I" THE PACIFIC OHNGRCIAL ADVERTISER, VIUIM-- H Tawrwday Marssla. at Six TO ADVERTISERS AND SUESCRICSR. Errrr FayaMe ia. Obituaries, funeral inviutkms and notices sr rommnninuions ,r. A4Tacc intended only to bsaeflt as iudhidusTt bnninsss, wiUbe charred LeP, Kria.to foreism countries win be $7 per annum, as adverttseiaeats. forwarded sul:-)a- ot .Vers the Aroerlcaa ponup and the expense of forward- -: AdrmtsMuenu displayed U Urgsr type than assal,r the office of publication. , An papers foe American to iiearter charges. J : c. ic ' ftpports, wilt have Amertcaa postage stamps on them, Subscription f. r the Commercial Adrertisw and Adver-larmen- ts prerent any American postaoe bem collected on are payable i.srinaSLT 1 aovsXCB. foreign suecribTS, who pref it. can hare their TT No transient adreitlaineiits wiU be Inserted. wtetM rss Lrr -- - -- .. UrwnW thmoirb the Hawaiian mails, an.1 wiU be requir-iu- e rain. i .. fslaad of $1 v4 at the Honolulu post office, XT Correspondence fros ill parts of thePacttw erffl always pecharge of 7. be very acceptable. , L, to the shore f ...... ,...... ,.. n-.- xs at which AorirrtxemsTB IU at cwabckd. ot an'Trrtisracnts (fir insert loo) per line . 10 eta. COMMERCIAL PRINTING OFFICE. da.1 " " Sets. ' r.A uhmniil u- " v-- earfs. (not exceeding 8 nnes) per annum $5 00. " PLAIN AND FAHCT ' - - BOOK AND JOB PI1INTINO . sMJCSI AS f not exceeding 10 lines space) first insertion $1 00. BOOKS. BILLS OF EXCnANQB, , CATALOOrKV tULLs or LAV1U, will be charged at the following rates BILLHEADS, C0N8CXAR BLANKS, Adtebtlisss- . .I. ...ma - - payaoie t.ne exi - .W vCUtCCLARS,- - BLANK DUM, - 5 - i wmtf lineal ner quarter - f 00 AUCTION BILLdV , BAWD BILLS. . of a eolamn per quarter - " - J 12 00 rAMruun, SWOP BILLS Srth a eotamn per quarter - - $2000 rr tisitiko. business, and addreu cards le ' priftied os) a "Ifsokes Card Press,'' U the Ugaost etyte of the column s" ' - art. v . rj .! . ;. . a ",,,,,,B,,,,"11""""saaaBasaasssaasaasassBasss '. : r r PUBLISHED WEEKLT BT t . i. immercial Advertiser. liKAUV M. 5 l,,.!,,,,, SIX DOLL.4RS PER AVXCM. WillAWKl. HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, SEPTEMBER 30, 1S5S. ) VOL. Ill, K. 14. WHOLE Ke. 110. Ipesk Hi Bitter WereU . " . SATIIER & CnURCn, UaBker. business - Wnold'st th"0 a wanderer reclaim, Carh. gnsinrss- Carts: Dousts ani pantos. cfartiffir Carts. . CORKER CLAT AND BATTERT STREETS, , , . X wild and restless spirit tame. BILLS OF EXCHANGE ' ATSIGRl Cheek the warm flow of youthful blood. DRAW to suit, as follows 1 . A. P. EVERETT, HAWAIIAN' FLOUR COMPANY, Mr. ns fsYSSLC ' " lost one back to God t 100-- tf Valuable Real Estate for Sale! JOIIX AsLEX.?IATnEWS, ' at lead a A. EVERETT, EfIFORTAIT! -- ' Ant Treasurer and Agent. . " - COMMISSION MERCHANT, . New York, . Aerlean Kxchange Bank thy spirit's wrath be stlrrM, ,- - Paoe, If Janlon's new block, Queen COMMISSION MERCHANT, ICH AND SOCIETY ISLANDS Boston, . - Bhos and Leatner Bank word-S- peak street, Honolulu, II. I. " SPEI-- a- SANDW MaV Speak not to him a Mtter AGENT FOR THE THE RESIDENCE OF R V. G Q,neena Place. Sydney. doing business in' any part of the Pacifle PhiUdelphla, - ,. . DrezelACo ' ' vtn, sicuaiea on.ine vtaikifci noan, (wo miles - - Bros, Mtfr word may be REKERKXCE3. New York Board mf Honolulu. The premises F0L'R--out! XT Reference to W. L. Grkks, HonoloJu, 8. 1. 104-- m Ocean, will always find Bnltimore. Johnston, k Co antthat Uaderwrltrra. of contain alwut L a La rye mud - - ' - ' ' Esq his destiny. Messrs. Saxpso The ondersigned takes leave to notify Merdiants, Ship Masters ACRES of well fenced Land, Dwelling House, and WellSeIeel Cincinnati,' A. J. Wheeler, The stamp that seals TarrAS, Boston. all other ne ' . ... , St. Louis " naskell ft Co., Exchasve Bank - K. I). Bamaail . .. sic, mat ne has been duly appointed as Agent for the cessary There is also a great variety of fruit trees ; Stkof - gone k Co, New EASTRA & CO., ' PiUaiairg. - . D. Jouca, Cashier Uwidrly he hath astray. BrrLca, Kmtu & York Board of Cnderwriters. IVaches, Apples, Cherry, Apricot, Nectariiie, Mulberry, Mango, French, British and American -- Hiio LouLrille, .' . - A. D. Co 13-l- y - . - COMMISSION , Hunt k way, Honolulu, July 1, 1857. 63-- ALKX. J. CART WRIGHT. Uuince, ana a variety ol native rruit, uocoaouts, etc.' There are AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, ' And dark excess has marVd his tf FANCY DRY GOODS and - r Charleston, . " If. W. Connor k Co five fish ponds on the premises, containing about 20,000 fish, of - pitiful hot yet beware. Ilakodutli, Japan. New Orkans, . . - Benoist, Shaw It Co TU a. ' which one fourth are fit for use. The ponds r- CHA. Bissor. WM. are supplied by a " A. ALDSICB. AGENT FOR THE SMALL WARES, at .' - miii- -, ., - - Reform mart cm from kindly eare, At never failing stream of mountain w .ter. The land is all in good A LL Kinds of Fresh Provisions furnished J also,' Ship's BISHOP CO., Liverpool -- XXCHAN0B ON . , , Hps to more Underwriter's Association. cultivation, anil Imunded with Shade Trees of every description lj stores ana snip ihandiery, at bosoldlc raicss.. Sc , ' PnrbH thy partin Office M The undersigned begs Unghes Wallace's, London, ' . Bankers. In the east corner of Makee's Block," on leave to notify Merchants, Ship owners, auapceo - Whalemen'. Drafts taken, Ac. . 71- -1 y gentle tones f lore, Ship to tins climate, reraous uesiruua oi purcnasing, would " Bat In the and roasters, that he has received the appointment ol uo wen vt can ami examine uivse preouses. ifOS. 105 AND lOT SACRAMENTO STREET, sdty hi young heart hath err'd, Will receive depos U, discount first-l- ass business paper, AGENT at these Inlands for the LIVERPOOL UNDER IXarT Tboaeh and - Terms easy. Title fee simple. : poUetea, (at follow- . Iwsras Tavisrms. open the word. attend to col lectin. trt-- WRITER'S ASSOCIATION.- ...... For particulars, Inquire of R. V. SPEIDEN, AVilI. II. KELLY, SaaFrsBcica,CaLt h Ssir svn ndv Speak not to him a bitter ii'in offices tn New York 1 Mat July tf ROBERT C. JANION. COMMISSION Consisting in part of ' ' ing named Atlantic sal Inswaoee Co.; On the premises : GENERAL MERCHANT, . , Sun Mutual Insurance Co.; Union Mutual Insnranee Co.; Pa- he wiU not Or A. 3. CART - The lowering frown bear. 11. W. ' WRIGHT, - : , White goods, embroideries, , ribbons Mutual Co. CsxTirirATs ee Depoe-- tr FIELD, . , TAHITI,-..- f cifle Insurance Pracaass chiding wlU not - AGENT FOR LLOYD'S 114-- tf r Honolulu. nag The hears Commission Merchant, Honolulu, Oahu, Sandwich Lslans. Will supply ships with provisions, Ax., and advance money on Millinery goods, hosiery, gloves, hdkfs - ' axd othkb bxcslssoc, and transast a general Rank Bust 1 The undersigned begs to nofify Merchants, Ship owners " P. BATHER, The anient spirit will not brook By iwrmlssion, he refers to ' to and favorable terms for bills on the United States. 43-l-y Suspenders, cravats, shirts. Collars, fancy cutlery - Deft. Shipmasters, that he has received the appointment ot ! I''"- 102-fl-ra B. W. CUL'RCn. of sharp rebuke : ColRc for Sale . The tio(ring tooth C. W. Castwkic.ht, President of Manufxcturers' Inaomnos AGENT at these Iflands for L1.J lYD'S LONDON. Plantation Scissors, combs, brashes, perfumery, toilet articles; steed AUEs j r.Lr.ib a a wmHst not goad the restless Comiany, Boston. . July tf ROBERT C. JANION. am Yankee notions, hrberdashery, etc., etc. Thou " BUTLER, -, Messrs. II. A. - - W. hi fir- to cheek hit speed ; Pirbcb, - - Boston. rTlTCOMB COFFEE PLANTATION, Imitation shell round-bac- k -. . T ealm Travsb, Rics Co., CUSTOM HOUSE St COMMISSION AGENT osnbs tones be heard k " ; ' " Then M n angry Unwun Morr RuBixsnrr, - New Bedford. IIAMniTRGIalREMEN , . AT IIANALEI, KAUAI, MANGONVI, NEW ZEALAND. Black feathtax, beads, etc., etc. (i Speak not to him a bitter word. Johs V. llARRrrr k boms, Nantucket. Is offered for sale. The Land of the Plantation comprises up XT Shippfag- - supplied c" the most reasonable terms. Lat Pcrki 6mTa, - - New London. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. wards of and has upon it oO.OOO CoflTre , . 35 S long. 173-38.- . , 41-l-y make him feel k 1050 Aerrs. t ICT'A n inspection 'orou r sfoc k is' solicited. Go kindly to him B. If. 8sow. - ... Huuululu UNDERSIGNED. Agents of the above Trees, The land is well adapted to the cultivation of sugar Toor heart yearns deeply his weal; 23--tf - . THE are prepared to insure risks against fire in and cane. The estate is unencuraoeren, ana win ne sow ry ree f D. C. MCM7ER. J. C. MKSiUIX. O" Our importations are direct from Brit- Tell him the dancers thick that lay about Honolulu. Simple Title. For full particulars and terms of sale, inquire of For particulars apply the office. ' 10tf-- tf - B. W. r IELU. HIcRUER & and Europe. . , Armnd his M widely devious C. A. Si II. F. POOR. at HIERRILL, ain r ? :, njf MELCnER.3 CO. AND . . "WOOD. him back IMPORTTRS AND COMMISSION k AUCTIONEERS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, CO" DESIGNER AND ENGRAVER ON shalt thou win him. call MERCHANTS, Hono ulu, Oct. 11, 1857. OS--tf One of the firm always Si TO' LET, DOHB'3 WARKHOrSE, in the market. j; Mire's smooth seductive track, ' ', i From pies HONOLCLP, OABC, SANDWICH ISLANDS. 47 49 ICT All BOTD RESPECTFCLLT INFORMS WITH. . . . . POSSESSION. .... ty 1' FROM. . THE. . 1st. Nos. and California street, orders executed with promptness li thou kindly given - rest-J!1- L customers that he designs and engraves every desorip And hsst REFKR TO it,, oi vctooer proximo .iiL,r, r. lj cuiiAUb,tt inn tne r ' ' " TC. Fire Insurance Notice. . . Advertising Views Buildings, Goods, Wares, wand-re- r np to heaven. Gkorgi F. dence of O. II. Lure. The house contains parlor, sitting SAN and dispatch. ,. tion of Cuts, of May rui. le the Pkabodt, Eiq., - Philadelphia. FRANCISCO. 't Masonic, Odd Fellow UA.4KKL- . room, bed rooms, dining room, cook house, bath Patent Articles. Portraits, Labels. and Elisha I- Ksq.. - - New Bedford. THE NORTHERN ASSURANCE CO. three house. ' REFKR TO : JO-- Messrs. - rWMIE hers to notify to par- - carriage house, stable, fowl house, and every convenience for a PRODUCTS OF THE ISLANDS Temperance Seals, Notary Publio and County Seals, (brass or EsiZlials Graainar. Reao, Chadwk k Uextsb, Boston. UNDERSIGNED thiae Capt. James Makee, Honolulu; Capt. D. C. Waterman, wood.) Bill Head Vignettes, Newspaper needs, Serious or Comic m. wno nave insure,! omce 1 family. Water from government pipes carried to every part Babbv Co., New York. ties in this wooden buildings or the 14-o- aldo, k Honolulu ; Messrs. Oilman k Co., Lahaina. m RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT. Book Illustrations, etc. Stamps of every kind engraved on cop- - Frand-ico- . their contents within the precincts Honolulu, eonse- of house. . though box .. Abcbsbthv, Clark k Co.,...- - San of that in - the corner of remember, brass or. wood. 5 ClaT btbskt, Sansome, Brr - - sequence of the continued erecti'm of large and hiith wooden I Also bout one acre of excellent grazing land, with a never Ser, IS Baoosb k Usdksbkrgib, San Francisco. MORGA9. ' HATHAWAY. K. STOKE. ploral makes boxes. 9-- bmlilings narrow failing stream water running through the same. . S. GRirriTTS C. 8. r. Francisco. In the tf close toeether in streets, no more risks on tim- of f & .Wallace,------Hughes ? - N. B All orders from the Islands, sent through n." M. plural of ex . ber constructions in the town will be Liken, and .those aire ad v 117-- tf . Apply to O. II. LUCE The takeo will not be renewed on the expiration MORGAN, STONE & CO., WHITN EY, Esq., Honolulu, will be promptly executed. lOJ-l-y SjjoU be oxxs, not exes. C. SPALDINO, of their terms. IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, I! J. KUKKKT C. JAJilON, . Commission and Forwarding Merchants, San Francisco, Cat - Comic 63--tf TO LET. 105 and 107 Sacramento ttreet, San Ftanettco, Cal. Grammar. Commission Merchant, and Importer, Honolulu, Oahu, 8. I. Agent for the Northern Assurance Co. References, T. S. Hathaway Esq. Messrs. T. k A. R. Nye, LAWRENCE Sc HOUS EWORTH, - v. " n anted. Bills of Exehanae on the L . 8. and fcurope. C'on-- ai ALL THOSE WELL ENCLOSED PRE-- Swift i: Perry, New Bedford, Messrs. Grinnell Minturn And remember, thoujrh fleece ahriMMl promptly pro- mises heretofore occupied by O. W. Macy as a private ' k k CLAY STREET. fromerits from attended to. Island NORTHERN ASSl'RANCE COMPA- -I Co., New York, John M. Forbes Esq., Boston, Messrs. Per-- - 1-- piIE residence, adjoining Mr Montgomery's garden, on Smith N. B. Sole Agents OPTICIANS. aud Retail Dealers In and Importers of In the plural is fleeces. duce of all kinds taken in exchange for goods. Jy tf ny. (established 1336.) For Fire and Life kins Smith, New London, Daniel C. Waterman Esq. Hon-- " for j Bridge, and eight minu'es' walk of the wharf. . The houses con- -i Optical, Mathematical and Philoso;hical Instruments, have for home and abroad. 185-t- f. the plural of goose olulu. July 1, & Clark & Co's celebrated Spool t - That - ' sist ufa lance parlor, with a splendid view of Nuuanu A'alley, a J. J. ; sak the largest assortment of Spectacles and Eye Glasses on the I Aren't cooess nor eiBPt, W. A. ALDRICII, Cnpilial 1,259,7 CO. Strrlia. dining room, four good bed rooms, pantry, cook and well. Pacifle Coast. Also, OperaGlasses. Telescopes, Drawing Instru- The undersigned has been appointed A rent for Snndarioh houe Sc . Importer ral ; the Marshall Co's (Leeds) Thread ; ; Uydrwnetets, Magnetle Exchange Paper. and Dealer in Merchandise Commission Wands. ROBERT The garden is well rtneked with fruit trees, and the situation is ROPE WALK ANU OAKim ments, Spectacle Cases. Thermometers. i : Aarent for M ln-- s Coffee, CHESHIRE JANION. A family will Galvanic Batteries, Magic Lanterns, ' " ' the 8ale of Suirar. and and other 7-- tf. cool, picturesque and salubrious. find it a most machines, etc . , ; ' at Honolulu. Societe Hygineque Perfumery. . o Spectacle Aod remember, thoujrh house Island Produce. A ifen t ftr the Lmra Clastatios. Con desirable residence. Inquire of JOHN MONTGOMERY. FACTORY. Messrs. U. A II. pay particular attention the simments of all kimls of Island Produce solicited. Orders 117-- tf Merchant street. branch of the business, having years of experience, and a perfect In the plural is houses, for Merchandise promptly attended to. 86-- tf E. HOFFSCIILAEGER k STAPEMIORST. : knowledge of the art of adjusting and fitting the proper glasses OF EVERY SIZE - HUGHES St II" - The p'ursl of mouse CiORDAGE WALLACE, to the eye, and assisting and restoring the sight. r - .v- Ascent f.r the TO LET. to order. Constantly on hand, a large as- Shuoid be axes, and not Morses. SCOT. c. mblcbsrs. nxntr bbisbrs. PARIS AND BORDEAUX BOARDS OF UNDER 105 AND IOT SACRAMENTO STREET, Persons at a distance wishing a pair of Spectacles, by sending TH F WELL-KNOW- N" PREMISES sortment of MJ.flLA AyD ROPE, (all sites). Bale a glass from the old pair in a letter, or stating their age and the Philadelphia Gazette. WRITERS. , " C6- -lj 8AN FRAKCI8CO, JIELCIIERS & CO., near the comer of King and Mauna Kea streets, formerly Rope, Tow Line, Oakum, ke., for sale by TL'BBS k CO., CALIFORNIA. distance rrom the eves they can read small print, may procure Commission oceupieil by C. W. Vincent, as a carpenter's shop and lum from us a p to suit them, the same price as If, they were I AH of Which goes to prove Merchants and Ship Chandlers, Honolulu, Oahu, 80-l-y 139. Front Street, San Francisco. ' lr at AVIS AlTpCBLIC. ber yard, and more recently by Messrs. II. C. Leonard Co., here in person to select them. ' I0i-fl-m a farce is; a. 1. Stone store corner of Kaahumanu and Merchant sts. That Grammar Money advanced on favorable terms lor Whalers bills on the, Lcs Soussignes, two good huildines being; on said premises, fit for a carpenter's plural ayant ete nomrnes Ajrents ponr le3 storage purposes. For terms apply to For where Is the V. 8. and Europe. July 1, 1S56-- U trade or OF COPAR 1NERSUIP. Adsureurs mantimes de Fans et de Bordeaux, M M. PFLUGER, DISSOLUTION STENCIL , 1 Of rum and molasses J. PLATES. previennent le publio en gSnentl led Capi-taines- de 119-- tf ' 11. Hackfeld Co.'s .Tew York Gazette. et k S. N. EMERSON, navires marchands franr.tis, qui visilent miTG COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE Oahu, Dealer In General Merchandise, M of EDW AKDS & WAL- "7IOR MARKING BOXES, BAGS. sYe. CUT Waialna, Country Pro . existing under the name ami style to Order, lowest by BCRKK CO., The ploral Gaaette such as Corn, Beans, Bananas, Eggs, lea ports de ce roynume, en ptrticulier, que dans FOR SALE OR LEASE. TON, dissolved, having expired by limitation. The 7 at Uk rates, It I 59 duce Butter, sc. is this dav Jacksox stkkbt. Sax Fbaxcisco. ALSo-NasBee cwt ia Cop- Of mm don't us trouble; 63-- tf . ttius les cas d'afaries, qui auraient lieu dans ces KNOWN PREMISES afTalrs of the late Arm will be liquidated by A. b. KDWARDS, THEcalled the WELL" Mazeppa Hotel," formerly the Telegraph." per, for marking dothes, books, etc, with indelible ink. Take so glass ton much parages, its devront, faire constater et verifier who will continue the Wtsolemle Liojuwr Bnainrsas. N. B. Orders left with the publisher of this paper, will al I The above has been a licensed h'nse fr the Inst twelve sat lOO under the name and style of A. S. And you're sure to see II. SNOW, les fitits devant eux pour leg iliser leurs recla Bowling AlU-y- Front street, ways be promptly executed. lOJ-t- f botblb. F. years. Upon the premises are which have EDWARDS if CO. A. S. EDWARDS, Brooklyn Advertiser. Importer and Dealer In General Merchandise, Honolulu, Oahu, mations con t re les dits assureurs. always oommande I a good share of patronage. This lot will be N. C WALTON. II. I. 38 61-- tf , ED. HOFFSCHLAEOER k STAPENH0RST. 8'ild cheap or let upon an improving lease. For particulars ap-plr- to - . SPENCEK, Dr. L. Czapliay' The undersigned respectfully call your attention to their full J. u. 115 tf l Street. GRAND MEDICAL AND SURGICAL VARIETY. II. IIACKFELD & CO. FLORENS STAPENUORST, and vari-- d stock of Winraand Liquors. which has lately General Commission Agents, Ship Chandlers, Honolulu, been replenished bv recent arriva's from Europe and the East- and Agent for the Bremen board of Underwriters. All average claims prices. INSTITUTE, ' of elory citr, only create a hero; the con- - f TO LET, ern States, and which will be aff rded at lowest market ire Ualiu, S. I. July loo-t- against the said L nderwnters, occurring in or about this be-la- ' i, San Francisco, April 30, 1859.' Sacra au, MsMstajaasiery, 7 it creates a grent man. Kingdom, will have to be certified before him. July tf DUCORRON PREMISES. IN THE yTHEbest of repair, wih half an acre of ground, enclosed, ad- - 100-6- m .. A. 8. EDWARDS k CO. Opposite Pacific Mail Steanuhip Compsay's Office, ttTinnis Journal a.k if we can throw any ROBERT C. JANION, E Ay. Joining the Bntish Consulate, on Beretania street. In .,, w 8iN FRANCISCO, CAL. kiwinsr." we don't care to. The thing Merchant and Commission Aent, Uonrauiu, Oahu, S. I. Jy 1 t KRULI, & MOLL, quire of Ul-t- fl H. W. McCOUOHTRY. as well in the dark. Louis ciHe Journal. Agents of the Hamburg and Lubeck Underwriters, Honolulu, . A. S. EDWARDS & CO., Established in 1854, for the permanent oure ol all private and Oahu, II. I. July 1, 1856-t- f TO IMTORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN chronic diseases, and th suppression of quackery. ja look as thooih yoa were beside yourself," THOMAS SPENCER, LET, Attending ami Resident Physician, L. J. Cxirxar, M. D., late i THE HOARDING HOUSE IN THE the Hungarian Revolutionary War, Chief Physician to a fop, who happened to be standing by Ship Chandler, Dealer in General Merchandise, and Commission M hite Horse Hotel," with 12 separate bed Whines Liquors, in to the ig HONOLULU MEDICAL II ALL, rear of the and ' 1 1 111-- No. 107 Clay street, San Francisco, 20th Regiment of onreds, Chief Surgeon to the Military Merchant, Honolulu, Oahu, S. 1., keps constantly on hand DOCTOR McKIBBIN, Sun-eo- n, ke.. rooms, all furnished. Inquire on the premises. tf lOG FROST STREET, COR.ER OF WASHINGTON, an extensive aasortmeut of every description of goods re- SA A COM- Hospital of Pesth, Hungary, and late lecturer on diseases of removed St re occupied by Dr. Lnthrop, FFER FOR E FULL AND - women children. Communications the collection of Talleyrand'a aphorism re-- quired hjr whaleships and others. Has to the lately In San Frasrlsre, Csil. plete assortment of desirable , and strictly ennfldentlaL Queen Street, wh- -i will be lyguHrlv . O- o Consultations by otherwise, -. n, he. lUuDlied with OR letter or free. Address Cmr- pnMihexi, we select lew reveal Shlppiac fornisacd with all kind. ftfsToaeriew-sovtsia- J FOR SALE-. RENT. JONES, FORMERLY OF II - L.J a that the McdMnrl, , eic., oi me II K . OK- - sOTRTS W. 70-- very nnces. tlTIlinoTJ 'mi ,uni.v. THE CORAL, - i respect-t- o DRUGS AND MEDICINES. 1 M. Dn Sao Frauciseo, California. 3a roan : at the shortest notice, at tne lowest market Family Medicines and lrescriptions can fully prepared. n of Merchant and Kaahumanu streets occupied by fullv soiic'uaU'iefS ffswvwl rth.ft-aJw- vt flrnu.aliul but, ami pint of the Money advanced for whalers' bills at the lowest rates. XT of merchandise, at the usual will guarantee satisfaction In every particular to" those wnmarrof CT Meilicine Chesw examined and refitted on reasonable terms. Dr. McKibbin. - Possession riven on the first of August the purcliHsa of all descriptions XT 'iim . M-d-m ; Infrt lict ani arable with a total otranr, ia Attendance at the omce irotn b a. m. uii o p. at., on ween next. The premises are 3U oy ow leei, ann win oe enrionea u rales or commission. them with their custom. TOWN Hm1 MAHRET. kcking at a gate to ascertain if there is any days, and from 8 to 11 a. M. on Sundays. At other times desired, and the house put in good order. If sold, the terms - 111-- tf THE VADKKSIUXEU D. N. FLITNER, at his residence. Union street. will be made easy. Inquire of BARRY & PArrEN, EXCIIA1TGE. having opened the above Stand fcrf new Honolulu, July 20, 135S. 103-- tf ASHER B. HATES. ATIERICAX Ka ekiswwaiai tmpi wlnm AM ttltt) f Continues his old business at the new store in Makee's tire mi is o ereat charm in friendship, that there j-- .ra: proof building, at the stand recently occupied ny vr. CIIAS. CITILLOTT, M. D , IMPORTERS, WU0LRSALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN (formerly wilson's exchange,) 1 "D"i'i" t, it in F. x, a kind of pleasure in acknowledging onrself Queen TO LET. keeping their market supplledwhh the best Bbsv, PkK. Mrr-to- Hoffmann, corner of and Kaahumanu streets. Physician to sick c, Late Surgeon United States Navy, Consular J-- ; . Botohoring 'T the sentiment Chronometers rated by olwervatios of the snn and stars 1 WINES, LIQUORS, DEMIJOHNS, UP TO THE GRADE, Sacsaoss, and everything pertsinlns; to the it inspires. American seamen. Office next door to J. naming FOR 1EIROR MORE.TIIK MRUB IS they solicit a contluuaUoo instrument accurately atljustel to tne dwelling house and belonging 66-- ly Business. Tnankful fur past favors, nna- with a tranit Kaahumanu street; Residence at Dr. 's Mansion, and cnmotli ius at., res- Virvled modesty is nothing more than - meridian of Honolulu. Particular attention given to fine William Bacle. situate in BeriUnia street, con 116 Montsfouicry Saa Francisco. Sansome St., opposite American Theatre, of the liberal patronage hitherto bestowed on them, and H itel sreet. Respectfully offers his professional ser tn Cant examine quality of the anitT; the too bumble obeisance is sometimes watch repairing. Sextant and quadrant glasses silvered shipping, ami to strangers sisting of three rooms and one laree room up stairs. SAN FRANCISCO. ' . pectfully invite the public to call and the vices to resident families, to the they otter sale dally the TJVTN MARKET, Kixu Led impertinence. and adjusted. Charts aod nautical instruments constantly generally. Medical and Surgical advice in English, French Th ere is a substantial and con vnient cook house and servants' ! ! stock at 4-- tf on Goods Fancy Goods SARGENT, opposite T. Walerfaouse's manuahi store. on and for sale. with a iroo.1 well and other accommodations Fancy t;:'.:; . MR. BAILT. , tbbct, J. hand Spanish, and Italian. Office hours from 11 a. x. to 2 r. .(...hnl...... pti i - GEORGE RISKLT, put u ion of a man is like his shadow gigan- - premises, and is altogether a very desirable and healthy iroprieior oi me Amman &.ciuuige, n.mw " " 4JIMiii fVV M .. and from 4 to 6 Ml. the iirA Kxehamm.) Item leave to Inform the Travel- - , Late of Washington Market. ii preccics a iiu, suu u up;i nun Ar At hours enquire at his residence. Jy tf I residence for a family. nu'i r t J rl HITSON HART. other A. ing commuuity, he has undertaken the personal charge of 113-- tf . ' 8. H. BEATTY. ft fallows Terms reasjnahle. Apply to Pahau, Carpenter, Printers F. BUOW, that Successors to Mr Henry Robinson, Wholesale Wine and Spirit to Mr. H. M. WHITNEY. 