Manning, Raymond Edward 76 Born: 02/09/1919 Childhood home: Occupation: 1939 Register: Parents: Edward & Sarah Elizabeth (Horney). PoW index card says Ethel

Father’s 1911 cowman; WW1 horsekeeper; 1939 roadman occupation: Founder secretary of the Married: Doris Mary Fisher (1945) Swaffham, Watton & District FEPOW Association Postwar town: Died: 1988 Swaffham

Buried: Regiment: 5th Royal Norfolks Regimental Number: 5774791 Information: Date of capture: 15/02/1942 Date of liberation: 05/09/1945 Rank: Lance Corporal PoW camps: Malai 1 ; Thailand

Mason, John 77 Born: 29/07/1908 or 24/07/1908 (baptism record—born on) Fincham Childhood home: Fincham Occupation: Farmer. Apartment house keeper 1939 1939 Register: Parents: Leonard & Lucy Father’s occupation: Farmer Fincham Hall Farm 1911 1939 Married: Lilian Margaret Boon 1932 Docking Postwar town: Died: 02/07/1971 ? Buried: Fincham? Regiment: 1st Manchester

Regimental Number: 106173 Information: Date of capture: 15/02/1942

Date of liberation: 04/09/1945

Rank: Lieutenant

PoW camps: Malai ; Thailand Mason, Joseph 78 Born: 24/01/1906 (24/01/08 1936 register) Childhood home: Westfield, Occupation: Furniture maker, Air Ministry furniture assembler 1939 1939 Register: Westfield, Dereham Parents: Walter & Nellie Father’s occupation: Married: Alethea Ann Frior 1936 Mitford Postwar town: Died: 03/1985 ? (Joseph Walter) Buried: Regiment: British Army Service Corps

Regimental Number: S5782617 Information: Date of capture: 15/02/1942

Date of liberation: 02/11/1945

Rank: Private

PoW camps: Malai 1 Mason, Maurice Golding 79 Born: 13/04/1919 Childhood home: Occupation: 1939 Register: Parents: Bert & Alice (Thurrell) Father’s occupation: 1939 tractor driver Married: Stella Eagling (1947 Postwar town: Bradenham Died: July 1986 Buried: Regiment: 5th Royal Norfolks

Regimental Number: 5772223 Information: FEPOW form on illnesses Date of capture: 15/02/1942 suffered during and after Date of liberation: 30/08/1945 captivity Rank: Private PoW camps: Malai 2 ; Thailand

Mead, Joseph 80 Born: 20/09/1912 Childhood home: Ware Occupation: 1939 Register: Parents: Joseph & Sarah Father’s occupation: Married: yes Postwar town: Hertford Died: Buried: Regiment: Royal Engineers

Regimental Number: 2009995 Information: FEPOW form on illnesses Date of capture: 15/02/1942 suffered during and after Date of liberation: 30/08/1945 captivity

Rank: Lance Corporal

PoW camps: Malai ; Thailand Melton, Alfred Reginald 81

Born: 30/04/1902 Private family tree ancestry Childhood home: Beeston (1911) Occupation: Carpenter 1939 Register: Parents: William & Emily (Conyers?) Father’s occupation: Hurdle maker 1911 Married: Postwar town: Died: Buried: Regiment: 5th Royal Norfolks

Regimental Number: 5764074 Information: Date of capture: 15/02/1942

Date of liberation: 30/08/1945

Rank: Sergeant

PoW camps: Malai 3 ; Thailand Melton, Horace James 82 Born: 20/01/1919 Childhood home: Wramplingham Occupation: Agriculture 1939 Register: Parents: Charles & Elizabeth Maude (Debbage) Father’s occupation: Agricultural labourer Married: Margaret A 1939 Norwich Postwar town: Died: 27/05/2010 Attleborough Buried: Regiment: Royal Army Medical Corps 1989 Field Ambulance

Regimental Number: 7372901 Information: Date of capture: 15/02/1942 FEPOW form on illnesses suffered during and after Date of liberation: 30/08/1945 captivity Rank: Private

