Nqg/ \Ajf<Ty Granflandrice

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Nqg/ \Ajf<Ty Granflandrice Giants Beat Dodgers in Ninth Inning of Riotous Game.-Yankees Within a Point of Lead WildHeave fyyKrueger RuthDrives Out Indians Drop Winsfor McGraw Men His 42d Homer The Days of Real Sport.ByBRiccs Fifth Straight; Long George Kelly and Ed Konetchy Pole Out In 3-2 Victory BrownsVictors Home Runs Which Tie Score and Drive Rooters Babe Gives Teamniates a Speaker's Men Hold League from Rival Boroughs Into Frenzy Good Start Against Sena¬ Lead hy One Point tors in the By W. O. McGeehan First Inning After 5 to 3 Defeat The second skirmish of the Battle of the From <i Special Boroughs ended in a ninth- Correspondent CLEVELAND, Aug. 14..Tri« Speak înning victory for tho Giants by the score of 7 to G, after some of the WASHINGTON, Aug. 14..Tho Yan¬ er's kees are league-leading Indians suffered wildcat scenes that have been enacted at the Polo Grounds since Brush playing like a team inspired, their fifth successive setback and this afternoon continued their this af. Stadium was tucked into the lee of Bluff. A they ternoon, when were Googan's bit of carelessness march toward the in the American they beaten by it¿. that will go down into with the celebrated peak Browns by a score of 5 to history lapse of Fred Merkel and League pennant by tho Sen¬ 3. The lo. the celebrated world's defeating cals are now only 1 point equally scries eccentricity of Heinie the Zim, lost ators in a closely contested game. ahead of the the came for the Doderers Yankees, who are in second piare, after they had tied in the ninth. The score was 3 to 2, and was victory Morton, who was on Thero was one out, Beauty Bancroft achieved with the nid of Babe Ruth's Guy the mound was îurkink at third Frank Frisch was forty-second home run of the season. for the home playrs, had one bad in-- five on first and Long George Kelly, own Tho consecutive triumphs of the ning, the third, whe« two passe« were Iluggins on the nephew to Big Bill Lange, was at bat. To Be flag hunters, coming coupled with two singles and a dotib'o Benny Kauff day when the Indians were beaten and Williams. Uhle AI Mamaux, because of his speed, had the White Sox broke even, put the by replaced the bat¬ been called in to relievo Clarence Mit¬ Recalled by Giants New Yorkers less than a point and a tered Morton and was very effective in chell. Ho made a heave to half within first place. It is all a mat¬ the pinches. Krueger ter of with a moist and From Toronto Club percentage points now, for the The Browns filled the« bases clammy pill. A post¬ Yankees have won three more games with mortem verdict is that Kruogrr should and lost two more than the leaders. none out, but they were unable to have wiped the pill on his trousers. fkUTFIELDER BENNY KAUFF, The Bambino is showing other quali¬ .score, as Bisler fouled to O'Neill, jj, But he did not. lie was to the Toronto ties besides hitting ability. He is cobson fouled to Johnston heaved the ball who traded himself to be and Will¬ and it hit showing the gamest play¬ iams struck out. carelessly tho ground before club, of the International League, er the game has ever produced. De¬ -Mamaux and skidded. Bancroft dashed for Vernon Spencer several weeks spite wrenched tendons, dislocated Urban Shocker, who performed fo? across the plate with the winning run. ago, will report to the Giants at the knees and bruised shins, the Babe is the visitors, was well ni^h invincible in there every day, giving the club of A Stirring Melodrama end of the International League sea¬ his best. after the third inning, except in the This made something of an xinti-cli- son. It was announced yesterday Ruth gave "Rip" Collins an encour¬ fifth, when poor coaching cost the In¬ rflftx to one of the most stirring melo¬ that the New York club had exer¬ aging start by mauling the ball out of dians at least one run. He allowed dramas ever staged on the lot that is cised its to recall Kauff. Bill the lot after two were out,in the first only five hits. devoted to the right The little white sailed The score: great national outdoor inning. pellet ST. LOUIS A. L.) drama. The was a tense Ryan, thá former Holy Cross pitcher, over the wall. It was a cov¬ I CLEVELAND (A. t) game one and right-field ah r h r<n * ? po ao the emotions of the inmates of the who is also with the Toronto club, eted homer for the Babe for, besides Gerber, ss ..SOI 1 1« r«mi»wn. If. «12 o 00 rival were his it was the first Gedeon, 2b..