the space of Fourier transforms

¦  ¥+

agrees with the action of the operators  in the proof of that theorem, except

¡ ¥


that here can take negative values and the functions ¥ are defined on the real


axis, not just the half-axis  .



¢ ,


It follows from this theorem the functions ' for any with

* ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥


will necessarily span , as runs over ¡ , although if we restrict to the


subgroup spanning may not be possible:

¥ ¥

¢ ¢ ¥¥¤

¦ £ ¤


7.2 Affine frames

The general definitions and analysis of frames presented in Chapter 6 clearly apply to wavelets. However, there is no affine analog of the Weil-Brezin-Zak transform which was so useful for Weyl-Heisenberg frames. Nonetheless we can prove the

following result directly.

( * ¡ ¥

Lemma 4 [[33]] Let such that the support of is contained in the

* * ¢ ¢ ¡$* ¥ ¢


¦  ¦  ¥ ¦ ¥

¢   ¤ , interval  where , and let with .

Suppose also that

¡ ¥



9 ,    , £¢



¢ ¢ ¢



¥  ¥

 $¡ 9

for almost all  . Then is a frame for with frame bounds .



PROOF: The demonstration is analogous to that of Theorem 21. Let ( and


¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ ( ¢



   note that . For fixed the support of is contained in the


¢ ¢

¦ ¦¤£ ¥ ¥


interval , (of length ). Then



¡ ¡

¢ ¢


¡ ¡


¢& ¢¨

¤ ¤




¥ ¡ § ¡ ¥


¢ ¢


¢ ¢











§ ¡¡ ¡ ¥ ¥ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¡













¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ §

¢ ¢








¡ ¥ § ¡ ¡ ¥ ¥










§ ¡ ¥ ( ¢



Since for , the result



9    ,    ,    



follows. Q.E.D.



¤ ¢

A very similar result characterizes a frame for . (Just let  run from

¦ ¤

¢ ¢

¡ ¡

' ' 

¢ ¢


¦ ¤

¡ $¡

to .) Furthermore, if $ are frames for , respectively, corre-

¢ ¢ * ¡ ¥

¡ ¡


¢ ¢


¦ ¤


sponding to lattice parameters , then $ is a frame for

¢ § ¢ § §.£

 ¥ ¦



Examples 3 1. For lattice parameters , choose ) and


§ £ ¢ § §


¤ ¦ ¤ ¤

9 *

 . Then generates a tight frame for with


¢ § §

¡ ¡ '

' 4

¢ ¢


¦ ¤

9 $¡

and generates a tight frame for with . Thus

* ¡ ¥

¡ '

¢ ¡

is a tight frame for . (Indeed, one can verify directly that $ is an


* ¡ ¥

basis for .

2. Let be the function such that












¦ ¦

¢ ¤



¡ ¥ §

¢ ,



¡ £



' 4





¦ ¦






¢ ¢ ,

' 4




¡ ¥ ¢




where is defined as in (6.23). Then is a tight frame for with

§ § § §

¡ '


¦ ¤ ¡

9 $¡

4 ¢

 . Furthermore, if and then is a tight

* ¡ ¥ £¢

frame for .

¡ ¥ ( * ¡ ¥

Suppose such that is bounded almost everywhere and has

( * ¡ ¥

¤ 4

support in the interval 4 . Then for any the function



¡ ¥ ¡ ¥

¢ 8






has support in this same interval and is square integrable. Thus






¥ § ¡ ¡ ¥

¢ 8

¢ ¢





¡ ¡

  ¢      0

¢¨ ¢¨ ¥ &


¤ ¤ ¤



¥ ¡ ¥ ¡ §

¢ ¢ ¢

¢ ¢









§ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥










¡ ¥ ¡ ¥

¢ ¢

¢ #







It follows from the computation that if there exist constants 9 such that

¡ ¥



9 ,    ,

¢ for almost all  , then the single mother wavelet generates an affine frame. We conclude this section with two examples of wavelets whose properties do not follow directly from the preceding theory. The first is the Haar basis generated

by the mother wavelet









¡¤£¦¥ §








¤¡   , ,




§ §





where " . One can check directly that is not only a frame, it is


¡ ¥ an basis for * .

The Haar wavelets have discontinuities. However, Y. Meyer discovered an


* ¡ ¥

basis for whose mother wavelet is an infinitely differential function

§ §


such that has compact support. The lattice is " . The Meyer wavelet

¡ ¥ § @ ¡ ¥



is defined by where








¡ ¥


¥ ¥

 ¤  ,  , ¡


@ ¡ ¥ §










¡£ ¥ ¥

¤   ,  ,




¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ §



and is defined as in (6.23), except that in addition we require 

§ ¡ ¥ §


,  ,   0   "  


for . One can check that and .

