DIVYA DESAMs - 11/108 - Thiru Athanoor

Name of the : Sri Aandalakkum Aiyan Perumal temple Location : Thiru Athanoor, circle, Dist Moolavar (Presiding Deity) : Sri Aandalakkum Aiyan Perumal Thayaar (Consort) : Ranganayaki Thayar Thirukkolam (Posture) : Sayanam(Reclining) Thirumugam (Facing) : East Mangalasasanam (Hymns sung by) : Thirumangai Azhwar Sthalapurana (Brief History) :

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Thirumangai Azhwar exhausted all the money he had in the renovation of temple. He had nothing left to pay the wages for the workers. He prayed to Lord for money, a divine voice asked Azhwar to come to a specific place on the banks of Kollidam river to collect the money.

Azhwar reached the place and found a trader wearing a turban holding a measuring bowl (marakkal), palm leaf and Ezhuthani (writing tool). The trader told that Lord had sent him to help Azhwar and asked him his need, Thirumangai requested money to pay wages for the workers.

The trader said that he had no money but the Marakkal he had would fulfill the need. He said that he would give sand measuring by his bowl, which will turn into gold only to such workers who sincerely worked and would remain sand itself to those who are not sincere.

Azhwar accepted the condition. To many, it was sand only. The workers felt that the trader was a magician and began to attack him. He began to run away. Azhwar too chased him. The trader-Lord stopped at this place and showed His true form. He taught Azhwar in writing on the palm with the Ezhuthani. "Aandu" means to govern/rule in tamil, "Alakkum" means to measure, hence the Lord here is called "Andallakkum Aiyan".

As , the divine cow performed penance here, the place is named Athanoor. "Aa" in tamil means cow, "Than oor " means its place.

About the temple:

Lord Perumal appears in His reclining form with His consorts Sridevi and Bhoodevi. He has His Marakal (measuring bowl) as a pillow holding the palm and ezhuthani in His left hand.



Kamadhenu, the divine cow is at the feet of the Lord. Lord who had his Brahmahatti Dosha relieved by worshipping Perumal, has His due place in the sanctum near Perumal. Sage Bhrigu and Thirumangai Azhwar are also in the sanctum.

According to our beliefs and scriptures, there are two pillars in the Paramapata, Abode of Lord . Jeevas would be relieved of their sins once they embrace these pillars while going up. There are two such pillars in this temple in the Arthamandapa. Devotees use to circumambulate the pillars and worship the feet and head of Lord to attain salvation. Of the 108 Divya Desams, only Srirangam and Adanur temples have these pillars.

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DIVYA DESAMs - 12/108 - Thirukudandhai

Name of the Divya Desam : Sri Sarangapani Swamy temple Location : Kumbakonam Moolavar (Presiding Deity) : Sri Sarangapani / Araavamudhan Thayaar (Consort) : Komalavalli / Padithaanda pathini Thirukkolam (Posture) : Sayanam(Reclining) Thirumugam (Facing) : East Mangalasasanam (Hymns sung by) :

Sri Aandal, Periyazhwar, Thirumazhisai Azhwar, Boothathazhwar, Peyazhwar, Nammazhwar, Thirumangai Azhwar Sthalapurana (Brief History) :

As per legend Sage Hema Rishi did penance here to get Sri Devi as his daughter.

Lord Vishnu was pleased by the penance and blessed the sage that he will get Sri Lakshmi as his daughter. Lakshmi Devi emerged from the Potramarai kulam (Lotus tank) among thousand lotuses and was thus named Komalavalli (one who emerged from lotus).

At her appropriate age, Lord Vishnu descended to earth holding a bow, as Araavamudhan (unlimited nectar) in a chariot drawn by elephants and horses from his abode Vaikuntam and married Komalavalli thayar. "Sarangam" means bow of Vishnu and "pani" means holding, hence the Lord here is called Sarangapani ("one who holds the bow").

About the temple:

The temple rajagopuram (main gateway) has eleven tiers and has a height of 173 ft (53 m). The temple faces east and the Potramarai tank is located outside the western entrance.

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There are two stepped entrances to the sanctum, Utharayana Vaasal (opens from 15/Jan to 15/Jul) and Dhakshanayana Vaasal

(opens from 15/Jul to 15/Jan).

