Amtrak Derails in Alabama with Espionage Don't Forget SURVEY '77

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Amtrak Derails in Alabama with Espionage Don't Forget SURVEY '77 Gilmore execution U. S. NAVAL BASE Tide, Sun, Temp.I GUANTANAMO SAY, CUBA Two charged 3 6 2 pm stayed again High de- : 34 Low tde--1: pm with espionage 7:39am Stm' e --- 6 SunSet ---- :43pm WASHINGTON (AP)--Two Americans have --- 86 High been charged with conspiring to com- Low-------72 mit espionage by passing secret doc- uments, film and other material to a Soviet agent. in Mexico. Weather Forecast FBI director Clarence Kelley says 23-year-old Christopher Boyce of Partly cloudy. Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif. was ar- Winds SE 8-10 rested yesterday at his home. Kelley knots. Bay con- said the second man, 25-year-old The Nauu's ontly shote-based daiky ditions 1-3 Andrew Lee, also of Palos Verdes, is feet. in the custody of Mexican authori- Vol. 32, No. 11 Monday, January 17, 1977 ties. Boyce had been a clerk in a compu- 149 hurt ter firm in Redondo Beach, Calif. where he had top security clearance. The FBI says Lee was arrested in in Alabama Mexico City Jan. 6. The FBI says SALT LAKE CITY, Utah (AP)--U.S. Amtrak derails that at the time of his arrest he District Court Judge Willis Ritter BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP)--A total of 149 people are reported to have been had three rolls of microfilm contain- issued a stay of execution early to- turt, most of them slightly, when ten cars of a Chicago-to-Florida Amtrak ing U.S. defense information classi- day for killer Gary Gilmore only train derailed yesterday near Birmingham, Ala. Amtrak has so far not de- fied top secret. seven hours before Gilmore was to termined the cause of the derailment. face a five-man firing squad. Four cars of the train rolled down a steep embankment when the train de- Judge Ritter granted the stay say- railed. Some of the injured had to be carried up, at least one in a stre- NEW NUMBER ing "there was too much uncertainty tcher. in the law." BASE POLICE A spokesman for the state attorney Investigation reaches political circles general's office says there will be 85777 no action to try to overturn the PHOENIX, Ariz. (AP)--The investi- conspiracy. He implicated two men, stay in time for the execution to be gation into the murder of Arizona both of whom were immediately arrest- held on schedule. investigative reporter Don Bolles is ed. Judge Ritter acted on a motion by now reaching into the upper echelons A police affidavit quotes one of Don't forget the American Civil Liberties Union. of state political circles. those suspects as saying millionaire The motion claimed it would be a The case broke wide open Saturday Kemper Marley "wanted Donald Bolles wrongful expenditure of public funds when John Adamson, on trial for mur- killed" because the newsman gave him to execute him when the constitution- der in the case, switched his plea "a bad time." Marley was a major SURVEY '77 ality of Utah's death penalty had to guilty and revealed the existence financial contributor to Arizona not been determined. of what he said was a murder-for-hire Gov. Raul Castro. Stories written Don't forget to send SURVEY '77 by Bolles were regarded as pivotal via guard mail to the Public Affairs Office by close of business today. NEW YORK (AP)--A poll reported in in causing Marley to resign shortly yesterday's Newsweek magazine shows after he was appointed to the Arizona 60 per cent of the people surveyed Racing Commission by Castro. It's your chance to improve Gitmo's say they like Jimmy Carter more now Marley has denied any involvement radio, television and news- paper service to the base. than they did on election day. in the June 2 car-bomb death of the Please help. Twenty-five per cent of the 529 per- reporter. sons polled say they feel the same about him now as they did Nov. 2. World News Digest Ten per cent like him less now and five per cent aren't sure how they Sorenson nomination sparks controversy CHICAGO (UPI)--A new study shows feel. that vitamin-C intake has "no sig- nificant overall" effect in reducing ALABASTER, Ala. (UPI)--Four child- WASHINGTON (AP)--The Senate Judiciary Committee will continue questioning the common cold, but it may make ren aged three to 13, who were left Griffin Bell today, trying to decide whether to recommend that he be con- little boys grow taller. The study, unattended, died yesterday when a firmed as attorney general. But it appears that another of Jimmy Carter's of 44 school-age sets of twins, was fire destroyed their mobile home in top-level appointments, that