PoW camps: Malai ; Thailand Miller, Bertie Oliver 83 Born: 03/10/1919 Norwich Private ancestry family tree Childhood home: Palgrave, Diss Occupation: Clerk cowman on farm 1939 1939 Register: Hartismere Parents: Oliver Alborough & Ethel Grace () Father’s occupation: Butcher (1919) Journeyman butcher 1939 Married: Postwar town: Ovington—then moved away Died: 08/2006 Norwich Buried: Regiment: Royal Army Medical Corps 196 Field Ambulance

Regimental Number: 7376664 Information: Date of capture: 15/02/1942

Date of liberation: 02/11/1945

Rank: Private

PoW camps: Malai 3 Moulton, Leonard Maxwell

Born: 31 August 1917 Bodney Childhood home: Palgrave, Sporle

Occupation: Groom (1938 embarkation to New Letters to parents: from Moulton 1939 Register: In USA? scrapbook Parents: George Robert & Mary 26/04/1942. Son is reported missing Father’s occupation: Shepherd 05/08/1943. Son is a PoW. “News of Married: his safety” Postwar town: Died: 21/09/1944 at sea 22/09/1945. Son is missing following the sinking of a Japanese transport Buried: Memorial at Kranji, Singapore conveying PoWs from Thai to Ja- pan.. Recorded as “missing at sea”. Regiment: 5th Royal Norfolks

Regimental Number: 5775558

Information: Date of capture: 15/02/1942 Date of liberation: Rank: Private Neal, Arthur 85 Born: 28/10/1914 or 1915 Childhood home: Stoke Ferry Occupation: 1939 Register: Parents: Arthur & Margaret Father’s occupation: Married: Postwar town: Died: 10/1973 Downham Buried: Regiment: 2nd Loyal North Lancashires

Regimental Number: 3855413 Information: Date of capture: 15/02/1942

Date of liberation: 08/09/1945

Rank: Private

PoW camps: Malai ; Mukden Newman, James Percy 86 Born: 15/09/1920 Childhood home: Wells next the Sea Occupation: 1939 Register: Parents: Alfred & Ida (Waller) Father’s occupation: Foreman corn porter (1939) Married: Yvonne V.C. Skoles 1948 Postwar town: Swaffham Died: 08/1999 Wayland Buried: Regiment: 5th Royal Norfolks Regimental Number: 5775163 Information: No index card Date of capture: 15/02/1942. Missing then PoW Date of liberation: 02/11/1945 Rank: Private PoW camps: Malai 2

Nicholls, Gerald 87 Born: 20/02/1919 Childhood home: Saham Hills Occupation: 1939 Register: Parents: Mary (Nichelle) Father’s occupation: Married: Della Lilian Bird 1941 Burton upon Trent Postwar town: Died: 21/09/1944—at sea Buried: Regiment: 4th Royal Norfolks

Regimental Number: 5774671 Information: Date of capture: 15/02/1942

Date of liberation: 02/09/1945

Rank: Corporal

PoW camps: Malai 1 ; Thailand Nurse, Stanley George 88 Born: 09/02/1921 Childhood home: Southacre Occupation: 1939 Register: Parents: George & Violet Father’s occupation: Yardman (1939) Married: ? 1946 Joyce M Southgate Postwar town: Died: May 1995 Buried: Regiment: 5th Royal Norfolks

Regimental Number: 5774664 Information: Date of capture: 15/02/1942 Date of liberation: 12/09/1945 Rank: Private PoW camps: Malai 2 ; Thailand

Page, Claude Alfred 89 Born: 24/06/1919 Childhood home: Dawley, Shropshire Occupation: Tractor driver 1939 Register: Parents: Florence Ethel Father’s occupation: Married: Postwar town: Dereham Died: 08/2003 Dereham Buried: Regiment: 1st Cambridgeshire

Regimental Number: 5933369 Information: Date of capture: 15/02/1942. Missing. Then PoW

