Locals Want Help from New Council by Roger Varley of the UMHA's Funds Go to Pay for Needed to Play

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Locals Want Help from New Council by Roger Varley of the UMHA's Funds Go to Pay for Needed to Play Volume 11 No. 2 YOUR UNIVERSE Thursday, January 15 2015 YOU CAN’T STOP THE BEAT - Or OnStage Uxbridge from presenting Hairspray at the Uxbridge Music Hall! Shown here from left: Link Larkin (Wade Minacs); Tracy Turnblad (Katie Fortune); Seaweed (Daniel Wiltshire); and Penny Pingleton (Megan Strong). Hairspray opens tonight and runs through until January 24. See ad on page 6. For photos, check out www.thecosmos.ca. Photo by Shelagh Damus Locals want help from new council by Roger Varley of the UMHA's funds go to pay for needed to play. deep ruts, to the extent the saying the Uxbridge program is the Two local organizations appeared ice time. He said the UMHA's 46 house Optimists had to stop people driv- best of any Canadian Tire before council on Monday seeking "Businesses in town support our league teams do not have corporate ing through for three days. She said Jumpstarts in the country. the township's assistance. rep teams," he said. "Shouldn't sponsors and asked council consid- members of the club attempted to He noted that the program helped The first deputation came from council? If council wants to invest er putting a rebate program in fill in the deep ruts with shovels but 635 children in Uxbridge in 2014 the Uxbridge Minor Hockey in hockey, I can't think of any- place so the organization can put with only 12 members the club did with over $50,000, with over 1,700 Association, with president Richard where in town you'll find more more money into house league. not have the manpower to do it. helped and $180,000 spent since Davenport asking council to freeze people than the arena. It's the focal Regional Councillor Jack Mrs. Wilson said the club would the program began in 2005. ice rates at the Uxbridge arena for point of town." Ballinger said he thought Mr. like to see the Fantasy of Lights "That shows how many kids are in four years and to consider a rebate He told council that costs of run- Davenport's request was reason- grow even bigger in the coming need in the township," he said. program. ning hockey programs were stream- able, but Mayor Gerri Lynn years but would also like to have The money used comes from cor- Mr. Davenport said rates for ice lined last year with the merger of O'Connor said that although she the perimeter track paved, as well porate and private donations, serv- time at the arena are the highest several hockey groups in town. He understood what the UMHA is as the parking area behind the ice clubs and special events such as between here and Kingston, with said he would like council to freeze going through, the township's costs band-shell. She said other groups the Gary Roberts golf tournament. Uxbridge's rate of $260 an hour far the rates for four years so that the are rising substantially. using the park would also benefit Mr. Higgins said all the money above the average rate of $150. He group can maintain the programs it Council voted to refer the request from the paving. She added that, goes to children and Canadian Tire said the costs of running a hockey offers. to the current budget discussions. with the growth, the Optimists covers any overhead expenses. program are fairly standard across "Hockey develops good traits in Next up was Jan Wilson of the would need two more power boxes As well as helping children take the board in terms of insurance and kids and keeps them engaged, but Uxbridge Optimist Club to talk installed in the park. part in organized sport, the pro- similar costs, but added: "It's dis- the price to play hockey is increas- about the organization's annual Mayor O'Connor, who also said gram also sponsors after-school heartening to be faced with contin- ing and involvement is decreasing," Festival of Lights in Elgin Park. she would like to see the Fantasy activities and family events such as ual increases in ice rates, which he said, noting that registration fees She said the yearly event has grow, said township staff would free family bowling at Parish Lanes. causes increased hockey fees." for hockey are higher than for any grown from its original 12 partici- help the Optimists apply for a Councillor Gordon Highet said it Mr. Davenport said three-quarters other sport, as is the equipment pants to over 50 in the most recent Trillium grant to cover some of the is sad that such a program is need- Festival, which attracted between costs. She also asked that the ed, "like the food bank". 