SCENE February-March 2012
The mission of Scott County is to advance safe, healthy, and livable Vol. 24, No. 1 February/March 2012 communities through citizen-based services. Clean water is goal of workshops “Blue Thumb” program focuses on shorelines, raingardens Do you have a “Blue Thumb”? The SCWEP is a partnership of District, City of Savage, Scott Coun- The Scott Clean Water Education ten local government organizations ty, Scott Soil and Water Conserva- Program (SCWEP) will host Blue in Scott County. The partnership in- tion District, Scott Watershed Man- Thumb, Planting for Clean Water cludes Credit River Township, Jack- agement Organization, Spring Lake Workshops again this year to help son Township, City of Prior Lake, Township and Vermillion River Wa- residents create their own raingar- Prior Lake-Spring Lake Watershed tershed Joint Powers Organization. dens and stabilize shorelines with na- Activities planned at parks tive plants. Raingardens and native Three Rivers Park District shorelines can slow rain water runoff, “Blue Thumb” workshop helps offers a variety of camps anchor soil, provide wildlife habitat, and filter pollutants from lawns. The Pages 8 & 9 couple resolve water problem Blue Thumb, Planting for Clean Wa- For awhile, Josh and Shelly Ru- ter program makes it easy for resi- ble of New Prague have been dealing dents interested in doing their part to with a lot of water moving through keep our waters clean. their yard. “For years, we’ve been Following the Blue Thumb work- frustrated with our backyard, not be- shops, residents will have the oppor- ing able to mow because of standing tunity to receive help designing and water, watching our fence sag, hav- creating raingardens and stabilizing ing water freeze as it flows over the their shoreline with native plants.
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