Graham School of General Studies Shostakovich and Prokofiev

John Gibbons - [email protected]

Description: Mastering all genres from symphony and concerto, opera and ballet, to piano and chamber music, these two Greats document the tumultuous history of late czarist , the revolutionary period, and Stalin's autocracy. In styles including warm romanticism, spiky experimentalism, and the monumentally heroic, the two generations spanned by their work are richly and sometimes tragically illuminated. The course includes analysis, discussion, and plenty of CDs and videos, many of them historic. Important contemporaries and colleagues such as Rostropovich, Mravinsky, Oistrakh and Yudina also appear in the course.

Week 1 Film, Red Baton Week 5 - The war years Prokofiev: early piano music Prokofiev: Piano Sonatas 6-8 Shostakovich: First Symphony Shostakovich: Seventh Symphony

Week 2 Week 6 - Stalin and the charge of formalism Prokofiev: Second Piano Concerto Prokofiev: Fifth and Sixth Symphonies Shostakovich: ballets Shostakovich: Preludes and Fugues

Week 3 Week 7 Prokofiev: First Violin Concerto Prokofiev: Romeo and Juliet Shostakovich: Second Symphony, & his opera, Lady Shostakovich: Symphonies 9-12, String Quartets, part 1 Macbeth of Mtsensk: "Muddle instead of music" Week 8 Week 4 Prokofiev: War and Peace Beyond the Score film Shostakovich: Symphonies 13-15, String Quartets, part 2 Shostakovich: Fourth and Fifth Symphonies Prokofiev: Third Piano Concerto

Recommended Materials

Shostakovich: (The Illustrated Lives of the Great Composers) A Shostakovich Casebook (Russian Music Studies) by Eric Roseberry Indiana University Press

Shostakovich and His World (The Bard Music Festival) Testimony: The Memoirs of Press (Limelight) by Solomon Volkov

A History of Russian Music: From Kamarinskaya to Babi Shostakovich: A Life Remembered, Second Edition Yar by Elizabeth Wilson by Francis Maes Prokofiev: Autobiography, Articles, Reminiscences Story of a Friendship: The Letters of Dmitry Shostakovich by , compiled by S. Shlifstein, translated by to Isaak Glikman, 1941-1975 Rose Prokofieva by Dmitry Shostakovich Prokofiev biographies by David Nice, Daniel Jaffe, Harlow Robinson, Israel Nestjev, Simon Morrison, and Piero Rattalino Shostakovich and Stalin Prokofiev’s entry in the New Grove Dictionary of Music by Solomon Volkov by Richard Taruskin

Shostakovich: A Life The Chess Games of Sergei Prokofiev: by Laurel E. Fay