3ml08 OGJ BATTER F STREET, SAK FRANCISCO, CAL., that house. He has made extensive alterstl-m- s ami Improve- .. . . f T .. .1 . 1 n V.wim nt A. It, devoid of grace, is a mere book without mercnants, iionoiuiu.i..,.. ia. a., uipi-- i urcl a ...... DR. FORD'S r. ments, and has renovated the house tltroughout, making it the Everett, Auctioneer, nearly oiposite the Custom House. opposite Makee's OF EVERT DESCRIPTION first Hotel on the Pacific coast. There has been added to the CITY MARKET. He who cannot feel friendship ia alike m-- of P. Office and Drug Store, Kaahumanu Street, LEASE, IMPORTER Pistols, Percussion Caps, Pocket snd Table 32--tf - TO WILLLA3J MAXWELL, SALESMAN. block. Ship's Medicine chests reatted, and prescnpUons Brushes, Combs, Fans, Soaps, and a gen- House a very line . lore. Let woman beware man FIRE-PRO- OF AT - Cutlery, Plated Ware. a of the STORE PRE- M hit-hk-t, ' carefully prepared. l:.:;ilVTHEoccunied bv Messrs. Krull k Moll. Possession eral assortment or FANCY GOODS. Re.ers to U. M. SITTING ROOM AND DINING HALL, s that he loves no one but herself M. WOM BOLT. TH. c. cold, vapor, shower and medicated Baths, at all hours fvnt t - 104-3- m UNDERSIGNED HAVING BOUGHT ICT Hot, 5 SliC given on 1st next month. Apply tn Honolulu, Sandwich Islands. Newly furnished. In point of comfort and all the conveniences A Beatty, in above es- 7-- ly THE the Interest cf Maxwell the Coigny & r Water-hous- oant de posees witt and talent, Von HOLT IIEIJCKs . lOS-- tf CIIAS. BREWER 3d. which modern hotel keeping have rendered ssentiaL the tablishment, situated on King street, opposite J. T tonvers.-itio- is fatizntn?. because his memory General Commission Merchants. Honolulu, Oahu, S. I. Jy 1-- tf V SAWL. C. WrOODRlIFF, GE , New Store, hopes that the liberal patronage hereto ora E. HOFFMANN,. AMERICAN EXCHAN bestowed may be continued, as no pains or trouble will be p exict in oaotine the date of the death of TO LET. ANDLER, STOREKEEPER AND ' Snnreon, office in the new drug store, adjoining on com- will compare favorably with any of the Atlantic Hotels The ' spared by the manager, Mr. Wm. Maxwell, In salting the taste Physician and HONO- - SHIPCII AGENT. Goods bought and sold - the (Treat. Princess de 21, Queen-stree- t. tf s4iTHE CELLAR UNDER THE nJ that f tne C. BREWER fc Jy l!. employed in various departments, and fr the store of II. Hackfeld Co., lulu House one of the most convenient in town capa-T-!!- mission. Ship and Family Stores put up at the shortest notice. best talent bas been the of all customers. poodle. Honnluln, Oahu, S. I. Money ''! BS.-t- the affords. Pat-- . of to render the quality of General Commission Merchant, We or storing about 400 tons. Inqnire of QlkbnV Road and Pottisgkr street, Hwagksmtf. the proprietor will set the tablb market Attention paid to selection stock, bills of Exchange on the Comer ol - - " . - ... advanced on favorable terms for CE3 TO SC1T THB TIHHS. ' the best obtainable. 4 meat is bZ-- CHAMBERLAIN, 106-- tf H.M.WHITNEY. C. ey f ice mm'wz on me rapidly," as the urchin S- tt E. Refers' to Thomas Spbscer, A. J. Cart weight. J. con--v- ' -, XT Exchange Coach is always in readiness to L. England and France. J. ; - ,104-- ly The American Orders punctually attended to, and delivered In any part of m ?teHnr apples from an eld mart's garden. Attorney at Low. Office corner of Kaahumanu and Merchant Spalding. Honolulu, Sandwich Islands. passengers to and from the House to the landings, or to any 109-d- m the city within two miles, free of charge. streets up stairs. SALE OR TO LET, Baggage free. - Mr. P. B. Smith has tbe owner coming, cowhme in nana, FOR part of the city, for $1 . Honolulu, July 1, 1868. 106 J. L' DOW SETT. . ALEX. J. CARTWRHiHT, SRVGR.iL ELIGIBLE BUILDINGS charge of the Coach. . " " . ; 60--ly very intoxicated was sent to durance vile. General Shipping Agent, Honolulu, nrt house lots, situited on different parts of Mauna Kea ' CABINET-MAKIN- G Commission Merchant and J. W. AUSTIN, - tf informa- vou bail him inquired abvstan- - II- - July J, 1856-- Honolulu. Terms very moderate. For GE. 4nt out?" Oahu, I. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. street. - - NEW COOPERA Ifriend. '' apply to 109-- tf W. MARSH. UNDERSIGNED HAVING TEIIAJWA IIOUHE, 65-- m tiou, etc., Office In Honolulu House, over the Post Office. services of an experienced Upholsterer, is now pre- BDCABD MOLL. THEthe Mat- OF CALIFORNIA AND 8ANSOME STS., ahim out," esclaimea the other, yoa BB.8T KBCLL-- M pared to make to order Spring Beds, Hair, Pulu and Hay CORNER DAIRY-FAR- FOR SALE. . TjTJWIO eb NORTOST, Old Solas, Lounges, Ottomans and . pamp him out." KRITLL & MOLL, PITMAN, tresses. Spring Lounges, ke. . . Ma- B. AT KAWAIIIAE-Gh- 3 repaired ami on reasonable terms. Furniture San Francisco, 'Cal. COOPERS, Commission Merchants, Kaahumanu street Bay, DAIRY FARM Chairs " Wwne of a stranser depends upon the name Importers and dealer In General Merchandise, Waiakea .TIIE seven miles from the port of Kawaihae, . HONOLULU. ,'" 1856--tf Ship Chandler and l"KA. nawaii, or all kiuds made to onler. FORT STREET, V block. July I, apon the coat he weirs : our farewell upon kee's B1LO, HAWAII. ' jCwith 600 acres of enclosed land. For particulars inquire Koa, black walnut, pine and lead Coffins constantly on band on an extensive assortment of every JAMES A. LAW, in Honolulu. Cabinet-make- r, would Inform their friends , he hts displayed - Keeps constantly hand f v ami made to onler. CIIAS. W. FOX, SUBSCRIBERS in the interview. CASTLB. J- - CO'- required by whale ships aiid others. B. LINCOLN, on premises. ot and the public generally, that they will be SAM L. B. description ut goods J02-- tf Or L. the 7o-t-f Stewart's Old Stand, notel St., near corner Fort. THE iPtei lent," sid a member of a school com-- . CASTLE & COOKE, Shipping furnished with fresh beef, Vegetables, and all kinds of happy, at all times, to greet them at their New Shop on Fort notice, at the below Drug Ptore of Dr. Jodd, and dlrevtly -- it West. I rise to up, and am not Wholesale RetaU dealers in General Mer- Groceries, and Provisions kc. at the shortest TO LET. Street, two doors the ret Importers and and very prices. . nORSE-SIIOElX- C ! opposite the Store of Mr. B. W. Fietd. AH orders with which fl to come at the old stand, corner of the King and School lowest market WELL-FINISHE-D forward fn the cause of edieation. chandise, Store facilities for storage of from 3 to 5000 barrels, being near NEW. NE AT. they may be favored, will be thsakftilly received and promptly streets, near the large Stone Church. Also at the Best 'TWOCottages, with outbuildings complete, near the Methodist been sv t been for ed;cation, I might have been as in King street, oppo- the landing, and free from thatched buildings. ImgCt rhnnnf, tn th enmnetition which has attended to.. formerly occupied by C. U. Nidiolson, Europe, for which money Episcopal Church. Apply to give notice as yourself, Mr. f. M Wanted, Whalers bills on the U. S. or commenced in Honolulu, I PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO OUAGING. XB President." site the Seamans Chapel. Agents J?ynf?l J. T. WATERU0USE. TUa i ICT 1856-t- will be advanced on reasonable terms. OU that I will shoe horses in a thorough and July 1, f anchor- fm ' J N. B. Terms moderate. truin village are two public houses. The eines. offers the safest and most commodious 1 workmanlike manner, at N B.t This port WELL-KNOW- N AND POPULAR JAMES L. LEWIS. r a etranzer, in- - age of any port in the Hawaiian group. Here you can give TO LET, ' ' stopping at one of them, THIS offers suerior inducements to the Traveling MJU : ' ' GEORGE W. NORTON. W UTAI & AIIEE, seamen liberty without danger of losing them by de IN LA their AND PREMISES . the landlord ho runs the bouse 2-- COTTAGE WILLIAM DCN CAN, to those wishing quiet home. is situated in r other .'" at Papakoa, and Iwo, spirits allowed to be sold jy tf recently oceupieil by Dr. White. The building Public and a It lin-Uor- for the Sugar Plantations of Aiko, sertion. No ardent THE 8tation House, King street. ia conducted ; ; - jrr.us repliefl, "Eervbody runs it Agents Deal- front and rear, and pantry, 93.tf Opposite the convenient proximity to the business center, and . narrey, , Importers and Wholesale and Retail Is 22 by 30 feet, with verandahsln European Plan, giving patrons the choice of obtaining HI. It. Mhere." atPuKHilo; estab-tnen- ts house, and other outbuildings. 00 the iu ers in China Goods ; have on hand, f.r sale, at their CILMAN & CO., servants' house, cook house, bath their meals at the restaurant connected with the house, or else- HOUSE, 8HLP.8iaN & ORNAMENTAL PAINTEB, Laha na, JMaui, several very superior grape vines in full HENRY ALLEN, " ' - r on King street, Honolulu, and at On the premises are may suggest. . house is on fire," said a utrantrer, rushing Ship Chandlers and Dealers iu General Merchandise, WATKRHOUSE, Honolulu,-- . where, as their convenience v KINO STREET, NEAR FORT, HONOLULU. Sugar, Molasses Syrup. Tea, Coffee, and a large and bearing. Apply to J. T. The Proprietor, wh:. has been engaged In this house sines prlor of a - DICKINSON, Lahaina. A DBUILDER, - sober citizen. Well, sir," was of general merchandise L A II A 1 N A , MAUI, II. I. 100-- f Or to II. v CARPENTER his many friends, OF WORK-I- N HIS LINE varied assortment ' opposite the store of Samsing ft Co. 1852, solicits a continuance of the patronage of KINDS rer of the 1 to what am in-- ir - storage. Cash Fort street; atten- ALL- be executed with dispatch, and ia a style remvt to itter, " cnse I Honolulu, August 1S37. . Ships supplied with recniits. Good facilities fur . which, as heretolbre, he will endeavor to merit by strict !t3-l-y A done with dispatch and at the . - the extraonji nary interest which you take li furnished for bills or exchange. FOR SALE OR TO LET, 1,1 WORK in his line tion to their wants and comfort. O. W. FRINK, BOOB. . ; . r Am. lowest possible rates. 66-o- m Proprietor...... ON KING Firs of my house ?" WOOD, THE FORETOP PREMISES - v J. II. - ' Apply to Jobbing done at short notice. .. ; cV . street. Term9 lileral. 77-l-y jonNsorr, ; lmaster, importer and Dealer in Roots and Shoes of every ROLLES CO., Honolnlu. Call and see. - ''v':': s. wishinz his pupils to have a clear Manufacturer, Harness, 100--tf C. W. VINCENT, Fort street, XT il!u-'tTHt- Pnmp. Dealers In . HOUSE CARPENTER, &c. i lith, it thus : descriTtioV. Shoe Findings, Sle, Bunr, Shin Chandlers and Commission Merchants and " '..' Ilere is an inr!e. Buck Skins ' 19. C.1 AW ndPite.it Leathers. Calf. Goat, Hoe, ami General Merchandise. Lahaina, Maui. Whalers furnished SALE OR,TOILET. WILLIAM MANN, BAKER, : WATER5I KING STREET, NEARLY OPPOSITE THE BETHEL, t. and therefore know that it ia there: but. Valises, Sparring Gloves, Foils, and MaskSjJBlack at the shortest notice, in exchange for goods FOR 1 Trunks, with recruits FOR SALE. AND TO ARRITB A uf 34-- tf DWELLING-HOUS- E AND PRE-- INTIMATES T II T ice it under this tecnp, you have fiiith In Hosiery, ke kc Brick Shoe bills. THE LEA VETO INFORM HIS FRIENDS HAS 350 bbls prime pork, ' " lTOESPECTFCLLV Brshev I-- tr or by sunsenner. on me corner oi " "' ' is prepared to execute any work in the above und, and Honolulu. H. L July misses occupied the BEG"the public, that he has lately opened a BAKERT in - - ' Lu he 850 bbls mess beef, 10J-- 4f there, though yoa no lonzer see The Fort and Merchant sts.. : Title, fee simple. " pub patronage. . it." Merchant and Alakea streets. - next door to the Center Market, nearly opposite - , Dopes to aierlt a share ef a t bel to understand perfectly : immediately. Kins- street, 100 bbls Uaxall flour. and the next JOHN THOMAS WATERHOUSE, CT Possession given the Bethel, where may be had at all times. FRESH BREAD, 15,000 lbs navy, medium and pilot bread, in casks, bbls and bM) A.P.EVERETT, U7- -tf - O. M. ROBERTSON. keep an assortment of . master askeI Ihem "what is faith ?" they Importer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In General Merchandise, PASTRY and CAKES. He will also - "Water crackers and Jenny Und cakes; batter, io casks; HONOLULU 44-- tf A II sells will of the best quality that can ! wuu one accoru, tea- . Honolulu, and Lahaina, Maul. Groceries. that he be Preserved meats, Boston cottjjn duck, Nos 2,3,4, 6,0; & DAGUERREAN GALLERY an apple under a - A - A5IBR0TYPE TTOTIOiVAUAIi, whale-boat- s, IIooolulu, Oahu, H. I- - FOR SALE OR TO LET. be procurer. In the market. Smooth-botto- m oars, boat anchors 53jy repacked. lll-4- m , .' on Merchant street. ' N. B. Sliip Bread dried and v - Slop clothing, patent blankets. ; hington correspondent is S. IIOFFMEYER. TWO NEAT COTTAGES AMBROTTPES, responsible for the w2 convenient ft small families, and nanny to tne nusiness assorted Manila cordage, Excelsior patent; DAGUERREOTYPES, TH. W. FROEBE, F. COLBURN, Merchant, dealer In Ship Chandlery, and Oenera.1 cheap, or to rent low. Title 100 eolls J. Commission i part of the town For sale HOOKRINDINCJ i ' 250 coils do do cordage, New Bedford simfao'y; 105-t- f Successor of H. Staugenwakl, 3ES 3T-- " Merchandise, Lahaina, Maui, H. I.- - Ships furnished with HENRY SMITH, a a fanny bit of scandal going here, XT 1? X TJ" 33 S. ee imple. Apply to " A 160 coils New Bedford towlioe-Whi- te about O Whalers Bills wanted on the C. aud Kuroe. Blacksmith. V OF STYLES ! O 98-- i. ARIETV Oahu. -- tf IN well-kno- 63-l-y street, Honolulu, recruits. TkONE Law boards from 1 to 8 inch ; lady noted for her exquisite Kaahumanu ' Jnly 1, 1856-- tf W neatly and substantially, and on fair terms. Books, oak plank and Storage. I bound to order. Portfolios, Scrap Yellow pine heading, Cumherlanl coal In casks ; ' and fine hair. room Mnsic, Newspapers, ke., v ln Hir ooened on to a - FOR SALE OR LEASE. Drawing Bonks, and Blank Books, made to i China matting white, 6--t wide ; GODFREY, RHODES, ... - - Books, Herbariums, Bnf--- BLACKSMITHS. kay, through which a trentleinan was nass- - J. WORTH, BELONGING TO C. T. officers of ships can have their Navigation and Log Tobacco Oronoko leaf, 201b boxes, lh pings. Dealer In Wine, and Spinti, Ale and supplied THE PREMISES order, - smoking tobacco, Man-- pe cry of fire was Wholesale 1 Merchandise, Uilo, nawail. Ships Averherg, Esq., corner or anu naunaxea sireeia. bonnd and repaired, at the Mission Office, falo chips and Turkish CUSTOM raised in the hotel. The Office, Honblnln. Po""' Dealer In General lun Books, and Charts, - No. S. OPPOSITE THE HOUII, the Pest . with recruits at the shortest notice, on reasonable terms .Immediate possession can be given if required. For Old Books rebound at short notice. Ua cheroots. No. 2 Manila cigars. up her window and put out her head to lSo-t- . "oTd'-Tma- exchange wanted. July f . terms apply to 0-- tf J fwm.agtArii.iiuMi-- also be left at Family ecoking stores, California and Island oats AS hfrtr the d might be. . . BiUs of .... h II. M. WHITXETI. A BOTE HAVING PtJITCTI ED inger What a sight did CLARK,' . ' - " SAMUEL RC5SELL io Jugs; octaves Dennis Maurics Cognas 'fi'THE s formerly occupied by Af . GEORGE :" ' store, Honolulu. Jeffries' strong ale, the M. Matthew, nt to - - the astonished friends passing by as Dealer" Dry and Fancy Goods, Hotel street between Nuuana FOR SALE. July 1. 1866.tr-- brandy ; sauteroe wine, in casks; ffXJCji are now prepared to execute Ship, Carriage aod Cart In 11 tf GEORGE C.SIDERS, Port Madeira - sans teeth, sans rouge, sans everything - and Maunakea streets. Honolulu, S. I. ...Copper ware, LOT SITUATED ON brandy, in eases; Holland, gin. and NisT Work, no the shoruwt notice aad Bsost seasonable f. and AND Manufacturer and dealer in Tin, Sheet Iron, .THE HOUSE undersigned. wines, cherry cordials and liquors, in cases. terms, bops by strict attention to hostnees se morit a share oerre toim ! Spalding's Honolulu, II. Waikiki present occupied by the " and a specter Is that you, street, opiiosite J. C. Erti Plains "t JUST RECEIVED. 10-- tf - Kaahumanu Office, or to 66-- tf of the public patronage heretofore so UbsraHy bestowed. exclaimed , ' a K.ireea. Tin and Conner Pumps. Bathing Tubs. --JL Terms liberaL Apply at this Sperm Oil and Whale Oil; HOWE, ! the affrigh el looker on. No," GEORGE G. gen - ;.-- JOHN LORD. SIDE GAITERS the poor streets on Bnnt and Shower Baths. Tin and Zinc Roofing, and a o.atf LADIES Ladies' foxed Francals gaiters, ; , woman. " It is Mrs. A." A few Lumber Merchant, yard corner of Queen and. Nuuanu Ship work executed with " - u assortment of Tir --' ,. do slippers. -- ncryrxr July eral 1-- Mrs. B. tf ": i? : ' onsirn, pr, left the hotel and Washington the Punchard iremises. July 1, TO LET. .. fancy ; '' FOR SALE BY THB UNDERSIGNED:. neatness and dispatch STOKES do buskms, SinPSMTTU AND GENERAL DLACSSMITH, THE TWO RECESTul Misses' fancy gaiters, . , . ' rEW BEDFORD WHALE erected in F.nt street, between King and Merchant sts. . COJnL,S C. LEWERS, to by Infants' boots, ' Q() RETURN HIS TnANKS FOR II. , can have them fitted suit -.- , -- r x some Parties wishing to lease - ; c aiodekx vclix. wretched 1-- Ues, , - line-- . Vv oppo- Honolulu. Jy tf . ' ' GitAllAH, . Men?s ,r ' 40 coiU New York whale : WOULDpatronage received while at his old shop, " materials, Fort Su H.C. terms, please apply to - bas o.ade and buiklUg early application. For , . . it his business to ascertain the Lumber do . patent leather gaiters, , Whalemen's Oars, in sets; site the Custom House, and at the same time notify Shipmasters GAUGER. 64-- tf B. F. SNOW. ' "'' i modern belle : I saw her dancinz in the COOPER AND " do glove top do. ' .TChalemen's slop clothing, vis t and the public generally, that be has takes the stand adjoining having recently purchased the POOR. ' tays. W. N. LADD, OVERSIGNED U-- t C. A. ft H. F. ; .Monkey and reefing jackets; v Messrs. Bcmxs A Ernccs, shipwrights, formerly eeeopied by Around her snowr brow were set BuUer, corner of LET. " :.' Hardware, Fort st. Honolulu. Jyl-- f , THE formerly occupied by C. H. TO Striped shirts; Captain Brown, where he it pranared to execute aH kinds of Ke Importer and dealer in dispatch """" ' hnndre dollars; such would have been Ofeea and Fort streets, is now prepared to execute with THE FOLLOWING OFFICES AND NEW GOODS! - " Gray do do; work in his line 00 the most reasonable terms, tn a smrkmasv. the above named place i In brink buihling. corner or uueeu ana TS-- eror any he may be favored with at th. - . Striped flannel drawers , tf jeweler to the question, "What all orders that 44 like BBaaner, aad with diapetch...... known as Makee OF . f E, O. HALL. opposite the Royal Hotel. Kaahumanu streets, generally the k MELITA AN INVOICE flannel do , do; diamonds ?' With or at his Old Stand, jL s Red the rentle undulation and call and CLOTHING, sdapted to Town Trads - in Hardware Pint)iU, an Masters are respectfully Invited to A ut lion, building, vis. : PER U0I1T ."' ,." Hickory hirts; . - . . . Importer and Dealer Gs, porn there rose fell exactly one Barrels, occupied by Dan. C. Waterman, duck Coats, , and. hundred general Merchandise, comer of Fort and King streets. examine his large and desirable assortment of Casks. The second floor, at present White linen Russia caps and tarpaulin hats; COrJCLULU CC7 7CZ2B two dollars and fifty cents. The sum bore E . : White Marseilles do, Woolen stockings, socks snd saittsiarj ? . TN?b!-00- for sale on the most, Messrs.' AUrich Bishop, suitable for White linen Pants, , . ' of a brooch gold and enamel. Her fairy - 0 barrels casks on hand and The third floor over k Best yellow Jon butter, in double packagasj . 'I '". of ' Frocks, ' ' . - . " ' CO'-A- . CHARLES W. VINCENT,. terms. 6iMf Black alpacca Prime pork; -- XT. J. RAT7LIN3 eft invested fifty represented by In- reasonable . Fashionably made. . "' in dollars, a undersigned would "Thfoffloeon ths second floor, (lately occupied by J. Makee, - me. - CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. The fe POOR. Manila cordage; TnANXXFUL FACT FATORS, Klin . U;. .a wla'ul h mm ian- - 1 107-- sale low by C. A. H. F. " FOa public, he has taken and Esq tf For . , a form his friends and the that ) ' . Dried apples; AttB are prepared, with their present C- - capable of storage for 1,600 ?- - 1 fifty more in two skirts of white on Fort street, oppostt LEASE. . The cellar of the above building, CaroHnarioe; - i . . aer)-hao-U with Ikard aad snap ; also, dollars HUM spthe premises Birr'rT LAND FOR SALE OR - ' supply aod tunllies sS Apply to - Vstefally down side of the latter were ad's Store, as a CARPENTER SHOP, and would FARM." situated In Pa barrels. EX " GOLDEN STATE." ' Best English boiled linseed oil; . y beats foot oiL each FOWLER 5-- ' bestowed. All orders in THE forty-seve- n acres. - tf CIIAS. BREWER, 2d. ; r - ;J ftw taSow, bows patronage heratofore so liberally lolo Valley, enclosed and containing Best do white lead; . . ET And always ready to buy er trade stosh. and In ami fiftv cents, which ad manv of Specifications and CARGO OF LUMBER . the various branches of Building, Plans, Ten-.lo- w.r Inquireof ENTIRE con- Best , do black paint; afl kinds of kitchen grease. h Tir! ' arriveil by the above schooner from Humboldt, - f .lwJr h"n had come to. The lower marjrin of the Cootractaattended to with promptness and disoaU-- SMITH. Dentist. THE - do green paint- ' . FOR SALE OR TO LET. : k 'Best " c CHARLES W. VINCENT. tnrmeriy sisting in part as follows ' ' . V "ed and fifty dollar skirts were edged with April 28, 1857. . PREMISES Spiriu Turpentine. J per . Honolulu, THE DWELLING - . some N. B DOORS, WINDOW SASH, and all other articles belaogiag to Robert Q. Davis, situated . between Dr. - 65 M Northwest Boards; 84-- tf . - A. J. CARTWXlGHT. TEAS fTEAS! Uitional dollars, the value of eight 93-t- t- " - , on and for sale. , . fcT taining to house building, constantly hand Wood's and Charles Bishop's residences. . . 91 Redwood do; FINIS TEAJsermktae silver fringe, a quarter of a yard in depth, VALUABLE PREMISES. 5 LlBch XTRA B. W. FIELD. for a term of years, Appiyto , .. . Scantlinif, assorted NCIIORS, CHAINS, CORDAOB, l( r waist, zone toeether, FOR S ALE OR LEASE B. BATES. 3T'M - ies. 1 to . takinir and cIasd I occupied by the Mdeigned. ASnER sA-- For sale by OEO. O. H0WK. . . 75 Coils Manilla, , inch, the Store Premises now tf li, ' 4 to be confined by one hand red and fifty II. FISCHER, 60 Russia tarred Rope, to 1 ' cote oTtrrxcrivc czl,- and French Polisher, Hotel Street, opposite ths The Building lately occupied by Vincent Anchors, weighing from 1700 to 2000 iask, . r7rafnla? . Pickiea, hams, Goshen bower, a.rsa.e, uer delicately-rounde- d, arms, toe glove or Cabinet Maker TO LET. WOOD. tor fc-- '.!y floor, Government House. 41 tf nmmn Annlv to Grenier, on Nuuanu Street, directly opposite Merchant FIRE Chain Cables, U Inch, 70 tathoma each, Corned beef la kers ass, cheese, sact id which - . ,n vn nrkV'sT! TO I.KT - LlJ Tire Wood, on the landing, t r" , being added to the gold bracelet shelves, : torjrood . 1m hani lor sale t ti j ' JU. Street. The lower part Is fitted with counter, tfhey A CORD :r t j ALSO v v'-'j- ' 80--tf ii A. r. the little wrist, may be said to have been ' ; upper part fine sleeping rooms, and fine cellar under same. neaTUCrfo Ships' of S3-t-f- street, near the Royal Hotel tic. y, 6 of best pattern Cabooses patent ISM, HONOLULU IRON WORKS. Merchant - ALSO witn one bundred and eleven dollars ana THE buiu uiu .m, mm w mvwm.. .; is now prepared to repair or One-ha- lf imh - of the Loft in large Btooe Warehouse ' 14-t- f) . . ;.. - ; :ht and and rpjlE I'NDERSIGXF.D -- The front Office over the Post- TO LET For sale law by if. O. BFAUIHO ....-.-.- ., For ssJeby eeots. puttin the at manutactura all kinds of machinery, mill gearing, wind mrr. TO LET. one-ha-lf of the Cellar under same. OLLS WIRE FENCING, " J. on Marine Street t and fcy si-t- ' - . '. f chaj. to. I figure, I say she wore four dollars forging and Smith work. - ffice. Snqulreoi.. " (31-t- f) A. P. EVERETT. should lass rearing, ship o Apply to CHA&. BREWER, 2p- - Ezrr feet, artboxei, lurgw backs, anvils Ac on hand and made to aJltf ' BLANK EXCHANGE! leea and three quarters cents on her ! - A LARGE AND ! SAFES V TO BE SOLD OR LET. - A A LEU'S etber was this thing of light, this creature SAFES Nuuanu Valley, about sails WOOD BOARDS, HIERCHAXT'S 'D W II "iron and and best quality of smith's - AND PROOF comrnodioas residence in HITE For sale by Blanks, la sett, for sais 91 to per oossa. Ms, arrayed from top to toe, exclusively of one excellent small sixed sugarclUr.mill copper train MiTPCRinR FIRE THIEF and a half from towa. Terms moderate. Apply to AA rely a,- - Also . t Dsoio k Roberts. Sostoo. 'For sals W CHASV to. Jnes. in three thousand two hundred and i ,ii ii. .fiir nfrwrV a. p. xvamrrr. Hoaoniht. Jahy X, sf Mf , mft AS. dollars aad fifty vn ewata.