The speciality of this temple is that the central shrine is in the form of a * Chariot drawn by horses and elephants*, with openings on either side, showing the descent of Sri Sarangapani from Vaikuntam in the chariot. Lord is in a slightly raised reclining posture, with his head resting on his right hand. Sage Hemarishi, Lakshmi Devi and festival images are enshrined within the sanctum.

Once Thirumazhisai Azhwar came here to worship the reclining Lord Araavamudhan. He was enchanted by the beauty of the Lord and sang ”Oh, Keshava, please just raise yourself slightly and talk to me". The Lord readily obliged and tried to get up (from the sleeping posture) to speak to the Azhwar. The Azhwar requested Perumal to remain in the exact posture of getting up, and to this day the Lord in this shrine can be seen in this Udhaana sayanam (slightly raised reclining) posture.

Lord serves his devotee:

* Sri Lakshmi Narayanaswamy, a devotee was ever engaged in the Nityakainkarya (Daily service to Lord) of the temple. With the help got from kings and the wealthy, he was able to procure oranaments for the deities, accumulate properties for the temple. He also built the Raja Gopuram and other extensive mandapas for temple. When the devotee breathed his last on a deepavali day, the Lord himself ordered to perform the funeral rites of the deceased as he had no heir.

Even now on every Deepavali day shraddha is performed to Sri Lakshmi Narayanaswamy on behalf of the Lord. All the things necessary for doing rites and rituals are kept in Sri Aravamudhan's sannadhi and the temple is closed, so that Perumal can perform shraddha for Sri Lakshmi Narayanaswamy. *

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DIVYA DESAMs - 13/108 - Thiruvinnagar

Name of the Divya Desam : Sri Oppiliyappan temple Location : , Kumbakonam circle, Thanjavur Dist Moolavar (Presiding Deity) : Sri Oppiliyappan / Uppiliyappan Thayaar (Consort) : Bhoomi Devi Thirukkolam (Posture) : Nindra (Standing) Thirumugam (Facing) : East Mangalasasanam (Hymns sung by) : Thirumangai Azhwar, Peyazhwar, Nammazhwar, Poigaiazhwar Sthalapurana (Brief History) :



As per legend, once Tulasidevi did penance to attain closeness to Lord Vishnu. Lord gave a boon to her that His consort Mahalakshmi would appear under her lap in Thiruvinnagar. Tulasidevi appeared in the place where the temple is located as Tulasi plant. Markandeya Maharishi worshipped Lord Vishnu and desired to have Mahalakshmi as his daughter and Vishnu as his son-in-law. Once the rishi was on a holy trip and as he reached Thiruvinnagar, he felt that it was the right place for getting his desire fulfilled.

The Rishi started severe penance for thousand years seeking Mahalakshmi's blessings. Lakshmi appeared as an infant under the already incarnated tulasi plant here. Markandeya took the baby, named her Bhoomidevi (as she was found in the Bhoomi - ground) and raised her with care. At the appropriate age of Bhoomidevi, on the panguni month of Shravana, Lord Vishnu appeared as an old man and showed interest in marrying her.

Requesting the old man, Markandeya said "You are very ripe and old, my daughter is too young and she does not even know how to cook with right proportion of salt" to which the old man replied, "If your daughter must cook without salt, then I will still take it as my best food, but I will not leave from here without marrying her".

Markandeya prayed and sought the help of Lord Vishnu. He realised that the old man was none other than Maha Vishnu himself. Just then Vishnu appeared in front of him with Sangu (conch) and Discus (chakram) as in Vaikundam. Markandeya Rishi happily offered his daughter's hand in marriage to the Lord.



The temple Neivedhyam (prasadh offering in the temple) is always prepared without salt. As Perumal accepted food without salt (Uppu in Tamil), He is known as Uppili Appan and as Oppili Appan as none equals Him (Uppili - without salt, Oppili - no equal). Tulasidevi-Bhooma devi came to stay on the chest of Lord in the form of garlands offered by devotees in all Perumal temples.

About the temple:

As the Lord says in Bhagavath Gita Ch-18:Ver66 - “*Maam Ekam Charanam Vraja*”, it is written on Sri Oppiliyappan's right hand pointing to His feet, meaning “I take care of those surrendering unto me”.

