Report author: Ken Morton Tel: 3950033

Report of the Director of Children’s Services

Report to Member Management Committee

Date: 25 th October 2011


Are specific electoral Wards affected? Yes No If relevant, name(s) of Ward(s):

Are there implications for equality and diversity and cohesion and Yes No integration?

Is the decision eligible for Call-In? Yes No

Does the report contain confidential or exempt information? Yes No If relevant, Access to Information Procedure Rule number: Appendix number:

Summary of main issues

1. Effective Children and Young people cluster partnerships are critical to the successful delivery of the Leeds Children and Young People Plan 2011-2015. 2. Stakeholder representation is not consistent across the city. Elected members are engaged as part of the governance arrangements in some partnerships but not all. Arrangements have been too ad hoc; the Children’s Trust Board has agreed minimum terms of reference to improve the consistency of engagement and governance across the city.


3. It is recommended that Member Management Committee agree to categorise the cluster partnerships as Strategic and Key Partnerships and appoints up to two members to each one in accordance with Appendix 3.

1 Purpose of this report

1.1 To ensure appropriate Elected Member representation on each children and young people cluster partnership.

2 Background information

2.1 In April 2011 the Children’s Trust Board supported the use of a minimum standard for the terms of reference across the cluster partnerships (see Appendix 1); these terms of reference include elected members as standing members of the governance group for each partnership.

2.2 The cluster partnerships evolved originally in response to the extended schools initiative, then as extended services partnerships and increasingly now as a delivery vehicle for local partnership and shared ambitions. They are an integral part of taking forward the vision and delivery model agreed with the Children’s Trust Board in December 2011, the new Children’s Services directorate structure and they provide an inclusive partnership offer to our universal services in schools and children’s centres.

2.3 The purpose of cluster partnerships are to:

• Enable local settings and services to work together effectively to improve outcomes for children, young people and their families;

• Build capacity to improve the delivery of preventative / early help services to meet local needs;

• Promote the ambition of a child friendly city across the locality.

2.4 The Director of Children’s services will nominate a senior leader from the new Directorate to be part of the Council’s representation on each cluster partnership. These officers will work with elected members nominated through the member management Committee.

3 Main issues

3.1 A number of elected members are already supporting and challenging the work of cluster partnerships. However, the arrangements are largely ad hoc with the exception of trustee nominations agreed by Member Management Committee for the Brigshaw and Temple Newsam cluster partnerships.

3.2 In some parts of the city the ‘fit’ between ward boundaries and clusters is close but this is not the case everywhere. Cluster partnerships are geographically based but do not have absolutely defined boundaries given the nature of school admissions. Schools and children’s centres within each cluster partnership are outlined in Appendix 2.

4 Corporate Considerations

4.1 Consultation and Engagement

4.1.1 All cluster partnerships and the wider Children Leeds partnership were engaged and consulted abut governance arrangements prior to recommendations agreed by the Children’s Trust Board for minimum governance standards.

4.2 Equality and Diversity / Cohesion and Integration

4.2.1 The effective development of cluster partnerships provides an inclusive offer to all schools and children’s centres, whatever their governance arrangements, which enables them to work together and with partners.

4.3 Council Policies and City Priorities

4.3.1 The appointment of elected members to cluster partnerships contributes to the Council’s strategic functions , priorities for children’s services and community leadership role. It augments the role of Area Committees with regard to their work on children’s services and provides local democratic input to the work of cluster partnerships.

4.3.2 The future nature and direction of cluster partnerships will be influenced by the continuing development of a more diverse school governance landscape and by the implications of the Localism Bill for integrated working.

4.4 Resources and Value for Money

4.4.1 Governance groups of cluster partnerships have oversight of £5.2m of school funding. Other budget allocations may also include funding to improve behaviour and attendance outcomes devolved from area inclusion partnerships. This resource is increasingly being complemented through the way in which the Council (through the Children’s Services directorate) and the NHS (through Health Visiting and the development of Early Start teams) are configuring their services.