* ¡ ¥

Moreover, it can be shown that generates a tight frame for with frame


§ § * ¡ ¥



bounds 9 , and, indeed, that is an basis for . Then


Ingrid Daudechies, in 1989, went on to find an infinite family of bases for

¡ ¥ * whose mother wavelets have differentiability of arbitrarily high order. A theory which “explains” the orthogonality found in these last examples is multiresolution analysis [[55]], [[73]], [[30]]; it is the subject of another set of notes.


7.3 Exercises

( * ¡ ¥ § ¡ © ¥


1. Suppose with and is centered about in the


¡ © ¥

¢  ,




position-momentum space. Show that is centered about 4 .


¡ ¥

2. Prove directly that the Haar basis is an basis for * .


¡¤£¦¥&§ * ¡ ¥

¢  ,


3. For % , show that the functions are dense in .

108 Chapter 8


8.1 Automorphisms of ¢

We have already seen that the infinite-dimensional irred unitary reps  of the ¡ Heisenberg group extend naturally to irred reps of the four-parameter oscil-

lator group and that a study of the oscillator group reps provides insight into the

¡ ¡ behavior of the reps, 4.7. In fact, the reps extend to reps of the six- parameter Schrodinger¨ group. An understanding of the action of the Schrodinger¨ group provides an explanation for a number of the “deep” transformation proper-

ties of objects such as radar ambiguity functions and Jacobi Theta functions. ¡

We start by searching for automorphisms of ¢¡ , i.e. one-to-one maps of

¡ ¡ ¥¢§ ¡ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¡ ¥ (

¡ 9 9 9 ¢¡ onto itself such that for . Using the usual

coordinate representation







¡ ¥ §



9 (8.1)



for , so that the group product is


¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥

¡  ¡   ¡ £ ¡  £  £ £ ¡ 

9  £ 9 9  £   £ £ 

we can write

¡ ¡ ¥'¡ ¥&§ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¡ ¥¦¥

¡  ¡   ¡   ¡ 


9  £ 9  £  £ £





 ¥  ¥ ¡ ¡   ¥ § ¡ ¡   ¥ ¡ ¡ 

 £ ¡  ¡  £ ¡  £ ¡ £ ¡  £

£   £  £ £  


¥ ¡ ¡ ¥ ¥ ¡ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¡

4 4 4

£ ¡   ¥ ¡ £ ¡  £  £ ¡ £ ¡ ¡ 

 £   £   £

 ¥  ¥ ¡ ¡   ¥ § ¡ ¡   ¥ ¡ ¡ 

 £ ¡  ¡  £ ¡  £ £ ¡  £

¡ (8.3)

¥ ¥ ¥

£   £  £ £   

 ¥  ¥ ¡ ¡  ¡ ¡

  £ ¡ 

£   £ £

4 ¡ Under the assumption that the ¡ are continuously differentiable functions, we shall determine all such automorphisms.

Before proceeding with this task, let us see why it could be relevant to radar

¥ § ¡

¡  ¡   

 £    £ 

and sonar. The radar cross-ambiguity function takes the form 4


(up to a harmless exponential factor arising from the £ coordinate) where

* ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¡ ¥ ¥ ¡

¡   ¡ 

   £  9  £ ¡ 4

and 4 is the irred rep (4.5) of . If is

¡ ¡ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥¦¥ §

¡  ¡  

¢¡  9  £    £

4 4

an automorphism of then also defines an

* ¡ ¥ ¡ ¡

irred unitary rep of on . (A rep since preserves the group mul-


tiplication property and irreducible since the operators are just a reorder-


4 4

ing of the operators .) Thus is equivalent, hence unitary equivalent, to


one of the standard unitary irred reps  of that we have already studied.

Suppose this rep is 4 itself, i.e., suppose there is a unitary operator such



¡ ¡ ¡ ¥¦¥ § § §

¡   ¡    ¡   

    £  9   £     £ 

4 4 4 4 4

that . Then



§ § ¡ ¥

¡    ¡    ¡ 

   £     £   £

4 4

4 , which is again an am-

¡ ¥ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¡ ¥¦¥

¡  ¢  ¢  ¢

¥ £

biguity function. Thus if  is an ambiguity function, then so is .