O 1U

...... 1. 1. lime are Invariably new mu ll. -- w a Magnesia and prswi ity out of the district, as ho wiu --t Vt t t We notice in the Spirit BBeuS.'a Ol piSOU. VI til.iicrv nit. in Ekclahd ahd America. ' iuS"i name of the President of the NOTES OF THE WEEK. within it, ' .. ' f " i Woa. 1 Wapereent. IMPORTS. the cross with the the disputed superiority or tne will have to i 0 . cotiwnnoiAL. flag raised. Mr. of the Times that Questions. No, sir, he eannot-- he v ' Nna. .807 per en. , States, and the Hawaiian be - United Tmc Commkcial AltD its PATois.--- It is gratify- English and American race horses is now likely to ' v v !,'. Hoe. .313 per cent. From Pour O. T. per Glenooe, Sept. 2 180,000 ft I w deputy 60 cents or $1. . , Oaroan, S. C. Allen and Capt Hooper both deny that any testimonials sent to as of Market on the 80tu his is in wedxksdat evemxq, sept. isu. lumber, 12,000 shingles. ing to receive the frequent fairly tested, in a match at New he can appoint a deputy, as . , Of lims there were found on the islands, indicating that Question 4. Yes, sir, Nos. per cent. i marks which Commercial is held by Broeck'a mare Prioress 10.864 has been this week, and oa Che street" we the estimation in the October, between Mr. Ten m has no right aaiet whole. you . vK1j ncrwms. but be Noa. 9 .188 percent. . many bevvy earroes of INTER-ISUAX- they had been previously visited. The a newspaper carry 11 stone, one nnj, r . r '. " Var maaj r an plaints of dalln 80 D TRADE. its subscribers. The task of publishing and Capt. Little's Poodle, each to ..p-- -- Jloa. .16 per cent, n rchmadiaa sow dealers have will whatsoever to pay them out oi are roBy doe at thai pott, that bat transaction has been laid before this government is generally a thankless one, kicks, curses, and owners to This most likely The was nearly all potassa, thtnrV nJ sea-- mile, and the ridef The law is very alkali l'Je incttaatioa to parehaae, harm Iran probaWr of a doll From Koaa, Hswan per Kekauraohl, Sept 25 6 baas coffee, CJomnussioner. ' ' judgment, Kwherever these may be. cr - by the United States too often the rewards received. An are men of, sons, which fleet seem to eon 3000 oranrea, 100 cocnanuta, 8 cords firewood, 20 hogs, 3d fowls. abuse .being be a fair trial, as both riders have tq work six days uniformly a iracaoi nunout on. w J the anfarotable reports from the ' - the taxable persons " From 1 per Keoni Ana, Sept bndls tohanco, 60 bo rememlered when noticing the whose name we shall always irWe 'also1 notice that tbisWi and e aa n of many descriptions of goods, Kin 2711 It will that old whaling skipper, and sporting capabilities, for payment. these tne prouuewon oi sugar, or toe euw baas coffee, 3 bbia sweet potatoes, 13 bnchs bananas 125 bMs . Prio- ;or pay ?2, and no' right to Oonrract . wSeeeby prices may be awnsonlly d pn awl beef, Mw pork, 10 bidea, 1 cord firewood, 2 hogs, 3 fowls, 684 return of the Kalama from Cornwallis Island in look at as a beaoon on our subscription list, subscribed match is to come off on October 11th, between is sup- complex organlo tissues or juices, 2 Question ? Quite correet; the Supervisor any W00J4 J There haa oot bent a very aclire movement tooag merchan- balWvk bona. July last, we said that it was probably the same to the first volume of the Commercial, and when be Beadsman, (the Derby winner,) to xnere waa ay sheep, 11 ress and eh in d Sept bass impossible, tman whalers Ibis week. The brlfrantine Glrncoe an-ire- yes-t-rd- From KsHcxri per MoikHke. 2510 have some .HUld oats, 2 bbb) nvdasses, hbU potatoes, 600 feet koa hunber, 22 been visited Palestine.''1 left port ordered it not to be stopped. The order B. M., ( mile and 17 posed to . Nos. 1 6SS per cent. 180,00 tret of lumber, partly eoo in island that had by the carry 8 stone 7 pounds, ' from Port Ortord, with kess sogar, 18 bags beans, 21 bags flour, hides, 10 goat skins, ferred to a thick skulL : . Nos. J .40 per cent Is government to act with stands against his name, which la as good as gold, in 500. is considered a.. race f V, ' Aku of the dear cedar of that region. The lumber market This should have led the yards.) for The r dis- , 5 646 per cent. 10 bndls pot v latter Question 6. I cannot say how many taxation : ,No.8 heavy, quite difficult of sale. We no-- From Knsi per Maria, Sept 2 S cords firewood, 20 bbls newly-discover- ed any sea where his keel floats. The paper bas been she receives 28 pounds, aod canroea are Jaat bow caution in assuming authority over much in favor of Prioress, as general . - ;)usl -imnortant not anl fn 7 of cane, bananas, etc a little on Kauai, but, as a aiM- 1 1 il.ins .Ireland Dew lumber yard is to be started la Honolulu, of potatoes, pkgs liquors, fot sucar un- equiv- tricts or Supervisors are ohuw. j that a From Kawsibsb per Mary, Sept bullocks, 35 sheep, make inquiries accordingly sent without interruption, though in words, 2 years, which is considered all cereals, ig 2412 territory, and further or other are better worked the sugar cane bat for present W ch the Gleneoa't earro win form the nodeae. 00 bbls beef, 100 do potatoes, 60 hidm, 3 keev butter, 8 bora. paid. A day or two since we received a long letter rule, people say the roads tnh3r - Towusend and Sept 26 W bbls beef, 124 bWs mo- before publicly confirming an act of trespass. alent to that weight. and U is prooaoie that The Senas- Fmrd sailed 00 ber return to Port From Kstrai per Excel, ocean, from Mr. used to be. rate quantity, tbt J ' from our friend, dated in the Arctio Morphy and ti- - goid mining eountry, on the 24th. - lasses. 63 hides. The bubble however has at length burst ! The The chess match between Paul satisfy Kauai" on the residue of the soil may, by proper trestmen, j For Kaarxn per Kamoi, Sept 271200 feet hunber, 10 bdls on.' at last P. S. As I have tried to Xha Alice, from Baa franciaco, U much overdue, and were It 1 which we quote: Lowenthal is at present going The former hoop iron, I ton coal, 68 empty barrels, horse. guano annexation scheme will become in history will be so kind as to let me have it n quantity tor an lnaenntte time to eon . that ber sawns qualities are pretty weB understood here, For Lab-aI- per Sept pkgs mdse,20bags u you have not discontinued my paper, please call on Capt, game out Road Act. maybe he at Moikeike, 27153 If you dates was in the ascendant, having then one may hourly ex-- onions, 1 deck passenger. . as famous as the South Sea scheme. Kalama and T. Spencer for whatever may be due. I would not have following subject, . tests might be lauitssul for ber safety. She be ul- his manao on the - - atop it, under any consideration. You cannot hnaaine the eager- of two, the other be'in a draw game. Should he r- No; SOO per cent asm haa piubaWy asached at Hila and Iha'na . Cornwallis Islands are vanished, at least so far as joy with with standing or the duties of 094 per ness with which they watch for It at home; and the match' is doubt but what ' 1. Does it agree the No. 2 cent. tor vn-an-ne- This, there little 388 The John MankmU has been placed on the berth Saa our government is concerned, and must be which they read It would more than repay y to behold. timately win the or his agent, to go in tho night to a Nos 8. per cent, freight lower PASE.VGERS. however, would not buy you your bread and butter." generally consid- a notary public TYiarJaco, and haa already encaged a large at rates he will meet Mr. Staunton, who is threatspartly by Nitrogen, chiefly in the form of ammonia, J go-- forthwith. &'c transit gloria mvndi ! . house, and partly by 'Via hare huHofute been raBng. We bear of 200 tons salt . subscriber, who left Honolulu last spring, dying man's Another ered the champion chess player of England. woman, measure in the surface soil, besides sogar, now stands, places this govern- sign a deed In favor of an old ent in larger nO Iion board, molasses, etc From Si Faaacwo, (at Lahaina.) per RapM, Sept 26 As the affair it writing from the States says: forcemake him Km otter apolneiea for a paucity of qaotations this week, boat-- Bailey and lady, Mrs V. D Little, Mrs 8 S Holley, G D previous day, while yet in be. It is in Cspt 8 ment in rather awkward position of trespass- . comes to as like a friend indeed The said man had the the The Advrrtiner . Fbikkds. We are happy to notice the return though Nos. 1 nX04 par eent. lam's sroce ear bvst oot admitttag a rery extensive review. Oilman, P H Tread way, Capt J H Swift, Jas A IHlr. elprht ot clean pases, la aa a breath from our tropic Old adopted son. A The Ha- iu orient made a will in favor of his Nos. 2 .SIS percent. From Port Oaroan per Glencoe, Sept 28 T Bolfe. ing on American territory. What! island home; its 4 notes' are as acceptable and as eaeerty several of our old friends, who concluded to give his senses, UOAB Favorable advices having been received from the and of . per r per Jenny Ford, Sept 23 Mrs M Hincbey, notary shares or even Nos. 8 092 cent. , For rr its fresh leaves damp Irom the press. look, said cm-- per Rapid, Lahaina, sugar in market Tmn waiian government turning filibusters! We have read, as when we opened wide in returning to Lahaina. 2. How does it if at nearly all the the Miss M Hincbey. - the metropolis a berth in Payen May iu shadow never be less."' - , . spoils of the above trans- The two ingredients 's analyst Lta bees bought up for shipment to Saa Francisco. The quan- coasTwisa. heard indefinite whispers now and then of at- O. D. Oilman, of the firm of only proposes to share the ' Among them are Mr. in the Lihue soils in appreciable quantity J tity that changed haoda reached 00,000 lbs, in kegs, at Tmm LaMAiss per Maria, Sept 23 Mr and Mrs Thmcanand well-kno- &Sr tempts having been made years ago to annex Ha- Royal Hawaiian Thkateo. The admirers of the Oilman & Co., Capt. Stephen B iiley, the wn action. fw first two grades, and 7e tor Inferior. 2 children. Miss Chamberlain. Chaa Lake, and 36 on deck. marries a young, pretty na- phurie and phosphoric acids. Of the fonJ From Kwth per Mary, Sept 24 J Ruell and 36 deck. waii to the United States; but this out-Hero- ds legitimate Drama in Honolulu, will doubtless be and only authentic encyclopaedia of the whaling fleet. & If an old foreigner 2IOLASSK3 Sales have been made for export at 25c. We per Excel, Sept 26 n bba, Jr. and 21 deck. postpone also of hydroehlorie acid in the form of ebw From Kscst J lessee of re- girl there goes the bell and I must qwnetgood qaaiity at tH92Sc, without containers. From KsarLrt per Moikeike, Sept 25 John Minson, Mr that, and throws it entirely into the shade. An- gratified to be informed that the enterprising of which we presume he has got out a new edition, - j tive but Is probable week!' Kauai." F. potassium and sodium, it that J SALT Shipments per ManhoiI, on owners account, Lynn, 4 on deck. et this establishment Mr. George H. Ince has nearly vised his stay in Nantucketdom ; : my query till next Adieu Jhn From Laaaisa per Kamoi, Sept 26 P Treadway, J A Daly, nexing United Stat s territory to Hawaii, ri and enlarged, during for all the wants of vegetatton will be brwir),. ssnt to 200 tons. Saks of coarse have been made at about $1 " - exactly drift of the postscript, an 8 completed the necessary repairs for the thorough friend Peter, the Peter, or m - Ws dont- comprehend the on deck, armis, is what the most visionary has never dared and lastly our ancient both in this winds from the sea. This will depend jar UtL From Rosa per Kekantuohl, Sept 25 W Goodale, O H but Judge that there Is a little too much personality, the tJ renovating of this theater. Besides newly painting other words, Peter H. Treadway, Esquire, long known the OATS There were sales at auction and prlrate of 200 bags, ex BpaHing. T Swan, 50 on deck. to think of. But practically it is nothing more communication and that to which it ia a reply, and on its proximity, but saline matters are evi From Katai per Keoni Ana, Sept 27 W J Smith and three and papering the interior of the house, in a style city. Firing Dart, at 2492i. At the close ws quote 2) 3e, Jobbing nor less. And people will ask, they are so sim- as the corporal of our rival sooner dropped the better. great distances inland. The east winh others, 20 on deck. and give place J priea. 27 arch-filibust- calculated to gratify the eye the an For Lahaisa and KAHrxrr per Kamoi. Sept Mr and Mrs being er? acmes New England carry salt to Alhany, t,, Hat-ti-e ple who claims the honor of our PyiQyS 8msll sales of superior at auction, at 2c. LLTorhert, P TreadwaT, Mrs Smith. Misse. Sarah and have been newly long been prevalent B 5 air of comfort to its patrons, the seats A New Ioea. The idea has . rides are found in rain east from the iycf Sajes &V. Booth, Mr Knot wife, Capts Gray and Mitchell. T Thrum, Who aspires to be ranked alongside of jtMlysia Hawwlissw 8ila. . VOTATOES of M bags California at T and upholstered, the old scenery " brushed up," and a among the foreign residents at these islands that all points as far as Mur-ich- For thephnsp Xooe (a We quote $Slir504?$7 50. 10 on deck. : HISULKS market. . General Walker Xicaraguan memory, or Col. ' especial provision must be ma'le. For Hakald per Keoni Ana, Sent 2 M M Nlcbols,10deek. of large addition of new scenery added, got up in a sleeping on a pulu bed had a tendency to induce We take pleasure in publishing the following however IXUBEaV The cargo of redwood, ex Fifing Dart, was sold For Kohala per Kamebameba IV, Sept 28 J 8 Sleeper, and Crabbe of Sonora? - We hear that the palm will If it be proposed to grow other crops. u J oa prtvaat terms. Jobbing rates are anchanged. 20 deck. style characteristic of the artists who have executed rheumatism. In conversation ' with Capt. James communication, giving a reliable analysis of our be contested on the part of our honorable Chief the demand will be more imperative. t it. Besides these improvements, there is now a most Smith of the Yankee during his last sojourn here, he soils, as recently made by Prof. E. N. Ilorford, As an example here follows a recent amV MAX FRANCISCO MARKETS. MARRIED. Justice, and Ministers will not be allowed to have perfect ventilation of the house, which will render roundly and emphatically asserted that our former the eminent chemisS of Harvard University. The variety of wheat by Way & Ogston : l so from - Orsln. Gca reports are ap to the evening of the 8th instant. all the glory this time. an evening's sitting there more comfortable than at ideas about pulu were all wrong, and that far made the request of the propri- t market On Saturday, Sept. 25. at the residence of Joseph Booth, Eq, analysis was at Potassa,. . .V. T. 23 18 i I- for Hawaiian govern- any previous since erection in California a sure There had been a decided advance In sugar and floor. Little Greenwich, Onhn, by the Rev. S. C Damon, L. - Tobbrbt, A pretty position this the time the of the theater. causins. it was now considered etors of the Lihue Sugar Plantation, and at an Soda, W I 8 33 , floor is decidedly Biro 800 barrels HaxaU, Esq., of Makawao, East Maui, to Miss Katk Booth, of Honolulu. Miss Ince . be some time Ume, Ta market , ment and the staid Secretary of War. Here we With such a laly as Annette first in her cure rheumatism. It will probably To agents of this sold at $13 60-- 400 do do do, $li 60 rejected; for expense to them of $250. the Magnesia .....1175 ;j -- lead the thea- thoroughly received, 101M qr sacks Alrtso juus I10 auo nrao Lotnmeraai iuis, ex have been treated year after year with long rig- profession spotless in character to before the new belief will be firm, which is now beginning to reap Oxide of iron...... 1.11 ,j tra. 110. enterprising Sulphuric acid, ip FORT OF XtAXXAIITA. maroles of our exposure to filibuster attacks from trical troupe the coming season, we have no doubt though it may be correct. in- Kuut--Ii firm. 600 sacks, In store, sold at 105cj 1032 do the reward of its persevering industry, we are Silica I" t at 102fc. California, and of the great importance of having that ber sojourn will prove alike gratifying to the in our Pnnspherirarid, 4A3 making use of it 1 O .T 1000 sacks sold at 14e; 150 do choice at 105c ARRIVALS. lessee. To Wells iw the Valley. A number of wells have debted for tho privilege of . Chloride of potassum, : rsa patrons of the drama and profitable to the The market is firm, for Rio 16jc offered and a " pike' and bayonet" in every household. lately been sunk in the Nuuanu Valley, and in columns.' ' Its publication will be of essential Chloride of sodium, 10 00 t f?L Sept 18 Am wh hark Iris. Rolles, from Kodiack, 400 sp, 600 And now, before first rumor comes, those who witnessed Miss Ince, during her short stay The great excess of magnesia and phwpV. Hc3ab 2M bales China sold at 13c cash; 44 do dark, nuc wh; 475 w, 6000 none this season. the of attack every case, below the second stone bridge, water has value to the agricultural interests of the islands. here some months since, in Evadne, Bianca, Fazio; in the seed over the same imrredients in th. lei, lite 16 Am wh sh Omcrs, Whalon, from Hilo. our government actually fits out and commissions been found at a distance of from fifteen to eighteen her the experi- Ti sramta 2000 gals at 91c 22 Am wh sh Geo Washirurton. frishtman. from Kodiack or, in fact, in any character of her role, it is enough It may not be amiss to state that and the excess of silica In the straw, arr Coal ISO tons Cooee Bay $10 75. Bsy, sp, 110 season. a filibuster guano expedition, which, if thecook's most bed of and Itristnl 70 110 wh, wh, to sty that the theater will be opened on Saturday feet below the surface. In cases a hard ment of improving our soils by manuring with apparent. 25 Am clipper ship Rapid, Balcber, 15 days from San affidavit is believed, believe to be penetrated. this case, the supply this deficiency of phosphoric vi PORTLAND, (O. T.) MARKET Friday, Aug. 13. Francisco Sailed turoe day for Honrkonp. to be (we don't it, evening next, and that she will be supported in her rock and stones has In fish, recommended by Prof. II., is quite impracti- To wants of anv crop, there con! 25 Am wh sh Tahmaroo, Rol.inson, F II, 1100 wh, 12000 however,) ruthlessly violates the" American flag be water is as pure and good as the reservoir water. meet all the Tttb only change whfeh we have to note is decline in floor. bone. principal character by the best talent that can cable, owing to theexpenseattendingit. Although value of PVrnvUn guano. E the Above the second bridge, water has not been found at doubt of the wtitrH has declined some $3 If bbi, and may now be quoted at and other marks of American authority. procured in Honolulu. some experiments have already been made with distant and expensive. Mexican guano is $10 T bhl. least, Hawaiian twenty-fiv- e feet. transportation should o! We qo te 2few Orleans and Sandwich Islands surar, in kegs. To say the the course of the Island guano on the above plantation, and, if facilities for PORT Or HZZ.O, H. I. A Comet. A fine comet has been visible for the Coasters Dce. The Liholiho sailed for Hilo the Jarvis 10cj crashed sogar, 1 VitOc toffee, lac urtgonutn. Government on this guano hunting, is characteri- result, we think further selves, it would furtHsn phosphoric acta north-wes- t, directly over the is will without any apparent analysis it just completed in the U with the usual weakness our ministers. past few evenings in the 10th, and over due. The Kalama probably An of ARRIVALS, zed of experimenting, in various ways, may yet deter- of seientifio school givesi . 'a Pfcaaea sit Hoaolala, la Oclsber. Waianae mounuitiS. It is seen soon after sunset, be in on Saturday from the same port. . The Maria the We have already more territory than we can oc- 1 47 nutter, 1 1J Sept. 1 Am wh sh Florida, N B, from Kodiack and Bris- -. is approaching the will will mine its value in the production of cane. Soda, (no pntassa.) I m. Fih. but so rapidly sua that it from Lahaina and .Vol Keilci from Knhului, be curh'nat-- 5 29 useless Sulphuric . dy. h. m. dy. h. tol Bay, 700 wb, 7000 hone. cupy or defend. Even this government had Lime (as ) add, IA n-- w MOM if is 33.17 J Mona.... 3 42.9A. ran 31oon....22 4 Am wh sh Omega, Whalon, F II, from Arctic, 140 wh, probably be visible only a tiight or two longer. It due on S tturday morning. The Kamoi will be due Phosphate of lime. Quarter.. 14 2 1S.1 A. Last Quarter.. 2 10 91 A 4 been original discoverer guano islands Analysis or Soils rom Libce, Islasd or Kacai, rrst 1000 hone. the of the about two degrees above the horizon, and the tail is on Sunday morning. ' The ruann of Jarvis Island, suggested 14 A Am wh sh Martha, Manchester, F IT, from rctic, dean. SakdwiCH Islands. analvzt-- d from a sample s--J alluded to, it has no power to afford the slightest at least twihe degrees in length. It is supposed to Former Residents. A gentleman who has recent- est source. I have LATEST DATES. Ogacc. XT All the abore vessels had sailed to cruise, and at latest by Capt. Davis. ' It contains: recrivrl at Ihia protection to any of its subjects who might choose same was expected 1867, and was first visited the States says in note: had the described by Mr. mail advices (Sept. 20) no foreign vessel was in port. be the that in ly a "I The samples submitted are thus Water expelled at 212" Tahn. to be any outlay there in obtaining guano. Miss Mitchell, the ' rranciseo Sept. 10 I Paris. July 17 at observed through a telescope by pleasure to meet while at home Messrs. Hunnewell, Rice : Onranle matter, Hi ' Phosphate of lime, . U Aug. 15 I Hoockong.. June 25 In case of Buch outlay, and loss by acts of ma- tucket Astronomer, about the 14th of J uly. As it Brewer, Pierce and Peck, of the earlier residents at v Nos. 1 are from the kukui groves, one of them ...Aoir. 61 Melbourne, Vic...... Jane 20 THE PACIFIC Xu Si Mc and sand, Louden ... July 18 I Tahiti .Aug. 17 rauders, this government cannot protect them. appeared on Tuesday it was a beautiful sight. The these islands, and it was' pleasant to see the interest surface soil and the Other subsoil from the same Nitroeen,. Soluble salts, (sea water evaporated In dryness) To talk of protection is idle. Better employ the natives gaze on it with awe, and say that it portends they all yet manifested in the prosperity of the islands. Nos. from border of the old cane ...... 2 are the Commercial Advertiser. place. Boussingaulf gn death of An analysis made br nf ax. in some dreadful calamity, audi as war, the Aside from business, they seemed to cherish peculiar and sub-- of-Jarv- Shi Mails. thousands of dollars spent looking up guano " fields near the nanamaulu road, surface the Inland Howland and New .V - some distinguished individual, or an epidemic like pleasant recollections of the past." field Hana-- - F Saa TasscBCO per Glenone, on Monday next, Oct. 4. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30. i&lands, hundreds of leagues distant, in develop- soil. Nos. 8 are from the makai of the gives: , K.r Laaataa per Maria, naturday. ing the resources of our islands, which are, and the small pox, which followed the coiuet of 1853. mau u road, not far from the point where the water TTioephate of lime,. looked - what has appeared in the last two the Stiy The United States mail may be for via , Nitrogen,. f3f If suffering from ; They say, how correctly we do not kuow, that lead crosses the line of the old board fence, surface have long been, neglect and let Lahaina by the Kamoi on Sunday morning next. ' such guano as Capt. Davis sent me eu or nouoiiULTj. zz. z. numbers of the official organ, is the "best defense death of Kaoiehanieha I. occurred immediately after and subsoil as the others. The surface soil was If ronT those nations who have the power to guarantee Should the Mtjor not have arrived up to Saturday " cored in quantity it would certainly prorti which the French treaty is susceptible of, then the appearance of a comet. The splendid comet of taken to the depth of about three inches. 1 then cm ARRIVALS. protection, undertake to extend their sovereignty P. M., we may not get it till Tuesday. Important " But I Bomewhit fear its extent, from the the ministers may well be ashamed of their labor. . 1813 appeared daring the reign here of Lord George scraped off about an inch more and took the subsoil tween my results and those of the erainw: by the annexation of guano islands to their terri news is expected by this mail. " pv.24 Sch Maria, Molteno, frnin K ana, Hawaii. Without fairly meeting the objections which have Faulet. It is such coincidences that has excited immediately underneath. The surface and subsoil chemist. S4 8rh Mary, Berrill. for Kawaihae. - tory. A and an obviously cheaper snare, been made through this paper against the treaty, their superstition in comets. It can probably be seeu on saoiple will be easily distinguished, by the better 2 ch Mikeike, from Kshului. Their Mijesties' arrived at Kailua Thurs " of each Innately an adequate source for an indeflnif Keaauloohi, frt Kona, TJawaiL il- r about seven 25 ch indulges in lame apologies, innuendoes, and Balalc-- this evening from half past six till day night the 16th, after a short passage of only 52 former being considerably darker than the latter." wbic 25 ch fCamehamrba IV, Irian Kohala. it The Pratt Affair Again. " come, is at hand in the numerous nsh 36 eVh Kamoi, Chadwick, from lahsina. logical deductions, which can never be taken as o'clock. hours from Honolulu. At the last advices, they were The eoils have a common character as thoroughly from Professor Aeasstx, swarm about tbc 28 Srh Kxeel, Antonio, tram Kauai. In another column will be found a communication Tooth-fclun- o On Monday and ' arguments with any sensible person, and needs no Extraobdinabt. in good he ilth. ; disintegrated volcanic lavas. They are pulverulent, Islands. 28 cVrh Keout Ana, Kikeke, froa Ksilai. from Mr. A. in which he gives his version of specimens sent Peatt, was employed in cook-hou- I have examined the 28 8ch Uolphin. from Maui. ad- Tuesday, the dredging machine Almost a Fire. The se adjoining Mr. eminently ferruginous, and possess clay and organic further notice. Until stronger reasons are learn that the numbers of some species soi 28 Am. brig etencoe, Ilobnes, 20 days from Port Orfbrd, the affair. Some of the statements made by him are pulling up the old piles in Market Wharf. These to in good meas- Oregoa. vanced in support of the treaty than any which Hall's dwelling in Nuuanu, caught on fire yesterday. matter enough to enable them retain semb'iniE the menhaden of Long bdmif Sound, strong, but he assures us that every line can be embedded iu a ten years accumulation of mud, have appeared, the position which the Commercial were Very trifling damage was sustained. ure water, carbonic acid and ammonia at ordinary so lone and successfully 'used fur manuring DEPARTURES. proven. and the lower eudswere perfectly sound. They came temperatures. both shores, are immense. has taken in regard to it, must, with every reflect- 1 In the last Polynesian appears a statement of sure ' TO Such fidi are taken alone the shore with hard, like pulling sound teeth, but steam is a O.i.llt.tira -"-annlvuiB-v iliriwail thm contain. k-- yi. 24 Barkentine Jenny Ford. Sareent, for Teekakt. of Pacific Commercial Advertier.) ing mind, be considered as the only tenable one ; facts," male by the District Attorney. There is re- (Corrrspondence the T-- in localities where the schools pass frequentM 24 Sch Kinooie. lor Kona, Hawaii. dentist and its tools do not slip. The work of I alumina, magnesia, ammonia, water, peroxide of iron. 24 Am wh ah Brooklyn, Base, New Tealsnd and and the stipulations of the treaty will be univer-- nothing in the details given that materially alters are also taken by another kind of dip , building this wharf goes on with good dispatch. Stntenseat Facia. by Mr. A. Prmtt. potasa silica Hand and Jime. soda, (trace.) organic H eoowd. 26 tich Mara. Motteno. for Maui. tons or yellow " ef two sfl boats int open About fbw outlast, mostly the soil rock posed such porW countries, ana be viewed only as a lasting dis- issue. What we there stated was called forth, not : matter, uudecom rock. The S tndwich Island labor for 28 oca Kamoi. Chadwick, tr l.ahaina and soil from Telegraph Hill, Sau Francisco, have Mr. Editor In last Saturday's Polynesian, the 28 Sch Moikeike, Hall, for KaholoL grace to our Ministers, and through them, to the from any desire to find fault with officers of the gov- The most careful examination of even large quanti- be expensive. 