ynaudio has come a Peel the front grille from a Dynaudio loud- MSP, and also ensures that the cone is rein- long way since it first speaker and you’ll immediately recognise it’s forced close to where it meets the voice-coil came into being in made by Dynaudio, even if there’s no man- former, a technique that improves both the Skandeborg, Denmark, ufacturer’s badge in sight. The first giveaway frequency response and the phase response of in 1976, but despite is the use of a magnesium silicate polymer the driver. improvements in mate- (MSP) material for the bass and midrange As for that voice coil, Dynaudio uses some rials and manufacturing cones and the second is the unique manner of the largest-diameter voice coils in the busi- technologies—and that the company is now by which the very large dust-cap is attached ness (relative to cone size), with the coil on Downed by Chinese giant GoerTek Inc.—Dy- to those cones, via a series of tabs rather than even the smallest cones measuring 75mm in naudio products are still very much and the usual continuous plastic weld. diameter rather than the 25–30mm diameter very uniquely Danish—in fact we’re reliably This ‘tab’ technique was developed by coils used by most other driver manufac- informed that despite GoerTek’s purchase of Mark Thorup, of Dynaudio. It’s not only turers. This large voice coil diameter means Dynaudio, all Dynaudio drivers will continue unique but also very clever, because it means fewer coil turns are required which improves to be manufactured in-house—and largely by the dust cap and the cone can be formed at electrical efficiency and reduces heat build-up hand—in Denmark. the same time using just a single piece of in the coil and in the voice coil former.

18 Australian Hi-Fi www.avhub.com.au Dynaudio Emit M30 Loudspeakers

Due to the large diameter of its coils Dynau- off early, leaving the upper bass midrange point, the two drivers are flush-mounted and dio uses aluminium wire, rather than the driver to deliver the midrange on its own, the attached using standard softwood screws. usual heavy copper. two bass/midrange drivers in the Emit M30 The tweeter (Type 81702/7369582) in operate in parallel, covering exactly the same the Emit M30 is also made in Denmark by THE EQUIPMENT frequency range. While this does disadvan- Dynaudio and has a 25mm coated fabric The Emit M30 is part of a ‘budget’ series of tage the Emit M30 in some respects, it does dome. Unlike the bass/midrange drivers, the speakers released by Dynaudio in October have the advantage that it allows Dynaudio tweeter’s front plate is recessed into the front 2015. The other speakers in this range (at to use a very simple two-way first-order (6dB/ baffle, but like those drivers, it’s fixed in place least at the time of writing) are the Emit M10 octave) crossover network to cross the bass/ using standard softwood screws, rather than and Emit M20 bookshelf/standmount designs midrange drivers to the tweeter, but despite bolts with captive locking threads. being simple, it’s a If you’re interested in seeing how these high-spec design—as drivers are made—and it is interesting, even All Dynaudio drivers are you’d expect of Dynau- if you know nothing about driver manufac- dio—using air-cored turing—you can watch a seven-minute video manufactured in-house—and inductors, ceramic factory tour of Dynaudio’s Danish facility largely by hand—in Dynaudio’s resistors and MKP ca- here: www.avhub.com.au/Dynaudio_Factory_ pacitors. It’s connected Tour which includes sequences showing how own factory in Denmark. to the drivers via very the bass drivers and tweeters are assembled. thick Dynaudio-brand- The cabinet of the Emit M30 measures ed Figure-8 cable. 204×275×960mm (WDH), weighs 18kg and is The bass/mid- available in two painted, lacquered finishes: range drivers (Type satin white and satin black. The cabinet itself and the Emit M15 centre-channel. As should 84464/7364370) are made in Denmark by Dy- is made from the ‘soft’ MDF that’s typically be evident, Dynaudio is obviously expecting naudio and have a hefty centre-vented mag- used in China and is 25mm thick over the that these speakers will be used in mul- net that attaches to the diecast aluminium entire front baffle and 19mm thick elsewhere. ti-channel and home theatre applications, chassis via ‘moon-lander’ style tubular struts, All internal walls are covered with panels of either with identical speakers in all channels so there’s maximum airflow behind the cone, soft foam, while the inner air space is filled except the centre, or with the M30s as the which is important in a bass reflex design. with standard non-allergic speaker fill. The front channels and the smaller speakers as As stated earlier, the voice coil is 75mm in bass reflex port, which is located on the rear the rear channels. diameter and wound with aluminium wire. panel immediately above the speaker The Emit M30 is the only floor-stander in Fairly unusually for a speaker at this price- terminal plate, has a flared exit and is the Emit Series (at least at the time of writing) and, as you can see from the photographs The cabinet of the accompanying this review, it’s a three-driver Emit M30 measures two-way design using two 170-mm bass/mid- 204×275×960mm (WDH), range drivers and a single 25-mm soft dome weighs 18kg and is available in two painted, tweeter. What you can’t see (because the ǚŘƋɴˁƬʁƬƞǞȭǔʊǒƬʊƕʊŘǜǔȭ port that would give it away is at the rear of white and satin black. the speaker cabinet) is that the M30 is a bass The cabinet itself is made njʁɁȧǜǒƬɽʊɁǢɻÀ

