Legal resources in the Library: how to find them, how to use them Badia Fiesolana (Theatre), and ZOOM Wednesday 30 September 2020 1 Can’t I just Google it? • Why is it important to use the library catalogue and legal databases? • Information Literacy: ‘to know when and what information is needed; where and how to obtain that information; how to evaluate it critically and organise it once it is found; and how to use it in an ethical way.’* • Information is selective, organized, classified, cross-referenced * IFLA Media and Information Literacy Recommendations, 2011. 2 General starting points • Library catalogue to search books and journals on specific topics: keyword search, limit by format, modify and filter by language and time span. • Articles+ to search the contents of our e-journals and e-books • Publication Finder: to search all e-journals and e-books • Google Scholar for academic materials see instruction page for accessing it. • SSRN: working papers and articles on all areas of law 3 Catalogue and Articles +: author search 4 Catalogue and Articles+: keyword search 5 SSRN: Legal Scholarship Network search by author, title, keywords EUI Law WPs are part of this NB Register for full-text access (free) Write to
[email protected] to receive a subscriber account 6 Primary sources, secondary sources, reference guides PRIMARY SOURCES SECONDARY SOURCES REFERENCE WORKS RESEARCH GUIDES International law Treaties Books/articles Research guides Int. court cases Encyclopedias Dispute settlement European law EU legislation Books/articles Reference