As per another legend, a learned by name Devasarma, overcome by passion had a forceful union with the daughter of Jaimini rishi. On her tearful complaint to her father, the rishi cursed him to become a bird. It was then the sinner repented and begging pardon, requested the Sage not to impose the curse.

The Sage relented and advised that while he could not withdraw the curse already pronounced, as a bird he might live in the branch of a tree overlooking the holy pushkarini (pond) at this temple. Several years later, a cyclone blew in the night and broke the branch of the tree, the bird fell into the holy waters. Due to the bird's contact with the holy waters, it was relieved from the curse and Devasarma regained his original form. A speciality of this temple is that bathing is permitted in the pushkarini known as "Ahoratra pushkarini" both during day and night.

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DIVYA DESAMs - 14/108 - Thirunaraiyur

Name of the Divya Desam : Nachiyar Kovil / Sri Srinivasa Perumal temple Location : Nachiyar Kovil, Kumbakonam circle, Thanjavur Dist Moolavar (Presiding Deity) : Sri Srinivasan / Thirunaraiyur Nambi Thayaar (Consort) : Vanjulavalli / Nambikkai Nachiyar Thirukkolam (Posture) : Nindra (Standing) Thirumugam (Facing) : East Mangalasasanam (Hymns sung by) : Thirumangai Azhwar Sthalapurana (Brief History) :

As per legend, Sage Medhavi prayed to Lord Vishnu to get Goddess Lakshmi as his daughter. True to his prayer, the sage Medhavi found a beautiful girl child under vanjula tree. He took care of the child and named her Vanjulavalli.

Cont..2 -2- The girl grew up and was of marriageable age. Vishnu appeared to Medhavi, pleased by the latter's devotion and asked his daughter to be married to him. The sage happily married Vanjulavalli to Vishnu and requested Lord Vishnu to stay in his place, which Vishnu accepted. The sage asked Lord Vishnu that his daughter should always be given prominence. From then on, the temple has been known as Nachiyar Kovil.

As per another legend, Sri Garudan ( of Mahavishnu) was the one to trace Lakshmi to this place and led Vishnu here. As a mark of gratitude, Lord Vishnu blessed Garudan to receive equal status at this temple.

As per yet another legend, Thirumangai Azhwar, formerly Neelan the chieftain spent all his wealth in the service of Lord Perumal. As he was not a Vaishnava, nobody recognized his bhakti and services. Azhwar came to this place and begged Perumal to acknowledge him as His devotee.

Pleased with Azhwar, Perumal did Mudradanam to him. (Mudradanam is a ceremony of accepting one in the Vaishnava group by placing the symbols of Discus and Conch in hands). This is the only Divyadesam where Perumal came as a Guru and offered Mudradanam to a devotee.

As a token of his gratitude to the Lord, Thirumangai Azhwar sung over 100 verses praising the Lord and named Him Nambi. Nambi in tamil means a trustworthy person.

About the temple:

Kal Garudan is made of salagrama and can be worshipped in a separate shrine outside the main sanctum. During the Tamil months of Margazhi (December– January) and Panguni (April - May), the festive images are carried out in procession in Kal Garudan. *While only four people are needed to carry the idol of out of the shrine, it multiples to 8, 16, 32, and 64 people when the image is taken outside the temple. The image is believed to get heavier as it moves away from the temple.

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On the way back it reduces its weight and from 64, 32, 16, 8 and only 4 people are required to carry it inside the shrine. *

The sanctum is so designed centering the glory of Thayar Vanjulavalli. She is a little ahead of Perumal in a standing form. During processions too, she goes forward in Annam vahana and Lord follows Her. First Abishekam is dedicated to Her only. She has a parrot in Her hand and key bunch on hip confirming Her predominance over the Lord.

As per legend, Sage Medhavi was doing penance at this place. While taking bath in the river, he found an image of Chakrathazhwar entwined with Yoga Narasimhar. A divine voice asked him to install the image in his hermitage and worship it.