Australian Hi-Fi 19 ON TEST Dynaudio Emit M30 Loudspeakers

215mm long and 65mm in diameter. The to die for, chunky twangy bass lines and a album and, if you haven’t heard Carpenter’s speaker terminal plate is circular and has vocal that’s so real-sounding and exciting voice, ‘gorgeous’ is also a perfect descriptor just two multi-way banana-capable plastic that you’ll find yourself playing air guitar in of that as well. Listen to her smokily sensual terminals, so bi-wiring and bi-amping are not the breaks… or was that only me? delivery of the lines ‘For every time that I’ve options with the M30. After several sessions of the Seratones I been foolish that I’ve wished that I’d been wise, At just under a metre high the Emit M30s wanted to hear how the Emit M30s would the power of regret still gets me right between the are quite tall, yet they have a fairly small sound with a more pared-back sound and an eyes’ from the track Something Tamed, Some- ‘footprint’, so even if you use the provided album with top-notch production values. So thing Wild and you’ll immediately hear what spikes to mount the speakers, the cabinets what better album to use than Tinpan Or- I mean. On this album you can hear not only can tip over fairly easily if given a fairly good ange’s newest offering, ‘Love is a Dog’ which, the tonality of her voice but also the uncan- shove: a characteristic which should be fac- for my money, is their best of the five they’ve ny accuracy of the Dynaudio Emit M30’s tored-in if you share your home with small so far released, and also by far and away the imaging, delivering not only stage width but children or boisterous pets. Careful place- best album I’ve heard all year. It’s all head- also stage height and stage depth. ment could ameliorate this, but for maxi- lined by Emily Lubitz’s startlingly ethereal mum security it would be better to fit larger voice (here helped along by a wide variety of CONCLUSION base-plates to the bottoms of the speakers in tastefully-added FX). The album’s wonderful The Emit M30 is certainly the lowest-priced order to improve their stability… something sonics are down to producer Harry James floor-standing model Dynaudio has ever had anyone with even average home handyman Angus (, ) and in its range but since Dynaudio speakers al- skills could easily do quite cost-effectively. engineer Matthew Neighbour (Missy Higgins, ways command premium prices, it’s certainly Matt Corby, Courtney Barnett.) not a ‘budget’ loudspeaker! But you’ll know IN USE AND LISTENING I was not at all surprised to find the it’s not a budget design from the minute you SESSIONS Dynaudio Emit M30s sounded even better start listening to a pair… and you’ll also hear Since Dynaudio speakers are renowned the with ‘Love is a Dog’ than they did with why it’s always worth spending a little bit world over for their ‘live’ sound quality, I ‘Get Gone’. With ’s music more to invest in a pair of high-quality loud- kicked off my listening sessions with a real you can hear the purity of the Dynaudio’s speakers, rather than settling for something rocker, the Seratones’ ‘Get Gone’ album. I midrange sound, and the superbly-extended less. Jess Roden not only love this Louisiana