of Theodore Sorenson to be head of the CIA, conducted at the Indiana University Alabaster, Ala. Authorites say is more in danger of being rejected than the controversial Bell nomination. school of medicine in Indianapolis. their widowed mother was not at Sorenson is going before the Sen- It says several of the boys in the home when the fire broke out. ate Intelligence Committee today. six-to-Il age group who were treated At least 9 dead And Senate majority leader Robert with vitamin-C grew an average of CHICAGO (UPI)--A spokesman for Byrd has said he thinks there will about one-half inch more than the boxing champion Muhammad Ali has be considerable difficulty in get- confirmed reports that Ali will con- untreated twins. tinE the Sorenson nomination through tact members of the Beatles in hopes Navy launch sinks the Senate. There is objection from of convincing them to re-unite for some members of the Senate that a benefit concert. Ali's manager in Bar elonaSorenson's background is too paci- CAIRO (UPI)--Secy. of State-des- told UPI the champ will try to get infist for the position. ignate Cyrus Vance assured Egypt the now-defunct British group to- Two other Carter nominees will yesterday that he will work toward gether again to raise funds for MADRID (UPI)--The U.S. Embassy in undergo Senate questioning today, strengthening U.S. relations with distribution to needy children Spain says a Navy launch loaded former Idaho Coy. Cecil Andrus as that country, and resolving the on- around around the world. with about 100 crew members of U.S. interior secretary and Bert Lance, going Mideast problems. Vance's Navy units visiting Barcelona col- who's been named to head the Office statements were contained in a HONOLULU (AP)--The Coast Guard lied with a freighter and sank to- of Management and Budget. AC message sent to Egypt's foreign says a Swiss merchant ship has pick- day. minister and published by the Mid- ed up the 25-man crew of a sinking At least nine U.S. Navy personnel dle East News Agency. Panamanian freighter in the mid- were reported killed and others EXPANDED Pacific. The merchant ship Romandie were missing. will continue its voyage to Kobe, The consulate says the launch was NEWSWATCH carrying sailors and Marines from LOS ANGELES (AP)--A survey shows Japan with the crew of the Crown port to their ships. that freshmen are entering college Pearl on board. The captain of the BEGINS with higher grades than ever before, Crown Pearl radioed Saturday night The ships are identified as the and the land- indicating declining grading stan- that he and his crew were abandoning aircraft carrier Guam TONIGHT dock ship Trenton. dards. Officials say the survey, ship. However, they apparently ing conducted by the Univ. of California waited for daylight before taking to and the American Council on Educa- life-boats and life-rafts in heavy tion, indicates "grade inflation" seas. TV-8 schedule changed is continuing in secondary schools. MOSCOW (UPI)--Viewers of Soviet Due to the weekly film shipment not arriving on time the following chan- television were shown a film tour ges will be made to the Entertainer: CAIRO (AP)--Twenty-one Arab lead- of Plains, Ga. and -.-e told that it ers, concluding a two-day conference probably is the most popular town in TODAY: THURSDAY: in Cairo, have called for a strength- America right now. The Soviet pro- 1 p.m. - The Hunchback of Notre 8:30 p.m. - Movie, Special Judgment ening of ties with Western Europe. gram described Plains as a quiet Dame 10:40 p.m. - Mod Squad The Arab leaders, however, indicated town of kind people being engulfed 2:30 p.m. - Camera Three this special relationship would have by commercial exploitation because 5 p.m. - I Spy FRIDAY: to hinge on European support for the of its most famous resident, Pres.- 10:15 p.m. - The Jazz Singer 17p.m. - High Chaparral Palestinians and the drive to free elect Carter. A Soviet reporter 11:45 p.m. - Boxing from the 2 p.m. - Andy Griffin Israeli-occupied territory. interviewed Plains Mayor A.L. Blan- Olympics 3 p.m. - Planet of the Apes ton, who said the influx of tourists HOLLYWOOD (UPI)--Groucho Marx and 12:30 a.m. - Sign-off 10:15 p.m. - Department "S" has created a burden on parking and long-time sidekick George Fenneman were re-united yesterday, at a cer- toilet facilities. TOMORROW: The descriptions of all the other emony inducting the Marx Brothers 1 p.m. - The Jazz Singer shows are incorrect because that PARIS (AP)--The national radio of into the Hollywood Hall of Fame. 2:30 p.m. - Dantes shipment did not arrive. that government troops Fenneman, the announcer for Marx' Benin claims 7:05 p.m.