4.5 Legal Implications, Access to Information and Call In

4.5.1 No specific implications.

4.6 Risk Management

4.6.1 Improving governance and accountability of cluster partnerships through a minimum standard for terms of reference, representation and reporting will mitigate risks within cluster partnership action plans. Challenge and support from Elected Members is critical to improving cluster partnership arrangements.

5 Conclusions

5.1 Cluster partnerships in Leeds are a local expression of the statutory duty to work in partnership and the duty to co-operate placed on the relevant partners to improve children and young people’s well being. They aim to support integrated locality

working in a consistent, open, transparent and accountable manner. Elected Member representation is critical to successful progress.

6 Recommendations

6.1 It is recommended that the Member Management Committee agree to categorise the cluster partnerships as Strategic and Key Partnerships and appoints up to two members to each one in accordance with Appendix 3.

7 Background documents

7.1 Appointment to Outside Bodies Procedure Rules. 7.2 Report to MMC – Council representation on school trusts, June 2010. 7.3 Executive Board 15 th Dec 2010 Children’s services Improvement Report. 7.4 Childrens ‘s Trust Board April 2011 Cluster Partnerships Standard terms of Reference – attached as Appendix 1.

Appendix 1 Leeds Children’s Trust Board CLUSTER PARTNERSHIPS STANDARD TERMS OF REFERENCE Approved by Leeds Children’s Trust Board 18 April 2011 Date of Next Review Spring/Autumn 2012 Document Owner Partnerships and Governance Lead,

1. CONTEXT 1.1 The Leeds Children’s Trust Board (LCTB) 1.2 The Leeds Children’s Trust Board was established in April 2010 and is part of the local co-operation arrangements which collectively make up the children’s trust in Leeds. It provides the interagency governance of the Children’s Trust arrangements in Leeds and has responsibility for publishing and monitoring a jointly owned Children and Young People’s Plan (CYPP) to improve the well being of children and young people in the city. It also provides a framework within which partners may agree to commission services together, with pooled or aligned budgets. 1.3 These terms of reference provide a ‘minimum standard’ for local cluster partnerships and in simple terms they are seen to represent mini Children’s Trust Boards for the communities in the core geographical area they serve. 1.4 Cluster Partnerships 1.5 Local clusters are key to the partnership and delivery arrangements for children’s services in Leeds. The purpose of each partnership is to: • enable local settings and services to work together effectively to improve outcomes for children, young people and their families • build capacity to improve the delivery of preventative and extended services to meet local needs (‘universal plus’) • promote the ambition of a child friendly city across the locality This builds on cluster partnerships and networks which have developed across the city in recent years and complements partnership arrangements at area and city level. 1.6 Cluster partnerships in Leeds are the local expression of the statutory duty to work in partnership and the duty to co-operate placed on relevant partners to improve children and young people’s well being. 1.7 The cluster partnerships aim to support integrated locality working in a consistent, open, transparent and accountable manner, encouraging democratic involvement from local elected members and the involvement of a range of partners. 1.8 Cluster partnerships will be linked together through Area Children and Young People’s Partnerships. These will support the sharing of good practice, collective efforts to improve outcomes at an area level and provide a link to citywide partnership arrangements through the Children’s Trust Board and Leeds Safeguarding Children Board.