As per another legend Chola king Kochenganan, a staunch devotee of Lord Shiva occupies a place among the Nayanmars, has built about 70 Shiva temples in his life. He had a desire to see Lord Perumal in His abode - Vaikuntam. He prayed to Perumal. Lord Perumal granted darshan to the king and ordered him to build a temple for Him. The king built a temple with Shiva temple design with Yalis-a lion-like pillar, enabling the devotees to have darshan of Perumal from all sides. This is a Mada-type temple (temple at a raised level). Thirumangai Azhwar mentions this temple as Mani Mada Koil.

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DIVYA DESAMs - 15/108 -

Name of the Divya Desam : Saranatha Perumal temple Location : Thirucherai, Kumbakonam Circle, Thanjavur Dist Moolavar (Presiding Deity) : Sri Saranathan Thayaar (Consort) : Sara Nayaki Thayar Thirukkolam (Posture) : Nindra (Standing) Thirumugam (Facing) : East Mangalasasanam (Hymns sung by) : Thirumangai Azhwar Sthalapurana (Brief History) :

As per legend, during the Pralaya (devasting floods), Lord wanted to safeguard the . He tried creating a strong mud pot which can hold the scriptures but he was unsuccessful.

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He approached Lord Vishnu for His help, Perumal asked him to take the soil of Thirucherai to make a pot and place the Vedas in it for safety. As the soil served as a Base or Moola (Saram in tamil), the Lord here is known as Saranatha Perumal and the place Tirucharam which later changed as Tirucherai.

As per another legend, Mother prayed to Perumal and asked Him to grant her the status of Holy Ganga, considered superior in washing off the sins of those bathing in the river. She performed penance under the Bodhi tree on the western bank of Sara Pushkarini (holy pond). Pleased by her penance, Perumal crawled on the lap of Kaveri as a little child.

Kaveri said that she was not for that boon alone. Perumal appeared before her with His consorts. Kaveri begged Perumal that He should stay in the place in the same form. Perumal obliged and also granted a space to her in the sanctum.

As per yet another legend, Azhagiya Manavala Naicker who ruled Thanjavur, planned to build a temple for Sri Rajagopala swamy in Mannarkudi. He assigned this responsibility to his minister Narasa Boopalan who was an ardent devotee of Sri Saranatha Perumal of Thirucherai.

For temple construction, blackstones where brought from all possible places. The minister ordered his men to unload one stone from each cart which passed through Thirucherai. A spy of the king saw this and informed the king who came for an inspection. But before the king could reach, Narasa Boopalan partially constructed this temple and to please him, added a sannathi for Sri Rajagopala swamy too. The king pardoned the minister for his devotion towards the Lord and completed the construction of the temple here.

About the temple:

This is one among the few Divyadesams where Perumal grants darshan to devotees with five consorts, Sridevi, Bhoodevi, Mahalakshmi, Saranayaki and Neeladevi.

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DIVYA DESAMs - 16/108 -Thirukannamangai

Name of the Divya Desam : Bhakthavatsala Perumal temple Location : Thirukannamangai, Nannilam circle, Dist. Moolavar (Presiding Deity) : Sri Bhakthavatsalan Thayaar (Consort) : Abhishekavalli Thayar Thirukkolam (Posture) : Nindra(Standing) Thirumugam (Facing) : East Mangalasasanam (Hymns sung by) : Thirumangai Azhwar Sthalapurana (Brief History) :



As per legend, Goddess Mahalakshmi appeared from the churning of Samudhra Mandhan, wanted to marry Lord Vishnu. She performed penance here to attain the Lord. Pleased by her penance, the Lord at his abode Thirupaarkadal (milky ocean) asked his security Vishwakshenar to suggest a good day for their wedding.

On the auspicious day, the Lord appeared before the Goddess and married her. It is believed that all the Devas congregated here to witness the divine wedding. They were so overwhelmed on seeing the divine couple, they took the form of bees and decided to stay here ever after.

To this day, one can find the bees in the Thaayar Sannidhi – a unique feature of this Divya desam. During utharayana the bees live in the north window and during dakshinayana in the south window. As Lord's wedding took place at Thiru Kannamangai, this place is called Mangala Kshetram.

About the temple:

Thirukannamangai is one of the Pancha Krishna Kshethrams. The other four are, Kapisthalam, Thirukannapuram, Thirukovilur and Thirukannangudi.

It is believed that this place is protected by Lord Shiva in all four directions in four forms. There is a separate sannadhi for Sri Ramanujar.

