New Hampshire-Vermont Christmas Tree Association January 2018 Special points of interest: Winter Meeting at Vermont Farm Show The Winter meeting of the Trading Post NHVTCTA will be held on WANTED: Tree baler wanted. Tuesday, Jan. 30, at the Cham- Need a 14-inch round metal plain Valley Fairgrounds in Es- baler. An Internet search does sex Jct., Vermont, in conjunc- not show any currently manu- tion with the Vermont Farm factured. Do not want a hex- Show. Also, don’t forget to agonal fiberglas unit. My welder bring a tree and/or wreath works fine, so one in need of to enter in the Vermont repair is OK. Contact Russell Farm Show competition. It Reay,
[email protected] is good exposure for the indus- or call 802-492-3323. try as a whole and a good mar- keting opportunity for individ- ual farms! Upcoming Meetings The agenda includes the The Summer 2018 meeting will be annual group discussion of the at the NH State Nursery in past sales season for choose- Boscawen on Saturday, June 23. and-cut, retail and wholesale. afternoon session will include a The Vermont Secretary of talk about the ins and outs of Agriculture had hoped to join farm insurance from Kevin us but a scheduling conflict Bourdon with Co-operative In- Inside this issue: means he won’t be there. So we surance. will begin with a presentation We will conclude by cover- Winter Meeting Preview 1 by Ann Hazelrigg, director of ing another important business UVM Extension’s Plant Diag- topic: payroll issues, including Trading Post 1 nostic Clinic, on “Diseases and seasonal employees, contractors President’s Message 2 Pests of Christmas Trees.” vs.