2. FUNCTIONS Cluster partnership functions cover: • driving and monitoring local delivery of priorities in the city’s children and young people’s plan • supporting progress with other partnership priorities (e.g. those from other city partnerships such as health and well being) • using outcomes based accountability approaches to ‘turn the curve’ on local priorities and build local capacity to sustain progress • encouraging innovation and improved collaborative working to develop local solutions to improve services for children and their families • informing and influencing strategy, policy and commissioning which may impact on services in the locality • ensuring services are appropriate to local needs • agreeing arrangements to align or pool local resources and commissioning services to deliver local priorities • ensuring participation of staff from local services, children, young people and their families • improving communication and information sharing across the children’s services workforce • monitoring the performance of local services and developing action plans to improve performance • sharing expertise and good practice within the cluster and across the city to help drive improved services 3. GOVERNANCE AND ACCOUNTABILITY 3.1 As representatives of key partnerships within the Children’s Trust arrangements, the Children’s Trust Board will agree the standard terms of reference for the cluster partnerships and agree the geographical area of operation for the partnerships. 3.2 The partnerships will provide local governance arrangements and leadership to support collective effort to deliver partnership priorities in the children and young people’s plan and any other locally agreed priorities. They provide a local mechanism for accountability for progress towards better outcomes for children and young people. 3.3 Each partner will be accountable for decisions and service performance through their existing decision making arrangements (as is the case with the Children’s Trust Board and Leeds Safeguarding Children Board). As appropriate, individual partners retain their statutory duties and responsibilities to the Director of Children’s Services (section 10 of the Children Act 2004). 3.4 Cluster partnerships will be linked together via revised Area Children and Young People’s Partnerships. This will support learning and sharing across the clusters, an interface with services delivered primarily at area or city level and a mechanism to link the cluster partnerships to the Children’s Trust Board and Leeds Safeguarding Children Board. This will be supplemented by cluster chairs meetings each term to bring all clusters together and support the development of common ways of working, consistency and networking with clusters in other parts of the city. 3.5 Each partnership will be required to produce a short annual report and present this to the relevant Area Children and Young People’s Partnership and the local City Council Area Committee. A report from each area would then be presented to the Children’s Trust Board.

3.6 Each partnership will be required to produce a short mid year report to highlight key activities and progress to inform local stakeholders of the work of the partnership (including all partners represented and local school governing bodies). 3.7 The partnerships would operate as informal partnerships and would not be required to be constituted as legal entities. 3.8 Where there is a cluster based co-operative trust it is proposed that the trust (which is set up as a legal entity) operates as the cluster partnership. 3.9 Where a Joint Collaborative Committee is already in place, this may form the basis for a cluster partnership with consideration to the purpose, functions, membership and accountability requirements covered in these standard terms of reference. 3.10 Any proposed significant amendments to the terms of reference for the partnerships should be recommended to the Children’s Trust Board at the next available meeting after discussion at the relevant Area Children and Young People’s Partnership. The Terms of Reference for partnerships will be reviewed periodically as part of the Children’s Trust Board’s governance review. 3.11 Cluster partnerships may wish to work with other clusters or share services to work across a wider geographical area. In addition partners may need to follow up issues, particularly regarding individual cases, with colleagues working in other parts of the city. 4. MEMBERSHIP 4.1 Standing membership of each cluster partnership should include: 4.2 Local Settings • Representative from each school in the area or agreed local representation via family of schools / joint collaborative committee • Representative from each children’s centre in the area or agreed representation from a group of children’s centres It is proposed that this should include at least one representative of local governing bodies who is not a member of school staff to provide a strategic governor input 4.3 Local Services • Health – e.g. School Nurse Co-ordinator – confirmed through Leeds Community Healthcare • Police – e.g. Neighbourhood Police Team Inspector - confirmed through West Yorkshire Police • Voluntary, community and faith sector – confirmed through Leeds VOICE 4.4 Leeds City Council • Local Elected Member (two members proposed for larger clusters or those crossing council wards) – confirmed through City Council Member Management Committee • Local Authority Partner – senior manager from Children’s Services to provide strategic link to Children’s Services and other council functions – confirmed through Children’s Services Leadership Team • Relevant local managers for integrated children’s services – confirmed through Children’s Services Leadership Team 4.5 Partnerships may also wish to establish a broader network of partners to progress local priorities and help improve local communications. This may include staff from local agencies such as college, housing, sports, leisure, libraries, area management, regeneration, probation, youth offending service, job