Thirumangai Azhwar sung his last 10 Pasurams here in Thirukannamangai..

”Kalivandaraiyum pozhilsoozh Kannamangaiyal kandu kondene”

He also added that those who recite all the 10 Pasurams on Thirukannamangai would attain Moksham and reach Vaikundam.

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DIVYA DESAMs - 17/108 - Thirukannapuram

Name of the Divya Desam : Sowriraja Perumal temple Location : Thirukannapuram, circle, Nagai Dist Moolavar (Presiding Deity) : Sri Neelamega Perumal, Sri Sowriraja Perumal Thayaar (Consort) : Kannapuranayaki Thayar Thirukkolam (Posture) : Nindra (Standing) Thirumugam (Facing) : East Mangalasasanam (Hymns sung by) : Periyazhwar, Andaal, Kulasekara Azhwar, Thirumangai Azhwar, Nammazhwar Sthalapurana (Brief History) :

As per legend, once a garland of flowers sent by a Chola king to the Lord did not reach the temple and hence the priest could not get the Lord ready in time for the King’s visit. To save himself from the King’s wrath, the temple priest quickly organized a garland of flowers from his house and placed it around the Lord.

The king found that there was a hair in the garland and questioned the priest, who told him that this was the Lord’s own. The priest told the king that he would show it(the Lord's hair) to him the next morning.

To save the priest, the Lord gave darshan with black ‘Sowri’ (wig) to the king. Hence the Lord is known as ‘Sowriraja Perumal’.

About the temple:

Devotees can see Sowri or Tirumudi (hair) darshan only during the procession on new moon days. Lord is holding his Prayoga Chakra (discus) ready to release - containing His Ashtakshara Mantra - "Om Namo Narayana".

Thirukannapuram is one of the Pancha Krishna Kshethrams. The other four are, Kapisthalam, Thirukannamangai, Thirukovilur and Thirukannangudi.



On the 7th day of ( April- May ) Vaikasi, Lord gives darshan as TriMoorthy Swaroopam - as Maha Vishnu in the day, as Brahma in the night at around 11pm and as Lord Shiva early next morning..

After seeing the sleeping beauty of Lord Vishnu as Lord Ranganatha at Srirangam, Vibheeshana (Ravana's brother and Vishnu Baktha) wanted to see the walking beauty of the Lord. He saw the ‘walking beauty’ here on the new moon day. To mark this event, on every Amavasya day at 12 noon, Lord Sowrirajan is carried out of the Sanctum and walks to the Vibheeshna Sannidhi.

Sri Garuda was returning from the milky ocean (Parkadal in Tamil and Ksheera Samudra in Sanskrit) with nectar to free his mother. While flying over this temple, he proudly thought he was carrying the nectar which others cannot do. He lost his energy and fell on the sea.

Realizing his folly, Garuda sat on a rock in the sea and performed penance on Lord Vishnu to pardon him. Lord not only pardoned Garuda and also accepted him as His Vahan. This event is celebrated on the full moon day in Masi- February-March. Devotees welcome Perumal shouting Mappillai (son-in-law).

The region was once under the rule of chieftain named Munayadharian, a staunch Vishnu devotee. He used to have his food only after worshipping Lord. He spent all his earnings in the service of Lord and became poor. He could not remit the taxes to his king and was arrested for default of payments.

Lord appeared in king’s dream and ordered to release chieftain immediately. The king obeyed. When the chieftain returned home late in the night, his wife gave him pongal made of rice, dhal and salt to eat. As the temple was closed for the day, Munayadharian worshipped Lord in his mind, offered the pongal as nivedhana and ate it.

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When the priest opened the doors of the temple the next day, he found pongal sticking to mouth of Perumal and informed the matter to king and others. They understood that Lord had accepted the pongal nivedhana offered by Munayadharaian. Since that day, Pongal nivedhana is offered to Lord during the night puja known as a Munayadharian Pongal.

Navagrahas carved in a single stone with relative zodiac signs are installed on the northern wall at the Rajagopuram entrance. Lord Sri and Mother are shown as the masters of planets. The Vimana above the sanctum Sanctorum is called Utpalavadhaga Vimana.

