IAVS Bulletin 14 Lyon (France), 19 June 2011 Editors: L
IAVS Bulletin 14 Lyon (France), 19 June 2011 Editors: L. Mucina & N. Smits The Organizing Committee of the 54th annual IAVS Symposium invites all members of the International Association for Vegetation Science (IAVS) and the whole community of plant ecologists to attend the 54th annual IAVS symposium in Lyon, France. Host scientific institutions are the University of Lyon (Université Lyon 1) and the CNRS (National Centre for Scientific Research). The symposium will begin on Monday morning, the 20th of June 2011 and will conclude on Friday, the 24th of June. For more information, access to registration, and instructions for the submission of abstracts, visit the website (http://iavs2011.univ-lyon1.fr/en/). All aspects of plant ecology are welcome and the special theme will be: Vegetation in and around water: patterns, processes and threats. This special theme is motivated by the particularly high vulnerability of vegetation communities in wetlands and aquatic ecosystems in the framework of global change. The Symposium will offer opportunities for networking and exchange of knowledge regarding all aspects of vegetation science through lectures, workshops and poster sessions. We hope this Symposium will promote and reinforce discussions and international collaborations about all aspects of vegetation science. Several key speakers have been invited, including PA Keddy (Canada), JP Grime (UK), JS Rodwell (UK), C Körner (Switzerland) and E Garnier (France). This Symposium will also present the opportunity to enjoy the exceptional ecological heritage of the Rhône-Alpes Region. Several mid-symposium excursions to areas surrounding the City of Lyon will showcase the ecosystems of the region, which will include wetlands, peatlands, calcareous grasslands, lakes and mountainous-forested ecosystems.
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