centre plus, voluntary, community and faith groups. 4.6 Additional members may be invited to join the partnership to provide further support for improved delivery of local priorities as the partnerships evolve. 5. OPERATIONAL FRAMEWORK 5.1 The overarching framework for governance for the Children’s Trust arrangements is covered by the Governance Document for the Children’s Trust Board. Each partnership will take account of this in its work to support effective partnership working and good governance. Attention is particularly drawn to the following sections: i. Code of Conduct (section 9) ii. Promoting Equalities (section 10) iii. Decision Making (section 13) iv. Annual Review (section 16) v. Conflicts of Interest (section 18) vi. Exit Provisions (section 19) vii. Scrutiny, Audit and Inspection (section 20) viii. Data Management (section 21) ix. Complaints Procedure/Disputes Resolution (section 22) 6. OPERATIONAL ARRANGEMENTS 6.1 Each partnership shall meet at least termly or as deemed necessary to fulfil its functions. 6.2 The agenda of meetings shall be agreed by the chair in advance of the meetings. 6.3 In addition to this it is proposed that there would be an annual meeting for a broader network of local partners in each cluster and periodic meetings with cluster chairs, cluster managers and local authority partners at a city level. 6.4 It is proposed that an administrator from the Governance Services Unit in Children’s Services provides a clerking service for the main cluster partnership meetings and supports an annual broader network meeting. This would also assist with consistency, the ability to have standard agendas and minute formats, distribution of any common reports and scheduling of meetings. 6.5 Each partnership would need to agree a chair (and vice chair if required) who is able to drive the business of the partnership and represent the partnership at other meetings e.g. Area Committee, Area Children and Young People’s Partnership, Family of School meetings. 6.6 It is proposed that cluster managers work with the chair, local authority partners and others to co-ordinate the work programme of the cluster partnership and the production of reports from the partnership. 6.7 Each partnership may wish to establish operational groups or task and finish groups to progress its priorities. These should have a clear remit and clear link back to the local partnership. 6.8 The Secretariat should receive reports not later than eight working days before the date of the partnership meeting. This is to enable papers to be distributed in time and for the chair to be briefed. 6.9 The agenda and papers should be sent out to all members at least five working days in advance of meetings. Exceptionally, tabled reports or addition information may be presented at meetings with the discretion of the Chair. Wherever possible, information will be sent electronically. 6.10 The partnership will be quorate if there are 50% or more members present at the meeting.

6.11 Draft minutes or action points will be circulated to members within 5 working days of each meeting with 5 working days for comments. Once approved, minutes / action points will be in the public domain and should be made accessible to local partners and stakeholders. 6.12 Support for the set up and development of these arrangements will be provided by colleagues who have supported the extended services clusters. This will include the circulation of standard templates for agendas, minutes, reports, action plans, self evaluation reviews and annual reports. 7. ANNUAL REPORT REQUIREMENTS 7.1 Each partnership will be required to produce a short annual report to inform the Area Children and Young People’s Partnership, local Area Committee and Children’s Trust Board of the work of the partnership and to inform the development and review of the City’s Children and Young People’s Plan (CYPP). It is also recommended that these reports are taken through the governance arrangements for each partner represented on the partnership. 7.2 The aim of the reporting requirement is to: • Provide local accountability by asking the partnerships to demonstrate the contribution being made to the local agenda for improved outcomes for children and young people • Facilitate joined up working across relevant agencies, sharing of expertise and good practice • Allow the Area Children and Young People’s Partnerships and Children’s Trust Board to assess levels of need, impact of actions and areas of underperformance to inform the development of the city’s CYPP • Give partnerships the opportunity to influence decisions made by the Children’s Trust Board in relation to joint strategic planning and commissioning • Provide a platform to raise any concerns including about the level of support the partnerships need from Children’s Trust partners • Allow the partnerships to identify local and area based strategic priorities for the forthcoming year 7.3 Partnerships will be provided with a standard template and schedule of dates to support consistent and timely reporting.

