& Jftranklfn Simon & Co. James McCreery Co. Oppenheim.<°llins&? Fifth Avenue, 37th and 38th Sts., N. Y. 34th Street sth Avenu New Fall Models 34th Street?New York The Newest Newport Fashion WOMEN'S BLOUSES Auto-Soie Coat SPORTS STOCKINGS Special Values A rain and dust proof coat For Particular People

London Made?For Women and Misses

Auto - Soie Silk Coat of the transparent English and Scotch Soft new Hose for Golf, Tennis, Hunting silk; featherweightoil col- and Tramping. are Royal Purple, ors No. 7.?Women's Scotch white wool Hose, with either black, Subterranean Green, blue, green, rose or yellow ver- Nile Green, Mole, Navy, tical stripes. $4.50 the pair. No. 2. Finest Scotch wool, Cardinal or Champagne; lightweight Golf Hose, gray mix- ture with black and white a rain and dust proof coat checked turnover top. $5.00 the pair. suitable for wear at coun- Selections of these or any plain try, seashore, mountains, or fancy stockings for Men, Women and Children sent on Style 3161?Blouse as illus- i Style 9751?Blouse as illus- traveling approval. Any or all may be in or automotil- returned at our expense. trated, made Heavy White trated, made in Heavy White mannish model Crepe de Chine finely tucked ing. A Kindly mention The Times and c de chine-flat collar; we will send you our illustrated front and back; flat collar and with convertible collar, booklet. t,e f,n,shed wlth black~ i satm turn-back cuffs with hemstitch- can be worn buttoned to ing; finished with pearl but- loop to give four-in-hand ef- neck or with open revers; PECK & PECK large patch pockets. EXCLUSIVE HOSIERY Special, 5.75 Special, 5.00

448 Fifth Avenue, at 39th Street 586 Fifth Avenue, at 47th Street New Fall Dresses ?Special Values Special 16.50 be fat is not For Women and Misses only unbecoming No. 901. Of and , vest effect, "1 with large patch pockets of serge; Oriental 25.00 but unnecessary trimming below vest and on collar J YY/ITHOUT inconvenience or dis- No. 902. Combination of serge and taffeta,"j comfort you can reduce the or serge and ; patch pocketsof serge; col- abnormal fat from any part of your lar of crepe; bonebutton 15.00 body by wearing trimmedJ Mail and 'Phone one of OrdersPromptly Filled. The Pathe Dr. Jeanne Walter's 'Phone 6900 Greeley. Famous Medicated Robber EstabllHhed

-> S/kbßjtfJicrit \u25a0,i,y ??: Furniture of Distinction ,« . RENDERS AN ABSOLUTELY LIFE- For Men and Women LIKE REPRODUCTION OF a few a day or at VOICE OR INSTRUMENT hours night. The safe and quick way to reduce is by | IT PLAYS ALL DISC RECORDS I ] perspiration. Endorsed by leading