28 Excel, Antnofct, tnr been discharged within the retaining wall near the District Attorney of Oahu. in a somewhat incoherent course beat treatment is this. U eh Kauai. ernment, but from a conviction that advantage had ties of the soils did not yield phosphoric acid enough to The of 28 Sch KekauluithLa Kona. whole nation. southeast corner, besides some two hundred tons from " statement of facts," takes occasion tossy that I had the shore or head of some creek, or seawwl 28 ch lUniehameha IV, lor Kohala. r been taken on the part of the government to enforce weigh. Sulphuric acid was also wanting. Of hy- fish 38 Sch Mary, Berrul, for Kawaihae. Manoa. The accumulation of so much, weight in one wilfully, and after repeated notices, violated the or both, should be mixed with the it "PROCLAMATION." the forfeiture of penalties against persons, (as well as drochloric acid there was a trace. . trenches, covered to such depth witb 28 Sch Keoni Ana, tor Ksnni u spot has had the effect to force the wall outward about law," &c. I beg leave here to make my " statement tnd Whereas on Uie 14th day of June. 1853. Comwallis Inland in Quantitative analysis was made with the hydroch- and earth as to prevent the escape of any n Latitude 16deg. North, loncitwle 169 dee;. in subsequent transactions) who, had they been other- of and premise by saying 43min. and 33 min. two feet from a straight line. A heavy chain, con- facts," that the Prefect of fensive gases, of which the most abundant u MEMORANDA. West from Greenwich, and on the 19th dy of tlie same month of wise circumstanced, might not have been troubled. me loric acid solution. June, 1&58, Kalama IiOaml in Latitude 16 Aeg. 44 min. North, necting with a large, anchor firmly set inland has Police never gave warning or notice, but on the Nos. 1. -- able are ammoniacal own pounds. W c-t- , This is patent to all. No one believes and Lunirilude 109 dejf. 21 min. were taken possession of, that if the bowsed and will wall contrary, his conduct from the first was calculated Surfaee Soil. Subitoil. After remaining in this condition for thw with the usual formalities, by Samuel C. Esquire, be in been taught, prevent the going Water,.-- 6.790 181 , Rcpwrt arm Wrrckral Allen, he it District Attorney bad been the bondsman in ! Whslrr. the case, plainly to intimate that I niigbt go on unmolested. Orjranie ; 17.658. months, according to the time require-- t BawToi. duly authorised to do so, iu the name cf Kamehameha IV., Kinir farther. It would be a serious misfortune should the matter, 1610. Bat, Aoirust 23, 1858. of the Hawaiian Ilands: Therefore, this is to notice that he woold ever have had to pay one dollar of the bond. Nitnifren, .019 composition of the nsh, they should bedaH v:s- frve too weak and When about to enter the retail spirit business, be - WamtT : Being off Gore's the 2d of this month, sent the saiii Islands so taken possesion of are henrefh to be con- wall prove fall outward, but when the Votassa with trace ot soda,.... .692 - .778 intimately mixed, raftered to a V The assurance at the time of the sale, that im- " remain '. to ooal in to cruise down the northern shore, while the ship sidered and respected as part of the Domain of W Kinc of the filling iu becomes solid there will probably te no like- fore procuring a license, I sought an interview with Magnesia, , 649 .110 for more perfect disintegration, and then ew Hawaiian Islands. v mediate possession" would be given, may have been " ..Lime, .661 .068'- - run along the sooth side, to meet tbem at the 8. E. ex- 44 the Prefect. He told me bond required Published pursuant to an order by tht Sin in Privy lihood of this. About one-fift- h of the space required that the was Oxide of ir and alumina,.... 30 328 20 044 the land and plowed in. t . ty of the land. When they returned on board, they withheld ; we were not present, and the statement was Council, on the 27Jh day of July, 1358." has been filled in. the merest matter of form it never was, nor ever Soluble silica 062 .119 The results of this mode of treatment r t rted having seen the wreck of a wbaleship on the north made on the authority of others. The promise of enforced. Insoluble residue and loss 44.061 64 636 ' known. They are eminently profitable. TV so intended to be That if he chose, he could Nos. 2. .(. bat much broken np that it was impossible to aaeer- - The above anonymous notice has flying for employ them largely in the neigh hnrhornl 1 bei immediate possesion" was, however, distinctly and A Baby xwo Heads. Natives are very bring up any publican in place-fo- r Surface Soil. Suhtoil. anything definite concerning it. An avalanche of earth with the selling to fish guano .is -- several weeks at the mast-hea- d in the government positively given to the purchaser, at the time he paid Water,...... 12016 12.366 .stations; and an article ft rocks cuneied a part. There was a considerable quantity of fond of marvellous stories, and a tale loses nothing in natives. This, ot course, led me to suppose that the Oreanic matter,.'...... 19.707. 13.671 under the direction of a French company - 'wad bone and some right whalebone lying there. Some of journal, till within a few days, when it was the money; but before executing his promise, the passing through their hands. Thus, the other day law in question was universally considered dead Nitrojren.. , , .349 ,t .297 Sootia, directit a Pntassa with of 613 of Nova and under English tormer they brought off; it waa but little chafed, Sheriff was advised to Dis- trace soda,...... 347 ft: and the quietly withdrawn and the colors were struck." a contrary course by the we heard a great deal of a wonderful lusus nitura letter, and would never be enforced. Magnesia,... 1120 - .494 coast of Norway. . still on ; even the gnm on some slabs was still to be seen. Attorney. The been Lime, 246 0 fishinz season is short on the om 6r- The "Proclamation" speaks for itself, and pur- trict reasons may have good, wVch had been discovered in Honolulu, in the shape' On the 1st of July, 1857, a number of the spirit If the 'r martingale stays, which were chain, were but little rusted, Oxide of imn and alumina,.... .24 731 28 016 , continuous throughout the vear on th 4 ports area freedom" the Ha- but it certainly indicates a violation of faith between Soluble 144 044 d! apparently new; the gammon lashing, which they al: that the of of of a living child, three months old, which was a per- licenses expired, and in the new license a clause was silica,... course will anjnresf Th the parties. If the sale was discovered to have been Insoluble residue and loss, 42,807 44.676 practical ifef. .1 ight off, was composed of three bars of iron two carved for waiian kingdom was suddenly elongated by said fect douhle, having two heads, four nether and upper inserted strictly forbidding dances on the licensed Nos 3. and scnles will furnish all the constituentM ' sides bowsprit, void, only alternative was ' of the the other straight for the upper part ; manifesto, and should be hereafter known as ex- the for the Sheriff, at his limbs and two sets of breathing and digesting npp ira-t-u. premises. Two of the publicans who had formerly Surfnet Soil. ! Subitoil. the L'hue po'K It may, however, in tin Vr tower end of the side pieces connected by a bolt which own risk, to refund the money to purchaser. Water, '. 11616 12 857 I paininitr tending to and including certain islands lying in the Of course this would be an unheard of curiosity, had " balls" every night, now refused to take out Onranic matter, 18 726 13.381 ble to ad lime for the purpose of ;.ied throogh the head, an Joints secured with not and screw, necompnair-o- It is a novel doctrine" that " the Sheriff is with- as newspaper item. Many were license, in the hope of getting the restriction "Nitnjren '. 127 .056 ble silica by of thesiltcat. "pt straight bar was newer than the rest, and very little nut on latitude and longitude aforesaid. With onedash and invaluable a removed Potassa with of auda, composted w;th soil. t" out authority, under any execution, to put the pur- trace 606 .487 - he as onirklime the v part of hv Ail the rope they saw was of American mano- - of the pen, the kingdom of Hawaii was extended attracted to view the strange sight when lo, they In this, as is known, they were unsuccessful. Some, Magnesia, .350 274 en the soil.. As shipper would probably' aad the sails were made of cotton composition chaser into possession of real estate" sold by him. , I.ime. .117 .203 dock, some eight or nine hundred miles south- beheld an ordinary native child with a large tumor time in the month of August, the Prefect of Police Oxide of iron " in to carry it. it mijrht be practicaWe toH wonley-fac- to the and stumina, 27.730 84.070 cMubleo and t (iron) dews. They broagbt off a Common sense would indicate that a Sheriff or con- ! fcoloble silica 148 - and hor few-squa- grt wing on the back of its head came to me and endeavored to persuade me to allow 3d9 Tmfrneian limestone as balleat rding knife, a carving knife, and a kind of spear set in a west, by the unceremonious annexation of a Insoluble residue and ' 38 SS9 of stable must obtain and hold possession of the pro-- my license to be removed to another house, and, to lss...... 40.65 There is now produced a soluble silicate rVery pole. These are all the particulars, and I leave it for miles of guano deposit. Those who have The significance of these ploved in printinsr. is perty attached before he can sell it, whether it be f2F Avery pleasant, though unostentatious nuptial use his own words he dared suy quantities will appear on It a f tti fc beads than my own to decide what chip it mast have been, he could make it to transportation atvt M t not experienced them can hardly imagine the real or chattel property, whether be piece gathering, took place on Saturday evening last at Lit- a glauce as the properties of a good soil. It must su'ted as ballast, ; only that no ship haa teen for a number of years it a of all right." The object, as I afterwards learned, was five cents pound. Tt would both !t thrilling emotions which this proclamation may supply the inorganic constituents of plants, and must a carrv iVeae seaa, except the Indian Ckif, in August, 1857,and she land, a house, a vessel, a horse or anything else. tle Greenwich. The entire spacious premises (one of to enable the proprietor of the National Hotel to con soluhle silica in most desirable form n th' - toat 600 miles north af Oore's still, be be supposed to have excited in the breasts of all pa- " coyest Eden possess the physical properties that enable it to Island tt must ber, He must obtain potsession beore he can sell. A sale the sweetest and retreats on our Isl md) tinue dancing under uty license, it dating back to the retain was at one time produced at the R xbwjl I L.ink. I shall forward the gammon lashing to Thomas Spen- - water from - triots who, like our war department, were foolish effected on any other ground is a fraud The require- were thrown open to the two or three hundred guests previous February, aod did not extreme evaporation or drainage, and fur- Works .v- Zsq , Bonnlula, for recognirion. Any person who aver saw .contain the new enough to entertain them : some revelled with de- ments of clear and definite assembled, for whose comfort the proverhial liberality nish it as well as carbonic acid and ammonia to the Neither of the latter nor the Jxri I'M weald undoubtedly know it again. our statutes are in regatd restriction. I refused to part with my license, stating :n 1 . m e t . t im wnnipii 11 aa 'ii the Em- to possession, which we of host knew no hounds. The whole pawed off roots of vegetation. nn can, n'f Tours, W. Easx, Master bark Jirth Swift. light at prospect foreshadowed, when the this matter of quote, without their that I inteuded iuyself to make use of the privileges ble, be procured in unlimited qntntities. We con-grntul- afe The essential constituents of the ashes of cultivated f Mir Raro, Carr. Bslciek, raua Saa Faascncoroalluso-- pire of Hawaii should cover the broad expanse of presuming to read l tw to His Majesty's Attorney, with the h'ghest satisfaction to all present. which it allowed in regard to dancing, and which bad . IVspeetfullv snbiiittl, plants include potassa, a 1J0 Left BeD Baoy, San Francisco Bar, Friday, September la the Pacific when her cross and stripes should who is supposed to be posted up in the matter, but the happy eroom,on h'S pood fortune in been allowed. to other publicans under a similar lime, oxide of iron, phosphoric (Simed.) E. N. HoiwroBD, flVw srreral days winds very light aad foggy weather; acid, hare had float from hundreds of islands embraced under one merely for public in formation : securing; a mate so well calculated to make him a 'ioeuse, silica, soda, magnesia, sulphuric acid, hydroch Cambridge, July 20th, 1858. oj Ueady breexes during the passage. II B M Ship ColyptoVdl loric acid ; and though " Sect. XI. Krery Jevy by a constable in pursnance of happy home, and hope it may prove another link to nianganete, frequently present. fr Fraacawo same day, to ramaia daring the ahipplns-- seasuo. realm, which would soon rival, perhaps surpass, a From the time of that refusal commenced the per- irntil the eminent French chemist aemonti !! Judgment rendered by either or the said justices, shall he made "bind adopted anil, where his rare energy secution against me. is in small quantity comparatively. In 100 by Pacific arrived irom Fraser River Just aa the Rapid that of which is said sun seta by taking the property levied upon into At him to his Constables were constantly tf the euino analiced him, his anilr" it " the never on poturtrion, care As nothing. 41. P. Jcdd. I ft-- The steamer bad quite a large number of passengers. Oot and privatt yuardlamkipM th-- risk and peril or the constable, and skill are so much needed to develope its resources. stationed around and upon my premises, to the great important in this particular cae here follow the t her tlig." Others, more practical than theoret- and in his option by same my on papers from her. The sch Af uctskmw waa to leave San Fran- - remoral 4 the lo eny place of security, injury of business. One evening in August, results of an analysis of sugar cane IS preparatory to advertisement and sale." 1848, stalk made by , Hoxotrtr, Sent ii-o- a ical, imagined that a mighty change in com Statute nf three native soldiers came iuto for Ilonolulo oa the 12th, with a load of redwood lumber. our vol. page 18. A ktw SroAR Refixctt. Our exchanges and also uiy pritate huuse and Payen. He found in ripe sugar II. stated that two others had cane from Otaheite . Ma. Editor : As you are a frirnl to F TH merce wits close hand ; on just received a brite of XT The Gto. Wkinfton, at Lahaina, reports bk George, at and the strength of private advices inform w that a new refinery will' 71.04 water. 0 35 wtxlike and coloring matter. This undoubtedly covers all attachments of real or 810 to buy liquor or me. I watched, and shortly - puper, B, Aag 28, clean. , . an immense prospective making the loviwnir. ' u.i j insmume salts. provement, I wish through your increase in our shipping soon commence work ia San Francisco, the came in. .They for bH personal property, and if a constable or Sheriff sells iwo asked a half bottle of brandy eellut ise and woody flhre. o 16 soluble salts. . relative to roads, I am twelve yem and commerce, the price of wharf lots improved, second in that city. Thejiew refinery will be some- and were refused. After .65 albuminous substances. (0 20 silica. - property without obtaining does M tryiug again, and showing T possession, he it at " Oihii:, and am hannv-- tn aav-- that th 7ESSELS IX PORT. SEPTEMBER 29. " monthly the ten dollar piece, they commenced dis- The soluble salts f r. fl and a first proposal to lease or purchase one or bia risk and any what lanrer than the old one. and consume creating a consisted of j peril." If other rule is hereafter to " wheu, upon my - ' cially between this place and Waialnt, X. M.'s corvette Eorydioe, Pfebna. lbs. sugar. The old one consumes turbance, showiug myself trvm be- Phosphate of mufroesia. jSnda,- II. two at the foot of Fort street was actually made be set up, it ought to about 1,500,000 of I'tvwphate of iiv.tasaa. Con,blned wlUl be?' Am cHppes Golden Kagla, llardiug, ap for Tt. be known. hind the screen, they ran. caught one, aud had lime. " dition far superior to what I have ever sb Bedford. lbs. will course create Alumina. - organic acids. clipper E. by a sanguine councillor. 1.100,000 monthly. This of a Ume7 V" Am ship f. iilcts, llulmes,up for New Luoiun. What the title may be worth, is another question him taken to the station house, inteudiug to appear Sulphate jsilfca, them to be. Except v:x. th As clipper ship sXylark, FwUanabae, ap for New Bedfiwd. greater demand for raw and must operate tire of lime. Knana. But alas, for ! sttfrar, in morning and make a ooniphuut . I human hopes and aspirations entirely separate and to the Police Oxulate of lime. , , , . . d ' Aa dipper ship West Wind, Baxter, up for New Bedford. distinct, and the purchaser about three miles bej-on- Fwa, and a fr Punish naerchant bark CaiMtace, achaa, np for Bremen. The proclamation is favorably on our plantations, in fnrnishin a stiT! bet- Magistrate of the system of spying aud annoy ince to withdrawn, and curious per- always buys the title at his own risk. The title to j 1 Casaseoa found in the ash of thp stripped sugar Aa ship John Marshall. Hooper, op lor baa Francisco. which bad beeu subjected. On andnc down tha spaces beside, it is a good carriajre ni sons, who have no business is ter market than we now have. We cannot have too cane sch Flying Dart, Freeman, got tj inquire, have real estate very frequently involved and uncertain ; next morning, Jordan, the police officer met uie. and stalk (amounting to 0.160 percent of the whole) .the Superintendent is entitled to mach erf' llk--j arigantina Glaueue, Ilulmea, discharging lumber many plantations, or produce more sugar than will 1 68.6 per cent, asked why it is? We find, on good authority, but in regard to potsession there is no uncertainty; said ' had no occasion to iro down t lie man h,ut silica and 81.4 per cent, lime, with manner, in which most of the work is WBALKRS. be called for, even were every acre capable of pro- forfeited his bail and would uut appear Comment traces ot .14 ship Polar Star. Weeks I Am bark Ripple, Chadwick that information haa been received by late mails theJSheriff either has possession of the property at !" oxides of iron and manganese. I however wish to call attention to 1 ducing cane put to its cultivation. , on 'his is unnecessary. saip Jsnxrsoa. uanting Am bark Architect, rah from San Francisco tached or he has not ; and be ought to know which In the leaves or portion stripped off, he found ash fu' tlu,m bark Cynthia, ehermaa demonstrating pretty clearly The Prefect continued this course of spying about which seems necessary to secure the before . (amounting the agents been, the sale. 4 yesterday morn-in- z. my premises and to 0.228 per cent. f the Whole) consisting that of this government have in BrRrco Alive. About o'clock tampering with those in my e.uploy, his work already . done. I refer to df'rl We are told of.68.9 per cent silica la Expcctcel nocently (7) trespassing on the territory of the that the bondsman In this 'affair has one of the loaded mud scows lying in the slip until by book or by crook, he succeeded in getting and silicate of iron, with little nerlect of this, the same work has been faaa Farclaxa Parta. me fined and eventually ruined. silicate manganese. "been treated with great leniency by the Sheriff and having leaked of Sl.l per cent. lime with oxide si Lnited states. An near as we can gather, the aljoining Market Wharf, during the Even were it acknowledged and over again, after each rainy B. B. M. ship Calypsa sailed from 8aa Francisco September Dist. Attorney of Oahu." Until the public are shown that I had broken the of iron and ratnginese. facts are substantially these: Some time in Fel niirht, careened over and the latch of one of the cars law and was liable to be fined, let me cewarlve years. I am aware that mach of 19, for Honolulu. how much of the sum of $1186 75, which, according ask was it These results show that soluble silica, lime and Am. sch. Mackshaw was to sail September 15 for Honolulu, ruary last the American schooner Palestine left' getting unfastened, the contents were dumped into a because I was a stranger in the place with a large recently been done, snd. well done; b', ;ta cargo of lamher. s - .? to the District Attorney's own oxide of iron are needed for the statement, has been alongside. A native boat-bo- y family to support, that I was marked out for sugar cane stalk, observation, mnJ Haw. brtgan. John Donlap saSed Sept. 1 from Saa Francisco, this port and sailed for a guano island to the boat which was lying ruin. I am convinced that is probably gone received to satisfy the bond until they are shown wnue oiu oneuuers are ueitner molest ed nor annoyed ! . while the elaboration of the juices the sugar re- cdK r lahainai has to IlawaiL south-we-st was asleep in the stern sheets at the time, and with more is not done, the water will still Aav. sen. P. of this group, which she reached in how It is notorious that publican in-- U fgeter, Uoorc, will be dae in October tram Pn--t much ot that sum (or whether even of it) eiery in town sella ! quires phosphoric acid, sulphuric acid, potassa, soda, K with 3500 the boat went to the bottom, completely buried in I road so as to much, is no" Soaixi, tumbrr. j March, took possession of the principal island, has toxicatiug drinks to natives, aad that, too, asojienly lime and undo of what Am ship Baropa may be looked for from or ever will reach the public exchequer, they will ' magnesia. Alumina is uniformly sufficiently Saa Francisco in all mud After some struggling he mans (red to extric- as they do to foreigners, though plete. . V tober, 1, to load oil. hich they called Johnson Island, erected SUIT the quality of the a be more likely to view the " leniency" shown to the blowing Spirits U vastlv didereuL. It ia n.unnra. abundant to meet the wants of soils so far as any de-- Bark Fanny Major, Pary, to tears Saa Francisco Sept. 14, with the name ate himself and came np unhurt, but like a frth tka The remedy is simple, practicable r.'a Irtti-- '. doe hers October 4. of the President of the United bondsman by these executive officers, such as of every one that oue publican has stood jury! tntKl f" the juicesof plants may require it, and oxide the porpoise. . The boat however, was pretty well smashed two cases, cheap. descents, ana lonj Chppe sb'. Mary Robinson wd be do from Sydney Sept. States on to trials without a the or r In all it, returning San Francisco with a vulture shows the lamb. result, object suit being to j manganese, whether essential or not, ac-fr-om K Jjta, to loaded. up. get generally there should be not only good side drains him a share of proceeds , Aa. brig AngeaeU,24fl tons, Stadley, sailed Irom Xew Bed quantity of guano. Early in June the Hawaiian When the District Attorney attempts to treat this the of a business which companies iron. rd A, for port. Tux kkw S. F. Packkt. From New Tork we learn was avowedly to frnm th.a... n.Mdht. ik. ,... . , nenniWal Aaxust this schooner Kalama sailed matter as a joke, as is done tarnish natives with intoxieatinir The Lihue soils v. 111. v. ship Alexander, Bona, sailed frota New London for Hono-- ! in search of what subse in the last paragraph of Mr. Merrill had not succeeded drinks, and yet nothing is done coutain. when thoroughly air dried owinjt Aa. cargo that Capt. Stott and with this ease bj the may be required in cases, where, Ja May 13, with to C A. Williams A Co. quently proved to be the same islands, his statement, he should bear in mind that publio official who iu tniue was so at 75 Fah., a notable quantity of water, not com- Aa, seboooer Martha, Ptnhallow, sailed from New London and they the in obtaining a new packet to take the place of the zealous. other causes, it is very difficult to contin . are not I consider my pletely expelled heb.w llowaala July were taken possession of in the name of the Ha apt to submit to have their just and legal Fanny Major, not having been able to find one losses, including interruption of 212 Fab.,' illustrating their rv . " ditch, so as to prevent the water from , Aav ship Modern Tinea, of H. A. Pirroea Line of Packets, business. aacriace of , property,. power " - ' government. rights tampered with by any executive officers." &C. to amount to to retain moisture. w jaM tease Boston tor Honolulu, via Tahiti, Aagatt 6. 1 waiian adapted to the trade, and would return to San Fran- - about $5000. Including iiceuse the road, the remedy may be found in Taylor, Pterce's Line, he the money, govern- -- Taking the average the' Aav bark lang Orsrk, of sailed from In July the schooner Palestine was If is anxious to Share the odium attaching to Cisco by of August 20, where, we are ment bas made of surface and subsoils, the 1, OcC . again sent the steamer out of tne the suui of g24th,7d. r feet below such spots, drains cross jsnoa for UaaohUo direct Jane dae 6125 days. this affair, no one can To there are for ' . Asa. Ship Moantaia Wave, Harding, sailed from Boston, In from San Francisco to the same Islands object. say the least ahout assured, new vesjel will be procured soon, 14 and By publishing the loregoing you wUl oblige. tht she had ber a greatly , across it, which will quickly carry Tierce's Line of Packets, May 22, for Honolulu direct, doe Sept. and to put beat , .. Koa. per cent, water. fore it, the face on it that can be done, it makes Yours, &c, Arthur 1'katt. Nos. 21712 per ": J 130 days. visited, and found the marks which bad been perhaps before the Fanny Major another cent, water. again.' . .'. . , sailed New Bedford is a disgraceful stretch of executive . - i Kos. per cent water. Aav ship Gladiator from uoe 12th, for this voys-g- authority over - . , 312 - J left on her firet e destroyed or mutilated, trip." Few; if any. drains of this kind Nov. 141 days, e. - lwt, das . a . parties who have not the advantage of influence or Am aaswer to "Knwal" ia (he This absorbenr power is due in to Br. nark Portcna, McGowaa, sailed front Liverpool. May ana trie Hawaiian Bag flying, and by observations, .' Vest "Hakd Cp."- - Hot as is the weather and " relati part organic been made; and yet in many eases they L tor Honolulu, with merchandise to R C J anion, dueefcpt. 30 wealth, a direct trespass (under cover R.ad Aei 1856. matter, of which, round the of the law) as is business, we report quite so bad a f taking the average of surface and rial to the preservation road as the; 130 days. latitude and longitude the same as of dull can't - of a 10M on individual rights, which no government or com- Mm.- subsoil, there are for - . . In Inns SknM t aeveTI' Thrciippev ship lyrsa, Graen, tons, sailed from Boston those claimed by the Hawaiian government. state of things as our neighbor over the way. who Editor : KauaTr puts his questions to per- a alnra kM Wwct May 22, rnaaigaed la C Brewer 2d, daa Sept. St 120 The munity ought quietly to sanction. ' otherwise, the water which in the n agents or the say, of themselves, probably : reporters swetted sons above my standing, viz.: to you, Mr. Editor, ! P cent, eevanie matter. ' fain Palestine in San Francisco, hear- to os, a 1 ft per cent, oreanic matter. will form so large a stratus, as, after ishtp Harriet A Jessie, Gray, sailed from Jfcw Bedford for ' " the Minister of the Interior, -- . " 1 an-aa- t. ing cook (sweated?) and irore, editors looked gloomy, and or the writer r said act. per cent, organic matter. 1 May la, oas Sept. 60 10 days. that the employed on the schooner Ka--' rains to spoil the road, . Bets Aoaw. Mr. copy-drawe- r." dnWfl Vaa faOawiac vwaaaV are dae at this port early fa October, to lama during T. H. Paris writes from Kona. the devil went to sleep hi the Awful ! But having more leisure thaa the above gentlemen, The power of retaining carbon ks acid and Aa the drains will nra Ban pa her voyage thither was in that city, ammonia latd oil: From Iraaouw Phi Angtn Saawa, GaMra ice-c- ?- - Hawaii, that he has . art knowing bank on lower be From Sydney Ships Af took his succeeded in getting his hive of very awful! Where's the aud a thing or two myself, I suppose I also is due to the organic matter acting somewhat as char- tht aide, should m1! City aad Xarapa. ary JlsSiassa testimony of the affair. His affidavit. - would irawAaast bees to Kainaliu in safety, and that they were doing j ought to let my light shine. Answer question coal, practicable; and h'urher than Allfn. ! to 1. or muck or peat, and also to the - frosa Bremen, to sent to the United States Commissioner, alumina aad sary. Unless to ..- Brit Harbor, HiaTachlaefcr A Btapenhorst states ; something is done welL We know of no portion of the islands more i Page. For a metrical on Certainly, as long as he does not pti . wTI bada bars ia aWpaamber. t , that the island was Tisited Fourth satire the employ an old night oxide of iron. There are present as follows ia there are many places between Honoloi" J Tratooia, from BTeroen, to Uaichers" A Cn wiH be by the Kalama, favorably ! 1 dot situated or better adapted fir making honey Treaty and Tariff" iVgood story tto., see fourth cap nor a baby in swathing clothes. Nos. per cent. mat win verily the of say 4ht the American flag was torn down, and ( ' I 126 truth rtau" ata thaa Kona.''. , ' Quion2. Re ooght not to examiae any No. 226 per cent. next stsson is past. anther. ISO, SI aji rsjy a V"'v-V",-' Totira, truly.