Appendix 2

Primary Schools High Schools Children's Centres Alwoodley (ENE) Alwoodley Primary Highfield Primary St. Paul's Catholic Primary Brodetsky Primary School Allerton CofE Primary Cardinal Heenan Catholic High School ST. Urbans Catholic Primary Alwoodley CC CHESS (ENE) Bracken Edge Bankside Primary School Hillcrest Primary School Chapeltown CC Harehills Primary Schools Harehills CC Hol Rosary and St Anne's Shepherds Lane/Choto Moni Hovingham Primary CC NEXT (ENE) Gledhow Primary Talbot Primary Kerr Mackie Primary Moor Allerton Hall Primary School Moortown Primary School Roundhay St. John's School Allerton Grange High School Moortown CC Immaculate Heart of Mary School Technology College Roundhay CC Inner East (ENE) Brownhill Primary School Ebor Gardens Primary School St. Patrick's RC Primary School St. Peter's CE Primary School Richmond Hill Primary School Victoria Primary School All Saints CofE Primary Wykebeck Primary Oakwood Primary Woodlands Primary School Shakespeare Primary St. Augustine's CE Primary School Primrose High School Gipton North St. Nicholas Catholic Primary Mount St Mary's Catholic High School Gipton South NEtWORKS (ENE) Chapel Allerton Primary Carr Manor Primary School Meanwood CofE (A) Primary Carr Manor CC St. Matthew's CofE Primary Meanwood CC Mill Field Primary Carr Manor High School Chapel Allerton CC EPOSS (ENE) Scholes (Elmet) Primary Branham Primary Primrose Lane Primary School Barwick Primary Thorner C.E. Primary School St. Mary's CofE Primary Thorp Arch Lady Hastings School St. Edwards RC Primary Crossley Street Primary Bardsey Primary School Wigtonmoor Primary Deighton Gates Primary School Shadwell Primary School Harewood CofE Primary Wetherby St. James CE Primary Collingham LEH Primary School Boston Spa School Boston Spa CC St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School Wetherby CC Seacroft Manston (ENE)

Beechwood Primary School Seacroft Grange Primary School Parklands Primary School Grimes Dyke Primary Cross Gates Primary School Manston Primary Swarcliffe Primary St. Theresa's Catholic Primary Grange Farm Primary Kentmere Early Years Centre White Laith Primary School & OOS Club Fieldhead Carr Primary Parklands CC Our Lady of Good Council Catholic School Parklands Girls' High School Crossgates and Manston CC Whinmoor St. Paul's CofE Primary John Smeaton Community High School Swarcliffe CC Manston St James C Of E Primary School David Young Community Seacroft CC

Ardsley & Tingley (SE) Hill Top Primary School Westerton Primary School East Ardsley Primary Woodkirk High Specialist Science Blackgates Primary School Ardsley & Timgley CC JESS (SE) Windmill Primary Clapgate Primary Greenmount School Hunsley Carr School Hunsley Moor Primary Ingram Road Primary Crossflatts Primary Low Road Primary School Beeston St. Francis of Assisi City and Holbeck CC St. Joseph's Catholic Primary New Bewerley CC Beeston Hill St. Luke's School Hunslet CC Hunsley St. Mary's CofE Primary Hunslet CC (St. Mary's site) New Bewerley Community School South Leeds Academy Windmill CC Brigshaw (SE) Swillington Primary School Kippax Greenfield Primary Kioppax North J&J School Allerton Bywater School Kippax Ash Tree Primary School Methley Primary School Great Preston CofE Primary Brigshaw High School and Language Kippax CC Lady Elizabeth Hastings School College Villages East CC Garforth (SE) East Garforth Primary School Garforth Green Lane Primary Ninelands Primary Aberford C.E. Primary School Micklefield CofE Primary St. Benedict's Catholic Primary Firthfields CC Strawbery Fields Primary Garforth Community College Garforth CC Middleton (SE) Middleton Primary School Westwood Primary Middleton St. Mary's CofE Primary Middleton CC St Philips Catholic Primary School Cockburn College of Arts Middleton U3's CC Morley (SE) Churwell School Seven Hills Primary Morley Newlands Primary Gildersome Primary School Birchfield Primary Morley Victoria Primary Asquith Primary School St Francis Catholic Primary School Drighlinton Primary Fountain Primary Gildersome & Drighlington CC Morley High School Morley North CC Bruntcliffe High School Morley South CC