quartet’s music, treble response of the M30’s tweeter. You but also its attitude. I mean, just read the can also hear the ‘space’ around the music. Readers interested in a full technical appraisal band’s mission statement: ‘We, the Seratones, The articulation of the Emit M30s is also of the performance of the Dynaudio Emit M30 are four musicians highly skilled in the art of clearly in evidence, and this articulation is ³ɁˁƞʊɡƬŘǘƬʁʊʊǒɁˁǚƞƋɁȭǜǔȭˁƬɁȭŘȭƞʁƬŘƞǜǒƬ ³Ä*ÏõÄďÏõłõFñÏõďɡˁŽǚǔʊǒƬƞɁȭǜǒƬ rocking your socks off, bringing the house down, most welcome because the lyrics to ‘Love is a following pages. and blowing your mind. Our goal is to make Dog’ are seriously insightful, such as on Rich your musical experience replenish your faith in Man, where Lubitz warns women against the the power of rock & roll.’ And trust me, ‘Get seductive charms of men with money, or the Gone’ will certainly replenish your faith in title track which is her analysis of the end CONTACT DETAILS the power of rock and roll (if, indeed you of a love affair, or the melancholy of Light Brand: Dynaudio ever lost it… I know I surely haven’t!). A Across the Water. It’s not all gloom and doom Model: Emit M30 highlight of the Seratones’ oeuvre is the stun- though: you can sing along to Hear From ningly powerful voice of Ms A. J. Haynes. Me, even if it is a song about a controlling Category: hǚɁɁʁʊǜŘȭƞǔȭǷ ³ɁˁƞʊɡƬŘǘƬʁʊ She can rock, she can roll, she can croon and woman. If you buy only one album this year, RRP: $2,999 boy, she sure can scream. And sometimes she this is the one to get… and it’s available for Warranty: hǔ˸Ƭ łƬŘʁʊ has to scream in order to be heard above the download (various formats), on CD, and on Distributor: *ˁʊǔăɁǢ ÄĴ ñǜ˿ ³ǜƞ bedlam of sound from her band. Sun kicks vinyl (of which there’s even a limited-edi- Address: Suite 4. 792–796 High Street off with a punk-rock homage to the power tion version on translucent orange vinyl). If °Ƭ˹ FŘʊǜ Ĵ“, ʯɍ̋ʹ chord opening of The Who’s Tommy before you’re not prepared to buy ‘Love is a Dog’ TF: 1300 888 602 revelling in grunge guitar and machine-gun- on my say-so you can get a free feel for the T2: (03) 9810 2900 like drum attacks. But the album is nothing music on Bandcamp… but be warned that E: ǔȭnjɁźŽˁʊǔʊɁǢƖƋɁȧƖŘˁ if not eclectic because, were it not for the the streamed sound is truly terrible, not a W: ˹˹˹ƖŽˁʊǔʊɁǢƖƋɁȧƖŘˁ garage-band sound, Don’t Need It could be patch on the paid-for FLAC download, which a take-out from a Monkees album, and the is perfect.) closer Keep Me is so dreamy it could be… If you’re one of those audiophiles who Ɗ Superb imaging well, listen and decide for yourself who it likes the ‘close your eyes and you’re there’ Ɗ Life-like sound could be. But if you really want the Dynau- experience, the Dynaudio Emit M30s deliver Ɗ Well-paced bass dio Emit M30s to rock, make sure you dial in this in spades, across all genres, but the Chandelier at high volume and settle back for album that really did it for me was a Mary Ɗ Stability the ride. What you’ll hear is the Emit M30s Chapin Carpenter’s ‘The Things That We Ɗ Spkr terminals delivering fast, stomach-hitting drum sound Are Made Of.’ This is an utterly gorgeous