in Sir: About a year rtnce, and as jrro. . . . . t : : LATER FR031V CALIFORNIA. - E aware. I was inauceu io BuuKriuuuw - 4 btrtistnifnts. Vh telegraph near erection of a marioe station By the arrival of the ship Ropid, at Lahaina, ' k " and c L. atcaaaos. b. w scvsRajica. jnon-- l Head- - .' IVEW GOODS ! GOODS ! FOR BAN FRANCISCO. tbe polite attentions of G. D. Gilman. Esq., we ' . NEW BY JOHN COLBURX. pY?A.. P. EVERETT. atatementpub-- 1 C. I,. RICHARDS &. CO., F. Vs sueressful in the undertaking, and by a -- have received San Francisco papers to 9th being Ship Chandlers, Commission Merchants, FOR SALE TO ARRIVE vi ynur paper of Jane 18th, 1857, and tine then, by a the and dealers in General FIRST " in five Merchandise, Honolulu. Oaho. Uaadwich Islands.-- .. . VESSEL! Cent disposition days later previous' advices? - -- . - f showed I had made of thanour The " Clothing, . writing, what the . -- I Dry Goods, &c. Geseral netxbscdise. in . ' , . - BEFER TO ' the entire amoaist uneennefl aaabeen expended. Rapid arrived at Lahaina noon ' EXPECTEDBostonAUGUST.Direot ' : that about on Saturday Messrs. C. A. Williams Co., Honolulu. IN : more. t : THIS DAV ! little last, and sailed again for Hongkong the same day. ' - D-- O. Watcjcxas, - BARRELS CAROLINA RICE) S3k r Qrigf " Glcncoe," sab-fi- oo 1 O'Ctoch, M., obtained a sufficient amount of money by . B. T. ' ' ' THURSDAY, SEPT. SO. AT 10OCLK, A.J3. FRIDAY. OCTOBER t.at 10 A. VinwnHy I 8sow, 1 - - ' A list of her passengers memoranda be bale cloves; Capt. J. HOLMES,'. ' . . . statin) Coco and will found Wiluams Jc New London. 10 At sale room, win be sokl . At Sale Room, will bs sold ,. ta erect a second on Head, and by my ' Haves, 6 hags pepprt S Will sail for the above port direct, on Clothing, Dry . , 1844, yonr paper show under the proper bead. Thomas Fitch. - - - 1 keg nutmegs: MONDAY NEXT, Goada, Furniture, .'. . Bey Goods, Oreeerie, Lent published May tb. in I what M . - No nLLiAMS Basvss, 10 boxes corn starch; .ii Saddlery, Tobacco, Mirrors, Cutlery, 1 Boots and 8boee, been marie or tne money collected, Liter dates are received from the t A: ' Uclsbrr 4. had then at Atlantic States Maiiax, 8ti!cb Co., Francisco. kegs split : . Pilot Bread, and Mdse generally. kitina fan 60 peas; . Uond aeeommodatKma for a few passengers. For freight or pas standi as fbHtrws: by thift at M KKItILL, half bbla . : 1 And ether article to 1 account than those by previous arrivals. 10 currants; sage apply to (118 tf) . C. A. to amt expended at that time. $111 18 As T. Livtoj, 100 half boxes raisins; k H. F. POOR. Lrfm'lalTiW, H. B. M. Ship Calypso, sailed on 10th T. & A. K. ' New Bedford. L paid eperartnr May IStn, to July the for Ntk, 100 quarter boxes raisins; CARGO FOR ALL No IB, - TIIG SEASON. $ 1.oo KDWARD C. 100 boxes Winchester's 8. W. aoap; FOR SAN I Geseral Utrthzzilzs. ; n Honolula, to remain here during shipping Jl!l, FRANCISCO. ' ' : - the season. B. GHirriTH - ; u , ' samsssssswasB ' i rope, 8 SO Moaoas, . 10 boxes saleratus, (1 papers;) ' paid for flaf and 115-t- ' ft tc. The schooner Muckthaw, was loading f ' ON TUESDAY. OCT, S, at IO O'clock A. M. 3 50 with lumber 500 quarter boxes sardines; THE SHIP ' SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE wm .. v- At Sals Room, be aoU, . , 20 eases St. Cair" and " Uptttn's" tobacco 8's, 100 lbs each; THEcargo of the American dipper ship . , and woald sail for Honolula about '- the 15th. cases Sweet Orange tobacco 100 lbs each ; Dry Cfatbim, - .. v -' 75 66 cavendish'' w-- ' Ocaa, The clipper ship II. WEBSTER & CO. 6 cases "Sweet Orange" cavendish tobacco 20tbs John JIarshal I, y 3Com. , Boot Shoe, Groceries, 1 of subscriptions still ancouected, (Sept. 30th,). 86 00 Continent, will touch at Emmet's ea; Captain E. Expected to sSeptember and irrn IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IX 20 half boxes double reflned loaf sugar; B. HOOPER, to sail on or about the 8th October. arrivs"In from BO8T0N direct, galea to IVTitoos, Pium ltd Meat, - this port, inquiring for freight, but will probably go For freight, which arriva will be made. - . .. - - Vis-- balance oo hand of. $10 88 50 half bbls ' do do crushed sugar; will be taken at low rates, or passage, please Hata, Cape, aad mde easraliy. a on to 13 vrvr . extra copper - will ne seen operator tr.e unco China. r AND lxxe, a 6 No. 4 whalemen's caiabooses, with fixtures; apply to Dry .r. ; above. It inai ine at axiciiest; Good. 10 No. S favorite pattern " Roger Williams' stoves, complete, :'-- tr te by me on July after having Sept. 25, 1853. 118--tf Bales , : ti.n dHchareed 1st. ' The bark Fanny Major, with the mails, will be best pattern ever Imported B. F. SNOW. iMen'sbose, ' -- . -, Liiquorv with pipe and fixtures the into j : Where one mnmn n wllmm M uw uw of cTcry Description. BaleaUeking, . Men's flannel shirts, - due Lahaina, Honolulu Kr family use. Over 400 stoves have been sold awa- - at on the 1st, and we may Case light flannel, , 'Grass cloth (Til tn keen Hi mere expect the 101 FROXT STREET, by subscriber, no ease baa any complaint been and liaen coat, n) i um the and in FROM Bales heavy sheeting. Bale hi niaipowt Mean siawm. uiwct. uccti iu whivuuh mans oy scnooner irom that port on Saturday Between Washington and Merchant. made. LAIIAINA I blanket. - or 115-t- iti.i since "V"1""' . f . . SA FRANCISCO Sunday morning next. Highly interesting news is 10 No. 4 stoves of the same pattern. Boot, Shoe and Leather.' J 62 docen 2 ft tins oysters best, put ap expressly for Honolulu, men's thick ' k of each quarter, and hare paid the operator New ! Cases boots, .Case men's drab Conf. boots, t the end expected, relating to the Atlantic taken from the shell within ten days of sailing of "Syren." For Bedford Direct 1 ill. tmr on the knknot $30 at the end of each month, pay- -. Telegraph and the &, do do brogans, do do goat hroaana. li h. hoy - BISHOP CO.'S 20 dox 1 lb tins oysters; do do do, enameled. Oak,-- harnssa, idoth Individually to the on the lookout in town Peace with China. ., ,- TH FIRST CLASS russet and its 20 do 1 tt tins green corn; j&Z : CLIPPER SHIP - l ' lj-jrjrtn- l genkts aside from his regular business; not do do do, sewed, glng leather. From 20 dos 1 ib fresh . of bis servicea, most look to some new Victoria dates had been received to the 6th tins clams; do do pat. tea. strap shoes . , burin need 40 d 2 lb tins do do; S $4 per month to make np the amount of his of September. The ITorick,. JTJST tir the Indian troubles had quieted, and UNDERSIGNED WILL. RECEIVE 20 dox f tb tins lobsters; 1287 Tons, commanded by captain E. C. SOULE, will load 00 Groceries. '" TWE at their Savings Bahk upon the following terms : 80 doa 2 tb tins preserved meats; herring, English enterprise better conducted K . miners were very successful. An ana none lor tne above port. Bbls mustard, kI he rfad tn see the than editorial corres- On sums of $3O0 or under, fnim one person, they will pav in- smoked herring; ... len. only be done by putting the whole 48 tins For freight apply to Bbls alewives ICamet black pepper, which can bastness pondent of the Alia says : terest at the rate of eight p r cent, per annum; from d ite of re. dos caua (1 ib) raspberry Jam; S. H0FFMETER. HBOESWHD pTsna. wt.o w'll erigaee to keep the 10 Kits mackerel, sup. capers, , nd f a uitMe I eeipt, on all sums that shall have remained In deposit three 10 dos cans do strawberries, preserved; Lahaina, Sept. 25, 18 58. 118--tf Half kits tongue and sounds, 'Boxes salad cream. tfi-- working order, and also take charge of " should thlok, there are about in pr eieht thousand months, or have been in deposit three months at the time of 4 dos preserved peaches, (2 lb cans); Half boxes oodflsh, do red currant euy, rknaC in town. men on Fraser river, at all the points matins up the yearly account. do; Hooololn Chamber of Commerce is and alone :th 8 dos apple pulp, BMs Carolina rice. do eranlwrry Jam-- tn me that tbe the No interest will be allowed on money withdrawn . FOR NEW BEDFORD I . rn, 1 banks. Of these, below the Great Canon, about two within three 20 dos Verdale olives; DIRECT Bales hops, Case honey. . .. nKwc in the matter, and take this opportunity months from the date of deposit. 1 soups; ... - 60 dos lb cans assorted Boxes assorted M,frnint fjlowing communication of making known to thousand are actually at work, the rest idle or pro TffB CUPPER tolmcco, qaalit's do marthtoes, the Thirty days' notice must be given at the Bank of an Intention 20 d 1 lb cans soup and boullie; SHIP Cases raisins. do boiled beef, renrvally a propiattinn from Mr. Richard specting. These two Pas-Bo- and the public thousand are making from to withdraw any money ; and tbe Depositor's - favorably known to pnbUc. $50 must 10 dot 2th cans chicken; Baskets olive oil. do do mutton,' md. ho i well and tbe to 2 per day. ne proaucea at the same time. - ! The latter sum is the least that 1 10 2 tb cans turkey; Boxes green peas, . do assorted meats, money West Wind. ' H,He Warned that you are dimos of hems? relieved heard any man ray he was nlrwl No will he paid except uiion the Draft of the Depositor. 20 dos 2 tb cans assorted broths; 1071 Tons, CapUin ALLEN Cases water crackers, - do cauliflowers. tnakinz. The most Paas-Bon- BAXTER, will have despatch tor nv pwthereare of the telegraph stations and bavins; had accompanied by the t roper - 6 blla cider vinegar; , ao oyster ao, Boxes soap, ding industry will not keep " rrperW-ne- e would respectfully make the a cradle going all day for On the first day of September of each year, ac ' in tbe busine, I after 1858. the 80 tins each of butter, wine, soda, oyster and NEW BEDFORD. do wine do, Half bbls dried 114-- tf use of leps counts will apples, mi TOCifStion, snowing yoo to make such tbe same than that sum; men will rather prospect be made up, and interest on all sums that shall have - sugar crackers. For freight or passage, do ginger snaps, vinegar, than " apply to . - iBbls - ".'-'- proper. work for remained on deposit three months or more, and unpaid, will be pants; ;' .. I aur think les. I have set S50 as maximum 60 dot 118-- tf , . do brandy peaches, jCase refined lard, heal-- relin-n- the be . . .. R. C0ADV CO , - on of the state of my h. ottliged tn ir creaiten to tne depositors, and from that date form part of the 12 dos red flannel shirts; k do brandy pears, do preserved IVISW ! ! imam cause that is the most I saw made by any one roan. - vegetable, COOD3 iSrCODS prewnt hriioew. I houM be elad to take chaise of principal. - 10 dos blue do do: do Spanish olives, 'Casks nave, nowever, no hams. -- --i nil h statlwi on ine loiiowina: nrrms. th.: mr i reason to doubt that as high as Bums of more than $300 will be received, sumect to special 3 dos grey do do; FOR NEW TO ARRIVE . M wmvmiAmA A II tHelffftHle . j - an1 agreement. BEDFORD DIRECT t ALSO In of JIJOV I- K " 310O per dny is realized at Hill's Bar and Texas Bar 25 doz each linen drill frocks and pants famished me. t of this amount I will en- - The Bank will be open every day in the week except Sundavs 28 dos angola genta' half hose; 250 bbls Haxall flour, BRISTOL BRICK. ASSD VAILS, M .re on three or tour of tbe claims." THE A 1 CLIPPER SHIP GLUE. axes, charcoal Irons, L nmrwle etnptit operators at each station, and will, by and Holidays ; and on Saturdays will be open until 0 o'clock. 22 dos do noheo: no; 60,000 lbs nary and pilot bread, In whalemen's casks, handled wrought pike, those now Scgar. is - JC ' 4-- Axe handle, row lock, whalers' spades. L Marrral SimaK" in addition to in use. Koloa It gratifying to observe that r. n.t tJlSUUf vO. 6 cases I'xbridge 4 white sheetings; . Bbls nsvy bread, " . Houolulu, August 1858. 112-- - 4-- 4 Skylark, Firmer chisels, gouge, flies, planter' bos, bog boss, fi.rej. notice of the approach of all vessels, and their na our island sugar, is taking high 14. tf ' 6 hales Western State brown dot Wafer bread, in cans, . name. the rank it justly 5 bales Suffolk extra heavy denims; FOLLANSBEE, Master, 260 bbla prime pork, Bock shot, chisel handles, knUe cleaners, if r and Safety fuse, bead and moulding ptaam, . v Where from anrt it coming mm poru deserves, at the public fairs in California. Shetucket blue drills; Wm have immediate dispatch " 200 bbls mess beef, - ' In the " narpcrV Weekly." for the above named port. Carpet hammer, blind hinge, wrought nails, If not, where bound. 3 bales Pepperel Bro do; For freight or Cas--s assorted sices sheathing metal, Alia of the 9th, we find the following : passage, having elegant "' Seine twine, L'fford' study flsh ny items of newt they may have to communicate. TO SrBSCRIBERtj-SUBSCRI-b- ers 6 cases Merrimac two blue prints; accommodations, apply Keg composition nails, assorted sisee, ' r lamp, aad chalk rf. to - J 117-- tf ' - " Gun nipples, superior needle, shot belts, K p a b --at sUtioaed al Coco snd hoard vessel Sandwich Island Scoar. Our attention has been to Hirpkr's Wkkklv Ilixht rated NicwsrareR. are 2 bales Thonidyke ticks; J A. J. CA RT WRIGHT. Full assortment . c ontaineu uum that the Club List is now open. The list royal blue , Pkued castors, plated forks and spoons. pa.ot. and express papers, uma to called to a sample of raw ugar now on fir 1859 2 hales Imperial Plated dessert knives, wire trap, bora rasp. exhibition at ill be forwarded tn New York some time In October, as sub 62 pairs heavy 7 tb blankets all wool; FOR BREMEN DIRECT. Hard Ware and Naral Stores. rat 1 ; Pencil sharpeners, shingling copper Tn eae of a t-t-1 bavins a mail m board bcinsr hecahn- - the Mechanics Fair, from the plantation of Dr. R. scriptions begin January and early notice Is now given, that 2 caws extra fine satin jeans; Bndls NR 6 iron hoops, Bbls kaolin, hatchet, tacks, the Mter bars and ftrward them to town with the W. Wool, on Koloa. Island of Kauai. Thi nlont suhscriiiers on Uie other Hands may he enabled to make their , : THE DANISDCLIPPER BARK Kegs rivets, 4 to 6s, Tower Bptnt levels, tea trays, nia-s- nrusnes, an--l mrds, nre bbl,cottontwine,6 ,,th,d 43 bolt. Ox bow and ox yokes, earn shelters, gram oradlsa. ir-tr- . remittances in season, such names only as are prepaid will be 4 caes do do, ' Iron wire. K1EII, tion was established in 1835, and is the oldest ' ) House paper, assorted, pod and center the private sienal of any business in at the rorwaraeu. Tne terms to loose embraced 10 the Cluh Ust a riding saddles, (complete); rfe Candace. A. Schau, Master, Boxes charcoal irons. Closet locks. bits. Wir ho hoae 100 ' .. vt'-a- Islands. The sugar exhibited is equal Enameled duck for carriage tops, new saddle, ,in n fp-- m anv approacbin ev proviiline to the finest , 10 dos charoonl irons: ill Boxes copper tacks, Mortice locks, f Mo.-wovad- 2 SO Tear's) Subscription I r have quick dLspatch for the above port. Advances :' husi-essa- p. Oae u made Finished grindstones, grindstone flxtorea, j h thesame and. m nhort.ejeeute any and all sample of sugar we have ever seen, and fr 25 dos heavy handled axes Underbill's"; : Bars best refined flat Iron, Casks iron shin spikes. Each su'criber having to pay, In addition, the Hawaiian post on Consignments. For Ireight and particulars . Lead pipe, , 1. . and 2 Inches, Linr a marine trletrraph as conducied in the United we have no hesitation in saying 20 bbls Wilmington pitch; apply to Bud Is nail rods, Bbls pitch, 1, that if all the sugar age This is one of the cheapest papers published, and gives 116-t- Douglas pump, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, &, guarded taatera, w Earope. 60 nests Ilingharo boxes; f MELCHERS CO. do .Norway shapes, 00 tar, from is more general any may 4 . your you that plantation of similar quality, it will have satisfaction than other, which be inferred buckets; Bndls assorted sq refined Iron, do rosin, Bras screw rings, nest trunks, nail rods, let me know at earner convenience, n uiick from the fact that it has nearly two hundred suhscriiiers on these 60 ne ts covered " Glased sash, 8x10. lOxli, 10x14, able to effect an arranertnent as a"ore. the prefe ence for domestic purposes, over all other . 10 d- - painted palls; Bars do do do do fire proof paint, bs !il7-Z- . 1 1 ', , islands. Address 11. 31. WHITNEY. : '. FREIGHT FOR NEW BEDFORD. Sheets boiler do soda Doors aad Minds, inch and inch hoas, Tonrs very rrspectfally. raw sugar introduced into this market. 15 uests (8 in nest) do pails; iron, ash. Hair doth, curled hair, feather pillow. R GiLULaxs. 20 hags shot; Cases alcohol. . Boxes beeswax, For market and other news we refer to com- THE A 1 CLIPPER SHIP Looking glasses, bush and grass scythes, V --Ef- HnoJula. our " ' 6 cases stout hroeans; Bbls bright varnish, .Bbls chalk. New Good ex Candace." : Heavy log east steel pick, ' Jack. - 17 18 oars; chain, hi wite that in order to rive time lor any action norm mercial column. ' . 400 16, and feet ALSO Sliding door locks, mortice chisels, bras eoeka, aas'd, SALE 60 bolt cotton duck, Nos 1 to 10; tee propition. th-- Wamond H ad telecrar-- h will he kept BT THE CXDERSlGXEDl Golden Eagle, Iron braces, bags shot, scotia and bead plnes, , ; FOR Lisle thread lace stockings. kegs nails. tons Register, Captain E. HARDINO, will New A furl assortment of Manila cordage, from ioeh to S inches, ' a wm-t- antil aort will add in 100 li sail for Pick hanilles, jack smoothing planes, lf, that, Do Coils whale line, hawsers, 7 . and do do plain stockings, Bedf.nl with dispatch. Captain inch, v ' 3 kratim of Mr fiillilanil's ririnc the above haainesshi en-- Do ' Wines ami Spirits. ' Harding is an experienced 1000 . . Try and steel squares, hand assiwssil, - Xttto cotton stockings, Whale boats, bbls oil shook,. tor, -- ne canp-iie- n assist-thii- 3i)btrtisrnunts. whisky; . an-- l 'hit V- will to employ three k Linen tapes, 60 kegs lonongahla whaling captain, and Shippers of Oil may rely upon the best of Scythe stones and rilflea, aaah faata, dout nail, rery msonal-le- . . white linen braids, piping cord, 60 kegs N. E rum; euffee bi brai Ik, Coates sewing ' care being bestowed on such as may be shipped. Tbe ship is Sundries. Britannia tea and pots, bake kettle, . cotton, " kegs American brandy; Tours, Ac. Miaaes' Leghorn 60 Bales gunny hags, Cases oil cloth. Drawiug knives, Oillot's pens, S03, 404, - broad leaf hata, - cases Uoker's hitters; provided with a force pump and hose to wet oil. Wala. Sept. 2, lo- J. Jacuos. Rojal Hawaiian ' Do. do do Tuscan . 10 Blacksmith's bellows, Bales kassock, Contain rings, imwder flask, ivory handled knives, gn'rcltuial SccUfy. do, trimmed, cases chum pagne cider; This ship will be followed by Ships Kg LaidkV black silk gloves. 60 the A NGLO SAXON, Caks Cumberland coal, Boat davits. beaters, Ely's percussion caps, stiver thimbles, Albany ale; , Large white and colored 50 d 4 pints M and Bbls sail twine. Whale boats. Black bowed scissors, axe hatchet, boys' axes, On cord and tassels, for furniture, porter. IRV ROBINSON GLADIATOR. . mlins' the Commercial of Sept. 18, 60 doz do do Punching Oak - Porcelain picture knobs, rasor strops and rasors, Miiwimitirruitc Bij Ktk, fxu anwin, nnuw note aciawrs, For freight or passage apply to the Captain on board, or to machines, boats. fterward" ap- Linen Cases stationery. Office chairs. Zinc washboards, wheelbarrow, bay cutter. the Polynesian, of Sept. 18, it - ta'4e napkins, crochet cotton. Honolulu, July 22, 1858. 108-- tf D. C. WATERMAN CO. Tinned spurs, harness . Crochet needles, with fancy ivory haUers and cases, Per "Mountain Wave, expected in Boxes solar lamps. Common chair. leather, 1 " Harness, Japan, to me ibit the editor of the latter paper, in French flowers, satin bonnet wire, Cases palm leaf hat, Settees,- 1- brass and silver mounted. September. . Buggy lamp, solar lamps, assorted, solar to yonr on Elastic hair pins. GEO. CLARK, gallons Nests trunks, Case saddlery, wick. Mr critique the French Treaty, 800 best boiled oil; ' Britannia lamps, shovels and long, 115-- tf Hotel street. Emery cloth, '. do enameled cloth, Jt 75 Tenisee riiling saddles complete; ' Extra handle fur Eagle plow No. from r.versipht or from a kindly wish to spare nsvy Bales mats, do children's caps, i, 2000 Jb bread; Bill hooks. do curled hair. Flat swede's iron, assorted, omittel to allude to JAMES LOCKWOOD, 50 half bbls crushed sugar; 6, 49 a circumstance which Ships of Good Capacity Percussion caps. Force pump and hose. i Inch and square, Swede's Iron, 5 lialf boxes loaf do; - ;. ; ayiinst yonr side question. Tin and Copper Smith, ' Cases boys' hats, Signal bells. J. 4 inch round Iron, nesu bucket and aaxea, nrily of the In . . American brandy. CAN OBTAIN LA HA IX A. MAUI. 25 tighth casks do umbrellas. Slng.s and double bedsteads. ng of the 2nd and 1 1 th article of the Treaty, XT An work in his line will he executed with promptness, and Per "Young Greek,' expected in August. Return Cargoes, or Advantageous Lumber. - Dry Goodi, Ac. ... n fern to doubt whether the intention is to exclude in a workmanlike manner. 116-- tf klrta, Scotch - 150 16. 17 and 18 feet oars; An assortment, consisting of Extra rattaas, aad apkl XX X3 hickory Printed jcooet , fast culurs, . . t , Ian TeoeL from tbe ports claimed as French of 1 coils ea Manila rope, , 2, 2i,2i, in. X Xt. . Oak, and ash plank. ' ' H. II, 2,3 O T S Turkey red small gura, ... , NOTICE. SO cotton Nos 2, 3, 4, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9. White pine boards, prints, ' Icirry an-- l Cale- bales duck. TO LOAD WITH Fine ground, , Mirqnesas proup and of New - PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN 94 kegs assorted nails; Spruce plank, prints, white rwiiiE AXXl'AL MEETING OF ABOVE THEI undersigned, on Kawaihae, THE Curtain cord, paper, , - ' y.w, ask yoa, Mr. M. THE carrring business at under the 40 lbs Prussian blue paint; Clear pine clapboard. '" I Editor, whether it is named Society, for the Election of Officers, will he held oa CiUAiYO L. . firm of It. TIIM k CO., is this day dissolved by mutual con- - yellow do; AT JAR VIS ISLAND Bundles pine laths, - Ladies' and gents' C. handksrchlefa, el known tbe 22.1 of October 1S53, at the Court House in Uonolulu. l. 10 rbs chrome Child's misses' white hose, that a Hawaiian vessel, owned here scut. All claims will be settled by 1). K. Vida, at Kawaihae. 60 rbs chrome green do; Shaved cedar sbingte and A full Is re- AND PROCEED DIRECT " 4--4, 5-- 4, -- 11-- and punctual attendance of all voting members 114-3- m t and 4 sheeting, c: Hiwtiian group, called, think, Kameha- - quested. P. K. VIDA. 10 lbs vermillion; CHA8. BREWER, 2d. I the . WYMAN STILES. Brown drilling, brown , , tie.. By order of the Board of Managers. " E. O. HALL, 10 lbs French blue; npO NEW YORK OR ANT OTHER PORT great 1 y III. is now running between the said French - irons; And a variety of Goods, in store and to arrive, for sale HS--Cl Recording: Setretary. - 60 charcoal in the United States, that may be agreed on. Moorings iw-t- r- . . Tbe business of the above will be carried on as usual solely by 5 N 4 Roger Williams ;n ' u. tiAii free of all what-Wi- th stoves' to provided, Guano brought within dues and imports of any kind 6 halt's hops; be and the reach of ships NEW GOODS! A I . such a iet staring us in the face it must BAKER WANTED Kawaihae, August 14, 1858. 116-2- m 1 rasos hops. 1 lb papers; tackles by the Agent on the Island. . JTST RECEIVED EX TO G. C. MrLEAX. NEW GOODS! - tent to the meanest nnders'anding yoa APPLT 100 bbls extra prime pork; For further particulars, freight or charter, apply to th" under that On Nuuanu street. - Gallego flour) ; SHIPS' ACCOUNTS. ; 200 hhls signed, at his Office, corner of Fort and Merchant streets, Hono- Daxalslx laarlx. "Oandaoe" NOW LANDING FROM BARK " YANKEE." misinterpret 11,000 lbs pilot bread; ;, ! ' the Intentiont of the Treaty. Our tSTERS OF WHALESHIPS WHO DE- - lulu. - A. SCHAU, MASTER, FROM HAMBURG J.V.M.lit sire assistance in the making op of their accounts, wilt 23,000 rbs navy bread; G. P. JUDD, and jcood ally, Lt Jeveu de mon Onclt, has E. J. SMITE. 100 tins assented crackers; Agent of the AMERICAN GUANO COMPANY. BY HARDWARE A VERY please call on the undersigned, who will give bis immediate at v ' FOR SALE THE UNDERSIGNED, many new Goshen , AND follows 1 SHELF comprising article never before rat to us (doubtless in name Undertaker and Cabinet Maker, tention to business to him. Office at the "Sailors' 20 half hhls butter; Honolulu, March 1, 1858. 83-- tf . . in part as the of the most entrusted new offered la Houolulu. Home." 115-- tf WILLIAMS. 25 half bbls apples; Fancy prints, mourning do, fancy printed jaconets, mourning do, iTrinify) sume candlesticks, so we BEGS LEAVE TO XOTIFY. THE UU. .; :, , that may not public that he is now prepared to furnish all kinds 116 small cheeses, in tins; 8up. white shirting, Russia , linen Imperial, linen hdkfs, ...... Cutlerf. .,t- - 100 whole boxes darkness; and some spoons and forks, so that of CUr f'lXS. and superintend Funerals, at tbe short raisins; LA 21 73 Linen diapur, towels do, bed ticking, iringham. Victoria bswaa, Packet knives, from the most approved makers 1 sailor', est long aLead. 200 hslf do do; SANDWICH IS , , black alpivca, black Orleans, buckskin, knives, large butcher knives, knives and fork, balance handle ky see how Europeans eat ; a bronzed and gilt notice f Pfli the experience he has bad in White 8. W. soap; . the business, he trusts that he may give ratiafartion to those who SUBSCRIBER IS CONSTANTLY 100 boxes PACKETS. Blue and black broad d th, billiard cloth, hair doth, table knives, superior sliears and scissor. qiHE ' to let see 6 Zante currants; ' as tbe time o'd it;" and a Hawaii-- will favor him with a calL Ready made pine coffins always on M. receiving, from the manufacturers direct, the best qualities casks ONLY REGULAR LINE FROM THE U. S. d'Ctrecht, fancy printed cotton shirts, a large variety, , - No. 1 mackerel; Amaiasiitfoa, dee. .' has been, is now', from 4 to ; I 25 kits White cotton shirts, liuen bosom do, blue red flannel (sel and running without let hand, f $10 cherry and koa do., varnished, $10 and of fresh hags CLASS and shirts. ' ; koa do, poliahed, $25 and $40. Koa Lnnilier on hand and 8 cases (30 tt") tabic salt; FIRST SHIPS . Hickory shirt, cotton, wool and silk undershirta. drawer, Hazard rifle powder, tn thi and tlb drop and buck shot troce in anf out of the French ports of the ii fsire," . - for sale at his shop, Kin street, nearly opposite the teamen's 15 cases Dixon's half ft tobacco; . Will be despatched quarterly from Commercial Wharf, Ponchos, bed quilts, white, blue, pink and yellow flannel. bullets, English fcwling pieces, lead. ' and ad in plain Ealr, 60 taxes champagne cider; Boston, ' : referendnm." menn3 Bethel. , atHd Nw. in the months of March, Blue, red and white blankets. 1' 50 boxes porter pints 100 Mar ar Jaae, Agricaltaral IsapleaieBte. h, " We'll see ahoot it, which is not tbe most - N. B. repaired varnished, with White lead, ground in the best boiled English oil, and is au loz; Sratrmker and Drcrmbrri Pilot cloth pantaloons, do monkey jackets, black alpacea coats, FrRNITl'RE made, and -- 10 bhis oil Bourhon whisky; - ' Peoria steel plows, garden shears, set gardea tools. Cottln' way of pattinz on application ! neatness and dispatch. 118 If thorised to contract at lower prices than the present market or further particulars see special advertisements In daily Waterproof coats, silk and cloth eoats, linen drill pant, an crumbier 10 kegs prime Bourbon whisky; papers nf the above months. Moleskin ledge hammers, ox bow, Simmons C. 8. rasttock. do ? - rates. pants, cotton and buckskin do, blue k black . pore yon want Browx Stout. 20 kegs do do do; For Ireight or passage to, or drafts on Honolulu, apply to Blue mixed cotton fancy wool J. C. SPALDING. seeks, brown do, do, do, : Prtper . ! 80 kegs superior and whisky; - HaBciav. Viows or Honolulu Honolulu. June 9,1857. 