Now we compute the possible automorphisms . Differentiating (8.3a)4 with 

respect to ¡ we find


¡ ¡ ¡ ¥&§ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¥

¡ £ ¡  £  £ £ ¡ ¡  

  £ £   £

4 4 4 4

¡ ¡ ¡ ¥

¡  ¡ 

 £ £

Since the right-hand side of this equation is independent of  , we have


4 4 4

, a constant. Similarly, differentiating (8.3a) with respect to  we have

¡ ¡ ¡ ¥&§

¡  ¡

£ 0

 . Differentiating (8.3a) with respect to yields



¡ ¡ ¡ ¥&§

£ ¡ £ ¡  £  £ £ ¡


4    £ £  4


  ¡ ¡ ¡  ¥§

¡   ¡ 



Since this equation holds for general £ , it follows that .

¡ ¡ © © ¥ §


¡  ¡ £ £

£ 4 0

Thus  where is a constant. Substituting this expression


back into4 (8.3a) we see that . Similarly, equation (8.3b) has only the solution

¡ ¡ - ¥§ -

¡   ¡ £

 £    where are constants. The computation for equation (8.3c) is just as straightforward, although the details are a bit more complicated.

The final result is

¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¥ § ¥ § -

¡  ¡ £  ¡   ¡ £

 £ 4 0  £ 

¥'¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¥'¡ - ¥ ¡ - ¥ § ¥


¡ £ ¡  ¡ £ £ ¡ ¡ £ ¥ £


£ ¤ 4 0  4 ¤10  £  

4 4




- § - ¡


4 0 4 ¤10   Here,  are real constants such that , so that is 1-1.

Some of the automorphisms of ¢¡ are inner automorphisms. These are the


¡ ¡ ¥ § (

9 9 9 ¡

automorphisms of the form 4 for , where is a fixed


¡ ¡

member of . (Clearly, maps onto itself and is one-to-one. Furthermore

¤ ¤ ¤

¡ ¡ ¥ § § ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¡ ¥ ¡

9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

4 4

4 , so is a

 ¥ § ¡  

4 4 4 4


group homomorphism.) If  then

¨ ©


 ¡ £ ¥ ¡

£ ¤ 



¥ § ¡ ¡ ¡ ¥&§



 £ 9 9





§ ¡ ¥

¡  £ ¥ ¡

 £ ¤  9

so the transformations

¡ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¡ ¥ §

¡   ¡ 

 £ £  £ 

¡ ¡ ¥ §  


  ¥ ¡ £

¡ (8.5)


 £ ¤  £ correspond to inner automorphisms. We are not very interested in inner automor-

phisms because they can easily be understood in terms of the Heisenberg group

§ §

 ¥ itself. Thus we set in (8.4) and concentrate on the outer automor-


¡ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¡ ¥ § -

¡  ¡ £  ¡  ¡ £ 

 £ 4 0  £ 

¡ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥'¡ ¥ - ¥ ¡ - ¥ ¡


¡  ¡ £ ¡ £ £

¡ (8.6)


 £ 4 0    ¤ 4 0 £ ¤

4 4




Recall that the infinite-dimensional irred unitary reps  of take the form,

¢ ¢

(4.5), ¦

¡£ ¥ ¡¤£¦¥&§


£ ¡ ¡  


% ¥  '


( * ¡ ¥

for , where is a nonzero real constant. Note that the operators


¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢


corresponding to the center of are just multiples of the identity operator:



§ §





     £   £  

6 ¥  ¥  ' 2

. Since the irred rep can pos-

§ -

 4 ¤ 0

sibly be equivalent to only if  , so we now restrict our attention to

¢ ¢ ¢

this case. ¢


With this restriction must be equivalent to . Indeed, the reps co-





incide on the center . Furthermore, the matrix elements are square


¢ =

integrable with respect to the measure in the plane. (In fact, these ma-




trix elements differ from © only by a factor of absolute value and a

§ -


4 ¤ 0   change of variables with Jacobian .) Thus, if is not equiva-

lent to  we can use Corollary 1 and repeat the arguments leading to (4.8) for


¢ ¢



, ,


¤   0   0  

' '

, and measure to obtain

© ©

¨ ¨





¡   ¡   ¡



  © ©   


¤ ¤

© ©

¢ ¢


© ¨¦ 


for all . Thus the matrix elements of are orthogonal to those of

¡ ¥ * ¡ ¥



¢ ¢


in . However, as we have shown in 4.6, the matrix elements

* ¡ ¥




form a basis for . This contradiction proves that , hence that there

¥ ¡


exist unitary operators such that

¢ ¢



¡   ¡  

   £ 4    £


§ - ¡ ¥'¡ - ¥

 ¡ £ £ ¡ ¡ £  ¡ £ ¡ £

  4 0  £ ¤  4 0

4 4



§ ¡¦¡ ¥'¡ - ¥ ¥ -

 § ©

¡ £ ¡ £ ¡  ¡ £  ¡ £  

 £ 4 0  ¤   &4 0   £


¤ (8.7)

§ § - §


4 0


# # 4 ¤10

where and  .