Rothwell (SE) Carlton Primary Robin Hood Primary School Thorpe Primary School Rothwell Haigh Road School Primary Oulton Primary School Rothwell Victoria Junior School Rothwell Primary Sharp Lane Primary Rodillian School Rothwell Cof E School Royds School Specialist Language Lofthouse CC Rothwell St. Marys College Rothwell CC Templenewsam Halton (SE) Corpus Christi Primary Meadowfield Primary School Whitkirk Primary School Colton Primary Corpus Christi Catholic College Austhorpe Primary Science Meadowfield CC Templenewsam Halton Primary College Temple Newsam Colton CC Upper Beeston and Cottingley (SE) Beeston Primary Cottingley Primary Cottingley CC Hugh Gaitskell Primary School Cottingley Sure Start CC St. Anthony's Catholic School Two Willows CC

Aireborough (WNW) Rufford Park Primary Guiseley Infant School Rawdon Littlemoor Primary Yeadon Westfield Junior Tranmere Park Primary Queensway Primary Yeadon Westfield Infant School Rawdon St. Peter's CE School St. Oswalds CE (AIDED) Junior School Technology College Hawksworth CofE School St Mary's Catholic Comprehensive Guisely CC St Peter and Paul Catholic Primary School Yeadon & Rawdon CC ACES (WNW) Armley Primary School Castleton Primary School Five Lanes Primary School Whingate Primary School Christ Church C/E Primary School St. Bartholomews CofE Primary Armley Moor CC Holy Family RC Primary Swallow Hill Community College Castleton CC Bramley (WNW) Bramley Primary School Raynville Primary School Stanningley Primary Summerfield Primary Whitecote Primary Bramley St Peter's CofE (VC) Christ the King RC Primary School Hollybush Primary Bramley CC Valley View Community Primary Holybush CC ESNW (WNW) Iveson Primary School Adel Primary School Cookridge Primary School Ireland Wood Primary Holy Name Catholic Primary Adel - St John the Baptist CofE Holy Trinity CE Primary School Ralph Thoresby High School Ireland Wood CC Farnley (WNW) Cobden Primary School Lower Wortley Primary School Lawns Park Primary School Greenhill Primary School Farnley Park High School Farnley CC

Ryecroft Primary Horsforth (WNW) Horsforth Featherbank School West End Primary School Horsforth Newlaithes Jr School Westbrook Lane Primary Broadgate Primary School St. Margaret's CofE Primary Specialist Science St. Mary's R.C. Primary School College Horsforth CC Inner NW Hub (WNW) Beecroft Primary Kirkstall Valley Primary Springbank Primary Hawksworth Wood Primary Weetwood Primary Burley St. Mattias CE Primary School St. Chad's CofE Primary School Sacred Heart Catholic School Burley Park CC Kirkstall St.Stephens CofE Primary Abbey Grange Church of England High Hawksworthwood CC Shire Oak CofE (VC) Primary School School Headingley CC Pudsey (WNW) Pudsey Greenside Primary School Southroyd Primary School Pudsey Primrose Hill Primary Pudsey Lowtown Primary Park Spring Primary School Swinnow Primary School Pudsey St. Joseph's C Primary School Pudsey Waterloo Primary Calverley Parkside Primary Westroyd Infant School Farsley Fairfield Primary School Pudsey Tyersal Primary School Pudsey Bolton Royd Pudsey Grangefield School Swinnow CC Farsley Springbank Junior School Crawshaw School Upper Pudsey Southroyd CC Calverley C.E. Primary Priesthorpe School Farsley and Calverley CC Open XS (WNW) Blenheim Primary Brudenell Primary School Little London Community Primary Quarry Mount Primary School Little London CC Rosebank Primary City of Leeds School Quarry Mount CC Otley Pool & Bramhope (WNW) Ashfield Primary School Westgate Primary School Otley The Whartons Primary School Bramhope Primary School Otley All Saints Primary School Pool C.E. Primary School Prince Henry's Grammar School Otley St. Joseph's Specialist language College Otley CC

Appendix 3

Suggested Elected Member representation on cluster partnerships:

Cluster definitions: Some clusters cross over area boundaries. Where this is the case, they are listed under more than one area.