60-- tf extra HENRY A. PIERCE, Lisle thread socks, ladies' cotton stockings, pearl white silk do, " "Rivi-ir- e" 4000 paper bordering. Vbocu Lomger 10 octaves brandy; Sandwich Island Packet Office, Black silk stockings, Lisle thread do, children's do and socks, roll aew style house and ibis thk Lcyiatha. PERSONS VISITING O" RESIDING 10 d? " Plnet CHStillnn Co." brandy; 67 Commercial Wharf, Boston. Lasting gaiters, gentlemen's taaeU MGAR-- CI HAMS. ladies' and slippers, ,. - Tools, dre. of greater length and of a more reraark- - ALLthese Islands, should not fail to send a set of G. H. RED quarter casks Duff Gordon" pale sherry or to u. v French boots, silk suspenders, silk A jituu. calf and cravat, Cooper Improved flies, ami bellows, Hmrtrwm View Ilststwlsilsi to their friends abroad, If NT. ANI TO ARRIVE PER sr-- 25 bales gunny bass; r Honolulu, S. Leghorn for gentlemen, tools. brae bit, til's trtcter, than the Leviatha a. are advancioe to they convey by far cenery. ny I. hat ladies and silk and cotton umbrella, whitewash brushes, paint brushes, pick handle, as will a better ilea of tbe Habits, ren," 20 tierces choice sugar vured llama, lor sale 44 dos grey flannel shirts; AGENTS. Kidderminster carpets, tapestry do, mats and ru- -, rpet bags, ass handle. fri-- in Liverpool. tresarls d. These are each 700 s, etc., of this place, than any works or prints ever ne-t-f J. C. SPALIUNO. 9 doc do do; They B. W. Field, - Honolulu. Btihblnet lace, ladies' falU, cbiklren's hoods, ,. Saadrie. , hae been constracteI for the Ori-- To be had of BIKOW, dos blue do do; Sutton A Co. New York. Lisle thread gloves for ladies and gentlemen. Ste-tr- rt 113-- . '4 Patent clothes bbla glue, grindstone, charcoal nl tf Merchants' Exchange. RIGGING LEATHER. SO doc denim pants; At pin, lroc, tnl Company, anJ are intenlel for Cook Snow, New Bedford. Cotton and linen thread, sewing silk, bonnet wire, crinoline, force pomps, shoe pegs, . purpose sTkN HAND. AND TO ARRIVE PER "ST-- . Z'i dm denim frocks: , 54 U Piping, stay binding, elastic belts, Coates' spool cotton, of the Indian rivers. The of 4-- ren," 60 sides Rigging Leather, for sale by 13 bales Amoskeag sheetings 4 brown; Crochet cotton, imperial pins, crochet needle. also Wu'iar fentam of construction is to enable a "E tlampHns V.!" 116-- tf C. ' : i. SPALMNG. 6 hales do drills do; K ,. Sup. Sharpe's needles, glass inkstands, pen knives, rasors. An assortment of NatlwsM. embracing man to be I Yaakee "V carriel at a goml rate of npee upon 1 JOTICE IS IIEREBV GIVEN TH AT THE 10 hales Otis denims; Frceninn & Co's Embroidery scissors, button hole do. Jack kuives, butcher do, desirable aad useful articles, too numerous to particularise. iraasht or wafer. Etch vessel is broken np PURE CIDER VINEGAR. 7 bale Cordis drills 4-- 4 brown; ' TREASURE, FREIGHT, PACKAGE fe LETTER rowoer nasxa, nira cages, ivory comns, enrtatn rings. The above goods, purchased la person mostly from the manu- Monday Evening, at 8 o'clock, at tbe flail, over lr. McKibin's BBLS. TO ARRIVE "STREN," 1 Case Lancaster stripes; Patent pencil cutters, coppered springs fur sofas, saddles. offered on the most favorable parts, each which is a complete 1 PEt facturers' agents, are for sale term,, of fl.mtsanl Drug um, on Woven street. Kel lent an transient ki rothers by 1 case Anchor do; ZE3 1 - hourly expected, lor sale 33 IS Cotton, wool and silk fringes, cords ami tassels, 114-t- f) . W. H. LAUD. itself, so 118-- lt 2C XI ry Y tnat each vel consists, in fact, of are respectiully inviteil to attend, fer order S.O. II. . 50116-- tf J. C. SPALDIN'O. 6 half bbls bide poison. F Month. Ltdies dress trimmimts, mull collars and sleeves, crap do. On the 5th and 20th of each " ppen lent vessel, or barges of which the first XT For sale to arrive, on liberal terms, by Thread lace, em' roiden-- d hdicfs, napkins, toys, velvet ribbons, steamer, towing all The constituent ALCOHOL. 0 PER CENT. OVER PROOF. 108-t- f J. C. SPALDING. TO ALL PARTS OF THE Velvet in pieces. Parisian hats, for ladies, gentlemen and GROCERIES. . thereat. Fire! Fire!! Fire!!! - large fcf the tnin, however, are so artical tteI to one ALCOHOL. CONTAINING 2 FIVE- Ualted State, Saata Aaserica. children, in variety, YANKEE AND JOHN LAND HOOK AND LADDER CO. C1gallon tins each, for sale to arrive per t ?yr?n," by Oil paintings, ladies? necessaires, printed cotton handkerchief, Ex Herrings in tins, , , 1 Caaadas aad Eeispe, hJ circnJr Vinfs as to leave no material PROTECTION aotine that a regular meeting of 116--tf J. C. 8PALUIXG. Krahpiidered jup'ws, mantillas, uulies' summer cloaks, ha Brun's oyster. between Company will be hel l Monday evening, Ocutter ' ..... cuNsiacTi.su is new tobk with thb aasaicax-BCBorias- T ix Kid gloves for gentlemen, Mlk riding Tomato ketchup, ;.-- : them, while tiermittinw. the train to the at the rnn JUST RECEIVED! ladies and do. gloves, half-pa- PRESS C0MPAST TO BCR0PS. lewijs in any th, at st seven o'clock. A full attendance is requested, PITCH AND TAR. LulieV fans, porte-monnai- buffalo oombd, feather dusters, Green pea, in 1 fh tin, r4inz carve in the river; anl as Inuines of great importance will come before the Company, Tortoise shell combs, garters, lamp ladies' Maccaroni, In 1 w:l! .Th BBLS. OF E CH, TO ARRIVE PER AT THE shade, reticules. carton, not snstain injurT shoaM it or.ler: DUST, COIN AND BULLION Black silk shawls scarfs, black , ookwed . Codfish, (extra.) . . .. eruanl fer 'Syren," for sale by and do, ruche, 1 Open 1 r nneTen-sarfc- US--It GOLD and insured on Policies, beld from the best In SO ince each barjre will settle C. X. 8PKXCER, Secretary. 116-- tf C. SPALDING. Artlltciai flowers, chenille, bonnet ribbon. Table salt. ft bag. ' J. Companies in New London. , r.,r SAW FRAXrCZSOO Insurance iork and Blank books, foolscap, letter pap-T- note do, envelopes. 114-- tf For sale by C. A. A R. V. POOR. tf.ni itHrlf. This new species of vessels Packages. Parcels ami letters mrwamea oemi-montni- y, via ?ne4 Mr. ONIONS AND POTATOES. - Wrapping paper, sand do, printing do. genuine Luhiu's extract, . hj Bonrne, civil engfneer. Liver- - Livery Stable. CLOTHING- EMPORIUM! Panama ami Nicaramia. in charaeof Siecial Messenirers. Genuine eaa Je cologne, eommnn do, lavender water, macassar oil, dc ' ONIONS AND A Special Express up by us for Panama, Callao, A. P. A. SI. ion. UNDERSIGNED REGS TO IN-- 4L1FORNIA POTATOES, is made Lima, Elegant dinner aud breakfast sets, soup plates, dinner plate, THE Per " 1 aukee," for ile by COR. MERCHANT AND FORT STREETS. Valparaiso, anil all the principal ports or the west coast of Boutn Vegetable 1 LE PROGRES DE LOCEANIE form his friends and the pu'.lic that he has c115-t- dishes, tureens, spittoons, water buttles, tumblers, f - C. L. RICHARPS k CO. America, which is promialy forwarded by the English Steamers LODGE, No. 114, under the Jurisdiction of the Su vTt?R wihin to alter, change or discontinue their his Livery Stable at the OLD STA N U. Corner of Mauna STOCK Ships' lanterns, window ornaments, glided mouldings, oay pipes. preme Council of the Grand Central Lodge of France, Kea ami Marine street, near tlie steam Mill, where THE BEST SELECTED OF leaving Panama on tbe 14th and 29th of each month. Goblets, wine and champagne glasses, castors, lamp, chimneys. will p!eie to give notice at our counter. All BLOATERS AND HERRINGS. TT Collections made, and allonlers pertaininfrtoa leftitimate working In the ancient Beach Bite, bowl It regn'ar rits, will be found Bt?I r sanoLC bk-- to let at reasonable CLOTHING, ; Swiss cheese, split peas, nek candies and drops, fruit bonbons, meeting on the Wednesday nearest the full saooa ef each Ptiseroeoti He markeit bow long they are to be thi sre respectfully invited to TIl BLOATER AND ENGLISH Forwarding and Express business, attended to witb uispatcn. Peppermint losenges, macearnl, vermicelli, s'earine candles, prices. His old atruns and others VtRMOlM Herring in tins For sale by month, at the old Lodge Room, in King street. . 118-- P. MANI.M. Barley grits in demij ihns, oat grits in do. pearl sago in do. ""erwise, r rule is to insert tin discontinued. lt catt. Fit 115-t- & HATS AND CAPS, Visiting brethren respectfully Invited to attend. ' 111! t'K f C. L. RICHARDS CO. Principal OfScra. C(.dflsh, indigo blue, snpar, Mrdinea, XT loaf and crushed raisin. August 18. 60--tf H. SEA, Secretary. BOOTS AND SHOES, A. P. EVERKTT, - - - - Honolclu Currants. Westphalia hams, pilot bread, Baas' ale, Tennent'sdo, notice:. GOLDEN STRUP. roner, pax wine, snerry, cognac, gin, vioun strings, . ciaret, a 1IASTERS OF SHIPS VISITING THE aT AND 124 Montgomery street, San Francisco Tape and braids, powder and hit, matches, beeswax, ' NOTICE. v of Honolulu, in of JK AM EN, will find it to their N FRANCISCO GOLDEN. SYRUP IN 6 i port want gallon kegs, for family sale by 83-- tf ' Polished charcoal irons, raven's duck, Rtii:i spanyam, call o.fice of 11 A II A i a: oe, fir UNDERSIGNED BEING ABOUT TO advantage to at tbe 0 xtHKUAM, 115-t- - C. L CO. UHinine, lognne, oaanm, crews shorten notice. Ap-- . f RICnARDB k Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods! inarnne, nousing, sail twine, THE the kingdom, offers for sale th premises now eoru where can be foutxl whole at the Stockholm tar, pitch, main, Venetian rod, boiled Unseed oil. as C . . proved security given for the amount advanced to seamen FARGO & CO.'S pied by himself, known the Caa ercfcal Hotel. ARD . WELLS, English white leal, Piiris greeu, chrnine green, Prussian bine. Including Stable adjoining. Alan, all fixture until outside of the reef. Fnan past experience an 1 strict atten-tio-n BANK HILLS. EVER IMPORTED INTO THIS MARKET. the the f the give satisfaction. ttronse paint, tin plates, noop iron, reir iron, ateei, nail rod. Hotel, embracing everything requslte for the successful con- to our business, we hope to be aide to A MERICAN AND ENGLISH BANK BILLS Iron and brass wire, wire netting, sheet sine, gunny bags, superior (115-- tf 1 M. corks. ducting of the hotel business, consisting of eue Billiard JAM OK All AM, cash d by II. WHITNEY. ? Vinegar COALS, A. 31ARKITAM. "I1ESE COODS HAVE ALL BEEX SEL-- EXPRESS, 5 in demijohns, etc., etc Table, In first rato order, bar fixture, ete. y. nATI!3 LESD THE WILLIAM r I18tf Pnrtm-- HACKFKLD CO. ' ected by the Senior of the firm, with a perfect k ALSO ' " ' 0 :' CLAPBOARDS AND LATHS. 1858. 115-- V ! ' knowledge of ;he wants of the Honolulu public and the whaling BY THE REGULAR PACKETS BETWEEN HONOLULU Honolulu, Sept. , tf ; ... - " en the earner ef Maaasa and rtl Hawaiian OATS t OATS ! ffi-F- T.) having LOW The Leasae LC Theater DRESSED CLAPBOARDS! fleet, and een purclmsel at FIGURES, will he AND SAN FRANCISCO. Beretauia streets, known a tbe M Circa Lot," aad the Leas of FOR A tsflOKT SEASON, CALIFORNIA OATS. SELECTED. niEM Pine Uuhs, per " Mountain vi ave." soi l at MCCK LOWER KAT than have ruled In this market TEW 112-- C LEWERS, Fort speedy and safe conveyance of Merchandise, Coin, Let the Nuuanu Baths." warrantnl equal to the best in the market, just landed tf II. street. in past yearn. . Citizens ami Strangers are respectfully invited to For the . and it 11jo :' frnr. informing for sale tn to suit, oy to all of -- nf Honolulu,honor of flmt the from the Flying Dart," and quantities call and sei for themselves. A. 8. k M. 8. GRIN BALM. ters ami valuable parcels, parts the HAWAIIAN BEEF! One Soda Uachine, with bouliag apparata eomptete. r that the performance will - lwt uke 115-t-f , C. A. tc II. F. POOR. Honolulu, 9, 185S. 115-- tf f- AND SOLAR LAiMPS 8e;t. MACFAAL4XX, EVENING NEXT. -f HANGING UNITED STATES. CANADA AND EUROPE ' PTlRrVTV w01 consist of Sheridan .THE UNDERSIGNED. AGENT ' Hcnolnln, April 22, 1868. 8&--tf H. rrWMSM! James ATES, AND M'ICK-F- or 4--v for the sale of St . .. SALMON. CH'MXEIS sell Bills of in sums to suit I Lwwaawa. SiswsMr f flay ! the by (94-t- fJ - B.'W. FIELD. The Asents at Honolulu Exchanee RECEIV-jfl-a SII Co., San or New iork.-- . Also c and R. C. Jsmiww'a HawaiUe A SUPERIOR ARTIC LE JUST SALT! SALT! SALT! on Wells. Fanco k Francisco Pstelsesl'.' has constantly on band and CARD TO THE PUBLIC. : . IICNCIinACK! Flying small packages, suitable for Farp-- j Berf. ed per schr " Hart," in Wells, a Co.s franked V. 8. Government envelopes, for sale BEEF of the above well known and approved brands, f te afterpiee I f A I persona ting family at a reasonable price. BOURBON WHISKY. pass free over the Cnlif.Hniia and coast routes, aud over THAT ARE aarllr stcc ee, and MANUFACTURED AT which which he offers for sale at the market rate. UNDERSTANDING communityTHCEof my en the eharer of "Julia.? 118 tf C. A. k n. F. POOR. fT,SO' tc FAIRB4K8 OLD HOUR. THE the Atlantic route from San Francisco to New lork. havine weo bon WhUky A few dozen nf this superior whisky for P. S This Beer is packed at Waimea. Hawaii, at an eleva- deavored to over lease a certain house la thi Iowa, now oecu-- haa th if irhl v CLCJ.VSED. rE.VTIL- - Commissions and collections promptly attended to. tion of several thousand feet above level of the sea, where . w 115-- C. L. B-- the pied by soother party. I proclaim it to be false aad a base fab- n sale by tf RICHARDS k CO. 1856-t- f. 5, CUADY U.D DECORATED entire It EHT STOCK OF TO LIST. Oct. 1. ... CO.. Afenta cool adapted tn purpose. - HT PVVLOA SALTWORKS! the climate it and well the It is rication in proof of which 1 would respectfully refer, by per- at led t tite estahli.hmens and everr attention A COMMODIOIS COTTAGE J. Ho packed in LIVERPOOL ami TCKKS ISLAND SALT, by ex- kid t the ptodnetMn of tbe tel street, d.rectly opposite residence of laptain a. BOURBON AND MAGNOLIA WHISKY. mission, to Matter. John Montgomcy and T. C Heuek, who are the r. perienced packers, and is warranted to keep for 12 month in oaly able negotiate for above premise-- Snow. Apply to HS-t-fJ R. CILL1LANP. - the panic to the ' ,' aTkLD BOTKBOV AND MAGMILIA WIIIS. MIE UNDERSIGNED IS READY TO FIJR- - FANCY. GOODS. any climate. . ALEX. J. CART WRIGHT. . Moral Classic ; In packages, in bond or duty paid, for sale by nish to Butchers and Packer, in the largest quantities. 114-U- aiiwatv utauiaa. Drama; ky. GOODS, EX RADl'GA"- Honolulu, August 25, 1858. anl ... H&--f tr t;. a: very impobtrd -' a style seldom if ever witnessed In this city. COPARTNERSHIP. 1. kiciiaki's tu. a superior articl", Eqrai. to thk bk.t salt, and NEW Ladies shawls. 'At th reeuest of Mr. E. Bunress. w hereby declare, that the i at a price to VH.YX COilfKl iTIU 1 for terms, apply to mantillas, ' win be enforced every part - Ladies lace erurse pursaed by him in reference to the abov matter has been la of the establish- milK rDERSIRXED II AVE FORMED MORE OF iMdh-s- ' black lace SCHOOL FOR CHILDREN OF FOR visft-'h- M for the transacting General Commis- - TWENTY BASKETS THAT mitts; r." strictly Just and jijms every enort made to contrl rtlte to tbe comfort of e a Copartnership of a 11 5--6 in " ' fuuHia SaU Works. usiwxwi, V. seat side sad. lies, May 1, 18aa. 101-e- m TU. U. intention nf tbe Management tn render the Royal Sion Business, under the firm and style of I. C. ATtRMAN - EIGN PARENTS. uKltt. er Gothic alarm dorks, Th-at- a place nf pleasant amusement and instruction. A CO.. CO.w-T- best ' 4 CHARLES IIEIDlEf'K tc he . Lawn and robe dresses. UNDERSIGNED ARE HAPPY TO - :' Isnarer takes pleasure in announcing to the public We especially solicit any business connected with the interests Wine ever drank on these Islands, r r sale njr NAsflOXAL. HOTEL, THE that Ihey have completed the arrangements for of Home: H baling Fleet, in consignment of supplies, fur- 117-- tf At wholesale by C A. & H. POOR. notice M made arrangements to "ecu re the services of several the tlx 115-- tf C. L. RICHARDS ft CO. CORNER NUUANU AND HOTEL STREETS. the opening of a School for the Education of Children of Foreicn TO CAPTAINS OF COASTERS AND OTHERS. distinction, who will arrive In the next trip of the nishing of funds, sales, or purchase of exchange, oil, bone, gen- SPICED PEACHES. Ps rents, under the charce of Mws Hiir Tbtsto, on MON. eral merchandise, and tbe procuring of freight, etc SWEET PICKLED DAY. the 6th of September next, in the basement of the Fort at. ' U. C. WATERMAN, 50 CASES TURNER'S GINGER VlNE, PUIS WELUKXOWN ESTABLISHMENT PICKLED PEACHES, IN IO la. GREEN. VERDIGRIS. f that tbe attractions onTd will meet the approbation ' ISR V For sale by offers superior inducements to Seamen and the public gen SPICED Church. The term upon which Children will be permitted to BRUNSWICK Tel low, Yellow Ochre, Veaeaaa Red, 117-3- ni JOHN F. POPE. . ANKEE iars: - public Mr. respect solicit pa--l School, a follows : . 1 Ince ally their 115-- tf C. L. RICH IRPS CO. erally. The Table will le supplieil with the best of fare, ami the grape and quince JeIUes,tn small glass jars. enter the are Prussian Blue, tpanish Brown. I mber. . - support. Currant, apple, plum, The Terhi will be eleven weeks. p. r. roes. Sleeping Apartments provided with all the conveniences of toilet. preserveu pineapples ana cnemes First Boiled Linseed Oil. Turpentine, White Lead, (extra aura,) Box Office wfTl be opened on Saturday, at c. Also, Tuition for each Scholar, Tes for Term. o'dork WAT. , - ESS. JAMAICA GINGER. A of per " for sale by Dollar the Zinc white. Lamp Black. White Varnish. I - small invoice the above KadueV 1 continue' j , . , fc COM ii- All Scholars entering within two weeks opening I until 4 P. where boxes and seats may be D. C. WATERMAN -- 117-- after the of be to of , C. B. UrWTOS, - Boarif, - a4 7 per Wek tf C. L. RICHARDS a CO. To had in quantities suit, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. . rsROWlCS COXCEXTRATED ESSENCE Faraiaard Roems, 2 la 4 per Week. the School, will he charged full tuition; and all CcboUrs entering Xoreltie 118-- of Jamaica Ginger, per Yankee," for sale bv one-ha-lf of term expired, will be charged feveral are In active preparation. lt Especial attention paid to the interests of the Whaling Fleet, by ,9 ? after tbe has Five 115-- tf C. L. RICHARDS CO. with Officers Seamen i. NOTICE. Dollars. the furnishing of funds, purchase and sale of Exchange, Oil, XT In connection the establishment. and AGAINST r of Freight. can be procured nt short notice. A LL PERSONS HAVING, CLAIMS Should any Schofar be detained from school by sickness or NOTICE. ;.r.t C?" Bone, General Merchandise, and the procuring Sc. EX- L. RIVES, which have not already been presented. deduction, NOTICE WELLS PROVOST'S ASSORTED - JOHS O. LEWIS. Proprietor, JOHN other unavoidable cause, more than one week, a will A LL PERSONS HAVING REFERENCES. areJ.reouested to hand them Into the understiriied, on or netora be made for time. - - . OBMAK0S 115-3- the againet will pies prrseat them fee Co., Sew Bedford. TRACTS, m v and Licsssm Sbippiso AGtrr. VA. me. Messrs. Issao Howmo, Ja., k the 1st of November next. ' C.C.HARRIS- - As the establishing of the School Is a private enterprise, U will dlately those indebted are requested to aall aetUa, or Esq.- -, FLAVOR NfS PIES, PUDDINGS, ( and aad W. G. E. Port. do. -- J H7-- 3t Attorney of J. L. Rives. parent will funilsh desk JLnORper 1 ankee," tor sals by be expectid that tbe a and chair for their acoounu wm ne left wita an attorney mrcuueouoa. . Mosgav, fVtoxk k Co., San Francisco. c, ' SUNDRIES. each scholar, but arraasrments have been mad which will ena- 115-- tf C. RICHARDS CO. hereby give aay . ,do , 117-- tf U k The ub7riber notlo that a will n McRria k Missii.l, . t RES II CAROLINA RICE. HAMMOND A LOUZADA, ble the teacher to furnish desk of a uniform dtwtroctjon. If rr - f'VDERSinvt'n f Kniiish Pie Fruit, J. I. debt contracted withowt hi written order. npi Tn INFORM DRIED if Agents for the Shipment of Foreign Seamen, over tbe store of requested, at a less cost than they can be procured singly. p"wc toa tney have opeqed BEEF. F English Sauces, assorted, All application fT admission to the School are to he made to H. MACFARLASK. x. naseraouse. uueen ..am Hppwn Hoaesala, April SO, IS6S, 84-- , i - , . Dawaiian xllechanics' Benefit Union. A SMALL LOT OF DRIED BEEF, PER ftwnish Olius, j. siree. the Teacher, who will he hanpy to eonf-- r with any parent inter tf Yankve, for sale by Vermicelli, shortest notice. Patronage solicited. Officehours fraa 6 A. .B Macaroni and 117-3- m ested before fixed for openinv HrhooL 7 - . . the day the UnBElt YARD!' 116-- tf ' C. L. RICHARDS CO. Fresh Prunes In Glass Jars, , a. tiller, TO : OS THE MAMISI PREMISES, ' AT TnF.ASOTAL MEETItfOOF THE ' " B. 9 SNOW, THE public. rXasjaa above Society, held September 19, tbe foUowiDg Officers RAISINS, ltrandy Peaches aud Cherries, . ALEX. J. CARTWRIOHT. Kea ud 9Iariae Streets. ensuing year : FRESH Per Yankee." for sale by TEA t TEA I Honolulu, August 2T, 1858. 114- -f , Committee. rmnB undersigned beg to inform were elected for the 1- JL public tbey will open a staagct on the ef July r;B he T r -4 116-t- . , C. L. RICHARDS CO. the that let ftmDii ,hc KM itiM.rf rvsrn II. lowers, I sTaER T ANKEE. IN 12 AND BOXES f SOUCHONG AND OOLOIfO as mm UoQohalu, TroBtees. lllft-c- f C. L. RICHARDS k CO. OUCHONG. supe- - vitmnrj avesracTmo jar. r. a. saaain, ixnww vis . Geo, C. McLean, Frsaleby Teas, per " Yankee " 8 ane of these teas are very TW ANILA CORDAGE, small steea, street, whereat an time will he found a chose silsotjoaof raasa 1 Inch Boards, -- COFFEE-HOUS- E. : P17-t- fj , - , v ; H. DIMOND. Fir Wm. Wright, HONOLULU rior. . For sale by Oakum, tow rate a eaa he afueared aay store la . . C0ZZENS' YAIX SHERRY. J.'Jt " eaocntas, at a at do do do, AuM, Comm. ees-v-d- t Alex. Ppunyarn, town. Also, aaar, poaa, irtrrroa, ACSAaa, a fat, evs 1 1 " - do do JVnring. R chard Neville, Treasurer, Ed w. Boyd, 5 PA LE SHERRY The finest wine ever I BUNGS I ' t Martin and RatHo. rythlng usually fouod in a well appointed aooocry ore. . meeting, appeared the So- afOZZENS oy PTUIE UNDERSIGNED BEGS LEAVE TO BUNGS sale bv " ieaisifliBw. si wlmt - From the reports read at the it that imported foe sale notify friends and the publie that he baa rsopened bis Fer 'r ssawrtsse, etc-- , ha BUNGS, ASSORTED SIZES, 61-- tf - ' tsd - ciety had expended, during the last year, for sick, benefits, ll-t- f- . C. L. RICHARDS k CO. establishment on King street, near the Bethel, where he always CASK CHAS. BREWER, 2a. 2x3, 2x4, Jx4, 3x3, 4x4, 4x. t of Society's " toVsaleby CHAS. W. FOX, the sum ef $39 871, and that the present state the will be ready to accommodate Boarders by tlie week or single 5000 Cabinet Maker Turner, - NOTICE: ;. Cealsir Bcasralw. rrwsss - - ' and Pwrf OrrrsL Funds to : - m - . J BY "CANDACE meal. lut-a- . NOTICE. y he far superior to 0 JUST RECEIVED 117-- tf , , Hotel street, near Fori. rmns raDEafliaKED' vviLL NOT to Eastern pine for carpenters' and Amounts invested, principal and interest, date, f180 atuuin. UNDERSIGNED HAS DepoaR Boas Vaalt, under inKing " , 115 1 ESTPIfl ALIA HAMS. RAISINS IN IR. FfiHE APPOINTED Si eciv in the Custom aiso tor boat boarda, cumpnatng Balance in Tresurer's hands, - .J -- 1 William Webster, q- to act as his Attorney davte mca - 00 and half boxes. Currants in small jars. At MECHANICS CHEAP BOARDING HOUSE! t . Es- his regolation. after thi day. All article on deposit at UJ date J Boards, extra clear, Dues unpaid, - - w SAM. bATIDOE'S. GUTTER. aliaence. - ' , remove yesa. . ean remata until It le eonvenieat to do H5tf 115-3t- do . - . V . TjTP, t do do, '- - Honolulu, Sept. 9, 1858. , ; . Wm. TT , . . w. eooDAUt, r:' I do " : . , " -- - - - . 17 X KAAIIUMANU STREET, IN FRONT RUNNING FT.OFAil. WORK- - do do do, ' Total, tlMl ixES. 4 AAA ed Plae Gutter for tale, ex " Kl s a rata." Honolula, July 1, MM. pOt-t-f J .v . Cb. treat sf 1 do An Being the o--t assets of the Society at this data. From tbe min-- of Roderick's Restaurant. lfVflF ; 1 mt. ' YAN- o 8-- tf LEWERS. AXES, - " . . CH. NOTICE. axDccvo raicsa, by U7-9t UEU. V. MCLEaa.sccy. rCXTS" HANDLED PER Breakfast at - . - . 6t A. M...... far sale by : U. A. a; H F. POOR. kee,n Dinner , - , Noon. SUBSCRIBER RESPECTFULLY OF : . . ; . 114-t-I C. L. RICHARDS k CO at notice. 4; I f Supper at i P. M. CANDl. THE his seivloe In the adjustment ef aceoant. coflection of bills, eta Mortgage, wease. Bill ef Sale. aad 9AVIDGE BEGS TO HIS ,113-3- m ASSORTED STICK AND FANCY Asveemet. mrORtf Javt ReceiTfd! BOXES CRTSHED SUGAR, t CRACKERS. OZr Terms & per . . aT ASES other Instramenta, drawn with ccuracy Menda. as a mutual nroteottaa. ne sot UVr any Haft bbla, Crushe l Sugar, -- We. Drops. Just received per "Radoga, and for sale by and dispateb, aad ea S. tu JT POOR. mooerate term, umca ax ome. good to Chinese or Native servant, nnk tbey eteher bring R SALE . 50 Half bbls. Coffee Crushed Sugar. - A PRANCISCO BUTTER WATER, - 117-- tf C. A. k H. F. ui Bailor' paaaage BY ttte irvnitpcanvxTi guzar. Jenny Uad Cakes, ' 115-- tf the eseaey, a written order, ar a hoair. UaySO. (he Ban Franeisoo Sugar Refinery, per " Yankee.1' mr sale picnic and coda cracaen and SHIPPING OFFICE. GEO. WILLIAMS. lotf From s " - Yankee," tor sale by MUvvV by . , - H-f- 1 v. u. KiUHAKim a per UNDERSIGNED lIAVlSfi TAKEff TEA. EX RADUGA. WAT -- C. L. RICHARDS k CO. Office Sailors Home," will procure BES consMng of " THE sttacned tn the V ATTAR OF ROSES. whaling A CHEATS EXTRA AN IS UUhUNU I LD CHRO fTO O eers and Men for aud other vessels, at short notice, FEW , A 5- that I METERS, BOYS USE . m. Tea, In paper, for sale oy SMALL LOT OF GENUINE JUST R7- HEREBY OIVCN CHESTS FOR SOAP. and will endeavor to a) vet s.isfactiua to all wb may favor bint ith low SSK. A-- HEKDuN a are Aeent. with TOOL Locks, very superior Door and Pad Locks, Fancy tf C. Wpoor. eeived and fer sal by otXSermw : GEO. WILLIAMS, 117-- ' irk it - - ?!'.n "" trtt,n bands on tb handle.) f Dog sate by . BOXES, CA LBS. EACH, ENGLISH with their business. 114-- tf V C. A. H. F. rOOBV daring mf beeoe from the lAand. ' Collars For 90-- I). WaSTOX'3 ' White Soap, per - lanaee, ' sale oy - Licensed snipping Agent. Boaetalo, MareH Id, 18M. tf , Twef'i'' DVPLEX, ANCHOR LJZrXU . ll-- tt . uauu. rr ' - - 116-- : j r O i. 300116-t- f - , . C. L. RICHARDS k CO. Honolulu, Sept. 1, 18&8. tf VOLUME II, j ' ' a. DtABLOTME WATCHES. ' . frtc r?r xrri Webavifig come direct from Europe, ALEX ALEX rt d ci?rn and there being - BUSHELS TURKS ISLAND SALT. THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL AD - baad charges an them, tbey wili HITS LEAD, S la KEGS, wy bownd and foe sale price 8 TUST iA.LL LOT. CSTaA X7T r"h therefore be RECEIVED EX "RA DIG A." LOT . . -- .For sale by. t.r ror saw rsrtacr RECEIVED AND FORSALn BT A prtcca, . , , , ease, by llS-a- US--rf AOi eamky by rrST ILK. In nfnta a doaea In a for sale BRXWXR 300- V il"1 CSHAS. If r .2 H. ILIFRTfinX H.Jsf. V.3MY. - wtf CHAR. Mr . , fl. - U. bAHGE, Fort I IlTf - t ; v. C. A. H. r. roua. - -- - ' it l" a.- :.-; av ;.' - u