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    CHESTERFIELD #96 NBC #264 RELEASE DATE : ., . .-SEPTEMBER 7, 1954 DIRECTOR . JACK WEBB SPONSOR : . CHESTER 'IR I) CIGARETTES WRITER . JOHN ROBINSON AGENCY: . .CUNNINGHAM-WALSH MUSIC. .WALTER SCHUMANN COMMERCIAL SUPERVISOR PETERSON SCRIPT . JEAN MILES TECHNICAL AWISORS : . SOUND . BUD T OILEFSON & .gAYNE KENWORTKY SGT . MARTY WYNN : . .L.A .P.D. ENGINEER . ., . .R OUL MURPHY SGT. VANCE BRASIER : . ., .L.A .P.D. ANNCR . #1.GEORGE FENNEMAN CAPT. JACK DONOHOE : . .L.A .P .D. ANNCR. #2.HAL GIBNEY, NBC CASE . ."THE BIG TRUNK" RSAL SCHEDULE : " RECORDING: SUNDAY - AUGUST 29 , 1954 "A CAST AND SOUND : 2 :30 - 5 :00 P.M. EDITING : . .o . .B.A . SCORING : . ~'.B .A . ^ ORCHESTRA : • . 0 . ANNOUNCERS. , . .(COMMERCIAL) BROADCAST : . 6 :O0-6 :30 P.M. -- STUDIO "J" BY T.R. LG 0164573 "HE BIG TRUNK" CAS T SERGEANT JOE FRIDAY . : . .* . .' . ;"*'. .JACK WEBB OFFICER FRANK SM]TH . .BST ALMUN , ER FERN HARF?ISON . : . : . .,, ., . : . .VIRGIN?A GREGG MARK GSLSON . : . : . .f B ELLIS DODY FREDERI ,S . .~ . .. : . : . .JOYCE MCCLUSKY DOVE LANSINGo . • . : . 1 . HARRY BARTELL Tr N SORDON A . : . : . .,. .JACK KRUSCHEN SAM . .a .(iBL) . : . .• . : . .JACK KRUSCHEN LG 0164574 DRAGNET - RADIO "THE BIG TRUNK" N.B.C: # 264 CHESTERFIELD #96 (V.B .) FOR BROADCAST:- SEPTEMBER 7, 1954 1 MUSI0t SIGNATURE 2 .•FENN : (EASILY) Ladies and gentlemen, the story you are about to 3 hear is true . The names have been changed to protect the 4 innocent . 5 MUSIC : DRUM ROLL UNDER 6 GIBNEY : Dragnet, brought to you by Chesterfield, Americas mos t 7 popular two way cigarette . Chesterfield king-size at the 8 new low price and Chesterfield regulr . ' 9 MUSIC : UP AND FADE FOR : '/ 10 PENN : ASILY) You e a detective sergeant .
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