¢ ¢

¡ ¥



Theorem 24 Suppose is a matrix element of the irred unitary rep  ¡

of . Then



¡ ¥ § ¡ ¡ ¥ ¡ - ¥ ¥

¨§ ©

¡  ¡ £ ¡ £ ¡ 


 £  £ 4 0  ¤  ¦

¡ - ¥

£  ¡ £ 

¡ (8.8)

4 0  £



§ § - §

4 0


 # # 4 ¤ 0

is also a matrix element of for any with  .


¢ ¢

¡ ¥ § ( * ¡ ¥

¡  ¡    

¢ ¢

 £    £ 

PROOF: Suppose for . Setting

§ § ¡ ¥&§

4 4

 ©  ¢ ¡  ¡   ¢  ¢

¡ ¡

"  £    £ 

, we obtain (8.8) from (8.7) with .

Q.E.D. 4 Note that (8.8) gives us information about the structure of the set of am- biguity and of cross-ambiguity functions.

8.2 The metaplectic representation

Next we turn to the problem of actually computing the operators . First of





all, note from (8.7) that for any phase factor (with ) the unitary


operators also satisfy (8.7). Indeed, a simple argument using Theo-

rem 12 shows that the operators are uniquely determined up to a phase factor.


We shall find that it is possible to choose the operators such that the mapping



4 0

is continuous in the norm as a function of the local parameters 

( * ¡ ¥

for every ? .



4 0

It is no accident that we have arranged the parameters  in the form of

( * ¡ § ¥


" #

the matrix # , since . Indeed, it is straightforward to check

¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¤

that if ¤

§ §

¢  ¢  ¢  ¢


4 4


¡ ¡  ¡ ¡  %  ¡ ¡ ¡  ¡ ¥ ¥

¢ ¢ ¡

for automorphisms and of , then the automorphism

 ( * ¡ ¥

# "

corresponds to the matrix # , (matrix product). However,

¢ ¢ ¢ ¢


¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¡ ¥ § ¡  ¡ ¥ §

¢  ¢  ¢  ¢ 

¢  ¢       


¤ ¤ ¤

¢ § §

¢  ¢ 

¢ 4 4   4  


¥ ¡ §







' (8.9)




for? some phase factor . (Note the reversal of order in (8.9).) It fol-

lows from (8.9) that the operators determine a projective representation of

* ¡ ¥ 

" , i.e., a rep up to a phase factor.

It is easy to verify the operator identity

¢ ¢

¥ ¥


¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥

¡   ¡  

   £    £

4 (8.10) ¡

where ¤

¡ ¥&§






¡¤£¦¥ ¡ ¥ ¡£¦¥ §



and ; .

 ¡ ¥

Furthermore, defining the unitary operator ¥ by

 ¡ ¥ ¡£¦¥&§ ¡¤£¦¥ ( * ¡ ¥


¥ ¥   ¥ 


¢ ¢ ¢ ¤

we find ¤

§  ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ 

¢  ¥  ¥   ¡   ¥ ¥

      £    £

4 4

, (8.11)


where ¤


¡ ¥&§








¡ ¥ ¡ ¥

¥ #

Matrices of the form # , generate a two-dimensional subgroup of

* ¡ ¥


" . To generate the full group we need a third one-parameter subgroup.


¡ ¥ 4 We have already derived such operators, the in (4.44). However, from the

form (4.44) it is not easy to verify relations (8.7). It is much¢ easier to use the


% * ¡ ¥ 

unitary transformation to realize the rep  on the Bargmann-


¢ ¢

¡ ¥  ¡ ¥ §

4 4

Segal Hilbert space . Recall that 4 takes the form (4.42):

¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ( ¥

7 7 




The action of  on is given by (4.36):



¡ ¡

¥ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ § + ¡ £ ¥ ¡

¨§ ©


7 ¢ 7 ¡ £ £ ¡


£  " ¤ "  ¤ 




¡ ¡ ¡

¡ ¥


7  ¡ £ ¡ £

¤%" £  £ £  " £  " ¤

4 -

Now it is easy to verify the identity


¤¡ ¥  ¡ ¥


¤ 4    £ 4


¥ ¥



§ +



£  ¡ £ 

4 " &  4   4  4


¥ ¥




¥ ¡




£ £ ¡ £ ¡

=4 " &  4 £ ¡ 4  4 ¤ 

4 4










' (8.12) ¤

where ¥



¡ ¥ §

4 "  4




# 4

4 ¤ ¡ 4 #"


* ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ 4

Transforming back to we see that the operators in (4.44) must satisfy

¢ ¢


¡ ¥ ¡ ¥¨§


¢  ¢

 4   4 



2 '

¤ ¤ ¤


¥ ¥



¥ ¥ ¥


=4  4 4 ¡ 4

¥ ¥


¤ ¤


¥ ¥ ¥

¡ 4 =4 ¤ ¡ 4 ¤ 4


¦ ¦ ¦ ¦

¡ ¡




setting in the case where  we find the operator




 ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥


4 " 4


¦ "



¡ ¥

¤ ¤



¡ ¡

£ £





£ ¨ ¨


 ¡ ¥ ¡£¦¥ § ¡ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥


 § © 

¨  ¨

4   £ ¤ 4

¡ ¥







 ¡ 4  " " ¦  4

4 (8.13)


§ © ( * ¡ ¥ © §



0 " /0

where 4 , an integer, , and . Here

 ¡ ¥

¢ ¢

4 satisfies

 ¡ ¥  ¡ ¥ §

¢  ¢ 

¤;4   4  


' 2 ¤

where ¥

¡ ¥ §

4 ¡ 4



# 4


¤  4 4



 ¡ ¥  ¡ ¥ * ¡ ¥



 4 "


NOTE: The operators ¥ and do not generate a rep of


? ?

 ¤¡ ¥ §¥ ¡ ¥


4 4 


but the first two types of operators and the operators do

* ¡ * ¡ ¥ ¥


generate a rep of a two-fold covering group " of . This rep is ?

called the metaplectic ¢ representation. See [[80]] and [[98]] for more details.


§ * ¡ ¥

 ¡ "

For " the rep of together with the metaplectic rep of ex- ?

tends uniquely to an irred unitary rep of the 6-parameter Schrodinger¨ group, the

* ¡ ¥

 " semi-direct product of ¢¡ and . The Schrodinger¨ group is the symmetry group of the time-dependent Schrodinger¨ equations for each of the free-particle, the harmonic oscillator and the linear potential in two-dimensional space time. See [[80]] for a detailed analysis.

The formula

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤

¥ ¥ ¥




¥ ¥


¤ ¡

¦ ¦ ¦ ¦



¡ ¡ ¥ §


shows that the unitary operator corresponding to the matrix #


can be defined (unique to within a phase factor) by



¡ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ §   ¤¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥


¨ ¡ ¡









§ ¡ ¡ ¥

 § ©











¨ ¨

¡  ,

where . Clearly this operator is well defined and unitary for  ,

¡ ¡ ¥ since it is a product of unitary operators. Indeed ¨ is well defined and unitary

for all real ¨ . To show this we use the fact that the family of all functions of

¤ ¤

¡ ¥ § * ¡ ¥


¡ ¥


the form ' , for and real, spans , i.e., the set of all


* ¡ ¥

 dilations and translations of  spans . (See [[62], page 494 ] and Exercise

8.3) Now the integral






¤ ¤

¡ ¥ ¡,¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ §

 +, 8

¨ ¡


' ¥

¤ (8.14)



" £


¨ ¨

, is well-defined for all and agrees with the preceding integral for  . An

explicit evaluation of the integral yields


¦ ¤ ¤

¡ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥¨§

,  ¢ , 8


¨ ¡ 



' (8.15)




so (

¤ ¤ ¦


§ ¡ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¡ ¥ §

¢ ¢ , 8 ,

¨  ¨ 

¡ ¡ ¡


' '

¥ £ ¥

4 4



(Here the parameters correspond to the functions .) Furthermore,


¦ ¦



¥ ¥ ¡,¡ ¡ ¥&§ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¥ §

¨§ ©

, ,

¢ ¢

¨  ¡ £ ¨ ¥ ¡ £

¡ ¡




¥ ' ¥ '

 ¤ ¤


¥ ¡ ¥ § ¡,¡

¡  ¨ £ ¨



¥ ¥&§ ¡ ¡ ¥ ¡,¡ ¡ ¡

¨ £©¨ ¨ ¨



¡ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¡ ¥

¨  ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨


for all . Since is unitary for  it follows easily that is unitary

¡ ¡ ¥¨§



for all . Note also that  .