Frown Eradicator $2.00 Estab- Neck and Chin Reducer 3.00 lished (Shown in Illustration) 1852 Abdominal Reducer 6.00 Also Union Suits, Stockings, Jackets, Fig. I?Corsage. Reduces bust, hips &c.. for the purpose of reducing the Buffet and thighs. Can be worn fl csh anywhere desired. Write for comfortably under a corset. t . \u25a0 , from Price *20.00. further particulars. Suite Dr. Jeanne A. B. Walter |No. 202 fTo(Inventor and Patentee) OUR MIDSUMMER SALE CONTINUED I 45 W. 34th St., New York. MODERN LIVING ROOM FURNITURE AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICEB. BUY DINING ROOM SUITES RIGHT The Sofa, Arm Chair, and Wing Chair shown above may be had in , tapestry, veiour, or leather. Filled with moss and hair; loose cushiona; Finest reproductions of period furniture in America. full spring back. Artistic and luxuriously comfortable. Price of sofa Exclusive designs in Adam, Sheraton, Chippendale, in denim $4O Arm. Chair to match, in denim $3O Heppelwhite and Colonial. We are out of the high Wing Chair to match, in denim $2l rent districts, therefore enabled to offer savings of \u25a0 This Pathephone P Prices for these three pieces in other upholstering quoted on application. \u25a0 , $2OO. » Mahogany Living Room Table, 30x50 inches $35 $lOO to $3OO on a Dining Room Suite. THE TATHE HIGHLY POLIBHEO. Mahogany Bookcase $4O ROUND, GENUINE SAPPHIRE Floor Lamp, in mahogany or antique gold finish, fl ft. high, completely wired.ili) PHILIP STROBEL & SONS, INC., New York transmits the Round -waves with no sug- Silk Shade, 24-inch diameter, in any color you desire $lO gestion of its own presence. Colonial Clock?7% feet high $O5 Show Rooms, H»3-55 Elizabeth St. Factory, 82 Elizabeth St. NO NEEDLES TO CHANGE Subway and B th 3rd Ave. "L" or to Canal St. NO \u25a0t "TALKING-MACHINE" TONE Gciger s Braocrman 'V? Pathephones Furniture Company range from $l5 to $2OO Send for showing you are interested Pathe Double Disc Records?7sc. folder furniture in. to $2.50. (They never wear out.) Fig. 2 Abdominal Fig. 3?Eton Jacket. Fig. 4 Rust Re- HARDMAN, PECK & CO., Reducer. Price $6.00 Price $12.00. ducer. Price $6.00. 433 Fifth Atc., N. Y. Apparel for 524 Fulton St., Brooklyn. Stout Figures If you are hard to fit, we can fit you, say , m and when we "up to 50" you will ® find here in stock garments that f". Five~Foot Grand ACTUALLY do fit women of 56 bust Period Furniture measure and built over three distinct types of living models. Dresses Coats Suits Occupies no more space At Popular Prices Waists Skirts Negligees Wju\vm(Y I! Ikll Corsets and 10 PIECE DINING ROOM SUITE Underwear than an upright. GRAND RATIOS Fr° m the No. 4728 FURNITURE Design simplest I Direct from the Factory Bosscrt Redibilt Oarage?one-car size Ideal ,| nes says, gown Caruso "Its tone DISCONTINUED In Genuine Mahogany, ?recently erected on estate near New house for the consisting of Buffet 60 York City. Roomy and popular style. to the stoutfigure is wonderful." PATTERNS in. wide, China Closet 42 In. wide, Serving An All-Year Garage I S% of Regular Price* Table 38 in. wide, Din- in* Table 48 in. wide, Chippendale 8 ft. extension; 1 Arm Chair & 5 Side Chairs, Bossert Garages I CORNER CLOSET with slln seats. Choice Solid Mahogany BAdamof Leather, Haircloth or Tapestry. Complete "Not Even a Natl to Buy." REGULARLY $OO Suite of 10 pieces, as SPECIAL AT \u25a0U illustrated, at Have air chambers lined with fine Easy building paper and built in sections like Terms if a hollow tile structure?making a ga- rage that is wind, water and weather desired proof Winter or Summer. Come abso- lutely complete and painted in two coats of two colors. Sections lock together Shernton. Tudor. Adam. Heppelwhite, with a monkey wrench. Can be put up Colonial, etc., Dining: Room Suites, 10 In a few hours by any one In New York Hardman, Peck & Company-Kundcdmi pieces, $lOO up; regularly $2OO up. ?City where frame buildings are allowed. Queen Anne, Louis XV.. Louis XVI . range up, "hardmanTiouse: Brooklyn Store: Mahog- ib^^Slun^EAl^^ Prices from $179 accord- IISheraton, Bedroom Suites, etc.. My famous Russian Cream and Face ing to size. Send for Illustrated cata- \u25a0 433Fifth Avenue, 524 Fulton Street WM any & Walnut, $75 up; reg. SICO up. v Lotion positively prevent blem- I (between38th arul39thStMj (nearTJanowrTlace) B will skin log, which also contains description of $4 ishes. Always us** them before going out. complete line of Bossert Redibilt sent, free, ODD PERIOD PIECES, up by everywhere. Special CHAIRS, DESKS, etc. T'sed fashionable ladles Excel- Homes. out of \\ TABLES. lent for lines, wrinkles and hollows. Try Set of Photographic Reproductions mailed FREE \ _ town upon ? 11* =\u25a0! them. Jars 75c.. $l.OO, $1.50, tube 50c. Lo- & AO. / Eat. IBBS MANGES BROS ur~. tion, $l.OO. Face Powder, 50c., $l.OO. LOUIS BOSSERT SONS request. O 115-117 WEST ST., AT LEADING DEPT. STORES and RIKER- Builders of Bungalows for 25 Years. Lane Bryant, 25 West 38th St.. N. 28D HEGEMAN or LIGGETT DRUG STORES. Y.^ and 10H & 110 West 24t1» St.. N. Y. Also Cold Cream, Rouge, Talcum, Depilatory, Charge Accounts Opened. 1319 Grand St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Bath Salts. Scalp Tonic. Pine Shampoo, Hair Grower. Perfumes, Toilet Waters, etc. Made and guaranteed by Selma J. Sother- lund of Russia. 45 West 34th St. N«w Established York. N. Y. 1900. Booklet. J. MORRIS AN EXCELLENT TONIC FOR FINE FURNITURE 267 West 125th St. LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S HAIR Near Bth Ave. Open Saturday Evenings at prices you can't resist, continuing our BALDPATE NEW STORE OPENING SALE Registered In U. S. and Canada Includes every desirable piece for any room. Avj. PiJßrr-Art HAIR TONIC ARMCHAIR. SECURITY NEVER FAILS Strong, roomy, splendid work- I Nourishes and . strengthens the fol- manship. All upholstered in I is the Wpßff licles and thus pro- hair. Any color denim. Made motes the growth Mother's Best Friend T of the hair. Re- in our own shops. I | | | Before Botoriag, boating, or bathiag lieves the scalp of Regularly $38.00. 11 Simple?Efficient?Sanitary unhealthy accumu- preveat* injory from $n and wiad. HALE TRICE, *25.50. 11 I'll I ECONOMICAL lations and secre- tor" | tlons. Gives a rich The secret is in the inner layer gloss, is highly per- i^innifflihwwnwintTrfflii'"''il II I of waterproof sheeting. A | \u25a0 i MH fumed and free from 111111Ir S'* II After Beteriaf removes every trace of II jl Sold by Leading Department S \u25a0r I j oil, makes the hah- Adam piece of graceful lines. «Krt aadda»tfw wibwi. I or / light and fluffy. " ljl 1.1 Btorea, Solid mahogany. i Trial will convince you. J. J. IIEYERLE MFG. CO. / Regularly $55.00. & UK $l.OO r f | So. sth Berry Sts., KIVA atented) Price SALE PRICE, $41.50. I Brooklyn. N. Y. Af made in more than 30 colors of More Crepe de Chine. BALDPATE CO. s sold than all other THE BEST CAP FOR 34th NATHAN GREENBERG, INC., 2236 Broadway at 80th .Send stamps or ! \u25a0 silk 467 W. St. St. money order. : gloves combined MOTOR OR PULLMAN WEAR New York Phones?Schuyler Schuyler © Julius Kayser A Co. IH H 8841 and 4736. '/ & FOR SALE BY Sold by all druggists, ||^ or $l.OO. -y Most High-Class Shops send %?rr-??, J