- ' : - asaasssawaawawawawai ..,.,,. . .,...., . - WH asBasaWaWawawawawaw - "" S v awt V awf'i'.-V- rs' ' " aaBasaawjasBsawsBSSsssssawasawaWawassWa ' 7 I " - . ' . ' " What a beautiful daw; for Hannah !" was the Sirttrtistmnits. Be W. EIBL'D C. X. KICnARDs? first exclamation at the breakfast table. STORK SALE should dine ?" FOR' MMM AT HIS efr-?- - a cosZ'' f i :1 t " Did she tell yoa where they OFFERS 'i Ldvertiser. NV mmAn.m t fnroot to ask." Car la ITl IV Undersigned I I A & CO., The Slsla 'Ckaaaiery, can tell said the roaster of the house, SALE. AT THE LOWEST Naval Starea.' ' I yoa," MAUI. FOR oT recewtly rewiv good humored importance in his lahaina; OFFERS a large assortment Goods, Graoeriea, For the Pae, Com. Advertiser. with somewhat of Among thea - ' A sUATJS Aas ed from Fraaciwea and LI Teraeek . SRT.ECTED STOCK OF . PraviaU.,, air; somewhat of the look of a man who having kept RE NOW RECEIVING. PER Saa . vrt?r t. - ; ! iMt Treaty sorry RIVALS, a large stock Of . - awjv ; TartsT aa4 a, lnnw as was necejsarT. is not to - VERY EXTENSIV1S ""'war, wmt aa it 2. ' ; GOODS.- Vmm haw toward to oar aid. a that pathos ret rid f the barthen. I can tell you; in London.' PROVISIONS,' DRY Kegs tongues and sounds, I no Brown cottons, . noted. The loOowing effusion, In London . . i, Kegs mackerel, boxes eodRih, ! spiral fcr which they are " ' , , SHIP CHAN DLrEKY, Whit cottons, shirtings. , boxa rythmical aaertt, will bear at Yes. Your favorite has been in high luck. aud boxes nitint, box.-- pZ tboosk aot dIatiiUMd fcr any little . NAVAL STORES. White cotton drill, madapolams, - IS . Boxes Bristol ' ue brtek, vemiceUL one hasty perusal. Tha Mow, it win be seen, seeketn to She has married the only son of one of the best and Fancy drill, printed cords, two-bl- prints. iaS'vf least , GROCERIES, drilling, regatta shirts, OF A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Bbls. Id eider vinegar, fcmous Treaty, how it Is viewed out-- richest men in B - Mr. Smith, the great batter. Furniture prints, brown CONSISTING ' - green corn, sausage portray the history of Iba offer for sale lowest prices. shirts, linen fitting, hickory shirts. Cases eis,Jkmeat, minc t - Which they at Fancy shirts, white ' ml- ' is quite a continued he; "William , Cases Lobster, raspberry Jam, alii sf Hn nininsa.nl inrlrnr', " It romanae.'. New Pilot Bread, New Navy Bread, White, colored and fancy striped cotton undershirts, lasting. atftx H -- evening see GOODS, - Cases strawberry Jam, cranberry I wtlahertbaaw.) r - Smith walked, over one 'pleasant to a ; children's socks, white and red flannel. - : CHINA t j j,i Easteiw Hour, . Catifnenia Flour. Merino undershirts, FURNITURE, Cases apple marmalade, W match at cricket.' He aaw our pretty Hnnnah. and Corn American mess Beef, White blankets, large assm't of linen drills, French merino, peaches, Ye Muses tha dweO on the heights of Parnassus, . meal. broadcloth, medium do do. dry goods, Cases strained booey, apple sauce tmlA " " - " : , After having gased Rice. American mess Pork Duck and trowseringa, superfine ' Your power I Invoke to Inspire my pea, ' forgot to look at the cricketers. poncho cloth, WARE, : Cses cheese, Mmabies, tomato kttchnT ' 1 embroidered Orleans WOODEN While K leHs what ha lately befallen, alas mt his fill, he approached to address ber, ana tne nine Hawaiian Beef. Embroidered alpacas, "'k; j GLASS WARE, Cases pepper sauce, cloth ponchos, monkey Jackets, Russell cord coats, ; 1 V assorted hum T Poor mortaa down here, called the cauldron of , I I (. Of different brands, Warranted EmbrM . g00ds.1 ' i damsel was off like a bird. William did not like her and other trowsers, women's shoes, assorted, manila . &egs spin fpra wniw Deans, No. 1 brown sugar, No. 2 brown sugar, crape shawls, : T Keg easvm imuer, cranberries, bright BtOe isle, rolling Pad fie, the less for that, and thouzht of her the. more... He Men's shoes, ladies shoes, CORDAGE, - On a ia tha No. I molasaees, Black tea, green tea, WARE, . Boxes as, soda, cream camb.hdkfs, silk neckties, . . EARTHEN sserat tartar Frvaa all laada aad we've erase to reside ; again, and contrived to tame 1 linen - - cation, came attain and at lart Preserved peaches, Preserved qui Dees, , . Boxes ground pepp r, allfpice, clotj. Use hope where had been ao prolific, .... Felt bats (aasrtd), cord, hardware; Ia the fortune wild dove, and even to get an entree into the cot American butter, Pres'ed pie fruits, . ... cassia, ginger, - beside. his . Duck trowsers, Boxes mustard. ' We aught BMkke a lining nlaiH something - Kona coffee and liilo coffee, STORES. tage. Hearing Hannah talk is not the way to rail Ladle,' ruling hats, blue flannel jackets, linen drill pants, Ac. AND OILS, NAVAL - Half bbls dried apples, crashed - Ass'd nwats, clams, 1' . ; 'PAINTS olive oil, innrk. And we wfthcew'ttatta ', So finding , sklP CHAN DLER Y Baskets Carolina rice. tha waaAoa,aaontent out of love with her. William at last, his. - Lobsters, : : " ' water, soda, butter For profits were ample aa4 duties were small , ; , GROCERIES. , r Cases and tngtr fn'Il before bis father, and Cases oysters, peas, etc. -- case berious, laid the matter crackers, cora, etc., : ' , Cases ginger snaps, Jenny Lind I Five per cent, md waljrenx on all anportaums , . pickles, sauces, black pepper, white pepper, " CARTS. ak sJL reonested his consent to the marriacu. Mr. Smith English pie fruits, " ':?. Cases brandy peaches, brandy Bat spirits and wines, which were at needed at Ginger, cinnamon, mace, cloves, oatmeal, table salt, sardines. PROVISIONS, groceries,; J etrrw f ( ; ' ' is an only BEANS!. BEANS!. assorted pie fraits, v ' waa at first a little startled; but William Capers, dried herbs, London malt vinegar, English brown soap, Cases assorted they ehargad aa arrack, whiaky and brandy, Fresh Iiland-rrow- n beans, large flat . Cases oysters, pickles, praZr1 to fan. fin, one; and after talking with me "Urns," beans. .. .. 3 sardines, ' son, and an excellent 44 .. Ac - Flia diilawa par gallon, an one apon wine, i-- Small white home" beans, long speckled California" beans. Cheat tea, kegs pickles, rT-- waa and looking at Hannah I believe her face was the Jas to keep down the traffic, (and then it handy Caaes yeast powders, pineapple, lraa-- - relented, and having a HARDWARE.: J '' To keep ap tha Government foods, I opine,) most eloquent of the two he BOOTS. ANDJSHOES. ; . - ' I Sheet lead, assorted English files,' ' e t Cans boiled Unseed oil, KKEnrBa. ' s Dice of his son's romance, finding: that he had not Fleavy brogans, hrogaos. ice. 10-- tf Spirits turpentine, Bat, three or fear y ; a since, one Lochi Napoleon,'' leather boots, do fine boots, lined Assorted hollow ware, sheathing nails, ice. ice.. of - . ; Rmpire mentioned his situation in life, he made a point its Half boots, fine brogans, buckskins, slippers, Ac bronce hat stands, cook's ladles, French yellow, , ;. Kolha-T-. Who'd lately haea raised la tha of France, Garden chairs, " Coaataeaced, atowly on being secret wedding day. - We have Handsaws, saw sets, assorted corkscrews. " Prussian bine, BoMsliftaJ L m hie wadonv, to steal a march kept till the ; ' ' wt caveat ma Imperial gtanee. and William, PAINTS, OIL, &c. Table knives, forks, carvers, and steels, Chrome green, . that had manaeed the business of settlements; ' ' white No. green Ch-s- t locks, barrel bolts, try pans, anvils. Varnish, having discovered that bis fair bride had some curi-- Pure lead. 1 do, hlack paint, do, - We Isaanders aaibha with fear at the name blue, chrome yellow, verdigris, linseed Iron wheetharrows, tin plates, Bbls pitch. wmcu Prussian oil. wool SALE, in lota to suit purchasers, at Bates That Ilia Majesty's march bote id erf, a French Treaty ; osuy to visit iionaon a curiosity, vj uio uj, Bright varnish, black do, copal do, spirits turpentine, Hoop Iron, assorted Iron, screw press. ARRIVED IPFERS FOR osW same JUST lowest tne luiiowuig uenaaumK Tar,? ' t Bar well we might think be would serve as the I suspect she owes to yoa or poor Lacy intends Coal tar, lamp black, paint brashes, sash tool brushes, Garden rollers, iron field gates, hand gates, o the prices, Cwkieat T. Aa he'd served ear poor neighbors, the fciks at Tahiti. taking her thither for a fortnight. He will bring her Stockholm tar. Burnished bits, sail needles, DryG Casks composition nails, Pump tacks, electro-plate- d ware, forks, spoons. Grey merino shirts, Corah Handkerchiefs, Coils Manila rope, ass'd sizes, CoOtmarlirV Frter-'jhi- p one the finest houses in B ; a garden, drawers ' They may eau k a Treaty of and Peace, home to of DUCK. Damask table covers. White and grey merino Tarred rope, Bat twould be nearer to say ultimatum ; fine fine and more money Ascheri a ad Cbalaa. linen I think furniture, servants, than Assorted numbers cotton duck, heavy Raven's dock. . Brown cotton drawers, shirts, Spunyarn, Handling The relation's joat which a pot of bear's grease ; ' -- that she will know what to do with. Really the surprise Light Raven's duck. . ..., Calico Whale linej lion, I 1 " LIQUORS. White " ...,. W Hay ha said to enjoy with a pot of noma torn , AL80 White L B shirts. Hemp I X she Red flannel twine. " alhs; of Lord E.s farmer's daughter, when, thinking brandy, gin, draught ale, claret. ' assortment of fine clothing, pants, shirts, sock I, cravats. Bottled ale (a first rate article), Brown drill, Blue flannel shirts. Signal halyards, Cotua cut r I The advantages seem to be quite on one side had married his steward, he brought ber to ttur-- Old Tom, hock, crabapple cider, sherry wine, champagne, etc Brown cotton. under shirts, handkerchiefs. Ac lalHaF Women's whit cotton hose, Cotton twine, 0an,te. dared make so bold, would otter to bet yoa all, .afPT V J," If I I leigh, and installed her as its mistress, could hardly ucider-slecve- s, Block and brown felt hats. Priire ITe get bat the compact, (to find more I've tried,) SUNDRIES. Embroidered Hawaiian beef, pork, i have been greater. I hope the shock will not kill WHALING CRAFT. SHIP CHANDLERY AND Ouayaquil hats, White blankets. Mess Beef, Bblsnarrir. That the peace ahaa he constant, the friendship perpetual ' saddles, bridles, belts, dairy salt; . Colored India satin. pilot bread, . ease with ooe-flu- ed Fire bricks, blue and white: Silk velvet, Bbls. Hannah, though, as is said to have been the Lances, harpoons, gig irons, irons, hau''.kerenJers. Is very - Liverpool pickling salt, St. L bes packing salt, pipes; Navy caps, with oil sUk covers, white linen If there any mote. It's obscure poor lady." Bomb lances, whaling guns, &e. , , KegsOliITon; microscopical particles that Black, yellow and green paint, hemp rope, Manila rope-- THE BEST ASSORTED fine brandy, In bond; Concealed in the moat i too ALSO Baals and Shoes. Octaves Ah, no! Hannah loves her husband . well. Hemp , , strong wide bagging, wool bags ' Congress boots, And 'twould pocsle Parnassus' wits, I am sore. A constant (apply of new Irish potatoes, new sweet potatoes. Goat buskins, Calf Kegs old Bacerae brandy, In bond; To Jrrret it oat of loose twenty-seve- n articles. Anywhere with him." Blacksmith's coal, carriage and other varnishes. Ladies' bootees. n'md leather Congress boots. Kegs Otard, Dupuy A Co. brandy, ia W i I onions, pumpkins, always on hand in shipping season, and sup. - And I was right. Hannah survived the shock. plied notioer were granted. at short Groceries. -- Depart, if yoa can, then, bow mmch we She has to B , and have been to call .... EARTHENWARE. STOCK IN TOW! . Assorted plckk. half rals, Bbls old Magnolia whisky, in bond; J' returned I Together Lemon syrup. That the Ministers tamed oat sach regular " bricks," 37 with a general and full assortment of merchan Tellow nappies, table sets, chamber sets, tea sets, bowls, asstdi Gherkins, half gals, Kegs old Magnolia whisky, ia band; on her. never saw so delicate and bride- ; Tomato catsup. And we beard that the Treaty was not to be ratified, I anything dise usually found in a Ship Chandlery establishment. Dinner plates, soup plates, 6 inch plates, flat dishes, mugs; TO BE SOLD REASONABLE, tobacco, Son. Kegs old Bourbon whisky, in bond; , BO-- No. 1 soap, blacking, cloves. Fine cut in tin Bar the Council opposed it, by nine rotes to six. like as she looked in her white gown, and lace mob, Lahaina Sept. 24. tr pitchers, etc., - tn bond; Mecovered jugs d ' . Black . Cases Geneva gin. in a room light and simple; and tasteful and elegant, ; AT THE Saaerlar Tra. sugar Cases Schnapps. Water and butter crackers, 8od a, oyster and crackers, f- The Goddess of Bight threw her Tea o'er the earth. with nothing fine except some beautiful green house Ta the Owaeraw aa4 Perseas I ate rested la Fine Port wine, expressly for (unflya, - save sorrow Xaval Sfarea. 1!.. HhiT Stu. 4 And all voices were boshed, of sod mirth. plants. : . Her reception was a charming picture of - Wool, Croat Skins, Hides, IVcw Fire-pro- of on the Wharf, Ocean. Store i And the pale stars of neaven, their holy light shed Whaleskips in the Pacific Chain cables, 'v. Rma ia cordage, assorted sixes, Fine Claret, f sweetness and modesty, a little more respectful than . porter. O'er tirt homes of the Bring, the graves of the dead. Composition, Manila whale line, Afanila cordage, assorted sises, Cases ale apd I ! Cour-Asr- , Tallow, usual, and far more shamefaced ! Poor thing her Orncs or ths Pasama Rail-Roa- d , OPPOSITE MAKES AND AJTTIION'S BLOCK.. Sail needles. Cut nails, lanterns. Baskets champagne,., veiogoou AH nature seemed soothed to her deepest repose. cheeks must have pained her. But this was the only Naw Toaa. July 20,1857. t Paint oil, turpentine, Composition nails, Honolulu, Sept. 9. I &8. arose Rail-Koa- Old Copper. f3 Yet mid al her sOenee unceasing The Panama d Company takes this method Pura and extra white lead. Copper boat nails. The murmur of waters, where, on the low strand difference. In everything else she is still the same ' of iuforming those interested in the Whaling bust AT HIGHEST RATES V Saatdriea. PROVISION!' In night-son- s; of praise mingled ocean and land. Hannah, and has lost none of her old habits of kind nURCUASED THE FRKSH their tiesa, of the advantages offered by the Railroad (61-t- f) J. C. BPALDING. - ness and gratitude. - She was making a handsome the Isthmus of Panama, for the shipment of Boiler Iron, Verdigris, Bat hark ! to that dreadful, that soul-stirri- sound ! Orooers' scales. Tablespoons, matronly cap, evidently for her mother, and spoke. Oil from the Pacific to the United States, and for sending out ' S.AM.: S A VID, That makes the air vibrate, and booms o'er the ground: fits supplies from the nited states to Panama. ttiTEMimsE, Iron bet Wteads, 1 French bedstead, . At and I ' BETHEL Above as, below us, the echoes have spread. even with tears, of her new father's goodness to her BULLOCH HIDES. m. Solar side lamps , . Office clocks, KING STREET, NEAR THE E The Railroad has been in regular and successful operation lor wm De t From Barber's Point onward onto Diamond Bead. and Susan. ' She would fetch the cake and wine her more than two years, and its capacity for the transportation of nniiE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE Leather trunks, Cherry boards, allowed hv the subscriber for clean AND RETAIL MERCHANT, Crowbars, . , mats, , every description of merchandise, including Oil, Provisions, WHOLESALE .. i see. see, how the flash self, and would gather, in spite of all remonstrances, Ac, 11 i Another! another! bas been rally tested. Tne attention or several captains or SALTED BULLOCH IJJKS, Pocket knives. Wrapping paper,' TtTKTESTPHALIA HAMS, SM0KB some or her choicest flowers as a nosegay. ' Sugar-cure- Lights the earth, and the heaven; and then with the crash parting whaleshins has recently been turned to the subject of shipping delivered at his premises in ForVstreet. JCST RECEIVED PER MELITA," Rasps, Lamp chimneys, VW d Hams. Fresh Urn. knowledge row 46-- tf BREWER, 2i choice as . Ceases a that all the mysterious she did, indeed, just bint at her troubles with vis their oil from Panama to New York during the present Season, CnAS. HAS and AMERICAN GOOD- S- Cork Screws,...... Hammers,... Fresh Butter, French (roia.,r3 caoard by fact thai the treaty is paw. a urg v. ' 1'ad Locks, French pros, Is the itors and servants how strange and sad it was! and the Panama Rail-Ro- Company has made arrangements sortment. Also, per late arrivals, quawy Curry combs, Salted Butter, Drab office chairs, - - Nos I and 2 solar lamp chimneys Smoked Herrings, well may'st be proud eons, seemed distressed at ringing the bell, and visibly to afford every facility which may be required for the accom . Cheap Saddle, u ' Honolulu! thoa of thy SO WOOL, Coach wrenches, Sheath knives, Bliaters, French Dutuit - plishment of this important otject. A 4 reet long, has . . Yarmouth guns; Pier, ' Bridles, - ' n-nch As they bravely salute with a hundred shrank from the sound of a double knock. But in to Freight Cheap Walnut can- seat chairs, Sheaths and belts, English Dairy Cheese, Capet lC T . been built in the bay of Panama, the end of which HIDES What hoots it although by mistake in their glee. .Whips. ; . spite of these calamities, Hannah is a happy woman. cargoes lighters vessels lying Bingham buckets, grindstones. Red, white and blue , Calif rnia Cream Cheese, . Sanliuet, nni Cars are run to receive from or " They fire fur a bandied a hundred and three. - hrj(-- i.'' alongside, deliver same alongside of vessels Aspin-wa- Saddlery Fixings, including whole Hides, Enameled Leather, and - ', Brown Sugar, Sardine. . The double rap was her husband's, and the glow on and the at saad Oil. Ac. - . . Swria Polar fcc Assured llfra band like Furies . Vessels of from 200 to 300 tons can lie at the Pier with TAIa.Lo4v, furniture iur vsmas. 1 Iroaa. Light Brown 8agar, Tea! there stands trat the at playj her cheek,' and th smile on her lips and eyes when Brewa'a Wbalias; Gaa aad Loaf Assorted rpwa And the shoat swells na hirh. No. 2 Are away ,n safety, grounding in the mud at low water. Silk Umbrellas, Linen Handkerchief, 1 latch, Crushed Sugar, he appeared, spoke more plainly than ever, Any rast-saiii- ungs, Iadia Rabker Hooe. hfiaehaad Sugar, Ilurham Ulusc-Sala- And No. S flrra. and No. 2't sound " The vessels to and from Asplnwau are te EST CASH MARKET I'RICE, by - . . 20 cases blue Cottons, Loaf desti to crockery" everywhere - where with him i" longing to the Rail-Rn- ad Company, and the Company is pre B KBULL JwULL. Bale heavy Ihmiins, Blankets, Braa Hose Pipes, Lead Pipe. Carolina Rice, Oil, Bears action round. 4$ a 3-- t pared to receive oil at Panama awl deliver it in Mew lork , ' Ware,-- tf Chiua Rice, ' Lamp Oil, K Hollow fcc, 'Ait. S Bar many a store can with ease testify ' under at the rate of seven cases Cair Brogans, Kip Brogans, Boots, kc Pearl Sago, Curry Povfcr, ; A Cwrlwwa atwel Ihroaah liills er Ln4ia2 35 ' To the werht of their charjre, Kit the or ly reply. Marriage Divorce Sale eents per gallon, if received at the Pier, and eight cents per gal- A good variety of English Shirts, Blue Shirts,' Pearl Barley, Cayenne rVpte shelves frail charging WOOL, Sc ' ' Worcct-;rliiB- r As each trun from the their burdens would atrip, lon if received in the harbor from ship's tackles, for Hats of various styles. KITSO.- HART, Split Peas, .1 Was, "we'll pay in the rooming, to night let her rip.' Marrtixo a .Wife, to escape Eate the capacity of the casks, without allowing for wantage. For new patterns, ' .. DUUM IS Scotch Oatmeal, , Chutney, k a - bciko tor Prints, one-ha-lf HIDES, '' Fine IMuot Ta ' week whalebone, one and cents r pound. This charge Steamboat Irons, Collins' Axes, -- Tapl'Ca, Dikser. The law gossip of the concerns more '..SPIRITS,- ' Woe! woe! f"V the frmltty of all human hopes! covers every expense frorj Panama to fcew York, tn case Handkerchiefs, colirel and black, WINES AND Arrowroot, ' Fine Sourb.(, I ' especially those who go down to sea in ships, and GOAT SKINS, Silk under A. In what blissful ignorance mortal man rmpes! the oil is sent through the Superintendent or Commercial Agent fine Kersey Pants, - THE OLD WINE STORE, J. ' Neapoliuu Vermicelli, . Fine Ones la I n ' Pilot Costs, s - A few days passed over, and their rampant Joy may serve as a warning lesson to those who prefer Rail-Roa- d Company, excepted. The CartwrU'ht's, offer for sat: . Chocolate, of the Panama insurance TALLOW. White Linen Punts, Moleskin Pants, ' Neanoiiun Maccaroni, t . Brandy in kegs and barrels) ' " Waa dashed with the bitterest kind of alloy. present security to future peace and happiness. A freights may be made payable on the Iftlimus or in New York Cheap Pants, P.ints, Hickory 8Wrts, " Superfloe Flour, Fresh llotH: option of the '. - . Brandy, Martell's; Green Coflrt. year two ago M. Malfilatre, honor, hope and at the shipper. Hosiery, Drawers and Undershirts, - Fresh Corn Meal. . treaty (for Tve been Informed so or heir y, AI7D DITCHERS. Vineyard The that I'm to can. The vessels of the Company sail regularly and GRAZIERS Brandy, L'niied Proprietors! . White Beans, Assoneu i nnri This harmwlng cwupoet by some termed a protocol,) of a renowned calico printer, stocking maker, and I O X I The understated offers the highest cash Cottoo Umbrellas, Brandy, the average passages to and from Aspin wall are almut twenty to EXT Black Lace Falls. - Saserac; '. 'Dried Apples, . "V Assorted Bote j Was again brought before the Head of the ATT rates for the above articles, deliverable at Honolulu Ruin io . nailon. night cap vender of Rouen, set sail from Havre to twenty-fiv- e days. The time occupied in crossing the Ishmus it Silk Velvet, Ribbons, hlack Silk Hdkfs, keg; Assnrtetl Meats and Soups, English . Baring undergone some very slight alteration. four hours. Oil, during its transit across the will be or any of the ports of the Islands. ' Jamaica Rum in Cages; ' proceed to Sydney, in order to superintend the busi- Ithmus, Cambric Handkerchietis, ; v Fresh Oysters, Salt Waters ' , whisky, 1 do cases; covered canvas, or coavryed in covered cars, ami owners Three-hoo- p . '. Genuine old Scotch in . . The Council withdrew opposition at last; ness which his carried on in place, with LIBERAL Pails; Fresh Lobsters, . Codfish, father that and may be assured that every care will se taken to prevent leaKage. Drills, Drills, Monongahela whisky, in barrels and kegs, Anchovies, On the eighth of September the treaty was passed, whioh CASH - Brown Cottons, brown blue ' - whisky, one cases, Fresh Clams,' the death of his partner had left without sur- Several cargoes have already been conveyed to New York with- Willow Wagons and Basket Ware, --' . Fine old Monongahtla in dos Fresh Salmon, Saleratus, With a posrscrtpfwas article, (ad referendum,) . ADVANCES,. - . Hollands glu In eases; -- . ' - veillance. One of those accidents which will happen out the slightest loss. Victoria Lawns, Sewing Cotton, Cutlery, ' ' Assorted English Fruits, Yeaat Powiiet And from the results, may the goblins defend 'em! - Oil or goods consigned for transportation to the Super will be made to those who desire, and con- , 8cheidara gin in cases; . . Fine Table U, in spite of captain or compass, even to the . best other Without interest, a oaaaa. -- Assorted English Jams, .. ' a. of the Panama Rail-Rna- d Company, or to V of time. A ad at wery Large anety ar ifltier . Wolfe's ScheMara schnapps; Bath intendent illians tracts will be made for any length - ' Assorted English Jellies. Brlct, governed - Y BIS. ". ' Kases have flown to their mountain ships on the ocean, happened, as a matter Commercial Agent or the Company at Panama, wid E. P. ADAMS. 107-- tf JOHN THOMAS AIKRlll Hostetter's bitters; English Sauces, Currants, The retreat. elaa. ' Assorted '."' course, to M. Mal- greatest N". Fltt-ne-r's Buker's bitters; , y . ' " No mere will I fellow their metrical feet; of the rotten little bark in which be received and forwarded with the despatch. Office tn Makee's Block, Kaahumanu sts., rear of D. Assorted English Pickles, Raisins, - 4&-- tf Btough ' Bor my harp Is hang up on ao old willow tree, filatre on Frederic L. Hanks has been appointed Agent at Hono store. ton's bitters; . ' Green . Citron Pert, ' set sail and the inhoepitahle shore of Tr " - ' English Peas, why lulu, Sandwich and is prepared to furnish every requisite New Goods, ex Bark Melita." Clarets of different brands; ... Roliinsoo'i BtrVt And ifyaa'ia not bred, you ought to be. Walliss Island was it wrecked ; everything lost Islands, ... , French Green Peaa, but Information to shippers. ' . . Hockheimerj . Roliinsvn't 0rm.i M. ' Green Corn, Malfilatre, to whom everything was lost but honor. Jus. jr. JUX, secretary Doors, Window Sash, Blinds. XS. CODFISH; KITS NO. 1 MACKEREL; , Saaterne; ...... White Wlue Vinegar, - . - , r . - Snd quarts, different brands; WILXsACE The plump person and defenseless state of the young FatDiRio L. IIakks, Kits cod tongues, ' Champagne, plrts , Malt Vinegar Crram Tartar, I 64-12-m B THE WEDDING. - : merchant became a great temptation to Agent Panama K. R. Co.. Honolulu S. I. TO ARRIVE. Cases lard, in tins 10 lbs each, Sherries, pale and brown; . - L f - Cider Vinegar, Corn gtarrh, I the dainty ', 0-T4- In . i. '. , fc DOORS, assorted sizes, with mouldings and Corn meal. tin. Fine old port; - Fresh Peaches, In Una, , Csreaaut TnhKB - - aTIBB inhabitants of Wallis's Island, who have disgusted BY MTTTOKO. e Vr raised panel. Ground rice, in tins, Byass' and other brands of ale; , '. Fresh Quinces, in tins, ct, the missionaries by eating each other, and they car- J Carolina rice, in bbls, ' f ' Porter; ' tc CAPT. ROBERT BUOW.'S SO assorted sizes. " ... ""' Cmfrr, parLe. Sash Panrs. Boston smoked hams, . . Liqueurs. . . ' Fresh Bread. KMated The sweetest towtr of the garden, the joy and pride ried him away to the chiefs hut with loud shouts of GUN. BOMB LANCES assorted sizes. - 1 sr. U'UALING PATEXT 300 pair WiadavrSaati, Crushed suar, j . Stores, - 7 far sates TTilaon'e was triumph at the sweet morsel which the waves had AND GUN HARP'JOXS Bllala.withand withoutswivels.ass'd sizes. f Ship daty free. of Dame heart, her danjrhter Hannah. 250 da Ixiaf sugar, , , , ".,.. low ' - Well might she be proud of her. At sixteen, Han- thrown upon their shore. The Catholic missionaries FTER VERAI. TEARS LABOR AND Selected expressly for this market, and for sale by Water crackers, - ' upon whales, on the whaling ground, with 87-- tf r GEORGE O. HOWE. - UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR SALE, Wilson waa. beyond a the prettiest girl in have a small establishment of the Maristes on the exivrunenting Butter do, THE nah donbt. his aparatns, combined with the advantages o being a practical Soila do, " Island. They work and " - - the village, and the beat. Her beauty was quite in a night day with unremitting whaleman, the Patentee haa been enabled to obtain an instru Ovster do, ' TO A RRIVE"-t- different style from the country rose bod far more zeal, at the conversion of these savages, and have got ment iu form of a Bomb La'noe, which for utility and effective- EASTERN LUMBER. Milk biscuits, ' ness cannot be excelled. ' THE CARGO OF THE BRITISH BARK chief , characteristic was mod- as far as the prevention of infanticide for gastronomic Oinger snaps, '".' choice and. rare. Its Agents whale-shi- ps &. ELLA," A SELECTED purposes, The attention of and Officers of is called ELIZA Jumbles, " 4 esty. .. A l'ght. yonthfal figure, exquisitely graceful which is a great step; but they have not as to the following testimonials. . PER of Eastern Lumber, consisting of p o yet been able to inspire wholesome dislike Tellow Pine Flooring, Woiked. Dried apples. n rapid in all its movements; springy, elastic, and the of 8 January 10, 1856. 