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DIVYA DESAMs - 18/108 - Thirukannankudi

Name of the Divya Desam : Loganatha Perumal temple Location : Thirukannankudi, Keevalur post, Nagai circle and Dist. Moolavar (Presiding Deity) : Sri Loganathan / Shyamalameni Perumal Thayaar (Consort) : Loganayaki Thayar Thirukkolam (Posture) : Nindra (Standing) Thirumugam (Facing) : East Mangalasasanam (Hymns sung by) : Thirumangai Azhwar Sthalapurana (Brief History) :



As per legend, Maharishi Vashita made and worshipped an idol of Sri Krishna in butter which did not melt due to his pure devotion. The Lord wanted to test him and hence he came as a small boy (of Yadhava caste or Idayar kulam) and started eating the butter idol.

When Vashitar saw this he lost his temper and started to chase the boy, when the boy was crossing a Magizha tree, other rishi's who were performing penance there caught the boy and tied him up to the tree.

The Lord appeared in His original form and blessed Vashistar. The temple is built here and as Lord Krishna was tied here by rishi's, this place is known as Thirukannankudi (Kudi means place of stay).

About the temple:

Based on the experiences of Thirumangai Azhwar at Thirukannankudi, there is a saying here "*Urangaa Puli, Ooraa kinaru, Theeraa vazhakku, Kaayaa Maghizhai *"

Urangaa Puli

Thirumangai Azhwar needed funds to build the huge walls of Srirangam temple, he came to Nagai and got some golden bars. On his way back, a tired Thirumangai wanted to rest under a Tamarind tree at Thirukannankudi. Placing the gold in the pit there, Thirumangai asked the tree to wake him up if someone came there. The next morning when the owner of the plot arrived to resume work, the tamarind tree dropped its leaves on Thirumangai and woke him up. The tamarind tree which did not sleep and was watching the whole night is Urangaa Puli, "Urangaa" means without sleep, "Puli" is tamarind.



Theeraa Vazhakku

The owner of the land claimed that since it was dug out of the pit from his land, the gold belongs to him. Thirumangai defended himself saying his documents are in Srirangam and that he would come back in a day or two with the papers. Thirumangai never came back and the case is said to have remained pending. Theeraa Vazhakku is the never ending disputes, "Theeraa" is never ending, "Vazhakku" is case/dispute.

Ooraa Kinaru

A thirsty Thirumangai asked the ladies near the well for water. Having heard about his arguments regarding the ownership of the plot, they were worried that he would fight with them on the ownership of the well and hence refused him water. An angry Thirumangai Azhwar pronounced a curse stating that the water would not fill up in the well. Even when it fills up, it will be salty. "Ooraa" never wet/always dry and "Kinaru" is Well.

Kayaa Maghizhai

The Lord of Thirukannankudi came as a Brahmin and served a tired and thirsty Thirumangai with food and water under the Maghizha tree. With Azhwar finishing his food, the Lord is said to have disappeared.

Understanding that the Brahmin is none other than the Lord Himself who served him under the Maghizha tree, Azhwar blessed the tree that it would never get dried up.

"Kaaya" means never get dried, "Magizhai" is Maghizha tree.

An unique feature of this temple is that the similarity of the Moolavar (Main deity) and Utsavar (Procession deity) idols of Thayar (Goddess), not seen in any other Divya Desam.

Thirukannankudi is one of the Pancha Krishna Kshethrams. The other four are, Kapisthalam, Thirukannamangai, Thirukovilur and Thirukannapuram.

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DIVYA DESAMs - 19/108 - Thiru Naagai

Name of the Divya Desam : Soundararaja Perumal temple Location : Nagapattinam Moolavar (Presiding Deity) : Sri Soundararajan / Sri Neelamegha Perumal Thayaar (Consort) : Soundaryavalli Thayar Thirukkolam (Posture) : Nindra (Standing) Thirumugam (Facing) : East Mangalasasanam (Hymns sung by) : Thirumangai Azhwar Sthalapurana (Brief History) :



This temple is distinct and dates back across each of the 4 Yugams. In Kritha Yugam, the king of Nagas ( Serpent Lord) undertook penance here. Pleased with this, Lord Vishnu agreed to accept Adisesha as the one on whom he would rest ‘always’. Since the Serpent Lord was blessed here by the Lord, this place came to be known ‘Naagar’ Pattinam (Place of Nagas). It was here that Bhooma Devi, in Tretha Yugam, and ‘Markandeya’ Rishi, in Dwapara Yugam, worshipped the Lord.