¡ ¥&§ ¡ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ ¡ §

¢ ¡ ¨ ¨ ¡ ¢

By explicit differentiation in (8.15) we see that for ,

¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥ ¡,¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ ¡


¢ ¡ ¨ ¡ ¢ ¡

  , . Thus, gives the unique solution of the Cauchy

problem ¥ for the time dependent free particle Schrodinger¨ equation. In particular



¡ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥¨§ ¡ ¥


¨ ¡ ¡


¡  where is the unitary operator generated by the self-adjoint operator via the spectral theorem, [[62]]. In [[80]] it is shown that the Schrodinger¨ group acts as the symmetry group of the time dependent Schrodinger¨ equation, i.e., it maps solutions into solutions of this equation, and that the possible solutions which are

obtainable by separation of variables can be characterized by the group action.

 ¡ ¥

Similarly, the operator ¨ satisfies the equation



¡ § £ ¡ ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥

¢ £ ¢  ¢ ¡ ¡






¡ ¥&§ ¤¡ ¥ ¡ ¥

¢ ¡ ¨ ¨ ¡ ¢ where . Thus, is the unique solution of the Cauchy problem for the time dependent Schrodinger¨ equation equation with a harmonic oscillator potential, [[80]]. Such considerations are beyond the scope of these notes.

116 8.3 Theta functions and the lattice Hilbert space

For another application of the use of the metaplectic formula (8.6) let us reconsider ¡

our construction of the lattice representation of . According to (4.46) this rep

§ ¡ ¡ ¥ ¥

¢ ¢


is defined on functions 9 on such that

¡ ¥ § ¥ ¡

£ ¡  £ ¡  £ ¡ £ ¡ ¡  ¡  ¡

¥ ¥ ¥


¥  (8.16)

4 4 4 4

¡ - §

¡ 4 ¤ 0

where are integers. For an automorphism (8.6) of , with  ,

¡ ¥ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¥ ¥


¢ ¢


it is natural to look for the conditions such that belongs to the ¡

lattice Hilbert space for every belonging to this Hilbert space. If corresponds

to the matrix ¤

- §

4 0



4 ¤10


the conditions are

- -

¡ £ ¡ £ £  ¡ £ ¡ £ £ 


4 0 4 0


4 4 4 4

¥'¡ ¥ ¡ - -

£ ¡ £ ¡ £ ¡ £ ¡ £ £ ¡ £ ¡ £ £

¥ ¥

 4 0 4 0



4 4 4 4 4

¥ ¥ ¡ ¡

£ ¡ £ ¡




4 4


§ - ¥ ¡ ¥ § ¡ -

¡ £ ¡  ¡ £ ¡  ¡ £ ¡ £ ¡ ¡ £ ¡ ¡ ¡


 4 0 ¤ 4 0

4 4



4 4 4 4 4




4 0

Since satisfies only (8.16) we see that  must be integers. Then (8.16)


¡ - -

¡ £ ¡  £ £   ¡ £ ¡  £ £   ) £ ¡ )

¥ ¥

!4 0 &4 0   


- ¥&§ ¡ - ¥

4 4 4 4

£ £  ¡ £ ¡  £ ¡  ¡ £ ¡  ¡ )

¡ (8.18)


&4 0   4 0



4 4 4 4

¥'¡ § - § ¡

¡ ) ¡ £ ¡ £ ¡  ¡ £ ¡  ¡ ¡ () ¡ £ £ £

¥ ¥ ¥ ¥

!4 0  ¤  4 0

4 4 4 


§ ¥'¡ - ¥ - ¥ ¡

4 4 4 4 4

£ £

¤ ¤ 4 0 4

in (8.18), we recover (8.17) provided 


4 4 4 4

£ £

4 "0 0

 is an even integer for all integers . This will be the

4 4 4

case if and only if



4 0 0 0  "



? ?


4 0

i.e.,  and must be even integers.

( * ¡ ¥ ¥ § ( * ¡

4 0



" ¦ # "

Thus we see that if # , i.e., if and the


# ¡ matrix elements of are integers, and if conditions (8.19) are satisfied, then


belongs to the lattice Hilbert space whenever so belongs. Reduced to the space

¥&§ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ ¡

¡  ¡ ¡  ¡ ¡  ¡  ¡


of functions where ¥  , so that

4 4 4


¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥


¡ £  ¡ £ ¡  ¡


¥ & (8.20)

4 4 4


for ¦ , the action is


¦ ¦ ¤


¡ ¥&§ ¡ - ¥

)    ,   *  ,

¡  ¡ ¡ £ ¡  ¡ £ ¡

¡ ¡ ¡


4 0 

 ' 2 6 '



4 4 4

* ¡ ¥

 ¦ The action of " on the lattice Hilbert space will lead us to a number of

interesting transformation formulas for Theta functions.


