Some years ago SBC members, and married OUR ELECTION CANDIDATES couple, John and Brenda Holliday were both The organisation Christians in Politics has a recent article councillors representing Bridge of Allan on

‘Five reasons why Christians don’t get involved in politics’. Stirling Council.

Now another SBC couple, Alasdair and Jennifer The first of these reasons was ‘It’s a dirty game’, which it Tollemache, are seeking to replicate this certainly can be. Our three candidates are approaching this partnership. Together with Ross Oxburgh, who election fully aware of this, but with the aspiration that their conduct can be different. Ross identifies a ‘measured also contributes actively to the life of SBC, there contribution to debates’, and ‘creating a more productive are three folk from our fellowship who are ambience’ as attitudes which should characterise the Christian candidates in next month’s Council elections. in politics. For Alasdair, the aim is to have a positive campaign and to avoid the negativity which is so often present. Interestingly both Ross and Alasdair independently used the Ross Oxburgh words ‘loving their opponents’, even if their opponents do ‘ I have to love the hold fundamental differences in opinions and beliefs from individual, even if I themselves; not a phrase often heard in political dialogue! do not love their point of view.’ Why stand? The obvious question to ask each of our candidates is ‘Why are you standing?’ As Green Party candidates, Jennifer and Alasdair share a concern for the environment. As Jennifer puts A variety of backgrounds it, ‘I’m more aware of the need for ‘ecological wisdom, and Each of our candidates is entering this election with basing our behaviour on all available evidence to protect our varied political backgrounds. This is Jennifer’s first living environment.’ Alasdair is motivated by a similar concern experience of electioneering, Alasdair has previously for the ‘protection of our environment, God’s world’ and also been a Green Party candidate, while Ross was formerly for the protection of vital services that many depend on. Both employed as a local agent for the Conservatives. Jennifer and Alasdair are also convinced of the need for ‘grassroots democracy’ – which subscribes to the view that all Despite their differing backgrounds it is quite noticeable people are entitled to a say in decisions that affect their lives. that there are consistent themes which emerge as Ross, Jennifer and Alasdair each explain their motivation in Ross’s reasons for standing centre on being an effective seeking to become local councillors. advocate for the people in his ward – ‘old-fashioned direct representation’ as he puts it. There is no doubt that some of The first theme is concern for the individual and that the work of a politician can deal with apparently trivial issues, the local council should be accountable in providing but issues which nonetheless are important to local people. appropriate services and support for every elector. Ross has already identified some of these issues, such as anti- Continued overleaf/ social behaviour in the town centre, dog fouling in Waverly Park and affordable homes. Jennifer Tollemache Alasdair Tollemache

‘The value of social justice ‘ My Christian faith says to and equal opportunity are me we need to get out consistent with my Christian there and be active beliefs.’ citizens.’

Social and Ethical Issues Group: Bill Baird, Isobel Gibson, Alastair Ross. Contact us at [email protected]

SBC Social and Ethical Issues – April 2017 – page 2

Our Election Candidates contd. 95 NEW THESES (after Martin Luther)

Secondly is the belief that a Christian in politics can, and Have you an idea which could inspire social change? should, bring something different and distinctive to To mark the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, the political life: a respect for people with opposing Jubilee Centre has launched 95 New Theses – 95 Ways to opinions, an intention to conduct oneself with dignity, Change the World. In the same way that Luther’s 95 and a desire to seek cooperation rather than theses led to the Reformation and changed Western confrontation. society, this is a project seeking ideas for social

transformation inspired by a Biblical worldview with the Ross remarks that ‘despite what many people claim, the aim of re-capturing the creative legacy of the original Bible does not point us towards which party to which we Reformation. should belong’. It is a characteristic of the Christian faith that each of us can be touched in different ways and led Individuals are invited to submit their own ideas, or down different paths by our experience of Biblical theses, and to continue an on-line conversation. principles. Jennifer and Alastair have become convinced Ideas already submitted are varied and include those of the need for a healthy environment as a basis for related to business, ecology, family and technology. human flourishing. Ross has concluded that Conservative principles best reflect the application of his Find out more at the Jubilee Centre website Christian faith. .

Use one of your votes There is no doubt that more Christians are needed in UK politics. If you live in a ward in which Ross, Jennifer or Alasdair are standing, please seriously consider giving them one of your votes, even if you would not normally vote for their party; in many instances it is the person, GENERAL PHARMACEUTICAL COUNCIL rather than the political party to which they belong, which can be more effective. And do support them in DENIES FREEDOM OF CONSCIENCE prayer as they seek to be true to Jesus in all that they do. Last month we reported about the General Pharmaceutical Council’s proposals to deny pharmacists Where are they standing? the right to opt out of providing services which would be  Ross Oxburgh: Stirling North Ward, Conservative Party incompatible with deeply held religious or moral beliefs.  Alasdair Tollemache: Dunblane & Bridge of Allan Ward, These services could include providing drugs which Green Party induced abortions.  Jennifer Tollemache: Ward, Green Party A few days ago the GMC confirmed its new guidance. In commenting on this decision, Christian Concern ASSISTED SUICIDE: THE MUSICAL suggested that this change ‘would essentially create a A musical about assisted suicide? Surely not! monopoly in the pharmacy profession to those who support abortion, contraception, or other morally But yes, there is. Created by actress, comedian and suspect treatments.’ broadcaster Liz Carr the show is intended to present some of the arguments against assisted dying in a creative and The GMC are proceeding with their proposals despite the thought provoking way. fact that their own analysis of the consultation shows that a majority of all respondents (54%) were against With Liz Carr herself being severely disabled, the show what was being proposed as were 30% of pharmacists. particularly highlights the threat that legalising assisted suicide would pose for disabled people. Read You can view the GMC statement on their web site at more on the Mercatornet and the Christian Concern web site at response on the front page of their web site