Date of liberation:


PoW camps: Palmer, Cyril 90 Born: 10/05/1906 Childhood home: East Walton Occupation: Farm worker maltster (1939) 1939 Register: Narborough Parents: Frederick John & Daisy (Stokes) Father’s occupation: Labourer (1906) Married: Hilda N Garner 1929 Postwar town: Narborough Died: 26/12/44—heart failure Buried: Yokohama British Commonwealth War cemetery Regiment: Royal Artillery 77 Heavy Anti-aircraft Regiment

Regimental Number: 1789498 Information: Date of capture: 10/03/1942

Date of liberation:

Rank: Gunner

PoW camps: Java ; Osaka 14 Palmer, Geoffrey Clifford 91 Born: 23/01/1918 Childhood home: East Dereham Occupation: Civil servant Norwich Union 1939 Register: Parents: John & Emily (Spooner) Father’s occupation: Farmer & dealer (1911) & sheep dealer (1939) Married: Olive May Norton 1941 Yaxham Postwar town: Died: 02/03/1944—from pneumonia Buried: Yokohama British Commonwealth War cemetery Regiment: Royal Air Force 84 Squadron

Regimental Number: Information: Date of capture: 15/02/1942

Date of liberation:

Rank: Sergeant / Warrant Officer

PoW camps: Java ; Wakaya Osaka 14 Pearce, Percy Henry 92 Born: 19/09/1921 Childhood home: West Dereham. Wimbotsham Occupation: Labourer 1939 Register: Parents: Sidney William & Ethel (Marsters) Father’s occupation: Agricultural worker—son’s probate Married: Postwar town: Died: 03 or 05 /08/1944 Buried: Regiment: 5th Royal Norfolks

Regimental Number: 5775022 Information: Date of capture: 15/02/1942

Date of liberation:

Rank: Private

PoW camps: Malai 2 ; Thailand Phillips, Hamilton Herbert 93 Born: 19/10/1907 Childhood home: Occupation: Labourer 1939 Register: Parents: Herbert & Edith Father’s occupation: Married: Doris B Hales 1939 Wayland Postwar town: Old Attleborough Died: Buried: Regiment: 5th Royal Norfolks

Regimental Number: 5870171 Information: Date of capture: 15/02/1942

Date of liberation: 02/09/1945

Rank: Private

PoW camps: Malai 1 ; Thailand Pilch, Geoffrey Donald 94 Born: 13/05/1920 Childhood home: Watton President of Watton Round Occupation: Motor engineer. Garage owner Table and Rotary. 1939 Register: Parents: Leonard Arthur & Florence Mary (Kemp) Father’s occupation: Stationer’s clerk 1911; motor engineer 1939 Married: Thelma Rose Wiseman 1950 Wayland. Joan M Owen in 1976 Postwar town: Watton Toftwood Died: 07/03/1978 Watton Buried: Regiment: 4th Royal Norfolks

Regimental Number: 5774090 Information: Date of capture: 15/02/1942 missing then PoW. Changi and Thailand

Date of liberation:

Rank: Corporal

PoW camps: Prescott, Arthur William 95 Born: 17/12/1916 Childhood home: London Occupation: 1939 shop assistant (fruit) London 1939 Register: As above Parents: James William & May Beatrice (Bodger) Father’s occupation: Shopkeeper (fruit)

Married: R? W. (??) Pow index card Empire Fruit Store Market Place Swaffham Postwar town: Swaffham? London? Died: 1974 Lewisham, London Buried: Regiment: Royal Signal Corps

Regimental Number: 2333430 Information: Date of capture: 18/03/1942 Date of liberation: 30/08/1945 Rank: Private PoW camps: Padang ; Thailand

Proudfoot, George Donald William 96 Born: 23/11/1909 Childhood home: Rockland St.Mary Occupation: Inspector of Highways 1939 Register: Parents: James & Father’s occupa- tion: Zena J Thompson 1934 Docking Married: Brancaster Staithe Post- 11 Jun 1980 war town: Died: Buried: 4th Royal Norfolks 5781847 Information: Date of capture: 15/02/1942. Missing then PoW