¡£¦¥ §

As we showed earlier, (6.10), the ground state wave function ¢

¤ < ¤

( * ¡ ¥

8  8

4 is mapped by the Weil-Brezin-Zak transform to


¤ < ¤


¥ § ¡ ¡ ¥

£ £

8  8

¡ £ ¡  ¡





4 (8.22)


" " ¥

where is the Jacobi theta function, [[40]], [[110]],


¡ ¥&§

¨§ ©

¨ £  ¨


 £ § " £ § £ £ 





¨ ¨



Here for such that Im  , is an entire function of . Moreover, the function

¡¤£¦¥¨§ (+* ¡ ¥



 , with Im is mapped to

¥&§ ¡ ¥ ¥&§ ¡ ¡

¡ ¨ £ ¡ ¨ ¡  ¡ ¡  ¡





& (8.24)

4 4 4

in the lattice Hilbert space. An elementary complex variable argument [[110]]

¥ ¡


¡ ¡  ¡



shows that vanishes precisely once in the square , ,


4 4




, with a simple zero at the point 4 . Thus by Theorem 17 the functions


¡ ¥ (

¢  ¢  ,

¡  ¡  

¡ ¡



¥ & (' , span the lattice Hilbert space. Another

4 4

way to state this is to say that every element in the lattice Hilbert space can be

¡ ¥ ¡ ¥

¡  ¡ ¢ ¡  ¡ ¢ ¡ ¥

written in the form where is? a periodic function in and

% ¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥

4 4 4

¡ ¢ ¡ £  ¡ £ ¢ ¡  ¡ 

for integers . Since ¥ belongs to

( * ¡ ¥

4 4 4 4


# " ¦ ¡

the lattice Hilbert space, so does where , and satisfies (8.19).


¡ ¥&§ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥

¢ ¢ ¢ ¢

¥ ¥



for some periodic function ¢ . Expression (8.25) describes the framework for a  family of transformation formulas obeyed by the Theta functions. Note that ¨



need not be the same as ¨ . In the derivations to follow we will choose so that


the expressions for are as simple as possible. ¤


As a nontrivial example we take the case # , see Exercise 9.3.

¤ ¦

The result is



¤ ¤

¡ ¥&§





£ ¡ ¡ ¨ ¡ ¨


¥ ¥


  ¤ ) ¤  ¤  


¨ ¨ ¨ /



¨ ¨


(We have chosen ¤ . ) This is equivalent to the transformation for-

mula (


¡ ¥ ¡ ¥&§

£ £ ¤



¥ ¥



¨ ¨ ¨



As a second example we take # . Then



¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥


¢ ¡ ¨ £ ¡ £ ¡ ¨


¡ ¡





¦ ¦ ¦

4 4


¡ ¡


¡ ¡

¡ ¡



¥   ; ¥ & '

¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦

§ §

¡ ¡ ¡ ¡

  ,  8 , ,  , 

¡ ¡ ¡


¡ ¡


¥  ; ' ¥  '; 4 ; ' ' ¥ 


¡ ¥ § §

¨ ¡ £ ¡ ¨  ¨ ¨ £







¡ ¥&§ ¡ ¥

¨ ¨ £

¥ ¥

£  £  " (8.27)

Even in the cases where the parity conditions (8.19)¤ don’t hold, we get useful


information. For example, consider the case # . With this automor-


¥ ¡

¡  ¡

phism we are replacing the function



¥ ¥ § ¡ ¥ ¡ ¡ ¥&§ ¡

¡  ¡  ¡ £  ¡ ¡  ¡ £ ¡  ¡

¥  (8.28)

4 4 4 4

in the lattice Hilbert space by the function

¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥

¡  ¡ ¡  ¡ £ ¡



4 4 4

Now it is easy to check that


¡ ¡ ¥ ¥ § ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥&§

¡  ¡ £ ¡  ¡  ¡  ¡  ¡ £  ¡


¥  (8.29)

4 4 4 4

so doesn’t belong to the lattice Hilbert space. However it is straightforward



¡ ¥ §


¡  ¡ ¡  ¡ £ ¥

to show that 4 transforms according to (8.29). It

4 4


follows from this remark that any square integrable (on the unit square) function