~> 1 1 2 2 0 fliar-man. ".HOI 2 <0 boroughs constantly run¬ will return to the Giants with stretching record, Blaler. lb ...4 1110 3 0: Speaker, cf. 300 | do ning amuck. Judging from what hap¬ Kauff. four-bagger he had made in Washing¬ .! 801 rf.r, 1 2 5 f r> Smi rf 4 " 0 0 «o pened there yesterday the scientist ton this season, giving one or moro Williams. lf..4fll 3 0 0'Gardner, 8b 411 0 49 who Kauff is great ball for the Smith, 3b ..2 10 1 3 UWam'naa. 2b,2 0 0 4 :o said that the baseball fan was playing circuit clouts in every park in the cir¬ Til.in. rf ..300 1 001 m 10 013 1« just a nut. uttered a morocco-bound Toronto aggregation ami McGraw cuit. r.iuiiiKs, C...4 0 1 s fi o'N-i'.i. o ..soi t io Shocker. p..3 12 1 0 (' u p 0 0 0 (II encyclopedia. has decided to give him another Also Fgurcs in Rally p ....3 10 1 When Long George Kelly tied the ¡L'hle. 81 score for the Giants in the sixth with trial. Benny's batting average to The Babe also figured in the two Totals ...335927112! Totala ...303527150 a home run to the left-field date is .308. He has slammed out runs that the Yankees produced in the St Louis.... 00400001 0.5 bleacher;-, sixth and which was 0 0 tho Giant rooters runs inning, just Cleveland... 3 2 0 0 0 0 0.J unanimously, tossed six home and has stolen ten to them the as their straw s into the When enough give victory, the Two-base hit.Williams. Three-ba»bit kell;, field. bases. Senators came back in their half and Cardner Sacrifices.Tobin, Wa m bagante, Big Ed Konetchy. tho bouncing Bohe¬ Double an^l Ryan has developed into one of bagged their second and lust run of plays.O'Neill Wambaganae] mian, tied it in the ninth with a home the VVi n bsganss, Chapman and Johnson Left run into the same place all of the hats the International League's leading day. on bases.St. Louis, 8; ¡ Basaa Peck the sixth" with on balls.Oft Shocker, S; off of Flatbush went into tin has won opened "lucky Morton. :; field. hurtling pitchers. He fourteen a base on balls. Jim Shaw, in the box off Uhle. 2. Hits.Off Morton, i In 2 2-3 Henry Fabian and his corps of and lost six this Innings; off Uhle, 5 in 8 1-3. Hit by harvesters were somewhat games season and for the Senators, tempted Fate by pitch¬ pitcher.By Uhle (K. Si handicapped to and the Babe out 1th) by the lack of modern machinery to he has been credited with three ing Ruth, lashed .By Morton, 1; by Uhle, 2. Wild pitch. bring in the crop. used wheel¬ shut-outs. a single into the right field. Pratt, Morton. Losing nltcher.Morton. I s They who has into a real .Connolly and Nallin. Time of gurr.».» barrows. Henry has applied for a developed clean-up 2:03. tractor harvester. batter, bounced a double off the left field and Peck and During the truculent afternoon Mitchell was removed for Al Mam aux, bulwark, Ruth Johnny Evcrs, acting field marshal foi the Mamaux Frisch scored. Pratt negotiated third on the speed boy. passed throw to the but overran the Cardinals Blank White Sox Bealen the Giants, was thrown out of the game i«nd was operating on Long George plate, twice, tiie second time being when he Kelly when Krueger made the careless bag and was trapped olf on Gharrity's was throw to Ellerbe. Pirates in found lurking in a corner of the toss that broke all the hearts of Flat- Opener, After First The ruthless Babe was in a measure Taking dugout after being once banished bj bush with one crack. The ball slipped Bill Klem. Boss Young was banishoc between Mamaux's and responsible for the first Washington legs, Bancroft, which came in the Then 1-1 Tie Game From fcVr hurling his bat into the air am waiting for any turn of chance, shot in run, second inning. Play Tigers With two out then in a fit of peevishness shakinj with the run. Ellerbe placed a single winning in left. O'Neill a Old Rill Klem by the shoulders. Beautj Your followed with drive PITTSBURGH, Aug. 14..St. Louis DETROIT, Aug. 14..Detroit and Chi« Bancroft was chased from the coach Uncle Wilbert Robinson lost to Ruth's pasture, and the Babe, in an a trifle of defeated Pittsburgh to-day in the first cago divided a double-header ing line for squawking weight during the engage¬ eifort, to cut down the batter at sec¬ to-day, sympathetically ment- a mere hundred or so.
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