East North East area West North West area South area

Alwoodley Aireborough Ardsley and Tingley

JESS (Joint extended CHESS (Chapeltown ACES (Armley cluster schools and services: extended schools and extended services) Beeston Hill, Holbeck, Belle services) Isle and Hunslet) EPOS (Elmete partnership of Bramley Brigshaw schools and services)

ESNW (Extended services Inner East north west: Weetwood, Adel Garforth and Wharfdale) N.E.X.T. (North East Extended Together: Farnley Middleton Moortown and Roundhay)

NEtWORKS (Meanwood and Horsforth Seacroft Manston Chapel Allerton)

Seacroft Manston Inner NW Hub Morley

Pudsey Rothwell

Otley/Pool/Bramhope Temple Newsam Halton

Open XS (Hyde Park, Upper Beeston and Woodhouse and part of Cottingley Headingley)

South/East CLUSTER NOS of SUGGESTED AREA SUGGESTED WARD ELECTED COMMITTEE LINK LINK MEMBERS SUGGESTED Garforth 1 East (Outer) 1 Garforth Brigshaw 1 East (Outer) Councillor Lewis – previously nominated by Member Management Committee as Trustee for the Brigshaw Co- operative Trust. Temple Newsam 2 East (Outer) 1 Full trustee member – Halton Cllr Lyons previously nominated by MMC. 1 Associate trustee member – Cllr W Hyde previously nominated by MMC Upper Beeston 1 South (Inner) Beeston and Holbeck and Cottingley Ardsley and 1 South (Outer) Ardsley and Robin Hood Tingley Morley 2 South (Outer) 1 Morley North 1 Morley South Rothwell 2 South (Outer) 1 Rothwell 1 Ardsley and Robin Hood JESS 2 from South (Inner) 1 Beeston and Holbeck 1 City and Hunslet 1 Middleton Park Middleton 1 South (Inner) Middleton Park

WNW CLUSTER NOS of SUGGESTED AREA SUGGESTED WARD ELECTED COMMITTEE LINK LINK MEMBERS SUGGESTED Horsforth 1 North West (Outer) Horsforth ESNW 2 North West (Outer) 1 Adel and Wharfedale 1 Weetwood Inner NW Hub 2 from North West (Inner) Kirkstall Adel and Wharfedale Headingley Open XS 1 North West (Inner) 1 Hyde Park and Woodhouse Aireborough 2 North West (Outer) 1 Guiseley and Rawdon 1 Otley and Yeadon

Otley 1 North West (Outer) Otley and Yeadon Farnley 1 West (Outer) Farnley and Wortley Pudsey 2 West (Outer) 1 Pudsey 1 Calverley Bramley 1 West (Inner) Bramley Armley 1 West (Inner) Armley


CLUSTER NOS of ELECTED SUGGESTED AREA SUGGESTED WARD MEMBERS COMMITTEE LINK LINK SUGGESTED Seacroft 2 East (Inner) 1 Seacroft and Killingbeck Manston East (Outer) 1 Crossgates and Whinmoor Inner East 2 East (Inner) 1 Burmantofts and Richmond Hill 1 Gipton and Harehills Chess 2 North East (Inner) 1 Chapel Allerton 1 Gipton and Harehills Networks 1 North East (Inner) 1 Chapel Allerton NEXT 2 North East (Inner) 1 Roundhay 1 Moortown Alwoodley 1 North East (Outer) 1 Alwoodley EPOS 2 North East (Outer) 1 Harewood 1 Wetherby