20 Australian Hi-Fi www.avhub.com.au LAB REPORT Dynaudio Emit M30 Loudspeakers

dBSPL 110 Figure 1. Averaged Newport Test Labs LABORATORY in-room response 105 using pink noise test 100 TEST stimulus with capture unsmoothed. Trace is 95 RESULTS the averaged result 90 of nine individual 85 frequency sweeps measured at three 80 Newport Test Labs measured the frequen- metres, with the 75 central grid point cy response of the Dynaudio Emit M30 70 ɁȭȊŘ˾ǔʊ˹ǔǜǒǜǒƬ 65 as being 50Hz to 22kHz ±3dB which is tweeter. [Dynaudio not only an excellent response, but also Emit M30] 60 one that’s very close to Dynaudio’s own 55

50 specification of 40Hz–23kHz ±3dB… so 20 Hz 50 100 200 500 1K 2K 5K 10K close, in fact, that the high-frequency discrepancy could be due to differences in the positioning of the measuring microphone and the low-frequency dBSPL Figure 2. High- 110 discrepancy due to the technique used to Newport Test Labs frequency response, 105 measure the –3dB down point. It’s worth Ƭ˾ɡŘȭƞƬƞ˸ǔƬ˹ 100 noting though, that a 10Hz difference ʊǒɁ˹ǔȭǷǷʁǔǚǚƬɁǏ 95 is quite small, even at low frequencies, (black trace) vs. grille on (red trace). Test 90 because whereas a 50Hz extension takes stimulus gated sine. 85 the speaker down to G1#, a 40Hz exten- Microphone placed at 80 sion would take it down to D1#, just one ǜǒʁƬƬȧƬǜʁƬʊɁȭȊŘ˾ǔʊ with dome tweeter. 75 and a half tones lower on the tempered ³Ɂ˹ƬʁȧƬŘʊˁʁƬȧƬȭǜ 70 scale. limit 600Hz. 65 The frequency response is not only [Dynaudio Emit M30 ³ɁˁƞʊɡƬŘǘƬʁƇ 60 extended at both ends of the audio 55 spectrum, but also quite linear, so the re- 50 sponse is not ‘tilted’ to favour either the 600 Hz 1K 2K 5K 10K 20K 40K bass or the treble. There is a very slight ‘sag’ in the response centred at 2.5kHz, which is presumably where the crossover dBSPL Figure 3.³Ɂ˹ 110 frequency is, but it’s minor, being well Newport Test Labs frequency response 105 within the ±3dB envelope. In fact, the ɁnjnjʁɁȭǜȊǞʁǔȭǷŽŘʊʊ 100 frequency response remains within a ʁƬǡƬ˾ɡɁʁǜɤʁƬƞ trace) and woofer. 95 ±2.5dB envelope from 60Hz to 20kHz, ÂƬŘʁǞƬǚƞŘƋɴˁǔʊǔǜǔɁȭƖ 90 which is an outstandingly good result. ñɁʁǜʤ˹ɁɁnjƬʁǚƬ˸Ƭǚʊ 85 The excellent frequency response re- not compensated 80 sult is reflected in the in-room response njɁʁƞǔǏƬʁƬȭƋƬʊǔȭ radiating areas. 75 that’s shown in Figure 1, where Newport [Dynaudio Emit M30 70 Test Labs has graphed the response from ³ɁˁƞʊɡƬŘǘƬʁƇ 20Hz up to 10kHz using a pink noise 65 test stimulus, and you can see that from 60 70Hz up to 10kHz, it’s within ±2dB and, 55 50 once again, there is no spectral tilt. 10 Hz 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 200 300 400 500 Graph 2 shows the high-frequency response of the Dynaudio Emit M30 in greater detail, using a gating technique that gives the same result that would be obtained if the speaker were to be meas- ured in an anechoic chamber. It shows both the frequency response with the grille fitted (red trace) and the frequency response without the grille (black trace). You can see that the frequency response is clearly flatter, more linear and more

22 Australian Hi-Fi www.avhub.com.au LAB REPORT Dynaudio Emit M30 Loudspeakers

Ohm Deg Figure 4.“ȧɡƬƞŘȭƋƬ 20 180 Newport Test Labs ȧɁƞˁǚˁʊɁnjǚƬǢɤʁƬƞ 150 trace) and right (yel- low trace) speakers 120 An exceptionally good plus phase (blue 90

trace). Black trace 60 design that measured under is reference 10 30 ˾ɁǒȧɡʁƬƋǔʊǔɁȭ 9 8 extremely well on calibration resistor. 0 7 [Dynaudio Emit M30 -30 Newport Test Labs’ ³ɁˁƞʊɡƬŘǘƬʁƇ 6 -60