Date of liberation:

Rank: Private

PoW camps: Redfern, Gordon 98 Born: 18/11/1918 Childhood home: Chesterton, Cambs Occupation: Spray painter spray polisher (1939) 1939 Register: Dereham Parents: Father’s occupation: Married: Ireen J Andrews 1946 Postwar town: Swaffham Died: 06/1994 King’s Lynn Buried: Regiment: 5th Royal Norfolks

Regimental Number: 5776844 Information: Date of capture: 15/02/1942

Date of liberation: 12/09/1945

Rank: Private

PoW camps: Malai ; Thailand Reeve, Walter Horace Jack 99 Born: 1 July 1916 Childhood home: Swaffham

Occupation: 1939 drapery shop assistant Father died on 16/03/1918 of enteritis 1939 Register: Swaffham whilst on active service. Buried in France. Parents: John William (Jack) & Gertrude Alice Blanche Father’s occupation: Married: Postwar town: n/a Died: 28/09/1943 Far East Buried: Kanchanaburi War Cemetery, Thailand Regiment: 5th Royal Norfolks

Regimental Number: 5777207 Information: Place of capture: Singapore Date of liberation: Rank: Private PoW camps:

Richardson, Leslie Victor 100 Born: 13/11/1918 Childhood home: Westacre Occupation: Agricultural horseman (1939) 1939 Register: Westacre Parents: Albert & Florence Father’s occupation: Agricultural horseman Married: Postwar town: Died: 25/02/2001 Buried: Westacre Regiment: 5th Royal Norfolks

Regimental Number: 5773685 Information: Date of capture: 15/02/1942 Date of liberation: 06/09/1945 Rank: Lance Corporal PoW camps: Malai ; Tokio 13b

Rogers, Aubry Ralph 101 Born: 07/04/1919 Private family tree ancestry Childhood home: Bury St Edmunds Occupation: Tractor driver farm labourer 1939 1939 Register: Parents: Probably Harold D (d.1932) & Alice (Brunning). She married Edward Blyth in 1936. Father’s occupation: Married: Marjorie M Clark 1948 Wayland Postwar town: Died: 17/08/1992 Carbrooke Buried: Scoulton Regiment: 6th Royal Norfolks

Regimental Number: 5775605 Information: Date of capture: 15/02/1942

Date of liberation: 06/09/1945

Rank: Private

PoW camps: Malai ; Thailand Nagoya 9b Rush, Philip George 102 Born: 02/03/1915 Childhood home: Swaffham Occupation: Schoolteacher (1957-father’s probate) 1939 Register: Parents: Samuel George & Elsa Harriet (Robinson) Father’s occupation: Professional golfer & golf club maker Married: Pamela Catherine Skinner 1964 Postwar town: Melton, Suffolk Died: 02/10/1964 Buried: Regiment: 4th Suffolks

Regimental Number: 5828207 Information: Date of capture: 15/02/1942 Date of liberation: Rank: Lance Corporal PoW camps:

Rands, Arthur Edward 97 Born: 18/12/1913 Childhood home: North Pickenham Occupation: 1939 Outfitter shop assistant. Civil servant (Pow Index card) 1939 Register: Swaffham Parents: Cecil Frank & Antonia Rogalski Father’s occupation: General dealer Married: Postwar town: Died: 01/01/2002 Downham Market Buried: Regiment: 4th Royal Norfolks

Regimental Number: 5778267 Information: Date of capture: 15/02/1942 Date of liberation: 04/09/1945 Rank: Private PoW camps: Malai 4 ; Thailand

Seager, Arthur James 103 Born: 20/04/1920 Childhood home: Neaton, Watton Occupation: 1939 Register: Parents: Arthur & Florence M (Bowen) Father’s occupation: Farm lanbourer retd.(1939) Married: Postwar town: Died: 02/2001 Norwich Buried: Regiment: 4th Royal Norfolks