It is believed that Naga Raja performed Kanniga Dhanam at this kshetram.

As per another legend Druva, a young kid (son of King Uthana patha) undertook deep penance wanting to rule the entire world. So pleased was the Lord that he came on the Garuda Vaahanam to grant Druva’s wish.

However, on seeing the beautiful Lord, Druva’s mind changed, and dramatically so. Instead of wanting to rule the world, Druva requested the Lord to grant him Moksham and of seeing his beauty all the time at this temple.

About the temple:

Thirumangai Azhwar was amazed looking at the beauty of Lord Soundararajan that he imagined himself as a lady (Nayaki) to admire the Lord more. In almost each of the 10 Paasurams that Azhwar composed in praise of Soundararaja Perumal, we can see him admiring his beauty.

…” ‘Achcho’ is a phrase used in tamil to show our excitement when we see something that keeps us ‘spell bound’.



The temple is said to have been constructed by the Naaga Kings, improved upon and renovated later by the Maratha rulers and the Nayak Kings.

Lord can be seen in all 3 kolams here - standing, sleeping and sitting posture and is said to have given Darshan in each of these 3 postures to Naga Raja.

A unique bronze statue of Narasimhar is here in the temple, where he is seen blessing Prahalad with one hand and destroying Hiranyakashipu with his other hands.

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DIVYA DESAMs - 20/108 - Thiruthanjai

Name of the Divya Desam : Thiruthanjai Mamanikoil (3 temples in One Divyadesam) Location : Near Vennatrangarai, Thanjavur city Moolavar (Presiding Deity) : Sri Neelamegha Perumal/ Sri Manikundra Perumal/ Sri Perumal Thayaar (Consort) : Senkamalavalli Thayar/ Ambujavalli Thayar/ Thanjai nayaki Thayar Thirukkolam (Posture) : All three are Veetrirundha (Sitting) Thirumugam (Facing) : All three facing East Mangalasasanam (Hymns sung by) : Thirumangai Azhwar, Boodathazhwar, Nammazhwar Sthalapurana (Brief History) :

As per legend Sage Parasar sprinkled the nectar he obtained from the milky ocean in the Vennaru river here, built a hermitage on the river bank and was performing penance. Three demons Thanjakan, Thandakan and Gajamugan with their deathless boon granted by Lord Shiva began to harass the sage and others performing penance with him. The sage advised them to shed their demonic traits and reform themselves. Not agreeing to the sage, the demons continued their evil acts.

The sage appealed to Lord Shiva for protection. Shiva sent Kalidevi to destroy them. But they drank the nectar mixed river water and came back alive to continue their atrocities. The sage then approached Lord Vishnu who came as Neelamegha Perumal.



Lord Vishnu appeared before Thanjagan, after some tough fight, beheaded the demon. Thanjagan realising all his wrongdoings begged to the Lord to forgive and got blessed by Him. Hence this place is known as Thanjagapuri and later known as Thanjavur.

Second demon Gajamugan took the form of an elephant and fought. The Lord came as Sri Narasimhar (Half Man and Half Lion) and killed the demon. Defeated Gajamugan asked to pardon him which was granted by the Lord. Hence the place where Gajamugan was killed is worshipped as Thanjai Koil ( Yali, an ancient animal of part Lion, part Elephant and part Horse, nowadays found in temple pillars ).

The frightened third demon Thandagan went down to Paadhaala Loka (underworld) to escape. Lord took the form of Varaham ( Wild Boar ) plunged into Paadhaala Loka and destroyed the demon. The place where Thandagan was killed is known as Thandagaranyam.

The Lord appeared back after destroying demon Thandagan as Sri Bhuvaraha Murthi, worshipped in Sreemushnam temple (near Neyveli in Cuddalore Dist).

About the temple:

Among the 108 Divyadesams, this is the one and only Divyadesam where three temples are worshipped as one Divyadesam. Lord is gracing this place with three names in three separate temples which are nearby to each other.

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