12,000 and 15,000 visitors, some request be referred to the budget Mayor O'Connor said no-one Inside This Week’s Cosmos from as far away as Oshawa and discussions, along with the possi- should feel any shame applying for Peterborough. bility of township staff doing win- help from Jumpstart. Barris to host the Brain book author . 3 However, this last Christmas, ter maintenance of the track during "We're all here to help people in Roger is right . 4 melting snow, heavy rain and the the Festival. need," she said. Things are getting hot for the Bruins . 6 influx of visitors driving through Canadian Tire owner Pat Higgins Anyone wanting to apply for assis- the park turned the track around appeared before council to give an tance from Jumpstart can pick up a Women the focus for Alzheimer Awareness Month . 8 the perimeter into a mud bowl with update on the Jumpstart program, form at Uxpool. The Uxbridge Cosmos 2 Thursday, January 15 2015 51 Toronto Street South The Corporation of Follow the P.O. Box 190, Uxbridge L9P 1T1 Township Online Tel: 905-852-9181 The Township of Uxbridge Fax: 905-852-9674 www.town.uxbridge.on.ca Council & Committees PUBLIC NOTICE Are you looking for a way to RECRUITMENT UXBRIDGE exercise and stay indoors? PUBLIC LIBRARY Meeting Schedule THE TOWNSHIP OF NOTICE is hereby given that Come in out of the cold and for January 2015 UXBRIDGE FIRE DEPART- WINTER PROGRAMS the Council and Staff of the join the others working out MENT is currently accepting Corporation of the Township in the water! Starting in January: Thursday, Jan. 15 applications for interested of Uxbridge will host a Public Join our lane swim and aquafit Budget Meeting 1-6 p.m. persons to join our team of Wiggles and Giggles: 2 years Open House on Monday, programs. Something for Part-Time (Volunteer) and up; Monday, January 19 & Monday, Jan. 19 January 26, 2015, from 6 to everyone! Firefighters. 26, 10:30 - 11:15 a.m. COMMITTEE 9:30 a.m. 7 p.m. in the Council Tickles and Tunes: 6 - 36+ Chambers, 51 Toronto MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS months; Thursdays starting Public Meeting - SASE Street South, Uxbridge, to INCLUDE: January 15, 2 class times. Aggregates give the Public an opportuni- • Must legally be eligible to Clowning Around with Jo: ZBA 2014-06 7 p.m. ty to meet with Councillor's work in Canada Wednesday, January 21, 10:45 and Staff to discuss/com- Tuesday, Jan. 20 • Minimum 18 years old - 11:30 a.m. ment on proposed future Budget Meeting One of our members, Ann, • Minimum high school diplo- Family Fun Night with a capital projects. This will be 4:30 - 9:30 p.m. recently said: “The participants ma or equivalent “Frozen” theme: Thursday, an informal session with no are friendly, the staff is very • Live within a reasonable dis- January 22, 6:30 - 7:30 pm. Thursday, Jan. 22 formal presentations being helpful and always interested in tance of the Fire Station *Special Guest* Budget Meeting 1-6 p.m. made. our own particular issues. • Able to respond to the “Play with Me” with Jacquie If you would like further Friday, Jan. 23 Many of us have used it as a majority of calls Hermans: Mondays starting information on the Municipal Budget Meeting 1-4 p.m. part of the ever-so-important • Be required to pass an apti- January 12. Budget process please con- physiotherapy for recovery tude test, which may be con- Monday, Jan. 26 tact Donna Condon, from joint replacements.” ducted by an outside agency Starting in February: Budget Open House Treasurer at 905-852-9181 Call the UxPool at 905-852- • Be required to pass a physi- Wiggles and Giggles: 2 years 6 - 7 p.m. ext. 210. 7831 or check us out at cal test of bona fide occupa- and up; Mondays, February 2, COUNCIL 7 p.m. www.town.uxbridge.on.ca to tional requirements that will 9 & 23, 10:30 - 11:15 a.m. Public Meeting - Vicdom TENDER U15-01 get information on times and be conducted by an outside Clowning Around with Jo: Sand & Gravel prices. agency. The cost of such test TREE REMOVAL Wednesday, February 18, ZBA 2014-05 7:30 p.m. Let us help you with your will be the responsibility of the 10:45 - 11:30 a.m. New Year's Resolutions! candidate. In advance of Wednesday, Jan. 28 Supply of all labour, equip- Family Fun Night with a Lego undergoing physical fitness Budget Meeting 1-6 p.m. ment and material necessary theme: - Thursday, February NOTICE FROM THE testing, candidates must sub- to perform tree removal for 26, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 29 UXBRIDGE mit a note from their physician specified roadside trees. Budget Meeting 1-6 p.m.. stating that they are physical- Sealed Tenders will be FIRE DEPARTMENT All the programs above ly capable of taking such test- received until 2 p.m.
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