107-- 8- - BATIDGRS. tsnv and as FArmeo, tf At j;' Spruce do do do. SAILED FROM LIVERPOOL human flesh which should certainly form the first . , m buoyant as a bird, and almost assby; a fair, inno- Carr. R. Baowa Sir I take this opportunity to inform Matched Ceiling, a superior article for House and WniCIl 1858, consisting of , , ; . i j 1 m r k you we- - bought of you, Half Inch cent face, with downcast eyes, and smiles and blushes step in every conversion to Christianity. The poor that we usU thow Bomb Lances and Cabin lining. whales amongst ; ; - ; young man, in his dilemma, appealed piteously found them to be of great necent in capturing Fine worked Partition Boards. FOR SALE t .? Dry Goods.. coming and going almost with her thoughts; a low, to' ice. White Bales fancy prints, bales musiin, a complete assortmentvf the reverend fathers; but they confessed that they the Wide Coffin Boards, Hhingles, Laths, and a general assort- blankets; soft voice, sweet even in its monosyllables; a d ress The (list whiil V.j t we the Bomb Lance on was killed LS, selected by the undersigned. - By the Agent Hudson Bay Company. Alpaccas, plaids, figured lustres, Orleans, Brussels carpet; possessed no influence; they were barely telerated tn following The boat went alongside of whale ment ofBOLDIN'GMATERIA ruga, blue twilled flannel; remarkable for its neatness and propriety, and bor- that the manner the go-- LKHKRS. siies-- , Velvet carpets, black doeskin, velvet bontniteerer fired a Bomb into him then fastened to tf It. IRON WIRE, assorted ' silk Victoria rowing fQfn ber delicate beauty an of superiority and dared not interfere. and the aid TINMAN'S linseed white lead Moleskin, cotton umbrellas, umbrellas. lawns, air ' him with a gig iron : the Bomb was heard to explode, and the oil, turpentine, Turkey red handkerchiefs, cotton handkerchiefs, regatta shirts; The only rescue obtained T green not its own. such was the outward woman Han- to be expected could be above-me- n Black paint, paint, Stockholm tar, pitch TBI of whale did not blow after the Bomb exploded. The JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE " Fancy shirts, white shirts, superior white shirts, Jean shirts; SMALL INVOICE OF nah. - Her mind was like ber person ; modest, grace by choosing a wife amongst' the native women, and tioned whale was in the Ice, and it is our opinion that we should Groceries, perfumery, statior.ery ; Mosquito netting, felt hats, an assortment of clothing, fine hosiery; celebrated Bitters, just received per " - Sheathing copper, sises J composition nails, do J A gentle, aCeooonate, graterul, ana generous above consenting to remain on the inland forever. After not have got that whale and many others that we did get, if it EX " MELITA," FROM BOSTON. asorel Linen thread, Silk thread, assorted men's and women's shoes; fursaWby 108-t- fI C. L. RRHW ful, had not been for your Bomb Lances, and we fully recommend Anchors and chains, n t the lowest market rates jackets, pilot trowsers. fancy much persuasion from the missionary he accepted the ' sises ; brushes, blue cloth caps ; Kwfini coats and drills; alL them to the attention of those fitting out whale ships. MEX'S GRAINED SEA BOOTS, Iron, assorted hair i White sheeting, brown uollands, linen cambric handkerchiefs; latter alternative, and the holy father, according to IH Calf Boots; Men's Kip do; Assorted clothing, spunyarn, ratline ; . ' ...... 1 . 1; . 1. 1 . ! The generosity of the poor is always a very real and Respectfully yours, - ' V covers, nucaaoacs rowrung. wune w V PAPER Do - Calf Congress Boots; Assorted cordage, tarrel and Manila ' nil uamasK taoie iu. the custom of his nation, chose a bride for the young Thomas Wall, Master bark George. " ' Shirtings, madapolams, grey d .mesdes, fi ne and good white calics. .fine thing; tbey give what they want; and Hannah len's Calf pat. leather glove top Congress Boots. Stilton cheese, hams, Byuas' ale, sherry, port, brandy ; BY LATE ARRITif man, took - " " - 1 was, of all poor people, the most generous. She loved and especial care to choose a good parti IIoiolclc, March 17, 1850. Cong, boots, Lanies' am Geueva sauce, preserved meats and vegetables J , ! " RECEIVED nilnil n n.mr your Men's bl. cloth tip'd jr. duskids, Sundries. . t' no less a one daughter chief. One Caft. Bobckt Baowa Jfy dear Sir i I used Bomb Do morocco biscuits. . SO blue cap paper,'' give; it was her pleasure, her luxury. Bosy- - than the of the -- Do calf Oxford ties. do. Abernethy's biscuits, Leinann's Mtopjrice, . reams unruled to Lances whale, past season, which - - thing, however, in taking a north, the made calf wide strsrp shoes, Do cork soles, Casks bottled ale and porter, 20 reams white and blue ruled naif. cheeked apples, plums, with the bloom on them, nose- the father insisted on; the marriage never could nave him without said lo A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF SADDLERY, ' 2a0bnu. ofou. ne taken M isses' goat lace boots, . x .. ISO reams aasorted qualities blue roW should "be solemnized seriously with Catholic rites; Do P. L. wide strap do, trimmings of all descriptions for Hhds draught ale, "., rj gays of clover and blossomed myrtle; these were of- Lannes, as our boats could not get near enough to use the com .including fittings and carriages - raWfl Do P. L. lace do, . , . , 100 reams assorted qualities white ' - Do goat slippers. Crates eartlienware, - and at all events bridegroom bound by mon lance. ' . - " " ferings which Hannah delighted to bring to those she the should be hand Do , fancy carpet slippers Do do buskins, ' and harness. . .. Cases fancy biscuits, "v " reams white, blue and plain now ng . . - Respectfully, t proper registers, and not be permitted to treat the t Yours Do soles, Do do ties. An English AL loved, or those who had shown her kindness; whilst cork ' .ankle' invoice of Roskilfs watches. O. Master ' , It. Cox, whalehlp Magnolia. . do. EARTHENWARE AND GLASSWARE. reams' Freorb, tf1--' sacred ceremony with the same as is else- Boys calf hoots, Child's do do 6 tons fencing wire, 1 v . 12S various qualilies twix to sach of ber neighbors as needed attentions more lightness it " ' Hohoixix, March 15, 1856. , Do kid 4)0 do. '"Canvass of all Nos huckabacks, stockings and hose ; - ' ' - where. ' - Vouth's calf boot,'" ' .Fr. ' 9 small iron safes, tcan letter and flatoap papers. than fruit and flowers, she would give her time, her Caft. Robibt Brows Dear Sir : I take this opportunity Boys' calf brogans. Do opera 'do do, .,' Greeo.'bluo and white blankets j , ( . 2 copying presses, For sale chess w 4 . ' "'".' a-- Everything was Long Cloth, various qualities ; madapolams ; .". 3-- . assistance, her ill ; for Hannah inherited her consented to by the young man,, to inform you that I used your Bombs on the voyage in the ship Youths' calf brogans. Do goat lace boots, ? iT? : Assorted hoop iron. tr H.a.1 who found tnem effective in taxing whales, and would Congress, Do corocoo do, Brown cotton, blue prints, mourning prints, muslins , ' ' dexterity in feminine employments, with had grown attached to life by means of a good Herald, and Ladies' pat. cf. silk Assorted round and square Iron; , . mother's ice, ' ' Crinoline, real cloth ; of cotton drill recommend them to all whalemen, and especially around the Do plain do . do, Do kid do. thread all kinds, 20 boxes IX tin plates, . etnetbing of her father's versatile power. supper; and, accordingly, on the next day the beauti- - Linen cambric handerchiefs, silk book ; . FOR SALE BV I also used the harpoon and got most of the whales by your Do Fr. kid slinpers. drill, do, . 0 sheets lead, . .' ful Suleta, all freshly tattooed from head foot - etc.-108-- tf Besides being an excellent laundress she was ac- to her Guns and apparatus. , . t sine shoe nails, shoe thread, pegs, Victoria lawn, jaconet, black Orleans, do Alpaoca ; . ' ' Iron and ' ' 1 Jtoglish white lead, paints and oil. i RHODE . . Respectfully, J- - Black princetta, ilo lasting, silk umbrellas, cotton do s f ; GODFREY complished in all arts of the needle, millinery, dress- fair proportions undifigured by crinoline, was led to Yours H. WOOD Ci the altar of the Maristes by M. Malfilatre. But, of Isaac Alls, Master ship Herald. Alpacca umbrellas, ribbons, black lace mitts, black silk ; OCKS. SA ITTERNES A XD making, and plain work; a capital cutter, an incom- White silk, scurfs, broad cloth ; Also expected via San Francisco: of various braivlsand qualities; course, from . Other testimonials can be seen by calling on the undersigned, II mender, and endowed with a gift of altering, our hero Rouen had treated the whole 4 ' Y-- new styles ; cords t;issela and flannel shirts, . Champagne. Cherry Conlialt; parable Agents, who have the Guns, Bomb Lances and Harpoons for ! ! v Silk mantles, and j " Lumber Assorted cloths, . , 5 Very which made old things better than view. As a diary thing as a little harmless expedient to keep a safe sale. Lumber Woolen plaid for children's dresses ; towels, lace falls superior Sherries; ' TARD-Ju-st re,; ( green, white, blue Icnos Corah handkerchiefs. . ". old . uc-eess-ful; skin and whole bones in this hungry land, and 14-- tf C0ADY THE OLD LIMBER White vesting and amber Fine put; woman, and a rearer of poultry, she was equally soon' . R. at CO.. Honolulu. best assortment of Eastern Lum- artielr. began to look out for an opportunity quitting AT ex Fortuna, the Blue flannel, printed and plain barege ; ' Old Jamaica Rum. a superior none of her turkeys and ducks ever died of of the ber ever imported, consisting of Gold lace, to 1 J inch ; combs, &c, Ac, Ac. On ' Hollands Gin, In one dosen ami larftaa scene of his connubial Some plank, for Ship Carpenters' Hand: neglect and carelessness; or. to use the phrase of felicity. months elapsed, 15,000 feet assorted white oak 82-- tf Liverpool ' Old Tom, Monongahela Whlctv; the SAILS! SAILS! . CANDLES, ia great variety. and St thea salt, ill-luc- and Wheelwrights' use. . . poultry yard on sach occasions, of " k." Han- however, before this opportunity occurred; but at English groceries, pie fruits, picklea,- - , v . Brandies, Bitters, etc etc. JBT 20,000 feet white pine sheathing boards. Inch thick. English brown soap, .v' nah's fowls never dreamed of sliding out of the world length, one afternoon, wandering ditconsolate on the SALE THE UNDERSIGNED. 1 for heading ' ' WO l 15.000 feet yellow pine to inch plank, and DESIRABLE ARTICLES i ".... STO' the following SAILS, suitable for a vessel of 250 to 300 It - . Elates and fire bricks, . COOKING , ignoble way; they all lived to be killed, to beach, be deseriid a vessel in the offing. . It was an steps. . I - ' FAMILY in each an tons, riai - TO BE FOUND WHEN WANTED, .v Anchors and chains, !. ... white boards, parallel widths, SELDOM - V English feet Pennsylvania pine , make a noise at their deaths, as chickens should do. vessel, whose boat's crew in answer to the 1 new Topsails , 20,000 - . Saddlery, etc., etc SfPFRtOR ' ALTOGETHER ; STATE arHjf ' signal of distress hoisted by the bridegroom, hastened new Foresail - planed 00 one side. And a very varied assortment of TVry Goods and Sundries. BAY 8be waa a mnvnts "scholar!" kept accounts, wrote t j white pine shelving, planed on both RAWING CARD BOARD, OF SUPE- - 0, 1 new T. M. Sail; 6,000 feet Pennsylvania - An invoice of NEW GOODS om Ban TAIN STATF. STOVFl. Nos. 1.2.S,'W' and answered them ; was to the rescue, and bore him off to the ship without Studding ' rior quality. . - - 1 v TT is expectel shortly f bills; read letters, a trusty ., r Syren" Mountain Wave. U n 1 Royal; .T. sides. lOd-- tf . shins and . main foolscap and -- Francisco..; . ROBERT C. JASI0N. f -- discovery 2 Portfolios letter, larger sixes; . 113-- aeoomptant, safe confidant. There waa no end on the part of the natives, who would have ' ,', 43,000 feet assorted dimension plank. to inch. .f ' tf and a 1 Spanker, IJIb, 1 It 4 shingles. ' y Cash Boxes, with keys; killed and eaten the in all bad thry been aware of the . 1 Topmast 100.000 best Arnostuk shaved cedar . ' to Hannah's usefulness, or Hannah's kindness; and Fore Staysail, Nearly new.- - .1.,, ' Bristol Boards, small and extra large sises; M. 1 Spanker, 25,000 best laths. HONOLULU ROYAL CHAPTER, AND CHtf her prudence was equal to either. Except to be kind treachery intended. Malfilatre landed safe and j ' - ' Quills, Toothpicks; . . ARtn ,Vf ANC1IOR9 1 Top And a variety of building materials. . '.'..., sound Havre only ago. Gallantsall, J ' superior Polygrade Drawing Pencils 1 , " - ; , ANCHORS.'1, ec osefal, she never left her home; attended no fairs at two months He found that C. II. LEWERS, Lumber Merchant. Faber's 4 In A UNDER. DISPENSATION OF TnB aTEW ENGLISH also " each box equal to the best London pencils; to 2200 pound; Mayings; went no where to great changes bad taken place in bis father's house-- Cutting-i- n S7 Fort street. ial 'f or revels, or but church, 1 set Iron strapped Blocks, with chain pendants. Manifold Letter Writers; GENERAL GRAND CHAPTER OF Near English Stud and Shackle Chain Oat"-- J hold during his - uj - . 1 and seldom made a nearer approach to rustic revelry absence. An inheritance had fallen eompiete. iro-- r. Children's Toy Books; 84-- tf Tor sate hr A PIANOS I . PIANOS ! ' Iudstructible UNITEI STATES OF AMERICA, in fortune had smiled PIANOS! ' - . than by standing at her own garden gate on a Sun- most graciously upon the old India Rubber Pen Holders a new article; j Will hold the Regular Meetings on the' third Thursday of day evening, with her little sister in hand, to look at man. and the son, after all his wretchedness and F THE CELEBRATED MANUFAC 10 gross "The Jledallou" and "Franklyn" Pens. every month, at the jlaU of the Isdge, PAINTS, OILS, TURPENTJI TO OF . I03-2- m CAPTAINS TURE - .1 atl M Sr-- laasea green. . misery, returned to find himself of wealth he o ., Fojsaleby ; H. M'HITNET. 17 XT' 1 1 Pi", the lads and on the the heir VESS- r IV TIV WHALESHIP8 AND OTHER 7ITt- '" village beauty had fairly reached had never dreamed of. The first thing for a rich man Wood of be CHICKERING & CO., bt Progres de rOceanlea , sT leadl drv mt - Tellow ochre in ! J In short ear her OVELS. superior quality can had Koloa " at at I au-iy- e per head-- , SHIRTS - . . ', Per order, '. t gris, chrome and Pans green, . twentieth, year .without a.swee'beart, without the in France to do, is, as we all know, to provide him- i cord; fresh beef at 4 cents per lb sheep, at $3 per . , RAV EN, BACON & CO. SHIRTS! . and ; (63-t- f) - - knl oil hirrwnflne-- wliil and or and goats at $1 60 head. ' Also at the port of Hanalei, wood and Honolulu, Sept. S. . n. P. ensrh. C'' alighest suspicion of her having written a love letter self with a rich wife; the father began to look about & CLAKK. RECEIVED PER FA NNr MAJOR ver nmber, veni-ti-a red in oil, r,!rt J, beef can be had at the same rate. The Harbor of Hanalei is on NUNNS JUST a laf. oa her own aecoant; when, all of a sadden, appear- him, and having found a suitable match, the parties from tlie Manufacturer in New York.-- small invoice gfci'sa and putty, on hand and to arrive. ff . IIU were the North West side of the island, and has saft and good an .The undersigned can' furnish superior toned instruments of of Davies A Jones celebrated patented shoulder seam and three . ! . ances ebanged. She was missing at the acenstomed straightway brought forth to be married. chorage in from 6 to 10 fathoms of water. Wood and beef may the above makers, through Mrasrs. Badger Si. Liadea ply collar shirts . They are selected so that we can fit almost .ICE ICE! eti now . arose also be had at KawiliwiU at the same rate as above.- - Also fruits Agr.vts tor tn Pacific -- 4"1QUNTAIN""WATJ; fate; one had seen a young man go into Dame Wi- But , the .difficulty young Malfilatre herger. Sols coast. any size, and afford to sell thera 20 r cent less than former "L? ...... vegetables be - ti ueny and of various kinds can procured at all the above , , Plans and styles can be seen at our office. Orders solicited. prices. It wants but a trial to convince any one of their uaeri TONS ICE," lson's; and another had descried a trim, elastic figure couiu not nis marriage at awis s island ny a A sflsf a FRESH POND BOSTON I-- - . T named ports. ... 66--tf C. A. at II F. POOR. ority in every respect over any others in the market at present. rSrVT 18 patent Britannia Ice litchers. TBtN'S EXTRACTS. Catholic priest; i 1 - Walking, sot unaccompanied, down the shady line. according to Catholic rites. The ITT Wood always on band at the beach in quantities to suit & J 3 Wjd Rimrael's Extrncts, Prsmnim - McCOLGAN CAMPBELL. Silver Plated Ice Pitchers.. . ler, SCatters Hannah had gotten lover; marriage was legal in every point of view, excepting purchasers. (64-t- f) GEORGE CHARM AN. 100-- tf Perfumes, A Invofn-- of the a1"" were quite clear.' a XT G A - . .;' TaUors, cor. King A Fort St. 18 chest Refrigerators, assorted sizes, etc. small , non-conse- nt R. - ! 4f . and when poor little Susan, who, deserted by ber sister, in the one point of the of the parents of MOLASSES, i ; - ! r- 12 rpriglit do v . do'do, ,or sale low to close, ly (114-- s - . ' - - . : . ' ' . ventared to peep rather near to the gay group, was the bridegroom. So, therefore, notice was served by. r W ! . ... - a , 10 Tank do . (for Hotels,) - To halemen . SYRUP, ' JUST RECEIVED EX " MELITA." 8 Patent Ice Cream i ' laughingly questioned on subject, hesitating a Atti'wier upon the "Demoiselle Suleta, falsely call- dsen Freesers, asa'd sises, HAWAIIAN BEr the the XV MACF would respectfully .solicit the sameps - ? r . ; FINE ASSORTMENT OF 18 Water Coolers. ! ' ' riov PAINTSAJVD ' ing Madame 1 - -- . TIE StTBSCRIBBR ao and the half yes of the smiling child were equally herself Malfilatre," to show cause why G. tronage heretofore enjoyed by the old firm of Macy fc ' ' ' T ' EAST MAUI, OILS White Lead, pure, extra ami No. I, z 24 Ice Cream Moulds '; J"" i Law, at the established Depot for Whalemen's Supplies, A best Hawaiian Reef, packed In Turt' conclusive. she should not be dispossessed of that title. Of course at For sale by ' CHA8. BREWER 2d. Zinc paint, Paris green, chroue green; . Th above Ice and assortment of sundries calculated for the T Hawaii, where will be found at all Umes good ranited, under the supervision of Jam - a supply 18-- . Verdigris, kegs Venltiau red, - use of Ice, are expected about the 20th of September, ed Since the new marriage act, we, who belong to the whole affair was considered a mighty good joke tf Agent. and are M--tt of Beer, Maltea. Park.' Pwallry, and also the cele ' Kegs French yellow, chrome yellow la oil, ' for sale by the HONOLULU ICE CO.' - ' - aiagiatrates, having gained propriety over by the gossips, and laughed at accordingly; for, AB POTATOES. , t 113-- - country a of brated HAWAII! - ' Tins Prussian blue, putty, , , tf .. C. H. LEWERS, Proprietor. J f 1 BRICKS' the rest of the parish in matrimonial news, we the course, after the delay expired, no partit civile ap- The above articles can be furnished at the lowest rates, acd i n SKINS, . , , WMU chalk and whiting, ; . BRICKS ! quicker time than at any other port at the islands. All beef GOATBides, 1 see week day names which pearing, judgment would go by default, and Malfila- - - V Best boiled oil, 2d quality do, - til privileged on a the the sold by me will be keep in Tallow, ' i ' .. 3 4 .OOO C EH " ' warranted to any climate. " rtaw ana nunui oil, turpentine. r '. notice! R LE tre might be free to whom pleased. inter-islan- Sabbath announces to the generality. Many a blush- marry he Thus . No charge made on d exchange. Slosh, 110-2- m ive In Sentinher. per TT - For sale 1 - . ; .. t t. - copper by., H. DIMOND. UNDERSIGNED IS TO 107-- H0FF3CHLAEGEK-- ing, awkward pair' hath oar little, lame clerk a did the affair stand until last week, when lo ! to the 73-t- f O. W. MACY. r old and composition, and PREPARED tf CD. ' -- THE to Honolulu publio following, -- rf J - --. Wool, -j - the the on the most sorry Capid ushered in between dark and light to uttter confusion of the sangune bridegroom and his ''.'- rersonable terms ' Wanted by the subscriber, for which the highest cash price GENEALOGICAL TREE. .1 stammer and stutter, to bow and eonrtesy, to sign or rich wife, the bishop of Australia and Oceana, in WHITE OAK. will be allowed by FOR AA''n, - CORAL 8TONEI - whose diocese 46-- tf - RECEIVED THE' GENEALOGI-c- at L' mark, as it pleases Heaven.- ; One Saturday, at the that paradise of whioh we have given Tt CHA8. BREWER, 2d, any building FRaHE CARfJO OF TUB FEET, INCH, TO 30 FEET Tree of our Savior drawn and hthoraDhe bv Wm ' In quantity, for snd other rmrposee. at so much JaL Oarrig.xi,'' some of the most striking . "Alexandra coniMi"f. boar, the limping clerk made bis appearance; trailet de meturt and. in '0 ; St. Maur Bingham. For sale by; each. . In the rough, or not squared, for foundation to buildings, - we! 217 1 ... . saw fine defence of morality and religion, proclaims feet, loch. 25 to 29 feet Wig, ! 107-- tf : at so much per ox cart load. Stops and Doer or Window Sills .350 insStra"l, and, walking through oar little hall, I a himself, - n. M..WHrrKy. V .' 688 feet, 1 inch. 12 feet and upwards, -- shoes and Caps, with surface ' I r taa Sails-"- g athletic yowng man, the very image of health and reaay io oecome parti in this case, for the pro- smooth cut out ia any sise to suit. l cin Of Itew Hampshire pasture oak, selected by a shipbuilder, and RECEIVED, PER "MELITA," A ; : or-- ' s s1,; ... tection the helpless . JCST invoice of Shoes, as follows . PATENT PENCIL vigor, holding the hand of a young woman, who, of Suleta. We may judge of the expected by " Mountain Wave," September JO. is offered for vi SHARPENERS, - Lisa.- Plre Va,' t; ' ' (112-- . Patent leather, glove ton. Congress Gaiters, , Ballaat fmr Vraaela, '.'. win- consternation thrown among sale by tf C. H. LEWKR3, with her head half buried in a geranium, in the the ranks of jewellers, Fort street. AS INDISPENSABLE AS - SHIR'' Enameled Congress Gaiters, ' . CONSIDERED, sale by Hide, Saeeawklaa, Tlaraa. ace dow.,was turning bashfully away, listening, and yet costu rrrers, and modistes all engaged for rich ' ; FINE WHITE the (hat Brogans, itto-a- ai . . . mv- - lOMf ) .f marriage the the CORDAGE. SPtTNTARN. " l . h. WBtTKmr. i 4 J. L DOWSJETTs " not seeming to listen, to his tender whispers. The tears of rich bride, the ravings of RUSSIA Sewing , Flag Lines, Hooks and Thimbles, Enameled Brogans. dpi thTOKH FINE WHITE grace bending figure was to be the rich bridegroom. The debates which to Double single 107 tf For sale by , C A. A H. F.'POOR. ay nnaoms, collars and , shrinking of that not are come and blocks. White Lead, Chrome Green, c- - . - mawwi t COCO . ;i. .SUPERIOR .CHAMPAGNE,, 8I-- tf - NOT OIL. . sistakesj. on directlys will be full of interest, and Chrome Tellow, Prussian Blue, - a, i ' of warning i - B CHAMPAGNE, U C ;., ... T . i i i, ,t in 4 me," at the same time. The is English boiled linseed Oil, Gold Leaf. . , BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS. 4FIRST-RAT- ARTICLE FOR SALE SUPERIOR "B R H, Hannah: f vod sheVwent aside with and a ease considered one of the to suit, at - . . w pale sherry, hoek, clarets of dflTerent TOIiK D" ' most curious on record, and has for sale a lot of Blacksmith's 108-- tf . - C. bramls. French Hquenrs, (assorted,) Swias absynthe, Hamborgh NEW rapid aeries of questions and answers conveyed the has been complicated V.r. rifJHE SUBSCRIBER ..GEO. MCLEAN'S STORE, Nuuanu st JL a Bets Harness for oo. M since M. . Tools, Mutable for plantations such as Anvils. Hammers, bitters, fruit syrups, (assorted,) cherry cordial, raspberry vin- atory of the eoartahip. . the issue. of the first miss en dement e, by the r. oCWttH.CO egar, gin, Hollands, Vices, Ac, at reduced prices. i.n'r.V'n. real dark and pale brandy, schnapps, pale ? the news l- William is," said Hannah, a hatter hi B. Fie arrival of of the birth at Wallis's Island of, YELLOW METAL, ' iW-t- f. ate. For by -f - III " &c: . . HENRY SMITH, Blacksmith. SALMON! SALMON! sale . KRUUi k MOLL.' bad: walked over one evening to see the cricketing, a son to the house of Malfilatre, who now shades the TTrvtr k T. TELLOW METAL, ASSORTED JFJ?T RECEIVED FROM SAX PRABT-cisc- o, .Every- interest hitherto absorbed by . CIASES Composition Nails, sixes, and fur ,. M-t- fl aad thea he came in. Her mother liked him. the tattooed Suleta. assorted for sale by SHINGLES. . sale by . B.'W. FIELD. SALT! SALT and Correspondence of the Boston Pott. 109-- tf B. W. .FIELD. lTHITE CEDAR t body liked her William she had promised she sETtOR BALVS --REFINED HESSI A AND T' hi. jirrTinv RnsiltESSloW ,rf waa going was wrong ' OaTlaTl BEST SHAVED WHITE . M . Liverpool Kock Salt to arrive In SeutemW. I it f" filljP a) Cedar 6hingles, per Harriet Jes- OLD JAMAICA RUM! m ! 1 .' IF 3 3 3 Harburg." Apply to v , -- :j Oh, ao! ..and where are yoa to live ? v Eoaciocs Jourmax on thc Lah MANILA CORDAGE. sie," for7sale by rm-tf- ) - . C. II. LEWERS, Fort at. Assorted ;:. Honolulu. Jule 1. i ?' ' DrOtWith 'AND CHAMPAGNE! brands ! 10T--U ED. " - fl; - - H0FFSCHLAEOER tt STAPEXHORST. William has got a house in B. He lives with Mr. oonseat and intent with murder, aforethought, and LI SIZES MANILA CORD AG E For sale J:. Store of I9t-t- B.-W- . FIELD. B. W. FIELD. Soticta. the rich hatter in the market place, and Mr. in plot with revenzinz passion wrought on" tn FLOLJ ; NEW SUFFOLK MILLS R, , FOUR DRUMS CODFISH. . LVi Smith spoke of him oh, so well! Bat William will fiendish purpose, with a thirst for blood Mr George 0,VARTER-BB- sale c OYSTERS. rEHV SUPERIOR Vi V L TINS For by t- BiHIS.- - A MTan W w,,,.l,t. .Gi.-. V. v...... rset twQ sac where ear house is. I suppose in some Pen Johnston and Mr. W. L Ferguson, went Sat- v storage; f;i M. v-- U B. W. FIELD. DRUMS SUPERIOR CODFISH Ea L'ln last f BEST BRANDS OF CHESAPEAKE iwr kee," for sale by lS4-- tf - BRATED COMBINATION TSH'',i' - L. A CO. oi on hand, . 11 r-- - 0. RICHARDS narrow street or lane, where he ia afraid I ahII not urday to Angel Island,; to kill each other.' Seven FOR 400 TO SOO TONS heavy TUE eonstantlv via a t Cues, U STORAGE the premises of the undersigned and LxBsc's. LeBrun'i are Nii On hand, extra Cloth, Ball, tike, so pleasant. He thinks men went with to superintend , ! v ; . - warranted suiwrlor to any in the W-- tf as oar common little thes the murder; It is B. F. BN0W. '.. JUST RECEIVED market. For sale bw (81n- - A. H. KEGS HIDE POISON. i ! C. a iiuih . - . jwheie : ' c said about one handred persona were present, to see i For sale by. " t r ' ' SMALL QUA NT ITT OP PI7RE FINE 20 ' ; TVCWKT A - CHA8. PIT flopped avddenly, bother, blush and clasped its consummation. The two men shot at. each other BREAD! A BRANDY, warranted superior to any in the market. nmVO LARGE LOOKING GLASSES, with gilt niWtaVft.' Y ?'V Also Cases genuine Hcstetters bitters. For sale by , - baaae and i Lands fiauahed tibe sentence, ": an where with him I" four, times. Each drew blood disfranchised them, marble plate, lot saloons, common Looking E COLOGNE, In chara. bottsss, do K. CA8E CALIFOR j - M-- tf ? Glasses, cut-gla- ss EAU-D- O by ? : NAVT BREAD r : M . 6PALDIKO. with do do, for tables, Tumblers and GobMeta per " Yankee," toraale fjff . And whea is happy day V - elves made themselves the contempt men ; . . r i, s bottles, Lubin's extract, Florida Water, Lavender the of brave . I - iGi i . ' 104-- PaS? 7 for sale by Water, . . tf 12,000i 2-- Pomatum...... etc., .. On 12onday fortnight, madam,' said the bride. proved themselves moral cowards; committed a crime ,1M' .' ; A. P. EVERETT. - ; tf etc - RED WOOD. II. HACKFELD A CO. !', s . s . woe aaa wy. ' - satreAeisMr te against the State, covered themselves blood-ra- it'!., lr- Pine Plan with the little clerk auto. and with il - . . , H. HACKFELD. 4R JOIST hard. SUGAR, SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, SUPERIOR LOT OF BOARDS aae1 CLAPB- - Caanah ta dm parlor., "the earliest day poeai-- tineas before God. This is tht frozen truth, of a OARDS, for sale by BOSTON SVG AIUCCUEO Vfr us a men,. ".-- H, A TK.TIERCES ; - EWOM TUK NEW CROP, FROM - ' ... very dishonorable and disgraceful business. . Some - THE 87f ' C. H. LXWER8, JUST. RECEIVED FROM EUROPE. a. a a .r tor sale by 61-- tf aver - will itv veneer or nrr . JIa drew arm thznab hia, and we parted. The call " an affair of honor;" no each or rifiT'usrrr - - CHA8. BRKWER, FARINA COLOG NE WATER ; f) . 3a. GENUINE 1 104-- '. Far sale by A do-- BRANDY ' tf 1 , HOFFMANN. Slooday fortnight one varnish can be made to cover Infamy of the deed; ) ' H. HACKFELD ' T it E. . . rtriKlNG. of the i . n pt sm farious morning; ' X . ' Ji . r t . m . ' gloat win not stick is) too low LD SAZERAC AND M ARTELIi EaAN-- STOVES, I Cam Cra whea the iky and the air to it, it doirat tobe At - AND ONE CABOOSE, BOATS, Ax rsnrcbet CHAINS fcr sale at the lowest mar ay. an nana ocanty psia mr saw ty ; COOKING. JhAK IO, II, IS 14 ton PINK I Lr For sale be s-.-" It. T7ELLOW - . - reoA sawl BHgkt ae In April. mad teepeetahle by any art. Pacific ANCHORS Jyl.I-t- f ftrotKaVT O. J ANION. 104-- tf C. L. RICRARDH A CO sorsawn; 1 Tocgued and grooved " CHAR. l-- BREWER, 9. tr CHAR. BREWER,