Regimental Number: 5774670 Information: Date of capture: 18/03/1942

Date of liberation: 13/09/1945

Rank: Corporal

PoW camps: Malai 1 ; Thailand Sheldrake, Robert William 104 Born: 25/10/1913 Childhood home: Elmham Occupation: Bricklayer Cinema attendant (1939) 1939 Register: Kensington, London Parents: Robert & Patience Emily (Everett) Father’s occupation: Postman (1911), (1939) Married: Violet Rose Brown 03/1947 Dereham R.W.Sheldrake was a founder member of the Postwar town: Dereham FEPOW Association in around 1949- 1950. Died: 12/1984 Norwich Buried: Regiment: Sherwood Foresters

Regimental Number: 4756179 Information: Date of capture: 15/02/1942

Date of liberation: 04/09/1945

Rank: Private

PoW camps: Malai ; Thailand Smith, Arnold Arthur 105 Born: 22/11/1919 Weasenham Childhood home: Cowley, Middlesex Occupation: Insurance Agent and 1939 1939 Register: Walsingham RD Parents: Robert Alfred & Jessie Mary Ann (Deacon) Father’s occupation: Civil servant (1939) Married: Edith M Allard 1955 Wayland Postwar town: Swaffham Died: 03/2005 King’s Lynn Buried: Regiment: 5th Suffolks

Regimental Number: 5829678 Information: FEPOW form on illnesses Date of capture: 15/02/1942 suffered during and after Date of liberation: 12/09/1945 captivity Rank: Private PoW camps: Malai 4 ; Thailand

Smith, Edward James 106 Born: 17/06/1912 Childhood home: Occupation: Gamekeeper Also 1939 1939 Register: Swaffham RD Parents: Frederick & Lilian Father’s occupation: Married: Ivy L Pearce 1936 Docking Postwar town: Died: 11/06/2002 Buried: Regiment: 5th Royal Norfolks

Regimental Number: 5779312 Information:

Date of capture: 15/02/1942 FEPOW form on illnesses suffered during and after Date of liberation: 02/11/1945 captivity Rank: Private

PoW camps: Malai 1 Springall, James William 107 Born: 08/12/1912 Childhood home: Swaffham Occupation: Dyeing and cleaning Cleaner’s porter (1939) 1939 Register: Norwich Parents: James Samuel & Elizabeth Emily (Pegg) Father’s occupation: Wire netting weaver (1911) Wire worker (1939) Married: Mildred F Spalding 1948, Norwich Postwar town: Died: 12/1991 North Walsham Buried: Regiment: 4th Royal Norfolks

Regimental Number: 5780334 or 5780338 Information: Date of capture: 15/02/1942 Date of liberation: 14/09/1945 Rank: Private PoW camps: Malai 1 ; Thailand

Stiff, Victor David 108 Born: 19/04/1920 Childhood home: Bury St.Edmunds Occupation: bricklayer 1939 Register: Parents: Frank David Father’s occupation: Married: Sybil M Sturman 1947 Wayland Postwar town: Attleborough ; Died: 2004 Norwich Buried: Regiment: 2nd East Surrey

Regimental Number: 6141937 Information: FEPOW form on Date of capture: 17/03/1942. Missing. Then PoW illnesses suffered Date of liberation: during and after captivity Rank: Private

PoW camps: Sutterby, Douglas Charles 109 Born: 10 July 1921 Childhood home: Northwold Occupation: Labourer. Postman at Oxbororough 1953 1939 Register: Parents: Frederick & Alice May (Walker) Father’s occupation: Married: Beatrice M Palmer 1949 Postwar town: Wimbotsham Died: April 2000 Buried: Regiment: 5th Royal Norfolks

Regimental Number: 5774227 Information: Date of capture: 15/02/1942 Date of liberation: 02/11/1945 Rank: Private PoW camps: Malai 1