5 test bench. -90

-120 4


3 -180 10 Hz 20 50 100 200 500 1K 2K 5K 10K 20K 40K extended without the grille, but the differenc- es are so minor that I doubt they would be

dBSPL audible, even given a direct A–B comparison 110 Figure 5.hʁƬɴˁƬȭƋ˿ Newport Test Labs of ‘speaker grille-on’ vs. ‘speaker grille-off’. response. Trace below 105 1kHz is the averaged The low-frequency performance of the 100 result of nine Dynaudio Emit M30, as measured by Newport individual frequency 95

Test Labs using a near-field technique that sweeps measured at 90 again simulates the response that would be three metres, with the 85 obtained in an anechoic chamber, shows the central grid point on- Ř˾ǔʊ˹ǔǜǒǜǒƬǜ˹ƬƬǜƬʁ 80 bass drivers’ combined response is flat down using pink noise test 75 to 80Hz after which it rolls off very gradually stimulus with capture 70 to a minima at 28Hz. The response rolls off unsmoothed. This has been manually 65 so gradually, in fact, that it appears that the spliced (at 1kHz) to 60 cabinet is acting more like a sealed enclosure the gated high- 55 than a bass reflex one. The bass reflex port’s frequency response, 50 output is also unusual, peaking at 25Hz and ŘȭƬ˾ɡŘȭƞƬƞ 20 Hz 50 100 200 500 1K 2K 5K 10K 20K 40K view of which is shelving from around 40Hz up to 90Hz be- shown in Graph 2. fore dropping off very sharply above 140Hz. [Dynaudio Emit M30 These traces lead me to believe that Dynaudio ³ɁˁƞʊɡƬŘǘƬʁƇ

is tailoring the low-frequency response in a Newport Test Labs measured the sensitivity non-standard way in order to gain additional of the Dynaudio Emit M30 as being 85.5dB- bass extension. SPL at one metre for a 2.83Veq input, using Graph 4, which shows the impedance its standard, stringent test procedure. This is modulus for both left and right loudspeakers, just 0.5dB less than Dynaudio’s specification proves that the quality control procedures and also an excellent result, though slightly in place at Dynaudio are outstandingly lower than the average for similarly-sized good, along with quality of the drivers they floorstanding loudspeakers, which makes me manufacture, because the two traces are so think Dynaudio has sacrificed some efficiency close that to all intents and purposes they in order to gain bass extension. Given the are identical. I don’t think I have ever seen power-handling capacity of Dynaudio’s such good left/right speaker matching, which drivers, thanks to the use of 75mm-diameter augurs well for stereo imaging. voice coils, three times larger than usual, this The impedance itself is nicely controlled, would seem to me to be a very sensible trade- rising only a little over 10Ω at the resonant off. The Dynaudio Emit M30 is not only an frequencies, and climbing nicely above exceptionally good loudspeaker design, one 20kHz which will guarantee ensure that any that measured extremely well on Newport Test driving amplifier is comfortably loaded. The Labs’ test bench, it’s also an exceptionally impedance dips to about 4.2Ω at 200Hz, so well built loudspeaker and therefore gets my Dynaudio’s specification of it being nomi- very highest recommendation. nally 4Ω puts our sample comfortably within Steve Holding that spec, while at the same time meaning it will an easy load for any amplifier, not Readers should note that the results mentioned least because its phase angle (blue trace) is in the report, tabulated in performance charts ŘȭƞʤɁʁƞǔʊɡǚŘ˿ƬƞˁʊǔȭǷǷʁŘɡǒʊŘȭƞʤɁʁɡǒɁǜɁǷʁŘɡǒʊ relatively benign, swinging no more than ±30 should be construed as applying only to the degrees. ʊɡƬƋǔǞƋʊŘȧɡǚƬǜƬʊǜƬƞƖ