¡ ¥


¡  ¡ ¡  ¡ £ ¢


satisfying (8.29) can be written in the form 4 where

4 4

¡  ¡

¢ is periodic in . Indeed we find


¦ ¦ ¦

¡ ¥ § ¡ ¥¨§

¡ ¡


¢ ¡ ¨ £ ¡ £ ¡ ¨


¡ ¡

¡ ¡ ¡ ¡



    ; ¥  '

¡ ¥


¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦

4 4



§ §

¡ ¡ ¡

 ,    ,  , ,

¡ ¡ ¡


¡ ¡

¥ &


 2 ' ¥  ' ; ' 4 '




§ §

¨  ¨ ¨ £ ¡ ¨ £ ¡ £









¡ ¡

  § 2 (Here we have used the fact that ; for any integer .) Thus we have

the transformation formula

¡ ¥ §

¨ £ ¨ £

¥ ¥

£  )¤£ 


/ "

Note that by using (8.30) twice we get (8.27), in accordance with the fact that

¤ ¤




¦ ¦



Note: The other three basic Jacobi Theta functions , , and (or ) can easily

4 ¥ be expressed in terms of , [[40]], [[110]].

Since the modular group elements



and ¤





* ¡ ¥


generate " , see for example [[56], pages 168-171], it follows that all the

* ¡ ¥


" transformation formulas can be derived by repeated use of (8.26) and ?

(8.30). See [[6]] and [[40]]¤ for details. It is worth remarking that the appropriate

( * ¡ ¥

4 0


- ¦

corresponding to each " is



¨ £



¨ £

0 4

In the preceding discussion we have been concerned with nonorthogonal bases ¦

for the lattice Hilbert space. For completeness we also compute the  basis


¡ ¥&§ ¡ ¥ §

   ¡  ¡ ¡  ¡ 

¡ ¡

" . . . ¦ §

4 4

120 §¦

corresponding, via the Weyl-Brezin-Zak transform, to the  basis (4.27) for

¡ ¥

* :

¤ < ¤ ¤ ¤

¡ ¡


¡£¦¥&§ ¡ ¥ ¡£¦¥ ¡ ¥

8 8 8 8

¡ ¡

§¥¤  ¤ "

4 4 %

¡¤£¦¥ ¡

where is a Hermite polynomial. We have already seen that the ground state

¤ < ¤


¢ ¡¤£¦¥¨§

8 8


wave function % maps to, (8.22),


¤ < ¤

¥ ¢ ¡ ¥&§ ¡

£ £

8  8

¡  ¡ ¡ £






" "

Applying the transform ¦ to both sides of the generating function (5.25) for the

§ ¡¤£¦¥

¡ and using the fact that

¤ < ¤ ¤ ¤

¥&§ ¡

¡ £ £


¡  ¡ ¡ £ ¡ £ 




 ¦ )  "0 

4 6 ¥6


4 4

" "

¤ <

¡¤£¦¥&§ ¡ £ £ ¥

 § ©


¤ 0 ¤%" 0 ¤


for 4 , we obtain

¤ <

¡ ¥ ¡ ¥

 § ©


¡ ¡ ¡ £ ¡ £ 


¤ 0 ¤%" 0 ¤  "0 



¤ ¤

4 4



¥ § ¡

¥ ¥


¡  ¡






© ,



The left-hand side of this expression is an entire function of 0 . With this brief look at the Schrodinger¨ group, an interesting group for future

study which contains both ¢¡ and the affine group as subgroups, we conclude these notes.

8.4 Exercises

¡ ¡ 1. Compute the automorphism group of . Does have any outer auto-



2. For  verify the identity



§ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ ¡ § ¥ ¡ ¥


4 0



# # # # # ¤

4 4

¦ " "




Find a similar factorization for  and . Show that the automor-

¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥


¡ # 4 # # ¤


phisms of are generated by , , and  .






3. Apply the automorphism # to the Theta function (8.24) in

¤ ¦

the lattice Hilbert space to derive the formula



¤ ¤

¡ ¥¨§





£ ¡ ¡ ¨ ¡ ¨


¥ ¥


 ) ¤  ¤  ¤  

¥ & &

¨ ¨ ¨ /




¡ ¥

 ¢  ¢  ,

¡ ¨ £ ¡ ¨


¡ ¡



4. Show that the functions ¥  (' form an


basis for the lattice Hilbert space. What4 is the corresponding basis for

¡ ¥

* under the inverse Weil-Brezin-Zak transform?

5. Express the relation, Exercise 4.7,

© ©


¤ ¤





¥ %


¤ ¤

© ©

¡ ¡


as a Theta function identity. Compare with equation (8.26).

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